September 07, 2006

more move logistics

So far I've had three nibbles from potential car-buyers. One was from a local guy who wanted to buy it for his teenage daughter. When we met so they could see it, I think he decided she wasn't enthusiastic about it, though some of that could have been because she was groggy (it was the crack of 9AM). I'm just as glad; the whole "Daddy will buy me whatever car I want" thing squicks me out a bit, but mostly it's because I really don't think it's a great first car. It's a very lightweight, extremely responsive convertible. It doesn't have a huge engine, but there's so little car to move that it's got a lot of pick-up. On the other hand, he wouldn't have to worry about her driving lots of friends around, I guess.

The other two sound like adults who want the car for themselves, so that's good. One is a woman several states away, who couldn't find one an MR-2 closer. At last report she was researching shipping options; I haven't heard from her in a couple of days, so either she's still researching or she decided it was too expensive. The other is a man in another part of this state who just called last night; he's supposed to call back to let me know when we can meet.

I have no idea how to handle tax, title, and license, I suppose I should probably call the DMV. But hopefully one of these will come through and buy the car.

In other news I have an actual contract, printed on real paper, sitting on my table back home. I just need to check with Rudder that his side is solid enough for me to go ahead and sign it. And then we'll be committed. (Er, to the contract.) The other paperwork complication is getting hold of my birth certificate and our marriage license. Oregon was quite efficient in sending Rudder's, but Pennsylvania appears to be much more disorganized. I was able to order the birth certificate online but the receipt points out that it can take up to ten days to get it sent to me. Because apparently printing and sending a record is way too difficult and it takes nine days to nerve yourself to do it. It kind of makes me glad I moved away.

Posted by dichroic at 12:31 PM

September 06, 2006

minor gripes, mostly

I am not coming down with a cold, I am not coming down with a cold, I am NOT coming down with a cold DAMMIT. My theory is it's allergies. It's suddenly gotten much more humid (it's a relative thing) so that's a possibility.Also, possibly because of the humidity, it's freeeezing at work. It's making me question the utility of that lace shawl I've begun: harder to knit and not warm enough for the office. Hmmm. In contrast. the alpaca-silk Clapotis I finished over the weekend is nicely snuggly.

Oh well, maybe I can wear the lace shawl if I ever go out for the evening. Or it can be a present sometime. (Not, however, for my great-aunt who is turning 90 later this month. This is a woman who worked in a high-fashion store into her 80s for the employee discount - I'm afraid she'd think a lace shawl was too old-ladyish for her.)

No further calls on the car today, though one person seems to be seriously interested. She's asked a lot of questions, anyhow. I do hope this isn't the sort of thing where you get a bunch of calls immediately and then nothing. I'm just anxious to get things started and moving.

In other frustrations, I'm trying again to get our marriage license. We were married in Montgomery County, just outside Philadelphia, but for some reason the first time I called to ask about getting a license I was told to mail a request to Philadelphia City Hall. Last Friday, I got a letter back saying they hadn't found our license. So I called Montgomery county and this time they'll all, "oh, yes, send us the request - here, want us to make sure it's on file here first?" It was, so now I have a little more assurance, but it's still annoying to have to send not one but two actual letters, on paper, with SASE and all that. I don't understand why it's such a hassle. Birth certificates, in contrast, are handled by the state rather than the county, and you can order an official copy online. Then again, we've recieved Rudder's from Oregon but not mine from PA, and we ordered them the same day, so I won't laud that system just yet. Then when I do get them I get to mail them right back to the capitols of the respective states for an apostille stamp, which is a legalization saying, "Yes, these official documents are really our official documents and we'll stand behind them. I can only conclude these systems were designed for people who never actually left the state in which they were born or married, which is ironic given that almost the only time you'd need an apostille is in the case of moving to another country.

Also, I really would like a nap now.

Posted by dichroic at 03:01 PM

September 05, 2006

daily challenges

Just overheard: "In typical boy fashion, he thought his fingers were much bigger than they actually are." Hee.

I am finally not sore, at least not much. On Sunday walking was painful. Saturday involved two hours of weeding, 25 km erging, and a massage. I don't think the erging was the problem, amusingly enough. After the weeding, I was fairly exhausted, but I wanted to get the long erg piece in before the scheduled massage. I told him I'd lie to not be sore the next day (well, that didn't work!) and he did do a lot of stretching of my hip joints. So I'm not sure if the problem was the weeding or the sstretching, but I'm inclined to blame the weeding.

I think normal people consider weeding the garden to be routine and erging over 15 miles to be outlandish. Apparently I'm a little backward.

The next challenge is what ti do about tomorrow. I've done such pitiful distances on the erg since I was sore yesterday and allergy-ish today that I really need to get some distance in. However, I'd need to be up by 4 to do the distance and shower before a 6AM telecon. That would be fine, but tonight is knitting, and since it's almost the only socializing I do lately I don't want to miss it. it doesn't start until 7, so one possibility is to erg after work today. I could erg this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon and then go to the gym Thursday morning, if I want to be relly virtuous. (Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it either.)

You know what annoys me? Well, OK, that. And yes, that too. And that other thing. But what I'm thinking about at this moment is those people who say things like, "You should just make exercise a part of your daily routine. You wouldn't skip brushing your teeth, would you?" Well, no, but brushing my teeth doesn't take an hour and leave me tired and sweaty. I do work out a lot, and it's true that works better if you do it as a matter of routine without thinking about it too much. But to get the amount of exercise I need to reach my goals, I need to spend a nontrivial amount of time on it, and sometimes I do have to make real sacrifices. It's not just a matter of spending less time planted on the couch, it's a matter of having to get to bed early, to get less sleep in the mornings than I'd like, to eat food that won't upset my workout instead of what I want to eat (this is nontrivial if I'm going out on the actual water, where there are no restroom breaks), and sometimes to give up things I'd like to do. I think the "exercise is like toothbrushing" people are either just doing the minimum to maintain health or are trying to persuade themselves.

Maybe that's the way to figure how much I want to go out tonight - if I want to go badly enough, I will bite the bullet and erg first.

Posted by dichroic at 03:10 PM

September 03, 2006


Eating alone doesn't produce moments of magic nearly as often as eating in good company. But when dinner includes candlelight, a glass of wine, homemade chicken soup with matzo balls, and a first reading of Elizabeth Bear's Blood and Iron the magic is there in plenty. (Though it would be even better if I had a brownie around to deal with the dishes.)

Also, my dining room has a tile floor, and it's open to the living room, which has likewise tile on the floor, a cathedral ceiling and no soft furnishings (just bookshelves and my library table). So when I sing along to the music in the book my uneven and untrained voice resonates like the Merlin's own.

Posted by dichroic at 08:20 PM

the complexities of selling

I've gone and taken the first true step toward our move - today I put my little car up for sale on Autotrader. I'm a little nervous about this because I haven't quite figured out the logistics. Obviously it's a better idea to meet a potential buyer somewhere public rather than at my house, especially with Rudder away. I've been told that cashier's checks are often faked so it's better to go to the bank with the buyer and get a check right there. But then what? There are no banks within walking distance of my house, and not much taxi service in my area. And no Rudder to help ferry cars. Do we go to the bank together and then both drive back to my house? (See "not meeting at my house", above.) Do I ask the buyer for a ride home? (But again, same issue.) Do I ask for a ride or to drive separately to the drugstore near my house, that I can walk home from? It's a safe area, but still, walking around with the check for the car in my pocket doesn't seem too brilliant.

This just all seems so complicated. On the other hand my asking price is midrange for the similar cars posted, about Blue Book value, and it's $4K above what the dealer would give me, so I gues it's worth it.

Posted by dichroic at 01:44 PM | Comments (1)

September 01, 2006

attempted upgrade

I tried today to upgrade this site to MT 3.32. Total failure - I updated the config file, moved all the files over, and ... nothing. When I tried to open my installation it couldn't find anything and I got a message saying the site was down and I should talk to the webmaster, which is less than helpful when I AM the webmaster. On the other hand at least I'm in good company. (Actually because of that entry I did have a sneaking suspiscion this was going to be tricky. Scalzi seems pretty tech-savvy.)

I wanted to upgrade because updating this site takes forever these days and I get error messages more often than not, even though the update generally does work. Presumably the problem has to do with rebuilding a site with 2100-some entries on it. I was hoping the new rev of the software would deal better with blogs on the verbose side, but I may never find out. One option is to just deal with things as they are, though it is a bit annoying. Another is to switch over to Wordpress; we use it on the Outlaws website and updateds are imediate but then again the archives are way smaller. My hosting company makes installing WP extremely easy but I have a feeling that connecting it to said 2100+ entries would not be trivial. A third option would be to start a brand new WP site, just with a llink back to my archives here, and there's some appeal to doing that as I make major changes in my life. (A fourth is either paying for MT support or paying them to actually do the installation but I doubt I'll do that.) I don't know, but don't be surprised if there are changes here one of these days.

Posted by dichroic at 03:31 PM

stupidity is not ok

One of my biggest pet peeves is adults modeling stupidity in front of kids. I don't mean making mistakes; I think it's good for kids to see that not everyone is infallible. I don't mean showing differences in tastes, either; I found it enormously liberating when my excellent high school teacher told us she hated Milton's Paradise Lost. I mean when people say an entire field of endeavor is just too hard, without even trying to crack it.

I generally watch the morning news while getting dressed for work. The channel I watch focuses a lot on local news. Yesterday they had a piece about a student-run math tutoring program at a local high school. The kids being interviewed had an equation written out on a white board to be reduced - something like 14a^2b / 42ab^3. (I'm using the ^ for powers, so a^2 is a squared). So OK, divide by 7, divide by a and b, realize the numeric part comes to 2/6 and divide by 2 to reduce farther. How hard is that? I had it solved in my head in about thirty seconds, and despite working in engineering, I very rarely do any math harder than balancing a checkbook.

The news anchors were all "Oh, that's too hard, I wouldn't have any idea how to solve that." Grr. People like that explain how the "Math is hard" Barbie made it to market. I wouldn't have a problem if they were talking about solving a differential equation, which is probably not required in J-school, but an adult ought to know 7th-grade algebra, or at least refrain from suggesting that it's perfectly peachy not to know it.

The only redeeming facotr is that I suspect not too many kids watch the morning news and the ones being interviewed already do now how to reduce a simple equation.

I think I was right about the feline issues. Yesterday I was home all evening, having been out the previous two evenings, and the cat was not only much more relaxed, he didn't start miauling until about two minutes before the alarm.

Posted by dichroic at 11:05 AM | Comments (2)

August 31, 2006

feline issues

I've got no great plans for the three day weekend - weeding the front yard, a long erg piece, food shopping. Nothing too exciting. I may check into selling my little car, too. (Anyone want a 2001 Toyota MR2 Syder convertible?) I'm hoping that being around the house more will help with the cat issue.

He's been very needy lately, which wouldn't be a problem except for two things. First, he's very vocal and has the whiniest voice I've ever heard on a cat. It sounds like he's trying to tell me something's wrong, but damned if I can figure out what it is. That still wouldn't be a problem, except that he keeps deciding to speak up in the middle of the night. I've been in sleep deficit all week, at least partly thanks to him. The other problem is that the neediness translates into wanting to be petted whenever I'm sitting or laying still, which wouldn't be a problem except he won't stay still lately. I don't mind too much having him on my lap while I use the computer, over even when he sita on the edge of the mousepad, but I do mind when he either parades back and forth in front of the keyboard or around my ankles, headbutting them whenever I'm not petting him enough. I don't even mind trying to get to sleep with him suggled up to me and one hand on him, but instead he keeps pacing back and forth and butting my hand for more petting. I'm really hoping that having me around a bit more calms him down at least during the night - we've always found that the more time we're with them, the better socialized both cats became, so I think having Rudder gone for so long and me busy - and away for three days last weekend - is the cause of the problem.

I hope so, anyway. I need more sleep. Damn cat.

Posted by dichroic at 02:16 PM

August 30, 2006


Today may be The Day, as Rudder was supposed to have gotten to review his contract. Am waiting for his call. Waiting......waiting....waiting....

Am not patient. In fact I went to the extent of calling him in his hotel room, which required calling my cell-phone service provider first to get the capability to make international calls. Reached him but he had just gotten back fromt he gym and was in the middle of dinner or something. He promised to call back, though. I don't mind waiting 20 minutes or an hour as long as I don't have to wait until tomorrow.


He called and the news is good! I may wait until tomorrow to talk to my boss; I've got some interesting ideas to propose *cough*layoff*cough* and it would help if I weren't grinning like a fool.

(I do apologize about all the vagueness. I should be able to post with detail and dates here within the next few days.)

OK. On other topics. And in pursuit of not grinning like a fool....

So I think last night I accidentally mastered dressing for the coffeeshop. My local knitting group meets there on Tuesdays, and last night was my third or fourth time. For work, I'd warn, starting from the bottom, my faaabulous black not-too-high-but-spike-heel pointy-toed D'orsay pumps, black tights, a Black Watch mini-kilt, a blue fitted Oxford, glasses instead of contacts and a haircomb with sparkly blue crystals. For the knit-in, I removed the tights and the shirt, subsitituting for the latter a black cami with "New Orleans Mardi Gras" on it in honor of the anniversary, and deciding to omit upper underpinnings because I get tired of the way bra straps always seem to be set wider than camisole-shirt straps. I don't go without often any more, but I still can without discomfort or being really, really obvious. (That is, you can tell, but you have to look carefully.) The reason I'm guessing this was the correct attire was that the (female) barista was suddenly much chattier than usual, even complimenting my shoes. (And no, I don't think she was hitting on me.)

Will have to experiment and see. In the next month because I'll be gone after that!

Posted by dichroic at 01:40 PM | Comments (4)

August 29, 2006


Funny - I feel like I've been slacking off all weekend on training. And I haven't really: I erged 5K Friday morning before heading out to Anaheim and another 6K on Sunday evening after coming home. (Granted, the latter was mostly so I could sleep in and skip the erg on Monday.) My logbook makes it look like I've been slacking, because I'm kind of erratic about where I log weekends, whether with the week before and the week after. So it looks like I only erged last week on Monday, Tuesday and Friday for a total of about 25 km, when actually I'd also done a half marathon the prior Sunday. On the other hand, I took off both Wednesday and Thursday.

I helped fix the problem by doing a 15km piece this morning before work (ouch). Still, I've done only 26 km in the past 7 days, compared with over 52 km in the 7 days prior. However, that latter is end-loaded, so closer to this week - I did 41 km in the last 3 DAYS of it. I'm not too far behind, but ideally I should do 20 km or so in the rest of this workweek and then another half-marathon on the weekend.

The reason for all this obsessing over numbers is just that, while I've been saying I'll probably do a half rather than a whole marathon at Rudder's annual ergathon which is now (ulp!) less than a month away, I'm going to feel like a weenie if I do. On the other hand, even if I do it, it's certainly going to take longer than last year's four hours and thirteen minutes, and that was painful enough.

On a different topic, I need to recount a conversation from yesterday - a classic example of how the brain reparses information. A coworker and I left the building at the same time, and he said something about the weather (temps are still getting to over 100F here), adding, "I talked to my sister in Colorado yesterday, and the high is about 50 there."

I said, "Yeah, I was in LA over the weekend and I was cold the whole time, though that was more of a problem indoors than out."

Pause. He's obviously thinking it over. Then he asks, "So where in southern California did you go?"

Fortunately, by then we'd reached his car, so I was spared further conversation.

Posted by dichroic at 12:39 PM | Comments (1)

August 28, 2006

WorldCon report

Summary: I had a good time, but not so good that I'm saving my pennies for Tokyo next year. I'd go again, if it's close to home and I'm not doing anything else, or if it's somewhere I want to go anyway, or most especially if there are a group of people I want to meet up with there.

Program events: Somehow I only made it to three panels, I'm not sure why. Two were OK, but not terribly exciting, even the one with the big names on it. The third (Shakespeare and his influence on your writing) was the best by a long shot. It was more about Shakespeare, his own writing, and his experiences in fiction than about the title topic; I htink I enjoyed it most because all of the panelists engage with WS or think about him in their daily lives, either as writers, actors or teachers, so they were all passionate about the topic. (Especially in the case of Sheila Finch, who as a teenager got to see Richard Burton as Hamlet some 13 times at the Old Vic. Yum.) (Participants: Amy Sterling Casil (moderator), Elizabeth Bear, Sarah Monette, Mary A. Turzillo, Sheila Finch.)

High points: I really enjoyed the kaffeeklatches, where you get to sit aroung a table with an author or editor and 9-10 other people and just talk. Great access to interesting people - some of the other participant's comments would have been worth it all by themselves. The readings turned out to be similarly intimate, which I hadn't expected.
Disappointments: See panels, above. Also, there was so much stuff going on that every decision to see one thing involved missing others. I think the worst was the raffle: I'd expect that it wouldn't take long and I could go sing sea shanties, but isntead it took well over an hour and I eventually gave my tickets to someone and left so I could start driving home. (A good decision, as it happened.) I didn't win anything and I missed the singing.
Surprises: I sort of wandered into a talk by Tim Powers that I hadn't really planned to attend, and it was wonderful. I went to the Hugos more or less from a feeling that it was a must-see (giving up a trip to trip to Disneyland with Anghara and Deck to do so, one of the more painful trade-offs) to do so, but I quite enjoyed the Hugos. Scalzi didn't look as I'd expected from pictures I'd seen, incidentally.

Shopping: Incredible. Resulting in many more things I am not supposed to be buying because I already have too many of them (books, dichroic earrings) plus an incredibly detailed ojime bead of a dragon and cat. (But can you ever really have too many books or earrings?)

High points: The dichroic glass was much cheaper than I'd expect. And it took me forever to decide among the nutsuke and ojime on one table, because it was incredible stuff (and not terribly expensive).
Disappointments: None, really. Though it was surprisingly hard to find a copy of Jo Walton's Farthing. (The table where I finally found it was right in front but I'd started from the back.)
Surprises: How very much of it there was. And reasonably priced, too.

People-watching: Oh, yes. There is no getting around the fact that there were loads of funny-looking people at Worldcon. However, there were also loads of people you might expect to be funny looking, but weren't - some of the most outlandishly costumed people gave me the feeling that this was their preferred dress, with mundane clothes being something they were forced into the rest of the time. Lots and lots of people in wheelchairs or with canes; I think there are several reasons for it, and that the noted acceptance of all sorts of disabilities in in the community is only a part of it. For one, like rowing it's a lifetime interest, not something you're likely to only do at a certain age. Of course, unlike regattas, SF and fandom are things you can engage in despite disabilities (there is adaptive rowing, but only a few regattas have events). Also, I think maybe WorldCon is a big enough deal that some people who might find it difficult to get out much otherwise spend their energy on this.

High points: The swash and the swagger and the fun of the costumes.
Disappointments: I missed the masquerade, though for good reason. (I was enjoying myself talking to people at dinner.)
Surprises: I realized that there is really nothing in current fashion that flatters larger people as much as the sorts of costuming people wear to Renfaires and cons. A cloak hides a multitude of sins. A bodice that's fitted, supportive and revealing doesn't hide anything but goes one better by turning generous curves into decided (and enticing) assets. The male version can take someone who looks like Wally from the Dilbert strip and turn him into a swashbuckling gallant. Also, the number of men in Utilikilts didn't surprise me at all - but the number who looked damn good in them did.

People-meeting: Famous people and friend-people and LJ people.

High points: Talking to some other first-timers, dinner on Friday with two other Lioness fans. Meeting James P. Hogan and Mary Kay Kare at the Information desk. Kaffeeklatches with Alma Alexander and Elizabeth Bear.
Disappointments: I saw my friend D for about two seconds Friday, while I was being shown the ropes at the Information desk, and never did find him again. Also, mush as I liked the Kaffeeklatches, the venue for them sucked - right next to a filk stage. One wired for sound. Not to mention assorted other noise from the rest of the Lounge area right outside the curtained area. I have excellent hearing (very few rock concerts in my past!) and I had trouble hearing occasionally, so it must have been terrible for people with hearing impairments. (T-shirt spotted: "Going deaf faster gives you more time for reading")
Surprises: One of the people I ate with Friday turned out to be a (very quiet!) member of the piffle list, which I've been a moderator of since its inception. Also, later that night I met someone from work - took her an amusing amount of time to refocus and realize who I was. Did not get hit on at all, which surprised me only because of some of the stuff I'd read about WorldCons of the past. One guy did compliment my dress (and smile) but he also called me "perky", which does not constitute hitting on someone in a bright scarlet dress with low neck, clingy top half and swirly skirt. (Or if he thought it did, he needs serious practice.)

Other events: Stuff not on the schedule.

High points: Watching Elise make a necklace crown.
Disappointments: The parties were less fun (smaller, quieter, soberer) than I expected, though since I got to be by midnight both nights I may have just missed the good parts. They weren't horrible, just not as expected. Also, of course, even the parts of them I was at would be much more fun for someone plugged in to fandom who was meeting old friends everywhere.
Surprises: Except for a little of the LA driving, I actually found the whole thing fairly relaxing, not tiring at all. I was on my feet the whole time, and constantly walking between the Convention Center, the Hilton which also hosted a lot of the events, and the Marriott where my room was, but I probably still ended up walking much less than at an average regatta. (And no exertion much beyond a walk, which of course makes a difference.) I had no trouble getting plenty of sleep and enough food. Of course, a lot of it probably comes right back to not knowing many people. I had no command performances, no juggling to fit everyone in my schedule, no getting waylaid wherever I walked. And I suspect the invite-only parties were the best ones, not surprisingly. (I did consider crashing the Tor party, but though Teresa Nielsen-Hayden stated that "regulars" of Making Light were welcome, I'm only a regular reader, not a regular part of the discussion, and I suspect she meant the latter.)

Packing: Stuff I brought or didn't.

Glad I brought: Bananas, a water bottle, and something to carry the latter, plus purchases and knitting. The knitting itself was also a good thing to bring, especially the Claptis shawl, because I was freezing most of the time and could spread it on my lap even while I wasn't knitting. Also, the shockingly red dress was good to wear to the parties.
Shouldn't have brought: My laptop, which I didn't use at all. The hotel charged $9.99 for Internet access, and while the con had it for free, for the same walk and the same wait I could use their computer without having to carry mine. Also, I should have brought fewer shorts and more long pants. Brrr.
Wish I'd brought: If I'd left the laptop home, I could have brought the long wide skirt that goes with the bellydancing top. I did bring the top but decided it looked stupid with jeans. I'd have fit right in.

The trip:

High points: Rudder was right: the Origins of Life lecture is pretty good. Also, the satellite radio had perfect reception all the way across the desert.
Sucky parts: Halfway to Quartzite I realized I'd forgotten to leave extra food for the cat. Fortunately our excellent catsitter has a key, so I called and threw myself on her mercy, adn fortunatley her schedule permitted a quick visit Saturday night. Then there was the LA traffic and construction on the way there. I was beginning to panic a bit that I'd be caught in traffic to the point of extreme bladder discomfort, but fortunately once I got past the construction on 215 it eased up. On the way back, there was no traffic in LA but then I-10 was closed at Quartzite. When I-10 is closed away from the big towns, a l-o-o-o-n-g detour is necessitated, so I got home an hour later than I'd been hoping.
Surprises: I was a good girl and erged 6K last night so I could sleep a little later this morning. (I think the workout helped me get to sleep, too.)

Oh, and...

  • I forgot to mention Betty Ballantine's fabulous dress, at the Hugos. I want to look like that when I'm in my 80s. I already know I won't sound as good: she has fabulous diction and sounds like a trained stage actress.

  • Apparently Harlan really is as big a jerk as reported. Connie Willis smiled and ignored it, but groping women, uninvited, is not funny. And the bit with the microphone was just gross.
  • Posted by dichroic at 02:53 PM | Comments (3)

August 24, 2006

fractured-brain postings

I'm having a fragmented-brain day today. So, assorted things:

Misia wrote:

In re: the much-talked-about sexist Forbes article many folks have been referencing today...the one about how men shouldn't marry "career women" because then they run a higher risk of facing "rocky" marriages... I have one thing to say, and I'm going to say it as a public service announcement for all and sundry:

Autonomous people who can support themselves economically have little compelling reason to stay in otherwise unrewarding relationships. If they do remain in those relationships, they have little compelling reason to remain monogamous if they do not wish to do so -- because they can afford, quite literally, to take the risk of having a relationship end.

This has always been true. The only reason any of this is even remotely newsworthy is that feminism has generated a few strides toward genuine equality and now women increasingly have the opportunity to consider relationships and marriage in more or less the same dynamic as men have historically taken for granted.

Moral of the Story: Heterosexual men are just gonna hafta figure out how to do better at being partners to women, because just having a dick and a paycheck ain't gonna cut it any more.

I find this utterly true, as I wrote in her comments - the only thing I'd add is that, to a man with both a brain and a heart, there's the major advantage to all this of having a partner who's with you because she wants to be, rather than because she has no good alternatives.

As far as I can tell, Israel and Lebanon agree that their cease-fire has more chance of holding with UN troops there, and are happy to have Italy leading it. You know, and I know, and for sure Italy knows that things could go disastrously wrong, nonetheless. And yet Italy wants to lead the forces. Granted they'd like to get more respect internationally, still, they know the risks are considerable, from damaged or dead Italian soldiers being not unlikely on up to a remote possibility of being implicated in the start of WWIII. One news report I heard, and I have no special reason to doubt it, claims that a part of the rationale is a desire on the part of the Italian Prime Minister, Romano Prodi, to do the right and moral thing. (Note: not to rationalize what he wants to do by calling it "the right thing to do". There's a large difference.) What a concept.

I've about run out of gold wire for the linked jade necklace I've sporadically been working on. I've got plenty of jade nuggets left, but pending more time and more wire, I've attached a toggle clasp so I can wear it as a choker today and at Worldcon if I'm in a jade mood there. Knitting-wise I'm taking both the shawl and the sock projects. These new contacts seem to make close vision even more difficult - I was working by feel and blur in the necklace the other day when I had them in - so the sock may be tricky with them in. I may take my most of my beading gear there to, because of the presence of Elise and a good few of her acolytes. (The one case that holds most of it will fit in the my behind-seat storage.)

Girly TMI under the cut

This has been the first full month on a new birth control prescription - it was prescribed a couple of months ago but I had a pack of the old stuff to finish out and didn't want to be trying new meds while doing all that strenuous traveling. (Good thing, as it turned out; I had enough health issues otherwise.) They've had one disquieting effect: I starting bleeding two days later than expected. That's not much under nonmedicated circumstances, but it's a hell of a long time for me on the pill. I was pretty sure there was no reason for the delay than the change in hormones; somehow I just thing I'd know if I were really no longer a single-person domicile. still, it was a bit weird, especially since this isn't necessarily the best time for an unplanned pregnancy. (Not the worst in some ways, but not the best.) It finally started today, though not until I'd checked with a test I happened to have on hand. Still bad timing, because now I have to bring paraphernalia to Worldcon, but that's not a major issue, especially with the Diva cup. It's just a little annoying because I know from experience my gut tends to be a little more iirritable at these times.

Posted by dichroic at 02:12 PM

August 23, 2006

countdown to WorldCon

Having done a bit of useful reading up on the subject, I'm now feeling a bit more confident on what to bring to Worldcon. (M'ris's comment in that thread was partcularly useful on what to wear.) A detour to REI also helped, though that was more a matter of using the con to justify stuff I wanted than actually needing anything - spectacularly comfortable shoes that can be worn even with skirts, barefoot in summer and sith heavy socks in winter are always handy. (Rumor has it they'll be half-price this weekend - if so I can go get a refund for the difference.) I'll be bringing shorts, tank tops, a fleece pullover, possibly jeans if I have room, and a couple of very lightweight and comfortable dresses that fold into nothing. One of them I don't get to wear often because it's shockingly scarlet and quite clingy, in a suck-in-that-gut kind of way. I'll try to remember to suck it in and if not I figure it's a forgiving sort of group. If I have room I'll bring a long very full skirt that's fun to wear and the halter top I never get to wear with it (RenFaire purchase). Otherwise, I'll bring a bag or backpack I can carry around if I want something to carry books and water in. I'll bring only a couple of books that are book on my TBR list and by authors who will be there, in case I get a chance to get them signed. (I'd like to buy other books I've been wanting while there - I assume Farthing and Lies of Locke Lamora and Swordspoint won't be hard to find there. ) Pretzels and Luna bars, maybe grapes or bananas and probably cereal; gatorade and water - I'd be bringing those anyway for the drive, but I'll bring extra after what I've read because it sounds like getting properly fed and hydrated can be challenging. A lot of my handmade jewelry so I can choose what to wear and show it off. My PDA because there was a handy app to load the Program onto it. A laptop if I can fit it. And of course stuff like toiletries, iPod, cellphone and charger.

I'll be taking the little car, because I don't really trust my ten year old pickup for 12 hours of driving through the desert (it's in good shape but I worry) and I have no desire to deal with either fueling or parking Rudder's behemoth. That means I have NO trunk space and just a very little storage area behind the seats. I'll have to take my smallest suitcase and put it in the passenger footwell, and I can't take any but the tiniest cooler. It worked fine for the JournalCon trip, for about the same length drive.

I need to decide whether to bring the big shawl I'm knitting or start a pair of socks, for portability. Hopefully no one will mind if I knit during panels, especially since because I only use circs, the needle part is only a few inches loing anf there are no stabbing issues.

So now packing is more or less decided, my big worry is that the whole experience will be sort of meh. I mean, I expect that I'll go to lots of interesting panels, readings and kaffeeklatches, and the people-watching should be entertaining. I was excited to learn that there are a couple of people I do know who are going, and there are a few people who will probably recognize my nom from LJ. But all of those are authors or people very plugged in to the fannish world, and while I'll certainly say go be friendly, I expect they'll all have lots of people they're looking forward to spending time with and I won't be a limpet. I could easily see this being a weekend of lots of time (in a crowd but essentially) alone interrupted by a couple of hugs and a lot of two-line conversations. Oh well. No way to find if I'm wrong, or to meet people in case I want to go again, but to go and see.

Obsessing about what clothes to pack is far easier.

I had the same worries about JournalCon and had an extremely pleasantly social time there - but then again, it was smaller by literally two orders of magnitude. It should help, at least, that I'm not shy about talking to strangers.

I'm not looking forward to the driving through LA part, either - that's just never fun. But I'll survive that part.

Posted by dichroic at 03:12 PM

August 22, 2006

not whining

There are too many people in my life who won't let me wimp out.

I know, I know, this is a good thing, makes me live up to my own standards and all that. I wouldn't want it any other way, at least not if you ask me when I'm rested. Still, they can't stop me from griping about it and I'm tired and I'm gonna. Besides, I've erged 41 kilometers in the past three days and if that doesn't entitle a girl to whinge, I don't know what does.

I was supposed to row a double with She-Hulk this morning (her boat, since all our ours are now in storage several states away). But I'd been watching the weather forecasts, it was supposed to be hot today - a low in the high 80s and humidity up a bit. Honestly, it was probably no worse, or at least not much worse, than our second row last week - but last week's row was definitely on the warm side too. She knows as well as anyone that I don't do well in heat, having been there for last month's heat exhaustion that led into the Forever Virus. When I called to ask if she'd mind terribly if we didn't row, she suggested we commit to erging 15 km (each) instead - the distance of three laps around our lake. (Note that she and I had done two laps each day last week. I usually only do two, though she and Rudder do three.)

I weakly agreed. I couldn't think of a good reason to do less, especially since it's what I ought to do. Rudder's annual erg marathon is next month and I'm only mostly sure I won't be doing it this year. Just in case I do, and because I need to build my strength and stamina back up, I need to be doing more distance now anyway.

As it happened, this was a very good day not to row - there were lightning and rain this morning, which is unsual out here where monsoon storms are usually confined to evening. And yes, I did do my 15K this morning.On a workday. Before breakfast, even - does that only count as one impossible thing or can I break it up and count it as five?

(NOTE: Technically speaking, the above is a complaint, not a whine. Whining is against club rules, as defined in our charter.)

Posted by dichroic at 02:13 PM

August 21, 2006

meeting old and new friends

Rudder is gone for another month and my life has shifted into neutral again. Quiet mode, anyway. Except that I have Worldcon to look forward to this weekend. I'll miss the first couple of days. I'm taking Friday off so I can get there midway through the day instead of late at night, and then will need to leave early enough on Sunday so I'm not driving when my body wants to be sleeping. (Six hour solo drive through the desert, best not to be too dozy.) I will have the iPod and the satellite radio so I'm spoiled for entertainment.

The very good news is that, in addition to a couple of people from online I'm looking forward to meeting and the authors I want to fangirl at (from a respectful distance) (in some cases the two categories merge), there will be at least one and probably two people I already know there. One is an old friend of my brother's from his writing list whom I may have met more times in the flesh and certainly in more places than he has, and the other is an old and treasured friend from college - knowing that he's an active con-goer I finally thought to look him up on the membership list, and he's listed. I've sent him an email to make sure.

The other place where I'm delightedly meeting up with old friends and acquaintances, though in a less corporeal milieu, is in Baring-Gould's Annotated Sherlock Holmes. They are writers and book collecters, in most cases both, and of course all are Sherlockians. Christopher Morley is all over the place, and Dorothy L. Sayers pops in for frequent appearances. Madeleine Stern, the book collector, has apparently speculated extensively on Holmes' passion for collecting, and one of Doyle's early manuscripts was donated to the UT library by Frederic Dannay. Manly Wade Wellman and Anthony Boucher are also well represented. Poul Anderson. Jacques Barzun. Fletcher Pratt. About the only Sherlockian I haven't seen in evidence yet is Isaac Asimov; possibly his Baker Street Irregular days postdate Baring-Gould. (I'm actually a bit surprised at how recent the book is (1960) considering Baring Gould himself made an appearance in one of Laurie R. King;'s Homes/Russell stories inthe 1920s.)

Posted by dichroic at 01:13 PM

August 20, 2006

shopping ordeal

That was a complicated and long-drawn-out shopping endeavor.

1. Decided not to buy online because the combination of shipping and sales tax was something like 20% of the price of the actual clothes. Was considering two shirts, one pair corduroy pants, one vest. Debated about whether the second shirt was really necessary (or the vest, for that matter).

2. Went to mall. Store in mall does not carry petites. Tried on items anyway. Too long but otherwise fitting. Could have bought vest in store because petite size is not essential in something without arms or legs, but they didn't have color I wanted.

3. Tried to order via phone in store - they ship directly to your house but don't charge for shipping. (I don't understand this.)

4. Realized catalog in store was not the very latest (because it's one of those companies that sends out a barrage of catalogs at the start of each season) and didn't have some of the items I wanted.

5. Spoke to helpful salesman who showed me other catalog. Second catalog still didn't have items I wanted.

6. Realized first catalog had offer for free shipping. Asked if I could take one. (They had a stack.)

7. Came home and ordered online with code from catalog. I'm not sure the $15 I saved was worth all that time.

8. Reallized later that store not only didn't have vest in color I wanted, their vests were in entirely different colors than those in caalog / online. Odd.

On the plus side, I'm glad I went. I looked in a bunch of other stores and decided that yes, this particular onne had what I wanted. More important, I'd had trouble persuading myself to get up and go, having erged a half-marathon earlier, and it was good for me to walk around for a while.

Posted by dichroic at 07:55 PM

charged for the privilege

Shopping online is becoming much less appealing. I blame Congress. Seriously - I've just aborted two different online purchases from two different stores because the combination of shipping and handling and sales tax was in one case $20 for an $80 purchase and in the other $30 - including a $3 "delivery charge" - for a $150 purchase. Granted both purveyors have brick-and-mortar stores in the mall a mile and a half from me, but in one case I was trying to buy a jacket from last year's line that is marked down nearly 75%. They don't have it on the store's sale rack, because I looked last week. In the other case, the store has recently been cut to half its previous size (maybe their north woods style doesn't play well in Arizona?) and I don't know whether they carry many petites any more.

It may be possible to order these items in the store and have them shipped either to the store or to me without paying shipping. I'll have to decide if I want the itmes enough to bother. I certainly don't want them badly enough to pay a 25% premium for the "privilege" of being allowed to shop online.

It was a bad day for the taxpayer when it was decided that online and catalog purchases were subject to sale tax. Before, it was just a matter of debating the balance between shipping and sales tax. Now I feel lilke I'm being penalized for looking for convenience.

Posted by dichroic at 09:52 AM

August 18, 2006

bouncing on sunshine

I am having a good, good day. First and most, there is the Rudder, or at least the prospect of him when I get home from work. Last time he was home, two weeks ago, he got in late (well, after my bedtime) on Thursday night, and left early Saturday morning. I was still having some symptoms, and he was jetlagged, and all was not quite moonlight and roses. This time, he got to the boatyard around 5. I met him to unload boats (not ours, which were left in Oregon with his parents, but a couple others he was transporting). The we went home to reacquaint ourselves with each other and let the restaurants empty out a bit, and went out to a restaurant whose food is good and whose decor is the most beautiful in the area. The only drawback was finding I'd lost the opal from my body jewelry, probably either while changing into shorts before leaving work or while unloading the boats.

This morning there was wish-we-didn't-have-to-go-work brief snuggling. Then when I got to work I remembered to go check the ladies room and found my opal on the floor just outside it, a tiny white speck nestled in the rug that I almost didn't see. I'd been disappointed to *still* have no news when I checked my email before leaving from work, having been tols I'd probably hear by the end of the week, but just in case, I restrained myself until 9AM (6PM Dutch time) checked again via webmail, and ..... I have news! (News!!!!) Real news with real numbers and details, and the news is good! We'd also gotten a small bit of news that Rudder's contract will be a slightly different kind than originally planned, one that will be in our favor. I can't make any actual announcements yet because we stll don't have details for him, but I can say that the likelihood of our lives going as we'd wish (Europewards!) is now quite high.

It's just killing me not to be able to make real announcements and even more, to make them at work. Good thing I sit on a Swiss ball instead of a chair so I can bouncebouncebounce when no one's looking. (Bouncebouncebouncebounce.) And even better, I have a Rudder until Sunday morning! (More bouncing.)

Posted by dichroic at 12:30 PM

August 17, 2006

probably best not to ask what's in it...

I'm gettin' a bit tonight, tonight,
I'm gettin' a bit tonight,
I'm gettin' a bit tonight, tonight,
I'm gettin' a bit tonight,
Me mother says I must be quick,
If I'm to have the Spotted Dick,
I 'aven't 'ad any since Easter but
I'm gettin' a bit tonight!

The above ditty is about a type of pudding, really, though admittedly Spotted Dick is not an appealing name for a food item. It is entirely coincidental that Rudder is coming home tonight and this is the song running through my head. It would be even better if he weren't leaving again in under a week. I have a feeling a lot of his time at home will be spent recuperating, actually. He did do well in Masters Nationals, and will be returning home with two silver and one bronze medal - not a lot of clinkage, until you remember how high the level of competition is at Nationals.

I've kind of adjusted to being on my own, which is good since his next trip is a long one. My main problems now are the worry over that drip from the roof the other day, though it hasn't reappeared, and the fact that the cat has decided, apparently from watching Rudder wake up at 4 all these rowing mornings, that as the only male in the house it's his job to be the alarm clock. Unfortunately he seems to believe that 2 or 3AM is a perfectly fine time to wake me up. Petting him shuts him up, but I wish he'd save the neediness for when I'm already awake. I don't think he really likes being an only cat, but this is really not a good time for us to acquire a new kitten or two. But try explaining anything to a cat.

Oh, and thanks to all those who recommended the British version of What Not to Wear - unfortunately, my local cable provider doesn't seem to carry BBC America, which would account for why I hadn't seen it.

Posted by dichroic at 03:16 PM

August 16, 2006

it just popped out

I blame Baring-Gould. I picked up the two-volume set of his Annotated Sherlock Holmes last winter at a huge local book sale, and have finally gotten around to reading it. (I've enjoyed meeting my old friend Christopher Morley again -I hadn't realized he was such a pivotal Sherlockian.) I'd also been thinking that it's about time for a rereading of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Apparently the two heterodyned.

The results are here.

It was a bit odd, actually, for this non-fiction-writing type, as I was thinking about it at the gym this morning. (Also, I went to the gym this morning. Go me.) At first I thought there was a short simple drabble (basically the part with the multiple Memory Charms). I was just going to write that up and post it here or on my LJ. Then I saw there was a much bigger story to be told about what happened next, and I knew I didn't have the skills to write that. Finally, I saw how the first one fit together with the part I was most interested in of the second, to form a short story I could write that actually happens before the second story referenced above. Even though it's set earlier, I think it shows the reader enough to see what's likely to happen next.

That second story could still be written; it would be a mystery-adventure to which this vignette would be prologue. But I don't feel any great need to write it; I don't have any ideas of what the mystery could be, and the parts of it I would be interested in are already strongly enough implied in the story linked above that they don't need to be spelled out further. The mystery part would have to be strong enough to stand on its own, and ... I don't know. I don't know how to do it and I don't particularly even want to. Not my story, I guess. Odd how that works. maybe not so much: most things aren't my story, given that I don't generally have any urge to write fiction at all. Maybe the mystery is why Watson's Task was mine to write. Whatever, it's not great literature but it was fun. I hope someone else enjoys it too.

Posted by dichroic at 02:16 PM

August 15, 2006


Well, that was fun. You know how I keep complaining that even though I'm essentially well now, random symptoms keep cycling around and popping up just so all the little viruses can let me know they're not dead yet? This afternoon it was the coughing, the ugly mostly nonproductive "hack until it hurts" kind of coughing. And afterwards it did hurt, not in my throat but in my chest. The causality seemed pretty clear, but chest pain is not something I'd had previously (I did have some a couple of days ago, but I'm pretty sure that was heartburn.) And any time the words "chest pain" come up, online or in an article or whatever, the next words are generally something like "DO NOT FUCK AROUND. GO SEE A DOCTOR, STAT." It seemed more like my lungs that were hurting, not anything heart related, but still, it hurt pretty bad. I generally prefer things not to hurt. Also, you know, Sergei Grinkov.

It seemed like the time to take advantage of working at a big company that keeps nurses stashed here and there, so I went and alarmed my boss unnecesarily to find out where the local one is stashed and went to see him. He checked my pulse and blood oxygen and blood pressure, listened to my lungs, and concurred that it was probably just the coughing, which might have bumped or separated some cartilage. He told me to come back tomorrow, when a doctor will be there, if it still hurts.

So it was nothing, but I do feel better for having gone and gotten reassured.. They say chest pain can be a result of a panic attack; I can certainly see where it could cause one instead.

Posted by dichroic at 05:03 PM

but I like it...

All right, all you commenters, if the BBC version of What Not to Wear is so much better, what network shows it in the US?

Actually I have a sneaking feeling that the tips from the US stylists, though they might not work for everyone, probably would suit me - short, more straight than shapely, work in an office. Blazers nipped in at the waist and stopping at high hip? Check. (Though cardigans are more comfortable.) Long trousers and pointy toes to elongate my legs? Check. (Though it's difficult to find the right fit - either they're short enough in the rise and stop just below my ankles or they're long enough in the leg and come up to my ribcage.) Skirts at kneelength? Check. Only problem, other than trying to find things that fit, is that I like miniskirts and floaty ankle-length skirts more than I do knee-length skirts (I'm a bit bowlegged.) I like the occasional blazer, but twin sets are more versatile and comfortable for the office, and I like fabulous pointy-toed shoes but I like walking boots as well, and you can actually walk in the latter. Though I'm short, I'm reasonably proportionate, and I don't particularly see why I should try to look taller. I'd rather be remembered as little but fierce. I try to come up with outfits that fit and are clean, that look like I did mean to wear those things together, and that keep me covered enough to be decent for whatever environment I'm in (of course, that's very different depending whether I'm in a pool, in the grocery, or in the office).

I suspect the result is that some days I look like I'd rather be hiking, some days I look like I rather be at Woodstock or the Renfaire, or in a ballet class, or on a street corner selling papers in a newsboy cap circa 1928 (those would be the new knickers, yes). Or wearing elf ears in a Tolkien movie (all in tree-trunk brown today, I am). Actually, those are the good wardrobe days, because those days I've actively enjoying my clothes. Other good days are the ones when I look like I work in an office, but one that could be out of Sex and the City, and the clothes could be described as "fabulous". It's the days when I can only manage "professional" that I'm bored with my clothes.

Meanwhile, I wish I could be bored with my house. Unfortunately at the moment it's a bit too exciting. Last night I noticed water running off the roof from one spot for a while, then it stopped. It's either condensate from one of the A/C units, which means the drainpipe is blocked (only one, because the bucket it's suppose to empty into has definitely been filling up) or the water supply to the solar water heater is leaking, which is more of a problem. My hot water supply seems to be fine, but at the moment, water from the cold tap is plenty warm enough to shower in, so that's no guide. The water drip was not hot, so at least it's not heated water leaking. Unfortunately the pump to the solar heater wasn't on this morning after I showered (the supplemental electric heater is set to be on at the time we normally shower) so I couldn't check it. Last night when I noticed the problem, I had just run the hot water for a while washing the dishes, so the pump could have been on then. I didn't check until later, when it was off, and by then the drip had also stopped. On the other hand the A/C units cycle on and off depending on temperature, and it's been extremely humid (for us) so there's been lots of condensation. Hopefully tonight I will be able to tell.

Posted by dichroic at 03:26 PM

August 14, 2006

how to run your life, TV-style

I've been watching far too much TV while Rudder is away. This has a lot to do with getting sole custody of the remote; generally when he's around he flips through all the channels five times in a row then settles on either MythBusters (which I don't mind) or some lousy movie. He has a much higher tolerance for bad movies than I do; I'm not even all that interested in good ones. Normally when he has the TV on I more or less ignore it in favor of a book, and often when he's gone I don't turn it on for a week at a time. This time, though, I have been watching, partly to have another voice around and partly because I seem to have a very large tolerance for certain types of reality shows - thmostly ones about houses and clothes. The problem is, I turn out to be very suggestible, and now I have unprecedented levels of concern for staging my house and wearing clothing with defined waists and shoes with pointy toes. Last night I watched Miami Ink (about a tattoo studio); I think prehaps I'd better skip that one from now on, before I do something irrevocable.

I do have some reservations about What Not to Wear, though I enjoy seeing the clothes. The show has some strong points, especially in the way they compliment the beautiful figures of women of a variety shapes, and in the way they try to make sure each one has clothes that fit and flatter. However, they don't seem to allow much for different needs of different professions or regions. I don't think I've ever had a schoolteacher who wore a suit to work, yet they recommend them all the time, with high heels thrown in. They complained aboiut someone who "always dressed like she was going hiking" - not such a problem for someone who lives in Seattle. And they complain about people dressing too casually for the grocery store. As long as clothes are relatively clean and not so tight or skimpy as to show more an anyone wants to see, I hadn't thought there was such a thing as too casual for the grocery store.

Id also be curious to see their attitude toward pantyhose. In most cities, it's considered unprofessional to go without hose (or tights) under a skirt unless you're in a very casual office. We don't do that here. You will very rarely see a woman in hose in a Phoenix-area office, and if you do it's either because she's new here or because she's more comfortable that way (for support reasons, perhaps, or because she doesn't like wearing sandals to work and likes a liner in her shoes).

She-Hulk and I were talking about this last night. She's her own boss, and has a job where she's driving around a lot, and walking in and out of air-conditioned buildings. At least in the warmer months, her work outfits are usually something like a sleeveless sweater with shorts, longer ones that are mid-though or knee-length. I don't remember her shoes, but they're neither sneakers not high heels - probably low-heeled leather sandals. I've never seen her in any anything very tight, rowing uni excepted, and I've never seen her in shorts shorts or a low neckline. Shhe tends to wear neutral colors. To my mind, she dresses professionally and unobtrusively. I suspect Stacy and Clinton would have her in a dress. I'm trying to imagine it.

(Actually it's not that hard - but it would be a linen sheath, not the patterned sundresses with cinched waists they tend to push. And a sheath is a bit less maneuverable than shorts!)

Posted by dichroic at 01:33 PM | Comments (1)

August 11, 2006

in other news, there isn't any

After a week or so of finally feeling reasonably well, I woke up this morning with a sore throat, and had enough gunk in my throat to lead to some unpleasant moments this morning. I had better not be sick still; one other possibility is that I may have just gotten a piece of popcorn husk caught in my throat. (Does that happen to other people or only to me?)

Rudder has now done well enough in the heats to advance to finals in all of his races except for the mixed double; that one has so many competitors in the C age category (boat average age 42-49, I think - he's rowing with a former Olympian in her fifties) that there will be semifinal races later this afternoon.

Work's actually getting a little more interesting lately. Figures. In other news, there really isn't any. Rudder's still gone, and the plans for this weekend aren't that exciting except that I may go up to Flagstaff Sunday to do some volunteer work. Otherwise the major planned event is the half-marathon I really ought to erg tomorrow.

Assuming I'm not *&^$% sick, that is.

Posted by dichroic at 01:43 PM

in other news, there isn't any

After a week or so of finally feeling reasonably well, I woke up this morning with a sore throat, and had enough gunk in my throat to lead to some unpleasant moments this morning. I had better not be sick still; one other possibility is that I may have just gotten a piece of popcorn husk caught in my throat. (Does that happen to other people or only to me?)

Rudder has now done well enough in the heats to advance to finals in all of his races except for the mixed double; that one has so many competitors in the C age category (boat average age 42-49, I think - he's rowing with a former Olympian in her fifties) that there will be semifinal races later this afternoon.

Work's actually getting a little more interesting lately. Figures. In other news, there really isn't any. Rudder's still gone, and the plans for this weekend aren't that exciting except that I may go up to Flagstaff Sunday to do some volunteer work. Otherwise the major planned event is the half-marathon I really ought to erg tomorrow.

Assuming I'm not *&^$% sick, that is.

Posted by dichroic at 01:43 PM

August 10, 2006

racing, nesting

Rudder's just won his open race - it was only a heat with for the Men's double, C category (with another guy from here), but they were ahead by open water. Since this was a heat, that tells me that they probably weren't even really trying that hard. The top three advance to the final Saturday, so the real strenuous race is between thuird and fourth places. (Well, not in this particular case, where fourth place was way behind, but generally.) It's a four day regatta; the heats today and tomorrow advance to finals on Saturday and Sunday, respectively.

Not much going on here. I've been nesting in the evenings, knitting and reading comic books and watching TV shows like "While You Were Out" and "What Not to Wear". I have this vision of the people from the latter, twenty years from now when clumpy square-toed shoes are back in, being worn with oversized shorts and white socks or ankle-length skirts and big shirts, and these people are still wearing pointy shoes and fitted jackets over empire-waisted blouses because that's what they were told to wear. I've been enjoying not having to figure out what's for dinner that we both want and having sole custody of the remote control. I have been watching a lot more TV than usual, partly to get my knitting done and partly for company. It's a biggish house to rattle around in alone. The cat has been snugglier than usual and now will meow a couple of times an hour before the alarm goes off, then come to be petted and fall back asleep. It's not ideal - ideal would be coming to be petted before I go to sleep at night and then shutting up until the alarm goes off - but it's a big improvement over meowing every fifteen minutes for an hour, as he was doing.

I think I may take the Friday of Worldcon off, so I can get there in the early afternoon instead of at night. I'm mind-boggled by the amount of programming, with twenty or more things to do at any one time. Of course there are plenty of things I have no interest in, but I can see the choices will be difficult. Another difficult choice is what to wear. Choices range from jeans and a T-shirt to blend in, to something totally outrageous, like a long and wide silk skirt with a midriff-and-cleavage bearing top that I bought with it as a RenFaire costume (sort of a belly-dancer look) just because I can and I suspect no one will bat an eyelid at it. I suspect I end up bringing clothes I just enjoy wearing, which will probably range from outre to overalls. I'm still a little worried about not really knowing anyone there other than a few LiveJournal contacts, though.

Posted by dichroic at 02:13 PM

August 08, 2006

minor annoyances

  1. How do things disappear so thoroughly inside my house? Specifically, I'm thinking of my nostepinne and the big tote bag I sometimes use to take my knitting places; it has occurred to me that they may have run off together.
  2. Some people ought not to be permitted to use public or semi-public restrooms. Specifically, though would be the ones who don't clean up after themselves. (Exceptions made for people just learning to use a toilet, but then they need to bring a parent with them.) I will kindly spare you the description.
  3. After the third time a service person on the phone asks me to spell my name, if it's not just a bad connection, is it OK to say "Excuse me, could you please transfer me to someone smarter?"
  4. In some ways it may be a good thing my boat isn't here. They've caught one of our local serial killers, as you may have heard, but the other is on the loose still. Someone emailed me today that he's been targeting "women of small stature, white or Hispanic, with brown hair". Yes, that would be me. The boatyard is within his range, and it's dark and deserted at 5AM, especially since several of the rowing programs are on hiatus just now. And it pisses me off that I even have to think this way. (Actually, this one is not a minor annoyance.)
And one minor gratification: I went to the gym today, for the first time in a couple of months. I'd quit when I was tapering for the Gold Rush in May, never went back between that and the regattas in July, and then was sick forever. I don't seem to have lost too much in either strength or definition. I lifted weights one notch down from where I'd been, and if I go Thursday and once this weekend, I think I'll be back to where I was on most exercises. I felt OK while lifting, though I did feel pretty crappy afterward.
Posted by dichroic at 06:02 PM

Here's the thing about war: there's plenty of fault to go around. You can say that Israel is far from blameless here and I will agree. You can say that Hezbollah supports widows and orphans and has thereby built goodwill through the Arab world. On the other hand neither of those things wipe out that fact that Hezbollah has vowed to pursue both the destruction of the nation of Israel and the entirety of world Jewry, in so many words. That's not the sort of threat Israel can afford to ignore; it's also a level of shrill hatred that is unlikely to be in the least affected by diplomacy. Israel had to take action. Does that make killing civilians OK? No. Was there another way to reach peace once Syria and Iran instructed Hezbollah to step up the attacks? I don't know.

Here's the other thing about war: sometimes there are no good answers.

That false dichotomy problem is actually a major issue of illogic. Black and white are opposites. Light and heavy are opposites. Good and bad are opposites. If a thing is more of one, it is less of the other. One thing those examples have in common is that they're all pairs of adjectives. Nouns are very rarely opposites. If I say that Israel isn't blameless, it doesn't take one jot of fault away from Hezbollah. Or, for a common US example, if I call George Bush an immoral, sophomoric, hypocritical slave of big money, that doesn't mean I'm praising Bill Clinton by extension.

it takes a long, long time for me to get tired of arguments usually, but I get tired of stupid ones pretty quick.

Posted by dichroic at 01:03 PM

August 07, 2006

assorted news and opinion

Assorted and random news:

  • My husband and boat are currently in Oregon. However I did sort of manage a half-marathon on the erg this weekend - 15km on Saturday and 6km on Sunday. I took this morning off after realizing I hadn't had an off day since Wednesday, but I wish I had decided that before setting the alarm and waking up to it at 5 AM.

  • Apparently there are fairy doors springing up in Ann Arbor.

  • I haven't talked much about the Israel-Lebanon war here, mostly because it leaves me at a loss for words. How can Israel not respond to terrorist attacks on their country? How can Lebanon simply "throw Hammas out of government", as some are calling for, if they were legally voted in? But it's worth noting that only 1 civilian was killed rather than 40 in the attack on Houla. Maybe it does pay to warn people. Meanwhile I grieve for the one, while I rejoice for the 39 whose deaths were greatly exaggerated. If casualties on both sides of a war were reported side by side instead o each side only reporting their own, or at best reporting in separate news articles, I wonder if the wars themselves would diminish? Perception may not equal reality, but often it influences it.

  • I have about two feet of the Trellis and Vine scarf done, but I keep having to be stern with myself to work on it. Partly that's just normal boredom with a long project, but another part is that the yarn I picked, while gorgeous and soft, just doesn't show this patteern well. I keep wanting to set it aside and start something else instead.

  • I have finished and submitted the wine cozy pattern - I'm calling it Wooldridge, after a winery in Oregon we visited, because the name seems so appropriate. I've started a second one, and plan to give both to my in-laws for Christmas, maybe with one of those chilling sleeves you put in the freezer. (Maybe one with said sleeve for white wines and one without for reds?)

  • I am hooked on these Marvel Essential collections. I bought Fantastic Four #4 and Uncanny X-Men #1 this weekend.

  • I'm not so impressed with the Phoenix Public Market. Smaller than I'd hopes, the veggies were OK but not spectacular, and the handspun yarn vendor had mostly bulky weight stuff that wasn't too appealing in an Arizona August. Also I was stupid and drove the convertible, realizing only after I got there that I wouold have felt much safer leaving the pickup parked in a downtown lot.

  • I seem to be much more productive when Rudder's not around. I think part of that is not wasting energy on things that aren't my priorities and part of that is that deciding what to do is easier when there's only one person's preferences and appetites to consult. I miss him anyway, though.

So that covers Rudder, rowing, politics, knitting, books, and local news. What else do I write about anyway?

One thing I've been thinking about is women who stay at home to take care of kids or just because they want to. (Not including those who have jobs where they work from home for a salary; that's a different situation.) In theory I'm all for the right to make choices, for women or men. Actually, I think sometimes men get shafted. I worked in one place where it was rumored that it was much easier for women to negotiate part-time work, because it was assumed they were caring for children, than for men. Even if the men were caring for children, even if the women weren't. My other caveat comes from a show I watched the other day. It was a reality show centered around helping people with bad financial skills get on track, and on this episode there was a woman and her fiancee who were living with her father, without paying rent. The woman was a SAHM "because I'm not going to go work at a job I hate, just to make money". The fiancee worked a whopping nine hours per week. Meanwhile the woman's father was working two jobs and going into debt to support this family.

Now, I agree that childcare is an important job and so is many other that doesn't pay, and I have a lot of respect for those who do it well. If you decide you can do it best by being at home full-time, more power to you, and if you sacrifice luxuries or spend a lot of time figuring out how to stay within your budget I'll respect you all the more. I know that often a stay-at-home's time and ingenuity can contribute immensely to the family budget. (Same goes for those who stay at home to pursue other non-monetary work.) But if you have kids, and they are not fed or clothed adequately - not in designer gear, but in functional clothing - just because you're worried you "won't like" an outside job, you forfeit any respect. If you survive by mooching off of someone else's hard work, the same goes. I'm not talking about a partner, who has participated in the decision to have one person stay home; that person is presumably benefiting by having the best care for his or her children or by having the house well-kept and comfortable. Or maybe he / she's just benefiting from having a happy and more serene spouse, having decided that the family has enough money to get by on one income. Whatever; it's having a say that counts. But when you mooch off someone who doesn't get a say in the matter that's dishonorable. And it raises my esteem all the more for those who struggle with the decision and do what they must, whatever it is, to care for themselves and their families.

Posted by dichroic at 12:54 PM

August 03, 2006

small annoyances

Working from home today turned out to be a good call. I'm back at the coughing shit up stage, and that ugly little dry-heaving episode was much better to have had here than at work. Sigh. Also, I got a whole buch of work done I've been sort of staring vaguely at for a few days.

My wine cozy has felted quite nicely. Now I just have to write it up, submit it, and make another one (not because of the submission, but because I want another one to give away). The submission is complicated because the online magazine where I had tentatively planned to send it seems to require you to have someone else "test-knit" it. Seems odd, because the other places don't require that, and also it's just not going to happen before their deadline. I sent them an email yesterday asking about it, but have not heard back yet. The patterns they're currentlyl showing don't seem to have a test-knitter listed, so there may be wiggle-room. If they really do require a test-knitter, I'll either submit elsewhere or just publish the pattern here. (Or submit elsewhere and publish here if they reject it).

Rudder gets home tonight, yay! However, he called earlier to tell me the plane was late and he missed his connection, so it really will be tonight rather than late this afternoon as originally planned. Boo.

Posted by dichroic at 03:15 PM

August 02, 2006

I already have an alarm clock, thanks

Oh, yes. Also, I need to complain about the cat, but I'd forgotten until MaryAnn reminded me. I don't know whether he's updet because Rudder's away or what, but the cat is into one of his periodic phases of Helping the Humans by doing his best imitation of an alarm clock. He's been yowling at me around the time he thinks I should wake up - actually it's not yowling, really. It's more conversational than that:

"Meerp-meerp?" (Time to wake up, now!)
"Mreerp!" (I said wake UP, dammit.)
"Reerp-Meerp-mreep!" (OK, I let you sleep another fifteen minutes when you asked, but your snooze time is UP, woman, and it's time to FEED THE CAT. You cannot be late to FEED THE CAT. There is no more important time of day! Get up get up get UP NOW!!)

Shush cat and repeat. This wouldn't be that bad, at the appropriate time; however, his time sense is off, so that he's generally up to half an hour earlier than when he thinks I should get up. Worse, because cats are creatures of habit, he thinks if I woke up yesterday at 4AM to go row, then that is the traditions and I should do exactly the same thing today too, even if I'd planned today today to be my off day, my big chance to sleep in all the way to 6AM. The first day, I thought it was my own fault, because I'd thrown out the old bag of cat food, and had emptied his bowl and not refilled it. Not that he'd starve over the course of one night, after havbing had food all day, but he believes in being sure on these issues, and if the bowl was empty, he'd be convinced starvation was Imminent. But he's been doing this every morning since Rudder left, and to a lesser extent before that as well.

I can't just shut him out of the room. For one thing, our room is the hottest part of the house because it has mostly external walls, and without an open door and a fan blowing in it would be too hot to sleep comfortably. Also, his little box is in our bathroom (in the tub we never use because we have a separate shower). While I could move the little box out, even if I could tolerate the hear I think his response would just be to stand at the door and holler as loud as he can to get in.

Do they make cat muzzles?

Posted by dichroic at 03:29 PM

symptoms and yarn, yet again

The coughing thing is back, though a Fisherman's Friend drop seems to have quieted it significantly. It feels as though my symptoms aren't so much going away as cycling around and around; between sore throat, productive coughing, unproductive coughing (otherwise known as coughing shitup vs just coughing), and hoarseness. The only saving grace is that each time around they seem a little lessened.

Also, since I'm back at the coughing up a lung stage (or rather, since it's not as bad now, only coughing up part of a lung) I'm using this as a justification to work from home tomorrow. Yay for working from a comfy couch and avoiding the office environment! I seriously think my office building, an old one literally next to the airport, is a sick building. It's at the epicenter of Phoenix pollution. I really don't think it's what's making me sick now, but it's probably not helping either.

Last night I did manage to get out on a weekday for once. On the first Tuesday of every month, the local wing of the city's not-called-Stitch-and-Bitch-anymore (it's a whole big and ugly copyright issue) meets at a wine shop / wine bar a mile from my house. There was much chatting, some helpful hints, and good Australian wine, and I have now finished knitting my wine cozy. Tonight I get to felt it. If it comes out well, I'm going to submit the pattern to one of the online knitting magazines. The next step is to decide which. Of the three possibilities, Knitty and Magknits actually pay for submissions. On the other hand, I'm afraid the pattern is too simple for Knitty, plus there's already a wine cozy (a different style) in their archives. For the Love of Yarn doesn't pay, at least not yet, but the editor is a friend and the pattern suits their magazine very well. (In case it does come out well enough to submit, I should probably avoid details.)

Once this is done, I will probably cast on for socks. I want to make something lacy but not too complicated. Depending on whether my gauge works out for it, it will probably be either Falling Leaves or something based on it (I want to try its toe and heel) but with a different lace pattern. I have two skeins of sock yarn. That one will be for me. The other will probably be for my father-in-law, because I realized he's the only one of our four parents I haven't knit anything for, and I think those may be the plain version of Widdershins. I also want to cast on the supersoft alpaca/silk blend I bought for another Clapotis, even though the shawl I'm working on is only about 2' (of 5) along. However, given the time of year and the (lack of) speed of my knitting it might be better to concentrate on things I want to give other people this December instead of anything for myself. That includes the aforementioned socks, another wine cozy (if I like this one) and gloves for Rudder.

Posted by dichroic at 01:24 PM

July 28, 2006

your life, in 60 kg or less

Here's an interesting and nonhypothetical question. Say you were contemplating a move that required serious downsizing - to a place half the size of your current house. Say further that you were told you could take 60 kilos of your stuff. (The new place is furnished.) The rest of your gear will go into storage. What would you take?

Another way to put that is, how many clothes and books fit into 60 kilos, and what else do you need? That's a bit more than I weigh, but while I can visualize a 60-kilo person, I don't have a good idea how much stuff that is.

You also have whatever suitcases you carry with you. You could pay to send more stuff if you want, but it's expensive - the US Postal Service charges about $50 for a 20 kilo box, if you don't mind waiting a few weeks. (There are probably cheaper ways to ship freight.) It may be cheaper to buy some things new after you move but you don't want to waste money on duplication. Plus you have good reason to want to save as much of your money as possible, either for travel in your new place or for whatever happens next.

So what do you take? Clothes are fairly easy. You leave all the stuff you keep only for sentimental reasons, or that you hardly ever wear. You take your favorite clothes, and the stuff most suited to the climate and to what you'll be doing. Easy. You need your home computer, of course - what does a computer weigh? At least ours has a flat monitor. Or do you replace it with a laptop?

If you're me, you take your beading gear. That's small and light - it won't quite fit in one case, but two will leave plenty of space for expansion, and these cases are only about 12"x12"by6". You leave the odds and ends of yarn but take the knitting needles and any yarn you have enough of to make something. Yarn is light, too.

But what about the books? Apparently plenty of people relocate without books but I can't even imagine that. Say you have 30 kilos left, what books can you part with for a year or three? The textbooks, those won't hurt to leave. The dictionary and thesaurus and maybe even the omniscient New York Public Library Desk Reference, because their information is available online. All the coffee table books, the ones that were gifts or were on sale cheap, because you hardly ever read those and they're heavy and bulky. Maybe all the comic collections - they have a low content-to-weight ratio.

Some things obviously need to come along, because they have an extremely high entertainment-to-weight ratio: the single volume containing 7 Jane Austen novels. The complete Aubrey and Maturin novels in 5 volumes - this is exactly why I bought it. Either the Norton Anthology of Poetry or the Oxford Book of English Verse, though probably not both. The Complete Pooh (the Milne books, not the Disney ones). Maybe Barzun's extremely dense From Dawn to Decadence, which I bought in Korea in 2002 and still have only half-finished. Maybe the Steven Jay Goulds.

Then there are the things I love too much to leave behind. The hardcover of Freedom and Necessity. The few LM Alcotts I own (because I've read the others so many times I don't need to own them) and all of the LM Montgomerys - the latter fortunately almost all in paperback. The Harry Potter hardcovers - or maybe not, this would be a good time to buy the English editions in paperback. All of the Dorothy Sayers, which are mostly beat up paperbacks. The set of Dark is Rising paperbacks.

But then what else? The obvious answers are to weight it heavily toward paperbacks, and to leave behund anything I've only read once, because anything I don't reread I don't like all that much. But that still leaves a wide and varied field.

What would you take?

Posted by dichroic at 01:22 PM

July 27, 2006

And the results are in

Apparently I don't have mono. No, I just have some other virus that causes low energy, low-grade fever, clogged sinuses, sore throat, and low appetite and that hangs on forever. The low energy and appetite were just the first week or so, though. My tonsils are still swollen, but now they've gone back to hurting when I swallow. For some reason, swallowing hurts much, much more when I wake up in the middle of the night than it does during the day - right now it hurts, but not badly. What has been really annoying is that my tongue has been very sore for several days now. When I look at it in the mirror, it's got little bumps sprinkled over it, like some of the papillae have gotten enlarged. I've never heard of any illness causing a sore tongue - Google has, but they mostly seem to involve ulcers rather than tiny bumps. I thought at first maybe I'd burned it, but it's lasted too long and covers too much of my tongue to be that. It's an annoyance rather than a major problem, but that and the painful swallowing do make eating a fairly unrewarding experience.

Atfer I complained that the cafeteria has only vanilla pudding and low-cal chocolate frozen custard, then grabbed a plate of fries to go with my soup, the Cubemate pointed out that I seemed to be craving fats. Probalby true, but I've been craving cold food as well - a large part of last night's dinner was an experimental smoothie Rudder made and froze. (Not a complete success.) Giventhe combination of cravings, it's clear that what I really need to do is stop and pick up some ice cream or sorbet on my way home. It's a virus; they can't give me meds to fix everything. I figure ice cream is as likely to be the cure as anything else. And even if not I'll enjoy the process.

The doctor also told me that it's OK to race this weekend, but I should avoid getting dehydrated or overheated. Hm. Racing in Tempe. In July. During daylight, without getting overheated. How is that supposed to work?

Posted by dichroic at 12:43 PM | Comments (2)

July 25, 2006


Arlen Spector is trying to enable Congress to sue George Bush. We do live in historic times.

Speaking of historic times, here's a take on the Israel / Hezbollah conflict from a current Israeli soldier. It comforts me greatly to know that at least some of the people involved think about the human lives on both sides.

In less historic matters, I have taken the plunge and bought a membership to Worldcon in LA, so barring sudden drama or disaster I will be going.

Posted by dichroic at 05:12 PM

I may have what?

So I went to my doctor today. And guess what I may have? Guess what she ordered a blood test for, that may account for my having been ill for over two weeks, with symptoms at various times including sore throat, swollen tonsils, low-grade fever, swollen lympg glands, lack of appetite and lack of energy?

Yup. I may have mononucleosis. Again.

On the positive side, though it does tend to come in waves, I really feel like I'm on the downside of the illness. I'm eating normally again and have something approaching my normal level of energy. Rowing on Sunday was only an issue because of the heat, and I did 6K this morning, with a couple of harder 1km pieces in there. I did have a little trouble with the swollen tonsils whenever I was breathing hard past them, but otherwise no problems. And I had some wine with dinner last night, with no issues. (Come to think of it, that may mean it isn't mono. For a while after I had mono the first time, I was a very cheap date. Alcohol affected me pretty drastically for a few months after I was officially better.)

If it is mono, it's not nearly as bad as the first time I had it, in the summer after my freshman year. That time it really knocked me out, keeping me at home for a solid month. Even after I was pronounced better, I didn't have much energy for months; I had a lousy job rating for the fall semester then suddenly a much better one in spring. Other than the tonsils, I really feel pretty much back to normal.

Mono can vary a lot, though, so it's possible I just have a much lighter case. the doctor said my spleen didn't feel swollen. She pointed out that since I have had it before, I likely have some immunity built up. And in general, my immune system is in much better shape now. I weigh fifteen pounds or so more. I get eight hours of sleep a night instead of six, I eat much better now (not being limited to Dining Service food), and I'm stronger and in better aerobic shape. (I think. I worked out much less then, but walked a lot more.)

I went for the blood test right after the doctor's appointment. (Didn't doctors used to take blood right there in their offices? I don't know if they tested it themselves or sent it out, but it seems odd that now I have to go to a lab to get stuck.) They said they'll have the results to my doctor in 2-3 days. Another possibility she mentioned was cytomegalovirus (CMV) but looking at how it's caught and how it manifests, that seems less likely. I suspect that "unidentified virus" is a contender, too. Given that the treatment for mono and CMV is basically "Wait until it goes away (well, for CMV just until symptoms fade) I don't suppose it makes much difference.

Rudder's not very happy with me, especially given the competitions and work travel he has coming up. Oddly, though, he seems to have gotten what I had and mostly thrown it off already. And the antibiotic seems to have helped him. It's possible I had more than one thing, as well; the doctor mentioned that mono is accompanied by strep 20% of the time. Still, it's not likely to have been strep, if only because if Rudder had had that, we've have known. Because of a kidney condition, it hits him very hard and can be serious.

The other worrying possibilities with mono are that it could ramp up again, since it apparently goes in waves, and that you're not supposed to exercise with it due to the possibility of rupturing your spleen. Since the doctor says I don't have an enlarged spleen, I don't think I'll worry about that for the moment. I certainly didn't work out during the more acute phase of this - the disease took care of that for itself.

More details in 2-3 days. I'm actually betting on "unidentified virus", myself.

Posted by dichroic at 01:32 PM | Comments (3)

July 24, 2006

bye bye boat

Grah. My tonsils are still very swollen. They don't hurt much most of the time, but when I sneeze there tends to be a little whimpering thereafter. It's now 15 days since I first got sick.I'm going to the doctor again tomorrow morning (my regular one this time) because this is ridiculous and I'm very tired of it.

On the plus side, I feel OK otherwise and this weekend actually featured some normal activity: I went to the mall, we went out to eat last night, and I got in a boat for the first time since my race two weeks ago. We have a small local sprint race next week, and I'll be racing in a double with someone I've never rowed with before. I hadn't really wanted to race at all, because racing during daylight hours in July in Phoenix strikes me as a profoundly stupid idea (which tells you what I think of the guy who organized this race). But it's only 500 meters and very low-pressure, so Rudder realized it would be a good time to build experience for some of our less-experienced local people. He set up several doubles with one more experienced and one less experienced racer. I couldn't bring myself to turn down the chance to do that sort of mentoring. And as I said, it's a quick race. I may take a separate car so I can leave right after the race instead of staying through the whole regatta. (Have I mentioned I don't do well in heat? More than a couple hundred times?) Then again, they're actually predicting temps below 100 (and thus well below this past weekend, which ranged from 112 to 118) so I'll stay if the heat doesn't bother me too much.

The whole moving to Europe thing is beginning to seem a little more real, but still nothing's definite. Rudder will be doing a lot of traveling there in the next couple of months, plus his trip to Seattle for Masters Nationals in mid-August. (I've elected not to go because I don't have enough vacation time and don't want to burn that I do have until things are definitely definite.) On his way back from the regatta, he'll be dropping off our boats to live in his parents' garage for the duration, so I will only have my boat here to row for another two weeks. I'm going to miss it. I may sniffle. (I'm going to miss Rudder too, especially since one of his trips is 4 weeks long. But I know he'll be coming back.) I may be able to borrow other people's boat to row in the interim, but it won't be the same.

Posted by dichroic at 12:58 PM

July 21, 2006

a hair piece

Hm. Thanks to a bit of serendity, I think I've just figured somethuing out.

(Warning: what follows is a totally shallow hair post, and also quite stupid in the sense of "It took you HOW long to figure that out?")

My hair is now long, enough (not to mention frizzy enough) to get in my way sometimes. Most recently I've noticed tendrils getting caught between my arm and body when I lean on something, which is not annoying but does feel odd. Also, several times this summer i've noticed that it can be hot, which I don't remember ever before for some reason. Because of all that and out of a desire to look at least vaguely professional, I often pull it back, either in a low ponytail or just the top half with a barrette. For regattas, I'll even sometimes do braids, because while they may look a little silly, they hold very well. However, I very rarely pull it all up into a bun or a French twist. I've more or less mistressed the knack of using a comb or hair fork which let me put it up both quickly and in a way that will stay put, but I don't don't like the way it looks very much. This has always seemed odd, because I tend to fluctuate between long and very shortl, and I think it looks all right short. You'd think "up" and "short" would have similar appearances, but no.

One thing I have realized for years is that when I have very short hair, I dress differently than when it's long. With short hair, I tend to wear more open necklines, fewer collars, and darker colors. The ideal top is black with a boatneck. That looks all right with long hair too, but the hair obscures the lines of the neckline. I wear lighter colors and collared shirts more often with long hair, just because I can and because I do like the look of fitted button-downs for work. Most of the clothes that work with short hair work with long hair, but not vice versa; when I have long hair I still wear the same clothes as with short hair but less often because more of my wardrobe begins to work well.

Today I happen to be wearing black and silver, a combination that always makes me feel good: a black sleeveless top with pale green accents, black stretch jeans, silver jewelry. I pulled my hair up just for variety, securing it with a wooden hair fork. The top is fitted, and because the jeans stretch, I feel a little like Catwoman. I could do a spinning roundhouse kick in these clothes, if I could do a spinning roundhouse kick at all. In other words, this is the perfect platonic ideal of a short-hair-friendly outfit for me. When I caught a glimpse in the mirror, I realized that I do look OK with my hair up with this outfit. It adds to the general lithe effect. ("Lithe" is a relative term and is only to be compared to the way I look at other times. Halle Berry I'm not.) So apparently, putting my hair up can be flattering, as long as I wear the same sort of clothes that look well with short hair.

You'd think that would have been intuitively obvious, but apparently my intuition has very large blind spots in some area.

Posted by dichroic at 01:07 PM

July 19, 2006

not silenced but improving

I'm a bit better today, though I still start coughing if I talk too much. It's been very interesting, actually, especially the end of last week when I had no voice at all or very little. It was frustrating not to be able to talk, the more so because I was in a country where English is a second language and so communication in both directions was impaired. That is, I couldn't read all the signs, and though most people in the Netherlands can speak English, since it's their second language they can't always express themselves with complete fluency. Plus I felt a little embarassed at the imbalance of effort, that they have to make all the accomodations for me because I can't speak the language in which they're most comfortable.

It had me thinking about the fairy tale about the seven swans, the one where seven brothers were turned into swans and their sister could not cry out of speak until she had sewn a shirt of nettles for each one. That was more appropriate as my voice came back and I could speak but knew I shouldn't for fear of making things worse again. Not to be able to communicate verbally for a couple of days was annoying, especially since it was a time when I had a lot to tell Rudder. I can't imagine being silent for years, when the constraint was self-imposed rather than physical. And yet it's not a totally improbable situation, just an exagerrated one. People silence themselves all the time on a particular topic or in a particular company, out of fear or shame or disgust or the feeling that no one's listening anyway. Most people have some topics they won't discuss, just for reasons of basic privacy or reticence. Other than those, I tend not to silence myself on any issue I care about, but in my case, I think it has less to do with bravery and more with lack of having the self-discipline to shut up.

On the food front, things are improving. Where two days ago lunch was half a bowl of soup and dinner was a banana, yesterday I had an actual dinner - a small chicken filet and two spears of asparagus - and today's lunch was half a quesadilla. I've been eating whatever on the theory that any calories were better than none, but I think it's probably time to go back to avoiding empty calories again (she said, finishing her Coke). And my weight's gone up a whole pound and a half. I'm right where I started a couple of years ago, which means I wouldn't mind keeping it here but even better would probably be to add on a few more pounds of muscle. Now I have a window to do so without risking my lightweight status.

Posted by dichroic at 01:10 PM | Comments (1)

July 18, 2006

back, still not well

Well. We are back home, having brought our germs with us. Rudder resisted valiantly, but finally conceded he was sick Sunday morning, just in time for the trip home (factoring in the time change, nineteen hours door to door, which is miserable enough if you're healthy). Symptom-wise, I seem to be down to a cough (not quite as hectic today as it was but only occasionally productive), the tail-end of laryngitis, and a lack of energy, and the last is probably attributable to the fact that I've been eating very little since this whole thing started eight days ago. My symptoms are lessened since I began the antibiotics Friday, so I guess they're working. Rudder seems to be affected more lightly, but some of that may just be stoicism. I'm a bit worried because some people at work have had similar sinus infections that lasted weeks, and Rudder can't afford weeks, with the Masters Nationals regatta coming up in August.

My own dismal finish in my race at Regionals convinced me not to race in Nationals this year, though it's certainly possible that having raced the day before and coming down with this illness later that day both contributed. I may or may not go to the regatta with Rudder depending on my work situation.

What with the not-eating thing, my weight is back to where it was a couple of years ago, before I pulled back from training to do more flying. I can't tell whether the loss is fat or muscle; my Tanita scale says my body-fat percent is about the same. I feel very weak, but that may just be from the illness, so I'll see about that once I'm better. I'm not planning to row or erg until I feel better - one nice thing about skip[ping Masters Nationals is that I can do that. I do have a local race here the weekend after next, but that's just 500 meters in a double, nothing too competitive.

I'm feeling a little guilty about not exactly throwing myself back into work, but this lack of energy is not helping my motivation level. Hopefully, once I feel more lively I can be more effective.

Posted by dichroic at 10:46 AM | Comments (1)

July 14, 2006

ill still

Last night while laying awake snorfling, I decided enough was enough and that I needed to see a doctor. I felt a bit better or at least more able to breathe when I woke again in the morning, because everything is always worst at 3AM, but did reconfirm my decision. Five days of illness with no real diminution in symptoms is just too much, and wasting time in bed on only my second time in Europe is maddening. Fortunately, this hotel has a concierge, so I asked Rudder to ask him to get me a doctor's appointment (it's not entirely easy to explain things on my own when I can't talk).

Oddly, Rudder didn't even discuss whether I really need a doctor. I think for some reason the laryngitis has him worried. I don't know why; for me it seems like a normal thing to have toward the end of a cold, though I don't remember any this total before.

The concierge was able to get me a morning appointment and a cab there. Due to the communication issue, I took the precaution of writing down my current symptoms and their history in advance. She examined the list, asked a few questions, looked at my throat and ears, and told me I had an "infection". Sinus or throat, I didn't find out, though I'd guess the former. She sent me around the corner to a pharmacy with a scrip for amoxicillin, then I came back to the office to ask them to call me a cab - good thing, as I'd blindly walked out of the office without paying. Oops. I suppose they're used to people who are a bit distracted there, though.

The meds are a little different; you dissolve the pill in a glass of water, which is much nicer than swallowing a big pill with a sore throat. And the doctor told me to get a nose spray to clear my sinuses, instead of Sudafed pills or something.

I've wasted most of another day in the hotel room, though I'm trying to persuade myself to go check out a grocery a block away - to see what sorts of things might be hard to find here. Tomorrow we're supposed to go to Amsterdam, and unless the 'cillin kicks in quickly, I'm afraid Rudder may be sightseeing there on his own. Phooey.

Posted by dichroic at 07:34 AM | Comments (2)

July 13, 2006

Some additional notes:

-- Yesterday was the first time I've been asked if I were Italian, and it was by someone who actually is Italian. My brother used to get it all the time, but he's got darker skin than I do. Mostly it was the hair, I think; it's long and a little wild and it was being especially big at the time because I'd had it pulled back earlier.

--Last time I was herre, around 9 years ago, the Dutch were wearing mostly black, stovepipe pants, and chunky high heels before those caught on in the US. This time, the fashion's nearly identical to that in the US.

--At first I thought this was a sinus infection. Now I think it's just a cold. I am quite ready to be done with it, either way.

-- The unusually (for me) long and even nails I had as of July 1 did not survive all that boat loading, unloading, racing, and rigging. The nail polish I bought here reeked worse than any I've had before and began chipping fairly promptly, but at least it camouflaged the unremovable dirt under where two nails that had broken short were splitting right where it met skin.

-- Rudder is snoring. I hope this doesn't mean he's getting the cold - he was sniffly during our flight, but seemed better today.

-- I haven't had much interest in food since Monday. Today as of 7:30 PM I'd eaten about six chunks of cut-up fruit, orange juice, tea, and a Luna Bar. At that point I gave up on Rudder being home soon and went and grabbed some ice cream and pasta - about ten bites of each, but at least it's calories. Of course Rudder was in the hotel room as soon as I got back with my food.

-- Or rather, without my food - they didn't take plastic so I had to scurry back to the room for cash.

-- This is the worst case of laryngitis I've had in years or maybe ever. Very comical but not helpful at meetings. It's also one reason I didn't just call room service.

-- I need to go take Nyquil and try to sleep now. But first -- did I mention I won not one, not two, but three medals last weekend???

Posted by dichroic at 01:30 PM | Comments (1)

a hectic trip, even for us

Since I've paid for the hotel Internet and I don't really feel up to sightseeing at the moment, I guess it's time for the trip-report-to-date. This trip was unfortunately planned backwards; we had all our relaxing time at the beginning and all the strenuous stuff toward the end (we do get to do a wee bit of relaxing the last couple of days, which for me began about two hours ago).

We loaded up the boats Friday morning, then started our trip with the luxury of being able to leave on a Saturday morning, instead of having to rush out after work. We drove about 10 hours north that first day, stopping at Los Banos, CA, then drove the remaining 8 hours to Rudder's parents' house in Grants Pass, OR, on Sunday. Our time there was all about eating well, sleeping well,and good conversation. We got to see some updates to their house and their beautiful front and back gardens (pics later) and my MIL helped me make a repair to my boat cover on her sewing machine. She also went with me to the local yarn stores, where I carefully refrained from pointing out to the exuberant character who ran one that she (MIL) was a local knitter for fear of entrapment. The highlight was July 4th, our 13th anniversary. The four of us visited several of the wineries which have sprung up in the Rogue Valley of Oregon - Rudder and I came home with a Wooldridge Chardonnay, a John Michael blush champagne, and some artisanal garlic-olive cheddar (sold at RoxyAnn winery, not sure who made it). Then on the way home we stopped at one of the ubiquitous fireworks shops. I'd never bought any before, because Pennsylvania is strict about such things and AZ is too hot, but I've gained a new appreciation for small ground-based fireworks. I kept thinking of the Bastable children, setting off their Guy Fawkes-day Catherine Wheels. Pictures of those to come too - Rudder took some great ones.

On Thursday, we drove two scenic hours to Klamath Falls, where members of the local Ewauna Rowing Club kindly let us store our boats in their boathouse and even gave us the combo so we could come row at any time. Rudder's parents followed us down, and on Friday his paternal grandparents came from two hours away in the other direction, and an aunt from another nearby town, so most of those days was spent hanging out, chatting, and taking family photos in the big comfy leather sofas in the hotel's lobby or it's little loft seating area.

On Saturday Rudder and I raced in the Rural Henley Regatta. This was the first time these grandparents had seen Rudder row (the other set are in Sacramento, where we race often) so that was a major reason to do this small regatta, but it was great fun in its own right, warm people and lovely cool weather. The Royal Henley, in England, is one of the world's most famous rowing races, a stake race (that is, between two stakes) of about 1.3 miles. In the Rural Henley, the top two finishers of each 1000 event get to race the Henley distance, after all the morning races are done. And the winner of each race gets a gorgeous commemorative plate with a steak (raw, sealed) on it, so it's a steak race.

Here's where the trip got exciting. The weather was perfect, except for one minor point: the wind was so strong that the waves in the first half of the course were scary. I was in the very first race, and Rudder was in the second. Rudder won his race, of course, so he got to compete with someone who won in the other heat of the men's singles. The women's singles only had one heat, but I came in second of four (second! I got second!) so *both* singles Henley races featured Arizona Outlaws. Only after that did they decide to hold the small boats to 500 meters because the water was so rough. We raced again in the double, our very first race rowing together. (We'd raced together before, but with me coxing a four or eight he rowed in.) We won by 5 seconds in raw time, but when the age handicaps were added in, we came in second by only 0.3 seconds, out of six boats.

By the time of the Henley races, the water had calmed down just enough to let us row the full course. Rudder won his, I lost mine - no surprise, since the woman who won was well ahead of me in the morning. The people running the regattas were generous enough to give medals for the Henleys as well as the other races, so the Outlaw take was three silver medals for me (!!!!); two golds, a silver, a plate, and a steak for Rudder. (He gave the steak to his parents.)

Right after that we had to load up the boats, say goodbye to the in-laws, and drive 6 hours south to Sacramento. And yes, I did wear my medals for the entire drive. The weather was getting warmer than it had been even while we were loading, and it got much hotter as we went South. By the time we got to Sacamento the outside air temp reading on Rudder's car was claiming 109 degrees. She-Hulk met us to unload the boats, but even with three of us it wasn't fun doing that in the heat, leaving us worried about the races. We went out for pasta and got very nearly a full night's sleep before the next set of races, the Southwest Masters Regional Championships. This was a much bigger race, but I didn't enjoy it nearly as much, though I think Rudder did. I came in DFL by a long shot in the women's lightweight singles, the first race of the day, then served as photographer and pit crew for the rest of the day. The other Outlaws did much better, with three gold medals and one silver for Rudder, two gold and two silver for She-Hulk. They were especially pleased because both felt they'd rowed extremely well, and done well in very competitive races and in trying conditions. The water was perfect and smooth here, but the heat was fearsome. Rudder and She-Hulk dealt well with it, mostly by keeping their shirts wet with ice water or the almost equally frigid lake water (it comes down from the mountains). Despite similar measures, the heat was really getting to me, and by around 2PM I apologetically borrowed She-Hulk's rental car and went back to the hotel to lay down and cool down. After a short nap, I woke up with sore tonsils and a feeling that my body economy was still fragile enough to make staying put a better option than returning, though I felt bad about leaving them to load up without me. They called when they were nearly done, and I did go back briefly for a few photos, and to join them for dinner and celebratory beers (margarita for She-Hulk).

Sometimes beer seems to help me feel better, but not that time. I woke up feeling much worse, with a very sort throat and snorting crap from my sinuses. Rudder and I had a twelve hour drive (She-Hulk was flying home) and no possible leeway, so I made the best of it by trying to get as much sleep as possible while not driving. Rudder drove most of it, as always, but this time we had me doing two shorter legs (120 miles or so each) which gave him enough of a break and a nap. The sore muscles didn't help, especially the ones in our sides from balancing on Saturday's rough water. The cold sapped my appetite, so I ate a few pretzels, a little dried fruit, and not much else all day.

We'd left early enough to get to the boatyard at about 6, where She-Hulk kindly came out to help us unload in yet more 109-degree weather. (According to the truck; it actually felt a little cooler.) The three of us got that done in under half an hour, then Rudder and I went home, ripped everything out of our suitcases and packed them up again with different clothes. The cat complained vociferously about our absence.

Once again we got very nearly enough sleep, got up at 5 and left for the airport before 6. I wasn't feeling any better, except that the muscle soreness was gone. Once we got on the plane, I took some night-time sinus meds on the first leg of the flight, then Nyquil on the international leg. It turns out those very long flights are much better when you spend large chunks of them asleep or half-conscious. The quarter of the airline meal I ate was my biggest meal in two days - not queasy, just uninterested in food and painful swallowing. When we got into Amsterdam, we had another two-hour drive into Eindhoven, in the southern Netherlands. Poor Rudder had to go to work right away; I got to walk around the very nice shopping area opposite the hotel, then try to balance resting (to get better) with not sleeping (to acclimate to the time zone). His meetings ran late, and it wasn't until 8:30 PM that he called to ask if I wanted to eat dinner with him and some coworkers. I did want to socialize, though still not to eat much, so I went and just picked at an appetizer. I did enjoy meeting the coworkers, though.

Today, my throat was slightly less painful, though I still didn't want to eat more than a little fruit at breakfast. I had meetings, four of them in four hours, for which I prepared with a 12-hour Sudafed and rode in with Rudder. The meetings went well, or would have if I had been able to talk. Still, the people I met with were patient with my croaking, and fortunately only one wanted to ask me many questions. By the last one, though, the cold or the Sudafed or the caffeine from the tea they kept feeding me (from complex mqachines that prodcue varied types of coffee, chocolate or tea) had combined to have me very ready to lay down. Rudder had talked about meeting me for lunch, but a bed seemed like a much better idea, so I got someone to call a cab, which brings me to dateresting here in the hotel room. Tomorrow, I hope to feel well enough to visit an open-air history museum in town, and on Saturday Rudder and I will go to Amsterdam for a day there before we fly home Sunday.

And then I have to go to work Monday!!!

Posted by dichroic at 07:00 AM | Comments (4)

June 30, 2006


Every few years, Rudder and I do Really Big Trips: Antarctica for two weeks, Australia and New Zealand for a month, New England in 17 days and 3000 miles.... Then we have the serendipitous trips that just come together, like the trip to Korea that ended up being almost free, due to a conference for Rudder, frequent flyer miles, and some family to stay with the last few days. Then we have the insane trips, like the one from Texas to Florida and back in three days to pick up a boat. These are just one of the occupational hazards of being married to Rudder.

If you draw an equilateral triangle with one of those types of trip at each point, I think this trip falls right in the middle - two states, two countries, two weeks, two distinct sets of packing. We drive to Oregon over 2 days, relax for a precious few days at Rudder's parents' place, then go race, drive immediately to California, race again, drive 12 hours home, repack, then fly to Amsterdam the next day. Poor Rudder has to go immediately to work, but I at least get the rest of that day to recuperate (though I do need to try to stay awake, to get on local time).

This trip was going to be exhausting anyway, what with two races and a 6 hour drive between them in two days, but now I will probably be gibbering on my first day back at home. (But, hopefully, happy.)

I think we have most of the logistics lined up. The catsitter (apprised of the trip's extension). The packing lists (2 sets). The gear (rowing gear, then repack with city clothes). Tthe decisions for me on what knitting and books to take (the sleeveless sweater and socks in progress, plus a hope of luring my MIL to the two yarn stores in her town, and the recent haul from Borders). The schedules (complex). At least I hope they're all lined up. Just because this trip is in two parts which will require different clothing and so on, it all seems a little more complicated than usual. But if things go well, I'll be back with a medal or two and maybe some good news.

Posted by dichroic at 12:55 PM

June 29, 2006

blogging for pay

I now have a corporate blog (visible on the Intranet only, and of course it's only for work topics). Guess it's a good thing I've gotten all this practice, huh?

Interesting item today: this Dear Abby column, the first letter. It boils down to, "My brother, to whom I am very close, is avoiding my wedding as a civil rights protest. Even though it will disrupt the most important day of my life, I agree with him and support him." The generosity of spirit bowls me over. I hope they can come to an accomodation that allows the brother to attend the wedding without compromising his principles, because a brother like that is one whose wedding you don't want to miss. (Maybe move the wedding to Canada?)

Otherwise, I'm just trying to get ready to travel. This includes all sorts of things you wouldn't normally expect, like neatening the house (so the maids and catsitter aren't disgusted) and winding yarn from skeins into balls (because the trip has two parts, and I might need to grab a knitting project in a hurry while packing for Phase II). And I can't find my nostepinne (a.k.a. stick to wind yarn around) so that latter was a bit slower than it should be even after I found a nearly-adequate substitute.

Posted by dichroic at 02:52 PM | Comments (1)

June 28, 2006

a somewhat unwelcome identification

Blearg. I feel kind of crappy - I think they snuck some caffeine in my decaf this morning. It feels like a caffeine reaction. You'd think I'd just give up on coffee entirely, but I like the taste and I don't usually have issues with decaf. (For some values of "usually", anyhow - but this could involve heterodyning between coffee and too much lunch or the Coke I had with lunch. Whatever...) This sort of thing doesn't last more than an hour or two for me, but one thing I notice is that while it does (or whenever I have any sort of queasiness or upset stomach), it dampens my sense of adventure considerably. Travel suddenly starts to look a lot less appealing and staying home in comfort looks much better.

One of the nice things about aging is that once youve figured out how your body works and how it affects your mind and emotions, you can start to allow for it in your plans, and know when a feeling a temporary and should be ignored until it goes away.

Oddly, this is one of the reasons I like the Aubrey and Maturin books; their characters are real enough that they sometimes get sick and sometimes have to visit the outhouse or the head. There's a scene in (I think) The Far Side of the World where an Admiral is entertaining Jack and several others at dinner, and has to keep ducking out ("Forgive me, apparently I ate something.") There's a hilarious scene where Jack, Stephen and Jagiello are captured in France and taken in to prison in a stagecoach - only the richness of French cream sauces forces Jack to have the driver stop the coach at every bush. (Apparently he's not considered a flight risk - perhaps the officer in charge figures he'd be stopped by the next bush.) The scene builds until the group plus the French intel officer taking them in (Duhamel, maybe?) eat some badly prepared crawfish and then, confined to the coach for an uncomfortable distance by an increasingly populous area, all but the abstemious Maturin rush into the prison upon arrival, past the admitting desk, to the (very) necessary.

It's always nice to be able to identify with the characters in a book, even if not for reasons one would wish. People in books too often have such conveniently ordered bodies: no aches or pains except when needed to advance the plot, no pit stops required on even the most desperate quest, no days when they just feel a little unaccountably off. Then again, they do tend to be prone to dramatic and fatal illnesses. I want to be a fictional character in my next life ... but only if I can get an author who will allow me a happy ending.

Posted by dichroic at 01:57 PM | Comments (1)

June 27, 2006

crying uncle

Our upcoming trip has just sprouted another tentacle, so it will be longer and even more complicated than originally planned. (I think Rudder's right. I need more yarn.) This is all a good thing, though. But I won't have internet access for chunks of it, so don't be surprised if things get quiet here after this week. If I do update, I'll use the Notify function, as usual. (I have a Notify function, if anyone cares who didn't already know - scroll down and look on the left sidebar to sign up.)

I just ended up posting a long comment in response to something Matociquala wrote. It's a bit tangential to her original point, but I think it's a point worth making on its own, so here's an expanded version.

She wrote:
I seem to recall Peter mentioning some studies to me, a while back, that tended to indicate that there was some genetic utility in homosexuality (and I don't remember what species of animal we were specifically talking about) in that the siblings of individuals that exhibited a same-sex preference tended to produce more surviving offspring.

Without getting into issues of sexuality because they're not relevant to my point, I can say that it's very useful to have a childless uncle (or aunt, I suppose) with a lifestyle different than your own, when you're growing up in an area where most people live in similar ways. I'm not sure if I knew anyone else growing up who had traveled outside the US other than for a military hitch, or who chose to live in a city other than where they were born. I don't think I knew anyone else with an advanced degree, other than doctors visited in a professional capacity. For me, my uncle was a window into another way of living.

Some physicist once wrote that two is a silly number - in the universe, things should come in zeroes, ones, or infinites. That is, there may be unique cases, but if there are two cases of something, there are almost always more. So once you know there's another way to live than the one you were brought up in, you can make the logical leap that there are still more ways to live, that you can choose for yourself where and how and with whom to shape a life. I think that's what having an uncle showed me.

Quite a lot of the people I grew up with seem to have built lives that are very similar to their parents' - maybe a little more prosperous, maybe in the suburbs rather than the city, but in the same geographic area (in a couple of cases in the same house) and within the same religious and social traditions. I'm not knocking that at all; being a fan of the examined life, I hope that their reasons for doing so are that they've thought about it and decided they like where and how they live. Even if they've never thought about it, I hope they just like where they live and have lives that suit them. That city has lots of good things to be said for it, and so does living close to the people you love.

I just don't think it would suit me. I have itchy feet. I don't regret leaving to try life in new cities, just that I've stayed in two of them for such long periods. I'd have liked to relocate every few years, but it's difficult when two jobs and all the logistics of houses and such are involved. Rudder doesn't mind moving to new places, but doesn't want to do it as often as I do. I don't regret at all falling in love with a husband from the opposite side of the country and from very different traditions. I don't regret any of the things we've done that make my mother think we're a little nuts sometimes (everything from skydiving to traveling to Antarctica to getting up at 4AM several times a week to row). I love housing a house with more space (and bathrooms!) than the one I grew up in. I might have some complaints here and there, but in the main I have a life that suits me, and it was having my uncle as an example that let me see that you could make different choices and influence your own life in a direction of your choosing. I can't claim it was an evolutionary advantage, since we also followed my uncle's example in choosing not to reproduce, but it certainly was an advantage in the evolution of my own life.

Posted by dichroic at 01:09 PM | Comments (2)

June 26, 2006


What do you know. After all these years apparently I've gotten Rudder trained. This past weekend we were discussing what we'd take for our upcoming trip to Oregona and California. For knitting, I'm taking a sock that's complete about to the ball of the foot and a top-down sweater done to about the bra-strap line. His comment was, "Remember, we have a lot of time driving, plus sitting at my parents' and at regattas. I don't think that's enough knitting."

Then we had an errand to Home Despot and I asked if he'd mind if we stopped at the Borders in the same shopping center. I picked up several books and commented that it was probably overkill; since this is a driving trip rather than a flying one I wouldn't be reading enroute. He said, "Well, you'll be reading a lot at my parents..."

I think I'll keep him.
(Don't worry, he's got me trained too. Why else would I have rowed two 1 km race pieces starting at 5AM this morning?)

Posted by dichroic at 02:06 PM | Comments (2)

June 24, 2006

well, now that I've alienated everyone...

Someone I went to school with, all the way from 1st through 12th grades, found this site the other day and emailed me. (Among his words were "I must admit I did skip several thousand entries. You certainly do not seem to be at a loss for words." Well, yeah. I pointed out that the nice thing about blogs is that people can choose to read or not wothout anyone's feelings. Anyway, 2000 entiries is a somewhat more likely number when you think of it spread ovre five years and a bit.) Anyway, I remember him well and I remember his being a decent sort of guy, so I was happy to hear from him. Even better, he's still in touch with a couple of people with whom I was good friends back in the day, and with another one I didn't know well but who lives out here, just on the other side of town, so I've emailed some of them and heard back from one.

And then of course just while I'm writing to them, "Oh, A-- found me and gave me your address, hope you rmember me, and if you want pictures or to know what I'm up to, you can look at the blog, " right then I had to go post first the jewelry barter/sale policy and then the exercise stats along with photos no one really wants to see, that are just for my own reference. Oops.

(Also, my mother seems to have come across this page while looking at our regatta report and photos. I have no idea how that would happen.)

So I just want to say, if you're new here, that those are not what I usually write about. Usually this space is about reading and rowing and writing and ranting and working and travl and making stuff. It's a bit me-centric, but that's generally what blogs do. I hope you'll enjoy what you read, but if not, feel free to ignore it and I won't mind a bit.

Posted by dichroic at 07:31 PM | Comments (2)

June 23, 2006

time for a weekend

I just sent out a newsletter to pretty much The Known World (at least, the Corporate Version thereof) - I do hope there were no typos. Or at least no embarassing ones.

This should be a nice relaxing weekend; I'm looking forward to it because after this things get a little hectic. We have the driving trip to Oregon and California complete with two races and at least a couple of business trips between us. This weekend will mostly feature paying bills, shopping for food to take for the drive, and figuring out what all to pack.

The food part is less trivial than it sounds. We'll be driving for 2 days straight to get to Oregon so we need to figure if we're going to bring lunches or buy them on the way. I'm not much for breakfasts first thing in the morning so that will be fruit or Luna bars. I tend to eat more or less constantly instead of eating a lot at each meal (I feel a lot better that way) but on the other hand we both need to make weight for the Regionals regatta so snacks will be fruit and nuts and plain (not flavored) pretzels. We'll also need food for the races, but we'll probably just bring bars and Gu and then buy from more fruit and lunch materials closer to raceday. With as much driving as we have, I need to remember to bring not only my knitting, but things like the completed sock so I can make the second one I'm knitting match in size, or a long cable for my circular needle and so I can try my sweater on as it progresses and figure out any increases or decreases I need to make. (With four days of driving, plus sitting around regattas between races and hanging out in hotels, maybe I'll be finished, or nearly, with both projects by the time we get back.

And what do you know, I'm out of things to say. Must be time for a weekend.

Posted by dichroic at 04:13 PM

June 20, 2006

the maid speaks

I'm just generally disgruntled these days. I've got that feeling that things are coming to an end, that it's time for a change and to start something new, but I don't really know what yet. (At least, I don't know which of a few possibilities. Reisefieber, I guess. What I'd really like to do it jst to retire, quit working, but given that all the things I'd like to do after that require money, I don't think that's happening anytime these next few decades.

That reminds me of something I read not long ago. It was in a book a hundred or so years old, and the narrator commented that she was always hearing young women wishing they were men, so they couold go do the work of the world. Her comment was that it was funny how often those were the most incompetent fluttery sorts, the ones least able to actually support themselves, who ought to be most grateful to have been born in a sphere in which they'd be taken care of all their lives.

It's a nice thought on my more strenuous days, that I could have been a Victorian lady on her pedestal with nothing more to do than pick flowers and twirl my parasol, or a 1920s matron, sent to a resort with my nanny and children for the summer while my husband worked in the city and came up on weekends. (In my more common-sensible moments, of course, I realize how I'd hate either fancy cage.) But also it was those women, or the corresponding upper class men who wrote all those books in which the women had those lovely leisurely lives. My ancestors were all too busy working.

Even in Jane Austen's time, when the women of the house were expected to know how to keep house (unlike their descendents who believed the more useless, the more upper-class), I suspect farmwives and servants far outnumbered the women who had time to spare. It might be interesting to read Jane Austen rewritten from the servants' point of view. Or maybe not:

"Scrubbed the floors again today. I might not have to do it every third day if the young ladies could be bothered to wipe their feet. The master and mistress had a screaming argument; why do they think none of use can hear when they're shouting at the tops of their lungs?"

"Laundry day, ugh. My hands are still bleeding. I think Miss Fanny has a suitor. Good. If he marries her that will be one less set of petticoats to starch."

"Ironed yesterday's laundry all day. We barely rescued the linens from the line before the storm set in, but at least I got to stay indoors after that. Miss Fanny crying, quarrelled with the suitor. Yesterday I had to threaten to call the mistress when he tried to kiss me over the laundry tub, so she's well rid of him. But of course I can't tell her that."

"Scrubbed the floors again. The housekeeper says that the young master has been sent down. One more gentleman to fight off. I'd leave here but where would I go?"

Posted by dichroic at 02:15 PM

June 15, 2006

race prep

I had better not be coming down with a cold, considering we leave tonight for Tahoe and I'm racing Saturday. It's nothing real yet, just an odd feeling in back of my nose. I'm trying to convince myself this probably has more to do with allergies, sinuses, and a front coming in. It's probably even true.

(Just deleted two more paragraphs discussing the topic. I don't even want to think about it.) What I want to think about instead is leaving early. Is not coming to work tomorrow. Is hanging out and getting to row on Lake Tahoe, which is just beautiful. Is playing with wavelets in a boat made for dealing with water a little rougher, trying to get a perfect stroke nonetheless so my boat feels like it's flying and I accelerate without having to really slog to get it moving. I want to think about blue skies over blue water and white boats, of cold mornings where I start off bundled in fleece and peel off as the day warms to a comfortable temperature, of breathing clean air and stretching out and making my muscles work.

I feel better already. See you after the race.

Posted by dichroic at 01:12 PM | Comments (2)

June 14, 2006

brain blinks

I had an idea the other day that wanted to be a book - a fiction one even. It poked me so hard I actually got out of bed to write it down. THen when I started poking back at it, it sort of unraveled and decided maybe it wasn't all that excited about the idea after all. I still think it would be an OK fluffy read though. (Feel free to steal it - after all, if someone else writes it they'd end up with a totally different story anyhow.) My thought was, there are the Harlequin-type romance novels, with their standardized plots. Then there are the chick-lit books with similar story arc but with heroines who have somewhat more realistic concerns and actual life problems. Still, all Bridget Jones or Becky the Shopaholic have at the end of the story is a man, maybe a few lost pounds or a better job and some really good shoes. My idea was that the fluffy heroine would get involved in something almost by accident, develop a passion for it, and really achieve something in the end. And she'd get her man. Or maybe her woman, because why limit the choices? Of course if I wrote the story she'd learn to row and win some important regatta (and the woman in the sequel would learn to fly and compete in aerobatics) but there's no reason she couldn't campaign for office or build a house or roll across the country in her wheelchair to raise money to research spinal injuries. And still get the Romantic Partner and live happily ever after. The story might still be formulaic but the heroine would actually accomplish something. In other words, it would be Betty Cavanna for grown-ups. I think there's a need there.

(Come to think of it, I like the wheelchair version almost more than the original, especially the part where she gets the guy. I actually know a guy who did hand-cycle across the US, so the research wouldn't even be too hard. please don't tell me to write the book though - I don't seem to have that need to write that real fiction authors do so I conclude I'm not one. On extremely rare occasions an idea absolutely clobbers me - but even then, it's never novel-length.)

How odd. I will not be buying any of the cat pendants at Elise's sale, I realized, because they're not my kind of cats. I didn't even realized I had an ur-cat in mind, but apparently I do, and it's darker, thinner, more fey and with a more baleful eye than these. Something like my first cat, in other words. (I did get other stuff form the sale. I'm not made of stone, you know.)


An acquaintance of mine is a bit upset at not getting a job she wanted. I'd offer sympathy, but the thing is, I don't think she'd actually be all that good at said job; in fact I think she could do some damage to other people, and I have a no-lying personal policy. I'm not sure what to say in offering sympathy in that circumstance . Fortunately, it's not a close enough acquaintance that I'm required to say anything. So I haven't. (Also, I'm not really in a position to judge and it's quite possible I'm entirely wrong and that she'd shine in that role.)


There's a news headline up right now, "Family praises Marine in Haditha probe". That would be about the man who is a "key figure in the US Military investigation of the alleged killing of 24 Iraqis, including 11 women and children, in Haditha last November". I was curious so I clicked on the article. Apparently it's his *own* family who's praising him. Why is this news? I mean, if an Iraqi family had come forward and said, "We know this man, he was stationed in our village, he did so much good for us that we don't believe he was part of this," that would be news. But when his own wife and sister think well of him, it's not exactly time to hold the presses.

My mommy and my husband think I'm pretty nice too. Can I be in the news next?

Posted by dichroic at 01:35 PM | Comments (4)

June 12, 2006

feeling shafted

As weekends go, this one went all right, but it definitely had a couple of down spots. When we got married, Rudder said he wanted a ring with diamonds, since he didn't get an engagement ring. (My wedding ring is plain gold because I wanted one in the Jewish tradition, but my engagement ring does have diamonds, and is so pretty I still get occasional comments on it.) The one we got him has 5 small stones set in a horizontal row. When we lived in Houston, he hardly ever wore his ring because he worked with a lot of chemical and with electricity - gold conducts extremely well. When we moved here, he began wearing it all the time, because his job didn't entail electrical or chemical hazards. He keeps it on all the time, even at the gym or in the boat (I take mine off to sleep (the diamond on the engagement ring kind of sticks out) and to row, erg and lift because it hurts me to keep them on). As a result his ring has gotten scratched and a little beat up, and two of the stones are now missing.

Our anniversary is July 4, so as a gift I decided to get the missing stones replaced. I went to a jeweler recommended by a recently-engaged friend, but the price to do the work was a bit more than I expected. So I decided to shop around a bit; I went next to a store where we'd bought stuff before, which is part of a big chain. They quoted me $50 less, but before taking the ring, had to check that the diamonds were real, presumably so I couldn't claim they'd stolen and replaced them. As it turns out, they weren't. (If you wondered why I kept saying "stones" instead of diamonds above, now you know.)

That was a bit of a shock, thirteen years down the road. We'd bought the ring from a small custom store in Houston, where we'd also gotten mine. The jeweler there was a joy to work with and I hate to think she defrauded us. I don't think this ring has ever been left in a shop to be worked on, though. The other possibilities are that she didn't know (seems unlikely) or that she told us and we missed it (ditto, though she did have a heavy accent). We do know that mine is real, because it has been in the shop having the center stone replaced when it fell out, and I think they'd have noticed them then.

The store used a probe to test them and also looked under a loupe. Tthe stones were fairly scratched up; cubic zirconia is apparently much softer than diamond. I asked if they could just leave the CZs in place for now and just replace the missing ones with diamonds, but the jewelry store refused to work on them at all, due to a silly rigid corporate policy. I believed them about the CZs, but figured I should doublecheck anyway so I went to another, much ritzier jewelry store in the same shopping center. (I must be getting old. I wasn't wearing a bit of jewelry and no fancy clothes but all three stores treated me extremely well.) The jewelers at this fancy store confirmed the diagnosis, this time handing me a loupe so I could see the scratches for myself. They agreed to work on it, though; I decided to replace the missing CZs with diamonds and leave the others alone. Sometime when I'm at a loss for a gift idea, maybe I'll replace the other three.

Also, after I explained that my philosophy is not to get a better quality diamond than can be seen, they quoted me the same price as the big chain store. The stones in this ring are small and are channel-set in yellow gold, so there's very little point in getting a perfect white diamond. I like that I had a choice, and will be going back to this place again.

The only good part of it is, since Mer has said she doesn't mind my stealing her idea, while the ring is in the shop, I've asked the jeweler to see if they could engrave "Well worth the hassle" inside it. I need to come up with another shorter phrase in case that's too long; so far the best I have is "Even worth 4AM", the early wakings being my most common complaint.

The other bad thing that happened was that I got dumped again for this weekend's race in the double. She-Hulk, who has just been back to her hometown for two weeks, told me that a friend's husband there was dying and that if he did, she'd be flying back to the funeral even if it was race day, so I shouldn't depend on her and might want to row Old Salt's open water single (a Maas Aero) instead. I am not being properly sympathetic. In fact, I'm downright annoyed. She didn't tell me until late Saturday and then only because I'd called her about some other thing. (By then we'd had dinner and a whole bottle of wine so I decided not to think of it until the next day. We and she were supposed to meet the Old Salt, to give him the rack he'd need to carry a double, and she wouldn't have told me until then. Problem was, as I realized around 5:30 AM Sunday, I didn't know what time Old Salt was leaving for the boatyard, didn't want to wake his wife and didn't know if he'd have loaded his boats the night before. (He cartops his boat to the lake every time he rows, instead of storing it there.) So basically she told me too late for me to actually get to row the boat before we get to Tahoe. I will get to row it Friday, before Saturday's race, but if I hate it then, it's a bit late to do anything about it. I have rowed this boat once before, and liked it - but that was summer of 1999. Not only have I not rowed this particular boat, I haven't rowed a recreational or open water single for years and years.

So while I know that life happens and that some things come before rowing and that I should honor She-Hulk for wanting to be there for her friend, mostly I'm just feeling a little shafted right now. No oar-related puns intended. At least when Dr. Bosun asked if I'd mind if she rowed with the Old Salt instead she gave me plenty of time to get used to the alternative.

Posted by dichroic at 12:59 PM | Comments (4)

June 09, 2006

racing on a dog-day, and some doggerel

This morning was a 5K race piece - plus of course extra distance to warm up and cool down. I can't say I was pleased with my speed, but I do feel like I'm back in proper racing form, ready for all the summer regattas. (If only it were a little faster racing form!) This heat really has me tired after a practice, though actually I'm not as drained today as yesterday. And tomorrow I get to sleep late!

While hosing off my boat after the row, I stepped on a rusty nail that went right through my rubber sandal, point up. Luckily it was near enough to my toes, blunt enough, and poked through slowly enough that I could just kind of feel a sharp thing where there shouldn't be one and shift my foot back out of my shoe, instead of impaling myself. It did scratch the bottom of my foot, but didn't break the skin. I called the doctor and they said just to keep it clean and dry (how do you keep a foot dry in 110-degree weather?) and go to Urgent Care if it puffs up. Unfortunately they couldn't find a tetanus shot on record.

Over on my piffle discussion list, partly to spur my own creativity, partly to channel some of the doggerel that keeps popping up on the list lately, and partly because I wanted to be entertained, I proposed a virtual contest: reframe a story you love in the style of a poet of your choice, and let people guess both story and poet. It's been kind of fun to watch the results. Of course people have taken it in all sorts of directions, not always in line with my original proposal, but that's part of the fun. Since that's where I've been channeling my creativity (such as it is today, here are the two pieces I've posted.

Both the story and the poet parodied in this one should be very easy to guess. The only creativity required was to see how well the two go together, then it just rolled out from there, with me stealing shamelessly from the original poem:

Whenever Peter Wimsey went to Town We people on the pavement looked at him. We was a gentleman from sole to crown, Clean-favored and imperially slim.

And he was always tastefully arrayed
And he was always piffling when he talked,
Yet still he made some nervous when he strayed
Too close - after murderers he stalked.

And he was rich - yes, and he was a lord,
And Bunter saw to every little taste
How many times, on reading them we swore
How happy we should be, if in his place.

So on we read and waited for the train
And scrubbed our floors and paid our bills and all
And Peter Wimsey, one fine summer day ....
Went to Oxford and married Harriet Vane and lived happily ever after, thank goodness!

(I really was thinking of the whole series, not a particular book.)

The poem parodied in this one should be easy to guess, since I've been able to use entire unchanged lines from the original and it's not exactly obscure. The story summarized may be a little trickier, but it's a favorite of mine and one I've recommended any number of times. The biggest clue is in the first line.

Scarred by the Chartists's downfall years before, He disappears, seems dead, then speaks once more, With too much knowledge to be left to bide, With too much passion, memory and pride He hangs between, in doubt to act or rest In doubt to deem himself of the oppressed In doubt his cause or safety to prefer In fear for those he'd doom, if he should err.

She starts in ignorance, her reason such
That 'twill not find too little, but too much
Chaos of thought and passion, all confus'd;
She finds in him, abus'd or disabus'd;
Joined, now they can rise, though yet they fall;
Though understanding much, yet prey to all,
On one throw risk'd, in they wait in terror hurl'd;
Then cleansed and saved, to glory in the world.
Scarred by the Chartists's downfall years before,
He disappears, seems dead, then speaks once more,
With too much knowledge to be left to bide,
With too much passion, memory and pride
He hangs between, in doubt to act or rest
In doubt to deem himself of the oppressed
In doubt his cause or safety to prefer
In fear for those he'd doom, if he should err.

She starts in ignorance, her reason such
That 'twill not find too little, but too much
Chaos of thought and passion, all confus'd;
She finds in him, abus'd or disabus'd;
Joined, now they can rise, though yet they fall;
Though understanding much, yet prey to all,
On one throw risk'd, in they wait in terror hurl'd;
Then cleansed and saved, to glory in the world.

Posted by dichroic at 03:18 PM | Comments (1)

racing on a dog-day, and some doggerel

This morning was a 5K race piece - plus of course extra distance to warm up and cool down. I can't say I was pleased with my speed, but I do feel like I'm back in proper racing form, ready for all the summer regattas. (If only it were a little faster racing form!) This heat really has me tired after a practice, though actually I'm not as drained today as yesterday. And tomorrow I get to sleep late!

While hosing off my boat after the row, I stepped on a rusty nail that went right through my rubber sandal, point up. Luckily it was near enough to my toes, blunt enough, and poked through slowly enough that I could just kind of feel a sharp thing where there shouldn't be one and shift my foot back out of my shoe, instead of impaling myself. It did scratch the bottom of my foot, but didn't break the skin. I called the doctor and they said just to keep it clean and dry (how do you keep a foot dry in 110-degree weather?) and go to Urgent Care if it puffs up. Unfortunately they couldn't find a tetanus shot on record.

Over on my piffle discussion list, partly to spur my own creativity, partly to channel some of the doggerel that keeps popping up on the list lately, and partly because I wanted to be entertained, I proposed a virtual contest: reframe a story you love in the style of a poet of your choice, and let people guess both story and poet. It's been kind of fun to watch the results. Of course people have taken it in all sorts of directions, not always in line with my original proposal, but that's part of the fun. Since that's where I've been channeling my creativity (such as it is today, here are the two pieces I've posted.

Both the story and the poet parodied in this one should be very easy to guess. The only creativity required was to see how well the two go together, then it just rolled out from there, with me stealing shamelessly from the original poem:

Whenever Peter Wimsey went to Town We people on the pavement looked at him. We was a gentleman from sole to crown, Clean-favored and imperially slim.

And he was always tastefully arrayed
And he was always piffling when he talked,
Yet still he made some nervous when he strayed
Too close - after murderers he stalked.

And he was rich - yes, and he was a lord,
And Bunter saw to every little taste
How many times, on reading them we swore
How happy we should be, if in his place.

So on we read and waited for the train
And scrubbed our floors and paid our bills and all
And Peter Wimsey, one fine summer day ....
Went to Oxford and married Harriet Vane and lived happily ever after, thank goodness!

(I really was thinking of the whole series, not a particular book.)

The poem parodied in this one should be easy to guess, since I've been able to use entire unchanged lines from the original and it's not exactly obscure. The story summarized may be a little trickier, but it's a favorite of mine and one I've recommended any number of times. The biggest clue is in the first line.

Scarred by the Chartists's downfall years before, He disappears, seems dead, then speaks once more, With too much knowledge to be left to bide, With too much passion, memory and pride He hangs between, in doubt to act or rest In doubt to deem himself of the oppressed In doubt his cause or safety to prefer In fear for those he'd doom, if he should err.

She starts in ignorance, her reason such
That 'twill not find too little, but too much
Chaos of thought and passion, all confus'd;
She finds in him, abus'd or disabus'd;
Joined, now they can rise, though yet they fall;
Though understanding much, yet prey to all,
On one throw risk'd, in they wait in terror hurl'd;
Then cleansed and saved, to glory in the world.
Scarred by the Chartists's downfall years before,
He disappears, seems dead, then speaks once more,
With too much knowledge to be left to bide,
With too much passion, memory and pride
He hangs between, in doubt to act or rest
In doubt to deem himself of the oppressed
In doubt his cause or safety to prefer
In fear for those he'd doom, if he should err.

She starts in ignorance, her reason such
That 'twill not find too little, but too much
Chaos of thought and passion, all confus'd;
She finds in him, abus'd or disabus'd;
Joined, now they can rise, though yet they fall;
Though understanding much, yet prey to all,
On one throw risk'd, in they wait in terror hurl'd;
Then cleansed and saved, to glory in the world.

Posted by dichroic at 03:18 PM | Comments (1)

June 07, 2006


Around 4PM I predicted to the Cubemate (who hasn't been here long) that we would have another dust storm but that it would hold off another couple hours.. At 4:20 or so, after I noted that there was another severe thunderstorm watch with a prediction of 40% chance of precip, we both decided to leave a little early to avoid it. Score: right 1, wrong 2. It's not really all that much fun driving during the thick of a dust storm, even worse when there's a touch of rain and some lightning. I got hit with a large cardboard box and several good-sized chunks of tumbleweed and the only reason I never had to pull over and stop wasbecause the traffic was sensible enough to be going at a crawl on the freewayduring the point of lowest visibility.

The dust storm's past now, two minutes after AI walked in; now we're getting substantial rain ("substantial" as in, big fat drops and lots of them) and quite a bit of thunder and lightning. Still: rain, yay!! We'll take it even if I do have to drive in it.

Posted by dichroic at 06:06 PM

dust storms in the area and in the brain

Big dust storm last night; it was the sort where if I'd taken a picture of the leading edge, the dust cloud was opaque enough and sharply defined enough that the photo would have looked as if I'd had a finger in front of the lens. (I do actually have an old photo of a similar storm, but I don't have a digital version. Here is a slideshow from azcentral, though. The storm blew through pretty quickly, and unfortunately was all dust, no rain. By morning it was still windy enough that Rudder and I skipped rowing. We're planning to go towmorrow instead; we may even row together because we're talking about racing together in a double in Klamath Falls next month. We normally never do row together due to very mismatched physiologies and training philosophies (translation: he's much bigger than I am and is a masochist far more serious when it comes to training, and I'm not), but we're the only Arizona Outlaws who will be there, and it's a small race that we're not taking particularly seriously so we think it might be fun.

I'm not sure what we'll do if it's too windy again tomorrow. Erg, I guess.

I don't know if it's the job or what, but something is sucking out all my creativity lately. I did have one verse of a poem written while on the lake the other day but forgot half of it by the time I could write it down. (Well, really that hardly counts. When you're rowing on a calm lake with a mountain right beside you, and the lake if reflecting the sunrise, the mountain, the white bridges and the egrets flapping lazily overhead, who could not write a poem?) I know most of my writing here hasn't exactly been inspired lately. The knitting's going OK, but that's a different sort of creativity - unless I'm figuring out my own pattern, it's just making things, rather than figuring out how to make things. Satisfying, but in a different way. Beadwork counts as the sort of creativity I'm complaining about, because in general I'm answering questions like "How do I translate this idea into earrings?" or "What do these beads want to do?" rather than following someone else's instructions. My problem there is that I'm getting to the point of having more jewelry than I can wear. What I need to do is sell some of it (to fund making more) but I confess to having no real idea of how to do that. The nice thing about working in words rather than beads is that you never get to the point of having too many to keep around. But my brain doesn't seem to want to, just now.

Posted by dichroic at 02:47 PM

June 02, 2006

another reason to work out

Last night, I dreamed I was working on something with a bunch of very competent women, and I asked one of them, "Of all the computer systems that have become self aware, have any of them identified as female?"

She answered, but the two examples she gave were more ghost stories than anything except computers. The first one was brief and I don't remember it, but the second one changed so that I was experiencing it rather than being told about it. A woman I knew well (possibly the same one) beckoned me to come with her. We got into the car, and her driving was extremely good, but very scary - like something out of a movie car chase. I think I screamed a few times, or at least squeaked (only within the dream) but I enjoyed it, too. I don't think she said anything at all; by then I was suspecting she was a ghost on the theory that no normal human could drive like that, though I'd seen her alive shortly before.. At last she skidded diagonally into a very small parking spot, and beckoned me to follow her into a house (which looked like one of the rowhouses across the street from my parents, at the far end of the block). We walked in, walked through the living room and dining room right behind an older woman who was happily chattering on the phone to a friend about some plans for the day. She appeared not to notice us. We walked though some more rooms, around a corner and up some stairs (the inside of this house was bigger than the rowhouses really are). She took me to a bathroom where I saw an indistinct shape on the floor of the shower. Apparently I wasn't wearing my glasses or contacts, and everything was even fuzzier than it would really be without them. I didn't want to look too closely, but I realized that the object on the floor was a dead man, that the woman downstairs had killed him, and that the woman who had brought me had just died herself and was now on a mission to bring justice to this man. (No idea why he couldn't be his own rescuer.) Obviously what I was supposed to do was to call the police; the only question was, should I stay in the house and call them from my cell phone? I knew it would be dangerous to stay there long, in case the murderess found me in her house. Or should I attempt to sneak back past her, get out of the house and then call? But I had no idea why the woman hadn't noticed us on the way up, or why she wouldn't spot me on my way back out.

While I was trying to figure that out, I woke up, and was very glad to find myself in my bed with nothing much going on. It was about 3:45. I'd packed for rowing, though I'd been considering sleeping in a little and erging instead. But Rudder wasn't there to curl up to, to convince my subconscious that the dream was over and everything was OK, and enough fear was left over from the dream that I kept thinking someone could break in with me alone in the house - not something I worry about, except when I'm lying awake at 3AM. Or 3:45. So I lay there for a few more minutes, enjoying at least being able to stay in bed, and then I got up and went rowing.

I know where some of the images come from. There was a whole bit, a much better part of the dream, where I was working with the women before my question about female AIs. I figure it stems from all the WisCon discussions going on over at LiveJournal, and in fact I posted a little more there about it. My parents' house and neighborhood shows up a lot in my dreams, since I lived there until I left home, and I did once walk into a house across the street and go upstairs to find a dead man. In that case, though, his wife hadn't killed him; he'd had a stroke or heart attack and she ran outside yelling for help. My mom and I went over and I tried to breathe for him (having had CPR training a fwe years before) but it was too late. I've no idea where the ghost-woman with the short dark hair came from, though, or why ghosts are crazy drivers.

It was a good rowing day, at least. I had the lake nearly to myself - with Rudder, She-Hulk, and the Cubemate out of town only a couple of others were out that early, and I got to practice with my new rigging in the sunrise. As everyone knows, sunrise is very good for banishing ghosts.

Posted by dichroic at 12:18 PM

June 01, 2006


I got to go be social last night. A couple of people on my L.M. Montgomery discussion group have recently moved to town and I had dinner with one of them. (The other couldn't make it.) I'd arranged to meet her at a restaurant on Mill Avenue, both because I like the food and atmosphere and because Mill Ave is one of the things you do want to show to anyone new to town. The restaurant had a few minor issues; first the server forgot my wine (while remembering S's, which is just bizarre). Then they very apologetically asked us to move; a large party that had been set up on the other end of the outdoor seating area was objecting to being in the sun and asked to move to our side. Since there were only two of us, we could sit in a shady area on that side, though it was a little hotter than our original table (farther from the misters). They offered to comp our dessert, but neither of us wanted any, so they agreed to comp one of the glasses of wine. (And as it turned out, they undercharged for the other.)

That was a good glass of wine, anyhow. Rieslings and Gewurztraminers are usually too sweet for me, but the sommelier at the last fancy place Rudder and I ate at had told us that Gewurztraminers from Alsace, on the French side of the border tend not to be sweet. When I saw an Alsation Gewurztraminer on the menu last night, I decided to check his theory, and he was right. It was sweet right at the front in the first taste, but the sweetness didn't materialize through to the finish (I don't really know the proper wine descriptions), and it went very well with the mango vinaigrette on my salad.

After dinner, we walked along Mill, because S wanted to look for some lightweight floaty summer clothes. I guess I hadn't entirely realized that you don't actually need to be all that big (and she isn't) to find it difficult to fit in the sizes most women's stores carry. Also, of course, the stores on that street are mostly catering to college students and expecting them to be skinny. (Based on my observation of ASU students at Flugtag, I have no idea why.) But we had a good time looking at the Hippie Gypsy clothes (really, that's the name of a store), completed with stuffed Jerry Garcia dolls, and laughing at the retreads of fashions we remembered from the 1980s and the very odd ideas of layering on the mannequins at Urban Outfitters. I was tempted by a T-shirt with Horton the Elephant on it, that said, "A person's a person, no matter how small," but managed to resist it because of all the spending last weekend.

I did skip the gym this morning, but went to work a bit early instead; I'll go Saturday and have a longer session instead, then shower and go get Rudder from the airport. Only two more sleeps until he's home, yay!

Posted by dichroic at 02:58 PM

May 31, 2006

not quite that bad

I should probably clarify a bit from yesterday. I don't want anyone to think I don't have any local friends!

We do have some community among the rowers, especially those that row as Arizona Outlaws, and most especially She-Hulk. I'd go to her if I needed any kind of help, not only because she's our friend but because she's that kind of person - like Jane of Lantern Hill, it's a keynote to her character. And lately I've been especially pleased to not only get the Cubemate rowing as an Outlaw, but also as we begin to be friends rather than just coworkers.
There have been a few others from various previous jobs I'd still count as friends, though of course I see them less often than when we worked together. Still, it is a difficult area to make friends and to build community. One reason is that so few people have roots here. It's happened to us again and again that we make friends with someone who then moves away - T2 and Egret are the most recent examples of this.

In addition, I do feel that I have supportive communities, plural, online. There are email discussion groups that I've been active on for nearly a decade, in addition to the people whose blogs I read and who read mine, on LJ, Diaryland and elsewhere. Some of those are among the first people I'd go to with a grief. Still, hugs don't travel well through the electrons and neither do casseroles or cookies. (On the other hand, a donation to the local Human Society in honored of a recently deceased cat works just fine over distance, and can be just as good for making you feel loved.)

So please don't take yesterday's entry as my way of whining "I'm all alo-o-o-o-ne and nobody likes me!" Just, sometimes, a little more so than I'd like to be. (And it's probably not coincidental if I tend to write things like that when Rudder is away.)

Posted by dichroic at 12:30 PM | Comments (1)

May 30, 2006


I've been reading Jane Yolen's journal, and can't miss the similarities to Madeleine L'Engle's writings about her family - not just A Two-Part Invention but all of her Crosswicks journals, and not just because both have had to deal with the slow and early death of beloved husbands, but because of the fullness of community within which both live, the family by birth and by choice who brought food and love and music and laughter and tears to mourn and celebrate. (Some things can only be expressed in run-on sentences.)

If Rudder or I were to fall deathly ill tomorrow, I don't think we'd have that. It's not only because we don't have children, though that may be a factor. It's only partly that we don't have a community with the same customs; it might be better if I go before Rudder (kineahora, not for decades and decades) because the last thing I'm going to want to do is to have to explain to everyone what sitting shiva is about and what people are supposed to do. I don't think it's because we don't meet the right kind of people; I think having that loving community has more to do with being able to like the people you do meet, and to recognize the ones you can love and let them know it. I've seen it done; I used to have a coworker and his wife who seemed to like most people, not in a syrupy indiscriminatory way but to appreciate each one. They were salty and funny and sarcastic, but when you spoke to them you felt they were enjoying talking to you, and they seemed to give that impression to most people. (As you might expect, they gave great parties.)

I'm more crotchety than that. There are too many people I just don't like much. There are also some who are just a bit annoying, but some of those are good friends - like family who have annoying quirks but who you love anyway. But if I can't respect someone or just can't find any sense of connection, unfortunately, it shows. Being crotchety has its own satisfactions, but there are some times when those are not nearly as satisfying satisfactions as having people to sing with and eat with and mourn with. (That's part of the issue. I really *don't* know many people I could sing with, and I miss that - but it would be better to appreciate whatever I could do with the people I do meet.) There are also quite a lot of people whom I annoy.

Stan Rogers put it this way (cut for length)

I used to be a Pharisee, Cynical and wise, telling rich, ungodly lies of humanity; And in the marketplace was seated A cripple with a lyre, I looked at him and said, "I've been rich, but so unhappy, What sets you so on fire". And he said, "Look upon me brother, I'm a man with peace of mind. You know I've never been much good at nothin' But the words I've wrought in rhyme, But I've a good woman to feed me, And friends to share a brew, And evenings we will sit around and sing together And it could be the same for you, if you just

Hold on to young friends you made of old,
And cleave to the woman that keeps you whole,
Keep a warm fire
For all your friends who come in from the cold.
I love you as a brother
And I don't even know your name.
I know this must sound different,
But for me it's always been the same.

Tonight the smoke is rising from all around the room,
And judging from the warmth of the smell from the kitchen,
There'll be supper ready soon.
And our table's set for twenty,
Room for more if they should come,
And later on we'll pass around the pipe for our pleasure
And sit and take a little rum, and we will

Hold on to young friends we made of old
And cleave to the women that keep us whole,
And keep a warm fire
For all our friends who come in from the cold;
We love them all as brothers
And we don't have to know their names
We know this must sound different,
But for us it always stays the same.

Hold on to young friends…etc.
I used to be so different,
Now I know I'll always stay the same

...but I don't think it's really that easy. (Certainly not for all those women in the kitchen cooking for twenty while the men sit around smoking!)

I'm not being callous to Jane Yolen's mourning; no matter how many other people she loves or who love her, it's clear there's a big hole left by her husband's death that nothing will fill. I just think that if you must go through that kind of grief, it might be a support consolation to know that the two of you had built a life full of shared interests and love.

Posted by dichroic at 03:47 PM

May 29, 2006

+1 productive

Also I've replaced all the rubber bits on my sunglasses (the're made to cling even when sweaty but the rubber degrades over time), done two loads of laundry, and for the earrings I made today, I made the earwire parts myself for the first time, instead of using purchased ones. They look OK, though the cut ends are probably a little sharper than optimal.

Apparently my subconscious has decided that with Rudder gone, someone has to be energetic and productive around here. The cat, on the other hand, can only be described as nervous and clingy (I mean, more so than usual). I suspect he's worried: first the other cat disappeared, now Rudder's gone, and if I vanish who will feed him? Never mind that we've actually been gone for entire weekends since the other cat died and have always come back. Meanwhile, it would be nice to be able to use my computer mouse without having to reach under or around the cat.

As for the food thing, well, apparently I was hungry. This has been happening a lot lately; I'll feel very tired and lethargic, not hungry at all, sometimes even full - but if it's dinner time and I figure I ought to eat something, once I start putting food away, quite a bit more of it disappears than I'd expect, and afterwards I feel much better. Unfortunately, even though it's happened several times now, the tiredness often keeps me from making the connection and thinking, "oh, maybe I should eat something". I would like my hunger cues back, please.

Posted by dichroic at 08:27 PM | Comments (1)

history and productivity

I feel all connected with istory today. I was reading Patrick O'Brian's The Fortune of War yesterday, about the battle between HMS Java and the USS Constitution at the beginning of the War of 1812, when I realized I already knew how the battle must end, I've actually been on the Constitution, Old Ironsides - in fact, she's not only still extant, she's commissioned in the US Navy. I knew she hadn't been taken, sunk or burned by the British. (In fact, " 'twas a famous vistory", though perhaps not for the 160-some casualties on both sides of the battle.) I've gotten the whole series and am curious to see how O'Brian partrays the rest of the war; it wasn't really much of a win for either side; the US didn't get Canada, the British didn't get to reclaim the US and if I recall correctly had to quit pressing men off American ships. It's taught as a victory in US schools, though (which is mostly done by not teaching very much beyond Dolly Madison saving Washington's portrait from the burning White House and the battle on Lake Champlain). I wonder if O'Brian's heroes will regard it as a British victory.

The today I took a look at the JewishGen website and found that they had data on one line of my family up to my great-great-great grandparents, who must have been born in the 1840s. I haven't known their names before. I am listed, and my whole family, but not my marriage to Rudder and no data for my father's parents or my mother's father's parents, so I suspect the data was entered by a distant cousin who I know has researched all the descendants of my one great-great-grandfather. Apparently he's found a little more data since self-publishing a book on the family (mostly a collection of family trees).

It has continued to be a productive weekend. So far the talley stands at three pair of earrings made, and a little more done on the second sock for Rudder. I've made some adjustments to my oars and boat, rowed a double with Dr. Bosun, done a bit of weeding, read a lot, polished my toenails, and paid some bills. I do need to get over the concept of recreational shopping; what I've spent this weekend on clothing, shoes and cosmetics would go most of the way toward the new oars I've been lusting after. On the other hand, it's been pointed out to me by cooler heads that the oars don't make sense, with our future so unsettled; if I were to use them for a few months and then put them in storage for a few years, I could come back to find vast advances in oars have been made and I'd just want a new set. And of course, the ones I have are perfectly fine; new ones would just be a little lighter, a little stiffer, and a bit easier to feather. On the positive side, no matter what we do, I can at least still wear and use the things I've bought this weekend.

On thing I haven't done since Rudder left is any cooking more complicated than making oatmeal or popcorn; I just don't seem to be hungry and since I still want to lose a couple more pounds (literally a couple) I'm not forcing myself to eat these days. On the other hand, I do need to keep eating well, even if in less quantity, so what I lose isn't muscle and so I have the energy for rowing and lifting. A salad I bought at Outback was dinner for both Saturday and Sunday nights. Today's food so far has comprised half a Belgian waffle (breakfast with She-Hulk and Dr. Bosun, yay), a pretzel, a bowl of popcorn and some yogurt. I really ought to make something for dinner, preferably something heavy on protein, but I can't think of anything that seems worth the trouble. Maybe I'll just have a cheesestick or Luna bar and some grapes. Mostly, though, I think there's just a natural ebb and flow in my appetite; I don't think it's a monthly cycle. I've never tracked it closely enough to be sure, but it seems to be longer than that. I'm not depressed, though of course I miss Rudder. I am a little less likely to eat just because of going only by my own body rhythms; when he's around we need to get him fed in large quantities at regular intervals, whereas I can just sort of graze through a day.

I should go though. I fibbed above; I haven't actually paid the bills yet - but I will before bedtime!

Edited to add: Looked in pantry. Inspired to make bowties and kasha - tasty and I can eat it for days. The kasha (buckwheat) has a surprising amount of protein. It really is best with gravy, but if I add extra bouillon to the seasonings it helps compensate.

Posted by dichroic at 05:17 PM

May 26, 2006

better late than not at all

One of the best ways to get book recommendations is from other books. I would probably never have heard of E. Nesbit if nore for Edward Eager, but if all of his characters loved her, then I wanted to read her too - and it didn't take long to find that Nesbit was a much better author than Eager himself. (Caveat lector: this rule seems to break down for books that are more than a certain age. Nesbit's own characters love Mrs. Ewing, whom I'd have to say has not entirely stood the test of time (though the non-fairy-tale ones are better), and Jo March loved The Heir of Redclyffe, which isn't even my favorite of Yonge's - and she takes a certain mindset to read at all.)

The recommendations don't have to be within a story. If I had read Spider Robinson or John Scalzi I might have read him because he inspired them. (Or I might not - I've never read the Lensman books, despite Heinlein's glowing article on Doc Smith.)

This is all a lead-in to a thank-you for Jo Rowling. I had never heard of The Little White Horse until I read that it was one of her favorites, but now I love it and Linnets and Valerians. I've just acquired and am now reading I Capture the Castle and I'm having that falling-in-love-with-a-book experience (It usually only takes a few chapters to tell). I might have eventually heard about them via the Internet without JKR of course, but I heard it from her first, and for that I thank her.

What I wish is that the Web had been around when I was growing up. I can love I capture the Castle now, but when I was fourteen I would have moved in and lived inside it, as I did in Norma Johnston's books about Tish Sterling and Bridget Vandever. I enjoy the Shoes books now (Ballet Shoes, Dancing Shoes, etc) and The Little White Horse and Linnets and Valerians and Swallows and Amazons and I'd still be rereading them now no matter what - but I think they would all be that much dearer now if I could reread them with the memory of meeting them first at 8 or 10 or 12, as I can with Little Women and the Nesbit books, Narnia and The Dark is Rising.

Posted by dichroic at 01:25 PM | Comments (2)

May 25, 2006


I had a couple of firsts at lunch today. I was in a mood for some recreational shopping and had no meetings on or near lunch, so I decided to hit the local yarn store. I've been wanting to make a shrug or short wrap cardigan, something I could wear to work over a camisole. I could use some pale blue and green bamboo I've got (about 500 yds) or I could get something else to knit it in. I haven't found the perfect pattern yet. So I went to a locla knitting store. Unfortunately, having only been open a couple of months, they don't carry any magazines, books or other patterns. For the same reason, their yarn selection is a bit sparse. (They do have tons of Cascade yarns in every color; that's where I got the Fixation for my mom's mothers day set and I loved the colors of the Cascade 200. Just not for summer.) So I can say that I actually managed to walk out of a yarn store without buying a single thing.

I promptly blew all those savings on lunch, though. I went to the Japanese restaurant next door to grab some food. They agreed that I could get some sushi for takeout, even though our weather's been heating up. In return I promised not to order any raw fish. I think this was my first time being served by a sushi chef who wasn't Asian. (I may have encountered some that weren't specifically Japanese before, but my (round) eye for that distinction isn't all that finely honed.) Not only that, he had his hair in cornrows, or actually divided into little squares with a braid poking out of each. I suppose it keeps his hair out of the food, but for some reason it didn't inspire confidence. I think it would have been less off-putting somehow, if he hadn't been a white guy. It didn't help, either, that he was so skinny as to suggest that he's not all that fond of his own food preparations. (Of course, it is fairly nonfattening food, and I suppose he might just be fonder of cooking than eating.) Still, it all made me a bit glad that I was ordering cooked (= less expertise needed to keep it safe) food. It tasted OK, nothing special. Expensive, though, and the restaurant had a slightly downtrodden feel. I'll be back to the yarn store, to check out the increases in their stock, bt next time I think I'll grab lunch at the sandwich place across the way.

It's probably just as well I didn't splurge on yarn today. Rudder wil be away over the memorial Day weekend, leaving me with nothing much to do. I think retail therapy is in the cards.

Posted by dichroic at 03:10 PM | Comments (1)

May 22, 2006

Arizona Waterways

This morning, Rudder and I were interviewed for Arizona Highways along with other rowers - we were first because had to get to work, so I don't know how many other people they talked to. They also took lots of footage of us rowing. I don't know how much of the footage of us will end up on the show, but given that our boats, unis, and oars have the distinctive sunrise design of the Arizona flag, I'm sure they'll at least include some of the film of us rowing by.

They wanted us in our boats and close together for the interview, so I sat at the dock, with Rudder floating nearby, so close that his port oar was resting on my boat's stern with his oar blade on the dock, and my oar on his bow. I hope no one who sees it thinks that's something rowers normally do. Anyway, for anyone reading this who gets Phoenix TV stations, it's supposed to be showing at the end of June, on channel 12 at 6:30. If it's viewable on the web, I'll post a link.

Practice this morning was "castles": starting at a rate of 20 strokes per minute, change rate every 2 minutes, first up 4 then down 2, up 4, down 2, so the rate goes 20, 24, 22, 26, 24, 28, 26, 30, 28, 32. It's kind of like drinking Singapore Slings: it feels all sweet and easy at first, then all of a sudden it's kicking your ass. I did two sets, the resident house masochist (that would be Rudder) did four. The interview was after that, so if you do see it and we look all tired and dishevelled, that's why.

I'm beginning to kind of enjoy this whole making lightweight eating plan. It's enormously freeing. If I'm eating a meal and I get full, I can just stop! And not have to try to finish it! And then eat again when I get hungry again! I seem to have spent half my life either being coaxed by my parents or grandparents to clean my plate, of trying to coax myself to make sure I get enough protein/iron/vegetables/calcium whatever. I've always eaten frequently; if I don't snack I eventually get grumpy and then lightheaded. My eating pattern now would be almost perfect, if I could only stop eating out of boredom, and if I were to substitute some healthier snacks. I don't think pretzels are bad for me, I just don't think they're good for me either. On the other hand, I'd probably be in a lot worse shape if I were tempted by sweet snacks instead of salty ones.

My haircut and pedicure have both worn off, or at least the visible effects have. My hair is curly again (since I don't blowdry it, I can't straighten it myself) and I had to remove the toenail polish after it chipped (it was actually a flake of the toenail that peeled off, so the polish can't be blamed for coming with it). I'm wearing sandals without polish today, but unlike at least one previous job, there's not anyone around here who would even notice, except Cubemate, who's not an overly critical sort, and at least I figure my toes are now reasonably fit to be seen. The announcement today of the leak of millions of veterans' personal data reminds me: the one thing I didn't like about this salon was the form they wanted me to fill out listing my address, phone, email, birthdate, marital status, and I don't remember what else, other than that it was none of their business. I gave them my address, on the theory that they could probably get that from having my credit card number, and left the rest blank. Presumably they want my birthday so they can give me some sort of freebie as a 'gift' (but then why do they need the year?) and my marital status so they know whether to try selling me one of their wedding packages (but then I could be single and going to a prom, or already married and want a glamorous hairdo as mother of the bride, so it still doesn't make sense. Or maybe they want all the data ready in case the Attorney General finished with libraries and goes after salons next?

postscript: I want to go to this. And I've given a few dollars toward this, because it's so damn cool.

Posted by dichroic at 02:00 PM

May 19, 2006

a Unified Theory

This morning I just felt sortt of out of it - while driving to rowing, I felt almost faint (though I've never actually fainted, so don't really know what it would feel like), then I think I rowed part of my warmup half lap asleep, or maybe just very distracted. I actually did have a good workout, but decided to work from home today. I thought about taking a real sick day, but there was one teleconference I really wanted to call in to, so I thought I might as well do other work too, and not record it as a sick day. I have a wireless modem at home, and my laptop has a wireless network card, so I can do the rest and fluids thing while still getting work done.

This all would have worked better had I actually brought the computer ome last night. However, work is only 10 minutes from the lake, so I pulled my skirt on over my rowing shorts and went in and grabbed the laptop. I didn't see anyone on the way in or out, so no explanations needed.

Then when I emailed my manger to say I'd be out, he sent directions for a couple of things he wanted me to do and added, "Call me, if you feel well enough." Barring extreme laryngitis, I'm not really sure how I could be too sick to pick up a phone, but I suppose he was just trying to be nice.

I keep forgetting to record it, but I think I've figured out a Unified Theory of Dichroic, to explain why some physical parts of me don't quite work right, and I want to note it here for future reference. I'm not sure it's medically feasible, but it hangs together logically. (Cut for gastrointestinal TMI and for being not of general interest, don't say I didn't warn you.)

My theory is that I just don't process water as well as I should. This would explain why I get dehydrated sometimes even when I'd tried to drink enough, obviously, and why I have to pee more than a lot of others seem to have to. (Rudder has some camel genes, apparently, or possibly gerbil ones.) Too much water doesn't get to the bloodstream and organs and goes straight to the bladder. Less obviously, it could help explain the Irritable Bowel Syndrome. IBS can cover a wide range of symptoms, but I rarely have pain, never ever constipation, and I get queasy much less often than I did when I was younger, though still more than I'd like. The main symptom is basically having to spend more time in the bathroom than you'd think any healthy adult would - a combination of what drug companies like to euphemistically call "fecal urgency" combined with wanting to, er, get everything cleared out before going out (especially in a small plane or boat or anywhere else without bathroom facilities). My theory is that, because of the water-processig inefficiency, basically too much water makes it through to my lower intestines instead of getting absorbed earlier when it should.

As I said, I have no idea if this makes any medical sense whatsoever. On the other hand, no one else has any idea what really causes IBS, either.

Posted by dichroic at 03:26 PM | Comments (1)

May 17, 2006

So yeah anyway whatever

Well, one of the "grr" situations from yesterday may be resolving itself amusingly (as in, the people who were supposed to pave the way for me to do other things apparently did they just didn't bother telling me about it. This involves possible travel for me a mere week and a half away, so it's the sort of thing I sort of need to know). Another frustrating situation, once expressed (er, maybe a bit forcefully) to my new manager resulted in a bit too much flattery about my value to his team and all the exciting directions he wants us to go in. Actually it did make me feel better, not so much for the flattery (well, maybe except one bit that was passed on from above) but because most of what he was saying and planning were the things I'd be saying and planning in his shoes. It does make me feel better that the new manager and I are generally in agreement as to where we should be heading. So my morale today is less "Grrr" and more "So yeah anyway whatever".

Also the Cubemate and I went to the bead warehouse store at lunchtime and bought headpins and jumprings and a strand of jade beads and one of rose quartz and two of iolite (that last is for me to make a rowing necklace for her) so now I have beads to fondle. Because apparently the chunk of cash I just spent on BotMo wasn't enough. (Well of course it wasn't, says the impatient acquisitive magpie side of me; only some of that money was for May beads; the June pearls and the November meteorites won't be arriving for months!) I keep being reluctant to sign up too far in advance because of the actual possibility we might just chuck it all up and go adventuring, and would thus be hard to mail things to. But I couldn't let that Astronomy package go without signing up - me with aerospace all over my resume, and a space science degree. I'll figure some way to get it to me, wherever I am. I'm not really even doing all that much beadwork these days, to justify all this acquisitveness. But beads are so satisfying just to have around, to run through your hands and lay out in various combinations. No wonder dragons and magpies hoard shiny bits.

One major difference between knitting and beading, is that beaded jewelry doesn't really take all that long to make (though individual pieces may take a while to conceive) and that I can generally make it for cheaper than I can buy jewelry someone else has made. (Those strings of semi-precious stones I mentioned earlier? $3 each.) On the other hand, in knitting the yarn alone general costs more than a machine-made sweater or socks would. At least in theory, I can made something better-fitting and better-made than a storebought item, depending on my own skill, but the real benefit is more in the process, as a hobby, and in the satisfaction of being able to wear or give something I've made. It's kind of nice to be able to be able to switch between the hobbies, between short-term projects where the fun is in the designing and the wearing, and the longer-term ones where the satisfaction is in completing a big project (and also in the wearing, of course).

Posted by dichroic at 02:36 PM | Comments (1)

May 16, 2006

"Grr" said the worker

There are a lot of things I'd like to write about assorted work situations, but I don't want to write them here, and I don't want to write about some of them at all. However, it can all be summarized as "Grrrr."

The one thing I appreciated about the President's speech last night was that it seemed to be free of hatemongering, and to display a certain respect for people brave enough to risk a dangerous trip and willing to work hard to get their children a better life. I think several of the things he proposed won't work, mind you, but it was a huge relief to not to hear blatant demagoguery. How sad is it that my standards have fallen that low?

(And apparently there are a couple of ways to see a prejudicial subtext in what he said (one in the original entry, more in the comments). But my mind isn't subtle that way, and I think I', just as happy to have missed it.)

Posted by dichroic at 12:48 PM

May 15, 2006


The weekend was very relaxing, as we'd hoped. Sleeping late, piney clean fresh air, nothing at all we had to do... Luckily my uncle found the place with no trouble even though he came in on a different road than we'd expect. There aren't a ton of restaurants in the area, so took all our food up. We grilled chicken breasts and corn on the cob on Friday night, stead and asparagus the second night. (Yes, we grill both the corn and the asparagus. Yum.) We also had Caesar salad (from a bag) Friday, baked potatoes on the side and strawberry shortcake for dessert Saturday, and Rudder made breakfast burritos with chorizo for Sunday breakfast. We drove along the Mogollon Rim on Saturday, stopping to picnic, visited the local bison-themed self-proclaimed "resort", and hung out on our own nearby property. She-Hulk's cabin was very comfortable, not to mention well-supplied - everything from shampoo to sugar to band-aids, a few Arizona magazines, and even the first five Nancy Drew books (the 1959 rewrites). I enjoyed reading a few of those. Also, there were enough bears there to fill a petting zoo - bears on the cabinet tops, bears on the tables, bears supporting tables, bear toilet-paper holders, bearsbearsbears. They'd be overpowering to live with, but for a weekend in a cabin they were fun.

We're staying home this coming weekend. I think a massage or pedicure is in order, for further detoxing (also because my feet really need the latter).

I'm not entirely satisfied with yesterday's "Hair" composition (scroll down). Maybe when I have some spare time I'll tweak the layout a bit, and try to make the photos match a little better in size and composition. Or I could just omit the first three photos, the ones with wet hair. I think the others might be more satisfying as a series on their own. (Opinions welcome, especially from anyone with more design sense than I have, which is quite a broad field.)

The funny thing about the picture of Rudder is that neither of us realized at the time that the rock he's on is cantilevered out, with nothing under it. They are sturdy rocks though - granite, I think.

Another nice thing about weekends is that I'm bored less, so I snack less. (I always snack some and I always will - I do better eating little bits frequently than big meals widely spaced.) I've been fairly good about stopping eating when I'm full - used to be I'd pass far too often straight from 'hungry' to 'queasy' so it was easy enough to stop eating. My IBS has gotten so much better, probably from all the exercise though it may just be aging, that I have to be a little more sensitive now to when I've eaten enough. My weight is very nearly to where I want it now; I'd like to get it to where this morning's weight is the top instead of the bottom of the usual range, but that's it. The challenge now is just to make sure I keep a goodly percentage of that weight in muscle - for one thing, I'm getting old enough to have cellulite on curves that used to be smooth, and I don't like it. All the protein over the weekend, the 10K on the erg today, and the weightlifting tomorrow should help with that, anyway.

Posted by dichroic at 02:20 PM

May 12, 2006

to, or not to

Decision to make this morning. Coming out of the gym shower after rowing, I noticed my navel piercing is missing the top little silver ball that holds it in place. I have a couple of options. I can go buy a new one at lunch, because the place where I got it pierced isn't too far from here. I can be very careful with it and wait until I get home, hoping I didn't lose the little lapis topper I bought for it but haven't worn for a long time since deciding I liked the silver ball better.

Or I can just take it out and let it close. There are a lot of good reason to do that: for one, it never really healed all that well. For another, I'm so short-waisted that several of my pants and skirts (even slightly low-waisted ones) come up over it and irritate it. My abs have never been in good enough condition for me to want to display it publicly, and Rudder's not crazy about it.

The only good reasons I can think of to have a piercing (because, after all a non-medically necessary intrusive object in your body is not a default state) is because it means something to you or because you like the way it looks. Therefore, the appropriate action would be to examine those reasons and decide if either apply. It doesn't have a special specific meaning to me - that is, I didn't get it to commemorate some triumph or milestone in my life. In more general terms, the main thing it means is thatI can think of myself as the sort of person who would have a body piercing instead of the sort who wouldn't - meaning, it lets me believe a little more daring and rebellion into my self-image. (Yes, I do know just how common piercings are and how stupid that is, especially as compared to some less common daring things I've done.) As for liking the way it looks - I don't know. The problem is that I don't like the way my stomach looks in general. The picture links above is with everything sucked in, a waistband strategically arranged, a few pounds less on me - and even then, you're not seeing the side view. Then again, the piercing only shows from the front anyway. And it doesn't show at all with a shirt in front of it!

Hmm. So far the preponderance of reasons seem to be in favor of taking it out. But I just somehow don't want to, which I suppose is also a good reason.

LATER: Writing this out did help; once I looked at all the reasons for and against, I realized I just don't want to take out my piercing, whatever the reasons say. So I went out at lunch and bought an opal ball set in prongs, and a plain steel one in case the opal breaks or I decide I don't like it as much. Coincidentally, the guy who sold them to be had big flat dichroic cabochons - over an inch across set in his stretched earlobes. Too bad they didn't have dichroic ends for my little barbell. I asked and they said someone had tried but couldn't successfully combine the glass and the metal - pretty stupid answer (on the part of the would-be manufacturers, not the person I was talking to) considerably they could have just set a glass ball in prongs, as with the opal I bought. Anyway, I think it's close enough. Opal, the original dichroic, now set in a Dichroic not too near you.

Posted by dichroic at 11:32 AM | Comments (1)

May 11, 2006

not catching up

I so wish we didn't have to go away this weekend. A relative of mine is doing a trip around the Southwest, and we're meeting him for a weekend at She-Hulk's cabin, which is very close to our airpark property. I know we'll enjoy this; he's a friend as well as a relative, and he's coming considerably farther to see us than we're going to see him. Besides Arizona, he'll be stopping in Albuquerque and Big Bend, so it's a long driving trip (he's retired). It's just that we're still recovering from last weekend, and having to plan, shop for and pack all the food for a weekend for three people (including two big eaters!) and schlep ourselves and our gear out there Friday night is not looking appealing. We both played hookey from the gym this morning, too, and catching up Saturday would have been good.

I know we'll enjoy the weekend when we get there; we'll be able to sleep late, hang around outside in pleasant temperate weather, maybe drive up and see Meteor Crater. It's just the preparation and lack of time to catch up that's stressing me. That seems to happen a lot when I'm worn out: I know I'll enjoy something and even get to relax if I just do it, but it seems like too much trouble to do it. Does that happen to other people too?

I also need to crank back up on training, since I'm going to race in Tahoe next month, the Rural Henley in Klamath Falls, OR and SW Regionals in Sacramento in July (those two are back to back on the same weekend, 6 hours apart) and maybe Masters Nationals in Seattle. (I'm sort of hoping things will turn out so we miss that one, but that's a long story.) Speaking of things that are tiring to contemplate....

Posted by dichroic at 11:44 AM | Comments (1)

May 10, 2006


To the rest of my Women's Quad from last weekend:

  • Thanks!

To Rudder:

  • No, saying that "we" need to lose a few pounds doesn't make it better.

  • Also, re the planned trip that involves driving from Arizona to Oregon, racing, driving to Sacramento right after the races on the same day, racing there the next day, then driving twelve hours home: you do know we'll regret this, right?

  • But no matter how insane you are, thanks for taking my racing seriously. Even when I finishi DFL every singles race.

To the Bush Administration:

  • "Just because Bush reserves the right to disobey a law does not mean he is not enforcing it". No, it just means he could stop at any point. Not much of an improvement. Plus, it's a little sad to find that the logic classes I took apparently disqualify me from growing up to be President.

  • Oh, and also: the whole point of "rule of law" is that no one is above the laws. Sorry for the confusion.

To assorted people who were supposed to reply to me:

  • Remember when you said "early next week?" Uh, we're past that now.

To the Mexican restaurant where I bought lunch:

  • Who puts hot spices on their tortilla chips? That's what salsa is for.

To myself:

  • Really, it would be better to skip the spicy tortilla chips when you're wearing contact lenses. In fact, it might be better to eat less in general, if you want to race lightweight again in July.

  • Also, you do have stuff you should be doing. Get to it.

Posted by dichroic at 02:38 PM | Comments (2)

May 03, 2006

a woman of parts

Sometimes the different parts of your life can combine to bite you in odd ways. For example, if you happen to be an engineer who knits and who also rows competitively, apparently what happens is extreme overthinking of what knitting project to take with you to a regatta. I've got a strong suspicion that this is something most people don't spend a whole lot of thought on.

There are three options: the wrap I'm about a foot and a half into, the plain socks I'm making in a self-striping yarn to go with the sweater I made for Rudder, or something else entirely, possibly this sweater for me. I'll be knitting in the car, twelve hours or so each way (well, until it gets dark) and probably at the regatta itself, when I'm not racing, taking pictures, or being pit crew for someone else. Each project has its pros and cons for the trip. It would be nice to get that much more time put into the wrap, because I'd like to have it for work. While it isn't extremely complicated, I'm worried I might have to pay too much attention to it to be practical for knitting while hanging out with other people, and may have to look at it too much for car-riding. (I can look at things while in the car, but if I stare at something small too intently for too long, I start feeling a little icky. That's one reason I started knitting in the first place, because I don't like reading for long in the car.) The socks are fairly mindless knitting, except for turning the heel (which needs to happen to the first one in about another inch) but they're string-and-toothpicks eyestrain knitting, which could be a problem in the car if I do have to look at it, to turn the heel or fix a mistake. Come to think of it, I did knit socks on the way home from the marathon last fall without problem, though I don't think I turned the heels during the drive. There's no deadline on these; I don't think Rudder will be wanting wool socks anytime soon, with our temperatures getting up to 100 now. The third pattern would be both mindless and larger scale, and I have the yarn for it; the only problem with it is that I hate to start something new while I've got two projects already on the needles that are going slowly.

It's not like picking the wrong project will ruin either my trip or the knitting project. I think most (sensible) people would just grab one (or two) and go. But what fun is that?

Posted by dichroic at 01:59 PM | Comments (3)

May 02, 2006

two re's - producing and gatta

Good grief. It's a very (re)productive time of year, apparently - I've read news of three pregnancies today - one new announcement, two progress reports. They have some other things in common: all are at the "whew! past the risky first trimester" stage, all follow miscarriages (so it's a really big whew!), all are much wanted babies, and all, blessedly, are doing well.

So yay. Babies are a good way to start people. Good parents and a lot of love are a way to start good people.

Work had a minor reorg yesterday. Could be better. Could also be worse. Could have been more thoroughly planned, too. Speaking of work, it feels kind of odd in a way that my cubemate and I be will competing in a quad together this weekend. I mean, it just seems a little strange to be taking off work at the same time and traveling (separately) to the same place for the same purpose. I've made good friends at work before, but I guess I've never vacationed with any of them - that is, if regattas count as vacations, since they tend to involve harder work than the stuff we get paid for. Assuming we can borrow a boat (still iffy, unfortunately, I think this quad may actually do reasonably well, for what it is. That is, we're a motley assorted bunch, one of whom has only just learned to scull (she's an experienced sweep rower, though) and while I've rowed with each of these women and competed in a double with one of them (She-Hulk) we've never all rowed together. We hope to rememdy that tomorrow morning. Still, there's a lot of power in the boat and it's only a 1K race. All I hope is that if any of us catch a crab or otherwise screw up, that it isn't too big an issue and that it isn't me.

Should be fun, though. The nice thing about racing in a powerful quad is that the races are over much faster than in my single. My third race is a 300 meter dash, so there's only the one 1000m race in my single that wil really hurt.

Posted by dichroic at 03:04 PM | Comments (1)

May 01, 2006

Flugtag: needed more beer

I keep forgetting to mention this - last week, I actually heard a weather forecaster say, verbatim, "Temperatures will be below average, as they typically are this time of year." Apparently meterology students are not required to take statistics.

On Saturday (before all that picture-taking) we went out to see Flugtag. It was lively, and well-attended, mostly by collegiate types (the event was at Tempe beach Park, which is pretty much ASU territory), but I was a bit disappointed actually. For one thing, it was just too hot and too crowded for me. The latter was especially a problem because I had a hard time seeing much. The announcer was the loud goofy sort trying too hard to be funny that they usually get for things like that. The biggest disappointment, though, was the flying craft. There were a few real attempts, mostly modified hang-gliders, but too many of them were just an excuse to do a skit and jump off a thirty-foot platform into a lake on a hot day, rather than any real attempt to make something fly. One we saw was made to look like the A-Team's van, with, of course, an appropriate skit. One that at least had wings was "Air Farce One", which came complete with a George Bush imiltation that actually was pretty funny no matter whether you voted for or against; that one came in second. My vote for silliest would have gone to the inflated peanut-butter-and-banana sandwich with the crew of Elivs impersonators.

A few beers would probably have made the whole thing considerably more enjoyable, but it was hot enough that I was worried about ataying hydrated, so I stuck with water and lemonade. Not enough water and lemonade, probably, as I was feeling oogy Sunday, but better than if I'd been imbibing.

Posted by dichroic at 01:24 PM

April 28, 2006

my worst training

The other thing I like about this time of year is the rowing. It's not too cold any more in the mornings when we get out there, before we warm up, but it's not too hot after we warm up, either. (It would be at midday, but not at 5AM.) And it's the season for egrets and herons: flapping slowly overhead or standing in line on the side of the lake for all the world like spectators. Though, at regattas when we do have spectators they tend to be less stately, more motley and considerably louder.

Today I gave probably the worst training session I've ever done. Not my fault, really, and I think I did OK in the circs. I was asked to give my lecture at yet another site, tied to the one I spoke to Monday. Someone from the first site arranged the training, and worked with the people at the second site to set it up. We went together to the training site, where I was supposed to speak to all hands int he cafeteria. When we got there, none of the guys who were supposed to do set-up showed up until about 5 minutes beforehand. Then there was a problem with the projector - I think the one mounted on the ceiling had been removed. They got someone to bring another one down (by now the audience had all shown up), but it was antiquated. We finally got it turned on and projecting from my computer, but then the problem was that it was cutting off the top of the slides. (The whole projected image was onscreen, that is but the top third of the slides wasn't included in the image.) I fiddled with it a bit, but then found that the remote wouldn't turn on at all and the menu accessible from the main controls wouldn't let me adjust the image manually.

At that point I gave up, and made myself instantly popular, but not entirely educational, by saying, "All right, that's enough. I won't waste your time any longer." I spent five minutes giving them the main highlights, promised to get my slides sent to everyone at the facility and emphasized that they should call me with any questions. Short of keeping them there for as long as it took to fix the system, which would have made everyone too resentful to listen to anything else I said, or bringing my own projector, which I had no reason to expect to have to do, I don't see what else I could have done. I think the people who asked me to do the training were at least happy to have the high points communicated and that I didn't panic and fall apart - fortunately, I'm not really prone to stage fright in this sort of thing.

Posted by dichroic at 05:40 PM | Comments (1)

April 27, 2006

bloom time

We have three distinct blooming seasons here. March is the wildflowers, when there are wildflowers. Unfortunately, all but two of the ten years I've lived here have been drought years, and the wildflowers were scanty. But those two years had blakets of yellow covering the mountainsides, starred with orange and purple for variety. A desert in bloom sounds so Biblical, somehow, though I don't think the Sinai blooms. But it is as glorious as it sounds.

Now, in April is my favorite of the blossom season, the blooming of the trees. The palo verdes are covered in tiny bright yellow blossoms, the same color forsythias bring to spring in climates farther north. I'm not sure if it's those or something else that fill the air with a sweet, sweet scent in early April. My favorite, though, are the jacarandas used in a lot of landscaping around here. The blossoms are an improbable Crayola lavender against a tender green of the new leaves. You can see a bit of the one in my backyard here.

In May it feels like summer here, and outdoors is best experienced in the dark or through the window of an air-conditioned car. One thing worth looking at through those windows is the saguaro blooms. First there are the buds, comically on top of the trunk like hair on a head. The the flowers open. Nothing subtle about them; they look like the Tim Burton version of daisies, white petals around a yellow center, but much bigger, stiffer, and sturdier and somehow a bit freakier. But they're still flowers nad still beautiful. They're one of the redeeming features about the onset of summer here.

Posted by dichroic at 04:20 PM | Comments (1)

the rolling river shores of changes

Lately I've read about more and more silly acts by the government, coupled with growing distrust of them on the one hand (record negative ratings, for one, protests on the other) and alarmist warnings about the coming Holy Wars on the other. I've heard about fundamentalists who believe women should be subjugated (note: I also know fundamentalists who believe in respecting women; the others are just so much noisier that it's hard to tell if they're gorwing in numbers or just shrillness) and secularists who want religion entirely out fo the political sphere. There seems to be more and more religious and political division. What I can't tell is what all of it means or whether it does mean anything at all. It feels like change is in the air, but it could just be useless venting. (Sorry, but I'm too lazy to go look up links to all of this).

It is about time; we seem to have been having periods of great change every forty years or so. But I'm not old enough to remember what the sixties and seventies felt like, in terms of the public sphere. I have no memory at all of the 1960s, having caught only the tag end, and the 1970s just felt like being a kid. On the other hand, communications are so much faster, more ubiquitous and more complete than they were then that I'm not sure I could tell anyway. How do you distinguish the rumblings of change from the results of negative news being perceived as a better story? How do you tell whether more people are becoming dissatisfied enough to act, or are only now speaking publically because the Internet has provided the means to complain to millions instead of to the water-cooler crowd?

The only thing I know is that these are interesting times. I do believe that the US and the other free countries will ultimately survive and continue providing unprecedented leavels of individual liberty and rising standards of living, but how much of that is stupid optimism based on a lack of understanding of the real factors in place? I bet plenty of people thought ancient Rome would endure, too. The most we can do is try to keep an eye on things and learn useful skills to deal with whatever happens. I don't plan to build a bomb shelter in the backyard; I do try to keep up with the news in a general way. We don't keep a survival kit at hand, though we do have all the components of one in the house - not deliberately, we just used to camp a lot. And we have that handy reservoir of water in the back yard, though it's cleverly disguised as a selling feature of the house. One other thing about the future: it's not apt to be boring.

Posted by dichroic at 01:43 PM | Comments (1)

April 26, 2006

on being leaned around

Grump. Silly old husband appears to have hidden the digital camera, just when I've finished a pair of earrings and a lariat-style silver oar necklace. Maybe I'll just wait until this weekend and photograph them along with the nearly done Mother's Day set - the kipah is done and the matching socks only need one toe grafted and some ends tucked in.

Work's been fairly busy, as the lack of entry at lunch today can attest. I've now given my little training to some 1500 people, with another 300 or so expected on Friday. Hopefully those numbers will impress my two-levels-up boss, because rumor has it there may be some shake-ups at work in a direction I'm not crazy about.

I got a lot done at work today, but didn't have much energy to sare anyway, after doing two 1000 meter race pieces this morning. I was a good girl and did them flat out, really at race pace. The downer is, they still weren't as fast as I'd like, especially with our big race a week and a half away. I'm only in one race that will really kill me, though, in my single. Of the other two, one is in a quad, sohst will go fast. My cubemate from work is in it, and she has a huge amount of power. She's just learning to scull (she rowed in college, but in a sweep boat with only one oar) and the differences take a lot of adjusting, but she's beginning to get the balance comfortable now. Actually, I think if we don't catch any crabs, we may finish respectably. She-Hulk was a bit worried about being in the boat with such a novie, but as our fourth rower pointed out, we'll be there and it's jst one more trip down the course, not a priority race for any of us. And as I pointed out, if all three of the other (bigger!) women had a high level of skill, they'd be looking for someone stronger than I am to fill out the boat to get a serious competitive crew.

It does get annoying. I don't have anything llike the power and reach these other women have, but I can more than carry my own lighter weight in the boat. I really don't appreciate being in a conversation where one person leans past me to say to another, "Hey, wan to do a quad in the next race? Great! We can get a couple other women from (insert name of club) and have a good composite (meaning, multiple-club) boat." It reminds me of college. I had one friend who, though not outstandingly gorgeous was somehow insanely attractive to me, and once or twice someone in a circle or at a table actually leaned past me to try to pick her up. (It wasn't her fault at all. I was there and she did nothing to invite it, and she was polite enough to be embarassed at the rudeness - and to downrate the guy accordingly.) So anyway, I've no idea how this boat will go, but I don't row in quads often and I think it will be fun. My third race is a 300 meter sprint - as She-Hulk once said, after I persuaded her to try one in practice, "Just when it starts to really hurt, you're done!" They hold that sprint every year at the end of this race, and it's pretty much my favorite event ever. Don't let those marathons fool you; I'm emphatically not a distance person. I like my pain to be over quickly.

Posted by dichroic at 08:14 PM

April 24, 2006

Monday surprise

I found out just this morning that the training I'm doing at a local site in, oh, just over an hour is going to be for hundreds and hundreds of people. Good thing I spent all last week practicing it, huh? Oh, and this is just after lunch, so keeping them all awake will be a large challenge. (Later note: they estimated over a thousand people there - the extra-large turn-out is not so much due to any fame of mine but probably to the fact that the organizers of the training provided cookies and gave away a pair of Suns tickets. Still, I take it as a personal victory that I saw very little snoozing in the crowd.)

The junior regatta Saturday went swimmingly, or rather non-swimmingly, which is a good thing in boats that narrow. Even the crew from upstate that had been on the water a grand total of five times, ever, stayed upright, though slow, and the kids reportedly had a blast. My necklaces raised a chunk of money for next year, and reportedly the first-place winners couldn't stop talking about the medals Rudder designed.

Posted by dichroic at 12:49 PM | Comments (1)

April 20, 2006

nearly done

This is the last night of my trip. One thing I have figured out on this trip is that mid-range hotels are more likely to have free internet - the expensive ones have it, but charge outrageous rates. I paid $10 yesterday for the one day - not sure my company will reimburse it, but I got back to the hotel at 3PM and figured otherwise I wouldn't have much to do that evening. (Having left my companions of the previous evenings back in Kansas City.) Also, the staff at the less fancy hotels seem to be friendlier, on average. I will say that the bed at the last place was lush, though. (For reference, my hotels in order were Residence Inn in Olathe, Marriott Wichita, and Holiday Inn in Owasso, OK.)

Other things I now know are that in Tulsa, one can order iced tea either sweet or unsweet, and that on Kansas highways people are religious about using the left lane only for passing. Also, this has been an extremely valuable use of my time - the training I'm giving, yes, but more the relationships and most the conversations that come up about the site's issues, stuff they didn't realize or hadn't even discussed internally.

Next, I get to go home, drive straight to the lake, help with registration for the junior regatta this weekend, then spend Saturday AM being dockmistress (getting people in and out to and from the races) and then probably the rest of the weekend recovering. I do hope they get lots of bids on the auction for the necklaces I made.

Posted by dichroic at 07:26 PM

April 19, 2006

I am deliberating avoiding quoting "Wichita Lineman" here

I was right; there definitely are worse things I could be doing than driving across Kansas on a morning in spring. Like sitting at a desk in a cubicle, for instance. It was a lovely April morning, with trees in bud and a cloudless sky. There may even have been snails on thorns, for all I could see. The rolling hills near the Missouri border gave way to the flatter waving Flint Hills; my iPod and the occasional cow near the road provided company.

The training I was here to do went well too, and sparked a conversation that raised an overlooked issue at the site that needed to be dealt with, so that was good.

For some reason, the hotel I booked on the company website turned out to be on the other side of town. Hoever, it only took about 20 minutes to drive across Wichita, and it is conveniently close to the highway I came in on, that I need to get back on tomorrow. The hotel is much fancier than the previous one, but less friendly. And they're charging for internet, while the last one (a different section of the same chain) gave it to me for free (well, no additional charge, anyway). At least the fitness center had a little more equipment. But the would-be fancy steakhouse in the hotel lobby, where I ate because I didn't feel like driving, gave me what looked like butter and turned out to taste like margarine with my baked potato. I'm sorry, no. You cannot qualify as a fancy restaurant unless you provide real butter. Or, even better, a choice, since I suppose some people prefer oleo. (And the Petit Filet was tres petit, only 4 oz. But at least the server warned me in advance, and I didn't feel cheated because I wouldn't have eaten more anyway.) A little while ago, someone came and knocked on my door, asking if I'd like the bed turned down. I refused. The bed looks wonderfully fluffy, but I think I can find my own way in. I'd trade that service for free internet, actually.

Posted by dichroic at 06:44 PM | Comments (1)

I am deliberating avoiding quoting "Wichita Lineman" here

I was right; there definitely are worse things I could be doing than driving across Kansas on a morning in spring. Like sitting at a desk in a cubicle, for instance. It was a lovely April morning, with trees in bud and a cloudless sky. There may even have been snails on thorns, for all I could see. The rolling hills near the Missouri border gave way to the flatter waving Flint Hills; my iPod and the occasional cow near the road provided company.

The training I was here to do went well too, and sparked a conversation that raised an overlooked issue at the site that needed to be dealt with, so that was good.

For some reason, the hotel I booked on the company website turned out to be on the other side of town. Hoever, it only took about 20 minutes to drive across Wichita, and it is conveniently close to the highway I came in on, that I need to get back on tomorrow. The hotel is much fancier than the previous one, but less friendly. And they're charging for internet, while the last one (a different section of the same chain) gave it to me for free (well, no additional charge, anyway). At least the fitness center had a little more equipment. But the would-be fancy steakhouse in the hotel lobby, where I ate because I didn't feel like driving, gave me what looked like butter and turned out to taste like margarine with my baked potato. I'm sorry, no. You cannot qualify as a fancy restaurant unless you provide real butter. Or, even better, a choice, since I suppose some people prefer oleo. (And the Petit Filet was tres petit, only 4 oz. But at least the server warned me in advance, and I didn't feel cheated because I wouldn't have eaten more anyway.) A little while ago, someone came and knocked on my door, asking if I'd like the bed turned down. I refused. The bed looks wonderfully fluffy, but I think I can find my own way in. I'd trade that service for free internet, actually.

Posted by dichroic at 06:44 PM | Comments (1)

April 18, 2006

I got to Kansas City on a Monday

Kansas, at least this corner of it, has turned out to be unexpectedly lovely and maybe a little sad. I was expecting the whole state to be pancake flat. (In fact, someone once conclusively proved that Kansas is flatter than a pancake. The proof is in the Annals of Improbable Research and Google turns up a number of articles on the study.) Actually, though, this part by Kansas City, Lawrence and Olathe is green and hilly, with redbuds and dogwood blooming everywhere, the trees just beginning to leaf out, and houses set amid fields next to red barns that look just as a barn in the Heartland should look. (Robert Heinlein was from Missouri, come to think of it. I bet "The Cool Green Hills of Earth" was inspired by hills very similar to these and maybe not too far from here.) The sadness is because now the fields are broken up by encroaching subdivisions and it's clear that in another decade a lot of these rolling green hills will be built over with lookalike tract mansions. It is to be hoped that the builders will at least learn from some of the older developments, where individual houses are set on curving streets, under arching trees, and wherre the houses don't all look alike. Or even better, if they leave some farmland and woodland here and there.

Tomorrow I'll drive out to Wichita, and apparently I'll be driving along the flint hills and on to the prairie, where you can see forever. Someone told me they've been reintroducing antelope, though I'll likely be a bit late in the morning to see those.

If there's one thing I have learned this evening, it's how to go to Carabba's (chain of Italian restaurants in the US). First I went down to the hotel lobby, to have some lemonade during the hotel's Happy Hour and to see whether the gentlemen I ate with last night were around. They weren't, so I went off to Carabba's, taking the hotel manager's advice to tell them she'd sent me. Also at her advice, I ate at the pizza bar. This turned out to be excellent advice. The cooks all talked to me. The servers all talked to me. The cooks gave me a free sampler of calamari (very fresh and with an excellent sauce for dipping - somehow I wouldn't have expected great calamari in the landlocked Midwest). Israel the pizza guy talked me into ordering the tiramisu and taking it back with me, since I couldn't have eaten any more while there. The tiramisu did not show up on the bill. When I pointed this out, along with the fact that my company was paying for my meal, they told me to forget it, that their comany liked to be generous too. When I got back to the hotel, the gentlemen were there. We hung out and talked (and they drank wine) for a while, and after hearing of my adventures they decided to go to Carabba's. I went back with them, me and my tiramisu. (I drove, because they appeared to have had a few glasses each.) The restaurant staff seemed to be pleased as punch to have me back at the pizza bar with two companions, eating my free dessert and drinking only soda water. This time they gave us calamari and mussels, and gave each of the men a small glass of a certain wine to taste. We argued amiably about the music (mostly old standards) in the background, politics, and the need for tolerance among world religions (as I said, they'd had a few). I won't be back to this Carabba's, since I'm leaving town tomorrow morning - but now I'm curious as to whether the staff in the one near home is as friendly. Yeah, it's a chain, but if the food is tasty, who cares?

Also, for reasons not entirely clear to me, one of the men I ate with (twenty years older than me and apparently happily married) has decide he wants to meet my mother.

Posted by dichroic at 08:18 PM | Comments (3)

April 17, 2006

upgraded and amused

It's been an interesting trip so far, in terms of people and upgrades.

People: I found an aisle seat only two rows back on the place, next to a man in the middle seat consoling a crying boy by the window. When I asked the man if the seat was available, he told me he was getting off the plane soon anyway. So it was me and the 7-year-old - I decided to chance his not crying the whole way and making himself sick. It was a good choice; he stopped crying shortly after his dad left, and became more cheerful as he got distracted, except for a sad little I miss my daddy every so often. He addressed me as Ma'am, poked me for attention now and then, and we talked about airplanes and Kansas and his big blue stuffed Easter bunny. Aside from the fact that poop jokes are the FUNNIEST THING EVER when you're seven, he was good company.

Upgrade: They were out of midsize cars so I ended up with a big ol' Pontiac. It handles well, once I got used to having to be extremely gentle on the brakes if I didn't want to stop the car in a millimeter.

Upgrade: The hotel was out of the normal studio rooms... so I'm in a two-bedroom suite. Itfeels like such a waste.

People: I did have company for dinner. I ran into a couple of guys in the hotel lobby who turned out to be not only from my company but from another side of the Quality department. I know their boss well (and conversation provided enough substantiating evidence that they really did work for her) so I decided to trust her judgement in people and went out to dinner with them for some classic Kansas City barbeque. Nice to have company, and they were pretty amusing.

I hope the rest of the week goes as well.

Posted by dichroic at 07:57 PM

April 15, 2006


I want new shoes. Dammit. However, I know exactly the sorts of shoes I want and I couldn't find them yesterday, not in the local shoe-warehouse place or even in a department store or two. Actually, I did find some in one of the department stoes that were nearly perfect, but if I'm paying full retail I also want them to be comfortable and I got the feeling that these were the sort that, immediately upon wearing them out of the store, wouldn't be. Actually, even at discount prices I still want them to be reasonably comfortable.

I'm tempted to go back for one pair the the discount place, but am trying to be strong and persuade myself that I already have too many shoes and should really not be spending money on ones that aren't exactly what I want. (For the record, what I really want are the Candie's shoes with the high wooden heel I had in about 1980 or a reasonable approximation thereof, and a pair of loafers with a heel rather like the black ones I own, only in brown.)

I think what I will do instead is to go work on socks and jewelry for other people. Maybe that will put me in a less acquisitive frame of mind.

Posted by dichroic at 01:17 PM

April 14, 2006

a cooking day

I have a confession to make: I'm cheating on my chicken soup. Since I have today off, I'm making a Passover-ish dinner (just the two of us, no Seder service). But since there are only two people to eat it, and since I'm going to be away all next week and Rudder doesn't have the correct genes to appreciate Jewish chicken soup properly. I didn't want to make a whole pot of soup. What I'll do instead is to use the Manischevitz mix (assuming it tastes OK) to eke out some chicken broth from the grocery, and toss in some carrots, celery, garlic, parsley and dill. At least it will smell right.

The rest of the dinner will consist of balsamic poached chicken with roasted new potatoes and asparagus - the recipe for all that is from the magazine Real Simple. I've never poached chicken before (putting it in boiling liquid, immediately taking it off the burner, and letting it sit for 15 minutes - but it's supposed to be sliced thickly before serving, so it will be obvious if it's not cooked through. Dessert will be M'ris's pear crisp, made with matzo meal instead of oats. That part is done already, so the house smells all nice and cinnamony. That's the only problem with the poached chicken, in fact; I can't figure out how to get rid of the boiling vinegar smell (the recipe warns of it) without also getting rid of the wonderful smells of cinnamon-covered baked pears and chicken broth with dill.

Posted by dichroic at 02:12 PM | Comments (2)

April 13, 2006

quick status

This should be fun. The other day, we were discussing Rudder's disappointment that the site's open house was held on a weekend and nothing would actually be happiening then, and my boss volunteered to give him a plant tour on a weekday. I'm not sure if he really meant it, but in keeping with my general philosophy of "Don't miss opportunities to do cool stuff," I took him at his word. Besides, we make all kinds of cool stuff here, but my job generally entails staying at a desk and not seeing any of it. So Rudder's coming in for lunch and to tour around the plant.

The training of the last three days was quite good, and I learned all kinds of useful tips in addition to the main meat of the course, so that was time well spent. Next week I'll be out teaching and driving through Kansas and Oklahoma. As long as the food-poisoning incident (or whatever - I don't think it was actually food poisoning, just a bit of disagreement between the ingested and the ingester) isn't repeated, it should be reasonably fun. Meanwhile, three day weekend! Wahoo! I expect to spend it in a thrilling combination of beading (the other necklaces for next week's regatta), rowing, knitting, and packing. In other words the usual. Plus, we'll have a sort-of Seder, meaning the food and some discussion of the holiday but not much ritual, tomorrow.

Posted by dichroic at 11:38 AM

April 11, 2006

elliptic (or is that the word I want?)

Not dead yet, just in training through tomorrow. It's on managing global projects, which is good since I had a telecon with someone about doing exacly that Monday morning before the training began. The exciting thing about this week is that I have training through tomorrow, one day at work and then Friday off. Then I have all of next week traveling for work in Kansas and Oklahoma, about which I'd feel a little better if I had this week to make sure I was all ready for it. I suppose it'll all turn out well, particularly if I remember to pack the iPod for those long drives.

Meanwhile, life is complex as usual, but all of the possibilities are looking good at the moment. I hope. Sorry for being elliptic but this is one of very few things I'm superstitious about talking about. (No. Not pregnant. You can just assume that's the default any time I'm vague about things, unless it's April Fool's Day.)

Posted by dichroic at 08:33 PM | Comments (1)

April 07, 2006

another week down

Thank goodness for Friday. It's been a long week. Weekend plans? Nothing special. I'm looking forward to it. Monday is actually going to be far more exciting than the weekend. Among other things, I get to have dinner with a pifflefriend! She's on sabbatical and is embarking on a world tour, that involves driving with many stops across the US, then heading off for Europe, and Asia. I don't remember all the details but I am wildly envious. I wish we could go with her. Still, I get to head off myself a bit out of my usual routine: training next week, a day off for Good Friday (I have no idea why they give us that, but a holiday is a holiday) and then a work trip through Kansas and Oklahoma. It's no world tour, but I expect I'll enjoy it.

I did have a small adventure yesterday. I was scheduled for a mammogram and bone density scan, the latter at my request and the former because the nurse practitioner thought I should. (I'm 39 and had one a few years ago, so I don't really understand why I'd need to be getting them regularly yet. I'm not ina high-risk category at all.) For the DEXA bone-density scan, the forms asked if I had any "metal devices implanted below the waist". I decided my navel piercing qualified and listed it, though technically it's at, not below, the waist. The tech asked about it specifically, and told me I could leave it in, but depending where it was in relation to my spine, it would obscure the pictures of one and possibly two of the four vertebrae they X-ray. I decided it was stupid to go in there and not get the benefit of it, so I took out the piercing, for the first time since it was inserted.

That wasn't the adventure. The adventure was putting it back in. I was afraid it would be difficult, but wasn't that bad. It was more like when I first had my ears pierced, and when I'd put in an earring it would want to hide behind a fold of skin instead of poking all the way through. This was actually a little easier because I could see it, and it only took a minute to get back through. I have changed out the little ball-end on it before, which is twiddly fine work, but that only involves metal-to-metal contact, not metal through skin, and I got that on relatively easily.

Posted by dichroic at 04:02 PM | Comments (1)

April 04, 2006


Zacharias Moussaoui dies, and is greeted at the entrance to Paradise by One who is unmistakeably Allah. Allah asks, "My child, what did you do to make My world a better place?" Moussaoui replies, "Lord, I tried to murder the infidels, to make the world more free for Your true believers who follow the Holy Quran. At least I was able to die as a martyr to make my cause known before the world." Allah answers, "But do you not see, the infidels are My children too. And by killing them, you would have taken away their chance to turn to My true teachings. Your act does not honor Me, but is born of hate and fear that deny My Presence in all people."

Tom DeLay dies, and is greeted at the Gates of Heaven by Jesus, looking as He is imagined in all the portraits of the Old Masters. "Tell me, My son, what did you do to make your world a better place?" DeLay replies, "My Lord, I did my best to ensure that my nation was governed by your principles. I spoke of Your Law in public places and changed our laws to prohibit those things that are an abomination unto You. I worked to help those with the money and the power to make these changes." He is surprised to see that Jesus is weeping. "My son," Jesus says, "You forget that the poor and the powerless are My children too, and that as you do the the least of them so you do to Me. Even even those forms of Love you would outlaw are also born of Me."

Dichroic dies, and is met by a shifting Being, now male, now female, now inhuman, but always too bright and glorious to be looked at directly. The Being speaks, and the world around it rumbles. "Tell me, daughter, what did you do in your time on Earth to help heal the world?" Dichroic is fearful. "Your Holiness," she stammers, "On Earth I was humble and powerless. I tried to treat others as I would be treated, according to Your Law, but I was not always successful. But I did try to speak against hate whenever I could, to remind others that all of us are equally Your children, and to encourage others to bring down the rich, those in power, and those who purported to teach Your laws while spreading hate." "Foolish daughter," rumbles the Being, with gentle affection. "Do you not understand that the rich and powerful are My children too?"

Anyway, sorry if the above looks like sacrilege to anyone. It's mostly a reminder to myself. My first reaction to the news about DeLay can be summarized as "Yahoo!" But I couldn't stay that happy - much as I despise the man, it's sad to see someone's whole life derailed like that. Stupid conscience.

Posted by dichroic at 02:07 PM | Comments (4)

April 03, 2006

not too rich or too thin

Last week's little gastric upset, during which I consumed a total of a slice and a half of toast and half a Clif Bar (plus tea, water, Powerade and ginger ale), and then considerably less than the usual amount of food for the next couple of days, appears to have shrunken my stomach. Is that possible in such a short time? Saturday night I walked into a restaurant hungry and walked out again feeling somewhat overfilled after eating a cup of French opinion soup, half a Caesar salad (with shrimp) and a slice or two of bread. I feel like I've had my stomach stapled. I've even been eating fewer pretzels.

I have a feeling that it would not be terribly difficult to stretch my stomach back to its normal size, but since I do in fact need to lose a few pounds, I'm trying not to do that, to eat lightly and slowly and let my satiation reflex catch up before I overstuff myself and begin feeling all oogy again. I haven't noticed any lack of energy (I rowed both Saturday and Sunday and erged today) so it feels more like not loading myself with extra calories I'd then have to dispose of one way or another rather than actual dieting. I am having to exercise a little conscious effort not to just keep eating until the normal amount is consumed, though. That's especially difficult with pretzels, where eating one induces cravings for another and it's all about mouth-feel and taste rather than actual hunger.

I haven't noticed any actual difference in weight, after the initial water-weight loss came back, but I never know how soon after a calorie deficit that actually shows up. Also, I'm at the heaviest part of my usual cycle just now, so I'd expect my weight to be lower by the end of the week. I keep reading that most people in good shape stay that way by making small adjustments when they see a trend they don't like; I walked miles every day, got enough exercise not to worry about that in my 20s, rowed more seriously in most of my 30s, and so am just needing to think about such things now. But it sounds like a good practice.

After that, it may be tempting fate to mention that I've finally gotten my credit card paid off from last year's flying expenses and my savings started back on the way up. I'm not at the status quo ante volarum (I have absolutely no idea how you say "flying" in Latin, actually) but at least I can see some progress on the way there.

I do hope Murphy (the guy with the Law) isn't reading this entry. Writing about starting to get calories and dollars under control just seems to be asking for either system or even something else entirely to fall apart.

Posted by dichroic at 02:15 PM

March 31, 2006

a curate's egg of a trip

I suppose the trip could be called successful. The training sessions went well and several people came up to me or to the site person who arranged it to say how good the training was. The fact that in some cases their commendations were phrased as "Wow, I thought that would be much more boring than it was!" doesn't make me any less proud. There was remarkably little head-bobbing as well, though the fact that the training only took half as long as expected probably had a lot to do with it. Law of human nature: training a very large group take less time than training a smaller one because many fewer people will speak up and there won't be any dialog. I encourgae people to ask questions and there were a couple, though in one case it was (according to site personnel) "the guy who always wants to make trouble", and fortunately, it turned out my response to his comment on conditions at his site was almost exactly what the site leaders would have said. The best I could do with this group was to get them laughing at some points, or nodding their heads, so that at least there was some interaction. For me, and I think for a lot of people, it's just not possible to pay attention for long if all the information flow is one-way.

Oh. I just noticed, when I get to thinking about ways to training and communicating with people, at least in my head it begins to sound like Elizabeth Bear or Sarah Monette journaling about writing fiction. Not in "quality"-meaning-how-good-it-is, because I think they're better writers than I am a trainer, but in "quality"-meaning-what-kind-of-thing-it-is. And that applies to the whole range of that subject: talking and writing, design of slides and usability of websites, when to take breaks and when to use humor and so on. When I write about writing I don't sound that way at all. I think that says a lot about what I know, but it just might also say something that gets me a little closer to what my Proper Job is supposed to be. Closer, but not there; it's to do with teaching and training and mentoring and communicating, but it's not teaching kids. It might be teaching in a university, but that's such a complex system to break into and then you only ever get to talk about one subject. Corporate trainer, maybe, but I want to be involved with knowing the information and putting it together, too, not just transmitting someone else's information. I don't know, but it's something to percolate.

At any rate, the socializing part of the trip went well too; I got to meet up with a couple of people I've known from online lists for much of a decade, but had never met in person. They looked pretty much as expected, because I'd seen pictures. They didn't sounds as I expected, because even when I know someone is from New York, I don't hear that accent when I read her words. We went out for Chinese food and conversation. I was expecting the Chinese food to be much better than here, but I don't think it really was - the conversation, on the other hand was superb. We discussed people and books and conventions and lives. I also enjoyed the drive out; one friend picked me up and we drove out the the home of the other, who lives in a region of big single-family traditional houses. There were some jaw-droppingly beautiful ones on the way.

What didn't go so well was the aftermath of that dinner. I had planned to teach my class and then meet up with one of the friends to go to a nearby aviation museum. Instead, I woke up at 3AM with my stomach burbling and grumbling and spent the rest of the night returning to the bathroom every little while. I wasn't nauseous, but I was definitely uncomfortable. Once my stomach was empty I felt a little better and had evolved a plan by morning. The plant is fortunately right close to the hotel; I went out and was able to teach my remaining two class sections with no problems; one nice thing about stomach issues, for me at least, is that a good enough distraction can make them call a temporary ceasefire. Afterward, I returned to the hotel, where I'd been able to get a late checkout, and rested. (Note: Hilton's HHonors program apparently allows you to check out as late as 3PM without fee.) I ordered up some tea and toast, because I was worried about getting dehydrated or lightheaded if I didn't eat or drink at all, which would make things even worse. I was able to eventually nibble down a slice and a half of the toast, and was feeling a bit better by 3, when I had to leave for the airport. Traffic was mercifully not too bad for the drive there, and with almost no food in there my guts behaved well on the drive, the airport and in the airplane. I picked up some Powerade in the airport and slugged down that, some water, eventually some ginger-ale, and half a Clif Bar during the course of the two-hour airport wait and the five+ hour flight, and that all seemed to work out just right. So far today I'm doing much better; I've had my normal breakfast of a clementine and a little dry cereal, plus half a sandwich and a few fries I couldn't resist, all without mishap. I'll continue to eat more lightly than normal for the rest of today, and hope I'm in shape for the planned light row with the Cubemate tomorrow. Catching up on sleep should also help, because by the time I got to bed last night I'd been up for 22 hours. Oh, well, could be a lot worse.

Posted by dichroic at 01:08 PM

March 28, 2006


The day did improve a bit when the gate agent was able to switch me to a window seat. Only one painful problem with that.

I was sharing the row with a big fat man and his big fat wife. No, they weren't the problem; the man was next to be but unlike many even much smaller men I've sat next to on airplanes, he was able to keep his elbows to himself and out of my seat. The problem was that it was a *long* flight, with the attendants bringing beverages by several times. I did get up to use the toilet once when the wife was already up, but after that I just decided to tough it out, because it seemed to be quite an effort for them to extract themselves from the tiny airline seats. (Purely my own fault; I'm sure if I had asked to get up they'd have been entirely polite about it as they were for the rest of the flight.). Unfortunately it took longer than I'd anticipated to get out of the holding pattern, into Newark, to the gate, and out of the plane from our row at the rear. In case anyone wants to know, the restrooms at Newark Airport are way too far from the gate I landed at. They should do something about that; I was beginning to mull over plots to leave a puddle behind a kiosk somewhere, because owowOWowow. After that, the driving seemed less of a challenge, anyway, and I found the hotel without incident. Oh, and free wirelss internet at the hotel, yay!

Posted by dichroic at 08:25 PM | Comments (3)


Yeesh. I could do without having to sit in a middle seat on a nonstop flight from Phoenix to Newark. Wish me luck, in getting neighbors who stay in their own seats instead of elbowing into mine. Also, the airline uses zones for boarding, and since I'm in Zone 5, the chances of getting a spot for my carry-on are looking low. (I don't usually like to be Mrs. Baggage, but I have a carry-on suitcase plus a laptop bag that will go under the seat.) Then I get to navigate from Newark Airport to my hotel, and driving at night in strange cities is always fun. Once there I get to teach 5 2-hour classes in two days.

On the bright side, I get to talk about my stuff to people at least some of whom want to know about it, and I get to meet up with a couple of very-long-time electron-friends whom I will now get to meat in the meat world. Plus no sitting at a desk for 2.5 days. I remember now why I like travel.

Posted by dichroic at 09:55 AM


Yeesh. I could do without having to sit in a middle seat on a nonstop flight from Phoenix to Newark. Wish me luck, in getting neighbors who stay in their own seats instead of elbowing into mine. Also, the airline uses zones for boarding, and since I'm in Zone 5, the chances of getting a spot for my carry-on are looking low. (I don't usually like to be Mrs. Baggage, but I have a carry-on suitcase plus a laptop bag that will go under the seat.) Then I get to navigate from Newark Airport to my hotel, and driving at night in strange cities is always fun. Once there I get to teach 5 2-hour classes in two days.

On the bright side, I get to talk about my stuff to people at least some of whom want to know about it, and I get to meet up with a couple of very-long-time electron-friends whom I will now get to meat in the meat world. Plus no sitting at a desk for 2.5 days. I remember now why I like travel.

Posted by dichroic at 09:55 AM | Comments (1)

March 27, 2006


Logistics are kicking my butt. Apparently it is not possible to fly directly from Kansas City to Wichita, nor from Wichita to Tulsa on a weekday morning. You have to go around by Dallas instead, and by the time you've done that, you've spent as much time from first takeoff to second landing as you would if you drove. And that's not even counting time to get to the airport, check in, deal with the rental car, and so on. I think I'm just going to take the iPod, maybe check out a couple of audiobooks from the library, and tell myself that a road trip through the Heartland is a much nicer way to spend a spring morning that sitting behind a desk. Maybe I'll take a Bill Staines CD along, too:

I have known the wind. It's been a friend all of my days,
And I have seen it dance, across the prairie when it plays.
And I have known the freedom too, of a wheatfield's rolling scene,
And they have never left me blue, so play your song for me.

I'm a sucker for appropriate music, and Staines has a lot of evocative songs about American places. I used to drive Rudder and out friend Bob nuts with Staines' song Lost Mine of the Chisos when we'd go backpacking in Big Bend.

The trip I leave on tomorrow has its share of complexities too: five 2-hour classes to teach in two days, and two piffle-y friends to hook up with Wednesday evening, though at least that latter part is a more pleasant complexity. I'm really not particualrly looking forward to finding my way out of Newark from the airport tomorrow night, either.

I'm really hoping I can manage without much driving on the Germany trip next month, but the way things are going, I have Dark Fears.

Posted by dichroic at 01:13 PM

March 23, 2006


We have some news on the Rudder's job front is good enough to get me excited, but indefinite enough that I can't get too excited just in case. ( Europe....

Meanwhile, between work and regattas, my upcoming travel plans include a work trip to New Jersey; a work trip to two cities in Kansas and one in Oklahoma; a regatta in northern California; a weekend trip to a cabin near our property; a work trip to three plants in Germany. There were also going to be a trip to Taos to meet my uncle, but out of sheer exhaustion I suggested the weekend near our property instead, and a work trip to Ohio that I've managed to talk down to a telecon instead. If this all sounds like it's not too bad, I should point out that this is just within the next two months. If I look out through the summer, I've also got regatta trips to Tahoe, southern Oregon and possible Seattle, and who knows what else from work. I'm tired already thinking about it.

There's similar confusion just inherent in the one regatta trip to California - there are three males and four females definitely going, three more people who we think are, and a couple of people from other clubs we often race with - so the trick is to figure out what boats we can put together so everyone gets to race as much as we want. There are events for men's, women, and mixed (that is, an equal number of men and women); lightweight and openweight; and age categories from 27 on up. Plus there's the factor of trying to put people of similar size and skill together, and of people's own preferences - some like bigger boats, some smaller, some don't want to be the one who steers, and so on.

It'll all work out, somehow or other. And it will be fun.

Posted by dichroic at 12:57 PM | Comments (1)

March 22, 2006

letters, we got letters...

Just heard back about that exam - I passed. The letter informed me that I am now entitled to put a (ridiculously long) string of letters after my name on business cards or in professional correspondence. So now, if I included all that plus a couple of previous certifications and added on my degrees, I could be:

Dichroic MyLastName, BS, MS, CQA, Black Belt, ASQ-CMQOE

Only I don't know where you get business cards big enough to fit all that, they wouldn't fit in anyone's wallet, and no one would know what it all meant anyhow. I think I'll stick to just my name, and leave all the initials off (unless I ever get a PhD, which would be so much more work than any of the above listed certifications that I suspect I'll want to advertise). Anyway, at least if I had to give up my Saturday morning for work, it'll do my resume some good.

To finish with something more substantive, I was looking through some old LJ entries today, and came across this over in one of Mary Ann's old posts. Molly Ivins is a favorite of mine, but I hadn't seen these words from her before:

On the general subject of political corruption, do not fall into the fatal error of cynicism. You do your country a great disservice by saying things like: "Eh, they're all crooks. Nothing anyone can do about it. Money will always find a way."

The answer is perpetual reform. Fix it, and if corruption comes back again, you just whack back at it again.... Don't blow the chance with cheap cynicism.

Posted by dichroic at 11:54 AM | Comments (1)

March 21, 2006

maybe I could use some black and white after all.

In that previous entry I praised complexity; I think I've gotten my comeuppance already.

The Arizona outlaws are sponsoring the Arizona State Junior Rowing Championships, meaning Rudder is doing a lot of the regatta organizing, a few of us will be volunteering at the regatta, and we bought a perpetual trophy last year and the first-place medals this year. In addition, She-Hulk is running a silent auction on the day of the regatta to raise some funds. Some large prizes have already been donated. I said I'd make a pair or two of earrings to auction off. She-Hulk suggested that a necklace might be easier to sell. Good thing; since volunteering to make the necklace, I've been looking for rowing charms. (The necklaces will look something like the bottom photo here, probably in the colors of the crews participating in the regatta.) That's been harder than expected. Given that I've bought charms for $5 or less, I figured I could find some online. No dice - I found ones for $$12 and $15 and $20 and up, which could get a bit expensive if I try to make a necklace in each crew's colors.

I knew that I'd bought the charm on my necklace from Whirling Girl - their own charms are more expensive (though very nice) but at some regatta I'd been to they were selling several someone else had made. I emailed and asked very politely if they could put me in touch with that person, and they did, promptly and graciously. (I tried as hard as I could not to sound like I was taking away business from them. They were so nice as to make me want to buy something, and as it turns out they have some hand balm I may try.) They sent the charm-maker's email. I emailed him. He replied and said he'd be out of town for two days and would email when he got back. I emailed again four days later. He asked for a phone number. I sent that back - that was Saturday. Today I sent it again, in case the mail had gone astray. He called, we discussed, he promptly sent me descriptions and pictures of his charms. Only one major problem: he's in Mexico and shipping would be $30 by UPS (these are $5-10 dollar charms, and I only need a maximum of four, but decided to order a few more to have on hand). So that cost is high enough that it would keep me from ordering.

Only then I thought to ask if he'd be at the big regatta early next month in San Diego. He won't but will be in San Antonio in a couple of weeks. I'll send him a check there and he'll mail my charms from there. So victory has been snatched from the jaws of defeat, but man. All I wanted was a couple cheap rowing charms to make necklaces for a good cause. This is all way too complicated.

Posted by dichroic at 03:39 PM

March 20, 2006

not a-changin' fast enough

Small work related rant: Why is it so freaking hard to get people to do something a better (and not significantly harder) way instead of "the way we've always done it"? Why do those people include the very ones who are supposed to be dedicated to continuous improvement?

I think I'm going to change my nameplate to read "Sisyphus". Would that be unprofessional? Would it be more or less so if I told anyone who asked to go look it up for themselves? (Because God forbid anyone hould have an elementary knowledge of mythology in your average office.)

On the plus side, I may have a couple of interesting trips coming up in the next few months. (Not that anyone at those sites will know their myths either, but at least there will be new places to see.)

I do sometimes wish I could have lived in the days when any educated person would have a good grounding in Greek, Latin, the classic authors, and the Bible. Of course, once I'm done pining I remind myself just have low a percentage of the population (especially the female part of it) was in fact "educated", not to mention how many things we have making use of the same brain cells today that Macaulay and Gibbons never dreamt of. I'm always as shocked when I encounter a white-collar professional who can't, say, download and view an image from an e-mail as Lord Peter Wimsey might have been upon meeting someone at his clubs who had no acquaintance with Homer.)

Still, to the original point, grr. Change happens. Suck it up and deal, unless it's change in the negative direction.

Posted by dichroic at 12:37 PM | Comments (1)

March 16, 2006

too blatant to miss

I've mentioned here before that I'm not the most empathetic person in the world. Therefore, while I'm ready to rail against prejudiced thinking whether or not it affects me personally, I confess I'm less likely to notice it when it's against a category I don't fall into. Sometimes, though, it's repeated or blatant enough that even I can't miss it.

One thing I've noticed lately is that even among people who won't stand for any prejudice against women*, prejudice against blonde women seems to be OK. (Including, in some cases, actual blonde women.) I've almost never encountered an assumption that pale-haired men are automatically stupid. I just don't get it. OK, at least it's something that can be changed, and maybe some people don't care because of the other stereotype that says blondes are more attractive, but I still don't understand why it's acceptable to judge anyone's brains by an accident of coloring. (Or even a deliberate coloring.)

An even more blatant example was in a book I read the other day. I'd picked up Emily Dickinson's Dead, by Jane Langton, because I've enjoyed her children's books. This one, though meaning to be a cozy mystery, was considerably more disturbing. The villain (yes, there will be spoilers here, but I doubt it will be a major issue for anyone) is an extremely obese, mentally unhinged, and quite unpleasant young woman. So far, fine, but there were frequent and unmistakeable insinuations that either she was fat because she was crazy or she was crazy because she was fat, most likely the latter. There are all kinds of little asides about how the character hides secrets from herself "in the folds of her neck or the creases under her belly" or wherever. I confess I may harbor some prejudices against fat people, in assuming that they are likely to be less active than thinner people (though I do know some exceptions) but I have not noticed larger people to be any less sane or more violent than smaller ones. (More annoyed at purveyors of retail clothing, yes, often, but that's a pretty sane reponse to provocation and hardly ever leads to murder.) As an antidote, to get the nasty taste out of my mind I'm rereading a bunch of Charlotte MacLeod. She has attractive heroes and heroines of all ages and sizes; petite and (relatively) young Sarah, Dittany, Helen and Janet may get their men, but it's the opulent Theonia and the charismatic Aunt Emma, the dramatic Aunt Arethusa, the Valkyrie Sieglinde and the bountiful blonde Iduna, all well into middle-age, who have men falling all over them. Refreshing.

Posted by dichroic at 12:07 PM | Comments (1)

March 15, 2006

time to buckle down

I really, really hate to say this, but I need to lose weight. I was hoping that, once I quit flying, I'd row enough more that the weight would just sort of melt away, but that doesn't seem to be happening. The summer before last, I weighed about 122. Right now I weigh about 130. However, before anyone starts thinking I've fallen prey to cultural standards and starts frantically commenting to tell me I'm fine the way I am, I should point out that I do have a good reason for needing to lose some: if I want to race as a lightweight in sprint races this spring and summer, I need to weigh in below 130. Last weekend's race didn't have lightweight events, but the one in May does. (Also, I'm 5'2". Unless I have enough muscle to compete as a body builder, I really ought to weigh a little less.)

At least some of that is muscle, and most of my clothes are either still size 4 or are size 6 and a bit loose, so I don't want to get rid of all the weight gain. (Some of it is breast, either due to the weight gain or the birth control, but I could happily get rid of that.) I used to go to weigh-ins and not even bother to remove my jacket and shoes. I don't really need to be able to show off like that, but I don't want to have to go without drinking anything or any of the other tricks people use to make weight. Most of them are no good for either health or performance. I've already cut out most sodas, but I never had more than one a day, so that doesn't make much difference. The sensible thing to do would be to cut out pretzels, but frankly I'm not sure I have the will power. I love pretzels; I crave the taste and the crunch and the salt. Substituting apples just isn't going to work. Celery might work better, but it's a little tricky at work (also loud). We've been eating a lot of popcorn at home, which is a way to fill up with a lot of bulk for relatively few calories. It works for Rudder to lose weight, but I think for me it's more an added food than a substitute for anything else (well, it might reduce the pretzel consumption a little). I refuse to do a low-carb or any other diet that restricts the variety I eat. I think I'll just start by putting the pretzels in a less accessible part of my desk and trying not to eat one unless I'm actually hungry.

I've tried monitoring what I eat in Fitday, but it's fairly difficult to figure out actual calories for, say, a stirfry of assorted veggies over jasmine rice. Someone told me the purchased version is easier to use than the online one, so that may be another option. I've never done a diet in my life, and I'm sort of hoping I can just lose a couple of pounds (two would work, though I'd prefer 5) by just eating a little less, in an unorganized sort of way.

Posted by dichroic at 11:46 AM | Comments (2)

March 10, 2006

good so far

My plans to celebrate a whole birthday week got quite thoroughly derailed. Can't blame the cat for his timing though - it was his birthday week too. It's a funny thing: I am reasonably good at remembering birthdays, but terrible at remembering death dates. Maybe it's a Freudian thing, about what I most want to remember. If so, it works well for me; I don't really remember the date my grandmother died, but I thought about her last Sunday on what would have been her 94th birthday, and it was much nicer to be thinking about her life rather than her death. Anyhow, I won't have much trouble remembering both dates for this cat. I'm not terribly upset about him, just a bit sad. He had a good long life and his decline was fast and didn't seem to hurt him - since this had to happen, it could have happened a lot worse.

But though the week was a bit rough, today has been good so far, with lots of unexpected birthday wishes. Rudder remembered to say Happy Birthdaynot only before Ileft but the instant he woke up, my cubemate (for whom I need a nom) gave me a card and present, someone to whom I'd mentioned the date a whole year ago (we were out having drinks for someone else's birthday) told several others at work, who have passed on good wishes, and I've gotten a few e-cards and good wishes online, all of which makes me feel both special and grateful. Even nicer, several of the birthday wishes have included good wishes for tomorrow's races!

Posted by dichroic at 10:53 AM | Comments (2)

March 09, 2006

feline funerary

Well, that was a day. Since we don't plan to be in our current house long-term, Rudder had the excellent and fitting idea of taking personal days off work and burying the cat up on our airpark property. For the rest of the day to make sense, I need to point out that though it's only a couple housrs from Phoenix, it's nearly 6000' higher, so there's a drastic climate change. I should also point out that while that area is pine forest instead of desert and does get more rain (and snow), it's not a lot more. Until yesterday, Phoenix had had no rain for a hundred forty-some days, and the airpark area had gotten a quarter of an inch for the year to date.

1) Load up truck with picks, shovels and other implements of destruction, plus lots of containers of water to water our trees since there's been so little rain.
2) Notice truck tires are visibly low. Make an otherwise-unneeded gas station stop to fill them before leaving.
3) Drive up 2.5 hours to property - at least it's a pretty drive. Get snowed on enroute - yes, in this year with no precipitation. Saddened at the thought of leaving cat to be snowed on.
4) Get there and spend half an hour chatting with neighbor, who's been on leave from his job in CA and staying at his adjacent property. Worry because his sweet but energetic dog is running around. I don't want him to dig up our cat. Rudder's occasional unaccountable reserve kicks in and he doesn't want me to tell neighbor what we're doing up there, so I can't just ask him to put his dog inside for a bit.
5) Dig large hole in clay soil. Hole had to be large because we'd decided to bury the cat in a box, so we wouldn't have to dump earth right on him. Good thing Rudder brought the pickax; the sequence was, Rudder use pickax to break up clay, Dichroic shovel it out. Would have been difficult with one person.
6) Bury cat. *snif* Only very light flakes of something between snow and sleet, fortunately, so they felt more like a blanket than an assault.
7) Drive to gas station to fuel up for drive home. Suddenly the truck key won't open the gas cap. Talk to nice people at DairyQueen attached to gas station, and decide to drive to local locksmith instead of waiting forever for AAA. Locksmith fixes problem quickly, only charges $10.
8) Drive home. Snow worsens as we drive over the Rim; visibility severely impaired. Rudder was driving; and I don't think he enjoyed that part.
9) Stop at local cycle store to pick up Gu for weekend race. Home. Shower. Change. By now it's 6:30. Off to Best Buy to buy a videocamera, expecting a quick choice between the three models Rudder has narrowed it down to. Turns into an hour-long ordeal with idiot salesman. Appears none will play frame-by-frame, one of the major capabilities Rudder wants (for analysis of rowing technique), but we can't fully test them in the store because some are anchored in a way that precludes putting in a tape and neither box nor salesman has the answer.
10) Go to restaurant, only to find it's packed. Decide to do takeout instead. Quick run to Apple Store while food is being prepared to find out if we could at least get a video to run frame by frame on the Mac. Answer appears to be yes, staff very helpful. Comment to Rudder, "So that's what customer service is supposed to look like!" Get dinner and get home, right around when we'd normally be going to bed.

Rudder and I agreed that, despite the aggravations of the day, it was a much more fitting way to spend it than if we'd dropped off the cat at the vet's to be cremated and gone into work as usual. At least his death was marked.

Posted by dichroic at 11:02 AM | Comments (1)

March 07, 2006

RIP Beast

No, not being trained, after all.

RIP, Beast.

The name is because he was a fairly feral kitten - a neighbor who worked with a local animal control unit rescued him and his brother when the shelter (a police one) there put his mom and the rest of the litter down. He's been with me since he was 5 weeks old, a year before either of us even met Rudder. We used to not be able to sleep with our feet outside the blankets, because he would attack our toes. He had blue eyes as a kitten that were startling against his long black fur; the neighbor who rescued him said he might have Siamese blood that would keep his eyes blue, but they did change, to a clear gold that showed up as well.

He was crotchety. He once treed a Houston cop (another neighbor) in my bathroom, and he scared more than one guest by hissing at them. But he was also empathetic and would always come to me when he knew I was upset. One day early on, when we had all first moved in together, the cat somehow knocked a closet door shut, trapping himself inside. Rudder got home first and opened the door - unfortunately, the cat then decided that the incident was Rudder's fault. When I came home I found Rudder fending the cat off with a tennis racket - I had to call the cat off and calm him down. After that rocky beginning he and Rudder because best buddies. From the winter of 2001 when I was away for three months, they went to sleep snuggled up together every night. He did mellow out a lot as he got older; he's had some trouble jumping upon things for the last few months, but it's only been the last few weeks that he hasn't been eating. It's been a quick way to go - actually, it reminds me of my grandmother (whose birthday was just Saturday). Same thing: she essentially decided it was time to go and stopped eating. In both cases, fortunately, they lived to a good age before making that decision. She met him the one time she visited me, in Houston. She didn't like him all that much, having superstitions about black cats, but they did have some things in common.

Anyway, I'm babbling now and I should quit writing. Rudder's trying to be comforting, but I should really go check if he's the one who needs comfort.

I've never had a real pet die before - as a kid, I only had goldfish and gerbils. My parents' dog died a few years ago, but that was long after I was out of the house and he and I only overlapped by a year or so. It wasn't the same.

Posted by dichroic at 07:11 PM | Comments (16)

taken advantage of

I'm beginning to suspect Rudder and I are being trained. Ever since the cat-shavingepisode it's been apparent just how thin our older cat had gotten. In the last couple of weeks, he's really seemed to be failing - a lot more litter-box near-misses (fortunately, the litter box is in a spare bathtub), one episode that resulted in our having to wash a down comforter and duvet, and a general lack of energy. He hasn't seemed to be upset or in pain, though, so we're guessing it's just age. We share a birthday, at least approximately, and he'll be 17 this week. He comes downstairs a lot less and just in general moves a lot less. The litter box is upstairs, but we've always kept the food and water in the kitchen. We added an upstairs water dish some time ago, but we've been so worried about how skinny he's getting that we've been bringing bits of tuna and canned food up to him. (Both cats have been getting dry Science Diet their whole lives.) He seems to be perking up a bit - the other cat is probably stealing the goodies, but at least we've seen the older one eating some of it. However, now he's feeling better, he just waits for us to deliver tidbits to him, and now we have sneaking feeling that he's wondering, "Hell, why didn't I figure this out years ago?" Nothing like being taken advantage of by a cat.

Actually, if you have a cat to begin with, there's also nothing UNlike being taken advantage of. Furry leeches.

Someone actually rendered me speechless earlier today. I was at a meeting in a conference room I hadn't been to before, trying to hook up to the projector mounted in there. Someone went out and got a local admin to help; it turned out to be a matter of selecting the approrpiate input via the projector's remote. In other words, something I should have figured out myself, and I said as much.

She said, "Oh, Paula, just be a girl. let someone else figure it out."

That was when my jaw dropped (literally, I think). Once I regained the ability to speak, I told her that if being girly meant dressing up in a skirt and makeup I was fine with it, but I didn't see any reason it should make me stupider around techniology - and that the relevant point was not that I'm a girl but that I'm an engineer.

People like that are one reason why the rest of us have to deal with stereotypes and glass ceilings. (The other reason, of course, is the people who believe the stereotypes and who build the glass ceilings.)

I can think of good reasons to play stupid, honestly. I just can't think of any that are worth the risk that someone might actually think you are stupid, or that are worth the self-respect I'd lose.

Posted by dichroic at 02:12 PM | Comments (1)

March 06, 2006

rest of the weekend.

The weekend did improve after Saturday morning. The board of the rowing's national governing body, US Rowing, was in town for their annual meeting, so rowers from all of the local groups were invited to have dinner with them. I enjoyed the dinner, taliking mostly to several board members and members of the referee committee, but probably not quite as much as Rudder did. He somehow ended up sitting with most of the athlete reps - these were all recent Olympian types, so I think he got to hear some interesting stories.

Where I was sitting, we talked more about work than rowing, but it was interesting - four relatively senior women, in four different fields, talking about dealing with bosses and such. I think I need to do that sort of networking more often.

On Sunday, Rudder went out for a row with She-Hulk and the two others who will be racing a mixed quad together next weekend, and I rowed with the Old Salt, because we'll be taking a double out in that race. It was a bit of a rocky row, but improved a lot once he got warmed up - well, the man turns 64 tomorrow, so it's not unreasonable that it takes him a few thousand meters. At least now we know, so he'll warm up a bit on the erg before our race. Only thing that worries me is that we were down to port the whole time; I'm afraid that racing that way might tweak my back a little and I've got another doubles race (with one of the junior girls) shortly after that, as well as a race in my single late in the day. I think it will be all right, though. The one thing that bugs me is that the race isn't handicapped, even though all the people in it are masters rowers. We'll be going against some fast crews (Rudder and She-Hulk, for one) and it's not like we're going to win anyway, but that handicap would have been nice. Any of this may change, though - they expect to post the final schedule today sometime.

After rowing, we all went to breakfast. Later on, I got to check out a new local yarn store - it's closer to my house than any of the existing ones and it's open on Sundays! The store was a little sparse on yarn, understandably as it was only their second day open, but did have a nice stock of various Cascade and Southwest Trading Company yarns (SWTC is a local company). I was also glad to be able to buy a little Denise add-on kit - extras of all the cables, and a few spare connectors and end-stops. They also had quite a variety of spinning wheels. (They looked intriguing, but I refuse to take up spinning, since I barely have time to knit. Also, I don't think I could read while spinning.) It was nice to hang out with the proprietors and some other local knitters including Brooke, too.

Then last night we went out to a fancy steak place for an early birthday dinner for me - it's not until Friday, but by then we'll be getting ready for the marathon and I won't be wanting steak that night (though Rudder will) much less wine. Good wine, by the way - it was a Spanish red, Bodegas Tarsus. (Rudder wanted me to write the name down, to remember it - I pointed out that that was unnecessary, since it shares a name with Dr. Who's spacecraft.)

Posted by dichroic at 03:27 PM

March 04, 2006

"Grr!" said the Manager

Well, NOW I am pissed off. Not only did I just spend half of my precious Saturday taking an exam that I don't care about for any reason but work (so why do they always schedule those on weekends? If I only need it for work, is it not a legitimate use of work time?) but I just found out I got one question wrong. I CHANGED it from the correct answer to a wrong one. I changed it BECAUSE I looked it up and my study guide turned out to be even suckier than I thought it was. I knew it sucked because of not having much of the info I needed, but I didn't know until I got home and did a quick websearch that it also had info that's flat-out wrong.


If anyone cares, the exam was for Certified Quality Manager, it's given and schedule by ASQ, the Aerican Society for Quallity, and the study guide is the CQM Primer from the Quality Council of Indiana. In the spirit of full disclosure I should note that the primer is for the pervious version of the exam (between last time it was administererd and now, they changed the exam from Certified Quality Manager to Certified Quality Manager / Operational Excellence. However, this mistake was in an area that hasn't changed. It was about one of Dr. Deming's principles, in fact, and those hadn't changed since he died over a decade ago.

Posted by dichroic at 12:35 PM | Comments (1)

February 28, 2006

on criticism

I'm having a remarkably unsuccessful sick day - "unsuccessful" in the sense that I've actually gotten quite a lot of work done. I'd been awakened by some fairly painfulstomach cramps and by morning was still feeling a bit shaky. I wanted to take a sick day, but I had three meetings to call into (two I'd set up myself), some training materials I wanted to get finished, and some necessary studying I need to do for that damned exam I have to take Saturday. Most important, I'd planned a luncheon with someone I haven't seen for years who, I recently found out, is working at another nearby site of my company's, and I didn't have her email address or phone number at home. So I drove in, picked up my laptop and study materials, and told my boss I was leaving again.

At least I've also gotten some dozing, pleasure reading and napping in as well, and knitting during meetings and while studying. Maybe I'll log it as half a sick day.

I'm pleased to be into the ribbing at the bottom of Rudder's sweater. Once I finish that, I just need to pick up and knit the ribbed neck and tuck in a few ends and I'll be done (unfortunately, just in time for 80 degree weather).

Someone commented here that she was annoyed by the Olympic commenters who asked every athlete about the flaws in their run, race, routine or game, and that she felt they were spending too much tme searching for negativity. (Unfortunately, I think I must have deleted the comment by mistake. I apologize to whoever wrote it - sometimes the real messages get lost among the blasted hordes of sp@m comments. ) She thought the commenters (I dislike the word "commentators") ought to be spending their time instead comgratulating the athletes on having achieved the level of excellence that is required to even compete in the Olympics. I've heard this argument from other people, including a college housemate who used to get upset if I made what he thought was a negative comment on any of these athletes who, after all, all have me far outclassed, but I don't really agree with it. For one thing, it would get very boring very quickly. For another, the commenters are mostly former athletes themselves in the sport they're reporting on. They know that after each run (or race or routine or game) the athletes are looking back over it, analyzing what they did right, what mistakes were made and what could be improved. I think that's what they're asking about. I have also heard, for example, the speed skater Ohno asked of his gold medal 500-meter race, "You went into that saying you needed a perfect race to win. So was that a perfect race for you?" which doesn't strike me as negative - but then perfect races are the exception, not the rule.

My gold standard, the most fun I've had watching the Olympics and the reason I try to watch them again each time in hopes ef recapturing the experience, is the 1976 Summer Olympics. Night after night my father and I sat in front of the TV, putting together a complicated jigsaw puzzle I can still visualize and watching the gymnastics. He was a former high-school gymnast and I would be one seven years later. (I was never very good, but I think he was.) The enjoyment for us was to pick each routine apart, spotting the mistakes and the things that went well. It turns out an eye for form in gymnastics allows you to critique ice-skating, the snowboarding halfpipe competitions and ski-jumping and, I realized this year, being able to spot a good race strategy in rowing has a lot of application to speedskating, so I enjoy watchig and critiquing all of those sports. What I think both the commenter here and my old housemate don't get is that this doesn't diminish the athletes in our eyes. If I say that the gymnast Olga Olgarovich has split her legs in her layout release from the unevens, or the skater Jane Doevitsch has a bad position in her spin, I'm never for a moment losing sight of her extraordinary skills, the dedication and work she's put into it, or the fact that what she's doing almost but not quite perfectly, I couldn't do at all. Rather, I'm enjoying an analytical exercise, comparing her to her Olympic peers and testing myself against the judges, to see if I can see what they're seeing and spot the tiny differences between competitors that they're spotting - or in a race where form matters, like luge or speedskating or rowing, to see if I can spot the tiny differences that keeps one athlete from catching up with another.

It's similar to when we do a video session out on the lake; we take turns videotaping each other rowing, and then we go watch and critique the video. If Rudder or She-Hulk or Dr. Bosun tells me I'm beding my arms too soon during the drive, or using too much body angle or whatever, it doesn't mean they think I'm a bad rower. It means they see where I can get better. And when they tell me about it, I thank them. My non-expert criticism will never do any of the Plympic athletes any direct good, but it won't harm them either, and it's made in much the same spirit.

Posted by dichroic at 02:08 PM

February 26, 2006

party gras report

The party went fairly well; it wasn't hugely attended, but the people who came seemed to have a good time, and Rudder and I enjoyed having them. They were a hungry crowd but not a thirsty one; most of the turkey is gone, one ofthe king cakes and all of the gumbo and jambalaya, but there are a lot of drinks left. That's better than the other way around; I'll give away the diet soda, which we don't drink, but otherwise the sodas and beer will keep until we get around to drinking them. Someone brought glow-in-the-dark Mardi Gras cups, which were a huge success and party poppers which strewed streamers and confetti - festive, but annoying to clean. She also (having been the one who talked us into having the party and so feeling some responsibility for it) brought the gumbo as well as a pitcher of hurricanes, the one drink that did go fast. Lethal, too.

This party will shine all the more by contrast to next Saturday, when I have to take a 4 hour exam for a work certification. I don't expect to enjoy that nearly as much.

Posted by dichroic at 05:48 PM

February 22, 2006

giant mutant turkeys in my fridge

It's been a day of accomplishment; my house smells good and there are three large turkeys marinating in the refrigerator. Rudder is off on a business trip, so I got to prepare the turkeys for our Mardi Gras party this weekend. (I got to go buy them myself, too, courtesy of his last business trip.) We deep fry them, Cajun style, and they have to have a spicy marinade injected. "Marinade" makes it sound simple, though; this stuff involves chopping up lots of onions, garlic, and celery, sauteeing them in butter and chicken broth, pureeing the whole mess, and injecting it all over the turkey. Or turkeys, actually. There are three duly injected and now residing in my fridge, two for the party and one for Rudder to carve up and freeze for assorted quick dinners.

I decided putting them in bags instead of Rudder's more usual large pan with foil on top would make it easier to fit them in the refrigerator, and it did, but the bagging wasn't easy. Today was my day off from working out, but between pouring the sauteed stuff from the cast-iron pan I used and lifting the injected and spice-and-goo covered turkeys into the bags, I feel like I ot a decent arm workout, at least. This sort of thing is why I lift weights: I'm strong for my size, but given that my size is extra-small, there are too many things in daily life I'd have trouble managing otherwise. (Did I mention that Rudder always wants big turkeys? These were 17-pounders. A 17-lb turkey is much harder to balance on one hand than a dumbbell of similar weight.)

It all went fairly smoothly, but it did take 3.5 hours. In the process I leanred how our blender's "pulse" feature works; unfortunately, I learned that while the lid was off. Oops. (There's one switch with high, low and pulse settings; high and low don't activate anything until other buttons are pushed.) I hadn't realized how vomitocious that pureed goop looks until it was all over me and the counter.

My boss gets a "Hero of the Mardi Gras" award for letting me telecommute today. Usually Rudder does this after work and we're up past our bedtimes. It wasn't a bad deal for the boss, either; I respomd to my first email of the day at 6Am and my last at 6PM and in between got to do a lot of other work including some I likely wouldn't have gotten to in the office. Some people like to keep work and home rigidly separated but I think I prefer mixing them up a bit. I don't feel so trapped when I can leave my work and go do something else for a few minutes and my breaks can be a lot more productive when they involve a load of laundry instead of chatting with a coworker. Now that I have a laptop with a wireless card I can work anywhere I'm comfortable - I checked email before getting out of bed this morning. Plus the food's better here . Unfortunately the boss's boss doesn't like the idea of any of us telecommuting on a regular basis.

I do hope this party turns out well. The food part will be fine, but I have no idea how many people will show up.

Posted by dichroic at 08:27 PM | Comments (2)

they like me ... except there's no "they" there

Lately most of the coment sp@m I've been getting here contains laudatory messages, instead of the ones I used to get asking if I wanted to meet hot girls, buy cheap drugs, or increase my penis size. They range from "very useful blog" or has "beautiful design! congrats to admin!" to "this site is realy very interesting" [sic], which always sounds like grudging praise, to "I have loved your site for its useful and funny content and simple design" and even "I love you so much!". (Of course, they still all contain URLs that refer to hot girls, cheap drugs or penis enlargement.) There's been a lot of it; this version of MovableType makes it easy to manage and delete sp@m but doesn't seem to have as comprehensive a list to block it.

It just feels odd to be getting such fulsome compliments from some anonymous company that's only out for my money. It's sort of simultanously gratifying and squicky to look at my comments and see that long list of "I love you, man", or words to that effect. I wish they'd just stop.

I don't understand sp@m anyway. Does anybody ever open an email from a stranger and think, "Why yes, I've been meaning to have my penis enlarged"? Or buy drugs that way? Ad if so, why?

Posted by dichroic at 01:10 PM | Comments (1)

February 21, 2006

still early to bed

Ow. Apparently it wasn't a good ide to come home from the gym last night and call one of my chattier relatives. Or at least it would have been smarter to use a headset or hold the phone in my hand, rather than between my neck and shoulder. Knitting while watching TV afterward probably didn't help either. I ended up with a muscle or nerve somehow pinched in my left shoulder. It was really hurting by the time I went to bed; a judicious combination of pressure on it and laying in a position where that shoulder wasn't squinched fixed it for last night, but it's hurting again.

So far, I have rowed Saturday (we were supposed to do a video session but couldn't get the camera working right) rowed 15K Sunday night, and did a fairly hard workout at the gym last night, with a bunch of stuff I don't usually get to in the mornings - an extended core workout, squats instead of leg press, and the incline leg press where you have to put actual weight plates on instead of sticking a little peg in a weight stack, and so on. The theory is that I'll row tonight and take tomorrow off, but we'll see. If I'm too tired to row I could take today off and erg tomorrow instead - I'll be telecommuting (yay!) so it seems silly to drive all the way to the lake, which is close to work.

I can't say that working out at night in order to watch the Olympics is being entirely successful. The problem is that, since I'm working out enough to really need 8 hours of sleep, I have to get to bed before the program is over in order to get up in time for work the next day. Even if I didn't worry about getting up at 6, by 9 or 10 I'm just tired. So I do get to watch a lot more of the Olympics than I would otherwise, but I don't get to see the medal-winning performances, since usually the top-seeded athletes are on last.

One more thing: I'm trying to figure out what to knit when I finish Rudder's sweater. Sine I can't (or at least don't know if there's a way to) have a poll here, I've put one up over at my LJ site. Go tell me what to do next. (In a nice way, of course.)

Posted by dichroic at 12:31 PM

February 20, 2006

but siriusly

Holy shit. That was both seriously cool and seriously hilarious. (Seriously, Red.) I just heard the Del McCoury cover Richard Thompson's "1952 Vincent Black Lightning" - as bluegrass. It worked surprisingly well. The funniest part was when they changed Thompson's very English Box Hill (I always wonder if it was the same on which Emma Woodhouse and Frank Churchill picnicked) to a more Appalachian Knoxville. It worked surprisingly well, though as a folkie rather than a bluegrass fan of course I prefer the original.

I love me someSirius Disorder.

Posted by dichroic at 07:57 PM | Comments (1)

the flannel sheets are calling...

It turns out that erging 15 km while watching prime-time Olympics coverage is very conducive to sleeping like a dead thing, but not so good for getting up for work the next morning. Rudder's away again too, which probably contributed to my deep sleep. The cats may move more but they weigh so much less that they wake me less. Still, even though the sleep was deep, even though I got eight hours, it wasn't long enough. I'm meeting someone after work to row a double tonight, so I may just need to try for nine hours of sleep instead of eight.

My boss was saying the other day that he didn't see why people needed to waste so much time sleeping (instead of working - don't worry, he was mostly joking). On the other hand, Rudder and I find that the more exercise we get the more sleep we need, and I read something recently by a Olympian rower, now retired, that said that while in training she used to get 9-10 hours a night plus naps.

I can hear my bed calling and it's currently ten miles away.

Preparations are well under way for Saturday's Mardi Gras party. On Wednesday I get to telecommute, which will make injecting seasoning into the turkeys much easier. (Of course it will also mean more time spent unable to breathe, because of the amount of onions and garlic I have to sautee with seasoning.) I do hope enough people turn up to make it fun.

Posted by dichroic at 01:56 PM

February 17, 2006

I'm back, and all booked up

Just in case anyone's wondering, I'm back. I actually got home last night, but didn't have much time then (I was a good girl: flew in, drove home from the airport, got here around 6::30, ate a quick dinner and erged 6K), and the Internet was down at work all day. Albuquerque was quite nice and I can highly recommend the restaurant El Pinto - apparently President Bush ate there just a few weeks ago, and the people we were with made us get nachos for an appetizer because he'd had them.

I'm also poud to say I've now cataloged the books I bought at a large local booksale last week - 29 books for $38! Actually, it was the two volume annotated Sherlock Holes plus a hardback copy of Chaucer for $21 and the other 26 for $17. The challenge now, of course, is finding room for them all.

Posted by dichroic at 07:39 PM | Comments (1)

February 14, 2006

our wedding, and some preliminary matter

First: if any of you who are US citizens are interested the ACLU is putting together a petition for an investigation into White House soy ing on citizens, here. (If you're not a citizen and you want to protest, the administration's certainly giving you no lack of options in their foreign policy.)

I think this knitting thing's getting a little out of hand. My stash still fits in one big plastic container, but right now I have in work one sweater for Rudder (one sleeve done, one nearly so, then there's the body from the armpits down to do), and one pair of socks to match (barely started). I have yarn for a shawl for me (debating between another Clapotis or some simple lace) and gloves for Rudder (same pattern I did for my Dad, since it worked so well), not one but two sleeveless shells, plus a couple of odd balls of yarn for which I'm considering something like this or maybe this. Also, I want to make a kipah (yarmulke) for my mom, so I probably need some nice colorful cotton yarn for that in a sock or DK weight. I'm glad I started the socks, though - I've got a short business trip tomorrow and Thursday, and the sweater would have been too bulky to take along easily. Also it sheds like a cat.

There are worse earworms to have than Tom Paxton's song "Gettin' Up Early". I mention this to share it with any of you stuck with more annoying songs, though obviously it only works if you're actually acquainted with the song.

For some reason, that reminds me: I've been thinking about our wedding lately, after talking about it to my cubemate who's at the very beginning of planning her own. There are really not that many things I'd change if I could. The hotel we had it at managed brilliantly: the ceremony was in one room, set up with rows of chairs for our guests, and then they shooed us out for drinks into a private lobby while they opened the room into the one next to it and set the two up for dinner and dancing. No one had to drive between the wedding and reception. Since it was out in the 'burbs (his neighborhood, in fact) instead of downtown, our in-town guests weren't charged for parking while there was plenty of history nearby for the out-of-towners. The hotel provided candles, mirrors, and greenery for centerpieces, while the florist got exactly the shades I wanted for our bouquets. The people we wanted there most were there, and the JP did a nice ceremony that we wish we could remember. I'm glad we picked our attendents by friendship rather than gender. The honeymoon in Jamaica was one of the very few relaxing vacations we've taken together, which was exactly what we needed then.

There are a couple of things that were OK, but that I wish we could have done better. It would have been nice to videotape the ceremony because neither of us can really remember our vows. (I know I didn't promise to "obey" though - I was listening for that!) This being 1993, I was unable to find a dress without big puffy sleeves, though I tried - I liked my dress otherwise. (Wedding dresses in general turn out to be much more flattering than I'd expected.) I wish I could have found dresses the female attendents would wear again, but they all rejected my suggestion that they all pick any white dress they liked. (The dresses were white and tea-length, with gentle scoop necks and slightly puffed sleeves. Not unflattering and none of them fit badly, but I doubt they got worn for anything else.) Still, it was a pretty wedding, in my biased opinion.

The one thing I wish I could change was the music. If I could do it again, I'd interview several DJs. (Actually, if I could do it now I'd choose each song, preload it on an MP3 player, and ask someone trustworthy to manage the music and call us up for our first dance. The DJ we had seemed to have only 60s and 70s music, none of the more current stuff Rudder wanted and not even the song his parents requested (Twelfth of Never, not exactly obscure.) Also, while I couldn't have picked anything more perfect than "Sunrise, Sunset" for my dance with my father and Rudder's with his mother (my family has a lot of memories around that song), Rudder and I danced to "Unchained Melody", and while the tune is pretty, the lyrics were just not appropriate for the wedding of a couple who'd been living together. I was in a hurry when I picked it. If I could do that again, we'd dance to Si Kahn's "Like Butter Loves Bread", or Garnet Rogers' "All There Is" (actually, that song probably didn't exist yet) or maybe even "Some Enchanted Evening", which is easy to dance to and quite appropriate for us.

On the other hand, that's a pretty minor thing, to be the biggest change I'd make if I could redo our wedding. I'd marry the same man, no questions and no hesitation. And really, as long as the marriage is happy these thirteen years later, who cares what went wrong at the wedding?

Posted by dichroic at 12:21 PM

February 13, 2006

Monday braindump

I kept thinking I ought to update over the weekend, and I kept not getting around to it, so here's the Monday brain-dump.

I felt like I did good work on Friday. Due to all the reorganization around here and the resulting disruption of relationships and traditions, if it weren't for me, it's quite possible that a man would have retired after 35 years with this company -- all at one site, even -- and just walked out the door with no fuss or celebrations at all. And this is someone who's worked with people across that site and whom everyone loves, mind you, not someone whom nobody knows. Instead, we had a luncheon out with most of the people from my - and his - favorite group of coworkers. So many other people wanted to come along that I and a few others in that group did a little judicious pushing and as a result there was a proper cake in the cafeteria, with signs all over the plant, all organized by his current department. I hear a couple hundred people stopped by for that. Now he gets to embark on retirement feeling appreciated by the company he gave so many years to. It's possible someone else would have planned that, but as of three weeks before his retirement no one had, and I did, and now I'm feeling like I've done something of value.

I did get to watch the Olympic Opening Ceremonies on Friday night. It's funny, everyone always complains about NBC's intrusive commenting, but I could have used a bit more of it. There were a few points in the ceremonies where I could have used a bit more guidance as to what eactly was going on. For instance in the section where a mass of people formed up into the shape of a skater, a skiier, a ski jumper et cetera, I didn't figure out what they were doing until halfway through the formations. The earlier parts just looked like a giant walking, and a hint would have been nice. The 'splodey-head guys, with flames shooting out behind them were pretty cool, and I liked the krummhorns and the ladies leading each delegation of athletes with their skirts like mountains from a miniature railroad. Still, does anyone than me ever read the original Olympic ideals? This was not supposed to be about "America won two medals" and "Finland always wins the ski jump" and "The Netherlands owns speed skating": it's supposed to be about the athletes competing regardless of national rivalries. I know they all march together in the Closing Ceremonies, but that's after two weeks of nationalities. I'd like to see them all march in together - or, better, march in as countries and then swirl into one amorphous group, like a pre-Babel soceity based on sports instead of language.

I do like all the nicknames: "The Flying Tomato", and "The Exception", Tomba "La Bomba" and "The Herminator" and so on. I wish Michelle Kwan had decided to pull out a little earlier so Hughes could have gotten to march in the Opening Ceremonies - or maybe she could have anyway, as an alternate and just chose not to. I like Bode Miller's independence and refusal to conform, though I've concluded he lives deep inside his own head that I pity anyone he lives with.

My favorite moment of the Games to date was when some newswoman (Katie Couric?) was interviewing the female speed skater who had been elected to carry the U.S.A. flag in the parade of athletes and asked her, "Have you gotten a chance to practice with the flag? I hear it's very heavy - do you think you'll have any trouble with it?"

The Olympic speed skater responded, "Well, you know, I work out a lot. I think I'll be able to manage it."

With luck, that particular anchor won't view any future Olympians she interviews as poor weak little girlies.

Posted by dichroic at 02:44 PM | Comments (1)

February 10, 2006

Rudder back

I get a Rudder back tonight, yay! He did call yesterday, and we discussed the fact that taking a cab home is a trivial additional annoyance for him whereas driving out to the airport in the tail of rush hour and then finding parking is a PITA for me. He also pointed out that he's not conveying me to or from the airport for my business trip next week (we hadn't discussed it but it's close enough to work hours that I wasn't expecting him to). I felt guilty enough to offer a bribe er, an exchange of favors, but then I benefit from that as well. And I promised to tape the Olympic Opening Ceremonies for him, since we seem to be one of the few households in the US that is still lacking TiVo.

I did row before work this morning, and had the lake nearly to myself. Local rowing seems to be in something of a decline at the moment, or maybe too many people got tired of getting up early and are rowing late in the day. There was no one else at all rowing out of the boatyard, not even by the time I left. From the marina where the City program stores its boats, there was one four with a coaching launch, and another eight got out right around the time I was finishing, and that's it. Given that in earlier times there could be 50 or 70 people from several programs rowing in the morning, it felt strangely empty out there. But it's still fairly chilly in the mornings (high 40s today), and we do always have a down time in the number of rowers in winter.

It was nice having the quiet water, but of course rowing alone in the dark and cold isn't the safest thing. Still, at least I have some control over whether I fall in. What bothers me more is being in the boatyard area alone in the dark - it sets all my city-girl reflexes off. As far as I know, there hasn't been any sort or crime or violence there yet, but still.

Hey, did I mention I get a Rudder back tonight? With Dutch chocolate, even. (The nom's appropriate, too - I do feel a little adrift without him.)

Posted by dichroic at 04:04 PM

February 09, 2006


How bad a wife would I be if I stayed home to watch the Olympic Opening Ceremonies instead of picking Rudder up at the airport tomorrow night? I mean, assuming I discussed it with him first so he's not just standing there waiting for me like a lost puppy. (Of course, if he doesn't get a chance to call me today, it will be a moot point and I'll have to go anyway.)

I'm having a ridiculously hard time deciding whether to row in the morning, go to work (which is right near the airport), go home, and then go back to the airport to pick him up, or row between work and the airport. (Another sensible option would be just to work until 7 or so, but frankly, yuck.) The reason this decision is so hard, I've realized, is that I'm not crazy about rowing at either time. I like rowing in the morning, but not the part about getting up at 4AM and immediately venturing out into the cold. I don't like rowing after work as much because I'm tired then. Also, the lake tends to be crowded for the first while, though it gets calmer after a bit, and is nice once the sun is setting. It would entail going to the airport in dampish rowing clothes, too, though of course I could put somethign on over them.

Right now I'm leaning toward rowing beffore work, then going home and setting up the VCR to tape the ceremonies before heading back to the airport for Rudder. Unless he calls and volunteers to take a cab home :-)

Posted by dichroic at 12:35 PM | Comments (1)

February 08, 2006

unrelated brain dribbles

I always knew Maria was bright. In a conversation we were having about an entry of hers she wrote, "I do agree that semantics is very important here." I get so annoyed with people who say, "Well, that's just semantics," as if that were a reason to brush something aside as unimportant. Come on, people, semantics are the meaning of words and words are all we have to express our hopes, wishes, dreams, faith, deductions, fears and thoughts! How much more important could they be?


Knitting certainly is an expensive hobby. My city's Stitch'n'Bitch (Stitch'n'Bitch Stitch'n'Bitch Stitch'n'Bitch!! - take that you greedy people claiming trademark!) group has a lot of smaller meetings in the different parts of town, and last night I finally got to the monthly gathering at an Australian wine store only a mile from my house. I enjoyed myself; I'd planned to take this morning as my off day from exercise, so I didn't have to rush home, and some of my favorite people showed up. Including this silly person, who actually flew in all the way from Atlanta just for this meeting! I didn't spend quite as much as she did, but between two glasses of wine and the bottle I bought for Rudder for Valentine's Day, because it was from a part of New Zealand we enjoyed and was rated as a top wine, it wasn't a cheap evening. (Shh, don't tell Rudder about the wine. I got him some good truffles the other day too, but that's sort of coals to Newcastle for someone who's in the Netherlands at the moment.) Hey, I didn't say the knitting supplies were the expensive part.


The other night I was watching that Celebrity Skating show. I could have predicted Bruce Jenner and Tai Babilonia would win - oddly enough, because of my rowing coaching experience. Granted Jenner was the oldest one there, and it's been quite a while since he was an Olympian, but he's just done enough different sports where he would have to have a good awareness of his body - where the different parts of him are in space. I figure things like wrist position must matter in shotput and javelin throw, and hip and leg angle on the high jump. He may be a bit rusty and his body will have changed a bit since those days, which could account for the fact that evidently the pair didn't do all that well in their first few showings, but once he gets used to moving his body as it is now, that knowledge must make him more coachable than anyone who hasn't done that kind of sport. As for teaching rowing, I'll take a ballerina over a football player anytime - the ballerina can straighten her wrists, can control the rollout of legs, then body, then arms during the recovery, and won't get upset if s/he gets big ugly blisters, even if they are on hands instead of feet.

Posted by dichroic at 01:41 PM | Comments (1)

February 07, 2006

geese & gonzo

I had one of those moments this morning in which you realize that you've been a complete idiot for most of your life on some tiny point. The Broadway station was playing on the satellite radio, and Julie Andrews came on singing about her fav'rite things. And all of a sudden, I realized that the line "wilde geese that fly with the moon on their wings" was meant to be about geese flying at night with the moonlight on their wings, synecdoche rather than literal image. Even so, though that's a pretty thought, I still prefer my original image, of a flight of geese with their V-formation lined with so that it looks like it's supporting a rising moon. It seems to me to be wilder and more mythic somehow.

(Characteristic. Too stupid to figure out a simple line in a song I've known all her life, but when I do figure it out, I know it's synecdoche.)

Another odd thing I was thinking about: why do I know how to curtsey? I do, and I think I learned how as a very small girl, but what I can't figure out is why anyone would have bothered to teach me. Curtseying was just not done much by the 1970s, at least not in the US or at least not in the part of it where I lived. Maybe I asked to learn after reading Alice? ("Curtsey while you're thinking what to say; it saves time.")

I've seen news today that was so funny I actually went and looked to make sure it was real. According to the Washington Post (which I think is actually our national papre of record) , Arlen Spector really did accuse Alberto Gonzales of "smoking Dutch Cleanser". As for Gonzales'claim that "President Washington, President Lincoln, President Wilson, President Roosevelt have all authorized electronic surveillance of the enemy on a far broader scale -- far broader -- without any kind of probable cause standard, all communications in and out of the country," he actually did say those words - but only *after*, in the beginning of his speech, giving examples of Washington intercepting letters, Lincoln intercepting telegraphs without warrants, Wilson getting copies of every cable into or out of the US, and Roosevelt giving the military authority to review, without warrant, all telecommunications passing into or out of the United States.

So the bit about Washington's electronic surveillance was a stupid thing to say, but it was a slip of the tongue rather than complete idiocy. I'm not denying Gonzales's whole argument is pretty stupid, however; apparently somebody, or a whole lot of somebodies, wasn't paying attention in fourth grade when they were taught about that whole checks and balances thing.

Posted by dichroic at 01:07 PM | Comments (3)

February 06, 2006

the flags

Me (to cubemate): So, not to be divisive or anything, but how come the flags were at half mast for Rosa Parks but not for Betty Friedan?
Her: Don't know. Who makes that decision, anyway?
Me: It's the President .... Oh. Guess I answered my own question.

Explanation: I don't begrudge a whit of the honors given to Rosa Parks or to Coretta Scott King; I was glad to see them. It's easy to make an argument that Coretta's case is different, that she was honored for a whole lifetime of leading the fight against prejudice, war and poverty. Rosa Parks fought prejudice her whole life too, but the thing for which she is most honored is for being the living spark that set off the latest and hottest fire in that fight. In that respect, I think the analogy to Betty Friedan is accurate. I hesitated before posting this, because as both women's predecessors like the Grimkes and Sojourner Truth knew, the two battles are not separate but are part of a larger war against injustice in general.

Still, I think the lack of honors given to Friedan are an accurate barometer of the current level of social acceptance of feminism. I'm happy with how far we've come (far enough that when I read The Feminine Mystique I was shocked by the attitudes Friedan described) but it's as if we're supposed to believe that we got here without a fight, presumably because male society spontaneously decided that the previous state of affairs was wrong and women deserved something closer to equal opportunities and equal pay.

It's important to ackowledge and study the fight to get where we are. If all this was a gift, it can as easily be taken away.

I'm not sure why we honor the fight for equality of the races but not of the sexes. Both have captured a lot of ground, but neither fight has yet been won. In both cases, there are plenty of people who declare that the battle is over and equality reached when that isn't the experience of the people concerned, in an effort to prevent more ground from being won. My instinct says that the more the fights for equality among races, genders, and sexual preference are separated, the worse for those fighting - I wouldn't say there's anyone actually strategizing against either, but divide and conquer is an effective strategy nonetheless.

Posted by dichroic at 08:48 AM | Comments (1)

February 05, 2006

I got rocks!

Rudder had a bit o a problem on Friday night. While packing for a trip to the Netherlands, he couldn't find his drivers license. We'd had to use them a lot when we were in Vegas in December, because they wanted to see them every time we used a credit card, and he couldn't remember using it after that. He finally recalled that he'd had to show it at the hotel in San Diego in January, and when he called them, they had the card. Why they couldn't have actually called to tell him they had it anytime in the past three weeks we have no idea. So they'll be sending it to him, but that doesn't help a lot with his trip, on which he was supposed to rent a car. This is another time when his anal-retentive tendencies have come in handy: he did find a photocopy of his license. It's possible they'll let him have the car with that and his passport, but I don't know how likely that is.

Fortunately, he'll be in the Netherlands as opposed to, say, the US. He can take a train from Amsterdam to Eindhoven, where he'll be working, and then he should be able to get rides in to work with other people.

I went for the traditional "Rudder's away" massage yesterday. Today I was going to go for a long hike, but I decided to go row after dropping him off at the airport, since the lake is right by it. So I did a shorter hike today, up a small mountain called Usery Peak. It's 1.6 miles to the end of the trail, which isn't at the top of the mountain but at a formation called the Wind Caves (so 3.2 miles round trip), and it's about 800' elevation gain. I always think of it as being a short and easy hike, and am always surprised at how steep it is. But I didn't stop for any breaks on the way up and didn't have any problems with my knees or ankles, which tend to be weak, on the way down. Also, on some hikes I've had an issue on the way down in which when I step at an angle, my boot feels like a knife cutting into a tendon below my ankle bone. I don't know if the problem is from the boot or from my foot, but at any rate it didn't happen today.

I think my favorite part of the hike was near he end, when a little girl, maybe four or five years old, who was going up with her family came up to me and said, "I got rocks!", holding up her hand to show me three rounded stones. (Actually, she said "I got wocks!") This was, again, on a hiking trail. On a mountain. In the desert. No death of rocks, from sand grains on up to boulders. But she was pretty excited about her three special "wocks".

Posted by dichroic at 06:56 PM | Comments (1)

February 03, 2006

long quiet weekend

I get to leave work a bit early today. Unfortunately, it's because we have an appointment to go do our taxes. It's sort of like when you have a dentist appointment during the day; you get to leave work for it, but you don't get to be happy about it.

(Actually, this is better than that. Rudder and I have never yet managed to get just the right amount taken out each paycheck, so we err on the side of overpaying so that we get money back instead of having to pay now. Just our own little short-term loan to the government.)

I'm going to have a long weekend, or at least it will feel that way. Rudder's off on a business trip starting tomorrow, and time always seems to expand when there's only me to consider. I have no idea why this happens, but I wonder if the perceived telecoping of time as we age is at least partly because older people are more likely to be married or otherwise partnered. I will do the erging I skipped this morning, and try to accomplish a few little things around the house, but there will also be a massage, plenty of knitting and reading, maybe a trip to my favorite shoe store, and whatever food I want to eat. (I suspect that dinner next week will consist of a bowl of popcorn more than once - I tend to eat my biggest meal at lunchtime anyway.) Maybe I'll skip the erg and go off on a hike, since the weather is still cool enough for that to be possible. (Though it is going up to 80 F this weekend.) I haven't been hiking in far too long a time, and I miss the mountains a bit.

Posted by dichroic at 12:56 PM

February 02, 2006

A bunch of product reviews

One pan, three plaudits, though not in that order.

Ugg Boots
The problem with Uggs is they got to be fashionable - which still wouldn't be a major problem except that in that process people lost site of the basic concept. The genius of Uggs is that they are meant to be worn without socks, which puts snuggly absorbent sheeps' wool against your feet. This is a very good thing if your feet are cold. It's even better if your feet are cold and wet, as they tend to be if, say, you have just stepped out of your boat into the water, carried it up the sandy beach to the slings or boathouse, and washed the sand off it and your feet. This is why Uggs are very common among rowers at races in California during chilly parts of the year or day (which, in California, can be fairly random). It's also a good thing if you've just surfed in, put down your board, and taken off your wetsuit, and therein lies the clue to the etymUggology of the ugly boots. They're surfer gear. So while I have some sympathy for people who get annoyed at seeing them become a part of every other teenaged girl's dress-up-for-the-Mall outfit, I don't mind seeing people wear their surf gear casually. I think they look OK with jeans. They're much*] cuter with the tights and fleece top I'd wear for rowing - but note that these are not the things I'd wear out to socialize in.

Unlike most of their clones, Uggs have the same sheepskin all around your foot, including below it. Other manufacturers, maybe because they're reasching for the fashion-boot market, never seemed to get the wear-without-socks memo, and often seem to have either an inferior grade or fake sheepskin underfoot. Since I was worried about abosorbency, not to mention any sand that might still be on my feet, I didn't want that. The other facet of this is that the soles are fairly basic - you can get versions with soles that look more supportive, but the plain Uggs don't have anything like hiking insoles. I wouldn't wear mine for walking miles on hard surfaces, but they're blissfully comfy around the house and come my next chilly West-Coast regatta, my feet won't be chilly any more.

Martin's Pretzels
The claim on the website that these are "generally considered to be the best pretzels in the world" intrigued me enough to convince me to order a box. First I have to say that claim is just wrong. Martin's may be handtwisted, but they can't match the sourdough flavor of Snyders of Hanover - or the goodness of a real Philly soft pretzel (none of those awful Auntie Anne's abominations) though soft pretzels are really a different category. That said, though, the Martin's pretzels are pretty darned good, and quite addictive. The sourdough flavor is there, though not as noticeable as in Snyders. The best thing about them in my opinion is that they're baked very dark - I inherited a taste for nearly-burnt pretzels from my father. They're not as teeth-shatteringly hard as the Snyders, either, which is nice. They're available in salted and unsalted. (I myself will never eat unsalted pretzels until the day a doctor threatens me with dire effects if I don't - my blood pressure is just dandy, thank you - but I thought other people might like to know.) The salted ones tend to be a little too salty, but you can always rub a little off before eating. Oddly, the three-pound box I ordered from Martin's came fille with little bags of three or four pretzels. It's fairly convenient, actually, though I have a hunch that every time I eat a bagful I'm getting three or four times the recommended serving size. But they sure as tasty.

Tweezerman Mini
This is the one pan in these reviews. I guarantee that if you read any American fashion magazine's "best products" article, they'll list Tweezerman as the best tweezers. I've always been curious, but I couldn't quite bring myself to pay $18 for a silly pair of tweezers. Sure, they'll resharpen them for free, but that assumes you'll actually send them in for sharpening and I know myself well enough to know that's unlikely. This time at the drugstore, while I was facing the rack of tweezers, I decided to balance between the lure of the good stuff and the pinch of the wallet by getting the Minis, which are $6 cheaper than the full-sized version. Also, they come with a brightly colored case, helpful for finding with your glasses off.

Well, the case was nice. The tweezers, not so much. It is true that they were as precise as Tweezerman claimed, and it was easy to close on each little hair with them. Only problem is, they wouldn't grip on that hair - give a yank and the tweeze comes away with nothing in its grip. So yeah, they have nice sharp edges and all, but I was entirely unable to actually remove any hair with them, which is, after all, the raison d'etre of eyebrow tweezers, which is why my pair is probably now several feet deep in a landfill somewhere.

Sirius satellite radio:
This isn't something we'd have bought for ourselves. It was a gift last Xmas from members of Rudder's family who know we do a lot of driving trips. When we got it, Rudder seemed to have some issues installing it in his Hummer, and I was disappointed to find out that the folk music radio station listed on the box isn't there any more. Our tradition is that the driver gets to pick what we listen to, so on last month's trip to San Diego we got to hear a lot of the comedy stations and a little of the hard rock. I drive a lot more each day than Rudder does, so the obvious thing after the trip was to put in in my car, to see if I liked it enough to keep paying the monthly fee.

Well. Charge my card, because once away from Rudder's control, this is good stuff. While playing around with it in the house to learn its little quirks, I found a bunch of singer-songwriter songs on the Sirius Disorder station, and realized after a bit that none other than Pete and Maura Kennedy were the DJs. Then they did a nice long live interview, including several songs, with Janis Ian. I had no trouble installing it on my car (I didn't permanently attach the wires though, since this was just for a test) and had none of the problems Rudder had encountered in getting it to receive and play clearly (probably because his car is such a big hunk or metal. Then on my way to work that first morning I heard a number of folkie types whose CDs I have - Martin Sexton, Great Big Sea, Townes van Zandt,among others, and none of those get any play at all on the radio stations out here. Since then I've been switching between Sirius Disorder and the Coffeehouse for everything from those artists to Tracy Chapman, Paul Simon, Bruce Springsteen, Jack Jones, Dan Bern, Norah Jones, Chris Izaak - both the folkier and the bigger-name singer/songwriters pop up. I've also spent a good chunk of time on the Broadway station, with everything from Rogers & Hammerstein to Rent to Be Distressed (a parody about Disney taking over Broadway). And Christine Pedi hosts in the morning. I've also listened to the NPR stations (two!) and PRI and CBC for news, and a station that does nothing but traffic and weather for Phoenix and San Diego (I think it senses where you are - I haven't heard San Diego traffic yet). Since I have a convertible, I've been hiding the radio unit or taking it with me when I park the car in public - it pops right out of its cradle. I haven't had too much trouble locating and pressing the buttons while driving, even with the unit on the passenger side of the dashboard. (Remember: very small car.)

So, good stuff, and I'll probably keep the service. Only a few quibbles. 1) No trad folk music. 2) It only plays plugged in, not on a rechargeable battery like an iPod. I've only got one plug in my car and I can't listen to the satellite radio unplugged for a bit while I charge a cell phone. 3) At least with this car setup, we get lousy reception in the house. There is a house antenna / cradle I could buy separately that the radio unit plugs into, so I don't know if that would be better.

Posted by dichroic at 01:57 PM | Comments (1)

January 30, 2006

Mardi gras?

I seem to have all kinds of ideas of things to write about ... until I sit down at the computer, then they all go away.

We're debating whether to have our more-or-less annual Mardi Gras party this year. I feel that it's important to have it, this year of all years - but Rudder's travel schedule for work isn't conducive to a party Mardi Gras weekend or the weekend before, and since the whole traditional point of the event is to get your celebrating in before Lent begins, having one afterwards just feels wrong. If we do decide to have one, I'll need to do all the turkey-injecting (of seasonings) on my own. It's a formidable job. (So is cleaning up the kitchen afterward.)

On the other hand, someone else has volunteered to make and bring gumbo, so that's a big inducement. And the Olympics closing cermony isn't until the SUnday of that weekend. Oh, and by the way, I will not be doing the Knitting Olympics this year. More stress, I don't need. While I am looking forward to the chance to knit while watching much more TV than usual (at least, when I'm not erging in front of the Olympics) I'm more intrested in getting farther on the sweater I've already started. I do plan to start some socks soon (I like to have a small portable project going) but don't expect I could finish them in two weeks unless I didn't do much of anything else, which sort of takes away from that whole "knitting for fun" idea.

In other news, Rudder is convinced that the cat's fur is already growing back noticeably. I'm just convinced Rudder is imagining things.

Posted by dichroic at 01:39 PM

January 27, 2006

creation and elaboration

Drat. I don't know why the line breaks in yesterday's poemlet were all screwed up, but they're better now. Funny thing: I started out heading to work in a crappy mood. Then I started thinking about this poem built around an image I'd been playing with, of a round peg in an ill-fitting round hole, and suddenly I felt much better. I don't know whether that was just because of the feeling of accomplishment from making something, or from converting the things that are bothering me into something I like, or what, but it's something to remember.

Today I did get up and go rowing; I've been erging instead most days, because it lets me sleep an hour later and not go out into the cold. It was nice and calm today, but COLD. I spent half the row trying to put together a slightly goofy sonnet (these things would get finished much faster if I could take notes in the boat!) and the other half thinking about the connection between my arms and legs during the stroke and between my right arm and the water, because that didn't feel as solid as it ought to be. (I think some of that was due to wake, though.) It felt good, anyway; I wanted to keep the rating low but the pressure high through the practice and I'm satisfied that I did, for 10.2 km. Then since I skipped yesterday, I'll probably go to the gym tomorrow while Rudder does a half-marathon on the erg.

The other thing we need to do tomorrow is take our cat to the vet. He's been losing weight and getting lots of mats in his fur on the back half of his body. We went to the vet a couple of weeks ago, and she discussed the weightloss but didn't seem too concerned about the matted fur. It's getting worse, though, and we've found several mats entirely removed and laying on the rug. So tomorrow we'll take him into the groomers at the vet's office, and see if they have seen anything like this. We're wondering if he's just getting too old to groom himself, though you'd think the other cat would pitch in in that case. Whatever's causing the styling problems as well as the weightloss doesn't seem to be bothering him any; he's slowed down considerably but seems happy, and he is nearly 17, after all.

Posted by dichroic at 12:42 PM

January 25, 2006

Ms Pangloss speaks

Workwise, this has just been a frustrating day in a frustrating week in a frustrating month in a frustrating year.

Of course, that all loses some of its dramatic force when you recollect that we're still in January. Some other parts of my life are frustrating too, like my finances (savings still a little lower and Visa balance a little higher than I'd like - how I wish I'd quit flying sooner! - though they're still both in decent shape by most standards, I think) and my lack of decisions about competing and training this year, but all of those things are my own fault and are not nearly as annoying to me. The issues heterodyne, though: I will feel freer to take risks and make changes once my finances are slapped back into shape.

Am I just a privileged girl whining because she can't have cake and a pony too? Totally. There are more things right with my life than there are wrong with it.

On the way home from work after a crappy day, I like to play the "best thing possible" game: What's the best thing that could happen today? It has to be in the bounds of possibility; no fair dreaming about winning the lottery if I haven't bought a ticket. They can range from things that are barely possible (winning the lottery) to virtually certain (an evening with Rudder). Today's best possible things include the arrival of any of a few expected packages and knitting while rereading "Le Ton Beau de Marot". Come to think of it, I think Rudder has a meeting tonight, but I still get to snuggle with him before going to sleep, plus I can make one of my favorite dinners that he's not especially fond of (gambas al ajillas and dilled potatoes). And the one package I most confidently expect contains the fuzzy boots (fuzzy on the inside) I finally broke down and bought, so my feet will be happy. In addition, there could be beads, pretzels (I ordered some that claim to be the "world's best), a blazer, or even, remote possibility, a much delayed Chanukah present from the relative who tends to be vague about such things. Plenty of possibilities plus virtually assured Rudder-snuggles - lots to look forward to.

Except I started thinking about them too soon and now I'm anxious to go home. Oops. What are your best possible things today?

Posted by dichroic at 03:15 PM | Comments (3)

January 24, 2006


This is my 2000th entry! That makes me verbose even among bloggers. I thought about trying to write something profound .... for about a microsecond. Instead I'll write something totally frivolous because it seems more appropriate, on one of my core subjects (rowing, books, flying, knitting, clothes).

I'm a little disappointed today. I'm wearing a vest I bought this weekend, buttery soft cherry red suede with laser cut-outs. I got a smokin' deal on it, less than half price, but the thing was, when I tried it on this weekend, while wearing jeans, boots, lace tank top and a straw cowgirl hat I was trying on just for fun, it looked cool.

I was figuring I could wear it with my floaty long brown skirt and feel like a wood nymph. (I've always had a fondness for Maid Marian sort of clothing, to the point that I was thinking of this not as a vest but as a jerkin.) Both the vest and the skirt come from (different) stores that cater to women of a certain age (that I am fast approaching), but I shop there because they also cater to women who like interesting detailing in their clothing. I was enjoying the idea of pairing a vest and skirt aimed at middle-aged women to achieve a wood-nymph look.

Only problem was, provenance overpowered me. When I tried them on together, the two pieces, with a fitted white long-sleeved T-shirt under vest, looked less wood-nymph/Maid Marian and more, well.... middle aged. I tried again with a brown shirt matching the skirt, and the effect was better but still not what I wanted, plus I wasn't thrilled with the cherry-red right on top of the brown. So I gave up for yesterday and just wore brown on brown with boots, to achieve something much closer to the look I wanted.

Today I tried again with the jerkin / vest over the white shirt, first with a black skirt with red and white embroidery, then when I decided that was still too middle-aged, over dark gray pants and black boots. It's better, but still.... I'm going to try again, with a black shirt underneath, or jeans on a Friday, or a tank top in summer. I think the lesson is, one item from the middle-aged store can be cool, but I need to be very careful in putting two or more together, because apparently middle-aged-ness is an additive property.

Or maybe I should have bought the cowboy hat.

I'm actually up past 2000 entries, because there have been a few in my LiveJournal instead of in here. I tend to put memes in there, because the memes usually come from the LJ community. One I posted yesterday, though, is so lovely I'm going to cross post it. It's below the cut tag, to spare anyone who's already seen it at LJ.

Leave a list of fictional characters in your journal that you would love to get a message from. It is your friend-list's mission, should they choose to accept it, to write you an in-character "letter" from a character on that list. Then they post their own list in their journal and the process continues!

1. Danny Dunn (from Danny Dunn and the ... series
2. Oswald Bastable (E. Nesbit)
3. the Dowager Duchess of Denver (ditto)
4. Meg Murray (Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time and sequelae)
5. Valancy Snaith / Redfern (of L.M. Montgomery's The Blue Castle
6. Susan Voight (Bull & Brust's Freedom and Necessity)
7. Anne Elliott (Jane Austen's Persuasion)
8. John (Elizabeth Peters' Vicky Bliss books)
9. John (Manly Wade Wellman)
10. Hermione Granger (JK Rowling)
11. Jacqueline Kirby (Elizabeth Peters)
12. Peter Shandy (Charlotte MacLeod)
13. Cecelia (of Wrede and Stevermer's Sorcery & Cecelia: or, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot)
14. Jane Brailsford (Caroline Stevermer's A Scholar of Magics)
15. Nick Mallory (Diana Wynne Jones, Deep Secret and The Merlin Conspiracy
16. Will Stanton (Susan Cooper, The Dark is Rising)
17. Stalky (Rudyard Kipling)
18. Puck (Kipling's version)
19. The Thing (Fantastic Four)
20. Merlin (T.H. White's version)

Posted by dichroic at 03:26 PM | Comments (3)

January 20, 2006


I'm having a Good Pants day. Back in October, I was shopping in San Diego (at JournalCon with LA - shopping with a friend was a treat for me, as I usually do it alone and LA is a fabulous shopping partner) when I came across a pair of cords I liked in the Levi's store. They were nearly perfect: great fit, good color, low-waisted enough for comfort but not low enough to put my underwear on display, and they made my butt look good. (Because really, why else wear tight pants?) But they were too long by several inches. LA suggested I buy them anyway, take them home and hem them, but I know me and it wouldn't have happened. By the time I'd gotten around to it, those pants would have grown whiskers.

LA's other suggestion was that I check the website to see if I could buy different lengths online. Brilliant idea, but Levi's didn't cooperate. Jeans came in three lengths, cords only in Too Long.

So I've been on a mission ever since then to find a similar pair. A week or so ago I finally found a pair online at the Gap's January sale. I'm wearing them now. Similar color and fit, shorter length. They're wonderfully comfortable, thanks to soft corduroy and some spandex, and Rudder approved the back view. Maybe a little, er, fitted for work, but I've found that stretch fabrics do tend to loosen up over time, and anyway it's Friday.

Not that it matters much, but it's nice to get something that's exactly what you want even when it's something frivolous.

Posted by dichroic at 11:39 AM | Comments (1)

January 18, 2006

goals? what goals?

Even after coming back from rowing camp, I'm having real trouble getting fired up to train this year. Part of it's the weather: right now it's in the high 30s / low 40s at 5AM most mornings. (Those of you to whom that doesn't sound that cold: how often do you go out at 5AM in the dark alone on the water at those temperatures? It's not all that bad once you're working hard, but getting started is a bitch, especially when you've just woken up and your body temperature is down. And of course there's a safety factor, too.)

I think, though, that more of it is just a cyclical thing. I'm ready to scale back on the rowing for a while and get fired up about something else. Rowing takes over your life to an extent where it cuts down on what else you do - can't stay up late, too tired to go hiking or climbing on the weekends, using up mos tof our vacation on regatta trips. Some people like being driven by a single goal; one woman once told me, "I don't do anything half-assed."

Well, I do. If I can't do something well, I'm still going to do it if I enjoy. In fact, that philosophy would have kept me from getting into rowing in the first place, because I just don't have the right genes to excel - not only the height, but the slow-twitch / fast twitch muscle fiber ratio and other things. For exampleRudder feels better the more he trains, up to a fairly high point, while I just burn out more quickly, either physically or mentally. Also, I'm generally going to enjoy doing several things at a time (on in closely proximate times, anyway) more than focusing on only one, even if it means that I don't do as well in any one thing.

I've been talking about cutting back on rowing for a couple of years now, to the point that anyone who reads here regularly is tired of hearing about it. Last year I actually did it, though that would have been more successful if I hadn't found that I wasn't really enjoying the flying I did in its place. It's hard to set longterm goals, because I still hope to move out of here and don't know if we'll be anywhere we can row, but I need to decide soon, at least for the visible time horizon, whether I want to race this year and train harder or scale back. And if I do scale back, I can't just sit and read and knit, because I've worked too hard to get such fitness as I have to just let it ooze away. And of course, there are other considerations: for example, I'd like to try yoga, but most classes I've seen are at night, which means I'd never get to see Rudder, since he'd still be on a rowing schedule. And of course, work always gets in the way. Oh, well, no better time to decide on the year's goals than at the beginning of the year.

Posted by dichroic at 01:13 PM

January 17, 2006

still good

If I had to describe the rowing camp in one word, it would be "chilly". My biggest regret of that weekend was that I didn't pack a hat. The local San Diego residents were in Ugg boots and fleece-lined pool parkas, and I am now lusting after one of each. (Well, two, in the case of the boots.) It was fairly windy, so we didn't get as much on-water coaching, videotaping, and feedback as last year, which was disappointing. On the other hand, I got a lot more out of the seminars this year, mostly stuff about planning my training, so that was a positive. I think Rudder was disappointed because he knew a lot of it already - he plans his training in much more detail than I do. We both enjoyed the chance to make new friends and contacts with rowers from other areas.

All in all, I don't think it was as much fun or as helpful as last year's. On the other hand, at one point yesterday when I was going around in circles repeating the first few strokes of a racing start over and over, I was able to fend off boredom by thinking, "Well, what would I be doing now otherwise?" It only took a short look around the blue skies over Mission Bay and a sniff of the clean breeze, contrasted with a visualization of my small cubicle in an industrial building set in the brown air next to Sky Harbor Airport to convince me that I was just where I ought to be.

Also, I got a good bit of sweater knitted, solidified some relationships with San Diego and Seattle area rowers, breathed clean air for three days straight (Rudder and I promptly started coughing (him) and sneezing (me) as we drove back into town) and had my gut behave well for a whole weekend of travel, which is rare. Usually I feel icky for at least a couple of hours somewhere, what with different food, water, stresses, and sleep schedule. So it could have been a little better, but it was still pretty darn good.

One other thing I learned: don't leave She-Hulk alone with a box of Williams & Sonoma's peppermint bark. Not that Rudder wouldn't have been just as bad if we hadn't just finished off two more boxes of the stuff over Xmas break.

Posted by dichroic at 12:04 PM | Comments (1)

January 13, 2006

time and stories

I wrote the folowing originally as a comment to Ebony, but it's long enough to deserve its own entry. Edited a little to stand alone.

I was thinking about time and immediacy earlier today - about history and experience. The radio had a bit on about MLK Jr, and it occurred to me that even in the 1960s, slavery was still close enough to be family memory for a lot of people rather than history.

I can very nearly do it myself - my grandmother, born in 1912, had stories about Prohibition and the Depression. I can remember my great-grandmother, who died when I was 9; she was born in 1892. My grandmother had a story or two about her grandfather, and he would have been born in the 1860s or 1870s. Beyond that there would be barriers of different countries and languages. And we're not a story-telling sort of family, particularly. If you were, and if you had something as life-altering as slavery or the end of it to talk about, I can imagine that the experience would have still felt vivid to the civil rights fighters in the 1960s.

Now it's forty years further on and as we lose a sense of history, past victories and defeats, righted wrongs and wrongs still unrighted don't matter as much to too many people. Movies may help some, when they do it right, to make history come alive. Maybe they should make one of the Delany sisters' books. I knew a lot less about the aftermath of slavery and about the Jim Crow days before I read their books. And maybe we should tell more stories, in general.

Off to rowing camp!

Posted by dichroic at 01:34 PM

January 12, 2006

nos moritori te spernimus, or something like that.

I think I'm about to get attacked, lambasted, hulled up one side and down the other at my meeting in a few minutes. They may even say mean things to me. I am consoling myself with the fact that I believe the work I've done is good, and that some of these people are just having it's-not-mine-so-it must-suck brainsets, and that at least it's not going to be like a Supreme Court nominee meeting. For one thing, it can't go on for more an a couple of hours. Also, I'm trying to regard it as practice, just on the off chance that I ever do get nominated to the Supreme Court. If that doesn't work, I'll try the approach of staying quiet for as long as I can (I'm not particularly good at it) and maybe taking notes, so people can get all of their frothing at the mouth finished before I respond. This would be much more fun if I could stay quiet and smile a secret and superior smile, but I think that's a bad tactic.

Oh well. Ave, Caesar.

Later note: well, not quite as bad as expected. I didn't actually have any skin flayed off, at least.

Posted by dichroic at 11:48 AM

January 11, 2006

the vanishing lens

Well, that was weird. I've been having some problems with my contact lenses since last spring; the left eye was getting irritated, so the eye doctor told me to leave them out for a while, then taken them out every night until my eye was better. (I wear Focus Night & Day, which are meant to be worn for a week at a time, then thrown away and replaced at the end of each month.) They've never really gotten completely better, so I've been wearing my glasses a lot more and have only recently been experimenting for leaving them in for one night, then taking them out the next.

But this is really odd, and it's the second time in a week. I think I'd just rubbed my lower eyelid slightly, maybe a quarter or half inch under my left eye, and next thing I know the contact lens has gotten lost in my eye. It's gone far enough back into the eye socket that I can't even see it until I roll my eye around and push on the upper lid to being it out a bit. Not a major problem, but not something I'd want to happen while driving.

And this can't be a good thing, really.

Posted by dichroic at 12:17 PM | Comments (1)

what's up and what's coming up

I finished my first glove last night. I just hope it fits - the fit is a trifle hard to figure out when the hand it's for is a few thousand miles away. I don't have any measurements; I could ask my dad to take some, but I'm afraid he'd measure to somewhere different than I would so all the numbers would be off. (Because really, how do you define the *exact* length of a finger? You could measure to the webbing between fingers on one side, or on the other, or to the knuckle, or....) I know he has small hands, for a man, so I've been trying to get the size somewhere between my hands and Rudder's. The only thing I'm not thrilled with is the cast off at the wrist, which looks great but is a little tighter than I'd like. Rudder was able to get his hand in the glove, so it's not too tight, but I may try to find a better way to redo it. (Technical note: I used a suspended bind-off, but it's still too tight. There's one from Elizabeth Zimmerman I considered, where you thread a tapestry needle and go through two stitches purlwise, then one knitwise and drop the stitch off, but EZ says it's not recommended for ribbing. I don't want anything ruffly.)

This all would have been easier if a needle I bought Saturday hadn't promptly broken on Sunday. Unfortunately I probably won't get to replace it unti the weekend after next because this weekend we'll be traveling.

I spent yesterday in a meeting up at the site where I used to work. It was an odd feeling: there were people I knew from each stage of my career with this company. Sort of a little "This is Your Life on the Job". Very handy for establishing contacts and picking up gossip. I also got to have lunch with a couple of my favorite former colleagues, and got some advice from one that may prove useful in dealing with my boss. (They're from the same culture, and apparently workplaces in that culture use a much more hierarchical model than is common in the US, which may account for some of the boss's quirks.)

This weekend we'll be going to San Diego for their Masters Rowing Camp - yes, Rudder and I are going to camp. Last year it was fun, though with all the rain and ensuing lake closures we didn't get to apply what we'd learned for a long time. This year that shouldn't be a problem, since we haven't had any rain at all since about October. (It's going to be a bad year for wildfires. Again.) I really need to decide soon how much racing I want to do, because if the answer is anything but "Not much" I need to ramp up my training. On the one hand, it's been so nice not to get up at 4AM and go out in the cold! On the other hand, Rudder is still doing just that, which means I get woken up anyhow, though at least I get to stay in bed until 5, when I get up to erg or go to the gym. I can can erg some days, but if I want to be anything like competitive, or at least as close to it as I can get, I need to spend more time on the water.

My cubiemate is trying to convince me to do the local erg competition, in February. Ugh. 2000 meters is an unpleasant distance, short enough to be sprinting as hard as you can, long enough to feel like it's going on forever. (Top female rowers do it in under 7 minutes; my best time to date for that distance is just under 9 minutes.) Very pukeworthy distance.

Posted by dichroic at 09:23 AM | Comments (1)

January 09, 2006

of age and work

It turns out that the vet's office is remarkably uncrowded on Friday nights. I suppose most people have better things to do.

We were there to get one cat his shots and to get the other one checked out; lately he's lost an alarming amount of weight and we've been finding mats in his fur. I suspect most of it is due to the inroads of age (he's 16) but we're going to try using a water fountain to get him to drink more, giving them occasional wet food to get him to eat more, and some thyroid meds to help him gain weight. He seems happy enough otherwise.

Speaking of the ravages of age, the saddest thing I've heard about Ariel Sharon's condition is that if it had been anyone else, they probably wouldn't have operated - sad, both because of the idea that important people get more attentive care than normal people and because of what it says about how lost Israel feels without him.

It was a calm and reasonably productive weekend: I rowed, we had breakfast out with the Old Salt and Dr. Bosun, I got one glove mostly done, all but the wrist cuff, we braved the local warehouse store, we had an enjoyable dinner out, and so on. The worst thing that happened was that a circular needle I bought Saturday (Addi Natura) broke on Sunday, forcing me to finish the gloves with a couple of DPNs on one side. And if that's the worst part of a day, it's a good day - in fact, I didn't have to get far into Monday at all for it to be worse.

This working for a living stuff is not my idea of fun. I feel there's got to be a Proper Job out there for me someplace, one I'd look forward to going in to on Mondays, but damme if I can figure out what it is.

Posted by dichroic at 01:14 PM | Comments (1)

January 05, 2006


The upgrade is complete. It was a little easier than I expected. Comments should be working properly now, but will now be held for approval before being posted. The new user interface is a bit better, especially in how comments are handled and I'm very pleased that the new install didn't run roughshod over my template or previous entries.

I'd planned to post a bibliography (list of links I used) from my Poetry Alphabet yesterday. Unfortunately I didn't save it, and when I stepped away from my computer for too long, it spontaneously shut down. Once I get over being annoyed by that I'll try to reconstitute and post it.

Posted by dichroic at 12:35 PM


It looks like the MT Blacklist plugin isn't supported any more, because it's been superseded by the anti-spam features in MovableType 3.2. So if you've been having trouble commenting in here, that's probably why. And that's why I'm upgrading to MT 3.2, so if this site goes wonky for a bit, that would be why.

Posted by dichroic at 11:17 AM

January 03, 2006

holiday breakdown

I never did write much about my holiday this year; I guess I was too busy enjoying it. So now it's over, this is the time to seal it into memory.

We decided to have a tree this year even though we'd be away for a few days before Christmas. To help keep it moist, we got a watering system that feeds into a hole drilled in the trunk, as well as having the tree set in the large reservoir of our cast iron stand. I'm not convinced the new system helped much: it seemed to be sealed over by the time we got back from Vegas and the tree never drank much more from there, though it did from ther main reservoir. Still, it did get some extra water in early on. The main thing I want to note about the tree is that we got a Grand Fir this year and it worked very well: it looked like a Douglas fir but has more rigid branches, better for hanging ornaments on, and it stayed fresh and green all the way until we took it down yesterday. (I've have liked to leave it up until the 12th day of Christmas, but we had yesterday off and the recyclers will pick it up tomorrow.)

We enjoyed the time in Vegas, but three days once a decade or so is enough for us. The only thing we'd have liked to do with more time would be to go hiking in the Red Rocks area. Otherwise, we walked through most of the major casinos, rose the monorail and the roller coaster in New York, New York, saw David Copperfield and Cirque du Soleil, watched white lions and dolphins, heard some musicians, saw some acrobats (besides CdS, I mean), enjoyed the Star Trek Experience, and even gambled a little. I don't really feel much need to go back until something changes or something new is added.

I finished the Holiday Challenge on Monday 12/20, but erged a bit more to bring my erg meters for the year up to a million meters. My total distance, water and erg, is somewhere around 1.5 million meters for the year, not quite a thousand miles (1.6 km), which is actually a little less than last year. Not too bad.

FOr Christmas Day, it was just the two of us, and we'd been away for several of the previous days, so we opened presents and then just had a brisket. (I'm the only one I know for whom kasha and bowties is a usual Christmas dinner side dish.) Rudder goofed slightly, present-wise: he gave me a ruby pendant to go with some earrings he'd given me a few years ago, which would have been lovely except that he'd already given me the matching necklace at the next gifting occasion after the earrings. I liked the original one better, anyway, because the newer ruby was a deep pink instead of the original's beautiful port-wine color, but also the first one matches the earrings better. Other than the color and stone shape, though, the pendants were very similar. So with Rudder's permission, I went back to the store to exchange it. I put in some extra money and was able to get something I'd been wanting for a while - diamond stud earrings. (Similar to these, though about half the size.) Since I have long hair, I wanted something that would sparkle more than the one small stone I'd have been able to afford. I could afford these because since price goes up exponentially with size, three small stones are much cheaper than one bigger one. I think the three-stone design is prettier anyway.) I still feel a little guilty about echanging his gift, though, even though he was OK with it.

On New Year's Eve, we headed out to the Fiesta Bowl Block Party on Mill Ave. We got to hear Blues Traveler and Roger Hynes and the Peacemakers as well as several other bands, to see some fairly incredible motocross jumping, and to do a lot of people-watching. My favorite thing was a break-dancing troupe, who danced to their own percussion, made mostly on trash can and other scavenged instruments. New Year's Day we drank the champagne we hadn't had the night before and deep-fried a turkey, this time without injecting the spices a few days before. I like it this way - Rudder tends to overdo the spicing - but he likes it better the other way, and he does all the work.

I didn't get to do all the things I'd thought of, like updating the creaky old version of Movable Type I use here, but I finished the sweater I started only a short time before my break, I'm caught up on sleep for the moment, we spent lots of time together, I completed erging 200km for the month and a thousand km for the year, my house is (very slightly) neater than it was before the break, and I've read or reread the first five and a half Aubrey and Maturin books. (Before I buy any more of the paperbacks, I'm thinking of just springing for the 5-volume omnibus set Amazon is selling - wish I'd seen it before buying volumes 3, 4, and 5 recently. I have the first six and two or three others; each paperback volume costs $14 or so, while the hardcover omnibus set is $83, so it makes economic sense. Or I could read them from the library.) Throw in a visit to Vegas, and it was a satisfying vacation.

Oh, and Rudder's grandmother is doing much better - her memory will continue to degrade, of course, but she can swallow and talk and respond now. Definitely a satisfying holiday.

Posted by dichroic at 02:13 PM

December 30, 2005

2005: the year in review


Could have been better. Could have been a lot worse.

Posted by dichroic at 08:30 PM

December 29, 2005

at home

Sorry I haven't been writing; it's just that I'm home until January 3 and here there are so many interesting things to do. Also, I'm hoping to finish my Banff sweater before going back to work - I have just one more sleeve to do. I won't make it in time, though, if it takes the usual two days to dry after blocking.

Christmas was nice but low-key, just the two of us. We decided to make a brisket instead of our usual turkey, but are going to deep-fry a turkey on New Year's Day, just because. We may go to the Fiesta Bowl Block Party the night before, because the bowl and presumably the Block Party are moving to the other side of town starting next year. Also fingers are still crossed that we won't be here by then, though we still have no further information on possible future moves.

In rowing news, I finished the Holiday Challenge the Monday before Christmas, and as of today I have done a million meters on the erg this year - that's erging only, not including actual water meters. Given that I did row a marathon month before last, those aren't inconsequential, either. In mid-January we'll be heading to San Diego again for a Masters' Rowing Camp - the one last year was helpful and fun.

And really, that's about it.

Posted by dichroic at 11:51 AM

December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve

We're back. You know what, Vegas is expensive, and we don't even gamble much. (I did spend an hour at a craps table - started with $100, left with $75. Craps is (are?) good for being able to go for a long time on a reasonable amount of money, though Rudder did end up losing his stake. And of course I left all my change in assorted slot machines, as luck-offerings.) We got good rates on the hotel, and I will say that the higher-ticket items were, if not quite worth all that money, impressive enough to be worth at least most of it. We got tickets for Cirque Du Soleil's show Zutopia in advance, then ended up seeing David Copperfield at the last minute the night before. Both shows had me sitting with my jaw dropped open for substantial amounts of time. I didn't find the Cirque's compedy bits all that funny, but I guess you need to break up the astonishing acrobatics to give the audience a chance to absorb it all. And at Copperfield's show, even the bits we thought we'd figured out we couldn't have replicated - so much skill goes into the sleight of hand. The other high point of the trip was the Star Trek Experience - the Klingon ride, especially, was extremely well done.

After coming home, I finished wrapping the little things for Rudder (the big one is wrapped and under the tree already) and realized that once again, I have far too many things for him - gifts for all the nights of Chanukah (except the first night, tomorrow, because he'll have far too may things already) and several for the stocking. I solved the issue by wrapping one that was too big for the stocking and putting it under the tree with a tag "from Santa".

Not my fault if the man in red still thinks Rudder's a good boy, right?

And in case I don't write here tomorrow, Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah to all.

Posted by dichroic at 07:50 PM

December 18, 2005

taking my time

V. much enjoying the free time. So far this weekend I have run a few errands, visited the bead store, finished all but 7km of the Holiday Challenge, got my mother's Chanukah gift finished, packed, and shipped, finished the back pf my Banff sweater, finished two more fingers of my father's gloves (it's an odd pattern in being knitted fingers first), attended two holiday parties, and reread Master and Commander, all at a lovely leisurely pace.

Not bad for being only 1:30 Sunday. Rudder's just off the erg, so we'll be going to get our Xmas tree soon.

Note half an hour later: I think we just set a landspeed record for tree selection and set-up. I ant to let it settle for a fwe hours before putting lights on, though.

Posted by dichroic at 01:25 PM

December 16, 2005


Two quick points:

1. Yippeeee!!!!

2. On a much more trivial note, I'm disappointed my cubemate is out today, just because I wanted someone to appreciate my clever hosiery tactic for the day. I wanted light textured tights to wear under a denim skirt, so I actually layered two pair: flesh-colored fishnets over plain buff-colored tights. (Of course, the fishnets solo would have worked, but the shoes aren't comfortable with only them and also it's chilly out today.) Also, less trivially, I wanted to wish her a happy holiday.

Posted by dichroic at 02:07 PM

17 days!

What a great start to a day. 8AM meetings aren't always the first thing I want to do in the morning, but at this one someone happened to mention that we have January 2 off and don't have to come back til the 3rd. Yay! A whole extra day off and a short first week back.

It would have been really strange to come back on Monday and find a totally empty and dark building. Except it probably wouldn't have really been dark.... I wonder how long it would have taken me to figure it out?

I totally finished my holiday cards last night, except for of course the odd one I might send if someone whose address I didn't have sends me one. That means that I have 17 days off, and hardly anything I have to do in that time. I need to pay a few bills, plan and cook Xmas dinner, wrap Rudder's gifts, make a few additions to one for my mom as soon as it arrives and send it to her, and that's really about it. Oh, and erg another 37 km. There are some things I ought to do - a little more decorating on the house, maybe some straightening up, rigging my boat - but nothing else that has to be done. That's not a lot of stuff, so I have 17 blissful days in which my time is almost entirely my own. I'm so excited.

All that said, it's ironic how scheduled tomorrow is: wake up, erg a half marathon, prepare and send my mom's gift, return some shampoo an idiot stylist said would be good for me (Aveda Blue Malva - I looked at the label and it said it brightens gray hair or tones down brassy shades in dyed hair - not what you want on dark brown hair with red highlights), buy some tights, and go to two parties. Except for the erging, though, all of that is either a quick task or is fun. Then I think SUnday or Monday we'll go see the Narnia movie, and later in the week we're going to spend a couple of days in Vegas, for the first time since about 1996 when I had a work trip there and Rudder joined me. And sometime in the next few days, I'll wrap up the poetry series by posting a list of the links I've used to research the poets and poems I've written about.

I'm excited to get the time to read and knit, cook or bake, and see Rudder when we're both awake. I'm excited not to be at work! And I'm looking forward to what 2006 might bring us.

On the down side, we got a Christmas card from Rudder's grandfather yesterday, and it was one of the saddest things I've seen. He wrote that Rudder's grandmother has been able to eat and to say a few words, a few of which could be understood, but that "It is unclear yet whether this improvement is enough to give us any hope." Ouch.

Posted by dichroic at 12:54 PM | Comments (2)

December 15, 2005

better news

Finally, my erging is coming back to me. I took two weeks off after the marathon, but from what erging has felt like since then, you'd think I'd taken two years off. I managed a half-marathon my first day back on the erg, but after that, it was always like pulling a weighted sled over bumpy ground to scrape out every kilometer. I was just going at an easy pace, too, not really trying to push it.

That may have been a part of the problem, actually. When you go faster on an erg, you've gotten the flywheel moving so there's less inertia to move with. Another problem is that our air has been incredibly crappy lately - so bad that Brooke even posted a picture. That not-a-cold thing I had last week was most likely allergies in reaction, and I'm still having to pause ferquently to blow my nose, especially in the first thousand meters or so. (Sniffling it back for too long gives me a headache or worse.)

Rudder's suggestion was to try some of the interval workouts I'd done for marathon training, or variants of them. I figured it couldn't hurt, and adding some changes in does break up the workout. I wasn't sure I could keep much pressure up for too long, though. So on Sunday I did a variant of one we use to practice racing starts in sprint season: 2 sets of 6 power tens (ten strokes as hard as possible) with three minutes rowing easy after each one, and a five minute rest between the sets (and a 1K warmup before). On Monday I did one of the marathon workouts that had a comparatively short intense part: 1K to warm up, then 3 sets of 1000 at a medium-hard pace, 2K easy. And on Tuesday, by gum, I finally felt like a rower again. I did 7500m in less than the times I'd taken for 7000m a few days before, with far fewer pauses. Yesterday I was a little short on time so just did 6500, but again it was a lot smoother. And today I had a little extra time, so I did 8K, without any real pauses in the last 7000. Whew. Feels good not to be slogging quite so much. TOmorrow I'll do another interval workout of some sort, and maybe even try for a half-marathon on Saturday, which would take out a lot of my remaining distance.

I'm off work for the rest of the year as soon as I leave tomorrow, so I'll have more time to do longer pieces. But Rudder and I have decided to go up to Vegas for a few days before Xmas, and I'd like to be done by then.

In even better news, Rudder talked to his father a couple days ago and apparently his grandmother's decline was all about the drugs she was on; since they've withdrawn a lot of them, she's able to eat on her own and even say a few words. (Apparently she ripped out the feeding tube herself. Ouch.) Of couse, she'll still never recover; senile dementia doesn't reverse itself. But it's a relief not to have to think of her being taken off a feeding tube. I support her wish to go and not be sustained beyond the point of hopelessness (not that a grand-daughter-in-law's opinion would be the crucial one) but that wouldn't have made it easy to watch or even hear about.

Posted by dichroic at 12:30 PM | Comments (1)

December 13, 2005

how to enjoy a holiday: celebrate someone else's

Unlike apparently almost everyone else, I am not sick of Christmas. I think this is because it's not really my holiday; my only childhood memories are of decorated malls, Rudolph and Charlie Brown on TV, and singing carols in school. And while we did occasionally gather together with my grandparents and uncle for a big dinner (because everyone had time off from work or school) it was fiarly low on the angst scale. I don't know whether that's because we have a small family (smaller now, unfortunately) or because we also had festive meals on all the major Jewish holidays, and saw each other throughout the year, so we didn't have to deal with all of our family issues in one burst.

I do celebrate it now with Rudder and his family, at least as far as having a tree (no crosses or angels on ours!), exchanging presents, listening to holiday music, and gathering over good food. I love my in-laws. I even like them. (Well, except my sister-in-law from heck, but she doesn't like any of us either and so just stays away.) Since I didn't grow up with any of them, I don't have any buried issues to erupt at the holiday table, or any hot buttons they've installed. (Rudder has a few, but they're comparatively minor and aren't really a problem over the few days at a time we normally see them.)

So in general, I get all of the good parts of Christmas with none of the tsuris and not much of the stress. With Chanukah being late this year, I'm not as beforehand with my presents as usual, but as of today they're all bought except maybe a few little things. We have no decorations up yet, but I only have about 20 more cards to write and send, and we have this weekend relatively free. My mom gave me some very pretty Chanukah candles, so I don't even have the hassle of finding them around here this year (though actually, I did see some somewhere). So even though we still haven't decided if we're staying home or driving to Rudder's parents' or grandparents', I will go on record as saying that I've been enjoying this holiday season, and I expect to enjoy it even more starting late Friday afternoon, when I leave work and don't come back until after New Year's Day.

I am a little sick of commercial Christmas music though. I like most of the classics, I love some of the more obscure ones, and I don't even mind Rudolph and Frosty until the umpty-ninth playing, But if I never hear Jingle Bell Rock or Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree again, I will survive easily.

Today I am thankful for: in-laws I enjoy
Concept II Holiday CHallenge: 58,600 meters to go

Posted by dichroic at 03:37 PM | Comments (3)

December 12, 2005

rowers on parade

Woody would be proud. Apparently Arlo Guthrie and friends will be riding on the City of New Orleans to raise money for musicians and clubs who lost everything in this year's hurricanes. More detail over at Bear's.

In other news (OK, it's not news) I really don't feel like being at work today. I did work from home Friday, on the theory that all my sniffling, sneezing, and other symptoms were due to being out in our incredibly poor air quality. Work is close to the major airport, and the pollution level seems mugh higher here. SUre enough, I felt much better on Friday than I had on the days before. Though even at home I've been sniffly: it wouldn't be such a problem but it's hard to erg when you have to stop and blow your nose every three hundred meters.

On Saturday, we rowed in the Tempe Holiday Boat Parade. I'll post pictures if any come out well. In his penchant for ever-increasing over-the-top-ness, this year Rudder managed to wangle the use of the rowing barge the city uses to train novices to row. It has eight rowing stations down wither side (for sweep rowers, obviously, with one oar apiece) and a catywalk down the middle for coaches. We had it manned by ten rowers, three of whom had never rowed before, but who were instumental in designing the decorations. At the stern was Santa (7' tall, inflatable) in his sleigh (foam) full of presents (plastic wrap over a plastic piping frame). In front of him were three windsurfing sails, each "manned" by an inflatable penguin, and there were lights strung all over everything, as many as the generator could handle. Santa was wearing an enormous Hawaiian shirt and a tinsel lei, because our theme was "Santa on holiday".

We won the human-powered division for I think the fourth time in the parade's six-year history; last year we didn't enter and the first year I'm not sure if they had a human-powered division. The first two years, Rudder decorated a double, then we did an eight and year before last, I think, a four. Unfortunately, we had no competition this year. Usually there are four or five kayaks entered. Of course, they couldn't have hoped to compete with the mighty juggernaut that was our barge this year, but then again, there's no reason the dragon boats or the Hawaiian outriggers that row on our lake couldn't have competed. (I'd think a dragon boat, especially, would be fun to decorate.)

The one disappointment was our prize. Last time, the city gave us a basket of things (we surmised) they had left over from donations to other events: certificates for a night's stay at a fancy local hotel, dinner at one restaurant, breakfast somewhere else, lunch at a third place, and so on. We divided them up among the rowers who participated, and later gave the hotel stay to someone who had trailered our boat back from Masters Nationals, so it all worked out nicely. This year, the parade was run by a local merchants' association, which you'd think would mean even more sponsorship, but apparently not: the prize was a basket with two jars of salsa and some chips.

Good thing Rudder does this just for the fun of designing and building the decorations.

Posted by dichroic at 01:36 PM

December 09, 2005

enjoying cleaner air at home

I'm working from home today. For the last few days, I sat in the office ad got snifflier throughout the day. It's not a cold, since it hasn't gotten any better or worse, and I was curious if the problem was either my drive to work through the brown cloud Phoenix calls air or the building or the location of the building, right next door to our major airport. Today's newspaper confirms that one of these likely is the cause: apparently the pollution right now is the worst it's been in years. And in fact, I'm not sneezing or drippig nearly as much today, here at home. Now if they'd only decide I could telecommute regularly ....

I don't expect there to be any news on Rudder's grandmother for several days. He doesn't seem too upset at the moment. He's never talked to his grandparents anywhere near as often as I did to mine, and while he's fond of them, it seems to be in a more distant way. He's not a particularly emotional person, either. So I have no idea how he'll react if they do remove her feeding tube, though I expect it will be relatively calmly, no matter how upset he is. If we do end uo traveling up there, I think I'll give him the part of his gift that would be useful for traveling ahead of time.

Also, I'd better get to work ordering the last few holiday gifts I need and getting my cards out. That is, by the way, most deliberately, H-O-L-I-D-A-Y cards. And anyone who thinks Christmas is the only holiday that ought to be celebrated at this time of year is welcome to fold one until it's all corners and try to absorb its message of peace by the suppository method.

I mean that in the most tolerant way possible of course.

Posted by dichroic at 02:47 PM

December 08, 2005

not good news

I spoke to my MIL again today; it appears that I may be down one grandmother-in-law as soon as a week from now. There is a possiblity that her rapid decline is a reaction to the drugs she's on, so they've taken her off all possible ones and will watch her for a week to see if there's any change, so there is still hope. Otherwise, they'll remove the feeding tube then, in accordance with her own written wishes. (That decision would have been so much harder for her family if she hadn't left those wishes.) Even if she does revive a bit, though, I don't think it can be a long-term effect. (I would be ecstatic to be wrong.) I have been lucky enough to have had enough relationship with all of Rudder's grandparents that her loss will make me very sad, but obviously it's a lot worse for Rudder and his mother. When I gave him the news yesterday he didn't seem too upset, pointing out that her mind is already gone (demntia, not Alzheimer's, but the effect is similar) and that this isn't any surprise, but he's never lost anyone close to him before and I don't know how he'll react when he does.

We were in the middle of a big shouting fight when I got the call saying my grandmother had died (several years ago now). To his credit, he dropped the argument immediately. I don't suppose there's anything I can do but to be there for him as he was for me.

We had no real plans for Christmas, but we both have two weeks off, so we can drive up to Oregon to his parents' or to Sacramento where his grandparents are if that seems advisable. Hell of a time of year for all this, though.

Drat. I keep forgetting this:
Today I am thankful for: Having six grandparents when I was little, four grandparents until I was (almost) adult and then getting a whole new set when I married. Maybe things are different when it comes to parents and step-parents, but in my opinion, grandparents are purely additive, and the more, the more love in your life.
Concept II Holiday Challenge: Around 94000 meters left.

Posted by dichroic at 01:09 PM | Comments (5)

December 06, 2005

about family

OK, that was cool. Over at, I was able to find my grandfather who came to the US in 1912, when he was 3. I knew his year of birth, but not his parents' exact names (at least, not how they'd be listed), and with a little detective work, I was able to find his mother and the three siblings he traveled with, plus his father and older brother who came over a few months earlier. I could see the passenger record and the ship's original manifest., and it was a lovely feeling, especially, to see the grandmother and great aunt for whom I'm named. My great-grandmother came over, in steerage, with a fourteen-year-old daughter, a 5-year-old, a 3-year-old, and a baby. Yikes. At least she knew her husband and a 16-year-old son were waiting for her on the dock. (I don't know why there's a 9-year age gap between two of my aunts; perhaps my great-grandmother was a second wife. Since she's listed as 30 years old and her husband as 40, even allowing for early marriage back then, the two teenaged kids make that theory sound likely.) I've also found my dad's mother and possibly his father (the name is a common one but the age and city are right). I couldn't find my mother's mother's father, but I know my great-grandmother's family on that side came over a little before Ellis Island was opened.

Speaking of family, I don't believe I've mentioned what Rudder did to me while we were in Philadelphia. He told my father I could knit him gloves. For those of you who don't knit, I should point out that gloves, while a nice small project, are nasty fiddly things to knit. There are all those fingers, you see, not to mention thumb gussets and suchlike. This is why the Internet contains a zillion patterns for mittens and only a few for gloves. And, though a small hole in a sock where a stitch has been added may be unnoticeable inside shoes, it's my experience that the wind seeks out and blows through any little hole in a glove, so I need to do a good job on the fiddly bits. I think I probably ought to use fiddly little yarn and needles too. At least I think I can get away with DK instead of going down to sock yarn.

Normally, I'd have explained the difficulty and told them both to take a flying leap (or at least to settle for socks) but Dad actually sounded interested. He is so rarely interested in anything these days, and never has been much in gifts at all. So I can't just tell him to forget it. I settled for explaining to Rudder exactly what he'd let me in for (he was joking, originally) and hinting to Dad, unsuccessfully, that maybe he'd like a nice pair of socks instead. He won't wear mittens, either; I don't even think he'd wear fingerless gloves with mitten tops. So I guess I'm making gloves. I did warn him not to expect them any time soon.

Posted by dichroic at 03:51 PM | Comments (1)

December 05, 2005

keeping memories

I'm not exactly sick, but I'm not exactly not sick either. I don't feel bad, but I do seem to be dripping rather a lot. Also, when Rudder brought me tea yesterday morning, I tried to drink some of it while still mostly lying down (it was a mug with a lid on it, so that was a stupid move but not as stupid as it would otherwise have been) which resulted in not so much burning my tongue as burning my whole mouth, including my tongue, the left corner of my mouth, the inside of my lower lip, and a spot on my throat. None of it really hurts but I can tell it's not quite right and it feels almost as if I have a sore throat. Also, the steak and baked potato I had yesterday turned out to be much saltier than I'd have normally realized they were - they stung my mouth.

I only managed to erg 3000m this morning, but I think that's mostly because of waking up three hours earlier than on either of the last two days, coupled with having to blow my nose every couple hundred meters for the first thousand. My body's been kind of logy in general; yesterday I wanted to do a half marathon but only managed 11000m. As I said, not quite not sick. Rudder seems to be feeling noticeably better, at least.

Today is the 50th anniversary of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. I still think that ought to be a case study for anyone studying management and leadership. Of course the people in it were inspired by a raging injustice, but it takes something more than demogoguery to keep hundreds of people organized, doing something that causes them great personal inconvenience for over a year. The logistics of organizing rides in a time and place when few people had cars, had to have been difficult at best. Many people walked to work, for miles in the cold damp winters and steaming Alabama summers. These would have been a normal cross-section of American people: old and young, fit and feeble. They walked. They put up with bombings of the leaders' houses and threats to their families. We have stories of the soldiers at Valley Forge, but they were soldiers. We have stories of the Pilgrims enduring scarcity in a new land and of the covered-wagon pioneers walking unimaginable distances, but in both cases there were few escapes: going home was either not feasible or was as difficult as continuing on. The people in Montgomery could have stopped at any time and simply returned to the status quo, which wasn't physically unendurable. They weren't starving or beaten (or at least, if they were beaten it was for the boycott itself). The buses were available, if only their back halves.

If the status quo was unendurable, it must have been their honor and spirits that were galled. And for that, they avoided the bus system for over a year. I don't know whether the drive and endurance came from the leadership of the movement, or the grassroots, though I would like to know. My guess is both.

The Montgomery Bus Boycott is a bit of history that is not forgotten, but too often reduced to a line or two in a history book. I think it ought to be remembered as one of the great American legends - I mean that not in the sense of something untrue but as one of the stories that has shaped our national character and should continue to shape our ideals. The Library of Congress has a project called StoryCorps, whose goal is to let people interview each other to recordtheir memories. I hope the idea will spread beyond the StoryCorps booths, so that people who remember the Depression, or WWII, or the Montgomery Bus Boycott will tell stheir stories to their children and to anyone else who wants to listen, so the stories will be remembered. We'll be losing most of those people in the next few decades; we need to keep their memories.

Concept II Holiday Challenge: 116300 meters left
Today I am thankful for: getting to sit in any part of the bus I choose.

Posted by dichroic at 01:45 PM | Comments (1)

December 03, 2005

present not accounted for

There's a meme going around about listing ten things you want for holiday gifts. I've been avoiding it because I'm having a very hard time thinking of anything I really want. Rudder's family has a tradition of giving each other wishlists; the idea is to list a variety of things at a variety of prices, so various family members cab get what they can find or afford. You get things you wanted, but the surprise lies in not knowing which things - also in the instantiation of the listed items, since we're often not all that specific. Anyway, neither of us has had an easy time thinking of items for the list this year.

Of course, there's a standard generic list of things I can always use more of - books, blothes, shoes, jewelry, and more books. If we were to do the RV thing, though (and Rudder's job's future is still up in the air) I'd be limited in the number of books and clothes and shoes I could take along. Then again, having a larger selection from which to choose what to take might be helpful.

The thing I was hoping not to be given was Rudder's nasty cold, or even my coworkers' milder ones. But alas, certain signs this morning are indcating someone may have been overly generous.

Posted by dichroic at 09:29 AM | Comments (1)

December 01, 2005

sleeping in the guest room

I will be so glad when Rudder is better - mostly for his sake, of course, but also for mine. I've been sleeping in the guest room for four days now, at his request (though he meant it for my own good). I've slept with earplugs the past couple of nights, partly because even two rooms down I can still hear his coughing, but also because the guest room is much closer to our heat pumps and they always wake me when they come on. (Fortunately, that's not until an hour or so before I have to wake up anyway; we have a programmable thermostat.) Also, the cats have both been sleeping with me - I guess Rudder's coughing bothers them too - and since this bed is a queen instead of a king they keep trying to sleep around the level of my knees, instead of down past my feet, which makes it difficult to turn over.

And then every conversation begins with "I feel like CRAP!", and the part about trying to figure what I can bring him to make him feel better (this is from my own caretaker side, not his request), the lack of company or anyone to snuggle with, and most annoying at all, the part about trying to get dressed almost in the dark so as not to disturb him more than necessary. I've been keeping my erg clothing in the erg room so I can change in there instead of in our bedroom. If he's still sick tonight, maybe I should lay out my work clothing for tomorrow as well. This is all getting very very old, though of course it's still not as bad as being the one who actually feels like crap. Poor Rudder.

So far, so good with the new cubemate. She talks the right amount (enough that I don't feel like I'm interrupting her work when I say something or like I'm talking to a blank wall, not so much that I can't get my work done) and shares the right amount about herself (enough that I think maybe we can be friends or at least work-friends, but not an unprofessional amount or TMI). She's an engineer by education, from a good enough school that it's safe to assume she got at least a somewhat-rounded education (as engineering educations go). And as I said, she's a rower - it's generally safe to assume that I have a lot in common with any female-engineer-rower. I haven't seen any evidence that she's a reader yet, but I can't expect perfection - and anyway, it's only been a few days. At any rate, it's nice to have someone around who can sympathize about split ends and erg pieces.

Concept II Holiday Challenge: 143, 400 meters left, or something like that (I need to check my math).
Today I am thankful for: not having caught what Rudder has!

Posted by dichroic at 01:27 PM

November 30, 2005

rudder adrift

Rudder is still sick. It came on gradually: siffles last Thursday, a feeling that he might be getting sick Friday, actually ill Saturday. It doesn't look like anything worse to me than a cold, with a low fever (100 or so), cough, copious snot, and so on. But he's perturbed that he hasn't started feeling better yet, that his lungs are congested, and that he's been feeling very tired - perturbed enough that he actually went to the doctor today and took the rest of the day off work. From the brief discussion I had with him, it sounds like the doctor didn't think it was anything major either, but gave him some antibiotics (which confuses me). He sounded pretty groggy, so I might have woken him up. At any rate, I'll be continuing to keep a close eye on him, because for Rudder, going to the doctor and taking a sick day are in themselves major symptoms.

So far I don't appear to have caught anything. I've been coughing and sneezing for than usual, but don't feel ill at all. I think it's just because of some construction work they're doing in the office. The admin here, who has asthma, felt bad enough because of it to go home in the middle of the day one day before the holiday, and I've been hearing a lot of drilling today.

I'm not enjoying cubicle-dwelling, but at least it's a relatively private cube. It's not one ofthose where my work is on display to anyone passing by. And there is one positive benefit: it turns out that my cubemate, whom I hadn't met before and who's only recently moved to town, is a rower!

Almost forgot:
Concept II Holiday Challenge::151400 meters left
Today I am thankful for: Decent health insurance.

Posted by dichroic at 03:52 PM | Comments (3)

November 29, 2005

being a lady

Something Sartorias wrote today reminded me of a small incident last week. One perk to visiting my parents or my uncle is the chance to reconnect with my grandparents, by hearing stories or using things they owned. So last week,I was browsing through my mom's baby book one day, looking for the family chart that shows my great-grandparents and a few of their parents (as far back as we know; I'll never do any further geneological research because of the overwhelming likelihood that records either weren't kept or were destroyed in wars and other upheavals.) In the 'A Message to My Daughter' section, my grandmother had written, "I always hoped you would be a young lady by the time you reached 11 years of age," and I thought to myself, "I have no idea what that means." No ball playing in the house? No belching in public? No inadvertent displays of underwear? Wearing gloves and hats? And why the fixed deadline?

I asked my mom, and she has no idea either - in fact, as soon as I started to ask the question, she said "I have no idea either," before I could even finish asking, so apparently it's something that's been puzzling her too. (Just for context, my grandmother was born in 1912 and my mom on Pearl Harbor Day, so consciousness raising came along only after my mother was grown and married. Like her mother, she would have grown up wearing gloves and hats and rigid undergarments.

I left most of the above as a comment to Sartorias, and she guessed that above all, it meant being nice and conforming. This would make sense, especially given that blending in was a way to minimize the anti-Semitism still around then.

I think it might largely have been about her perception of femininity. I always found it ironic that my grandmother used to scold me for not wearing enough jewelry and makeup, given that she was becoming an adult during the flapper era, and her grandmother would probably have yelled at her for wearing rouge or lipstick. She also used to complain that my hair "just hangs there and doesn't do anything. (At this point, I usually was envisioning it learning to sit up and beg.) In her defense, none of this was mean scolding, and she never tried at all to restrict my interests to traditional girl-things.

In the 80s, when she'd see me wearing, say, one earring or a cut-up sweatshirt, she'd just ask, "Is that what they're wearing?" and seemed perfectly happy as long as it was. So maybe this was all about her vision of womanhood. Maybe I was more of a tomboy, at least in appearance, than she wanted me to be, or maybe she was trying to make sure I got as much attention from men as she seems to have enjoyed in her youth. That turned out not to be a problem by the time I got to college, but she wouldn't have realized that going to engineering school is a much better way to get masculine attention than dressing in the height of fashion or wearing lipstick and pearls. (It's also a much better way to get the kind of attention I wanted, or to get attention from the kind of men I wanted.) Anyway, I wish I could ask her. I don't know whether or not she thought my mother became enough of a lady, or whether later decades made her revalue ladyhood, but I do know her children's happiness was a top priority for her until she died, so I suspect her goal for my mother was something she thought would give mom a better life. And whether she ever despaired of my grooming, when I graduated college, she sent me a note so proud that I still have it.

Posted by dichroic at 12:51 PM | Comments (1)

November 28, 2005

meeting friends, new and old

SO: Last Saturday night was Prattbunnymallcon. The other revelers gathered at noon at the Pratt house to see the bunnies. I'd have liked to see them and Mrs. P's lighthouses, but we'd gotten in at 2 AM the night before. My brother had picked us up (useful sometimes, having relatives who are nocturnal) and we'd stayed at his place. Since we were going to be out for dinner with friends our first two nights in Philadelphia, I figured we'd better stop in to visit with Mom and Dad before heading out to King of Prussia. The mall is easy enough to find, and the brother, who's only had his (first) car for a couple of months, did well driving out there. We found the brewpub with no problem and the rest of the group tore themselves away from the bunnies and met us there:

From left to right, that's Wolf, Bozoette Mary, LA and Mike, me, Mrs. Pratt, Mary's Joe, Rudder, Deb, Pratt's forehead, and my brother's right cheek. Art the waiter took the photo. (He wasn't much better at waitering.) The dinner was good as reported elsewhere; the JournalCon alumni were as easy to talk to as before, and none of the assorted spouses, kids or siblings seemed to feel too out of place. I didn't get to talk to Mike much because of the layout of the table, but my brother was at his end of the table and reported that he'd been telling some fascinating stories of his life. I think Deb's son felt a little out of place with all the grownups, but it didn't phase Wolf, who was being charming and so interactive with all the adults (pretty typical, at his age) that I would not have recognized him as the same kid in LA's descriptions of his early years. Mary's Joe was likewise charming and very funny and the attractive Mrs. Pratt put herself out to be a gracious local tour guide (possibly with thoughts of lighthouse gatherings in future compensation!)

Funny, none of us are really the type of female to go to the restroom in herds, but LA, Mary, and I sort of ran into each other there:
. Yes, I have special powers and my true self shows up in mirror reflections.

After the meal, Deb and son had to leave (I thought that was a shame at the time, but reading her explanation I'm sort of glad they did. Kids who mention the possibility of vomiting make me nervous too.) but the rest of us walked around the mall for a while. It was already full of Christmas regalia:

though I don't think Wolf found any toys he liked better than his camera - what a great way to keep a kid busy:

though he did like the rocket ship ride.

Sunday, Rudder and the brother and I met up with an old friend of mine from college days (I was in college, he worked in one of the labs there). I'd wanted the bro to meet him for some time. It was sort of funny: one of my sibling's less endearing traits is a tendency to brag about all the people he knows (many from SF cons) and all the things they've done. One of the cooler things about his apartment is the library he's somehow managed to fit in there. This friend has him vastly outclassed on both counts: the bro got very quiet (rare!) on first seeing his nineteenth-century West Philly house with the mahogany and cherry wood trim, and again when he casually mentioned a conversation with a Big Name Author. (I don't think the story was meant to have that effect, actually). But the best part of the evening was the restaurant he took us to: a high-end Italian place in a small town across the bridge in jersey. The owner hugged him when we walked in. The local Italian teacher (possibly the owner's wife) hugged him. The server hugged him. The service was about as good as you'd expect from those reactions. And the meal was phenomenal: all the authenticity of an Italian place in an Itallian neighborhood run by a guy from Italy, along with the cooking skills of a master chef. My friend brought the wines, plural, carefully picked to go with the various things we might order, and the owner, wife and server sampled each one as well. The conversation sparkled as well, and though I wasn't entirely pleased with either when my friend and brother went out to smoke - I liked that they seemed to bond over the cigs, but the bro was my partner in nagging our Dad to quit for most of our llives, so I hate to see him smoking himself now, and the friend has health conditions that make it seem like a bad idea. I tried not to nag much, but when I did say something they both took it in good part, and I was touched when in response to my comment that I didn't have big-sister nagging rights over him, the friend commented that I had at least little-sister rights. Beautiful place. Great dinner. If you're in the Philly area and you want an excellent Italian meal (fancy, not cheap), I have the restaurant's card somewhere.

Also, while I'm here: voila, the socks I finished on the way home from the marathon, the scarf I finished in Philadelphia, and the blanket I finished just before this last trip with the hat I started on the flight home. The blanket and hats are for twins; they'll have to share the blanket, but the second hat is on the needles now.

Posted by dichroic at 05:31 PM | Comments (3)

pedicure time

I am a bad house ape - Rudder and I both are. One of the cats has an ingrown claw, which we found out about by noticing a couple little blood spots on the floor. This isn't even the first time this has happened; it happened last winter right before his last vet appointment and of course we meant to check him and clip his claws more regularly. We have checked them a few times since and there hasn't been a problem - maybe he just runs around less when it's colder? But with all the travel last month, well...

Unfortunately we can't get him into the vet until tomorrow, but the person at the desk didn't sound worried and the Beast doesn't actually seem to be bothered by it, at least not nearly as bothered as he is about our messnig with his feet, even at the best of times. I have met cats for whom claw-clipping is as simple as: pick up cat, grab paw gently, clip claw carefully. This is not the case for either of ours. The process takes both of us and the steps are more like: find cat, who has mysteriously vanished as soon as we decide to clip; saunter casually up to him pretending nothing is going on, carefully hiding clipper; hold cat (one of us) and attempt to mobilize his head so he can't bite; grab paw (the other of us) and clip as many claws as possible before cat squirms away. (If you're going to suggest holding him by the scruff, we have and it doesn't seem to have much effect.) Getting him into his carrier used to be almost as much fun, until someone suggested using a pillow case. It's much easier to sneak up on a cat with a pillow case than with a carrier, and easier to put him into it, then decant cat and case together into carrier.

For the other cat, the reactions are similar but involve less tendency to bite and more struggling to run away. And no, we don't abuse our cats: one was feral as a kitten and the other is so scared of everything we think he may have been abused before we adopted him.

Is it my imagination or do female cats tend to be more placid? Both of ours are male.

For the last several years, every day between Thanskgiving and Christmas I've listed two things: my progress on the Concept II Holiday Challenge (200,000 meters on the erg from Thanksgiving to Christmas, and something I'm thankful for. (In fact, one major thing to be thankful for is that it's never too terribly hard to think of something each day.) So:

Concept II Holiday Challenge: 164900 meters left.
Today I am thankful: that both of our cats have been so healthy for the past 16 and 14 years.

Posted by dichroic at 12:19 PM | Comments (1)


In case anyone is wondering, I did write about the gatherings with friends last weekend, but my computer didn't so much eat my entry as refuce to post it (Internet connection was down). I'll put it up tonight, along with photos of the Prattbunnymallcon and (bonus!) several recently finished knitted objects.

Posted by dichroic at 10:02 AM

November 26, 2005

the short version

Somehow I just don't feel like writing. It's cold in my house. My fingers are stiff.

Short version is: didn't get to see all the people I wanted to, but did see most. Had a wonderful time with JournalCon folks on Saturday (more later about that, probably, but rest assured I will inform my brother of the reactions to him). Got to visit with assorted family-by-choice Sunday: went to see the new home of the couple who were big siblings to me during my adolescence, whose house down the block was my escape and whose kids I babysat, as well as another friend who touched me by informing me that I have little-sister-nagging rights. Thanksgiving, of course so it was about food and family: among the former, we had a decent brewpub meal and a phenomenal Italian one, a decent Chinese one and a good turkey one. Unfortunately, all the leftovers are a couple thousand miles away now. Among the latter, we saw my famly enough to appreciate them and to laugh to each other about their quirks, not enough to get too annoyed at anyone, so it was good. Also, we caught up on sleep. The futon at my parents' place is much harder than my bed and accordinglly less comfortable, but I do sleep well on it.

The only bad parts are the cold Rudder came home with (not to serious, I take it, since he's erging now) and the note from the catsitter about how she "couldn't find our mailbox", necessitating a run to the post office to pick up all our mail. (Two, actually, because they didn't open when they were supposed to.) And yes, she did have our phone number, not to mention the number of the woman she works for, who knows where our box is.

And now I have survived all the challenges of November and October, unless you count going back to begin working in a cubicle. ecember should be much easier, I think.

Posted by dichroic at 04:49 PM | Comments (2)

November 17, 2005

getting through

A couple quick notes:

I doubt I'll get to Q in the poetry series until after Thanksgiving, given my travel plans and the fact that I really need to be at home with my references to write it.

Anyone else I haven't made plans with for the Philly trip (or who wants to get in on the mini-JournalCon reprise (squee!) Saturday, email me for my cell phone #.)

I got a phone message from my uncle the other day: "I guess you're back from the marathon. I'm leaving for Berlin tomorrow so I won't tlak to you before you go to Philadelphia. You haven't been there for that long for a while, have you? I hope you survive staying there for a whole week."

It just amused me, because most people would consider rowing a marathon to be a more difficult feat of endurance than staying with your parents for a week, at least if your parents aren't evil, and mine aren't. They are well-meaning and they love us and are excited about this visit. The only thing is .... well, think of Mrs. Bennett. I wonder how often Elizabeth went back for a visited after moving to Pemberley? If it is possible to imagine a somewhat less vulgar set of Bennetts without the drive to marry their daughters to the richest man possible, but with the narrow outlook that made Longbourn the center of the universe and all other places not worth caring about, and if you couple that with Fanny Price's sense of oppression at the crowding and the noise in her family's small house when she had become used to Mansfield Park, you will have a fair picture.

In other words, that is, I'm spoiled. I'm used to living in a large and quiet house, its only other occupants two cats and a man with a decent sense of privacy. I'm used to my own comfy chair and my own big bed and more bathrooms than residents in the house. Going back to a smaller and noiser house, where people yell up and down stairs after I've gone to bed and will want to be with us every second, is going to be exhausting. Even if it is a perfectly reasonable house to live in, one where in fact I spent my first 22 years, even though (unlike poor Fanny Prise) they will be glad to have us there.

I'm not sure if it's easier or harder for Rudder. Harder, probably. He won't have all those pent-up annoyances from adolescence or years-old arguments that have me going from calm to annoyed in a microsecond (similarly, I think I find his parents much less annoying than he does, though we both enjoy their company) but he and my parents are oil and water. It's not that they dislike each other or anything, just that they might as well be separate species, with few interests or experiences in common. Maybe I can send him to the gym with my mom to work on a training plan for her (with me along to temper the workout and remind him she's not trying to win any races). He also suggested asking whether there are any home improvement projects around their house we could do while there, which isn't a bad idea. We might work on our Christmas letter. (Dear All: after flunking the instrument test twice, Dichroic has given up on flying....) And, as I said yesterday, I think going to the movies a few times may work out for all concerned.

Posted by dichroic at 12:46 PM | Comments (2)

November 15, 2005

More marathon memories

Assorted other memories from the weekend:

It was only yesterday that I realized on Saturday after the race, I'd had dinner with (among others) three men over sixty who had just rowed a marathon. And who all look OK in shorts. I mean, when I was young I used to see old men in shorts at the swim club. They had nasty pasty legs with no muscle and they'd wear black socks with their shorts and it all just seemed unnatural and uncomfortable for them. These old rower guys were wearing shorts or jeans because that's what you wear when it's fairly warm out and you're eating dinner at a pub. It looked right on them, and comfortable, and I won't mind at all if I look like a female version when I'm in my sixties.

The funniest part was when Old Salt, who is all of 6 years younger, commented about another rower, "Do you believe he's sixty-nine??" Well, he is a pretty young 69, but from down here, rowing a marathon at 69 doesn't look a whole lot more improbably than rowing it at 63.

It turns out that the Mobile Monet has her own website. It's always more comfortable when you can look at the work of someone you like and realize you like it a lot, too. Take a look. I can just about draw something so it's recognizable, so I'm always impressed at people who can paint at all, let alone paint well. Judging by the awards list, though, in her case other people think so too.

They've just gotten home, so we'll be getting the stuff we sent in the van tonight. This includes the camera bag, so with luck I'll have time to post a couple of race pictures before leaving again Friday.

Stevie Mo's girlfriend is learning to knit, and is just at the garter-stitch scarf stage, so both he and she were very impressed with my socks. I was going to show her how to purl, but then realized there might be something even more basic she needed, so I asked whether she knew how to undo a stitch. She didn't, so I showed her. Funny how differently people learn. I think as soon as I knew how to knit a stitch, it was pretty obvious to me how to undo it; apparently an engineering mind is more useful in knitting than one would suppose. On the other hand, she's majoring in Pastoral Studies, learning to be a hospital chaplain. I'm not sure I could possibly learn to do that job well at all, having all the empathy of your average rock. (I have compassion, just not empathy - can't read people well.)

I've figured out what we can do if we get bored in Philadelphia next week: movies. Generally, there are either too many movies I want to watch, or more commonly, nothing. Right now there are too many: Goblet of Fire, Chronicles of Narnia, Pride and Prejudice, Walk the Line, Mirrormask, even Chicken Little. This might be a good time to catch up, and that might even be something we can do with my dad, who is difficult to interest in anything.

Posted by dichroic at 03:57 PM

November 04, 2005

nothing much to say but have a good weekend

I'm getting ready to leave early for the drive to LA, so won't be getting to K in the poetry series until Monday or so. I can't think of anything major I want to write about, so just a couple little random points.

Yesterday, I got the strangest s p @ m comment here. It was a real comment, with lots of detail about a specific book I'd written about, but with interpolated links for some damn site or other that I have have no interest in. Yet it was obvious the writer had actually read the book I was discussing and it's not even that famous a book. I hope the %#^%# creators of that stuff have not figured out how to inset it in legitimate comments now.

On the way to work, I heard an NPR piece by a former journalist about the atrocities he'd seen in Rwanda and how hard it was and how shameful he felt at shaking the hand of some of the perpetrators of that genocide, in pursuit of interviews from them. He spoke of his interpreter, who had had to watch his own wife killed before his eyes, and who had actually paid her killers to shoot her instead of hacking at her with a machete. (The interpreter himself had been spared because he was Congolese.) I was thinking how it awful it must be when all you can do for someone you love is to give her an easier death. Then I got to thinking of a local rower, who can only wish he'd been abler to pay someone to give his wife a painless death. He has no one to blame, because she died of disease rather than murder. I forget the specifics of her disease, but I will never forget his description, "like Lou Gehrig's disease, only painful". I suppose in a way he did give her the easiest death he could, putting her into a hospice where I'm sure they did all they could with morphine and such, but it was still long and painful. So yeah, there are worse things. Or maybe this is why orderings and comparisons are silly in some cases. Some things are just awful, period.

I have no idea why I wanted to share all of that. Sorry for the downer.

On the upside, I was pleased to see that the Vatican does still remember St. Augustine's teachings, though I wish they'd managed to say so without phrasing it as a slur on other wings of Christianity.

Once again, I am annoyed at my clothing. My jeans are a little tight, fresh from the wash, but otherwise fit except for being too tight in the thighs. My sweater sleeves are so tight that the sleeves of the T-shirt I'm wearing show through. This is just silly. I even went and looked to see if Athleta or Title Nine had some cords cut in a more athletic fit, but I have some trouble getting past the fact that their pants are not only in a very casual cut, but $30 or $40 more than the basic cords that are really all I want. On the other hand, the Levis I tried on the other day were no only too long (no petites offered) but were so tight in the legs that they're not really suitable for work wear.

I'll be back here Monday, after the race. Maybe I'll be able to write about something more interesting then.

Posted by dichroic at 12:04 PM

November 01, 2005

fall holidays

back in normal clothes for an especially hectic day at work. (No, really, yesterday's costume wasn't all that exciting. No lats or other body parts on display. Rings on fingers, bells on toes - well, ankles, but rings on toes), coin belt, bra top, all over a long-sleeved black shirt and long wide skirt. No photos were taken. No loss to anyone, I assure you.) I was glad I wore a costume, though, because few people here did, and somebody needs to make a fool of herself and give a holiday its due. I like holidays of all sorts. I like special days, and small traditions, special foods, dressing up (whether fancy or costume) and things to look forward to. On the other hand, Rudder and I were Hallowe'en grinches last night and didn't give out candy, mostly due to feeling like things are too hectic lately. Anyhow, I'd be more inclined to give kids candy if I ever saw or talked to at least some of said kids the rest of the year. It's not like there's a relationship there. When I was young enough to trick or treat but old enough to go a bit afield, we might walk a block or two over to where we didn't know many people - but we always started on our own blocks. And with thirty or so houses on each side of the street, really, we didn't have to go too far afield to get a weighty haul. Rowhouses have some advantages, after all.

Speaking of rowhouses, we're batting around the idea of going to Philly for Thanksgiving. Airfares look reasonable, if we don't travel on weekends. If we do, we'll be there for a week or so, long enough to visit the friends we haven't seen in far too long. We'll be wanting to do day trips, too, to escape the confines of some of the family, but might also have some with us. There are for example a few of the local skiffy types I really want to introduce my brother to. (You for one, N. I think you'd like each other - or at least each other's libraries, which is always a good start.) once we figure it all out, I'll be putting out an email to all of my friends who can reasonably be considered as being in the area with dates and specifics to figure out who will be there and free when.

Posted by dichroic at 12:28 PM | Comments (3)

October 31, 2005

chiming in

Grr. My PC just ate my entry on iambic pentameter. It was a lame entry, but still a lot of work.

It's very difficult to convince yourself to work hard when you're dressed as a belly-dancer, even in a work-safe version where the skimpy top is worn over a long-sleeved T-shirt. (It's a tight black T-shirt, and my skirt is black, so it doesn't look quite as silly under a red raw silk top as you'd think.) I do like all the chiming sounds from my coin belt and bell anklet as I walk, though it means I can't sneak up on anyone.

Posted by dichroic at 03:57 PM | Comments (2)

another small victory

I forgot to mention another small victory of the weekend: yesterday I paid off my credit card. No more flying debt! I feel very free.

I wasn't going to do this now, because it takes my savings below where I like them to be, but I'd rather pay the interest to me than to a credit card company. So now I have to be nice to my boss (just in case!) until I get the savings back where I want them.

They're still a bit above the amount I spent when I was out of work in 2001, so I don't have to be too nice.

On the downside, I learned yesterday while inspecting it after an oil change and car wash, that my little car is bearing scars from JournalCon (more precisely, from the drive there). There were several paint chips on the hood; I don't remember seeing them before so I think it must have happened when a car ahead of me had a rear tire more or less explode, and a few pieces (small ones, fortunately) bounced up onto my hood and roof.

Posted by dichroic at 12:48 PM

October 27, 2005

forgotten items

There's stuff I keep meaning to write and forgetting, so here is the entry of forgotten things. It jumps around a lot because my brain is like that.

Item: I talked to a lot more cool people at JCon than I managed to link to, but in specific, I can't believe I didn't link to Bozoette Mary in my JournalCon recap entry, not just because of how much time I spent talking to her but because of how much I enjoyed that time. This has now been rectified.

Item: In an entry yesterday, I mentioned four upcoming races: Tempe, this Saturday from about 7-12; next Saturday in Marina del Rey; next Sunday in Newport, and the marathon in Natchitoches, November 12. In Marina del Rey, Rudder will be racing and I'll just watch; I'll race my single in each of the others. The part I forgot to mention was that if you're in the area of any of those, stop by and say hi! We can usually be found by the Arizona flags on our boats, jackets, oars, and unis. In the local Tempe race, I'll be dockmaster so I'll be especially easy to find, though busy.

Item: Another cool thing about JCon that I haven't mentioned was that, though several of the people there deal with serious medical issues, everyone was well enough for this weekend that no walking aids were used, unless you count Ray.

Item: I'm not sure if it was good or bad that I left JCon a little early, wanting to get home early enough to have dinner with Rudder, and so had to skip all the teary goodbyes. I did get to hug a few people, and on balance it's good in a way not to have "closure" for the weekend. Because that way I get to read people's recaps and feel like it's still sort of going on, at least in my head.

Item: My life is going really well just now, except for the work parts of it. For one thing, I'm going to be moved from my nice private office to a (shudder) cube - it's a corporate policy thing, not anything personal. I wonder how much trouble I'd get in for knitting during telecons, if I'm not behind a closed door?

Item: In an article today on Harriet Miers' withdrawal from consideration for the Supreme Court, I read the following sentence: ""The overall lesson of the two nominations taken together is that there is considerable safety in drawing from the very small pool of people who are universally considered qualified for appointment." Um.... Duh?

(Actually, it's even sadder that something so obvious is apparently not that obvious to the White House, or wasn't before all this storm und drang.)

Item: I'm a little worried about the scarf I'm knitting for my uncle. I started it last year, got a few inches in, and put it away to work on other things, since I wouldn't need it until this Chanukah. Problem is, I worked on it during all those panels at JCon and it's still only about 2' long. I've got a looong way to go. I need to finish a baby blanket by December, too, but I only have about 12 rows to go on that. Might add some little baby hats if I have time, since I'll have plenty of yarn left over. Time for the annual buying frenzy to start, too: Chanukah actually begins at Xmas this year, but my mother, brother, and husband have December birthdays. I have yarn for a sweater I want to knit, too - I'm thinking Banff, but with either a deep V neck or maybe the crossover neck from the poncho sweater.

Item: I find I'm still thinking of myself as a pilot. I have no great desire to go flying anytime soon, but I'm actually more interesting in talking about airplanes than when I was taking lessons. And for those who were confused, I AM still a pilot. I just can't fly in instrument conditions. This is not much of a problem, since I don't want to anyway. And at least now I'd know what to do if they did come up suddenly.

Item: I want to dress up for Hallowe'en on Monday. I do have my belly-dancing gear from the Renfaire - wonder if I could just wear the top over something to make it worksafe?

Posted by dichroic at 05:28 PM | Comments (3)

October 25, 2005

deaths and victories

First, the obit section. To quote the Neville Brothers, "Thank you, Miss Rosa. You are the spark that started our freedom movement. Thank you, Sister Rosa Parks.

Yeah, our movement. Three reasons:

If you look at me, it's obvious neither of my parents is black. If you look at my dad when he has a good suntan, it's not so obvious. My brother at the age of three asked, "Is Daddy black?" During his hitch in the Air Force in the 1950s, a few Georgians were similarly confused, and he got called "boy" and told not to drink at the white water fountain. So it's personal.

Second, the Civil RIghts movement can be considered as a major wave in the ongoing fight for liberation of all humans and against prejudice that's been going on for at least a couple hundred years now. Any victory in that war has at least some diminishing effect on all forms of prejudice, including some I've faced. So it is personal.

Third, the Civil Rights movement gave me a chance to grow up without acquiring the unthinking endemic racism that was so prevalent in North and South before it - or at least to grow up with less of it. I would never have felt my mind was in chains, but it would have been nonetheless. So it's personal when I say thank you.

Next, for anyone that reads the New York Times and saw the article about the rowers killed and injured when a speedboat ran over their four, you might have been wondering about the repeated mentions that the rowers weren't wearing life jackets. Item: you can't row in a life jacket. More importantly, rowers are not required by the Coast Guard to carry PFDs because the oars are approved floatation devices. The rowers were not being irresponsible by not wearing life jackets (and I've not convinced they'd have helped in this case). It sounds like their lights might have been a little feeble; how to light a rowing shell is an ongoing discussion in the rowing community. Rudder came up with one of the better mounting ideas I've seen, and we have two white LED bike lights in the stern and a red Trek Disco Inferno light in the bow that makes us hard to miss.

Obituaries done, but I'm still in earnest mode. One thing I'd wanted to write about what was happened before JournalCon. I went rowing Friday morning before driving out to San Diego, which permitted me to see the participants in the Three-Day Breast Cancer Walk gathering for the event. They were assembling in Tempe Beach Park, across the lake from where we launch, and they had to park a few blocks east so I got to see them all walking out to the Opening Ceremonies. There were hundreds of them, walking singly and in groups, male and female, many wearing pink, gathering at 5:30 in the morning to embark on a three-day 60 mile walk. It was incredible. I rowed a little extra that morning: partly to get in some extra distance since I wouldn't be rowing over the weekend (or on Monday - either the Westin gym or dancing at the Karaoke at JCon left me sore!) and partly so I could row very close to shore and shout good luck wishes at the participants as they walked to the start of their march.

Posted by dichroic at 04:34 PM | Comments (1)

October 24, 2005


JournalCon, or Snobby WhoreCon if you prefer, was fun. I was a little worried about that, since there would be no one I had met in person and only a few people with whom I'd exchange e-mails. There were in fact no snobby whores present, or if so they kept both facets well concealed. A gratifying number of people knew who I was, and my swag (silvered beads from India, on cords tied in jeweler's knots so they could be shortened or lengthened) went over well.

I was worried about getting there in time to register, but the drive in went smoothly, and I had no trouble finding the hotel. The Westin was nice - fluffy beds, modern decor, helpful staff (a little too helpful; when I was taking my assorted baggage down at the end of the weekend, they wouldn't let me just take a luggage cart. I had to have someone to roll it for me. Not sure if this was meant to make me feel pampered or if they were afraid I'd oll it into people). The Heavenly bed had me waking up sore every morning, but the pillows and the down blanket also had me sleeping like a dead thing (getting to bed 4-5 hours after my usual bedtime may have contributed). Apparently there were some complaints about the room rates, but it was a fairly smokin' deal for being in a hot area, right in the middle of the Gaslamp District. It's a tradeoff: be out in the boonies and sleep cheap, or be in walking distance of good restaurants and bars and near a major airport and pay more. We did take advantage of the walking distance, for a bar Friday night and tapas Saturday, so I think the JCon committee made the right decision. Dinner Friday featured Jingo, JournalCon bingo - I got to talk to a few people then by virtue of being able to sign in several squares: visited Australia, visited South America, used a car to get to JCon, a few others. I think that was when Jen Trance started telling people, "Yeah, Dichroic's done everything." Fortunately, that's not true, or I'd have to go die now.

Dinner was OK but not spectacular. Part of that was my own fault for ordering chicken; if I were running a caterer, I'd make the chicken option relatively bland, too, for people who like that. I should have gotten the salmon or the vegetarian entree, which looked more interesting. People were raving about the dessert, which was a small tower of three flavors that were either heavy mousse or light cheesecake, but I thought it was not only too sweet, but tasted too much like granular sugar. Maybe I'm just spoiled, because I rarely eat dessert and when I do it's for good reason. Also, we were all just getting acquainted, so conversation was a little light at my table. Saturday's dinner was a little better: excellent company and good tapas at Cafe Sevilla. The main problem with the restaurant is that so many things on the menu looked wonderful, and we could only try a few. Still, I got to sample about six different tapas and some paella, so it was definitely a good place for my first tapas experience. LA or CI: do either of you know the name of the other woman at our table? She's the one who had a limp and was hoarding aioli that night. I really liked her, talked to her quite a bit, but never quite got her name or site name and I'd like to read her.

There are several people I want to start reading regularly now, in fact - whoever that was, Mary, Minarae, Pratt, Carol Elaine, Fredlet, a bunch of others. The ones I already knew were mostly as advertised. LA is fabulous - no surprise there - and I was lucky enough to get to spend time with her, shopping and talking, and even got a short reading. Deb and I need to spend some time together comparing musical favorites. Cruel-Irony was about the only person there who was smaller than I am, and was another one I found easy to talk to. Trance is as cool as you probably thought she was.

The panels were OK; there was only one at a time, and they were informal, so mostly ended up as general discussions. They weren't the highlight of the event, but they were interesting. From what I can gather, this has been true of earlier years as well, so the committee chose a JournalCon Lite format on purpose. Given how much stuff there is to do in the area, I also appreciated the breaks between sessions.

The highlight, for me, was the karaoke session. Best party I've been to in a long time. There was also a Texas Hold-Em game going, but since I have very little interest in gambling, I never did stop in there. The karaoke ranged from "Ouch! I need to leave the room" to nearly professional. I don't know who recorded Sin Wagon, but I can tell you she's not much better at it than Jen Trance. And I don't know who Biensoul was channelling, but I'm guessing he's about 6'2", black, and wears big baggy pants and a lot of chains. She had not only the words but all the moves down. Her sister made me wish I had signed up to sing Me and Bobby McGee, except that she did it way better than I would have. I think I was somewhere in the middle; at least no one ran screaming from the room; I got some gratifying comments, and a whole chorus line got up to dance Timewarp with me. AND the DJ had the complete version, so I got to do Columbia. Yay!

It was even worth still having ringing in my ears the next morning.

(I think I told a couple of people I hadn't done karaoke since my wedding. Not strictly true, as I remembered later; the last time I sang karaoke was with a crazy Russian seaman and a couple other American women in the crew's recreation area on the Akademik Ioffe in the Antarctic Sea. But this was a better party, and no one had to be pried off me by soberer people. (Actually, it wasn't the karaoke singer but a crazier Russian who had to be pried off. Just in the interests of accuracy.))

That ended at midnight. Afterwards, some of us headed out to find a bar except then we lost everyone else, so went back to get them and then sat around the hotel, until most of them went out to get pancakes and I went to bed. Considering it was 1AM by then, I was impressed at the turnout at the 9AM session. Clearly these people are far more hardened than I.

I snuck out early in order to get home in time to have a proper dinner with Rudder, but did at least get to hug a few people goodbye. On the drive home I listened to some of the swag CDs, my iPod, which apparently had a little tiny DJ in it playing Twofer Sundays, and audiobooks from the library. I discovered I apparently eat like a French woman, except for all the pretzels. (Maybe a French woman near the German border?) I looked at red rock mountains and cacti, and thought of pulling over to take a picture to document the end of my weekend, but didn't. And for some reason, I did enjoy the drive.

My only regret from the weekend is that most of my pictures came out lousy. In a few cases, this is just because of over- or under-lighting, though. If I can fix them to look better, I'll post a few.

Posted by dichroic at 05:23 PM | Comments (6)

October 17, 2005

the weekend that was, the week that will be

It wasn't among the world's greatest weekends. The half marathon on the water on Saturday went smoothly, but the tea incident was just part of a whole series of frustrations with Rudder. I think we have it all ironed out as of this morning, fortunately; I'm not one of those who won't go to bed mad, but I was determined not to go into tomorrow's checkride distracted and annoyed. Yesterday's flight went well enough - one stupid mistake, but I won't make that one again - but I'm a bit worried about tomorrow. They're predicting rain all night and all morning, with thunderstorms this evening. It's supposed to be down to showers, with not too much wind, by the time I go up tomorrow, so I'm hoping for no worse than drizzle out of high clouds. Thunderstorms or strong wind are reasons to cancel; plain rain is not, but I really don't want to do my checkride in actual IMC!!! (Instrument Meteorological Conditions, aka flying in clouds.)

I get to leave on Friday morning for JournalCon, so no matter what happens tomorrow, I have something to look forward to. I haven't decided what to bring - jeans, of course, but like LA I'm not sure about dress clothes. If I have room, maybe my very full black skirt from the RenFaire - and if not, one that's knee-length, stretchy and packs small. On second thought, maybe I'll bring that one anyhow. I expect jeans-and-long-sleeves weather, in the 50s and 60s, and since I'm adapted to Arizona will bring a light jacket, probably either fleece or my rowing one. (Unfortunately, all the other rowers in town will be off at the Head of the Charles - this is especially problematic since the hotel doesn't have a rowing machine.) I'll bring my eensy car, so parking will be easy, and should try to remember to bring at least the small camera. I don't think I'll bring the big one since photo ops are more likely to be snapshots than anything that would need enlarging. I need to remember my swag, which will NOT be mix CDs. (I doubt most people out there really want mixes of Stan Rogers, Silly Wizard, and Great Big Sea.) Hm. What else do I need to bring? It's only two days, so probably not much.

For some reason I'm really looking forward to the solo drive. I've driven from here to LA once, from Worcester, MA to Philadelphia once (both round-trip), and that's about it for long solo drives. I've done lots of other driving trips, of course, but not alone. The only thing is that I really ought to either go to the library for or buy some audio books, in case I get tired of listening to music. The latter makes packing much easier, since I can just download onto the iPod. My cargo space is basically just the passenger seat, which will hold my luggage, drinks and snacks for the trip, so space is a consideration.

Anyone else going to JCon who wants my cellphone number (or wants to give me theirs), email me.

Posted by dichroic at 01:38 PM | Comments (2)

October 16, 2005

no Tea

Rudder got up and left before me this morning. (I'm going off to fly, he had to meet some people to work on a boat.) When I got downstairs I found the kettle was hot. I surmise he made Tea and didn't bring me any.

It would take more explanation and past history than I have time to type t explain why this upset me so. Suffice it to say that it did.

Posted by dichroic at 08:17 AM | Comments (3)

October 14, 2005

can I become a superhero without having to drown in toxic chemicals first?

I posted yesterday on my LJ and on the WeirdJews community about the idea of forgiveness, and the discussion on those posts has made me a lot more comfortable with the idea. To take the consensus there and turn it into concrete examples, I don't have to forgive George Bush for the deaths that have happened due to his actions or inactions, for example. I only have to forgive him for the things he has done to me personally, which are considerably more minor, a matter of some embarassment and upset feelings. The forgiveness doesn't have to preclude the sort of righteous anger that drives positive change. In fact, even if he had hurt me personally in a much more substantial way, I wouldn't have to forgive him unless he had actually apologized, though it might be better for my own mental state to do so.

I can live with that. I will endeavor to quit indulging the fantasy in which he comes to visit my company and instead of shaking hands I spit on him, literally or by saying, "Mr. President, you are an evil and despicable excuse for a man." (But I still wouldn't shake hands. I don't think I could ever actually spit on someone anyway, no matter how despiséd, because I would be so appalled if someone did it to me.)

My weekend will include a half marathon again, only this time on the water, on Saturday, and then on SUnday a flight with my instructor that will be a rehearsal for the IFR re-checkride. I don't know what I'll do if I don't pass this one, so I suppose I'd better pass.

It's probably just as well that I'm moving more of my training from the erg to the water. With all those long erg pieces, I think I've been watching way too many superhero movies - even the ones that didn't have heroes with actual superpowers (Daredevil, Catwoman) had heroes who can do cool tricks that normal people can't, like base-jumping off bridges and setting world records (xXx, Without Limits). Last night I noticed they'd left me with a residual desire to go flipping around, jumping onto improbably high objects, and taking down enemies much bigger than I am. This morning at rowing, I was thinking how cool it would be to attach a cape to my spandex uni. Considering that I have no martial arts or other fighting, that my flipping is mostly limited to a half-decent roundoff and a good cartwheel, and that a cape attached to a uni would just get cuaght in the slides or dragged in the water while rowing, this is probably not healthy. Either I need to go watch a movie in which smart people are glorified instead or else I need to switch bodies with one of my cats for a day.

Posted by dichroic at 03:34 PM

October 13, 2005


Today is Yom Kippur. Though so far today I have honored it more in the breach than in the observance (working, not fasting) , one of the most important facets of the holiday is that it ends the Days of Repentance, also known as the Ten Days of Awe. It is traditional at this time to end quarrels and to ask for and offer forgiveness. (In the spirit of full disclosure, I have borrowed some of the words below to ensure I didn't forget anything.)

If I have upset or offended any of you, then I apologize and beg forgiveness. If anything I have done has had the effect of hurting, demeaning, or otherwise injuring you, I promise that it was unintentional, and I apologize and beg forgiveness.

If any of you with whom I interact on the Internet or in real life have injured or upset me, I know that it was unintentional and I bear no grudge.

I am not a good person, I suspect. I ought to offer the same words to my coworkers, but I have not due to fear of ridicule or being seen as even stranger than they already think me. (I probably will do so in a few cases, however.) I will probably offer them to my husband. I ought to have forgiven others who have injured me or those I care about, but I am not sure how to bring myself to do that, in cases where there are no apologies or repentance (George Bush springs to mind, and the deaths he and the government he leads have caused.) I don't know whether there is an accepted Jewish opinion on this; that is, I'm sure there are many opinions, because it is so obviously an issue that has come up again and again - and for all I despise Bush and consider him unfit to lead a nation of freedom, clearly he is no Stalin or Hitler - but I don't know if there is one opinion that is accepted by most Jewish theologians.

Posted by dichroic at 01:49 PM

October 12, 2005


I can't quite figure out what my subconscious is trying to tell me, but apparently it tinks I'm some how bound. I had two dreams last week about being restrained. The first and worse one was on a morning when Rudder had gone off to row, and I got to sleep in a little longer. I dreamed that he had left the garage door open and that some man had come in to the house. He grabbed me and held me from behind, not hurting me or making any move to do anything else. Still, I assumed he was there for rape, murder, or other mayhem, or at least that I had better assume he was and act accordingly. I fought as dirty as I could, kicking and biting, but he was too strong and I couldn't escape at all. Nothing else happened before the alarm went off.

The other dream wasn't nearly as scary. It started out in some sort of gym / locker room setting. For some reason at first there were no showers. I was trying to take a sort of sponge bath, without being too revealing because I was standing by an opening to outdoors. Then I figured out where the real showers were, spent some time roaming around collecting all my gear, and headed toward them. At that point a woman, much larger than I am (but normally so, not a giant) didn't want me going there so she grabbed me and held me from behind in a bear hug, as the man did in the other dream. This time I wasn't so much frightened as annoyed, but again I fought as hard as I could and wasn't able to escape.

I don't know if my subconscious thinks I'm somehow trapped right now, if this could be about being stuck in my job or with the flying, or if I've just been getting tangled in the bedsheets.

Posted by dichroic at 02:01 PM

October 07, 2005

Friday randomness

While putting my jeans on this morning, I realized the 80s would have been a more comfortable decade if they'd had decent stretch denim back then. These jeans are fairly tight in the thighs, both because they'd just come out of the washer and because of my monstrous muscular legs (well, and that jiggly stuff on top of the montrous muscles!) but they're not uncomfortable at all, unlike what I wore back then (despite having less jiggle at the time).

I'm also thankful that the fashion nostalgia for the 80s has managed to forget and thus not resuscitate such things as high waisted jeans that were skin-tight all the way to the ankles, satin boxer shorts and jackets, enormous shoulder pads and big hair. Those can stay dead, please. Especially the tight jeans and shoulder pads; those other things are easier to avoid.

This will only be funny if you know something about Six Sigma:
Question: what's the difference between FEMA and a FMEA?
Answer: with a FMEA, you try to assess risks and figure out in advance how to deal with any disasters that may occur.

Yes, I am a geek.

Wish me luck with my checkride Sunday. The big question is, if I pass, should I treat myself to new ultralight oars or a rosy red blazer (much prettier in Pomegranate) in an incredibly soft wool? The best answer will be "both" but I need to get the credit card paid back off after all those flying expenses.

Posted by dichroic at 01:57 PM | Comments (2)

October 06, 2005


The things I'm thinking about my boss are probably best not set out in a public forum. Suffice it to say that he's making that whole trailer idea look better and better every day. It sounds like Rudder's boss is having the same effect, possibly more so.

My week began at about 5:15 Monday morning with an involuntary dunk in the lake. It will end with an IR checkride at 1PM Sunday. (Or possibly with said checkride being postponed due to a predicted thunderstorm.) And the parts in between haven't been easy either. Yesterday was nice and quiet, though it was a bit disconcerting when I went to shave my legs in my morning shower and found bruising along the insides of both thighs. I hadn't known they were there until then, though presumably they were a result of Monday's little adventure (on the theory that I'd have noticed if anything else had happened to cause bruises in that location).

The dunking wasn't all bad though: the water could have been much colder and now at least I've gotten my first one out of the wa. (As someone said, there are two kinds of rowers: those who have fallen in and those who will. Actually, most people fall in both categories.) The rest of yesterday wasn't bad either: I got a decent amount of work done and the all-B dinner I made at the same time (brisket, bowties & kasha, and beans, comma, green, with brownies for dessert) was tasty. With luck the checkride will be like that too: probably annoying but ultimately successful.

(My private-pilot checkride wasn't annoying at all; in fact it was a great learning experience and kind of fun, with a salty old guy who'd been a cropduster and who had definite Opinions about the FAA. But the instrument one is supposed to be the most difficult of all checkrides and there's a whole lot of finicky stuff to remember: when to push the OBS button on the autopilot or the GPS button on the VOR receiver, what various symbols mean on a low-altitude airways map, what the different types of NOTAMs and SIGMETs (notices to airmen and significant weather warnings, respectively) and so on and so on and so on.)

Posted by dichroic at 10:58 AM

October 04, 2005

as the year begins

This got me thinking: what would I wish to my friends, online and in real life, for the year that begins today?

Everyone has an upcoming year, whether you celebrate Rosh Hashana or not, so I don't feel a need to limit wishes to only those who celebrate it. If you're reading this, or if you're anyone else I care about (and you arean't reading this so you won't ever know but) I wish you all:

Life, love, liberty. Happiness, or at least the ability to pursue it. Prosperity.

Dreams and time to pursue them. Adventure, and comfort afterward.

Creative urges and the skills, ability, time, freedom and materials to satisfy them.
Something new to learn.

On a more concrete level, books to lose yourself in. Things to play with. Ideas to play with.

Stimulating arguments and cooperative agreements.

As I think about what I'd want for my friends, I keep coming back to Fred Small's words, and I don't think I can do better than to quote him. From Willie's Song:

May the rain run off your shoulder when you're caught in a storm When the frost comes a-calling may it find you safe and warm May your place be set, may your promises be kept, May you never forget you are loved.

But I still wish you adventure and dreams, too.

Posted by dichroic at 03:22 PM | Comments (2)

October 03, 2005

dear little village, little town

Listening to the ongoing interviews with people displaced from New Orleans, I started to hear something a little different today. The immediate shock of loss is over, and people are beginning to know what they've lost and what they have left. Suddenly I get it on a whole different level. Especially among those who are reluctantly comtemplating making a new life somewhere else, I started hearing a familiar tune.....

"All we found were my wedding rings and a waterlogged videotape..."

"A little bit of this, a little bit of that, a pot, a pan, a stove, a hat...."

People spoke of the difficulty of attending a new church, instead of the one they'd always attended, whose priest had baptized anf married them.

"Where else could Sabbath be so sweet?...."

People spoke of trying to keep in touch with the old neighborhood, whose residents are now scattered across the country.

"Where I know everyone I meet....">

People spoke of decide whether to leave, weighing in the balance leaving of jobs they'd been in for decades and old familiar routine, of leaving a place where they had a place and a role, where they knew who they were and how they fit into the community. And I heard:

"Soon I'll be a stranger in a strange new place, searching for an old familiar face..."

I don't have roots where I live now. I was born and raised in Philadelphia, as my parents were before me, but the generation of my family that immigrated to America ranges from my grandparents to my great-great-grandparents, no farther back. It takes books, movies, plays - stories - for me to understand what leaving means from a place where you do have roots, but though they have more free choice, and though visiting home or even moving back later will be much more possible than it was for immigrants a couple of generations ago, it looks to me like those who decide to leave New Orleans will be feeling something of what their ancestors did for wherever they left in order to settle there. For those who go back and then decide to move away, I suspect the American Wakes that used to be given to Irish immigrants will have a new life.

"What do we leave? Nothing much, only....

Only home. Only knowing who you are and how you fit into where you are. Only the part of you that's part of it. I hope that those who stay will be able to build a new home, and that those who go will find a new home.

Posted by dichroic at 11:16 AM | Comments (3)

September 30, 2005

Small is Beautiful

These days, cartoons aimed at little kids generally have some sort of moral in them . I can deal with that as long as the story is sufficiently engrossing to sugarcoat the moral so that it slides down easily, but every once in a while you get one that doesn't quite convey the message it's meant to get across.

This morning I was erging (only 9000 m, despite having skipped Tuesday's erg piece because I am a wuss) and watching The New Adventures of Pooh. I'm not as fond of this as I was of The Book of Pooh, which I used to wacth until ^%$^ Disney changed the schedule on me (presumably either they ran out of episodes of that an Madeleine or they thought older kids would be up at 5AM once the school year started) because in this rendition Rabbit is grouchier (though his expressions are wonderfully drawn), thre's an annoying added gopher character, and Pooh has gone beyond being a Bear of Little Brain to the point of idiocy and is furthermore such a glutton that he usually can't talk about anything but Hunny for more than about half a sentence.

Actually, Pooh was a little better than usual in this particular episode. In this one, Piglet, after needing a bit of help from his larger friends, (who were nice about it but kept referring to him as Little Friend) became very depressed about being such a Very Small Animal. First, his friends decided to console him by sneaking in while he was sleeping, taping magnifying spectables to his eyes and big boxes to his feet so that he was much taller and everything else looked tiny. At this point he began calling everyone else Little Friend, helping them by dint of his superior size and strength (and Rabbit's pulley system, unbeknownst to Piglet) and all but patting them on the head.

AFter the ruse was revealed, Piglet was so depressed that he decided to leave and get out of everyone's life. (Various characters do this about every third episode, whereas in Milne's original writings, the Hundred-Aker Wood was the whole world to them.) First his friends tried making Pooh a subsitute best friend by dressing Eeyore in Piglet's clothing. When this was unsatisfactory, they settled down to throw Piglet a Welcome Home Party on the theory that he'd have to come back home for it.

Meanwhle, Piglet finally turned around after a bunch of ants he'd helped along the way made him a cupcake to show how thankful they were for his help, and he realized that at least he was bigger than they were.

Presumab;y Disney was trying to show that everyone is important, but if I were a logically-minded little kid (as I was), I think the messages I'd have gotten would be:

I. Bigger people tend to be patronizing to smaller people. (True, that, and it's something kids often know well before thy learn the word "patronizing", though many forget it once they become Big.)
II. Bigger people are better than smaller people. It wasn't realizing that he could help someone that consoled Piglet, or realizing that his friends loved him as he is (as they plainly did, and said so) but realizing that he was bigger than someone else.

I don't think those are lessons I'd want to teach my hypothetical kid. (Especially if said kid was, like her mother, the smallest one in class.) And I bet whoever wrote that particular episode was Big. I don't mind being a Very Small Animal; it has many distinct advantages (except for rowing purposes). But I do mind the unthinking attitudes that tend to assume Bigger is Better for everything except women's waist sizes.

Posted by dichroic at 03:59 PM | Comments (4)

September 27, 2005

need a change

This morning I rebelled: totally skipped my workout and slept in until 6. Sometimes you just have to give yourself a little break.

On the other hand, I've been giving myself all too much of a break from flying. I haven't studied since having my stage check a week ago Sunday, and if I ever want to get this damned thing over with I need to get cracking. I am so looking forward to finishing and only being in one sort of training at once.

I think I've just been feeling a little overwhelmed in general lately: marathon training, IFR training, and most of all, work, which has just been annoying lately. I think what I need is the feeling of some change or progress in my life. Finishing the IFR would be a good one. Moving to someplace cooler would be even better. However, I'd even settle for finishing up the baby blanket I've been knitting for the last month or so and getting to start something new. (I did finally finish my Telecon Sock - actually based on the Crusoe pattern from Knitty, except I'm doing them toe-up, at a different gauge, and on two circs - but as that only means I get to start the second one, the excitement is less than overwhelming.) Of course I could just put the blanket down and start something else, but since it is for a coming baby, there's a deadline.

What I need is a) to study hard and finish the IFR, b) get in a properly reflective mood for Rosh Hashanah (I should read my old entries for that), and c) to start getting excited about JournalCon. Oh, and d) to remember that a major one of the things hanging over my head, the erg marathon, is both successful and OVER.

Posted by dichroic at 12:49 PM

September 26, 2005

survival and advancement

I guess the training worked - I felt much better Saturday afternoon, yesterday, and today than I remember being after last year's marathon. Of course, I had that vertigo thing starting the day of last year's marathon, so that was probably part of it. (Actually, looking back at last year's entries, I'd had some mild instances of dizziness a couple weeks before that.) It also probably helped that we did the marathon on Saturday instead of Sunday this year, and so we had a day to recover. Last year's marathon was planned for Saturday, but I had to ask Rudder to reschedule because it fell on Yom Kippur. I sitll have a couple of residual sore spots, but I also have a massage scheduled for tonight that ought to help with that. (I hope so: this morning's 6K wasn't too bad, but I have to do 15K tomorrow, and 12K on the water Wednesday.)

My doubles partner from last year's marathon (the on-the-water one) did this marathon too. He finished about five minutes behind me - he'd pulled faster times, but those 63-year-old kidneys necessitated a couple of extra breaks. Still, "miles ahead of those who stayed on the couch" - which includes the vast majority of those in their seventh decade.

It was interesting looking back at last September's entries here. At that point, I was getting ready for my first marathon, as I am now; just beginning the IFR training I'm winding up now; and searching for the job I've been in for nearly a year now. I like having this ability to look back at a snapshot of my life at a given time. It's like when you're hiking up a mountain, and the peak looks high and far above you, so you stop and look back over the trail you've hiked because it's encouraging to see how far you've already come.

I have a feeling that if I were to search my archives more closely, I'd find I've said that before.

Posted by dichroic at 01:08 PM | Comments (1)

September 23, 2005

I ate a mutant

I can't say I'm thrilled at the idea of doing a marathon tomorrow. At least if I finish this one I can be relatively confident of finishing the one on the water in November. (Assuming Natchitoches, Lousiana is spared by this wretched hurricane season.) Rudder is probably even less thrilled about tomorrow, because he's got some kind of head cold or allergy thing going on. (On the other hand, he's the one who's organized this for the third year in a row, so he's got only himself to blame!) There's a faint possibility some local reporter will come out for the event, too (apparently, 8-10 people crazy enough to row a marathon indoors are newsworthy), so I may just end up in the local news. If so, I'm hoping for newspaper rather than TV, in the hopes that no one will have to look at me in spandex, sweat running down my back, and an expression on my face or either vacant stupor or teeth-gritting pain.

It's been a rough and tiring week, overall. Aside from some needed food-shopping, I may well spend Sunday in bed or on the sofa doing nothing more athletic than knitting or reading. I'd like to get my baby blanket done before its intended recipients (rather, their prospective parents) move across the country, but it may not be possible.

And what does it mean when, on Friday of a rough week, depressed that you can't even look forward to the weekend. you go to the admin's desk to get a couple of M&Ms to cheer yourself up and the little gumball machine they're in disgorges a mutant M? It had a bump of candy coating sticking out one side, white at the tip - either a horn or a zit, depending on how you prefer to look at it. (Having eaten it myself, I prefer to think of it as a horn. Less gross.)

Posted by dichroic at 02:21 PM | Comments (2)

September 22, 2005


Today I officially postponed the work thing that conflicted with JournalCon. (I don't think I'm going to ask to be reimbursed for the postponement fee, since it was my screw-up.) So I'll be there in San Diego. This is my first JCon and I keep hearing about how it will be smaller than usual. Also, I haven't met anyone there in person - let's see: one person I email back and forth with, one friend of a friend of a friend, a couple of people whose blogs I occasionally comment on. Oh well, if it feels too weird, there's always shopping and beaches.

Posted by dichroic at 04:50 PM | Comments (2)

the little gray house

In December of 1995, we sold our house in League City, Texas, and moved to Arizona. We'd lived in that house for only a year and a half, but it was the first one we'd owned; we'd had it built, had chosen the floor plan and all of the colors and flooring and fixtures. It was the house in which we planned our Pennsylvania wedding and to which we returned after our honeymoon. It was where we lived as we finished our Masters degres. League City is a Houston suburb today, but it's far enough southeast of the city and old enough that in its youth, residents traded mostly in Galveston. In the days before air-conditioning and before the devastating 1900 hurricane, Galveston was the queen city of the region, while Houston was a small inland city. And for residents of League City, it was much faster to go to Galveston by boat than to Houston over land. As Rudder reminded me yesterday, our old house is in Galveston County. There's no doubt that if we still lived there we wouldn't be home today. We'd have evacuated to somewhere further inland.

Specifically, our former home is in risk zone G3, which is considered to be threatened by any hurricane of Category 3 or higher passing over the area. Local building requirements, stricter than those in Houston's Harris County, required it to be built with hurricane strapping, metal commectors reinforcing the wood frame, but that's not going to do much good in Cat 4 or 5 winds.

We built our house new, but it's in the hundred-year-old historic part of League City, not far from the City Park with its bandstand or the West Bay Common School Schoolhouse Museum. The land had apparently been in contention for years, and several lots had just become available in the old part of town where live oaks spread out to make a canopy across narrow streets. Most of the houses in the area are original Victorians, mostly in at least decent shape, some beautifully restored. Our builder gave us a choice of lot and of several house plans, all with vaguely Victorian exteriors to blend into the neighborhood. This was his first foray into modest houses; because he was used to building expensive custom homes (and because he wasn't all that bright, a fact that worked in our favor in several places), he gave us much more freedom than most builders do. In addition to all the usual choices of colors and carpets and hardware, we were able to make slight changes in the floorplan: we added a vaulted ceiling in the master bedroom, raised the hearth of the living room fireplace, and added drawers in the walls of the master closet and the second bedroom that were built into the roofspace of the first floor, which extended out beyond the second floor. We moved the back door from the dining room to the kitchen, so that anybody coming in from the back yard would track dirt on tile instead of carpet.

We visited the house every day as it was going up. Those drawers were added at the builder's wife's suggestion (she ran the office) at very little cost to us, as she walked through the house looking at the then-naked frame. The lead carpenter hated the half-wall, telling us it would be wobbly. At his suggestion, we had him add a column from the end of the wall up to the ceiling, which made it much more stable. The tile guy liked the tiles, but the siding guy hated the colors we'd picked (dove gray, with royal blue and white trim) and tried to talk us out of it. We were firm, and when he saw the finished product, he admitted that he'd been wrong and ours was the prettiest house on the block. We had people come by occasionally asking if we had a bit of scrap siding in those colors and if we'd mind if they copied them on a house somewhere else.

We put in raised beds on the side and behind the house, planting flowers, tomatoes, cantalope, and hot peppers, and put a banana plant by the downspout to soak up the excess water. There was one big tree in front, surrounded by a ring of Mexican Heather, and several others in back. My favorite features of that house were the built-in drawers, the walk-in closet on the second floor, and the hall closet on the first floor that extended back and under the stairs. (When we brewed, that's where we left the beer to ferment, since it was in the middle of the house and the temperature was fairly constant.) That house, at 1350 square feet, taught me that a little house can be comfortable to live in, if it's well-designed and has enough storage space. I still miss it.

I have friends in Houston, and lots of former coworkers and neighbors. Obviously my first concern now is for them, but I'm sparing a little bit of hope that that little house survives the hurricane without too much damage.

Posted by dichroic at 01:28 PM | Comments (1)

September 16, 2005

don't feel much like thinking

Aw... one of the nicest compliments I've gotten, from Melissa. Check out the poem she mentions, too: I hadn't seen it before and it's well worth reading.

I may donate money to the fund my company's set up, because they're matching donations. They'll use it to help employees who lost houses rebuild and then for community rebuilding projects. (I'm still not entirely sure on that, because it might be better to donate to something helping people who don't have a job to go back to.)

Well, drat. Because I don't feel much like thinking, I was going to end here with a meme someone or other tagged me with last week, but darned if I can find who or what it was. SInce this entry has now been up for fifteen minutes while I cleaned the crud out of my phone (that has probably been there since I moved into this office - I cleaned the phone when I moved in, but this grot was inside the mouthpiece grooves and required much dredging), I don't think much more is getting written today.

Though I did actually do a little writing this week - a fic about Shirley Blythe, his daughter and his airplane, a decade or so after WWI. It only needs a beta-reader to help bring it closer to something LMM could have written, had she liked airplanes. Anyone?

(Hint: If the names "Shirley Blythe" and LMM don't mean much to you, you're not the right person to read it. But thanks anyway.)

Posted by dichroic at 03:16 PM | Comments (1)

September 15, 2005

enough luck

On my way up to bed, I walked outside for a minute to look at the sky. It isn't even full dark yet, just dark enough to see the stars right overhead, if I stand just so that the palm tree blocks the streetlight behind the easement. And the small airport next to our neighborhood seemed to have upgraded their beacon lately, so the flashes wash across our yard, one green and two white for a civilian aerodrome. But when I looked up, there was a satellite moving south to north, a big bright one. Wrong direction for the Space Station, but nearly that bright.

I would think that seeing a satellite is a sign of good luck approaching, except that, like a rainbow, seeing a satellite or shooting star is enough luck on its own that asking for any more seems greedy.

Posted by dichroic at 08:57 PM

in the tunnel

I've been downright weepy lately, I begin to realize. Not depressed: depressed is when you don't see light at the end of the tunnel. I see light, but there is a tunnel. Part of that, of course, is the same reason everyone else who follows the news is depressed; part of it is because Rudder is away; part of it is because work is medium-sucky right now; part of it is due to various things not working out like the date conflict I just discovered, the vase I broke on my way out the door at 4:30 AM yesterday morning, the traffic jam on the highway this morning, the possiblity that I won't finish the IFR this weekend, and so on. I think it's all compounded by the annual elegiac wistfulness Fall generally brings. It's not a particularly unpleasant feeling, mostly (except when I think too hard about the news from Katrina or Iraq); it's more like having a quiet sniffle over a sad story, while seated in a comfortable chair in a warm safe house with a hot cup of tea handy and a purring cat on the back of the chair.

It's also a good feeling for moving into the season of the High Holidays, which have been for me a time of looking back and forward, regretting and hoping, leading into the endings and beginnings of fall and winter: the leaves and then the snow I know are falling elsewhere, if not here, as the world goes to sleep; the thankfulness for past gifts the harvest festivals of Shavuot, Hallowe'en* and Thanksgiving symbolize; and the defiant joy-and-light-in-winter of Chanukah, Christmas, and New Year. I love Fall and the beginning of Winter.

*Yeah, I know Hallowe'en isn't meant to be about harvest and thanksgiving: work with me here. There are corn and squash and pumpkins used for decorating, and there's candy. What's that if not a harvest, for a little kid?

Seasons, events, places, and books often have soundtracks for me, especially if they evoke any sort of strong emotion. NPR news has often brought me to tears, since Katrina hit: today they were of a different sort, brought on by their playing a snippet of "How Can I Keep From Singing?" during the news. That's the song for me right now, for its stubborn glow of hope in unsettled times. Yesterday they had a story on Eliza Gilkyson's song "Requiem": it's a beautiful song and very applicable, but it's also an invocation of Mother Mary, so I could never sing it without feeling that it's really someone else's song. "How Can I Keep From Singing?" hit me without being hindered by doctrinal differences. It speaks of love and hope in difficult and dangerous times. That's what I need to hear now, that and other music of hope and regret. In fact, I'm putting on the iPod now.

Posted by dichroic at 02:46 PM | Comments (3)

September 14, 2005

goofs and procedures

Son... of... a...BITCH!!

I've just realized that on the Friday and Saturday of JournalCon I'm signed up to take a class and then a test for a work-related certification. Getting said cert is supposed to be one of my goals for this year, and it's not given again until March. I've known about both of these dates for months, so I am an idiot for not realizing this sooner.

I'm investigating alternatives and options.

As it happens, this is the last time this particular certification will be given; next time around, the cert will be changed in a direction that actually matches one currently being emphasized in my company. I could change when I'm taking it, for a fee (that my sort-of boss has said the company would pay, though I think it's only fair for me to pay it in this instance). On the other hand, I signed up for this late (as stated, I am an idiot) and had to ask for special favors, so I hate to reschedule now. Also, it's a certification I don't much care about and am getting only because the boss said to.And it is supposed to be one of my goals for this year, as I wrote, but then again, the reorg has changed so many things that several of my goals are no longer valid.

There are a lot of 'then, agains' in this dilemma. I miss having Rudder around to talk stuff over with - this, and the issue of when I go for my IFR checkride. I've never been one to have a lot of close friends, and he's really the only one who knows all the background, plusses and minuses on both issues.

Speaking of job matters, something I heard on the Katrina-related news this morning hit me right where I work. Apparently, after the hurricane, the airport terminal in NOLA was used as an emergency medical clinic. The doctors there have had problems getting the supplies they needed, from drugs to catheters; apparently FEMA brought them in from elsewhere, but not their supplies (not for several days) and it was requiring properly filled-out forms for supply requests.

Not only does forcing people to fill out long forms in a disaster zone seem like a bad idea, but those physicians didn't have a fax machine handy to send the forms over to Baton Rouge. (Hello? Disaster zone?) The thing that really griped me, though, was a comment from a FEMA official:

"Those doctors are used to working in big emergency rooms, where when they want something, they just ask for it. They need to realize that this is the government they're dealing with, and we have procedures we need to follow."

Grrrrr. Grrrr on many levels.

This is what I do for a living. I read, write, explain, help implement, and improve procedures in an industry where faulty products can lead to major damage and even loss of life. If you get past all the regulations, standards, and requirements to their actual intent, this is what our procedures are for: they are there to make sure no equipment is damaged, no airplane crashes and most importantly no person is killed or injured because of any steps missed or corners cut in this company. That is why my job matters.

That FEMA quote is talking about the worst thing that could possibly happen in my field: lives put at risk, maybe even lost, because of bad procedures.

He's showing a fair bit of ignorance: hospitals certainly do have procedures. They are designed and streamlined so that no time is wasted in the emergency room, but someone has to make sure that the requisite objects are in place and organized to be ready when called for, and I'd bet it's done in a fairly standard way. Hospitals have a supply chain like any other business, and someone has to track drugs and supplies to know when to order more.

Done right, procedures can help things move along more quickly and enable a less-experienced person to do things right the first time, by following steps written by someone who knows what they're doing. Done wrong, they are called "red tape" and other less flattering things, and get in the way of doing the job - in this case, maybe fatally.

Procedures can be written to take emergencies into account, and I'd think FEMA, of all organizations, would have figured that out. An example in this case might have read something like, "Medical supplies must be requisitioned with the following form, which should be faxed to the XXX Adminstrator at XXX-XXX-XXXX. In cases of emergency, however, the prescribing physician may present a list of the drugs required, with signature and MD license number (or whatever doctors have). This must be supplemented by a full explanation on form YYY within 60 days from the time such supplies are issued."

See? Easy. Leave an out, but require someone in authority to take responsibility for taking that out, delineate the circumstances under which it can be used, and get it documented properly later, when the emergency is over, so you can keep track and so you have something to learn from for the next time.

Posted by dichroic at 02:02 PM | Comments (1)

September 13, 2005

assorted training

I think it's time to give some more money for hurricane relief, but I don't want to donate to the Red Cross this time. I've heard a few stories about places where they were blocked from going in, and about people getting frustrated with them - not many, but the few I've heard weren't counter-balanced by stories about all the good they've done. More importantly, they've gotten a huge percentage of all money donated to date, which is appropriate given that they're the designated first responder, but their focus is on immediate emergency relief (as it should be). Now I want to give money for use in rebuilding, either places or lives. Any suggestions?

I may be overtraining, or possibly just undersleeping. With Rudder away, I've been getting to bed a little late. I've been tired for the last couple of days, and my resting pulse rate seems to be up a couple of beats. I get to leave work early today for a dentist appointment, and even though I'll be dialing back in to work from home afterward, it should still make it easier to get to bed on time. If I'm not tired in the morning, I'll go row; otherwise I'll erg so I can sleep a little longer.

Part of the problem is the conflict between rowing and flight training. Now I've balanced y schedule with the FBO's and the examiners, it looks like I may be doing my check ride in two weeks, instead of early next week as I'd hopes. Sigh. I'd really, really like to have that all over with.

Posted by dichroic at 01:53 PM | Comments (6)

September 12, 2005

just sort of sitting here

Funny thing: I was all productive all weekend, but somehow I don't feel like doing a damn thing today. Unfortunately, I don't get the choice, on weekdays. I even cut my workout short this morning, though since in this case "short" means 13km instead of 15 km, I don't feel too guilty about that.

Thanks to those of you who responded and passed on the message in the previous post. Every once in a while I wish I had a bigger readership, for when I want to get a message like that out, but some of you who passed it on do, and at least a few people saw it from the countries who helped us.

(The only other times I wish I had more readership are to get some comforting responses on life-suckage posts, but since those tend to be job-related and so in friends-locked LJ posts for reasons of self-protection, that's a bit of a contradiction in terms. Oh, well. There aren't many of those anyway.)

Time to go be productive again, more or less. Or at least to sit here convincing myself I *shouldn't* go buy one of the many nice blazers now in stores for fall after work. Bad Dichroic. No bikkie.

Posted by dichroic at 02:02 PM

September 11, 2005

what I did

Well, I don't suppose I'd say it was a great weekend - I was adrift and Rudderless - but I suppose it was a productive one. Over the two days, I took Rudder to the airport, painted over the repairs I'd recently made to my boat, erged a half-marathon, went grocery shopping, put away all the food, did two loads of laundry, made matzo ball soup, made all of my swag for JournalCon, did a little knitting, did some desperately needed weeding in the back and front yards, did a little studying, practiced stalls and steep turns in preparation for my IFR checkride, wound 3 balls of yarn on the nostepinne I bought last week, installed a spiffy new PM3 monitor on our erg (which arrived as expected right after I finished erging 21097 meters Saturday morning), figured out why I couldn't get my iPod to play over a radio wrote two blog entries and took out the trash.

I do seem to have more time when Rudder's not here, but I like having him around anyway.

The funny thing about all of this is I recited that list to my mother, or at least the half of it I'd done by the time I talked to her yesterday evening, and she said, "That doesn't sound like all hat much. I get that much done on a weekend - well, not so much physical stuff, but I do that much." Maybe, but I'm a bit suspiscious (and I think I left a couple things out, too, when I was talking to her).

Posted by dichroic at 07:23 PM

September 08, 2005


Tagged by Swoop, sort of:

i • d • i • o • syn • cra • sy
1. A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group.
2. A physiological or temperamental peculiarity.
3. An unusual individual reaction to food or a drug.

List five of your own idiosyncrasies and then tag five friends to do the same.

This one's easier than writing 20 things about myself, anyway, though I might eventually do that too.

1. I can't eat fat on meat - not "don't like", literally can't eat. It makes me gag. I like steak, but if you ever see me eating one there will be little cut-off edges pushed to one side of the plate. (Unless Rudder cooks the steak, in which case he generally indulges me by trimming it first.)

2. I'm a natural proofreader - can't help noticing misspellings or grammar errors in anything I read (except my own writing, which I can't edit nearly as well). That means that I can't read an badly edited story without being irretrievably distracted by the errors.

3. I like change - I tend to vacillate between long and very short hair, to want to change jobs every year or two (though it may be within a company or even a department - I just want to change what I'm doing), my wardrobe is best described as "eclectic", and I think ten years is way too long to have lived in this city.

4. I tend not to be able to find things stored above my eye level, even if they're visible. Since I'm 5'2", this leaves a lot of area. It also means I banged my head on the vent hood of Rudder's grandparents stove about three times this weekend, since it's just above the level of my eyebrows.

5. Cumulative lack of sleep makes me stupid; I tend to find myself missing basic routine steps - shaving one leg but not the other, for instance.

Posted by dichroic at 02:39 PM | Comments (3)

September 07, 2005

yesterday I bought a stick

Oh, my goodness. Go read this.(Especially you.) And then, once you're warmed up, read this, an essay on the fate of Susan in the Narnia books that will bowl you over. It's from the point of view of a brilliant, thoughtful conservative Christian. (I confess I don't string those four words together often, but they're appropriate here.)

Edited to add: Read the commentary, too.

After the adventures of the weekend, I took yesterday off to recuperate. The biggest excitement of the day was that I bought a stick. (A nostepinne, to be precise.) That's my life in a nutshell: some days I fly 800 miles in a tiny airplane, some days I buy a stick.

I'm back on schedule with the training now: 15km on the erg yesterday, 10km on the water today. I'd been sleepig in a little on the long weekend, but had to get up at 4 this morning, with the result that I woke in the middle of a dream. Sometimes the oddest thing about my dreams is not what happens in them but what happens after them. In this one, I had been introduced to a woman I liked very much, and we were going someplace on a train. She absently sang a snatch of a Richard Thompson song and, pleased that we had something in common, I sang a bit of another one to see if she'd pick up on it. (This is a perfectly normal thing to do in my world.) Her eyes widened in recognition, and we sang together, trying to top each other and remember lyrics. I woke up trying to remember the words to a song of his I liked that began, "She was seventeen..." but I kept getting sidetracked onto the Beatles' "I Saw Her Standing There." It wasn't until I had woken up much more thoroughly that I realized this was because Richard Thompson does not, in fact, have a song that begins with those words, at least not one I know. Pity: it was a good song. ("Beeswing", one of my favorites of his, does begin "I was nineteen when I came to town.")

Posted by dichroic at 03:38 PM | Comments (2)

September 01, 2005

the heart of Texas

Dear Texas,

I lived in Houston for 7 years, beginning of 1989 to end of 1995. I can't say I enjoyed it, but those years did have their high points, including meeting my husband. One thing I did learn is that Texas hospitality is not just a legend.

You're proving it again this week: housing 75,000 refugees from New Orleans, 25,000 each in Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio. Working to help refugees with Medicaid, foodstamps, and WIC. Helping place foste children and finding beds in nursing homes. Taking Louisiana's students into your schools, relaxing paperwork and immunization requirements in recognition that their paperwork is mostly now mud and most important, doling out the budget to make it real, and finding the money to buy them backpacks and school supplies.

Your companies are setting up phonebanks in the Astrodome. I hear one man is grilling ribs and burgers outside; he's issued New Orleans refugees a blanke invitation to come eat. The airport where my husband learned to fly is busy with aircraft transporting patients to your hospitals. Texas A&M's Galveston campus is finding room for 1000 displaced students, charging them the state minimum fee (if that's the normal in-state fee, it's way low). I may never tell an Aggie joke again.

Texas, I'm impressed. I'm proud of you. Your state heroes would be proud, I think. And by the way, you might want take some of New Orleans on a tour through Galveston, with special attention to how you raised the whole island after the hurricane of 1900.


Posted by dichroic at 09:04 PM | Comments (2)

yet another NOLA post

This is the best and most reasonable article I've seen on New Orleans so far. Where he has facts, he gives them; where he does math; he shows it; where he makes assumptions he lists them. This is how you analyze data and make good decisions. (The way you argue those decisions is to show either where his data are wrong or how other conclusions can be drawn from the information. But oh, his conclusions are scary.

Thanks to Bear for the link.

There are consoling bright spots (I'm particularly impressed with what Texas has been doing, and all the people taking thoeir boats in to help), but the news is much more depressing than after other major disasters I can remember: arguments over whether looters are justified, gunshots fired at aid helicopters, infighting among government agencies, stupid decisions like stopping Canadian aid at the border. My theory is that we're just more comfortable with somenoe to blame. After 9/11 or the London subway bombings, we knew who to blame, and the vast majority of bile was funnelled to the bombers instead of the victims or the government. No person set this hurricane to hit New Orleans, so instead, we turn to blaming local and Federal governments, looters, people who stayed behind, rescue organizations, and whoever else is there.

SOme actually are at fault, of course. I don't know if reinforcing levees would have allowed them to survive a Category 5 hurricane, but it would have increased the chances; figuring out how to evacuate those without cars or stocking water in the stadium you designate as a refuge for the desperate seem like good ideas. But even so, it seems like a better idea to work on fixing problems now. Cast blame later, and use even it for productive purposes like deciding who to vote for next time, or setting up better emergency plans. National sniping isn't productive, and in a desparate situation, wasted energy isn't affordable.

In other more local news, work is still frustratingly indeterminate and I'm still pissed off about it, we're still getting record high temperatures here, we're still flying to Oregon tomorrow, I'm still a bit nervous about that but looking forward to seeing Rudder's grandparents, to cooler weather there, and to time to relax between flights.

Posted by dichroic at 01:16 PM | Comments (2)

August 31, 2005

Geordie Whelps says hi!

4:03 CDT update from WWL TV website (AP):

Michael Leavitt, secretary of Health and Human Services, announced he had declared a public health emergency in the area stretching from Louisiana to Florida. "We are gravely concerned about the potential for cholera, typhoid and dehydrating diseases that could come as a result of the stagnant water and the conditions," he said.
Chertoff and Leavitt spoke at a news conference attended by an unusual array of department and agency heads, each of whom came equipped with a list of actions already taken by the administration.
For his part, Bush flew over the storm-affected area during the day on his way to Washington from his Texas ranch. With the administration eager to demonstrate a rapid responsiveness to the human tragedy, the president also arranged to make public remarks in the Rose Garden after returning to the White House.

I don't know, maybe it's that liberal-media thing again, and the writer did this on purpose. But it sure looks like:
Paragraph 1: A person in a position of great power worries about dreadful consequences and has taken extreme actions.
Paragraph 2: Others in power are cooperating and can show that they have already done much hard work.
Paragraph 3: President Bush waved as he went by!

Paradxically, it makes me feel worse about my country's leader and better about those working for him, all at once.

Posted by dichroic at 03:18 PM | Comments (1)

New Orleans blues

I am home sick / working-from-home today. Don't worry, nothing major wrong with me. How odd to realize that the shorts I am wearing are about twenty years old. (Jams were in then. This is one reason I still have the shorts; I don't wear them often, or outside at all.) They fit comfortably enough, but I think they were looser when I was 19.

I've been fairly glued to the news coming in from New Orleans. I have enough memories of that city to take this personally - Rudder went to school there and still has friends whom I hope did not remain in the city; we used to go fairly often when we lived in Houston. We haven't been back since we went to mardi Gras in 1998 or so, but we still do a lot of Cajun inspired cooking and throw Mardi Gras parties every couple of years.

The reactions have also been fascinating. I was a bit taken aback at the Mississippi Governor's comparison of Biloxi to Hiroshima, which last I heard wasn't hit by a water bomb. On further thought, though, that may have been accurate: I keep thinking the whole area's under water, but if the tide that rolled over Biloxi has gone down by now, the resemblance may be there. I was also wondering whether, if National Guard members had been in place instead of in Iraq, whether things really would be better, as many bloggers claim. However, they're requesting 2000 volunteer workers from the Homeland Security Dept., so obviously the extra hands are needed.

Someone should tell Shrub that flying from close to the catastrophe to a thousand miles away is not going to be enough to save him from being criticized for not doing enough. I tend to think that he's fairly irrelevant to all of this, anyway, unless he can either mobilize resources others couldn't (which, to be fair, he has done a little in tapping national emergency gas and oil reserves) or in visiting in person to raise people's morale, as he did after 9/11. (Only problem with the latter is that immediately thereafter, he ticked those same people off, by not delivering funds he had promised for emergecy workers. If you're wondering, that's not a blurb from those so-called liberal media - I asked a firefighter of my acquaintance.) Granted, Shrub will be criticized for not doing enough no matter what he does. I'd feel sorry for him, but I think he honestly earned a lot of that bad credit, and anyway, most of my compassion is being funneled to Louisiana and Mississippi right now.

I've read the defenses, but I do reserve the right to be annoyed at people looting, defining looting as the ones taking electronics or dozens of pairs of jeans rather than those taking needed food, diapers, or whatever. And I do think it's a but ungrateful to yell at emergency services for not rescuing you fast enough after you disregarded the warnings. Too many people weren't able to leave town for good and inescapable reasons, but it's hard to think of an excuse for those who are mobile who didn't at least get to a friend in a higher part of town or at least, if staying home, stockpile a few days' worth of food. I reserve those rights, but am applying them very sparingly: I know that there are too many who couldn't move at all, or whose stockpiled food was wiped out when the flood passed all normal flooding levels (flooding is very common in New Orleans) and filled their house up to roof level.

I am very impressed at the number of donations pouring in, as I was after the 12/26 tsunami. Once again, I had to donate via the web, because phone lines were jammed. I've rarely been so happy not to get a call through. I'm also hugely impressed at the people helping, either those mobilizing to go in or those helping in other areas: the families and churches in Arkansas harboring refugees for no one knows how long, or the city of Houston clearing the Astrodome's schedule through December so it can serve as a refuge as long as it's needed, or the city of Dallas opening its schools to any children of refugees who want to go there.

New Orleans always did bring out the best and worst in people.

Posted by dichroic at 12:40 PM

August 30, 2005

what happened to the Audubon zoo?

I have an aversion to unairconditioned heat. In hot sweaty weather, I dehydrate very quickly. One result of this, for me, is frequent trips to the bathroom. I keep trying not to picture life in the Superdome, which now reportedly has walkways slick with humidity, filthy bathrooms, and more and more people being evacuated in. The National Guard is not allowing people to leave, and there's nowhere to go anyway.

I have a lot of fond memories of New Orleans. I also have all of the Benjamin January books, a decent working knowledge of American history, and a fairly good idea of the epidemics that ran rampant in New Orleans before modern public health: yellow fever and cholera, for two.

So I've donated to the Red Cross. If you want to, too, you can go here or call 1-800-HELP-NOW; I'd recommend the website because I couldn't get through on the phone. Fortunately, I also have some trust that our infrastructure and a healthy dose of Cajun self-reliance will make this ... well, still a tragedy, but a less dire one than it could have been.

This all is giving me new insight into Indonesia after the tsunami: imagine all this in a place where fewer people have power boats to get around, where there are fewer helicopters and less training for search-and-rescue, where there wasn't enough warning to get 80% of the population evacuated, or national stockpiles of gasoline, or or or or or....

Posted by dichroic at 02:22 PM | Comments (1)

August 25, 2005

the ugly and some good


Work is crap, and at this point I'm both uncertain and ticked off.

The news is crap, too. And a friend of mine has just miscarried, on a first and dearly wanted pregnancy. I've read so many infertility stories that I was so pleased, for once, to see someone decide to get pregnant, conceive right on plan, announce it to a thrilled extended family, and move smoothly into a regimen of healthy eating and baby plans. And now this. Crap.

On the other hand, the BRAC commission seems to be a doing a decent job of not implementing stupid decisions about our national security, which comes as a great personal relief to at least one friend. And today has brought me the best sonnet I've come across in a long time. And this morning on the erg, I finally seemed to be picking up speed, a bit, compared to the identical workout last week and the week before.

There's always something, isn't there?

But even so, crap.

Posted by dichroic at 11:01 AM | Comments (2)

August 23, 2005

life as usual

I'm a little disappointed in you people. After all those glowing reports from previous JournalCons, when it turned up in a city close enough to drive to, I signed up. So now where are the rest of you? Last I looked, there are only 34 people on the list. That's not even enough to give out all my swag to.

There are a couple of people I really want to meet who are signed up, and I understand that sometimes life happens, say if you were going to go but then found yourself suddenly unemployed and out of funds, but what about everyone else? San Diego is a fun city and the weather should even be kind to us. So where are you all?

Otherwise, life is as usual. After all these erg sessions watching Disney Pooh, I'm rereading A.A. Milne to reacquaint myself with the real thing. My flying lesson this morning ended up being a ground lesson due to wind, but I think we have everything on track and on course for me to finish up within the next month or so, if everything goes smoothly and I'm not too boneheaded about the finer points of the autopilot. The rowing hasn't killed me yet; I've taken to trying to remember my resting heartrate first thing in the morning to make sure I'm not overdoing it. So far it's running around 60, so that's good. Rudder and I were talking last night about it, and compare heartrates then; his was only 50, and this was less than ten minutes after an *ahem* exercise that damn well should have raised his heartrate. I told him he's clearly not trying hard enough. He riposted that his level of fitness is such that he can take his heartrate way up (and did, he insisted) and then have it return to normal very quickly.

Humph, I say.

Posted by dichroic at 02:59 PM | Comments (2)

August 19, 2005

by the numbers

I. Arrogant Bastard beer comes in really big bottles.

II. Which is a good thing, after you've stayed at work too late on a Friday then received a call at 5:45 screwing you over in relation to a 7AM flight the next day. And insinuating that you need to do all sorts of things your previous flight instructor never mentioned.

III. So it's good when you leave work, remember your husband's at a Happy Hour somewhere, turn around go back to work, reboot the computer to retrieve the email to find where he is, and go therre, to find tha tthe bar serves Arrogant Bastard.

IV. Though it's a bit darker than I was expecting. More of a stout really. But still appropriately named (see #2).

V. However, it's not great for driving home, and especially not great for when your husband calls to say he's going on to a place that has dancing, for "one more beer".

VI. Dammit.

VII. Because sober enough to use Roman numerals is still not really sober enough to drive unnecessarily.

VIII. And that half-marathon I should do first thing in the morning (now I don't have to go flying) means more beer and staying up late isn't a great idea either.

IX. Dammit again.

Posted by dichroic at 08:59 PM

much spluttering involved

I forgot to mention the weirdest thing that has happened to me this week: I got asked to run for Rodeo Queen.

My reaction involved much spluttering, fortunately not over the keyboard.

Actually, it wasn't quite as bizarre as it sounds; contestants do not compete to see who has the most charm, or looks best in a cowgirl hat or can stay on a bull longest. They just have to sell tickets to the rodeo. Whoever sells the most wins, and ticket proceeds (or maybe just some of them) go to charity.

Still: Rodeo Queen?? This East Coast urban Jewish engineer Anglophilic rowing readergirl? The mind just boggles.

Posted by dichroic at 03:55 PM | Comments (2)

August 18, 2005

rejected but effective

I'm a blood-donor reject yet again. Low hematocrit, or in layman's terms, the drop of blood didn't sink fast enough. At least I feel more virtuous for trying.

Notable quote from the Blood Mobile guy. I had commented that it was off that Native Hawaiians, Guamians, Samoans, and "Other Pacific Islanders" all got listed as separate races. Also, what do you do if you're an Australian native? You wouldn't be from an island. He said, "Wait... is Australia in the Pacific? Or (knowing look) is it in the Atlantic?" Yikes. (He also told me Filipinos were the same as, I think it was, Samoans. Now, I can think of a case in which Filipinos are related to Hawaiians (that is, a Filipino friend's Filipino grandmother lived there) but there are certain great and obvious differences between your average Filipino and your average Samoan. A hundred pounds or more, for one thing.)

Yesterday ended up working out well. My current workout plan involves 5 days a week of more-or-less serious distance and two days off, which makes it difficult to get in any weightlifting, unless you're like Rudder, and crazy enough to lift and them erg 10K, or you're willing to do it on an off day. I'm not, because on the off day during the week, I'm using the extra time to go fly (like this morning) and on the weekend one, I'm recovering from all this. I need my vegetation time. Yesterday, I'd made an appointment to get my hair cut after work. When I got there, it turned out they had scheduled the appointment for today. I really didn't want to come in again - if I were good about these things, I wouldn't have been a month overdue for a trim, after all. After determining that I only needed a trim and that I didn't care if it wasn't blow-dried, they managed to squeeze me in, for a time 45 minutes later.

I was considering going to the Borders two miles away to kill time, but was afraid I'd be late getting back. But the salon is inside a fancy local gym (marble showers, towel service, climbing wall, waterpark, tables here and there selling chiropractic services and whatnot, and they're always sending out mailings asking us if we want to come try them for a week. Furthermore, I'd rowed that morning, and so had my gym bag and workout gear with me - and I even had sneakers, which I don't normally take to rowing, because there was a breeze at our house and I wanted to be able to erg at the boatyard or the gym, if it were too windy to row. So I explained at the desk, and asked nicely if I could have a pass to try out the gym, and they obliged, and I got to try out the marble showers, even. (Unfortunately, not the water park - didn't have a swimsuit.)

Of course all the weight machines were different than I'm used to (they didn't seem to have tons of free weights, or at least the only squat cages I saw were being used) so I ended up trying weights that were way too heavy and all my limbs felt like they were going to fall off. And of course, I didn't have time for more than the most crucial exercises, but hey! I got in a weight workout!

I was going to do the meme LA tagged me for, but this has gotten long, so I put it in a separate entry right before this one. Scroll down if you want to read it.

Posted by dichroic at 03:42 PM | Comments (1)


What was I doing 10 years ago?

I was 28. Married two years, living what turned out to be my last months in Houston - I moved here December of 1995. We were living in a tiny but well-designed house we'd had built for us in League City, an older part that had been a separate town back when the local big city was Galveston, not Houston, with live oaks arching over the narrow streets, and neighbors who actually know each other. Our house was (still is) vaguely Victorian, gray with blue and white trim - people used to stop and ask if we'd mind if they used our same color choices in a house in some other neighborhood, because our traditional color scheme was so unusual for the area that the siding guy tried to talk us out of it. (He'd thought it would be ugly, but later handsomely admitted he'd been wrong.

What was I doing 5 years ago?

I was 33. I think that was the year they filled and opened the lake here. I coxed the first boat ever to row on it, an eight that the local rowing club had stored for a few years against the day when there would be water to row on in the desert. I was working at the Internet company, in the good days before the bust, and doing a lot of rock climbing unti lwe started rowing regularly.

What was I doing 1 year ago?

Deciding to finally start my IFR, and putting through the paperwork for reimbursement. Getting back to rowing after a rest, after competing in Masters Nationals, practicing coxing for the Charles and rowing distance for the Marathon.

What was I doing yesterday?

Getting my hair cut, rowing through weeds (see prior entry) and lifting some bonus weights (see next entry). And working, of course.

What am I doing today?

When I moved to this part of the company, there was some question about whether I'd get reimbursed for the rest of the flight training. Today, finally, I found out I will. It's just a small part of what I pay, but still a nice benefit. Otherwise, flying with a new instructor. I was supposed to fly with him last Sunday, but the weather didn't cooperate. We had some miscommunication, but he recognized it and seems to understand that the issue is to work in such a way that we understand each other, rather than in one particular teaching method or another, so I think he'll work out. I miss the last one, though.

Five snacks I enjoy:

Pretzels, pretzels, and pretzels. Also popcorn. And fruit.

Five bands I like:

Bands, not singers? That's harder. Uh.... Great Big Sea, Silly Wizard, Bok, Muir and Trickett (do they count as a band?), Boiled in Lead, the Kennedys. (There's two of them, and probably some back-up people, at least on the albums, so they should count.)

Five things I would do with a million dollars:

Sounds awful but a million (is that after taxes?) isn't enough to dream big on any more. Still: assuming I wasn't allowed to save any, maybe donate a tithe (Penn, Tulane, Planned Parenthood, the Nature Conservancy, maybe Habitat for Humanity), build a house on the airpark property, buy a plane, give some to the 'rents and the 'rents-in-law, and travel on the last $100K.

Five locations I would like to run away to:

Queenstown, New Zealand; Santa Barbara, CA (assuming I was running with lots of money); London, England; Bend, OR or any one of those ski- or sport-based towns in beautiful places: Bend, Durango, CO, Asheville, NC, Ushuaia, Argentina, Flagstaff, AZ, Park City, Utah, that sort of place.

Five bad habits:

Picking at blisters/rips/loose bits of skins, breaking off split ends, eating too many pretzels, complaining, wasting time.

Five things I like doing:

Reading, talking about books, traveling, hiking or rowing alone when there's no pressure and I can stop to look around, getting a massage.

Five TV shows I like:

That are still on? Monster House, King of the Hill, Fear Factor, specials like the Kennedy Center Honors, and any of the decorating shows.

Five famous people I would like to meet:

That are still alive? Tom Hanks, Bill Bryson, Madeleine L'Engle, Burt Rutan, Pete Seeger. The list of semifamous people is much longer: writers (including several who blog), singers, astronauts, other adventurers.

Biggest joys in my life at the moment:

Rudder. The fact that it's a teeny bit cooler in the mornings. Finding out I will get reimbursed for some of my flying. My comfy bed. The Internet.

Five favorite toys:

My boat. My iPod. My Power Putty (like Silly Putty, but meant for strengthening grip). My articulated gryphon. My Palm.

Five people to tag:

Somehow I don't like tagging others, partly because lots of the ones I would tag have done thing, partly because though I kind of like being tagged, I know not everyone does (or do they and am I being lazy or selfish?). So if you want the meme, it's yours. Yes, that means you.

Posted by dichroic at 03:33 PM

August 11, 2005

new glasses


They're a bit bigger than my old ones, mostly in width, and the left eye is half a diopter stronger. Between that and the fact that I'd been wearing glasses all day until I picked thm up, the distortion bothered me at first. It was making the drive home interesting. Then I got to thinking about what T.H. White had done with The Once and Future King, and how it differed from what Malory did, and by the time I was back on the subject of the new glasses, the distortion wasn't an issue any more. It bothered me again when I stepped out of the car and moved my head, but that was momentary. I like them; I think the frames are heavy enough to look like I'm wearing glasses and that they are a separate entity (as opposed to wearing frames so unnoticeable that the fleeting impression is of an inexplicably glassy eye) while not being so heavy that the glasses are all you see. And I think the upswept line is kind to my face.

When you've been wearing glasses for 35 years and are of an analytical turn of mind, thse are all things to be considered. Rudder likes them too.

Posted by dichroic at 08:07 PM

BOOM. Damn. Ow.

RIP Swiss Ball / office chair.

I heard a loud hissing, then before I could even look down there was a pop and a thump, as I landed on the floor. It must have been loud, because the guy in the next office came running, and the admin around the corner poked her head in a minute later. I've had that ball for two years or so, and used it every workday, so it's not surprising it's died; what surprised me is that it didn't spring a leak and deflate, but rather exploded into two entirely separate pieces. I guess I bounced on it a few times too many.

Casualties: one knee seems a little sore (though that could be from the gym yesterday) and my butt is a little grumpy where I landed on it. Good thing it's padded. Also, I think my lower back is a little stiff from the impact. The thud hurt my head, like a fall in snowboarding, but that passed.

I've been called a ballbreaker before, but not in that context.

Today was my last lesson with the CFII I've been working with, and his last lesson as an instructor there. He took the controls and did a little joyriding on the way back in, but it's not really possible to get too wild in a Cessna 172. He's going off to go be an airline pilot and fly the big jets. I'm glad for him, but I wish it had taken another month or so. He's the third main one I've worked with and now I have to fly with yet another instructor to finish. It's a matter of finding someone whose teaching style meshes well with my learning style. Also, this one is a 20-year retired Navy helo pilot with over 50 combat missions, who flew in both Iraq wars. He was instructing just to build up fixed time hours to qualify for the airlines. I liked the feeling that whatever happened, he's flown in worse, and I like his laid-back style.

This weekend, I'm flying with RUdder as safety pilot, just to practice my approaches. We'll see how that goes. It's legal for me, as a VFR pilot, to fly under the hood with any qualified pilot as safety, and I'm more than completed all the dual flying instruction required to quality, so now it's just a matter of finished my cross-country reqrirement and getting proficient enough for the checkride.

Posted by dichroic at 02:42 PM | Comments (2)

August 04, 2005

rough day all around

Yesterday was rough all around - I did 10K on the erg in the morning, work kicked my butt, and then the IFR study materials kicked my butt some more. I'm still hoping to take that test this weekend, but I'm not really ready for it. There's so much to learn and so much of it is arbitrary and unconnected. A lot of it strikes me as unimportant for a pilot to know, or as being something I can look up instead of memorizing when I need it.

Please don't tell me you're sure I'll do fine. I promise, if I tell you I'm not ready for a test, I'm really not. I'm not one of those horrid people who tells you they don't know anything and then gets a perfect score.

Yesterday I took a practice test in a book of Rudder's, which confused the issue further. Some things have changed and I think some of the things on it aren't in the newer test (other things, like GPS, have been added, however), so I did very badly on it. When I picked some random questions out of my own test-prep book, I did a little better but still not as well as I'd like. Also, I've been traumatized a little since the time, months ago, when I was reading comments to a rare flying entry on an otherwise political blog written by another pilot, for a in which any number of people claimed to have passed with a perfect score or with only one or two wrong. I don't think that's what will happen to me, and I'm used to doing well on tests.

I (finally!) had my interview for the job in which I am more or les the current incumbent (but not enough of one to be a shoo-in) today, too.

Still, Rudder's day was more traumatic than mine. He's been trying to decide whether to compete in the Head of the Charles again this year. Unfortunately, in the flurry that was our July, he had totally forgotten that the deadline for singles entries is August 1 (for some reason, every other event has until September 1). He was upset about it to a degree that I think surprised himself; he hadn't been sure he wanted to do that race, but when he found out he couldn't, I think he was confronted by the yawning chasm of time that he would otherwise have spent rowing, and had no idea what to do with it.

Of course, part of the reason he was considering not racing was a promise to me to pull back a little bit and train less, because I am very, very tired of being woken regularly at 4AM. (I sleep lightly enough that it is simply not possible for him to get up without waking me, no matter how quiet he is.) However much I hate that, though, it was even worse to see how sad and at loose ends he was. I don't fully understand why this has to be so hard for him - I'd be delighted with extra time, and would have no trouble filling it as full as I wanted to - but with some of the other changes we're considering and with the way his job is going, putting the effort into house or work projects as he would otherwise isn't much of an option. He's considering other races for the fall now; with luck, since the level of competition most places won't be quite as high as ion Boston, he'll be able to pull back at least a little on the training.

Posted by dichroic at 02:32 PM | Comments (1)

August 02, 2005

a couple of oddities

Something happened during the Canada trip that actually made me feel a little better about the attack on American civil liberties beefing up of U.S Security: we met a Border Patrol officer with a sense of humor. Rudder had a small mustache when I met him and up until he turned 30; he'd always said he wouldn't shave it off until at least that age, so when he turned 30 I reminded him of that statement and asked him to remove it at least for a little while, so I could see what his whole face looked like. He decided to keep it off (and in my opinion looks better without it, though he looks awfully good with a beard, even a half-grown one), but his passport photo still shows him with the 'stache.

Coming through the Edmonton airport we had to stop at the US Customs desk, where the officer had to check our passports. We talked a little about what we'd been doing; he told us he lives on the lake where the regatta was held. The guy took a look at Rudder's photo, and She-Hulk commented on the mustache in the old picture. The officer, said, "Oh, that's a real SuperTrooper mustache!". The he flinched, when he realized he probably wasn't supposed to make personal comments.

It was probably funnier due to our food- and sleep-deprivation at the time.

Today's gaffe: apparently I did do a fairly hard gym workout this morning. Getting dressed afterward I omitted an item of underclothing generally considered crucial. Oops. Fortunately,I'm wearing a lined shift whose outside is a sort of tweedy woven wool, and I still don't sag so the omission doesn't show at all. I've been trying not to go without any more, though, after noticing that without support I tend to be a little sore at the end of the day - after all, I don't want to become saggy either. Oops.

Posted by dichroic at 01:32 PM | Comments (2)

August 01, 2005

harmony in the home

We left for San Diego on Saturday morning a little after 8 (this is called "sleeping in" in my house). It was nice, actually, not to have to drive out after work. As part of that whole romantic weekend idea, we'd decided to shell out for the beachfront hotel, a pricey proposition in Mission Beach in July. What I didn't realize was that Rudder had also booked an oceanfront room. We were in a small but nice room on the third floor, with a good-sized balcony looking over the beach. After we brought our clothes up to the room, Rudder began making noises about needing a cart to bring up "some extra stuff". He wouldn't normally have needed anything else, so figuring something was up, I invoked the Christmas present rule and avoided asking any awkward questions.

It turned out that he'd brought along an extra cooler (in addition to the one with drinks for the six-hour drive) and a large cardboard box. It is, apparently, very helpful to be able to rely upon your spouse's obliviousness (I wouldn't know). This was also aided by Rudder's own normal overpacking tendencies; if I had noticed the extra cooler, I'd have assumed it was there to hold some boat part or other, since the main reason for our trip was to pick up the boats the local Rowing Club brought back for us from the World Masters Games. I invented some errand involving going downstairs, and when I came back to the room, he'd gotten it all set up.

Given that we were only home for two and a half days between trips, he really outdid himself. There was, as mentioned, an ice cream cake with "#1 Crew Chief" in icing, packed inside our biggest pot (the one we used to brew beer in) in the cooler with some dry ice, to survive the trip. On the table on the other side of the room was a large basket packed with some fancy cheese, crackers, those delicate rolled cookies from Pepperidge Farms, English Breakfast tea (loose), wine, and champagne. Also a candle shaped like a rosebud, and a card.


Padding the basket, as had to be pointed out to me, was blue, red, and yellow tissue paper (our Arizona Outlaws colors), and it was topped with a copper ribbon, to match the star in the middle of the state flag (and our logo). He'd also brought all the necessary plates and utensils, even a cheese knife and a tea infuser.

As it turned out, the basket and wine were things we already owned, and I had bought the tea and forgotten about it a few months ago, but he didn't have a lot of time to work and I don't think the reuse devalues the gesture any.

The card was very sweet, but I will not share its contents except to say that Rudder writes the worst-spelled love notes you can possibly imagine (he's not lazy but dyslexic). For some besotted reason I find it endearing, and always have.

By the time we arrived, checked in and unpacked - and I'd thanked him appropriately - it was nearly 3PM. The traffic on Mission Bay Drive is much worse in July than in spring or fall, when we're normally there. We decided just to spend the afternoon on the beach. Rudder especially was still recuperating from the Canada trip. The water was cold, but I decided that the cold would be less painful than not going in. Rudder, never a fan of full immersion, decided it was too cold for him, so he held my pants and glasses while I made my way into the waves. I finally managed to go deep enough to catch a wave successfully, surprising myself with what may be my only actual body-surfing to date, and ended up getting wet all over, with a bit of the thin Earth-blood taste of the sea in my mouth. I didn't stay in long, because of the cold and because I didn't want to keep Rudder waiting. We walked a bit farther, then he sat by the hotel hot tub while I immersed to warm up. After I showered, we ate dinner at Nick's - I'd picked the name from the hotel guide, but it turned out to be the same place we'd eaten at in January, when we were in town for the rowing camp. We enjoyed it both times.

I really think I did handle this latest pique fairly well; Rudder knew I was mad at him, and maybe a little distant, but wasn't finding me unpleasant to be around. He naturally shows love by doing things for me (which, unfortunately, doesn't work as well on me as verbalizing) so presumably accepts love the same way. I made sure to keep doing things for him, even while talking to him less than I normally would, and to tell him flat out (but calmly) that I was upset and exactly why. (Also, to be fair, I didn't feel unappreciated just by him but by the whole group, but he's the one I have to live with and the one whose actions affect me most.) He implied at one point this weekend that he'd wanted to go out of his way to be nice to me - and did - partly because I "didn't bitch much this time at all".

I think I was also on his schedule. When he'd decided to do the World Masters a while ago, he'd said something at the time about not having much time to focus on me during the training, and having to do it afterward. He said something to a similar effect that reminded me of that this weekend, so I think part of this all was a reaction to Recent Events, but another part was the timing. Apparently I'm a line item on his schedule. I guess that's a good thing - always nice to be a priority - and I can't say I wasn't warned.

He's still deciding whether to race at the Charles this year, especially as I expect to be JournalConning that weekend instead. However, head race training is usually not quite as intense. Meanwhile, I'm having almost a reverse problem, in that he's taking all this week off from training (barring maybe a weight workout or two) but I can't afford to do that. If I'm considering doing the Natchitoches Marathon at all this year, I need to begin building up distance now. (A month ago would have been better, but all that travel interfered.) So paradoxically, now I have to worry about not waking him up. And after this past weekend, I actually don't want to wake him.

Posted by dichroic at 02:42 PM | Comments (1)

July 31, 2005

Sunday evening asnd all is well

We're back from San Diego; I'll write more later, but wanted to report that all is now well in my house.

(I don't actually like ice-cream cake quite as much as Rudder seems to think I do, but I did love getting an ice-cream cake with "#1 Crew Chief" on it for reasons related more to the intention than the taste.)

Posted by dichroic at 07:37 PM

July 29, 2005

a little down

So far it still looks like we're headed for San Diego this weekend, though Rudder mentioned he might be coming down with something. I hope not, but given the week we've just had, with erratic hours, food, and sleep, it's far too likely. I do wish he'd won a medal; coming in 5th in his single race in the final at a worldwide event is nothing to be sneezed at, and he and She-Hulk did well in their mixed double, but sitll it's nice to have something tangible. (She-Hulk did win a bronze medal, for a women's quad).

Next question is, how do you plan a romantic weekend with someone who's just not inclined that way? I think he just finds candles to be uselessly ornamental. I told him I'd buy a new bathing suit, except for three things (1. he wouldn't notice; 2. his favorite kind of suit, at least on me, is the Speedo racing one-piece, not exactly what I had in mind to set a mood; 3. he'd find it far more exciting to know I'd saved the money toward the potential RV trip) and he started laughing because it was so true. Actually, I think I'd find a guy who was always trying for moonlight and roses to be annoying and exhausting, always trying too hard, but it would be nice for brief intervals. I won't be trading Rudder in any time soon because while I might find someone who didn't have his faults, in all my life I've never met any other man who didn't have much worse faults of his own. And if I did, he wouldn't want me, anyway - I have no illusions of perfection in myself. Still, while I have met happily married women who don't seem bothered by their partners' flaws, I've concluded that they are either far more patient than I, or just more reserved in talking about their annoyances.

Don't mind me, I'm still feeling a little down and unappreciated because of this past week. And it's really aimed at evreyone who was there, but poor Rudder gets to bear the brunt of it because, as the one who's married to me, he's the only one I think has obligations beyond common courtesy and friendship to consider how I feel.

Tell you what: you go read someone who's in a better mood and meanwhile I'll sit here, count my blessings, and try to appreciate what I have.

Oh- one thing about this, is that I feel a little better about skipping the Head of the Charles this year to go to JournalCon. I was expecting more people there, though - anyone going who hasn't yet registered?

Posted by dichroic at 01:48 PM | Comments (1)

July 21, 2005

the military calls it a 'Charlie Fox'

America West is based in Phoenix. One would think, therefore, that they would have figured out that it gets a bit warm here in summer.

Apparently not, however. Apparently on their longer flights, those requiring a full tank of fuel, they have taken to kicking off a few passengers on flights leaving in the full heat of the day. They also may delay flights a bit, waiting for temperatures to drop a few degrees. Those most recently checked in get the boot first.

Yesterday, I left work a little early to take Rudder and She-Hulk to the airport. Plans were to drop them off, then return tonight in She-Hulk's car and leave that in the parking lot, so we could all ride home together in one vehicle. (Her truck, because Rudder's truck is too big, my car is too small, and my pickup only seats two comfortably.) I got them to the airport nearly two hours before their flight, but of course many other people on the plane were coming from connecting flights so would have checked in hours before. This is all about the World Masters' Games, which is not just a regatta but includes a wide range of sports, so apparently there were athletes of all types at the airport in the same boat, so there were a lot of upset people in the Customer Service line. About two hours later, I got a call saying they were on the bubble for getting bumped, and that the flight was being delayed a bit in hopes the temperature would drop two degrees. Two hours later, I got a call asking, "Could you look up the distance from Kalispell, Montana to Edmonton?" We discussed several other cities. Calgary was out for some reason; either no flights there or no excess capacity. At about 9:30, they asked me to come get them. However, they weren't quite done yet. There was still finagling to do. The airport is twenty minutes away, but I still got to circle it a couple of times and try to wait in a fwe different inconspicuous places, thanks to the post-9/11 No Waiting signs. No one hassled me, so apparently I looked fairly innocuous.

After all that I got to bed at nearly 11. I decided not to erg, as planned, but unfortunately I was up around 4:30 anyway, because Rudder was tossing and turning - nervous energy from his taper, I presume. Also, after all that he was very quesdy and headachy by the time we got home but seems to be better this morning. At 5:30 I gave up and got up to go to work. Rudder and She-Hulk were somehow able to check me in last night, so I should be all right, but my flight arrives after 11. This is going to be a very long day. Mine won't be as bad as Rudder's though: after all that, they still couldn't get on a flight that actually goes to Edmonton. They'll be flying out this morning, but to Kalispell, Montana, and driving 370 miles to Edmonton. AND Rudder will now be leaving a day later than planned, to drive the car back to Kalispell. So they won't get a practice row, they won't have much time to rig, and they’re worried about getting in before regiatration closes because Rudder's singles race is first thing tomorrow.

I am having Tea. In fact, I've pulled out the big guns in terms of comfort drinks and am having peppermint Tea. I hope it helps.

Later: She-Hulk called to warn me that the airport economy lot, where I usually park is full. I have a feeling it may empty by evening, but I'll either call ahead or park elsewhere. Also, I should have mentioned that the airline did give them each vouchers good on any flight. The problem is, you reach a point in life where time really is more valuable than money.

At about 2 (their flight was supposed to be at 10) She Hulk called from Seattle, whence they were about to get on a plane to Calgary. So the good news is they'll only have to drive 200 miles, not 400. Yippee.

Posted by dichroic at 09:25 AM | Comments (1)

July 15, 2005

good plans

I am looking forward to this weekend. It starts tonight with an hour-and-a-half massage, followed by going home to wine and salmon grilled by Rudder. Tomorrow with luck my Potterbook will be delivered in the morning, as it was last time, but until it is, there's Order of the Phoenix to finish rereading, then Wild Swans to finish for the first (and not last!) time. (Also, if I can get Rudder to listen for the delivery, I ought to erg a bit.) Then there will be reading of HBP for several hours after delivery.

I hope it does come before noon. I can't stay up too late because on Sunday I have a short cross-country flight, just to an airport near Tucson and back to eke out a few more hours. We'll probably have breakfast at the airport after the flight. Afterward, I really ought to study up a bit, having promised myself to take the written exam soon. Also, along with all the reading there will be knitting. I finished the back of my sleeveless turtleneck last night, though I may go back and add a few more rows. It seems short. Now there's only the front to finish, two short shoulder seams to sew, and the neck to add. With such sedentary plans for the weekend, I ought to be able to get it done. Then I can decide whether to begin a baby blanket or another sleeveless top to take with me to Edmonton next week.

Also, there will be snuggling. Though I think Rudder knows but I'd probably better warn him that pre-delivery snuggling may be broken off abruptly if the doorbell rings. (No, I'm not that bad. I'd put the book down and come back, really I would. But I would make sure to get it, first.)

Yes. Good weekend plans.

Posted by dichroic at 04:42 PM

July 13, 2005

back on, finally

My local network has just come back, after being down for most of the day - not internet, no intranet, no email, no shared drives. Very annoying.

So no time for a long entry today.

A few quick things though. Last night I gave in to my impatience and looked at a site purporting to have spoilers for HBP. For those avoiding spoilers, you may not have to worry much until after the book actually comes out. The information on that site (various postings to a forum) was so contradictory that I have no more idea not what happens in the book than I did before. It's quite possible that some of it was accurate, but there's no way to tell which parts - at least, not without spending a whole lot more time than I have to follow each thread and assess each poster.

My knee still hurts from Sunday's thwacking, but I was able to do my normal gym routine today. Knees always take a while to heal for me.

Also, when I said recently that I'd gained a few pounds? Impartial evidence: a coworker I see infrequently asked if I were pregnant. Granted I'm wearing a loose dress that I actually could wear for at least a few months of pregnancy, and that I was probably slumping, but still. She wasn't obnoxious about it, and I think I managed to keep her from feeling bad for asking, but still. I am NOT happy about this.

Posted by dichroic at 03:40 PM

July 12, 2005

being chosen and that damned tact thing

I pissed off someone I like and respect a lot yesterday. I knew what I said would probably enrage her, and I think she had a right to be angry with me, but I'm still not sure what else I could have said. I suppose I could have timed my comment better. She'd been treated badly by a couple of people and made a generalization about disliking the whole group they belonged to. I called her on it.

Now, the group she made the statement about is not a group that generally gets picked on too much (sorry, being purposely vague here). Further, my friend has had to deal with far more than her share of prejudice herself and it sucks when it seems like everyone else can get away with stuff and you can't. But still, I had to speak up.

Why? Two reasons: for her sake and for mine. I don't have the right to enforce a code of behavior on another adult, I know, but still, I believe that what she said went against her own true beliefs, and that she said it only because she was tired and frustrated and ticked off and just ready for someone else to have to do the hard work for a change, please God, I've done my part. I know that feeling well. But I don't believe in unconditional love. I believe in helping each other be what we can and ought to be, and helping to carry a burden when we're too tired.

But still, she's an adult, and I don't have a Behavior Police badge. It is her right even to hate if she wants to, and I probably just came off as pompous and interfering. So I guess I did it more for me. Whenever I've been silent in the face of prejudice I've regretted it, because whatever other people's standards may be, I'm not living up to my own. Her comment was mostly harmless, but if the last century's history proves anything, it's shown us what happens when you start generalizing groups of people, and where it can lead when you regard them as 'other'. As a Jew, I've heard a lot of discussion of what it means to be the Chosen People; I don't necessarily believe that Jews are specially chosen by God but I do believe that those of us who have seen and known what prejudice can do, whether Jews or any other group that's been the target of hate, do have a special burden. And it does suck, when we're tired and when people have been nasty and when it seems like everyone else in the world can say whatever they want and why should we have to be any better? But I believe we do. At least, I do, since I'm the one I can choose for. So I did it largely for me, so I wouldn't have to think less of myself for keeping quiet out of fear of having someone I care about angry at me.

But I wish I hadn't had to make her more upset than she was or get her mad at me. Sigh. I suppose I could have waited and commented later. It's that damned tact thing again. I never was good at that damned tact thing.

On a happier note, I think I didn't mention the good dream I had the other day, a couple of days after that awful nightmare. Best party I've been to in a long time. My friend D has a party every year on July 4 for his birthday, and I've missed it every year since leaving Philadelphia. This year, though, he made it easy to attend: the party was in a big building, and every door opened on a different city, so guests didn't have to travel to get there. For some reason, I took my mother and grandmother to it, which seemed to surprise everyone there, but they had a great time and the other people there seemed to enjoy them as well. (Do you think people's surprise might have something to do with my grandmother having been dead for eight years or so? She was alive in the dream, though - another nice thing about it.) I didn't actually realize about the doors to different cities until I tried to leave - I went out the different doors and couldn't find the lot where we'd left our car, until I went out one last door and the sky was still light, having been dark outside the other doors, and I realized that was because all the other doors led to later time zones where the sun had set, whereas in Phoenix it was still daylight. Good party, anyway. I think more people should set their parties up like that.

Posted by dichroic at 03:05 PM | Comments (3)

July 11, 2005

whang on the patella

Amusingly, Rudder's flight yesterdaywas apparently delayed because an early-morning flight got delayed and the repercussions reverberated through the day - the flight before his got delayed to his flight's time, his flight got delayed to the next scheduled slot and so on. Or that's his theory.

Meanwhile, when we were ready to go we stepped in and just flew off. Ha again.

I began reading Peg Kerr's Wild Swans in Santa Babara - I was going to save it for the upcoming Edmonton trip but it somehow found its way into my bag. I expected to like it; I like her writing on her web journal and a lot of people whose opinions I respect seem to love it. I was worried, though, that it might be depressing, since I knew part of the storyline involved the early days of AIDS, and that the two plots might be too disjointed, as some Amazon reviewers seemed to suggest. That wasn't my response at all; I got sucked in heard and early. I've peeked ahead, as I usually do, so I know that even the sad parts have enough grace and love to keep them from being unbearably depressing. Now I'm back home I want to finish rereading Harry Potter 4 and 5 before next Saturday's delivery, but I have a feeling I'll be done Wild Swans by then too. In fact, it's probably the ideal thing to read Saturday morning: not Potter-related at all and gripping enough in its own right to keep me from fidgeting while waiting. Only problem is, with Rudder gone and correspondingly fewer distractions, I'll be done it by 9AM Saturday. If you calln being swept along in a book a "problem".

Last night I whanged my knee on a corner of the (large, heavy, wooden) bed, smack in the middle of the kneecap. OwowowOWOWow. If you've heard of glass jaws, I think I have a glass knee; I certainly crumpled after I hit it. It's not swollen, that I can tell, but still hurts today - not so much in walking as when I climb stairs. I did erg to warm up at the gym this morning, and did do my regular seated leg presses, but I took the weight on that down a notch. Since what hurts is bone (tendon? cartilage?) and not muscle, I don't know if I need to avoid exercise that hurts it or if it doesn't matter, but it only hurt a little during the presses. Less than going up stairs. Still. Ow.

Posted by dichroic at 01:48 PM | Comments (2)

July 07, 2005

London calling

It sounds like all the people I know of in London are OK. I'm trying not to feel too relieved, reminding myself that that means the people someone else knows in London are not OK.

I rowed this morning, which meant I heard the news on the car radio at 4:30 AM. That's a horrible and appropriate time to be blindsided by news of tragedy. My first thought was of Ruthie, then I started running down a mental list of UK pifflers, trying to remember who is and isn't in London. Three and a half hours later when I got to work, most of those people had checked in. So I had a bit of relief until I remembered that M'ris is in London right now. Within an hour, though, Timprov had heard and posted that she, Mark, and their party are unhurt.

The first time I remember the Internet being used to report and check in disaster must have been about 1986, when there was a big earthquake in California (LA?). That was before the World Wide Web, but newsgroups were very active and one was set up that day for people there to check in and others to ask if someone had been seen and was OK. I knew then - I'm not prescient; it was obvious - that something had changed in the nature of communities and in how people talked to and cared for each other.

Today a community has been set up on LiveJournal set up just for Londoners to check in, and a list of those LJers who are known to be unhurt. I'm sure other web communities have done the same. People are talking about who's there, who might be hurt, who has checked in.

Funny thing: nobody I know only from physical meetings is in London now (to my knowledge). I'm grateful to the Internet for providing a means for me to hear that everyone there I care about is OK. But everyone there that I care about, is a person I've met online in the first place. I'm grateful for that, too.

Posted by dichroic at 01:52 PM | Comments (1)

July 06, 2005

it came by night

I had a horrible nightmare last night. Rudder and I had decided to take cryogenic sleep for 10,000 years. Actually, it wasn't really cryogenic - you just got a shot and went off to sleep. No chilling, no special maintenance facility, just sleep in your own house. It was mostly his decision, because he was bored nad unhappy with his job and thought things would be better that far ahead. He got his shot and had chosen to lay on a pallet on the floor instead of in a bed; he was drowsey but still awake ad talking to me. I was about to go get my shot, when someone from work (a specific, current coworker) called with something she needed me to do. Rudder wanted me to ignore the request, since after all they'd have to manage without me for the next ten thousand years, but I decided to do just this one thing first. When I got back, he was asleep. I stood there and looked at him and realized that we hadn't thought this through nearly enough, and that I didn't really believe it would work or that we'd survive, asleep, for all that time. And I realized I had to decide whether to follow my husband into a sleep I thought would likely kill me, or live the rest of my life without him.

That terrible decision was what made it the worst nightmare I've had in years.

Note 1: When I woke up, I deduced that he had decided to sleep on the floor on the theory that the bed would rot before he woke up. Why he thought the building would last ten thousand years, I have no idea.

Note 2: He actually is a little tired of his job, having been in the same position too long, and as I've noted, they're reorganizing, so he'll need to make some changes that could affect me. But we've talked it through, I made a conscious decision to follow his job (it's his turn) and I'm much happier about that than my subconscious seems to think.

Note 3: And then there's always Plan C: the RV trip.


In a totally unrelated matter, I've just finished two Sean Stewart novels back to back. Perfect Circle was good, along the same vein as his Mockingbird and Galveston, though a little more depressing than either. But his older book Nobody's Son totally blew me away; it was different enough from anything else of his I'd read that I wouldn't have guessed it was by the same author. I think it's a YA novel; one of the awareds listed on the front cover was for YA books, though there is a little sex (within marriage) and some very adult decisions to be made. What makes it a YA for me, is that Stewart directly discusses meaning-of-life sort of issues that adult books tend to address in a more indirect way. As a not very subtle person myself, that's one thing I appreciate in the genre. It's probably one reason I read speculative fiction, as well: adult SF and fantasy is much likelier to be more direct than "literary" books. LOTR is a prime example, and though Sean Stewart's own adult fiction is a bit more oblique, it's not hard to find the important points he's making. Even for me.

Posted by dichroic at 01:55 PM | Comments (1)

July 05, 2005

anniversary weekend

We were all gathering last weekend for Rudder's grandparents' 65th wedding anniversary in Sacramento - all of the children and grandchildren, and assorted spouses. (Unfortunately, the one set of great-grandkids and their mother couldn't come. They had good and sufficient reason, but I was hoping to see them. And their father forgot to bring pictures.)

My poor mother-in-law did not have a great weekend. First, on the drive down from Oregon, the plastic lining the right front tire area came loose There wasn't a dealer near, so they ended up taking it off and fixing the loose ends with duct tape. After driving a 1966 truck into extreme geriatric old age, they had decided to treat themselves when purchasing this latest car a couple years ago, which made this sting a little more; as the MIL said, you don't really want to be driving your BMW with duct tape holding it together. Next, on the way to the airport to pick us up, the two of them both missed seeing a stop sign and got pulled over. They didn't get ticketed at least, and it gave them a story to tell all weekend (ou know how parental types are, with the repeated stories. We went to see the grandparents, picked up Rudder's brother from the airport, then she and I lolled around the hotel pool, in the course of which the pool light came out in her hands. We did get it to stay in place, eventually, and I was hoping this string of little misfortunes was just going to add a little color to the weekend. Unfortunately, things blew up after that

Saturday night, we all gathered at the local aunt's house for dinner. Everyone ate the same things, so we don't know if it was something else she'd eaten or a bug, but the MIL woke up at 5AM to throw up. She stayed in bed all day, but it didn't help - there was a period in the afternoon when she couldn't even keep water down. And she wasn't able to make it that night to he formal dinner celebrating her parents' anniversary.

We had a good time otherwise, but my heart's still a little broken for her. Sixty-fifth anniversaries don't come around often, and they'd decided to get everyone together because her mother's short term memory has gotten very bad; soon she won't be able to share in a conversation at all. (Right now she mostly can't; but every once in a while an old memory will get through or she'll respond to flattery.) So we took any many photos as we could (so did everyone; we have pictures of people taking pictures because it was a true representation of our weekend) and we tried to remember all the stories we cold to tell them to her. But it's not the same.

Rudder and I got home yesterday, our twelfth anniversary, by around 1:00. Much as I love fireworks it's just too blasted hot to be outdoors for long even at night, but I did want to do something celebratory. We went to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which I highly recommend as an anniversary movie. It reminds me of True Lies, but this time the wife gets to kick ass too. It wasn't exactly profound, but clever and witty and some parts of the marriage rang true to life for us. Afterwards we had an early, relatively fancy dinner, consumed most of a bottle of wine, and engaged in other celebratory activities. Rudder passed out (not literally) very early, but fortunately woke up again before I was ready to go to sleep, so I didn't end up feeling abandoned.

He had to work today, but I have the day off, which has been handy. Every holiday should be followed by an extra day for getting chores and errands done!

Posted by dichroic at 06:42 PM | Comments (2)

June 29, 2005

wardrobe maunderings

Sigh. I was trying to be good about not buying any clothes or books not absolutely necessary until we figure out whether there any of the possible-futures involving a spell of joblessness will come to pass. (For anyone not keeping up, these are good futures, involving either extended travel or a move to a new place. So don't worry. I suppose in this decade, nonintentional joblessness is also always a possibiliity, but though that chance is more likely right now than normal for both of us, given out various reorgs, I still don't think it's imminent.) Anyway, it's not like I don't have shelves and shelves full of books and closets full of clothes.

But we have this do for Rudder's grandparents this weekend, and the main affair is supposed to be fairly dressy. I was planning on wearing either a silk sleeveless shift dress, which has the additional merit of being reversible, or the very full, long raw silk black skirt I got at the RenFaire, but the shift didn't quite look dressy enough and none of the tops I tried with the skirt looked right. So tonight may involve a quick trip to Nordstrom.

Hmm. Maybe if I wear the red twin set with that skirt. The underneath part is a camisole with ribbon straps, the same ribbon trims the cardigan, and it's even got a bra built into the cami. I think that may work.

I just called my mother-in-law to check how dressy this affair is, and she told me how she'd worked with a personal shopper at Nordie's (she doesn't get to the city too often, so works with one to save time when she does) to get just the right outfit. This is one reason I enjoy talking to her much more than to the people who told me before that reunion in Houston, "Oh, it's casual, just wear anything." She understands that worrying about clothing may mean not that you're obsessive or shallow but that you want to look nice beause you care about the people you're seeing. (It could mean you're obsessive and shallow too, but I don't really do this often.) Also. I wouldn't spend time dithering over clothing if I didn't enjoy it.

I'm lookng forward to seeing all of the in-laws this weekend. Unfortunately, the ones with the little kids we haven't seen since we visited them in Korea won't be able to make it after all, but all the rest will be there. Should be fun.

Posted by dichroic at 01:47 PM | Comments (2)

June 27, 2005

imprefect present

One thing I'd nearly forgotten, in the rush to get ready for the trip for Rudder's grandparents' anniversary and all the other July travel, is that it's our anniversary on Monday. We're flying home that day, so we can go out for either a nice dinner or fireworks that evening, but I really ought to get him something. Only problem is, I have no idea what. Dang.

Posted by dichroic at 02:11 PM | Comments (1)


Re the last entry: commenter who said "I'd love to" without leaving an email or webpage? Um, yeah, not the most helpful thing ever. (Unless you're one of the ones who emailed me, in addition.

I had a long IM conversation with my brother last night - long in terms of time, anyway, which got me thinking about the medium. I'm not convinced IM is the most efficient means of conversation ever. If you want to get things said, phones are faster. If you want to get complex messages across, email is better. It's too slow to feel like real conversation, but not slow in the same convenient ways email is. Where I think it shines in in cases where for some reason you can't talk, during a class or meeting, say; to bring in different people conversing from different areas, as in a chat room; and to keep a desultory background conversation going while you do other things. But not for primary communication, in most cases. I'm likely showing my age, but I'm not sure if it's that I'm old, inflexible, and unable to adapt to this technology or that not being affected by trends, I can take a step back and look at it dispassionately. I'd prefer to think the latter.

We're still looking at the RV-travel thing, though we're also still exploring other avenues (i.e. the ones where we stay with our career path).

The logistics of the travel are a bit forbidding. One thing is that in going fulltime but for a limited period, we'd be doing it the most complicated way, almost. We'd be selling our house, but eventually coming back and buying another, so we have to put our furniture in storage instead of leaving it where it is or selling it off. And then there's the issues we'd have anyway. Phone (easy enough). Internet (not so simple). Life insurance. Health insurance. Disability insurance. Choosing the vehicles. Buying the other things we'd want - two kayaks, probably a new laptop Figuring out the minimum number of books I can stand to live with and choosing them. There would need to be some purchases there, too - a Writer's Market for writeup of the trip, a paperback dictionary so we wouldn't need the big one. Lots of maps and lists of campgrounds and such. Figuring out minimum clothing. Figuring out what we'd need to do to the house before selling it (possibly not much, in the current bubble, but the upstairs carpet is trashed). Listing the places we'd want to go (which is not a choore but a pleasure - we did some of that last night). Figuring a loose itinerary based on it. (A bit harder.)

But the hardest part of all, even harder than choosing books, would be what to do about the cats. If they were kittens, I'd give them to a pet adoption place. If they were nice mellow adult cats, I'd ask all my friends if anyone could give them a home. What they are, though, is old and crochety. And they have their claws. I can't in good conscience give them to anyone with small children, because I don't know how they (the cats) would react, and the possibilities are dire. And at 14 and 16, it's likely they'll be having health issues soon, though they've been extremely healthy so far. (I credit Science Diet.) I think between the two of them they've needed maybe two vet visits, other than for shots, yearly exams, and the exams required before taking them on the plane when we moved here. We've considered taking them - maybe adding a cat flap in the door to the 'garage' area and putting a litter box there. They hate riding in cars, but have always been in carriers. I don't know whether this would seem like a car to them. Another possibility would be seeing if Rudder's parents can take them. Or mine, but mine have made their opinion of cats clear over the years. It's a quandary.

Posted by dichroic at 01:44 PM | Comments (1)

June 24, 2005

on the road again, big time

This is what my July looks like:
First weekend: travel to Sacramento for Rudder's grandparents 65th anniversary.
Second weekend: Fly (as pilot) to Santa Barbara and back the next day.
Third weekend: possible trip to San Diego to get boats on their trailer to Edmonton.
Fourth week: Travel to Edmonton for World Masters Games.

I don't think I'll bother putting the suitcase away between times.

I may get a break the 3rd weekend; that trip depends on when they decide to load boats and on whether I can find an alternate method to get my Harry Potter fix. It's also possible either they won't load that weekend or I'll send Rudder without me and will stay in my chair from the time HPVI arrives until I finish it. If necessary I could probably buy it at midnight at a local store. If I don't get enough notice to cancel the one I have pre-ordered, well, I'm sure I can find a good home for my spare copy.

I did get all my photos moved over here yesterday. However, when I moved my old archives here, the script didn't handle line breaks well. So old entries have odd line-wraps and the links to photos and pages are mostly broken except in the cases where I've fixed them by hand. Also, the first three months or so didn't transfer over, for some reason. I think what I'll do is try to import the missing old entries (will probably edit the file by hand, since it's not more than 90 entries) and will gradually fix old entries with photos and links. (I can search on .jpg and http.) There are just far too many to fix them all.

Posted by dichroic at 12:40 PM | Comments (1)

June 23, 2005

housecleaning and stuff

I've actually managed to fix the issue with the story being all narration and no dialogue. I haven't gotten any farther on the plot, or figured out how much Antarctica I need, though.

Several people ahve commented on my post about writing fiction, and from some of their comments, I think I may have been unclear. The reason I don't do it much is not just because I'm not good at it; it's that I have no real drive to do it the way I think some of you do. I don't have characters coming to me and asking to see the light of day. It's very rare for a plot to come to me and want to be written; if I spend time trying to think of some I can grind out a few. Maybe one will taken wing to the extent that writing it is fun, or maybe not. It doesn't feel like my metier.

It doesn't feel awful or painful, either, and sometimes it's kind of fun, and sometimes it's satisfying, and sometimes I want to do it, because the alternative is to do something less fun. Rather like housecleaning. Braincleaning, maybe. When I've talked about what parts are hard for me to do, it's not meant as a complaint, but as a data point. I'm actually finding it fascinating as a matter of cognitive science to see what aspects come easily and what things are hard, especially as I've read the journals or books on writing from enough writers to suspect that at least some of the issues are different for them. I haven't yet figured whether it's just that each person has native strengths and weaknesses, or if fiction writers as a class have a different knack. Maybe there's a thesis in there for someone; it's an interesting question. I love learning about learning - metalearning, I guess.

Meanwhile, while things are slow, it's occurred to me that this is a good time to do some other housekeeping I've been putting off: downloading all the images on my old Diaryland site so I can stop paying for GOld membership, moving them here, and changing all the links to point to where they should go. (Fortunately, I think I can do a search-and-replace operation for that last part.) After that, I may migrate from MovableType to WordPress; the Outlaw site uses WordPress and it's been generally well-behaved, though I haven't entirely figured out all the template stuff. Setting up a new blog on WP was incredibly easy; I suspect migrating is a little trickier and riskier, though my host does have some tools to help.

Anyway, just a warning: if this site goes down in the next few days, that will be why.

Posted by dichroic at 12:01 PM

June 22, 2005

what happens when

F*ing cafeteria is out of F*ing Gatorade. I nearly cried. (There was a little sign saying how much it would have cost if they'd had any. I found that less than helpful.)

Rowing 9500 meters (including some interval pieces) in 90+ degree weather has made me demonstrably stupider. (I turned onto the wrong street on the way to work. Quod erat demonstrandum.) Stupid and emotional, not a pretty combination.

Oh yeah, this is what happens when I row hard. I had forgotten.

Somehow listening to the Charlie Daniels Band singing The Devil Down to Georgia seemed like the appropriate thing to do, though I can't say it helped any. Apparently when I'm stupid and emotional I want to listen to country music. Not sure if that says anything about either me or it.

By now, I'm more or less coherent and able to take the stairs at something better than an arthritic crawl. (I'm currently listening to the score from 1776. Back to my roots.) I've been immensely enjoying a discussion in her comments with RJ Anderson on matters of religion. One part of that enjoyment is because it's weaving in so nicely with what I've been reading in The Jew in the Lotus, and another major part is the articulate RJA herself. What a pleasure to debate with someone who disagrees with me on the postulates in question but who is civil, knowledgeable, and logical. I've had arguments with too many proselytizing Christians who claimed to believe every word of the Bible but who knew less of their own New Testament and history than I do, not to appreciate one who doesn't proselytize but simply sets out her own beliefs, and who knows not only her own history and theology but some of mine as well. Educational.

Posted by dichroic at 02:05 PM | Comments (2)

June 21, 2005

filling time with fiction

Would the person who's been Googling Dichroic Reflections along with my full name please leave a comment to tell me who you are? Then we can figure out if I'm the one you're looking for; there are at least four of us in the US with this same first and last name. Thank you.

I have been extremely bored lately, for large parts of my day. One result of this, in me at least, tends to be that I'm driven into creativity. Apparently I'm too lazy to create things unless I have nothing else to do. (Or multitasking - I knit because it's something I can do while reading.) Since I owuld be conspicuous taking knitting with me everywhere, I've been venturing into new territory and trying to write fiction. It's something I can do inconspicuously anywhere I have a pen and paper or computer. Or even without, if it's just a matter of thinking up plot ideas.

I say "just" but the truth is that figuring out what should happen is the hardest part for me and is the main reason I've never really been a fiction writer. One thing I've noticed, though, in recent years is the number of books, even great books, which really have no plot in the classic sense of a story with crisis, climax, and denouement. Tristram Shandy is probably too weird to be a good example, but, for instance, what happens in Little Women, other than that the characters live grow up? (Or don't in Beth's case.) The same could be said of Tom Sawyer, but in that case the book is really a string of episodes with a different plot in each section - the whitewashing, the raft episode, Injun Joe and the cave. On the other hand, I'm not quite bored enough to want to write a whole novel, and short stories do tend to have something resembling a plot - a small one at least - with some sort of problem that is solved. One way to avoid that is to write something that's not a story but just a vignette, a peek into a window, as I did here, but really, that's cheating a bit.

Next, there comes the technical challenge of assembling the story. I can write grammatically, and if not well at least fluently, and in different voices to some extent. Those things could definitely be improved, but at least my prose isn't going to cause the casual reader actual pain on the first glance. But it is interesting to realize what else there is to writing a story that I simply don't know. The thing is, though I'm only a so-so fiction writer, I am a very good reader. This means that I can often see what's wrong, but have no idea how to fix it. For example, I can write conversation, I can write description, and I can write narration, but I have no real idea who to balance them and move between them. (That's exactly why the Una story is almost all dialogue, with one long chunk of description cribbed from -- well, heavily influenced by -- Montgomery at the beginning.)

The current story is in omniscient third person, and the heroine is said to have done this and that and even thought this and that, but she never actually talks to anyone. Mark Helprin did write a story like that, but I think I need to assume that's because he knew what he was doing, and I don't. Also, the point of his story is that his hero really is very isolated and hardly talks to anyone. Mine is hanging out with her friends, and presumably chatting to them. I think the solution may be to introduce another character or three, sketchy ones, just so that she can be talking to them and telling her own story. Another way would be one L.M. Montgomery used, in which the character addressed various remarks off into the ether, to herself or no one, but that seems artificial. (Even though I've been known to do it myself.)

And then there's the problem of how much. I suspect this is an authorial problem in general, not one that's specific to me while I don't know what I'm doing. For example: This is a short story. In the middle of it, the heroine needs to go off to Antarctica. (Actually, she just needs to go somewhere remote, with wide spaces, and unlike home, but since I've been to Antarctica and can describe it, that's where she goes.) So she could go there and back in one line, and I could just spend some time discussing what she thought over while she was there, or I could talk about where she went and what she saw and how long it took, or I could talk about how she got there and the people that she met, her opinions of Buenos Aires and Ushuaia on the way and how she found penguins enchanting and seals dead boring. The trip could be anything from a paragraph to pages and pages, and the trick is to figure out what is actually necessary to the story.

And then there's the fine-tuning, making sure that every sentence is necessary (I can't really get it down to the word level now) and that the voice speaking is never out of character. That I know for sure is something all authors have to work on, though clearly they're skills that can be honed to work better and faster.

There's definitely an unevenness in quality between different stories, too; for instance the current one isn't nearly as good as Una's story. I don't knwo whather that stems from the compellingness of the original idea, the characterization, or the execution.

Also, there are some daily-life issues. It turns out that I can get pretty far back inside my head while figuring out a character or story point, which is not always a good thing while driving or in a meeting, about like being unconscious real world while reading a very good book.

I'm still bored - for one thing I can't think of enough plots to keep myself entertained - but at least I'm learning some of the dimensions of what I don't know.

Posted by dichroic at 02:26 PM | Comments (3)

June 16, 2005

whatever was wrong, isn't anymore

I do feel a little better today - did a slightly light routine in the gym this morning. And I figured out why my tonsils are probably sore and swollen due to our high pollution levels - there's been an alert yesterday and today. So that's good.

Posted by dichroic at 01:57 PM

June 15, 2005

an audacious idea

No beef last night. I was still a little on the low-energy side this morning, having again slept like a dead thing, but was able to manage 4k, on the erg with slightly less frequent stops. I've also gained about 4lbs since the weekend, so I'm beginning to wonder if it's a thyroid thing after all, or what. I've got an unexplanied sore spot on my neck, too, but probably not in the right place.I think I'll give it until after next weekend and see if anything's changed. It probably will, but if not I'll go see a doctor.

I'm beginning to like the Madeleine and Pooh cartoons shown at 5AM on the Disney Playhouse, for erging purposes. I especially like the way all the Madeleine characters will exclaim something in French and then repeat it in English - that way it's still clear but they don't have to dumb it down to far. Also, all the narrator's lines are in rhyme, in the meter Bemelman originally used:

In an old house in Paris, all covered in vines, Lived twelve little girls in two straight lines. The smallest one was Madeleine.

Because really, how could I not like a story in which the smallest girl got to be the heroine?

I've been cleared to mention here that with changes going on in both our companies, if the worst happens to both of us (or the best , depending on your viewpoint) Rudder and I are playing with an idea we've been talking about for years: take to the road for six months or a year, in an RV with space in back for bikes, windsurfers, kayaks, and whatever. We spent Sunday afternoon going around looking at RVs to see the costs and possibilities. It looks like this would actually be financially feasible, given what's going on with real estate prices in our area. Of course, it's a giant leap of faith, making the assumptions that we could stand each other for that long a time in that small a space and that we could get back to work fairly quickly after we were ready to leave the road, and the logistics are very complicated. And most likely, we'll just stay with our jobs and ride out the waves. Still, what an adventure!

Not the least of the logistics is figuring out how few books I could get by with, for a year or whatever. We'd occasionally swing by wherever our stuff was stored, so I could rotate the stock then, but it wouldn't be frequent, and without much money or space, I wouldn't be able to buy new books. Thank goodness I'm a rereader; that makes it far easier.

Another issue is how to get mobile internet access; I'm sure this is a solved problem, but I just don't know the answer. One way would be to get a wireless internet card in a laptop and just take it to wireless access zones, but I'd like something at "home" as well. I'm sure there's a satellite method of some kind.

Another nontrivial issue is what Rudder will do when we're not sightseeing or doing something active and we're stuck indoors. As he pointed out, he does't really have any sedentary hobbies other than watching TV, which he mostly does only when he's pinned down by the need to eat. I'd love to get a book, or a column (hello, Outside?) or both out of the adventure, so that's one thing we could work on together.

And then there's the issues of how much stuff we need / can do without, how much it all would cost, health insurance, and such. And right now it's only a contingency plan, not a real one. We do have careers to worry about. Still, it's a lot of fun to think about and plan, sort of like the "if I won the lottery" game. If anyone reading this has done such a thing or knows someone who has (and who has actively traveled, not just pulled up a trailer somewhere and parked) I'd love to get in contact.

And if it really does happen? Then you'll hear lots about it. I'll be checking with everyone I know to find people and places to visit.

Posted by dichroic at 02:09 PM | Comments (6)

June 14, 2005

woolly headed

First, the calming things meme. Tagged by Taelle.

Things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list, post it to your journal... and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.

1. Reading. Actually, if it's to calm down, then it's more likely I'll be rereading.
2. Pedicures. The end result is nice but it's the process I enjoy..
3. Massage. Either by Rudder or by a professional. The latter last longer and are technically better, while the former convey love as well as feeling good. Both kinds are wonderful.
4. Hot showers. I don't tend to take one unless either I feel dirty or it's first thing in the morning - I mean, I don't think "I need to calm down, I'll go take a shower." But they do have that effect. Emma Bull wrote something along the lines of "A quantity of hot water poured over the head is a sovereign rememdy for most ills."
5. Rowing, but only if I remember to take the effort to clear out my mind and concentrate on what I'm doing, instead of what I need to do better or do next.

I am a total hypocrite about these memes, because I like being tagged but don't like tagging others for fear of being a nuisance. Also, I think most people I read have done this one. But if you haven't and you want to, please take yourself as tagged.

I'm still feeling unenergetic and woolly-headed, especially first thing in the morning. I stayed home and took it easy yesterday, and skipped working out this morning, but it didn't seem to help. I've been feeling this way since sometime Saturday, I think, and it kicked in fully while I was at the gym Sunday. I'd do two reps and my body would sort of coast to a stop, without my really planning to. Same thing on the erg yesterday morning - I did 2km in over 14 minutes, and that's only the time the erg counted - it pauses the timer when you stop moving. (Rudder's comment was, "I didn't know you could row so slow.") I've been getting enough sleep, food, and water, so that's not it - I was beginning to wonder this morning if it could be some sort of thyroid thing, but that probably wouldn't hit so abruptly. One unusual thing is that I've had beef for dinner each of the last three nights (homemade tacos, brisket, then burritos from Chipotle). I do know that my body seems to have a harder time digesting beef - I surmise it's too much protein at once, but don't really know. So I wonder if that could be it; I'll avoid it for the next few days and see what happens.

It's supposed to hit 107 here today and our unusually cool temperatures (only in the 90s until the last few days) are probably gone until fall. I wish the weather reporters weren't so damned chipper when they tell us that.

Assorted TMI below the cut tag.

I've never really noticed the reported effects of eating asparagus, but I sure can tell when I've had coffee.

Another sign of aging: my days of roaming free, mammarywise, seem to be over. I realized it yesterday - after I decide to stay home and rest, I changed to a halter top without underpinnings, and by afternoon was noticing an ache in an odd place (not quite where I'd have expected for that cause, though I'm not sure what I did expect). I'd done a pretty heavy workout the day before so that could have been it, so I'm testing today by wearing decent-for-work but not terribly supportive underpinnings, and noticing the same thing. Damn. Still no sag, courtesy of being fairly flattish for so long, but I think if I want to stay that way, I'd best start wearing underwires and other constructed garments more often. Damn damn damn. And I proabably need to take that into consideration when figuring out how far to taper the top of the tank top I'm knitting. I wasn't planning to worry about hiding straps - I don't care if they show a little, but they look stupid if they're in an entirely different line.

I'm going to try to spend less and save more for a while - no new clothes or books. I do need some cosmetics and toiletries, and I won't change to cheaper brands at the moment, but I'm just going to replace the things I use every day. Both of our companies are in flux, and the better our financial situation, the more freedom we have to explore different options if necessary. I'm a little too superstitious to say more now though, for fear of Murphy butting in. his ugly head.

Posted by dichroic at 01:19 PM | Comments (1)

June 10, 2005

tired and a little needy. also impressed.

I didn't row Wednesday due to lack of sleep (Rudder woke up with an unsettled stomach, and when he's up, I'm up, because I sleep too lightly to be a asleep in a room with someone who's awake. He felt better by morning but we were both a little short on sleep. You didn't need to know any of this.) so I did today. (Yesterday morning I went flying before work, to get ready for a stage check - practice checkride - that's supposedly going to happen this weekend.)

So anyway. Short-interval workouts are insidious. 30 seconds on, 90 seconds off, with the "on" being at race pace or actually a bit higher, more like the all-out effort I'd use for a racing start or a power 10, and the "off" at a paddle. Eighteen of those, plus about 3500 meters etady state to start and maybe another 500 at the end, and I'm beat. I'd like nothing so much right now and to go home and take a nap. Or just close the door and crawl under my desk.

It's a little annoying that the place we fly out of hasn't scheduled either my stage check for this weekend or Rudder's flight in a Cirrus, whose company reps are bringing one in for people to try, considering that it's now Friday and thus the weekend is TOMORROW. Perhaps they haven't noticed.
(While I was typing that someone called me and told me they have Rudder scheduled in the Cirrus for 8AM tomorrow. Wonder when they were going to tell us? Still no word on the stage check, though.)

So that's today. Back to yesterday-matters. First, if you haven't read the fanfic story I posted yesterday, scroll down and read it. I'll wait. (Unless of course you've never read L.M. Montgomery's Rilla of Ingleside, in which case don't bother. It's not a standalone sort of story.)

Back? Good. Tell if you like it. If you don't, tell me why not. I don't intend to make a practice of this, but I didn't really intend to write this one either, so in case it happens again, I should learn what I can from this. I have gotten some nice comments from people whose opinions I respect (and one sort of confusing one) but it's kind of bugging me that none of the people in the group I actually wrote it for have commented. (One exception, but she beta'd it for me, and she's too nice not to comment on the finished version after I asked for her help earlier.) There is no reason on earth this should be bothering me; I sid it was a gift for the list, and once you've given something you can't attach strings to it. Also, as I keep reminding myself, not everyone reads their email every day.

Also also, it's just a little fanfic: I took some care with it, but it's not really a serious effort. It's short and simple. I wrote it in a couple of days and didn't take as much effort as I would have if it were to be published somewhere other than my own site or maybe a fanfic hive where it will sink unnoticed and rarely read among a horde of other stories, many with the sort of grammar that discourages reading past the first paragraph. (Note: I'm taking about this one story only. I have read and enjoyed fanfics that were very well-written carefully crafted stories that undoubtedly took loads of time and effort. This wasn't one of those. I know because I was there.)

But this has given me a small insight into what it must be like to have written a book. Magnify my feelings a thousandfold and I can glimpse what it must be like to send your craft, your oeuvre which you've labored for years to built, then polish and make water-tight, out onto the wide oceans, and then wait for news of it, for people to tell you they've seen it and it's afloat, trim and trig and on course. Or before that, when you're sending out the manuscript to only a few people, but a few whose opinion matters, because if they like it they will publish it and then it can venture out into the wider world. Very scary. It makes me think authors must be stern and resolute people, with strong stomachs. (I can think of a few who might laugh to think of themselves in that light. Unless you can honestly say you really do write for yourself and not for the world's opinion, at all at all, t's probably best to just go around the corner and laugh quietly to yourself. Let me keep being impressed and take the compliment as it's given.)

Posted by dichroic at 01:13 PM | Comments (4)

June 03, 2005

a feelig of unnameable dread

Two observations:

I. I'm not really all that good at enjoying things while they're happening, though I try. I do better with anticipation and memory.

II. We're in the middle of a corporate reorg at work (I can write that because it's been officially announced in the news and everything). We won't know what's happening down at my level for at least another week or three. It's really not helping that I'm being earwormed by "The Sword of Damocles" from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Posted by dichroic at 05:13 PM | Comments (1)

adjusting attitude and altitude

Today's features: a short story, some dithering, and some musing. I'll tell the story first, because it's inspiring.

I've been hearing stories for a few years of how colleges are so desperate to meet their Title IX requirements that they've been giving rowing scholarships to tall athletic girls even if they haven't rowed before. I hadn't seen any concrete examples until now, but I met one this morning.

The college who gets this girl will be happy with their bargain, though. She'd been burned out on her other sports and is looking forward to trying rowing, but she's never done it before (she did visit a practice at the school she'll be attending). This is the only city in this state with any rowing at all (well, one new junior program is just starting in another town). So she got in touch with someone here, arranged for a private lesson, and drove three hours to get here. She'll be coming to town on weekends to take lessons the rest of this summer. I was impressed - I haven't seen that kind of initiative even from most masters rowers. With that committment, I'm sure she'll do well.

And I checked - the coach at her prospective college didn't tell her to do this.

The dithering: I am not, as may be obvious from yesterday's entry, enthusiastic about tomorrow's flight to San Diego. In fact, I've been very nervous. This morning I went rowing, did a hundred meters, and thought, "OK, if I'm doing 10,000 meters today, that's 1/100th down, only 99 more like that to go. I can do this."

Now, I do tend to do fractions like that to keep myself going, and it's OK to do it sometimes - to think, "OK, I'm starting the middle third of the practice now," or, "Last half, it's all downhill from here." I count off hundred-meter bits to get through the end of practice, too, sometimes to the tune of "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" or "She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain", with improvised lyrics. (In my head, not out loud.) That's all fine. But to start a row counting it off as one more series of ordeals to get through, especially at a time when I'm rowing for pleasure and maintenance, not intense training, is a bad thing. It makes rowing one more stressor, and in me, it's a sign that I'm pretty stressed out already. Of course, tomorrow's flight is the main thing hanging over me right now.

So I sat up straighter, tried to row more smoothly, and tried to appreciate the milky reflection of the sky right before the sun rose, the way the sun seemed to pop up all at once, the motion of my boat, the feel of the horizontal lines I was pulling, and so on. And I'm trying to convince myself that tomorrow's flight will be an adventure, a fun challenge, and even a little bit miraculous, that I can fy a tiny airplane all the way from the desert to the ocean. It hasn't entirely sunk in yet, but I'm working on it. (It will help if Rudder can keep from nagging, "Have you considered this? What about that?" Having another pilot in the house is not always as helpful as you'd think, especially when I'm better off not dwelling on this more than enough to get everything ready.)

The Musing
Sometimes you see a face that seems to belong to another period - it's not clear if it's a matter of expression or what, though I don't know why faces ought to change by decade. Connie Willis, in To Say Nothing of the Dog has Ned initially thinking that Verity must be a Victorian contemp because of her perfect Waterhouse face; I once knew a woman who always seemed like she ought to be wearing 1940s outfits. I can't say what the changes stem from, or even if they're real. Some of it is probably hairstyle, too.

But bodies really have changed over time. If you look at a random group of people today, you'll see a few really fat ones, a majority who ranging from a little to a lot puffy around the gut or the hips, and a few hardbodies who obviously spend a lot of time in the gym. There will be only a few people who are somewhere in the middle, without either extra fat or bulging muscles, and maybe a couple of skinny ones. If it's a young group, there will be a few more in the middle group, and several who have that stretched exaggerated leanness of adolescence, but there will still be quite a few carrying extra weight.

Now go look at an old group photo - here are some from the building of Hoover Dam and here are a bunch of WWII bomber crew photos. It's easier to see in men, because there are just more group ohotos of them, and because they're likely to be wearing more form-fitting clothes. It would be easier still to see in a photo where some of the men are shirtless, and I have seen some like that, but not online. What you see in those is very, very few overweight people - but notice also that none of them look like gym rats. You rarely see bulging biceps or pecs, or carved washboard abs in old photos. What you see are barrel chests on some guys, and long stringy - but obviously strong - muscles on others. (The military guys may be a special case, because they're young and in military training, but remember this is just after the Depression. Some of those guys were eating better than they had at home. And some were flying missions nearly every day, which doesn't leave a lot of time for jogging or lifting weights.) I think there are two factors involved: fast food hadn't been invented yet, and peope got their muscles not by working out, but by plain working.

There is one place you do see the older physiques still, though: in athletes. I don't mean Olympic athletes, so much: for those people, working out is a full time job and they do have the carved washboard abs - though even there, only the weightlifters have large bulging arms. Other athletes' muscles are defined, but compact, because they can't afford any wasted weight. But think of the athletes you know: soccer-playing women, surfers, people who play Ultimate Frisbee twice a week. Think even of some of the pro sports: baseball players don't tend to be bulgy (or when they do, steroid rumors arise). Most basketball players have muscles, but they're not huge. Weight lifters do get huge, because they're building muscle for one quick all-out effort, and have no penalty for carrying excess around. Body builders look good, of course, but they just look fake to me, especially the ones with the dark even tans that you know come from a bottle or a tanning bed. Maybe it's the engineer in me, but I do like the idea of a body built more for use than for show.

(Now if I could just get rid of a little of that useless flab....)

Posted by dichroic at 12:37 PM

May 31, 2005

still pretty happy about the sweater

My fortune cookie from lunch says, "Consolidate your interests while the lights are active." ?????

They're putting together a care package for a guy from work who is in the National Guard, serving in Iraq. I've never met him; he was called up before I started in this job. I've asked others about him, and if I can get to a bookstore in time, I will buy a book I think he'd like. ("Freakanomics", because they say he's very intelligent, argumentive, and political; I figure he'll like it whether or not he agrees with the book's arguments.) Meanwhile, I've put in a box of maxipads and one of tampons (in plain paper bags) with a note asking them to pass them on to some of the women in his unit. I keep hearing that there are shortages of such things over there, and that strikes me as an appaling way to treat women you've asked to put themselves in harm's way.

Speaking of the war, last week I was very excited by the news that moderates of both parties came together to broker deals first in relation to filibusters and next to agree on stem cell research. I get so frustrated with party-line politics, and was pleased with the recognition that one does not necessarily have to disagree on everything with members of the other party. However, the thing that annoyed me was the right-wing argument that "some people believe that stem-cell research is immoral so they shouldn't have to see their tax dollars used for it." Funny thing, there: some people believe that the war is immoral, yet I don't see those same senators heaving any trouble with applying their tax dollars to it. How come?

Posted by dichroic at 02:20 PM

May 25, 2005

awards and anticipation

Awarded Most Egregious Phone-spam: It rang on my work phone, the caller ID showed up as 999-999-9999, and when I picked it up, an automated vaoice said, "Please hold for the next available representative." Not bloody likely.

Awarded Worst Hold Music: The maker of our boats uses automotive paint. We chose our exact colors by looking around car lots and then telling him the make and color name we wanted. When I called a local car dealer to find out idf they had touch-up paint in the color I need, they guy put me on hold while he went to look. The hold music was a song about the dealership. Ick.

I think I need a new trip to plan for. What I would like to do for our 40th birthdays is to take a trip we've talked about for a long time, where we'd take a year off, buy a horse trailer (so we could have living quarters up front, kayaks and bikes and boxes of books in the back) and travel around the country. For that to happen, though I need to start saving, uh, a while back. It would probably still be doable if we started right now, but there are two problems with that, for me: the IFR training, and the fact that I'd somehow have to convince myself to go into squirrel-hoarding mode, a thing which I've only done successfully when we were planning our wedding. Even that was easier because I got to buy and pay for things along the way (e.g. a dress) instead of saving one huge sum. Another problem would be holding Rudder to the at least theoretically affordable horse trailer. He dreams big. His fancy tends to run to a specially-designed Mega-Mover that would allow us to take our rowing shells along as well.

Failing that, I'd happily take a week in Italy or Scandinavia to celebrate the milestone birthdays. But I would like to have something big and exciting to plan for and anticipate.

Posted by dichroic at 01:35 PM | Comments (3)

May 24, 2005

family memory

There were some good things about this weekend's non-adventure. For one thing, I took along a sleeveless sweater I had started last fall and had abandoned in order to focus on gifts and then other projects. I've recently gotten back to it and had completed about half the first side when we left. I finished the first ball of yarn on Thursday's drive (this is why it was a good thing we turned back to get more yarn) and by the end of the trip had finished that side and gotten nearly halfway through the other. Now I have confidence that I can finish this, which is always a nice thing.

I think I may do another sleeveless sweater next. Given the combination of hot climate and (sometimes over-)air-conditioned office, I wear them a lot. I'd like to do the next one in the round; I haven't seen any patterns for sleeveless sweaters done that way, so I may either adapt a pattern from the Yarn Girls' book or make a top-down raglan and stop with cap sleeves instead of continuing the sleeves on down. I think that would look good in a rustic slubby sort of yarn. (Or if anyone has a pattern to recommend....)

Even better was the time we got to spend with Rudder's grandparents. His grandmother has some fairly severe Alzheimers or similar memory loss (I think they said it wasn't Alzheimers but the practical result is the same), and has been getting worse fairly rapidly in the last couple of years. It was good to spend time with her before it gets worse, and good to give Rudder's grandfather a break where he could get out, talk to other people, and have someone to help watch and talk to her.

She's still able to reason, though her memory is pretty far gone, which means that she has no idea (I don't think) who we are but is able to figure out that we must be family. On Friday evening, she walked into the bedroom when she wanted to get a glass of water, and had to be directed to go to the fridge instead. I couldn't tell whether she recognized the restaurant we ate in, though it's been in Sacramento as long as they've lived there and they used to eat there when they lived in the neighborhood (this would have been the 1970s and possibly the 60s). Several times she got into the back instead of the front seat of their car. At one point she called Rudder by his uncle's name (her son's) which seems like a good guess, though it's also not clear if she normally remembers names. The most interesting thing, from a cognitive perspective, is that her personality is still the same, despite the memory loss. She talks a lot less, but when she does, she still likes to be dogmatic and forceful as ever. She just lacks specific nouns. So she'll make statements like, "What you need to do, is to do that and then the other thing," or will finish statements with gestures, like miming eating while we were talking about Rudder and his grandfather bringing back the food. It was fascinating, and in some ways a little less sad than it would otherwise have been because she so clearly is still the same person she was. Of course, this is much easier on me, who met her as an adult, than it is on Rudder's mother and her sibs, and I expect the family gathering this summer will be both sad and happy. Rudder and I will probably be the ones playing with the little kids and telling stories to the not-so-littles. Some of those stories will definitely be about the grandparents, since I think only the oldest of the next generation will have any memory of their grandmother as she was, and the youngest of the grandchildren (now in college or recently graduated) didn't get to see those grandparents all that often.

Posted by dichroic at 01:45 PM | Comments (3)

May 23, 2005

the full story

We left work early Thursday afternoon. I picked the Antkeeper (she's a grad student studying social insects like ants and bees) up on my way home, feeling all proud that I'd remembered to drive the pickup that morning (since the Mozzie car would not have fit both her and her bags). We grabbed some sandwiches for the road and went to my house where Rudder had the Hummer almost fully loaded. The Antkeeper and Rudder had loaded the boats on tpop the day before. We were on the road out of town by 2:30, turning around only once - before we got out of our subdivision - when I realized I'd forgotten an extra ball of yarn. This turned out to be a good decision.

We talked and listened to music on the drive from Phoenix to and through LA, stopping as usual in Frasier Park, just on the north end of the Grapevine. The three of us shared a room that night - piling people into hotel rooms is par for the course on a rowing trip. Rudder and I didn't sleep especially well, probably because of the small bed, but we were up and on the road again by 8.
A couple of hours into the drive, my cell phone rang. It was She-Hulk, calling with bad news. The CSUS Aquatic Center, organizer of the regatta, had called to say the race had been canceled: floods had swept away the race course. I plunged into a flurry of phone calls, to CSUS, to our answering machine, to the race organizer contact, interspersed with fervent thanks for the invention of cell phones and was able to confirm the cancelation report.

We pulled into a gas station to confer. Since Sacramento was by now only about four or five hours away, and since the Antkeeper had a friend and Rudder has grandparents in town, we decided to continue on. We debated on whether to return a day early. Rudder and I decided to stay until Sunday, while after a few more calls, the Antkeeper decided to hang out with her friend that night and return home the next day Coach DI, who had driven the boat trailer up and had arrived before the decision was made to cancel.

Apparently, water had been released from the dam and the course had been washed out only the night before, which is why the race had been canceled with such short notice. Some rowers were already on a plane by then, some decided to go anyway since their tickets were paid for, and some decided to stay home. She-Hulk was among those deciding to stay home; fortunately we were able to cancel her hotel room (which Rudder had booked, and which she and the Antkeeper were going to share) for both nights. The Antkeeper stayed with Coach DI and another woman, since she'd be riding out with them.

That afternoon when we got to Sacramento, we unloaded the boats so as not to have to drive around with them, then headed out to the west side of town where both the Antkeeper's friend and Rudder's grandparents live. We spent an hour with the grandparents, got the Antkeeper hooked up with her friend, and headed back to the east side of town to meet another rower and his family for dinner. It turns out that a two-year-old is of great amusement value when you have a long wait at a restaurant. We enjoyed hanging out with both him and his parents; he's a fairly placid kid, a little shy with strangers, and easy to amuse. Toward the end of dinner, he and I were dancing (me sitting down, him standing on the bench on the other side of the table) and he was just having a ball. His parents have tried to bring him up to be easy to travel with and self-sufficient as two-year-olds go, but I also think he's just naturally a happy little kid.

It turned out that the hotel did have internet access, with some finagling (they had a kit to split from the the TV cable) and Rudder had brought my old laptop for the purpose of downloading race data from the boat computer, so I was able to get online to tell another diarist (who usually doesn't post about what city she lives in, so I won't name her) not to come out to the regatta, as she'd been thinking of doing. Unfortunately, that wasn't until night and she didn't check email so had to find out the hard way. Too bad, because I'd looked forward to meeting her.

On Saturday Rudder and I and his grandparents toured Fort Sutter and then went to the McLelland Field aviation "museum" - actually an outdoor display of static planes but quite a few were open, with volunteers to explain them. We fortuitously ended up having lunch at a restaurant the grandparents used to frequent years ago when they lived in that part of town. I would have liked to see the Governor's Mansion, but we'll be back in July to celebrate the grandparents' 65th anniversary with all of Rudder's aunts and uncles and cousins, so maybe then.

After that, we loaded the boats back on, then had dinner at a brewpub where we'd eaten after last year's regatta (after a lot of discussion about which exit it was on). The people who had chosen that place the previous year had done so because there was room to park with boats on top, so we knew that would be OK.

And yesterday we drove home, all 12 hours of it, with only one small spat to mar the trip (my not-so-faithful navigator was sleeping when he should have been guiding me though the tangles of LA, then wouldn't admit he'd been asleep). Other than that, it was a good trip, though not entirely the one we'd meant to take.

Posted by dichroic at 03:59 PM | Comments (2)

May 16, 2005

damned dog. or rather, damned human.

We may have to call the cops on a neighbor tonight. Someone down the block has gotten a new dog that barks ALL NIGHT LONG, and has for the last several nights. It's not that close, but it's just loud enough to be annoying. Last night it even kept Rudder awake, and he's been known to sleep through ringing phones. I'd have called last night, except I'm not sure which house the dog lives in. Then again, I suppose a police officer could easily have figured it out by listening.

I suppose I could go over and ask them to bring the dog in, but by the time it bothers me, I've usually gone to sleep and woken up again and am not inclined to get out of bed and go bang on a stranger's door. Last night the barking stopped at about 3AM, but I'd much rather not have been awake to know that!

Tonight, right before bed I'm going to walk down the block or on the bike path behind us and try to figure out which house it is, then take the cops' phone number to bed with me in case it doesn't stop at a reasonable hour. (Why would it? It hasn't for the last few days.) What I don't understand is, why can' dogs bark all night? I mean, physically. I'd be hoarse if I yelled for half an hour. Even my cats go hoarse after too much yowling. Why don't dogs have some sort of physical limits?

P.S. I use the term "neighborhood" loosely. What this is, is a subdivision. We say hi to the people on either side of us and wave at a few others when driving by, but otherwise we don't know the people on our street at all, and we've lived here nearly eight years. What I grew up in was a neighborhood, where on summer nights you sat on the steps and talked to the neighbors. If I lived in an actual neighborhood, I'd know who had gotten a dog and I'd know the people and could go over and ask them nicely not to let it outside to bark all freakin' night. (Ahem. Nicely, I said. It might have taken a little practice beforehand.) On the other hand, if the people who had the dog knew their neighbors, maybe they'd be a little less inclined to keep them awake all night.

Posted by dichroic at 02:18 PM | Comments (4)

May 13, 2005


There are thousands of tiny divorces going on all over my head. I'm not talking about my marriage; I'm talking about my dad-blasted split ends. They are both infuriating and addictive to break. Of course, it would probably be better if I either left them alone or used scissors instead of just pulling them apart at the break.... but they make such a satisfying pop when they break.

Meanwhile it's 4:13 on Friday the 13th, and I could leave now except that I need to meet people at the boatyard at 5:30 and it's only 10 minutes from here and there is no point in being there early so there's no point in leaving work early. Except of course there always is.

Posted by dichroic at 05:15 PM | Comments (1)

May 06, 2005


Rudder and I had the whole lake to ourselves this morning. No other rowers or coaches were out to see the sunrise over the water. You'd think it would be romantic .... if we hadn't been rowing in separate singles, generally at opposite ends of the lake!

Posted by dichroic at 09:58 AM

May 04, 2005

looking ahead

I operate best when I have things to look forward to, so this list is for my own reference. Now that my Houston reunion is over, upcoming events include:

  • the Gold Rush regatta in Sacramento, Saturday 5/12, and the drive there and back with Rudder.
  • a work holiday on Memorial Day, 5/30.
  • another trip to Sacramento on July 4 week, this time to celebrate Rudder's grandparents' 65th anniversary. (And our 12th.)
  • the release of Harry Potter Book 6, not to mention Johnny Depp's turn as the Willy Wonka, July 16.
  • A trip to Edmonton for the World Masters Games, end of July.

And, one hopes, plenty of smaller or unplanned pleasures sprinkled in there - otherwise June would be a desolate month! Tonight, for example, there will be rereading of the second of the Sarah Kelling books I bought in Houston, probably followed (some other night) by the Peter Shandy book I also bought, and then a return to Joseph Ellis's bio of George Washington. One of the things I love about books is that they're always there when you want them.

Posted by dichroic at 12:58 PM | Comments (5)

May 02, 2005

after a decade away

I'd say the weekend in Houston was a success. The beginning was a little rocky, in that I finally managed to find what seemed like the very last parking space in the airport's humongous East Economy lot and then got to wait forever for Southwest Egg Rolls to go at the airport Chili's. Fortunately I had allowed enough time for parking and had checked in online, and the egg rolls were actually fairly tasty. In compensation, the flight to Houston was blissfully empty and I actually got a whole row of three seats to myself, so I was able to lie fetally and doze a bit. That was also fortunate, because I got to the hotel after midnight (only having gotten a little lost: I got off the freeway at the right place but couldn't quite figure out how to get from the feeder road - Houston has feeders alongside all freeways - onto the street, so I took the long way around).

I wanted to get to the boathouse before 7. I'd been in contact with their scheduling person and had been told I probably couldn't get into a boat (they have a regatta next weekend) but still wanted to go say hello to any oldtimers around. As it turned out, no one got to row that day; the wind was high and there were whitecaps washing over the deck. I spent some time talking to rowers new since my day and peeking around the boathouse, and then got to talk to a couple of old friends. They didn't know I was coming, but both recognized me right away, and they haven't changed much either. (Their daughter, who I knew from when she was remarkably untemperamental six-year-old, is now a junior in college.) I've had dinner in their house and they've celebrated New Year's at mine, and in fact after we sold our house Rudder lived in their old one (for sale at the time) for a month before moving out to join me here. It seems incredible that I didn't keep addresses for all of these people, at least for holiday card purposes, but somehow I didn't. We went off and had (at a Starbucks that wasn't there a decade ago) and then I went back to bed to rest before the party later on.

I was at that party from 11AM to 8PM. It wasn't particularly raucous by company standards; as someone commented, in the old days there had been parties that led to divorces. But it was a good gathering, with a few hundred people there including all but a few of the ones I'd wanted most to see. There were a few spouses who had swapped around, a lot of kids who had grown up, a few people who looked much older and a lot more who looked pretty much the same. Everyone seemed as happy to see me as I was to see them. I don't care how many beers the person has had, it's still nice to hear, "You can't believe how good it is to see you!"

I stayed until the bitter end, on the theory that I'd rather help clean up than sit around a hotel room, and of course the others who stayed were the same ones who were at all the parties back when. It was odd, though: as glad as we were to see each other, I still felt a little out of it, because of course I don't have the daily topics of conversation people who see each other more frequently have built up. Still, a good time, and a wonderful turnout for a reunion that had been planned on the spur of the moment two months ago.

The couple I'd met at rowing on Saturday called around and got a few people together for breakfast on Sunday. That was happy and sad: besides the couple who set it up, one old friend hasn't changed at all except to get a little grayer, and our old housemate and his wife (for whose first meeting and subsequent courtng we were present) haven't changed themselves but have a houseful of daughters (I'm sure three of them keep the house full), but an older couple (who also met via rowing) have had a lot of serious health issues, and he especially seems much older. We'd all always said those two were a perfect match; he is always nice and she has a veneer of sweetness covering more sweetness that goes to the bone. That hasn't changed, at least, and I think he was thrilled to be around a bevy of beautiful women (I am speaking here of the former housemate's three daughters). I got everyone's address and managed to snag the check because I'm obnoxious that way.

The former housemate and family invited me to go for a spin on their boat, so I did get to see all around the lake, and got better acquainted with the daughters. The little one was shy and stayed on her parents' laps, but the older two wanted me to hang out with them in the front of the boat - "it's bumpy up there!" Windy, too, but we did backbends across the cushions when the boat was going slowly and the middle girl (6 or 7, I think) pretended to surf. Fun. I'd had to go check out of my hotel room beore meeting them at the boat and when I showed up the older girl presented me with a sign with my name on it. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with it, but I don't want to throw it out.

I spent the afternoon exploring the new Kemah Boardwalk area, riding a few rides and then eating an insanely spicy Cajun Shrimp boil at the Flying Dutchman - the rides and hotel and shops are new, the Dutchman and a few other restaurants are longtime landmarks. After that I walked a few blocks over to see all the new shops full of tchotchkelehs (not my style, though I briefly contmplated buy ing a Hawaiian shirt for my mom), then drove by my old house. It hasn't changed much, except for a new back fence and some different plantings. I was delighted to see that the used bookstore in an old house nearby is still there, but unfortunately it was closed on Sunday. I did treat myself to a stop by Half-Price Books, since the one in my area moved away. They are run individually, I think, so the Clear Lake one has a much different feel than that had had - more of a used bookstore, not so light and bright but with more crannies. I've always liked it. (Note: Clear Lake is the big lake there, and also what the whole area around the Johnson Space Center is called.)

I finished with a visit to the Space Center, the JSC's Disney-designed visitor center, which was a mistake. The only real changes were a huge playset for the 5th-grade-and-under crowd, and the prices are even worse than they were: $4 for parking (the only place in all of Clear Lake, that I know of, to charge for parking), $17 to get in, $5 for some fried mushrooms. It did feel right, though, to finish the weekend by looking at all of the pictures of all of the astronaut crews, and while I don't cry at movies much, I do still tear up at their Imax film, To Be an Astronaut. I skipped the tram tour of the real Space Center, having seen it all and being short on time. If you're in the area and have some spare $$$, it's probably worth seeing. Once.

The trip to the airport was smooth; the plane home was more crowded so I ended up sitting beside a small but imperious lady of 19 months and her mother. Happy and secure children are promiscuous with their touch; she had no problem leaning on me, standing up in her seat to flirt with the man behind us, and grabbing at my book. I averted one tantrum by letting her play with my tape measure - it retracts! (But it's plastic, not metal, and with no sharp edges.) That kept her busy for some time. She liked me; she even kissed my cheek once, and softly touched my chin a few times. (See "promiscuous" above. It's tricky for an adult; I could put an arm around my friends' six-year-old when she leaned on me, even though I hadn't met her before either, but of course I didn't want to reach out to touch a stranger's child.) Her mother was doing her best to get the girl to wear her seat belt when necessary, and there were a few crying jags due to overtiredness, and of course it's impossible to reason with a less-than-two-old about why she should sit still during takeoff, or eat her own crackers and not everyone else's, or not rest her feet on a stranger. But she was very cute, and reasonably well-behaved for someone entering her terrible twos. She entirely charmed the man behind me.

And then, I got to come home to Rudder. SO all in all, it was a weekend full of high points.

Posted by dichroic at 03:11 PM | Comments (2)

April 29, 2005

the hard parts

I believe I'm ready for my reunion this weekend. I have my plane, hotel, and rental car reserved. I've chosen an outfit and packed all my clothes. I've talked to my old rowing club to see if I might be able to get in a boat. (Verdict: likely not, but I'll drop by anyhow.) Last thing this morning set up a photo album on the iPod with a selection of photos of Rudder, of our house here and of the desert around, of our Antarctica trip (I've had included photos from other trips but didn't have them loaded on the Mac) and some shots of people I hope to see this weekend.

Oddly enough, the hard part was figuring out how to get to the airport parking from work. I'm probably not more than a couple miles from it - our campus sits right next to the airport fence, with a runway on the other side - but the roads around the airport are tangled spaghetti and the parking lot arnd roads near it aren't shown on any maps I could find. Of course, I can get there by going far enough away to get on my usual route to the airport, but it will be rush hour so I'd rather avoid freeways.

Funny how often the easy parts turn out to be the hard parts.

Posted by dichroic at 10:40 AM

April 25, 2005

weekend recap

Saturday was exhausting, though successful. The inaugural Arizona State Junior Championship Regatta, for which Rudder did a good share of the planning, went as smoothly as I've ever seen a regatta go. (Quite likely because Rudder did a large share of the planning. He's good at it.) She-Hulk and I and another experienced female rower ran the docks and, if I may say so, did it well and smoothly. A certain amount of chaos is inevitable when you have boats going in and out and a lot of coxswains who are not used to launching from and returning to a dock (because we usually launch from a beach, and Arizona State rowing is very nearly synonymous with rowing on this particular lake - the one fledgling club from elsewhere didn't compete this year). There were no accidents, every crew got off the dock quickly as requested, coaches were cooperative, and there was very little yelling compared to what's happened at previous regattas here. The one guy who has dockmastered every other regatta here was not able to do it this year for political reasons that were entirely not his fault - but he does the job with considerably more bluster than we managed. As far as I could tell, not only was everything smoother but a lot fewer feelings were hurt this year.

In addition to being out in the sun from 6 to noon on a hot day telling people where to go and what to do, we had to pull in every incoming boat and push off every outcoming one, both to expedite things and because of people not being used to docks. We also had to do safety checks on all boats. By the time I got home around 1PM, I was exhausted.

I'd made the chicken soup and the dough for the matzo balls on Friday night, and had done most of the cleaning. Saturday afternoon's itinerary was to make the torte, form and boil the matzo balls, make the asparagus and the Potatoes Anna, set the table, open the wine, and put out the matzah (with horseradish and honey to suit all tastes). By the time dinner was over I was exhausted.

It was a good evening, though. Dr. Bosun brought a salad as well as homemade applesauce, from her home-grown apples. (I didn't even know apples could be grown here.) She-Hulk brought pretty flowers. The Old Salt and the Mobile Monet brought one of the latter's paintings, a waterscape from Lake Tahoe, for which I'll have to find a place of honor. There's nothing nicer than being given something beautiful the giver has made, and I want to be able to see this. (There is a piece of calligraphy done by Mechaieh sitting in a lucite frame on a bookcase in my office, where I see it right when I walk in. It helps to know I'll see at least one good thing each morning.)

I spent most of yesterday recovering, except for the part I spent erging 10 km. At least the erg piece helped with the ache in my back, as did the application of heat afterward. I was expecting to be up a little late flying, but it was just too windy for that - still, I was sore and tired enough this morning to be glad to have an excuse not to work out.

Also, since I don't think many people read it, I should note here that I've posted my Pasadic apple crisp recipe, or rather my Pasadic variations on Mris's pear crisp, in my LiveJournal.

Posted by dichroic at 01:56 PM | Comments (2)

April 20, 2005

motivation issues

I just haven't been in a productive mood, workwise. That needs to change.

Or maybe it's a hibernation thing. It's been so cold in the office I brought in my Clapotis, because it's big enough to be either a scarf or lap blanket.

I'm flying again tonight; since it's cooled down a little and the front came in yesterday, I might be lucky enough to have not a lot of wind or thermals. Meanwhile, I need to up my mileage on the erg and in the boat for a variety of reasons. First, this IFR is taking longer than I thought. I don't need to learn much more but it'll still be a while because I need to log 50 cross-country hours before I can take the test. Second, my weight this morning was the highest it's ever been, ever, though I think I've gotten the flab down a little in the last couple of weeks. Third, the Oldtimer is giving me crap. He's hot on my heels on the Concept II log page for our group, and it he passes me it would be a severe loss of face for me. I have my reputation to maintain, y'know.

Plus, it looks like I may be racing in the Gold Rush (on the theory that I'll be there so might as well) so it's a good time to do a little more aerobic work. It's one of those things: I'll regret it if I do race (at least, right before the race I will!) but I'll probably regret it more if I don't. And if I don't do as well as I'd like there's always the "sorry, not in training!" hedge to console myself.

Posted by dichroic at 01:55 PM

April 18, 2005

journalcon research

In case anyone cares, I've just called the Westin San Diego: JournalCon rates are not posted yet - the contract is still in progress. Regular rates are $50 more ($30 more with AAA discount) so con rates are worth waiting for.

I pointed out to Rudder the guilt-trippy position he'd put me in and as expected he said I had to make the decision on its own merits. Also, there will quite likely be other rowers going to Boston he could hang with.

Posted by dichroic at 04:18 PM

the Dichroic fashion report

I don't case what the Manolo says: this is not a good year for shoes. I've been looking to replace a pair of dressy black shoes (for the crime of being uncomfortable) and a pair of tan mules (love them, but they're looking very worn). Both pairs have to be wearable without socks or stockings; even in offices much more formal than mine, most women just don't wear stockings in Arizona, especially in the warmer half of the year. (I do wear tights in winter.) I haven't been able to find anything I like. The best candidates have been merely OK, and I can't throw out a pair of shoes I love for a pair for which I have lukewarm feelings. (In the case of the black shoes, I don't love the originals but I can get by with plain black slides for most instances of that wardrobe niche.) I did find a perfect pair of black shoes with an ankle strap, round toe and kitten heel, but I've returned them because (unlike most shoes from Kenneth Cole Reaction, they had no padding underfoot and the toe part cut into my feet.

The majority of the shoes I've seen are either ugly or uncomfortable. Of course, that's true every year, but there are usually more exceptions to the general rule. One issue is that to many shoes I've tried on have long, pointy toes that add an inch or two to my feet. This is not a good look. I wear size eights, for cats' sake. That's not unusually large, until you factor in that I'm only about 5'2". In other words I'm this short because too much of me was turned up for feet. They really don't need shoes that make them look even longer.

The one style of shoes I do like this year are the ballet flats, especially the ones with the sparkly bits on them. I like sparkly bits. The only problem with the latter is that a lot of them appear to be made to the cheapest standards, i.e. those not incorporating comfort. The ones I've tried on were scratchy and unforgiving; I'm sure there are better-made ones, but I'm also sure those will cost far more than I want to spend for shoes that will last six months and would in any case be way out of style in a year. (I did buy a pair of sparkly flat mules on eBay for $13. For that price I can risk discomfort, though they may still prove unwearable.) The plain ballet slippers do look comfortable, but I already have black flats, and I wouldn't get enough wear out of red or pink or mint-green ones.

What this is a good year for, is skirts. I love wearing skirts that billow out as I twirl and this is the year for it - ethnic printed dirndls and boho skirts with gathers and just-below-the knee skirts with lots of gussets. They're not too long, either; I actually love ankle-length wide flowing skirts but I have to concede mid-calf ones probably look better on me from a proportion standpoint. Therefore, I've concluded to hold off on the shoes as long as possible and to stop up on hippie skirts so I don't kick myself in two years when I can't find any. I've been told I have a hippie-ish style (by someone who still has Eighties big hair, that was) and accused, less recently, of having "granola" tattooed on my forehead. It's not really true; what my style is, is eclectic, meaning I don't really have one. Still, these skirts feel just right to me. The first ones I saw were far too expensive, the downside of them being in fashion, but now I'm seeing cheaper versions.

I actually started with the belly-dance-ish outfit at the Ren Faire - I figured I could always use a wide black skirt, but didn't realize at the time that the wonderfully full raw silk skirt I got would actually be in fashion for summer. (The coin belt and midriff top may get considerably less wear.) Since then I've succumbed to a khaki skirt that's narrow at the top but that has all kinds of gussets and inserts to flare it wide at the bottom, an apricot ethnic-printed (Moorish, sort of) skirt I can wear with plain brown or black tops, and a turquoise peasant skirt.

I'll probably wear that last at my Houston reunion, with a turquoise-trimmed black tank that has a design on the front that reminds me of something you'd see at a Grateful Dead concert, or on the wall in one of the druggier off-campus student houses in my college days. And it has sparkly bits on it. Did I mention I like sparkly bits? Anyway, it shows off my shoulders and it hides the jigglier results of not being in training, while showing off enough leg to prove I haven't been out of training for too long. And it's comfortable, it's cotton so it won't stick to me in Houston humidity, it's washable and not too binding to play volleyball if I want to but dressy enough to give me an excuse if I don't, and I can wear it with flip-flops (Teva ones with extra straps, so I could play v-ball in them if necessary) to dress it down a bit. And then I can come back to work and wear it with a black shell and blazer. It will be good.

Posted by dichroic at 01:47 PM

April 15, 2005

rowing flying sleeping

One other issue with JournalCon: when I mentioned it to Rudder last night, he said that if I don't go to Boston, he probably won't either, because it wouldn't be any fun without me. This is sweet, but guilt-inducing. I pointed out that he probably wouldn't want to go to the con; he agreed but said he'd rather stay home alone than go to Boston.

I don't believe he's trying to guilt-trip me; he generally just doesn't play that game. Still, it's having that effect, even though I've gone with him twice now. (Though he went with me once when I was racing and he wasn't, and last year we both competed.) I don't know. He may actually be looking for reasons not to go. It's a bit of a trap: if you do well enough to get an automatic in for the next year, it's prestigious enough that you feel sort of obligated to go and it can be hard to escape. There are quite a few other races near that time too, on other weekends: Newport, Marina del Rey, Austin, Atlanta, and of course the marathon in Louisiana. The sensible thing is probably to take what he says at face value and make my decision based on what I want to do. I'm not good at being sensible that way.

Flying last night went well. I was afraid it wouldn't because I was tired after work and it's a longer drive to the new flight school. But it was a nice night, and I had an instructor I like. We did a DME arc and two ILS landings (if you don't know what those are just nod and smile and move on). After we landed in the warm twilight and logged the flight, the night was so nice that I decided to put the top down for the drive home. Oops. There are diary farms near the airport. Note to self: in future keep car as sealed as possible when in proximity to large numbers of livestock.

This morning I skipped the workout, because tomorrow's video/coaching session will being me to 5 workouts for this week. Instead I stayed in bed until 6. It was wonderful. Tomorrow I may get to sleep until all of 6:30!

Posted by dichroic at 02:03 PM

April 12, 2005


Some days I feel like a Who, as in "Horton hears a..." I seem to spend an inordinate amount of my time reminding people that I'm here - I and others like me.

The most recent thing to spur a reaction was someone who wrote a sentence beginning with "All Jewish women..." and ending with something that I not only wouldn't do but couldn't. ("All Jewish women take on their husbands' minhag" (family ritual customs) - a bit impractical for a woman who has married a man who's not Jewish.) It's not only religion, though - far from it. There have been people who unthinkingly assumed that because I seemed like a nice, reasonably normal person I must be Christian, but there have also been people who designed rock climbing walls that only worked for tall people, or who designed engineering processes that failed to consider software engineers, who only considered male points of view, or who commented that Americans (implying "all Americans") are fat and lazy, despite actually living in the US and seeing plenty of people who were neither on a daily basis. (This was someone who came from a country - Zaire - where fat people were rare enough when he lived there that it could be assumed almost anyone who carried extra weight was rich and didn't do physical labor.)

In each of these cases I feel like I'm jumping up and down yelling, "I am here, I am here, I am here, I am here!" I'm short, Jewish, female, nonobservant, a software engineer (or I was), and an American who reads, doesn't watch much TV, and whose besetting sin isn't gluttony (much). And I'm not the only one. I'm beginning to dislike words like all and every and to have a kneejerk assumption that tolerance is alway good. Of course it's not ("Oh, the Nazis have overrun Poland? Oh, well, it's just their little way, and they're not bothering us any"), because kneejerk reactors run exactly the risk of doing what I'm complaining about and assuming every situation is the same.

What I really need, I think, is a little guy riding on my shoulder yelling, "Yop!" at intervals.

Posted by dichroic at 01:16 PM | Comments (4)

won't it be a jubilee?

I'm getting very psyched for this Houston reunion, as I see the names coming in on the reply list. The guy whose boat I first water-skiied behind will be there. My old lead who used to draw us system diagrams that inevitable ended up looking like a plate of pasta, and who used to organize all the Hawaiian-shirt Days, will be there. The guy who limited himself to spending $200 at the local RenFaire will be there (a man after my own shopping heart). The guy who once tried to tie my toes in knots (at a party, not at work) will be there. My old boss that the song "Big Boss Man" always reminds me of will be there (he was a good guy, actually, but ..."he ain't so big... he just tall, that's just about all"). The guy who heard that a co-worker had been born in 1968 and said, "That's the year I lost my virginity!" wil be there. The guy I taught to use a mouse, back when it was something not everyone could do, will be there. The guy who used to have a block of ice with a channel carved into it at his parties, to drink shots from, will be there. The guy who looks like Tom Petty will be there. The HR woman who hired me into my very first real job will be there. A whole bunch of people with thick Texas drawls and deep Texas roots will be there, the sort who could be characters in a novel by Sean Stewart, and I'll have to adjust my own speech so they don't all tell me to slow down. (It was never the Texans who bothered me: true Texans may be conservative, but it's in the traditional sense and they tend to have a live and let live attitude. It was all the Bible-belters who moved in from elsewhere and wanted us all to be pod people that annoyed me, including the one who was elected governor after Ann Richards.) And all the good ones will probably have a few beers, tell stories, and either stay all night or move it off to a bar by the water. I love bars on the water. Can't wait.

Posted by dichroic at 10:48 AM

April 11, 2005

where to go, where to go

Yikes. Looks like I have a tough decision to make around the third weekend in October: Boston for the Head of the Charles, or San Diego for Journalcon?

Rudder's pretty definitely competing in the HoCR again, but I don't know if I would be and likely wouldn't be asked until much closer to the regatta. Last year's crew were pretty happy with me (she said, smugly) but a couple of them have moved since then and wouldn't be rowing with the same club anyhow. And of course if anyone asked me to cox and I had decided to go to Journalcon, I could always say no. Anyone going to either Boston or San Diego that week, please weigh in.

Posted by dichroic at 03:43 PM | Comments (3)


No luck on finding the Fabulous Outfit, thought I did get to do some shopping this weekend. I saw some very cool peasant skirts and a tube top I liked, but price convinced me not to buy. ($44 for a smocked tube top?? $98 and up for skirts with raw edges? Yikes.) I did end up buying a skirt and shoes from Nordstrom online, because I couldn't resist the skirt even though it won't be delivered until July and because the shoes will replace a pair that's too uncomfortable. I'm too old to wear uncomfortable shoes. Everyone's too old to wear uncomfortable shoes, in my opinion.

I do have things I can wear for my reunion in three weeks, so that's not a dire situation, but I have a couple other shoe issues - worn-out ones I like and wear a lot that I haven't been able to replace. I have very specific niches in my shoe wardrobe; these are "low-to-medium heeled comfy but not too casual shoes that can be worn to work and that don't require socks." one pair in black and one in tan. The niches are currently filled by a pair of black slides and another of tan mules, but both are looking a little ragged. The tan ones are especially worn, and for some clothing the black or dark brown shoes that are most of what I own are just too severe.

My other current problem is Passover dinner, what to make for. There will be matzo ball soup, of course, and a deep-fried turkey. Conveniently, peanut oil is even kosher for Passover, not that any of my guests would care. (One guest is even Jewish. I think two Jews - him and me - is a record high nmumber for my "seders".) Bread, of course, will be matzah. Now I just need a salad, a couple of side dishes, and a dessert. Currently under consideration for the latter three are asparagus, scalloped potatoes (the milk in which is even permissable since we're having poultry instead of beef) and my Pasadic chocolate torte, which uses ground almonds instead of flour.

Yes, my biggest problems are shoes (of which I have a rackful already) and what to serve guests for dinner. And also split ends, as usual. We should all have (only) such small problems.

Posted by dichroic at 02:12 PM | Comments (2)

April 08, 2005


I think writers should have an idea bank, to which people could donate ideas for stories or essays. That way, no one would ever have to answer the question "Where do you get your ideas?" over and over, because the answer would be, "From the bank, if I run out of my own ideas." More importantly, I could have the pleasure of reading the story of the linguistics proessor who had a stroke, or the one about the Confederate reenactor who slipped back to the real battle, or the essay comparing Franklin's autobiography to Asimov's, without the bother of thinking them out myself.

If there are natural-born storytellers, I think I'm a natural-born audience member. Whatever you call the people who sit at the griot's feet, that's me. Not that I don't like to hold forth, but my proper place is on a soapbox or in a conversation, not in front of the fire when dinner's over and the tales are being told.

That's not a complaint, there - storytellers need audiences, writers need readers as much as readers need writers. There are just a coupl eof stories I want told so I can find out what happens next.

Posted by dichroic at 10:09 AM | Comments (1)

April 07, 2005


I have two sets of questions to answer, because other people were kind enough to give me things to think about instead of making me do it myself:

Interview meme:
1. Leave me a comment saying “interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions here. They will be different questions than the ones below.
3. You will update YOUR blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions

From Natalie:
1. What's your favorite yarn to work with?
I'm neither that picky nor all that experienced, so I'd sjut say a nice soft good-wool worsted weight. Two of those I've liked were Lorna's Laces Shepherd and Manos del Uruguay.
2. If you could go to any time and place, where would you go?
Depends: do I get to come back> If not, then it has to be either now or in the future, because I'm not giving up modern medicine. To visit, Samuel Johnson's London, ancient Ireland, or Britain after the Romans left and the Saxons had recovered a bit, but pre-Conquest. Actually, make that at the time of the historical Arthur (Artoris) so I can see what bits were based on fact. Also, Philadelphia at the time of the Declaration of Independence.
3. If you could only have one book to read for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I think I'd have to kill myself. No, wait - unless it was The Neverending Story - not the real book, but the story in the book that was literally Neverending.
4. Have you ever broken any bones? If so, which ones and how?
No. Not yet, anyway.
5. Styrofoam peanuts: irredeemably evil or a necessary evil?
Well, Styrofoam is recyclable, so not irredeemably evil. But I see no reason not to use air-popped popcorn instead.

From Brooke:
1. How did you get involved with rowing and what exactly is it? (I’m picturing rowboats like Kermit the Frog used to woo Ms. Piggy, and I know it has to be more high-tech than that.)
Think Olympic rowing. There's a picture of me and Rudder at here in singles. How I got into it: I had been playing Ultimate Frisbee a couple of times a week, starting November after I moved to Houston (1989). I met Rudder in March of 1990. By June 1990 it was getting too hot for me when we played in the evenings. (Ultimate involves a lot of running - think rubgy without the violence.) Rudder had rowed for a semester in college, wanted to get back into it, and had found the then=fledgeling Bay Area Rowing Club. (That's Galveston Bay, not San Francisco Bay.) He began rowing with them and talked me into taking a class, saying, "If you don't like it, you can always quit." Famous last words.

2. If you had to select one of your many interests and pursue it exclusively until you became and expert, which would you choose and why?
I'd read (actually, I think I already *am* expert there). Rowing and flying and knitting and beading, climbing and hiking and weight-lifting and so on all amuse or improve me, but I can do without any of them if I have to. Also, rowing is the longest-lasting of those and I've been doing it for fifteen years. I've been reading for thirty-five. It's sort of a habit by now.

3. How do you decide if you like a book? Is character development more important than plot? Do you like detailed descriptions or do you prefer writers who get down to the point? Do you always finish books or do you put them down if they annoy you?
No fair, that's three questions. a) If it's wonderful, I can tell because I want to reread it immediately or at least soon. (I thought I'd want to reread LoTR right away, but I seem to still be digesting it - in a sense I'm not done with the first rereading. Also, it's a big committment and sometimes no matter how wonderful, you just want a one-night-stand, bookwise.) b) Yes. I mean, my favorites range pretty widely. L.M. Montgomery, who is prone to descriptions of pearly skies over brooding lavender bays in twilight. Robert Heinlein does much less description except where necessary to the plot. Jane Austen described inner landscapes more than outer ones. Terry Pratchett doesn't do much describing at all, that I can think of.

4. With an unlimited amount of money, what are the first five things you would purchase for yourself? Who are the first five people you would buy gifts for and what would they be? Would you quit your job?
Oh, man. I think I wouldn't do much at all before I'd spent a lot of time thinking, because it would be so much fun deciding. I'd buy houses, more than one for me and wherever they wanted for my family and Rudder's - our parents, his gradparents, our brothers, and my uncle. There probably wouldn't be big initial gifts other than for family, though I'm sure over time we'd end up doing things like funding trips with friends. I'd buy plane tickets, or maybe part of a plane through one of those sharing services, so I could travel when and where I wanted instead of where the airlines went. I'd buy tuition, because I'd quit my job and go back to school for something like linguistics, cognitive science or folklore.

5. What is one thing new people knew about you before they met you? Do you think it’s easier to meet someone you’ve “known” online?
How would they know anything before they met me? If you mean meeting people in the flesh that I've known online, or meeting people that have heard about me from others, I think the two things that usually get conveyed are "small and smart" - more the latter for online people. It's not that I'm a genius, but that I'm smart in a verbal kind of way, so it tends to be more obvious than for someone whose smarts are more mathematical or theoretical, where you might not spot them on at first meeting. I don't know about "easier", meeting people that I've known online: I don't find meeting people especially difficult. What I would say is that when I meet someone in person I've known online, we're not strangers meeting for the first time. In some cases, we know each other better than we would if we had only met in person.

In a completely irrelevant topic, I did get in a spot of mall-shopping last night while Rudder had his meeting. It turns out that Land's End is not only no longer making the Perfect Work Pants (nonwrinkling, streatch twill, nice hand, right length, low-waisted enough for comfort, flat front, slight boot leg) but the new version that looks similar is not nearly as nice a fabric. Glad I checked then out at Sears instead of ordering). I used to be able to trust Land's End and L.L. Bean to keep putting out the same styles year after year, but aside from a few trademark items, they seem to be changing as fast as anyone else these days. I suppose that's not all bad; if they didn't change I'd never have gotten the Perfect Work Pants at all.

After being disappointed there I went to the Gap, where I ended up with another pair of khakis (similar to the other Perfect Work Pants, a pair of khakis I got there a year or so ago - I wish they'd had them in more colors, but khakis are always good for work), a low-waisted flared skirt in cotton sheeting also in a khaki color, very comfortable, and a pair of capris in a dark cadet blue. I bought the latter two a size up, partly because I like things a little loose and comfortable and partly because I didn't see my size there, but that turned out to be a mistake in the case of the capris. I'm wearing them today (with a black T and blazer). I couldn't really have gone smaller because there's no extra room in the legs (it's mostly muscle, I swear!) but I hadn't really thought about the combo of room in the hips and waist with the low waist in this style. I have to hitch them up when I stand up. And I checked - I can actually get these off without unzipping the fly. Oops. I think what I may have here are Fat Pants.

I barely managed to resist buying another skirt, in a very lightweight lilac cotton (muslin, maybe? I'm not good with fabrics) with a magenta satiny underlayer. It was so pretty, and fit well, but wrinkled quite a bit when I crushed a handful, and I couldn't walk in it wihtout having it cling to my legs. I can see the wrinkling; it's not unreasonable to expect people to iron their clothing (not me, but some people) and I might have considered it if that were the only issue. But the cling?There is such a thing as static spray but it's not foolproof. Don't these people test their clothing designs on actual people?

Posted by dichroic at 01:25 PM

April 06, 2005


I am very much looking forward to going to Houston in three weeks. I can't tell you how odd it feels to type that, mostly because I hated living there and was glad to escape ten years ago. I quite liked some of the people I met there, though, and I haven't kept in touch with many of them - a few rowers, our friend B, and of course Rudder (with whom I've kept in touch in a most literal sense). My old company has completed or lost most of its NASA contracts and before folding up shop and stealing away, they're having a reunion for all of the people who have worked there over the years and the various incarnations of the company. (It was owned by four different large aerospace companies during the 7 years I worked there, and there were a few more before that.)

My current boss was bemused by the idea of a company reunion; he said, "It must be some company." I don't think it is really anything special; I think one main reason people want to meet up is because there was so much socializing there after hours from the company. I don't know if that's a particular company thing or a Texas thing. We had Happy Hours every month. (Note to party planners: you set this up by calling a bar and telling them you want to have a Happy Hour there and expect X people to show up. They usually provide a roped-off area or reserved tables, free appetizers, and drink specials, at no cost to you. At least in southeast Houston they do. Then you make sure X people actually show up so the bar will like you and want to work with you again.)

I haven't seen most of these people since I moved away in December, 1995. The reunions planners decided to use eVite to track attendees, luckily for me, because it's been great fun to see the names of people responding. As I read the names, faces I haven't thought of in a decade, and some I have, keep popping up in my mind's eye. I wonder who I'll recognize when I get there: who went bald or got tattooed, gained or lost weight or dyed their hair, who has gotten married or divorced or changed fields or had kids. This will be fun. (And if not, it's Texas, so there will be plenty of beer.)

Some of you will be realizing the great problem this all poses, however - more than one, really, but one that I can do something about. (The issue of how to look good in all the photos is probably insuperable. I don't think I'm bad-looking at all, but I mostly don't photograph well. Any photos you see here have generally been culled from a herd of much worse ones.) The big problem, though, is of course what to wear. First and foremost, it need to look fabulous without looking like I've tried too hard. It needs to be casual enough for Houston, comfortable and lightweight in the muggy heat, and forgiving enough to play volleyball if someone starts a game and I get dragged into it. (I'm not crazy about v-ball, but that never seems to matter. Then again, maybe wearing a dress would be a good excuse not to play?) Also, it needs to make it clear that I am no broader in the beam than I was a decade ago (or not much), and if it highlights the added muscle without spotlighting the flab I've added this non-competing season that would be good too. It doesn't have to be extremely professional, since this is not a current work group or in my current city, but sleazy is never a good look either. (Well, not at my age/shape.) Oh, and again, Clear Lake (in southeast Houston) is a very casual area. You might see some big hair, but most people will probably be wearing shorts. I suppose I could try some of the Bermuda shorts that are supposed to be in this season, but I have a hunch they're among the many styles that don't have quite the intended long and lean effect on someone my height.

I'm going shopping this weekend, and maybe tonight. (Rudder has a regatta meeting this evening.) I plan to cruise the mall with the word "fabulous" firmly in mind.

Posted by dichroic at 04:05 PM | Comments (2)

April 05, 2005

stream of consciousness splutterings

How did it get to be so late? The felted bag looks a little less like cat puke now it's drier, but still .... in future I think I need to felt only a) single-colored yarn 2) yarn with harmonizing (not contrasting) shades 3) yarn in shades that would look OK blended (i.e. not a problem if black and white blend to gray). I can't wait to go to Houston! And that's something I never thought I'd write. I need to write here about the reunion I'm going back for. I also need to write someone about the great magazine article I just read in More - it was about how unfair it is that current books about raising teenage girls seem to alternately demonize and canonize them, instead of admitting they may just be human like the rest of us. And who knew I'd enjoy a magazine aimed at women over 40 so much? I read it at the chiropractor's office and he let me take it home. I guess there's not a whole lot of difference in interests between 38 and 40-year-olds. Big shock there. It's been a very short day since I spent the morning offsite in training and forget to wear a watch so haven't really been tracking my afternoon. Stupid Land's End made a pair of perfect pants for me and now before I got around to buying them in every color has stopped making them. I need to go this weekend and see if the style that looks similar really is. (It's convenient having them at Sears so I can try things on.) I also need to see if I can buy something to make me look fabulous for the above-mentioned reunion (that I still really need to write about). Maybe a new face would help. Preferably a more photogenic one. Gosh, it's late. Need to get a little more work done today.

And as of tomorrow the boss is out for 3 weeks!

Posted by dichroic at 05:27 PM | Comments (1)

April 04, 2005

good times in San Diego

They Might Be Giants make particularly pernicious earworms. Anyone who has read Mercedes Lackey's SERRAted Edge books (the ones with Tannim the mage) may recall why they are particularly dangerous (or useful, depending on your perspective).

The weekend in San Diego was all right. Rudder's team came in fourth in their heat, which put them in the Petit Finals where they came in fourth again. Not too bad for a scratch team with two experienced very rowers, a few other Masters rowers, three ASU guys and two juniors. The weather was pleasant and so were the people I got to hang out with. (None of the ones I was glad to avoid when I left their respective programs was there, except the coaches. Coach DI is perfectly pleasant as long as he's not my coach anyway, and in fact I think he has mellowed a bit. He still can't organize worth a crap, but the parents in his juniors program generally take care of that and I think he's gotten a lot better at dealing with his rowers since his early coaching days. Yosemite Sam, on the other hand, was nice enough but appears to have morphed into the I-ching of rowing. Before each event he would given his rowers vague oracular pronouncements that made little or no sense and weren't particularly inspiring. At one point he told an outgoing cox to "paint a good picture". I knew what he meant - he claims a coxswain's job is to "paint a picture" for her rowers of where they are in relation to the course and the competitors - but I'm not at all sure she did.

Anyway, it was a pleasant weekend. It's odd to just show up to row with boats and everything all taken care of instead of having to do it all ourselves. I finished knitting the bag I was working on. We got home relatively early, so I took a stab at hand-felting it. It's nowhere near as dense as I'd like so I'll throw it in the washer next. I also started on some socks with actual sock yarn and size 2 needles, aka string and toothpicks. Tonight it will be time for laundry and all of the other minutiae of daily life, including the good bits about life with Rudder and the less good bits about stepping up my workouts.

Posted by dichroic at 01:28 PM | Comments (3)

April 01, 2005

if you were wondering

Later note: The review went reasonably well. I am a "valued contributor", as opposed to "needs improvement" or "promotable", which isn't bad given that I've only been in this job for six months and am still learning. And I even get a tiny raise, despite having gotten a big one when I got this job. Woohoo!

Posted by dichroic at 02:49 PM


Arg. Just asked by the boss to prepare a complex report for the uberboss.... by Monday. I don't think he realizes how much work these entail. I keep trying to tell him, but it's not penetrating the Don't Want to Hear it field bosses tend to have. He doesn't quite wave his hand and say, "Bah!", but close.

Unfortunately I can't work on it this weekend unless I take my laptop to a San Diego beach, which doesn't sound particularly good for the laptop.

And since I have an annual review meeting this afternoon, I suppose I'd best get back to it.

Posted by dichroic at 12:24 PM

March 31, 2005

Debrief. Unpack. Repack.

It's been a while since I did a real update here. Let's see:

Last Friday I went to the gym, went flying, and then got to hang out with Egret and chicks. They were a little shy of me, since we haven't seen each other in a couple of months, but eventually made friends, and we had a good time until I was about to walk out the door. I was saying goodbye to Egret and T2, took a step back to open the door, and tripped over the boy, who had quietly come up and laid down right behind my feet. I didn't fall entirely on him, but stmbled a couple of steps before I could get away and off him. I'm not at all sure I didn't step on a hand or foot. He was screaming, of course, and I still feel bad, though Egret and T2 have assured me they've done the same thing several times when he's snuck up behind - of course he's still got that baby assurance that everyone knows where he is and what he's doing and will always catch him if he dives or avoid stepping on him. On a good note, I told Egret about baby sign a while ago and she's been using it and says it's really helped. She uses Ameslan with a few signs they've adapted themselves because it worked better for them than Baby Sign.

That evening we went out to a local seafood place that's entirely underground. Dinner was nothing spectacular, but afterwards, I decided to try some single-malt Scotch. I've always figured it would be something I'd like, but had never gotten into it. With vague memories of Iain Banks' Raw Spirit (Thanks, Mechaieh!) I decided, instead of trying something more approachable like Glenlivent, to dive straight into the peats of Islay, with a glass of Laphroig. *cough* I'm not good at identifying subtle flavors in wines and liquors (hmmm.... an oaky nose with hints of cedar, vanilla topnotes, with a finish redolent of varnish and elderberries). After my eyes stoped watering, though, I noticed three flavors in each sip: an initial hint of chocolate (and here I'd thought Banks was halucinating when he mentioned chocolate flavors in Scotch), followed by fire down the throat, and finishing with smoky peat. I'll do it again, but I'm fairly sure Rudder won't be ordering Scotch any time soon. Or at least not Laphroig.

Saturday was rowing and food shopping. On Sunday I finally got to fly a short cross-country. However, because the GPS database in the place wasn't up-to-date, we couldn't fly the IFR I'd originally planned and ended up flying a shorter VFR X-C, to an airfield just north of Tucson where a lot of retired commercial planes line both side of the field. It was fun, but I was so disgusted with the plane situation, and even more with the fact that they currently have NO aircraft with updated databases, that we went to breakfast at the next-closest local airport and I signed up with the FBO Rudder flies with. (It's the same one I got my private ticket at, though under new management.) My CFI, whom I like very much, was also infuriated and promised to go head-to-head with the management about the unacceptable situation. I really don't want to fly there at all anymore, but if he does that I may split my time, flying at the closer place on weekdays after work and doing my cross-countries on weekenda at the other FBO.
[Glossary: VFR: visual flying rules, i.e. I get to look out the window. IFR: Instrument flying rules, flying totally by instrument. CFI: certified flight instructor. Private ticket: private pilot VFR rating. FBO: Fixed-base operator, i.e. flying school and airplane rental business.]

After that we went to She-Hulk's for Easter dinner, which was delicious, and had a good time swapping stories with some of her geriatric neighbors. Funny old guys. So I got to row, fly and socialize with friends including babies and old people. A good weekend.

On Monday afternoon, the boss, two other coworkers and I flew out to Seattle. Monday night, I was lucky enough to meet up with two other members of my L.M. Montgomery list - we weren't sure if one could make it because she has a baby and a toddler, but luckily her husband was able to watch the kids and she drove all the way across town to my hotel. The other one was able to make it despite having had her car broken into the day before (and her dog in the back seat objecting to the plastic now coverig a window), and we had an excellent seafood dinner served by a very funny (and good) waitress. After that we went to JoAnn's across the street, because two of us sewed and two knit, though we didn't end up buying much. (The yarn was pretty much the same as at my local Michael's.)

On Tuesday after a day of useful benchmarking meetings, the company we were visiting took us to tour their factory - very cool_ and then for an even better seafood dinner (the SeaStar in Bellevue, WA - yum). One of the memorable parts was a woman at a table near us with a fox stole around her neck, complete with head and paws. Not the thing to wear in front of a tableful of engineers; we're not known for fashion, which makes it easier to notice when it's getting silly. (Also, the guys thought it was funny that she was wearing the stole with jeans, and I thought it was funny that the elegant upsweeping she was attempting to set off the fox was actually just help with a cheap plastic clip instead of being anything requiring actual effort or skill or or even anything prettier.)

After another day of meetings, we got to tour the distribution center, which was far more interesting than you'd expect a warehouse to be. (I kept picturing he whole thing as Santa's warehouse and envisioning all the people riding around on three-wheelers or forklifts in little elf suits.) The flight back was all right, though I was a little tense after hearing the conversation of the couple next to me: "I took Dramamine so I don't think I'll throw up." Thankfully, she didn't. The only bad part was the freeway going home. Three lanes were closed and the fourth was crawling so I had to take surface streets and got home a little later than I'd hoped, so I slept in a little and skipped the gym this morning. Oh well.

Plan for tonight: Unpack. Repack for this weekend's regatta trip.

Posted by dichroic at 02:02 PM | Comments (4)

March 29, 2005

caught between the horns

I was going to start an entry about how spoiled I really am ... we were just treated to dinner by the company we came to visit at Seastar, in Bellevue WA. The food was incredible, the place was beautiful, the company was amusing and we even got to laugh at a woman in a fox stole (head and all). And it wasn't even the best restaurant I've been to this year. (That would be Kai, at Wild Horse Pass Resort in Chandler, AZ. It's too close to bedtime to look up links, sorry.) Today was interesting; tomorrow may be less so but shouldn't be awful, and I get to sleep with Rudder at the end of it. Last night, I had a great time meeting two list-friends and enjoying some excellent salmon.

On the other hand, the world seems to be falling apart for a few too many people I care about. A member on a list I have moderated for years has died. Another has lost her daughter to cancer, far too young. Outfoxed's business is in trouble, and it's more a part of him than a job. Jenn is still hurting, when circumstances bring pain to the surface. There's earthquakes in Indonesia an as always there's starvation and violence and sorrow around the world. It's hard to be happy for me and sad for others without feeling heartless and spoiled and without having the grief seem too pale and thin to be real.

To bed. I'm babbling. And on the other hand, Jen is home and is a mom. There's bliss in the world too. It's a funny world, isn't it?

Posted by dichroic at 11:30 PM

March 28, 2005

Northwest Passage

I'm heading off to Seattle this afternoon. I think I'm set: I've printed out my boarding pass, charged my phone (and packed the charger), and checked that my boss will be leaving on time, unlike a previous boss who once missed a plane through sheer cockiness. (I wouldn't have minded, but he ended up in Cinncinati instead of Cleveland where I was and where we were supposed to be - and he had the rental car info and we still had to drive to Pittsburgh that night.) I've forgotten my umbrella but have packed a Goretex jacket, so I should be all right. And you can tell where I prioritize work via relaxation during travel: I have packed one knitting project (after much deliberation I packed a larger project on plastic needles instead of a portable sock on sharp metal needles) and about three books and a magazine. I do hope I don't end up sitting next to the boss because I intend to knit and read In Style on the plane and not pull out my laptop.

Actually, I packed four books, but I've brought Anne's House of Dreams not to read but to carry so friends from my L.M. Montgomery list can recognize me in my hotel lobby tonight. I've got said friend's number programmed into my cell phone. I've left an itinerary for Rudder. It's not that I don't travel much, just that it's been a while since I've traveled on business, and I never have for this company, and it's also that I packed last thing last night and didn't make a list so I'm worried I forgot something. I probably did, but it probably won't matter.

Posted by dichroic at 12:10 PM | Comments (1)

March 24, 2005

plans and randomizing (or not)

Thanks be to Jesus. No, literally - I get tomorrow off from work. So far plans include relaxing with reading and knitting, a flying lesson, paying bills, doing laundry, going to the mall and/or yarn store, visiting Egret and chicks... it hasn't escaped me that all of this is not entirely compatible with that "relax" idea.

The iPod shuffle feature is the best music-playing-related idea ever. Yes's Stormship Trooper followed by Bruce Cockburn followed by Robert Earl Keen twanging Happy Holidays Y'all followed by Steeleye Span followed by later Neil Young followed by Metallica followed by Bruce Cockburn. At least it would be random, except that my iPod seems to have a Bruce Cockburn fixation. This would be good if I have a Bruce Cockburn fixation but I don't, which is exactly why there's only one CD of his loaded on the iPod in the first place. Despite that, anytime I listen to more than a few songs in a row, there's Bruce. I am liking him more one song at a time than in whole-album doses, but still. Maybe the thing to try is uploading my one Springsteen CD to see if it's just something about the name Bruce the silly iPod likes. Besides, I need Thunder Road in my rebellious-mood playlist.

Right after we get back from this long weekend I'm off to Seattle on business for a couple of days, where if I'm lucky I may get to meet a couple of online friends. One of those goes back a good 6 years or so, through several jobs on my part and marriage, infertility, and then miraculous motherhood (twice!) on hers; the other is a more recent acquaintance I'm looking forward to getting to know better.

After that we may be off to San Diego, a bit unexpectedly, for the Crew Classic regatta. A local men's boat is short one rower and has more or less begged Rudder to fill in for the race. I'm not sure they entirely realize how long it's been since he last rowed sweep (one oar instead of two) but it's not so differnt that he won't do well.

One final thing: I'm somewhat glad I did see the Lord of the Rings movies first. I don't think I've come across more utter emotional desolation than the scene where Sam thinks that Frodo is dead, when he resolves to take on Frodo's mission, then come back to stay with his master forever. Snif. After all, even that tear-jerker scene that hit me so hard so young that it's part of my emotional landscape, the death of Beth in Little Women, isn't seen as parting forever by the characters. And Beth has more or less finished her life, as she says herself - her death doesn't presage desolation of the whole world. I understand why people skip some of the Frodo chapters, or alternate with the happier ones of the rest of the Companions.

Posted by dichroic at 01:07 PM | Comments (3)

March 23, 2005

getting past the news

Just three quick comments, and then I will declare this a Schiavo-free zone (the main page, at least: people can comment anything they want as long as it's not sp@m).

1. At least this sad story will have done some good if more people are moved to make Living Wills. I confess I've been delinquent on this myself; Rudder knows my preferences and so do my parents, but I should write it down.

2. I find the idea that my parents would know what I want better than Rudder does (because "they nurtured me as a dependent child") to be mind boggling: I've been out of their house for except for short periods for over two decades, and living with him daily for nearly three-quarters of that period.

3. As I understand the case, the heart attack that caused her coma was brought on by an eating disorder. How ironic that the root cause of her current death by starvation is that she was trying to starve herself.

OK, there. It's out of my system.

In much happier news, I've started knitting a to-be-felted bag based on the French Market Bag at Knitty, in the Manos del Uruguay I've had laying around since I didn't use it for Clapotis. I may use fewer stitches because the gauge is larger than that in the pattern, and I haven't decided whether to do the handles as in the pattern, or like a Booga Bag, or some other way entirely. What I really like about this pattern is that the bottom is knitted as a circle, and then you just go straight up the sides. I really don't like picking up stitches much, though obviously I can do it. ("Obviously" because it's just not that difficult.) I still can't imagine what this variegated yarn will look like when felted, but I do like the colors so am just working on faith. It's a nice change to work on something that grows so quickly: right now the bottom is 72 stitches around, or not much more than I expect my next socks (of actual sockweight yarn) to be, yet it's maybe 8" across.

Posted by dichroic at 12:33 PM | Comments (3)

March 17, 2005

I don't do windows.

I actually had a salesman refuse to sell to me today. I'm so proud.

Background: I've still got this cold/allergies/whatever. so I stayed home sick today to see if rest would help. This meant I got to be the one to see with the window salesman Rudder had scheduled for today. We'd already gotten bids from two other companies; Rudder had worked with those. I think this guy had insisted on being last.

He showed up and spent a lot of time trying to convince me that his were fine products of their kind and were far better than our existing windows. He's entirely right, of course, this being why we asked him to come give us a bid in the first place. (I may have rolled my eyes at this point, because I didn't need to know why we needed new windows but why we needed his windows in particular.) He told me his windows were far better than any of the competitors, and that their price was better, but he had no numbers to compare to the others. He did say the numbers were on the window manufacturers' webpages. He measured all of our windows and started talking about prices. Then he started doing the used-car salesman "What would it take to get you to make this decision immediately" bit. When I told him I wasn't going to decide right away because I don't do that on multi-thousand-dollar deals, as a matter of policy, he started getting a little upset. I think he assumed I wasn't deciding because Rudder wasn't here. I told him Rudder would have said the same thing. (True.) I also told him I wouldn't decide without looking up his windows' data on the Web, since he didn't have it, and that we weren't sure whether we wanted to do this instantly or wait a few months, which is also true.

At that point he decided he didn't want to deal with me because it was "evident I didn't trust him", and refused to write out the prices he had previously mentioned in an actual bid. (Also, when he was going to write them out, it was apparently going to be handwriting on lined paper, instead of a form listing exactly what he was offering, as we've seen with bids on other house improvements.) Well, duh I don't trust him. I've never met him before and know nothing about his company. I don't distrust him either (or rather, I didn't before) but I am certainly not going to fork over a few thousand dollars without checking actual data.

I am still going to look up his windows' data, however. I can only assume his reluctance to share it means he's got an inferior product. And if that's not the case, I may well write a letter to the company's owner. I haven't counted how many ways he insulted me/us, but there are definitely a few. Let's see: getting upset at dealing with me instead of Rudder (not sure if this is sexism or assuming we don't trust each other, but either way I don't like it). Pressuring me to make an instant decision. Wanting me to trust him with no accompanying data. Comparing his window to the existing ones instead of a competitors'. Getting upset when I asked him a couple of times about things other installers had said would be problematic (like the windows with no border from our stucco or the one touching a kitchen counter) despite not being an installer himself. Asking me to feel how strong his windows are. (Sorry, my built-in sensors aren't that accurate - can I use a baseball bat?) I think I'm better off without him.

Posted by dichroic at 04:39 PM | Comments (4)

March 15, 2005

he's back

My cat came back!!!!! In fact, I saw him at the back door not five minutes after finishing the last entry. I didn't even know he reads this :-)

Posted by dichroic at 08:59 PM | Comments (1)

Donne but missing

Funny how often these entries seem to be a balance between the good and the bad.

The Good:
An online discussion on John Donne I've signed up for started today. My university's writers' group this for alumni (of the school, not just the group) as a free seminar / salon sort of thing - they've done a couple before but this is my first time, since the earlier ones weren't on topics in which I was interested.

The Bad:
Outweighs the good, I'm afraid. We seem to be down one cat. He's been missing since sometime this weekend (though we really figured it out yesterday - this is the scaredy-cat who spends most of his time hiding, so his presence at any given time isn't expected. Rudder says he had the door open a lot over the weekend, so that cat may have run outside. However, outside is one of the things he's scared of, so he's never gone more than a few steps outside before, meaning if he did get brave and wander away he might not know where home is. We've looked around the front and back and called for him (he usually meows back) but have gotten no sight or answer.

Rudder's not home yet either, and he'd normally be in bed almost an hour ago. He did mentino something about an all-day meeting, so presumably it ran late. At least I know he knows how to get home.

Posted by dichroic at 08:48 PM

March 14, 2005

good influences

Or maybe I just didn't listen to enough music this weekend. It's hard to listen to I Know my Love (The Chieftains with the Corrs) without chair-dancing. (Ball-dancing in my case, but not the graceful kind.) It's hard to keep a down frame of mind while dancing around the office.

Posted by dichroic at 01:55 PM


Not one of the great weekends, I don't think. Let alone one of the great birthday weekends.

Thursday: Rudder had a regatta meeting; we debated whether he should stay home, but I ended up telling him to go (because it was the first meeting on planning this particular regatta) while I went for a massage, which was half price courtesy of his birthday gift. (I get one free one a month for 3 months plus member rates the rest of the time.) He got home around 8:30, which wasn't particularly helpful since we were both planning on rowing Friday morning, with all its incumbent 4AM alarm times.

Friday: Rowing was OK. Work was as usual. The chiropractor was a little disappointing since he didn't seem to recall that he'd said the previous time we'd be teaching me more exercises. (I kep quiet to see if he would remember.) I think I may go today, then quit. They did manage to mostly fix the hip joint problem I was having, and I don't see that we're doing anything to work on the crooked spine issue.

After that, Rudder and I went to dinner. This was supposed to be my birthday dinner, until he headed the wrong way, toward the new fondue restaurant instead of the fondue restaurant I'd been wanting to try and whose menu I had looked up online and shown him. He made it clear that he was too tired to go to the restaurant I wanted (maybe 3 miles further away). So we spent the rest of dinner (which was OK but not great) discussing whether that would be my official birthday dinner or not. I think we decided on not, but made no plans on what would be. I can't think of a more depressingly pointless dinner conversation, on further reflection. (Actually, I suppose I can. But this one was depressing and pointless, anyway.) Also, my allerigies or whatever weren't doing wonder for my ability to taste anything.

Saturday: slept in a little, went to the lake, did a little work on my boat, and had a nice breakfast/lunch with some of the characters we did last fall's marathon race with, so that was fun. However, since Friday afternoon, I'd been feeling ill, and the chicken soup I had Saturday at the restaurant didn't cure it. (Even though it had both matzo balls *and* kreplach. My illusions are destroyed.) I spent the afternoon resting and trying to figure out whether I had allergies or a cold. At 5 or so we went out to find sunset light and wil;dflowers, but what was supposed to be a half-hour drive to a state park ended up taking more like an hour and a half, due to unposted highway closures and roadwork. We did get about fifteen minutes of decent light at the park, though some of the flowers were closing for the night. Goign home took almost as long as getting there, due to trying to avoid the closed highway, and by the time we got home three and a half hours later, Rudder (who was driving) was not a happy man.

Sunday: The plane I was supposed to fly in Sunday morning had a small tangle with a lightpole, so they called Saturday to say they could put me in another plane on Sunday afternoon. An hour before the flight my instructor called to say we couldn't do an instrument cross country in it, because the GPS database was out of date. We could still fly it, but couldn't file as instrument so couldn't get the practice I needed at talking to control. Because the instructor and I both had colds or allergies we decided to just fly locally instead of doing the cross-country I had planned, which turned out to be a wise choice. By the time we finally landed for the last time, I could hardly hear. (I hadn't thought my ears were clogged or I wouldn't have flown at all, but apparently I was wrong.) Apparently I have a geas on me relating to cross-country flights. Every planned one so far has had to be cancelled due to weather or other factors.

Monday: Rudder emailed to say he'd booked flights to Edmonton in July. I had talked about possibly not going or going for only part of the time, since I'm not racing, but hadn't decided. He went ahead and booked flight for only himself and She-Hulk without asking me. Since it's still FOUR months off, I had expected to have some time decide - he said he hadn't planned to book this early either "but flights were cheap". Then he tried to tell me I had plenty of time to decide and the flights wouldn't fill up and wouldn't necessarily get more expensive, which of course would be a lot more convincing if he hadn't booked his own right away. Without asking if I wanted one. (I think She-Hulk did the booking, actually, but I'm sure she asked him whether I would need a ticket.) That's rectified now, and I think he understands why I might have been a little upset. I think.

On the plus side, I finished a sock and started another. Yee-f*ing-ha.

Maybe all my good luck's going to Jen. I'd like to think it's off doing something useful like that - she seems to have more freak bad luck than almost anyone else I know and it would be awfully nice if none of that happens to her while she's off meeting Li. A minorly bad few days here seem like a small price.

Posted by dichroic at 12:28 PM | Comments (2)

March 11, 2005

the proper frame of mind

I have figured out the proper mindset for one of my birthday gifts, though it took a little thought. My mother gave me something that is basically a long strand of tiger-eye colored beads (I think they're those fiber-optical things rather than actual tiger-eye, though) interspersed with magnetite at intervals, which looks like hematite but is magnetic, hence the name. Light brown with gunmetal gray. Hm. Interesting choice of colors. The magnetite beads attract each other, so the strand can be wrapped as a bracelet, long lariat, double wrapped with lariat end, or choker - at least, it could be a choker, had the maker not put little pewter charms on the end that look silly when coming off two different spots. I may remove one. Or it can be a headband, except that it tends to seize on to hairs and take them along when removed. Or a belt, I suppose.

I happen to know that she bought this months ago at a craft show and has been waiting for my birthday ever since. One would think that her thoughts on seeing this would be something like, "Dichroic does beadwork, and this is just a straight string, so I bet she could make it herself in ten minutes, for cheaper. Also, light brown and dark gray?" At least, if one were me, that's what one would have thought.

Upon reflection, however, I realized that's probably not what my mother would have thought. (I believe I know her pretty well, better than she knows me, though it's possible we're both wrong.) I bet she saw the bead table and thought, "Beads! Dichroic makes beads! And so she went over to the table and then the seller probably showed her how this thing can be a bracelet, a necklace or whatever, and she probably thought, "That's cooler than shit! " (Well, the Mom equivalent of cooler than shit. Not a phrase she uses.) "That reminds me of Dichroic. I bet she'd love it."

And it took me a little while to think it through, but really, to have someone think of you when they're faced with the Coolest Thing Ever, that's a pretty good compliment, isn't it?

Even in brown and gray.

Actually, it's sort of growing on me - from a distance, the brown beads look not like tigereye but like wood, so it's got kind of an ethnic-funky thing going. I still may do a little surgery so I can wear it as a choker, though.

Posted by dichroic at 02:48 PM | Comments (1)

March 10, 2005

not quite 100

One of my discussion lists has a tradition that on your birthday, you post 100 things about yourself. As I did last year, I'll just use that list for today's entry. (I get lazier as I get older.)

(Almost) 100 things

1. I've completed "100 things" birthday lists a couple of times before so this is really hard!
2. I have a pilot's license that I got the year I turned 30.
3. I'm working on an Instrument Rating.
4. I fly a Cessna 172.
5. I row a Hudson racing single.
6. I learned to knit last summer, mostly from a book. (Stitch 'n' Bitch.)
7. Finished Objects include several scarves, one Clapotis (sort of a cross between a scarf and a shawl), two small stuffed bunnies, 1 pair of socks, and one poncho (in a lace pattern with lots and lots of mistakes.
8. Objects currently on the needles include one sock for me, one cabled scarf for a gift, one sleeveless sweater for me.
9. On Myers-Brigg tests, I consistently come out an ENTP.
10. Despite that E, I do need to spend some time alone now and then.
11. And if I don't get enough reading time I get a bit squirrelly.
12. I learned to knit specifically because it was something I could do while reading. (Unlike beadwork, or cross-stitch.)
13. I have learned that magazines are easiest to read while knitting, large hardbooks next, then smaller hardbooks, then paperbacks. Paperbacks just don't want to stay open on their own.
14. I've kept an online diary for 4 years now, since March of 2001.
15. I've written 1500 entries so far. (And you thought I talked a lot here!)
16. I began on Diaryland.
17. I now have my own site here.
18. The riseagain part is mostly from a Stan Rogers song.
19. The dichoic part was inspired by the earrings I was wearing when I first began my diary.
20. I think it's appropriate because dichroic glass reflects multiple colors and I have a lot of variant interests.
21. I also have a Livejournal. I don't post there much; it's mostly so I can have a friends list to read other Livejournals.
22. I've been online since the late 1980s.
23. I was on my first mailing lists in the early 1990s - Alan Rowoth's folk-music list is one I was on for years.
24. Currently on quite a few mailing lists, but most are set to nomail.
25. I drive the tiniest car you've ever seen, a Toyota Mr-2 Spyder.
26. My husband's truck is huge, a Hummer.
27. They look very funny in the garage together.
28. I have brown eyes and hair.
29. I've only got a few gray hairs, so far.
30. I've had highlights a couple of times, but right now my hair is entirely its natural color.
31. I don't blow-dry - I just towel-dry, comb it, put in some stuff so it won't frizz, and go, even when it's long.
32. If I'm putting it up I usually wait until I get to work so it's dry so there will be some curl.
33. I go to the Renaissance Faire every year.
34. I really like buying unique jewelry there and especially hair ornaments.
35. I've been thinking of joining the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronisms).
36. I really want to find more of a community - this isn't a very easy area to make friends in.
37. Also I want people to sing with who don't believe you can't sing unless you're of professional quality.
38. I'm not!
39. I think I have reasonably good voice control; I just don't have a great voice.
40. I took guitar lessons for a couple of years, but I'm not very good at it.
41. I haven't played much for years.
42. I own a mandolin but can't play it at all.
43. My brother gave it to me for my last birthday.
44. He thinks I'm more musically talented than I am.
45. Most workdays, I eat fruit (a Clementine in winter, graes in summer) and some cereal in a bggie for breakfast
46. Which I eat in the car on the way to work.
47. This is a holdover from when I either rowed or lifted weights, showered in a gym, and then went straight to work.
48. Now I have a shorter commute, I shower at home after the gym.
49. I'm semiretired from rowing
50. By which I mean I'm trying to stay in reasonable shape, but not training to compete.
51. I find it wonderfully freeing to be able to decide not to work out if I don't feel like it.
52. Right after Xmas and in the first half of January when I wasn't working out at all I lost a couple of pounds.
53. Now I'm being pretty good about working out around four times a week and my weight has ballooned. (Well, up 5 lbs.)
54. I have no idea how this all works.
55. I have never been on a diet in my life.
56. But it's pretty clear I do eat too many simple carbs.
57. This would be because I count pretzels as a food group.
58.Snyder's sourdough hard pretzels are my favorite.
59. And soft pretzels are one of the major things I miss from living in Philadelphia.
60. Folk music is another thing I miss.
61. So is being able to walk or take public transportation everywhere.
62. I didn't get a driver's license until I was 22, a week before...
63. I moved to Texas for my first job. (Hey, it's hard to get 100 things! I wasn't going to waste items by combining them!)
64. I spent 22 years in Philadelphia, 7 in Houston, and I've been here for 9 in Phoenix.
65. I use the word "in" loosely, meaning the greater city area including suburbs.
66. The main thing I miss from Houston is all the water (we lived in the SE end of town, by Clear Lake).
67. I escpecially miss retaurants and bars on the water.
68. I also miss being able to send out an emai on Friday afternoon and gather a posse of people to go out with that night.
69. That really stopped even before we moved away, as our friends got older and settled down.
70. Not that we're big partiers...
71. But Rudder and I have never understood why so many people stop doing anything when they get married, even when they don't (yet) have kids.
72. We believe being married gives you a partner in adventure, not a reason to stop having them.
73. In my opinion we've lived here far too long and it's well past time to move to someplace cooler.
74. I'd like to live in a variety of places, for say, 2-5 years each.
75. Then when we got tired of moving we'd know where we'd like to go back to, to settle down.
76. Unfortunately, Rudder likes it here more than I do - he isn't adamant against moving, but wants more of a directed goal, somepleace to move *to*.
77. My idea is to move away *from*, just to keep trying new places.
78. I've been working intermittently on cataloging our books and am still not done.
79. I'm up to 1100 books catalogued.
80. Some of my best friends are fictional. (If you read the note I wrote the other day on how children read, I think it explains 80. Some others of my best friends are online, I think for similar reasons. Sometimes blogs and email lists give you a better view into someone. Sometimes it's just a view of a different side.) (Later note: Note referenced above was in an email, not an entry here. Oops. See last entry on March 11 for what it said.)
81. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. My job is OK but I think ideally I'd like more freedom to work anywhere, anytime. (Without, of course, sacrificing pay or working more hours. I did say "ideally".)
82. In retrospect I wish I'd had more trust in my future in college, to major in anything I wanted and trust I'd be able to earn a living with it. (Though that hasn't worked out for all of the people I know who've done it, it has for some.)
83. I find it slightly embarassing I don't speak more than a smidgen of any language but English - I can order from a menu or ask for the simplest of directions in Spanish but that's about it.
84. This is despite a year of French (4th grade), one of Latin (5th grade), 6 or Spnish (5th - 10th grade) and 6 of Hebrew school (of course, not all of that was language training).
85. And yet I think I have some talent for languages - I have a good eye for cognates and a good ear for accents.
86. Unfortunately I didn't figure that out until well after all those years of language classes. (For anyone outside the US reading this, this is unfortunately not uncommon. My husband had German for a few years in high school and knows considerably less of it than I do of Spanish.)
87. I am good at and comfortable with talking to strangers but not great at making friends.
88. This may be due to high expectations - read too many books in my youth about people who had bosom friends with whom they could share all their interests. This doesn't work well for me because there aren't too many people with such an oddly assorted set of interests.
89. Right now my biggest ones include rowing, knitting, flying, and as always, reading. I can't think of anyone interested in more than two of those - or at least, not in the same parts I am.
90. But I also think it doesn't necessarily matter that friends have the same interests, as long as they're interested in hearing about each other's interests.
91. Anyway, this is one reason I place a high value on the friends I do have, even those I don't see or hear from often.
92. I was born March 10, 1967, at 11:30 in the morning. It was snowing when they brought me home from the hospital.
93. And I've decided I am now officially too old to be bound by silly and arbitrary rules, so since I do want to post this today, I will end here!

Posted by dichroic at 02:19 PM | Comments (11)

March 09, 2005


This is scary: I noticed, after posting it, that this is entry #1500. It's completely unorganized - 1500 entries in and I still haven't gotten my thoughts together. Or maybe there is an organization, and it's a common one for me: in order, I've written about the Good, the Bad, and the thing I need to do better. I'm not sure what that means, except that though I'm not entirely an optimist or a pessimist, I'm closer to optimism (because of the eternal hope to do things better).

So far the thing I like most about the iPod is the shuffle feature. My biggest complaint about local radio has always been that they pick a set of 10 songs and play them until you want to hold the lead singer by the ears and yell at him to SING SOMETHING DIFFERENT THIS TIME, I'M TIRED OF THAT SONG! even though you know that not only would that be unproductive, but even the DJ really has little choice in the matter.

One recent local exception, now coming to a station near you: Alice Cooper's radio show. Alice (yes, the guy who used to wear all the face paint) is a local resident; he owns a restaurant and sponsors golf tournaments and stuff. He's been doing a stint on the local radio station and I think it's now syndicated. He plays everything from old Yardbirds to obscure songs of his own to new stuff. Dee Snyder (of Twisted Sister) has a similar show that gets played here on weekends. I'm beginning to like this faded-celebrity-DJ trend, because these guys do know music and seem to have enough clout to pick their own music.

Back to the iPod shuffle, it's like having a station that not only plays variety, but plays a variety of stuff I like, with no commericials. I really don't listen to my CDs all that often, except while driving, and I'm beginning to think it's just a dislike of listening to 13 of the same sort of songs in a row. (This would explain why I have so many tribute CDs, where a variety of bands sing songs by Bob Dylan or Richard Thompson or whoever, and also a lot of compilations, like Live at the Wherever.) So now the music flips from Garnet Rogers to Cosy Sheridan to Neil Young to Boiled in Lead to the Grateful Dead to Greg Brown and it's a Good Thing.

The Bad Thing, on the other hand, would be that I just remembered I don't have a birthday card for Yogi, my former coworker born the same day I was. I don't want to send an e-card because she usually sends me paper ones, but I might have to. I have a flying lesson tonight so won't have much time to shop for one. At least if I send it tomorrow it should get there the next day, via interoffice mail (same company, different site). Damn. There went that resolution, in near-record time. Does it count if I send an electronic one but I send it the day before so it's obvious I didn't just forget?

Also, note to self: I *will* get up and row on Friday! I took today off exercising because yesterday my body so clearly wanted the day off. I'm taking tomorrow off because I'm self-indulgent. Friday I will row. What I will not do is allow myself to need bigger clothes, and I won't diet, so there's not much choice left. I'm actually up 4-5 lbs, but so far the clothes all fit. My tight jeans were tighter than I'd like but they were also just out of the dryer. Still, I noticed my cheekbones in the mirror yesterday while erging. In other words, once again, I have no idea what my body's doing. I wish I came with an Owner's Manual.

Posted by dichroic at 11:52 AM | Comments (5)

March 08, 2005


Note to self: it is not really possible to reach under your desk while still sitting on your ball. Ouch.

Today's erg piece was fairy torturous, which is why I only did 5K. It's not that I was rowing hard at all, just that my body was putting in a strong vote for going back to bed. That was followed by a visit to the dentist. Week before last I had a dentist appointment at 7AM, got my teeth cleaned and went to work (actually, went home and telecommuted) and it all worked out well, so I figured a similar schedule would work well today. Unfortunately I forgot about one minor difference between getting teeth cleaned and getting a filling that makes before-work appointments not such a great idea. That was why I got to come in to work this morning with rubber tongue, numb lip, and teeth that didn't quite feel as if they fit together.

Just to make matters worse, I was scheduled to do a walk-through of one of the buildings on site with my boss all morning, which meant I got to try to talk to him and a bunch of people I don't know with a mouth that wasn't quite working right. "Hewwo, myf nam iv Paula, sorry I dust goh a fiwwing dis moring...."

At least the day has been uphill from there. My jaw still aches a little and my legs are tired, but I got the iPod reconfigured and reloaded last night, and I've got the Chieftains with Diana Krall trying to distract me from any minor physical issues.

Posted by dichroic at 02:17 PM | Comments (1)

March 07, 2005

product report: iPod

I was having a a most excellent day, but now my bubble is slightly busted. (I'm not sure that's possible, any more than being slightly pregnant.) With clear and sure decision, Rudder bought a new digital camera Saturday. We have a small digicam, but this one is on a par with our film camera. This will be nice, because we'll no longer have to tradeoff for who gets the good camera. (One afternoon in Antarctica, we got some spectacular penguin photos; unfortnuiately, he had the small digicam that day so they aren't quite as spectacular as they could have been.) After much vacillation, I ended up buying an iPod photo, which (with an accessory, due out later this month) can store photos to get them off the flash cards; can be taken to work to show digital photos around, and of course can play music and audiobooks.

In an attempt to justify blowing the money on it, I took it to the gym this morning. I don't normally listen to music in the gym (except what's played over the loudspeakers) but this turned out to be wonderful. Who knew? (Aside from everyone else in the world, I mean.) Moreover, I'd only loaded on a few CDs and a couple of bought songs: a tribute to Townes van Zandt and one to Bob Dylan, a Steeleye Span CD and one each by Stan and Garnet Rogers. Not, in other words, a likely pick for workout music. As it turned out, it worked perfectly, especially when a whaling chanty came on as I was doing lat pulldowns. The armband I had bought to holster it worked well enough, except that it was a little uncomfortable erging. However, the shirt I was wearing was actually designed for cycling, and so had water bottle pockets on the back. I popped the iPod in one of those and i worked perfectly - cords were kept out of my way and I was able to shift it enough to the side to be comfortable even during exercises involving a backrest. Also, the sound quality was fantastic and even without being loud thoroughly drowned out the gym music.

If I were doing a lot of this, didn't need the photo capability, and had the discipline to keep downloading different playlists, one of the miniscule iPod Shuffles might have been even better, but even though the iPod photo is the largest of the current flock of iPods, it's nowhere near big enough to be annoying.

However, there is one downside, which is what burst my bubble after I got to work. It turns out the iPod can sync to a Mac or a PC, but not both. I tried to upload iTUnes on my work PC, figuring I'd be able to listen to a couple of CDs I'd uploaded here (no dice; they're in RealAudio .rmj format) and in the process of loading software it reformatted the iPod and wiped off all the songs and photos I'd loaded last night. Grr. The manual warned of this, but of course I didn't read it until afterwards when it was too late.

Also, the controls take some getting used to. Still, I'm pretty impressed with the product - of course, being from Apple, it worked right out of the box. (Well, after charging.) Long may they run.

Posted by dichroic at 11:11 AM | Comments (2)

March 04, 2005

chiro ok, brain not too good.

The chiropractor visit was all right; I can't say I feel better but I don't feel worse either, and I do seem to have more flexibility in the hip joint that's been bothering me.

I'm feeling a little stupid just at the moment for not having figured out the second entry in Theresa Nielsen Hayden's Old English entry. I got the other two on my own at least (more or less; my New Testamant knowledge isn't quite good enough to identify the exact location of the first one).

Not much else to say. Rudder gets home today - yay! I found out one of my favorite people ever to share a mailing list with, who posted today after lurking for a very long time, was in my area last week. Boo. (I only recently rejoined that list after a few years away, and haven't posted much this time, so far. She wouldn't have known I'm here, if she even remembers me at all.)

Off to meetings.

Posted by dichroic at 12:01 PM | Comments (1)

March 03, 2005

Old Home Night

It's practically Old Home Night around here. First I caught the end of Rocky III (Hell, I don't know, maybe it was Rocky Iv. Or V or XII. I don't keep up.) which left me with pretty much the same impression as all the other Rocky movies I've seen: boxing just looks like a really, really bad idea. At least with all the sports I've done, getting hurt is just a side effct, not the main idea.

I've also been reading the latest of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum mysteries. Trenton's right over the bridge from Philly, so despite the lack of bounty hunters, low-level Mafia, really hot cops and even hotter mercenaries in my early youth it somehow reminds me of home. Must be all the rowhouses. Then I read Sixweasel's latest update and it was like a continuation, only with a slightly less obnoxious family, without the hot cops and mercs but with all the assholes. Or maybe she's got the hot cops, I don't know.

I need to go to bed. Going to bed not alone would be even better but Rudder doesn't get home until tomorrow morning. And I'm postponing going to sleep because I'm hoping he'll call home, if the vendors clamoring for his attention release him at a reasonable hour.

Posted by dichroic at 08:48 PM | Comments (1)

do what?

My brain is sort of in the mode of, "Whadda you wanna do?" "I dunno, whadda YOU wanna do?"

Unfortunately, there's only one of me here.

Posted by dichroic at 04:00 PM | Comments (1)

innate abilities

I did go to the Stitch'n'Bitch last night; first I got to have dinner at Wildflower with Kim, Jen, Brooke (and Jack) and Pam, then I stashed my stuff on a chair and did something more crucial than a stitch'n'bitch, the obligatory Changing Hands book browse'n'buy, then I knitted several inches more on my current sock and hung out with Becky and Alison.

Oddly enough I spent some time teaching a woman on my other side who has been knitting for years, but who may be one of the least adventurous knitters I've met. She learned from her mother in Continental style, and has made mittens and sweaters for her kids and grandkids.... but only things involving knit and purl stitches. She wanted to learn lace, so I showed her a simple YO k2tog pattern. Apparently she learns best by having someone demonstrate what to do, and the only other knitters she'd known used the English style and couldn't teach her. It must just be a (lack of) spatial sense thing; since the major difference is just which hand you hold the working yarn in, it just doesn't seem like a big deal to me to learn it one way and then convert to a method I found more comfortable. It's becaue I can do that, I suppose; whenever something comes naturally or has been learned well enough to be internalized, it's always hard to understand why other people can't figure it out. Still, it seemed funny to be teaching someone who has knitted sweaters, while I'm only 4" into my first one, and who has knitted for several more decades than I have years.

Tonight's adventure is the visit to the chiropractor. I wasn't sure whether thye can work with me in office clothes, so I brought shorts just in case.

Apropros of nothing, there are a lot of phrases I do not like, that I hear a lot. What they have in common is that they're generally euphemisms and usually either coy, or sexist. A sampling: "passed away", or worse "passed"; "loved ones", "little ones" (oddly, I don't mind a singular "little one" so much , as in Malvina Reynolds "Turn Around"), or "little man", especially when used to imply that that tiny bit of extra flesh makes him somehow more important. I don't know why I dislike them (except in that last case, where I know exactly why) but I wish people would just say "died", "family" or "people you love", and "children". I could also do without "hubby", though for some reason, possibly the Trumpkin factor, I don't mind "DH". I'm trying to think of other ones, but all the phrases I'm coming up with now are political, which is not at all the same thing.

Posted by dichroic at 12:22 PM | Comments (4)

March 01, 2005

early morning ambivalence

The massage last night did help with that problem in my hip joint - I had way more extension when I stretched this morning. Of course, that means I stretched it wa-a-yyy out, which I'll be regretting tomorrow morning, likely right around when I meet She-Hulk to go row. Oops.

I'm ambivalent on the 'go row' thing, anyway. Time on the water - yay! Waking up at 4AM and going out in the dark and cold, not so yay. I think going there will suck, being there will be good, having been there will be very good. (At least until tomorrow night when I go to the local Stitch'n'Bitch gathering and try to stay awake past 8.)

Oddly, that seems to be about all I have to say today. Off to go look up chiropractors and get this hip joint fixed.

Posted by dichroic at 12:00 PM

February 28, 2005


Drat. Yay. Not sure which.

Rudder's off on a business trip for a few days, so I did what I usually do to treat myself in his absence: I got a massage. Afterward, oddly, they told me it was prepaid and charged me only for the tip.

I thought maybe there was a mistake; they work on a membership basis, where a membership fee buys you one free session a month and reduced rates for any others. But they seemed fairly sure, so I took the gift of the Fates.

Shortly after I got home, Rudder called. It turns out what it was, was not the gift of the Fates but that of the Rudder. He bought me a three-month membership for my birthday, and told them it was not to start until March 10, but apparently they're better at effleurage than at thinking there. Or reading a calendar.

So yay for a massage a month, but drat for the spoiled surprise. I believe I will just be sensible about this ... and treat myself to a reduced-rate rubdown on or near my birthday.

Posted by dichroic at 08:22 PM

restaurant review

Rudder and I have a new candidate for Most Romantic Restaurant in Town (actually, just outside town). We've been to a lot of the other candidates, and though we've been impressed with some, we never thought they were as romantic as billed. At some, Rudder hasn't been impressed with the food - he's not a big fan of cuisine that attempts the unusual just to be unusual, or puts sweet sauces on all the meats or that doesn't provide enough food to be filling. (He's not just a meat-and-potatoes man; he's more adventurous an eater than thatt, but I think he wants those basics fulfilled before a chef starts trying to get fancy.) At others, the atmosphere hasn't been terribly conducive to romance.

For some specific examples, at Wrigley Mansion, I liked my meal, but Rudder didn't like his food at all. The mansion itself is beautiful and the view from its hilltop is amazing, but we didn't have a view at the table, and the room layout was very open so that we didn't feel secluded from other tables. At T. Cook's, the food was excellent (my journal entry from that day says I had lobster tortellini and he had a steak) but the atmosphere was romantic only if you believe that anything French Provincial is so by definition. Actually I'd call the decor "French barn"; we loved the look of the building and would like a house designed that way, but it was light and open, with again, no seclusion from other tables. The worst for romance may be Fleming's. We've been there several times, because they have the best steaks in town and one of the best wine selections. The room is darkened, with wine displayed around the walls and the service is always good. However, they also have a high noise level and a TV at the bar that faces into (and can be heard from) the restaurant. Maybe it's just me, but I consider "TV" and "romance" to be antonyms.

OK, so. On Friday night we went out to celebrate Rudder's annual bonus, and had decided to try a place I'd heard about in the Indian reservation just south of us. The restaurant is Kai, located int he Sheraton Wild Horse Pass resort. The chef (Janos Wilder) is classically trained but is mindful of his surroundings; using local products and influences in every dish. The servers were all attentive and well educated, and took care to point out the vegetables that were raised for the restaurant in a project at nearby schools, and the other local and traditional ingredients. The presentation of the food was also impressive, though the chef did fall prey to the Tower of Pisa shool of thought a bit too much. That's the one in which all food must apparent be somehow guided into a round shape and then piled up so that all flavors are layered. It does generally end up leaning, at least after the first bite.

The obligatory list of what we ate:
For appetizers, Rudder had butter-braised lobster with tear-drop tomatoes and avocado mousse (unexpectedly tasty) and something or other else I forgot. (See, you can tell it's a fancy place because the appetizers had their own little side dishes.) I had baby greens in pomegranate vinaigrette. Even the greens were round and vertical, in three little bouquets sprouting from rings of beetroot. On the side was a thinly sliced tiny pear no bigger than an olive and a bit of something unidentifiable and slightly sweet, with a texture partway between cornbread and granola bar.

For dinner, he had a buffalo tenderloin (there was sweet sauce, but it was drizzled in a thin ring around the platter, so the meat wasn't marinated in it and I had salmon and lobster. The salmon was rolled into three roulades with wilted spinach with slivers of mushroom on top of each, all sitting on lobster tabouleh, with a lobster claw perched atop the whole thing. For dessert, Rudder had Kahlua ice cream with whipped cream and cherries on more fry bread - fry bread is a traditional Navajo (and, I think, Pima) food and apparently the recipe used there came form their baker's grandmother. I had three types of not-too-sweet sorbet (one was strawberry-chipotle) with slices of grapefruit between.

The food quality was definitely there, and the sense of place added by the local ingredients and recipes added to the experience. So did the Navajo flute music playing quietly int he background. As for romance, we were seated at a small table by a window, from which we could look over two pools, a lake and part of a golf course to see the sun set over the Estrella mountains. The room was open, with no division between tables, but the low light and the few tables in the place kept it feeling intimate. The wine list was also fairly detailed. Nothing on it looked terribly unusual, but the Karralaa Shiraz we had was very good. We'll definitely be going back - not soon, because the price was an fancy as the food, but we'll be going back. (Of course, just because this place gets our vote for Most ROmantic, don't think we didn't have the usual geeky conversations about flying or whatever.)

The resort the restaurant is in in very nice, too; it's very careful to be appropriate to its place, with little plaques explaining ornaments of design features (one wall is designed to replicate one at the Casa Grande National Monument, not far away). It's only about 15 minutes from our house, so definitely seems like a good place to go for a glass of wine of an evening - or a spa weekend, if I had some spare cash and could talk Rudder into it.

Posted by dichroic at 01:18 PM

February 25, 2005

dream party

The other nght when I couldn't get to sleep, I was thinking that it's been a while since I've been to the East Coast. I saw my parents last fall when they visited us, but there are a lot of other people in the Mid_Atlantic states I really would like to see. From there my mind drifted as it does when you're laying in the dark with your eyes closed, and I got to wishing I could just throw a big party and invite everyone.

There are well over 20 people - I counted, including SOs - I would love to meet up with in that area, stretching from NE Philly to Alexandria on the SW side of Washington DC and filling a lot of the points between. (This is not to say there aren't people elsewhere I want to spend time with, just that there's a concentration in that one area.) Fantasy parties have the advantage that no one can't make it that day, and you never have to worry whether people will get along. Ideally, I could rent a big rambly old house for a long weekend, say somewhere on the north end of the Chesapeake Bay, fill it with food and drink, and invite people to come when they wanted and stay as long as they wanted. Make that a big rambly sound-insulated house; we could have quiet zones for sleeping, noisy zones full of music (and since this is my fantasy, music-making), and lots of space in between for talking.

If you're reading this and you live in the Philly-DC span, you'd be invited. (If you live elsewhere and wanted to come out, you'd be welcome.) One thing I realized as I thought about the people I'd like to spend time with is what a diverse group they are, more so than a group of my friends out here would be. There are people in their 20s and people in their 50s. (If people came from farthere away, there would be a wider range.) There are people I've known since birth, since grade school, high school, college, and people I've met in the last couple of years. There are people I've known online or known of for years and never met in person. There are a surprising lot of people who wouldn't know each other to start with, some of whom I've wanted to introduce for years. There are people who know each other, whom I know from different contexts so we've never all met together at once.

The majority would be readers - we might also need some alcoves to sneak away and read. There would be several folkies. There would be a lot of skiffy types, including some who have gone to several of the same cons and (AFAIK) never met. There would be people whose schooling stopped at high school graduation and people with doctorates, but no one who considers their education over and done with or who uses their brain only to hold the pillow down. (At least not all the time - occasional mindlessness is no bad thing.) There would be people with kids and people who live alone. There would be se married people, single people, and people with other arrangements. There would be several who identify as LGBT (well, LGB but not T, but that's only as far as I know, which isn't very far). There would be people who are doing OK financially and people who eat ramen by necessity just before a paycheck is due. And all of them are people I haven't seen in too long and want to spend time talking to - the one drawback to the party idea is that the fun of seeing people enjoy each other would probably be counterbalanced by my not getting to spend a lot of one-on-one time with each.

I'm not really planning to do it, even though it's at least technically possible, because experience tells me that I'd pick a weekend when half of the invitees would be unable to come and that none of the pairs I'd want to introduce to each other would both be there at the same time. But it was fun to think about and it sure would be fun to do.

Posted by dichroic at 11:56 AM | Comments (2)

February 24, 2005

She got off!

Thanks to a morning dental appointment with a telecon scheduled right afer it, I'm working from home today. Remember the scene in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix after Harry's trial where Ginny, Fred, and Gearge Weasley are doing a happy weasel-dance around the kitchen table, chanting "He got off! He got off! He got off!" That's about my reaction to working at home.


  • For some reason it feels like a vacation, but I still get as much or more work done, so there's no post-vacation workpile hangover.

  • I don't have to spend 8-10 hours under fluorescent lights

  • Supermarket sushi or even a can of Campbel's beats the hell out of cafeteria food (I'm terrible about taking lunch).

  • The chairs are more comfortable. If I want to I can unplug my laptop and go sprawl on a sofa.

  • I can do whatever I want during breaks.

  • Cleaner bathrooms with softer toilet paper.

  • Better snack food and provisions for cooking.

  • No traffic. No time wasted in traffic.

  • No one cares if I knit while on the phone.

  • Cats are often better company than coworkers.

  • Bigger rooms - less feeling closed in.

  • Windows.

  • Quiet. No other people yelling into speakerphones with their doors open. (This and the lack of fluourescent lights may be the two biggest reasons home is more relaxing.)

  • I can listen to any music I ant. Mostly I don't, but I could. More important, I can sing along. I can sing along even if not listening to music.

And that's just the short top-of-my-head list. She got off! She got off!

Posted by dichroic at 01:50 PM | Comments (1)

February 23, 2005

consanguinity of days

I have an odd memory for birthdays. I'm not bad at remembering them in general, and it's probably common to find it easier to remember the ones that are on or near to holidays. But if your birthday's close to mine, I will remember it forever, whether or not there's any need to.

I mean -- my birthday's March 10. And so:
I have a cousin whose birthday is March 7 and another whose is March 11. I haven't seen either since maybe 1992. A kid who lived around the corner in grade school's birthday is March 13 - he must have moved away because I don't think I ever saw him after about 4th grade. A coworker from three jobs ago's is on March 11, but at least he and I still keep in touch. A coworker from my last group has my identical birthday, even to the year - in fact I think that's one reason she and I keep in touch. Another from that job was born the same year a week later. My husband's grandmother's birthday is March 9, which is more than he remembers. She was born two days after me, and it must be either the same year or the year before, since we would have been in the same grade in school.

I think I may make birthday resolutions this year, since after all it's a new year of me. There's an old woman in a story by L.M. Montgomery who had resolved that her birthdays would be days of happiness for toher people, if she could manage it. I'm not sure I'm ready to try that. (Though all of my reasons not to collapse on investigation: I hardly see people outside work? The make it happy for them. And so on.) One of mine is going to be to be better at celebrating other people's birthdays. I've been terrible at that this year, at least for the ones I'm not on a gift-exchanging basis with, and most people really do seem to enjoy and appreciate being thought of, even if it's only an e-card.

Posted by dichroic at 12:03 PM | Comments (3)

February 22, 2005

uncurling the hedgehog

Pardon me here while I indulge in a little unlicensed pop-psychology analysis here. Yesterday, someone took me aside to tell me she felt our relationship was strained, and that I had made some comments that she thought were very hostile. I explained carefully that I'd had no such intent and apologized for anything I'd said that had come out sounding offensive, and we parted friends, but I think I need to be more careful of my speech in future. (Whereas her comment was that some comments she made that sounded patronizing were just because "that's the way she works and I just have to realize she doesn't mean to patronize" which doesn't sound quite like a fair trade, but anyway. Anything for a peaceful life.)

Of course, I don't feel that anything I said was nasty at all, but then I would think that, wouldn't I? If she thought I was being hostile, then others could have the same reaction. I want to write down a little analysis of her character here, so I can think out how to talk to her and (potentially in future) others like her. My reading is that this woman is, mostly, fearful. Somehow I think she's worried about not being as good as others - this may have something to do with not having the technical degree other people in her position have, though (as she's explained to me a few times) she has the practical experience to make up for that. I think she's afraid she won't get her fair share, of respect or whatever other good things are to be had. I think this explains a lot of her politics, as well. She supported GWB in the last election, which I know because she went around buttonholing everyone and telling them they ought to vote for him. She doesn't seem to be terribly conservative on most issues, except maybe for immigration, ironically the one place where Bush himself actually seems to have a desire to help the most needy. (She was fairly ticked at him for that.) I think she might be among the group that supported Bush and his ilk out of fear that the liberal elite might get a foothold and laugh at anyone not in their group. (People in this group might say their fear is that a bunch of over-educated book-smart types might gain power and not respect the people who have worked hard for what they have. I sympathize with both the need for respect where it's earned and the need not to be laughed at, but am not quite sure why a government aimed at making the rich richer would help with this, even if they do have down-home accents and attend your church.)

Also, I think her attitudes on a lot of things are a little behind the times; I get a distinct feeling that she feels a bit lessened that I'm married and she's not, though we're about the same age, and that despite working at a high level in a mostly male field, she expects different treatment from a female peer than from a male one.

In short words, I think she's defensive and that I need to be careful not to make her curl up and fan out the quills. In relationships, perceptions are the reality, and if she felt I was offensive, then I was, whether or not I meant to be. I'm very glad that she had the guts to take me aside to talk instead of just fuming, so that we could mend our relationship instead of having it fester, and I want to show my respect for that by still talking to her (more carefully) instead of being the sort of ass who tries to avoid being offensive by just avoiding the offended person entirely.

Posted by dichroic at 12:24 PM | Comments (2)

February 21, 2005

Outlaws up

If anyone's interested, our rowing website is .... well, not done, but drafted and populated. You can see it here. Feedback is welcome, as I've only tested it on a couple of browsers so far. We're still battling issues of sizing and placement of links that show up differently on differend monitors/browsers.

Also, you can buy gear with our logo here.

Yesterday, my flight was cut very short - the clouds above masked a low fog layer - it was thin enough to see through, more or less, but not legal to fly in without an instrument clearance. (And of course, no guarantee that it wouldn't thicken on us at an inooprtune time. When you're in the air, any time fog thickens is an inopportune time.) So my flight went as follows: take off, climb less than a thousand feet, enter fog, descend, turn around, land. A very expensive fifteen minutes. On the other hand, experience in dealing with weather and in landing from a lower altitude than standard pattern is useful.

We'd spent Saturday helping clean up the boatyard, then working on stuff around the house. Since I had my Sunday morning back, Rudder graciously acceded to my request that we do something fun with the rest of our weekend. We decided something outside would be more fun - despite the cloud layer, it was a nice, cool, partly sunny day, and decided to drive up north to see whether all this wet weather seemed to be helping the trees on our porperty to do better. The short answer is "no", I think just because trees don't do anything in one-season time increments, but the drive..... well. The desert was unbelievably, lushly Technicolor green. We saw actual waterfalls on the mountains, more than a few of them, in a bizarre desert-impersonates-Yosemite act. There were black-eyed Susans and other yellow flowers and purple lupines along the road. It was spectacular. Then up on the Mogollon Rim (6000-7000 feet elevation) we got rained on and drove through wisps of clous, then saw patches of snow under the junipers. As we rose higher, there were blankets of snow under the aspens and then coverlets of snow on the pines. We drove through rain, snow, and clouds low enough over the snow covering to give me a new understanding of the phenomenon of whiteout - I was trying to imagine navigation if there hadn't been a road visible under us. There are other places in the world that can provide as much variety in a two hour drive as Arizona, but possible not a lot of them. Which reminds me:

Ten Things I've Done That You Probably Haven't
  • Hiked through a rainforest to get to a glacier.
  • Slept outside on the continent of Antarctica.
  • Traveled on a ship through the Drake Passage
  • Kayaked in fjords on three continents. (Well, technically New Zealand isn't a continent but I suppose you could call it the Asian Pacific.)
  • Stood at the bottom of a Titan missile silo and looked up.
  • Flown in F-16, A-10, Space Shuttle, C-130, and A340 simulators (the high-level ones real pilots and astronauts use to train).
  • Gotten married in Valley Forge
  • Sung at the lighting of the City Hall Christmas tree in Philadelphia.
  • Visited the Demilitarized Zone in Korea
  • Eaten alligator, kangaroo, and rattlesnake.
Posted by dichroic at 12:25 PM | Comments (2)

February 17, 2005

one wasted day

My opinion of the Get Motivated! seminar I went to yesterday? If it comes to your town, don't go. It wasn't even worth getting out of the office for a day. The best thing about it was that I got about 4" done on sock #2, which I had foresightedly cast on the night before because I'm close enough to the end of sock #1 that I was afraid I'd run out of knitting. The final count was as follows:

  • 1 speaker with no focus and several unrelated anecdotes, includingone he nabbed from Robert Fulghum.
  • Two speakers whose entire substance was only a sales pitch for their (several hundred dollar) seminars, phrased so that wasn't obvious until the end of the speech when they revealed the techniques they were discussing could only be used with further training and a $200 web site subscription.
  • Two lousy singers including one who made the national anthem impossible to sing along to, then invited us to sing along with God Bless America and did the same thing to it.
  • Two Christian preachers who totally blindsided me (I was expecting to hear about business, not religion) including the seminar producer who gave a literal out-and-out come-to-Jesus speech, and whose speech involved a lot of annoyingly bad logic, and another who gave us a list of four websites with information "disproving" evolution. (He certainly motivated me .... to walk out of the seminar. I didn't but only becaue we'd carpooled.)
  • One general who gave a speech that was very funny and rah-rah patriotic but which had no content on any of the numerous interesting and useful things he could have discussed about his last campaign.
  • One famous but agedcomedian whose speech was supposed to be about laughter as a business tool but was actually just a stand-up routine.
  • 1 annoyingly perky mistress of ceremonies in an eye-smacking pink suit, running things. (I would have guessed she was on speed, but she and her husband run the seminars so I suspect she was merely buoyed up by the thought of all the profit they were making.)
  • Two speakers I'd actually go hear agin, if I didn't have to sit through the rest of them to do it.

If you ever get a chance, Joe Montana and Rudy Giuliani are worth hearing speak. But if someone invites you to this seminar thing, run away. Or take your something to do and earplugs.

I have certainly learned my lesson, though. When I was invited to this seminar by a coworker, I didn't ask to see the brochure and read through it carefully. Someone told me the brochure did discuss exactly the sort of thing that would be discussed, including the religion, so if I wasted a day, it's my own fault for not checking up more carefully. I suppose this even falls into the "preparation" theme but Montana and Giuliani discussed. Actually, there's a second lesson as well: when stuck in a situation like this, carefully monitor anyone who talks about leaving. My boss and another guy snuck back to work (in the latter's car) while I wasn't watching them

Posted by dichroic at 12:05 PM | Comments (3)

February 15, 2005

I could

I *could* tell them I'm sick and go home. I could I could. I think it's mostly a matter of having eaten too much at (and before) lunch but somehow a nap sounds like the best idea ever right about now...

Posted by dichroic at 02:12 PM

thinking about people

I keep thinking I ought to move this site over to LiveJournal (I do have a blog there but rarely write in it) in order to see if I get more commentary there. Then I keep reminding myself that once I got there I'd still be me. I just don't think I'm the kind of person who everyone loves and reads, either in real life or in my writing voice. (My writing voice is probably closer to the me I am inside my head than the persona you'd meet in the flesh, because of getting to talk about anything I want instead of having to worry about conversing only on topics other people are interested in at that time and place, in short sound bites because that's all there's space to say. Work is for work-talk, rowing is for rowing-talk, airports are for flying-talk, if I ever had time for Stitch'n'Bitch sessions they'd be for knitting talk, and outside that I rarely seem to get to talk to people other than Rudder.)

Anyway, I think it would be fun to be the sort of person who gets hordes of comments on every entry, and constant phone calls in real life. On the other hand, I enjoy being me, too, and wouldn't want to give that up. (Possibly this is the appeal of Multiple Personality Syndrome.) Crankiness has its own satisfaction. Besides, one prerequisite of being widely loved seems to be being the sort of person who likes most people, and I don't. (I do seem to like a higher percentage of people I meet online which tells me that either I'd like people in general more if I knew them better, OR that the sites I read online tend to attract smarter, wittier, and more interesting people. Actually, the latter seems more likely. Also, print is in some ways a better forum for the exchange of complex ideas.)

Another side benefit of not having tons of casual on- and offline friends is that I do really appreciate and cherish the ones I have, which includes all of you who read this or leave notes here. (Spammers excepted. I may be getting mushy but I do have limits.) I love getting to read about the things other people really care about, and the things they're working on as well; it may be a little voyeuristic, but I find I worry when someone disappears, or is obviously unhappy, and I cheer when good things happen to people I read regularly.

Another benefit of blog-reading is the insight into other ways of living. For some reason, polyamory fascinates me - I think it's because in my neo-hippie mind that's more the way life should be. In real life, though, I don't have any great desire to try it out for myself, partly because I'm too lazy and probably too selfish to do it right and partly because, well, see above about not liking enough people. Two things I have noticed, though I haven't collected data on either, and there are plenty of exceptions, is that people who write about being poly seem to be less happy on average and that people who work from home or who don't have jobs seem to get sick more. (If you're thinking you're in one of those categories and I'm wrong, see the part about exceptions. This is just a general impression I've been getting and it doesn't apply to everyone.) The interesting thing about both is I can't tell cause and effect. For example, it could be that some people are more likely to be unhappy for whatever other reason and need to give and receive more love to and from more people to stay on a reasonable keel, that they'd be unhappier monogamous. Or it could be a system that can breed more happiness and more unhappiness both, depending on the people and the situation involved. And the health thing could be that people who go out less develop fewer immunities or it could be that people who have more health problems are more likely to work from home or quit their jobs because they have to. (This does apply to at least two people I read regularly.) Finally, it could be that there's no correlation in either case but that people tend to need to vent about problems and are less likely to write when things are going well because that's the normal state, or that I notice problems more and so get a false impression. Whatever, it's interesting to think about blog sociology and to see trends and connections.

And I think when they taught me statistics, they ruined me for being judgemental.

Posted by dichroic at 12:11 PM | Comments (2)

February 14, 2005

sweet nothings

Valentines' Day isn't a big thing at my house, not least because the letter "r" is about the only thing Rudder and romantic have in common. We usually exchange cards, and we typically go out for dinner on the weekend closest to V-Day but then we go out for dinner on the weekend closest to everything else, too. On Friday, Rudder gave me chocolate-covered strawberries that he'd intended to save for V-day because they came with a note saying "best if consumed within 48 hours". (He admitted the strawberries were because he still feels guilty for Xmas, a stratey that would have worked better if I were particularly fond of chocolate-covered strawberries. Still, nice thought.)

On Saturday, it was cloudy again and Rudder had flying time scheduled. I went along both in case there was anything I could learn and because I get a lot of knitting or napping (but not both) done in the back seat. He'd never gotten actual instrument time before, a lack which apparently became much more urgent after I got some on Thursday. The clouds were clearing near us, but there was still cloud cover to the north and south. At the CFI's suggestion, he ended up canceling the original idea of doing instrument landings at local airports in favor of a cross-country to Tucson, and did end up getting an hour or so in the clouds. We'd left late due to having to plan the cross-country, and it took longer than the originally intended plans. Also, I hadn't eaten much that day and the emergency Powerbar in Rudder's flight bag was fossilized, so by the time we got back I was starving. I figured Rudder would be hungry too, and too tired for our originally scheduled mall trip followed by dinner at the fish place near it, so I offered to treat Rudder to a steak to celebrate his first true instrument flying. He agreed, though we did end up paying for it from the household account after all.

On Sunday afternoon, we proceeded with the mall / fish restaurant thing. (It's a really fatiguing mall, full of flashing lights and hordes of people, including lots of small children to trip over. It's a much more tiring place to shop at than our local mall, but it's an outlet place and I needed hose. And while I'm in parenthesis, I might as well admit that all of the previous drivel was just to explain why we went out for dinner twice in a row, so it wouldn't sound as if we were that spoiled.) During dinner, between craning our heads to watch the person making goofy hats out of balloons, I asked Rudder if that dinner counted as our Valentine dinner or the previous day's steaks. He said, "The steak place - that's at least a little more romantic."

I answered, "Well, it might have been, if you hadn't spent half of dinner analyzing the restaurant's order-taking system." (Yes, he is even geekier than I am - I didn't complain that we'd spent the other half of the time discussing flying.)

He said, "Well, here then," and mouthed noiselessly at me.

I guessed, "Sweet nothings?"


"But how can I tell they're sweet?"

"Because I said them!"

Oig. Also yeesh.

So anyway, this morning while he was showering, I wrote out my card for him. I wrote,

_ . _..
.. ._.. _ _ _ ..._ . _._ _ _ _ _ .._ _.._ _ _ _ _.._ _ _ _
Then I drew a buble around it, labeled it "Sweet nothings", and left it where he'll find it tonight if not this morning.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that last night, we were talking about the Morse code identifiers used in flight navigational aids. Serve him right when he has to go look up the code.

Posted by dichroic at 12:07 PM

February 11, 2005

channeling Langston and Lindy

"Dona nobis pacem" says the old song: Give us peace, give us peace, give us peace.

But peace is not a thing to be given.
Peace is taken. Peace is earned,
Peace is held and peace is painfully made.

Peace is forged in the fire of a fierce determination,
Folded layers of decisions hammered for strength
With will.

Peace is built stick by stick,
Peace is balanced, stone on stone,
Stone on unthrown stone.
Peace is fitted together, each part slotted in
Where a place is found.

Peace is not poured in a pure stream from above;
Peace is built up from the ground by those who need its shelter most,
Holding it up,
Shoring it up,
Improvising as they build,
And propping where it starts to sag.

Peace is not the gift of gods or governments.
Peace is earned at the price of sweat, steel will,
Skill, care, unconfidence
And need.

That felt good. It's been a long, long while since I was able to write any poetry except by forcing it, a method guaranteed to produce nothing but doggerel (though still useful for practice). The beginning of this one came to me, though, when I was listening, ecstatic, to news of the Israeli/Palestinian ceasefire, and then, deflated, to the Israeli comment that the ceasefire depended on the Palestinians to maintain it. (Translation: one rebel throws one stone, or one renegade plants one bomb, and thwe're sending the army back in. Given the difficulty of controlling a whole population, I hope I'm mistranslating here.) Maybe because he cared about peace too, but I felt like I was channelling Langston Hughes as this thing above spoke in my head, with its pounding carpenter rhythm. (Or maybe that was Jimmy Carter, but he's not dead yet.) Of course, the words and the finishing still had to come through me, so I'm not blaming any lack of quality in this on Hughes. But it surely did feel good to have it come to me.

I did end up flying yesterday - and I got actual! (That means flying in actual instrument conditions, with a clearance, talking to Center, and the whole bit.) The wind wasn't bad but there was rain and low clouds. Once we were off the ground and I saw how bad the visibility was, I started worrying I wouldn't be able to see the runway well enough to land - fortunately I could once we were down to 1000 feet height-above-ground or so, but we did quite a bit of flying in the clouds with NO visibility at all. My instructor didn't even have me put on a hood (really a visor, worn so you can't look out and can see only the instrument panel). It was some scary shit, especially on the way back when Phx Approach was supposed to be vectoring us and didn't say anything for a very very long time. That was because they didn't need to, since we were heading straight for our home airport on a VOR radial, but the thing is they didn't say anything to anyone else either, which means there's no way to tell that the radios haven't gone out. Which would suck fairly hard in those conditions.

So yeah, it was scary to the point of pounding head and dropping pit of stomach. Of course that's not entirely rational; I had a CFI with me and my instruments were working fine. But they can break, and I'm not comfortable yet with what to do if they did, and anyway, instrument flying is inherently not a safe thing to do. There are mountains out there, and my little Cessna doesn't have a collision warning system to detect them. (Ironic, since that's one thing my company makes.) I do have a GPS with them programmed in, but again, the pit of my stomach doesn't know from GPSes.

I kept telling myself it was good to be doing this now, while there's a CFI along and I'm training in familiar territory, than to encounter it for the first time alone in a strange area. Here, at worst, we could have gone down low and found our way home by following roads and landmarks. Rudder pointed out that also, this is a good time in my training to do this because now some of the other tactics I'll be learning will be extremely memorable. (What to do if the radios go out, for instance.) The pit of my stomach doesn't listen to him, either.

Good experience, though. (I tell myself again.) Next time it will be much less scary. And one good thing was proving again that I'm not ruled by the pit of my stomach, because I flew well, nailed the ILS approach at Casa Grande (best one I've done yet) and did two landings so good the instructor was impressed. There's nothing like a bit of motivation to do it right, I guess.

Posted by dichroic at 12:19 PM | Comments (1)

February 10, 2005

tut, tut, looks like rain

Well, today's customer meeting went well and even ended earlier than expected. Yay. The simulator was booked for tonight so I'm scheduled to be flying an actual airplane after work - I usually try not to because flying instruments is hard enough without doing it at the end of a workday. I have a funny feeling it might not happen, though, due to the amount of wind. I was going to call and ask the FBO so I wouldn't have to leave work early only to find out I wasn't flying. (And bear in mind the airport is only five minutes from my house, so it's not like I'd be driving across town.) Luckily, a jolt of common sense hit me before I dialed; still, it scares me that I even thought of the idea of calling ahead "so I wouldn't have to leave work early unnecessarily".

Posted by dichroic at 03:50 PM | Comments (1)

February 08, 2005

too much caffeine

I must have gotten enough sleep or something. I'm feeling relatively productive today. Unfortunately the boss appears to have gotten even more sleep plus a large amount of caffeine. Yikes. Now if only he'd read the emails in order...

On the sock issue, I concluded from responses in the Knitlist that Cascade can shrink so knitting with it stretched out was a bad idea. I frogged the sock all the way back to the first few rows. Sigh. At least I'm getting a more reasonable gauge so it's going a wee bit faster now.

Back to work.

Posted by dichroic at 12:49 PM

February 07, 2005

football: sigh. Knitting: sigh. flying: not bad.

So, about them Eagles: sigh. Disappointing but no big surprise. Being a Philly fan is generally a lot like being a Red Sox fan, pre-2004.

The socks I am knitting are getting very much on my nerves, because they're taking SO FREAKING long - I started them last weekend and now I'm only about 4.5" in and I have to go retrieve yet ANOTHER dropped stitch when I get home. I know the reasons it's taking so long, but can't do much about it unless I frog the whole thing. 1) They're in Cascade Fixation and since I knew socks are supposed to be densely knitting, I'm knitting with the elastic stretched out and even with the size 5 needles I'm using, that gives me a gauge of around 7.5 sts and 13 rows per inch. The entire reason I selected Cascade as my first sock yarn was so I could use bigger needles, be able to see my stitches, and have it go faster. Sigh. (I've also just been told it shrinks a bit so this was probably not the best idea I've ever had. However, there's still tons of stretch in the sock.) 2) Since the Lorna's Laces yarn that was supposed to become socks for Rudder after I finished the Cascade ones for me turned out to be pinker than expected, he asked for the Cascade yarn instead. Since this is for him, I'm going back and ripping out rows when necessary to correct small defects, like loose stitches that leave small holes in the sock. Not that he'd complain, but he has tender feet and wouild probably not wear them if they're not comfortable.

Why is sock-knitting supposed to be so much fun? I'm not getting it.

On the other hand, I did my first ILS approaches in the airplane yesterday (I'd done one in the simulator last week) and they went fairly well. I'm a lot more comfortable flying these days, finally. If I can't be domestic at least I can be good at something. (Though also, the pot of chili I made yesterday to eat during the week came out reasonably well, if possibly a little heavy on the tomato sauce. So I'm not a complete failure, domestically speaking.)

Posted by dichroic at 12:50 PM | Comments (2)

February 06, 2005

the who from where?

Actual conversation, at work on Friday:

Me: So, will you be rooting for the Eagles Sunday?

Coworker: I dunno...... who are they playing?

Me: The New England Patriots.

Coworker: They're playing an international team???

The mind reels .... just so wrong, on many levels. Even worse was the part where she said, "Wait, I know my geography and there's no state called New England!"

Posted by dichroic at 01:58 PM | Comments (2)

February 04, 2005

Philly Girl sez:

Almost forgot to say: sorry, Patriots fans, but GO EAGLES!!!!!

Posted by dichroic at 02:09 PM

too long in the spotlight

Whew. Well, that's over. The conference was trememndouly useful, there was a lot of interesting informaiton and I got to meet quite a few people I had only spoken to on the phone, as well as a few I didn't know at all. I think I'm in a position where a lot of people are as eager to meet me as I am to meet them, which made things a lot easier. Also, my presentation went fairly well; a few people went out of their way to tell me I did well and a few others gave me some useful information.

You know what, though? Being professional and charming and nice to everyone is just downright tiring. Obviously it doesn't come naturally to me. It's a funny thng, too: most people who know me would say I'm an extrovert, and I always score ENTP on Myers-Briggs tests, I don't have a fear of big groups, and I find it fairly easy to talk to strangers, but I think I do need down time to recharge. I can't be "on" all the time for too long without getting itchy. Also, since there were evening activities on Tuesday, Wednesday AND Thursday that all ran late enough that I went home and straight to bed afterwards, I had no time at all to read, talk to Rudder, knit, or stare aimlessly into space. Going too long without reading, especially makes me uncomfortable, like someone with Tourette's Syndrome trying not to twitch. Unfortunately I have a flying lesson after today's workday, but after that I can finally go home and not do much of anything.

At leawst not until tomorrow when I have to row, take the cats for their shots (yuck) and get my hair cut.

Posted by dichroic at 01:41 PM

February 01, 2005

cons and chiros

Updates here may be sparse in the next few days I have a conference. It's local for me, but people are coming in from all over the world, and I have to go network, give a presentation, impress the bigwigs, and all that. (Yeah, I know - it sounds so corporate. I may even wear an actual suit tomorrow, albeit my trendy one with the long jacket. 2002 trendy, anyway - not much of a fashionista, me.)

I went to a chiropractor yesterday for a free assessment and checkup, and am thinking about starting a program with them. I'd love feedback from anyone who's been to one. I'm a little leery, because I've heard some unflattering opinions of chiropractry from doctors, and becaue my few forays into alternative medicine to date have been unrewarding (except massage, which is its own reward). Also, they set off my scam sensors when they added up my health insurance copayments and deductible and offered a 40% discount is I prepaid for the 21 sessions they estimated I'd need. On the plus side, $366 doesn't sound unreasonable for 21 sessions (of course, then there's whatever they bill my insurance), they admitted it might take more or fewer sessions, I like that they have me doing stretching and strengthening exercises, the place and people seem nice and sincere, and the coach at rowing camp opined that chiropractic treatment can be valuable for rowers. Also, it is undeniably true that my spine curves in one dimension so that my head is held a little to the left, and does not curve as it's supposed to in another so that my head is thrust forward a little more than it should be. I've seen this in posture checks over the years, in this chiro's X-rays, and in a doctor's X-rays of my spine a few years ago. And I figure have my spine go the way it's supposed to can only be good for rowing purposes, not to mention avoiding back problems later.

As I said, I'd really appreciate feedback from anyone who's been to a chiro and been helped or not helped by it.

Later note: A little due diligence informs me that I may be going to a chiropractor, but tno this chiropractor. They neglected to mention that they're not in-network for my insurance - in this case, the co-pays are probably less in- and out-of-network chiros (hard to tell, becaue in one case it's $30 and in the other it's 70%) and there's no deductible for in-network. Not a trivial difference. However, it turns out there are 23 chiros in my network within 5 miles of my house so if I decide to do this, it shouldn't be impossible to find an honest one. I should also state that, though my spine isn't quite where it should be, I have no back pain or other problems.

Little progress on the socks, probably because I have a fear of holes in them and so am holding the Fixation yarn (which is cotton with elastic in it) stretched tightly as I knit. I also have some Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock yarn fot future socks and even though it's nominally a finer gauge and I'll knit it with size 2 needles instead of the current size 5, I have a feeling it will knit up a little bigger for me. Or maybe not. I'm knitting the current ones toe-up, with a figure-eight cast-on, which I think is not usually the way people do their first socks but oh well. I also don't think knitting is quite as hard to figure out as some people seem to -- I see a lot of questions on the Knitlist to which my first answer would be either "try it and see" or "do the math" -- though I have a long way until I can do anything really complex. Another thing I want to try is Peace Fleece; some of their colors would be beautiful in a sweater and I want to support their principles. But that will have to wait until after at least some of the four projects I either have on the needles or have planned and bought yarn for are done. (Fixation ribbed socks for Rudder, in progress; Lorna's Laces socks for me, planned; cable scarf for my uncle which may not go to him until next Chanukah, in progress; sleeveless cotton sweater for me, about 4" in and put aside months ago to work on winter things. Maybe I need a sidebar here listing projects.)

Posted by dichroic at 12:22 PM | Comments (10)

January 31, 2005

anniversary week

It's funny how something can be all over the news for weeks, and then sink like a stone in still water. Once the ripples are gone, no one remembers unless it's personal. For me, these are a little personal and I want to bring them back to public memory. The deaths of a few explorers who knew the risks they took are not much compared to death tolls of unsuspecting innocents in Indonesia, but in another way, every single death is an equivalent tragedy, to those involved in mankind. The cllustering of these, three accidents in a week, is especially painful:

January 27, 1967: Apollo 1 explodes on the ground, killing 3 astronauts.

January 28, 1986: Space Shuttle Challenger explodes during liftoff, killing 7 astronauts.

February 1, 2003: Space Shuttle Columbia explodes during re-entry, killing 7 astronauts.

Here are all their names. There are so many stories along with those people: Grissom's near-drowning on only the second US space flight ever, the Teacher in Space program that put MacAuliffe on Challenger and, most horribly, many students right there to watch her death, the Holocaust-era drawing by a young boy who died in the concentration camps, that burned up along with Ilan Ramon on Columbia. Too many stories. The good news though, news that would have gratified all 17 of those astronauts even if they had known their fate in advance, is that we're going back up. NASA is taking safety precautions, and they have stocked the next mission with some top people. (Actually, all US astronauts are top people. I don't know what the selection process is like in other countries, but NASA has their pick of some incredible people, and they do pick them.) With luck, the next mission will launch at the beginning of May. With a little more luck and a whole lot of contingency planning, these astronauts will return home safely and with new knowledge.

Posted by dichroic at 08:56 AM

January 28, 2005

Annoying People, Type #3674

Annoying People, Type #3674

You know how some people will repeat what you're saying as you're saying it? I think it's a way to chime in and agree, to confirm they're hearing you, or somehting like that. Actually I don't find that all that annoying, unless it's done all the time /gritting teeth. However, yesterday in a class I saw that taken to a new level of obnoxiousness. There was a woman in the row in front of me who was chiming in along with the teacher. Frequently. And when she wasn't doing that, she was nodding or saying little encourgaing things: "Yup. That's right. I see that all the time." And when she wasn't doing that she was asking him questions, roughly three times as many as the rest of us put together, and when she wasn't doing that she was talking to the coworkers on either side of her. I think the man on her left was her boss; if I had been him I'd have been mortified. Oh and also, she laughed at all her own jokes, though no one else did.

The funny thing is that none of that would have been particularly obnoxious or even noticeable in a one-on-one discussion. In the class, though, it gave the impression that she thought she was in a private discussion, with no thought to the rest of us who were there and had paid to hear the instructor. Grr. I'm almost glad I didn't have a business card to give her when she asked. (My cards finally came in today, fortunately, becaue I'll need them next week.)

Here's one thing about being a new knitter: when you want to order online, you've never heard of any of the stores before. (Well, except eBay, and most of their things seem to be large lots of yarn. I'm not really up to sweaters yet) There are yarn stores in my city, but the nearest is a half hour away and I don't always have time to go - no time during the week and weekends are really the only time I can spend time with Rudder (when we're both awake). So I've been watching blogs and the Knitlist for mentions of purchases from online stores and noting when people seem to be happy with them, and also noting when Knitlisters are affiliated with those stores. (Somehow it seems reassuring that there's a real live person there.)

I'm guessing other people do the same, so I'd like to report that I've just made my first online yarn purchase, from Lamb's Ear Farm and was very happy with it. I ordered on Saturday, it was shipped Monday, and I received it on Wednesday. Also, Roxi was very prompt in emailing me when there was a question with my order (due to my typo) and in answering my questions. Also, the have a great selection and all of their yarns/colors are can be seen on the website. I'm sure I'll order from other sources as well (I'm interested in trying Elann and Knitpicks, for their low prices) but I'll definitely also be going back to Lamb's Ear for their selection, shipping and service.

I have no affiliation with any of the companies mentioned here, just wanted to share my experience because other peoples' have been so helpful to me.

Posted by dichroic at 12:43 PM | Comments (2)

January 26, 2005


I came on this link to the Implicit Association Test over at Scalzi's place. It's designed to show if you have unconscious biases for or against a group. (If you take one of the initial tests, designed to show prejudice linking gender to family/career or for or against fat people vs thin people or black people vs white people, you can then click on Measure Your Attitudes and select other tests, including a bunch about politics and religion. So far, it's shown that I have a moderately strong association between women and families and men and careers, no prejudice toward fat vs. thin people, a moderate preference for Judaism vs. other religions, and a moderate preference for black faces vs. white faces. Aside from the preference toward Judaism, and possibly the female/family connection, those results are not what I'd have expected and I wonder if it's really just showing I have a preference for right vs. left. Still, the tests do try to control for that.

(I'm human. I do have prejudices. I just try not to act unjustly because of them.) Anyway, the test is interesting and at least worth thinking about.

I had somewhere I wanted to go with this but can't remember it now. Incidentally, entries here may be a bit sparser than usual for the next little bit; I have training all day tomorrow and a conference part of next week. Meanwhile, my ends are splitting and I haven't had time to schedule a haircut. Cool Salon Guy is now Cool Work-at-Home Guy - he cuts hair out of his house since the salon he worked at closed, and unfortunately his house is a bit further for me. I keep debating whether to keep going to him; not only is it an issue of loyalty but I always enjoy talking to him and he knows how to cut my hair. On the other hand the drive is inconvenient and it just feels odd - not unsafe, just odd - to go to his house. I'll probably do what I've been doing: go to him and put the decision off another month.

Posted by dichroic at 12:24 PM | Comments (1)

January 25, 2005

Cool water

Chalk up one more reason to be glad I work here instead of at my old site. For what's supposed to be one company, there are a lot of odd little differences between the two sites. One of them is that there are bottled-water water coolers all over the place here; at the North site there are almost none - a few unfiltered fountains and one or two coolers that filter tap water, scattered over two enormous buildings. (To understand why all this really matters, you have to know that Phoenix-area tap water is undrinkable. I'm not fussy: I'll drink tap water in Philadelphia, Houston, Boston, San Diego, LA and pretty much anywhere else I've ever been including cities where many other people insist on bottled water, but the stuff here tastes nasty.)

I don't know if it's been on the national news, but apparently 3 of the city of Phoenix's water processing plants are down and one of the two remaining ones is working at half capacity. There's still water, but it may be contaminated and should be boiled before drinking. Apparently this problem arose because - wait for it - with all the rain up north some silt washed into the system and gunked it all up. (I wonder what they think people in other places, where rain is a normal occurrance, do?) I don't imagine many Phoenicians were thrilled to wake up and be told not to shower or to "shower very quickly" this morning. Fortunately I live in another contiguous city - especially fortunate since I was halfway through an erg workout when I found this out. However, both my current and former worksite are within the city of Phoenix.

I'm still on the e-mail list for my old site, so I was amused to be notified (not until after lunch, mind you) that they company would be supplying bottled water in the cafeteria for free - but the urged employees to be considerate of others and not take more than a bottle or two. Yikes. Here they just told us not to use the sinks, presumably in case someone wanted to lick their hands after washing them. (To be fair, some people do brush their teeth with that water after lunch.) But they left us bottles of hand sanitizer!

The funny thing is, normally our water is cheaper and we have restrictions more rarely than places that aren't nine years into a drought in the desert. (We don't know yet if this year's rains will be enough to end the drought - or rather, I suppose the drought is technically gone but water levels are still way low. Stay tuned.)

Posted by dichroic at 02:56 PM | Comments (3)

January 24, 2005


I think I'm in a holding pattern right now - rowing camp's over and I've got nothing exciting coming up unless you count a local work conference next week or a birthday in six weeks (a little too far away for even me to get exceited about yet.) Various stuff, good, bad and confusing happened otherwise.

The lake has reopened as of Saturday, but it's only open from dawn to dusk so I can't go back to regular training even if I wanted to. However, I was noticing my thighs touching as I walked today - not sure if they're actually bigger or if it's just that I've been wearing pants mostly instead of skirts, but either way it's an reminder that I should be doing a little more than the current low level of exercise. Rudder and I did go out rowing on Saturday; the lake water was brown and muddy, with trash washed up on shore, but beautifully calm. I just did one lap lightly, working on all the technique changes from camp.

Yesterday he went out rowing again while I went flying - She-Hulk came along to ride with me because she's been wanting to learn to fly and wanted to see what it was like. Unfortunately, since I hadn't flown in two weeks I kept overshooting my turns and having to tilt back the other way, which got her a little - not queasy, but on the edge of it. On the other hand I was flying under the hood, using instrument techniques, so all turns and changes in altitude were very slow and gentle and I made two excellent landings. In other words, aside from a little bit of turbulence, this was about as gentle as flight in a small plane is likely to be. Still, you do feel turbulence more in a small plane than a big one, and she was in the back seat which moves more in turns and from which visibility is more limited. I htink she liked it otherwise, and I suspect that in the front seat she'd have no issues - and of course more experience and being in control herself will both help. I do hope she decides to learn to fly.

I did get down to the decrease section on Clapotis but have put it aside for a few days. I only had one remaining ball of yarn which I'd taken a bit out of the middle of to match colors in an earlier section. I used part of it that matched onto the last bit well enough, but to go to my remaining bit I'd have had to do a transition from lime green directly to turquoise (it's supposed to go lime->olive->shamrock green->turquoise) and it looked too abrupt. I wasn't at all sure I had enough yarn to finish and had ordered an extra skein from Lamb's Ear Farm on Saturday so I'll have to wait. The people at Lamb's Ear seem very responsive and I know they're going to ship it today; I just hope it gets here quickly. Meanwhile I do have a few other things to work on.

The new bed has arrived safely and I can now sit up and read or knit comfortably in bed. It does rather, er, dominate the room, though. If I ever decide to hold court from bed (was it Louis XVI who did that?) I now have the platform from which to do it, though it's dubious how many courtiers would fit into our room now. The only real drawback to having a headboard when I'm not used to one is that now when I roll over, if my arms are above my head I'm apt to bang on it accidentally and I'm always afraid I'll wake Rudder.

Possible TMI below cut tag.

I'd been feeling a little odd lately - sort of a pre-period feeling in a post-period week; some of you will know what I mean. Combine that with the very light flow I'd had week before last, and, well, what LA had put into my head, and I figured I'd try something I'd always been a little curious about. One line showed. I can now confirm (at least, I presume I can) that pregancy tests do work even when you're on the pill (and, as always, that the pill really does work, but the past half of my life has been ample confirmation of that.

I'm oddly disappointed, somehow, slightly, and a little wistful. On the other hand, when I imagine how I'd feel if someone said, "You're fired and you'll never have a decent job again," I feel as if I'd been punched in the solar plexus and branded a terrible failure for life. If the pill did turn out not to be foolproof, I might not be aghast, but I think this is my brain's way of telling me which path I ought to take as long as I get to choose.

Another thing: I think if I did ever get pregnant under these circumstances (38 years old and on the pill) I'd be at such high risk that I wouldn't tell anyone but Rudder for a very long time - not even you virtual people out there in the electrons. It would be such high-risk and if I did miscarry far too many people I know, both IRL and on the web, would be hurt, either from reliving their own disappointments or from being happy about it and then having to realign emotions. But anyway, I'm not.

Posted by dichroic at 02:51 PM | Comments (2)

January 21, 2005

monsters under the bed

We ended up deciding on this bed rather than the leather one - partly so we don't have to worry as much about cat damage but mostly because we were worried about how well the other would go with the rest of our furniture, which is in Federal-to-Early Victorian cherry. (Repros, not antiques.) It's being delivered today. (yay!) So last night, Rudder wanted us to clean out under the bed before anyone saw it (anyone being delivery people, I suppose). Technically, I think he wanted me to clean it out, since he had a lake users' meeting after work. I took a look when I got home and it didn't look too bad - I cleared out a couple of pieces of junk and resolved to run a vacuum by the head and foot ends before I went to bed, figuring I'd let the deliverers of the new bed take apart the old frame.

When I got around to that, however ... oof. I had forgotten how much time the cats spend under the bed. Also, apparently our cleaning services gives people instructions that start with "Remember this isn't YOUR house. People that hire cleaning services are all slobs so you don't have to clean under or behind anything." (We'd been considering changing services, because they also seem to skip the erg room and their dusting tends to miss some areas.) I don't expect them to vauum the whole area under the bed, but they could do a lot better around the edges.

Vacuuming the foot end wasn't bad - we tend to stack workout gear there, so there were some fuzzies, but not too much. AT the other end, though, I had to push the bed out from the wall to get the vacuum in. By the time the space was wide enough, the boxsprings were falling off the fram (it's a king bed so there are two) and the further I pushed the bed out the worse it looked. Finally I leaned the mattress against the wall, took the boxsprings and stashed them in the hallway, and took the frame apart. (Of course Rudder got home just too late to help life the mattress.) Vacuuming it all up took one change of bag and several stops to clear cat hair from the vacuum beater brush.

Buying new furniture is a useful prod to deep cleaning. And stop looking at me like that. Don't tell me you regularly vacuum under the middle of king-sized beds either.

In other news, I broke down and made my first chiropractor appointment today. There's nothing particularly wrong, but the coach at rowing camp recommended it for rowers. At work today they had a car show for employee's cars - don't ask me how someone here affords a Lamborghini, but there were also lots of70s muscle cars, a couple of Model A's, some chopped and lowered street rods, '57 Chevys, a couple of race cars, and so on. I think my favorite was the VW Beetle converted to an off-road car - I don't think they kept anything but the sheet-metal. Anyway, they had free 5 minute massages, and one of Dichroic's Rules of Living is 43. Never pass up a free massage. It turned out they were from a chiropractor, and I figured my company would have made sure they were at least reputable. Maybe they'll know how to correct my curving spine and I'll instantly grow two inches.

Hey, it could happen.

Posted by dichroic at 01:12 PM | Comments (3)

January 20, 2005


Hello, my name is Dichroic and I am a procrastinator. I tend to get behind on things and lose track - or not lose track and then there's always that niggling guilt. It's even stupider when it's a pleasant task I procrastinate on.

All of which is to explain why I'm only now writing an entry to say why Keilyn rocks. I'm tempted just to write, "Well, duh." Obviously I think she's got great taste, because we have so many of the same interests - that's why she started commenting here in the first place. Of the things we don't have in common, some of her hobbies (like the SCA) are ones I've always had a tangential interest in and I think some of mine (rowing) are ditto for her. I've only recently started reading her LiveJournal (which I won't link because she hasn't linked it here) and she seems to be an interesting person in the view I get from that, as well. Also, once she commented here we corresponded a bit and found the coolest coincidence I've seen all year: we'd never met but her junior high best friend was one of my best friends in high school.

A lot of people seem to look back on their youth as a time of idiocy. In a recent comment on WeirdJews, someone wrote (not to me), "You are a goddamned idiot. Now, let's prove this mathmatically: take your age- subtract 10 from it. Were you a goddamed idiot back then? Of course you were! And you're just as big of a goddamed idiot right now - it'll just take you 10 years to figure it out." (That would be why I just set up an age poll on that community. I had a feeling few people past their 20s would write that.) Anyway, my first reaction was, "But I wasn't an idiot at nearly 28." On the other hand I don't think I was an idiot at nearly 18, or nearly 8, either - inexperienced, but not stupid or even terribly thoughtless. And I don't think my friends then were either - we might have been intense and inclined to take everything with the Utmost Seriousness, but no, not stupid, and not totally devoid of judgement either.

Wheer I'm going with this is that my high school friend certainly had good judgement in people; at last report she's still married to her boyfriend from back then - who incidentally may be the single smartest person I've ever met and who was also good friends with Keilyn. And good people don't generally age into not-good people - I suppose it could happen, but I think it would be fairly visible if it did. So despite a very slight acquaintance, I know Keilyn rocks, because I knew M and J and they knew her - and thought she rocked. Good enough evidence for me.

Maybe someday we can dig up M and J and all get together on one of my infrequent East Coast trips - now that would really rock.

Posted by dichroic at 12:34 PM | Comments (1)

January 14, 2005

rowing camp

I've got the usual pre-travel jitters, leading to agitation over such earth-shattering questions as: will I regret having chili for lunch on this afternoon's 6-hour drive? Will the scheduled 2-3 rows/day be too much, leading to shredded hands and an exhausted body? And how do we get to the boathouse in San Diego, anyhow?

Nevermind, it'll be fun - the chili will behave (probably), most of the rowing won't be very strenuous, and at least I can do something about that last one. And I get to spend a nice weekend with people I like on the water in Mission Bay. Sunshine is predicted for the weekend, and warm but not too warm temperatures. Saturday night we're feeding spaghetti to everyone in the rowing camp and we'll get to meet more people to hang out with when we travel to races. With luck I'll get both some ideas for maintenance training and then some help for when/if I get back into competition. I'll get a lot done on Clapotis on the drive. It will be good.

Posted by dichroic at 12:16 PM

January 13, 2005

improved feed and what to put in it

OK, I've gotten my RSS feed set so now you can read the full text of this at Livejournal (at Dichroic2) or Bloglines or wherever. (Though as Natalie points out the atom.xml feed already did have full text.)

Now, of course, the challenge would be to write things anyone actually wants to read.

For the knitters: Clapotis is now officially half-done - I'm half through the 7th of the 13 repeats in the middle section. However, the beginning took me a long time to figure out and it seems to be speeding up as I go, so I don't think it will take as long to do the second half. Also, I've got about 12 hours in the car this weekend, which should contribute enormously to available knitting time. (And motivation.)

Rowing: Those 12 hours will be spent getting to and from San Diego for rowing camp - this is run every year by Pattie Pinkerton, the USD womens' rowing coach and former Australian national team coach. We haven't gone before because the last two years we had only just gotten back from travel and didn't want to head out again, but this will be She-Hulk's third time and she's really liked it. Rudder and I both wimped out on working out again today (I did erg yesterday) so I'm a little worried I'll be too tired for some of the three on-the-water sessions a day the schedule shows, but we'll see. I keep reminding myself I did a marathon only two months ago and finished 200 km only two weeks ago and can't really be all that out of shape. I think I'll tell Patty I'm pulling back for this year and ask her to help me figure out a maintenance progam so I won't be too rusty or out of shape when / if I am ready to come back to it.

Also, this year I intend to keep logging workouts here but I won't be joining Fivehundred again unless I have a reason to set some distance-related goal sometime later this year. I made my 500 mile goal in 2003 (actually, I completed about 800 miles) and my 1000 mile goal last year. I don't need it for motivation; the need to train if I'm competing takes care of that, and if I'm not competing I don't think I need a distance goal. Still, it's a good site and anyone working on a fitness goal ought to consider it - it can be very helpful to have your numbers out there for the world to see.

Flying:I'm just under 20 hours into training now, working on VOR approaches and holds. The minimum training required for an IFR is 40 hours, but I'll take a lot more than that because at the beginning I had to spend a lot of time just burnishing off the rust - flying is definitely something that only shines in use - and because I need to build up a lot of time X-country time to meet the 50-hour requirement for the IFR rating.

Of course it's never a competition but all the same I was very disappointed, yesterday when I was reading the list of people who'd earned ratings at my school, to see the name of someone I don't respect much who had earned a private pilot rating in late 2003 and an IFR only 5 months later. I'm leff than halfway in and I've worked on this since September. There are lots of reasons: work (he had a much more flexible job), travel, racing, Christmas holidays, and so on, and if there's anything stupider than comparing yourself to someone else on this I don't know what it is (well, I can thin k of a few things :-) but still, it leaves me feeling I should do better.

Guilt can be useful. At least it nagged me into doing some of the reading/studying for this I'd been neglecting.

Politics: I heard something on BBC radio news yesterday that had me growling. Yesterday a plane 3 hours out of England, flying to NYC, was turned back because there was a man on board whose name was on the do-not-fly list. The pilot was told the man wouldn't be allowed to land in the US and so he had to turn the whole plane around. Correction: he chose to turn the whole plane arund and fly back to London. But they gave him the option to land in Bangor, Maine instead.


So is Maine now not part of the US? Or does the FAA just not care what happens up there?

More to the point, why could they have not just had someone meet the plane and question the man, especially given the number of mistakes there have been over that list? Clearly they weren't to worried about the man taking over the plane or they wouldn't have given the pilot the Maine option - at 747 speeds, you're not *that* far from some major targets. I really really hate when my country makes itself look that stupid.

Work: I'm beginning to feel more productive lately, and that I'm starting to learn what I need to do here. Now I need to go from there and start getting a lot more done - it's easy to get in bad habits when you don't have enough to do or you seem to be floating aimlessly. Enough of that.

Plans & Goals: I've been seeing a few 101 in 1001 lists lately on various websites - 101 things you'd like to accomplish in 1001 days. I'm flummoxed at the idea of having 101 goals - either they'd have to be mostly tiny ones, or else I'd feel uselessly overwhelmed. Also, I really have little idea of what I want to be doing three years from now. Most of my goals are limited to the next year or even next few months or else they're vaguer lifetime things I just want to do at some indeterminate time. Here are a few things I do know.

In the next year, I'd like to: knit some socks including some well-done enough for Rudder to wear (because he likes them, not just because I made them). Knit myself a sweater or two, including one with sleeves. Finish my IFR and stay current. Get a lot more comfortable flying, including long-distance flying. Get to the point where both I and my boss think I am good at my job. Stay reasonably fit. Get my finances back in shape - this IFR has led to credit card debt and I need to stop that.

In the next three years: Move OUT OF ARIZONA finally (or at least out of the hot part of it) and maybe even out of the country for a year or two. (Or the international part could come later - no rush there.) Either get back into competitive rowing or move on into some other sport. Keep flying. Get better at saving / investing. Keep gaining increasingly responsible work experience.

In the next decade: build a house or at least a hangar with an apartment on our airpark property. Buy a plane. Figure out a direction to go careerwise and move on it, or else shift careers entirely (but to what?). Take a year or half-year off just to travel around the country. Widen and deepen my circle of friends. Keep working on that tact thing. Find people to sing with. (Not perform, or necessarily even sing well - just sing.)

I could probably come up with 101 goals, but for a lfietime, not just in the next 101 days. One thing that did occur to me is that, if I could persuade Rudder to do it, we ought to look into joining the local SCA. I think he's afraid the people would be too loopy for him (whereas I'd expect to find the sort of F&SF people I've always enjoyed, though I'd expect some loopy types too even from my viewpoint) , and he's never found the local RenFaire more than mildly entertaining. But I think it would solve some of our problems: a new circle of people to meet, swordplay for a new physical activity, people for me to sing with, fun things like catapults and trebuchets for him to build. And people for me to talk history with. I don't know much about the local branch though - I know there is one but not how big or how fun, how open to playing with stereotypes or hung up on authenticity, or how friendly. It might be interesting to check out sometime, though. Another one for the "sometime" list.

Hmm. It can certainly be debated whether I'm entertaining (or just prone to logorrhea) but no one can say I'm not offering variety: blogging, knitting, rowing, flying, life goals, SCA-ding, and even a gratuitous Tennyson reference. (Virtual prizes for identifying it.)

Posted by dichroic at 01:11 PM | Comments (2)

January 11, 2005

tree-huggers united

I'm not usually a big of "art installations", but I love this one.

Posted by dichroic at 10:07 AM

January 10, 2005

oh, Pooh!

Saw this at Batten's place:

You are Pooh Bear.
Indulgence is not a bad word as far as you're
concerned, your confidence in being yourself is
what matters more than all that.
The most loyal of friends and always good fun to be
around, everyone needs someone like you in
their life.

Which Pooh character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by dichroic at 09:09 AM

January 07, 2005

feeling Lucy van Pelt-ish

I can tell I'm in an impatient mood. I went out at lunch to pick up some Chinese food and happed to be listening to Nancy Griffith's Other Voices, Other Rooms in the car. The giveaway was when I noticed I kept making up slightly revised lyrics to the songs she was singin. Sample verse from Bob Dylan's Spanish Leather:

How the f*** can you ask me again?
I have told you over and over
The same damned thing that I tell you today,
I would tell to you tomorrow.

See what I mean? I think I've been feeling a little crabby since just after Christmas. Mostly I think it's a post-holiday let-down thing; I feel like there's nothing much to look forward to, eventhough that's not strictly true. (We have a weekend in San Diego for rowing camp in a couple of weeks, for instance.) Still, I won't have much time off work until at least this summer.

This mood's probably been a little hard on Rudder. I had to bite my tongue hard last night to keeping from telling him to piss off or simply thwapping him with my mug. On the other hand, as I tell him, just because sometimes I react more drastically than others, doesn't mean I'm not annnoyed by the same things all the times. It just means that sometimes I show less reaction.

For some reason he particularly annoys me when he talks about my flying or flight-planning; it just feels like he drones on and on and on about it. And leans on my map and gets in my way. And tells me what to do like I'm an idiot. And tells me two different things two minutes apart. And did I mention that he goes ON and ON and ON?

I think I just have a low tolerance for flying talk in general just because it does tend to go on so long. Possibly also because when I was getting my private pilot rating I worked in an Air Force lab and Rudder had only recently completed his. So I got advice at work and I got advice at home until it's a wonder I didn't give up on the whole thing out of sheer stupidheaded rebellion. It probably exacerbates the whole issue that I'm a little dissatisfied with my flight school at the moment. Too many lessons cancelled due to issues with the airplanes and I'm not as thrilled with my teachers as I was with my first CFI, the one I worked with for my first rating. They're OK, just not great. I could move to another FBO (=flight school) but the others are at the next airport over, a 15-20 minute drive instead of 2 minutes, which makes getting to lessons before or right after work more difficult.

I'm also probably crabby either because I'm exercising less at the moment or because I'm feeling guilty about exercising less. But then if I worked out more I'd go back to being crabby at having to get up way too early and fit that in with the flying. Anyway the lake's still closed (becaue it's a river at the moment) so it's a moot point right now, as far as rowing goes.

So yeah, the reason's still in doubt, but the crabbiness is definitely here.

Posted by dichroic at 12:38 PM | Comments (2)

January 04, 2005

more bucks for the bang

Hey - those of you who work for Corporate Wherever, if you're donating to any of the charities working on tsunami relief, don't forget to check first if your place does matching donations. There's nothing up about it on my company's website (probably because this is only the second day we're back) but I've got a call in to the appropriate coordinator. I hadn't decided who to donate to (my top current choice is only accepting funds online, which I don't want to do from work) but I'll wait for that callback to try to double my impact. (Later: There's a press release. Now I just have to decide whether to donate through the company or direct to a charity as I usually do. )


I'm wearing my poncho today. Mistake-ridden it may be but after all that work I've got to get at least a little wear out of it, and anyway it went so well with a plain brown shirt ad flowing brown skirt that I decided to wear it instead of the sweater I'd originally planned. Unfortunately after all that work I made it too big and it's falling off my shoulders. I may need to see if I can unravel the (bastardized triple-needle join) seam and take five or so inches off of it. I did try it on as I was making it but was afraid it would be too tight and would bind my arms to my sides, plus it's a little tricky to get an accurate fit with a needle in there. (Yes, I know, I could have slid the stitches onto a piece of scrap yarn. I'm still new at this, remember?)

Posted by dichroic at 11:03 AM

January 03, 2005

one death at a time

This has been a horrible, horrible holiday, not for me personally but in a wider sense. Two online listsibs lost their mothers in the weeks just before Christmas. I've just heard that a work acquaintance, someone I worked with fairly closely at my last posting, lost his daughter in a car accident on Christmas Day. Not only does he have to bury a child, which always seems the worst of personal tragedies, but his his three-year-old grandaughter (named Seven, oddly) is now motherless.

And of course this all pales in contrast to the tsunami death toll. Last I heard it's up to 144,000 and the news is rife with stories of parents whose children were ripped from their arms.

I'm not callous to the news, but somehow the deaths of people I know or of people close to the ones I know affect me more than those thousands in Indonesia. It's probably a universal human failing, but in another way it's not really a failing. I think it's because 144,000 deaths don't mean anything. They are a news item, an impersonal statistic I can't really understand on any emotional level. One death means something; one death can rend the world. Each of those 144,000 deaths rends the world for those that loved the dead person. It's not a tragedy, it's 144,000 individual tragedies. Some of them are even sadder, in a way, because no one's world will be rent, because every single person who knew or loved that dead one has also died.

It's going to be strange next year, when for some people Christmas will be the usual season of joy and for many, many, it will be the anniversary of tears.

Posted by dichroic at 09:25 AM

January 01, 2005

old year and new year

I don't quite understand this. While there were many high points to 2004 that I can sum up easily - began the year in Antarctica, competed in and saw friends at Masters Nationals, did fairly well coxing in the Head of the Charles, completed a marathon, changed jobs, reducing my commute and getting a substantial raise, and beginning to work on my Instrument Flight Rating, our visit to the in-laws in summer and theirs to us at Xmas -- somehow my basic feelings for the year can be summed up as "Meh." There were parts of it that were wonderful, like the time on the Akademik Ioffe (the boat we were on to Antarctica) and the trip to Natchitoches for the marathon, I just don't feel especially excited or accomplished about the year overall. I have no idea why, but Rudder seems to feel the same.

We ended up staying home last night, with movies rented, Chandon champagne and shrimp on the barbie for dinner, and the evening went by immoderately quickly, then we slept in to an unheard of hour - nearly 10AM. This is what happens when you stay up past 8, I suppose.

I'm supposed to be flight-planning for a cross-country trip tomorrow. I don't like flightplanning much, because it's both tedious and scary (in that my neck depends on doing it right). Still, I'll have both an instructor and Rudder along for the actual trip. I suppose I should quit procrastinatig and get back to it.

Posted by dichroic at 01:55 PM | Comments (1)

December 30, 2004

unconnected brain offgassing

Random Observations:

I decided on the Noro Sillk Garden for th scarf - knitted the beginnings of it in both yarns to see how it worked out and the Manos was too heavy. Though if I do a second scarf of it, it might make a good shawl/lap robe for the office.

So far the Sillk Garden has broken three times on me (I don't think I knit all *that* tight) but at least it spit-splices well.

Watched VH1's 100 Best Heavy Metal / Hard Rock Bands last night. Why do they even try to make it suspenseful that Led Zeppelin was voted the best metal band of all time? And why didn't someone *tell* me Eddie Vedder was so good-looking? I mean, I've heard Pearl Jam, of ourse, but had never seen them.

Note to American Christians: As a semi-outsider I can report that the way you-all celebrate Christmas is terrible. Months of preparation for one day? It's just ludicrous and probably accounts for all those artificially high expectations that result in post-holiday letdown. I propose we all go to celebrating for all twelve days. Or we could do the Saturnalia thing, with the Lord of Misrule and all the role-reversals and such. And my company (and yours, if you're a wage-slave) should give me a holiday until Epiphany, too.

Besides, I've concluded I really need two weeks off: one to rest up and sleep and one to do stuff.

I rather wish some of you authorial types out there would read Diana Wynne Jones' Hexwood and let me know what you think. She's trying to do a lot of funky and confusing things with the structure - that is, some times the reader is supposed to be confused and sometimes I was anyway. I don't think it altogether succeeded; one indicator was that she had to explain a few threads in an Author's Note at the end. But it was interesting to watch her handling iof the tricky bits, and it's a good enough story that it kept me involved regardless. I'd rate it as a fascinating but not completely successful experiment. It reminded me of Fire and Hemlock more than anything else of hers I'd read, but I think the latter ties up the ends better. There aren't too many books I think ought to be longer, but this might be one.

I know part of the reason there seem to be so many miscarriages is because people know about pregnancies so much earlier, but I've known of far too many lately, some after the mother started showing signs of pregnancy. It breaks my heart, because some of these were so wanted.

Posted by dichroic at 09:23 PM | Comments (1)

December 27, 2004

end of Xmas

Well, yesterday's vegetable soup wasn't great - nothing really wrong with it, but it needed a couple extra hours in the crockpot. Other than that, I think my in-laws ae now convinced we're increedible cooks - the highlights at Xmas dinner were Rudder's deep-fried turkey and my cappucino pie. Yummy. The visit was a shining success in general. Rudder's grandmother commented that it seemed like we were always eating, which was true enough but funny, since I had the same reaction to visiting them last summer. Rudder's grandparents can't really walk far enough for any of the activities we'd have otherwise planned, so mostly we all just hung around, but I know everyone had a good time. Last night I dragged them all out to sit by a bonfire - I've been wanting to put floating candles on the pool for a awhile and this was my chance. It had been chilly but last night was cloudy, which holds heat in, so it was just warm enough for us not to freeze and cool enough to want to stay near the fire. The reflection of the fire and candles on the pol were magical and it turned out to be a great way to end their visit.

The only drawback was that I got very few gifts this year, especially compared to the loads of stuff I got everyone else. However, that was just because my family of course sent their gifts for Chanukah and some of our Xmas gifts were perishable things that we opened on arrival. For example we got lots of summer sausage and cheese, which were great to have with that many people around. Also, Rudder and I are giving each other a new bed, which we haven't gotten yet, and the grandparents' gift to us was their presence, which is a very nice sort of present but doesn't have a bow to untie. I did get a midweight fleece pullover from the in-laws, whicih is something I've been wanting - I've been jealous of Rudder's. Also, my MIL was delighted with the Moebius scarf and my GMIL seemed to like the scarf I knitted her, and I love giving gifts people love.

They left today because my FIL has to get back to work and they have a 2-3 day drive back. Now the big festive part of the holiday is over, Rudde is enjoying a nap and I'm looking forward to a whole week off work to do whatever I want. I'll post pics of the poncho later when Ruder's around to take pictures and, when I finish it, of the mini-Weasley sweater I'm knitting. (It's a top-down raglan and will be 3-4" tall - seemed lilke a good way to see how that works.)

Posted by dichroic at 09:54 AM

December 23, 2004

yearly application of tact

My theme song this Christmas is from Stan Rogers:

At last, I'm ready for Christmas, I've even finished the tree, At last, I'm ready for Christmas, like I thought I'd never be, With feet propped up by a nice warm fire and a matching inside glow. At last, I'm ready for Christmas, with nearly two hours to go.

Granted, I'm more or less ready two days before, not two hours, but only because Rudder's family arrives today. MIL's hat is DONE! though not wrapped, the tree is decked and the ornament boxes put away, the house is straightened to Rudder's standards, and the turkeys are injected (with seasoning / marinade).

I have done my act of kindness and tact for this year, too. There's a woman on an e-list of mine who has put me on her list of "inspirational" forwards. These are almost invariably a) treacly, b) preachy, and c) about Jesus. Worse, this is the second time she's done this; she had me on her list years ago when we were both on a related e-list; I think then I just blocked her email address. I've made no secret of being Jewish on this list. I don't know in what universe it's acceptable to send stuff like that to someone not of your faith, and in my particular universe it's not acceptable to send ANY regular forwards to ANYONE unless they've asked for them. I might send the occasional joke or picture that I think a specific person might especially like, but her messages were coming several times a day. However, contrary though it might be to reason, I do believe her motives were benign; I think she's just honestly clueless.

I emailed her and asked her politely to stop, and it was one of the hardest messages I've ever had to frame. It was far more difficult than you'd imagine not to write "What part of "Jewish" do you not understand?" or "Please get your god out of my inbox," or some such. (As may be obvious, I am not a naturally tactful person.) But I did it, and I must have succeeded in non-inflammatory phrasing, because she agreed to take me off her list, told me with no hint of irony that she "appreciated my being Jewish" (arrgggh!) and asked for a copy of something I'd written.

I suppose there are things to be said for tact, in that it so often seems to succeed where direct speech would only raise defensive hackles. I'd feel better if I could think of a similarly polite way to educate her on why what she's done is unacceptable, but I don't think I can do that without being worse than the original offense, and using rudeness to teach manners is generally not productive.

(Of course, by venting here I've probably already voided any tact KarmaI'd earned, anyway. It's still not a skill I've fully internalized, clearly.)

Posted by dichroic at 08:55 AM | Comments (6)

December 22, 2004

the best present

TranceJen asked, "What was the best gift you ever got on Christmas morning?"

I can't really remember being all that excited by my Chanukah gifts, though I'm sure I was at the time. I suppose the best ones were probably the (increasingly larger) bikes my grandparents gave me when I was 4, 8 and 12, and I also remember getting various Barbie stuff. (My least favorite gift from the grandparents was the two sets of underwear - it might've been a birthday rather than Chanukah - with sort of training-bra tops like undershirts that ended mid-rib cage that they gave me when I was 12 or so and had absolutely no need for any sort of bra, training or otherwise.)

The best gift, the one that made me feel most warm and fuzzy, was just a few years ago and again it mght have been a birthday rather than Christmas. It was from my in-laws (as I've said here before, I lucked out in the in-law lottery) and it was the "gift of a relaxing evening". It wasn't so much that I really needed some de-stressing time just then, though I certainly did, as that the accoutrements were so perfectly me. As I recall, they sent me some nice tea, some fancy popcorn (on the cob) and a gift certificate to Amazon. I don't know whether they knew me well enough to do all that or whether they conferred with Rudder, but I think they get equal credit either way, even though they did say I sitll have to do the hard part and supply the evening to relax in. They also gave me last year a drawing (lithograph? I don't know about these things) of "She Who Loves to Read", of a woman wiht bushy brown hair curled in a cushy chair with a book (and two more books beside her), a mug of tea, and a cat. The only way you can tell it's not me (other than that the woman in the drawing has a blank face because that's apparently what this artist does, and I do have eyes, nose and mouth) is that I'd never be sitting straight in the chair; I tend to sling myself crossways.

Still to do: finish wrapping presents, finish knitting my MIL's hat, and do a bit of straightening. Also, maybe I'll make brownies this evening - though Rudder will be injecting turkeys, so that might not be the world's best idea if I don't want brownies redolent of onion and garlic.

Posted by dichroic at 12:12 PM

December 20, 2004

almost ready for Christmas

Excellent weekend. It's not that we did anything terribly special but I got Rudder back and that's enough. For some reason, even though he was only gone for a week it was a very long week.

We are now more or less on track for the holiday and for Rudder's parents' and grandparents' visit. What I really need is a big DONE! stamp like they use on the show Monster House.

Food shopping: DONE!
All we need to do is pick up some milk right before guests arrive.

Boughten gifts purchased: DONE!
Including way too many extra gifts (to be marked "from Santa") and stocking stuffers.

Tree decorated: DONE!
At least, it's at a point where it looks all right if we don't do anything else to it. If I have time, I'll add a few more plain red and gold balls to it.

Homemade gifts: in progress -- all done but the hat for my MIL, and that's secondary to the long-since-finished Moebius scarf.

The beading stuff is put away and the ping-pong table is moved outside. There's still a little neatening to be done and guest beds to be sheeted, but the guest towels are out and the cleaning service will be in Sunday. I won't make the pies (one eggnog and one cappucino cream - I wonder where the espresso maker is?) until at least Christmas Eve. Aside from those I'm totally cheating on baking, having bought slice-and-bake cookies and brownie mix. Rudder will inject the turkeys on Thursday and deep-fry them Christmas day. The fridge is groaning with indigestion and bulging at the seams; Rudder's family went in for food gifts this year so in addition to the two turkeys we're deep-frying (one to eat and one to freeze) there's a smoked turkey, five kinds of cheese (well, I bought the Brie and goat cheeses) and I don't know how many kinds of sausage (plus the chorizo we bought for breakfast fajitas. The rest of this week will feature quit times at work, a party tonight, feverish knitting, and gift wrapping. Lots and lots of wrapping. Between the company of people who know how to be guests (not universal knowledge, I'm finding, but if you want to see how it's done right, invite Mechaieh to stay with you sometime) and the time off work, this should be fun and even relaxing. I'm hoping that "Lakeview time" is a traveling effect and that Rudder's grandparents bring it with them; when we've visited them we notice that time goes slower there and there seem to be more minutes in each day.

After the family leaves, we have a few more pleaant things planned. I need to row a bit to get used to the boat again; I've got a cross-country flight to plan and fly up to our property on the rim (VFR so I can enjoy the scenery); Rudder and I are 80% sure that this is the bed we're buying as our gift to each other. And though it willprobably take some weeks for it to be delivered, I'll be happy to spend plenty of the holiday break snoozing in our old bed.

Posted by dichroic at 10:13 AM | Comments (3)

December 15, 2004

plumbing emergency

Note the time stamp on this entry. It's not one you'll often see from me, considering our usual weekday bedtime is 8. Not only do we get up early for rowing but we both find massive amounts of exercise demand extra sleep.

Last night I noticed water dripping off the roof. My first thought was the heat pump, because we'd had one of the two replaced last summer. So I called those people and they said, yes the heat pump could drip when defrosting. It seemed to be dripping a *lot*, though. Well, tonight it was still dripping. (Both nights I got home after dark and wasn't too thrilled about climbing up on the roof when I couldn't see anyway.) So called back and they confirmed it wouldn't drip *that* much so I thought and finally realized it must be the solar water heater. (OK, I'm not too bright in plumbing matters.) Oops. I've called the company who replaced our solar panel a few years ago. (I was actually very pleased and surprised that both of these places were open, since I didn't get home until 6:30 or so.) They told me to unplug the control unit for now and they'd call me tomorrow and arrange a time to send someone that day.

I had made arrangements for the solar panel guys to come out tomorrow, then finally was heading up to bed (8:30) when I noticed a bulging spot on the wall by Rudder's side of the bed. And though it wasn't dripping and neither was the ceiling, the floor there was wet. When I looked in the erg room (the bedroom next to ours) the ceiling over the bookshelf was wet, too. That's when I got *really* worried. I brushed my teeth, cleaned the litterbox, washed my hands from that, turned off the water outside and called a 24-hour plumber. Then I called work to say I'd be in late tomorrow.

The plumber got here an hour later. (Thank goodness for 24-hour plumbing services!!) He went up into the attic, got all around in there and couldn't find the problem. Went up on the roof and finally found it, thank goodness. Apparently there's a hairline crack in the pipe to the solar panel. Over time that saturated the cover around the pipe. I think most of the water dripped off the roof, but the saturation in the pipe covering backed up and that's what got behind the walls. So since the broken pipe's outside, he can get to it to fix it relatively easily (note: his first try just failed when he turned the pump back on, so only relatively easily) and all we'll have to do is patch the spot on our bedroom wall where the bulge was (it's not all that big; the bulge was fist-size) and maybe put some spackle on the ceiling in the erg room. Whew. Since it is the pipe to the panel that's leaking, at the very worst he can turn off the valves to the solar. The water heater uses a combination of electric and solar power and can works just fine on electric alone, so that wouldn't be a big problem.

My plan is to get to work 10 hours from whenever I get to bed - 8 to sleep, 1 to erg, one to shower, dress, and drive. It's probably a good thing I was there from 7:30 until 6 today.

On the plus side, I used the time to get a bunch more cards done and more of the tree decorated. It's not my first choice of ways to find more time, but at least I can hope for a happy ending....

Posted by dichroic at 10:46 PM | Comments (1)


I should really avoid reading WeirdJews. I keep getting sucked in to commenting on things I don't know enough about, at least not compared to some of the people there. Clearly, it's all Mechaieh's fault - that I get sucked in, I mean, since I had never heard of the community until she mentioned it. Not her fault that I comment when ignorant, or that I'm ignorant to begin with.

It is pretty interesting to see a community combining Jews who are weird because they are frum with ones who are weird because they are intermarried or into Zen Buddhism or pierced and tattooed. Sometimes there are fireworks but I suppose being there at all says a lot for people's willingness to build community.

And me with my menorah in one room (the holiday is over so I need to clean off the wax and put it away) and my tree and much assorted paraphernalia in another. Between the beading stuff and the tree-and-house-decorating stuff and the not-being-home-much, my place is a mess. I hope I can get most of it done and put away by this weekend.

Come to think of it, this will be Rudder's extremely rural paternal grandparents' first visit to our house - they don't travel much. They live in a town of 3000 people, the biggest one for a hundred miles or more in every direction. There are several churches, but I'm not sure if there's fast food (not much of a loss there) and they have to go to metropolitan (not) Klamath Falls for any shopping much beyond a supermarket or hardware store. And they have wonderful stories about life during WWII or growing up on a homestead. I wonder what they'll make of my menorah and mezuzah?

They know I'm Jewish, of course, though we haven't ever talked much about it. They must have met other Jews .... I think.

Posted by dichroic at 03:43 PM

December 13, 2004

the tree

What do the Rose Window of the (US) National Cathedral, a hiking boot, the Eiffel Tower, a kayak (two, actually), a Beefeater, the Sydney Opera House, a leaf from Walden Pond (dipped in gold: I'm not sure Thoreau wold approve), some Korean tassels, an Alaskan sled dog, a Waterford crystal goblet, a REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT tag, and glass art from Oregon have in common?

Ans: They're all on my tree right this minute. We have a "travel" tree, for which we pick up ornaments wherever we go. I haven't even started on the shiny balls and icicles yet, because it's so much fun to hang these first for all the memories they bring. There are also the red and gold balls and crystal ornaments from our first Christmas tree together, and the tuna-can snowflakes from the tiny tree I had for a friend who visited me at Christmas before I'd even met Rudder.... those are good memories too. It's not my holiday, but I do love the accoutrements.

Posted by dichroic at 08:09 PM | Comments (1)

in order (more or less)

This morning for some reason I have Jimi Hendrix's Stone Free running around my head. Now it seems to be some tiddly circus music. Of course, everytime I think about that the Hendrix comes back but only for a moment and then it's diddly-ump-ump-ump, deedaly-dump-bump-bump again.

One thing I'm pleased about is that with all the running around this weekend, I really did get a lot of stuff done and did it in the right order. (As in, "I need to do some holiday cards and also laundry this evening so I should start the laundry first so there's time to get it into the dryer before I go to bed.) And I worked steadily instead of running from one half-done task to another. That doesn't mean I'm becoming more organized or anything, but it is a good sign that I'm not sleep-deprived any more. Tonight I'll buy some more strings of lights (whose price will determine whether I throw away or try to fix some old ones that aren't working right), finish putting the lights on the tree and get at least most of the ornaments on, and then write some more cards. Or it might be better to wait until Rudder's back to decorate the tree and get my last bit of holiday knitting done. What was that about doing things in order again?

Thankful for: Libraries. Just in general. I like libraries.
Holiday challenge: 59000m to go.

Posted by dichroic at 12:47 PM | Comments (1)

December 12, 2004

running like a chicken

Bad idea: getting a 9' tree right before the taller member of the household leaves for Europe for a week in prime tree-decorating time. We, uh, got a little carried away; we'd decided to put the tree in the front living room instead of the famaily room this year and the ceiligs are higher, and Rudder does have that tendency to go a bit overboard, and.... Actually I overstate. I think it was only 8 1/2'. Either way, I couldn't reach the top to put the topper on, and we have the Coolest Tree Topper ever, that we bought a couple of years ago. It's a Santa in a biplane; there's a candy-striped pole with a star on top that's hitched to the tallest branch and the biplane hangs off a hook and flies in a circle around the tree. I finally got it on by the simple expedient of bringing in clippers and lopping off that highest branch. (What? The pole is meant to go well above it. I didn't make the tree any shorter.) Only problem is..... apparently I hooked Santa onto his wire facing the wrong way. So he flies backwards. Oops. I'm not taking him off; it was hard enough putting him on. I think it will be easy for Rudder to turn him around when he gets home.

Other issue with a tree that big: I need to remember to get some more lights when I stop at the drugstore tomorrow. But the 2/3 that are lit up look good.

This weekend I did my best imitation of a cheicken with its head cut off: lots of running, not much squawking. Yesterday I went to a very high-maintenence party. There was a gift-swap and an ornament swap AND you were supposed to bring a dish. Yeesh. The first two were optional but I didn't feel like sitting around watching everyone else get presents. So I spent all day preparing for that. Correction: first I dropped Rudder off at the airport at 8, then I went to the boatyard and erged 8km, then I got check out in a coaching launch (She-Hulk and I were scheduled to do that at 9:30 and I didn't feel like driving home in between, hence the boatyard erging. I'm spoiled. Those ergs are icky.) Then I went to Ikea to get a prty gift in case I didn't finish the scarf I was knitting (and about $80 worth of other stuff for the house) then I came home and knitted frantically for two hours, finished my scarf but decided to also give the photo frame I'd bought, then I went to the supermarket for ingredients, then I made Mexican Layer Dip for the party. Then I went to the party. Did I mention it was 50 miles away?

At least I got to sleep in a wee bit today. Other than that it was a similarly frantic round. The List for the next week:

Finish lighting the tree
Decorate the tree
Finish decorating the rest of the house
Finish the remaining half or 2/3 of my cards and send them out
Knit one more dishrag
Knit a hat for my MIL
Clean house for company arriving 12/23
Erg 67000 km
Wrap presents
Make several more ornaments


On the other hand this weekend we got the tree and set it up. I got Rudder off to the Netherlands. I erged 18000m. I put together and shipped a gift package. I got organized for a group donation to the Heifer Project I'm handling. I did lots of cards. I finished knitting a scarf, made 8 beaded stitch markers and 4 ornaments, did assorted kinds of shopping, did 2 loads of laundry, saw some former coworkers I like, got checked out in the launch, made some decisions about how I'm working on the instrument rating, made myself some earrings (just since starting this entry) and probably other stuff I'm forgetting. So at least I don't feel unaccomplished.

Thankful for: All the stuff that's finished and done.
Holiday Challenge:67000m left to go.

Posted by dichroic at 07:56 PM

December 08, 2004

holiday of light

I have a post brewing in my mind about Chanukah being about not giving way to despair, but I think this is almost a prerequisite. The first year I had this journal I posted the lyrics to Peter Yarrow's Chanukah song, "Light One Candle". Every year since then I have been unable to resist posting it again, because every year since then the lyrics have become more and more timely. This year, given Recent Events, the tune has taken a new direction in my mind, and I find when I sing it I'm less apt to think of the miraculous oil that burned for eight days in the long-gone temple of Jerusalem, and more to be thinking of the torch of Liberty, here in the US and in other places around the world. May it burn bright and untarnished.

Light one candle for the Maccabee Children
With thanks that their light didn't die.
Light one candle for the pain they endured
When their right to exist was denied.
Light on candle for the terrible sacrifice
Justice and freedom demand.
Light one candle for the wisdom to know
When the peace maker's time is at hand.

Don't let the light go out
It's lasted for so many years
Don't let the light go out
Let it shine through our love and our tears.

Light one candle for the strength that we need
To never became our own foe.
Light one candle for those who are suffering
The pain we learned so long ago.
Light one candle for all we believe in
that anger won't tear us apart.
And light one candle to bring us together
With peace as the song in our hearts;.

Don't let the light go out,
It's lasted for so many years.
Don't let the light go out,
Let it shine through our love and our fears.

What is the memory that's valued so highly
That we keep it alive in that flame?
What's the commitment for those who have died,
When we cry out they have not died in vain?
We have come this far always believing
That justice would somehow prevail.
This is the burden, this is the promise,
THIS is why we will not fail.

Don't let the light go out,
It's lasted for so many years.
Don't let the light go out,
Let it shine through our love and our fears.

Don't let the light go out!
Don't let the light go out!
Don't let the light go out!

Posted by dichroic at 02:49 PM | Comments (2)


Not even 8AM and I am already not having a good day.

My Dad's still got health issues. The purely physical stuff is better but he's also bipolar (though it's usually held in check with maintenance meds) and is in a manic episode. Ever talked to someone who was clinically manic? It might be amusing IF it were someone you didn't know and you didn't care what sort of trouble they got into. Not so much in this case. It seems to be a relatively minor episode (he's not planning any get-rich-quick schemes) but he keeps calling to try to get me to help convince Mom they should buy a new car, and his is only a year old. At least he wants a Honda Civic Hybrid, not a Lexus.

My husband's got this itchy spot on his face and scalp - I can't see anything there to cause it but it's been keeping him awake and it's infuriating enough to make him go see a doctor (he generally only goes for serious things). My guess is spider bite - I'm hoping they can give him something to numb it.

And early this morning I had a small accident. No, not in a car, in an airplane. We were on the ground at the time (fortunately), taxiiing out. It was dark, there was no taxi line painted on the ground, and we clipped the wingtip of a parked airplane. Sigh. There was no danger or injury, at least. I couldn't see any damage to the Cessna I was in; the other one (also a Cessna 172) will need a wingtip (a small separate part) replaced. With luck that will be all the repairs necessary.

Nope, not a good day. I suppose this could all be worse. Hopefully the appropriate people / airplane doctors will be able to fix things fairly easily in all three cases.

Posted by dichroic at 08:11 AM

December 07, 2004

forgetterizing madly

Chanukah begins tonight. There are at least two posts (well, one real one, one with lyrics) that I've been waiting for this holiday to post. I'd better start writing.

This Holiday Challenge - or something - is leaving me very tired. Yesterday I stayed home from work just from exhaustion, and yet I felt good Sunday until I did the 75-minute piece. (It was a new personal record, did I mention? Or rather, within it I set a new record for distance in 60 minutes.) I was tired again this morning but I think it was just from this morning's erging, not a cumulative thing. Rudder and I had a long discussion last night; he's contemplating scaling way back on training after the World Masters Games this summer, but isn't sure what he'll do instead. He needs to have a project, preferably with lots of activity involved or as he says, he's neither happy or healthy. I only the other hand can be perfectly content with sedentary pursuits (reading, knitting, beadwork) punctuated by activity, instead of constant activity. I'm still not convinced about blood-type-based diets, but that book was frighteningly accurate about the type of exercise we each see to need.

Unfortunately, when I'm tired I also get stupid. For instance I realized today what went wrong with the coaster I was knitting (and then frogging) last night: five repeats of a three-stitch pattern plus two plain stitches on either side does not add up to seventeen stitches. I can fix that though; what's much worse is that I can't find the beautiful dichroic glass barrette I bought Saturday. I know I was looking at it yesterday and I'm hoping I didn't absent-mindedly throw it away. It'll probably turn up in the refrigerator or someplace similarly unlikely. I couldn't find the shirt I wanted to wear this morning either. How do you mislay an entire corduroy shirt? I don't even think I've worn it so far this year. I wonder if I ripped it last year and threw it away. Maybe it's eloped with my barrette?

Speaking of dichroic glass, since my new job isn't oo far from a large bead wholesale sort of place, I've been meaning to go and today I nipped over at lunch. I hadn't been there for a year or more and it turns out they're now selling beautiful dichroic beads at a bulk price, $1 / gram. I see more dichroic earrings in my near future - I feel like I should recall a beadwork gift I mailed out a couple of days ago, just so I could redo it with my signature glass. Oh well, too late, and it came out well anyway with the beads I did use.

Another thing I forgot: to take pictures of the things I mailed this weekend so I could post pictures here of my finished objects later, after the recipient sees them. Oh well again. My forgetterer is going at full speed these days.

One more thing I've been forgetting:

Thankful for: Chanukah starts tonight, reminding me that we Jews are still here. From Haman to Herod to Hitler, there were a lot of people who tried to make sure that either I - me personally, this affects the person living in this head, it's not just ancient history -- didn't exist at all, or that I wasn't Jewish, in which case if I existed (and would all my ancestors have married the same people, given a wider pool to choose from?) I would certainly be a different person in many respects. That's pretty amazing, that I am here despite them all. Glad to be here, even if I was clearly brainwashed in all those Hebrew School years.

Holiday Challenge: About 110000 m left to go.

Posted by dichroic at 03:06 PM | Comments (1)

December 06, 2004


After yesterday's long distance piece (75 minutes) I'm totally wasted. I cranked out a very slow 7600m this morning, just so I wouldn't fall behind, and then called in sick. It's a perfect day for it, rainy and chill, and I'm sitting here with hot chocolate listening to the rain. I'm planning to mostly sit in one pace and just rest today. Well, and finish some knitting and beading but at least that's sedentary.

Posted by dichroic at 07:08 AM | Comments (1)

December 05, 2004


Dad's out of the hospital. Mom took him in on Friday for an alarming group of symptoms including dizziness, slurred speech, and short-term memory loss; it looks now like those were all caused by high blood sugar (he's diabetic and not particularly careful about it) and possibly a TIA (mini-stroke - he had one of those before when I was in high school). He says he feels better now than he has in 20 years, though from what my brother says I'm not sure I believe that. Still, though I know how serious diabetes can be, his is adult onset and not all that severe and I'm glad it's "only" that and not something new. At least that's something that's nonlethal, if he works harder at controlling it.

Meanwhile, my weekend was relatively calm and productive. I still haven't done anything on my cards, but I got two presents finished and mailed and another started. Also a small party on Friday night, a flying lesson today (ground, not in the airplane), a trip to the Tempe Arts Fest Saturday in which I only got to see maybe a quarter of the booths (it's enormous), 4000m on the erg yesterday, a 75-minute 144000 piece today incorporating a 60 minute personal record, a food shopping trip today, visits to two furniture stores looking for the bed Rudder and I have agreed to give each other for Christmas, calls to my parents each day to check on Dad .... I keep wondering, is this what other people's less frenetic weekends look like?

Posted by dichroic at 06:53 PM | Comments (7)

December 02, 2004

this and that (and that and that and that...)

I'm just back from the department Christmas luncheon. Well, technically it was a "holiday" lunch and everyone carefully said "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". But there were enormous wreaths on the restaurant walls including one with antique-ish but oddly disembodied Santa heads all over it (were their bodies cut off and used in the stew?) and the VP wore a Twelve Days of Christmas tie (which would come in handy as a cheat sheet if you were singing that song and had trouble remembering) so, you know, really it was a CHristmas party. However, it was free and there were steaks; I am not complaining. It was nice.

I am looking forward to this weekend. Aside from a small party Friday night and flying Sunday morning and some food shopping somewhen, I need to get finished making the ____ for ____ so I can mail it with the other things going out that way. (The scary part is that there's more than one object fitting in those dashes.) Then there's some other gift knitting I'm postponing because it doesn't have to be done until Christmas. And I need to do cards, though my decision to computer-print all the labels this year will help a lot there. (Does anyone really mind if the label isn't handwritten as long as the message in the card is?) And I need to read Mer's story because I promised and I want to give her feedback before it's too late to be useful.

Hmmm. So maybe if I print the story, since it will be on paper and not in a book and thus will lay flat, I can read that while knitting .... but not while beading. Drat. Or maybe I shouild try doing one thing at at a time to see if I finish faster. Or maybe I could figure out how to erg and read and put knitting needles in place of the erg handle.....

Not complaining, not at all. These are all pleasant tasks, with the possible exception of erging and food shopping. It all sounds to me like a good way to spend a weekend.

Posted by dichroic at 02:02 PM

December 01, 2004

another Murphy day

Quite possibly this is the funniest thing you'll see this holiday season - at least if you're a geek like me.

Also, check this watercolor out - that's my lake and the rower could as well be me. I was able to find a phone number for someone who has the name of that artist; I'm thinking of calling him to see if he's done any others like it.

Today quite a few of the things that could go wrong did, though at least the first one to do so redeemed itself.

At ten 'til five, I got into my cold car (the garage door still being broken) and drove to the little airport a quarter of a mile away to meet my flight instructor. Five AM, no CFI. Five after, no CFI. At ten after I left a note and went home - I'd have waited longer but a convertible that has been sitting outside overnight is not the warmest of vehicles when temperatures are in the low 30s. At home I took off my jackets (fleece and shell), hung them off and had one shoe off and was considering whether to erg, work, or do some of the studying for the IFR I'd been neglecting, when the phone rang. Of course it was my instructor, who has just moved and who had seriously underestimated how long her drive to the airport would take. Back again to the airport, and we did have just enough time to get a good lesson in. ("Good" being a relative term. I don't like doing stalls, let alone doing them under the hood.)

Next it was home to wait for the garage-door repairman and to try to install the software and certificate onto my new laptop that will let me work from home in future. The repairman won that one; it was fifteen minutes after he'd finished that we (I and the person from the "Help" Desk) finally got the software in and almost working - that is, it seemed to be working and I got no other error messages but apparently the remote server was down so I couldn't actually log in. Then I walked over to tell my next-door neighbor his sprinkler-system pump was squealing. (He'd heard it but had thought it was a car alarm; I was afraid it might be his burglar alarm and was pondering whether to call the police if he hadn't been home.) Then it turned out the repairman didn't win after all, because as I was trying to leave for work the garage door wouldn't close all the way. By then, of course, the repairer was long gone, so I called his company, they had him call me back, and we arranged for me to leave the side door open so he could get in to fix it without me there.

The laptop had shown one odd behavior at home: when booting up the screen would go blank as if it were trying to use a projector or other monitor instead and I'd have to hit F8 to get the display back. This turned out to be foreshadowing. When I got to the office I found the silly thing had decided it likes its independence; now it goes blank while booting up in the docking station and will not show any display after the first Windoze splash screen, though it works well enough when not docked. I've called IT about it and after trying afew things they promised to send out one of their local people to address the problem. That was, oh five hours ago now. This laptop screen is tiny. There's a reason I used quotes when mentioning the "Help" Desk in the last paragraph. Eyestrain R Me today. But apparently the garage door is now working.

Posted by dichroic at 02:52 PM | Comments (2)

November 30, 2004


Last night our garage door broke (the spring above the door is now in two pieces) so I had to park outside .... and this morning I had to scarpe frost off my windshield. Here in Arizona, ice scrapers are NOT something we habitually keep in the car.

Of course it was just a light frost so a credit card worked fine for scraping purposes, but still, for Arizona this is just Not Right. And I erged at home this morning, so it was 7AM when I was leaving for work - not like it was a 4:30AM drive to rowing. Just Not Right.

Posted by dichroic at 02:26 PM

November 27, 2004

a little mystery

Several things:

1) Today I received a mystery package, presumably a Chanukah gift. It was addressed only to me, not Rudder and comes from Borderland Books, but there was no note on the box or in it to say who it's from. I got Rudder to unbox it, and the book (I assume it's a book) is still in brown wrapping, so there might be a note inside. I've asked Rudder to look, so that I don't see what it is until Chanukah begins. Rudder is into delayed gratification so we generally don't open presents until the holiday. I don't much mind this, though I think it's silly when even on his birthday he waits until dinnertime to open presents. However, being fonder of short-term gratification myself, and because it's addressed only to me, I will assume it's for Chanukah, not Christmas. Anyway, if it's from one of you out there (and if so, who?) it got here, and I thank you preliminarily. I'll thank you for real after I open it.

2) Our turkey on Thanksgiving was the worst I've ever made. No fault of mine, I don't think - we got just the breast and it was way too juicy and the injected juices didn't taste like real turkey. Bleah. On the other hand, my kasha was flavorful, the cookies I baked were/are excellent, and the pumpkin pastries were great. The only problem with the latter was that I made the full recipe and had way too much left over after I filled the pastry shells. I put the rest of the batter in the fridge, got a graham-cracker crust the next day, and made a pie. Tasty.

3) LJ appreciation meme. Maria is true-blue; you can absolutely rely on her to always try to do right and act kindly. She is honest, good, and giving, and tries to improve in a way that's now out of fashion, but that I appreciate because some of my own ideas are old ones.

I can't write about Maria without writing about her faith and I think she'd be glad of that. It's a funny thing. I previously wrote about LA, who is not religious - not sure if she's atheist, agnostic, or Deist, but she isn't into churches. I could make a good case that LA is a good person because she's not religious; if you don't believe that God ordered the estate of the rich man ad the poor man, or that anybody's second coming will make everything all right, it stands to reason you'd better get busy and fix the world yourself, best you can. Maria is almost the polar opposite: she's a Christian who lives her faith and who is both better and pleasanter because of it. I know something about this. Like many American Jews, I suspect, I have a rather Christianized morality, from keeping company with Jo March, with Aslan, and with the Christianized versions of fairy tales we get from Andersen and the Grimms. (Also maybe from Hillel and the rabbis who stressed a merciful God rather than a purely just one and the need for men and women to treat our neighbors well, but that's another story.) Maria lives more like Jo March than like many more vocal modern Christians; she uses her faith as a yardstick not to measure other people and find them lacking but to see where she herself needs to improve, and she preaches only by her own example. I don't know if she believes that different people have different paths to righteousness or only that they need to find their own paths to Jesus, but either way she refrains from forcing her views even on those she loves most. Her joy in her God is evident and so is her joy in her friends, her family and her husband. I hope they all work to deserve her as she does to measure up to them.

Posted by dichroic at 08:12 PM | Comments (1)

November 25, 2004

traditions begin again

I hereby declare that this journal has been around long enough (since March 2001) to have Traditions. Two things begin at Thanksgiving for me every year: from Thanksgiving to Christmas Concept II sponsors their Holiday Challenge, to row 200,000 meters from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve, and I like to track the decreasing meters here. Also, the first year I kept this diary, I began listing one thing I am thankful for on each entry from Thanksgiving to Christmas (or at least once a day).

I haven't gotten my erg meters in today (though I have baked cookies, made kasha and bowties, and got my turkey in the over, so that will have to wait until after dinner. (Long after.) However, I promised to write about anyone who writes in and asks me to, so I'll combine two pleasant tasks here. (There's still time to get in on that. Yes, I'm talking to you.)

I'll give each person their own entry.

I'm thankful I know LA. I've been reading her now for a couple of years, during which she's variously amused, interested, educated and galvanised me, while talking about everything from politics to parenting to clothing to the Craft. I've seen her grow through difficult marital times and shrink herself down to where she's now longer camouflaging her fire in excess flesh. LA speaks her mind, always (at least always when she's online), but, and this is the beauty part for a data-driven person like me, she's never ignorant about it. She's opinionated but no matter how mad she may be she always has facts to back up her view. Even when her views are colored by her prejudices, she'll resist acting on them if the data points the other way.

Despite her views on "Chihuahuas", for example, she has taken pains to point out that she only includes in that class small helpless-looking manipulative bitchy women. As a small helpless-looking woman myself, I appreciate that. I also think it's kind of funny that tall, blonde, well-built, fiercely smart women sometimes think the world responds better to petite dark-haired women when it's so clearly the other way. :-) I wonder if Ellizabeth Peters had someone like LA in mind when she created the tall, blonde, well-built, fiercely smart and fearsomely educated Vicky Bliss -- who, Peters fans will recall, gets to sleep with one of the sexiest male leads *ever*, Sir John Smythe.

Another thing I'm thankful for is that the FDA has just approved a new drug for MS that apparently has a lot of promise. Because can you imagine an LA with nothing holding her body back from doing all her mind can accomplish? If this drug works as well as they hope, I'm standing back.

Holiday Challenge: The whole 200,000 meters to go. I hope to take 6600 of that off tonight.
Thankful for: See above.

Posted by dichroic at 02:52 PM

November 23, 2004

dinner and not much else

My current knitting project is supposed to be small and easy - and it would be, if I didn't end up pulling out almost as many rows as I knit. I keep thinking I'm done with the two-color part only to see a hole at the join where I forgot to wrap the yarns around each other. I think this morning's telecon was a draw: two rows knitted, two rows frogged.

I am unreasonaby excited about the long Thanksgiving weeked, maybe mostly because I have very little planned. Thursday there will be cooking, of course, but it's just the two of us. We're having a roasted turkey breast instead of our more usual deep-fried huge bird (the latter will be for Xmas), tomato-and-bread salad, asparagus, kasha varnishkes, possibly stuffing (neither of us is a huge fan, but I want to try a new recipe), cranberry sauce from a can (Rudder doesn't like it and I don't feel like making my own for just me), and pumpkin pastries (another experiment - I'll make pumpkin pie filling and cook it in Pepperidge Farm puff pastry shells). If I can find or make daiquiri mix there may be cranberry daiquiris, from Rudder's aunt's recipe. There may also be cookie-baking. It's been a long time since I've baked cookies.

Other than that, there isn't much planned - one flying lesson, a little work on the boats, more knitting, purchasing Mom's birthday gift, some reading because I've done so little lately that I'm in withdrawal, and oh yes, approximately 26400 meters on the erg. Concept II's annual holiday challenge to erg 200,000 between Thanksgiving and Xmas begins Thursday.

Posted by dichroic at 12:47 PM | Comments (2)

sharing the love

I like this meme. I'm always a little skeptical of those that say something like "Comment here and tell me why you love me," because it seems a little presumptuous to assume people do. So here's a new twist I like a lot better, where no one will get their feelings stomped on. Kipped from the (very cool) Kiwi Maria:

1. Reply to this post if you want/need me to tell you how cool you are!

2. Watch my journal over the next few days for a post just about you and why I think you rock my socks.

3. Post these instructions in your journal and give your friends a much needed dose of love and adoration!

CAVEAT: if I barely know you, this might be a bit difficult. Please don't be offended.

Posted by dichroic at 10:27 AM | Comments (3)

November 22, 2004

mangling trees and manipulating wood sticks

It seems like I spent the whole weekend mangling and macerating trees - and when I wasn't doing that I still had my hands on wood sticks. On Saturday we drove up to our airpark property, because we needed to cut down a few more casualties of drought and bark beetle. We've been getting more rain lately as well as snow in the high country, so I'm hoping these will be the last to die. Cutting down a dead tree feels like attending a funeral.

On Sunday there was even more fun with clippers and saw as we did a much-too-belated trimming of our pineapple palm. Even after stomping the assorted (lethally sharp) fronds and other tree parts down three times, they were heaped up so high in my pickup that we had to strap them down. Disposing of them at the town dump, where you back up to a ledge and toss your debris down into a dumpster, would have been a lot easier if the wind hadn't been blowing over the dumpsters and straight at us.

That wind got me a little more free time in the afternoon, though: I'd been scheduled to fly but my instructor called saying it was just too windy. The downside to that is that I haven't been up for nearly a month now. I filled in the time knitting, paying bills, printing labels for holiday cards and doing laundry. A wild life, it is. The conclusion from the bill paying is that I am still quite broke, between the missed paycheck when I transferred jobs, some money I owe Rudder from all our traveling, my holiday shopping,. I ought to be in better shape as I "borrowed" money from savings to cover the missed check, but in fact I have been spending like a fiend. My new raise would help a lot, except that less than half made it into my check after taxes. I think I may just have to run a balance this month and next on my credit card, a thing I usually try to avoid. However, I do still have the flight training reimbursement to look forward to and a bonus in February. And there ought to be a decent tax return, but that may go to replacing all our windows.

Anyway. On Saturday night I went to the local Stitch and Bitch group's sleepover at my friend Alison's business. (Alison was referred to as Pigtails in her rowing days, during the early years of this blog, but she uses her real name online so I suppose I can.) That was interesting - I never get out to S'n'B things due to lack of time but this one was at a time I could make and close to home. There were only about six of us there, but it was nice to meet people, and they seemed interesting. (Looking through someone's copy of Bust magazine was especially interesting as its content appears to be an odd combination of Jane, In Style, Ms., and Penthouse Forum.) I finally managed to get the eyelash yarn scarf for Rudder's grandmother untangled and completed, got a good start on another dishrag, and got some helpful advice on changing colors mid-row.

I also concluded that when subsituting powdered cumin for toasted cumin seeds in dressing, it's best to reduce the quantity by more than a little, and Rudder perfected his salmon-grilling technique (apparently a combination of butter and Jack Daniels is useful in getting the grill to flare up and give it just the right amount of blackening). Yum.

Posted by dichroic at 12:39 PM

November 21, 2004

Candles, dammit!

Note to merchants in the region of Chandler, Arizona: I am Jewish and I am here.

Your Christmas displays are all very nice but Christmas, despite the marketing pressure to start the holiday season earlier and earlier each year, is not unti December 25. Chanukah begis December 7 this year. I want my candles, dammit.

I'm talking to you, Michaels, with your aisles and aisles of candles. Christmas doesn't even need candles, now most people put electric lights on their tree. Chanukah observations require it - so where are they? And I'm talking to you, Pier 1, who try to cultivate such an international atmosphere. You have ginger-scented candles and pine-scented candles and beach-scented candles. How about some that will fit my menorah? I'll even forgo the scent. I'm talking to you, Walgreen, with your seasonal aisle full of wiggling Santas and gift wrap. And most of all I'm talking to you, Cost Plus's so-called World Market. How about those parts of the world that aren't Xtian? And how can you have a floor-to-ceiling banner talking about Chanukah, the Festival of Lights on which we kindle the "sacred Menorah" [sic] yet not have a single Chanukah item other than a few gift bags in blue and white with six-pointed stars? (Even there I had to check closely because they were mixed in with blue and white bags featuring Santa's elves.) And please, while I appreciated your salepeople's helpful attitude, it doesn't help when they tell me the holiday goods are stocked in phases. Chanukah is two weeks away!!!! It's not going to do me any good getting my candles in time for Christmas.

American is not a Christian nation. It's a nation founded on values with a historically Judeo-Christian background and grown on contributions by people of all faiths. Today we are a pluralistic society with many beliefs and many holidays. So how about we stock our stores that way??

My non-Jewish husband and I celebrate both Chanukah and Christmas. I wouold prefer not to start the holiday season already pissed off at Christmas for totally taking over my culture.

Posted by dichroic at 03:55 PM | Comments (3)

November 19, 2004


Before my head got hijacked again by the Israeli situation, I was thinking on more pleasant lines: holiday gifts. I do enjoy trying to find the perfect thing for each person. Rudder and I decided to buy a bed together - we just have a mattress, boxspring and frame, no headboard or footboard, and it's by the window so there's not even a wall to lean pillows on, and they tend to slip toward the window even while we're trying to get to sleep. The hazard, of course, is that it's already a comfy nest that's hard to persuade ourselves to get out of, and making it more comfortable may not help matters. I also have to get Rudder a gift for his birthday on the 23rd; so far I'm going with a ###### (letters omitted just in case he sees this for any reason) but still could change my mind and return it or possibly add something else.

I have the same issue with my brother and mother - needing both a birthday and a Chanukah gift. I've made a scarf for Mom, and she's asked for gym gear. I want to get her good wicking fabrics rather than cotton so it's just a matter of seeing what I can find that doesn't cost a fortune. (I have the same problem with my own workout gear - as much as I Like some of the things in the catalogs, I have issues with $40 sport tops (or $80 for fleece ones) and $60 pants.) I have one gift bought and ordered for the brother and just need another one now. He and my uncle are both fairly easy to buy for, because they have so many interests, and because I share enough of those interests to know what to get. I'm thinking of a nice leather passport wallet for my uncle. (The only problem with some of these gift ideas is making sure I don't repeat ones from previous years!)

Dad is the hard one. He doesn't have any hobbies to speak of but reading and napping, so this year I am going to combine pastimes and buy my father a husband. (You know, one of those pillows shaped for reading in bed - I just like saying it the other way.)

Yesterday, I had a revelation as to the perfect gift for one friend, but it's something I have to make - between that and a few other things, like untangling the scarf for Rudder's grandmother, my knitting needles will be busy. (I was binding it off when I realized I waw out of yarn and should have done so a row earlier. I tried to back up a row, dropped a stiches and now, several pulled-out rows of eyelash yarn back, am still in a hopeless tangle. It so was fast to knit that I'm tempted just to start over, but that's probably not the best idea.) I've got the Mobius scarf for Rudder's mother done, and he can deal with the rest of the gifts for his family. We also have to buy something for AR and OG, and maybe for Rudder's young cousins, but shopping for toys is always something to look forward.

Oh, and then there's a gift exchange - need to find something for that person. She's a reader and a knitter, and collects children's books - maybe I need a knitting book for kids? And then there are cards, lots and lots of cards since I have been so foolish as to sign up for not one but two list holiday card exchanges. Also, I htink the parents and grandparents in-law are coming for the holiday, so I believe some baking may be in my forecast, as well as assorted meal planning. For the rest of the next month, I may be found either on the erg (for the Holiday Challenge) or drowning happily in holiday clutter.

Posted by dichroic at 10:03 AM

November 18, 2004


I have a feeling work's about to be a little scary. Of the people who work in my department, one guy's off in military training about to be deployed to Iraq for a year, one guy's in the Czech Republic at our plant there for two weeks, and one guy's on vacation for two weeks. And then thee's me, in the job for about three weeks now. Yikes. There are other people in the department, but they all work on different stuff. Of course, the boss is still here....but I'm not sure if that's a helpful thing or not.

Posted by dichroic at 09:19 PM

November 10, 2004

you know WHO???

I am glad I posted those questions the other day. I wrote them not as a test but in hopes other people would share some of the off coincidences and bits of knowledge that please them. I'd have to say that succeeded, at least as far as coincidences go.

As a direct result of some ensuing conversation, one reader and I discovered some mutual friends.

Now, the world has always seemed smaller to me than the number of people in it would indicate. I was amused when we were two days out on a trail in Big Bend, one of the more remote parts of Texas, and someone hiking by the other way recognized me from Houston. I thought it was a little bizarre when we went to a rock-climbing class at Smith Rock in Central Texas and ran into someone I'd worked with at Penn. Aerospace is a smaller world, so I wasn't terribly shocked to walk through the halls at my company right before I left and run into a coworker from three jobs before who was just starting there, or to meet someone yesterday who had first hired a rowing friend of mine who used to work at yet another site in this company and is now in DC.

But this .... this is really weird. I'm not sure I can get across the oddness of this coincidence without lots of background and more details on other people than I want to give, but I'll try. This reader suggested that we might have some mutual acquaintances given our common interests and city of origin, so we exchanged a few details of who went to school where and so on, and I suggested a few names. Now, granted some of the interest communities are tight, but Philadelphia's a big, big city. It turns out that my best friend in high school was her best friend in junior high -- so I realized later on that some of the stuff she'd told me were things I'd already heard, back in about 10th grade from our mutual friend. We never had met, because none of us had driver's licenses yet so it was easy to lose touch after transferring schools.

That's not all of it, though. I have (still have) a friend I met when I was in college. He was a bit older but worked in one of the labs and used to hang out with some of my other friends. We became good friends when I got into folk music, because he'd been a fixture in that community for years. It turns out this reader has known him since she was a pup, because her parents were into some of the same groups. Now, he has no connection (that I know) of to my high school friends other than me and this reader; if they were ever met at all, it's likely to have been at my college graduation party.

This is just mind-numbingly odd. Or as she wrote, "There are only 87 real people in the world. All the rest are just bad special effects."

Anyhow, answers are below the cut tag.

  • What character appears in the works of both John Myers Myers and Susan Cooper? Golias in Silverlock is the archetypal bard; his use-name comes from medieval French romances and his other names are other mythical [song]makers throughout Western tradition. They include Widsith (Old English / Norse), Orpheus (Greek), Amergin (Irish), Demodocus (Greek again), Boyan (Russian) and the one I'm most familiar with, Taliesin (Welsh). It is Taliesin who guides Will and Bran through the Lost Land in Susan Cooper's The Grey King. Taliesin shows up also in Tennyson's Idylls of the King and, if I'm not misremembering, in Lloyd Alexander's Prydain trilogy, and in Charles de Lint's Moonheart (or maybe its sequel). He's an archetype and a well-known one; he makes appearances through a lot of fantasy.

    (And it's here I wish I were a fiction writer. You know how the subject of a wizard portrait in the Harry Potterverse can make appearances not only in adjacent frames but also in her or her other portraits hung anywhere in the world? What if Taliesin could rove throughout any of the books and myths in which he appears?)

  • Name one book written by the man whose own personal library has been transplanted to the top floor of the Philadelphia Public Library's main building.
    When he died, the book collector A. Edward Newton donated his books to the Philadelphia Free Library. Newton was a contemporary and frequent customer of Dr. A.S. Rosenbach. His wife and daughter decided that if the Library were getting his books, they ought to have the whole library as well and so it was dismantled and relocated from his house in the suburbs, Oak Knoll, tothe Central Library in Center City Philadelphia, on the sixth floor just past the rare books section. They even have lighted backdrops outside the windows to make it look as if the room looks outside. I visited the library in December of 2001. Nearly two years later I was reading Newton's The Book Collecting Game and was shocked to realize I had actually stood in his library. Other books by Newton include The Greatest Book in the World and Other Papers; A Tourist in Spite of Himself and A Magnificant Farce and Other Diversions of a Book Collector. I have The Book Collecting Game and The Greatest Book in my favorite section of my library, the books about books. (My library doesn't compare to Newton's by several orders of magnitude in almost any aspect, but I like it.)
  • When I was in college two of my favorite Japanese restaurants were named respectively Hikaru and Genji. For what literary reason is this amusing?
    The hero of Lady Murasaki's A Tale of Genji, which some people call the first novel ever published, is Hikaru no Genji, The Shining Genji. I think I learned about the coincidence of Hikaru and Genji while reading something speculating on Captain Sulu's first name. I still maintain a steady diet of F&SF is one of the easiest ways to become well-read, at least by proxy. (I mean, if you haven't read all the great stories and histories, you've at least read about a lot of them.)
  • Cite internal proof (in his songs or on his CDs) that Stan Rogers read Robert A. Heinlein.
    If the lines in Stan Rogers' song Lies, "So this is Beauty's finish / Like Rodin's Belle Heaulmiere / The pretty maiden trapped inside the ranch wife's toil and care" don't owe something to the analysis of Rodin's sculpture in Heinlein's A Stranger in a Strange Land, I will eat my copy of Stranger. There was something on one of Stan's album covers, too (From Fresh Water, maybe) but I can't remember now what it was.
  • In what way is John Adam's daughter Nabby's name the opposite of the word "apron"?
    The indefinite articles 'a' and 'an', and the possessive 'my' and 'mine' (archaic) sometimes bleed over into the next word. So "an napron" used to be "a napron" - this is also why you see "nuncle" for "uncle" in Shakespeare. John and Abigail Adams' daughter Abigail was called "Nabby" to distinguish her from her mother. I'm fairly sure that "mine" for "my" wasn't commonly used by the Adams' time but I'd bet Nabby for Abby, like Nan or Nancy as a nickname (originally "an ekename", meaning "an also-name" by the way) still sounded natural as sort of a survival from when "Mine Abby" would have sounded right.
  • Posted by dichroic at 10:14 AM | Comments (3)

November 08, 2004

the usual balance

The good news: Not only did I finish the Moebius scarf yesterday, late afternoon, but I thought I had enough yarn left for a matching hat -- and I finished that too! It's a simple hat with a roll brim. I got the basic pattern from the Yarn Girls' Guide to Simple Knits, but it was in fact very simple and I got bored a couple inches in so I added some mini-cables. I would have posted a picture, but Rudder had the digi-camera and he didn't get back until bedtime last night. I'll try to post one tonight or tomorrow.

The bad news: Well, they finally put me on the correct server for my new job site. Translation: I got here this morning and couldn't log in. We got that straightened out with one phone call, but somehow in the process they screwed up my email and I still can't get into that. Sigh....

Tomorrow I'll post answers to my trivia questions, so there's still time if you want to try answering them or (even better) post your own. Though the point was really not the answers but to share the nuggets of knowledge, or as Ruthie says, "Isn't it great how everyone has their own things they geek out about?"

Posted by dichroic at 09:39 AM | Comments (1)

November 04, 2004

What the ENT said

I finally got to an ENT specialist tonight. He opines that my "benign positional paroxysmal vertigo", or something like that, is caused by displacement of otoliths, crystals found in the ear. On looking up the website linked there, I'm surprised that he didn't do the Epley Repositioning Maneuver that seems to be mentioned in most of the websites. He did give me some exercises, though - maybe they do the same thing.

He also prescribed what may be one of my worst nightmares: the No-CATS diet. That is, no caffeine, alcohol, tobacco or salt until the dizziness goes away. So fine, I can avoid Cokes for a while. I can stay away from even my occasional beer. I don't smoke anyway. But no salt? No SALT???? How on earth is that supposed to work? And doesn't he know pretzels count as a major food group? I don't think we even have any food in the house that doesn't have salt in it, except maybe the container of pepper. For example, tomorrow is a rowing morning; that means today's typical meal choices would be a salad (salt in the dressing), soup (ever examined the label on a can of Campbell's?) or maybe a baked potato (salted butter). The potato or salad probably aren't too bad, especially if I made my own vinaigrette for the latte, but they aren't unsalted either. I ended up having tortellini instead, with cilantro pesto, which also had salt, but at least it was one of the last ingredients. (Incidentally, I would have thought cilantro pesto would be pesto made with cilantro, not pesto made from cilantro instead of basil. Not something I'll buy again.)

The theory behind the No-CATS diet is that it will keep me from adding more fluid to my ears, in case that exacerbates the effects. I don't see it listed on any of the websites as a typical therapy, but I can't suppose it would hurt, either. I'll do my best to at least cut down on the salt, and I'll do all my exercises. But I'd have to be much worse off than I am to get me to give up on pretzels.

Posted by dichroic at 07:51 PM | Comments (3)

October 29, 2004

the familiar rides along

In honor of Hallowe'en, I'm wearing a griffin on my shoulder today. (Or possibly a gryphon; we haven't discussed his preferred spelling.) My new coworkers seem to be amused by him, which is a good sign, I think.

What has surprised me, though, is not how many people don't recognize what he is -- it seems entirely reasonable to see a beak poking through feathery fur and not think "griffin", especially since his back legs are tucked into my shirt for stability -- but how many don't know what a griffin is. Maybe I should poll on unicorn recognition. Clearly, some people had misspent childhoods.

I always have trouble with a thing I know well, remembering when and why I learned it. That means I never know what to expect everyone else to know, and what things they may just not have come upon. Not having kids is probably a contributing factor, since I haven't gotten to watch someone else learning all the things there are to know to live in the world.

Posted by dichroic at 01:26 PM

October 27, 2004


I am unreasonably excited by the fact that I got to work with my hair wet this morning. It took me ten minutes or less to drive from the gym where I shower after rowing to work. If I decide to join the gym at work, it will be even a little faster - the other gym is in the wrong direction from the lake, though only by half a mile or so. There are a couple other incentives for joining the work gym. The weight equipment isn't bad, though not as nice as my regular gym, but it does have two ergs, rumor has it the hot water is more reliable, and they provide towels so I wouldn't have to have wet ones hanging in my car every day. If I do join, it will probably be in addition to my current gym, not instead. The two together cost less per month than a lot of the fancier gyms, and neither requires me to sign up to any long committment.

I did actually do one productive thing at work today, talked to someone about what else I'll be doing, and have got my exercise ball / office chair all set up and my badge converted, so I feel like I'm settling in a bit. I won't really be settled until I know what I'm doing without asking and my own computer instead of a borrowed one, so that's all a few weeks away.

I wonder if we'll know who will be President of the US by this time next week? Either way, for a better perspective on what's really important and how much impact we all have, go out and look at the Blood Moon tonight. Even better, if you can, do it with someone's arm around you.

Posted by dichroic at 02:49 PM

October 26, 2004

it all evens out

I would just like to note that after steering a damn good course on one of the trickiest regatta courses in the world on Sunday, last night I managed to smack my head into a corner of my very own bedroom.

My left eyelid is still a little swollen and hurts, but at least it didn't develop into a full-blown black eye. That would have been a wonderful way to start a new job.

Posted by dichroic at 04:16 PM | Comments (2)

Here I am

Well, here I am in the new job. The boss is out of town this week, so there doesn't seem to be too much for me to do yet other than read documents and fight with IT over getting my account moved here. I'm sure a few weeks from now I'll be longing for calm again, but I expect this week to be on the slow side.

So that's two of the more nerve-wracking events of this fall over with and gone reasonably well so far: the big regatta and the job change. The next happening is company tomorrow night, which should be pleasant and not nerve-wracking at all. After that, there's only working on the IFR rating and the marathon regatta, both of which I get to take at my own pace.

One note: During my trip, the comments here got sledge-hammered with sp@m. In the process of trying to fix that from a hotel computer, I managed to delete some of the real ones, unfortunately. (Somehow, the character ";" got listed on my blacklist, so some comments containing it were deleted before I realized and stopped it.) So if you ever happen to notcie a comment of your missing, that's why - rest assured that I did read it and appreciate it when you posted, even if it's not there now.

Posted by dichroic at 02:40 PM | Comments (2)

October 20, 2004

a sad goodbye

All my work stuff is in boxes. My bag of Swedish fish is taped shut and the empty box of pretzels is in the trash. The exercise ball ball I use as a desk chair is deflated and boxed. All that's left is to send one more email, leave "Goodbye and Thank you" cards under my coworkers' doors, and go home.


It's been a good job and a great bunch of people to work with.

Then again, what do you expect of a day that started with hearing of a dead body found in a lake ... right after we got off said lake?

Tomorrow it's off to Boston for the big regatta, so likely this is the last entry until after that. Regatta results can be seen at the Head of the CHarles website:
Rudder: Event 3M Men's Club Single bow #8 race @12:49 EST on October 23rd
Dichroic: Coxing a Rocky Mt. boat, Event 15W Women's Masters Four bow #16 @11:04 EST on October 24th
If this does not work enter the main web site at and look around.

Posted by dichroic at 03:31 PM

October 19, 2004


I did some of my favorite kind of matchmaking today. Not the romantic kind; I honestly don't quite know how to assess whether people will do well together and if it doesn't work there's apt to be a mess to clean up. What I like doing is introducing people with common interests: in this case one father who's just begun homeschooling his kindergartner to another who has three kids being homeschooled (and one in the larval stage) and who is passionate and committed about it. There are some people who homeschool because it's easier for parent or child (I doubt those kids learn much). There are some who homeschool because they're afraid of what the kids might learn in a (gasp) public school. And then there are some who do it because they're passionate about educating their kids the best they can, who are willing to seek out resources and study curricula and their children to see how the two can be best put together. I think both of these guys are that last sort - at least one is and one might be or become so. So this matchmaking may help not only the parents but the children. I feel like I've done a good deed.

Counting down to my last day - packing files, both the physical and the electronic sort. Yikes.

Posted by dichroic at 02:43 PM

October 18, 2004


Scariest moment of the weekend: when Rudder-the-workaholic, the workout king, the masochist, commented that I'd been "working all weekend". Second scariest: realizing he was right. This weekend, I went to a dinner from Rudder's work, studied instrument flying weather reports and the Head of the Charles rules and racecourse, took a flying lesson, rowed int he double on Saturday and did a half-marathon on the erg Sunday, got about a foot and a half of scarf knitted, did most of my packing for the Boston trip, did three loads of laundry, made chili, and helped load Rudder's and She-Hulk's boats onto a trailer bound for Boston. At that, it was an easier weekend than planned, since I didn't have to plan or fly a cross-country or drive up to Flagstaff to meet the boat trailer.

I'm not sure normal people (if such animals exist) have weekends quite like that, at least not routinely.

Two more days here. My office looks like a moving zone, comprising boxes and stuff waiting to be boxed or tossed.

Thanks to all who posted comments over the weekend. It was very, very nice to hear from real people, especially in view of the 60 sp@mbot comments I've had to delete today (MTBlacklist is a wonderful thing.)

Finally, the poetry meme, one of the better memes I've come across lately - I've seen this all over, and have come across several poems I hadn't seen before. So here are my contributions, though I'm afraid neither is very obscure: one from Stan Rogers, who, I'm pleased to see, did make it into the CBC's longer list of great Canadians, if not into the top ten; and one from Gerard Manley Hopkins, because as an imperfect and quirky thing myself, I've always liked it.


Cold wind on the harbour and rain on the road
Wet promise of winter brings recourse to coal
There's fire in the blood and a fog on Bras d'Or
The giant will rise with the moon.

'Twas the same ancient fever in the Isles of the Blest
That our fathers brought with them when they went West
It's the blood of the Druids that never will rest
The giant will rise with the moon.

So crash the glass down, move with the tide
Young friends and old whiskey are burning inside
Crash the glass down, Fingal will rise
With the moon

In inclement weather the people are fey
Three thousand year stories as the night slips away
Remembering Fingal feels not far away
The giant will rise with the moon

The wind's in the North, there'll be new moon tonight
But we have no circle to dance in its sight
So light a torch, bring the bottle, and build the fire bright
The giant will rise with the moon.
- Stan Rogers, 1976, on: Fogarty's Cove

Pied Beauty

Glory be to God for dappled things--
For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;
For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
Fresh-firecoal chestnut falls; finches' wings;
Landscape plotted and pieced--fold, fallow, and plough;
And áll trádes, their gear and tackle and trim.

All things counter, original, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:
Praise him.
Gerard Manley Hopkins

Posted by dichroic at 03:33 PM

October 16, 2004

show some love

Could somebody do me a big favor? Could somebody NOT a spammer please leave a comment?

Roughly the last fifty comments in here have been spam and I'm getting very sick of it. Does anyone really think this is a good way to get me to buy prescription drugs or gamble online? Because I'd have to say even if I'd been planning to do either I wouldn't give my business to a spammer.

As it turned out, I was flying today, not tomorrow. Between that nad the fact that the FBO (flight school / pilot shop) didn't have currnet maps, I didn't do the cross-country after all, just a regular flight. The row with Marathon D was this morning too, and we're loading Rudder's boat on a trailer or Boston late tonight 9that being when we expect the trailer in from LA) which means I have nothing scheduled for tomorrow (other than laundry, food shopping and such. I'm very much looking forward to it.

But please, the comments.

Posted by dichroic at 08:10 PM

October 15, 2004

knit content and weekend plans

Wednesday on the way home there was a stop at Jessica Knits to pick up a gift certificate for our admin, who suddenly announced she was retiring. Of course I left without spending any additional money ..... OK, no, not really. There was some handpainted bulky wool in light blues and turquoise with which I hope to make a Moebius scarf for my mother-in-law for Christmas, and some light reddish mohair to make a lightweight scarf for me someday. This would all be after I complete the poncho, now about 3' long (you can see its beginnings here) and the scarf for Mom's early-December birthday, which is knitted with one strand each of purple cotton chenille, fine lilac GGH alpaca, and a novelty yarn with tufts of lilac or sage every few inches all held together. (I forget the names and don't have them here to look up.)

Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the Berroco Medley scarf, and I gave it away today- just picture a small scarf garter-stitched in this yarn (the variegated one).

Today was the going-away luncheon for me, the aforementined retired admin, and another repatriating coworker who got her offer the same day I got mine. We gave the coworker a plant (with my Berroco scarf wrapped around the pot). To my great relief they did not doom any plantlife by giving it to me to kill but instead gave me a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble. Apparently my coworkers do know me well after these two years together.

Weekend plans:
1. A work dinner from Rudder's place tonight - the company's anniversary or something like that. 2. Row with D, dodging around the duathlon, sailing lessons, and milk carton boat derby all being held on our lake tomorrow. 3. Plan a cross-country flight. 4. Execute said cross country flight. 5. Throughout, review Head of the Charles course for the very next weekend!!!

Posted by dichroic at 04:16 PM

October 14, 2004


Meme kipped from Fairmer. I'm interpreting "friends list" as anybody likely to be reading this.

A book you own that no one on your friends list does:
Probably lots but the one I'm most sure of is Deafness and Cheerfulness. It's circa 1901 and the title is an accurate description of what it's about. Books others are at least unlikely to own:
Hmmm. Can't include the rowing books, if being in the Livejournal Boathouse and Ergfreaks communities count as having them on my friends list. I doubt anyone reading this collects the Polly of Pebbly Pit series from the 1920s. Or Flying Machines, a coffee-table book of bizarre aircraft. Or Cherry-Garrard's The Worst Journey in the World, about Scott's doomed Antarctic expedition. Or Antarctica: The Complete Story David McGonigal and Dr Lynn Woodworth, and inscribed to me by its authors. (Possibly some of you might have Diana Birchall's In Defense of Mrs. Elton, printed by the Jane Austen Society and also inscribed to me by its author.) Oh, and then there's Christopher Morley's Philadelphia, which if you're familiar with the city, you need to get. And anyway, I'd bet large sums of money no one else has any of those books in combination (except maybe the two Antarctic ones).

A CD you own that no one on your friends list does:
Not sure of the CD name but it's by Tribe Nunzio - it might be "How Long?" Z by Mary Zikos, but that's a cassette, not a CD. Rules of the Road by Alex Bevan. And So Shall We Yet, Bok, Muir, and Trickett.

A DVD/VHS tape you own that no one on your friends list does:
Rowing Through, unless any of the Boathouse people has that.

A place you've been that no one on your friends list has been:
I could say my parents' basement, but my brother sometimes reads this.
Antarctica. The bottom of a missile silo in Tucson. Osan, Korea. Buenos Aires? The Lower Caverns at Carlsbad. The South Rim at Big Bend. The top of Humphreys Peak, Arizona. Plush, Oregon. Lower Devil's Canyon, Arizona.

Posted by dichroic at 03:44 PM

October 12, 2004


Life is getting complicated again. The plan was to do a cross-country flight up to our high-country property this Sunday (it's on an airstrip) to get some more flying time and build up my cross-country hours, because I'll need a lot more than I have to get my IFR. The complications:

1. I didn't plan my flight last weekend so would have to do it Saturday.
2. I had forgotten that Rudder has to drive up to Flagstaff this weekend to get his boat on a trailer to Boston. He won't know exactly what time the guy will get there so it may be an overnight trip. He won't have to leave early Saturday but I'm rowing so can't do the planning in the morning. (Though I'm not rowing until 8:30. Hmmm...)
3. I like Flag and I like road trips with Rudder. I'd also like him in the plane with me because he's flown to the property before. He'll remember all the landmarks and be helpful at spotting them. I will have an instructor along, though.

So my options are either to blow off the flight or go without Rudder. Blah. I keep reminding myself this is supposed to be fun, so may take the blow-it-off option.

Another complication is that I don't yet know how transitioning to another business division will affect my IFR training reimbursement. I've got a couple of calls in to find out. They only reimburse after you've reached certain milestones (15 hours, taking the written test) and I don't think I'll manage either of those in the next week. The worst that can happen is that I'll end up having to pay for it myself, which after all is what I did for my private pilot rating and what Rudder did for both his private and his IFR. At the very least, the reimbursement policy will have done some good in kicking me into flying again.

The next Presidential debate, which will be right near me, is going to be a bit inconvenient. Tempe is the next town over - it's where I row several days a week and I go through it every day. They've got our lake closed on Wednesday after 9 AM, well after I'm off the water, so that won't be a problem, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to take my scheduled flying lesson. They've got restrictions on the airspace within 60 nautical miles of the debate until 9AM or so Thursday morning, though we may possibly be able to go with an IFR clearance.

Too many things going on, but at least they're all good ones.

Posted by dichroic at 02:27 PM

October 11, 2004

an unusual attitude

It was a productive weekend, I guess; I paid some bills, caught up on some sleep, spent too much money on new clothes and shoes (again - clothing is one of my temptations and Fall clothing is more so), rowed a double with D to make sure we won't hate rowing together in the marathon, reviewed the Head of the Charles course with Yosemite Sam, got to socialize with Rudder and D and Dr. Bosun and a crazy (former) Russian I asked because he was there and I didn't want to be rude (should have been rude. He's a jerk) and went flying, beginning to work on partial panel and unusual attitudes. Not a particularly busy weekend.

Note to nonaviators: Partial panel is when some of the flight instruments are covered to simulate instrument failure. Unusual attitudes are when the instructor has you close your eyes, jinks around a bit to get you disoriented (no trouble with me - still got that vertigo thing going, a bit), gets the plane pointed nose up or down and banked to one said, then says, "OK, open your eyes now. Your airplane," so you can get used to recovering to straight and level flight without getting into a spin or some dumb situation like that. Surprisingly, it was a little easier than I expected - but I'm not really looking forward to doing those with a partial panel.

Rudder and I also watched Rowing Through, a movie about the legendary rower Tiff Woods, the even more legendary coach Harry Parker, and the 1984 Olympic trials. It would have been a good movie to watch with the sound off. It had some of the most beautiful cinematography I've ever seen, with rowers swinging together in sweaty races or singles going out on eligiac fall Boston afternoons with the mist rising. On the other hand it was one of those sort of vague movies that kept skipping years of time with no explanation for why anything happened (why were all those young Olympic rower men knitting at the Olympic selection camp?) and dialogue I couldn't catch half the time. It was definitely worth watching .... listening to, I'm not so sure about.

This is my last full week working here at this site. I'm kind of sad, actually.

Posted by dichroic at 02:37 PM

October 08, 2004

home silent home

The parents left for home this morning. We enjoy having company, but it's also nice to get our house back to ourselves. For one thing, everyone over the age of 8 goes to bed later than we do, but the guest bath is right outside our bedroom door and we have to keep the door open a crack or face the Wrath of Cats. Listen to the Wrath of Cats, rather. Between that and having to cook or go out for real balanced meals we've been a little sleep-deprived this week. I don't have to be up until 7:30 tomorrow and I am mightily looking forward to that.

Mom came out to rowing this morning; she was, impressively, all bright and chipper and ready to go by 4:20 or so. I think she enjoyed it. I told the guys in the eight I was coxing that all those photos she was taking had less to do with me than with the sight of all those men in spandex. (She insists she was focusing on me. I think I'll check with Dad when they download the photos.)

In other news, I passed my Biannual Flight Review yesterday morning so I am once again a current pilot. Yay!

Posted by dichroic at 03:41 PM

October 07, 2004

a puzzle solved and a visit almost over

Got it! I think Toy Sub was a band. And it mattered to me because I met a guy who was in it (mmm, musician guys) and who, I think, lived in some basement apartment with the rest of the band. And this would have been back before I met Rudder, which makes it either Late Philadelphia or Very Early Houston, but well over a decade ago, and very brief, which would be why I couldn't remember it.

Phew. I feel better.

Otherwise, life is all meeting meeting meeting meeting >trytosqueezeinwork< meeting meeting, with all the usual work and getting ready to transition to the new job. The current plan goes: last day at old job, fly to Boston, compete in the Head of the Charles, fly home, first day at new job. Phew.

Then there are parents in the house when I get home. I fell unbelievably far behind in reading email even with all the spam filtered out and deleted about two pages unread this morning. Mostly it was all list stuff; I did check the subject line to make sure I kept any actual emails. I think my parents' visit went fairly well. It's been hard seeing how old my Dad's gotten (for someone not yet 70 and not retired) but Mom is doing great, working out and traveling and even taking some classes at her synagogue. I did have two days off to take them places and Mom was very brave and drove downtown to the Heard Museum all by herself yesterday (Dad was there but isn't wanting to drive any more than necessary). I'm not being snide; I know how hard it can be to drive in a strange city when you're nervous. The difference between us isn't lack of fearfulness but that I've never felt that was an excuse not to do something. I'm really happy that she's challenging herself more these days. She's going to come out for rowing and ride on the coaching launch; I wonder what she'll think of it.

Posted by dichroic at 01:21 PM

October 04, 2004

dodging the 'rents

Major advantage to being on vacation today: getting to watch SpaceShipOne fly into space on live webcast to win the XPrize. Honestly, I thought it would take much longer than this; not for the first time, I am very glad that there is such a person as Burt Rutan in the world.

On the other hand, they have the a news anchor with the weirdest haircut I've ever seen broadcasting.

Don't expect much in the way of entries here today or tomorrow; my parents are visiting and they have an annoying habit of wandering by and looking over my shoulder when I'm on the computer. (Mom's in the shower at the moment and I don't know if Dad's up yet.)

Yesterday we showed them our airpark property; today I'm taking them to see Biosphere 2, tomorrow the zoo. After that they're on their own while I go back to work.

Two minutes later:

SpaceShipOne made it has released from its parent ship!!!!!!

One more minute: They made it!!!!!

Posted by dichroic at 08:45 AM

October 01, 2004

Big news and a question

It's official. In a month or sooner, I will be transferring to another part of the same company - less than half the commute distance, a good salary increase (>10%), the word "manager" in the title (which seems to mean a lot here), and a chance to learn a new area while using what I'm beginning to think of as my core competencies: talking, writing, developing processes. I've officially accepted but my boss is out of town so the transfer date isn't set yet. For an internal transfer, it has to be negotiated between him and the new boss.

So yay!

Now, a question: why do I get the feeling that the words "toy sub" ought to mean something to me? I have a hazy association with college days and possibly Kurt Vonnegut's books, but can't remember any corroborating detail. Is it some sort of password or catchphrase? I did a web search but only turned up references to actual toy submarines.

It was a license plate on an SUV this morning, and was especially appropriate because the truck was decked out for serious off-roading, complete with snorkel.

Posted by dichroic at 05:04 PM

obligatory psa

Yes, I watched the debate. I thought Kerry did a bit better, but then I would, wouldn't I? I don't think there was a clear enough winner to change the mind of anyone who had already picked a candidate.

Whoever your candidate is, please go out and vote, if you're a US citizen over 18 and not a felon. Whoever wins, it's going to be pretty acrimonious around here come November; the last thing we need is yet another President picked by a small minority or, worse, another one picked by the Supreme Court.

My parents are coming in tomorrow, paying me only their third visit since I moved away in 1989. I've been trying to figure out things to do that won't be too athletic for my dad. I don't think he likes doing a lot of walking these days. (Note to self: IMAX movie.) I've also been trying to figure out what to feed them, since she keeps semi-kosher and he's got health-related diet restrictions on things like salt and sugar. Breakfasts are especially hard for me, since our normal weekend brekkers range from a Power Bar to instant oatmeal to picking up bagels to going out to eat. (Other note to self: look up recipe for Dutch Apple Pancake before going food shopping.)

I'm still a little dizzy; I've made a doctor's appointment for early next week. I hate to go when my parents are here because I'm afraid they'll worry more than it deserves. I did survive coxing this morning, so that's good; I think the vertigo is fading a bit, though not yet entirely. I may go to the doctor even if it's gone, since this is the second time it's happened. At least yesterday's drive home was a lot better than Wednesday's; I don't figure dehydration is the main cause of all this but it certainly did make things worse.

And thanks to a Lunch 'n' Learn sort of meeting, to which I figured if I could take lunch I could take my knitting, I've nearly finished my scarf of Berocco Medley. It's the Berroco Mix colorway which looks like the main body of this when knitted up. It's just a short thin decorative scarf, made for ornament rather than warmth. All it needs now is binding off and fringe.

Posted by dichroic at 03:03 PM

September 29, 2004

here we go again

My getting-out-of-bed line each morning is, more or less, "Here we go again". (Imagine a sardonically humorous tone here.) Of course it varies: the general gamut runs from "Oh, shit, here we go again," to "Here we go again - hey I get to do something fun today!" You wouldn't necessarily hear me say all that if you were actually in my bedroom (in fact, if you were actually in my bedroom when I woke up, my line would be anything from "Who the hell are you?" to "Uh-oh," depending how menacing you are). The usual soundtrack to my getting up is more like "Rrrrrr," or, if I'm particularly sore, "RrrrRRRrrR". You can take it from me, though, it more or less translates to "Here we go again."

What we also have here is a perfect illustration of how certain authors manage to establlish a foothold in my brain that lingers a while after I finish the book. The above can be blamed on my rereading a couple of Bill Bryson books in the last fwe days. Anyway.

I've often wondered what it would be like to have such a superlatively wonderfully Proper Job that I bounded out of bed each morning with a song on my lips. (Actually, it would probably still sound like "Rrrrr," at least until I had splashed water on my face and brushed my teeth.) I'm not really sure it's realistically possible. As I've said before, I do like my current job quite a lot, though I wouldn't call it my Proper Job in the Gaudy Night sense of the words. Anyhow, my bed is large and very comfy. Sheets are flannel. Pillows are feather and down. Comforter is down and flannel covered. (We've discovered that flannel, being soft and absorbent, is as comfortable in Arizona summer as in northern winter.) Most of all, Rudder is snuggly, and it's finally getting cool enough for me to begin appreciating his thermal properties. I'm not sure there's any kind of work in the world that would make me eager to leave that bed.

That said, I've been offered a new job (same company) so we'll see how my mornings go - I'm just hoping for a good ratio of "Oh, good" to "Oh shit" before the "Here we go again" part. At the very least, I'll be spared the part about "Here we go again with a forty mile drive to work."

Posted by dichroic at 12:54 PM

September 28, 2004

conflicting causes

Baxk to work today - fortunately it's been a calm sort of day, relatively. Actually, driving in wasn't a problem and neither is sitting at a computer. Both are activities where you tend to keep your head fairly still. What's been more of a problem are "real-life" sorts of activities, like getting water or going to the bathroom, where I might happen to look up or down. Still, I think the dizziness has been less frequent than yesterday. I can't quite tell whether that's because I move my head less in an office setting or because it's really better.

I'd have to say I don't really understand the reasons for this. The doctor said it was most likely due to a combination of some fluid he saw behind my eardrums and low electrolytes. Considering it came on right after doing a marathon, the electrolytes seem far more likely.On the other hand, if that were the main cause, I'd think the dizziness would just be more or less constant, not only when I tilt my head. That seems more like an inner-ear thing.

I'm not dwelling on this because I'm a hypochondriac - it's just that I'm an engineer and I'm frustrated because the proximate and ultimate causes don't seem to be matching up in a logical way. At any rate, there's no queasiness so the whole experience is just a little strange, not particularly unpleasant. I do expect to row tomorrow (but a light workout, in case the low-electrolyte thing is true).

On the positive side, there may be some good things about to happen at work. More tomorrow or so on that.

Posted by dichroic at 03:29 PM | Comments (1)

September 27, 2004


Oig. I think I was a little behind on my hydration Saturday (though Egret's excellent matzo ball soup certainly helped) and was feeling just a wee touch unbalanced going into the erg marathon. After it and ever since, that "wee touch" has become the sort of dizziness that necessitates holding on to a handy sofa cushion, railing or husband when tilting my head - not every time, oddly enough, but frequently.

On the plus side, it made me feel much more jusitified in calling in a post-marathon sick day. Rudder took one too (after rowing in the morning, the masochist) so he was nice and handy when I needed to hold on to him.

I did go see a doctor just in case it was something to worry about; after hearing the whole story and checking me out he concluded it was probably just a combination of a bit of (allergy-induced) fluid behind the eardrums and low electrolytes. He prescribed taking it easy for a few days and trying to drink a lot and eat fruits rich in potassium. I will say it's an entertaining sort of malady, sort of like having a roller coaster in my head.

I canceled my flying lesson tomorrow, though, just because it didn't seem like a great idea to fly dizzy. I hated to, because I hadn't flown over the weekend, but better rusty than risky.

Posted by dichroic at 06:15 PM

September 24, 2004

family at holidays

As ways for resetting your moral compass, there's solitude and reflection and then there are friends. Maybe there's a reason that, though the High Holy Days are a time for introspection, they begin and end with big services that are held in community, usually with big crowds showing up.

My family has never been that observant. We went to holiday services and some Shabbat services, lit Shabbat and Chanukah candles (though not Havdalah candles) and my brother and I went to Hebrew school, but we didn't keep kosher, recite the Shema when we woke up and other blessings through the day, or go to daily services. For holidays, we'd have a big family dinner, but without doing a full-blown Seder at Passover or all the blessing of bread and wine before and thanksgiving prayers after other meals.

Now that I'm a few thousand miles away without too many other Jews around, I like to celebrate major holidays with a big dinner of my own. We usually invite friends over (even though I generally have to explain what the holidays are) and have had T2 and Egret several times.

I didn't get to do much for Rosh Hashanah this year: too much going on and it happened midweek. But Egret decided we'd had them over too many times and she needed to reciprocate, so she invited us over for dinner for Yom Kippur.

I will wait while you all go "Awww...." and then "Uh-oh."

No, I didn't have the heart to point out that it's traditionally a fasting holiday. I don't fast these days anyway, so it didn't seem terribly relevant. But what a gesture of friendship. She's not Jewish, mind you (actually, I think she has about 1/4 or 1/8 Jewish blood, but was brought up Catholic). I did have to laugh the other day when she asked she needed to put out salt water and parsley or if that was another holiday. Then I had to sniffle today when she told me her menu: Chicken soup. Matzo balls. An apricot chicken recipe she found at a Jewish site. Again: not Jewish. Just trying to make a friend feel loved. (Oh, and also homemade bread and chocolate cake. Mmm.)

Now you can go "Awwwww...*snif*" without the "Uh-oh" afterward.

Posted by dichroic at 01:35 PM

September 21, 2004

mighty big car (not!)

It was actually in the high 60s this morning as I drove to work. Driving in with the top down and the heater on just a touch to warm my feet.... ahhhh. And Fred Eaglesmith playing to set the driving mood.

At least half of Fred's songs are about car sin one way or another. It was funny, the only time I drove Rudder's Hummer, the Orange Crush, in to work, listening to the Eaglesmith CD for the first time, when his song "Mighty Big Car" came on. It was even funnier today, hearing it as I drove the Mozzie, my tiny convertible. I felt like a mosquito with delusions of elephancy.

The KnittingNovices discussion group has been having a thread lately on things to do while knitting, like watching old movies or listening to books on tape. One woman mentioned using a cookbook stand to read while she knits. (An idea I should try.) I replied with the following, which I suspect may not be a popular view on that particular list:

I've used books on tape while driving and for long pieces on the rowing machine (Harry Potter V will take you through quite a few 10-20 km pieces :-) but if I'm downstairs in my house, as I usually am while knitting, there are *all those* books around and I can't resist their siren song. In fact, one of the reasons I took up knitting was to having something to do with my hands while reading. (I can't do beadwork and read.) I tend to sit sideways in a big comfy chair, so my book rests on my knees and my knitting basket is on the floor beside me. It can't be more than a few inches from the chair or the trailing yarn is long enough to fascinate the cats.

I won't say it's always easy doing both at the same time; this is why I don't anticipate doing any complex lace patterns any time soon. But if I had to give up one or the other, it would be no contest - the knitting would have to go. I read about like I breathe - constantly and by necessity. Incidentally, one tip that may be useful is that magazines are a bit easier to combine with knitting than books. They stay open flat and tend to require a bit less focus.

I can just see people reading that and thinking, "Rowing machine? People actually use those? Lots of books in a house? Why would you do that? And giving up knitting for reading? Is she mad?"

On the other hand, someone else remarked about knitting while listening to audiobooks, "Don't they get in the way of the conversations you have with yourself?" That struck me for a moment, until I realized that my first reaction had been, "You need silence to have conversations with yourself?" I don't even need quiet to have conversations with other people. I know people who require an uninterrupted block of time in which to read, or who can't talk when there are interruptions; I can participate in one conversation while casting asides into another (at a party, for example) and will always rather read than not even if I only have time for half a page. I think it may be easier for me to multitask than not to. Born that way, I guess. It's just as well, because I think my life would drive me insane otherwise.

I may also try to scale back keep only my hands busy this Saturday, Yom Kippur, when I would like to pay a little more attention to the "conversations I have with myself." Or Whoever.

Posted by dichroic at 02:30 PM

September 20, 2004

nope, didn't win

Bummer. Didn't win a contest I entered. I didn't really expect to, both on the logical premise that loads of other people were bound to be entering, some of them more talented, and on the less-logical grounds that I had a strong hunch I owuld win and my strong hunches are so invariably wrong as almost to constitute real psychic powers, just in the backwards direction.

I can console myself on two grounds. First, I honestly thought my own essay was better-written than most of the several winning ones I read, much of the credit for which should go to my proof-readers. It was just a different sort of thing, less personal than any of the winning ones. (Except perhaps the one about mushrooms. How you can give a "power of purpose" award to an essay on mushrooms with only a small and inconclusive digression on an unnamed person's story defeats me and my logical brain.) I mean here "better written" mostly in terms of style, I should say; several of the winners had excellent substance, delivering more emotional impact than my essay.

Second, I entered because Mer told me to. She thought my writing would suit the contest and was good enough, and I take that as a huge compliment.

So now I have an essay on the common theme of a driving purpose and its power to unite people to a common and difficult goal, and no idea what to do with it. It's sort of an exhortatory thing. I can't think of anyone who does much with that except motivational organizations like Franklin Covey, and they seem to lean more towards epigrams than essays. Oh, well. I suppose honing a skill can never be entirely a waste, and I probably got enough fun to be repaid for my work just in thinking what I'd do with $100,000.

Posted by dichroic at 02:43 PM

September 19, 2004

a yarn-store yarn, or a real-life parable

Rudder has spent the last hour watching a TV show about making the world's biggest slice of toast. For a man who is so hyperactive, he has a surprisingly high tolerance for TV inanity between his spurts of activity.

Yesterday I went to check out a local yarn store I hadn't been in befor. I meant to get two sets of needles (metal for some boucle yarn that wasn't sliding over bamboo ones, wood for another project I want to take on a plane next month), needle gauge, and some better stitch markers. I got talked into trying a Denise set (only about $15 more than the individual needles would have been) and also ended up buying the markers and gauge, a book (Treasury of Magical Knitting by Cat Bordhi on knitting Moebius-strip scarves) and of course some yarn. Oops. After that splurge I'm attempting to talk myself out of a visit to the shoe store today.

On the more virtuous side, I set a new PR for a half-marathon erg yesterday (21097 meters, 13.1 miles) and took my 3rd IFR flying lesson today.

While I was in the yarn store, a woman bustled in talking on a cell phone and briefly interuppted her conversation to say that she was a teacher directing a group of children making masks, and could the store donate any yarn? Some of the girls wanted it for hair. The store employee referred her to the owner, who was at a worktable in back of the store. The teacher said, "Oh, I'm really in a hurry, could you just ask her for me?"

It gets worse. The employee patiently explained that the teacher would do better asking for herself. She ungraciously told the person on the other end of the cell phone she'd call back, turned off the phone, walked to the back of the store and explained her mission again. The store owner explained that they had several charities to whom they already donated scrap wool. The teacher said, "But I'm a teacher! And I don't have much money for these things. Well, could I at least be put on your list for next year?" The store owner explained that there was a waiting list. At that point a customer working at the back table offered to donate her own scraps for the students. The teacher spent at least five or ten minutes bustling back and forth kooing for her cards, not finding them, and making a production of giving the woman her phone number. Then she said something like, "I used to do all this stuff (gesturing around the store) but I'm way too busy to just sit around a yarn store knitting these days."

To her credit, the other customer did not immediately withdraw her offer to donate yarn. Instead, she told the teacher, "Actually, I work taking care of homeless back home in Puerto Rico," and then listed several other things she does, all both noble and time-consuming. I wanted to go over and cheer for her after the teacher had left (reminding the other woman several more times to call her about the yarn) but I settled for talking to her while I was trying some sample needles to see if I liked them. She was very interesting. I think still another customer did say something about her being a "good person", because I heard her respond, "No, I am not a good person. But I try to be one. That is all you can do, to try."

Pity she couldn't send herself along with her scrap yarn to those kids making the masks, I think they might have learned more of value from her than from their own teacher.

Posted by dichroic at 03:03 PM

September 16, 2004

the good and the ugly

They're forecasting us a high of 98 Saturday, 91 Sunday, and 88 Monday. Yay!!!! Finally down out of the 100s. With luck, and given the way our seasons tend to change all at once, it will stay out.

Tomorrow I have meetings from 10-11:30, 11-12:30, 12:30-1:30. Even aside from the not-unusual overlap, this is a problem, given that the cafeteria is open 11-1 and that I am Not Functional if I go too long without food.

Posted by dichroic at 03:54 PM

yet another no-free-time rant

How not to portray a professional image or impress people: arrive 15 minutes late for an 8AM meeting. I allowed 40 minutes for a drive that should take 25 even during rush hour, and it ended up taking me an hour or a little more. Which is pretty scary when you consider it takes 40-60 minutes to drive tomy current office, more than twice as far away. This is not a good way to get away from having to make that commute.

Meanwhile my job is busy enough that I won't be able to work from home Friday, as I had hoped. Actually, if I had been smarter I would have gone home and telecommuted after my morning meeting today, since that was on my side of town and I only have one other meeting today which I could have called into. Drat. (No, wait, I did have one more. It just got canceled. So I'm not colluding in my own lack of time.)

I notice this particularly in reading other knitters, in blogs or newsgroups. People are always writing about finishing a sweater in five days or a poncho in a week or whatever. Me, I'm lucky if I get to knit more than one row in a day. O course, it would be faster if I weren't trying to read at the same time, but I'd be far more likely to keep reading and quit knitting than the other way around. Books are my sine qua non.

Posted by dichroic at 01:36 PM

September 15, 2004

booking it

Some people just shouldn't be allowed into a bookstore when they're even mildly ticked off. I decided to spend my luch hour spending on my favorite vice. Fifty dollars later...
...I remembered why I don't generally go into bookstores on my lunch hour.

The ticked off part was just because of the way work's been going; the boss has been edgy and I've had meetings starting at 8AM, meetings ending at 5PM, and everywhere in between. At least the boss seems a little calmer today, though my schedule's not.

Also, I had a pleasant moment of self-realization when I was asking someone at work if she knew just where this bookstore is (it's in a very confusing shopping center). I happened to mention that I could as easily go to DSW (discount shoes) in the same center, and she said, "Oh, shoes! That would be much better than books!" My visceral reaction was, "Not even close," much as I do like shoes. So yes, I'm still me. I may have to act all professional sometimes and even (gasp) pretend to be tactful, but it's kind of nice to know basics don't change.

One of the things I bought was Maggie Righetti's Knitting in Plain English. Paging through it, I think I've figured out how to make my poncho project much less of a pain in the ass. The problem is, it's only a 3-stitch repeating pattern but when I make a mistake I can't see it on this openwork pattern so it tends to be much later when I notice it and this pattern is hard to unknit. I'm spending way too much time recounting to make sure I still have 45 stitches in each row. I think the solution may be to place markers every 6 or 9 stitches, so I can see where I am more easily. (This is probably a "Duh" moment for experienced knitters, of whom I am emphatically not one.)

Posted by dichroic at 05:31 PM

September 14, 2004

avgas WHERE?

I feel like an undercover superhero today. Mostly it's just the clothes, though.

It actually took me some time to decide what to wear today, since I had a flying lesson before work. I needed something I could climb around an airplane in (which lets out tight short skirts). A bigger problem was that it's hard not to get dirty - it's even worse with the newer Cessna 172s (which this was) because instead of having to check the fuel at a sump point (to make sure it's avgas and to look for water or grit in the fuel) on each wing, you now have to check it in 13 places. Thirteen! There are five on each wing and three on the underside of the belly, which necessitates getting down on the ground. For obvious reasons, the ground at an airport is often not a miracle of cleanliness. That is probably my least favorite engineering decision on the new Cessnas. Also, since I was flying at 5AM, I'd be doing all that in the dark.

I didn't want to be too hot, knowing I'd be sweating anyway by the end of the lesson. (Instrument flying is hard!) I didn't want to have to change for work because I knew I'd be in a hurry, since it's forty miles and I had an 8AM meeting. And of course, there's that annoying professionalism thing.

What I came up with was a black camisole, black jeans, and a long loose plum-colored shirt to be left in the car during the lesson and worn over the outfit for work. I got a glimpse of myself in a mirror after the lesson and realized I looked like an extra for Charlie's Angels in the camisole and black stretch jeans. (Maybe an extra who would need a bit of digital touchup, but still.) If I could do a spinning kick at all, I could do one in this getup. Moreover, the tunic on top is closed with snaps, not buttons, so if the need arose I could rip it off dramatically without even needing a phone booth.

I did manage to keep relatively clean, except for a spritz of avgas down my cleavage. Think Rudder would consider that sexy?

Posted by dichroic at 01:31 PM

September 13, 2004

wine, flying, ponchos, elves...yeah, I'm rambling again

I'm just going to have to give up drinking red wine on the evenings before rowing. It just unsettles my stomach too much, drat it. This morning I got all the way out to the lake and then decided it wasn't going to work and came back home, which of course is a serious waste of potential sleeping time. I tought about erging but decided not to by virtue of yesterday's half-marathon in two parts (12.2 km in the boat, 9 km on the erg). Unfortunately I'm also going to miss tomorrow's workout because I've got a flying lesson. I've really got to ping D about that marathon. This would all be a bit easier to manage if I knew I weren't doing it, and it would at least have a point if I am.

After all that fuss about having the erg marathon on Yom Kippur, it turns out I have an (internal) interview on Rosh Hashanah. I'm not sure whether to regard that as a Bad Thing or an appropriate augur of new beginnings.

On the clothing front, I'm wearing the poncho I bought yesterday, and it seems to be working; I've gotten three compliments, one effusive, and no cries of "What the hell are you wearing?" It's a dressy, indoors one, lightweight in a delicte lacy knit, waist-length and with slits at the side that come up to my elbows, so it's not in the way for writing or typing, and is in shades of green and brown. More elf/sprite clothing. (Do elves wear ponchos?) . I like elf clothing, actually, and have a distressing paucity of it in my wardrobe these days. It's hard to be both corporate and elvish - good thing I don't actually have to be terribly corporate, engineers as a group not being known for their fashion senses. Or for being elven, I suppose.

Posted by dichroic at 03:13 PM

September 12, 2004

my sports: flying, rowing, shopping

I shouldn't be here. I should be over on my bank site paying bills, or over on Excel preparing some stuff I have to do later in the week or possible somewhere else productive.

Yeah, right. I like to think of it not so much as "procrastinating" but as "getting warmed up to work". That would be more convincing if it didn't take as long as the actual work.

Yesterday morning I went flying, piloting a Cessna 172 for the first time in a couple of years - we did both some under-the-hood instrument work and some basic landing practice. I actually was less rusty than expected, and got compliments from both the instructor and, by far the harder to impress, from Rudder, who was riding along in the back seat. After that I went for a massage, having been sore as a consequence of making some changes to my rowing stroke, and then completed my financial ruin with a binge at the mall.

J.Jill was especially productive; I came away with a skirt and microsuede shirt that when combined, need only soft boots and pointed ears to make a perfect elven costume (it's my hippie side coming out) as well as a pair of pants that, unusually for that store, actually fit. Well, almost; I had to order the petite size. Petite Sophisticate was nearly as forthcoming, with a plain but perfectly fitting black blazer and Oxford shirt that I can rationalize as being classics I can wear forever or until they self-destruct. There was also a poncho because I like them and am hoping they'll be more than a one-season fad, and the phone charger than was one of my reasons for being in the mall lin the first place.

Today I rowed a double this morning - I was hoping to get in some distance but the woman I was rowing with hasn't sculled (two oars) for a while. All her calluses are from sweep rowing (one oar) which means they're in the wrong place and so she was getting blisters halfway through our first lap. She taped them up and we did finish two laps (12.2 km) and then I came home and (this is where I prove what a virtuous and diligent rower I am) pulled another 9km on the erg just to finish out a half-marathon distance. And now I really need to go do real work.

Posted by dichroic at 02:59 PM

September 10, 2004

good news and luck

I guess it's not too bad to get a little teary at work (lunchtime, if you're wondering) over a good cause: Jen has finally heard back. She gets to be a mommy to a lucky girl named Li.

I've known Jen via electrons since before she was even married, and it's been clear for most of that time that she's one of those people for whom one of the highest callings is to be a mom. It's also been clear from reading about her stepson that she's very very good at it, and I can't say how glad I am that she gets to have a baby (toddler) of her very own. I'm hoping hard that everything goes smoothly from here out.

Is it just me or has the whole month of September so far been like something out of a Liavek story? It's not my birthday (well, today I am exactly 37.5, come to think of it) but for a week or two the luck has been flying furiously, not all good but tending more that way. Approved for the IFR reimbursement. Being asked to cox in the Charles and then the boat being picked in the draw. Work things heating up. Rudder driving into the garage a bit more literally than one usually does but not damaging the trim or his truck, other than the rack. Figuring out what may be one of the major reasons I'm slower in the boat than I ought to be. I've got a couple more major decisions that will affect me int he next week or two, and now I'm really curious what will happen.
Posted by dichroic at 01:50 PM

September 09, 2004


As I wrote in the previous entry, yesterday Rudder called to ask me to meet him at the garage. Apparently when he went home for lunch, in a moment of brainfade he drove into the garage with the boat rack on the Hummer. The garage roof is only about 4" above the Hummer roof rack sans boat cradle.

Damage to the boat cradle was nil and to the garage roof was minimal, but the Hummer rack to which the boat cradle was attached is not not quite connected at right angles. When I left work I went to pick him up in the Mozzie, my teeny teeny car already full with my gym back and the small tote I carry in to work. I put my gym back behind my seat, a maneuver that is only possible because I'm in about the 10th percentile for height, and then somehow got him and his briefcase stuffed into the passenger seat. We then compounded the problem by deciding to stop for dinner.

I had to laugh a bit at Rudder's goof, but avoided rubbing it in too much for karmic reasons, a wise move in restrospect.

While waiting for food at a local Pan-Asian place we grabbed a table. I had taken my purse out of its usual spot in the work tote and taken it in with me, so slung it over the back of my chair. I may or may not have taken it with me when I went outside to call my parents and wish them a happy 41st anniversary (Rudder stayed at the table.) We somehow got the food into the car with us and all our stuff, drove home, and unpacked: me, Rudder, gym bag, tote, briefcase, food......

No purse. Looked around: car floor behind the seat, passenger footwell, tote, gym bag, even in the food bag incase it somehow jumped in there. Then Rudder drove me back to the restaurant (in my pickup) because I dislike driving without a driver's license, which of course was in my purse. I spoke to the servers, the manager and the busboy and loooked at the seat where I'd been sitting to no avail. No purse. The manager took my number and promised to call if it turned up, which I thought unlikely if it hadn't turned up already. Then it was another ten minutes' drive back home, during which I was resigning myself to replacing credit cards and license trying to figure out how I'd replace all the little things like AAA and health insurance cards.

Just to be sure I checked around one more time ....

and found the purse on the tiny and hard-to-see-onto shelf under the back window, where it must have landed because there was so much other stuff behind my seat. Sigh.

At least it paid back all of the effort of not being obnoxious about Rudder's blunder, and at least my goof only took half an hour to fix and didn't cost several hundred dollars.

Posted by dichroic at 12:46 PM

September 08, 2004

the Yom Kippurathon

Egret brought a slight problem to my notice Sunday. She had kindly invited us to dinner for Yom Kippur - since I like to celebrate the Jewish holidays as my family always did, with a big dinner, we've had her and T2 over for that a few times, and she kindly decided it was her turn. I thought that was so sweet, since it's not their holiday, that I didn't quite have the heart to point out that this is a fasting holiday. It's not as if I would have been fasting anyway. But that's not the problem.

The problem is that, after asking what day the holiday was, Rudder pointed out that it was the same day he'd invited people over for his annual marathon erg seesion. (It's a BYOE - Bring Your Own Erg - deal). I would rather like to do the marathon this year, at least if I end up competing,but more than that, it's a solemn holiday and even if I'm not participating I don't even want to be around a raucous event like that.

If I were frum (observant), fasting and all that, I'd have no compunction about telling him to reschedule it. (On the other hand, if I were observant I'd be in shul all morning, so it owuld be a nonissue.) However, I don't fast. I do like to observe the holiday season, Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, in my own way, paying respect to its tradition of reflection and contemplation of the past year. A couple of years ago, I did a "media fast" on Yom Kippur, avoiding TV, radio, and computer on that day and I was thinking of doing that again because it worked well for me. I felt refreshed afterward.

I've asked Rudder to see about rescheduling. He only knows of two other people who plan to do the ergathon this year, so it shouldn't be impossible. If he can't manage it, I may just need to find somewhere quiet to go - the library maybe. I don't feel right asking him not to do something in his own house when I don't have what feels like a real reason, but I don't feel right having it there either.

On the other hand, while I was writing this Rudder called to tell me he'd done a really stupid thing that would have been much more characteristic of me - he accidentally drove into the garage with the boat rack on the Hummer, and the garage roof is only about 4" above the Hummer roof sans rack. Oops. Apparently the boats rack survived nicely but it tore the Hummer's rack track apart. He wants me to meet him at the mechanic's this evening, so this may be a good time to put in a request.

Posted by dichroic at 01:53 PM

September 03, 2004


I had a feeling this was going to be feast or famine, and it's starting to look like feast. I may not survive this fall :-) I've talked about most of these things here before, but I think some explanation is needed to give the full picture.

Some of you will remember I have a pilot's license (VFR - visual flight rules), though I haven't really flown that much since qualifying for it. A couple of months ago, someone pointed out to me that my company has a program where you can apply to get reimbursed for the costs of getting either the initial pilot's rating or an instrument flight rating (IFR - this would be the one that could have saved JFK Jr.'s life). I try not to miss opportunities like that so I applied to get the IFR. Since I'd probably want to do this in the evenings after work, in the dark so I get something resembling actual instrument conditions, I figured I could just cut way back on rowing for the fall.

Last November, Rudder rowed a marathon in Natchitoches, Louisiana (he'd done it once before, aboout ten years ago). He and his partner She-Hulk set the course record for mixed doubles, a bit over 3 hours. Another guy from our lake, D, also rowed it last year, only he took about two hours longer, stopping to talk to people on the way and even to use their bathrooms. I figured that's my speed, so in a weak (masochistic) moment, I asked D if he wanted to row it in a double with me this year. He's considering it - he's got some other stuff going on, with a daughter getting married in October and another due to have his first grandchild. On the other hand, he was pretty excited to win a medal next year, and I think he likes the idea of our being, in his words, "the only Jew boat in Lousiana" (yes, he is too).

On our way back from Masters Nationals a couple of weeks ago, we got to talking to a woman across the airplane aisle, who's from a rowing club in Colorado where we have some other contacts. (In fact, one guy from there often rows a double with Rudder at races.) In the course of discussion, she asked me to cox her boat at the Head of the Charles in October in Boston. I didn't know how seriously to take her, but then when it turned out she couldn't go, she passed my name on to someone else at their club (who knows me) and she asked me to cox their four. For perspective, you need to know that the HotC is the biggest rowing event in the world, with 7000 participants this year, and that it's on a very winding river with several bridges to go under. In other words, it's one of the biggest challenges there is for a coxswain. So many people apply that they hold a drawing to see which crews get to participate.

Also, my job is supposed to be an 18-24 month posting, and I'm supposed to "repatriate" by December. I want to transfer to another division that's a lot closer to home, but have no idea whether or how this will affect the IFR reimbursement.

To recap, there are four opportunities:
A) get a company-reimbursed IFR rating (company picks from applicants)
B) row a marathon in November (potential partner is considering)
C) cox the Head of the Charles (depends on draw)
D) change jobs within my company (requires applications and interviews, just like changing companies)

Notice that the flight training would be best done in the evenings, the marathon requires rowing practice which as long as it's hot out is better done in the mornings, the HoTC requires I get some coxing practice in since it's been a while, and the job thing just adds general stress.

Yesterday afternoon, I heard back on the IFR reimbursement. I'm in.

The HoTC application deadline was September 1. They said they'd have draw results posted by September 5. This morning, the results were up. We're in.

Now my potential partner just has to decide on the marathon and I need to work on the repatriation. If those all happen in the next few months (plus all the normal stuff with work and life's other minutiae) this could be an *extremely* full Fall. I may not get to sleep until December.

Posted by dichroic at 12:13 PM

September 02, 2004

nothing consequential

For some reason, switching my gym workout really seems to have kicked my butt. I was feeling bad enough this morning to consider staying home sick for at least a few hours - not queasy-sick but tired and out of it. It might still be whatever was bothering me earlier in the week too; I felt OK until I bent backward over a ball to stretch my back and got a rush of vertigo. Other than that the dizziness has mostly abated. The other odd thing is that my weight's gone down a little. It's only about two pounds but if that persists and if there's any remaining dizziness I will call the doctor.

The weight loss could also be an artifact of the time at the races or of the days I missed workign out afterward. The problem is that I don't really understand how weightloss works, in terms of time. That is, if you burn more calories than you ingest one day, do you instantly lose weight or does the effect take a little while to show up?

Whatever. I really could use a day off just to rest. Good thing it's a long weekend - I may have to have a Talk with Rudder, my local whirling dervish, about this.

And speaking of Rudder, yesterday I got home from work a little late, having called to say when I was leaving, and walked in five minutes before dinner was ready: grilled salmon and asparagus, couscous with sundried tomatoes, and a bottle of Chardonnay opened.

I may keep him.

Posted by dichroic at 12:58 PM

August 26, 2004

changing of the guards (forwards, goalies....)

Olympic moment of the day: the expression on Rulan Gardner's face as he unlaced his wrestling boots for the last time and left them by the mat for someone else to fill.

I just figured out who he reminds me of: whatshisname who played Ruby's poor cheated palooka of a husband in the movie Chicago. Maybe that's why I'm so glad Rulan got to go out with an Olympic medal.

Similarly, in the women's soccer I don't know whether to root for the US so Hamm, Chastain, et al. can go out on a winning note or Brazil so they can prove to their country that soccer isn't only a men's sport. On second thought, considering the relative status of women's sports vs men's even in the US, maybe I will root for the US. Though I'm not sure a medal will help with that issue. After all, our women's basketball team has been doing far better than the "dream team" but I don't suppose that will do anything to bring parity between NBA and WNBA salaries. If I got to choose, actually, I'd lower the men's salaries to match the women's rather than the other way around.

Note to row2k: the Olympics coverage has been very nice, thank you, but now that rowing in the Olympics is over, how about some reporting on events some of your readers actually participate in, like say Canadian Masters Nationals and US Masters Nationals, both last weekend? It might be a nice change from worrying about why Sally Robbins laid down in the boat and whether her teammates are still ticked.

Minor soccer spoiler below:

NB: Apparently Zeus, the god honored by the Olympic games, is as ambivalent as I am. Just at the moment the soccer game is tied.

Posted by dichroic at 01:35 PM

August 25, 2004

Autumn, Alcott, and memories of Columbia days

Coming home yesterday, I realized Fall had started for me. I had earworms of wistful old James Taylor songs (Carolina on My Mind, Sweet Baby James) and a jones for the big Fall LL Bean catalog. I understand the valid astronomic reasons for having seasons officially start when they do, but as far as I'm concerned they really start at the beginning of a month - to me, Winter runs from December through February, Spring is March, April and May, Summer is the three months I got off from school despite the undeniable truth that we only actually got about the last five days of June off (with a child's perception of time, I thought for years that July 4 came in the middle of summer vacation), and Fall is September through November.

I get so sick of summer that I'm in the mood for Fall well before it starts -- this year my annual mood swing is actually late because I've been so focused on last week's races. Last year I think I began wanting to wear Fall colors by about the middle of August. This year the weather has gifted me with a noticeable cooldown to complement my mood; it's hitting barely over 100 and our low temps are back to 80 or so. I do hope this lasts.

I've always enjoyed the first feeling of crispness on a breeze, but in the last decade and a half I've come to love Fall because it promises an end to summer heat that's overstayed a welcome I never gave it in the first place. Fortunately I have things like sleeveless sweaters or lightweight items in Fall colors so that I can compromise between a Fall mood and temperatures that would spell S-u-m-m-e-r anywhere else. And fortunately I can listen to elegiac Fall music and read cozy books that feel like nesting to me without any regard for weather or calendar.

Speaking of cozy books, I was thinking about Little Women this morning, for some reason. There are some things about that book I've never understood and some that just seem odd in this time. Am I the only one who's always thought it strange that Theodore Laurence "thrashed" other boys to make them stop calling him Dora and then chose the nickname Laurie? Laura Ingalls Wilder was living on the prairie by the time Alcott was writing LW; if the name Laura was current, the nickname Laurie for a girl seems likely to have been around.

The word "middle-class" must not have been common in Alcott's time; the Marches are certainly not poor except by contrast to former glories; they have enough to eat and some to give away, a roof that doesn't leak, and even household help. Meg and Jo work because they begged to, and though the money they bring in does seem to help, there's no implication that necessity absolutely force the choice. But why does an Army chaplain's stipend not support his family? And what does Mr. March do after getting back from the War? There's never a mention that he's affiliated with any church, but he's too saintly to live off of his daughters' labor. (Bronson Alcott probably wasn't, but Mr. March seems to be a greatly idealized version of Louisa's father the flaky idealist.)

Also, it seems odd that the Marches' modest house would be immediately next door to the Laurence's mansion. I don't suppose there were zoning laws, but what about neighborhoods?

In other media, I am a regular Frankie fan:
rhps lips
YOU ARE A ROCKY GOD! You know this movie, you could
dress up as Frankie, and pull it off in style!
You can recite the whole damn movie and sing
every friggin song! YOU KICK ASS!!

Whats your Rocky Horror IQ?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by dichroic at 09:52 AM | Comments (1)

August 17, 2004

flinging myself into it

Richard Bach is best known for his mystical new-agey stuff like Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Illusions: Confessions of a Reluctant Messiah, and One. As mystical new-agey stuff goes, they're not bad, which is to say I enjoyed them on first reading but don't reread them much now. His aviation writings are definitely worth rereading, however. They are a bit more grounded, if you'll excuse the expression, and are suffused, shot through, totally saturated in the love of flying and airplanes.

In one essay (probably collected in A Gift of Wings) Bach tells of talking to a seatmate on a commercial airplane. The man spends most of the flight talking about his WWII military experience in loving detail, then winds up the rest of his life in one sentence :"And so I came home, got married, got a job with the company, and here I am." In contrast, Bach asks a recreational pilot what he remembers about his life and gets, "What do I remember? WHat don't I remember! Just yesterday I was out at the airport and ...." and he's off, spinning stories, hanger flying, living and reliving his life.

That's what pilots are like. That's what rowers are like. That's what people who compete (at any level) in any of those sports now going on in Greece and people who read SF and go to cons and people who knit and people who do just about anything they really, really care about are like. It's true that college was a seminal time for me, and that my wedding day had wonderful memories and so on, but if I thought those were the very best times and it was all downhill from there I think I'd have to shoot myself. My goal is never to be able to summarize my most recent decades as "and so I settled down and here I am". I don't want to settle down, if that ever means not caring.

And so I'm off to Masters Nationals tomorrow, and even though I'm not terribly fast I'm going to row each race knowing that I have at least a chance to do well in it. I'm going to fling myself into this weekend without worrying about how I'll get out of it (well, I do have airfare home!) and I'm going to suck the marrow out of it.

I don't know why I thought of Bach today. I haven't read him in a while. Maybe this is my brain's way of reminding me of what I need to remember now.

Posted by dichroic at 02:02 PM | Comments (1)

August 14, 2004

Olympic coverage

Olympic opening ceremony: Beautiful. A bit odd in some of the symbolism but that's typical and it was all worth staying up past our bedtimes for. The parade of Greek history was especially cool, and whatshername the Games' organizer deserved to be every bit as proud and glad as she looked.

Athletes' parade: a quick lesson on what countries have good dentistry and cutting edge electronics, because of all the big smiles and videocams the athletes had. The two are surprisingly uncorrelated.

Sucks: All those athletes who are competing today and had to miss the Ceremonies. If I were one of them I'd hate that.

Proud: Of Alan Iverson, one of the few NBA stars who was there and looked excited about it. There were others, like Yao Min, but most of those were competing for their home countries rather than the US. For $ome rea$on US-native sports stars don't apear to properly appreciate the Olympics.

Complaints: It's not his fault, but I can tell I'm going to be very tired of hearing about Michael Phelps in a very short time. And where were the cameras when the Zew Zealand women's sculling pair flipped? All I saw (on our videotape, because it was broadcast at 2AM) was a quick shot of them getting back into the boat.

Perks: Thanks to all that time in front of the TV, the purse I was working on is done and is now drying after blocking. I'll post a picture later.

Posted by dichroic at 05:55 PM

August 12, 2004

among the Darwinians...

Hey, check it out. I'm included in Tangled Bank #9. (It's a showcase of science-related weblog writing.) So are a lot of people who actually know what they're talking about. Go check it out, because you might learn something from one of them.

Posted by dichroic at 01:03 PM

sleep, yarn and fat

Dammit. I did start an entry yesterday before I got pulled into an emergency. I know I hit Save but it's vanished. On the other hand, it wasn't exactly deathless prose.

Due to aforementioned emergency I didn't get home until nearly 7 last night but that was OK because we are tapering before next week's big race. That means that not only was I not planning to go to the gym, but neither was Rudder and so we got to set the alarm for a lovely late 6AM. Of course, I still woke up before it went off, but not much before. And this also meant I got to shower at home nad not have to pack clothes for getting dressed in the gym.

Having finished my flock on bunnies, all two of them, I've gone back to my very first piece of knitting. I don't have enough yarn to make a swatch and can't find more (it's Shetland wool from Scotland. I didn't know enough to save the label but did talk to the owner of the store where I bought it.) so on advice from the local yarn store I'm making it into a purse. The original wool is a dull teal with flecks of brick and cream. I had trouble finding something to go with it, but settled on a brick red with strands of other colors, in a very soft wool with a little acrylic and nylon. I'll be using that as a crochet edging (nearly done!) and for a handle. Yesterday my coworker the crochet expert verified that I'm doing the edging right, showed me how to slipstitch the sides together, and came up with some ideas for a lining. She likes it, which relieves my mind a bit; I couldn't decide whether I liked the color combination enough to finish it or if I should just rip the whole thing out and do something else with the pretty yarns. Current plans are to give the finished purse to my mother, and I think my coworker's tastes are closer to hers than mine are, so her opinion was very reassuring.

I should post a picture. Should have done some of the bunnies, too, but they're probably all chewed on by now. If I have enough of the brick yarn next, I may make a small openwork scark to drape around my denim jacket. After that and my Gryffindor scarf, if I'm not sick of the whole thing, I think I may take the plunge into clothing and try this sleeveless sweater. I wear that sort of top a lot to work. Small as I am, even I don't have a 32" chest, but it's a simple pattern and should be easy enough to either add a few stitches or use a slightly bigger gauge. Knitting I'm new at; basic math I can do. This tank top is also a possibility that looks like it's within my capability (both skill and patience).

Since I'm in trim for the big races, on Monday I went and got dunked to have my body fat measured. The result was 21.7%, which was less than I remembered it being last time (2 years ago) but a point more than it actually was. At my weight, though, a pound one way or the other makes that much difference and the test itself has an error margin of +/- 1%, so essentially it's about the same. I guess that's good. It's interesting, though: I've been measured with calipers quite a few times, by a variety of trained people, and we have a Tanita scale at home. Both methods are consistent, but both always come out much higher (6-7%) than the immersion weighing which is supposed to be more accurate. I know the different equations on the calipers make a big difference, but the people doing the measuring keep telling me they know about all that and are usign the right one -- and as I've said, I've had it done by different people, both gym trainers and health professionals. Odd. Maybe I just have a strange fat distribution in my body?

Posted by dichroic at 09:39 AM

August 10, 2004

because we care

Spotted on a website today:


Sorry, no poll is available at this time.

Posted by dichroic at 09:52 AM

August 08, 2004

devastating intimacy

In writing to a friend who is in a period of thinking things through about her life, I quoted Jan Struther's Mrs. Miniver:

"A certain degree of un-understanding (not mis-, but un-) is the only possible sanctuary which one human being can offer to another in the midst of the devastating intimacy of a happy marriage."

It got me thinking. I believe in honesty and try not ever to lie to anyone, though there are some truths I just don't tell. I don't hide anything from Rudder, but there are some things I just don't tell him, some it wouldn't even occur to me to tell him because we just don't have the common vocabulary or common experiences that he would need to understand them. There aren't entire subjects I avoid, but I don't go into some of them (women's clothing, knitting, menstruating, books for four) in as much detail as I might with someone who participated in one of those areas more directly. I talk about what clothes I like but not exactly why, what I'm knitting but not how, whether I like a book but not why, or at least not in detail. At that, he probably hears more about some of my interests than he'd ideally like. And of course, this all applies in reverse too; I'm sure there are things he doesn't tell me just as there are topics I listen too out of love and courtest rather than great interest. Yet we have a lot more common interests and pursuits than most couples I know. I think it may not be possible for one person ever to connect with every facet of another. A good marriage connects a lot of the important ones, but even there I think Jan Struther may be right. Maybe we all just need a shelter in the back of our mind, a place where we can duck back to be alone -- but it may be different places depending whom we're dealing with.

Posted by dichroic at 08:01 PM

August 05, 2004

minor peeve

You know what I really hate? What I really hate is days when I'm so busy I don't even have time to update here at luch and when I feel guilty about going home after 9.5 hours because there's still stuff to do.

Part of the reason for that is that I'll be offsite tomorrow. Not sure if I can update then either.

Posted by dichroic at 06:03 PM

August 02, 2004

still singing. also reading.

Come to think of it, why are there so many people who have that group of interests - F&SF, folk music, musicals? I understand the link between the first two; there are any number of fantasy plots based on folk ballads or folk tales or folk tales told in ballads, and as an outgrowth of that, even quite a few novels in which the characters like or sing or quote folk music, from War for the Oaks to Picking the Ballad's Bones to Tam Lin to Silverlock (hmm. need to reread that one) to Manly Wade Wellman's Silver John stories.

But why musicals? Is it just that after all those ballads we get used to music that tells a story and has a singable melody?

Also, why don't I run into people who sing or play music anymore? In college, people brought guitars to parties and even those who couldn't play might sing to them. When I did the Rocky Horror Show (I was Columbia for a year or two at the Theatre of the Living Arts on South St. in Philadelphia, back when it showed movies) we'd sing show tunes as we walked home at 3AM. (We did try to be a little quieter on the residential streets.) Even when I volunteered at the Armand Bayou Nature Center in Houston we'd occasionally get to singing and playing at some of the group's gatherings. I don't play guitar much any more (and haven't really gotten to try the mandolin) but I'm still singing and whistling and I have no plans to stop any time soon. The rest of my world is bloody well going to have to give up and join in.

Resistance is futile.

On a different topic, I've sent an email, but will also wish my college bf a happy birthday here. If I'm not mistaken, he's turning 40. It's now been about 14 years since I've seen him in person, though we've emailed occasionally. I was 17 we first met. How oddly age telescopes time.

Posted by dichroic at 01:25 PM | Comments (5)

another twin?

I have a coworker whose Myers-Briggs personality type matches mine: ENTP. On Firday we were talking about one of our mutual favorite musicals, 1776. He prefers the original cast with William Dnaiels, whereas I think Brent Spiner was absolutely brilliant. However, he's never heard the latter and appanretly didn't see enough episodes of Star Trek: TNG to catch Spiner playing Lor or Cmdr. Data with an emotion chip and thus hasn't really seen his range.

After that we discussed songs about UK history and debated whether Steeleye Span's or Ewan MacColl's cover of the traditional "Cam' Ye O'er Frae France" came first. (I suspect Steeleye learned it from MacColl, though they could as likely have gotten it from the usual folk process.)

We also both are F/SF people though it's somewhat reassuring that we tend to gravitate toward different ends of the field - I read more fantasy than hard SF these days while he prefers more military SF novels.

Fortunately we don't look much alike. He's got a closer resemblance to the snowman/narrator from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, but thinner. And his favorite sport is scuba diving, whereas I mostly stay on top of the water. Still, I'm beginning to wonder just how accurate those personality tests actually are.

Or it could be his office, the previous denizen of which shared my birth date, month, and year, gender, coloring, and commitment to a sport. We did occasionally get mistake for each other. She had better biceps and much greater flexibility, though.

Posted by dichroic at 10:19 AM | Comments (2)

July 30, 2004

spam, spam, eggs, and spam

I feel so studly now. Or alpha-geekly, anyway. Of course, this just goes to show how rusty my software skills really are.

My comments have been getting lots of spam in the last few days, and deleting them one at a time was getting annoying. I have now installed the MT-Blacklist plugin. Before I tried that I got to explore the wilds of MySql. During installation there was tar-ing and attempted untar-ing (not necessary, as it turned out; my Mac handled it). There was Fugu-ing and telneting, cd-ing and ls -l ing left and right. I was especially pleased that I hardly had to think at all before chmods started flowing from my fingertips like the Unix hack I used to be. Best of all, though not to my credit, the installation worked perfectly the first time and my comments are now despammed and protected from 500 or so known spammers. Very productive for a Friday night.

Posted by dichroic at 09:30 PM | Comments (2)

photos back

I picked up our photos yesterday - two rolls, including our trip to Oregon and the regatta in May (we didn't end up taking pictures at the most recent regatta). Unfortunately I only have slides, not digital photos, so I can't post any here. We used to have all of our slides put on PhotoCD but that got expensive. One of these years I'll get a slide scanner, but as the one I want costs about $900 it may not be soon. Ditto a better digital camera. I do need to get at least some of these shots and some of the Antarctica ones scanned onto CD, though, because I'm finding it annoying not to have them.

Neither of us will ever be hired as portrait photographers, but oddly enough this time it was the people photos that were most interesting. We'll have to look at the photos more carefully before we decide (I've only gotten a quick look on the light table at the shop) but I got some shots of the grandRudders in characteristic poses (him working on a gun barrel in his shop, her sitting by the house) that we may enlarge and frame for Rudder's parents and/or brother this year.

One thing I can do is get photos where people are sculptural elements rather than the main subject; I have a few of Rudder on the beach that I like, a few where he's running and seen only in silhouette and one where he's walking away from me with his sneakers slung back over his shoulder. There are also a few with Rudder and his dad, from a distance, standing at the bottom of the grandparents' driveway with a rural mailbox at one side, trees framing the scene and hills in the background. In at least some of them Rudder and his father are in identical poses - it's a classic father and son shot. I'd like to get the best of those printed for Rudder's mother.

We've also got a dramatic picture of She-Hulk in her blue, red, and yellow uni, carrying her yellow boat on her shoulder, with its shadow streaming down in front of her, and another of Rudder in a bright red shirt with yellow stripes down his sleeves getting into his boat. There are also a few beach landscapes that look better than I expected and some flower shots from the parents' garden that, if they're crisp enough, I may enter in a contest for garden photos the Oregonian newspaper is having.

There is one shot, one Rudder took, that I'm not sure I want to see again. It is of me, and is the reverse of flattering; in it I look middle-aged and decidedly grumpy. I think, though, that if it were of someone else I might like the image quite a bit. It's full-face, on the beach with sunset light coming onto my face from one side. The picture is stark and unsparing. I'm not smiling. It's a revealing sort of photo, which may be one reason I don't like it, but there seems to be a lot of information in the face's lines and expression, which is why I might call it art if it were someone else.

Of course, once I get a chance to look at it more closely it may also be hopelessly fuzzy and not good art at all. I can't wait to get home and really look at the pictures.

Actually, I can't wait to get home, period. It's been a hard week.

Posted by dichroic at 02:32 PM

July 29, 2004

what now?

Possibly not so accurate:

quid·nunc , NOUN: A nosy person; a busybody. ETYMOLOGY: Latin quid nunc?, what now? : quid, what; see kwo- in Appendix I + nunc, now

I don't think that's quite what the person who made the quiz meant to say, unless I just misunderstood it.

Posted by dichroic at 12:49 PM

posted on July 11101

Seen on a cubicle wall: "There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who know binary, and those who don't."

Posted by dichroic at 12:36 PM | Comments (3)

I'm a what?

Reasonably accurate, I think.... I got this from Mer

The Quidnunc
Category XI - The

Though you don't fit in, and your social graces are
sometimes lacking, people like you because you
have all the information. Now, who won the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1952?

What Type of Social Entity are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by dichroic at 11:56 AM

I'm a what?

Reasonably accurate, I think.... I got this from Mer

The Quidnunc
Category XI - The

Though you don't fit in, and your social graces are
sometimes lacking, people like you because you
have all the information. Now, who won the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1952?

What Type of Social Entity are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by dichroic at 11:56 AM

July 26, 2004

bunny 1 done

I finished making my first bunny last night (along with accomplishing a gazillion other things I needed to do this weekend). I'll try to put up a picture later. That 6" square took a bit long than I expected, because not only does sportweight yarn knit up smaller (than worsted weight), it's harder to work with. That might also be because partly this is acrylic, instead of the wool or cotton I'd worked with before. Now all I need to do is make another one - this is an occupational hazard of having friends with twin babies.

I get very proud of myself when I've finished a project, whether it's making a necklace or knitting a dishrag, finishing a race or a long workout piece, or something bigger like finishing my pilot's license or my MS. I still think of myself as a bit of a fuckup, good at starting things but not so good at finishing them, so every finish is a victory. I do have the tenacity to dig in and finish when it really matters - I don't think anyone has ever earned an engineering degree without that - but I'm not very patient and it's hard for me to finish something that goes slowly. Knitting is probably character-building for me.

I don't particularly mind quitting something when I've decided there's no good reason to continue, like the time a few years ago when I was thinking about getting an MA in Linguistics and stopped because I'd changed jobs, didn't have the free time anymore, and couldn't figure out what I'd do with that degree if I did get it. On the other hand, I do mind when I quit something our of sheer inertia or laziness, even if the quitting doesn't actually hurt me, as with the book idea I had a few years back. This is why when I'm working on projects just for fun, I choose small ones that I know I can finish.

I may not ever make a sweater, but I will someday get an IFR rating. Whenever I start that I know I can finish. It has the criteria for success: a finite scope (required number of hours and body of knowledge) and it is something that will benefit me. (It will benefit Rudder, too, because then he'll have a better safety pilot available for his own flying. The biggest obstacle to my finishing may be my own tendency to not want to do something I'm being pushed to do. See "pig, instructions for driving".)

Rudder is actually a good influence on me in this matter. He's much more methodical and patient than I am and has a driving work ethic that won't let him quit anything once he's started, but tends to start fewer things on the spur of the moment. He started both his MS and his VFR pilot training before I did, but thought both out more thoroughly before starting.

It's a fact, for me at least, than each thing I finish makes it easier to finish the next similar one. I used to be a lot more scared of racing; now I know that a thousand-meter race, or even a 5000-meter one won't kill me, because it's already tried to, and failed. I know I can finish a pilot rating or a masters degree, or even a little knitted bunny rabbit.

On a related note, can anyone out there recommend websites with nice, easy (and preferably small and quick) knitting patterns? After I finish the next bunny, I'll be making my first swatch into a purse, suggestion thanks to the people at the store I visited Saturday. I don't have enough yarn to make it into a scarf and can't find more matching yarn. (It was my first thing, and I didn't know enough to save the label.) After that, a Harry Potter scarf that I hope will knit up quickly because I'm using bigger needles. Mine won't be exactly like the one in the movie - someone has published a replica pattern but it starts with "Cast on 84 stitches on circular or double-pointed needles." No thanks. Anyhow, I figure that one is just a costume designer's interpretation and who's to say mine isn't just as good? I'll have to decide between garter, stockinette, or ribbed stitch, and am leaning toward the last, but will keep it as simple as possible. So, what should I do next?

Posted by dichroic at 01:24 PM | Comments (1)

July 21, 2004


An irritable gut and a long drive home are a bad combination. When the one is acting up, the other may not be quite practicable. Therefore my current mood is somewhere between Dammit! and *whimper*. I did take something for it, so hopefully that'll help.

Posted by dichroic at 10:40 AM

July 20, 2004

Never a dull moment

This morning we unloaded, washed and re-rigged the boats after Sunday's race. Everything was going fine until I got to work, went to get out of the car and realized I didn't have my purse. It wasn't in the small tote I take to work, so it's still laying on a counter at home. This means no money and no driver's license, not a good thing to find out when you've just driven 40 miles and will have to drive 40 more to get to your license.

This is why it's good to hoard; my coworkers offered to loan me money if needed, but a quick check through my office revealed $3 in change and a cup of ramen noodles I can have for lunch, not to mention the ever-present pretzels (the primary food of Dichroics) two kinds of tea bags, sunflower seeds, Swedish fish, and a few Luna bars. I might be driving without a license but I won't be doing it on an empty stomach.

Then I raised my hand to check the time and realized I wasn't wearing a watch. Because we weren't actually working out this morning, I wore my regular watch instead of my workout watch. (It's waterproof, so hosing down boats wouldn't hurt it.) Standard procedure for me in the locker room is to put on my watch with my other jewelry and put the workout watch in my gym bag. I did the second part of that (I think) just not the first .... and I don't feel like taking a ten-minute walk to the car to rectify my mistake.

And then, not wanting to cut into my $3 in case I wanted it for later, I made myself a cup of tea instead of buying coffee and promptly spilled the entire thing. It's a lidded cup but the lid came off. I can report that the carpet in my office is uncannily absorbent - the entire cupful stayed in about a square foot.

Never a dull moment.

Posted by dichroic at 09:48 AM

July 15, 2004

knitting plans

Well, my first dishrag, the one I finished at Rudder's grandparents, isn't exactly a work of art (blue). On the other hand, it's a dishrag and it will work, so who cares, really. After getting home, I consulted the Stitch and Bitch book (thanks for the recommendation to both Natalie and Baf) and I think I have now figured out how to make yarn-over holes (yellow).

My project plans seem to be multiplying. I expect to finish the yellow one the drive to this weekend's regatta. (If I were Rudder's grandmother, this would be about a two-dishrag drive each way, or maybe a little more -- she "would get more done but she likes to stop and rest sometimes"). After that I plan to do two bunnies like this for my twin honorary niece and nephew. They look incredibly easy - knit a 6" square and two little bits for the ears, sew a couple of seams, and stiff. Even I can finish that. (I'm clever enough with my fingers but short on patience.) After that I may venture into actual clothing and do a hat or two for premature babies. I'm a little leary of anything that involves babyweight yarn, tiny needles, and begins with "cast on 84 stitches", but preemies have this one great characteristic in common: they're small. So are their heads. I only have to knit about 5" then decrease over 11 rows. I think I can do that.

And after that, who knows? Maybe some not-soon day I'll be able to make myself a sweater. A sleeveless one!

Posted by dichroic at 08:40 PM

the walls have eyes

Today I went to lunch with a couple of coworkers, to a place where the walls were staring back at me. Fortunately, they'd warned me about the trophies beforehand.

We're not just talking about a deer or two, either. This place had deer, antelope, elk, fish, an entire fox with a duck in its mouth, geese and ducks flying by on the walls and ceiling, a coatimudi fer gossakes, a warthog, mountain goat, something I think was a wild boar (not a javelina, way too big) and even a wolf. I didn't think you could hunt those legally. Maybe it was an antique. They also had a jackalope and one wall plaque with what looks like a deer's butt.

Since I'm not a vegetarian, I don't have a problem with hunting for meat. I'd far rather be a deer, free in a forest, that ends up getting shot than a cow on a factory farm. However, I think putting trophies on walls is a bit twisted. First, if it's the whole animal, then you've killed something purely for decoration. Second, if you've butchered the carcass and taken the meat, do you really want its former owner staring down reproachfully as you eat it?

Though I disapprove, trophies don't spoil my appatite or I wouldn't have gone. And it was interesting identifying all of the animals -- some had signs explaining what they were. Still, I stuck to ordering the battered shrimp. At least there weren't any shellfish watching me eat.

Posted by dichroic at 02:37 PM

July 14, 2004


Last night we had real rain, not just a few drops on a windshield - according to this morning's news it was .35" where I live, up to 1.93 in some parts of Phoenix. (For contrast, my mother tells me Philadelphia got 6" of rain in one of their bad recent storms, and parts of New Jersey got up to 13". ) It was an intense monsoon storm, though, complete with winds that have left bits of tree all over, some hail, an opaque dust storm before the rain, and lightning and thunder that sounded like cannons outside our bedroom window. The lightning was right there, with no gap between it and the thunder, making it one of those times when I wasn't too happy that our bed is right under the window.

If we get a lot of these monsoon rains it will be some help, along with the long-lasting drizzles we got back in February. What we really need here, though, are winter snowstorms in the high country where our water supply comes from, to let the snow melt and soak in. These quick storms just cause damage and evaporate. Also, it's a bad fire season, so the lightning is a real hazard; fortunately last night it came with enough rain to (probably) prevent it starting any new fires.

To answer LA's question in the last entry, the Sonoran is fairly lush as deserts go. We only get 12" or so of rain a year but that's more than a lot of deserts, and we get it mostly in the form of winter rains and summer monsoons. In good years we have incredible displays of spring flowers. The high country gets a bit more rain and snow, which fill up the reservoirs like Roosevelt Lake and Lake Powell, which are way below where they should be after these nine years of drought. It's especially hard on the cattle industry when there are drought years - thoughout the west, not just here. At least, though we haven't had enough rain to end the drought, we have seen some this year, which makes us better off than parts of Australia.

Posted by dichroic at 08:50 AM | Comments (1)

July 13, 2004

unconnected thoughts

Hey, it actually rained yesterday! I saw at least 10 or 20 drops on the windshield when we went out to pick up dinner. (After 9 years of drought, you take what you can get.) More usefully, we had a whopping .12 inches of rain at our airpark property. I'm hoping hard for enough wet this monsoon season to keep any more of our trees from dying.

Back to the gym this morning -- I did get to do one weight workout, one yoga class, and a little erging in my in-laws' gym but I still wouldn't be surprised if I'm a little sore later today.

Someone should inform Tom Ridge that no federal agencies have the authority to postpone elections because no federal authorities are aupposed to have that authority. The Founders were a lot more worried about what the government could do to its citizens than about preserving the government itself. (See Mechaieh for links to the articles that prompted this.)

More later if time and meetings permit.

Posted by dichroic at 08:49 AM

July 12, 2004

feline-induced sleep deprivation

Well, no, I didn't manage to get up and row today. I think the cats were confused because I was home and Rudder wasn't and so they tried to help by bringing the fact to my attention half the night and early in the morning. Either that or they just wanted affection. This is why I sleep better in hotels.

Posted by dichroic at 01:55 PM

July 11, 2004

back from the Oregon desert and coast

I am home from the Oregon trip. (Rudder won't be until tomorrow, having stopped off on the way for a meetig in San Francisco. As usual, I don't have time or energy to write a detailed trip report, especially as I haven't finished my paper trip journal (the only paper journal I keep, exclusively on travel).

Freeform impressions are about all I want to manage now, especially as I'm still tentatively planning to row tomorrow. And so:

Gloriously cool, especially in Lakeview (Oregon high desert) and then again in Newport, on the coast .... lots of sleeping in, by our standards .... time with the grandparents, who are now in their eighties. Grandpa P. especially is a treasured local characters, who grew up on a homestead and now is the guru for all the local gunsmiths ... long, long views over the desert, green views over the mountains, and then even longer views over the ocean ... my first completed knitting project, a dishrag of the sort Grandma P. likes to make on car trips (she's so much faster that she counts the distance to one town and a discloth and a half, to others as two or three -- it took me the whole weekend to make one uneven one) .... incredible dancers in front of the Globe Theatre in Ashland, and an even better singer behind them .... followed by a rendition of Much Ado About Nothing that has me calling Rudder Benedick on occasion ... a total lack of questions about when we'll be producing great-grandkids, either because I'm in my late thirties and they've given up or because one of Rudder's cousins has a child so Grandma P. has someone to knit tiny sweaters for (Rudder's parents have never pressured us, having not enjoyed that sort of thing when they were on the receiving end) ... a wonderful table d'hote (is that the right term? We picked one of four entrees and were served a bunch of other things as well) at Tables of Content in the Sylvia Beach Hotel. Both hotel and restaurant ave a book theme, so that the dinner courses are called "chapters" ... joining the Rogue Nation over some excellent gumbo at the Brewery by the Bay ... wind tangling my hair on a jetboat riding through Hellgate Canyon ... seeing elk, deer, beaver, seals, sea anemones, starfish, osprey, and two bald eagles....

If I'm lucky the relaxation will last through tomorrow's row until I get to work. I don't see it holding much past that, and possibly not that long. While I was away the monsoon season started, so the humidity is up and tomorrow's lows are expected to b 87 degrees or so. This doesn't help the rowing experience - I'd take time off after next weekend's regatta, but I can't if I don't want to look too pitiful at Nationals.

Posted by dichroic at 08:37 PM | Comments (1)

July 01, 2004


Arggh. Off to the doctor this afternoon, thereby missing three meetings I really didn't want to miss. (Yeah, I know. Don't tell Rudder. I get enoughpointy hair jokes from him as it is.) The worst of it is, I just know I'll get there and wait forty-five minutes just to have a nurse practitioner spend five minutes with me and say "Oh, that's nothing. You're fine. Go home." By then it will be 3:30 and way too late to get back to work in time to do anything useful, though I will at least check email from home.

However, I've had both the nurse on the handy consulting line my health insurance provides (it really is a nice benefit) and the NP at my doctor's office tell me I really should go in, so go I will.

What it is, is a bump. Two, actually -- well, technically three. Yesterday morning, I noticed what I thought were two mosquito bites, a big one on my hip and a little one below my butt. Right now my state is leading the nation in cases of West Nile Virus, all within this country, so that's already something to monitor. Lat night I noticed the big bite was bigger, about an inch and a half across, red, and a little itchy. Then I noticed that the lymph gland in my right groin, a few inches over from the big bite, was swollen and a little painful to touch. This morning it was the same, except the big bite was flattened, red, hot to touch, and has a little red dot in the middle. So I called the nurse on the phone service and told her all about it, plus the fact that I'm leaving to go out of state tomorrow night. She told me to call my doctor and if they couldn't have an actual nurse talk to me, to go to an urgent care facility. Good girl that I am, I did as directed. And of course they didn't have an appointment open tomorrow when I'm free, so I have to go this afternoon.

That leg feels cold now, so maybe it's just as well.

My theory is that it's a spider bite and the gland is just working at filtering whatever toxins make spider bites swell up in the first place. I somehow doubt a doctor can do anything.

Later note: the NP guessed that it was probably a mosquito bite originally (spider bites show two holes) but said it looked like it was starting to become cellulitis[1] so he said it was a good thing I'd come in, put me on an antibiotic, and told me to use heat pads a few times a day. Sometimes it is good to vist the doctor.

[1]Not that kind of cellulitis. "Inflammation of the skin related to infection (cellulitis) commonly occurs as a result of abrasions of the skin. When abrasions or puncture wounds occur, bacteria on the surface of the skin can invade the deeper layers of the skin. This causes inflamed skin characterized by heat, redness, warmth, and swelling. The most common bacteria that cause cellulitis include Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. Patients can have an associated low-grade fever. Cellulitis generally requires antibiotic treatment, either orally or intravenously. Heat application can help in the healing process. " from the U of Miami's Med School Glossary.

Posted by dichroic at 11:57 AM

June 30, 2004


Two pair jeans (one black, one blue), four pair shorts, two pair capris (one I will wear on the plane), one short skirt. One pair of shoes (lace-up, usable for gym or hiking), two pair sandals (one brown and I can walk miles in them, one black and slightly dressier). Assorted T-shirts, one sweater, one fleece pullover, one cotton pullover, one sleeveless turtleneck. Fleece jacket. Goretex jacket. Nine days, Oregon in summer, visiting both sides of the Cascades (the rainy side and the high desert side).

Yup, I overpacked again. And the worst of it is, I still can't figure what to wear to go see Much Ado About Nothing, outdoors at the replica Globe Theater at night - it needs to be slightly dressy, I think, and warm but not winter-warm. Hence the sleeveless T-Neck, which may be all right with either the short skirt or the black jeans and a jacket. I think.

Posted by dichroic at 03:29 PM | Comments (1)

June 29, 2004

dishrags and connections

I've had a bit of a dehydration thing going on, which is why I haven't been writing here much. After doing some errands Sunday that involved walking between stores I was feeling a bit off so went and drank lots and laid down a while. (When you live in a desert, you learn to recognize the feeling of dehydration quickly.) I was feeling a bit better by Sunday night.

Yesterday, I was not quite 100% so decided to erg instead of rowing; the difference is that you can work out just as hard on an erg but if you start feeling awful you can stop and get off, which is harder to do in a boat if you're a couple of kilometers from the beach at the time. And also, no bathrooms in rowing shells. That turned out to be a mistake - not the erging, but the working out at all. I was feeling progressively more disengaged on the way into work, which is not a good feeling to have while driving at 75 per. I gave it an hour or so at work and still didn't feel better so I did the drive back home and spent the rest of the day resting and drinking water and Gatorade. In this climate, the latter is as necessary as sunscreen. Given the amount of Gatorade we go through in my house, I ought to look up who makes it and go buy stock. This morning I made the intelligent decision to skip going to the gym and am now feeling all right except for a lingering headache.

While I was resting yesterday I also learned to crochet, more or less, and made one small square in single crochet and one in double. There's no doubt crochet goes faster, and it's much easier to unravel when you'e made a mistake, or rather knitting and crochet are equally easy to unravel but with crochet it's much easier to get the loop on the hook and start up again. With knitting it's too easy to lose one of your loops and then you've slipped a stitch. I think I like knitting better, because it's easier to do on automatic and to read a book while you're doing it, and because I like the texture of the finished piece better, but I can imagine doing crochet for small things like trim or for dishrags. We currently use hand-knitted or crocheted dishrags given to us by Rudder's grandmother. They work well because of the texturing and they make me happy because of the connection. So now when they fall apart if I don't have any more from her I can make my own, and the connection will still count even if the physical piece comes from my hands instead of hers. We're going to be seeing the grandparents as well as the parents next week, so I'll get her to show me how to knit better and then I can even make the same pattern of dishrag she does.

Posted by dichroic at 02:19 PM

June 26, 2004

my life in Movable Type

The archives are up! Not all of them are visible yet - I imported them with Draft status and I have to convert to Publish status individually (just a matter of selecting from a pull-down menu -- there's a "bulk edit" widow, so at least I don't have to open each entry.

I did use a script to get the entries off Diaryland and set up in the right format, but the dates didn't come across right in most cases so I've had to go back and fix that by hand, hence the lack of yesterday's entries. It was interesting, though because in the process I got to watch the last three years of my life unfolding. I note that in 2001 I was leg-pressing only about 50 lbs less than I am now, which is a little depressing. On the other hand, there have been times in that period when I've been working with (slightly) lower weights and lighter reps, so that partly explains it. A more gratifying fact is that at that time I was writing about how my fingers were numb "but deserved to be, because I had rowed just under 10 km that morning in the single." Yesterday I rowed 14 km -- could have gone farther but I was out of time. I also got to read about unemployment, re-emplyment, travels, and lots of books. Oe thing that surprised me was how high a percentage of my titles were quotes from books or songs. I spotted at least three cribbed from Joni Mitchell's Both Sides Now, which makes sense since I'm writing about the vagaries of my own life. I also found a lot more typos than expected. I tried spellchecking but gave up less than halfway through because there was just too much of it.

The line-wrapping is a bt screwed up, but I won't bother fixing that. Unfortunately one result of that is that a lot of the links are messed up, and I will fix those over time. I suppose I will also have to change all those links referring back to my Diaryland site, but that will be a slow process.

Meanwhile, Rudder's just come home, so I have more important things to go do.

Posted by dichroic at 09:18 PM

June 25, 2004

more import woes

I spent some time today trying the clayrhino script to import my ahives from Diaryland, again. This time I was able to get the script to run all the way through, and it seemed to work except that more than half of the dates didn't come through. They were listed as 12/31/1969. Being stupidly trustul, I spent hours, literally, correcting those dates by hand. I finally decided just now that it might be smarter to try importing a small subset of entries before going any farther. That woud have been a very good thing to try several hours ago, as it turned out; once again, Moveable Type wasn't able to read my file, even though it seemed to conform with what their Help file told me to do. It understood the boundaries of each entry, but tried to cram an entire entry in the Title field.

My next theory is that maybe the carriage returns are funny on the Mac or something. I'm going to try mailing my sample file to a PC, editing the plain text in Notepad, and importing that. Tomorrow, not today.

Posted by dichroic at 09:44 PM

June 24, 2004

periodic update

I've been told that if I don't update here every couple of months, my journal
access might go away, followed by the journal itself. So until I figure out how to
transfer archives, or have time to do it the manual way, I will be writing here
every so often. It probably won't be anything exciting, though.

yes, I do know about Markus at Clayrhino's script to import from Dland - I just
couldnÕt get it to work. It kept dying on me; I suspect the 36 archive files
containing over 1200 entries just plain overloaded it.

Posted by dichroic at 08:21 AM

June 23, 2004

two pieces of good news

I just catalogued my 1001st book! I still haven't gotten to the ones upstairs, which include textbooks and SF paperbacks.

And there's a dust storm outside! If we're lucky, we mght even get a spot of rain - the last time we saw any of that was about February. (Literally.) I do hope we're in for a very rainy rainy season.

Posted by dichroic at 09:05 PM | Comments (1)

June 22, 2004

driving in, dammit

Dammit! It looks like I won't be able to telecommute tomorrow after all; there's a meeting I really ought to be here in person for. Somehow a day spent at home, no matter how much I get done, has much less of the oh-no-here-we-go-again factor than a day in the office. I considered just coming in for the afternoon, but that rather defeats the whole not-driving point.

I thought new knitters were supposed to drop stitches all the time. Why do I keep getting more stitches on the needle than I'm supposed to have? And is it true that crocheting goes faster but uses more yarn? I can afford more yarn if it saves me time.

Posted by dichroic at 03:49 PM | Comments (2)

June 20, 2004

some kudos

A bit of unpaid advertising here, because I think it's deserved. Kudos to Real Simple magazine, which in its current issue's article on dresses actually has a short woman in the "best for petites" style, a plump one in the "best for plus sizes" style, a chesty one in the "best for large bust" style, and so on. They don't look like professional models, and they're not all white, either. Also to Whirlpool, who (according to Reba McEntire in their own ads, admittedly) donates a fridge and a range to every house Habitat for Humanity builds (I love Habitat's "sweat equity" model). And to the guys at Armordeck who did our backyard redo includig a propane grill for a reasonable rpice and who thus made tonight's extremely tasty dinner (grilled shrimp and asparagus, 5 min of prep time nad about 8 to cook) possible. The other advantage to the grill is that Rudder now cooks about twice as much as he used to -- or at least more of his cooking is real cooking, not just packaged stuff.

Disclaimer: I have no connection to any entity mentioned in this entry except Rudder. Oh, and the shrimp and asparagus I ate for dinner.

Posted by dichroic at 07:08 PM | Comments (1)

June 19, 2004

Where the copper shines like Arizona gold

Today I learned to knit. Well, if you take those words very literally I did. I do not yet know how to purl, for example, much less make yarn into anything you'd want to own or wear. I am the proud creatrix of a swatch of knitted Shetland wool about 20 stitches long by 4 stitches deep. It's a start, especially given the instructions I was dealing with.

To back up, I have been a very *very* good girl since Rudder left. Last night after work instead of vegetating, I did the food shopping so I wouldn't have to do it later in the weekend and so I would have snacks for today. This morning I went to the gym to make up for skipping Thursday. Afterward I came home, showered, and drove up to Jerome, a old copper mining town, then a ghost town, now full of galleries, hippies, bikers, and some wonderful glass and other art. The town ins hung on the side of a mountain; there are stairs from one street to another and some of the older buildings have literally slid downhill. My favorite gallery was Raku, not only because I loved their art but because the upper floor has a floor to ceiling window with a mind-blowing view straight out over the Verde Vallley to the Mogollon Rim and Sedona's red rocks. I came home with a lot of jewelry (dichroic glass, of course), a silver barrette, an 8" high wooden cat that is also a puzzle, a tiny cat made of feathers sleeping on a pillow (because it was only $2 and one of my coworkers will love it), and knitting needles (bamboo, circular), Shetland wool, and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Knitting and Crocheting. Also a Dar Williams CD, The Green World, and a bottle of rose from the local winery. Despite the weighty haul, though, I think my favorite part of the trip beside the cool wind was the music in each store. Hardly any of it was anything I can hear on the radio; I heard Johnny Cash, Dar Williams, Patsy Cline, Willy Nelson, some of the Beatles' more obscure songs, and a band in a bar covering Lyle Lovett's "She's No Lady, She's My Wife". That was almost more fresh air for me than the actual desert mountain air. (The title of this entry, by the way, is from Kate Wolf's song "Old Jerome", which is about the town, though I didn't hear it today.)

The knitting, you will have surmised, was begun courtesy of the implements of construction and book I bought in Jerome. I do not recommend the Idiot's Guide - I bought it because I liked the idea of a book that describes how to knit and crochet both, but this is one of the instances when that series' name is unfortunately apt for one of its books. The book would have benefited greatly from an editor who knew left from right; I never did figure out how to do double casting on at least partly because of one illustration where the caption said to hold one strand of yarn in the left hand and the other in the right hand -- while the picture showed both in the same hand. Fortunately, there were instructions for two other ways to cast on, but that leads into another complaint. This book is a bit too theoretical; it has three ways to cast on and two or three ways to do everything else. It's a bit confusing for someone who's just learning -- better to show one way and just mention the existance of others, introducing themlater or in an appendix. Also, there are only general instructions, no patterns to actually make something. The guy at he shop where I bought it was extrmely helpful though; apparently his wife is the real stitching guru (I suspect some of the scarves I saw in a few galleries are made by her) but he was able to give me some advice, like using circular needles even for flat pieces (easier to put it down and not have anything slip off). He also played me samples of several songs on The Green World because I was trying to decide whether to buy that or Dar's live album, and he insisted on giving me his wife's card so I could email her with any questions. I will send them feedback about my issues with the book, if I can figure out how to make it not sound like a reflection on their shop.

I was especially proud of myself because a lot of this all was outside my comfort zone: doing stuff instead of collapsing after work, going to the gym when I knew I'd be walking around hills are day are minor things, but doing a 2 hour drive solo always makes me a bit nervous even though I've done longer ones. Pushing myself to do things that make me uncomfortable but that expand or reinforce my capabillities feels like a virtue, somehow.

Posted by dichroic at 10:08 PM | Comments (3)

June 18, 2004

Friday's linguistic commentary

As I type this I'm wearing a bathing suit, rafting shorts, and a Cool-max shirt I use for rowing, hiking or the gym because it's so lightweight. That wouldn't be at all strange except that I'm in my office. I was going to change until I realized that changing *out* of shorts and *in* to more proper clothing at 3 o'clock on a Friday was just wrong. I did put the shirt back on as a nod to professionalism.

The wettable duds are, of course, because of the company carwash, which for the record did not involved coercion either to wash or to wear skimpy clothing (it wasn't that kind of carwash because it's not that kind of company) but did involved much spraying of hoses, not always directed at cars. I'm still damp and very glad I wore the bathing suit.

I'm also noticing I still write bathing suit, the word I grew up using, which is odd because these days I generally seem to say swimsuit. The latter makes more sense, that being what I call what I do in said suit. It confused the hell out of me when I first came across references to bathing and bathing machines in Alice in Wonderland and other English books. (Actually, the whole idea of bathing machines still confuses the hell out of me. Victorians were weird.) I think, though, that I've changed the word I use mostly due to the influence of news anchors and advertisers, who always (in the USA) use the term "swimsuit".

When I was younger, the two other locutions I noticed them saying differently than people around me did were matters of pronunciation; route pronounced as "rout" (we said "root") and coupon pronounced as "koopon" (we said "kyoopon"). I think I flicker between root and rout depending how I feel, what road I'm actually talking about, and who I'm talking to. Koopon still sounds weird to me, though. Otherwise I don't have much of a Philadelphia accent these days; I don't say wooder for water, keeyan for can, or ayout for out. Hardly ever, anyway.

Posted by dichroic at 04:55 PM | Comments (1)

June 17, 2004

new mantra

It'll be calmer next week. It'll be calmer next week.....

I keep telling myself. Anyone want to bet?

At least tomorrow I get a free lunch (recognition for the people who were in yesterday's Big Company Event) and I get to hang around in my bathing suit all afternoon (Management Car Wash, for charity). Question: how high up the chain does a manager or director have to be before turning the hose on him or her becomes a Bad Career Move? Does it make any difference if it's 105 degrees out? And if I'm wearing shorts do I have to keep a T-shirt over my bathing suit? (See previous reference to 105 degrees.) (It's a one-piece, cut for swimming laps rather than showing off. I'm being conservative.)

Posted by dichroic at 05:05 PM | Comments (1)

June 16, 2004

anticipating quiet

The good thing about next week is that it ought to be a lot quieter, with our big event at work over and the boss out all week, and then at home with Rudder away. The bad part, of course, is that "Rudder away" part. Also, he's going to Rotterdam. Excitement for me is getting to go to another part of Phoenix.

Except that we're going to Oregon on vacation in about two weeks. And there was that little matter of Antarctica six months ago. OK, I'll stop complaining now. Good night.

Posted by dichroic at 08:30 PM | Comments (1)

June 14, 2004

who is painted in Grant's portrait?

Apparently today they're unveiling the official portrait of President Clinton that will hang in the White House next to all his predecessors. NPR was interviewing the artist who painted the portrait, and the interviewer asked, "Can you describe what the portrait looks like?"

I was really waiting for the artist to respond, "Er, Bill Clinton."

Posted by dichroic at 12:55 PM

June 13, 2004

airpark visit

We went up to ur property on the Mogollon Rim yesterday, for the first time since about January. The death toll, from bark beetles and drought is two large pines and three of four small ones. I hate cutting down trees. Even when they're thoroughly dead, it's like going to a funeral. And these were thoroughly dead and very dry, so they were easy to cut and jam into my pickup.

In the past we've had to cut some that were only dying (because it was inevitable -- there's no cure for bark beetles and we don't like to leave dry tinder up there between our visits. That feels like pulling life support.

Still, it was nice to get up there where the air smells like pine and there's always wind, where we can watch airplanes taking off, where the neighbors stop to talk to us and the temperature is comfortable for sitting outside. I wish we could figure out how to have careers that would allow us to live up there, that would be lucrative enough so we could build the house we want, with lots of balconies and a cupola to watch the trees blowing and the planes landing.

Posted by dichroic at 07:41 PM

June 10, 2004

avoiding the cross-town flurry

What a concept -- doing things on the side of town where I spend my waking weekday hours. Instead of rushing across town to drop my car off at the dealers (20,000 oil change and various-stuff checkup) and having Rudder come get me, then rushing to have him drop me off to pick it up tomorrow, I took it at lunch to a dealer 2 miles from my office. I was prepared to wait for it, courtest of Terry Pratchett and the local library, but as it turned out they have a shuttle service and were able to drop me back at work.

I sort of regret that, actually, not just for Hogfather's sake but because it turns out to be a really nice dealership with lots of new magazines, plenty of toys in their parts store (I want a miniature of my Mozzie-car) and even a customer Internet lounge. Instead I got to be doing productive work. (But I still may buy a toy car when I go back to pick mine up.)

Posted by dichroic at 03:29 PM

June 08, 2004

not sick

Bleah. I've been feeling a bit off for the last few days -- I wake up with an irritated throat and I've been having the occasional sinus headache and not a lot of energy. I don't think I'm actually coming down with anything though. One coworker suggested it might be due to the high levels of pollution we've been having and I wouldn't be surprised if he's right. I've been a little short on sleep, too, or at least I was Sunday night and I haven't quite caught up. I did go to the gym a little later today and just did a short maintencance workout, so I'm not nearly as logy as I was yesterday, but what I really feel like I need is a don't-get-sick day, where I just rest all day to let my body recover from whatever's bothering it.

The only problem with that is that I'm just barely on track to have done 500 miles by the end of this month, which would be half of my thousand mile goal, halfway through the year, iff* I don't miss any rowing workouts this month. Or, I suppose, if I miss one and do a weekend 10K or half-marathon, but I'd just as soon not. It's hard to justify a sick day off of work if I work out that morning.

*iff: Math term, meaning "if and only of"

PS: I guess the spirit has moved after all. I wrote this while falling asleep last night, but it was better before I forgot half of it and had to reconstruct:

Lips sample skin
Sweet and salt
Smooth and sculpted
In a space of time stolen from sleep.
Posted by dichroic at 01:34 PM

June 07, 2004

more on Azkaban

I forgot to say that one thing I liked about PoA is that is was as funny as the books -- though of course the jokes all have to be visual in the movie.

My favorite thing was in the Start of Term Feast, when the choir was singing. I chuckled at the toads reedeeping on cue with the choir, but I was guffawing when I realized just what the choir was singing: the Witches' Chorus from Macbeth. ("Double, double, toil and trouble...")

Other comments I'd forgotten: I don't quite understand why Dumbledore would periodically spout odd new-agey sentences that weren't in the book and didn't make much sense. Unless it was to pave the way for his scene with Harry and Hermione in the infirmary, where he spouted odd new-agey things that did make sense in context.

I do wish Lupin nad Sirius had been a wee bit better looking, but it's probably more realistic this way. Though Sirius almost had a moment there in his last talk with Harry when I could imagine he'd been handsome once. I'm just as glad there was less Snape, as (apparently unlike the rest of the female population) I have never found either deliberate cruelty or greasy hair particularly appealing. It may just be because I haven't seen Rickman in anything else, though.

The hippogriff was well done. I still hate the werewolf, though .... and I still wish Ron could have been a bit less sniveling. Save that for Draco.

Posted by dichroic at 10:53 AM | Comments (2)

June 06, 2004


Well, we were going to wait until next weekend but did end up seeing Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban today. I liked it.... but as a dyed-in-the-ink fan of the books I do have to pick a few nits.

First of all, as irritated as I get with long movies, even I thought the movie was too rushed, especially in the beginning. I do understand why they had to cut a lot and I actually agree with all but on thing, but honestly I don't think I'd have understood anything before about the Hogwarts train if I hadn't read the books. It's fair to assume anyone seeing with will have the first two movies for background, so will recognize the Dursleys, but I'm not too sure about Aunt Marge. Maybe so, though; I'm notirously dense about movies and while I can imagine not knowing the plot at all, it's hard for me to figure what I'd know having only seen the movies.

The one omission I really minded was the explanation of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. Without that there are so many unanswered questions: why is Sirius Harry's godfather? How does Lupin know how to use the Marauder's Map? Who made the Map and why did Filch have it? Why are Sirius and Pettigrew Animagi and how did they get that way? Why are Lupin and Sirius such friends in the Shrieking Shack? Why is Harry's Patronus a stag? Most crucial, how did Pettigrew betray James and Lily?

If you assume everyone's read the book, you can omit that, but that's not really a fair assumption, especially for the sort of people who don't read children's books (that would be, the sort of people I feel sorry for) but who do take their kids to the movies. It would have been worth adding another few minutes.

I did think it was a good addition having Hermione explain the difference btween werewolves and Animagi, so we know why Sirius is attacking Lupin. Speaking of Lupin as werewolf, though... yuck! He's just supposed to be a wolf, not something out of Mordor. I'd have liked seeing Sirius a more normal dog, too. There were a few other changes I didn't mind: I don't really miss the subplot with Ron's and Hermione's big argument. Given the time constraints, cutting that subplot made sense to me. The kids seemed much older to me than they do in the books, bu that's not a bad change either and it makes more sense of their general competence.

Loved the Whomping Willow. As always, I left wanting to move into Hogwarts. I didn't mind the new darker palette except that it made it a bit harder to convey the sheer joy in the wizarding world, I thought. The one place that did come across was in Harry's flight on Buckbeak. The whole ting felt very British to me, partly because of those grayer colors and partly because of the looks of the characters. There are some types, lilke Ron and the twins, you see a lot more rarely in the US, but an even more British thing to me was the looks of som eof the adults, particularly Messrs. Moony, Wormstail, and Padfoot. In a movie made in the US, they'd have been much prettier, with good teeth and clear skin, rather than looking like people who'd been through what they'd been through. (Though I would have liked to have seen the picture Harry had of Sirius all dressed up and cleaned up at his parents' wedding.)

I don't mnid Draco being a bit of a coward because I think he is, and I'm glad he ditched the weird vinyl haircut. I do mind Ron being so fearful, though. That's not how I see him in the books and I kept wondering what Harry would have wanted with the movie Ron who's afraid f everything. Or for that matter, what Hermione would have wanted, and she clearly did want. I liked the clarified Hermione/Ron subtext, especially knowing that JKR vets the movie plots. (I don't suppose this will put a damper on any committed Harry/Hermione shippers, especially since, as has been pointed out, they're only thirteen at this opint and only seventeen when they leave school. Who stays with their 13-year-old boyfriend, anyway?)

In general, I liked it a lot, and may even see it again. My only serious beef is the omitted M/W/P/P explanation.

Posted by dichroic at 06:08 PM | Comments (2)


The party actually went fairly well. We even had five people from my company show up -- there were a lot more from Rudder's place but mine were the first to show up and the last to leave. (Normally, they steer clear of our parties for the same reason I compain about my commute: it's a long way to drive.) This was actually our annual Mardi Gras party, postponed because it Feruary and March the backyard was under construction, so the food was Cajun and I scattered beads and doubloons around. We served beer, soda, water, Cajun-style brisket and Cajun deep-fried turkey, a vegetarian Jambalaya (not exactly authentic, but not everyone likes meat - and I did add trinity), as well as a couple of my party staples, a Mexican layer dip and a tomato-bread salad, chips, veggie nibbles, and cheeses and crackers. Other people brought coleslaw, Thai rice, crudites, bean dip, brownies, some cake squares with cherries on top that I need to get the recipe for, bean dip, a couple of bottles of wine, a key lime pie that never did get eaten, Golden Oreos (not half bad) and Italian ice -- prepackaged but very authentic and we Philly girls know our Italian ice. Also a case of Bud Lite, which we rediscovered just as we were congratulating ourselves on not having much light beer left. It's always hard to know what to do with that and the diet soda, since neither of us likes those. We can take the sodas to work, at least.

There was only one contretemp, when someone's little kid took a dump wthout bothering to get out of the pool first. I'd have to say his parents handled that about as well as an awkward situation could be handled, except for the obvious omission of putting a diaper on the kid in the first place. It was funny, though, as the father was attempting to be discreet about cleaning up both kid nad pool and the kid was hollering out, "I made poo-poo!" Discretion, apparently, is not a word taught on Sesame Street.

Other than that, I think I had a better time than at any of our previous parties in this house. Someone was even playing y guitar at one point. That was a bit odd, though: why would anyone memorize all of "Alice's Restaurant"? I'd bet even Arlo just improvises it each time.

Posted by dichroic at 05:46 PM

June 04, 2004

party prep

There, see? I telecommuted today and didn't even write an entry here unti lI was off the clock (which is not to say I was totally dedicated every second... but I did get a lot done). Next on the agenda is the last-minute straightening for our party tomorrow. I'm trying to figure out how to get a cloth on the dining room table given that Rudder's piled it high with plastic plates, forks and cups.

I do hope enough people show up for it to be fun, and also so that we're not left with vast amounts of light beer and diet soda. The latter can be pawned off on coworkers later, at least, but I think my company would frown on my bringing in beer. In fact, I'm damn sure they would frown. Company policy says you can't even have alcohol in a car in the parking lot in a sealed container. However, given that shortly after I first hired on I ran into someone working there who had been more or less let go from my previous company for being abusive to me, I've had reason to be glad for their strict rules. (And at this place he was unfailingly civil. Apparently the rules work. Though even here he never did seem to bathe or change clothes.)

Once again I have been completely unable to rein Rudder in to what I'd consider a reasonable level of food, which explains why there are three turkeys and a brisket now defrosting in my refrigerator. It would have been two turkeys, but we couldn't find any over 13 lbs. He wants one to cut up and freeze for later, but still I hope our guest show up hungry. This is actually our annual Mardi Gras arty, more or less - in March when we'd noramlly have held it, our backyard was under construction, then when it was finally done regattas and work travel interfered. It will be a bit hotter than I'd have liked for the party, but maybe that means people will actually use the now-pretty pool. Generally what happens is that fewer people come than I'd hoped and no one goes swimming, but we all manage to have a good time anyway.

Posted by dichroic at 06:25 PM | Comments (1)

June 02, 2004

ad astra

The entry I was going to make can wait. I have a new project. Because on Monday, June 21, Burt Rutan (with more than a little help from PaulAllen) is launching the first private spaceship and the launch is open to the public.

I'm not entirely sure why I am so excited about this. Rutan's not stupid enough to let the world in to see the very first flight of an untested rocket; the craft has been on previous test flights, as high as 40 miles up. This flight will be suborbital, not orbital. It will go 62 miles up, well inside the (arbitrarily defined) 100-mile boundary of space. Still, this is outside the atmosphere. If Rutan's people can do this flight twice inside two weeks, they win the X Prize. It's not John Glenn's flight, but it is Alan Shepard's. And it's launching on June 21 at about 6:30 AM from Mojave, California, which is not all that far from here.

Rudder will be out of town and it's a bit further than I really want to drive solo, so I'm trying to get someone (or several someones) to go with me. If enough people want to go, we could even rent a bus. My ideal plan would be to leave at midnight, watch the launch, come home, and work half a day. Other people I've mentioned it to keep bringnig up the idea of spending the second half of the day at Disneyland. (These would be the people who either have more vacation time or who have fewer demands on what they do have.) I do hope htis works, though, whether it's me and a friend in a car or a whole busload of geekitude.

Anybody out there want to go watch history?

Posted by dichroic at 02:36 PM | Comments (1)

June 01, 2004

Shakespeare and needlework

Squeee! I just bought tickets to see Much Ado About Nothing at the Ashland Shakespeare Festival on July 7! The Rudder 'Rents live in a nearby town but somehow we've just never been there at the right time to see one of the plays. They do have modern plays as weel but I wanted to see on of Will's, and Rudder cleverly reminded me to be sure to pick a night showing so we can see it in their Globe replica theater. The choices were Henry VI (part I or II&III), Much Ado or Twelfth Night. If it had been Henry V I'd have chosen that like a shot but Henry 6 isn't one of my favorite kings and I figured Rudder and the 'Rents might enjoy a comedy more anyway. Picking between Twelfth Night and Much Ado was easy, at least -- I chose the one available on the day we wanted to go. Between the play, a trip to the Oregon Coast, visiting with relatives, and getting to spend the Fourth of July in a town small enough that we can see fireworks and not get caught in a traffic jam afterwards, it's going to be a fun trip.

We'll also get to spend a couple of days with Rudder's grandparents. I may get his grandmother to teach me to knit; I've been thinking it would be a good thing to do on all those long drives to regattas. I can't read for long in a car and cross-stitch would be even worse. Knitting and crocheting look like activities I could do in a car seat without having to stare at them constantly. (I don't suppose they allow knitting needles or even crochet hooks on airplanes these days.) It might not be a bad idea to learn some basics on my own first, though. Can anyone out there recommend a good book for an absolute beginner? If I'm wrong about being able to do it as a passenger (that is, if I'd have to stare at it the whole time) I need to know that too.

Posted by dichroic at 05:04 PM | Comments (1)

May 28, 2004

assorted grumbling, and not

For obvious reasons of self-protection, I do not usually complain about work on these pages. However, I would like to say that whoever at this company decided switching to even cheaper toilet paper was a good idea was grievously mistaken. And was probably also male. I don't think this stuff is recycled newspaper, even. It bears a much stronger resemblance to UNrecycled newspaper.

Also, who told all these people they could take extended vacations? Rudder and I decided to finally throw a party (the one we'd have had for Mardi Gras is our back yeard hadn't been under construction at the time) on the weekend after Memorial Day, on the theory that everyone would be out of town on Memorial weekend itself. But no, apparently that wasn't a long enough vacation, so I've been getting nothing but replies on the lines of, "I've love to come, but I'll be in another time zone then." (This is somewhat exacerbated by the fact that my house practically is in another time zone from work.) Silly people. Don't they know they're supposed to plan around my parties?

I'd ask if anyone out there is coming *to* this town on that weekend, but given our June weather, that's not likely.

One thing to point out that's not grumbling at all: Gramarye has a new (new to me, at least) Dark is Rising fic up, Redeemed From Time.

Also in the realm of not-grumbling: three day weekend! Yay! Having just traveled last weekend, I don't think we're doing anything exciting for it, but not working is exciting enough in itself.

Posted by dichroic at 01:05 PM | Comments (1)

May 25, 2004

race report

We're back. Rudder medalled in every race: Men's single, Men's Double, Mixed Double, Men's Lightweight Single, Men's Lightweight Double. In the non-lightweight single, they had heats as well as finals so he rowed 5 races. As if that didn't prove what a glutton for punishment he is, yesterday he drove all 12 hours back, though She-Hulk and I kept offering to take over. (He insists it's not because he doesn't trust our driving.

I didn't get any medals, dammit. I was Not Happy with my singles race, coming in last with open water between me and the next boat, but the other two races were better. She-Hulk and I were reasonably happy with our doubles race, despite not having rowed together since a race last summer. We were fifth of six, but we were only two seconds from a medal -- fourth place was only a second behind third and we were a second behind that. In the 300m dash, the good news is that I was second, after having finished third each of the last two years. The bad news is that this year for some reason (maybe because the dash is last and it was a long day of racing) very few people entered, only three men and two women, so I was second of two. After the race, though, we went out to eat with a few California rowers and I found the woman who had beat me in the dash won Masters' Nationals a couple of years ago. I don't feel too bad for having her beat me!

Otherwise, the Arizona contingent did well; She-Hulk won a couple of medals, as did two of the other guys rowing with us. As always, the drive up and back was fun; I always like the chance to talk to Rudder when we're both awake and She-Hulk rode with us so we got to talk with her too. (Maybe I need a more flattering name for her, especially given that she may be twice my size, but one other woman who was there with our group is twice hers. Possibly literally.)

The dinner with the Californian rowers was good too, because they'd gone head to head with Rudder and She-Hulk for quite a few races now. In Sunday's races Rudder lost to them by less than one second in both the single and doubles race. It's always good to know other rowers, not only to know who your competitors are, but to be able to find people to put boats together with. Two of them may do a quad at Nationals with Rudder and SH, for instance.

So it was a good weekend, and I'm glad to have a short work week and then another one coming up for Memorial Day. Next challenge: deciding if we're throwing a party the first weekend in June.

Posted by dichroic at 01:50 PM

May 21, 2004

Is there such a thing as a vs?

One of my discussion lists is talking about dating versus courtship. They seem to think there is a difference between the two. I can only conclude that either none of them is familiar with basic anthropoloy vocabulary (I did try pointing out that almost every human ever alive does, has, or will engage in courting behavior of some sort) or that I really don't understand people who think either/or categories apply to human behavior.

I think they're talking about modern dates as opposed to an older, more public and presumably more romantic model -- but even if I believed the former didn't fall well within human courtship patterns, I don't see why it would be assumed to exclude the latter.

Other than that I'm trying to do three work things at once and prepare for this weekend, so this entry ends here. Wish me luck in my races!

Posted by dichroic at 12:13 PM | Comments (1)

May 20, 2004

Broadway wisdom

On my way to work, I've been listening to the musical 1776 (the version where Brent Spiner brilliantly plays John Adams) and to Mandy Patinkin's Mamaloshen. For a Jewish girl from Philadelphia, this combination should count as roots music.

I don't think I listen to musicals for the same reason most people do -- that is, those people who do listen to them, and who admit to it. I can do irony when required (and sarcasm at any opportunity, and can sometimes appreciate camp and kitsch, but I think my natural mode of appreciation is fairly uncritical (to a point - I have put down books for being too badly written) and even a little sentimental. This would explain why I enjoyed Miss Clare Remembers, re eample, though it was panned by the Mrissa.

I can like musicals that do kitsch well (Rocky Horror) and be at least mildly entertained by those that contain nothing but entertainment and a decent song or two (the latter condition is why I enjoyed My One and Only far more than The Boyfriend or The Pajama Game). The ones that I keep coming back to, though, are the ones with something real riding on the music. South Pacific, where love can't grow until prejudice is rooted out. Oklahoma!, with the hopes of building a country. Fiddler on the Roof, which I suspect is not a far cry from my ancestors' lives. (Minus some but not all of the singing.) Even Godspell, whose message really isn't for me.

And 1776. Maybe because it's about men gathering together to do a job, the first thing it makes me think about is work-related; it reminds me that when you're trying to make a big change, it takes a while, and a lot of work. That even the biggest and most seemingly inevitable enterprises can be touch-and-go at their inception. And that if you agree there's a problem, even when you don't agree on the exact dimensions of the problem, you can still find a solution that will work for a while, at least -- buying you time to fix it later. And on the converse, it reminds me that if your initial fix has major problems, the latter correction can work but still be immensely painful.

(I can't read about the Revolution or the Federalist debates without being reminded of how they ended us up in a Civil War a hundred years after. But that still doesn't mean the Revolution wasn't the right choice and at that time and in that place, it could only be done by agreeing to ignore the elephant in the room, slavery, for a time.)

Another thing it reminds me of is my ideal of marriage. John and Abigail Adams' was one of the great ones, though it was tested by long separations, wrong-headed decisions, and failures and death of some of their offspring. LA posted something the other day that struck me because her definition is so far off for me:

Because you know what? I am a VERY GOOD WIFE. I do not nag. I do not overspend. I do not ever serve a meal he’s not crazy about. He gets laid or blown every day. I am coping with a serious dent in my mobility with as much grace as I can manage. He never hears me complain nor do I dun him with household chores when I’m having a rough time. He keeps exactly the hours he wants to keep and we all follow his schedule. I am starting the steepest descent into menopause and since that spin-out a few months ago the Hobbit House has been free of tirades and tears. My tongue is lumpy from biting it so often.
It may be right for LA, of course - that's up to her. Me, though, I'm not especially good about most of those things, and in most of them I don't particularly care if I am. In 1776, though, there's a short dialogue between Abigail and John. It's probably accurate -- most of the Adams' songs in the musicals are based on their own letters:

Oh, Abigail, what am I going to do?

Do, John?

You must tell me what it is! I've always been dissatisfied, I know that; but lately, I find that I reek of discontentment! It fills my throat and floods my brain and, sometimes--sometimes I fear there is no longer a dream, but only the discontentment.

Oh, John, can you really know so little about yourself? And can you think so little of me that you'd believe I married the man you've described? Have you forgotten what you used to say to me? I haven't. "Commitment, Abby--commitment! There are only two creatures of value on the face of this earth: those with a commitment and those who require the commitment of others." Do you remember, John?

I remember.

That sums up for me my concept of what a "good wife" does: she reminds her husband of who he is and helps him toward who he ought to be. It's a symmetrical definition - I think it has to be symmetrical or parallel for the marriage to succeed. I understand why Xtine of Squirrelx promised to "obey" her David, and even if I didn't believe that each woman has to define her own relationships, I would be reassured by David's promise to "honor" her. Living up to that, he'll never tell her to do anything that would be bad for her. For me, though, it's a straight mirror image, and there's nothing in my definition of a good wife that doesn't apply to a good husband except the second X chromosome.

On a subject related only in that there are numbers involved, I'll be telecommuting tomorrow because we're leaving at noon for our regatta and it lets me get more work time in. I've just calculated that I'll save about $10 in gas and lunch costs by staying home -- though of course that pales in comparison to the value of the time saved by not driving the 2-hour roundtrip.

Posted by dichroic at 01:24 PM | Comments (1)

May 19, 2004

dentistry by trial and error

What did the people in the dentist's office say when I told them of their mistake? All together now, "That's why you need an appointment!"

Or maybe that's why items for individuals should be labeled with their names? It makes me wonder whether, if I'd actually had an appointment, it would have consisted iof them shoving random trays in my mouth until they found the one that fit. At least this person did apologize for my 'having been given the wrong information'

I feel compelled to mention this is the Southwest Dental Group, in the East Valley of the Greater Phoenix area, specifically their branch at Dobson and Chandler.

I've been teaching all morning and will go for about another two hours this afternoon. I'm feeling much less wiped than yesterday when I conducted a quickie refresher training in two hours, even though for that one I was sitting down in a conference room, whereas this time I'm standing and moving around a class room. It's just amazing how much difference the attitude of the students makes. Yesterday's weren't even hostile or especially hard to deal with. It's just that the purpose of this class, as I tell them, is to figure out how to apply my techniques to their work, so it needs to be a partnership. Yesterday they weren't getting their shoulders behind it and helping me to push.

Posted by dichroic at 12:52 PM

May 18, 2004

ordeal by bleach

A month or so ago, I went and got my teeth zoom-bleached, where they use the high intensity light to bleach teeth in a couple of hours. (If you saw me in person, you wouldn't notice. They're not freakishly white-white, just the shade teeth are supposed to be instead of rather yellowish.) Part of the deal was that they give you bleaching trays so you can re-whiten every six months or a year to take care of new stains.

For some reason I never understood, the tech wanted me to make an appointment to come back to get the trays made, instead of doing it there. Then there would be yet another appointment to pick them up. I had an appointment coming up with my regular dentist, another branch of the same office, and they do bleaching trays, just not the zoom bleaching, so I asked if I could get the trays made there. After a little discussion, they agreed.

Since I live far across town from where I work, and I prefer to keep all my doctors close to home (on the theory that that's where I'll be if I'm ever actually sick) it's not easy for me to get to appointments. Not only do I have to take off the time of the appointment, but I also have to take an additional hour to get there. I went to the dentist, hoping he could fix a chipped tooth as well as make the trays. No luck on the chip (too small) but they did take the mold. I made an appointment to visit again in a week or so to pick up the trays and spent 20 minutes explaining that I had already paid for the trays, at the other office.

When the week was up I went back. For those wanting to keep score at home, this makes five dentist appointments in a short period of time: one for a cleaning and to get a referral for the bleaching; one to consult with the bleaching tech; one to do the bleaching; one to get the trays made; and one to pick up the trays. They informed me that the trays had not come out and would need to be remade. They took my mold again (the tech was obviously not experienced with this, which didn't raise my confidence) but this time told me I could just stop in to pick them up and get the fit checked when I was in the area, no appointment needed.

Yesterday, I had my annual poke and prod scheduled at my OB-Gyn, who's in the same building. I called the dentist two days ahead of time to verify I wouldn't need an appointment and was assured this was the case. I left work an extra half hour earlier to have time to deal with the dentiat before going to my checkup. No extraordinary clairvoyance will be required for the astute reader to figure out what I was told when I walked into the dentst office and asked for my trays.

I discussed the matter with the receptionist, who spoke to the office manager. The receptionist said she was very sorry but I would still need an appointment. I explained further and in more aggrieved (but still polite) tones and offered to speak to the manager myself. She went off, spoke to the manager at length, and finally came back with my trays, which they had decided to give me "because I was so upset". Presumably, med school is no longer required; now you merely need to be associated with a health-related practice to be entitled to patronize patients. She also made it clear I'd have to come back iwith a proper appointment if the trays didn't fit.

At least the OB-Gyn appointment was as pleasant as these things can get -- a half hour wait, but they had decent magazines, and my NP is intelligent and personable. Also, I have been grateful for the past few years that they've retired those cell-sampling, innard-yanking wire brushes that replaced the old cotton swabs, in favor of softer plastic scrapers. Other women will know what I mean.

Again, no clairvoyance will be required to predict what happened when I tried on the bleach trays later that evening. Sure enough, they didn't fit. I spent some time monkeying with the trays in front of a mirror, wondering how good they had to be and whether I could make them fit well enough by cutting off some of the back teeth, which don't need to be bleached anyway. It was then that I realized the unusual part.

I've had my wisdom teeth removed. I've also had the foremost molars pulled when I got my braces, because they didn't think my mouth would have room for them. (They were right. I don't know where I'd fit four more.) As a result, I have only 24 teeth, 12 upper and 12 lower, rather than the standard-issue 32 or even the common 28. I counted. The trays had 14 teeth on the upper left, 14 on the upper right, 14 teeth on the lower left, 14 on the lower right.

They gave me someone else's teeth.

Once this debacle is done, I will certainly be calling my health insurance company for a recommendation to another dentist.

Posted by dichroic at 04:58 PM | Comments (3)

May 17, 2004


Sometimes it's hard to tell a writing exercise from a case of insomnia (which may actually explain a lot about my brother, come to think of it). Last night I couldn't get to sleep, so I set myself the challenge to come up with 5 sketchy plot ideas, quality not required. This is clearly not going to be a good getting-to-sleep strategy for me*, since I only got as far as one plot and still didn't really get solidly to sleep until 2AM or so. That's much worse than it sounds, if you recall that on our rowing days (which Monday is) the alarm is set to 4:00 AM. Yeah, not especially enjoying today, but anyway.

The plot bunny: girl and boy grow up together in small town way out on the outskirts of a loose-knit empire. (Going-to-sleep plots are excused from the niceties of world-building.) As they grow up they practice swordwork together and both become very good. They also fall in love with each other. Boy pleads with girl to marry him. She agrees but only to a contract marriage lasting a year and a day instead of a permanent one, because when she reaches her majority she wants to go out into the world to seek fame and glory. (She's young and idealistic.) The year and a day are very happy, but as it draws to an end and she prepares to leave, there are tears on both sides. She loves him but still feels the need to go. He understands, though he's more of a rooted type. Then tragedy strikes and honor calls her to stay at home. Possibly one parent dies and she must work the farm to preserve it until her younger sibs can inherit it. Instead, the boy decides he will go out into the world, performing deeds of glory in her name. (Why he doesn't just stay home with her, I have no idea. See "young and idealistic", above.) He does so, and achieves great reknown, always wearing her token and refusing to be swayed by other women; I'm thinking preaux chevalier in dirty leather, unshaven. (Which the other women don't mind because all men are like that. It's a Dark Ages sort of empire.) After five years or so he's on his way home to lay his glory at her feet and and ask her to marry him for good. Just as he begins to head home, though, an invasion force or a band of reivers descends on their village. She's kept up her sword skills all this time and has been studying battle tactics (possibly as a career move; she's afraid shen she finally gets out of the village she'll be too old to be an ordinary fighter -- she either finds the books at a local monastery or there's an old lord who has handed the reins of the estate to his son, who finds amusement in teaching her. Her skills and knowledge are well-enough respected int he village that they follow her lead and oust the invaders, who flee the country because they reason that if a small uncouth village is this ferocious, the actual army must be formidable. As the boy journeys home, all he hears are the bards singing of the girl's great victory; her glory has eclipsed his own. Not being a jealous sort, he arrives home and lays his glory at her feet anyway, commending her victory and telling her that she was the inspiration for all his, that he did all his glorious deeds in her name. She falls into his arms, saying, "Then we can trade -- because I fought my battle in your name." Possibly there is something about how she used a tactic they developed together as young students. Her sibs are old enough not to need her anymore, and the girl and boy marry and take off to travel the empire together. Having both sated their bloodlust, they take their swords along only for defense, and they go incognito to avoid being challenged by other young fighters eager for glory.

Phew. Long synopsis. Nope, don't think I could write the story. Actually, it sounds rather like something Barbara Hambly would do.

The second plot was going to begin like so many of my favorite stories, with a group of children finding a magic token and then ... The problem was that I got caught between their having magical work in their own world, à la E. Nesbit, or traveling to remote semi-magic climes where they'd meet totally facical pirates or savages, à la other Nesbit and Edward Eager, or going to a different country altogether, à la CS Lewis or Pamela Dean.

After that my mind drifted off and I think I slept for an hour or so, woke up, thought about work and rowing, realized I hadn't downloaded the data from my StrokeCoach (boat computer) which would get overwritten by Monday's row), decided I needed to give up on laying there trying to sleep, went downstairs, downloaded the data, went back to bed, and got a blissful two hours of sleep until I woke three minutes before the alarm went off. If my sentence structure is unspeakable, kindly blame it on lack of sleep.

* What usually works for me in trying to get to sleep is alphabet games, picking a topic like song titles or poem first lines or places or words of 5 or more syllables, and trying to come up with an example beginning with each letter of the alphabet in turn. I usually drop off by about 'j'.

Posted by dichroic at 11:49 AM | Comments (2)

what kind am I?

Nabbed from Chickafinty:

I took the Blogging Personality Quiz at About Web logs and I am...

The Writer
Words captivate me. And, I like to capture words. Blogging enables me to write often. It also provides a place for me to share what I write with a reading public. I can be funny, inspiring, intelligent, cynical, or morbid. It doesn't matter what I write about in my blog. It only matters that I write.

Posted by dichroic at 09:38 AM

May 15, 2004

need import advice

If anyone can give me some advice on exporting Diaryland entires and importing them into Movable Type, I'd appreciate it. I've got the exported entry file, and have gone in manually and tried to get it in shape for MT. I've been trying variants of putting:

TITLE: whatever the title is
DATE: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm PM
AUTHOR: Dichroic


body of the entry


for each entry. I've tried it with pointy brackets <> and with quotes and blank lines and none of the above. It seems to understand where each entry begins and ends, and I can get it to read in the title, but it doesn't seem to understand where the title stops. It wants to include the date line and everything else into the title. Suggestions?

Posted by dichroic at 05:41 PM

May 13, 2004

daily dissonances and delights


  • People who leave public toilet seats wet. (Ewww)

  • People who don't care about spelling and grammar in professional documents. (I knew one woman who'd sit there and correct spelling and punctuation in every defect report when she ran the review meetings. I have a sneaking sympathy, but I'd have just fixed the darn things, rather than make 6-10 people sit in a meeting and watch me do it.)

  • Wakes from coaching launches, when I'm rowing in a tippy single. It's even worse when they nearly run us over because they aren't looking where they're going.

  • People and systems who try to shoehorn the infinite variety of humanity into a few labels.

  • Anyone who holds meetings at 8AM Monday or 4PM Friday.

  • People who joke with me then think I'm taking them literally when I respond with a straight face to continue the joke. (Apparently my straight face is *too* straight.)

  • A certain occasional coworker who always seems to be implying I'm useless and incompetent. (I might be misjudging him but the phrase that keeps coming to mind is "Grrr, there, go. Water your flowerbeds, do."

  • People who have long or frequent cellphone conversations while driving. I understand you might need to call and say "There's a horrible traffic jam here -- don't take this road," and that it's difficult to pull off for the call in said jam, but that's a 30-second conversation, with no hand-waving required, which is not what I'm seeing on the road.

  • Extremely hot weather, especially when it lasts for months and months and months.

  • Cats who sit on the mouse or walk over the keyboard when I'm on the computer.

  • Sports bras whose designers didn't take the possibility of having to fit over & around actual muscles into account. Because really, who would think a woman might be doing sports in her athletic gear?
  • Sunrises over water. (Sunsets, too, but I'm less likely to be on the water for those.)
  • The view over the desert I gat on my way to work.
  • Rudder's skin.
  • The feel and smell of baby hair
  • Books good enough to reread imediately after the first reading. Seems like I used to find a lot more of these, probably a combination of being less critical and having more free time.
  • Online journals/diaries/blogs, which I see as windows into other peoples lives and thoughts.
  • Online discussion groups, because until I joined my first one (late 1980s) I only knew a few people in real life who shared my more obscure interests. Then I left college and "only a few" became "no one local", even when the obscure interests were not really all that obscure (books not on the bestseller lists and folk music, for two), so the discussion groups became more important to me.
  • Empathetic cats
  • Full bookshelves, especially when they contain things I haven't read yet
  • Getting my hair cut, especially the scalp massage part.
  • And speaking of massage.... er, massages.
  • My pretty boat
  • Public libraries. What a civilized and brilliant idea.
  • Driving with the top down.
  • The rumbling of a low bass voice, like Stan Rogers or Gordon Bok.
  • Wind. Water. (As in large bodies of, not running from the showerhead. Then again....)
  • Hot showers when I'm cold. Hot tubs are even better. With snow around.
  • Thunderstorms.
  • The smell of the desert after rain.
  • Posted by dichroic at 03:18 PM | Comments (2)

    May 12, 2004

    too busy to listen

    I've had the worst music floating around my head lately. Yesterday it was "When Eddie Said He Didn't Like His Teddy" (maybe it's just called "Eddie"?) from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and today it's "Anything You Need (You Got It), from the 1970s or so. Now that I've typed this, it's a weird mishmosh of both.

    On the other hand, it was a nice calm morning with only one coaching launch out on the lake, so at least I didn't start the day with the Gilligan theme on the mental radio.

    Anyhow, work's been so busy I haven't really even had time to notice what's playing in my head, and I should now go finish about four things before I leave today.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:52 PM

    May 09, 2004

    so that's what it's like

    It's amazing how much less a telecommuting day feels like work, no matter how productive I am. I feel almost as if I've had a three-day weekend. Rudder's back, so it's also been a snuggle sort of weekend. Add in few chores planned, lunch with a friend Friday, a trip to the library on Saturday, time to read at least a few of the ensuing books, AND to go to the gym Saturday morning to make up for skipping Thursday (since I had time I did about twice as many exercises) AND to do some embroidery and beadwork and I do believe this could fairly be called a relaxing weekend.

    Even better, after next week I have two four-day weeks in a row, because first we have the race and I took off the following Monday to drive home, then there's Memorial Day weekend. Also, we just bought tickets to go see the in-laws in Oregon in July, so now that feels much closer. I love Oregon (and the in-laws, too). It's not that I really get to kick back much in summer, especially what with trying to be outside as little as possible (it was 90 degrees by about 8AM today) but I've definitely got that summer relaxing thing going today. Too bad about having to go to work tomorrow -- I'd better get back to enjoying it while it lasts!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:20 PM

    May 07, 2004

    under cover

    So since I'm working from home today (yay!) I planned to meet Egret and the chicks for lunch at a cafe in a used-book store. Shortly before I left, a package was delivered with some clothes I'd ordered. They had that nasty new-packaged-clothes smell, so I tried them on quickly so I could throw them in the washer before I left. (Wouldn't want to wash something and then have to return it.) Afterwards, I put the dress I'd been wearing back on, a plain black t-shirt minidress with no fastenings or ornamentation, and headed out. About two miles from the house, I realized I'd put my dress on inside out.

    I had three options: go back home and fix it and be late to lunch; go right to the bathroom in the store and fix it; or assume no one would notice. I decided to go with option 3, since my hair is just long enough to cover the tags and the only other was to tell was the seams. I've seen external seaming used on purpose for decoration before. I decided that if anyone commented, I'd just tell them I didn't want to be visible to the Unseilighe Fey, this bookstore being one of the few places in town where that might just get a laugh or even a serious nod instead of a blank stare.

    As it happened, no one did comment and even Egret only noticed because I told her the story. It wouldn't have mattered what I'd worn anyway - I could have been naked, I think. I'd forgotten one important fact: when you're hanging out with nine-month-old twins, at the age where they're getting all alert, responsive and coordinated, no one looks at you anyway. There are better things to look at.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:47 PM | Comments (2)

    a review of the Diva Cup

    The Diva Cup is used basically like a tampon. If you're male or squeamish (or both) I suggest not reading further.

    The Diva Cup is a small soft rubber cup that collects menstrual flow and is inserted more or less like a tampon. It's reusable indefinitely -- the idea is that you take it out, empty it, wash it with hot water and put it back in. You can wear it up to twelve hours, according to the instructions. It comes in two sizes; the larger is only 1/8" bigger than the smaller, and they recommend the small size only if you're under 30 AND haven't had a child.

    So that's the background. I'd heard of them before, but decided to get one a month or so ago after Natalie linked to the website, which has a list of where they're sold. Only three places in the state were listed, but one is fairly nearby, and I'd been wanting to check it out anyway (The Gentle Strength Co-op in Tempe). You can buy them from the Diva website, too. I used it one day las month and then through this whole cycle, three days. (I'm on the Pill.)

    First problem: the Diva Cup is more expensive than I'd expected, just under $30. It's fairly easy to justify the cost -- what is that, half a year's worth of tampons? -- but only if it works for you. $30 seemed a bit much for a first trial, but I decided to buy it anyway.

    The instructions that come with it are very good, and insertion wasn't too hard. I will say it works for me; I've been wearing it all day, removing it only at night. The caveat is that I'm on the Pill, so I have fairly light flow. I think it would work for heavy bleeding, but you might have to take it out and empty it once in the middle of the day -- though that's not a certainty. Diva says the cup holds one ounce and the entire menstrual flow is only 3-4 oz, so you might still be able to go 12 hours. I confess I've been wearing it more than that, from when I get up to bedtime. This is a big deal, because when it take it out to empty it you're supposed to wash it with hot soapy water, not something I particularly want to be doing in the bathroom sink area at work. (Diva does say if you're in a public washroom you can just wipe the cup out with tolet paper, put it back in, and wash it later.) I just leave it out at night -- haven't used tampons at night for years now, since being horizontal means I don't bleed enough to worry about.

    I've had no leakage, and have never seen more than about 1/8" of blood in the cup. I don't think even a much heavier bleeder would have much trouble with leakage, because the cup gets such a tight seal (more on that later) when it's inserted right. Inserting it right mainly consists of wetting it, folding it as directed, putting it in, and not pushing it farther up the way to do a tampon. When I spoke to someone from Diva's excellent customer service (more on that later, too) she said to leave it riding as low as possible; I did that, with the little stem right inside the outer labia, but it does tend to move up a bit on its own during the day.

    There's no question that the thing works for me, and it's at least as comfortable as a tampon. It has some major advantages over tampons: it only has to be purchased once, and you don't have to slip a spare into your pocket (assuming your work clothes have pockets!) or carry a purse to the ladies' room. (I once had one fall out of my laptop bag during a conference -- under the table, luckily, so I don't think anyone saw.) And speaking of the ladies' room, that's another major advantage over tampons: you don't have to worry about urinating on strings, and it doesn't pop out like tampons sometimes do when you defecate.

    I've had two issues with the Cup. First, it's a bit harder to take a leak -- I have to bear down a bit. I think it's the same problem men with enlargeed prostates have, when there's a bit of compression of the urethra. It's not too bad, not nearly as bad as having a UTI for instance. Second and more serious, the thing is hard as hell for me to get out. Diva's instructions involve grabbing the bottom of the cup and pulling; never a devotee of fisting, I have to bear down hard to get it to where I can get two fingers on it. This should be much less of a problem for anyone who's been through childbirth or is just bigger to begin with. I don't know if either statistic is relevant, but remember I'm a very small person (size 4 pants, usually) and that I have such a small mouth that dentists generally go running for their child-sized implements of torture. However, even once you get a grip on it, the cup is hard to get out, because it seems to form a seal with all those moist tissues. (Oh, yeah -- Diva says another advantage is the cup doesn't dry out vaginal moisture like a tampon. They're right.) I called their extremely and impressively helpful customer service, and the woman I spoke to offered to exchange mine for the smaller size if necessary, but pointed out there's not that much difference between sizes really and offered a few other tips that help a bit -- cutting the stem to 1/4" so the cup can ride lower, twisting as you pull out. Even when I try to tilt it back as I pull, by the way, removal is only difficult; it's never been messy, the way Instead can be.

    I've kept the cup I bought, though I'm still thinking about asking to trade down a size. (I'm impressed they even offer, since it's not like they can resell the old one.) I might call back for further tips first, to see if I'm twisting on the right axis. There does seem to be a knack to it. I don't think I'd recommend it to anyone too squeamish to use an o.b. tampon (the non-inserter type) or who isn't comfortable wearing a tampon. For me, it works, it's comfortable, and I don't have to worry about carrying tampons around. I'm keeping it.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:26 PM | Comments (4)

    May 06, 2004

    a very bad idea

    Well, this is about the worst idea ever. (OK, OK, not as bad as torturing prisoners, but anyway. There are big signs over the higway I take to and from work that are meant to show when there are accidents ahead, notify commuters when the roads will be closed for construction, and broadcast Amber Alerts. This week they've been showing


    CALL 511

    This is apparently a service provided by the AZ DoT; it uses voice recognition software and will let you know about road conditions on a particular road or for the region as a whole and something or other I missed about the Grand Canyon. It doesn't seem to understand me very well, but I'm sure if it did it would be useful.

    Still, about the last thing we need is the state encouraging drivers to use their cell phones while on the road! What are they thinking?

    Oh, and just to add insult to injury, I can't get it to work from my work phone, so I couldn't even call for info before I head home, just when I really need it. I hope my tax dollars aren't funding this.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:26 AM

    May 05, 2004

    muscle-headed but insured

    I'm brewing a political rant and a product review for later in the day. Meanwhile, I'll just note a few random thoughts.

    Rowers don't really like it when you yell, "Stroke...stroke...stroke" at them. If you're a large bunch of ROTC types about to start on a training run, complete with BDUs and backpacks, the rower in question is likely to be tempted to yell back, "What are you, practicing before you go off and torture some prisoners?" At least, if the rower is me. Fortunately I managed to restrain myself, as that didn't seem either prudent, safe or fair to them. I'd like to believe our military is not all tarred with the same brush.

    Exercise-induced brain cell attition continues. Yesterday I manage to tell a coworker about it twice, convincing myself in the course of the second telling that I had forgotten to list the conference room for a meeting I'd called. I hadn't.) Meanwhile, the resources diverted from the brain are going to my muscles. My shoulders and arms are noticeably -- to me -- bigger and I think my abs are too. Unfortunately, the surface fat is still there, so they're not more defined or better-looking, just bigger. All this means is that armholes are tighter and when I row my arms rub against my sides, which gets old after a thousand strokes. Maybe the next thing is that the muscle will burn more calories and so I'll start to burn fat and show some definition. That's what they claim is supposed to happen, anyway.

    I get a couple of long weekends in a row at the end of this month, because first we have the regatta, for which I had to take Monday off to drive home, and then it's Memorial Day. I get three weeks of vacation (two is standard in the US) as well as 11 holidays, but it's still not nearly enough. Five would be better, but I wouldn't want to pay European tax rates to get it. Some time, though, I really should do that math: add in my health insurance costs to my taxes and figure out the effective percentage. I do have decent insurance through my company, so even with reacent years' raises, I suspect it's still lower than in most of the countries with socialized medicine.

    That's an interesting point, by the way. I keep hearing horror stories about health care or lack thereof in the US, and I'm not denigrating those stories, but I've always had good insurance through work. So has Rudder, and granted that we're college-educated engineers and all that, but then so have my parents, generally through Mom's job as an admin. In fact, even when I was in college I stayed on my parents' insurance because I was in the same city and theirs was cheaper than Student Health. So there are a lot of us for whom the system works -- but even for us, costs have gone up quite a lot in the last few years, and I've never been a believer in the "I've Got Mine" school of poltical thought.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:02 AM

    May 04, 2004


    Update on this incident: Apparently the same exact thing happened to someone else, which makes it considerably easier for the company to believe they were at fault. Furthermore, they have the tape of the original call, in which I did ask, "Are you sure there will be no negative effect to my account [if I withdraw the money]?" Smart me, for not specificially limiting the question to tax penalties.

    I should clarify, by the way, that this is not the HR department of the company I work for, but a separate company retained to manage our 401(k) funds. Apparently my company is not very happy with them over this.

    The two companies have worked out an offer: if I send in a check returning the money I withdrew, they will deposit the amount of matching funds I would have earned in those 90 days. I'm not thrilled about having to scratch up the cash (a few hundred dollars) but on the other hand I would be returning it to my own retirement account. Also, the amount to be gained is roughly twice the amount I withdrew. I told the rep I'd call him back tomorrow with my decision, and thanked him for following up.

    Either way, this is good. Honestly, I expected that the rep would write down what happened on a piece of paper, it would get passed up the chain of command, some higher-up would laugh at it, and I'd never hear of the matter again. Score one for my company.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:53 PM

    May 03, 2004

    Flowers for Algernon, last half

    I've been trying to work out harder lately in preparation for a race at the end of this month (the Gold Rush, in Sacramento) and sure enough, brain cells are ging on strike. I'm beginning to wonder if that stereotype about athletes being stupid has some basis in fact or if it's just me. Either way, with Rudder away, my nightly check has been extended to cover things that should be routine: check front door is locked, back door is locked, garage is closed, stove is off, both cats in, vitamin taken, alarm set, clothes packed for tomorrow. (The stove and garage door can be assumed in more highly functional times.) I left my PDA at work over the weekend so I couldn't address a card -- then when I got to work I started to write my name on the envelope instead of the recipient's.

    And tonight -- I don't know if this is stupidity or loneliness, though Rudder's only been gone a day) I caught myself saying to the cat, "I'll let you out back, but only if you promise to come in at bedtime." I stopped myself by 'promise', realizing that may well be the stupidest sentence ever to emerge from my mouth. (Cat owners will realize that even if they could speak and understand English, a cat would never make a promise. Or maybe he just wouldn't keep it.)

    Oh what the heck. I responded to this at Chez Mechaieh the other day -- I think that means I'm supposed to pass it on. And the way my brain cells are going right now, I'll probably believe anything I read: Invent a memory of me and post it in the comments. It can be anything you want, so long as it's something that's never happened. Then, of course, post this to your journal and see what people would like to remember of you, only the universe failed to cooperate in making it happen so they had to make it up instead.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:46 PM | Comments (2)

    retail therapy

    I have got to figure out a better way to cheer myself up when Rudder goes away than retail therapy. I'd have been OK with the pedicure and the mall trip, mostly because I couldn't find anything I wanted in the mall anyway except a couple of hair ornaments, but then I resorted to catalogs and the Internet to find the things I was looking for in the first place -- a few books (I ended up getting used instead of new, so hardbacks cost the same as new papberbacks would have), a twin set, another cardigan and a sleeveless turtleneck (on sale), two dresses (one on sale) and another sleeveless sweater.

    Whew. I was afraid it would look like more listed out like that. Still, Alibris, L.L. Bean, and The Territory Ahead are evil tempting places. No, they're not. It's all my own fault for seeking them out. It's not that I don't have the money, just that I'd be much better off saving or investing it. (Well, saving it, anyway. As soon as I invest in anything it immediately drops like a stone. At least when I fritter away cash on clothing I get something back for my money.)

    Unfortunately, it's getting too hot here to go hiking instead, which is what I used to do. Maybe next time, I'll go bouldering at the climbing gym. And then I'll get a pedicure.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:59 PM

    April 30, 2004


    I gave my uncle the URL to my old diary so he could look at some of the Antarctic photos there. Apparently he passed it on to my mother. Sigh.

    Hi, Mom.

    Hmmm.... don't think I've said anything incriminating.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:07 AM | Comments (1)


    Hi, Mom.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:54 AM

    April 29, 2004

    general grumbling

    Some guy in a refresher class I was teaching complained today because I interrupted him -- to ask him to speak louder so everyone could hear his question. How would that even work? Let him finish and then ask, at which point he'd have forgotten what he was saying and we'd all have to sit through either the same question twice or a long mumble and then a question? Bear in mind this is a class we've tried to tailor to go as quickly as possible.

    There is a fine line between being entitled to expect good manners and being overly sensitive.

    More grumbling...

    Rudder and I spent yesterday in an email go-round with our former rowing club. Someone sent out a message chiding us for quitting the club because we got no benefits from it instead of working from within to improve it. I sent a message back explaining that we had done exactly that for years, but had now gotten tired of having our attempts rebuffed while our $200/year dues (each) were happily accepted. We row our own boats, don't use their equipment, and really had belonged all these years only to foster the cause of rowing in this area. Given the number of people and programs out on the lake each morning, though, it's fair to say it's firmly established now. Unfortunately, the guy had sent his accusations to quite a few people, so I felt it was necessary to reply to the same group, in our own defense.

    He sent a nice note back, saying he was sorry he hadn't had all the information and that he still hopes to to make the club a better place and that we will rejoin, so I sent an even nicer reply saying we'd be happy to when our aims were all in accordance. We did get a nastygram from the club president (who had been cc'd) claiming we were evilly trying to lure his people away, which I thought was funny considering most of the others involved had decided to quit the club out of similar frustration or told us they planned to -- and that latter group includes his own wife. Hee.

    OK, done grumbling now. Must remember to go buy a Mother's Day card.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:02 PM

    April 27, 2004

    I still feel dirty...

    My week started with a bang yesterday morning. The early meeting that I thought
    would be excruciating wasn't bad at all (except, of course, for being at 8AM on a
    Monday). Also, I had to cut my row short for it. On the other hand, when I went to
    rinse out my mug preparatory to making morning tea, I took the lid off and found
    myself facing an enormous cockroach. I mean, like, with his own zip code. Or at
    least his own address.

    Anybody walking by the ladies' room just then
    must have really wondered what was going on, if they heard me

    That cup's lid fits tightly. I still have no idea how that
    thing got in through the small sipping hole; apparently he's Cockroach Houdini.
    Fortunately I had a spare cup around. I took the other one home, soaked it in
    diluted bleach for an hour (which, incidentally, did a very nice job of removing
    the tea stains) and ran it through the dishwasher, contrary though that may
    be to its washing instructions. I realize simple dishwashing would have been
    sufficient for all sanitary purposes; it's just that finding a cockroach in your
    cup requires extreme measures to cleanse all perception of ickiness before
    drinking from it again.

    I didn't step on the roach; I refuse to stomp
    in anythign big enough to squish. Mr. Roach is no doubt very happy in the
    lidded bathroom trashcan where I dumped him . Then again, anything that could get
    through a hole three sizes smaller than his body probably wouldn't have found
    escaping from that trash can much of a challenge.

    From here on out, I
    believe I will be rinsing out that cup promptly.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:55 PM

    April 26, 2004

    Mr. Cup, meet Mr. Roach

    Well, this morning's been a toss-up. The early meeting that I thought would be excruciating wasn't bad at all (except, of course, for being at 8AM on a Monday). I had to cut my row short for it. On the other hand, when I went to rinse out my mug preparatory to making morning tea, I took the lid off and found myself facing an enormous cockroach.

    Yes, I squeaked.

    The lid fits tightly, too. I still have no idea how that thing got in through the small sipping hole. Fortunately I have a spare cup around, because I'm not drinking from the other one until it's gone through the dishwasher, contrary though that may be to its washing instructions. Mr. Roach is no doubt very happy in the lidded bathroom trashcan where I dumped him (not wanting to step on something big enough to squish. Or, given his Houdini-like skills, maybe not.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:48 PM

    April 23, 2004

    texas music

    Over at the New Place: my reaction to Texas
    Monthly's list of 100 top Texas songs.

    I don't think I could have
    compiled my list at all during the 7 years I lived in Texas; sometimes you need to
    leave a place before you can recognize its essence.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:55 AM

    April 19, 2004

    a wedding!

    I think I've figured out what I'm going to do here. I'll probably keep this site
    just so I can go look at my Buddies list to see who's updated, but put most of my
    own upates on the other site. I know lots of
    people have multiple diaries/blogs, but I can't think of much I really need to
    keep separated that way. I'll probably keep the archives here, though, even after
    I figure out how to copy them over. I may keep noting workouts

    More importantly, go congratulate href="">Badsnake and href="">Deb - they're now officially wed!
    There's a glorious picture (two, actually, but one really is glorious because of
    the looks on their faces) on Bad's site, courtesy of href=""a>Krapsnart.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:01 PM


    Rereading Sean Stewart's Mockingbird, I noticed the reviews on the front and back cover. Neal Stephenson says "Stephen King meets Ibsen. Trust me." The San Diego Union-Tribune begins theirs with "A gentle, funny, affirming novel..." They do go on to say "Like a poet with a cattle prod..." but still: gentle? I'm not sure they and Stephenson read the same book. I'm quite sure they and I didn't. Stephenson and I probably did, though I'd quibble with the choice of authors; I'd have said Stewart combines Stephenson himself with maybe Viginia Woolf, and I'm more sure about the Stephenson than the Woolf. And a dash of Connie Willis, too.

    I've been taking advantage of working at home today to spend my lunch break illing out the new bookshelves. Shelving books is such a subjective thing. For example, I separate hardbacks and paperbacks because they just don't sit well together -- but what about big trade-format paperbacks? Byatt's Possession, for example, is larger than most of my hardbacks. I decided to put them with the paperbacks for now, just because the space worked well that way. I did think of seprating them into their own space, but sometimes the line between mass-market PB ad other PB is a very thin one. I've also separated out Rudder's technothrillers (Tom Clancy, Steven Coonts, and so on) from my mystery PBs, with whom they had been interleaved, just because it let me fit the latter all in one case.

    All of the fiction is now neatly shelved with some space for additions, but I still have a lot of crowding in the nonfiction bookcase, especially in the biographies, history, and opinion (those three categories sound redundant!). I may be able to move the PBs among them into the living room, especially because I have one shelf there that's set too short for anything but PBs, and leave the hardbacks where they are. Or I could get rid of some (we are talking about such literary gems as Robert Fulghum's essay collections, ...and more by Andy Rooney, Katherine Hepburn's Me, and On the Road with Charles Kuralt. Still as soon as I did that I'd nudoubtedly have a yen to reread one. Sometimes I'm just not up for literary gems.

    I bet this all isn't nearly as much fun if you're a professional librarian and they're not your own books.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:26 AM

    April 18, 2004

    go see!

    Oh, please, go look again! (You have
    to imagine me bouncing up and down like a little kid here.) I've got new pretty
    colors, and a blogroll (sorry if I missed anyone) and a way cool new href="">front page. And the email and comments all work,
    so let me know if you want to be on the notify list.

    (I bet there's a
    way to automate that. Woder what it is?)

    It does turn out there's a
    way to automate moving the archives, but I've had enough excitement for one
    weekend. Between the new site and new bookshelves whose little pegs simply did not
    want to cooperate in holding up shelves, I've spent way too much of a gorgeous
    weekend holed up indoors. On the plus side, I'm telecommuting tomorrow (yay!) and
    the more I get done today, the fewer temptations to slack off.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:53 PM


    I feel like I should have had an "under construction" sign taped to my forehead today. This site's far from done but it's furnished enough to move into. My new bookshelves (the ones we ordered for my birthday) are finally here. It took me all of yesterday and this morning, on and off, and involved both hammers and petroleum jelly, but I've finally got all the little pegs in the holes, and the shelves set on them and am beginning to load them up with books. Yesterday, we decided to take my car to a party only to find out that a rear tire was very, very flat, so I got to take that off and get it fixed, too. (Notes to fellow car non-cognoscenti: Sears' car service place is open on Sunday, and they charged me all of $16 to fix the tire. $16! I can barely fill the tank on that car for that little cash -- in fact, I can't gas up my pickup for under $20.)

    Meanwhile Rudder spent most of the morning digging out the narrow strip behind the pool, where some moron builder or former owner ran electrical wires through PVC pipe. This is not a great idea in an area where plant roots might grow into the pipe, or where later owners might want to dig out plants and put new ones in, or where a sprinkler system also runs. In this case, all three conditions are true. After he's got that fixed, next week we'll be putting new plants in. There are three palm trees there now, so we need something mid-sized to fill the gaps and then some ground cover in front. I'm thinking maybe candytuft for that, but we're also considering agave (native to this area) for the midsized, and it seems like a weird combination. Another possibliity is ivey or something drooping in large urns. I like the idea of candytuft around that. Maybe low desert grasses instead if we go with the agave.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:03 PM | Comments (4)

    April 17, 2004

    It's up!

    It's here! The new diary is up. Right now it's very plain vanilla; I've managed to
    change the colors but not much else. My problem is as usual that I can figure out
    the coding (eventually) but my graphic design skills are minimal. Some of this
    stuff, like the archiving and the comments, appears to work well without any
    commenting, but right now there are no links to email me or to other sites I read
    or anything else. (Later note: figured out how to dolinks.) Still, it's there. If
    you are some kind of internet anthopologist with an interest in how these things
    evolve, you can see it href="">here.

    The separate photo
    album isn't started yet, though I have figured out how to include images in the
    diary itself.

    There will be a notify list; this is one of the things
    MovableType kindlly handles for me. If you'd like to join it before I figure out
    how links work, email me or leave a comment there or in the guestbook here.

    It's a bit pastel at the moment and I'm not really in a pastel mood.
    On the other hand it's a color I use a lot, including on the walls in a couple
    rooms here. It makes me think of skies and water. Anyway, suggestions are welcome.
    I haven't yet decided whether to move all updates over there now or wait until
    it's more customized, but I will certainly announce that here.

    Meanwhile, it's pretty much what MT starts ou off with, except that it's blue.
    This means it's serviceable but looks very much like everybody else's MT blog. I
    will have to Do Something about that!

    Posted by dichroic at 08:03 PM

    New Journal Site

    I'm here! Creating this site was very slightly easier than I expected -- meaning I had it done just after noon on Saturday instead of late on Sunday -- partly because I have some experience in Unix and with using ftp and telnet, rusty though it is, but mostly because there are very helpful instructions for uploading MovableType to Dreamhost here.

    Once I get this site fully set up, all new entries will be posted here instead of at Diaryland. Archives may or may not be moved over, depending how onerous that turns out to be. (Right now I think that may be unlikely, given that I have over 1200 entries in the old archives.)

    Posted by dichroic at 01:36 PM | Comments (4)

    April 16, 2004

    what do I call me?

    Meetings, meetings, meetings. Anyway.

    I've gotten as far as buying my
    very own domain for photos. This won't be the main journal one but a separate one
    - that way I can link the journal to the pictures but not vice versa, which should
    be convenient for showing pictures when I want the option not to spill out my
    whole life story.

    It looks like setting up Movable Type is basically
    an exercise in Unix (or likely Linux) which means I might have trouble figuring
    out what to do but I'll understand it when I do. This is an added benefit. I like
    Unix and haven't gotten to touch it for some time. Likelihood I'll remember the
    options for the tar command: approaching zero. Fortunately I don't have to since
    someone has kindly written step-by-step instructions for dowloading MT to the host
    I'm tentatively planning to use. I have no idea what to do after
    downloading it, but I hope all will become clear at the proper

    The thing I haven't figured out, and the most fun decision to
    make, is what to use for my primary domain name. www.dichroic.just about anything
    is taken, not surprisingly. I worry that dichroicreflections is too unwieldy for
    anyone to type. I like av8rx (aviatrix) but it feels like cheating, since my pilot
    rating isn't exactly current at the moment. icantirow ("I can't, I row", a rowers'
    T-shirt slogan) is tempting. riseagain fits well, since I live in Phoenix, I'm a
    Stan Rogers fan, and I get up way too damned early most weekday mornings, but....
    I don't know, it just makes me sad to get away from the Dichroic handle. It's been
    good to me. I've come to identify with it. Of course the site could be, but I'm not sure that makes any sense.

    I expect I'll be spending much of this weekend swearing at the
    computer, but it should be fun. I will keeping updating here until / unless I have
    everything working elsewhere, and maybe even after that.

    And someday
    I'll learn to make a decision without talking it through with everyone in the
    world first. Or maybe not.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 15, 2004


    Molly Ivins would use the term "peckerwoods". My own word for the people who
    manage my company's 401(k) is somewhat less flattering. Consider this a cautionary
    tale in dealing with your own.

    Toward the end of last year, I
    realized something looked different on my check - the amount deposited in my
    account went down a little. I investigated, of course. What has happened
    everywhere else I've worked is that toward the end of the year if you hit the max
    amount on your pre-tax 401(k) contributions, they just stop putting money in until
    the end of the year and pay it out to you instead. It's a handy bit of extra year-
    end. Here, instead, they keep putting the money in your account, only now it's put
    in after tax, so you get a little less in your check because of the tax

    What I decided to do was to withdraw the after-tax amount as a
    lump sum, having had an expensive December (new roof, Antarctic trip). Since it is
    after-tax money, you can do this without any sort of penalty.

    A few
    days ago, I got a note in the mail stating that company contributions to my 401(k)
    had been reinstated. This was a surprise to me, since I hadn't had any idea they
    had ever stopped. (Yes, my company contributes to our 401(k) accounts, just
    another reason I like this place.) I called to see what was up. Apparently, if
    you've worked here less than 5 years and make a withdrawal for any reason,
    including after-tax monies, they stop the company contributions for 3 months.

    This strikes me as nonintuitive, and the sort of thing their
    personnel really ought to have told me when I talked to them about withdrawing the
    money. Note that I did not call up asking to withdraw; I called to see why my
    check was smaller and made the decision to withdraw in consultation with one of
    their people.

    The consultant I spoke to informed me this practice is
    documented in the Summary Plan Description. No doubt it is, but that's a long
    document in teeny-tiny type and even if I Had read it as carefully as I ought
    (instead of skimming, as I did) I'm not sure I'd have caught that salient point,
    much less remembered it months later when the document was at home and I was on
    the phone to these people at work. Further, I can't see the point when it's a
    matter of after-tax monies, which shouldn't be different than money in any other
    savings acocunt.

    I asked him to figure out how much money I didn't
    get as a result of this, and it turns out to be substantial, $870 or so. Of
    course, I can't say I lost the money because it's money I didn't have to begin
    with, just a nice little extra benefit. Still, that's a large impact when you
    remember that I'm only 37 and that's money that won't be compounding for me to
    retire on in 20-30 years. He's going to escalate the matter, but I don't have much
    hope of anything coming of it.

    Moral: when they say there are no
    drawbacks to taking out your own money, always ask a *lot* of questions and
    remember taxes aren't the only possible penalties.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:41 PM

    April 14, 2004

    a thanks and a maybe

    Not much to say at the moment and I have to run off to (yet another) meeting. I
    just wanted to thank Alex for his gracious response and to say that if I do decide
    to take this writing elsewhere, I'll keep y'all posted. Probably in VERY LARGE
    flashing letters, and multiple times -- one of the big downsides to moving for me
    would be the potential loss of readers. Yes, I am an attention whore and I admit
    it freely.

    On the plus side, Rudder does sound interested in
    reconstituting the photo album he used to keep up, so that's another reason in
    favor. (And a reason to read. They're good photos, honest.)

    Posted by dichroic at 12:13 PM

    April 13, 2004

    a slight correction

    Whew. Waaaay too many meetings today. Not to mention yesterday, tomorrow, and the
    rest of the week.

    Thanks to all who sent advice about diary hosting.
    Notes to Alex: a) is not free even if you own one. b) If you click href="">here you
    will see the list of people at Diaryland who have me listed as a favorite. That
    means these people read this diary and often also my guestbook. In many or most
    cases they have me listed partially because I have them listed, which naturally
    implies I read their diaries as well. If I regularly read someone's online journal
    regularly, enough to friend them, it is fair to assume said journal does *not*
    consist of "masturbatory excreta", at least in my opinion. In fact, several of
    said journalers are far better writers than I will ever be, in my opinion and
    those of quite a few others. (In some cases, that would include their publishers.)
    This also applies to several people who keep journals elsewhere, of course, but
    the list is harder to point to.

    I would not normally scold in
    public, but the relevant guestbook entry is in public so I felt I needed

    There are certainly hundreds and thousands of online journals
    that are crap, but that doesn't mean there's not plenty of excellent writing out
    there. And just to thoroughly belabor the point (for which I am infamous in family
    circles) I should point out the online journals of href="">Pamela Dean, href="">Jo Walton, href="">Neil Gaiman, href="">Steven Brust, href="">Will Shetterly, and href="">Teresa Nielsen Hayden -- just
    to name a few I happen to have bookmarked.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:13 PM

    April 12, 2004

    Where do I go from here?

    Blah. I don't think I have Rudder's cold (he's still not over it -- nasty
    cold!) but I have had a sore throat and a blah-ish feeling all weekend. It's been
    nice having the real chicken soup around, anyway. I feel a bit better now, but my
    throat hurts more, probably because I've been coughing more. It mostly seems to be
    just in my throat, though, not in my head and only minorly in my lungs. Could be

    In addition to feeling scratchy and constricted in the throat,
    I've also been feeling a bit constricted here, at Diaryland, lately. I'm
    reasonably happy with being able to create my page in raw HTML, and the server's
    been mostly reliable lately, so it's mostly a matter of lack of space for photos -
    - only 5 mB. The options seem to be as follows:

    • Upgrade to
      SuperGold, 30 mB for $54/year, no new interface to
    • Go to Typepad and learn a simple interface, 100 mB for
      $108/year, or get 200mB for $180/year and get to choose between simple I/F
      and HTML. Also, if I buy a domain name I can redirect it there. Also, if I want to
      register a domain name it's $4.95 and up -- but I think there are hidden
    • Go to a hosting service and learn MovableType, which
      sounds like a pretty large hassle. Then again, I do have a programming background,
      which may or may not help. Cost: Approx $120/year for 200mB (varies). Some
      hosts will also throw in registration of a domain name.
    • Stay at D-
      land and just buy space elsewhere to host photos -- don't know how much if any
      coding would be required.

    I'd appreciate feedback from
    people familiar with one or more of these options and any others I've missed, and
    for hosts you'd recommend - or not. (Natalie, I did bookmark the one you


    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 11, 2004

    How else?

    Funy thing: one of my dinner guests last night asked, "How long did all this take
    you? All day??"

    Well, yeah -- actually, in fact I'd made the
    chocolate torte and mixed up the matzo balls and put the batter in the fridge the
    day before. How else do you make a holiday dinner? Do other people just not make
    holiday dinners as a regular thing?

    On the other hand, I'm awed by
    the people who can cook for 10 or 15 or 30 guests. The most I've fed is 11, and
    that was just chili (and the mother of the two children asked if she could make
    them bologna sandwiches instead). When we lived in Houston, a father and son we
    rowed with had us over for wonderful Seder dinners, with three tables full of
    people. Of course, usually when you're feeding a horde you have a lot of help
    cooking, but still, that was an impressive spread. (My guests yesterday would have
    been happy to bring food, but since they're not Jewish they wouldn't have known
    what's Pasadic; Since I wanted a traditional dinner I gently discouraged them and
    they brought flowers instead. Wouldn't want anyone to think my friends don't have
    good manners.)

    I've heard a few people comment that they don't know
    how to make a big dinner at all. I know how to do this because this is what we did
    for all our holidays as I was growing up. We'd have dinner with my grandparents
    and uncle; my uncle would be staying with them and would help cook and we'd bring
    a food over as well. Sometimes they came over to our house instead or we all went
    to another relative's. This is normal to me, and happy, and traditional in the
    best way. ("You do the same thing every year and you're not tired of it," as I
    recently saw a small boy quoted.)

    Luckily Rudder's family does the
    same, except for Thanksgiving and Christmas instead of Passover and Rosh Hashanah.
    These days when we haven't gotten together with one of our families, I invite
    family-by-choice over instead, or people I'd like to know better. How better to
    bring people together than over food?

    Posted by dichroic at 05:01 PM

    April 08, 2004

    how can I keep from singing?

    NPR had an essay (what do you call it when it's viva voce instead of in print?)
    yesterday from a woman who is feeling ground down by the tragedy in the news everyday: she sees a happy little girl crossing the street, with her dog and her dad, and thinks of how many little girls aren't able to cross the street safely,
    or wear pretty dresses, or get enough to eat because their countries are
    undergoing war, pestilence, or famine. Every day on the news she hears about more deaths in Iraq. She doesn't want to grow calloused but can't deal with all the world's sorrows either.

    I don't want to grow calloused either. One of the things I love about NPR is that every week or so they go talk to the friends and family of a solider killed in action, which helps me remember that these are all people, with lives and personalities and dreams, not a faceless list of names. I start dripping tears much more often than I'd like on my daily commute, listening to reports of more hatred popping up in the West Bank or another powermonger getting away with something the average person would be imprisoned for or someone else dying just from being in the href="">wrong place and time.

    It's a dilemma built in to all the advantages that come with better news of the world, though it's not particularly new any more; the same thing must have happened to those who read the lists and lists of dead and wounded in the newspapers after Verdun as much as to those watching children burning in napalm at Khe Sanh.

    I think the answer is in remembering the things that balance out the sorrows. Yes, there are little girls who can't have dogs because every one in their village is so hungry that all the dogs have long since been eaten. There are little girls who can't cross the street because there are land mines under the street. But there is also this little girl, right here, and she is giggling and chattering and skipping and she has every chance of getting to grow up safely and have little girls of her own, and there are many, many little girls like her. There are trees in bloom in Mechaieh's yard and there are trees in bud in Melissa's woods and there will be wildflowers along the road on my way home. There is spring in the world, and I get to be here to see and breathe it. There are happy babies in the world and two of them will be at my house for a late/early Seder this weekend. I may not like some of what's going on in my country just now but I also know we have a chance to change it all this year. There are people living the lives they want to live and loving the people they want to love and quite a lot of them talk about it online every day where I can read it and share a bit in their happiness.

    Not that that's license to rest easy, because there are wars and tragedies and violence and hatred and any of that is too much -- but how can you keep going unless you see the beauty of it all too?

    I like what Mechaieh says href="">today about grace because her words seem to me to touch on the wild joy I have to believe is at the heart of the universe, and I hope she won't mind my

    Sometimes I find myself ridiculously near tears as I try to accept that I will not always be around to savor all this - and simultaneously wildly joyful and grateful, for I'm invariably and inevitably reminded that my being here at all seems to me such a tangle of accident, coincidence and deliberate design. Such sweetness each season - oh, abiding and abundant grace.

    When friends rejoice both far and near / How can I keep from singing?

    Special bonus today: when I went looking for this entry to link to
    above, I found that it had somehow gotten in my private folder (where I never put anything). So there you have a Dichroic poem that is four months old, but has never been seen in public until now. I don't think it sucks, except for maybe a few awkward spots.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 07, 2004

    power clothes

    As I was walking - no, striding -- into work this morning, I realized I was
    wearing a Power Outfit. I had something of the feeling Clark Kent must get when he
    puts on the cape and the big S, except of course that I still couldn't fly or see
    through anything. The funny thing is, I'm not wearing href="">black and silver or
    anything in the least edgy or dangerous-looking. I am, in fact, clothed in
    Professional Edging on Girly. (Do other people have this category?) I have on a
    sheath dress in a plum tweed with flecks of red, violet and pink that ends three
    inches above my knee when I'm standing; the sweater that goes with the shell I was
    wearing here (where I had
    taken it off in the vain hope of having my arms look buff); silver earrings,
    necklace, watch and rings plus my engagement ring; and high heeled open-toed
    mules. It's actually a fairly comfortable outfit except for the heels, which put
    all my weight on the balls of my feet with no padding.

    I think the
    heels are the secret of the power, though. I can't mince or plod in heels; I have
    to stride. Or it may lie in the expanse of bare legs that (I fondly and foolishly
    believe) shout, "I am in shape and I CAN KICK YOUR BUTT!". (Not because I'm in
    such great shape, but the dress hides the parts that aren't and shows the parts
    that are.) People have been glancing at me all day. Of course I have no way to
    tell if they're thinking "She looks powerful!" or "Hey baby," or "Where does she
    think she is, Sex and the City? Not professional outside a TV show," but that's
    OK. I'll just stride on believing what I want to believe, other people can
    silently snark at me, and we'll all be happy.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:36 PM

    April 06, 2004

    that should be godDESS, thank you

    Second entry today:

    border="0" alt="Grammar God!">
    You are a GRAMMAR GOD!

    your mission in life is not already to
    preserve the English tongue, it should
    Congratulations and thank you!

    0are%20you%3F/"> How grammatically sound are you?

    brought to you by href="">Quizilla

    Posted by dichroic at 04:36 PM

    no guilt required

    Not much time to write; I have to get back to my all-day class. I do have two
    things I wanted to record, though.

    When I asked Rudder, "Why
    orchids?" I was meaning to ask, "Why is this different than any other time: Why
    flowers now and not other times? Are you apologizing and saying you were wrong or
    just not wanting us to be mad at each other? Did you know they're my favorites?
    Was this a really big thing to you and that's why these instead of

    (It's Passover. There have to be four

    His answer: "They were easily available. The florist I
    went to once before (like, half a decade ago!) has closed (wonder why!) so I went
    to the supermarket. The only other thing they had were Easter lilies and I didn't
    think you'd want those."

    Very typical. Still, there's the going to
    two whole places on purpose for flowers. Very untypical. Not to mention
    sensitivity points for avoiding the lilies.

    Also, I had the sort of
    epiphany which makes you realize what a dumbass you've been. I always feel
    slightly guilty for not keeping Passover and for not having a real Seder. I blame
    the latter on my grocery store's and work cafeteria's selection: even getting
    Kosher for Passover matzah was difficult. (I have never understood the raison
    d'etre of any other kind. It's not like you can't eat Passover food the res tof
    the year.)

    But on the Seder issue, I don't even really know how to
    run one, even if I had Jewish people to invite, and I realized this morning this
    is because my family never had a real Seder, only a big family dinner. Moreover, I
    don't think my mom's family ever had Seders growing up. (Dad's might have but they
    were pretty fragmented otherwise.) We'd hide the Afikoment, and one of us might
    ask the Feer Kashes, and ther'd be n extra glass for Elijah, but that's about it.
    So when I just make a big dinner of traditional food and serve it to people I care
    about, this is my family's religious tradition. No guilt required.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:17 PM

    April 05, 2004


    *Dichroic emits a high-pitched whining sound suggested of shock and overcome

    Orchids. There are orchidson my table.

    Now I feel like a total heel.

    You have to understand
    the Rudder never buys me flowers. Well, that's not strictly true. He did
    once soon after we met in 1990 and I think maybe one or two other times since. And
    he once brought me an adorable tiny bouquet of sagebush flowers and oleander
    flowers, in a shotglass, to cheer me up when I was unemployed. In general, the man
    is not florally inclined.

    Yesterday we had a bit of a spat - it's
    enough to say that he did something I thought was inconsiderate and it escalated
    from there. Matters weren't helped any by incipient hormones on my part and
    lingering cold germs on his. In other words, I still think he was wrong, but there
    may have been overreaction on both parts. There was stomping away and not speaking
    for, oh, a good half-hour or so. Further complicating matters is that I've been
    sleeping in the spare room for the last few nights at his strong suggestion, in an
    attempt to avoid his cold and because it's the only way to get any sleep. (He's
    got this barking cough and even two rooms away I've been using earplugs.)

    However, before bedtime there was some more civilized conversation
    and I did sneak in in the dark for a quick snuggle (carefully avoiding his hands
    or face in case of lingering germfulness). Maybe that's why. Rudder does tend to
    reflect back anything you throw at him, which is annoying in that he rarely will
    apologize while you're sitll mad at him, but is at least predictable -- if you're
    calm enough to work with it.

    And now cattleyas, and they're even
    carefully placed on a bt of paper towel so the vase won't scratch the wood table.
    Somehow I feel guiltier than any angry words could have made me.

    Wonder if that's what he was aiming for? Some things can definitely
    be overanalyzed.

    Orchids. *snif*

    In other
    ways, his day has been a joy so far. This was the best morning on the water *ever*
    and I wish Rudder hadn't still been recuperating. Just enough breeze to feel good,
    not enough to disturb the water's mirror reflections. Most of the local programs
    raced in the San Diego Crew Classic and so weren't on the water today. (We didn't
    go because it's for eights only.) So there were me, Hardcore, She-Hulk, and one
    novice eight moving slowly enough that its accompanying launch didn't kick up any
    wake. Perfect temperature. And as a bonus, we got to see a beautiful moonset and
    sunrise, with just enough clouds to make each spectacular. Then there was the joy
    that is telecommuting, a very nice lunch with friends and assorted offspring who'd
    all grown since I saw them last (the offspring, not the friends), and a call to
    say the comfy chairs we bought two months ago are in and ready to be picked up.
    And then the shock of walking into this room and seeing orchids.

    and the weather's cool. And I get Friday off. My life is just full of
    goodness right now.

    These may be famous last words, but I don't think
    even the dentist can mess up this day too badly.

    Later note: he didn't.

    How do you stop purveyers of hate? By denying the attention they want. href="">Jo Walton writes:

    Redressing balances

    I understand why it is that Google's top hit for the word "Jew" is an anti-semitic
    hate site, it's because of the way their weighting works -- it's probably the site
    with the largest total number of instances of the word "Jew" and because it's not
    a word people would normally put as a link, and Google weights by links. It's just

    So in an attempt to redress the balance on this, lots of people on LJ, the first I
    saw was womzilla, are putting their own counterlinks. So, Wikipedia has a useful
    and factual entry which can be found under Jew and there's also a Faq with xiphias
    recommends at Jew.

    April 04, 2004

    put it to a vote

    Yay! I don't have to pack for rowing tomorrow because I get to work at

    Boo! It's looking like the weather will be unpleasant to row in
    but not bad enough to stay home!

    Yay! I also don't have to brave 40
    miles of idiots trying to drive while talking on cellphones or trying to drive
    while half-awake! (That latter would include me.)

    Boo! I have to go
    to the dentist in the middle of the day!

    Yay! Before the dental visit
    I get to go have lunch with Egret AND the babies AND Hardcore + youngest offspring
    AND She-Hulk!!!

    And I get to spend all day in my nice house instead
    of the office!

    And there it is - the Yay!s have it.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:14 PM

    April 03, 2004

    slow Saturday

    That "be careful what you wish for" thing is visting me ths weekend, presumably
    courtesy of Murphy and his Law.....

    Remeber how I was talking last
    weekend about needing some relaxing downtime? Oops. I knew it was going to be a
    fairly boring weekend, given that the most exciting thing I had planned was food
    shopping. Also, Rudder's had a cold for the past few days. What I didn't know
    until I got home yesterday was that he was actually sick enough to stay home from
    work all day, which for my workaholic husband is unusual. (I did try calling him
    at home when I couldn't get him at work, just in case, but he's entirely capable
    of sleeping through a ringing phone.) I knew it was pretty bad when he and She-
    Hulk came in after only two laps Wednesday and then he actually skipped workouts
    on both Thursday and Friday. (He would have anyway on Friday due to the rain, but
    he'd actually plan to ski; in advance. And normally he'd have erged.) He was
    apparently comatose for much of the day. We had about five minutes' conversation
    in which he informed me I should sleep in the spare room, I brought him some
    chicken soup, and that was about it. (Sleeping in the other room was definitely a
    good decision. The rooms are not even contiguous, and I still had to wear
    earplugs to sleep through his coughing.)

    He's been a bit better
    today, but not well enough to do more than shift between bed and sofa. At least
    he was able to eat the chili I made for dinner and to help me unpack groceries.
    Barely. So I am getting a hyperquiet weekend, having done nothing more than read,
    stitch, and visit the supermarket. Now I remember why I don't do this much. I'm
    sure I'll feel better for it during the week. I hope Rudder also feels better
    soon. The weather is also cooperating by being wonderfully gray and cool -- with
    luck it'll rain again. We'll take all the moisture we can get, out here.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:10 PM

    April 02, 2004


    How to torture Dichroic: Tie her in a chair and don't let her talk or

    My teeth hurt. This is what last night entailed:

    1) tech inserts ducklips in my mouth (you know, those things
    orthodontists and so on use to force your mouth open and your lips wide).

    tech inserts various other bits of gauze, puts orange goggles on me, sunscreen on
    my lower face, and aloe on my lips.

    3) I begin thinking, "I know this is
    going to hurt eventually, so I really wish she wouldn't use up ten minutes of my
    pain-free time with the preparation."

    4) tech begins telling about how she
    gave her mother a dog for the latter's 83rd birthday, while adjusting bits of
    gauze. I begin to appreciate having gear in place that prevents betrayal of what a
    spectacularly bad idea this sounds like, given that tech never once mentions
    conferring with mother to figure out if she actually wants and can take care of a
    live dog.

    5) tech finishs up with a bit of wet gauze on my nose and a big
    gauze triangle over my lower face with a hole cut out for my mouth. She tapes this
    and bits of gauze in place, then paints blue protective stuff on my gums and foamy
    bleach stuff on my teeth. (I didn't know about the blue and foamy parts at the

    6) tech (finally!) sets high energy UV light pointing at my

    7) I listen to Harry Potter IV on CD for the next twenty minutes,
    having bought headphones on the way over for just this purpose -- fortunately
    she'd warned me in advance that I wouldn't be able to read because the light is in
    the way.

    8) Tech turns light off, sucks away old bleach and paints new
    bleach on.

    9) I sit there as before for 10 minutes or so, not enjoying the
    ducklips and trying to concentrate on Harry's facing the Dementors.

    10) My
    lower left gum begins to smart. I try to ignore that too.

    11) The gum hurts
    progressively worse. I make noises to attract someone's attention and they call
    the tech over.

    12) She hands me a mirror so we can isolate where it hurts
    (this is where I see just how silly I look foaming at tahe mouth and with blue
    gums) and inserts more gauze, which I didn't think would help at first, but it
    eventually does. We agree (she agrees, I grunt with affirmative intention) that I
    can last the remaining 8 minutes of this session.

    13) I do. Toward the end,
    a bit of the bleach edges toward my throat, smarting a bit and convincing me
    that's what happened to the gum.

    14) She sucks out bleach as before and we
    look at the color of the teeth. We agree that since they're about as white as her
    whitest little sample tooth we'll stop there, rather than doing the planned third
    session and sending me off the charts into fakey-white-beauty-pageant-

    15) I look in mirror and am disappointed to see there are still little
    brown stains between my teeth.

    16) She digs at these a little and announces
    that I have "defective" teeth, that these are not stains but missing enamel. I
    think but do not say that my preliminary exam two weeks ago would have been a fine
    time to make this discovery.

    15) She sends me home with instructions to take
    a Tylenol before going to bed and not to drink tea or coffee for 48

    I didn't feel much from the teeth at first but they started to
    annoy me more in the middle of the night and now it still feels as if I'm biting
    down on something very cold. Ow. They are a lot whiter, though - the "defective"
    parts don't show unless you're looking at them from two inches away. At least this
    is a one time thing, or anyway it is unless I do a touchup with bleach and trays
    (included) in a year or so. I gave up on over-the-counter whitestrips and such
    because they bugged me almost this much every night.

    My gums are
    still sore too. I think a little bleach did get on them, or maybe it's sunburn
    from the UV light. At least this isn't nearly as bad as having braces

    I couldn't go this whole morning without tea or coffee
    though. Mornings are not a good time for breaking habits. On the other hand my
    teeth are so sensitive that I wasn't letting the hot liquid anywhere near them.
    I'm drinking iced tea for lunch too, because I figured it was better than Coke and
    anyway I didn't want carbonation anywhere near my teeth, but I'm using a straw so
    if it touches my teeth at all it's on the back sides. Or so my theory goes.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 01, 2004


    My neck hurts. My eyes hurt. Too much time staring at the monitor. On the other
    hand we now have a brand-new spiffy up-to-date nicely Photoshopped group picture,
    I learned still more about Photoshop (wouldn't say I'm actually productive
    in it yet, but closer....) and I get paid for this.

    An odd
    perspective on this is that the hours I just spent on Photoshop did not earn me
    quite enough money to pay for the spectacularly vain and stupid thing I'm doing
    tonight. I finally caved in and am getting my teeth whitened. It's not that
    they're stained, just that their natural color is yellower than I'd like. Anyday
    now I'll finally decide to do LASIK nad who knows where it ends? Lipo? silicone?

    If this were posted any
    other day of the year, I'd be applying for that job in a shot. That's one move I
    wouldn't have trouble talking Rudder into, either.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:48 PM

    March 31, 2004

    people of the books

    I don't think my stats trackers are working right -- at least I can't imagine any
    other reason why I would look at one page here right after posting at about 11:30
    and have the day's only tracker appearance from my company's site show up as
    someone looking through 8 pages at 2 PM. On the other hand, if someone else from
    there really is reading this, it's not that I mind (you will note the many
    complimentary references to the company, after all) but I would still appreciate a


    Jews refer to themselves
    as "am hamsefer", or "People of the Book". Actually, assuming that was transcribed
    right (it was in Nicholas Basbanes' A Gentle Madness and he was quoting
    Aaron Lansk, progenitor of the National Yiddish Book Center) a more exact
    translation would be "People from the Book". I've been told that Muslims use a
    similar term, "Peoples of the Book", to refer to the three religions which have
    grown from the Torah: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. In the case of Jews,
    though, we have always been a bookish, word-driven people and by extension the
    term has come to mean more than solely the Torah. (I was going to write "just the
    Torah" in the previous sentence and couldn't bring myself to do it.) I think I
    need to co-opt the term and refer to the "amim hamseferot", "peoples of the
    books", for all those who finding reading or discussing books among life's finest

    Posted by dichroic at 07:27 PM

    various kinds of holiday

    The decision to skip the gym this morning was more or less unanimous, which is a
    bit pathetic since neither of us went at all last week. I've concluded I'm less
    stressed and I row faster when I get Tuesday and Thursday off, but I suppose the
    latter is only a temporary effect. All that weightlifting is supposed to build
    strength, after all, which is why I do it.

    This is clearly shaping up
    as one of those weeks -- busy, I mean, not necessarily bad. It's been
    productive so far, though, and I just keep looking forward to next week when I
    will telecomute Monday, be in class all Tuesday, and have a holiday (for Good
    Friday) to finish out the week. I never quite understand why a public company
    gives us a religious holiday off, but at least it's better than my brother's case
    where his employer, the US government, in contradiction of their own laws is
    refusing to give anyone time off until mid-April despite the occurrance of Easter
    and Passover in that period. He even had to bring in a letter from his rabbi,
    which amused me though it ultimately proved ineffective. I don't plan to take
    Passover off myself, but I'm pleased that, had I been more religious, my company's
    own principles for force it to behave better.

    Instead, since I have
    the day off, there will probably be matzo ball soup materializing in my kitchen on
    Good Friday. Typically we invite someone over for the holidays, but I'm not sure
    what we'll do this year because of that other holiday. I don't imagine anyone
    celebrating (in the religious sense, not the 'have a party' sense) Good Friday
    wants to spend it at my excuse for a Seder ..... though then again, it occurs to
    me that maybe that's exactly what they want to do. There is, after all, a

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 30, 2004

    who are you?

    Would the person from H0neywell who has been reading this diary in large chunks
    would kindly leave a note in the guestbook? Thank you.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:07 PM

    March 29, 2004

    almost calming

    I got Rudder back from Taiwan on Saturday, all in one piece and everything. Aside
    from the fact that I was a bit worried after that assassination attempt the week
    before, having him in the house is a good thing, for safety reasons. On Thursday
    night, I noticed that the oven was on. Only problem was I hadn't used it since
    Tuesday. I am not particularly looking forward to this electric

    Yes, it was the relaxing weekend I wanted.....let me see. I
    slept in a little, finished filling the pool, pulled out the army of weeds taking
    over the back yard, raked weeds and leaves into three large piles, picked Rudder
    up from the airport, got yelled at by a security guard for being on the wrong side
    of a sign, transferred leaf piles to bags with Rudder's help once he got home,
    went out for Tex-Mex food, embroidered, worked on an essay, chopped back and dug
    up one large and one enormous hibiscus and a scraggly overgrown but dying jasmine,
    put in a solar light, wrote letters, helped Rudder move an 800 pound 12 foot tall
    (or maybe it just felt that way) stainless steel cabinet Rudder got from work that
    he persists in thinking will be useful some day and *ahem* made sure Rudder felt
    thoroughly welcomed home.

    Does anybody ever get really calm weekends
    anymore? That's the closest I get, and it was nice, but more time would help a
    lot. I think it's time we all go on strike for three-day weekends. This 5-and-2
    standard schedule isn't cutting it for me.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 26, 2004

    Whatever it was, it felt awfully good.

    I'm so mad I could spit over the Unborn Victims of Violence act Congress
    has passed. It's not even the fetus-rights part that bothers me, except in so far
    as how stupid do anti-abortion types think people are? This isn't meant as a First
    Step toward yet another privacy invasion? Yeah, right. It's probably a good thing
    fetuses don't have library records or they'd be looking at those too. Other than
    that, though, that part's not the focus of my ire; I really have nothing against
    massive punishments for the low-life who hurts a pregnant woman badly enough to
    cause a miscarriage.

    What has me spitting mad is the implication that
    violence toward a pregnant woman -- toward any woman, in fact toward any one at
    all -- is not a serious enough event on its own, so that we need a special law
    because it's the effect on the fetus that really matters in all this. Nonpregnant
    women? Yeah, go ahead and beat on them. They're not breeding so who cares? I would
    have been much happier if they had passed the version that simply made attacking a
    pregnant woman a greater crime; it is fairly heinous to attack someone who is most
    vulnerable, in addition to the risk of ending another incipient life. Even better
    might be if violent federal crimes against anyone, woman or man, were simply
    treated seriously enough in the first place to make additional charges

    On a happier note, this morning was the
    best row I've had in I don't know how long. It was cooler last night, so I slept
    better, which probably didn't hurt. It was cool enough this morning to need light
    fleece while getting ready to row, warm enough to take the fleece off as I stepped
    into the boat. For the first time in a week, the water was calm. She-Hulk must be
    missing Rudder because she decided to stay with me. I'm not sure why because she's
    considerably faster but it worked out well as we took turns critiquing each
    other's racing starts. She hasn't done a ton of them and they can be a little
    unstable and scary, so I think she felt more secure with someone watching. She was
    able to give me some feedback that really helped me smooth things out, which
    translated nicely into speed through the water. Even outside the starts during
    regular rowing, for some reason I was much faster today than I have been. I don't
    know whether it was because I slept better, because I skipped weights yesterday,
    because of the extra walking I've been doing at lunch, because of the flat water,
    or a combination of everything. Whatever it was, it felt awfully good.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 25, 2004

    I swam!

    I know I complain about the heat here a lot, but sometimes, I admit (grudgingly)
    it has its advantages. I just went swimming, outside in my own backyard.
    And the odds are good you didn't.

    They finished doing the new pool
    surface yesterday, in a nice white pebbly finish (P*bblet*c, but under a different
    brand name) and began filling it today. That means the water now in there went
    through today's 89F high and hasn't sat through a cool night yet, and the deepest
    part (where it will be 8' when all the water is in) is just up to my belly button.
    Translation: nice warm water, still-warm air. And there were leaves already
    in the water -- so clearly Something Had to be Done.

    Of course, I
    hadn't planned this in advance. I had changed into a light short dress though. I
    held the dress up to my hips (our yard is quite private) but couldn't reach all of
    the leaves. So what is a girl to do? Clearly there was no choice but to shuck off
    the clothes and wade all the way in. (The watch is waterproof for just such
    occasions.) Naturally, once in, I had to submerge test everything out, and swim a
    few strokes. There's no chlorine in it yet, so that was especially

    I can now report that the "new" pool works just perfectly.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:52 PM


    It's my day for an intolerant rant, I'm afraid. Be warned. Subject:

    While I'm not thrilled about higher insurance premiums, I
    suspect those show more effect from corporate greed on the part of HMOs and drug
    manufacturers anyway. Other than that, I don't much care what people do to their
    own lungs -- unless they're people I care about, in which case I'd much rather
    they took good care of themselves. Where I do mind is where other people's smoke
    impinges on me.

    I don't know if most smokers realize just how bad
    they stink.

    When I work with a smoker, or, worse, get trapped in an
    elevator with one, I can instantly tell whether they smoke only at home (no odor
    or almost none), smoke at work (some odor - not too bad) or have just come back in
    from a smoke break (pfaugh!). (This is assuming they wash self and clothing
    frequently, but that's another issue entirely and in that case the smoke smell
    wasn't the revolting part.)

    Back in my early days in an office,
    smoking was just beginning to be restricted. For a while there, it was allowed in
    private offices, just not in cubicle farms. (I don't know whether the strategy was
    just to kill off the old guys and managers faster and preserve the workers, or
    what.) I was assigned to a mentor, a senior engineer who had his own office, and I
    spent a lot of time in there. It didn't take me long to quit wearing anything to
    work that wasn't machine washable, because my clothes stunk by the end of the day.
    Grosser yet, I had long hair at the time and could smell cigarette smoke in it
    well after I left work.

    My dad still smokes, though I think less than
    he used to. I've won an argument on the subject exactly once, on my wedding day.
    I'd stayed at their house the night before, instead of at the hotel across town
    where Rudder was and where the wedding would be, mostly just to please my parents.
    I told Dad flat out that if he was planning to smoke in the car on the way there,
    then I would be riding with a neighbor, because I was not going to have my
    wedding dress or hair smelling of smoke.

    Worse, it doesn't just float
    in the air, it clings to walls, furniture, and anything a smooker touches. My
    parents have to paint periodically just because Dad smokes in the house. I'm
    ranting now because yesterday, I had an IT guy from our Help-less Desk come in to
    fix something minor on my computer. When he was done, I touched my mouse and had
    my fingers come away smelling of smoke. Ewwww!

    It's not a good smoke
    smell, either, like the smell of a bonfire. It's a used smoke smell, more like
    smog, except in the case of (tobacco) pipe smoke, which can be pleasant in small
    doses. As I've said, I don't want to restrict other people's rights to enjoy
    themselves, I just want to keep it off me. There's more and more pressure to
    legislate that all bars and restaurants be smoke-free -- I think there's now a
    bill at the state level here. My suggestio is that you don't ban smoking, you just
    make it an economic decision. Require restaurants to be all smoking or all non-
    smoking, clearly labeled outside. Restaurant owners would figure out quickly which
    way attracted more business (I suspect there would be no one universal answer) and
    nonsmokers would know where to go if they wanted to avoid fumes. Anyone wanting to
    have both would be requireed to have separate rooms with separate ventilation
    systems -- none of this crap where the two areas are separated by 3 feet and a
    small partition that smoke floats over. I suspect setups like that are one of the
    things driving the smoking ban in the first place. Let people choose what they
    want and avoid what they don't and individual liberties will be

    And keep that smelly film off my mouse and keyboard,

    Addendum: As Natalie correctly points out,
    and as I actually meant to say but forgot, the above applies to any reek that
    clings to walls, furniture and other people. I have encountered cologne that's
    almost as bad as smoke close up, though at least usually it only leaves a faint

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 24, 2004

    need to slow down

    I wish I hadn't done that shopping binge on Sunday. It's not that I don't like the
    stuff I bought -- I can even justify (most of) it. (And did I mention href="">that skirt was on sale for
    under $20? That's especially gratifying because I remember trying it on and
    liking it last summer at full price, almost enough to buy it then. Score one for
    me. But I digress.) It's just that I did too much of it, and it left me tired
    going into the week. I did it partly because I feel cheated if I don't get some
    fun into my weekend, and partly because Rudder was gone, but those aren't really
    sufficient reasons, at least not for spending a whole day in the mall.

    This is one way in which marriage has been bad for me, I think. I'm
    used to having Rudder around. I do get a little antsy if I spend a whole day
    without at least getting out of the house, but if I can satisfy that wish, we can
    spend a day doing minor errands or nothing much and I count it as time together.
    I've never been particularly afraid of my own company, but somehow it feels as if
    to be having fun on my own I have to crank it up a notch. I'm feeling unrecharged
    now just because on Sunday when I had the time I didn't spend more time reading,
    creating, making music, or otherwise vegetating.

    It's not really
    entirely accurate to say I can spend a lot of time alone, though. I don't really
    spend very much time without other people around; the only difference is that
    sometimes they're made of flesh and they live in houses and sometimes they're made
    of ideas and they live in books and sometimes they're made of electrons and they
    live on computers :-)

    I do enjoy the occasional hiking or shopping
    solo, though those are fun with company in a different way.

    My other
    problem is that I've added that What i'm Reading field above and it's getting
    downright embarassing having the same thing listed there day after. It's
    not that anyone else cares, I know, just that I'm used to thinking of myself as a
    book-a-day girl (or more) unless it's something unusually dense. Time is the
    problem; last night I got home at 6:30, had to be in bed by 8 because of rowing
    this morning, and had to sort mail, make dinner, eat, wash up, check emails, pack
    clothes for today, take out the recyclables, pet the cats, pack clothing for
    today, wash, brush, floss .... I should note that this is not made up for with
    extra time in the morning; I get up, throw on workout gear, and go. You can see
    why my reading time is less than I'd like, and why relaxation on weekends is so

    This weekend I go collect Rudder, but before that I'm
    going to find something quiet and rejuvenating to do. I may even write a letter or
    two on real paper to someone who would appreciate it.

    (Caveat: Of
    course, this in no way means I'm planning to cancel my plans for a massage and
    some solo sushi tonight!)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 23, 2004

    my brief modelling stint

    I almost hate to put up a new entry and cover up my href="">response to LA from last night.
    It's very clear that I do *not* have a modeling background; naither am I naturally
    photogenic. Rudder's brother, for example, almost never photographs badly (though
    shaving his head didn't help). I on the other hand usually come out either with my
    eyes looking like I'm on drugs or slouched so my gut sticks out. Or both. It took
    me a kazillion shots to get a few I liked and it didn't help that since I was
    using the flash I had to keep stopping to recharge the camera batteries at least
    enough for the next few shots. Even with all that I didn't get it quite right; you
    can see that my chest isn't sticking out perkily and my arms are tight against my
    sides so they look squishy instead of buff. (Or maybe they just are....)

    I've concluded that modeling is not for me, not that I didn't figure
    that out for height-related reasons long ago. It has to be a little easier when
    there's a photographer coaxing you through it, saying "Stand up straight....lower
    your hands...purse your lips...straighten your back....that's it! instead of a
    digicam on a tripod with a time delay setting. (Even if Rudder were around, he's
    not great at peopple shots.) I would have done a few more shots, but it was
    getting close to bedtime and I decided I was tired of it. (Because even a
    temporary model gets to play prima-donna, right?)

    Given the name of
    this site, I've been playing the same few notes over and over for too long. So
    please note the above entry contains nothing at all about rowing or books! (Except
    for the appropriate background .... and if you could see the fine detail you'd
    note the rowing books live on the top shelf of that particular bookcase.)

    Posted by dichroic at 11:46 AM

    March 22, 2004

    babbling in pink

    I am Rudderless. As in floating and adrift, and also as in the boy's off on the
    other side of the world. Often I sleep better when he's not there (but I wake
    happier when he is) just because I'm a light sleeper and it's one less set of
    noises and movements, but not last night. I couldn't get to sleep for a long time.
    That was probably because it was annoyingly warm yesterday, so that open windows
    in all the upstairs rooms and the three strategically placed fans didn't cut it.
    In other words, it's been a short night and a long day, and I may not be entirely
    coherent by now.

    Once I did get to sleep I slept solidly, but
    nonetheless was a good girl and got up early to row. It was annoyingly warm there
    too, despite enough wind to make rowing a single interesting; I had to take off my
    light fleece top before I even got in the boat.

    I just want to shout
    at the weather, "It's MARCH, hothead! What happened to blustery winds, chilly
    weather and spring rain? I want my spring back!!"

    At least I'm
    dressed for spring, in an outfit that looks like a tribute to Legally
    only without the blonde. Or the matching dog, for that matter. Lots of
    pink and even high heels (not pink).

    Must go. Too much work. More
    later, maybe.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:58 PM

    March 20, 2004


    Grumble grumble grumble Rudder off to Taiwan grumble. And I don't have any
    especially fun plans for the weekend grumble. Today I got to go food-shoppping all
    alone more grumbles. (Though that did mean I treated myself to outrageously un-
    nutritious chocolate covered doughtnut-hole thingies and good soft cheese
    and bagel chips to spread it on.

    The mandolin is now restrung and
    tuned (at least until it untunes itself and "Wildwood Flower" has been duly picked
    out on it. I really don't understand when one (that is, an actual skilled
    mandolin-playing one) would normally play chords versus single notes on this
    thing. Guitar church licks don't really seem to work. I think maybe I'll stick to
    single notes for a bit and attempt to master this flatpicking thing, since I
    mostly learned to fingerpick on guitar. Also, the mandolin's steel strings are
    much harder on my fretting fingers than the guitar's since I play a classical one
    which uses nylon strings.

    On the way back from buying springs I
    stopped for the annual beginning of sandal season pedicure; my feet needed it
    before being seen in public. It's been amusing reading about signs of spring on
    my various discussion groups; everyone else is talking about daffodils or crocuses
    or robins or late snowfalls and we're already into summer here. I think it's
    supposed to hit 96 degrees tomorrow. Personally I'd prefer

    I may just go hang out at the mall tomorrow and look for
    floaty summer skirts, black sandals to replace my old ones, or combat-the-over-
    air-conditioning jackets. Having paid off a credit card bill yesterday that
    necessitated borrowing from savings (because it included the computer I'm typing
    this on and came at the same time as insurance for both vehicles) I really
    shouldn't. but I can't think of anything else fun to do and I've already done the
    cross-stitching and mandolin-picking homebody stuff today. I should tackle some
    writing stuff, too, and if I were a really really good girl I'd erg a half-
    marathon or at least 10K, but we all know the answer to that, don't

    There definitely wll be sleeping in but it won't feature a kind
    husband bringing me up tea in bed. More to the point, I'm not verry thrilled about
    him being in a country where there's a possibility of riots in response to the
    recent assassination attempt and election. Grumble grumble grumble. Off to bed.
    Alone. Pooh.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:19 PM

    March 19, 2004

    stone soup vs caramel flan

    Meetings, meetings everywhere and not a time to think.

    I have a first
    line for a song, or maybe it's from the chorus, floating in my head. So far I can
    tell the song borrows from John Muir and Job, and I'm trying to keep anything else
    out of it because I think I have a tendency to try to turn poems into fruitcakes,
    and they're probably better as caramel flans. (That is, consistent all the way
    through and soaked in a single strong flavor.) At least, that applies to the
    length of thing I usually write. I suspect a good epic poem could be like stone
    soup, with one central metaphor and then a bit of everything thrown in. At the
    sonnet length, though, you need to focus. At any rate, it's a good line, but now
    it needs more lines around it, not to mention a tune.

    As of this
    morning, I have covered over 43 km in a boat, on foot, or on a rowing machine,
    this week, which is a record for me for this year, and pretty darn good for any
    year, even when I was rowing in the bigger boats.

    I think I may
    change the song in my head line above, because I've always had the problem that
    it's not authentic. When I'm writing this, often I've just finished concentrating
    on something else and there is no song floating there, or else the entry itself
    makes me think of another song. Or worst of all the field title on the entry form,
    which is "songin my head" (sic) makes the old Styx song "Too Much Time on My
    Hands" get stuck in my brain, and I'm getting very sick of that. Especially since
    that is *not* a problem I have. I may change it to "Relevant Song", like href="">LA has, because that fits more
    circumstances, and I may add a line for what I'm reading. (If I can fit the usual
    list on one line.)

    One of the things I'm reading is Tristram
    . I'm not terribly surprised that I like it, becaues I always thought I
    would, but I find it funny how many warnings exist about how strange and difficult
    it is. Clifton Fadiman, in his wonderful New Lifetime Reading Plan
    obviously likes all sorts of tradnitionally difficult books, but he finds it
    necessary to comment on Tristram very gingerly. I recall one line on the
    order of "You may simply not be one of the people who can read Tristram
    with pleasure," and goes on to explain why some people (and here I feel
    he means some *other people*) think it's wonderful. I do like it, which may just
    prove my mind works more like Laurence Sterne's than like James Joyce's, to whom
    he is frequently compared. When I read Portrait of the Artist as a Young
    in high school, I could tell it was good stuff; I just didn't like it. (As
    opposed, say, to Hemingway, who I just didn't like.) My age may be a factor,
    though, and I probably should try Ulysses if for no other reason than that
    I love the exuberance of "and yes I said yes I will Yes". I'm pretty sure I'll
    still find Leopold Bloom harder going than good old Uncle Toby, though.

    By the way, if you haven't already, tune in href="">yesterday for the house

    Posted by dichroic at 11:29 AM

    March 18, 2004

    "Stomp!", the home version

    I thnk I've found the downside to working at home. That pasta dish I made for lunch, consisting of shrimp, mushrooms, asparagus, garlic and basil-herb fettucini stir-fried in olive oil, while incomparably better than cafeteria food, would have been better still with the addition of a bottle of white. Somehow, though, I misdoubt me that would have been conducive to the "work" part of working at home. Sigh.

    It turned out to be a good thing that I was planning on staying here today, though. Rudder took a day off yesterday to research a possible alternative to rowing on our wake-ridden lake. After that, he'd scheduled someone to come out and see why one of the heat-pumps that both heat and air-condition us didn't seem to be working properly. It turned out that the unit had rusted-out coils and was otherwise defunct. (Good thing we found out now, while the nights are still cool and it only reaches 90-plus degrees for a small part of the day.) So today, we are getting a whole new unit. We are *not* looking forward to paying for this, since we'd just gotten a new roof put on a few months ago and our pool-
    deck resurfacing is now in progress thanks to the leak we found when we came home from Antarctica. We'd really hoped to put both the pool and the heat pump off 'til next year, but neither would cooperate.

    I had also forgotten, when I planned to stay home today, that this is the day for our cleaning service's day
    biweekly visit. My telecon this afternoon may be accompanied by the rhythms of vacuum cleaner and burly men stomping on the roof.

    Since I am at home today, I've decided to give y'all the 50-cent tour. So c'mon

    You've walked in the front door and you're still standing in the foyer. Here's your view of my newly semi-furnished intended-as-the-formal-living-room library:

    Here are close-ups of three of the photo collections in the room, respectively pictures we took in Australia, New Zealand, and Antarctica:

    More bookshelves and a comfy chair and footstool are on order and should all be here within the next month. You can see a bit of the formal dining room from the library, so lets walk further into it:


    We actually do use it as intended, but just at the moment the table is holding some of the small pictures we took down to make room for the big collections above, as well as some picture-hanging tools. With only two of us, there's plenty of room at the other end of the table anyway. From the dining room you step into the kitchen:

    where you look through into the family room. Step further into the family room where you can see more bookshelves and the happy yellow wall that connects to the yellow hall and laundry room (Rudder decided we needed to paint the laundry room and
    there was no good place to stop):

    You can clearly see why I will never have a stark Modernist decor: too clutter-prone, and fond of my comfort.

    Outside through the French doors is the backyard. What you're looking at is newly-refinished deck and a new wall and grill/seating area, and a big hole in the ground that was the pool. It will be again after they
    resurface it next week. They'll also be painting the wall, painting and topping off the grill area and the firepit bench you can't see, and putting in a grill. They're not doing anything to the basketball court, but I should put up a new net
    one of these days.

    The yellow hall leads from the family room to the garage, but before it gets there, there's the office on one side (where I worked today):

    and the bathroom Rudder redid from the studs on out on the other side. In this photo you can see some of the tile-work he did, the
    pedestal sink he put in, the wall I painted, and the stained-glass mirror his mother made:

    Besides all that, there are four bedrooms upstairs: the one we sleep in, the old library/erg room, the spare bedroom (with an actual comfy bed
    where some of my relatives ought to come stay some time, hint, hint) and the work/storage room. I have no idea why the previous owners decided to tile one room while the rest of the upstairs is carpeted, but it's handy for the

    There are two cats, too, but they're both black and hard to photograph well. Tune in tomorrow for: The Outside of the House: watching the cactus grow.

    (No, not really. It takes a saguro seventy-five years just to put out its first arm.) And I'll be back in the office then

    Posted by dichroic at 12:28 PM

    March 17, 2004

    dancing and (not) dying

    What is it about dancing that makes it go with dying?

    I was listening
    to the B-52s yesterday, and got to the part in Rock Lobster where the lead singer
    says something about "going down ... down ... down" and thought that if I were
    dancing instead of driving at the time, I and everyone else on the dance floor
    would be sinking downward, slowly, as if we were dying. (Or caught in a slow-
    motion gravity surge, as if Jupiter were approaching slowly on the other side of
    the Earth. But given the physics involved, dying seems more likely.) The next
    realization was that there are a lot of fake deaths in dancing: ones that are a
    response to words or volume in rock songs ("Shout" is another example), ones that
    are part of a routine in competitive ice-skating, where for a while every pair had
    a choeographed "death" at the end of their routines, ones that tell a story in
    ballet or interpretive dance.

    Why is that? Is it that dancing
    symbolizes life and getting to triumph over death if only for the duration of the
    dance? If so that's a mixed metaphor, because in the frock songs dancers generally
    do come back to jubilant life, but in ballet and ice skating they usually stay
    down until the piece is over. Then there's Ring Around A Rosy. There the symbolism
    is explicit and has been discussed to death (er, sorry) but I've never seen an
    explanation of why it would be something little kids would want to play, or that
    adults would want them to play.

    There are also any number of songs
    about old couples (I can think of at least three offhand) and stories (another
    one) where an especially lasting love is portrayed by showing how the now-elderly
    lovers still love to dance together. In that case, I think, dance is both love and
    life in comparison to age and approaching death.

    And there are even
    some examples of the opposite, where dance happens after death, though I'm not
    sure whether they prove the point, disprove it, or are another animal entirely.
    I'm thinking of things like old woodcuts where Death is shown dancing during
    plague times or wars, and maybe of the Danse Macabre.

    I had just
    closed this essay when the lyrics of "Safety Dance" came to mind and reminded me
    (via Emma Bull) of another related case -- the faery rings where the dancers will
    never die, and where any mortal who joins them will not age.

    I don't know whether the link between the two things means anything or not, but
    they seem too closely linked not to. Life and death? The benefits of exercise? A
    fossil of an old belief (that I've never come across otherwise) that no ones dies
    while dancing? I still think there's at least a story in there - and I don't write
    fiction so it's free for the taking.

    The above train of
    thought, you may realize, is a direct result of the gift of a href="">mandolin. Rudder thinks
    it's the best as well as most creative gift MBtW has ever given (we'll see what he
    thinks after he hears me trying to play it!) which may be true, but I still say
    there's a surreal element in it. (It's more a comment on me than on either male
    that I consider "surreal" and "good gift" not to be mutually exclusive. Though the
    same applies to at least one of them.) Speaking of little deaths. I broke a string
    on the mandolin while trying to tune it. That was when I realized that instruments
    with paired strings like mandolinae and twelve-string guitars have a major
    advantage, in that an instrument with one broken string can still be played with
    all notes present and accessible.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:36 AM

    March 16, 2004

    a present of the surreal

    Whenever My Brother the Writer gets to the point of actual published-ness, I think
    I can promise hypothetical readers that it will not be lacking in creativity. It
    might have other flaws, it might be longwinded (will be, if he doesn't have a good
    editor), but it will be creative.

    (Nota bene: If it's his first-
    written book that gets published, it might be necessary to note that it was
    written and I read the first draft before Gaiman published American

    So....MBtW has had issues with birthday and holiday
    presents for the last several years. There was a period where he talked about
    buying them but never actually sent any or had a series of mysterious shipping
    problems, followed by one where they might arrive six months later. In the last
    few years he's been slowly moving up to almost on time. This time around, he
    apparently ordered my gift in plenty of time, was then told it would arrive last
    Friday or yesterday, then had a delivery date of yesterday confirmed. Yesterday, I
    came home to an empty front step. After we went to bed (which we do ridiculously
    early due to the workout schedule) but while I was still awake, the doorbell rang.
    I went to get it, both in hopes the boy had come through after all and because if
    it was a package I didn't want to leave it out all night and there it

    A big package, about four feet tall.

    He had
    warned me it "might seem a little weird, but he thought if I could find the time I
    would enjoy it". MBtW is the sort who, when he says something might seem weird,
    ought to be taken seriously, so I was prepared.

    Did you know that
    they sell "Learn to Play the Mandolin" kits??? Me neither. There's nothing like
    ending your day on a completely surreal note.

    In his defense, I
    should point out that I already own a classical guitar, a baby Martin (tiny
    traveling classical guitar), two penny whistles, a harmonica, and a bodhran. I'm
    not much good on any of them. I can just about pick out a tune on the whistles,
    can play a not-terrible accompaniment on the harmonica (as long as it's in the
    right key, so can an untrained monkey), and can read tablature and play
    recognizable tunes on the guitar -- though I can't play anything new beyond the
    fakebook level unless it's written out in tab. I can't play the bodhran because
    whenever I try it scares the cats. So figuring that I'd like picking up a new
    instrument isn't an entirely outlandish thought.

    I really don't have
    the time for it, but it's not like mandolins spoil; if I don't play it this year
    there's always next year. Anyway, it's a pretty thing. Maybe I'll get a stand for
    it stand it and the guitar up in my library. Actually playing them is probably
    more likely if they're out and convenient.

    On the way to work this
    morning I put in a B-52s CD. When you have that high level of surrealness going
    you can't just quit cold turkey, you have to taper off.

    Come to
    think of it, maybe I should have dug out some bluegrass instead. And it is
    appropriate that I was just reading a Manly Wade Wellman collection -- my guitar
    is strung with silver and most of John's old-timey songs will work on mandolin
    also. I wonder if they sell silver strings for it?

    Posted by dichroic at 11:30 AM

    March 15, 2004

    some words, some games, and some shoes

    Go read href="">Ionas today.
    His last three paragraphs (from "I can understand..." on) rang true for me, and
    rang again with the beauty of the words he used.

    There is a Google
    game which involves finding a two-word-search for which your site is the only one
    returned. I tried that a while back for various combinations of words dealing with
    dichroic glass, reading, and rowing, but couldn't find a good one, though there
    were more than a few for which this was one of two or three sites returned. I was
    very surprised to find, looking at my Google hits, that this was the only site
    returned for a short
    from Susan Cooper's The Grey King. (I confess, I'm linking
    instead of quoting to preserve that singleton status.) I used that quote to
    respond to an href="">Ampersand
    prompt two days after September 11, 2001; in a painful bit of irony, the prompt
    was, "the end of the world". It's shocking that no one else on the whole web has
    ever (according to Google) written about that one line of Cooper's. There's just
    so much to say about it, both in and out of context.

    Speaking of that
    game with the Google search terms, a more interesting version is to come up with
    some combination of activities or experiences that you are the only person on
    Earth ever to have done. A single unique experience is easy to find: for instance
    I am the only person who has ever been married to Rudder, been a duaghter to my
    parents, been a sister (in the non-metaphorical sense) to my brother. I am the
    only person who has ever rowed in my boat, unless they rigged it and found a
    lightweight person to test it before shipping, which I doubt. I am the only female
    ever to have slept on my bed, which we bought it new. But if you limit the
    experiences to generic ones that other people could have had, the gam becomes more
    interesting. As I mentioned href="">yesterday, we seem to hear the
    phrase, "You're one of very few people ever to have seen this," with surprising
    frequency. So: are Rudder and I the only people ever to have both slept on the
    Antarctic continent andlooked up from the bottom of a seven story missile
    silo? The only ones ever to have done either of those things and competed in the
    Head of the Charles? To have done any of those three and toured the DMZ between
    North and South Korea? Or been in one of the apprentice shelters the students at
    Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin school of architecture build?

    The only
    thing wrong with this game is there's no way to know if you've

    On a completely different footing (sorry), OK, OK, I'm a shoe
    whore. But they were cute! And on sale!

    src="" width="400"

    Posted by dichroic at 11:44 AM

    March 14, 2004

    one of the few

    Last night I stood at the bottom of a missile silo out in the desert seomwhere
    south of Tucson. I tilted my head back and stared seven stories up at the bulk of
    a Titan missile noe defanged but still threatening the sky.

    retired Air Force guys who were guiding us around the silo kept saying, "You're
    one of very few people ever to have seen this." Seems like people have been saying
    that a lot to us lately.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:30 AM

    March 12, 2004

    brown is the color

    Brown is the color of my city's air

    Her highways are beyond compare

    The SUVs and the mini-vans

    Have fouled the earth on which she stands....<

    One problem with driving to work circling around the city is that you get such a
    nice view of the brown cloud that sometimes hangs over it. I saw a noticeable one
    the other day, but last night we got a tasty little thunderstorm which cleared the
    air out nicely. I love the smell of ozone and wet desert -with luck we'll get more

    The good thing about driving on a highway circling outside town is the views of
    mountains and desert. Yesterday I was depressed to notice that one area I pass is
    about to be built on. The consolation is that it's not virgin desert; instead of
    saguaros and mesquite trees, it's covered with lage more-or-less evenly spaced
    bare bushes. (Creosote?) I think that means it's been grazed or farmed. It's had
    something done to it, anyway, because that's just not the shape of untouched land
    here. Still, I'd rather see mountains over second growth than catch a tiny glumpse
    of them between big-box stores.

    There are a lot of things I like about Phoenix. That's one reason I want to leave
    it. This is one of the fastest-growing cities in the country and there are already
    way too many people for the land (water and air) to support. There are plenty of
    people who come here and oppose "sprawl" and growth, which is much like saying, "I
    moved in but no one else should." I don't want to be one of them. If I want this
    town to prosper, the best I can do for it is leave.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:29 PM

    March 11, 2004

    natal anniversary report

    So, the birthday rundown. Work was just ... work. But I did get a chance to give
    our manager pro tem some grief when he happened to comment that "We're all getting
    older"-- well yes, but some of us are ageing as we speak! (Everyone else at the
    meeting knew what day it was because we sent a card as a group to a former
    coworker who, they all know, was born on the same day I was -- but he wasn't
    around for all of that. Which, of course, isn't a reason not to give him shit,
    because he's the kind of guy you can do that to. We'll miss him when we get our
    "real" manager.) There are several others here with birthdays in the next few
    weeks, so we're going out to lunch as a group tomorrow to celebrate. I do like my

    After work I got home to find that my in-laws, Amazon,
    and CD Baby came through for me, with boxes arriving in the mail. (Actually, the
    Amazon and CD Baby boxes were things I'd ordered for myself but it still please me
    that they happened to arrive on that day. As an incorrigible materialist I love
    getting "presents" even when they're from myself.) The in-laws gave me a traveling
    jewelry case, something I had asked for a couple of years ago and still needed.
    GOod memory, since Rudder says he hadn't mentioned it to them. What I really need
    is a tiny one for the gym and what they sent is a gorgeous biggish red leather
    case, but this will be great for taking when we travel, better protection than the
    soft case I've been using. I think I'll demote the bigger of my soft cases to gym
    use and throw out the small one, which is in tatters. Or just buy a new small one.

    We went out to dinner at a nice steakhouse, where we split an even
    nicer Merlot, so no gym this morning. And when I got home there was a call from
    the in-laws (well-chosen gifts andperfect timing - I have great in-laws) as
    well as messages from my brother and Egret. So that was all good. And now I still
    have a gift from the Bro (supposedly arriving tomorrow or Monday), new bookcases
    from the Rudder-man and things from a few other relatives to look forward to, plus
    lunch tomorrow.

    I think my trouble with birthdays is that I have good
    things happening to me all the time - if I really want something I buy it, and if
    I want to go somewhere, I go. It's hard to make a day be totally special when
    you're normally spoiled.

    PS. It turns out not only is my cat's
    birthday the same day as mine, but so is SWooP's cat (he's three years younger
    than my Beast). Is that freaky or what?

    Enough and more than enough about me, tiime to focus in the other direction. We've
    been having an odd blend of spring and summer lately. For the past few weeks we'd
    had what passes for winter here, with temperatures getting only a little over 60.
    (Shut, up, we pay for it with our summers.) This week it suddenly turned warm.
    We've had a few days with bright sunny days and highs into the nineties, and lows
    where our highs where our lows were last week, so it feels like summer. But it
    smells like spring; there are wildflowes out, thanks to the rains we've had, and
    the air hadn't settled into its summer inversion-layer brown cloud, so I've been
    smelling blossoms and growth and the desert's own smell. Today is different again;
    there are low gray clouds and so it's a little bit cooler out, but I saw a brown
    cloud in the direction of downtown as I drove into work this morning. With luck
    we'll get some rain to wash it out of the air.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:53 PM

    March 10, 2004

    100 things about me

    One of my mailing lists has a tradition where people write 100 things about
    themselves on their birthdays. I turn 37 today -- since I'm getting old, I'm being
    totally lazy and using the same list as an entry here as

    100 things about me

    100. I
    am delighted at what a welcoming and tolerant place this list has come to be,
    proud to be part of it, and very glad that y'all are willing to answer my
    questions that sometimes range from outrageous to banal.

    99. Yes, I do say

    98.I grew up in Philadelphia, where we say yous or yous all or

    97. And lived in Houston for 7 years after college.

    96. I had
    to acquire a bit of a Texas drawl before anyone there could understand me and the
    transition from yiz'all to y'all sort of went along with that.

    95. In
    general I didn't like Houston, but there are things I miss about it: people, lots
    of lakes, bars floating on the lakes, shorter commutes, the NASA TV

    94. My favorite part of Texas is Big Bend National

    93. The best thing about living there was meeting Rudder.

    I've lived in Chandler, AZ (outside Phoenix) since December 1995.

    92. We
    like Arizona better than Texas because there are mountains and because we can
    escape the heat in a two hour drive.

    91. ....but after 15 years in hot
    climates, I'm sick of them and ready to move somewhere with seasons.

    Though our main sport right now is rowing, at other times we've done a lot of
    rock-climbing and mountain biking.

    89. I try to work out five times a week:
    rowing MWF, weightlifting TTh. On weekends I rest!

    88. I don't always make
    it all five days :-)

    87. I mostly row in a single (rowing shells can range
    up to 8 people) made by Hudson.

    86. Both of our singles are painted like the
    Arizona flag (Rudder's got a thing for that design).

    85. You can see a
    picture of us in our singles at
    and a close-up of similar boats at
    (click on a boat to enlarge
    the picture).

    84. Right now my life feels like row, work, sleep, row, work,
    sleep. With a lot of driving tucked in there.

    83. I'm not in as good shape
    as you'd think from all this -- but a lot of it is muscle, I swear :-).

    I'd like to have a bit more social life -- and a bit more sleep!

    81. We wake
    up at 4AM on rowing days, 4:30 on non-rowing days.

    80. So we try to get to
    bed by 8.

    79. Which really doesn't match my biorhythms. I hated early
    bedtimes when I was little and my parents imposed them on me and I don't like them
    much better now.

    78. But Rudder and I both find the more we exercise, and
    the more demanding work is, the more sleep we need.

    77. Work is pretty
    demanding right now.

    76. I have a forty mile (64 km) commute each

    75. But that's the worst thing about my job, which I really like

    74. I work on helping people improve software development
    processes in an aerospace company.

    73. I've been in aerospace for most of my

    72. I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering and an MS in Physical
    Sciences with a concentration in Space Science.

    71. So I hate when people
    automatically assume engineers are all male.

    But that's pretty much the
    *only* form of prejudice against women in engineering I've ever encountered.

    70. I like to stay conscious of how much I owe to the people who fought
    those battles before I came along.

    70. I have worked on either the real
    aircraft or the simulator (pilot trainer) for the: F-16, A-10, Space Shuttle,
    Space Station, AH-1W, Apache Longbow, C-130, 737, 777.

    69. I have a pilot's
    license (VFR).

    68. Though I haven't really flown much since getting it. (No

    67. I have flown the following aircraft: Cessna 152, 172, 182; Piper
    Supercub, Great Lakes biplane, Pitts S2B biplane.

    66. I got into beading
    (making jewelry) a couple of years ago but rarely have time now.

    65. I've
    been online since before there was a World Wide Web; I think I sent my first email
    in around 1984.

    64. I first realized the potential of the Web when there was
    a big earthquake in the late 1980s (Los Angeles, I think) and people were able to
    use bulletin boards on the net to let friends know they were OK.

    63. I
    joined my first e-mail discussion list somewhere in the early 90's; it was Alan
    Rowoth's folk_music mailing list, dedicated to discussing new American singer-
    songwriters. The list is still around but I'm not on it any more (so many other
    resources grew up around it that discussion on the main list became restricted to
    concert reviews, mostly).

    62. My favorite music is still folky stuff,
    ranging from traditional to modern singer-songwriters; my favorite is a Canadian,
    Stan Rogers.

    61. I really like singers and groups who mix old and new like
    Stan and the band Great Big Sea, also Canadians.

    60. Before someone asks,
    somehow I've never been a huge fan of the Rankins, though I have a disc or two of

    59. I'm Jewish.

    58. My husband isn't.

    57. It hasn't
    really been a problem.

    56. I've been in synagogue exactly once in the last
    decade, but I don't feel that makes me any less Jewish. It's a lot of things
    besides a religion: an extended family, an outlook, a history. And it's part of
    who I am.

    55. As with gender, the only prejudice I've encountered directly
    is people making unconscious assumptions or using language like "jew him down"
    (meaning to bargain) or "he's a good Christian boy" (used just to mean an honest
    upright person, not to talk about a specific person's specific religion.

    I believe some of the duties and privileges of being an adult are that you have to
    do the best you can to be good and to do good, but that no one else can choose for
    you who to love or how to worship or some of the other most important things in

    53. We have two cats.

    52. The older one turns 15 today -- I
    don't know exactly when he was born, but he was about five weeks old when he came
    to me, about five weeks after I moved away to Houston take my first job, and I
    moved a day after my 22nd birthday. So we share a birthday.

    51. We've been
    together since before we met Rudder or the other cat. We understand each

    50. If you do the math in #49, you can see that I am 37

    49. So I'm now officially in my late thirties.

    48. Other
    favorites authors (besides LMM) are Dorothy Sayers and Robert Heinlein

    I don't consider reading a hobby, any more than breathing.

    46. I tend to
    alternate between long hair and very short.

    45. Right now it's shoulder
    length, on the way to longer.

    44. I really wish hair could get long as fast
    as it can get short.

    43. Except for some minor highlights, my hair is its
    natural dark brown.

    42. I have fair skin and brown eyes to go with

    41. I generally think I look better in the mirror than I do in

    40. So I hope others see the me from the mirror but I'm afraid they

    39. My teeth are yellower than I'd like (natural shade, not stains)
    so I'm being frivolous and having them bleached in a couple of weeks. Don't worry,
    it still won't be a beauty-pageant-fake smile.

    38. I have a navel piercing
    and just one hole in each ear. (But no tattoos.)

    37. I once had my upper ear
    cartilage pierced, but gave up on it and let it close. It didn't work well with
    aviation headsets.

    36. I enjoy shopping.

    35. Like the woman in the
    Shopaholic books, I tend to rotate, but in my case it's between buying clothes,
    shoes, and books, with an occasional foray into cosmetics. 34. Unlike her, my
    credit cards are paid off. (Er, usually.)

    34. Books are my worst vice, as
    far as lack of self-restraint goes.

    33. I estimate we own 1500 or so books.

    32. I have too many regular shoes, but almost as many sport-specific ones
    (hiking boots, ski boots, flip-flops for rowing, climbing shoes, etc.)

    31. I
    do sometimes buy things that are mistakes (in that I don't wear them much). I try
    to get rid of these, at least eventually.

    30. I still wear a size 4 but some
    of my older clothes in that size are too tight. I don't understand this, unless
    they're changing sizes again.

    29. What I lose in paying for less fabric I
    make up in getting more shoe leather -- small body, big feet.

    28. We've been
    to six of the seven continents.

    27. The only one missing is

    26. But there's still lots and lots we want to see on all the others
    as well.

    25. I've only been to 27 of the 50 states -- have been to most of
    the coastal states but few of the interior or northern boarder ones.

    24. I
    drive the tinest little silver convertible you've ever seen, the Mozzie (short for

    23. I keep threatening to measure and see if it will fit in
    Rudder's Very Large SUV, the Orange Crush.

    22. I also have a 4WD compact

    22. And yes it does get to go off-road occasionally.

    21. We do
    a lot of photography on our trips, mostly of mountains and waters rather than of

    20. What we'd really like to do is to sell those or maybe photos
    with articles, so we could make a living taking the trips we like and working from
    home the rest of the time.

    19. We really do think our photography and
    writing skills are good enough (or nearly).

    18. But we know that so are a
    lot of other people's.

    17. We talk about taking a year off to travel around
    the US and buying a vehicle to do it in.

    16. We figure the ideal would be a
    horse or toy trailer -- living space in front, room in back for bikes, kayaks, and
    all the books I'd want with me.

    15. We don't have kids or plans to have

    14. We both like other people's kids, it's just that 24-7 thing that
    scares us.

    13. Kind of a shame because I think that year-long trip would be
    fun with a kid old enough and young-enough to enjoy it -- say in the 4-12

    12. I don't smoke.

    11. I did in my teens, but never more than a
    pack a week or so, not enough to build a dependency -- quitting was mostly a
    matter of deciding, "This is stupid".

    10. I don't know much about wine,
    though I like it.

    9. I know more about beer -- we used to brew our

    8. This is good because good beer is much more affordable than good

    7. I think I'm a fairly good cook.

    6. One set of friends thinks
    I'm a gourmet cook -- just because they happen to have been over for some of my
    better efforts. It's nice to have some people think you're better than you are :-

    5. I've had friends call me up when they needed to check a random trivia
    fact instead of looking it up themselves -- because they were sure I'd know or
    know where to find out.

    4. I did!

    3. I'm also very good at remembering
    words -- spellings, song lyrics, poetry, passages from books.

    2. I'm not
    nearly as good at remembering important information.

    1. This list was a bit
    harder to compile than I'd thought and you probably haven't learned much you
    didn't already know. But I hope it was fun!

    Posted by dichroic at 01:06 PM

    March 07, 2004

    funding freedom fighters

    Oka, boys and girls. In case it's been too long since you've last watched Sesame
    Street, we're going to play a fun game of "One of These Things is Not Like the
    Others." Ready?

    I've just renewed my membership to the Aircraft
    Owners and Pilots Association, the Smithsonian, Planned Parenthood, the Southern
    Poverty Law Center, and the ACLU. Which one of these things is not like the

    Did you guess Smithsonian? Right! It's the only one of the
    organizations above that is not up to its ears in fighting the policies of the
    Bush-Ashcroft administration. (Technically that should probably be the Bush-Cheney
    administration, but who knows where Cheney's hiding?) Yes, even the AOPA is
    fighting for freedom, since apparently having a couple of 747's hijacked means
    that the defense of liberty requires restrictions on the tiniest little Cessna
    152, leading to more restricted areas higher insurances, and unpredictable new
    laws. It's true that the government has not been encouraging the KKK and other
    white-supremacist groups, a main focus of the SPLC, but they fight against all
    types of hate crimes, and I think it's fair to class support for an amendment
    reducing some citizens to second-class status as not exactly "teaching tolerance".
    Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are, of course, self-explanatory and I found it
    particularly satisfying to write those checks today.

    (Of course the
    ACLU helps defend some epellent people and groups. They took an oath (the same one
    our civil servants are supposed to be executing), to protect and defend the
    Constitution. If you phrase the right of free speech as "free speech for everyone
    we agree with", it sort of loses some of its punch.)

    Posted by dichroic at 12:28 PM

    March 05, 2004

    my grandmother's birthday

    When I woke up just before 4AM this morning, the first thing I realized was that
    it was raining and I couldn't go row. This didn't take much conscious thought,
    since what woke we two minutes before the alarm was She-Hulk calling to say it was
    pouring over at her place and so she wasn't going to go row. (She's just back from
    dealing with family emergencies and she and Rudder were supposed to take out the
    double this morning. She didn't want to make him drive out there for nothing.) The
    next thing I realized, even before going back to sleep, was that today is March 5,
    my grandmother's birthday. She'd have been 92 today.

    I know she was
    86 when she died, so that makes it six years ago. It seems longer; in fact I just
    mentioned to Baraita that it was "almost
    a decade ago". Oops. I'm terrible at remembering death dates, though good at
    birthdays, and somehow I always felt a little closer to Grandmom just because her
    birthday was five days before mine. (In a similar way, I remember that a boy
    around the corner when I was little had his on March 13, one cousin I haven't
    talked to in years was born March 7, another March 11, a former coworker also
    March 11, and a more recent former coworker on March 10, 1967, same day and year
    as me. In twenty years I might not be in contact with any of these people but I'll
    still know their birthdays.) In some ways I like the idea of remembering births
    rather than deaths because it feels more like a celebration that I had wonderful
    grandparents instead of a lament that they're gone.

    We were always
    close to my mother's parents. They lived less than a mile away and we used to
    visit once or twice a week. My grandfather died the summer after my freshman year
    in college. My grandmother kept living alone (her sister was just down the
    street), and did some of the traveling my grandfather's heart condition had
    prevented, but being on her own was a big adjustment. (Among other things, I don't
    think she like not having anyone to argue with.) She had a heart attack a few
    months after he died, and toward the end of the next decade had a couple of
    congestive heart failures. As best I can tell after about 13 years of living on
    her own, she decided that she'd been alone too long, she wanted to see my
    grandfather again, and that her body was starting to fail her and more or less
    stopped eating. She spent a few weeks in a nursing home where they tried to
    persuade her to eat Ensure because she claimed anything else upset her stomach,
    kept telling us she wanted to die, and did after not too long. I didn't make it to
    her funeral, because I'd rushed in a few weeks before to see her and say goodbye.
    I'm glad I did.

    After I moved away, I tried to make it a point to
    call her at least once a week, usually on Sundays. Every once in a while even now
    I find myself thinking, "Oh, it's Sunday, I should call my grandmother," before I
    realize that won't work. I take comfort in remembering that she was sure she would
    see my grandfather again, that he was waiting somewhere for her. I don't know that
    she had any structured view of what happens next, but I figure she was much older
    than I am, had seen more death, was close to her own, and thus might have better
    knowledge than I do. At any rate, I never feel like either of my grandparents are
    far away. I don't much care if that's true or not; I can wait to find out, and
    meantime, as Iris Dement sings, I'm content to "let the mystery be". Either I'll
    see them again or it won't matter, but meanwhile it's a comforting feeling.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 04, 2004

    overly rapid morphage

    When I was learning to fly, I founded I need to go more than once a week -- a week
    was too long a gap and I had to spend the beginning of the lesson relearning
    things from last time. I've concluded babies are like that. They change so fast
    that when you don't see them for a couple of weeks they morph beyond all

    It's been a strenuous week at work. Last night I rushed
    home with something I needed to do on Photoshop, worked on it for an hour and a
    half, spent a few hours sharing photos and having dinner with a Finnish woman from
    our Antarctic trip who's in town this week, and then worked on the Photoshop stuff
    some more until 10 PM. Observant readers will note that this is two hours after my
    usual bedtime. (And yes, I am a good girl because I got up at 5 and erged 10K.)
    Anyway, it's been that sort of week.

    I was *so* hoping I could
    telecommute Friday. I'd planned to have lunch with Egret and the babies and maybe
    another mutual friend. My hopes were torpedoed when I got a summons to a Big
    Honking Meeting Friday morning. VPs and other VIPs are involved and there was some
    language about how each person asked to attend was invited because she could
    "contribute in a unique and meaningful way". The meeting notice did say people not
    in Phoenix could call in .... and technically speaking, I don't actually live in
    Phoenix .... but given the people involved and the fact that it's the first
    meeting of this group, I probably need to show my face. Dammit.

    I wrote to tell Egret I couldn't make it I was thinking of telling her to tell the
    babies not to go off to college before I saw them next, but settled for "tell them
    not to start walking and talking before I see them again", thinking this was still
    comfortably far away. She wrote back that OG is "still crawling backwards". When I
    saw them last less than two weeks ago, they were still at the stage where they
    could sit alone but only with help getting into that position, and once seated
    they were both pretty much immobile. At this rate they may well be dancing by next
    week and sending their own emails the week after that.

    And they're
    both way cuter than any of our VPs.

    Speaking of aging, I have a birthday in less than a week. *hums Happy-Dichroic
    tune* They never seem to live up to anticipation, for which I blame href="
    1818501?v=glance&n=507846">Dr. Seuss
    , but this year I have a new strategy.
    Since almost all of my relatives who send me presents tend to do so very late,
    this year I will interpret this not as a sign of not caring (they do care -- they
    call on the actual day) or even of just being very busy (the actual reason, plus
    there's an annual craft fair a few weeks later that Mom likes to shop at) but of a
    desire on their parts to celebrate my birth over a whole month. I believe in
    deliberate self-delusion whenused for a good cause.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:19 PM

    March 03, 2004

    penguin talk and stranger dreams

    We get to talk penguin talk tonight. A Finnish woman who was on the Antarctica
    trip with us is in town for business. Since she knew the trip was coming up, she
    asked for our email address while we were all on the boat. (They're supposed to
    send out a trip diary with everyone's email addresses but haven't gotten around to
    that yet. I'm assuming this is related to the fact that the tour staff usually
    have about three hours of free time between trip, literally. Strenuous jobs.) SO
    Rudder has loaded up the slide projector, I've cleared all the remaining software
    boxes and installation instructions away from my desk in the front room, and she's
    bringing a DVD with her pictures. It ought to be fun.

    I slept very
    well last night, but somewhere in the middle had an odd dream. I was hanging out
    with a few people at a pool that had a big slide, and someone wanted us all to
    slide down in close timing so we'd all be in the pool close together. The woman
    behind me in line crowded and pushed me down the slide so that I was too
    close to everyone else when I hit the water and my brother scolded me for being
    unsafe. I explained it wasn't my fault and she sort-of-but-not-really apologized.
    I refused to forgive her and stepped out of the pool by stepping on her head, not
    hurting her but causing her to go down in the water and splutter a bit. Then I was
    sorry and kept trying to get her to forvie me, but she wouldn't. Since it was a
    dream, by then there was some entirely different issue between us. Then I sat by a
    nice older woman, a close aquaintance whom I trusted, but not really a friend, and
    we talked about the whole thing. I wondered whether I should just try to be
    friends with the older woman instead.

    I woke up with a revelation --
    I mean, in my just awoken state, this was clearly the Solution to Everything --
    that I'd be better at making friends if I just acted as if I like everyone I meet,
    most especially the people I really do like.

    OK, so it's probably not
    the Solution to Everything. It's amazing how convinced you can be of something
    when you first wake up. On the other hand, this one makes sense, so .... if you're
    on my DLand buddies list, or you know I read your journal, or I gave you this URL,
    please assume I like you. In case you were wondering.

    P.S. Brownie
    points if you know where I stole the title of this essay.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 02, 2004

    who sez?

    If I were on the California Supreme Court during the Catholic Charities, I think
    I'd have to write a dissenting opinion. I'm not sure whether I'd vote with the
    majority or not, but I think they got their rationale all wrong. It would be just
    fine with me if the state required everyone, religious or not, to provide
    insurance coverage birth control, or if they wanted to leave more choice in there,
    to require an employer to fund coverage for birth control if they fund coverage
    for Viagra and similar drugs. (Though it's never been entirely clear why birth
    control should be considered a women's issue. Last I heard, it's a two-person
    process.) If they're going to provide exemptions from the rule for religious
    organization, it's clear there needs to be some standard for what constitutes a
    religious organization, so that people aren't claiming to be one just to reduce
    their insurance responsibilities.

    Where I have a problem with this is
    in the decision that Catholic Charities is not a religious organization because
    they help people without "forwarding religious aims". 'Scuse me? Feeding and
    clothing the needy isn't a religious aim? I seem to recall something of the sort
    in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Koran. (Admittedly, I'm
    going on second-hand reports there, not having actually read the Koran.) If
    Christian Charities does so without pushing dogma on people who might not be in a
    position to accept or reject it, more power to them. First you keep them from
    starving, then you worry about their souls.

    (From a purely
    theological viewpoint, this is a very Jewish point of view and not at all a
    Christian one, at least not historically. From a practical standpoint, few people
    can pay attention to sermons when they're ill-nourished, and even iin our legal
    system an oath taken under duress doesn't count.)

    It's also
    interesting to note the court's other argument, that the charity hire's non-
    Catholics. By that rationale, any synagogue who hires a Shabbes goy to turn off
    the lights on Saturday is also non-religious.Good thing there are automatic timers

    On a completely different note:

    border="0" alt="May barbarians invade your personal space!">
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    "May barbarians invade your

    You are highly confrontational and possibly in a
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    Posted by dichroic at 11:12 AM

    March 01, 2004

    what does a book need to be, and other stuff

    I love reading conservative Republicans
    telling Shrub to get his slimy hands off our Constitution and quit trying to use
    it to shoehorn himself back in office. As Rudder likes to point out, the
    Constitution has only ever been amended to recognize individual freedoms, never to
    take them away except for Prohibition and that didn't work. (Well, and to limit
    Presidents to two terms in office. It can be argues whether that's denying
    privileges to the incumbent or granting them to others. Either way, it's not one
    of the document's shining highlights.)

    SWooP: I am not a shoe whore.
    If I were they'd pay me for it instead of the other way around. A shoe
    john, maybe.

    On the radio this morning, someone discussing the
    Oscars mentioned that the Lord of the Rings movies are "about the big things":
    friendship, courage, integrity. That rang true for me -- that's the common factor
    in most of what I read. Most of the fiction on my bookshelves is either
    children's/YA, F&SF, or mysteries. I have some "literature" too, of course, but it
    tends more toward Austen and Trollope than to, say, Byatt or Proulx. A lot of
    modern lit strikes me as flat out boring, or pompus, or at best dreary. I am not a
    subtle person (yeah, big shock, I know) and one distinguishing factor of the
    genres I read most is that they are not afraid to tackle good and evil head on.
    No, I don't only read about great apocalyptic battles; there are also all of the
    other great questions: why is love, what is civilization, why do manners matter,
    what is the purpose of life, and so on nearly ad infinitum. They may use dragons
    or murders or high school cliques to illustrate a point, but there almost always
    is one.

    I don't want to read about what happened on one day of some
    random character's life unless it really mattered to him or her. (Funny, I've
    never seen the resemblance between Joyce's Ulysses and Miss Read's
    Thrush Green until now. Should probably attempt to read the former one of
    these days.) I do want to read about how Elizabeth realized she'd been mistaken
    about Darcy, or why you should always be polite to dragons, or how a man-of-the-
    world soldier can find contentment in a monastery, or how women can fit into a
    previously male-only army without pretending to be men.

    Some of it
    is writing style too, I guess; it's hard to care for a character who doesn't care
    for anything himself. A good author can make me care about an issue that's
    important to the character but that wasn't to me -- I agree with href="">Natalie
    that Pat Gardiner has a pathological attachment to Silver Bush, but I still reread
    her anyway. I think at base I want to be able to see what the author is getting at
    and why I should care.

    Which may or may not be the case with the
    meeting I need to run off to now.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:51 PM

    February 29, 2004


    Retail therapy is one thing (though I always feel guilty anyway) but then there's
    stupid retail therapy, Stupid retail therapy is when you can't decide so you come
    home with three pairs of black loafers.

    In my defense, it was a
    discount store, and one pair was on the clearance rack, and they will serve
    (slightly) different purposes .... there's the chunky pair with white stitching
    and wedge heels that are enormously comfortable given the 2" heels, the flat
    backless slip-ons that will be easy to wear often. and the sleek pair with heels
    (2" again, but these are actual high-heel-type heels). I plan to throw out at
    least two pair of old worn-out shoes to make room.

    On the other hand,
    I think Rudder has about three pair of shoes total, not counting sneakers and
    technical shows (climbing, hiking, biking, shoes attached to the rowing shells,
    etc.). He'll never get it.

    But some of you will.

    Posted by dichroic at 05:42 PM

    February 27, 2004


    Note to the local gas stations who have raised prices 50 cents/gallon in the last
    few weeks:
    Summer They said prices would be up to $2 by
    "summer". No matter how warm it is here, that does not equate to "by the
    end of February".

    Note to the media who reported gas prices would be
    up to $2 by summer:
    OK, this one's really not your fault. But could you be
    a bit clearer next time?

    Note to the Catholic Church:
    When 4% of
    your people are taking advantage of helpless children, in direct opposition to
    your reason for being, what you have is not a few bad apples but a systemic

    Note to same-sex couples marrying in California,
    Massachusetts, New Mexico, New York:
    I've always regretted being born too late
    to see the lunch counter sit-ins, Montogomery bus boycotts, and Freedom Ride.
    Thanks for providing the gutsiest examples of civil disobedience I've seen in my
    lifetime. Thanks even more to all the freedom fighters in those earlier events.
    It's because of you that there are no dogs or firehoses being brought out this
    time, and this member of a later generation has not forgotten what you

    Note to the guy running this weekend's regatta:
    I'm really
    not looking forward to spending my whole precious weekend at the regatta just
    because Rudder's in one lousy race. If you didn't insist on 2K races for
    categories that just don't normally do that distance you would have more distinct
    races and wouldn't force people to do run-offs Sunday against the very same people
    they race Saturday. Incidentally, the reason I'm neither racing nor volunteering
    this time is that I don't think the way you've set it up makes sense at all so I'm
    trying to save myself another frustrating experience.

    Note to my
    It's not you, it's me.

    Note to the guys redoing our
    You rock.

    Note to people who still like GWB:
    administration, I felt a lot better once I realized that being liberal on many
    issues didn't mean I had to like Clinton. Really, just because you like smaller
    government and the Republican party used to be all about that, doesn't mean you
    have to like Shrub. Come over to the dark side....

    Note to people who
    preach hate in the name of a religion that's supposed to be about love:
    I'm smart enough to see how illogical you are, then obviously God is. Also,
    you make my friend Maria
    sad because you make her faith look bad. You need to try using the brain and heart
    God gave you. It might help if you actually read that Bible, too. With your eyes
    open this time.

    Note to Judaism:
    Thank you for giving me a
    tradition in which you're supposed to use your mind to find out about the
    world you're in, and to appreciate the wonders of Nature and your own

    Note to Jews who ignore that tradition:
    What are you,
    Baptists in tefillin?

    Note to the rain this morning:

    Note to usual readers:
    Sorry, groggy today!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:04 PM

    February 26, 2004

    data-based decisions

    A decade or so from now, I would love to see a study done on the longevity of the
    same-sex marriages happening this month in San Francisco. I have no data to
    support this, but my gut feeling is that if you plot stability of the marriage
    against the day on which they got married, you'd see sort of an inverse bell
    curve: high on the first few days, lowering after a bit, then raising back up and
    eventually (if the marriages are allowed to continue) leveling off. My theory is
    that the first people in line would be those who have been aching to marry for
    years, waiting for it to be possible, dreaming of the day. Given the numbers of
    couples involved, that group may span a couple of days.Of course, some of those
    will still split up, for the same reasons hetero couples do, compounded by the
    stress of uncertainty, but I expect the divorce (or "divorce", depending on what
    happens next) rate to be lower than the average for hetero marriages, because if
    my theory is correct, these will be stable relaitonships. The next group will
    still have some of those, but will also include couples who got swept up in the
    joy of the moment and so rushed out to get married sooner than they might have
    otherwise. These will still outlast, say, the average marriage of Elizabeth
    Taylor, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Britney Spears, or my Uncle Walt (I think he had five
    wives). The rise I postulate should be showingin couples who are marrying now:
    these would be the ones who didn't rush out because they took time to talk it over
    and decide carefully whether this is the right step for them. I'd guess their
    divorce rate to come close to those we see in hetero couples, maybe a little
    higher due to stresses over prejudice and so on, but I really have no idea. This
    would be a fertile field for someone like href="">Pepper Schwartz, to do
    a follow-up to her American Couples book and see if gender makes a
    difference when other factors are more equal.

    I've seen suggestions
    in quite a few places that maybe separation of church and state means that
    churches/synagogues/temples/mosques shouldn't be able to perform legal ceremonies
    at all, that all legal unions should be civil unions, with religions then free to
    beless those unions if they like in a separate ceremony. The fairness benefits of
    this are obvious, and it also has clear benefits for those who might want a
    religious but not civil union, like senior citizens who couldn't afford what
    marriage would do to their Social Security benefits, or those who just don't
    believe the government has a place in marriage. One less obvious advantage of this
    is that if civil unions are just a matter of registration, like getting a
    passport, and people then have to plan any ceremony they might want as a separate
    issue, we've added more hurdle to the process of getting married. They may be a
    good thing; a more lengthy process may help reduce the divorce rate by
    discouraging whim of the moment weddings or by adding one more step to lengthen
    the ritual. According to Joseph Campbell, the more impressive the ritual, the more
    likely people are to feel married and to stay married. My own wedding was
    certainly enough of an ordeal to plan as it was, no help from the government
    needed, but except for getting the bloodtests and license, that had more to do
    with us wanting to have all our friends and family there and to feed them after
    they'd come to join us.

    That would be a good study too: does
    complexity of the wedding, and the amount of work bride and groom put into it
    (wedding planners' work doesn't count for this) influence the stability of the
    marriage? We should do that study and then we should go and look at it to see what
    we can learn. We don't seem to base enough of our decisions on actual data when
    opinion will do. Yesterday on NPR, they had a piece about sex ed and who favored
    teaching abstinence only instead of abstinence plus birth control. I sort of
    wonder, remembering my own days in those classes, if it matters anyway -- does
    anyone really pay attention? But if it does make a difference, then we should look
    at the programs we have and see what works, not just decide based on someone's
    rabid doctrine. Born-again parents and left-leaning atheist parents want the same
    for their kids: health and happiness, which in this case translates to no STDs and
    no kids of their own until they're ready (different parents will certainly define
    "ready" differently). The thing is, we have programs teaching abstinence
    only right now. We have other programs teaching ABCs. We have students who don't
    take sex-ed at all, we have students in church programs, we have students who are
    taught in a very medical way. We've got enough variety to just look and see what
    works. So why don't we?

    We probably already do, really. So why don't
    we use that data to make our decisions?

    Posted by dichroic at 12:34 PM

    February 25, 2004

    counting the loss

    I was listening to Garnet Rogers' song
    Night Drive,
    about his memories of his brother Stan and thinking, as I always do, about what a
    shattering loss href="">Stan's death must
    have been to Garnet. Of course it generally does suck to have a sibling die, but
    in one moment, thanks to some moron smoking in an airplane lavatory, Garnet lost a
    major part of his life. These guys were brothers both in terms of shared parents
    and in the sense in which some men like to use the word for a friend who is as
    much a part of you as your own bones, and they were partners in their own
    work. At the time Stan died, his was the bigger name and most of his records list
    Garnet as arranger and backup musician, but it's clear from their later CDs and
    from Stan's published comments that Garnet was integral to the music they made
    together. In one moment in 1983, Garnet lost his brother, his best friend, and a
    major portion of his job. (He went on to produce and back up other people, to
    write his own songs, and to perform on his own, and is now a big name (in folk
    circles - these things are relative) as a solo performer. I highly recommend his
    album All That

    I thought about how awful and how unusual it would be to lose
    so much with one death, until I realized that it's actually not uncommon.
    Something of that magnitude happened to my great-grandmother when her husband died
    of flu in 1918 and to her sister whose husband died in the War in 1917. It's
    happened to millions of women who have lost husbands they depended on for food and
    shelter as well as love and help in raising children. Worse than that, while those
    women would have had the same burden of grief Garnet Rogers must have had, until
    the last few decades most wouldn't have had a chance to go out on their own and
    build their own as successfully as he did. (Not that many people of either gender
    have talents as formidable as his, but that's a separate issue.) If a woman had to
    depend on her own work, if she didn't remarry or have family to take her in, she
    would have had to deal with crushing grief and a huge drop in standard of living
    and her children's.

    As many times as I've thought about Stan's death
    before, I'd never thought of that parallel until this morning. First it hit me how
    lucky I am and how far we've come; if I lost Rudder or any other part of my family
    I would be grieving, but at least I wouldn't also have to worry about my
    next meal or how I'd pay the mortgage. Even if we'd had a kid and I'd decided to
    stay home with her I'd know I could go back to an office job if it were necessary.
    My next thought was to realize how telling it is that, outspoken feminist that I
    am, I had always thought about that loss from the point of view of men before, and
    had never considered how common a similar loss would have been for women. We still
    have some ways to go, or maybe it's just that I do. I'm not sure if this is
    lingering prejudices or just me being oblivious.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:10 PM

    February 24, 2004

    bigger than us

    Even in the mostly cement courtyard between two cement buildings, I can smell the
    the unmistakeable scent of desert after rain. It got me thinking of how Nature
    occasionally likes to show she's bigger than us.

    I could not live in this desert without air conditioning in summer; I think I'd be
    a miserable invalid four months of the year, or maybe just nocturnal. A lot of
    others couldn't live in colder climates without at least the primitive heat
    technology of a fireplace. Yet every so often the power goes out and we're shown
    graphically that our technology hammock is not indestructible.

    Nature intervenes in kinder ways too. With all the regimented timing of modern
    life a lot of us still wake up earlier in summer when it's light earlier. People
    in the far north and south get depressed or go into nesting mode in the winter
    months. Even the routine drive to work gets changed by things I can't control:
    light, wind, rain.

    Last Saturday Rudder had the brilliant idea of taking the tour of apprentice
    shelters at href="">
    Taliesin West
    , Frank Lloyd Wright's home and school. These are where Taliesin
    students live while working on Masters degrees in architecture. First year
    students are required to live in big individual canvas tents that they put up each
    year on permanent bases. Each tent has a mattress with blankets and pillows and
    not a lot else. (Clothes and possession are kept in closets in the apprentices'
    locker rooms.) More advanced students live in shelters which they build or rebuild
    themselves. A few of these are entirely enclosed, though even those aren't
    terribly well sealed. Others consist of walls and roofs, not necessarily coming
    together on all sides. One s a hanging tent, supported on suspension cables at the
    end of a cantilevered bridge. They're out in the desert, separated enough that the
    openness isn't a privacy problem. The idea is that the students live on and with
    the land and come to know it so that their plans will growing from the land
    itself. (It's worth noting that they pack up and go to Wisconsin when it gets hot
    here, as Frank Lloyd Wright himself did every year.)

    The thing that struck me most was the smell of the desert. The clean-washed-dust
    smell is noticeable everywhere in the valley after rain, but out at Taliesin I
    smelled sagebrush and palo verde and a whole range of scents. I don't know how I'd
    like living in an open shelter for a season, but it would be fun to try. It seems
    so far removed from life in my tiled house and fluorescent-lit office, shuttling
    between them on a paved highway. Meanwhile, I'm just glad that Nature is too big
    to let us shut out the smell of desert after rain.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:49 PM

    February 22, 2004

    classification is tough!

    Here's a book-cataloging challenge for all you wanna-be librarians out there: how
    on Earth would you categorize Douglas Hostadter's Godel, Escher, Bach: An
    Eternal Golden Braid

    I think I may throw my hands up and toss
    it in the Philosophy bin (figuratively speaking; I try to avoid tossing books.
    Much.) His Le Ton Beau de Marot is going under Linguistics, though it's
    more accurately about poetry, translation, cognitive science, love, and grief.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:27 AM

    February 20, 2004

    the wonders of home

    I loveLoveLOVE telecommuting! I have a meeting on the phone, a minestrone in the
    crockpot and a friend (plus friendlets (friendlings? Babies, anyhow)) coming over
    for lunch. Yesterday on the way home I did a couple of random sample counts and
    found that 3 of 10 people on the highway I use were talking on cellphones while
    driving. Only one of those was using a hands-free system.

    And this
    morning, because of blessed telelcommuting, I didn't have to drive among them! I
    can't do this more than occasionally because a lot of my work is better done face
    to face, but I appreciate it so much when I can.

    The cinnamon toast
    for breakfast, the comfy sweatshirt I'm wearing, and the two hours I didn't waste
    driving are nice too. And the work laptop worked like a champ on my new

    Also, the totals are noted on href="">Fivehundred as always, but I want to
    proudly note here that I have covered 40 km this week, between erging, walking,
    and rowing. And that's not even counting the hike we're planning to do tomorrow.

    Later note: I stole this link from href="">Misia. Look, href="">w
    edding pictures
    from San Francisco. There are serious amounts of joy going on
    there, you can see.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 19, 2004

    the examined life

    Resolved: that discussion and debate are good things.

    I think there's
    something about communicating in type instead of voice that promotes logical
    exploration. Or at least, it drags discussions out long enough that you can
    realize what's going on. Last week I had a fascinating (to me, at least) email
    discussion with M'ris about the
    experience of reading that had me stepping outside myself to examine what is going
    on when I read a book. I concluded that part of the fascination is that it lets me
    step into a different world and see through the mind of a different sort of
    person. I also came to the conclusion that I am a very biddable reader, prone to
    identify with whoever the author thinks I should identify with.

    of that I knew, but I also realized that sometimes I don't read for that reason,
    but just to learn something new. Otherwise I don't think I could read nonfiction
    except when set in the first person, or fiction that didn't look well inside
    someone's head.. Oddly, even that sort of reading can have a lot of influence on
    my moods and wishes; I would expect the experience of "being" another person to do
    that, but apparently I'm suggestible to the printed word in

    This morning I was enjoying a argument on the subject of gay
    marriage, carried on the comments of a LiveJournal, until the party of the other
    part asked me please to stop. (I am not linking to her journal in case that
    qualifies as further argument.) I never quite understand why some people think
    debate is useless if neither party will convince the other. I assure you all I was
    being as polite and respectful as I could manage.

    One possible
    problem is that I think the other person was probably a literal Bible believer. I
    am willing to be convinced otherwise but I confess I can't understand how an lBb
    can be anything but a sloppy thinker. Even if you take as granted that God's word
    was handed down to Moses and the various Gospel writers (obviously I don't), how
    could you discount translation and copying errors? Even if you think all later
    translations were divinely inspired and thus accurate, how can you look around at
    all the translations available now and not notice the disagreements? Even getting
    back to the original source and neglecting translation errors, the two versions of
    Creation in Genesis disagree, so there are errors from the very start. How do you
    logically reconcile that with any kind of divine infallibility?

    wasn't really my po in there, though. My point is that for a logical thinker,
    debate can be valuable even without either person convincing the other. As I wrote
    in the original argument, I find debating a point politely has some value; for me
    it ensures I have considered various points I might otherwise have missed. And for
    a religious person, well... can an unexamined reflex faith as strong as one that
    has been examined and has stood the test? Also, there are certainly at least some
    Christian traditions (like the Jesuits) as well as mainstream Jewish tradition
    that between in study and debate not to disprove G-d's role in the world but to
    determine as much as possible about it.

    I don't wuite know if
    it's a sign of bias or what that most of the people I think of as very smart and
    logical agree with me on most divisive issues. Maybe what I need is a smart debate
    buddy on the other side.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 18, 2004

    a much better state

    Woof. Was bored to tears Monday, almost nothing to do. So I spent some of the time
    poking at various people running projects I'm working on to get things moving. It
    wasn't entirely because of that, but move things did, with a vengeance. Now
    I am not bored so much as run ragged and exhausted.

    A much better
    state, especially as it better justifies my paycheck.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:26 PM

    February 17, 2004

    a questing beast

    If Jasper fforde ever creates a large enough body of work, the guide to it would
    be more fun to create than anything since the Lord Peter Wimsey Companion (of
    which the book version is about sold out, but the CD is about to be released). And
    without the need to learn French or Latin.

    In Lost in a Good
    alone, there's reference to everything from SSword in the Stone to
    The Princess Bride and that's omitting the really obvious borrowed
    characters (snitched from anyone from Lewis Carroll to Dickens to

    I offer an explanation of one reference in exchange for
    anyone who can explain a couple of others to me. I'd sort of grasped this before,
    but didn't know until our Antarctica trip that the English version of Monopoly
    apparently goes way back, far enough that most Brits think theirs was the original
    version (they're wrong). That's why Thursday's husband is Landen Parke-Laine as
    opposed to Landen Parke-Plaice. (Incidentally his parents are Bilden and

    What I don't get are Thursday's brothers. I know enough
    Britspeak to get the names of Thursday Next and her mother Wednesday (if there are
    any English readers here, Americans are more likely to say "next Thursday" than
    the other way 'round) bu I still don't see what's funny about Anton Next and Joffy
    Next. Am I just being stupid?

    Posted by dichroic at 07:00 PM

    What's that I hear?

    made me leak happy



    ncisco_dc?>This on the other
    hand just raised my blood pressure a bit (the first and last few

    paragraphs, anyway). I don't know exactly why this particular issue
    has such resonance for me as to

    affect bodily fluids (blood and
    tear) but it does. On a lot of the other issues I care about, like

    gender and racial equality, the major battles have been won and
    we're into the post-war rebuilding.

    Just as with shooting war, the
    postwar reconstruction can be harder than the actual battle, but it

    tends to have a tidal inexorability. It may be slow, and it's very
    far from complete, but it's

    happening; all I have to do is look at
    the numbers of women in my company with good jobs, or the

    interracial couples I see whenever I walk around the mall to see
    proof. (It's true and regrettable

    that proof of how far we have to
    go yet is almost as easy to find, in reports of hate crimes or of

    underpaid women and minorities. But it's not so long since that
    counterproof was allthere was

    to find.)

    happening with gay marriages looks to me like a tidal flood. When it's legalized
    in the

    Netherlands and Canada, fought in the courts of
    Massachusetts, legislated in Vermont and done in

    rebellion in
    California all within the space of a few years, that's not happenstance, that's

    There are bitter battles yet to be fought; right now we're
    only at the stage of the lunch-counter

    sit-ins and the Freedom
    Riders, but I smell change on the wind.

    And yet no revolution is just
    like its predecessors. I have not yet seen any leaders like MLK or even

    Malcolm rising up. What I have seen is any number of leaders on a
    smaller local level, from Mayor

    Newsom of San Francisco to the
    couples filing suit with the Massachusetts Supreme Court. It will be interesting
    to see how this plays out, but it's too much of a tidal wave for me to believe we
    won't be left with some real change.

    What's that I hear
    now ringing in my ear

    I hear it more and more

    It's the sound of
    freedom calling

    Ringing up to the sky

    It's the sound of the old ways

    You can hear it if you try

    You can hear it if you

    Posted by dichroic at 04:19 PM

    February 16, 2004

    where to?

    So now we have three computers and two dining room tables, shortly to be joined by
    two rocking chairs. In some ways I regret this whole moving-from-Arizona-in-the-
    next-year idea. Those regrets are accentuated by the new roof we got last fall and
    the pool redo currently in progress, and by the fact that Rudder likes it here. On
    the other hand, I have told the powers that be at work what I want to do, so
    changing my mind would be a wee bit embarassing, and I know that once summer hits
    I'll have a lot more motivation to escape. Given the sheer amount of stuff we
    have, it's clear we had better either get one or the other of our employers to pay
    for the move, and that we need to move somewhere where we can afford a fairly
    spacious house. I think the whole thing will be a lot easier to grasp once we've
    figured out where we want to end up. Mostly, what I've got is a case of itchy feet
    and an overload of hot weather.


    • Four seasons (preferably at least three of which are
      pleasant in one way or another)
    • Reasonable cost of
    • Plenty of engineering/management jobs (preferably including
      a branch of my current company - it's so big that may be easier than I
    • A nearby lake or river to row on (preferably with an
      existing rowing club that has a boathouse where we can store our

    That doesn't sound like a lot to ask for, does it?
    There must be hundreds of places in the country that satisfy those few criteria
    (or even out of it, in which case we add another: easy to get work visas).
    Suggestions are welcome.

    Meanwhile, I need to focus on enjoying what
    I have. February is the best time of year here: dry and sunny, lows around 45 and
    highs around 75. Only problem is all the extra traffic from all the other people
    who come here to enjoy it. We need to spend more time outdoors while we can, so
    next weekend we might do a long hike we haven't done in 3 years or so, the
    Flatiron. Actually. it's half a hike, half a scramble. It's not that long -- about
    5 miles round trip -- but there's a lot of elevation gain nad the trail only goes
    about halfway. After that you're scrambling. href="">This picture shows the
    terrain and also just why it's called the "Flatiron". Incidentally, I don't know
    who owns the website I got the above photo from, but if you href="">go to it you can
    see a couple of photos of the Flatiron hike as well as a few others around here.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:48 AM

    February 15, 2004

    Scarlett for the new millenium

    As God is my witness, I will never buy a PC again.

    At least, not
    unless there's a really, really good reason. ("Free" would

    After an insanely expensive weekend, I am writing this from my
    brand new pretty iMac on my nearly new monster table (um, "monster" because it's
    reallyreallybig, not because it's ugly), in the living room that someday, after
    the addition of more bookshelves and the arrival of one of the chairs we *also*
    bought this weekend (I said it was insanely expensive) will be my new library.

    I had forgotten what it's like to have almost everything work right
    the first time. Even hooking up the wireless network so both the new Mac and the
    old PC can be online worked the first time. Incredible. I did have a wee bit of
    trouble getting my mail to send (though it received fine) bt the friendly dude at
    Apple was most helpful. Not effective, since he couldn't figure out the problem
    and it spontaneously fixed itself, but helpful.

    On the down side, it
    look like we're postponing our more-or-less annual Mardi Gras party a few weeks.
    Neither of us had the energy to do all the prep work this weekend. We'll probably
    just have it in a few weeks and call it Mardi Gras anyway, on the theory that we
    're far enough from New Orleans that no one knows when it's supposed to be anyhow.
    But we did have a very nice Valentines Day weekend, complete with holiday-
    appropriate activities. Also chocolates.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:22 PM

    February 13, 2004

    what didn't I learn?

    M'ris asks,

    "What were the
    biggest lies you were told in school? What were the biggest omissions from the
    curricula you were taught? And what were the biggest mistakes your teachers made?
    I was thinking of these questions primarily academically -- the Noble Savage
    instead of If You Don't Bother Him, He Won't Bother You -- but academic or social
    or both are welcome.

    Honestly, I don't remember being
    told many lies in school which is not to say there weren't plenty of omissions,
    oversimplifications, and positions I'd now disagree with. This may be related to
    the fact that I can't actually remember learning very much before high school that
    I hadn't already picked up elsewhere. This is a reflection on my memory as well as
    my school system, I suspect. But really, here are my sum total of academic
    memories from grades 1-9 (that's grade school and junior high). I'm not counting
    being tested or answering questions; I'm keeping this only to memories of actual
    in-school learning. But it's still a bit scary that this is the entire

    I remember realizing I could spell words I hadn't been
    formally taught, from my own reading - that almost doesn't count, since I wasn't
    taught it, but it did happen in school. Various dumb songs, 1st-3rd grades.
    Long division, 3rd grade. Cursive handwriting practice, 3rd grade (I'd learned the
    letters outside school, but you do have to practice to really know them). The
    "races" of man are Caucazoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid, 4th grade alternative social
    studies. BASIC, 3rd-5th grades gifted. How to assemble dodecahedrons and similar
    shapes, 4th grade gifted. How to throw up a stick and catch the other end, 5th
    grade. What it looks like when mice have babies, 5th grade. A totally erroneous
    explanation of Browning's line, "A man's reach should exceed his grasp", 8th
    grade. Chisenbop (addition and subtraction technique on your fingers), 8th grade
    extracurricular. Mixing sugar plus hydrochloric (?) acid in a beaker produces a
    growing pillar of carbon, 8th grade. Mathematic proofs, 8th grade

    In high school I did learn plenty of useful things: how to
    dissect a frog or a plot (not in the same class), that even English teachers
    dislike some classics, why Shakespeare switches between "thou" and "you", some
    very basic economics and political science, carpentry skills (I worked on the
    school play sets), Newtonian physics at a precalculus level, how to take a
    derivative, a bit about probability, lots of things about airplanes and planets
    (it was an aerospace magnet school), the effects of the Industrial Revolution on
    the actual workers in the factories.

    My high school teachers were in
    general pretty good. The one thing I really missed getting from was good study
    skills, and I can't really blame that all on my teachers. (My principal, yes. What
    was supposed to be time for gifted students to work on Independent Study projects,
    he made us use for SAT practice, because he wanted the school to look good.

    As for omissions, there certainly were some of those. Some
    of the biggest were in the area of history, where we learned almost nothing
    outside Europe and the US (and not all that much in Europe). The history we did
    learn was presented as a series of episodes, mostly containing wars. There was
    very little on the connections between the episodes or on the long term causes
    for the wars. (American Revolution: caused by mean King George III. Civil War:
    caused by mean slave owners OR (never and) disagreements on states' rights. WWI:
    caused by the assasssination of Ferdinand. Ferdinand who? Oh, just some aristocrat
    in Sarajevo. More info please? Well, countries all over the war had lots of
    entagled alliances. No one wanted to fight but they all were dragged into it.) A
    related problem is the way so many fascinating subjects from history to sex were
    rendered so boring by their presentation in dull outline.

    biggest lie implied to us in college was that all engineering jobs would naturally
    entail the sort of challenging technical problems we learned to solve in school.
    In my first year out of school, I got to use what I'd learned in computer class a
    little, and what I'd learned in my Mechanical Engineering classes exactly once. My
    biggest challenge was boredom. I did eventually get to use what I'd learned in my
    major, in approximately my fourth through seventh years in industry. Now my job is
    fun and challenging and I very rarely use any of my technical knowledge. (Had I
    majored in Systems Engineering I might use more of it, but back in college neither
    I nor anyone else I knew could figure out what that department did.) What I
    do use every day that I learned in my engineering classes is an attitude and an
    aptitude for learning fast and solving problems in domains of knowledge that are
    new to me, and those four and a half years were worth it just for that. I also
    use the statistics from a class I took in grad school, though my company trained
    me in that again anyway. And there were any number of classes in things like
    folklore, English, and astronomy that may not help me directly with my work but
    that do a lot toward furnishing my mind. To whatever degree it is furnished,

    Posted by dichroic at 12:16 PM

    February 12, 2004

    fish trauma

    Seen on a poster at work:

    FISHING FOR NEMO: Family campout and
    fishing derby

    I have to say this strikes me as a really,
    really bad idea. I have a vision of a four-year-old, bottom lip quivering as she
    watches someone pull a fish out of the lake. Quivering lip turns to tears as she
    sobs, "Daddy, they killed Nemo!!!" Traumatized for life, she refuses ever to eat
    fish again, and a few years later when she's unexpectedly stranded on a desert
    island, along with a full kitof fishing gear, she starves to death before the
    rescuers arrive. And all because of an unfortunately named company

    Yes, I'm a little bored. But I am looking forward to the
    weekend; tomorrow we're supposed to receive our profit sharing and so I have
    designated Saturday as replace the PC (Piece o'Crap) with a nice iMac that will
    hopefully take more than a year to get really annoying. (The PC managed that in
    about 6 months; our previous Mac started being really slow when online after three
    years or so and is still fine for standalone programs.) I have a feeling this will
    be more expensive than expected, as these things usually are. The decisions are
    whether to fork out for the MS Office update or just use MacWorks and whether it's
    worth it to buy If anyone reading this has experience with either (recent
    editions only), opinions are welcome. The other decision is whether I'd be better
    off with a laptop than an iMac; I never moved around much with the old laptop, but
    this time I'm buying an Airport so I'd have wireless Internet access. I'm just
    suspecting that laptops are less reliable.

    Hooking it up will
    probably also be a bit annoying. What I'd like to do is to hook the old Mac, both
    printers, and the digital modem to the Airport, which will live in the current
    office, while the new computer moves out to the library, formerly known as the
    living room. However, the laser printer is old enough that it doesn't have a USB
    port. The Airport has no SCSI connections. ANd the old Mac is running an old
    version of MacOS, old enough that it probably can't function as a printer sharer.
    I suspect I'll have to use the PC to share the printers, but I can'thelp thinking
    this all should be simpler than it is.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:20 PM

    February 11, 2004

    a tale of two computers

    The saga: two laptops, mostly kept apart by the breadth of a city (not to mention
    some incidental desert). Desperately yearning to share their love a digital
    certificate. The first one has it and the other yearns for it. But for the other
    to get it, the cert must be revoked and reissued. Now this one is connected, but
    then the first one stabs itself can't go online. It desperately want to
    communicate but can't and the priest and the old nurse have been replaced by
    unfeeling IT people. Oh, the tragedy! Will it be possible for the first one to get
    connected without revoking the certificate and dooming the other? Must both
    succumb to poison computer viruses? Only IT knows.

    Yeah, so
    that's been my day trying to telecommute so far. Is it too unspeakably greedy to
    want to be able to remotely connect to work with both my home and work
    computers? I do have a laptop at work, but I don't bring it home every night (too
    heavy) and so if I get sick orwant to check email on a weekend I need to do it
    from the home machine. They're putting in a new remote access system and so far I
    am Not Impressed. Grr.

    On the plus side, the pool guys started today,
    sooner than expected. Destruction has commenced in my yard; they've already
    removed the shack around the pool equipment and dug out a few areas where cement
    will be poured. The pool gets drained Monday, and then we'll see if they are as
    speedy at conscruction as they are at destruction. On the other plus side, I
    taught on this side of town again today and get to be at home this afternoon. Yay!

    Posted by dichroic at 02:49 PM

    February 10, 2004

    Augustine, griffins, and short drives

    Ooh, new find for the Buddies list: href="">Damenora. Because how could I now read
    someone who discusses medieval literacy and quotes Saint Augustine in the very
    first entry I read? Besides, I found her through a comment in the inimitable (I
    think that's exactly the right word for her) href="">Squirrel-X's diary, a recommendation in

    I have got to get back to regular working out. It's just
    been so cold it's difficult to haul myself out on the lake at 0'dark thirty AM. I
    did go to the gym this morning, and even got in an extra 4K on the erg (in
    addition to my usual warmup and erg strength sets).

    The extra time
    for that was courtesy of the class I'm teaching today (as well as yesterday and
    tomorrow). It's at the company's site a mere 10 minutes from my house. What bliss
    not to commute. Even better, I get to go home afterwards and telecommute for the
    afternoons, except for yesterday when I'd rescheduled the meeting I missed when I
    ran home last week to take Rudder to the clinic. (He's all better now, though
    still on a bland diet.)

    This class is a bit on the quiet side, not to
    mention a little resentful at having to take this training. I may wear the griffin
    in tomorrow. (See yesterday's entry for a description.)

    Posted by dichroic at 09:26 AM

    February 09, 2004

    meet the griffin

    I have acquired a familiar, courtesy of yesterday's trip to the Renaissance Faire.
    I must say he is far better behaved than either of my cats have ever been; he's
    sitting on my should as I type this, nodding occasionally.

    He is a
    griffin, with soft brown and white fur on his poll, carved wood gold and silver
    beak and black legs, a long raccoon-ish tail, and feathers sprouting from his
    back. He can turn or nod his head, and wears a piercing expression that is none
    the less daunting for coming from a creature only about 8" long sans tail. I'm
    considering either "Wynne" or "Jones" as a name -- Griffins are Welsh symbols
    anyway, if I recall correctly, and anyone who's read The Dark Lord of
    or The Year of the Griffin wil understand the source of the
    names. Other suggestions are welcome.

    Unfortunately I figure I have
    to leave him behind for my meeting this afternoon with a director. The director in
    question is not a very whimsical individual. I may wear him tomorrow for the class
    I'm teaching, just to see if I can liven those guys up a bit. I have gotten a few
    strange looks, but I get those anyway, for using an exercise ball instead of an
    office chair to sit on. I'm used to it.

    Whil I was at the RenFaire,
    Rudder was negotiating quite successfully with the pool renovation guy -- we are
    going to be able to get a pebbled pool surface, new cement all around *and* a
    built-in grill. Yay!

    Dinner after that was chez T2 and Egret, where
    AR and OG are now sitting up all by their own little selves. Yay again. Still both
    drooling to the point that we could probably install them as pool-filler devices
    during the renovation. (Oops, sorry, not a pleasant image.)

    Rudder and I finished off the evening with a not-quite-spat. I've not been
    sleeping at all well lately and his tossing and turning combine with his alarm set
    at obscene hours is at least half the reason. (Come on, 5:30 on a Sunday??? But he
    "doesn't like to get too far off schedule on the weekends". Phooey. Cruelty to
    spouses, I call it.) To give you an idea how sleep-deprived I am, I just mistyped
    "weekends" for "reason" in a previous sentence. For me, gross stupidity is usually
    an indication of lack of sleep. This has been a problem for years, but he thinks
    my complaints have escalated a lot lately. I can't say I can tell a difference,
    but frequency of complaint seems like a reasonable gauge. Actually, I think the
    long commute that eats two or more hours out of each day is a greater problem for
    me (takes away from time to have any kind of life, which in turn detracts from
    sleeping) but some of it is also his refusal to believe that no, I can't just go
    to sleep earlier, because my body doesn't work that way. I seem to get my best
    sleeping in from about 2 to 6 AM if it's not broken by alarms or the expectation
    of same (the latter is almost as bad as the former for me).

    Posted by dichroic at 02:10 PM

    February 07, 2004

    recently heard

    Seen on a bumpersticker:

    "Bill Lied, Hilary Cried.

    Bush Lied, Thousands Died."

    Heard on the radio:

    "This (the mistaken information about WMD in Iraq) makes the rest of the world
    uneasy. It make make other nations less likely to take action based on

    Um, what would be the alternative? Acting based on gut instinct?

    (No, you don't have to explain this to me. Yes, I know they mean "intelligence" in
    the spy sense. But it's still an unfortunate turn of phrase.)

    Rudder is much better and was able to work yesterday. Thanks to those who sent
    good wishes. He is on a bland diet for a bit, though: no spicy foods, no caffeine,
    no citrus juices, no peppermint, no fried foods, no alcohol.... in other words no
    most things we usually eat or drink. At least Gatorade and pretzels aren't ruled
    out. And I've got a nice (I hope) beef stew in the crock pot now.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:56 PM

    February 06, 2004

    Is there anyone else in the world who habitually combines books and rowing?

    OK, it was cold out there on the lake this morning. I think I saw a penguin
    swim by. Now, it's true that I have in the recent past been in an equally small
    boat in even colder weather, but I was wearing a drysuit at the time. And there
    were icebergs. Even though that was hours ago and I had the car heater blasting
    the whole way to work, I still don't think my body temperature has

    There are plenty of people who row in much colder
    climates, but they solve this little problem by just not rowing this time of year
    -- and certainly not in a single, alone, in the dark. The one thing that saves
    this from being as stupid an idea as it sounds it that the water was actually
    relatively warm today. We can have daily temperature swings of 30-40 degrees
    during the day, so the warm afternoons heat the lake water.

    Here's a
    letter from a
    in totally different circumstances, in an even warmer

    OK, on to other stuff. I yield to few in my love of books,
    but I thought the following, from a review of Nicholas Basbanes' href="
    1818501?v=glance&s=books&n=507846">A Splendor of Letters
    was downright

    "A final section elaborates on the potential
    threat of the e-book, but remains optimistic that love of the physical act of
    reading will enable the printed page to

    Threat? Prevail? Good grief, it's not a war,
    any more than newspapers are at war with books. They have different capabilities.
    I highly doubt e-books will put paper books out of print; they're not cuddly, they
    don't smell right, and there's no thrill in thinking who else might have held that
    -- file? -- in their hands decades ago. On the other hand, paper books tend not to
    have search capabilities or the capacity to report exactly how many times
    Shakespeare used the -eth suffix instead of the -es suffix, and it's harder to
    find the exact words in which href="">Jo March compared her father
    to apickle bottle
    . People made the same arguments with movies and television,
    and as in that case, there's room for both.

    Speaking of the things a
    sense of history will tell you... in Frances Hodgeson Burnett's href="">T. Tembarom, which I like
    even better than A Secret
    , the elderly English Miss Alicia and the young American man Tem have
    the following conversation:

    "It has
    sometimes even seemed to me that our Heavenly Father has a special objection to
    ladies," she had once timorously confessed to Tembarom. "I suppose it is because
    we are so much weaker than men, and so much more given to vanity and petty

    He had caught her in his arms and actually hugged her that
    time. Their intimacy had reached the point where the affectionate outburst did not
    alarm her.

    "Say!" he had laughed. "It's not the men who are going to
    have the biggest pull with the authorities when folks try to get into the place
    where things are evened up. What I'm going to work my passage with is a list of
    the few 'ladies' I've known. You and Ann will be at the head of it. I shall just
    slide it in at the box-office window and say, 'Just look over this, will you?
    These were friends of mine, and they were mighty good to me. I guess if they
    didn't turn me down, you needn't. I know they're in here. Reserved seats. I'm not
    expecting to be put with them but if I'm allowed to hang around where they are
    that'll be heaven enough for me.'"

    Miss Alicia
    gets that attitude from her strict old clergyman father, but given how notable
    Victorians were for putting women on pedestals, his attitude seems much more
    natural. But I was thinking .... not long after she was speaking so, a few hundred
    miles north and east women were being sent to the href="">Magdalene Laundries
    for getting pregnant, or even just being"in moral danger"; a fw years earlier and
    a handred miles south no one much cared if girl as well as boy mudlarks scrounged
    for a living in the stinking mud of the Thames and killed themselves with blue
    ruin gin. Outside fiction, those pedestals were precious

    Sometimes too much knowledge makes mindless entertainment
    more difficult.

    Note: A few days after writing this entry, I came across href="">this answer to
    the question in the title.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:00 PM

    February 05, 2004

    manic Wednesday

    OK, so you know how my life is generally sort of drama-free, except maybe during
    the travel episodes? Not so much yesterday.

    On Tuesday Rudder left
    phonemail around 2PM to tell me he was going home sick because his stomach hurt.
    He hardly ever gets sick, but when he does he does it thoroughly. Also, he never
    skips work or even working out unless he's more than half dead, so when he told me
    his stomach hurt, I figured he meant in a writhing-in-pain sort of way. When I got
    the message I did try to call and see how he was but eh didn't answer -- he can
    sleep through a ringing phone. I got stuck in a last-mibute late meeting so it was
    nearly 6:30 by the time I got home. He was still in pain, had puked once, and
    couldn't get comfortable, so we considered options.

    The doctor was
    closed by then, so I tried this nifty call-a-nurse service my health insurance now
    offers. She asked various questions to check whether it was any of the obvious
    emergency things (appendix, hernia) and it wasn't, but she advised going to the
    emergency room to be safe. My husband the stoic must have been hurting because he
    didn't refuse outright, but we decided to wait an hour to see what happened. By
    then he was alseep, and I certainly wasn't about to wake him. (The converse was
    not true, however; he was tossing, turning, and waking up and taking a drink
    enough to keep me awake half the night.

    I skipped rowing in the
    morning due to the lack of sleep. He seemed to be a little better when I called in
    the morning, but when I called back in the afternoon he was hurting more again. I
    tried to make a doctor's appointment and couldn't even get through on the phone (I
    am going to have to change doctors. That's just ridiculous.) So I called Rudder
    back and asked if he wanted me to come take him to an Urgent Care clinic. He just
    sort of moaned at the awful stress of having to make a decision, so I made one. I
    made a call and sent email to cancel the meeting I had in less than half an hour
    with a Very Important Director, told the admin in my area I was leaving and sped

    [drivedrivedrivedrive not without a bit of resentment that he
    wouldn't just let me take him the night before when I wouldn't have had to cancel
    anything drivedrivedrive]

    Fifty minutes later (and *why* are all
    those people on the highway at two freaking forty-five in the afternoon????) I got
    home, bundled him into the truck and we got to the Urget Care facility at maybe
    3:45. I wanted to go to the hospital but he flat out refused. Don't let that word
    "urgent" make you think things there move fast. Almost an hour later we finally
    got to register (tell someone his symptoms and give our insurance info) and
    another 15 minutes later he finally got to see a

    Unfortunately by then it was about 5:30. The other
    complication I hadn't mentioned is that we had an appointment to do our taxes at 6
    that night, and they're getting busy enough that I couldn't have rescheduled the
    appointment sooner than about two weeks. That wouldn't be a problem except that we
    couldn't decide what to do about redoing the pool until we knew how much money
    we'd get back (or not). Which still wouldn't be a problem except that the only
    reason we're redoing it now is that we have a broken pipe somewhere under the
    cement. And until that's fixed we can't run the poop pump, which means the whole
    thing will turn health-hazard green if we wait too long. All of which is why
    Rudder especially wanted to get the taxes done as early as possible. (Yes, I know
    we're weenies. We used to do our own taxes, but our finances are complex enough
    that now we find having someone do them tends to ay for itself.)

    to Rudder, still on the examining table. The doctor diagnosed gastroenteritis or
    some such and gave him a cocktail of lydocaine and other stuff to calm his stomach
    lining and make it stop hurting, and they wanted to watch him for a little bit to
    make sure it worked. He decided sitting in the clinic afterward wouldn't be any
    worse than sitting anywhere else, and sent me off to the tax place on my own.
    Fortunately it's right near the clinic.

    I explained my situation to
    the nice accountant lady, because to my mind sharing information is useful if it
    will help expedite things. (Rudder would disagree just out of a sense of privacy.)
    It did work. She knocked out all of our taxes in forty five minutes and sent me
    back to the clinic with the forms for both of us to sign. I got Rudder, who had
    been waiting for "only half an hour", stopped by the pharmacy to drop off his
    prescription (something to fix the problem and something to make it quit hurting
    meanwhile), dropped Rudder at home, picked up the prescription, picked up some
    grasy bad-for-me fast food for dinner because it was almost 8 by then, picked up
    the mail, and finally went home and ate.

    Before going to bed I made
    the spare room bed so I'd have an option if he was keeping me awake again. He was,
    but this time only for a quarter of the night. (I put in earplugs at one point
    because he was snoring and I was afraid if I got him to turn over he'd be less

    I skipped working out this morning too, on the theory
    that I'd had enough running around lately.

    On a different note, when
    we were discussing communication skills in my review Tuesday, my crrent acting
    boss suggested I aim to be more succinct. It's probably a good thing he doesn't
    read this journal.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    What the heck.

    border=0 bgcolor=black cellspacing=2 cellpadding=10> d align=center> href=> size=2 color=white>Click Here to Take This Quiz
    color=C0C0C0 face=verdana>Brought to you by href=>
    quizzes and personality tests.
    align=center> href=> color=#505A84>Which flower are you?


    You have an exotic beauty. Many people long to be
    like you.

    alt="Personality Test Results" border=0

    Me with "exotic beauty" is fairly laughable, but
    they are one of my favorite flowers.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:19 AM

    February 03, 2004


    First, a question. I keep wondering if I'd enjoy Umberto Eco's The Name of the
    . Any opinions? From what I've heard, it's hard to guess and I haven't
    come across any bookstore copies I could browse through lately. (Actually looking
    for the book last time I was in a bookstore would have helped, of course.) I don't
    particularly mind philosophical discussions diguised as fiction, but I insist on
    being entertained -- that is, it has to be a good disguise. I'm not willing to
    spend the effort to think about the author's issues unless I can do so in the
    company of a character I like. If it helps, I can report that I love Dorothy L.
    Sayers' Gaudy Night, but I found A.S. Byatt's Possession a bit slow,
    and -- not shallow but -- I somehow never felt I got under the surface of the
    novel into its heart. If it has one, of which I'm still not quite

    Next, a lack of logic in three vignettes.

    morning, I saw a man at the gym doing overhead presses on a Smith machine. He was
    sitting on an exercise ball while doing so -- this is supposed to bring the core
    muscles in the back and stomach into play, to keep all that weight balanced. But
    he was wearing a weight belt -- which, these days, they are not recommending
    specifically because with its support you *don't* work core muscles.

    One of my state's Congresscritters was saying on the news
    yesterday that the faulty intel on WMD in Iran was because we chose to depend too
    much on high-tech survaillance instead of on old fashioned human agents (a.k.a.
    spies). He said we just need to spend more money on training people and sending
    them over rather than on satellites and such. Now look, I know the average
    American supposedly has the attention span of a flea and is assumed not to be able
    to remember a news item from one day to the other. I happen to think a little
    better of my fellow citizens, and to believe I damned well have a right to expect
    better of someone who'se actual job is national and world affairs. I remember, if
    he doesn't, back a six months or a year ago when they were saying we'd had trouble
    penetrating Afghanistan just because we couldn't get in there with spies -- we
    didn't have enough people who looked like natives, or who spoke the language with
    native fluency, and besides, a lot of the relationships in the organizations we
    wnated to get into were built on long relationships, by men who were related or
    who had known each other most of their lives. That's clearly something we might
    want to work on but it's not as simple as flipping a switch to send money here
    instead of there.

    The third piece of illogic is not as bad as the
    above, since it has no consequences. I've seen a meme floating around various
    blogs, asking questions about winning a million dollars. Who would you tell? What
    would you do? Would you give it away or invest it? I don't get this. A million is
    not that much anymore; for perspective, you could live comfortably but not
    extravagantly on it for ten years if you didn't live anyplace expensive, like NY
    or San Francisco; you could put about 7 students through a top college IF they all
    graduated in four years and tuition didn't go up again (unlikely!); or you could
    buy five middle-class houses in my area, two in San Francisco, three in New
    Hampshire, or half of an NFL player's house most places. Granted, you wouldn't
    want to hypothesize a billion dollars with these questions, because that really is
    enough money to do everything at once, but since you are dreaming, why not dream
    bigger? I want to be awarded thirty imaginary millions -- at least.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 02, 2004

    bits and pieces

    This will be a bits and pieces sort of entry -- lots to say but it's all in sound
    bites and none of it is particularly profound.


    I spent the weekend as a sports spectator, which is rare for me
    -- sometimes I do sports and sometimes I vegetate, but I rarely vegetate watching
    other people do sports.

    As a matter of fact there wasn't really much
    vegetation involved in Sautrday's spectating. We went to the Phoenix Open (now
    known as the FBR Open, which strikes me as a bad marketing idea, since I don't
    think it's a brilliant move to change your name to something neither euphonious
    nor especially memorable) for the morning. This turned out to be a good idea; we
    walked around most of the holes and could see anyone we wanted, and when they
    asked the crowd for quiet nobody breathed. Even the food vendors had only short
    lines. We figure we walked over 3 miles, and yes, I'm href="">logging it -- we've hiked enough to be
    good at estimating distance. As we exited a bit after noon, huge crowds were
    coming in, to the point where it was difficult to go in the other direction, and
    the golfers seemed to be thrown off their putting by loud cheering from some of
    the other holes. Fortunately, the new crowds were being directed to a different
    parking lot so driving out was very easy. I'm no golfer, so it was interesting to
    go once, but I don't know that I'd want to go again unless I learned to appreciate
    the finer points of the sport. (On the strength of P.G. Wodehouse's golf stories,
    I'm willing to believe it does have finer points.)

    On Sunday, of
    course, we watched the Superbowl. I believe in common national experiences. More
    to the point, this year it was worth watching; we stayed up to the very end and
    I'm glad we did. (This is somewhat more pathetic when you realize that it ended
    around 8:30 PM in my time zone. But today was a rowing day.) What a novel concept:
    a Superbowl in which the game was more exciting than either the halftime show or
    the commercials. Yes, I enjoyed the donkey-wannbe-Clydesdale and the guy who drove
    all the way across the country to deliver to his girlfriend a lipstick that wasn't
    hers, though I can't actually see why either one would make me want to drink more
    beer -- at least the former is easy to associate with its branding. And yes, I
    thought the "accidental" unhooking of Janet was the most entertaining moment of
    the halftime show -- but that's not a good recommendation for a singer, being able
    to be upstaged by on of your own body parts. It's even less of a recommendation
    for P. Diddy (why *did* he change his nom-de-microphone??), Nelly, and Justin, to
    be upstaged by someone else's body part. In fact it sounds as if the streaker was
    the funniest part of all, but the TV didn't show him. But none of that can compare
    to a touchdown from the 90-yard-line or a game-winning field goal in the last 8
    seconds. I hope the Panthers get over the disappointment enough to be proud --
    both teams played a hell of a game.

    If you're interested in that sort of thing, go join
    Wyndspirit's 100
    club. I won't be joining, myself; I need motivation to read like I need
    motivation to breathe. For adults who just need a bit of a push to do something
    they want to do anyway, this might work, but I never did quite see the point of
    all those vacation reading clubs libraries have for kids. If they're going to read
    they will anyway and if not they'll just feel guilty. The activities around
    reading to little kids or clubs where books are actually discussed are more
    interesting to me, and I'd expect them (the former especially) to do a better job
    motivating nonreaders to try books.

    I would consider joining href="">Baraita's Judaica
    reading group
    buthonestly, I don't think I have time and energy for the books
    that group is likely to read. Maybe I should point my mother at it instead.

    I don't think my mind works in normal ways. Sometimes I
    don't think it works in any ways but those laid down in print on a page. href="">Jenn's entry today had me
    realizing that my views on what happens after death are probably derived less from
    anything I learned in synagogue, or in Hebrew School and more from my
    grandmother's fierce belief that she would see my grandfather again combined in
    nearly equal parts with something Professor Bullfinch said in one of the Danny
    Dunn books (Danny Dunn and the Time Machine I think) I devoured in third
    grade: "To a scientist, death is another another adventure." Or words to that
    effect. What a place to form your views on the great matters.


    Yesterday I did an alumna interview with an applicant to my
    alma mater. She handed me a "resume" that was a fulll page, front and back,
    listing all of her activities, accoomplishments, and awards: sports, social,
    educational, and so on. I'm sure a lot of them are very interesting and valuable
    but I wonder when she has time to sleep. Or enjoy herself. Scary.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:26 AM

    January 30, 2004

    In Memoriam ... and in future

    It's a sad week, if you love the idea of space exploration. NASA had its own memorials but I wish we had a national day of memory, with parades and speeches and solemn bells tolling to remember the deaths whose anniversaries fall this week.

    January 27, 1967. Apollo 1. Grissom, White. Chaffee. [bong]

    January 28, 1986. Challenger. Scobee, Smith, Resnik, Onizuka, McNair, Jarvis, McAuliffe. [bong]

    February 1, 2002. Columbia. Husband, McCool, Anderson, Brown, Chawla, Clark, Ramon. [bong]

    [bong. bong. bong. bong. bong. bong. bong. bong.

    Appropriately, NASA has honored all three crews with the names of sites on Mars. The area where Spirit landed is now designated Columbia Memorial Station, and there are hills around it now called Chaffee, White, and Grissom. The area where Opportunity landed is now Challenger Memorial Station.

    Rudder's proposal is that there be a day set aside, like Veteran's Day, to honor explorers, all those who died finding new lands and maybe even those who didn't. That could apply to everyone from Magellan's crew, most of whom didn't make it all the way around the world, to Scott's crew in Antarctica to Commander Rick Husband's crew on Columbia.

    Like a lot of people, I'm not sure space exploration ought to be handled by governments instead of private industry. Or maybe the exploration of this planet provides the appropriate model: Columbus was financed by Ferdinand and Isabella, and Scott was financed partly by the British government. Maybe with the X prize and the several competitors for it, this is the time for the private businesses to take over. There's a fortune waiting out there -- quite a few fortunes: mining, tourism, microgravity manufacturing just to name three. (If history holds, though, the real money will be made Levi Strauss style -- not in the first rush but in the supply chain.)The problem is that to harvest all that it takes quite a bit more than a leaky wooden ship and a pressed crew, and it takes the sort of long-term view that businesses are typically not good with. But there's lots and lots of money to be made, and that's a powerful inducement.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:50 AM

    January 29, 2004

    telecommuting - yay!

    Oooh, luxury. This morning at the gym, realizing I probably didn't have any
    meetings I couldn't miss, I decided I could not face the drive in and
    called in to say I was working at home. It's sort of like calling in sick, only
    productive (at least somewhat). I decided I could spend half the day installing
    our new remote dial-in networking program on the theory that. with our unHelpful
    Desk it would actually take that long) and the other half reviewing material for a
    class I'm teaching in a couple of weeks.

    I did miscalculate a bit; it
    turned out there was no possible way to install the remote program without going
    into work and downloading some stuff from my laptop there, which I don't have here
    because it's just too damned heavy to carry home every night, which is why I need
    the remote program on my home computer in the first place. On the other hand, I'd
    figured all that out, answered all my e-mail, and finished a bowl of popcorn
    (what? It's got to be as mutritius as cereal!) and my second cup of tea by the
    time I'd usually be getting into work after driving forty miles. Oh, and I'd erged
    an extra 3K to help make up for sleeping in yesterday.

    Plus, I get to
    be near my fridge, be home for a meeting Rudder had scheduled with another pool-
    renoation guy, and have lunch with Egret and the micro-humans. And do laundry
    while I work.

    Note to self: speak to manager re telecommuting more
    often. Also, take in lighter-weight laptop bag. Maybe that will help.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:38 AM

    January 28, 2004

    self-induced happiness

    I don't know if it's that "maturity" thing I keep hearing rumors about, but one
    thing I've noticed is that the older I get, the less of a drama queen I want to
    be. (Was it Mark Twain who said, "It's amazing how much maturity resembles being
    too tired"?) That may not be totally obvious to recent acquaintances; I still like
    having people pay attention to me and even at work where I actively practice the
    application of tact (such as I can) no one is usually in doubt of how I feel on an
    issue. But the mere fact that I can (attempt to) be diplomatic without wondering
    whether I am somehow being untrue to my "real self" is a sign of change, and so is
    that fact that Rudder and I fight much less than we used

    Incidentally, I've never quite figured out how one would go about
    finding one's "real self", as so many people still want to do. Dig in the
    backyard? Use a dowsing rod? I finally came to the conclusion that for me at
    least, my "self" is something that develops as a result of my experiences and
    thoughts, rather than something passively waiting to be discovered.

    My favorite quote on happiness is, typically, an engineering sort of
    viewpoint: "Trying to be happy is like trying to design a machine whose only
    requirement is that it shall run noiselessly." In other words, the first question
    is not how will you be but what will you *do*? Then you can decide to feel happy
    about that or to change it. I'm not trying to say dogmatically that attitude is
    only a matter of choice. No matter what Victor Frankl said, there are some
    situations in which I could not feel happy and which I coudln't change. Even
    without going to the extreme of Auschwitz, there are people here in the
    blogosphere who've had fate punch them in the guts, without their having proffered
    any sort provocation.

    I do find though that the diaries I read first
    are those who are contented href="">with href="">their href="">current href="">lives even with the occasional problem,
    or else though who are trying href="">to href="">build lives with which they can be

    I admire people who are doing their best to deal with href="">body href="">blows life sometimes lands. I think the
    Norse had a point when they included Loki in the pantheon. But I'm getting older
    here -- I don't have time for self-inflicted angst anymore.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:56 AM

    January 27, 2004

    the Mozzie goes surreal

    Well, that experience was somewhat more surreal than href="">Calvin's brain or a Dali
    painting. Yesterday I got a letter from the car dealer where I'd puchased the
    Mozzie, or rather from a service group (what's that?) with whom they'd partnered.
    The gist of the letter was that they're desperate for some makes of used cars,
    would I be interested in letting them buy back mine, they were having an event at
    which we could dicker (and they could try to sell me a new car) and oh by the way
    go to this website and type in this PIN and I could win $20,000.

    That dealership are not among my favorite people (or even my
    favorite sleazy car dealer people) but that $20K was persuasive, so I brought
    the letter to work today to look into it. Melting clock #1: on inspecting the
    letter more closely (remember, this owuld be the letter that arrived yesterday) I
    noticed that the event was actually held last week. Not a good sign, but I figured
    the blame in that case could actually lie with those convenient scapegoats the US
    Post Orifice. Melting clock #2: Undeterred, I dialed up the website and plugged in
    my PIN, only to have it tell me I'd typed in one it didn't recognize. I have, in
    fact, been known to mistype numbers, so I tried again. And again, with and without
    the dashes shown in the letter. I also tried the phone number they'd given me as
    an alternate, but got no recognition of the number on their very own

    Melting clock #3: Too bad to lose my chance to WIN BIG! but
    after all, the main purpose of the letter was to discuss buying back my car "at or
    even above market value". So I gave up on winning the price of a new vehicle and
    dialed the dealer, at the tollfree number listed in the letter. (It did seem a bit
    odd to call a tollfree number for a local company, but it was their letter and
    their dime, after all.) I reached a message saying that the number had changed,
    but giving me the new one. I dutifully wrote it down, and dialed that one. I
    reached a very nice man at a Toyota dealer who gave me information about the
    event. He didn' sound very impressed with the promotion but loves the MR-2 Spyder
    and told me they would be very interested in looking at it. He said that since
    it's a convertible, it would bring a much better price in March or April, when
    spring weather comes around. In retrospect, this should have been clue. He also
    recommended that I try taking it to another used car dealer on a road I'd never
    heard of. I asked him for more detail and he mentioned taking a Higgins road.
    Well, we do have a Higley Road, so I asked if it were out there south of WIlliams
    Gateway (a small airport). He said yes, past the mall, which confused me further,
    since there's not much south of Willie but farms and desert. After a bit more
    mutual confusion, it finally transpired that he was in Missoula, Montana! I, as
    any regular reader will know, lived in the Phoenix area. Furthermore, the dealer
    where I bought my car is also in the Phx area. We parted with mutual thanks, and
    he went off to pass the story on to his manager.

    The denouement is
    that I figured I ought to tell my dealer, skanks though they are, of the
    surrealism perpetrated in their name. I called up and spoke to someone in the
    sales department and passed on my whole story. While I was there, I asked for a
    rough idea on what the buyback price might be for my vehicle. His answer? For this
    low-mileage car, 3 years old, of a model of which Toyota releases only 5000
    vehicles/year, at a time when he's supposedly hurting for used cars to sell, his
    price is 2/3 of what I paid less than a year ago for a car then two years


    Posted by dichroic at 12:07 PM

    January 26, 2004

    brush with danger, not to mention olive oil

    Well. It's only Monday and already I've had my brush with danger for this week
    (actually, it was on Sunday). Here is some gratuitous advice: you know those
    tempered-glass casseroles and pots that are supposed to be safe for the stovetop?
    Don't believe them. And when Mark Bittman (How to Cook Everything) tells
    you to saute oil and garlic in a casserole dish, don't believe him

    I was attempting to make a beef stew (actually a Belgian
    carbonnade, though I was still debating whether to cook it with beer, as
    prescribed, or with wine) and the recipe said to take a casserole or deep skillet,
    saute a clove of garlic in oil for one minute, discard the garlic, and then brown
    the beef cubes. I chose to use a glass casserole dish that I *swear* said it was
    safe for stovetop use on the theory that it would hold in heat better than my
    aluminum frying pan (I don't have a cover for my cast-iron pan), sauteed as
    instructed, put in the first batch of beef, then CRASH! SQUEAL! TINKLE! SHIT! The
    casserole exploded, spraying glass onto me, the stove top, and the adjacent
    counters. The squealing and the swearing was me, the rest was the glass dish
    Rudder said it made a very pretty sound -- presumably not the swearing part -- but
    since he said it while cleaning up most of the glass, I can't complain about his
    misplaced aesthetic sense. (And anyway, it probably was a pretty sound.)

    No injuries were received, except to dinner. Fortunately, my
    wearing-glasses-to-rest-the-eyes-from-contacts day happened to coincide with my
    got-spare-time-so-I-should-cook-something-real day, and I don't think the glass
    sprayed that high anyway. We decided to throw out the meat rather than rinsing it;
    even the beef pieces that weren't in the dish were on the counter right next to it
    and we were afraid rinsing might not get rid of all embedded shards. So much for
    beef stew; take-out burritos for dinner.

    Saturday had its
    disappointments, but less so. We were hoping to do some cross-country skiing up by
    our property, but the snow wasn't quite deep enough. It was a very nice packing
    sort of snow, though, so we went over to our place and left large snowballs and in
    one case a snowman nearly my size by some of the more vulnerable young trees, to
    give them a bit extra water. The whole thing would have been even more fun if I
    could throw a snow ball well enough to actually hit anyone with it, and by anyone
    of course I mean Rudder.

    Note to bibliomanes: Do not buy href="
    1818501?v=glance&s=books">Living with Books
    -- if you want to read it, get it
    from the library. The pictures are nice enough but the words are disappointing -
    not illuminating, not always right (I noticed one caption described the wrong
    photo) and prone to saying terrible things on the order of (quoting from memory.)
    "It doesn't matter if access to books is difficult as long as it is not totally
    impossible" Doesn't matter to whom?? It certainly does to me! Also, too many of
    the setups shown focused on looks rather than storage -- a grid of boxes on a wall
    in which one or two contained one or two books for instance. Certainly not my idea
    of living with books - living with book, maybe. Instead, I recommend href="
    1818501?v=glance&me=ATVPDKIKX0DER&st=books">At Home with Books
    if you want to
    see beautiful, well-used, and well-loved libraries from Keith Richards' to the
    Duke of Devoinshire's (I finally realized this was the book I had gotten from the
    library and loved, and will probably eventually buy it) or if you are less
    interested in pictures and want to read about books, ways to store them, and the
    history and engineering of both, try Henry Petroski's href="
    1818501?v=glance&s=books">The Book on the Bookshelf

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 25, 2004

    Me and the Beeb

    Note: No, no, I'm not that well-read. I wasn't trying to say I'd read the
    whole second half of the list plus my ending commentary! But we had a guy coming
    over to discuss some fixes to the pool (new surfacing and decking, mostly) and so
    I didn't have time to profread. Fixed now.

    Stolen from href="">Ionas
    'Top 200' list: books I've read are in bold

    1. Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien

    2. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen

    3. Dark Materials, Philip Pullman

    4. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams

    5. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, JK Rowling

    6. To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee

    7. Winnie the Pooh, AA Milne

    8. Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell

    9. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, C S Lewis

    10. Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte

    11. Catch-22, Joseph Heller

    12. Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte

    13. Birdsong, Sebastian Faulks

    14. Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier

    15. The Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger

    16. The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame

    17. Great Expectations, Charles Dickens

    18. Little Women, Louisa May Alcott

    19. Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Louis de Bernieres

    20. War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy

    21. Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell

    22. Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone, JK Rowling

    23. Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, JK Rowling

    24. Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, JK Rowling

    25. The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien

    26. Tess Of The D'Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy

    27. Middlemarch, George Eliot

    28. A Prayer For Owen Meany, John Irving

    29. The Grapes Of Wrath, John Steinbeck

    30. Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

    31. The Story Of Tracy Beaker, Jacqueline Wilson

    32. One Hundred Years Of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    33. The Pillars Of The Earth, Ken Follett

    34. David Copperfield, Charles Dickens

    35. Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl

    36. Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson

    37. A Town Like Alice, Nevil Shute

    38. Persuasion, Jane Austen

    39. Dune, Frank Herbert

    40. Emma, Jane Austen

    41. Anne Of Green Gables, LM Montgomery

    42. Watership Down, Richard Adams

    43. The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald

    44. The Count Of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas

    45. Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh

    47. A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens

    48. Far From The Madding Crowd, Thomas Hardy

    49. Goodnight Mister Tom, Michelle Magorian

    50. The Shell Seekers, Rosamunde Pilcher

    51. The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett

    52. Of Mice And Men, John Steinbeck

    53. The Stand, Stephen King

    54. Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy

    55. A Suitable Boy, Vikram Seth

    56. The BFG, Roald Dahl

    57. Swallows And Amazons, Arthur Ransome

    58. Black Beauty, Anna Sewell

    59. Artemis Fowl, Eoin Colfer

    60. Crime And Punishment, Fyodor Dostoyevsky

    61. Noughts And Crosses, Malorie Blackman

    62. Memoirs Of A Geisha, Arthur Golden

    63. A Tale Of Two Cities, Charles Dickens

    64. The Thorn Birds, Colleen McCollough

    65. Mort, Terry Pratchett

    66. The Magic Faraway Tree, Enid Blyton

    67. The Magus, John Fowles

    68. Good Omens, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

    69. Guards! Guards!, Terry Pratchett

    70. Lord Of The Flies, William Golding

    71. Perfume, Patrick Suskind

    72. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, Robert Tressell

    73. Night Watch, Terry Pratchett

    74. Matilda, Roald Dahl

    75. Bridget Jones's Diary, Helen Fielding

    76. The Secret History, Donna Tartt

    77. The Woman In White, Wilkie Collins

    78. Ulysses, James Joyce

    79. Bleak House, Charles Dickens

    80. Double Act, Jacqueline Wilson

    81. The Twits, Roald Dahl

    82. I Capture The Castle, Dodie Smith

    83. Holes, Louis Sachar

    84. Gormenghast, Mervyn Peake

    85. The God Of Small Things, Arundhati Roy

    86. Vicky Angel, Jacqueline Wilson

    87. Brave New World, Aldous Huxley

    88. Cold Comfort Farm, Stella Gibbons

    89. Magician, Raymond E Feist

    90. On The Road, Jack Kerouac

    91. The Godfather, Mario Puzo

    92. The Clan Of The Cave Bear, Jean M Auel

    93. The Colour Of Magic, Terry Pratchett

    94. The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

    95. Katherine, Anya Seton

    96. Kane And Abel, Jeffrey Archer

    97. Love In The Time Of Cholera, Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    98. Girls In Love, Jacqueline Wilson

    99. The Princess Diaries, Meg Cabot

    100. Midnight's Children, Salman Rushdie

    101. Three Men In A Boat, Jerome K. Jerome

    102. Small Gods, Terry Pratchett

    103. The Beach, Alex Garland

    104. Dracula, Bram Stoker

    105. Point Blanc, Anthony Horowitz

    106. The Pickwick Papers, Charles Dickens

    107. Stormbreaker, Anthony Horowitz

    108. The Wasp Factory, Iain Banks

    109. The Day Of The Jackal, Frederick Forsyth

    110. The Illustrated Mum, Jacqueline Wilson

    111. Jude The Obscure, Thomas Hardy

    112. The Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole Aged 13 and 3/4, Sue Townsend

    113. The Cruel Sea, Nicholas Monsarrat

    114. Les Miserables, Victor Hugo

    115. The Mayor Of Casterbridge, Thomas Hardy

    116. The Dare Game, Jacqueline Wilson

    117. Bad Girls, Jacqueline Wilson

    118. The Picture Of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde

    119. Shogun, James Clavell

    120. The Day Of The Triffids, John Wyndham

    121. Lola Rose, Jacqueline Wilson

    122. Vanity Fair, William Makepeace Thackeray

    123. The Forsyte Saga, John Galsworthy

    124. House Of Leaves, Mark Z. Danielewski

    125. The Poisonwood Bible, Barbara Kingsolver

    126. Reaper Man, Terry Pratchett

    127. Angus, Thongs And Full-Frontal Snogging, Louise Rennison

    128. The Hound Of The Baskervilles, Arthur Conan Doyle

    129. Possession, A. S. Byatt

    130. The Master And Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov

    131. The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood

    132. Danny The Champion Of The World, Roald Dahl

    133. East Of Eden, John Steinbeck

    134. George's Marvellous Medicine, Roald Dahl

    135. Wyrd Sisters, Terry Pratchett

    136. The Color Purple, Alice Walker

    137. Hogfather, Terry Pratchett

    138. The Thirty-Nine Steps, John Buchan

    139. Girls In Tears, Jacqueline Wilson

    140. Sleepovers, Jacqueline Wilson

    141. All Quiet On The Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque

    142. Behind The Scenes At The Museum, Kate Atkinson

    143. High Fidelity, Nick Hornby

    144. It, Stephen King

    145. James And The Giant Peach, Roald Dahl

    146. The Green Mile, Stephen King

    147. Papillon, Henri Charriere

    148. Men At Arms, Terry Pratchett

    149. Master And Commander, Patrick O'Brian

    150. Skeleton Key, Anthony Horowitz

    152. Thief Of Time, Terry Pratchett

    153. The Fifth Elephant, Terry Pratchett

    154. Atonement, Ian McEwan

    155. Secrets, Jacqueline Wilson

    156. The Silver Sword, Ian Serraillier

    157. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Ken Kesey

    158. Heart Of Darkness, Joseph Conrad

    159. Kim, Rudyard Kipling

    160. Cross Stitch, Diana Gabaldon

    161. Moby Dick, Herman Melville

    162. River God, Wilbur Smith

    163. Sunset Song, Lewis Grassic Gibbon

    164. The Shipping News, Annie Proulx

    165. The World According To Garp, John Irving

    166. Lorna Doone, R. D. Blackmore

    167. Girls Out Late, Jacqueline Wilson

    168. The Far Pavilions, M. M. Kaye

    169. The Witches by Roald Dahl

    170. Charlotte's Web by E.B. White

    171. Frankenstein, Mary Shelley

    172. They Used To Play On Grass, Terry Venables and Gordon Williams

    173. The Old Man And The Sea, Ernest Hemingway

    174. The Name Of The Rose, Umberto Eco

    175. Sophie's World, Jostein Gaarder

    176. Dustbin Baby, Jacqueline Wilson

    177. Fantastic Mr Fox, Roald Dahl

    178. Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov

    179. Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, Richard Bach

    180. The Little Prince, Antoine De Saint-Exupery

    181. The Suitcase Kid, Jacqueline Wilson

    182. Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens

    183. The Power Of One, Bryce Courtenay

    184. Silas Marner, George Eliot

    185. American Psycho, Bret Easton Ellis

    186. The Diary Of A Nobody, George and Weedon Grossmith

    187. Trainspotting, Irvine Welsh

    188. Goosebumps, R. L. Stine

    189. Heidi, Johanna Spyri

    190. Sons And Lovers, D. H. Lawrence

    191. The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera

    192. Man And Boy, Tony Parsons

    193. The Truth, Terry Pratchett

    194. The War Of The Worlds, H. G. Wells

    195. The Horse Whisperer by Nicholas Evans

    196. A Fine Balance, Rohinton Mistry

    197. Witches Abroad, Terry Pratchett

    198. The Once And Future King, T. H. White

    199. The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle

    200. Flowers In The Attic, Virginia Andrews

    There are far more books bolded than on most of the booklists I see. Ihis may show
    what an Anglophiliac I am (as Isaac Asimov once said, I have no drop of ENglish
    blood in my vains but much of my cultural heritage is from the British Isles). I
    think it's more likely, though, that it's because this list is apparently derived
    from lists of their favorites sent in by real people, not critics or ivory tower
    anchorites listing the books people ought to read. Incidentally, I haven't
    differentiated here between books I read because I wanted to and those I had to
    read for a class. I haven't bolded the ones I was supposed to read and didn't.
    (Sorry, Mrs. Martyska!) The hardest part was remembering which of all those Terry
    Pratchetts I've read and which I haven't. And they left out _A Monstrous
    Regiment_, which is my new favorite of his, for the story, the message and the
    title (which did sort of give things away, but only if you're a fan of either
    Milton or Laurie R. King).

    Posted by dichroic at 11:22 AM

    January 23, 2004

    not a pickle bottle

    I beg your indulgence for another mostly political entry.

    First, why
    is everyone (and by "everyone" I mean the reporters who are still talking
    about it) so confused about the Dean Screech? Yes, it was goofy and yes, it's not
    a good idea to do goofy things in public while you're campaigning for national
    office, and yes, it's totally fair to give a candidate a hard time for being
    goofy. I understand the sampling of his speech making the rounds of the Internet
    and I thought the Letterman top 10 was pretty funny. But why are some people
    confused? Have they never screamed themselves hoarse at a ballbame or whatever? It
    gets to a point where you try to talk and strange sounds come out and so you get
    to playing with it -- and maybe even doing a trial screech -- just to hear what it
    sounds like. I sort of thought that was one of those normal human

    But I grant that it's still not a good idea on national
    broadcast while running for a Serious Important Job.

    I do not like
    political parties, at least not when people are expected to toe a party line. I
    don't even like labels like conservative and liberal which assume that a
    particular stance on one issue necessarily goes with another stance on another
    issue. Humans and their opinions are more complex than that -- at least humans who
    bother to think, and they're the ones I case about. Case in point: I heard a story
    this morning about a the big conservative convention -- these are some serious
    right-wingers, who don't think GWB is conservative enough. And why? In some
    cases at least, it's because he keeps building up the size of our government
    instead of keeping it small. (Ick. A man who is far right on social issues while
    supporting big government - worst of both worlds.) Another case in point: go read
    LA on privacy rights.
    LA's somewhere left of me on many issues but she's one of those who makes up her
    own mind on each issue. Hello, Mr. Shrub? Weren't you supposed to be a Republican?
    Weren't they the ones who used to brag about supporting individual freedoms
    against that big nasty government? And I can't help but wonder if the NRA has
    actually looked at Dean's position on gun control rather than assuming anyone
    running as a Democrat must be in favor of outlawing all firearms. (Come to think
    of it, wasn't Brady a close Reagan advisor? That's how he got shot in the first

    Jo March once told her sister Amy not to "talk about labels,
    as if Papa was a pickle bottle". If you've eaten one pickle from a jar, you pretty
    much know how all the others will taste. Like Mr. March, I am not a pickle bottle.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 22, 2004

    our real state

    I don't agree with all of Doug's
    points, but I'm a lot closer to his views than I am to Shrub's. We need to pay the
    members of our military a decent wage and get them *all* good health care before
    we send them out attacking anyone else, bin Laden != Hussain (that's "not equals",
    for anyone out there who's not a programmer), I believe gay marriage is a human
    rights issue and can't figure out what they're so scared of anyway (I'd be a lot
    more upset if I had to model my own marriage on, say, Ward and June Cleaver's than
    on some of the gay couples I've seen), and this country's freedoms are so
    important to me that I'll accept a bit of extra risk rather than see them

    There are a couple of small points on which I do agree with
    Mr. Bush, to be fair, though always with caveats. I do believe the world is a
    better and safer place without Saddam in it. But I'm not sure we should have gone
    in there and I am very sure we shouldn't have done it the way we did. Going in
    without an exit plan is some thing no decent program manager in any corporation
    would do. I expect better than that from our Commander in Chief, a an with access
    to the best minds in the country, in a situation where many lives are involved.
    Maybe I am turning into a manager because that appalls me from a pure planning and
    risk management viewpoint.

    Also, I'm though in most cases I'm stron
    on separation of church and state, I'm ambivalent about faith-based organizations.
    It honestly wouldn't outrage me if we gave federal funding to, say,
    href="">Habitat for Humanity or href=""the Heifer Project. Those are organizations that
    help others for reasons based in the faith of their founders and members. But
    they're not tied to a specific denomination, they decide who to help based on need
    rather than on a religous litmus test, and they'll help you without trying to
    convert you. Maybe religion belongs in public life when it is inclusive and when
    it helps its adherents to act for the good of others. But anything divisive or
    that belongs to a particular creed or that teaches or implies that others are
    inferior, should not be funded on the public dollar or espoused by public
    organizations. I'm a bit extreme there; I don't even like the White House
    Christmas tree. Though I suspect it might not be publically finded, which
    mitigates that a bit. There is nothing like growing up as a minority to let you
    see just how much majority religions continue to dominate this supposedly-secular
    country. I think it's very hard for people in the majority to see even when they
    honestly try; so many things just seem like the right and natural things to think
    and do, when they're what you're used to.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 21, 2004

    bleeding in different ways

    I never even met Stacey-Dawg and yet href="">Six and href="">Zen at me sniffling over her. At work,
    dammit. At least I have a door in case the mascara smears really badly. I've never
    had to deal with the death of any pet but a hamster or goldfish, and some how
    those are hard to bond to. My parents got their dog the year before I moved out to
    college, rather than any time in the previous *sixteen years* I spent begging for
    a dog.

    Yup, still a little bitter. Plus he was definitely a Daddy's
    dog. So not only did we not really bond much, but I got a bit annoyed at the
    'rents referring to him as my "brother". Though possibly not as annoyed as my
    actual brother got at being mistakenly referred to by the dog's name. (Both names
    begin with a vowel, both are male, so he got it a lot more than I

    But this is something I'll be facing sooner than later; my cats
    are in very good shape now, but one is almost fifteen and the other is only two
    years younger. I don't know how long their good health will last. We will get more
    kittens when they leave us, though, not because a pet can really be replaced but
    because a house without children or pets and with only two residents seems
    unbearably sterile. I want life around me.

    To go from metaphorical
    emotional bleeding to the real physical kind (how's that for a really stretched
    segue??) I actually gave blood today, for only about the third time ever. It's not
    that I'm not willing to give, but that they reject me for low blood iron 9 times
    out of 10. (Low by their standards - it appears to be comepletely normal for me.)
    Today the iron count was for once above where they want it, surprising the hell
    out of me.

    No wonder there are chronic blood shortages though. They
    rule out so many people: people who weigh a pound too little (why not just take
    half a pint?), people whose iron is one point low (would you rather die from lack
    of blood than just be a little less energetic from the blood you're given?), and
    not only anyone who is a hemophiliac, which does make sense, but anyone who sleeps
    with one, which seems excessive. Anyone who has spent 3 months in the UK or 6
    months in the rest of Europe is also ruled out. If it's a matter of dying quickly
    for lack of blood, I'll take my chances on mad cow disease, which hasn't even been
    shown to have been transmitted to humans. A while back, I couldn't donate for a
    year because I had spent approximately three hours in the Korean DMZ. This time
    they let me give blood but first spent twenty minutes checking that it was OK that
    I had been in Ushuaia (which has a climate considerably cooler than, say,
    Portland) and Antarctica. This was because they had to make sure there was no risk
    of malaria. Note to the Red Cross: there are not a whole lot of malaria-carrying
    mosquitoes in Antarctice. Mosquitoes are not fond of ice.

    Anyway, I
    gave. So there's my act of civic responsibility for January. Come back in two
    weeks when we have voting, primary elections style.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 20, 2004

    Kipling again

    I was looking through some Kipling and a few of his pieces still hit home. It is a
    foul and disgusting thing that in my country href="
    still rings true. (Even if you're antiwar or anti this
    war, the military should not enlist people if it can't pay them a decent living
    wage or give them the benefits they deserve -- like good health care for anyone
    wounded in the course of duty.) It is a sad thing that so many of us including
    our "leaders" don't understand href="
    , also. On the other hand I find it hard to express my
    gratitude at having been born in a time when href="
    situation was not inevitable.

    On a
    totally different note, I stole this one from href="">Trinity63:


    Recommend to me:

    1. A movie.

    2. A

    3. A musical artist, song, or album.

    4. An diaryland
    user not on my favorites list.

    Copy and Paste with your answers
    in my comments. If you want, copy and paste the questions in your own

    Feel free to skip the movie rec. I rarely get around to
    watching one. I find them slow compared to book, honestly.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:05 PM

    career path?

    I'm sitting in on a class today (fortunately with laptop). What I hate about these
    is that they always want to break for lunch at noon. $&#%# late sleepers. I
    got up this morning at 4:45 and worked out in the gym. Even though I had what for
    me is a close approximation to a big breakfast (Gatorade, a clementine and a box
    of cereal in the car) plus tea when I got to work, I'm hungry. Because I'm
    in this classroom, it's not easy to find a morning snack. And it's only about
    10AM. By 11, when I would normally eat, I'll be ravenous. By noon I'll be drooping
    from low blood sugar and will be on the verge of a headache. Not good. I hate
    living on other people's schedules.

    Unfortunately I can't eat really
    big breakfasts because if I eat them early I get weighed down and queasy for the
    rest of the day, and I couldn't eat later because by the time I got in I didn't
    have enough time before class.

    What I would really like is href="">Mris's work schedule, but there are
    problems with this, one large and one major. The large one is that I don't write
    fiction - I just seem to be lacking that skill or drive. I could probably fake
    something up if necessary (like, if I were being graded on it) but I don't have
    plots, characters, or situations bubbling up in my head as "real" fiction authors
    seem to. The reason I only classed that as a large problem rather than an
    insurmountable one is that there are, after all, nonfiction books -- and I do have
    essay topics bubbling up for me. The really insurmountable problem is that I don't
    have the drive or discipline that is necessary to actually finish a book. Even
    when I had a good idea, was out of work, and got an agent to say "Yes, write
    samples and I'll look at it," I didn't get myself moving to put together the
    writing and photos to send. I'm still a bit annoyed with myself for falling down
    on that job, since it had potential to change my life in a way I'd like it to
    change. Or (given what most authors earn) at least give me an accomplishment to be
    proud of.

    The worst thing about writing, as a career, is that you
    actually have to write. The fact that I can even frame that sentence, I realize,
    is enough to keep me from ever being a professional author. Potential isn't much
    good if you don't fulfill it. Anybody know of a good career path that just
    involves sitting around at home and reading with occasional meetings with other
    people so you don't get too lonely? Where you get to pick only what you want to
    read? And that pays well? Given that basis, I could even throw in a few hours of
    writing or planning a day. Really, if I could find that job I could write a book
    telling others how to do it and probably really would make a fortune.

    While I'm on the subject of books and reading (as if I'm ever off it), I should
    note that, having categorized the comics-and-graphic-novels section Sunday, I
    should add to muy authors list: I have at least 5 books each by Scott Adams, Burke
    Breathed, and Lynn Johnston and more than that by Bill Watterson. Also, having
    looke up the values of the items in that section, I can report that my brother has
    a better idea of the eventual values of graphic novels than the rest of the family
    give him credit for. All are worth well over cover price and Bruce Sterling's
    Frankenstein is worth far more than I'd ever have guessed.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:02 AM

    January 19, 2004

    The Worst Journey: recommendation

    ANTARCTICA: Literature

    "Gentlemen, let us keep our language noble: for we still have heroes to commemorate!" -- Arthur Quiller-Couch, from On the Art of Writing

    Quiller-Couch wrote that when the cabled news of the gallant deaths of Scott's Polar Party first came in. It's fitting that the heroes themselves were capable of noble language as well as great deeds.

    There was Titus Otes, who on staggering out in a blizzard in hopes his companions could save themselves if not held up by his gangrenous frostbitten feet, said calmly, "I am just going outside and may be some time." There was Dr. Bill Wilson, who in his dedication to science, never cared that his party was beaten to the Pole, so long as they brought back new knowledge. There was Scott himself, whose last written words were "For God's sake, look after our people!". His diary makes it clear he knew he was doomed days before the actual end and yet there is no complaint, fear, or letting up of standards.

    (Of course, it's also fairly clear to a dispassionate later reader that it was Scott's own decisions that killed him, Wilson, Bowers, Oates and Evans, and that put so many of his other men through such hell. However, not only he himself but all of his expedition members either never realized it or never admitted that fact. Scott was courageous and interesting and very much a gentleman, but if I were on an expedition I'd much prefer Amundsen to lead it.)

    And then there is Apsley Cherry-Garrard, whose account of Scott's second and final Polar Expedition is titled The Worst Journey in the World. (Properly speaking, the Worst Journey was not the fatal Polar one but a trek made in the middle of winter by ACG, Bowers, and Wilson. They went through the coldest rings of Purgatory for months and retrieved their goal ..... three Emperor penguin eggs.) He was the youngest member of the expedition; was in the First Return Party to come back on the trek to the Pole; was on the Winter Journey that encountered temperatures down to -77F ("That was the day I discovered records are not worth keeping.") and was in the group that found Scott and his companions 11 miles from a depot that had the food and fuel that would have saved them. (They knew they were that close, but they were stuck in a blizaard.) ACG was not only a veritable hero but was one of the best writers I have ever come across, without exaggeration. He is never flowery, but there are so many lines worth quoting that my book is festooned with markers.

    I'm not what Anne Fadiman calls "a carnal lover of books"; my college texts are
    entirely highlighter-free and though I may read my paperbacks to death, their
    pages are virginal and unmarked until the day they fall from the binding. Because unfortunately I couldn't find my tin of href="
    17&special=search&C=17&L=3&ID=SearchClicked&i=0">Page Points
    , the pages of my copy of Worst Journey are fluttering with Post-It flags and even -- near sacrilege -- marked with drylighters for some of the most indispensible passages. (Don't worry, they're erasable.)

    Before reading, I thought the blurb on the cover calling Worst Journey the "War and Peace of travel writing" was fairly stupid. I still think it's a bit of a silly comparison. But it is not exaggerated. It's probably best to take CHerry-Garrard's own advice, and read this and other books on polar exploration when you're not in similar circumstances; you up there in the Northeast might want to hold off a couple of months.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:05 PM

    January 16, 2004

    the library

    got me wondering, and the idea of getting some use out of my less-than-half-done
    library categroization was appealing. Therefore, here is the list of authors whose
    works I own in quantity. They range from literature to, well, not -- and then
    there are a few not generally regarded as literature that I think ought to be.
    There are some like Bill Bryson that I own mostly in hardback, some like Lilian
    Jackson Braun that I own only in paperback or cheap used HBs, and a few like
    Dorothy L. Sayers of whom I own mostly PBs but plan to grandually upgrade. I'm not
    separating this list by genre; one think recording my whole library has taught me
    is that books are nearly as difficult to categorize as people are. But more fun.
    (I don't like putting people in pigeonholes.) I wasn't going to comment on these,
    but I can't seem to stop writing about books.

    I own five or more books by:

    Louisa May Alcott (includes 5 books of which one is an omnibus including stories
    and a couple of full-length novels)

    Austen (Technically, I only own four, but one of those is an omnibus of all 6 of
    her books. I have a couple of duplicates and a book of her letters.)

    Gael Baudino (5. I wish she'd write more like Gossamer Axe.)

    Bill Bryson (7, he's certain to eventually end up on the 10+ list.)

    Agatha Christie (6 plus a couple about her. Will probably eventually be on the 10+
    list by grace of lots of books written and lots for sale used.)

    Steven Coonts (Actually most of these belong to Rudder. I only like his nonfiction
    about flying.)

    Susan Cooper (Will probably not end up on the 10+ list but only because she
    doesn't write enough!)

    L. Sprague de Camp (Compleat ENchanter books, mostly.)

    Diane Duane (6 and growing -- I own some of the Wizard books, both series. She
    writes lots of books, but I'm not a huge Trekker.)

    Elizabeth Enright (Again: if only she'd written more...)

    Neil Gaiman (6, novels only - I need to read the Sandman stuff someday.)

    Barbara Hambly (7, mostly mysteries rather than SF)

    Laurie R. King (The Mary Russell books -- don't like her harder-edged

    Mercedes Lackey (7 - can get a bit cloying. I think my favorite character of hers
    is Diana Tregarde.)

    CS Lewis (9 - I need to get the rest of the Silent Planet books someday, as well
    as A Grief Observed.)

    McCaffrey (6 - I used to love Pern but it finally started getting old.)

    Sharyn McCrumb (5 - don't know why, since some of her stuff has a mean edge I
    don't like. Some is all right, though.)

    E. Nesbit (8 - actually I'd have thought I had more. Some are hard to find in
    print, though.)

    Patrick O'Brian (5, and I'll probably enventually get most of the series. But
    likely in PB, especially since they are such a nice edition.)

    Miss Read (8 - also definitely increasing. Wonderful comfort reading, but never
    syrupy or cloying. I couldn't stand the Mitford books, which are so often compared
    to Fairacre.)

    Spider Robinson (9 - I need the latest Callahn book.)

    Elizabeth Scarborough (7 - Seashell archives, Godmother books, and a few

    I own ten or more books by (and some of these numbers probably don't need

    Lilian Jackson Braun (10 - a growing number - they're easily found used and no
    thought is required. Sometimes that's good.)

    Tom Clancy (17 - these are Rudder's. He likes to stick to a few authors, but says
    each Clancy book has been a little worse than the last lately.)

    Charles de Lint (16 - 2 signed!)

    Robert A. Heinlein (25 - enough said.)

    Madeleine L'Engle (12 or 13. I hope she manages to get that last Meg Murray book

    Diana Wynne Jones (11 - definitely will get more as she writes them, and probably
    a few more of those already written.)

    Charlotte MacLeod (18 - no more of these unless there are some I don't know about.
    Not a huge fan of the Kellings but I love all her other series)

    L.M. Montgomery (26 - again, enough said.)

    Elizabeth Peters (24 - I think I will buy the latest Amelia book. I listened to a
    copy from the library and thought the quality was still up. Don't like the more
    recent Nefret and Ramses as much, though.)

    J.K. Rowling (sort of a cheat; I have each of the 5 HP books on both paper and

    Dorothy L. Sayers (16 that I want to upgrade to HB eventually.)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 15, 2004


    Hey, I think I just saw Canadian Geese! I have no idea what they were doing out
    here - it seems a bit too early or too late for migrating.

    I'm fairly
    sure they were at least some kind of geese, from the size and general shape. They
    were flying in a wide, sort of flat V-shape; one arm of the V was so long it had a
    lovely wave it it. There must have been more than 50 of them. I couldn't hear any
    honking, since I was in the car at the time.

    Any birders out there?
    Could they have been Canadian geese, flying over Arizona?

    Posted by dichroic at 05:36 PM


    Someone just told me we were "blessed" for being able to go to Antarctica and Ireland in the same year. I hate hearing that.

    She's partly right, of course; I know there are a lot of people who could not take trips like that because of circumstances they had no part in choosing or that they could not have anticipated when making choises: illness/ infirmity, layoffs (though I was laid off two years ago and it only postponed our trip) or other factors.

    That said, I got to make the trips mostly because of choices we made. We don't have kids to support or scrimp college tuition for. That's a choice, and one we made at least partly so that we'd have freedom to do what we want. I could have bought all of the highest priority items on my To-buy list with the trip money. Of course, some of that is camera gear and without our travels I wouldn't have much to use it on. If I were a better person I could have funded a large chunk of a semester's tuition at the local university for someone else who couldn't afford it. I chose to broaden my own mind by travel instead.

    I don't think we're rich, but statistics say we're doing pretty well. But I know plenty of people who make less than we do, some who were on our latest trip, who make travel their priority. They're not so much blessed as determined. Quite a few people who work for Rudder (and ake less money than he does) live in houses much nicer than ours; we just elect to be able to leave our house frequently instead.

    So yeah, I guess I am "blessed": I have the health to be able to take this trip and the education that lets me make choices that enable me to earn the money for it. I didn't get hit by a car the week before we left, my husband didn't leave me, my company didn't lay me off, the U.S. didn't decide to invade the penguins. But give me some credit too.

    P.S. to Zen: Feels good, huh? Now you need to find a sport so you have something to train for.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:34 PM

    January 12, 2004

    chilly people

    Note: I've finished this entry now. The new material follows the old.

    Antarctica: People

    When you're on a boat for ten days, it does matter who's on it with you. We tried to sit with different people at meals, so we ended up meeting and talking to most of the other hundred or so passengers. I'm not even going to try to talk about all of the staff, let alone all the passengers we met, I'll just recount a few of the more memorable ones.

    In my next life, I want to be Annie. She was the hotel manager, which means she's basically responsible for everything that keeps a hundred people happy except the expeditions -- and she did check us out as we went down the gangplank and even drove a Zodiac on occasion. The word that comes to mind is 'gracious'. She has the sort of kind and capable manner that calms people down, a face and body that remind me vaguely of Hepburn (Katherine, not Audrey) only less bony -- but she's so well proportioned that even if she put weight on it wouldn't matter -- and one of the most beautiful speaking voices I've ever heard. Fortunately she made a lot of the wake-up announcements. Apparently she and Woody, the bartender, are an item. He did tend bar most capably, always with a smile, and well he should; he's a lawyer when on shore and has recently qualified to testify in front of the Victoria (Australia) Supreme Court. Apparently he wanted a bit of variety, "another sort of bar" as it said on his staff bio.

    I'd guess that Tony, a milkman from Australia, never met anyone he didn't like, and possibly never met anyone who didn't like him. He was the loud, outgoing passenger who got everyone else loosened up, even if it meant he had to repeat his jokes three times so everyone heard him. You couldn't miss our Tony. He was also the one who got in a kayak for his second time, his first in a single (doubles are more stable) and promptly fell in. He was right by the ship and the kayak guide and a Zodiac driver got him out in a about two minutes, so no harm done. (Drysuits are a pain to get into, but no one ever complained about wearing one.) In quieter moments, though, Tony confided he'd booked the cruise because this was his first Christmas without his wife, who had died after three years fighting cancer, and he didn't want to spend it at home.

    Viktor, one of the Russian crew members, tried to abduct me three separate times on New Years' Eve -- I mean, the first time he actually grabbed my arm and tried to pull me downstairs to the crew lounge. I'd been down there once before, courtesy of one the expedition staff, to hear Mad Yuri singing Russian Karaoke. (Bujold fans will know why I always thought of Yuri as Mad Yuri.) I did go down to their lounge later -- this time instead of singing they were dancing to Russian techno and were glad to see extra women since there were only a few on the crew -- but I made damn sure to have company to help extricate me. Viktor's hands kept sliding lower and he was sort of attempting to kiss me (or a spot in the air where he seemed to think my face was). I don't think it was anything personal, just an excess of vodka. Even someone's grabbing my hand and waving my wedding ring in front of his face didn't seem to make much difference. Of course, for all I know RUssians wear wedding rings differently or don't wear them. Rudder and I left after a little while; I might have stayed longer but I didn't want to offend anyone on their own turf, in the one place where they get to unwind (though it was also true the Russian women were making sure to keep away from Viktor too). And I think Rudder especially wanted not to offend Viktor after someone told us he'd been a middleweight weightlifting champion. It sounds awful, but was pretty funny, actually -- he was plastered and just trying to be friendly.

    I think Graham, one of the kayak guides, might have been happier without the rest of us along to cramp his style. He was good though, and actually more careful about watching all of us and offering tips than the other guide. He'd taken the job basically as a way to get back to Antarctica and build up his photo portfolio; he's breaking into professional photography in the Galen Rowell mold. The late (*sigh*) Galen Rowell is my all-time favorite photographer, so this is a huge compliment. Graham reminds me of him not only in the quality of light he captures but also because he's certifiably insane and thus gets shots no one else would be in position to catch. A year or so ago, he and two friends were the first to kayak the entire length of the Antarctic Peninsula. And they did it unassisted: no chase boats, no supply caches, no long distance communications. They did manage to raise "the only sailboat still around" at some distance away -- much more than the type of radio they had can usually manage -- and did an all-night, 90km paddle to catch it before it left. I have no idea how they'd have gotten home otherwise. Since then they've done an even more difficult trip that involved a long paddle along the coast of Peru followed by a hike in to climb a peak in the Andes, a first ascent, where they had to relay because they had way to much climbing gear to carry all at once. Next will be another first ascent in Greenland.

    Lynn and David have slightly more sedate lives, but then David's at a point in his career that Graham is stilll aiming for. Lynn is a naturalist who focuses on Antarctica (not sure what her specific research topic is but she had good answers for all the odd questions I came up with). Together they've written two of the definitive books on Antarctica and I now have a copy of one of them inscribed to me by David and Lynn.

    Will is the editor of Practical Photography, which is more or less the equivalent of Popular Photography in the US. Peregrine invited him along because this was a special photographicly-inclined trip, which meant they had special photography talks from which we got some very good tips and that they'd organize a couple Zodiacs on the cruising expedition to focus on the people who wanted to hunt around for just the right angle to photograph each iceberg. And who didn't mind others doing the same. Will is the main reason I came home with a list of about $3000 worth of photo equipment I really want to get right now!

    Of course all the passengers had stories -- I don't think boring people go to Antarctica. (Er, present writer excepted.) There was the 11 year old second degree black belt; the securities lawyer who didn't actually get the breakfast in bed she won in the ship's auction but who had so much fun planning it she didn't care; the college girl who's been all over the world with her dad -- but he makes her sit in business class while he rides first; the venture capitalist engaged to the oceanographer who spent most of the trip in their cabin *ahem* watching movies, and any number of people who have seen far more of the world than I've managed yet. But I'm working on it.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:48 PM

    January 09, 2004

    show me the Moon

    We interrupt your regularly scheduled Antarctic anecdotes for a political

    I find it totally impossible to believe that Shrub's new "guest
    worker" initiative isn't prompted by a need to get him more Hispanic and other
    immigrant votes. On the other hand, I believe it's the right thing to do -- these
    are jobs most Americans will not take -- though of course it's all going to
    depend how to details are worked out. Apparently the similar bracero program in
    the 1950s ended up being fairly abusive, so there need to be escape valves and
    ways to change emplyers built into the system. But that can be done, with a bit of
    awareness and common sense. A few years ago when it was impossible to hire enough
    software engineers, we imported them from places like India and China. Companies
    were required to prove they couldn't find enough at home, people who wanted to
    move to the States could. I worked with quite a few of these people and they
    seemed happy with the system, though it did occasionally have some red tape
    hitches. one thing that has long bothered me about NAFTA is that it hasn't helped
    the poor and desperate, those most in need of help.

    If you had asked
    me a week ago, I would not have believed that this president would do this thing.
    Yeah, it will help companies looking for labor, but it will also help poor people
    desperate to support their famlies. I really don't have much problem with an
    initiative that gets him votes and does the right thing, however much I might wish
    those motivations were in the opposite order. Where I have the problem is in the
    nagging cynical hunch that this is a way for the President to look good with no
    risk because he knows Congress will not pass this law. Not only that, it can make
    his opponents look bad even if their reasons for not passing the law stem from
    fear that the guest workers will be abused.

    Fortunately, I think the
    peepul are often smarter than politicians believe -- and that includes Latino
    peepul. I think most people will not change their votes until they see what
    promises actually materialize. If President Bush puts his considerable influence
    behind passing an initiative and getting plenty of human rights safeguards built
    in to it (as well as safeguards to mkae sure companies don't fire Americans to
    hire chaper labor), then he will have earned some votes.

    If this
    week's intiative was a bid for Latino votes, then next week's is a bid for votes
    from engineers and space buffs like me, not to mention Texans and Floridians who
    know they would benefit from a revitalized space program. It's being widely
    reported that next week the President will announce a new space initiative
    including to the Moon, a possible permanent Lunar base, and a manned mission to
    Mars. I can't adequately verbalize how badly I want that all to happen, but we've
    been burnt before, not least by Bush Sr., who also promised a manned mission to
    Mars. No mere promises are going to have any effect on my vote. In this matter,
    I'm going to vicariously share in the St. Louis roots of a man who sparked a
    passion for space travel in so many of us, Robert A. Heinlein. Mr. Bush, I speak
    for myself and a lot of other engineers who would eagerly put other work aside if
    we could make a manned space program something more than the painfully limited
    orbital program we now have. Mr. Bush, in this matter we're all from Missouri, and
    you'll have to show us.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:40 AM

    January 07, 2004


    I'll start with Buenos Aires, because that was the first place we got to when we left the US. We had an afternoon there, stayed overnight, toured the city the next morning, then flew to Ushuaia. On the way home we did something similar but in reverse.

    I'd have to say we didn't like Buenos Aires. This is not because we're the sort of weenies who don't like anything different from home, or because we can't cope with not speaking the language. We liked Seoul just fine, and my Spanish is a hell of a lot better than my Korean. BA just doesn't seem to have that many attractions, or at least not many of the sort of thing we like. (To be fair, it does have a number of art museums, though the Cultural Center, the only one we visited, was small and mostly full of the sort of modern art that doesn't do much for either of us.) People who like BA talk rather about the atmosphere, the shopping and the restaurants than the architecture or the history or the museums.

    As for the atmosphere, what I saw of it was mostly gray. Robert Heinlein, who visited in 1953, described it as a "charming, beautiful metropolis"; apparently the loss of a dictator to force the city to keep clean and (more probably) recent economic turmoil and hard times have not been good for its charm or its beauty. (Though presumably good for its human rights record.) The amount of litter on the streets was comparable to that in Philadelphia or New York. There are a lot of parks, but we never saw anyone using them -- instead we saw many people picnicking in the medians of the highways. They'd just park the car and open up a table.

    It's a huge city, so of course there were plenty of good things too; we just couldn't seem to warm up to it. For one thing, I was delighted to find that my six years of public-school Spanish were actually of some use. I could even detect a bit of local accent: people always said "Buena' dias" or mucha' gracias" instead of pronouncing the 's' between words. The food was all right, though not wonderful, but that really may just be a matter of not being what we're used to -- except that the "lomo" or beef loin usually was pretty fatty.

    There is an area by one of the ports, Puerto Madura, that has been renovated. The old shipping warehouses have been turned into apartments and restaurants. It's a nice place to stroll, and whole families of locals and tourists alike do. We took a city tour; the best part of that was the old Italian area, where the houses are painted in patches of bright colors and where the tango was invented. There was one street there that was lined with stalls selling paintings of the buildings, all very colorful, and a crowded indoor market full of small reproductions of the buildings and of mate cups with silver straws. It was all bright and cheery, originally a way of laughing at poverty -- the bright colors in patches were because the original owners could only afford odds and ends of paint.

    We also liked the Cementario de la Recoleta, the "city of the dead". Instead of tombstones, there were crypts, each ten or twelve feet high, organized like tiny houses in narrow streets. In many of them we could see caskets, or steps down to a lower level, or even bouquets of flowers. Some of the crypts even had stained glass, which I couldn't quite figure out. Evita Peron's crypt had plaques proclaiming her the friend of the worker, and handmade signs saying "We still remember you, Evita - we love you." (All in Spanish of course, so open to my mistranslation.)

    Outside the cemetary, they hold a craft market on weekends, where I bought a pair of silver earrings and a necklace of rhodochrosite, the "national stone", sold in shops all over the city.

    From BA we flew to Ushuaia, which we did like. Much of its economy is founded on adventure travel, so it felt a bit like Bend, Oregon, or Park City, Utah, or Queenstown, New Zealand. There was one nice shopping street, then it was mostly houses and a few business -- it's also the provincial capital, so there were some government buildings as well. The Museo del Fin del Mundo wasn't as impressive as its name, but the Museo Presidio was wonderful. It's set in the old prison and was really a combination of museums. Each of several wings had a different topic: Antarctic exploration, Ushuaia history, local missionaries, prisons in general, prisoners there in particular, local art. There would be a different exhibit in each cell. It was wonderfully done.

    Good thing Ushuaia does have plenty of shops; at least one family on our trip had to buy complete wardrobes when their luggage failed to arrive!

    Posted by dichroic at 07:03 PM

    January 05, 2004

    what lies ahead

    We're back. My next challenge will be to figure out how to tell about the trip; I
    had thought of just typing out my trip journal, but since it runs to 48 pages,
    that's out. Carpal tunnel syndrome is not one of my great life ambitions. And
    anyway, it's quite possible no one wants to read about every single bay and island
    we saw (there are a lot of bays and islands on the Antarctic

    If I get much time typing at home with my journal to hand,
    I will include excerpts, and I'll try to at least answer the questions, "Why would
    anyone want to go there?" and "If I did want to go there, should I sign up
    for the same trip?"

    Besides, my voice seems to have left me (maybe it
    stayed back with the penguins) so communicating by print is easier anyway.

    How ironic is it that we got all the way back from the end of the
    earth, from a polar zone known for frighteningly low temperatures and the regions
    of the seas (the Drake Passage is in the "screaming fifties", right below the
    "roaring forties") known for spectacular weather, only to get caught by snow in
    Chicago on the very last leg of our trip?

    Posted by dichroic at 05:29 PM

    January 04, 2004

    mired in irony

    update (via pda): walked on glaciers. kayaked in bellingshausen sea. returned
    safely from antarctic peninsula via boat. traveled from tierra del-freaking-fuego
    to buenos aires via badly signed airports that announce only in spanish. got to
    b.a. airport despite mistake on part of transfer bus from hotel to airport. even
    survived customs in miami. and now on the very last leg we're stuck in chicago
    because of a little snow. yeesh.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 23, 2003

    from the bottom of the world

    This entry is being written from the bottom of the world. We made it to Ushuaia
    (pron. oo-soo-AH-ya) which our ride from the airport referred to as the 'outermost
    southernness' - it's the southernmost town in the world. We'll be getting on the
    boat this afternoon and we're looking forward to that. (I have determined that I
    WILL NOT be seasick - with luck reality won't intervene.) There's lots of snow on
    the mountains, and temps are in the fifties (F) despite it being midsummer. Rudder
    is officially in his late thirties, since today is his

    Merry whichever holiday you celebrate; Rudder and I wish
    you a joyous, peaceful and prosperous new year, especially those for whom 2003 was
    a bit bumpy.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:13 PM

    December 19, 2003

    off to see the lizard, er, penguins

    Don't ask why, but I feel a bit exposed leaving an entry that talks about me and
    my beliefs so much up for the next couple of weeks. If you're interested in
    surveys, it's one entry back.

    Otherwise I spent this morning doing
    errands and buying the black pants I decided I need for traveling (not to mention
    life after traveling). No white shirt, though, wouldn't want the penguins to think
    I was copying them. Then when I got home there was a message from Rudder saying
    that he and several coworkers were taking the afternoon off to see the LOTR movie
    and did I want to go with them. I did, which means I didn't get much else done
    today. And we got back to a message that we'd gotten onto a direct flight, which
    is good except that it means we have to leave earlier tomorrow. Translation: I
    need to go get stuff done now instea dof writing here.

    Off to go play
    with the penguins. See you in 2004!

    Posted by dichroic at 07:16 PM

    100 points

    I could have taken this from href="">Mechaieh or href="">Mer a> or a few others, but I took them from href="">M'ris because
    somehow it seemed like a good idea to go back a generation or so. The words in
    bold are those M'ris and I have in common.

    01. I discovered e-mail
    in college
    -- I don't think they had email much before I was in college. The
    Internet existed but as far as I could tell consisted mostly of email and
    newsgroups --
    and I've never played in a MUD or a MUSH.

    02. I
    never watched TV much,
    but these days I watch Fear Factor and the Simpsons and
    sometimes listen to the reruns Rudder turns on while I'm reading.

    03. MI
    don't much care what shows they cancel, except I'm very impresed that the SImsons
    have been on so long and are still funny.

    04. While I am not a talented
    artist, I can draw moderately credibly when it's very, very important to do
    but I don't do it much.

    05. I like music but a lot of the
    stuff I listen to is obscure enough that I'm always excited to me someone who
    knows it. (Folky stuff, mostly.)

    06. I'm actually pretty sure somebody
    understands. If you'd hit me many years ago, maybe not, but I'm feeling pretty
    thoroughly understood these days. Not universally. But thoroughly.
    More or
    less true, but some things are understood only by people I only know
    electronically. But people I know in the flesh, where they don't understand, at
    least give me room enough.

    07. I hate when people type in all caps
    Doesn't everyone?

    08. I also hate people who TypE LyKe D1s.
    Yep...although sometimes I am amused at mocking it.

    09. I don't mind
    people who cannot speak/write in proper English: it's the people for whom there is
    no excuse that I mind. Hmmmmm. I'm not entirely sure of this one. My question is
    what the standard is for cannot. If someone has developmental disabilities, a
    different native language, or a thoroughly soul-crushing environment, I'll cut
    that person some slack on the grammar and spelling. I sort of cut other people
    slack, too.
    Rudder can't spell anything whose spelling doesn't make sense
    (i.e. a large fraction of the English language) and it means anything he's ever
    written me can't be mistaken for anyone else. But I have no patience for people
    who think spelling doesn't matter, who don't go out and find someone who can spell
    to proofread it when it matters (a resume, for example).

    10. I live
    hundreds or thousands of miles from where I was born.

    11. I have an MS
    in Physical Sciences with a concentration in Space Science. I wanted to get a
    Linguistics degree more recently but circumstances didn't cooperate. I have no
    idea what I'd do with a Linguistics degree but I like learning (some things,
    anyway) for its own sake. I expect to keep on doing it, in formal classes and out,

    12. I wish my job paid better. Dude. Isn't this the human
    condition? More reward for the same amount of labor?
    What M'ris

    13. I tend not to lose contact with people on my own, even if I
    just know them from their journal or mine. Sometimes they disappear for awhile,
    but if they'll e-mail me, I'll generally e-mail back.
    I really don't like
    losing people, assuming I liked them in the first place.

    14. For some
    things in my life, forgetfulness is a blessing. I think this is the human
    condition, too. I don't get that blessing very much --
    I forget all kinds of
    things I should do but rarely things I've done, at least not ones with any
    emotional impact.

    15. I hope to get faster at rowing and do a bit more
    competing this year. Mostly, I just hope not to finish DFL. (dead fucking

    16. My butt gets too cold if I am indecently dressed in the winter,
    even inside.
    This is especially true after I've been working out, before I
    get in a hot shower.

    17. Like M'ris, I complain about never having enough
    time to get things done.
    I blame my commute for a lot of it.

    18. I
    have a lot to learn. Wasn't I saying something about the human condition and
    learning earlier...?

    19. Another partial agreement: I like to talk to
    people, but I always worry; in my case, it's that I will exhaust them, and they'll
    be relieved to be out of the laser gaze or the babbling mouth, depending.
    know I Overwhelm some people.

    20. I check my email every day.
    Compulsively. My e-mail client is pretty much always in an open window on my
    computer. So it lets me know if there's anything there; I don't really have to
    Even at work.

    21. I am a writer by strict definition; that
    is, I write. I have well over a thousand diary entries that say so. I don't know
    if I'll ever try to sell anything I write and if I do it will be essay or
    nonfiction. I don't do fiction; I seem to lack a plotting gene.

    22. I
    hate when people yell
    but I don't mind at all if they've just raised their
    voices to be heard. I have sworn to myself, due to experiences with a former boss
    and a former rowing coach, that I will never allow anyone to yell at me again
    unless I have given them that right. (Which may be implicit -- we're in an
    argument of equals and both getting steamed or I've asked them to coach

    23. I want to travel the globe and hang out in other countries
    I've done a good bit of the traveling but am always short of time
    for the hanging out part.

    24. I don't really have the urge to collect
    things, but sometimes I get them anyway, because friends or family see them and
    think of me. Except books, if those count: I have the urge to collect books.

    Which doesn't mean I don't like buying and getting stuff, but mostly I don't think
    of it as collecting.

    25. I sometimes have trouble finishing things I start.
    I am a pretty compulsive finisher.

    26. I drink coffee in decaf form
    Real coffee does icky things to my digestion.

    27. I love going
    new places and seeing new things and trying out new stuff to eat. Also, I love
    taking friends to places that are new to them, showing them new things, and
    feeding them new stuff to eat.

    28. I'm a weird person. Or so
    I've been told. Some people have very confining definitions of

    29. Like M'ris, I believe that human beings can understand
    each other, with time, effort, patience and love, no matter what their backgrounds
    are; however, I sometimes believe that the effort is more than some of them are
    going to want to put into the situation.
    And some people are naturally better
    at it than others.

    30. I love the sound of cats purring, but it
    doesn't stop me from moving them when they're sittingon my hand and I want to use
    it for something.

    31. I took guitar lessons for a few years, but never got
    all that good. I haven't played it for a year or more.

    32. I think that
    animals are part of the cycle of propagation and predation, and that excesses to
    one side or the other in the animal rights issue are dangerous.
    But I think we
    have a tendency to run roughshod over the world, so inclining a bit over toward
    the protection side may be necessary.

    33. I procrastinate. Human
    condition, right? But not too much; not enough that I feel it's a major flaw of
    At least not usually.

    34. Bratty kids make me sad, because
    that's a direct function of how their parents treat them in most cases; some kids
    emerge from the womb ready to be mean at the slightest provocation.
    that some ages are almost bratty by definition, for most kids. But that passes and
    you generally know when it hits -- for example, there's a limit to what anyone can
    do with a screaming baby sometimes.

    35. I'm not really much of a movie buff.
    When I do watch them, it's usually for entertainment, not deep thought. I don't
    like movies I don't understand, but I do like books that make me think.

    I don't like housecleaning, but I mind some kinds more than others.

    37. I
    respond to some written erotica; pictures don't do much for me.

    38. I don't
    mind crowds, to a degree, but eventually I need a break and some quiet.

    Like Mer, Mechaieh, and M'ris, I am married and grinning about it. Nice to see so
    many happy marriages.

    40. If you grab this meme from me, I'd love it if
    you'd let me know.

    [numbers missing here-- that's OK, I think 97 points are

    43. I have a little brown splotch birthmark on my left

    44. I live in a big two-story house -- well it feels big to me.
    There's still no furniture in the front room. I don't love it, but I like it and
    it's comfortable.

    41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, period. Both
    giving and getting and either way, I don't care what they cost.

    42. I
    like people who are a bit out of the ordinary, and I like people who are a lot out
    of the ordinary even more
    , maybe. Depends on just how they are

    More missing numbers....

    45. I love interesting
    . I'll never bea fashion plate because my wardrobe varies too
    much I like dressing up some days and going casual on others. Some days I wear
    what's almost a costume and some days I just shlep. Either way, comfort is

    46. I could not be normal if I TRIED. And I don't. I
    don't think my abnormalities exactly match any set of people I know, but some are

    47. I have no children yet and we're not really planning on
    any. I'm getting a bit old for it -- yes, I know lots of women have kids when
    they're older, but the rate of birth defects gets scary.

    48. I can't ride
    a horse.
    I'd like to learn someday but it's not a priority.

    49. I've
    never done any role-playing to speak of. Back when I had friends who did (high
    school) it seemed to be an all-male thing.

    50. I am always pleasantly
    surprised when I hear from someone new in my e-mail or comments.
    But I love
    hearing from the same people, too.

    51. I like silence at

    52. I've lived in Philadelphia, Houston, and Phoenix.

    53. I
    got glasses when I was 3 and have had them or contacts ever since except for a
    year when I was 9. I had braces from 13-15. I'm thinking of LASIK next

    54. Ithink it's way to easy for me to boss other people around so I
    try not to.

    55. I like being alone sometimes but only

    56. I would rather cook than do dishes most days, but I'm
    not crazy about every-day cooking, I like doing it occasionally.

    57. I'm not
    particularly neat -- I tend to leave a trail of books behind me, in

    58. I need to exercise. I just took two days off because
    I hadn't had any since Thanksgiving, but I went to the gym this morning.

    I like when my friends write me letters and emails, it makes me feel
    I love when people want to talk to me!

    60. I'm cynical
    sometimes, but I am very nearly a congenital optimist.
    I do that on purpose
    because I think it's a better way for me to live.

    61. I keep in touch with
    only one or two people from high school, plus one couple I've known since I was
    thirteen, though they're older. I keep in touch with a few from college, but not
    in close touch.

    62. Crying at commercials, nope. Books, sometimes.

    I overreact about things sometimes and underreact at others -- I've been
    accused of being "too logical".

    64. I cry at music sometimes but it's
    generally more if I'm singing than listening.

    65. I have odd dreams.
    And sometimes, incredibly boring ones.

    66. I wish I could travel more
    And for longer.

    67. I like living, growing things around
    me, but cats are about as much as I can successfully care for.

    Heights are fine by me. That includes everything from roller-coasters to
    hang gliders, though I'm not stupid about it. I will jump out of a plane (and
    have) bu of course I was scared!

    69. I believe in God. I don't believe
    that GW Bush is His Chosen One.
    I am more interested in discussing religious
    theory than practice.

    70. I am not a pacifist, but I believe violence should
    generally be a last resort. BUt it is a valid resort.

    71. I like my
    weather cool
    and variable. Since 1989, I've lived in Texas and Arizona and I
    am TIRED of hot weather!

    72. I would love to seek the nearest corner in a
    crowded room and find a book,
    but only sometimes.

    73. I have never
    broken a bone.

    74. I'm not quite sure what pathouli smells like. I generally
    don't like strong perfumes.

    75. I don't follow any celebrities' gossip or
    love lives in particular
    . I do read In Style but more for the clothes
    and houses.

    76. I wish I had more friends, especially close-by

    77. I love to read, period and full stop.

    78. I re-
    read a lot, in part because I can't afford to buy books as fast as I can read
    Also because I can't store as many as I can read. I don't use the
    library much any more, because of time issues.

    79. I don't really have many
    health issues to speak of anyway.

    80. I am told I write well. At least for
    an engineer.

    81. I can be hard to deal with sometimes. Another of those
    human condition things....
    But I may be harder than most.

    82. I don't
    understand the appeal of horror movies.

    83. I don't really have a
    hard time living inside my current income.
    But I do have trouble saving as
    much as I think I should.

    84. I love my family but thank the deity I
    don't have to live with them.

    85. On some issues, I'm very firm in my
    I admire people who are willng to respect beliefs they don't agree

    86. I am female.

    87. I support gay civil marriage.
    Hell, if people *want* to pay huge tax penalties and establish stable family
    units, I think it hurts our society not to let them. (Though I wouldn't be averse
    to doing away with those marriage tax penalties.)

    88. I think kids are
    resilient. Good thing.

    89. There is no way on I wil vote for Bush. RIght now
    I like Dean, but the election is quite a way away.

    90. I am comfortable with
    the idea of dying in theory but find it mind-boggling when I try to apply it

    91. I do not smoke.

    92. Most parts of my family I
    actually know are middle-class.

    93. I HATE when computers freeze.
    Well, yeah.

    94. I like talking on the phone but not long enough to
    get a sore neck from it. Like with email, I love when people want to talk to

    95. I don't particularly mind going to the doctors' office except
    for that part about being sick. Or getting bits of metal shoved into my

    96. I'm generally not socially anxious.

    97. I have a pager but
    never carry it. No one pages me anyway.

    98. I have my earlobes and navel

    99. I've never had a tattoo. I know what I'd get if I did,
    but probably won't. I don't like pain much.

    100. I am done with this
    survey now.
    I should probably have been doing more useful things

    Posted by dichroic at 08:19 AM

    December 18, 2003

    pontificating again

    I've been in class so haven't been able to comment on other people's diaries for a
    few days -- I was going to write this or something like it in href="">Sixweasel's guestbook, but it began
    expaning as I thought it over. So this is for Six, but also for any of you
    young'uns or ones moving up into positions at work or out of it where you're
    making decisions that scare you or working with people who intimidate

    George Walker Bush does not know what to do to resolve
    the situation in Iraq. Now, I don't like the man, but this time I'm not trying to
    insult him. Howard Dean and General Clark & co. don't know either. What they're
    arguing over is who's got the right combination of experience, smarts, and common
    sense to make the best guess.

    Similarly, none of you out there know
    how to raise your children. Again, no insult intended; if you're a caring parent
    and you've got some sense and gumption, you know your child better than anyone
    else, and because of that your thoughts on what to do next are usually better than
    anyone else's could be. But you don't know what to do next; you evaluate
    the situation in terms of your experience and take your best

    That applies to businesses, too (and universities). The only
    problems anyone really knows how to solve are the ones that have already been
    solved, and in a complex system like an economy or a person, things are likely to
    have changed enough since last time that even those solutions must be rethought.
    So in general, what most people do when faced with complex problems is to guess
    and bluff. Obviously, some have more experience and knowledge and so guess better
    than most of us, but just as obviously experience can often be of more use than
    education. Some people who have a privileged background bluff so well they
    convince themselves as well as others, but I am convinced they are still just

    Look, I have an advanced degree (not to mention a
    well-insulated house) and I know I have vast areas of ignorance. What I also have
    that I find extremely helpful is a row-house background. I grew up in a 1200 sq.
    ft. house among people who were blue-, pink-, and lower-level white-collar. What
    it's given me is a lack of the sense of entitlement people who are raised rich
    seem to have and an appreciation for people who deal with *real*

    There is this thing about business, politics, and economic
    decisions: they say the stakes are high, and in a dollar sense they are. But in a
    more practical sense, they usually aren't. It is possible for high-ups to lose
    everything or even go to jail if they make spectacularly bad decisions, but it's
    very rare. More likely, if for example the CEO of my company makes some bad
    decisions and our stock tanks, he jumps out, is wafted down on a golden parachute,
    and then either finds a position at another company or makes vast sums of money
    for being on some corporate boards and attending meetings a few times a year. In
    contrast, his lowest-level employees may be making decisions that involve fewer
    dollars by several orders of magnitude but that affect whether their families will
    eat well or sleep warm. The stakes are far higher in real terms. When those people
    make decisions, they know just what is at stake and they develop more common sense
    because they need it more.

    Does that mean I wouldn't advocate getting
    advanced degrees? Hell no. I do think it's much better to go back after you've
    worked a few years. That way, you know where the holes in your knowledge are and
    you can try to fill them, plus you can enjoy all the incredible resources college
    campuses offer -- you miss those when you've been away a while and you realize how
    much you didn't take advantage of them as an undergrad. (Though I guess none of
    that would apply when you work for a university.)

    Anyway, the point I
    am trying to make is that in general the people who sound like they Know All often
    don't, and usually if you speak up they'll figure you know what you're doing too.
    I have an advantage here: I know I'm smart. (I'm not being conceited here: it's
    usually one of the three characteristics of mine people mention most, the other
    two being Short and Mouthy.) So I'm secure enough not to mind looking stupid
    frequently -- I know there are huge areas of things I know nothing about, but I
    also know I know things other people don't. (As someone said to me yesterday,
    "We're all ignorant in some areas.") If I don't understand something I just ask,
    because I figure if I don't know, probably others don't either -- sometime the
    ones who thought they do, don't. If you're at the table, you've got a right to
    speak. Listen to what other people say, but if it doesn't make sense, don't assume
    it's you that doesn't understand.

    OK, that was one of the things I
    know (or at least am pretty sure of my guesses about). I'm sure in about three
    minutes something will come up I know absolutely nothing about. PS. Jenn, and then
    there are people that don't know shit about anything including how to be decent
    human beings. There's no excuse at all for those, not adult ones anyhow.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:20 PM

    December 16, 2003


    DONE the Concept
    II Holiday Challege
    as of this morning!!!!! That's 200000 erg meters, over and
    done with. I'm so, so tempted just to not bother working out for the rest of the
    week before we leave for our trip.

    Don't expect many updates for the
    next couple of days. I'm in training, this time learning how to read a Profit &
    Loss and a balance sheet.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:13 PM

    December 15, 2003

    books and boats on parade

    What luxury - I feel as though I'd been dipped in chocolate. I've just had a
    conversation on books with a coworker who knows about them, really knows. I
    don't get to do that often, not a real conversation in the flesh instead of on AIM
    or in email. We talked about and the Free
    Library of Philadelphia, Newton and Rosenbach, Gleick and Feynman, technical works
    and books about books and the eight thousand books he's just inherited from a
    professor. I only know him slightly and hadn't even realized he was a reader, but
    I have a feeling we'll be talking again soon.

    On Saturday, we won the
    Tempe Boat Parade's Man-Powered Boats division. I forget whether thisis the third
    or fourth time we've won. (I shouldn't really say "we"; I bought some supplies and
    rowed in the boat but it's really Rudder's project, and he and T2 did most of the
    work and planning.) This year the organizers were smart and considerate enough to
    put together a prize that could be shared. Last year the prize was a single
    autographed jersey; this year there was a brunch for two, a lunch for four, three
    movie tickets, a dinner or two and a night at a nice hotel.

    year we used a four and RUdder and T2 built a tall PVC frame frame that stood on
    the riggers. At one end it supported guy lines to an 8' inflatable Santa with the
    words "Row, Row, Row" spelled out in glowsticks, and at the other a tall saguaro
    made of more PVC piping and green light strings. Other lights and glowsticks were
    stong along the frame, the boat, and the rowers. Rudder coxed, either because he
    was tired of hearing me talk about how hard it was last year (we had an eight and
    the organizers clearly had no idea how maneuverable an eight-man shell isn't) or
    because he just wanted to drive.

    Then on Sunday we got most of our
    packing done, so now we just need to keep putting in all the things we've

    Tomorrow, I'll finish the HOliday Challenge. Not bad: done
    on 12/16, nine days ahead of Christmas despite missing a few days when we were
    away at Thanksgiving.

    December 14, 2003

    a bit of etymology

    I learned something today. I'd always assumed that powder rooms were called that
    because of the euphemism about powdering one's nose. However, according to the
    late A. Edward Newton, book collector, author, and Johnsonian, Samual Johnson's
    house in Gough Square, where he wrote his Dictionary, had a powder closet near the
    front door where one's wig was powdered and made presentable for the day. I can
    see the utility of having a room for the purpose so powder didn't get all over
    everything in the rest of the house -- the equivalent of a mudroom, I

    Otherwise, today is dedicated to laundry (in progress),
    packing (in the heaps of clothing stage) and erging (done). Only 21K left on the
    HOliday Challenge! Also, only one more day of regular work, three of classes, and
    then I'm off until 2004!

    Here, incidentally, is a timely quotation from a later essay in the same book:

    The six months from December 18, 1777 to June 19, 1778 were undoubtedly the darkest in American history. During that time it is estimated that several thousand men perished on these Valley Forge hills; and while the soldiers were dying of neglect, Congress talked, thus setting an example which has been followed right down to the present time.

    A. Edward Newton, 1925

    Posted by dichroic at 01:10 PM

    December 12, 2003

    my buddies Wilbur and Orville

    They're handing out a free lunch today at the company cafeteria, not for the
    approaching holiday but to celebrate the 100th anniversary of powered

    Though I notice the menu includes turkey or ham, mashed
    potatoes and pie, and the decor is red and green tinsel. It's an interesting way
    to avoid all the religious implications of a holiday lunch.

    Not that
    most people around here care. There's a natural affinity between engineers and
    free food; I think it may come from all those years of physics professors
    preaching the TANSTAAFL principle. ("There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch".)
    Of course technically speaking there isn't, but I can deal with the resulting
    $2 less in my paycheck for the year. As a result, people are lined up outside
    the cafeteria (which is right across from my office) for about 100 yeards. I'm
    hoping the line will eventually abate somewhat.

    I do care about the
    hundredth anniversary of powered flight, though; it's influenced my life a lot
    more than just to the extent of one mediocre meal on the company. At my Sweet
    Sixteen when everyone else chose puppies and kittens and harlequins for their
    themes, I had mine in the 94th Aerosquadron restaurant and drew little biplanes on
    each of 80 invitations. (I can still whip out a cartoon biplane in 20 seconds
    flat.) In college when the other women had posters of puppies or kittens or
    Patrick Swayze, I had airplanes. (Though I always say I'm the ideal audience for
    the movie Top Gun because I enjoy both the fast planes *and* the half-naked
    men playing volleyball.) I majored in mechanical engineering instead of aerospace
    engineering only so I could work in aerospace but would theoretically be emplyable
    in a broader range of fields in case of a downturn, but I have worked in aerospace
    for the majority of my career so far. I've worked on the actual aircraft or the
    simulators (not home computer games, the highly complex ones made of actual parts
    used to train actual pilots and astronauts) for the AH-1W, F16, Spacelab, Space
    Shuttle, Space Station, A-10, C-130, Longbow Apache, and Boeing 777. I've flown
    the Cessna 152, 172 and 182, Piper SuperCub, Warrior and Archer, Great Lakes
    biplane, Pitts S2-B, and Diamond Katana. I've flown simulators for the A-10, F-16,
    C-130, Space Shuttle, Airbus A-320, and Boeing 737.

    In other words, I
    owe Wilbur and Orville a lot. Powered flight was clearly an idea whose time had
    come; if they hadn't worked it out someone else would have. But the fact remains
    that they -- two bicycle mechanics and bike shop owners -- did work it out in
    practice when all the eminent scientists working on the problem couldn't. They
    combined the newest lightweight engines with an effective means of controlling
    movement in all three axes (pitch, roll, and yaw, or x, y, and z), the lack of
    which had killed several other would-be aviators. They figured out how to overcome
    the torque from the prop, by having two counter-rotating propellers. They taught
    themselves to fly it, not trivial even in that simplest airplane -- especially
    since no one then knew anything about how to do it. They weren't lucky;
    they were careful, methodical, and brilliant, not to mention brave enough to fly
    the fledgling craft -- a look at thenumber of deaths in early aviation shows just
    how brave. They didn't get much money for quite a while afterwards, and even had
    their contributions downplayed by Glenn Curtiss, Langley at the Smithsonian, and
    others who stole their ideas. Orville did eventually win his patent battles and
    credit had been restored where it belongs. I owe Orville and Wilbur a lot; I hope
    their spirits are still soaring over the dunes somewhere where there are no wrecks
    and no patent infringements.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:17 AM

    December 11, 2003

    the past is calling

    Well, that was unexpected. I just got an email from a friend from several
    jobs ago, whom I hadn't heard from in a couple of years. Aerospace is such a small
    community, though, that it was inevitable I'd run into him again. Several times
    I've even run into people who had worked for my first employer back in Houston,
    with whom I've had mutual acquaintances.

    Or maybe it's just me. I do
    seem to keep running into people. Once, while hiking ten miles out on a trail in
    the middle of Big Bend National Park (one of the more remote parts of Texas), I
    was greeted by an acquaintance from the nature center where I volunteered in
    Houston, 900 miles away. Even more oddly, once at a rock-climbing class at
    Enchanted Rock, in the hill country of Texas, I ran into someone I'd worked with
    at my college's Dining Service, in Philadelphia. (It was the matching Penn
    sweatshirts he and his wife wore that first caught my eye.)

    today's email wasn't totally unexpected, but still caught me by surprise. We
    hadn't been in touch for a couple of years, but back when we worked together, I'd
    gotten to know this guy almost too well. He was going through a rough patch in his
    life and needed someone to vent to. I think, also, it may be a common thing for
    people whose lives are happily boring to look elsewhere for drama. Some people
    watch soap operas, some read romances. I find real lives are usually much more
    interesting and less predictable, which is probably one reason I read online
    diaries. Or maybe it's my otherwise negligible nurturing

    Anyway, he's now got a new wife and a job at a good
    company with an impressive title, so hopefully his life is now happier and more
    boring as well. As for me, getting back in touch with old friends is exciting

    No, wait: even more exciting is that I have only 54000 meters
    on the erg challenge and I leave for Antarctica in a week and a half!

    Posted by dichroic at 12:49 PM

    December 04, 2003

    not quite right

    I don't feel quite right today. Last night at bedtime I had another of those
    incidents where my vision gets all blinky, followed by a headache, which
    fortunately started only about a minute before I fell asleep. Bedtime is also a
    very good time for your vision to go on the fritz, if it must do so. The one time
    I asked a doctor about that he said it might be low blood volume, but since I'd
    just had beer, water, and a big dinner I doubt that's it. Rudder's latest theory
    is that it's a blood-sugar crash, which makes more sense to me. The only problem
    with that is that it makes me think I probably ought to avoid the huge tin of
    butter cookies we've all been noshing off of for the past couple of

    Given how fast those things can balance out the 500 calories my
    morning erg pieces are burning, it's probably just as well. Anyway, I feel better
    today (and yesterday I was fine until the last ten minutes of my day); I'm just
    feeling a bit off.

    Tomorrow I'm taking the day off so I might even
    get to sleep in a tiny bit. A *very* tiny bit, considering the way my to-do list
    is burgeoning.

    Today I am thankful for: lots of days off or
    out of the office this month!

    Concept II Holiday Challenge:
    Approx. 138000 meters left to go.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:01 PM

    December 02, 2003

    2003 holiday challenge

    Here's the deal with the Holiday Challenge I mentioned yesterday. href="">Concept II, who makes the rowng machines,
    a.k.a. ergs, most used by actual rowers (probably the most-used rowing machines,
    period) sponsors this every December. This will be the fourth year they've had it
    and the third time I've done it.

    The idea is to erg 200,000 meters
    from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Only erg meters count, not distance on the water.
    The Challenge begins at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, November 27, and ends at midnight
    on December 24. Because Thanksgiving is on the last Thursday in November rather
    than on a particular date, the time between the holidays changes. This year, there
    are 28 days, which works out to an average of 7,143 meters per

    Except, that is, for Rudder and me. We both erged on
    Thanksgiving day before departing for Death Valley, but then missed on Friday and
    Saturday while there. We'll also miss four or five days at the Christmas end
    because of the Antarctica trip. That leaves us only 21 or 22 days, so we have to
    average over 9000m per day. There is supposed to be a rowing machine on the ship,
    but we can't find out if it's a CII, so we can't rely on finishing there. (There
    are a few other kinds that would work, but it could also be the old-fashioned kind
    with two sticks for handles and no way to track distance.) So I'm trying to do at
    least 10K a day. Rudder, far more of a masochist, does his pieces in 20000m
    chunks, letting him get on the water or to the gym some days. Myself, I refuse to
    worry about normal workouts while I'm in the middle of this.

    I am thankful for:
    functioning arms and legs and the ability to use them. My
    parents have a good friend who may be about to lose both legs due to complications
    from diabetes and other things.

    Concept II Holiday Challenge:
    Approx. 158000 meters left to go.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:08 PM

    December 01, 2003

    vacation planning

    Feh. Back at work. Bleah.

    The worst of it, I think, is luch from the
    company cafeteria, especially when I know there's a big pot of chili I made
    yesterday just waiting for me at home.

    On the good side, due to an
    apparent brain fart I still haven't diagnosed, I get to take off the Friday before
    Christmas week plus the Monday after it *and* I have a day and a half I need to
    take between now and the holiday. I'd been going around all year hoarding
    vacation, thinking I was short of it. Fortunately, some of that time is sort of
    unofficial incentive vacation awarded by the boss in the last couple of months, so
    I don't have to feel bad about not going to Rudder's marathon race a few weeks
    ago. I wouldn't have had the time far enough ahead to buy the plane

    The extra days off around the holiday will be wonderful,
    especially the one afterward. Our trip is about as long as it could be, within the
    confines of the holiday weeks. That is, we leave right away on the first Saturday
    off and get back on the last Sunday off, so there would have been no extra time to
    finish packing or to recover before heading back to work.

    dilemma of the day: in the coldest weather, I will be wearing a windbreaker over a
    fleece (Polartec 200) jacket, along with a wool or lighter-weight fleece sweater.
    I hope I don't ending up regretting it if I don't get a Polartec 300 jacket to
    wear instead of the one I have. Rudder did buy one, but then again he has fewer
    warm sweaters.

    Hmm. In past years I have written down something I'm
    thankful for in every entry from Thanksgiving to Christmas, as well as updating my
    distance on the COncept II Holiday Challenge
    which deserves another whole entry to itself). I suspect I could do Dilemma of the
    Day just as easily, and I very well might end up doing that, but perhaps I had
    better return to the Thankful entries in order to promote a less frenzied frame of
    mind. Also, somehow, though I don't know why, sending out grateful thoughts into
    the world just now feels more important than a simple matter of my own moods
    should really justify.

    Today I am thankful: that we did go to
    Death Valley after all. There were a couple of moments of utter peace that were
    entirely worth it. (And the moving rocks were far cooler than I'd

    Concept II Holiday Challenge: The challenge is to
    erg 200000 meters from Thanksgiving Day to Christmas Eve. Approx. 169900 meters
    left to go.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:48 AM

    November 30, 2003

    Death Valley

    We came back early from Death Valley - bleak and desolate were the first words
    that came to mind, but we enjoyed the park nonetheless. It's a stark rugged sort
    of beauty, but it's got an undeniable appeal. We didn't enjoy the camping, though.
    The park was packed -- we had expected it to be empty, as previous parks we
    visited during Thanksgiving had been, but it was full. We camped the first night
    in a huge campground, with 1000+ sites, in their "tent overflow" area -- basically
    a big parking lot. The next morning, at the park rangers' suggestion, we got up
    early and grabbed a spot as someone left another campground. That one was a bit
    nicer, since it was only tents, but the campsites were crammed so close together
    that the neighbors talking and singing kept me up half the night. (Rudder, lucky
    man, is a heavier sleeper). I was enjoying the guitar playing, and they quieted
    down at a reasonable hour. Unfortunately they started up again and didn't stop
    until 11:30. That's late for a campground; lots of us tend to sit up for an hour
    or two around a campfire after the sun goes down and then go to bed. This time of
    year, that's only about 8PM. Because I was getting frustrated not getting any
    sleep and because we'd seen most of the major things we'd wanted to see, we left
    about noon yesterday (Saturday), after getting up early and going to see the
    Devil's Golf Course, walk across the Badlands at the lowest point in the Western
    Hemisphere, drive to the Artist's Palette, and hike into Natural Bridge Canyon.
    That last was responsible for one of my favorite moments of the trip - an ironic
    one, considering that we left early because of the noise in the park's
    campgrounds. It was early enough that there were only a couple other people in the
    canyon, and we were able to just stop and listen to utter silence. It was so quiet
    that when a crow flew by I could hear each wingbeat.

    The other high
    points of the trip were on Friday. First we toured Scotty's Castle. I had thought
    it was ironically named, but no, it was a bonafide castle, complete with turrets
    and imported Spanish medieval carpets and hangings. It also had some very
    interesting cooling and water-powered electricity systems, designed in 1930 or so
    by the owner, an insurance tycoon and former engineer named Johnson. (Scotty was
    his friend and hanger-on, who first lured Johnson out there to invest in a
    fictitious gold-mine. They hit it off nonetheless and Scotty lived at the castle
    or a nearby cabin for the rest of his life, while the Johnsons spent winters

    After that, we drove for an hour on a bone-jarring
    washboarded dirt road to look at rocks. Small rocks. There are rocks on a dry lake
    bed (playa) that move, for no reason anyone understands. The most convincing
    theory we heard is that when frost forms, it heaves the rocks -- sort of glacial
    action in miniature. When the lake bed has a skim of water on it, it can be very
    slippery, so the frost or wind or whatever moves the rocks sends them quite a
    distance, leaving tracks behind. We had trouble getting out to them because parts
    of the playa are still wet from a big storm three weeks ago, and had to skirt
    south along from rocky hills, but that worked well -- from the ridge we could see
    several sets of tracks going off in all directions. (One reason I don't think te
    wind does it.) That was far more interesting than I had thought it would be. I
    hope the pictures turn out.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 26, 2003


    RIP Kearney. Take him for all in
    all, we shall not look upon his like again. Kearney was a

    (I was going to tag this on to the previous entry, but I
    wasn't sure how amused he'd have been at being included under the "gender bending
    title". Kearney liked women, and liked talking about rowing, which is why I've had
    a fair few interesting conversations with him myself at various regattas.)

    Posted by dichroic at 01:10 PM

    gender bending

    How unamusing. I submitted two recent entries to the href="">Gender Genie. It decided that
    yesterday's entry, in
    which I talked about how I felt, was written by a female, while my href="">Chanukah entry, which is
    mostly description and history, was written by a male. Phooey.

    algorithm appears to be based on keywords rather than content but I wonder if the
    use of the different vocabulary might be endemic to one style of writing or the
    other, rather than to the gender of the author.

    The above was
    purportedly written by a male, who is now off home to pack for camping this

    Posted by dichroic at 11:06 AM

    November 25, 2003

    not sick

    I went home a little bit early yesterday feeling like crap, but I feel much better
    after a calm evening. I can tell because I'm looking forward to camping in Death
    Valley instead of dreading it.

    I still don't know whether to believe
    in the blood type diet, but I will say that they nailed both me and Rudder in the
    matter of meat and exercise. Basically, he feels best when his life includes lots
    of both. I confine my red meat to occasional steaks or hamburgers, or a little
    ground or shredded beef in Mexican food. Large hunks of protein leave me weighed
    down for the evening and tend to lead to short-lived but incredibly painful
    stomach cramps.

    He feels better with lots of exercise. I do too, but
    to a degree. Once it gets to being a stressors instead of a routine, or when
    augmented by too much else to do, I start getting .... not sick, exactly, but
    sick-ish, draggy, sometimes queasy, and mildly feverish. Which is what happened
    last night. At that point, anything more energetic than a spot on a sofa with a
    good book starts sounding like an unbearable burden, even when it's something I
    would otherwise enjoy. I don't particularly enjoy describing myself this way, but
    I suppose I am "delicate".

    There is a good side; my sickish spells
    tend to function like a canary in a coal-mine. They slow me down when I need to be
    slowed, which seems to keep me healthier in the long run. I may feel icky
    sometimes`, but I very rarely actually get sick. I think I've taken off maybe a
    day and a half from work this year for illness, and I don't seem to get even colds
    very often. Not having kids in school may contribute a lot to that as well, of
    course. I'd have to look back in my archives to see when I was last really two-or-
    more-days-off sick, but it's far anough back that I can't recall, though probably
    recent enough to be in this blog.

    And I just a minute ago
    accidentally deleted this posting and managed to reclaim it with Ctrl-Z so now I
    feel REALLY good.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 24, 2003

    self-hypnosis and truffles

    What a ridiculously hectic weekend. I am trying to force myself to believe that
    once we get started on the drive out there, camping this weekend will be very
    relaxing, more so than staying home.

    I suck at self-

    I'm also reminding myself that one of the main reasons the
    weekend was so busy was that we had to get all our chores and errands done just so
    we could go out of town, and that changing our (my) mind would be a total waste at
    this point.

    I believe that one, but it doesn't help with the

    Also, I'm a bit disappointed that there are still 3/4 left
    of the applecake I brought in this morning -- not because my coworkers don't like
    it (um, I think they do) but because half of them are taking time off this week
    and because someone else happened to bring in chocolate truffles today. Nothing
    can compete with truffles. It's always so disappointing when you bake and people
    don't fall all over if, even if they have good reasons.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:31 PM

    November 23, 2003


    Several people on one of my mailing lists asked me about the meaning and celebration of Chanukah. I probably gave them more than they wanted to know! (It's not usually a good idea to ask me a question about history or theology unless you're actually interested in the answer, but at least with email they can delete if not interested.) Anyway, I wrote so much that I decided I ought to reuse it here, combining the original two emails into one post. I tend to repost "Light One Candle annually anyway, because I find it so poignantly timely. And as always feel free to surf elsewhere it it's too much detail. Note that much of the following, especially the first half, is the traditional belief, not necessarily my own in all points.

    When the Syrian Greeks conquered the land of Judea (the remaining one of two kingdoms roughly where Israel is now - the other was the source of the Ten Lost Tribes), the king Antiochus ordered the Jews to worship Greek gods. (Actually, that's the children's version, the simplification. There were also Hellenized Jews who particiapted in all aspects of Greek life voluntarily. ) Antiochus' soldiers used the Temple in Jerusalem as a barracks, trashed the religious symbols, and deliberately brought pigs in to profane it. They forbade the observance of the Sabbath, calculating the new moon (Rosh Chodesh - the beginning of lunar months) and circumcision, which to Jews is part of our covenant with God - the word bris itself means covenant.

    Matityahu and his sons, including Judah, gathered an army that became known as the Maccabbees and led guerilla warfare against the Greeks. There are very, very few examples (none, according to Robert A. Heinlein, who was clearly wrong in at least this instance -- at least if the legends I know match historical record!) of a conquered people throwing out their oppressors without outside help, but the Maccabbees did succeed, which is counted the first miracle of Chanukah.

    One of their first steps was to rededicate the Temple. They cleaned it out but still needed to have the High Priest light the Eternal Lamp, which had to burn only consecrated oil. They searched and searched and found one small vial of consecrated oil, still sealed with the High Priest's seal, only enough for one day. Miraculously, it burned for eight days, enough time to make more oil.

    Chanukah is the only traditional Jewish holiday commemorating a military victory. We celebrate by lighting candles in the menorah (actually, a special eight-branched menorah called a chanukiyah - the normal menorah you might see in a synagogue the rest of the year has six branches). We light first the Shammes, or "caretaker", the one candle that stands alone, then use it to light additional candles, one for the first day, two for the second, three for the third and so on.

    Children play games with a dreidel, a four-sided top on whose sides are the Hebrew letters nun, gimel, hay, shin, which stand for "Nes Gadol Hayah Sham" or "A great miracle happened there". (In Israel, it's "Nes Gadol Hayah Po", for "A great miracle happened here.) Other traditions are that we eat potato pancakes and other fried foods and give gelt -- money -- to children. Mostly by proximity to Christmas, the latter has evolved in the US to giving gifts to everyone, one small gift for each day. Originally the Jewish gift holiday was Purim, which is in March. My parents would give us one big gift like a bike, and smaller gifts the other days. Rudder and I do a big gift for Christmas and small ones for Chanukah. (I usually take a basket and go through REI to find lots of small things for him!)

    You can read the story in more detail here or more about traditional ways to celebrate Chanukah here.

    During the centuries of exile, Jews were small farmers (think Tevye the dairyman), or teachers and doctors and scholars who were limited by laws to working among their own people, or moneylenders because that was the about the only profession they were allowed into. Because kings needed to borrow money, you see.... and then Edward I, whom Scots also have good reason to remember unkindly (think Braveheart) got around that by borrowing money, then expelling all the Jews from England, then only allowing them back when he needed to borrow more and then expelling them again - this time they weren't allowed back until the time of Cromwell, a man not otherwise noted for tolerance.

    After a thousand centuries of survival by turning inwards, the military legacy of the Maccabbees became especially inspirational during the time of the Zionist movement and then the founding of the Israeli nation, when Jews again needed to form armies and fight. This is our only holiday celebrating military victory -- with God's help, as the legends are careful to remind us, but still a victory on our own terms without a deus ex machina stepping in, as in the parting of the Red Seas. The traditional Chanukah songs still exhort humility, though:

    "Furious they assailed us
    But thine arm availed us
    And thy word broke their sword
    When our own strength failed us."

    from Rock of Ages, aka Ma'oz Tsur.

    Of course, every Jewish holiday has multiple levels of symbolism; the sages in
    those ghettos over the centuries studied and studied and eked out every drop of meaning they could find in every bit of Torah, Mishnah, lore and legend. The candles, like those in almost all traditions, also stand for the eternal fight of light against darkness. But to me personally today, the best summation of the candle flames' meaning is from Peter Yarrow, (of Peter, Paul, andMary), and I apologize for the length but for about the third time here I will give you the whole song. I wish a few people in government, ours as well as Israel's and others, would heed it! Once I've finished humming The Thanksgiving Song (by Bob Franke), I will be singing it to myself all month:

    Light one candle for the Maccabee Children
    With thanks that their light didn't die.
    Light one candle for the pain they endured
    When their right to exist was denied.
    Light on candle for the terrible sacrifice
    Justice and freedom demand.
    Light one candle for the wisdom to know
    When the peace maker's time is at hand.

    Don't let the light go out
    It's lasted for so many years
    Don't let the light go out
    Let it shine through our love and our tears.

    Light one candle for the strength that we need
    To never became our own foe.
    Light one candle for those who are suffering
    The pain we learned so long ago.
    Light one candle for all we believe in
    that anger won't tear us apart.
    And light one candle to bring us together
    With peace as the song in our hearts;.

    Don't let the light go out,
    It's lasted for so many years.
    Don't let the light go out,
    Let it shine through our love and our fears.

    What is the memory that's valued so highly
    That we keep it alive in that flame?
    What's the commitment for those who have died,
    When we cry out they have not died in vain?
    We have come this far always believing
    That justice would somehow prevail.
    This is the burden, this is the promise,
    THIS is why we will not fail.

    Don't let the light go out,
    It's lasted for so many years.
    Don't let the light go out,
    Let it shine through our love and our fears.

    Don't let the light go out!
    Don't let the light go out!
    Don't let the light go out!

    Posted by dichroic at 10:24 AM

    November 21, 2003

    changing tunes

    Yee-hah and hi-yah! I am now OFFICIALLY a Black

    Phew. One weight off my back. I'm sure they'll find a new one to replace it shortly.

    I've been listening to two albums lately (because one is in the little car and one in the truck) that have me thinking about how singers change their songs over time. The two are by the same singer-songwriter, Alex Bevan. One album is a tape of a tape of a record (remember those?) that I've had since college; it was probably recorded twenty years or so ago. The other is a recent CD. Both are live and they have several of the same songs, including my two favorites of his, Carey and Grand River Lullabye. It's interesting hearing the difference between them that have sprung up over that twenty year span. There are some technical ones; the CD has far better quality than the dub of course, but the earlier tape has some incredible guitar work on songs where he's greatly simplified the arrnagments on the later disc (though it does have some songs where he proves his playing hasn't lost a thing over the decades). He's clowning around much more, in a more broad style, on the later album. More than that, on the early versions of songs, he sings the song plain and pure, while on the later version he camps it up here and tweaks the rhythm there.

    You probably haven't heard of him unless you're in northern Ohio, and quite possibly not then, but I think it's a more universal thing. I have a bootleg tape off the radio of a couple interviews Gene Shay did with Joni Mitchell, one right after she'd finished writing Circle Game. (No, my tape's not that old. Shay rebroadcast the interviews in the late 1980s and I taped it then.) When she sings it there, she sings it very simply - actually, if you've heard Judy Collins' cover, it's similar to that. In the later interview, a few years after, she's bending notes, adding phrases, and playing with rhythms.

    I have to confess I generally prefer the earlier, simpler versions of both her songs and Alex Bevan's, but I think I can understand why they'd want to vary the performances. It has to be a bit weird, as a singer/songwriter; you write a song and you think it's really good, so you sing it a lot. You're very happy when other people seem to like it too. And then ... time goes by ... more people like it ... and you realize you've created a monster and now you're never allowed to leave a stage without singing and playing that song, that song that was your truth when you wrote it but now it's years later and maybe you'd sort of like to move on a little. And so you do move on and you write new songs, and they're good songs and people like them, but still you can't ever step off a stage without singing that song. No wonder they play with them a bit.

    I keep thinking of something David Bromberg says on one of his albums, while introducing Mister Bojangles, about his time playing backup to Jerry Jeff Walker: "We played that song every night and I never got tired of it. Jerry got a little tired of it, night after the shows we'd take it out and do horrible things to it."

    Posted by dichroic at 01:59 PM

    November 20, 2003

    holiday (dis)organization

    NOt not NOT organized this holiday. As in, we're still deciding what to do for
    Thanksgiving. My in-laws were planning to visit but decided not to (airfares were
    running high) so the choices are between camping in Death Valley and staying home
    -- we both know we'll regret it if we don't go, but we're also both tired enough
    that the planning and packing sound like a major undertaking. If we go, we'll need
    to prepare a reasonable Thanksgiving dinner to take (a problem fortunately already
    solved a few years back by my take-along turkey fajitas) as well aas plan for the
    rest of our meals; if we stay home we need to get a real turkey and figure out
    where to go for our needed dose of fresh air (not a problem; there's lots of day
    hiking around here).

    I still need to buy most of my presents for
    Christmas, Hanukah and the various family birthdays that happen in Decemenber.
    Hanukah is late this year, but the timing of the birthdays and the frnzy I
    anticipate in packing for Antarctica mean I have to buy and send them early
    anyway. I enjoy shopping for presents almost as much as I enjoy getting them (and
    sometimes more) but there's a bittersweet element to it too. I have to buy so few
    family presents these days, because the four grandparents I spent my childhood
    holidays making cards and presents for aren't here to receive them anymore.
    Holidays are always when I miss them most, as well as when I'm most grateful that
    I had four grandparents until I was in college.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:29 AM

    November 19, 2003

    Master and Commander PSA

    Public Service Announcement:

    Master and Commander: The Other Side of the
    World is NOT REPEAT NOT a chick flick.

    I keep seeing mentions of
    Russell Crowe in tight pants but I am sorry to inform his fans that for most of
    the film he's in saggy sailor pants laced up the back. It is true that those go
    with a loose ruffled shirt generally open over half his checst, if you're a fan of
    Crowe's chest. (Not me, thanks.) The tight white pants go with the dress uniform
    which also involves a tailcoat that covers much of them.

    The plot is
    entirely un-chick-flick-ish; among other things there are no women in the film
    except for a few rowing by bridling at the sailors off the coast of Brazil. And
    the men don't bathe often, except for involuntary showers during storms.

    Jo Walton href="">captured it
    , I think.

    Later: NOTE: I didn't say women won't like it - after all, I did. I just said it
    isn't a chick flick. Which, in my mind is not at all the same thing.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:06 PM

    November 18, 2003

    hope and worry

    It's been kind of funny listening to news about the Democratic cnadidates for
    President. No matter who they talk to or who they ask about, the refrain goes,
    "Well, I like so and so's position on (fill in the issues) but mostly I just want
    someone who can beat Bush." I tend to think that it's not so much that Bush wants
    to take power away from the people*, it's just that he wants to give it all to big
    corporations and to religious organizations (as long as they're Protestant and

    [* Unless they're poor people, Middle-Eastern people,
    people from other countries, or female people.]

    Still, I maintain
    that a good knowledge of history is an important tool in preserving hope. While
    it's true, as I've said href="">before, that the history
    of the United States can be read as a story of freedom's being extended to broader
    and broader groups, it can also be seen as a histoor of fighting off challenges to
    the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution and the common law from which it
    derives. The administration may be trying to repeal rights which have already been
    bled for, but that's not new. Try the Alien and Sedition Act, the
    immigration quotas of the 1800s, the Know-Nothing Party, Jim Crow (read The
    Delany Sisters: Having Our Say
    ; their memories stretched back before the
    "rebby boys" began to defer the dreams of Emancipation), Prohibition, and of
    course the McCarthy Hearings.

    Another reason for hope: the href="
    /rights_gays_dc">Massachusetts Supreme Court
    . Sometimes, freedom fighters pop
    up where you don't expect them, like a spoiled Egyptian prince speaking out for
    the slaves. (One place religion does belong in the public sphere is as a source
    for analogies.)

    One thing that does worry me about the next
    Presidential race is realizing just how uniform our Chief Executives have been.
    Yes, electing Sharpton (shudder) or Lieberman would make history, but it's even
    worse than that. While everyone knows Kennedy was the first U.S President who was
    not a Protestant, I think he was also the last. We've had exactly two Presidents
    with Irish names, the other one being Reagan, a few Scottish ones (Buchanan,
    Harrison, and a couple of others). There are exactly three with names not deriving
    from the UK: Roosevelt and Roosevelt (Dutch) and Eisenhower (German). Like most
    Americans, most of our Presidents probably have a heritage more mixed than their
    names suggest, but it worries me nonetheless. I'd be even more worried if I were
    Kucinich. Though I suppose the white-bread factor may actually help Dean.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:40 AM

    November 17, 2003

    hallways, hair, and bears, oh my

    You know what I hate? I hate when you say hello to someone passing in the hallway, then say say hello to me and I realize too late that they didn't me me greet them *first* and they now think I am rude for not returning their hello. At that point, about the only way to rescue the situation is to have an actual conversation, a tactic not apt to be appreciated by someone who is on his or her way to lunch.

    Grammarians of the world: Yes, I have totally given up on the issue of using "they" as a singular gender-neutral pronoun. I am far too lazy to say "his or her" every time. On the other hand, your rule about splitting infinitives is silly and is entirely based on 18th century English writers' hyper-reverence for Latin, so there.

    And while I am addressing minor annoyances and oddities, I can report that it took TWO AND A HALF HOURS to cut and color my hair Friday evening. The reasons for my mind-bogglement may become clearer when I point out that all I wanted to do was to get rid of some faded blondish highlights left over from a previous experiment. (I've only ever colored my hair maybe four times, so I think of them all as experiments.) I wanted to go back to my natural very dark brown, but a maybe bit richer - the image that kept coming to mind was polished mahoghany. (The other image was of Elissa Driban, whom I sat behind in seventh-grade geography and whose hair was as dark as mine but gorgeously shiny and varied in color.) Fortunately, I was able to find a picture of Hilary Swank on one of the salon's magazine to convey what I wanted to Cool Salon Guy.

    The reason it all took so long was that the previous highlights were put in when my hair was much shorter, and so are on all levels, not just the top layer. Also, neither of us wanted to just color the whole head,
    since hair color is not particularly good for hair. CSG ended up painting the
    highlighted parts in brown and dark red and wrapping them up in little silver foil
    packets which were interspersed with uncolored strands left loose until I looked
    like a peculiar high-tech witch. (The techical term is something like "two-color
    weave".) And now eighty minutes and seventy dollors later, I look just as I would have if I had never colored at all, except that if you get close you can see strands of dark red enlivening the brown. A wild experimenter, I am.

    Good thing I enjoy hanging out with Cool Salon Guy. Even if he did make me promise that next time I am in the local mall I will determine whether it's possible to assemble an S & M bear at the Build-A-Bear Workshop (where I regularly check in to see if they have the accessories to build a rower bear or a pilot bear). That chain is grossly underestimating the adult market, I think. Even avoiding the more *ahem* mature theme, I feel sure they could sell work accessories like businessman bears and engineer bears (I think they have doctors already) as well as the sports like climbing and rowing that adults tend to do more of. After all, who has the disposable income, anyway?

    Posted by dichroic at 11:40 AM

    November 15, 2003

    Master and Commander review

    I loved Master and Commander, Oddly, I think it's better if you've read at least
    some of the books, even though they didn't stick to any one of them. The movie is
    a pastiche of two or more of the books' plots (the title, Master ad Commander: The
    Far Side of the World) is from the first and tenth books. In the movie, they have
    two fights, a boarding, several assorted deaths, two of Maturin's more spectacular
    surgeries, a bit of his naturalist studies, some reflections on the nature of
    authority and friendship, a flogging, a couple of religious services led by the
    Aubrey, a severe storm, hot weather, cold weather, and anecdotes about Nelson. In
    other words, it's almost a Greatest Hits of the series, which made this one
    wonderful, but made me suspect that the sequel will be a rehash of the same.
    Unless they're smart enough to address some of the more landbound plot elements
    that were left out of this one, like Aubrey and Maturin's marriages, Maturin's
    spying, and the political ups and downs of Aubrey's career

    The filming was incredible, and we couldn't spot which scenes
    were shot in tanks and which on open ocean. Crowe was a perfect Aubrey, and the
    actors playing Maturin, Pullings, and a couple of the young midshipmen were also
    impressive. They also did a very good job of using fast and furious clipping to
    convey a sensse of violence and gore when appropriate without actually showing a
    lot of it.

    No romance at all, and there's a lot about friendship and
    duty and the conflict between the two - like the books, it's very much a man's
    story but in the best of ways -- open to any woman interested in the virtues of
    pride and honor and duty that men have so long tried to pretend are especially

    One review I saw called it slow, but I didn't find it so at
    all and I am not a patient woman in a movie theater - not much of a film buff at
    all, in fact. It may have helped to be familiar with the mileu from the books.
    They managed to stick astounding close to the spirit O'Brian created considering
    how far the plot departed from the letter of his writings. I recommend it highly.
    Sit back away from the screen if you're prone to seasickness.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:25 PM

    November 14, 2003

    the baby news

    How young is too young for a fix-up? Because I'm really thinking I need to
    introduce Nora
    to young Ar. (Young as in "about 5 months younger than she is - is
    that a problem?) Apparently they have common tastes in music. He does this
    headbanger thing when (I think) he wants to be jounced around more vigorously, and
    dancing him around while singing the Ramones' "I Wanna Be Sedated" seems to be
    just the ticket. I suspect he'd like it even more if I actually knew any more of
    the song than "BA BA BA-BA, B'BA BA BA-BA, I WANNA BE SEDATED!"

    "Waltzing With Bears" works for him too, and I actually have the
    lyrics to that somewhere.

    Ar's sister Og, on the other hand, has
    adopted puking (excuse me, spitting up) and pouting as her favorite hobbies.
    Fortunately, the former isn't a major problem as she's still on an all-milk diet
    and she does the latter most fetchingly, complete with tiny little lower lip
    sticking out and chin quivering adorably. It cracks me up every time but it makes
    Mommy Egret melt so fast I can only conclude it's an evolved survival

    I've already warned Egret and T2 to beware of Rudder when
    the babies get a little older. He's not a huge fan of tiny babies, but he's great
    with toddlers and young kids, getting them all overexcited and riled up before
    handing them back to the parents. It was hilarious at a family gathering a few
    years ago when his now college-aged young cousin was getting flash-backs watching
    him playing with the next generation of cousins. "Hey, he used to play those games
    with us!" It was among other things a classic illustration of how much smaller the
    distance ebtween 25 and 35 is, compared to the difference between 8 and 18.
    Anyway, I shouldn't have warned Egret and T2 because now they're threatening
    sleepovers at Uncle Rudder's house.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 13, 2003

    Judge Roy, Moore or less

    I'm trying to figure out whether I admire former judge Roy Moore for standing up
    for his beliefs. I happen to agree with the Alabama Circuit Court that he's
    entirely wrong. I'm not qualified to judge on the issue of whether the US
    Constitution overrides the state one, of course; they're been arguing various
    permutations of that one for about 212 years and it won't be completely settled
    any time soon. However, I see no connection between his right (and duty, according
    to his interpretation of the Alabama oath of office) to uphold his belief in his
    God and the necessity to impose his particular version of that God on other
    people. I'm glad they decided to remove him from office.

    Still, in
    some ways it's good to see someone stand up for a wrongheaded belief even if it
    causes him personal damage. I think the key for me is the degree of
    wrongheadededness and the degree to which it has been controlled by the workigns
    of the law. I wouldn't particularly admire him if he'd won and I wouldn't even
    think of admiring him if he'd said his beliefs required him to kill unbelievers,
    for instance.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:25 PM

    pulp fiction

    I have no desire (or ability) to ever participate in NaNoWriMo, but one of these
    days if time permits I may end up writing some of the most obscure slash you'll
    ever try to avoid reading. I had an entire hetslash idea for Marian and Harold
    from The Music Man, of all bizarre things, pop into my head yesterday
    morning. Complete with the realization that since they live in a musicalverse
    there would need to be song interldes, not to mention allusions to
    Oklahoma (when Harold turns out to be the guy that sold Will that
    viewscope with the diry pictures, at the Kansas City rodeo) and mentions of
    Chaucer, Rabelais, and Bal-zac. My subconscious is even geekier than the rest of

    At least it didn't do anything with Marian's brother and

    Later note: I may be twisted but apparently I'm not unique. There's an Oklahoma
    fic (Laurie/Curly) over at, frighteningly enough. It's not
    very good, though.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:02 AM

    November 12, 2003


    I was delighted last night when I read an email informing me I've been nominated
    for a Diarist Award for Best Writing - my first nomination. So verbose thanks to
    whoever nominated me -- I'm enormously flattered. (Especially since I have a
    sneaking suspicion that I may have been nominated by someone who herself writes
    better than I ever will.)

    And now I'll try to forget it - given the level of writing around, I don't see
    this going further, and I'd hate to find myself always thinking about how well I'm
    writing. I keep thinking about Emily Byrd Starr being corrected for all her
    attempts at fine writing.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 11, 2003

    thank you, NPR

    I want to thank NPR today for the pieces they've been doing on the soldiers killed
    in Iraq. They let the families talk about them, without intruding stupid media
    questions ("Your son died on his way home to celebrate his 21st birthday. How do
    you feel about that?") and without interruption. It comes across as respectful and
    proper- I suppose there must be substantial editing and probably a few questions
    to get people started talking but it doesn't show in the finished pieces. Their
    coverage is helping to keep me mindful that those are people dying out there, not
    just numbers of statistical significance - definitely a case of the media doing
    what they ought to be doing.

    I'd like to hear a few similar pieces on
    all those Iraqis caught in the crossfire.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:24 PM

    November 10, 2003

    almost there...

    I'm writing this a bit late today because I wanted to wait and see what I'd have
    to report.

    The day started off well; Rudder came home from his
    marathon (at which he and She-Hulk not only won their race but set a new course
    record for mixed doubles!) not even too late. We finished off the weekend in
    appropriate style and then, joy of joys, slept in ALL THW WAY UNTIL 6 AM because
    he is taking a week OFF!!!!! Well, not really "off", per se; we'll still go to the
    gym tomorrow and Thursday but we get to sleep until 4:45 on those days and there's
    not the chill factor that makes going out to the lake require such strength of
    mind. Not that I'm at a point in my training where time off from rowing makes any
    sense, but no way would I miss this opportunity to sleep in.

    So we
    slept and then I came in to work and basically studied and jittered around my
    office until 10 AM when I met with my examiners and passed the technical portion
    of my Six Sigma Black Belt certification! Yay!

    For an idea of the
    magnitude of this, in difficulty it's somewhere between getting my pilot's license
    and my master's degree -- a year of study, teaching, mentoring, and project work.
    Here's a quick definition of what it means - it's from a different company but Six
    Sigma is more or less a standardized thing:

    Sigma project leaders are referred to as Black Belts because these individuals
    must have some of the same attributes that distinguish dedicated practitioners of
    certain martial arts. They must possess mastery with the tools and skill in their
    application, discipline in application of the method, and even a sense of humility
    based on the knowledge that project success comes from the work and expertise of
    many others. Six Sigma Black Belts master statistics and quantitative methods,
    and, most importantly, have the interpersonal skills, leadership, energy,
    enthusiasm, and a determination to follow an assignment to success.

    basic Six Sigma premise is to challenge assumptions!

    you want more detail (which you probasby don't unless you're a corporate type)
    here are a few articles:

    After that a bunch of us went out to lunch to
    celebrate; I was going to treat but one of the senior guys wouldn't let me. Then I
    came back to meet with the boss about the business end of it.

    My boss
    hasn't signed off on the organizational impact part of it yet; she wants us to
    idiot-proof our process a little better, to make sure it really is followed
    correctly. She's good at he big-picture stuff, and of course this is something we
    need to do anyway, so I should be able to complete the whole thing shortly, I

    One less thing to worry about.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 09, 2003

    mixed day

    Well, today started off disappointing. Actually set the alarm on a Sunday
    just to make extra-double-sure I'd be up in time, got up and showered and drove up
    to Scottsdale to the massage school...

    .... and waited and waited and
    waited. My student masseuse never showed up. This is kind of a big deal for me; I
    like the school because they only charge $29/hour and have nice facilities and
    because they know they're being checked on by teachers, they *always* are careful
    to talk to clients first to find out exactly what they want. Apparently other
    people like it too because it's usually booked a couple weeks ahead and so by the
    time I know I'll actually have some free time it's too late to get an appointment.
    But this time I knew Rudder would be out of town and so I booked an hour and a
    half this morning. Got there with my shoulders all anticipating a good rub, and no
    one there to do it. The woman behind the desk was very apologetic and told me the
    student would be written up and set on walk-ins; I asked if she would also please
    guilt-trip him or her so the person would realize that this was not just a case of
    "I've screwed up and I'll be punished," but one where they had really disrupted
    the life of someone to whom this was a big deal. She agreed to do that, asked if I
    wanted to leave the student a note, and handed me a $10 off card for next
    time, and apologized again. Very profressional and I will be going back, but my
    shoulders are still not happy.

    The afternoon was a great improvement
    on the morning, as I spent it with Egret, T2, and the munchkins AR and OG. Got fed
    some tasty tialpia (by Egret and T2) and drooled on, nuzzled into and puked on (by
    the munchkins. And I even got them both to smile and AR actually to laugh (he's
    still learning how). Very satisfying.

    Speaking of satisfying, Rudder
    and She-Hulk not only won their race but also set a course record for mixed

    Posted by dichroic at 04:07 PM

    November 07, 2003

    history and despair

    "The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope.

    Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof."

    __Barbara Kingsolver

    None of them were talking to me, but Mechaieh and M'ris and LA have all got me thinking (yeah, again) about hope and despair and what I need to do for my world, and I need to link some of it together. (And while I'm linking, I stole the quote above from Squirrelx.) For a while in college I wore a lot of message buttons on my backpack. I had one that sid, "Wearing buttons isn't enough". I didn't wear that one; my sense of irony wouldn't let me as almost all I did do for any cause I believed in was to wear buttons. (And vote.) These days I vote, and I contribute a little money, but what I mostly do is talk. So in a way I'm still just wearing buttons but really I think of it as more like witnessing.

    I'm not saying that my writing here or talking to people in the office is in any way comparable to those who put in hours and sweat and sometimes blood for the things they believe in but it's what I have time and energy to do. I may be naive, but I really honestly truly believe that what I say might make a difference. I've worked in groups where I was the only Jew or the only woman or the only person who did this or believed in that, and I treasure a small hope that maybe somewhere out there are people who have thought, "Well, I always thought all Jews hated all Christians, but I've talked to Dichroic and she's not like that," or "I hear about people who run marathons but I never knew any everyday adults who still did competitive sports but Dichroic does; maybe instead of just dropping my kids off at Little League I could find something active we can do together". Or maybe even, "I always thought pro-choice types were horrible people who approved of killing babies and I still don't agree withthem, but Dichroic made me see that even those people think abortions should be avoided where possible. Maybe we could all get together and work on the things we agree on, like giving thirteen-year-olds enough support so they don't get pregnant just to have someone who loves them." That's what I can do right now and so that's what I do do.

    It's not much, but I believe every drops helps. The times when I've had a real influence on people always turn out to be the times I wasn't expecting it, and I suspect the people who have influenced me weren't expecting that either. I am certainly a cockeyed optimist, but for me at least that's a far easier way to live.

    The other thing that keeps me hopeful is a good knowledge of history. We take freedoms for granted now that were not part of our Founding Fathers' vision. (For one thing, they don't call them "Fathers", as opposed to Parents, for nothing.) They were working on from a background in which "liberty and freedom" meant things like the Magna Carta, in which powerful barons got some power into their own hands instead of the king having it all, or the Scots' fight for freedom which meant having their own king instead of an English one -- but still answering to a king. ("Wha, for Scotland's king and law / Freedom's sword will strongly draw...") They assumed the rich and educated would tell the rest of the people what to do, which is why only landowners had the vote at first. I read once that the story of the United States can be read as a story of liberty, in the object of the franchise, being extended to broader and broader groups: landowners, all white men, black men, women. And of course it hasn't been as linear as that implies; there were the grandfather laws in Jim Crow days and there are still cases where people are harassed at the polls. I heard an account of that just the other day. Poor mill workers were abused a hundred years ago as poor fruit pickers and maquilladora workers are today - there's still a long road to go. But if it's been two steps forward and one back, it has still been progress. That the story isn't over yet doesn't mean it's not a good story.

    Robert Heinlein traveled around the world in the days of the McCarthy trials. He had people from other countries coming up to him to sympathize about the loss of the vaunted American freedoms during the Communist witch-hunts. But as he pointed out, those people just didn't get it. The McCarthy hearings affected a relatively (in contrast to the population size) small group of people. And they were reported in the news (at least in broad outline) for the whole world to see - very different from places where everyone lives in fear of being snatched away and "disappeared". The thing that scares me most by far about our current mess is that people are being held in secret and not allowed to make any phone calls. If we don't know what's going on we don't know how bad it is or what we need to do. But enough people have been held and released to tell us that there is a problem and I feel a bit better every time I head a story calling for accountability.

    I am not trying to minimize the current situation; as I've written before, I am appalled at some of what's going on. But a knowledge of history gives me a view into what challenges we have already overcome and gives me a hope that's almost confidence for the future.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:42 PM

    November 06, 2003

    not right now

    Given that I'm thisclose to achieving my Black Belt (work, not karate, but kind of
    a big deal anyway) I'm actually for once more excited to work on it than on
    writing an entry here.

    Maybe later when I get blocked and can't
    figure out what to do next.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:41 AM

    November 05, 2003

    retired coxswain

    This morning I coxed for Yosemite Sam's crew for the last time, and I'd have to
    say I got out of that just in time. It was expected to be around 50 degrees
    (Arizona), and coxing is always colder than you think it possibly could be. In an
    attempt not to fereze for once, I wore: a sports bra, a uni (in case I ended up
    rowing instead for some reason), silk long johns, polartec 200 pants, polartec
    socks (which unfortunately I had to put on in the boat after stepping into the
    lake and getting my feet wet, since we launch from a beach instead of a dock), a
    coolmax top, a polartec top, and a rowing jacket.

    By the time we got
    off the water, which was fortunately early due to one rower's wrist problems, my
    hands and feet were numb. I was in a bow-coxed four and all those flip-catches
    splashing me didn't help. And since I live in AZ I am not adapted for cold. In
    retrospect, I should have worn a hat, gloves, and my waterproof socks.

    The hot shower helped but I'm still chilled, even in a wool
    turtleneck, jeans and boots. (Of course, that could just be due to over-zealous
    office air-conditioning, too.)

    I'm glad the coxing is over for
    another reason too. The whole experience was a bit of a disappointment in some
    ways. My intent was to learn to be a better race cox. In the head races we do in
    fall, the cox can really make a difference; since the courses tend to be curvy,
    the steering can make a huge difference. Also, the rowers are more likely to flag
    over 5000 meters than in the 1000 meter sprint races, so it's up to the cox to
    keep people intense and motivated. In his youth, YSam was a cox for the national
    team, so he's the logical person to learn from.

    I knew going in that
    he's not always great at transmitting what he knows or telling you how to correct
    a flaw, but to give him credit he did several times ask me to work on a specific
    thing: painting a verbal picture to tell rowers where we were in a piece,
    chattering to keep them distracted, whatever. (The former was good advice, the
    latter I disagree with - I think it's better to talk to them and give them some
    technique or power thing to focus on.) But I was expecting to get in some
    practice, including some actual races, and somehow they just ... never did. We did
    the race here at our own lake two weeks ago, one women's four raced at the Charles
    and nothing more: not Newport, not Marina del Rey, not San Diego. There doesn't
    seem to be any reason for it except that no one took control to make arrangements.
    YSam, an old Bostonian, focused so intently on the Charles that he didn't care
    about any other races. No one else in that program seems to have the initiative to
    take control of their own training. I can make my own arrangements but wasn't
    going to force them into anything because I was only a one-day-a-week guest. So no
    races. I'll be glad to get back to operating in a milieu where if you want to
    race, so go set it up, fill out the entry and book a hotel.

    I've been hearing from a few people there how burned-out they're getting, and no
    wonder. Training without a goal in mind is pure misery without a purpose. You
    can't see gains because you don't know what your goal is, and you can't amortize
    the more painful parts as being part of a worthy whole. So all you have left is
    the joy in the moment and whenever that fades you have no motivation to keep

    Hang on, I think I need to stop writing for a bit and think
    about what I've just told myself.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:35 PM

    November 04, 2003

    what passes

    An Ampersand entry.
    Topic: "That's what passes for love these days." - Ron Sexsmith ("These Days")
    (this can be interpreted any way you like)

    The Quotes:

    "And you shall love
    the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
    -- from the V'ahavta, recited right after the Sh'ma in Jewish

    "And what doth the Lord require of thee, But to do
    justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God."
    -- the prophet

    "God is love" -- any number of penny-ante


    More Iraqis than Americans are dying in the daily bombings
    intended to get the US out of the Muslim world.

    The Episcopal church may
    split because a bishop has been appointed who will not keep his love

    Orthodox Jews have been known to attack women with bare arms or
    uncovered heads at the Wailing Wall.

    The Peoples of the Book are still
    killing each other over which meanifestation of God's Love is the One True

    And this is what passes for Love these

    Posted by dichroic at 03:45 PM

    November 03, 2003

    not idiot-proof enough

    What is it with women's pants lately? Are they afraid we can't keep them on or
    what? I was always satisfied with the way my jeans fastened: pull them up, button
    them, zip them, and you're done. Or just fasten three or four buttons, if they're
    501s. (I understand men like buttonfly jeans because of fear of getting caught in
    the zipper. I just like the way they look.)

    But now more and more of
    my pants have more and more fastenings. Today's chinos have a zipper, an interior
    button and not one but two hook-and-bar closures. The capris I wore Saturday have
    a zipper, a snap and a sort of built-in web belt that only shows for a few inches
    in front. I've also got a few pair of shorts with both elastic and drawstrings; in
    one or two cases these are the sort of tight unpadded bike-type shorts with enough
    Lycra to keep them in place during anything short of a concentrated debagging
    attempt, so the drawstring is totally superfluous.

    I have not figured
    out the point. Many of the extra closures don't really show, so it can't just be
    style. Perhaps it's meant to slow down the undressing process just so bathroom
    breaks are longer, thus promoting sociability in the Ladies' Room? Or as a last-
    ditch rape deterrent? I have trouble picturing an attacker stomping off in a huff
    just because he couldn't figure out the depantsing process; a Gordian solution
    seems far more likely.

    All I know is that this trend does have its
    inherent risks. I'm OK with remembering an extra hook at the top, and I don't have
    too much trouble with interior buttons that possibly meant to help make pants lay
    flatter, though that only really works on wrap skirts, or to relive stress on the
    primary button. But when the designers get too creative my lamentable recent
    absentmindedness is gifted with new avenues to explore. At least two or three
    times while wearing the above-mentioned capris, I have snapped, belted, and
    totally forgotten to zip.

    I need clothes with fewer frills and more

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 02, 2003


    16 Americans were killed in Iraq today. Meanwhile, National Guard forces who have
    been kept on active duty are not being given the support services they need (for,
    say, treating wounds sustained in combat) and there are still military
    personnel on food stamps. All this brought to you by the government that keeps
    bragging on how it supports its troops. Meanwhile, every time I hear the news from
    Iraq, it's accompanied by a soundtrack in my

    And it's 1, 2, 3, what are we
    fighting for?

    Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,

    Next stop is
    V- *cough* Iraq and Iran....

    ...Be the first one on your block to have
    your boy come home in a box!

    Yes, it's
    Greatest Hits Government, brought to you LIVE by the fine folks in
    Washington. Up this week: a giant double-header! Relive the heady days of Reagan
    trickle-down economics PLUS a side of Nixon military policy! And it's all yours
    today for the low, low price of $87 Billion

    Bitter? Me?

    Posted by dichroic at 02:46 PM

    October 31, 2003

    hi-YAH! *cough cough*

    Not a good day for breathing around here. We're having more uncharacteristically
    windy weather. Given that prevailing winds over most of the US are from the west,
    and that the Southern California fires are due west of us, you can see the
    problem. Oddly enough, though the morning news kept talking about the smoke here,
    they listed particulates as being only at a moderate level. Far as I'm concerned
    when the air moves from transparent to translucent so that more distant mountains
    are invisible and the closer ones show in outline only, the air quality is
    somewhat worse than moderate.

    Because of that and the possibility of
    more wind, I elected not to row this morning. I got to sleep (well, lay in bed
    trying to) for a whole extra 40 minutes and then I got up and erged for an entire
    hour plus cooldown, over 11 km, so I didn't even lose my Good Girl In-Shape
    Brownie Points for the day. Rudder elected to go to the lake anyway, since he had
    to derig a boat so it can be driven (by someone else for a change!) to
    Natchitoches, LA, for the marathon he's rowing there a week from Saturday. I
    believe he did row after that, thereby straddling that fine line between dedicated
    and not too bright.

    I am having a very comfortable day today. As I
    may or may not having mentioned, I have a very cool job that is labeled with a
    strong contender for World's Goofiest Title: I am a Six Sigma Engineering Black
    Belt. (I could translate but it takes too long. Suffice it to say I help develop,
    teach, and implement efficient software development processes. I can translate
    that too but my fingers are tired; the basic idea is to cut down on defects and
    wasted time.) At any rate, I decided to dress up for Halloween as a real
    black belt. After last Sunday's regatta we were haning out with a rower who is
    also the only serious karateka I know and she very kindly agreed to loan me her gi
    complete with actual black belt. It's slightly large (everybody's bigger than I
    am; in her case it's mostly along the vertical axis) but these things turn out to
    be extemely comfortable. One of these days, I'd like to study martial arts so
    maybe someday I'll have my own. That can go on the to-do-when-I-have-time list
    right after getting my IFR. (Instrument Flight Rating.)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 28, 2003

    cold gear

    One result of the trip to Boston was to get me worried about clothing for the trip
    to Antarctica. The Sunday we were there (10/19) was grey and drizzly. We cabbed to
    the Navy Yard to see the Bunker Hill visitor's center and Old Ironsides, then
    walked across the river to Paul Revere's house and Faneuil Hall. I was wearing a
    long-sleeved T-shirt under the same Polartec jacket and Gore-tex shell I plan to
    pack for Antarctica (unless I elect to replace the latter with a cheap rainsuit)
    and I was cold. Now I'm wondering whether I need to invest in a down liner
    or Polartec 300 fleece to wear under my shell. I've worn the fleece shell
    combination in winters from Philadelphia to Worcester, MA to Colorado to Oregon
    and not been too chilly, though, so I'm hoping that it was just the underlayer
    that was insufficient. In Antarctica I'll replace that T-shirt with a tCoolmax or
    Driwick top and a light fleece or wool sweater under the

    Yes, I am a sucker for high performance fabrics (wool
    included) and gear.

    Even if I elect to wear the shell I have and take
    my chances with getting its little pores all clogged instead of buying a cheap
    nonbreathable rainsuit that would probably be a foot too long, I will need
    rainpants. I can find them in lots of places, but haven't yet been lucky in
    finding a pair that are a) cheap and b) available in petites. I may just give up
    and spend the extra money, on the theory that if I buy a pair that fits, I'll wear
    them again even if not in the near future, but if they bunch up and make me feel
    uncomfortable and look like a fireplug, I won't. So I'd spend less money but it
    would all be wasted.

    How's that for justification?

    least at this point I think I have everything else I need for the trip, except
    film, which can wait, and Christmas and birthday gifts for Rudder that are small
    enough to pack and bring along.

    P.S. I know a whole entry about cold-
    weather clothing may be boring, but the alternative was one one exploring why
    Rudder and I have been in a more amorous phase lately. Complaints? I thought not.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 27, 2003

    Silver and Gold...

    Silver and gold.....

    Yukon Cornelius would be happy with

    Yesterday's regatta went well. I ended up not entering in my
    single at all ("decided" is probably the wrong word - "procrastinated and waffled"
    is more like it) but coxed two boats to a first and second place finish
    respectively. We had what I think of as true regatta weather. It's not often very
    windy out here except during a storm, but yesterday was an exception, due to an
    incoming cool front. (yay!) The water was so rough that most people wouldn't have
    gone out on it, on a normal practice day. I coxed a men's four and a women's four,
    both from the City program, both in the same boat. The boat is a bowloader, which
    means that the coxswain is placed laying down into the bow of the boat, ahead of
    the bow rower. That means the boat can be a bit shorter and thus lighter weight,
    and because the cox is lying down instead of sitting up, it has a little less
    drag. In yesterday's weather, though, what it meant was that waves would wash over
    the bow of the boat and land right on me. By the end of the men's race I was
    sitting in several inches of cold water, shivering in a stiff breeze. (Of course,
    on the other hand, that makes it officially the first time I have been cold in
    Arizona this fall furing daylight hours. Yay again.) Normally during a race, I'd
    lie down into the boat as far as is consistent with visibility but in that race I
    had to sit up more just so the waves wouldn't break over my face. The rowers got
    very wet too, but at least they were burning calories. The rough water is hardest
    of all on singles, the smallest and lightest boats; Rudder called it "horrible"
    and said that waves were breaking up to his shoulders and rendering the rear-view
    mirror clipped to his cap unusable. The second race I coxed wasn't so bad; the
    wind had calmed a bit in the intervening hour and I'd put on a long-sleeved shirt.
    Also, I think the boat was sitting up a bit higher out of the water because the
    women are lighter than the men. (Though not by much!)

    Despite the
    involuntary immersion, the men were actually much more fun to cox than the women.
    They were not nearly as smooth, but much more responsive to everything I said and
    I felt more a part of the crew. Also, they had actually asked me to cox
    them, instead of just having their coach throw me in. Finally, they had a lot more
    power. Of course you expect a men's boat to have more power than a women's, but
    these are strong women and I got the feeling they just didn't care as much, which
    could account for why they got passed on their home turf and ended up coming in
    second to a college crew from Loyola Marymount. The men cared, gave it all they
    had, and won their race. (It is, of course, also possible they didn't have as much

    Yosemite Sam was distressingly unorganized. He had no
    idea which boat he wanted me to cox, just said to "be available" because he wanted
    to throw me into lots of boats. He was acting as dockmaster and appears to have
    decided that meant he couldn't worry about any of his crews. I think he meant me
    to cox the women's eight, but they ended up getting a junior cox to take them out.
    (I didn't argue and it wasn't a bad decision for them to make; the cox they got is
    very good and his mother was one of the rowers in the boat.) As a result of not
    knowing which boat I was in, and because several of the crews were thrown together
    at the last minute, there were a number of city crews running around frantically
    at the last minute looking for their entry packets with the numbers to be attached
    to the boat and pinned to bow- and stern-most rowers. If I had known in advance
    which boats I was coxing, I could have taken control of all of those. I am very
    disappointed in YSam; he wants to be head coach but refuses to do the planning and
    organizing that entails. At one po in the complained that "someone should have
    been assigned" to tkae reponsibilty for a boat's entry packet -- and it was one of
    the boats he coaches! Uh, who should do that assigning again?

    from that minor issue and the windy weather, it was a good day. The City
    coordinator really did an excellent job organizing the race, it was finally
    cooler, and for once I didn't go home from a regatta feeling either disappointed
    in my results or left out because I didn't row. I don't necessarily want to cox
    for YSam again (and have given him my two-week notice -- I'd only volunteered with
    him through the fall season) but I like being in a boat with potential to do well.
    POssible solutions are to cox more or to get in a quad where I can actually be a
    rower in a boat that goes faster than I could on my own. Afterwards, quite a few
    of the locals ended up at my favorite local brewpub, where only one glass or beer
    got spilled on me. Another one got broken but I was nowhere near, I

    come to think of it, this was a banner weekend on the Rudder-
    and-Dichroic scale, since it satisied all four criteria: we spent time outdoors,
    we got a workout (well, mine was sort of vicarious), we got to socialize. And, um,
    the other one, too.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    almost ready to ride the wind

    Second entry of the day ... there's an entry describing yesterday's regatta href="">here.

    noticed this weekend that I'm feeling a lot better lately: more relaxed, less
    flustered. I think this started in Boston, where I had four beautifully relaxed
    days to spend with Rudder, where the only thing either of us had to do at a
    scheduled time was to row one race on Saturday, and the only other things we had
    to do were of our own choosing. It was quite wonderful to wake up late on Thursday
    morning (after getting in past one the night before) and know that there was no
    reason not to linger in bed.

    Things are cooling down a little at
    work, too, and in rowing I've been fairly successful at quieting my mind. In fact
    I was thinking this morning that it's a bit like martial arts, in that I row
    better and faster if I find my center and keep controlled. Often when I'm flailing
    a bit I can just slow down my rate and smooth it out and find that my split time s
    have actually gone down.

    I should have realized I was doing better
    from last week's diary entries, on the theory that if I have time and space to
    think about how I haven't been contemplative enough, that in itself must
    necessarily herald an improvement. There have been other signs. Saturday was a
    wonderfully relazing day for us, but I still got through just about everything I'd
    wanted to do: loads and loads of laundry, food shopping (the pantry was pitiful),
    some studying for work, a bit more book-cataloging, and even a start on
    embroidering She-Hulk's signature onto our tablecloth, from the dinner a few weeks
    ago. It was a welcome change to relax and still be productive, as opposed to being
    so dragged out from the week that I had no desire to do anything, as in the weeks
    before Boston. I even found myself at a bit of a loose end Saturday evening, in a
    mood to connect with other people (as opposed to wanting to retreat from them) and
    worried about a few online friends. As a result I decided to take a leap and call
    Batten -- we'd met in person once, but
    it was a year ago. Score! Turned out I'd crashed a mini-DiaryCon and I got to
    speak to not only Batten but also href="">Sixweasels and href="">Zencelt. Wish I could have been there in
    person to hit the bars with them, but this was next best.

    Another sign is that my brain is creaking over toward thoughtfulness (relatively
    speaking) again. This morning, prompted by a remark made by Al Sharpton of all
    people, I found myself thinking on the topic, "Dulce et decorum est", constructing
    an entry exploring whether I would be willing to die for my country. (Concise
    summary: the amount I'd be willing to sacrifice depends on the exact definition of
    the last three words, or maybe just on the definition of "for".)

    Earlier, during practice, I turned my boat with the wind and
    immediately felt my blades riding the wind before each stroke. There's a poem in
    that phrase, "riding the wind", and if I can pull it together into a real poem I
    will know my brain is back. (If I can pull it into a not-hackneyed poem I will
    rejoice with great jubilation.)

    Posted by dichroic at 02:44 PM

    October 23, 2003

    not reflecting well

    On the very first page
    of my guestbook, there is an entry from href="">Mer that begins, "(sigh) You
    seem to achieve the quiet, quality sort of reflection (in the entries I've read) I
    desire to attain in mine." I've remembered it ever since because my reaction at
    the time was so concise: "Who, me?"

    I find myself now having the same
    reaction to Naomi and href="">Marissa, though it's a bit exacerbated
    because both write so enviably well. It's not that either has pulled back from
    experiencing life in order to achieve some sublime nirvana; both write mostly
    about the interface between inner and outer life with plentiful ilustrations from
    their reading. It's the same thing I write about -- it's the same thing most
    journals I find interesting are about, in fact, except for a few I read because
    they are about lives with the morbid fascination of a train wreck or a soap

    Yet I feel more and more that I'm missing out on the inner
    side of the boundary. I write what's going on but I don't seem to have the brain
    cells available to digest it and figure out what it means to me unless it's
    something that leaps out and smacks me, like yesterday's href="">Thought Map epiphany. In a
    way, I suppose this is part of that.

    It may be at least partly due to
    the fact that I'm much happier than I was when I began this diary. When you have
    problems, you are more inclined to stop and think about them. Right now, there is
    of course the ceaseless bubbling of "Why am I here?" that is the backdrop of an
    examined human life, but aside from that my only real problems are that I spend
    too much time in my car and that I row more slowly than I'd like. How much time
    can I spend thinking about those?

    (That's a rhetorical question.
    Obviously the answer is "plenty", since these words I am typing will comprise
    entry #1068 in two and a half years.) Anyway, I know the answers to both problems;
    I'm just not willing to take the consequences of implementing those answers at the
    moment. Still, I feel somehow like my brain is turning to instant oatmeal, a
    formless colorless mush with only occasional lumps of reconstituted fruit to make
    it more interesting. (The quality of the previous metaphor is quite interestingly
    a perfect recursive illustration of the point I'm intending it to make.)

    I think I just need to figure out how to slow my squirrel cage brain
    (better image than oatmeal, and true in another sense) down, without being able or
    willing to slow down the rest of my life. Instead of being like a reflective pond,
    I'm sort of like the lake in a wind, all stirred up with just bits of reflected

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    a few questions

    I am wondering ....

    -- if we will ever again have a day where
    it doesn't reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit?

    -- if we will ever
    move out of Arizona? (The two questions are not unrelated.)

    -- if I
    will ever again have such a thing as spare time, except when on

    -- if I will ever again have a poem come into my
    head? (Again, the two are not unrelated.)

    -- if I will ever
    figure out what direction I want my life to go in? (With a job I like a lot and a
    marriage I'm sure is exactly the right one for me, I can afford to take my time to
    answer this one.)

    -- if I won the lottery would my life be better or
    just different?

    -- if I'm willing to put in the effort and pain it
    would take to really drastically improve my race times this coming

    -- and how much faster could I be, given constraints of time
    and genetics?

    -- and how can I iprove my spending habits, especially
    considering that I am about to give Rudder a large check for my half of the
    ridiculously expensive trip we're taking this Christmas? (Yeah, I know. The only
    way to spend less money is to spend less money.)

    -- and what other
    questions am I not asking that I should be?

    Good Lord. L'Empress just told me I need to do a Thought Process
    Map (one of the tools I teach) on my whole life. Of course, she didn't say so in
    so many words, but that's my translation. In fact maybe this whole diary is a
    TMap. And if so, it's not a good one: I don't ask nearly enough questions.
    And that could explain my lack of a defined goal; that's what a TMap is for, to
    keep asking questions in order to define your problem or goal.


    I don't think I can adequately convey what a kick in the pants that is unless you
    are also a Six Sigma practitioner or other user of TMaps. Or maybe you'd have to
    actually be me. But wow.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    not too late?

    I will never have a CD recording the story about the time my grandparents went to
    a nightclub (speakeasy?) during Prohibition with my great-aunt and her husband,
    and how my now very dignified but then only nineteen years old great aunt got so
    drunk she literally slid under the table. My grandmother's story about working for
    the Social Security administration in DC as part of a jobs program during the
    Depression will never make it into the Smithsonian Folklife Center's archives, and
    we probably never will get the full story about why my great-grandfather didn't
    sail on the Titanic, as family legend says he'd planned to.

    It's too
    late for me. But it's not too late for other people, who can now take an older
    friend or relative to the href="">Storycorps a> booth in Grand Central Station in New York and get those stories recorded --
    one CD for yourself and one for the Smithsonian. There are even faciliators to
    help elicit the stories. Rudder's still got all four grandparents, but I can't
    figure out how to get them to New York. I hope the project expands, as they plan

    If not, we'll just keep encouraging them to talk. Did you know
    that you can spook an enemy by dropping an empty bottle on him from an airplane?
    Apparently they make a loud and eerie noise on the way down. I didn't know that
    either, but that's what one of Rudder's grandfathers did in the South Pacific
    during WWII. The other was a CO, with a completely different set of stories to
    tell. They don't think too much of each other, or they didn't for a long time (I
    think time has mellowed both), but I'm glad to be related to both if only by

    Maybe I can find an email address for one of my cousins.
    Their grandmother, that same great aunt who ended up under the table is still
    here, and she's a lot closer to NYC than Rudder's West Coast family.

    October 21, 2003

    catching up

    Still catching up from the Boston trip. And my car battery seeems to have died.
    (In the absence of evidence to the contrary, I am resolutely convincing myself
    that it's only an easy-to-replace battery instead of say, an alternator.) Thank
    goodness I have the truck to drive; having a spare vehicle is something I never
    get over being grateful for, except when I have to pay insurance bills for two

    I wonder how long it will be until I get to the auto-parts
    store for a spare battery. Not tomorrow night, as it's my night to go drinking
    with my honorary niece and nephew. (I
    drink beer; they stick to milk. They bring their folks along, too.)

    Posted by dichroic at 07:20 PM

    October 20, 2003

    back, more later

    Hey, cool, the Child
    are now online.

    Yes, I'm back. This will be the usual
    disjointed post-travel entry. Deciding to come in to work for a half day today was
    not one of my wisest decisions ever. A simple mathematical matter: 5:30 AM flight
    means wakeup at 3:15 EST which equals waking up at 12:30 in my home time zone, the
    one I'm in now. Rudder proposed just staying up all night (he also proposed some
    activities to fill the time) but as I was foolish enough to schedule a couple of
    meetings this afternoon that demanded my actual presence, and thus enough
    functioning brain cells to drive an hour back home some eighteen hours post-
    reveille (spelling?) I decided that wouldn't work and settled for the abbreviated

    Next year I will try not to do it this way. On the happy
    side, it looks very likely that there will be a next year. Rudder finished 21/62
    in the Club Men's Single event. More impressively, he finished with a time 4.3%
    behind the winner of his race. Anyone finishing within 5% automatically gets into
    next year's races, so he won't have to take his chances in the lottery next year.
    Maybe if we do go, I'll race too, just for the hell of it. Or maybe not.

    Was going to write more but that last meeting took longer than
    expected. More tomorrow.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:02 PM

    October 15, 2003

    not quite right

    Off to the Big Beanpot in a couple of hours. I've got my packing mkostly done, but
    did it so late and in such small incrememnts that I'm fairly certin I'll have
    forgotten something. On the other hand, I'm deliberately not bringing an extra
    sweatshirt on the theory that I might want to buy one there. (I do have a sweater,
    a chamois shirt, a fleece jacket, and a waterproof outer jacket, so no one need
    worry that's I'll freeze.)

    I need a medium suitcase. It just feels
    silly to be bringing my big one for only five days and normal clothing (no skiing
    or rowing or camping gear, I mean) but I couldn't fit my clothing plus camera gear
    into a small carryon sized suitcase. I also have thick socks, waterproof shoes,
    and a hat and light gloves in anticipation of some icky weather this weekend.
    Maybe I should go pack another book just in case there is more inside than

    Oh, and last night the city of Tempe had a little sendoff
    party for everyone going to the Head of the Charles - one city women's four, one
    club men's eight, and a junior girls' four. And Rudder, whom they forgot to list
    on the program (the guy who runs this "didn't know he was going", despite having
    been there when we were loading Rudder's boat on the trailer last weekend. Duh.)
    They even had the mayor present to christen a new boat at the same time. It was
    all nicely done, and especially impressive that, though they gave nice long-
    sleeved rowing shirts to the city crew, they're also handing out polo shirts to
    everyone who is racing and representing Arizona. Nice touch. We took my boat down,
    since it matches Rudder's with the AZ flag colors, and they had a few shots of him
    rowing it on the news.

    Only a couple minor nits to pick:

    Given the official nature of the event, I understand why they had sparkling cider
    there for everyone to drink in a toast.l But they also used cider to christen the
    new boat. (Incidentally, the same four I've coxed a couple of times - hadn't
    realized it wasn't officially named yet. Unlucky.) That's not right, just not
    right. Boats need real champagne. Generally cheap champagne, mind you, but real.
    It's a symbolic thing.

    2) Second, echoing a recent local news
    article, the mayor kept referring to the city crew as "ranked fourth in the
    nation". Uh, yeah, whatever. What they actually did was to finish fourth in just
    one of the hundreds of races at Masters Nationals in August. They do get credit
    for making it to finals at least, but it's just one race and they didn't even win.
    As Rudder pointed out, by that criteria, he's ranked second nationally - three
    times. And that's not even taking into account the fact that this was only
    Masters Nationals, and there are also Juniosr N aitonals, Club Nationals,
    and the real thing, just plain Nationals - that last being where the Olympians and
    owuld-be Olympians compete. Oh well. It bugs me only because it's factually wrong,
    and because he kept saying the same thing over and over, but I suppose it makes
    everyone feel good.

    3) On the news show that night, there was a claim
    that this was the "first Arizona crew going to the Charles". Uh, no. I'm pretty
    sure not, seeing as I was in the boat that went three years ago. For that matter,
    so was the woman stroking this one. It's true that they can confidently expect to
    do better this time, but still, we were there. Also, they will certainly
    not do as well as a local singles rower, a former Olympian (from Bulgaria) who has
    raced at the Charles quite a few times. The year I was there too, she won her
    race. That's a pretty big thing to overlook. One hopes this all was written by
    randome city officials, not by the lake's small-boats coordinator, who is actually
    a rower and coach and should damn well know better.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:29 AM

    October 13, 2003

    why isn't it called a knowledge tooth?

    The teacher for today's class was actually kind of a jerk - the kind who is a
    control-freak masquerading in nice-guy clothing, if you follow me. Or an S1manager
    in an S2 situation, in the jargon of the class. Basically, he didn't like it that
    my class asked lots of questions, even though none were asked in a mean way and I
    thought all were intended to further understanding or challenge something that was

    He got especially shirty when I asked whether the phrase
    "Impacted knowledge" was perhaps intended to be "Imparted knowledge" and explain
    that no, this meant impacting the knowledge a person had by adding to it. I still
    fail to see how that would be different from imparting knowledge, except, of
    course, for being a much uglier use of language. I forget the rest of the
    sentence; it was such a badly-turned phrase that I meant to quote it here for the
    amusement value. But I think there's a pun in there somewhere having to do with
    impacted wisdom teeth.

    On the plus side, apparently we get to spend
    tomorrow watching the movie "Twelve O'Click High" and analyzing it for leadership
    styles therein. Given my resolve to be as quiet a possible (he said we'll be out
    tomorrow by 3:30 "or 4 if there are a lot of questions") I think I can get away
    with just enjoying the film. It's not my usual type of movie pick but I believe I
    can put up with that small privation in excahge for getting paid for this.
    And who knows, possibly I'll actually learn something.

    Posted by dichroic at 05:59 PM

    October 10, 2003

    a very good day

    Well, what a good day so far. I had a greatpractice this morning, though I
    have no idea why. I got in the boat feeling all morning-groggy and not inclined to
    pull hard, began to push it a bit, and realized that I was feeling really good. I
    ended up finishing with an average split over a second faster than Monday's and I
    was pretty happy with Monday's.

    Things went downhill a bit from
    there; the rain held off all during my row and the first ten miles or so of my
    drive, but then started coming down harder and harder, to the point that
    visibility was fairly low. Unfortunately I'm driving the Mozzie today, instead of
    my pickup (again, because it wasn't raining when I left home). That car is so low
    I'm staring straight into the spray kicked up by other cars, and is so light I was
    starting to worry a little about hydroplaning. I had no problems, though, driving
    a sedate 55-60 mph, and can now attest that the convertible roof seals nice and

    Then at work I managed to spill hot coffee all over my hand
    - I think I spilled a little then clenched the cup harder, sending another wave
    out. Luckily, it turned out the coffee wasn't all that hot, and I don't seem to
    have much of a burn.

    The best part of today is I get to leave in
    about ten minutes and not come back for days and days. Today is a
    department R&R thing (not rest and recreation, reward and recognition, though it's
    the former too). We're supposed to go over to the house of our admin, who's a
    fairly serious tennis player, hang out and get tennis lessons and laugh at each
    other. Because of the rain, the tennis part may not happen but she's got alternate
    plans and I can't say I'm too disappointed.

    Then next week I'm
    offsite in training for two days, telecommuting Wednesday morning, and then flying
    out to Boston. Expect updates to be sparse, and expect me to be enjoying myself. I
    like Boston, and I have confidence that Rudder will do himself proud in the race
    (that would be midpack or better, given the level of competition). See ya!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 09, 2003

    I have never...

    This is not a meme, or at least not one started by someone else. I was just in a
    listing mood. Inspired by an old drinking game:

    I have never: considered moving back to Philadelphia.

    I have made damn sure I have never: considered moving back in with my
    parents (the problem is not with the high-level concept, just the particular

    I have never: been back to Houston since moving Rudder out of there.

    I have made damn sure I have never: interviewed for a job that would
    require moving back to Houston.

    I have never: been to a Quaker silent service.

    I have made damn sure I have never: been to a fundamentalist service of any
    religion (might be interesting if I were sure I could go only as observer).

    I have never: limited myself to reading only certain genres.

    I have made damn sure I have never: restricted myself from reading anything
    I was interested because of ideas about what I "ought" to read.

    I have never: liked every book called a classic, or even a classic of its

    I have made damn sure I have never: forced myself to read anything that
    bored me, unless required by class or job.

    I have never: been on a diet.

    I have made damn sure I have never: been on any diet that cut out entire
    food groups.

    I have never: thought I was always right.

    I have made damn sure I have never: acted stupider than I could help

    I have never: voted pure party line.

    I have made damn sure I have never: voted for anyone on the etreme right.
    Or any Bush. (I have voted for a few Republicans if I thought they were the best
    of the available candidates.)

    I have never: been sorry to be an American citizen.

    I have made damn sure I have never: thought my country was perfect and
    couldn't be improved.

    I have never: missed voting in a Presidential election since I was old
    enough to vote.

    I have made damn sure I have never: griped about the results of any
    election in which I didn't vote.

    I have never: thought being female put any restrictions on what I could
    accomplish with my brain.

    I have made damn sure I have never: let anyone else think so either, if I
    could help it.

    I have never: thought there were any humans who are completely free of all

    I tried damn hard never to: act on any latent prejudices I haven't rooted
    out yet. (Note: it's not a prejudice (if you're judging in stead of prejudging,
    would it be called a judice?) if you think less of a person based on his or her
    own past behavior.)

    I have never: been good at shutting up.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 08, 2003


    Very busy this week, trying to get things neatly squared away because I'll be in
    training (in town but a different site) for the first half of next week and going
    to watch Rudder compete in the Head of the
    after that.

    And my catsitter has retired, damn it. Said
    she had to go get a "real job". Phooey. I hate to have friends take care of the
    cats unless they are people who ask us for favors involving similar levels of
    work, something that the friends who have offered to watch them are NOT GOOD AT.
    (Are you guys reading?)

    Speaking of traveling, any idea what we
    should do in Boston, besides participating in (him)/ watching (me) the race? We
    won't have a car. Remember, I was living in Worcester, MA, when I started this
    diary, so I've seen some of the sights, but by no means all. I've eaten in Faneuil
    Hall, been to the top of the Pru, been to the Science Museum and up in the Old
    North Church's bell towere, where we even got to ring some bells. I've seen a
    little of the Back Bay and Beacon Hill (from a car), been to Alcott's and
    Emerson's houses and to Minuteman Park and seen "the rude bridge that arched the
    flood". I've walked around Hahvahd Squeeah at night. I'd really like to see John
    Adams' house in Quincy but don't know if we can get there on the T. Other

    Posted by dichroic at 12:24 PM

    October 07, 2003

    just fine, thanks

    I've recently gotten comments that puzzled me from two separate people worried
    about my mental state. As far as I can guess, they derive from href="">this recent entry. Maybe
    some clarification is needed. While I take rowing seriously and one of the ways I
    define myself is as a rower, my self-worth is not built on my speed in relation to
    other people's. I'd be stupid to do that, given how much of rowing speed is a
    function of body size. As I've mentioned before, I'm small; I couldn't find
    anthropometric data online (I was curious) but I'm sure I'd be in the shortest 20%
    or so for adult American women. Since rowing is a sport that rewards height, I'm
    generally shorter than anyone else a boathouse around except for

    Please DON't tell me it's not about other people but only
    about pushing myself. That is one of the things daily rowing is about, true:
    pushing yourself, that and just being out there with the moon and the water and
    your boat. But racing is purely, simply laying yourself out against other people,
    pitting your strength and skills and training against theirs. You can't even race
    the clock in rowing, because wind and water conditions make each race different.
    And I will never win a race, at least not in a single.

    Erg tests are
    somewhere in the middle: conditions are controlled and you know your own record,
    so it can be about racing the clock and doing better than your own previous best.
    But it's a bit hard to concentrate on that, even if that's what your own erg test
    is meant to be, and that's all it counts for, when you're lined up with a row of
    other people competing against each other to win a spot in a race boat. And as it
    happens, there are no women lightweights in that particular program, and everyone
    else's time this last trial was at least a minute faster than

    BUT IT'S OKAY. Don't worry about me. I get annoyed at people
    not respecting what I can do, sure, but I'm not about to tear myself down just
    because it doesn't match what other people can do. They have different material to
    work with, and in some cases rowing fast might be all they're good

    As I see it, there are three sets of things a human can be good
    at, three that are worth building a self on - call them Head, Heart, and Body.
    Head is brains and gumption and drive and logic; heart is pure goodness and all
    about helping other people; body comprises athletics but also all sorts of
    physical work, so it's not just short-lived triumphs. I think the supreme exemplar
    of Body is not an athlete but href=">this

    I work on Body skills, of course, with rowing, and also on
    some of the aspects of Head in which I have no natural gifts, like self-delusion
    ("ignore the pain") and self-discipline. And I've been working on Heart for
    decades, trying to be a better listener and more healing to other people.

    But all the things I'm naturally good at are Head and in those areas I'm
    willing to take on all comers. If I ever am diagnosed with Alzheimer's or sustain
    a brain injury, then you can worry about my self-esteem, but not now. The only
    thing to worry about now may be the continued well-being of anyone who tells me I
    can't do something I think I can.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 06, 2003

    Yom Kippur observance

    I have not yet figureed out how to observe (celebrate is the wrong word) Yom
    Kippur, myself. Rosh Hashanah and Pesach are easy: I make a big dinner, feed it to
    people I care about, and talk, think and write about the meaning of the holiday.
    For some reason, Yom Kippur is more difficult.

    The approved method,
    of course, would be to have a big meal, go to services, fast all the next day, go
    to more services, then break the fast with another big celebratory meal. That just
    doesn't seem right to me; I never really got much from services aside from a minor
    feeling of virtue and a thorough knowledge of the Old Testament (the only thing to
    read during the two-hour morning service). I honestly find it mind-boggling that
    people my own age regularly go to church and synagogue without being made to. I
    certainly don't mean to offend anyone who goes - I just mean I totally don't
    understand it in my gut.

    The problem is that I can't logically
    separate out parts of the observance. I don't want to take the day off, fast and
    go to synagogue. The purpose of fasting is to keep your mind focused pon prayer,
    not distracted by the body(another logic problem; I've always found hunger more
    distracting than simply eating and getting it over with) so fasting without going
    to synagogue doesn't make sense. Taking the day off from work without fasting
    seems like pure self-indulgence, completely alien to ascetic nature of the
    holiday. And there's no point in a big meal before or after the fast I'm not

    Yet it is the holiest day of the year, the seal on the period
    of atonement and self-examination, so doing nothing doesn't ring right either. So
    I am still unsure about what to do.

    One traditional observance I
    should definitely do more of is to make amends and apologies for any offenses over
    the past year. SO to anyone who reads this, I apologize if I said anything to
    offend you either wittingly or unwittingly. I apologize also if I have failed to
    say anything that might have helped you. And I apologize to God for that my
    irreverent mind keeps echoing, "A robot will not injure a human being nor through
    inaction allow a human being to come to harm. Though on further thought, that sets
    out the whole point: a robot who obeyed the Three Laws, being unable to injure
    others, would not need a Yom Kippur for repentence. It is entirely because I am
    human that I do.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:54 AM

    October 04, 2003

    where was I?

    I had the oddest cool thing happen last night. I was reading A. Edward Newton's
    The Book-Collecting Game. When I came to a picture of his library in his
    home, Oak Knoll, I realized I had been there. Sort of. As far as I know, I've
    never been to Oak Knoll (though as it's apparently near Philadelphia, it is quite
    possible I've been close) but I recognized that library.

    A few years
    ago, the highlight of a trip to Philadelphia was a visit to th Rare Book
    Collection of the Free Library of Philadelphia. At the very far end of that area
    on the top floor in the middle of the city is a graceful, peaceful and intimate
    old library that is a room from a private home. The windows look out on paintings
    of a rural scene. The Librarian (ook!ook! -- um, sorry) told me that it was the
    library of a man who had willed his fine collection to the Free Library and that
    his widow and daughter decided that the room belonged with the books. SO they
    donated the entire room, furniture and all, to be move and re-set up there. I
    believe the Library uses it for gatherings of board members and such. And I seem
    to recall now that the plaque outside the room proclaimed it the "A. Edward Newton

    A very odd feeling. I have been in Louisa May Alcott's
    house, have stood where Ben Franklin's house was, have stood in a hall a few feet
    from where Jefferson wrote the Declaration and in another passage a fw feet from
    where Walter Raleigh languished in durance not so vile, but in all those cases I
    knew where I was and who had been there. It is oddly disorienting (or maybe oddly
    orienting?) to find out later where you have been before.

    Posted by dichroic at 05:37 PM

    October 03, 2003

    Am I ever not in a hurry?

    Do not repeat NOT go to Claim Jumpers for lunch with a big group of people if you
    need to get back to work on time.

    It was a going-away luncheon for
    someone I like and respect, so I'm glad I went. Also, they observed the Rule of
    Good Customer Service: "If you can't prevent a screwup, at least apologize and see
    what you can do to fix it." About four of us had our meals served much later than
    everyone else, but they gave us free desserts (and, given the size of portions
    there, kindly wrapped them for us to take home). So I will go again, just not when
    I'm in a hurry.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:32 PM

    October 02, 2003


    How sad is it that my life's theme could be a song by Avril

    'Cause I'm just a little girl you
    But there's a hell of a lot more to me
    Don't ever underestimate what I
    can do
    Don't ever tell me how I'm meant to

    Not one but two people told me yesterday, in two
    totally differnet contexts, "Wow, I didn't think you could do that." I didn't mind
    it so much from my boss because she was talking about several of us meeting a goal
    she'd set which we all knew would be a stretch, and because it was a challenge -
    for meeting that goal, which puts us well on the way to our overall big goal for
    the year, we get half a day off for a group activity.

    It bothered me
    a lot more when Yosemite Sam said it, talking about my erg piece. He meant to be
    complimentary, of course, but somehow -- maybe because my personal best was still
    slower than any of the other (much bigger) women there -- it came out sounding
    more like, "Wow, I thought you sucked way worse than that." You'd think a guy
    barely taller than I am would know better than to underestimate anyone. Sigh. Suck
    it up, Dichroic, take it as the compliment intended. Sigh.

    depressing: DrunkTina, whose time was only slightly slower than that of the big
    girls, pointing out accurately that she's closer to my size than that of the three
    fastest women rowers. (I probably shouldn't have given her that dirty look for
    saying she was closer to my size, because though she is in fact considerably
    heavier than I am, she actually is much lighter and shorter than some of the
    others.) This was on the heels of Rudder pointing out last night that if she can
    pull a 21 and a half minute piece, and she's two inches taller and only some of
    the extra weight is muscle, I probably ought to be able to pull something in the
    22s, instead of just under 24 minutes. Sigh again. Maybe another year. Or in
    another life.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:59 PM


    I got meds from the ND yesterday and was dismayed to realize he'd sent three
    different things and recommended two more. One thing he'd sent was melatonin, and
    another is basically ginseng, gingko biloba, and a couple other plant extracts.
    I'm OK with taking those; I know herbal medicines are still real meds but those
    are very common and I haven't heard of problems with them. One of the meds he told
    me to order is a multivitamin that's supposed to be easier to absorb than the
    generic Centrum clone I've been taking for years, and I'm OK with that

    The other two I'm not so comfortable with. One I'd have to order
    is for my IBS. Heavy exercise and not drinking caffeinated coffee have made such a
    difference for me in that area that I just don't feel a need to take anything for
    it - at best, curing it might allow me to eat Quarter Pounders or ice cream
    without getting stomach cramps or burbles from them, and the ND says to avoid red
    meat ad dairy anyhow. The other one's active ingredient is something like freeze-
    dried adrenal cortex, which just sounds awful -- like something you'd harvest from
    a cadaver. It came with stern warnings about how you have to gradually wean off it
    or risk adrenal collapse and extreme fatigue. Yuck. If I wanted to take addictive
    drugs I'd have done it in college and I'd have chosen something a lot more

    Speaking of -- well, not alternative medicine, but Tarot reading
    has to rank as at least some level of alternative lifesyle -- I've been
    reading Squirrelx lately. Her life
    is so different from mine in almost all ways, and her values are so different in
    some spots but so like mine in more ways, that she's absolutely fascinating. Don't
    know if this is her real self of a manufactured persona, but it's sort of
    irrelevant; the person behind the entries is a lot of heart, a good bit of earthy
    and not-so-earthy wisdom, and unerring taste in quotations.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:23 PM

    October 01, 2003

    5k erg piece

    Definitely better than last time. My goal in today's erg piece was to break 24
    minutes, and ................

    I DID!!!!

    5000m in

    My previous best was something like 24:06, and that was a couple of
    years ago when I was rowing with Coach DI. (Who, incidentally, is rumored to have
    been asked to leave his current gig coaching the juniors club he founded. I keep
    reminding myself that I don't have all the facts and anyway, schadenfreude is an
    ugly thing.) At any rate, I've only done a piece at that distance once or twice
    since then.

    I did this piece, three weeks ago, I pulled a 24:59, more than a minute
    faster. This time, YSam asked me not to row with the women, who were going first,
    because there were just enough ergs and he wanted them all to row together. I made
    it plain that if I couldn't erg with the team I was going to go row my single and
    was able to erg in the second shift, with the guys, who of course all finished 4-5
    minutes ahead of me. As an 80-year-old man once said about competing in the href="">CRASH-B, "It hurts me just as much, but for a
    lot longer." I did also finish with a slower time than all the other women but
    they are all either taller and heavier -- in fact they are all either much taller
    or much heavier or both, so that's OK.

    I blame the slower time last
    time on starting in a bad mood, on being pissed off the whole time, and on not
    having brought the proper shoes, but here's also credit to assign for the better
    time this time. If DrunkTina hadn't told me this erg test was scheduled, I
    wouldn't have known to bring sneakers, and I'd have done a heavy weight workout
    yesterday. And another of the women, a grad student who's new to the area and to
    the rowing program (and is one of the better rowers there) coxed me through the
    piece and helped enormously. Amazingly, she didn't even piss me off telling me to
    ignore the pain and bring my splits down and such. Much. At least she stuck to
    "You can do this," which I don't mind, as opposed to "Only 2000 left - this is
    easy," which always makes me want to extend one expressive finger from the grip.
    (That moderate response is only because by then I'm too tired to rip anyone's head

    Stats from Concept II's
    ranking site:
    Lightweight women, age 30-39: 8 of 16, 50%
    Lightweight women,
    all ages: 36 of 78, 46% (finally in the top half!)
    Women, all weights, all
    ages: 191 of 312, 61%
    Lower percentages are better, so the fastest person
    would be 1%

    And if anyone's wondering, yes, there were dry heaves

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 30, 2003

    here goes again

    Yeah, another busy day, can you tell? I did get to sleep in all the way to 6 this
    morning - took the day off from the gym as I'm doing another erg test tomorrow. I
    needed to do another one anyway, since I was unhappy with my time during the last
    one, and since Yosemite Sam is making his rowers do another one on the day I'd
    normally be coxing them, I'll use the opportunity to make myself do it. Given the
    charlie-fox the last one ended up being for me, this time I'm getting on one of
    the ergs first, so I don't start out pissed off.

    I just
    checked and I never did tell that story. YSam told me he wanted me to do an erg
    piece too. Makes sense, you don't really care how fast a cox can row but there's
    something to be said for being part of the team and suffering with them. So I show
    up, but I stand back and let the rowers trying out for the top priority boat on
    first, there being many more people as rowing machines. YSam wanted one person to
    "cox " (mostly cheer on) each person doing a piece so I did that. Next round, I go
    to the truck to get extra socks (to avoid blisters, since I hadn't remembered to
    bring sneakers) and so end up not getting on the ergs for that round. I cox
    someone again. Next thing I know, YSam has them putting the ergs away and I
    hadn't done my piece! I decided to do one anyway, out there in the parking lot all
    by myself, and even though it was still well earlier than we normally get off the
    water, no one from that crew stayed to watch me or anything, after I had
    coxed two sets of them through their pieces. So much for team spirit.

    Pissed off is not a good way to do an erg trial; I ended up forty
    seconds slower than my best. That's a lot, over 24 minutes. So this time, to heck
    with them. I am getting on *first*, and doing it mostly only because I'm not
    satisfied with my previous time. This time I will have proper shoes and a better
    mood for it.

    Anyway, I tend to think most of that crew can be
    descibed in one word: ma-a-a-a-hhh. (As in sheep.) But I will cox someone in the
    next round. I may have no team spirit myself, but that doesn't mean I have to act
    as if I don't. Someone's got to set an example.

    In other words, yes, I'm a
    grudge-holder and a bitch. But don't worry, I don't plan to act that way.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:09 PM

    September 29, 2003

    dinner review

    The Rosh Hashanah dinner went fairly well Saturday, if anyone's wondering. I
    didn't leave anything in the oven until it charred, or forget any major courses,
    unless you count ten bucks' worth of fancy cheeses and crackers I never really got
    a chance to serve and should have known better than to buy, considering we were
    planning to eat not too long after everyone got there. Never mind, I'll eat those.
    Eventually. I did forget to put salt and pepper in the chicken soup, but that's at
    least fixable at the table. I baked the brisket the night before to have the oven
    free, and cooked the kasha varnishkes and roasted veggies a bit ahead of time.
    Everything reheated well. The challah turned out to be impressive looking but a
    bit heavy. There are some problems to making a complex recipe once every five
    years or so. You don't get the chance to fine-tune.

    We had less in
    the way of leftovers in some things than expected, so I guess everyone liked it.
    The table looked nice with candles and the flowers someone brought, and five or
    six people are just the right size crowd for my dining room.

    T2 and
    Egret brought the babies. Amazing how two such tiny people (they weigh less than
    my cats) can so totally take over a gathering. Either they're being cute or
    they're crying or both. She-Hulk, whose own son is almost college-aged, was dying
    to get her hands on them and only handed them over when they were asleep or
    hungry. So we didn't get in too much talking about the holiday and its context,
    but there was a lot of rowing talk, a lot of catching up, and quite a bit of baby-
    admiring. That's about right for an extended-family-by-choice dinner, right?

    Posted by dichroic at 12:50 PM

    September 27, 2003

    l'shanah tovah v'tuv shalom

    Keeping rowers' hours is an advantage when you're playing housewife -- not having
    much of a domestic gift, playing at it is about as far as I get. By 7:15 this
    morning, I had the brisket I'd started last night out of the oven, my bread set to
    rise, the dishes washed and the kettle on. Shortly I'll go start my matzo balls,
    then it will be time to punch down the bread, let it rise a bit more, braid and
    bake it. After that I'll iron the tablecloth, go pick up dessert, then come home
    and start my soup. Comfort foods, definitely.

    Rudder will be home
    before I put the bread in the oven, but after rowing 26 miles, I doubt he'll be
    terribly productive. I sort of like him after these pieces, though. They're at a
    lower pressure so they don't lead to headaches and a desire to go right to bed the
    way races do. Instead he's keyed down a few notches, which brings him closer to my
    usual weekend level of energy. He's there for desultory conversation and a bit of
    snuggling, not rushing around to get things done as usual. It's

    A happy and full year to you and yours, whether you are
    celebrating this holiday or not. May the coming year bring peace to Jerusalem and
    to the world - not the grudging peace of weariness and despair but a peace of hope
    and rebuilding.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 26, 2003

    my school and my city

    Since Ivy
    League athletics
    generally don't get no respect, I'd just like to point out
    that in Sports Illustrated's list of href="
    html">100 Things to Do Before You Graduate">, the list of sports shrines includes
    not one but two
    , the Palestra and Franklin Field. They also mention the href="">Penn
    , as well as Boathouse Row a
    Philadelphia landmark that is home to Penn's boathouse. Pen-and-ink drawings of
    several boathouses are href="">here, and
    there are some other pictures href="">here

    Uh, guess where I went to school?

    Incidentally, as I found while
    surfing for the above links, one of Philadelphia's biggest fall regattas, the href="">Head of the Schuylkill (that's pronounced SKOO-
    kill, for you non-Philadelphians) maybe the only regatta named after an artists.
    It's officially the Thomas Eakins Hard of the Schuylkill Regatta. That being so,
    it makes sense that this year the regatta is showcasing the work of another local
    artist, William Thomas Ternay. Nice

    I really, really want to race on the Schuylikll one of these
    days, though given my preference for short races it's more likely to be a sprint
    race in spring or summer. Then again, it might be worth doing the longer distance
    just to row down the Schuylkill in its fall glory. Like the CHarles in Boston,
    parts of it are unexpectedly beautiful for a river through a major

    In cooking news, I'm planning to do the brisket tonight,
    leaving the oven free for everything else tomorrow.

    One more note: I know of a lot of non-Jews who like to celebrate Rosh Hashanah in
    some small way, maybe because after years of starting school in September that
    seems like a logical time for a year to start. If you happen to be looking to a
    way to mark a new year for yourself, even if you're not Jewish I'd suggest reading
    this sermon. He discusses
    a God-in-and-with-everything concept that feels right to me and somewhere toward
    the end there's a wonderful bit where he points out exactly why that belief makes
    hatred and labeling of others unacceptable. I'm good about not hating groups,
    myself, but there are certianly some individuals I have enormous trouble
    visualizing as an image of God and thus worthy of respect. I still need to work on
    that part. It's easier for me to believe that everyone starts out that way but
    some people choose to throw away the good material they were given.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:05 PM | Comments (1)

    September 25, 2003

    a diagnosis

    Oops, almost forgot to update. This could possibly be because I don't really have
    much to say. I am starting to feel a bit overloaded again, but today and tomorrow
    are calmer days, which should help. My main worry now is choreographing the
    cooking for Saturday. This would be easy except that for some reason, maybe a fall
    nesting instinct, I'm really in the mood to make challah. Even that wouldn't be so
    difficult but we only have one oven and it will be occupied with the brisket for
    six hours or so. Maybe I'll take advantage of Egret's offer and use her oven for
    the brisket.

    She also offered to make the challah but that's way too
    much work to ask of a dinner guest and anyhow, I wouldn't even worry about having
    it except that I really do feel like making it. I'm also trying to decide whether
    using the breadmaker would still assuage the urge. That way, I'd use the dough
    cycle so that I would still get to braid it (because what's the point of challah
    if it's not braided?) but I wouldn't get to knead it. Somehow kneading sounds

    It's just a small dinner and my guests aren't critical
    types. I'm not really as angsty over this as I probably sound; it's just that I'm
    in a mood to cook all kinds of things and I don't have the time to make as many as
    I'd like. Roasting beef, simmering soup, and baking bread are all heavenly smells
    and I'm looking forward to having them in the house.

    I also found a
    nice easy recipe for baked brie that someone gave me, but I think I'll save that
    for Thanksgiving. Rudder will deepfry a turkey for that, so I'll have more oven
    space available. then.

    What I really want for this dinner, of
    course, would be for my grandparents to prepare and eat it with me. That's not
    going to happen, short of Moshiach coming tomorrow, so I'll have to settle for
    food that reminds me of them. Oh. No wonder I don't want to give up any of it.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:13 PM

    September 24, 2003

    didn't I once say talking about food is boring?

    Somewhere around yesterday, I realized that I'm serving five people dinner on
    Saturday and I still haven't decided what to serve. Actually, technically there
    will be seven people there, but the two littlest ones are bringing their own milk
    bar. Or she's bringing them.

    For the last several years, I have
    celebrated the major Jewish holidays by having people over for dinner. Not
    necessarily Jewish people, since most of our friends aren't, but we do at least
    usually talk about the holiday a bit. For me, holidays are inextricably linked
    with big family dinners and that's the thing about them I miss most, so this is
    how I celebrate.

    I'm sure about wine, salad, and cheesecake for
    dessert, which I will cheat and purchase form the Cheesecake Factory. I like
    baking, but I won't be getting any help with cooking dinner that night, because
    Rudder has scheduled a marathon practice row (literally, 26.2 miles) for himself
    and the other masochists people training with him. If I do have time to
    bake, I'd rather make challah. Not sure how likely that is, though, because I
    think I'd have to start the night before. For the goyishe kopfs out there, challah
    is a braided eggy bread. It's gorgeous to look at, but not a quick bread --
    requires kneading and rising time.

    I'm sure about the cheesecake and
    about serving a salad, and reasonably sure I'm making roasted vegetable (a la
    Sundays at Moosewood. One guest is a vegetarian, and if I roast asparagus,
    peppers, new potatoes, carrots, and whatever else I pick up, she'll have lots of
    choice. If (when) I don't have time for challah, I can pick up good bread at the
    grocery. (Between the produce and bread, I may be in for a trip to the gourmet
    grocery.) So next, I need to figure: do I want to start with soup? If so,
    traditional matzo ball soup or a good vegetable soup recipe also from Moosewood?
    (It's African inspired, nice and light, and includes okra and lemon juice, among
    other things.) What about the main course? I'm thinking maybe a brisket or roast,
    but then what do I do with all the tasteless leftover chicken from the soup? Or I
    could really cheat and add matzo balls to boughten chicken broth but I think my
    great-grandmother might turn over in her grave. Bad enough already I skim off all
    the schmaltz.

    If I serve beef for dinner, I'll have the gravy from
    it, and roasted veggies don't need gravy. Should I also make bowties and kasha or
    mashed potatoes to use it up? That would be another dish for the vegetarian guest,
    though I know from past experience she's not demanding about special foods.

    Actually, that sounds good: beef, roasted veggies and bow ties and
    kasha, in which case I might leave the new potatoes out of the roasted veggies.
    Salad and a possible soup. If I do the veggie soup I don't have to worry about
    whether the veggie guest will eat it, but I like the idea of serving at least some
    traditional Jewish recipes. Note to self: Check if Wildflower Bakery or AJ's sells

    One concern this year is that with all the business in my
    life, I haven't been able to get into the contemplative mood I think is
    appropriate for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Once I get my meal plans settled, a
    day in the kitchen doing what my ancestors have done every year should help.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 23, 2003

    what the hell is that?

    The following is an honest question. It is not meant as an insult to anyone
    involved (except possibly myself, for being stupid, if the answer is obvious). And
    it's sad in a way that I have to put that disclaimer into what is, after all, a
    diary, but then again, if I want to make my diary public there are certain
    responsibilities that go along. You are warned, though, that the following is a
    bit un-PC.

    When you go to the same gym at the same time for a long
    time, you see the same people in the locker room. They cycle in and out, as they
    start working out and then give up or change their schedule or move away. The gym
    where I shower after rowing seems to have a lot more turnover than the one nearer
    home where I lift. I've been seeing a couple of new women, clearly friends, at the
    former lately. One is fat and one is very fat, and I'm not using those words
    carelessly. I can't estimate weights, but the smaller one would have a hard time
    fitting in a standard office chair with arms and the other is much larger.

    So OK, just to start off with, props to both for coming to the gym,
    which I know can be scary when you start. Second, kudos to both for not being
    squeamish about locker rooms. Many much smaller people go to great lengths to make
    sure their flesh is covered at all times -- I'm not sure if they think people
    would laugh or be crazed with lust, but yeah, whatever. And I can also report
    that both have cool tattoos. In fact, I keep meaning to ask one whether the red-
    headed girl with pigtails on her back is Anne or Pippi - either way it says
    "possible friend" to me. The other has an elaborate faery on her leg, all wings
    and long hair and Rackham-ish.

    The extremely fat one was sitting on
    the locker room bench yesterday in her underwear. I noticed because from where I
    was the locker bank at right angles just revealed an enormous belly sitting on a
    thigh, which for some reason is a disconcerting thing to catch out of the corner
    of your eye. But here's the part I don't get: below the belly was a whole 'nother
    body part, sort of round and hanging separate, about the size of a volley ball,
    pinkish and covered with dimpled skin like a rough orange peel. I honestly can't
    figure out what it was. Another fold of belly? Could be, but it just didn't look
    like it was attached in that way. A growth? I can't imagine not having it removed
    well before it got to be that size, especially for someone health-conscious enough
    to be at the gym. Odd.

    Definitely not the type of thing locker
    room protocol permits asking about. But I do have to ask about that tattoo.
    Anyhow, I do plan to talk to both more; they seem very nice and the choice of
    tattoos indicates some intelligence to me, a vast improvement over some of the
    dimwitted snots I've seen there before.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 22, 2003

    below the hips

    It's all about the nether extremities.

    It just sucks when you buy a
    pair of high heels because they're comfortable in the store, and then as soon as
    you really walk any distance they try to eat your feet.

    Also, I've
    been noticing lately that my legs are huge. They're not fat, really. (Full
    disclosure: Well, OK, My upper thighs do jiggle a little when I walk, but not far
    enough down to show in a skirt or medium shorts.) But it's mostly muscle, and
    there's lots of definition in the calves especially. It's just that both calf and
    thigh seem a bit disproportionate, and jeans that fit elsewhere are beginning to
    be tight in the thighs. Too many squats at the gym? What am I supposed to do about
    that? I have no desire to quit trying to get stronger.

    My mom even
    commented on them a coupl eof years ago, and I quote, "You know, Paula, for a
    little girl, you really have big legs." That was when I was in a heavy gym period.
    I cut down some times of the year in order to do more distance on water or erg,
    but I'm planning on lots of lifting this winter. So here I am again, Little Ms.
    Biglegs. Sigh.

    Anyway, it's past time to go home. Another crazy day.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 20, 2003

    house of pain

    I live in the House of Pain at the moment. I mean that almost literally. I'm not
    in pain myself, but the rest of the people here are. Rudder has persuaded a few
    people to either do the marathon race in Natchitoches, Louisiana this November or to train as if they were doing it -- training for a marathon (a real one, 26.2
    miles, 42.1 km) is not a bad way to get in shape for 5km head races.

    That's why Rudder and four others are doing marathon erg
    pieces in my living room right now. (Well, the guys have finished. The two women are still going. I planned to write this earlier but my Internet conection was down.) The living room is an admirable place for them because it has a tile floor so sweat drips are easily moppable and there's not normally any furniture there but a ping pong table, now folded and pushed out of the way. The first Terminator movie is playing, loud enough to be heard ver all the rowing machines; between that, the machines themselves and the window open to help keep air moving, they can be head from outside well away from my house. I hope we didn't wake anyone, as they started at 7AM.

    The living room is, as Mechaieh once noted, acoustically live. Sounds resonate in it. It's not easy to escape the noise, so I haven't gotten a whole lot of reading done. I did get my food shopping out of the way - came back and had to change movies for them, because *of course* getting up for an unplanned two minutes would compromise a three-hour marathon piece. Silly obsessives.

    They're almost done. That's a total of well over fifteen hours on the erg, among the five of them. Impressive .... but maybe I can get Rudder to do the mopping later.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:07 AM

    September 19, 2003

    not in my town

    I live in Chandler, row in Tempe, work in Phoenix, drive to work through
    Scottsdale, get my hair cut in Mesa -- it's all My Town. That's why I was
    incensed to hear that a mosque in Tempe was recently vandalized for the
    fifth time. Nazi symbols were spray-painted on it, and that's a bit of our
    recent past that doesn't need to be resurrected no matter whom it's directed
    against. More than that, though, it's ridiculous and appalling to tar a whole
    thousand-year-old religion with the terrorist brush. I don't much care what
    happens to those who have connived at wholesale murder and terror, but those
    people were not following the teachings of Muhammed any more than the Crusaders
    and Inquisitors were following the path of Jesus.

    I signed the href="">Declaration of
    and I stand by it. I cannot see this kind of act without speaking. I
    won't speak or even read hatred, to the point that I've removed diarists from my
    friends list who have expressed disdain for entire religious or ethnic groups. As
    an American, as a human, and most particularly as a Jew, I feel the duty not to
    keep silent. Possibly Fred Small can explain my reasoning better than I can; I
    don't think he'd mind my borrowing his words, properly credited. It's a bit long
    but I don't want to cut it; the asterisks are mine because I'm posting from

    Not In Our Town

    Words and Music by Fred Small

    Copyright 1994 Pine Barrens Music (BMI)

    When the Klan came to Montana, they made no grand parade.

    No hooded knights on horseback, no banners boldly raised.

    Spray paint and bomb threats, a voice on the telephone line:

    "Kill the n***s, kill the ho*os, Jew b***h die."

    Five-year-old Isaac woke screaming in the gloom.

    "Mommy, there's a man at my window, looking into my room."

    "Son, there's nothing out there but the shadows branches make."

    The little boy went back to sleep, his parents lay awake.

    For Isaac's bedroom window showed their faith for all to see

    The candles of the menorah stood for hope and memory.

    The next night, out of the darkness, a cinder block was hurled.

    It shattered Isaac's window, and the boundaries of his world.


    One moment of conviction, one voice quiet and clear,

    One act of compassion, it all begins here.

    No safety now in silence, we've got to stand our ground.

    No hate. No violence. Not in our town.

    The cop was not unfriendly. He said, "Ma'am, if I were you,

    I'd take down that menorah, the Star of David, too."

    Isaac's mother Tammy said, "I'm sure that's good advice.

    But how then could I ever look my children in the eye?"

    Then at their doorway a little girl did stand

    A gift for her schoolmate in her outstretched hand.

    A menorah drawn in crayon, from a Gentile to a Jew

    It read, "To Isaac, From Rebecca, I'm sorry this happened to you."



    Have you seen the paper? Did you hear the news?

    What kind of people are we? We thought we knew.

    Can children primed in prejudice in peace together dwell?

    If we look out through this shattered glass, do we see ourselves?

    Margaret McDonald called her pastor on the phone.

    "This time the Jews will not face their foes alone.

    We'll make paper menorahs, display them from our homes.

    We'll show the bigots there are more of us than they have stones."

    Volunteers printed up menorahs by the score.

    Children in their Sunday schools colored hundreds more.

    Grocers and dry cleaners gave out the design, singing:

    What's a little broken glass when freedom's on the line?

    Now in the town of Billings live not 100 Jews,

    But menorahs now were everywhere, on every avenue.

    Thousands upon thousands, in windows rich and poor.

    When a neighbor stands in danger, we will not close our door.


    Through the drifting snow, Tammy drove her children round

    To see all the menorahs in the windows of the town.

    "Are all those people Jewish?" asked Isaac as they went.

    "No," his mother answered, "they are your friends."


    repeat last line twice more:

    No hate. No violence. Not in our town.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 18, 2003

    imported weather

    Later note:

    One of the things the href="">ND said I might have is
    Wilson's Syndrome. The American Thyroid Organization href="
    s.html">doesn't think so

    Here's another thing I don't like about the climate here: we don't get storm days.
    Growing up in Philadelphia I got snow days. That one winter I sepnt in Worcester
    we even got storm days, though they're slightly less cool when you're living in a
    hotel rather than a house. Living in Houston we got hurricane days and ice storm
    days, and the hurricanes during those 7 years always seemed to hit far enough away
    that no one I knew got worse than a bit of water damage.

    Here we
    don't get snow or hurricanes. We do get monsoon storms severe enough to knock over
    tree limbs and cut the visibility down to where it's wiser to pull off the road,
    but those never last long. You don't get a day off, you just wait ten minutes for
    the storm to blow by. About the only time I've gotten time off was when I got to
    work from home due to the gas shortage a month or so ago and "work from home" is
    not exactly the same as "time off". We need some good snowstorms here. Anyone know
    where I can import one?

    And on a completely different note, why is it
    that no matter how much weight I can pump at the gym, holding a teeny tiny new
    baby makes my arm feel like lead after only a short time?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 17, 2003

    verdict on the ND

    Well, I went to the natureopath (ND)yesterday. Prognosis is still unclear. (I mean
    mine of him, not his of me.) His clinical manner couldn't be better: he spent
    an hour and a half with me. When was the last time you heard of any kind of
    doctor putting in that amount of patient time, except maybe during surgery?
    Furthermore, he didn't talk down to me in the least, except for defining terms
    when he thought it was necessary. He asked first if I had a biology background. (I
    don't, specifically, but am reasonably good at medspeak and general sciences.) He
    went into depth on my family and personal info and seemed interested in
    everything. When I mentioned reservations about specific things, like the blood-
    type diet (on which more below), he answered them fully, and told me why he
    believed in it and who did what research.

    And he gave me wind

    On the other hand, he does, as I said, buy into the blood-
    type diet, about which I'm very skeptical. Actually, its broad outlines sound very
    good and match my own experience and conclusions:

    I. Different people have
    different needs. The ND's response when I said that I tend to be uncomfortable
    with anything that says all humans fit into four groups was, "I agree, but most
    diets try to fit everyone into one group." Good answer.

    II. Given our blood
    types, Rudder needs to eat lots of meat and I should go easy on red meat and dairy
    and eat lots of veggies. This matches what we do already, and we do it because
    that's how we feel our best.

    III. Less processed foods are better than
    highly processed ones. Not that you can tell from how I eat, but at least to a
    degree, this makes sense to me.

    On the other hand, this diet doesn't
    stick to saying I should eat more fruits and veggies, it has long lists of which
    ones to eat and which ones to avoid. (Oranges and bananas are among the latter.
    Bananas are the ideal regatta breakfast: lots of potassium and you don't tend to
    puke them back up. Avoid them? Don't think so.) I have trouble taking a diet
    seriously that lists out specific fishes and says to eat salmon but not flounder
    or whatever that was. Ye gods and little fishes.

    Another reservation
    is that he said I might have hypoadrenalism, which according to the net is related
    to chronic fatigue syndrome and (in its acute form) to Addison's disease. I was OK
    with this possible diagnosis (apparently you normally diagnose by treating for it
    and seeing if the patient responds well) until I looked it up and the very first
    listing on the search engine mentioned a treatment used by Edgar Cayce. I am
    not taking ANY treatment recommended by Edgar bloody Cayce! Also, there was
    a warning from the AMA about one drug used by from "fringe practitioners" to treat
    it. So I'll have to see what he recommends as treatment and make my decision then
    -- he's supposed to send more info by email. Anyhow, it's pretty clear to me I
    don't have CFS or if I do it would have to be the world's record mild case, so if
    this is more than slightly related, I may also balk.

    I will try to
    avoid soda and go easy on the red meat, though.

    To his credit, the ND
    being also a rower, he did NOT recommend I give up rowing and take up the "gentle
    exercise such as yoga or golf" the blood-type book recommends, he said flat out
    that though he's seen dramatic improvement on the diet, he's also seen people for
    whom it didn't work, and he understands that nobody is just going to eat exactly
    what's listed in all those long lists - he said, "Just try to eat a bit less of
    THOSE and more of THESE and do what you can," or words to that effect. So I'll
    listen to what else he has to say.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 16, 2003

    killing pace

    The pace of my work just now can be described in one word:

    People are asking questions faster than I can answer
    them. They're sending things for me to review quicker than I can review them. This
    is a Good Thing, as I keep having to remind myself. This means they're working on
    the projects we've been pushing them to do. This also means, it being only
    September, that there's a good chance we'll make our hard deadline at the end of
    this year.

    If I'm not dead of exhaustion by then.

    I was
    amused, in a diary I read regularly, to hear a SAHM (Stay at-Home Mom) pointing
    out that her work takes an enormous amount of time, that people who do this and
    also have outside jobs tend to have housekeeping services, settle for messy
    houses, and eat a lot of take-out. All absolutely true, but missing one vital
    point: if I didn't have a paid job, I would be settling for a messy house, eating
    prepackaged and take-out food only every other day, and wishing for a housekeeping
    service. There are many reasons I don't plan to ever have "homemaker" or even
    "stay-at-home mom" as my primary job description, but one not insignificant one is
    that I would be terrible at it (though I do wish I could work at home). Of
    course, given a modicum of intellectual honesty, that means I can't disdain those
    who have skills I don't. I can only assume all those stereotypical men who (used
    to - one hopes it's past tense) assume running a house is easy have never tried.
    That, and wish I had a housekeeper.

    I was not amused at all to read
    in a diary I don't frequent, that the solution to stressful jobs is just to work
    less. Not all jobs pay by the hour, for one thing; for every professional thing
    I've ever done, you work the greater of 40 hrs/week or what's required to get the
    job done, or you don't have the job. I don't work overtime to satisfy my retail
    lusts; I don't get paid extra for OT at all. The thing that makes my day so long
    is the hideous (well, actually parts of it are quite pretty) commute. The only
    immediate solution to that would be to quit my job and the thing is, despite the
    pace at times, I like my job. I think it matters, I work with some great people,
    and it's something I think I can do well. As for stress and flurry, honestly, I do
    prefer having a bit of it, to keep me feeling challenged. It's just that there are
    limits. I'd be happy to cut back, if only there were anything I was willing to
    give up, but though I like the money, mercenary motives are not at the heart of it
    for me.

    P.S. If I know you and you're a fiction writer, you should take Emma Bull's and
    Will Shetterley writing seminar and
    come visit me just before or after. (And if you happen to be related to me and you
    don't have a car (hint hint) I might even be persuaded to drive you four hours or
    so to Bisbee.)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 15, 2003

    stress and the 'path

    Q. What sucks more than cutting your row short (only 1 lap) because you MUST get
    to work early to set up a class room for someone who's coming from out of town to
    teach at your site?

    A. Having said teacher arrive about five minutes
    after the class was set to begin.


    Tomorrow I have
    my appointment with the natureopath. About the closest I've ever gotten to
    alternative therapy is a massage, so this should be interesting. I've never even
    been to a chiropractor; I don't think I believe in them, except maybe for short
    term relief.

    I'm going to this guy because one of his areas of
    specialty is diet, and he's a rower so he knows what the sport entails. So far I'm
    impressed; he emailed me his forms so I can fill them out ahead of time instead of
    waiting in his office, and the forms themselves are very good. They ask lots of
    questions about things like allergies and diet I have seen on my regular doctors'
    forms. They also tell you up front that your insurance may not cover this - I give
    brownie points for honesty. Then again, they asked for both age and DOB. Minus
    brownie points for not being able to subtract.

    I did add a note to
    the bit realeasing him to do this or that, that I have to agree to each thing,
    though he could hardly dose me without my knowledge, I suppose. I like the idea
    of lifestyle counseling (I'm wondering if there may be deficiencies in my diet)
    and of looking at toxins in my environment, but though I have nothing against
    botanical medicine, it is medicine and I want to talk about side effects
    and interactions before taking any. The form also lists homeopathic medicines,
    which are defined as "prescribing the use of highly dilute substances that
    parallel the patient's symptoms to help minimize the patient's symptoms". Um,
    sounds like sympathetic magic to me. Do voodoo dolls count? Still, I figure I can
    always take the parts of the advice that make sense to me and ignore the rest.
    About the first four things I've listed under current health problems translate to

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 14, 2003

    a nest of books

    You know what my cats and I have in common? We all like to lie around surrounded
    by a big nest of books. Oh, and we all have Attitude and would like to get more
    sleep also.

    Work has now taken to giving us bonuses in the form of a
    special little Amex card with the bonus amount on it. This means it must be spent
    instead of, say, being put into savings or used to pay off a balance on the real
    credit card. Then they gave my groups bonuses for something we'd already gotten
    bonuses for, but mandated by a different level. Whatever. I suppose I could defeat
    their fell purposes by using it for, say, groceries, but instead I caved and
    headed for the local used book store.

    Cue Kaddish here, since it
    seems to have closed. So I spent it at the other local used bookstore, which is
    considerably less costeffective because actually only about half their stock is
    used and even those are mot sort of late model and thus more expensive than a haul
    from the other place used to be. Sigh.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:43 PM

    September 12, 2003

    annual fall lament

    This morning I did over 12km and it was in the high 70s with a breeze and oh it
    was nearly cool and the wind dried my sweat and oh. Oh. Oh.

    I even
    drove to work with the top down, though that might have worked better had I not
    attempted lowering it while stopped at a traffic light, resulting in my getting on
    the freeway with it not totally locked down. Oops. I was able to push it into
    place without veering out of my lane, though.

    Seventy-eight degrees
    at 5AM may not spell "fall" to most people, but I'll take it until I can get a
    better facsimile. (Actually, the depths of our winters would make lovely fall
    weather for many places.) There is something wonderful about weather that actually
    makes you do something energetic to sweat, as opposed to our summer heat which
    makes you into a dripping mess the second you step outside.

    In March
    1989, right after college I moved to Houston. In December 1995 I moved to Phoenix
    and I've been here ever since. That means I've spent fourteen years in hot
    climates and I have come to hate hot weather with a passion. It's a pity, because
    though I didn't like Houston much, I do like living in Phoenix otherwise. Then
    again, without the heat everyone would move to Phoenix and we'd turn into LA, our
    greatest collective fear. Also, I'm quite fond of my husband and he likes it here.
    He's not crazy about the heat either, but it doesn't bother him as much as it does
    me. He's willing to move eventually, but there always seems to be some reason for
    "eventually" not to turn into "now".

    Meanwhile I read href="">M'ris's paeans to Minnesota seasons and
    SWooP's accounts of New England's short hot spells, spectacular (though tourist-
    infested) falls and long cold winters and whimper longingly. Some day...

    Posted by dichroic at 11:52 AM

    September 11, 2003

    I feel the need ... for iambic pentameter?

    I can't quite figure out why John M. Ford's name sounds so familiar. I think it's
    a cross between the famous director of similar name (no M.) and the fact that it
    sounds like a character out of L.M. Montgomery. (Well, you know, he'd have had to
    be a son of Ken and Rilla Ford, mentioned in one of the later stories ... oh,
    never mind.) At any rate I do like his poem href="">110 Stories. I'm a sucker for those
    old-fashioned things like rhyme and scansion, especially when used in a poem that
    doesn't suck, that shows some craft and imagery and so on.

    It's been
    an interesting thing to notice over the more disastrous moments of the past few
    years: something about great collective sorrows or (more rarely) joys seem to call
    out in us a collective need for poetry. There will probably not be a memorial
    service today that does not include some sort of verse or song along with the
    names. Look back at the online diary entries from September 11 or the day of the
    Columbia explosion: when those things happened, many, many of us borrowed others'
    words that day. A little later, many attempted their own poetry in order to shape
    worldshaking events into something they could absorb. I have no doubt the same
    happened the day Pearl Harbor was bombed, or the day of the treaty at Appomattox
    or the day Martin Luther King was killed, though then it would have manifested in
    private letters or newspapers or chuch bulletins. I have no doubt the same is
    happening today in Sweden in response to the assassination of Anna

    Humans seem to need poetry for more private emotions too: we
    ignore it, most of us, in calm times but then find some verse to be read at
    weddings and funerals and graduations. From the executed murderer who borrowed href="">Invictus for his final
    defiance to the entire href="">page of poems, many
    execrable, each of which has nonetheless comforted a person bereaved of a pet, the
    same pattern shows. People who could not quote more of any verse than "Roses are
    red, violets are blue," at normal times, somehow find themselves needing something
    more than prose at their best and worst moments.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:17 PM


    September 11: I don't think I have anything to say, myself.

    href="">John M. Ford does, though.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:00 AM

    September 10, 2003

    getting stupid again

    I'm getting stupid again -- I feel discomfortingly like a character in Flowers
    for Algernon
    . Yesterday I forgot to put my engagement ring on when I got
    dressed after rowing which wouldn't be a big deal except that I was getting
    dressed in the gym, and I tend to turn my little multipocketed jewelry pouch
    upside down to get the earrings and whatnot out. If something falls out and I
    don't see it, I can possibly leave it behind, which is not a good thing to do to a
    diamond ring. (Hmm. Maybe it would be smarter NOT to do that to get stuff out. I
    think the fact that it's taken me this long to figure that out proves my general
    point.) I remembered in the car, and on arrival at work was able to find the ring
    where it had fallen out of the pounch (which I hadn't reclosed) into a bottom
    corner of my gym bag.

    Then last night when taking out the
    recyclables, I noticed my truck had its rear white lights on and was making an odd
    humming sound. Upon investigation I realized the electrical system was still on.
    After shutting down the truck, I'd remembered I'd left a CD in the player, and
    since I was planning to take my other car the next day, I turned the truck back on
    in order to eject the CD. Apparently I then got out and locked the door,
    neglecting to take my keys with me. It was daylight at the time, so the lights
    were less noticeable. If it hadn't been recycle night, I probably wouldn't yhave
    noticed till this morning, assuming someone hadn't broken a window and driven it

    I've always been forgetful, but two incidents in one day is a
    bit scary. I've also noticed recently that I seem to be a bit less coordinate with
    my hands and words. Rudder claims I've been using the wrong word more often
    lately, too. Of course this all could be due to any number of frightening medical
    conditions that I'm trying *really hard* not to think about, but I suspect it's
    most likely due to too much exercise or too little sleep. I've had times before
    when I took a week off rowing and felt as if my IQ had shot up 20 points and my
    brain had quit idling and slipped into gear. Rudder's suggestion was that I might
    have an imbalance in my diet that's exacerbated by higher caloric demands. That
    explanation doesn't feel right to me, even though I do tend to have low iron, but
    I'm thinking I might make an appointment with a naturopath who's also a rower and
    who specializes in diet issues, just in case.

    I'm also taking
    tomorrow off from working out, but that has more to do with rewarding myself for
    doing a 5K erg test this morning. Therein lies a whole 'nother story but it
    involves way too much self-pity so I might not retell that one.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 09, 2003

    logos and ergos

    I would like to award Alex Jay Berman, more generally referred to here as My
    Brother the Writer, the award for href="">Longest GBook Entry Ever. (Should
    we declare a new holiday? :-)

    Go read his entry, anyway; it's

    And now you know three things: 1) Yes, logorrhea does
    run in the family. 2) So does the historic trivia gene. 3) Why he's not referred
    to as My Brother the Editor. Though, in all fairness, it's not entirely his fault,
    since signmyguestbook doesn't allow paragraph breaks.

    If I didn't
    have so much history here, I'd seriously consider moving over to LiveJournal just
    because I like their comment system much better. I do have a journal over there,
    actually, but only to simplify keeping up with some friends and a couple of rowing
    communities there.

    Tomorrow morning, the City group I'm coxing for is
    doing erg tests. This is primarily to help determine who gets in the women's boat
    that will be racing at the Head of the Charles but I think everyone has to do a
    test. It's good to collect data occasionally to check progress. However, Wednesday
    is the morning I cox for them, so now I have to choose between a few unsavory

    • Cox on Friday instead.
    • Hang out
      to help "cox" people on the ergs, encouraging them to get their best times. (This
      can be combined with Option 3)
    • Do an erg piece myself, to assess my
      own progress and to gain the team's respect by being willing to suffer with them
      (and just possibly, beat a few people's times).

    this is one of those situations, the kind where the right choice is both
    obvious and unpleasant. Granted that I do spend a lot more time on an erg than
    most of these people, most of my erg practices are either not at high intensity or
    not all that long. I have been trying to ramp it up during my warmups for
    weightlifting, but those are only 1km pieces. 5K's hurt. Actually, Yosemite
    Sam might make us do 6Ks for all I know. Those hurt for a thousand meters

    Damn, damn, damn. Guess I'd better spend the rest of today
    resigning myself to twenty-four minutes of pain tomorrow. Or if I try real hard,
    maybe twenty-three minutes.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:46 AM

    September 08, 2003

    how I spent my weekend

    Don't ask me why I'm less inclined to update during the weekends, but I am. I
    think it has something to do with not being stuck in front of a monitor for
    hours on end.

    So, the weekend, more or less in

    Went a-rowing Saturday morning for a videotaping session. Got
    taped, returned boat to boatyard, hurried back down to pilot boat so others could
    be taped (the City rents its launch out for cheap, but Rudder and I are the only
    two checked out on it). It is astonishingly relaxing to ride around on a gas-
    powered boat watching others sweat behind a pair of oars. I bet Cleopatra rode
    her barge up and down the Nile, just to watch (on the upwind leg) her bargemen
    sweating in the sun, their oiled muscles gleaming.... Uh, sorry, I digress.
    Afterwards, we went into the lake ops building to watch ourselves on tape. Turns
    out I've got a weird bobble with my left hand I need to correct, and I open up my
    body too soon (sorry, takes too long to explain; just take my word I shouldn't)
    but not too bad overall. Rudder is upset because he "shoots his slide" moving his
    body back before his oars are in the water, pure wasted effort. On the other hand,
    he can beat just about anyone on the lake. I, on the other hand, may have decent
    form but am slow. I need a rowing event where they give style

    After we went out to breakfast with She-Hulk, we got home to
    find we'd missed T2 and Egret at the lake, probably while we were watching the
    tape. We relaxed a bit, did a few errands, then went over to see them and meet the
    next generation. (I suppose if their mother is Egret, that makes them chicks.)
    They're less than two months old now, or in other words, itty wee chicklets wif
    the tiny ears and the itsy-teeny fingernails and the cloud-soft fuzzy little
    heads. Awww... They also take turns fussing every few minutes, seem to be hungry
    quite a lot, and then of course there's the whole diaper thing. Definitely didn't
    leave me with any desire ever to have twins. But they sure are cute, not to
    mention, as Rudder said, being very "interactive" for such young babies. He's very
    good with babies and little kids, actually, but tends to refer to them as if they
    were video games.

    On Sunday we went over another rowers house to see
    some video of the Masters Nationals races. Possibly because one of the primary
    cameramen was 10 and the other nearly 15, the video wasn't as closely focused or
    helpful as we'd have wished.

    Then Sunday evening we had a bit of a
    spat, quite likely because, well, remember a week or so ago when I reported that I
    told Rudder he needed to focus on me and us a bit, having focused mostly on rowing
    for the previous two months? (Actually, I'm not sure if I reported that here, but
    I did tell him, all proud of myself for being proactive about asking for what I
    needed.) Notice how we spent the weekend? Rowing, rowing, babies, rowing, rowing.
    Definitely a pattern there. It's partly my fault, though; when he was dithering
    over whether to apply for the Head of the CHarles, I probalby shouldn't have
    talked him in to it. I didn't think he'd want to train as intensely as he's now
    planning to. Then again, even if I hadn't talked him into it, he'd still be
    training for just in case he decides to row a marathon two weeks after the
    Charles, so I can't take all the blame. Sigh.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Arrival Day

    It's not surprising I had never heard of href="">Arrival Day,
    considering it's only just been invented. Now that I have heard of it, thanks
    (predictably) to Baraita, it's not the sort of thing I can ignore.

    Jews have long memories. It's not genetic, of course; it's ingrained by years of
    Hebrew school teaching about ancient and modern persecutions, acts of heroism and
    narrow escapes; in rituals that preserve tribal memories; in holiday celebrations
    designed to make us feel that events of three thousand years ago happened to us,
    personally -- and to remind us of their echoes in our times. But a four thousand
    year history of victimhood alone would not be tenable; there would be nothing
    worth preserving of the Jewish culture if we had done nothing but whine since the
    time Jacob's older sons beat up on their youngest brother Joseph. So we remember
    the points of light in the darkness. We celebrate the escape from Egypt and remind
    ourselves not to act like the Egyptians when we are in their position of power. We
    remember the heroic acts of the Danes in WWII and remind ourselves that there are
    people willing to risk their lives to save others and that with all our history of
    wandering, there have been times when we were welcomed and treated as

    That's why, even though I am writing a day late, it's
    worth celebrating the arrival of Jews in America and remembering that this is one
    country in which a Jew is not necessarily considered a visitor but can be an
    American, with all the freedoms and duties that entails. As such, it's also worth
    remembering that we have a responsibility not just to follow the laws of the land,
    as we would anywhere (it's part of the teachings of the Talmud, in fact) but to
    work to hold the country to its ideals.

    I couldn't watch all of
    President Bush's speech last night; frankly, I was eating dinner and just couldn't
    face him. But Rudder had the TV on and I did hear part of the speech where he
    talked about perserving freedoms in and banishing terror from Iraq. I couldn't
    help thinking at the time that we need to be even more vigilant in preserving
    freedoms and banishing terror right here, in maintaining and protecting our rights
    to read what we want, to think what we want, to love how we want. And those of us
    with long memories owe it to our ancestors, whether they arrived on April 7, 1654,
    or at the turn of the twentieth century as my own family did, to make sure that
    new arrivals still are permitted to breathe free and to make new lives behind the
    golden door, here in America, the Goldeneh Medineh.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:29 PM

    September 05, 2003

    boat talk

    I feel better, less overwhelmed, after getting sufficient sleep last night. That's
    even after pushing it a bit on the water this morning. I've been mostly keeping it
    at 60% which would be fine for this segment of my training except that I ought to
    be increasing distance too and I keep being limited by time pressure. At any rate,
    I did a 20-minute piece at more like 80% this morning, which is close to head race
    pace. I'm not really planning to race this season ... except that if I
    break down and do the local race I wouldn't want to embarass

    I only did 10K today, but I'll get in a little bit of
    distance tomorrow anyhow, because Rudder's arranged a videotaping session. Not
    only is he training for the Charles late next
    month (and incidentally, the three local clubs each got a crew in that event --
    results of the draw were posted yesterday -- so I will know others there) but my
    husband the masochist is still training for Natchitoches just in case he manages
    to coordinate the vacation time and funds to race the marathon there. When I say
    "marathon", by the way, that's a precise use of the word. It is a real marathon,
    26.2 miles long, albeit rowing rather than running. He did it once before, in
    1995, and loved it. *shudder*. My idea of fun is a 300m sprint.

    video session should help me even though I'm not really training for a race at the
    moment. I think my form's been a bit off ever since I put a lower rigger on the
    boat. On the other hand, this riger (the part that holds the oarlock) should at
    least make it possible for me to improve. The old one was too high which made it
    impossible for me to do a full stroke -- my blade kept "washing out" or rising up
    out of the water too soon. So maybe if I can work with this one, I can get a bit
    more speed. Maybe.

    Rowing is all about tinkering. There's essentially
    one motion:


    repeated thousands of times. It's the rower's job to get this perfect, and it's
    the boat's job to permit him or her to do it. There are so many things that can go
    wrong even for a fairly good rower: the blades bounce on the water during the
    recovery, creating friction; the oars don't come out cleanly at the finish; the
    oars come out too early or go in too late; the rower leans forward or back too
    much or too little; the rower rushes the recovery and doesn't get the maximum
    glide out of each stroke. Even the elite rowers are always trying to improve and
    it's made more difficult that so many things are stillmatters of opinion on which
    no two coaches think alike. Watch a race on TV sometime: the Australians will move
    hands, body and legs simultaneously while Americans may extend hands then bosy
    then legs on the recovery; Italians will be very fluid while the Brits may be
    stiffer. Some countries go for size, others for whipcord strength and they all use
    different degrees of layback or forward lean, different timing on the recovery,
    different boat setups, different training styles. Whenever someone wins at the
    elite level, others will copy their style, which may or may not be productive.
    Some rowers win despite a bad style, some because of a good one. It's impossible
    to tell.

    (Though one thing is definite. You will never see an elite
    rower who stands 5'2".)

    Posted by dichroic at 12:15 PM

    September 04, 2003

    too much?

    I am just having a can't-do-it day. I'm feeling overwhelmed by my gym routine (I
    walked in feeling great, walked out feeling like crap), my commute (takes way too
    big a bite out of my day, and 45 minutes on the highway is downright dangerous
    when I'm post-workout groggy) and most especially by work. Too much stuff to do in
    general, too much conflicting stuff in particular, too many people who don't care
    or don't agree on what needs to be done. Just too much stuff. I feel downtrodden
    and overwhelmed.

    Which is of course completely ridiculous. I have a
    major accomplishment for the week. (Got that writing submission sent out! I'm a
    real writer with a real submission now! And possibly a real rejection to come!
    Maybe I'll frame it.) I have a supportive husband who takes my writing seriously
    even though I really don't. (He cleaned the litter box, a bedtime chore, while I
    was up past my bedtime getting a quick read-through and submission tips from My
    Brother the Writer.) I have, as mentioned, friends nad family to give me advice
    when needed. And I even have a bit of relief on the work front. I just love being
    told to evaluate something and given someone's name as a starting point... and
    then finding out that that person has already done the relevant evaluation and
    printed it up in a neat report.

    But I do still get too much
    commuting, too little time to row, and too little time to sleep.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:32 PM

    September 03, 2003

    not sent yet

    OK, I lied. I didn't send that stuff out yesterday. But it was for a good reason,
    honest. By the time Rudder (a ruthless proofreader) got to it and then got through
    with it, it was bedtime. The ironic part: Rudder, who can't spell for beans (I
    mean, literally, for all I know, he might have trouble spelling "for beans") even
    caught me a misspelling a name. He says the writing samples are much more polished
    than the accompanying letters, which doesn't really seem like a bad thing to me.
    Part of it is because I'd spent more time on the sample essays, but a major part,
    I think, is just that I am a better essayist than cover-letter-writer. Of course
    I'll try to get the letters as good as I can, since in this case every bit of my
    writing they see counts for or against me.

    I planned to cox for
    Yosemite Sam's group today, but ended up riding in the launch with him instead.
    The city is paranoid about possible liability issues, so even though I've rowed
    and coached for them before and they ought to have all my waivers on file, I can't
    get in one of their rowing shells until I am officially registered for this
    quarter. The crowning indignity is that they are going to charge me to cox! It's
    only $10, probably for their (perceived) liability costs or possibly their
    insurance, but coxing is the sort of service for which people are generally
    grateful, since most rowers would far rather row.

    Off to the next

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 02, 2003


    Don't ever tell anyonr I said this, but I don't have enough
    meetings today

    Don't worry about my sanity, though; there
    really is a rational reason. The reason is that I am wearing the boots from href="">yesterday. The thing
    about these boots is that they weigh about ten pounds each. I don't know why.
    Maybe they're intended for riding horses, so that the horse and stirrup would
    carry all the weight, though the heel doesn't look right to me for that. But then
    again, I know nothing about riding except what I've garnered fro frequent
    childhood readings of Black Beauty and most of the black Stallion books.
    At any rate, intended for riding or not, these are serious stomping boots. What I
    need now are meetings with nasty and lazy people so I could have someone to stomp.
    Unfortunately, what I have are only a few meetings and those are with people who
    are either doing the right things or have good reasons why they

    I suppose I could go find out if there are any roaches in the
    bathrooms. But then I'd get my boots all messy.

    Tonight: review and
    envelope the cover letter, query and writing samples because yes I was a good girl
    and did get them all done last night despite the bottle of wine Rudder insisted we
    finish. Tomorrow: show up to cox for Yosemite Sam's program. Should be
    interesting. I'm not sure yet whether I mean that in a sarcastic way or not. Ask
    me tomorrow.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:46 AM

    September 01, 2003

    not an exciting weekend

    Ah'm tahred. Somehow that sounds tireder in Texan. Saturday we cut down and
    then cut up trees and hauled them off to the brushpit, a task both depressing and
    strenuous. Now that they've gotten most of our Ponderosas, the bark beetles and
    drought have apparently decided pinon pines are tasty too. We're both stlil sore.
    Yesterday involved reducing Mount Laundry to a molehill and a few other assorted
    errands. Today I rowed 12.5 K, which shouldn't be grueling as pure distance but
    was because of the heat and (for Tempe) humidity. Then I came home, showered, and
    headed back to the boatyard with Rudder to spend another hour or two working on
    the boats. Came home, ate lunch and went shoe

    Unfortunately, spending a 3-day holiday weekend and doing
    very few unusually fun things tends to leave me feeling cheated, which wouldn't be
    a major problem if I didn't deal with it with retail therapy. I suppose it's
    probably cheaper than a shrink in the long run, but it would be fair to say that
    buying four pairs of shoes could be construed as excessive. In my own defense,
    three pair were replacements for shoes I'd had a while that are starting to come
    apart. And the fourth ... well, really. I ask you. How could I be expected to
    resist th
    ? And for 2/3 of the listed price, at that?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:05 PM

    August 31, 2003


    Its all Mechaieh'sfault for telling me
    about a rowing magazine writing gig. How could I resist that? Writing samples
    together, check, only two or three weeks later than I meant to have them. Actualy,
    I found a bunch of old stuff I had forgotten on the other computer, so I'll have
    more than I thought. Now all I have to do is write a cover letter and query letter
    to go with them.

    Um... anyone know how to write a cover letter and
    query letter for this sort of thing? I mostly only know about cover letters for
    technical jobs.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 29, 2003

    pines and mindreaders

    Now Jenn's got me jonesing for some
    fresh pine air. Fortunately, I think we're going up to the property tomorrow. The
    high country around Arizona's Mogollon Rim is actually a lot like parts of Oregon,
    and the area farther north around Flagstaff is much like the drier parts of the
    Cascades. The air is clear and the temperatures are comfortable all year round. We
    don't have horses in the area where we own a lot (though there are some, not to
    mention bison, right across the main road) but since it's an airpark we do have
    the tang of avgas in the air.

    I didn't update yesterday because I was
    helping out at a company event all day. I won't go into detail but will note it
    was about the best run thing of its sort I've ever seen. It was held at a Hyatt
    Regency and everything was first class all the way.

    By the time I got
    to go home, it was about ten PM -- well past my bedtime but the event had a racing
    theme and we were all pretty revved up by the end. I'd driven the Mozzie in and
    had put it in valet parking, mostly because I never did figure out where the
    regular parking was, if they had any. Besides, the day before I'd noticed the
    valets were trying not move the seats from where the owners had them, so I figured
    it would be pretty funny watching someone tall (they were all tall, compared to
    me) try to get out out my car. (It wasn't, as it turned out, because he did have
    to move the seat back a bit.) As I got into my car in the cooler night air, I
    realized I had the perfect antidote to falling asleep on the drive home: I opened
    the roof. Just right.

    There was only one problem: I couldn't find the
    right driving music on the radio, especially after the pulse-pounding stuff they'd
    been playing at the event to get everyone's blood pressure up. AC/DC's "You Shook
    Me" eould have been ideal, or maybe something by Thoroughgood, but no luck. I
    tried the various rock stations and finally ended up switching between one of them
    and a country station just trying to find something heavy on the bass and drums,
    but still with a recognizable melody. Of course, they waited to put anything at
    all appropriate to my mood on until I was half a mile or less from home. Silly
    radio stations - aren't they supposed to be better at mind-reading than this?
    Where are Wolfman Jack or Vin Scelsa when you need them?

    Posted by dichroic at 12:21 PM

    August 27, 2003

    various feminine surrealities

    I am bleeding, drat it.

    Actually, that's exactly what I'd be
    expecting to do, just at the moment. However, since I'm on the Pill, I'd have
    expected it to begin yesterday and end tomorrow. Instead it began last Saturday
    and has been going on uniformly(albeit lightly) ever since. There's a possibility
    I missed a pill last Thursday in the frenzy of packing, so this may not be a
    problem, but if it's still going on by Friday I'm calling my doctor. This sort of
    thing was normal for meback in the days when I wasn't artificially regulated, but
    hasn't happened once in the nearly twenty years (!) I've been on the

    And speaking of TMI, I had the most surreal conversation
    Sunday. On Saturday the women from the other local rowng program had been joking
    around about one, a firefighter, getting an breast augmentation so that next time
    she has to do a rescue the rescuee will have something to hang on to. For the full
    visual effect you need to know that whenever they have to rescue someone from a
    fall in a bathtub, or, say, a heart attack in a bed, the victims always seem to be
    a) completely naked (makes sense, in the tub) and clincally morbidly obese, as in
    400-500 pounds. Appealing picture, no? So of course, I winced, and then they
    started more or less bragging, along the lines of, "Oh, that's nothing. We get
    pretty raunchy around here." You know how people do.

    People who know
    me well know not to throw me a challenge like that. I don't do it much any more,
    because unfortunately I rarely get to hang out around the right kind of assholes
    these days, but am quite capable of out-grossing the raunchiest, when I get

    However, this time I wasn't even trying. On Sunday they got
    onto the topic of breast size again, so I told the story of a heavily endowed
    woman I knew in college. She thought the, er, handles made her God's gift to
    mankind, emphasis on the man part, so whenever I wanted to irk her I'd start
    jumping up and down. And in those days I didn't wear a bra if I could possibly get
    away without it, which I generally could, being only slightly convex. It used to
    annoy her because even at nineteen, she couldn't do that even with an underwire in

    I think of that as a fairly innocuous story, It's one I've
    quite probably told to my mother. But this woman, the self-proclaimed queen of
    raunch, the one who always talks about how rough the humor is in the firehouse,
    got totally grossed out. So I said, "How can you mind that considering what you
    were discussing just yesterday?" and she said, "But I was JOKING! I'd never really
    get a boob job!"

    Well, no shit - I didn't really think her service
    credo included altering her body to provide handholds. But she apparently thought
    the concrete idea of me going braless was far worse than her hypothetical
    proposition. I pushed it for another sentence or two, but eventually had to just
    go sit somewhere else or I'd have begun just gibbering, "But ... but ... but..."
    Not a productive conversational tactic.

    Almost forgot: I
    had to go see the judge this morning for the arraignment from my accident a month
    ago. He told me not to take Defensive Driving because it wouldn't make any
    difference with my insurance, and he waived the fine. So the good part is I don't
    have to do anything more or pay anything, and if I got a speeding ticket or
    something I could still take the class, but the bad part is it's still on my

    Posted by dichroic at 11:26 AM

    August 26, 2003

    Nationals report

    Masters Nationals were fun. Thunderstorms forced pauses in the heat races
    on Thursday and Friday, but for the two days I was there, the weather could hardly
    have been better - a bit warm in the sun but comfortable in the shade. Of course
    the racers were a bit warm, since there's not a lot of shade on the river, and the
    occasional breezes that felt so good to spectators were having definite and
    erratic effects on the races, but none of it was what I've come to think of as
    "regatta weather". (Whitecaps, crosswinds, headwinds, low water, you name

    We were sharing a tent (actually, a large industrial-type
    canopy) with the one boat from the City program and with a club from Colorado. One
    of their members, ErgChamp, so named because he actually is world champion on the
    erg for his age and weight class, also often races with us. The tent gave us
    plenty of room to spread out, with big tables and small chairs. We had also
    brought our own lounge chairs as well as enough food and stuff to cover the
    tables, and the tent gave us a perfect view of the finish

    Hardcore's youngest, who is 10 or so, was there for the whole
    event; he's homeschooled (very well) so the time out of school wasn't a problem.
    Apparently he did a stellar job as the general gofer and pit crew during the
    heats, keeping track of which shoes belonged to whom, not easy when everyone is
    wearing Tevas, and manning the videocamera. By the weekend he had plenty of help,
    from me, as well as Hardcore, the Judge, and the Judge's partner, none of whom had
    made it to finals. (And all of whom were nonetheless happy with the races they had
    rowed and eager to help their teammates. This was especially notable in light of
    another factor I'll get to later.)

    He didn't need much help on
    Saturday. We were there all day to enjoy the races but only had two. Rudder had
    one of his men's doubles races on Saturday, but they came in fourth of seven or
    so. No medal, but not too shabby for a national-level race with competition cfrom
    across the country. Another woman from our club, an ex-Olympian, did win her event
    by a large margin, with open water between her and the next boat. No surprise
    there. There were trophies for some events -- just wherever some individual or
    group had decided to endow one -- and a few of us pointed out to her and the
    officials that one of the largest was for her event, as apparently no one had
    noticed. She flew out that night, that being her only race; I have no idea how she
    got a 3-foot-high cup home on the plane.

    Sunday was much busier. As
    noted, Rudder won a total of four medals, three silver in LM2xA, LM4xB, and Mx2xB,
    and one bronze in a pickup boat in M4+AA. No trophies though. Also, another woman
    who I will probably need to nom soon, who I will call C for now, raced in her
    single and in a mixed double, with a guy who raced in Rudder's Saturday double and
    in his Sunday quad. She didn't win anything either time, but was very happy (or
    will be when the initial disappointment fades) just to have made it to finals in
    her single. Her other race, the doubles race in which Rudder and She-Hulk got
    their silver, had no heats and went straight to finals.

    The City
    women came all that way and only did one race, which just baffles me. Their young
    cox, actually the son of one of the women in the boat, did end up getting asked to
    cox a few other boats. I developed a liking for him over the weekend; I'd never
    talked to him much before. Can't say the same (on either count) for some of his
    rowers, though, though a couple of them are nice enough. They went in expecting to
    win, which I always think is a mistake. Being determined to win (or at least win a
    medal) seems to work much better. They are quite strong, but this is Nationals and
    there's a lot more than just strength to it. They did make it to finals, as they
    confidently expected, but then came in fourth in the race. A sense of entitlement
    is a dreadful anchor to drive through the water behind your boat.

    championship award for Overall Regatta Jerk actually goes to one of the club
    people, though. He came in dead last in his singles race seconds -- but again,
    this is Nationals. The competition level is higher than any we get in our other
    races, and each race isn't even a setback, no matter how you place, but a learning
    point. He was last by only 5 seconds, half a minute behind the winner, which isn't
    embarassing. Apparently he was so discouraged that he told Hardcore, at the
    start of their doubles race together
    that he was giving up and quitting rowing
    or at least wouldn't be around the boatyard for a very long time. This is not,
    needless to say, the attitude you'd want in your partner heading into a race. They
    weren't expecting to win, but now Hardcore doesn't even have the satisfaction of
    knowing they've tried their best as a crew. As least she does have that from her
    other two races. Even worse, he then packed up and left immediately for home, not
    waiting around to watch finals. This isn't the action of a supportive team member,
    but would only have counted as whiny babyishness except for one thing: he had
    brought up C and her boat in his truck. Even if she'd wanted to, she couldn't
    leave; she HAD made it to finals and had another race on Sunday as well. What kind
    of person maroons someone a twleve hour drive away from home just so he can go
    sulk? She couldn't exactly catch a plane home; her boat is a bit large for carry-
    on luggage. Luckily they caught him before he left and put a boat Rudder had been
    carrying that wouldn't be needed for the weekend on his truck, and Rudder was able
    to make room for C in the Hummer. He already had She-Hulk riding with him, as well
    as a heck of a lot of equipment, so this was a nontrivial task, but he's talented
    at fitting things in. The other guy claimed he had told people he would be leaving
    early, but somehow no one else had any memory of that (and, as Hardcore said,
    she'd have thought he was joking if she had heard.) The guy was apparently
    terribly terribly hurt when Rudder, whom he respects inordinately, told him this
    was not a cool thing to do. To his credit, Rudder apparently managed not to use
    the sort of language that immediately leaps to mind (to my mind, at least) in this
    sort of situation.

    Anyway, at least he provided the sort of
    outlandish story every event needs to be memorable. Aside from that, we all had a
    great time. It was sort of like being at rower camp -- everyone there had a common
    interest, almost every one was fit, everyone understood when you commented on a
    boat. I felt very short, nothing new for me, and oddly chesty (unis don't do much
    for cleavage). I did feel a bit left out because I wasn't competing, and a few
    random bitchy comments from the City chicks but my crew know I'm there for them
    even when I'm not on the water, and I was able to help out enough to be part of
    the team. It was good.

    Getting home after midnight and getting to
    work the next morning wasn't so good, but that's another story.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:22 PM

    August 25, 2003

    concierge crew

    Yet another hyper-busy day, butin case anyone was wondering, I did get to take a
    classic Mark Spitz photo of Rudder. On Sunday morning in the first race he was
    asked into a men's four at the last minute - I don't think he's done sweep rowing
    (one oar instea dof two) in a year or so, but when a former National Team member
    asks, you *don't* refuse. They won a bronze in that one. (Rudder said he was just
    along for the ride in that race!)

    In the races he'd planned to be
    in, he came in second and won silvers in three races: a men's quad, a men's
    double, and the mixed double with She-Hulk.

    It's always a little
    depressing to hang out at a race when you're not competing, but aside from some
    random bitchiness from the other local crew with whom we were sharing a tent
    (there's a story I'll have to post later) I had a good time. Apparently Hardcore's
    youngest son did an excellent job being pit crew on Thursday and Friday, but by
    the weekend, there were a couple other folks who hadn't made finals, so we carried
    oars and shoes for Rudder and the others competing. We ended up doing so much
    fetching and carrying that I have decided in future we will no longer call it pit
    crew but rather concierge service: beachside oar delivery, valet shoe parking,
    bottles of the finest water provided.

    Got home and into bed around
    12:30, which made getting to work this morning in time for my several morning
    meetings not particularly fun.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:05 PM

    August 21, 2003

    latest race update

    Update, Friday at 8:30AM:

    Bad news: I talked to Rudder last night. Apparently one guy dropped out of his
    race, bringing the number of entries from 22 to 21. As a result, they're not doing
    semifinals and the top two, not top three, from each heat will advance. (He did
    know this before the race, so it's not unfair.) His next race is the double with
    She-Hulk, today in the late afternoon. I'll be at the airport by then and can't
    watch results but I do think they have a good shot at the finals. Several of his
    races go straight to finals without any heats (it all depends on the number of
    entries) so he will be racing Sat. and Sun.

    Update, 6PM:

    Rudder made it to the finals in his single! WOOHOOO!!! You know those really
    really big muffins they sell nowadays? My husband is a stud one of those. His
    mixed four didn't do too well, though (again, not a priority boat) and just about
    everyone else from this club has been DFL or nearly. Hope things go beer tomorrow.
    I'd like to see at least Rudder and She-Hulk's double and She-Hulk and Hardcore's
    double also make it to finals. Meanwhile, time to go pack.


    Results are up for Heat #1 of his event. He's in Heat #3...?

    Update, 4PM:

    Grrrrr... They STILL aren't showing results for Rudder's singles race at 2:43.
    Actually I think racing may have paused due to rain. Since when is it supposed to
    rain in Sacramento???

    In the three races that have happened so far, my club hasn't done too well. On the
    other hand, two of those were people who don't really train all that much and the
    third was a pick-up sort of boat -- the four people in it do train hard but don't
    row together all that much. So not a huge disappointment, but I hope it doesn't
    depress their spirits for later races.

    I'll update after Rudder's
    race in an hour or so -- cross your fingers and hold your thumbs at 2:43

    Posted by dichroic at 01:47 PM

    August 20, 2003

    another legacy of Franklin

    Sorry no entry today -- Wednesdays and Thursdays seemed to be my busiest ones so I
    may not have much to say tomorrow either. Then again, I might.

    I just realized. Meetings all day mean I might miss some of Rudder's races on href=""> Maybe some of them are telecons.

    caught myself reverting to childhood lately, in an odd way. When I was about
    three, one eye was weaker than the other and tended to turn in. Still does
    sometimes when I'm tired and I often lok like I'm stoned in photos because of it.
    They put me in bifocals, which tend to correct that for reasons I don't quite
    understand, and clipped a patch on one side for a while. When I got to stop
    wearing the patch, they kept me in bifocals. These were what are called executive
    bifocals, with a line straight across, because that was the only kind that would
    fit in the tiny glasses I wore then.

    I was slightly farsighted at
    that time, but too much time spent staring at a book eventually made me
    nearsighted. When I was nine, I got to not wear glasses for a year, because my
    eyes hit a normal point in their transition from far- to nearsighted. When I had
    to start wearing glasses again, I kept the bifocals. When I was a bit older, the
    doctor gave me a choice whether or not to have them. They really are more
    comfortable when you're used to them, so I kept them. I don't mind the lines,
    having had them all my life, so I just stuck with the executive bifocal.

    In college I got my first contact lenses (and walked around
    crosseyed for a week until my eyes got used to them). I didn't get bifocal
    contacts because they weren't really necessary and it just seemed too complicated.
    I do find the plain lenses a bit uncomfortable for tiny things like embroidery or
    looking at mint marks on pennies, but that's not exactly a major problem.

    A few years ago I found my glasses were making me dizzy even after
    I'd had that pair long enough to get used to them. The optometrist recommended
    getting the tiniest lens I could find. Fortunately very small ones were in fashion
    then (still are, and they're more flattering on my face anyhow) but I did have to
    ditch the bifocal to wear them. Then a month or so ago I switched to a new kind of
    contact that you can wear a month at a time and now I hardly wear glasses at all

    So, to get back to my original point, I wore bifocals most of
    my life but haven't had them for a few years now. So why do I suddenly keep
    noticing myself tilting my head up as it to look at the monitor through the bottom
    lenses? I've just had my eyes checked or I'd wonder if they were changing again.

    August 19, 2003


    I don't know if I'm turning into an insufferable Pollyanna in my early middle age,
    but I would like to report that it is very possible to find something to be glad
    about even in a local gasoline shortage. To wit: it's given me the excuse
    civic duty to telecommute to work today.

    Fortunately, Rudder and I
    had both gassed up our trucks over the weekend without waiting in any lines.
    (Apparently things were much wrse on the north side of town and I heard stories at
    work about people waiting an hour or three at the pump.)

    I still
    don't have the measure of the Mozzie yet and its tank went down from half to one
    quarter in the course of yesterday's commute. They were talking about trucks
    rolling into town with more petrol overnight, so I decided to fill up on the way
    to the gym this morning. It's only about 3 miles off but there are several
    stations en route, this being the sort of place where you have to drive

    Artificial shortages can make for some odd situations.
    (Supposedly there's enough gas in town, but not all of it's actually at the pumps
    and some of the problem is people panicking as usual.) So, first station: no gas.
    Second station, no gas. Third station: people lining up outside the station for at
    least a block.

    But I thought I'd seen something and I turned around.
    Sure enough, the station right across from the second one had gas, and didn't have
    too much of a crowd. I lined up only abot three cars back from a working pump, bt
    when the guy opposite pulled away and no one was waiting, I was able to pull the
    nozzle across and fill up without moving the car.

    So I have two
    vehicles here with full tanks, but given that most of what I had to do today was
    telecons and documents, plus the fact that reports are that this could take
    anywhere from the rest of the week up to four weeks, telecommuting seemed like a
    good idea. Since my boss did it yesterday I figured she couldn't really complain.
    The fact that telecommuting is something I've been asking to do more of because it
    gives me a precious extra 1.5 - 2 hours in my day? Not a factor at all, nudge
    nudge wink wink.

    Good thing Rudder and the Crush are off in
    California where there isn't a shortage.

    By the way, to the person who got here searching for "how to get rid of bus in
    flour": what do you think sifters were invented for?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 18, 2003

    flying solo

    After an hour or so of loading up boats, gear, and people, Rudder sailed (um,
    wrong sport) off this morning to head up to Sacramento for Masters Nationals. He
    expects to arrive on Wednesday, which should give him time to rig the boats, do a
    practice row or two, and find a good spot to set up the awnings. You can only rent
    a commercial tent close to the water, which they've done, but an awning back in
    the trees should be handy for naps and such, not to mention more comfortable seats
    than the folding ones in the rented tent.

    The race starts on Thursday; heats are Thursday and Friday and finals (of course
    they'll make it to finals!) will be on Saturday and Sunday. Not all of his events
    have heats; some had fewer entries and so go straight to finals. He's racing in a
    single, a couple of doubles, and a quad. Any readers who are interested and who
    know his real name or want to email me for it) can watch results at href="">Racetrak for the following races:


    Event #47, M1xB at 2:29(first heat)

    Event #54, Mx4xC at 3:56


    Event #121, Mx2xB at 4:12 (first heat)


    Event #47s, M1xB semifinal at 7:45(if he's in the top 3 on Thursday)

    Event #42, MLt2xA at 1:14

    Event 47, M1xB final (if he's in the top 3 in the morning) at 2:29

    Event #54, Mx4xC at 4:09 (if they're in the top 3 on Thursday)


    Event #90, MLt2xB at 11:30

    Event #106, MLt4xB/C at 2:45

    Event #121, Mx2xB at 4:12 (if he's in the top 3 on Friday

    Abbreviations: the first symbol in each boat is M or Mx, for Men's or Mixed (half
    men, half women. Next may be Lt if it's a Lightweight boat, which for men means
    rowers weigh 160 or less (he's borderline, but should make weight). Next is the
    boat type: 1x for single, 2x for double, 4x for quad. Last is the age category:
    youngest is AA. A is 27-25, B is 36-42, C is 42-49 or so. Age of rowers in the
    boat is averageed, so Rudder is rowing two different mens' doubles with different
    partners and will be in different age categories (as you can surmise, he can only
    race one boat at a time in one race). I'll be there to watch Saturday and Sunday,
    but will be glued to the screen watching Thursday. I'll miss the Friday race
    because I have to go catch my flight out.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 17, 2003


    Yesterday, Rudder went out rowing with his quad for one last practice before he
    hits the road to drive to Nationals, then phoned and woke me at 6:30 to ask if I
    wanted to go to breakfast. I threw on some clothes, tried to get my hair in order,
    decided to take the MR-2 instead of the ruck, and realized about halfway down the
    block I realized that it was deliciously cool (well, what passes for cool here -
    but it was delicious) and established that I can, in fact, pop open the roof while
    moving slowly. So much for slicked down hair, but oh, it was nice driving with the
    top down and the sun barely peeking up.

    We went flying this morning,
    Rudder practicing instrument approaches and me along as safety pilot. They'd asked
    us to pick up the plane keys and the little folder full of chacklists and such the
    night before, because we were going out before the FBO opens in the morning. And
    for the second morning in a row, it was glorious.

    It's hot now, at
    nearly 10AM, but not the kind of hot that makes you scurry indoors as fast as
    possible. And I realized this morning what this is, or at least what I'd like to
    believe it is: this weather, with mornings where you can step outsie without
    immediately breaking a sweat, just might possibly be, please God maybe, the
    harbinger of fall.

    Phew. One more summer here survived.

    All opinions above subject to withdrawal in the case of another heat

    Posted by dichroic at 09:46 AM

    August 15, 2003

    You will know that I have gone

    Cloudy mornings bring the most spectacular sunrises to row under out here. We
    don't have the featureless leayers of gray I remember from the East Coast; instead
    there are sullen dark storms low to the South west, topped with swirls reflecting
    a dim pink, confections of fluff and flame over the rising sun to the west,
    feathers and ripples of white overhead, cumulus clouds to the north showing a bit
    of the anviling toward the tops that presage storms later in the day, bits of
    white and blue between the clouds. And all of this is echoed in ripples in the
    lake below, bisected by the stark lines of electrical towers, set off by the
    festive lights lining the Mill Avenue bridge, and accented by the pink reflection
    off the belly of an airplane passing overhead.

    Of course, this would all be a bit better enjoyed in silence, instead of being
    shattered by the noise of that same airplane, whose takeoff path takes it right
    over the lake from the airport not far away. The earthshaking rumbles and
    earsplitting whistles of the trains crossing another bridge and the drone of the
    highway running beside the lake don't help either. Still, when there isn't a plane
    taking off or a train going by, the highway can be ignored and the sky appreciated
    to the full.

    Another benefit of the clouds is the effect they and the storm they rode in on
    have on the temperature. The last few days have been well above 90 even at 5AM,
    but today it's as close as Arizona in August ever gets to being comfortable.
    There's a bit of humidity left from last night's rain, but compared to the heat a
    few days ago, though, this weather is barely distracting.

    There are several good reasons to row, but two that stand out are the beauty of
    lakes and rivers and the satisfaction of doing something that isn't easy. You may
    know that at the beginning of this year, href="">Marn set herself a goal to walk 500 miles to
    nowhere on the treadmill by the end of 2003. Being the sociable sort she is, Marn
    didn't just write down her New Year's resolution on a piece of paper and then lose
    the paper, as the rest of us do. Instead she announced the resolution on her
    diary, suckered in got a few more folks to join her, and then set up
    another diary page, Fivehundred, to
    let everyone keep track of their mileage. She also emailed a few people she
    thought might be interested. I was one of those, and figured I'd be rowing the
    distance eanyway and it might be fun to work toward an actual goal. At the time, I
    was working on my goal to erg a href="">million meters, so I
    tracked both that as well as a goal to finish five hundred miles counting both
    water and erg time.

    This morning when I got on the water, I needed 11.1 km to reach 804.5 km, or 500
    miles. The water was calm for a change, the air was cooler for an even bigger
    change. The first leg of the lake, about 3500m is always the hardest. I start
    doing fractions: 1/10 done now, 1/5 done, 1/3 done and only 2 more similar efforts
    to go. The very first bit from the beach to the west dam and back to the Mill
    bridges is an easy thousand meters, but from there to the Rural bridge and on to
    the east dam stretches on and on. The wind was from the southeast today, so at
    least there was a hint of breeze. Rowing back to finish the first lap is with the
    wind, so the boat moves a little faster, but because I'm moving in the same
    direction as the breeze I can't feel any air movement and it's much hotter.

    The early-morning kinks are out and the muscles are moving so this leg feels much
    shorter, but I still always watch meters and count fractions: up to 4500 meters by
    the Rural bridge, over 5000 at the midway marker, 6000 by the beach as I finish
    the first lap. Less than half to go now. I usually cut the second lap shorter, but
    I'm going to have to stretch it a bit today. Up to the west dam, stop for water,
    detour around Rudder in his single and Hardcore and She-Hulk in the double.
    They've got a short workout today because they're tapering down for their race
    next weekend. Back to the Mill bridge and it's up over 7000, so I know I need to
    row about 2000 meters before I turn in for home. By now I've got trackbite, marks
    from the seat rails, on the backs of both calves and my fingers are slipping a bit
    on the oar handles. Here's a novel effect: my hands are so wet from sweat that
    fingers start to prune up like when you stay in the pool for too long.

    Through the Rural bridge, on another two hundred meters, and a little more for
    lagniappe, and a bit more just to reach the 2K markers, just because it's a good
    place to turn. Turn around now and the sun is up and in my eyes, but if I look
    straight along my boat and down a bit it's not too bad. The light wind has shifted
    a fwe degrees, so there's the tiny hint of a breeze. Take water and head for home.
    Two thousand meters left to go, no, fifteen hundred, now down to a thousand and
    that's about 150 strokes. Count them down, watch the meters on the strokecoach, do
    the math. Ten thousand five hundred meters beings me up to 803.8 km and I need

    Right then I start hearing Sweet Honey in the Rock in my head, chorusing on a Pete
    Seeger song: "Step by step the longest march / Can be won, can be won. / Many
    stones can build an arch / Singly none, singly none." Yeah, my head does
    soundtracks. Only 600 meters to go now and I can do that on my head and with one
    hand behind my back. It'll be just a bit over the 11.1 I need by the time I get to
    the beach, I can see that, but what's another 200? Counting down, down, 300 from
    the beach and I'm nearly there, 200, 100, and in with 11.3 kilometers clocked.
    That's 11.3 for today, 804.7 for the year. Made it.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 14, 2003


    There's nothing like having your meetings extend RIGHT THROUGH

    On the plus side, we had rain last night and I found out late
    yesterday that I don't have to actually go visit the MVD in corpus to transfer the
    license plates from Zippy the Civic to Mozzie the MR-2, so life is relatively

    I've also realized recently that I am personally doing my bit
    to help the commercial aviation business, and by extension my company, to recover.
    I think I may be beating my own previous record for air travel in a given year. By
    the end of 2003, I expect to have traveled to Ireland, Philadelphia, Sacramento,
    and Ushaia, Argentina. That's a lot of airtime, and that's in addition to driving
    trips to Sacramento and LA and a flight out to DC last November. I keep having the
    feeling I'm forgetting something in this list, though.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:00 PM

    August 13, 2003

    car report

    I finally got on the water this morning but I'm not entirely sure it was worth
    waiting for. According to Rudder's car, it was 95 by the time he got there at 4:30
    this morning. Because of the heat, I kept my row short. However, I did manage
    about 7.5 km, which means that I am in the last 10 km (about 6 miles) of my href="">five hundred mile goal. Rudder pointed
    out the other day that with the greater distance he covers, he's done 500 miles by
    about the end of April. On the other hand, Rudder works practically next door to
    the gym and about 10 minutes from the lake.

    I need to come up with
    some rowing-related writing samples for an opportunity I want to look into, but
    realized that everything in this diary on the subject is very me-centered. Even my
    race reports are more about my experience of the whole trip and event than about
    the actual races. That's fine for a diary but I suspect not so fine for the people
    I'm sending it to. Maybe I'll just write up a third-person account of rowing in
    summer in AZ.

    I've driven the MR-2 in for three days now so can
    report on pros and cons. First, the bad stuff: it's a bit noisy, the seat gave me
    a sore back yesterday, storage is small, and the cup-holder is small (tight for my
    water bottle) and placed so that in pulling a water bottle out of it, you can hit
    the A/C button and turn it off. The first time I did that, it took me fifteen
    minutes to realize the light was off and I was afraid I'd bought a car with broken
    airconditioning, NOT a good think in summer in Phoenix. Also, it's a little scary
    sitting so low that you're staring at other car's bumpers, the headlights aim low
    enough that they don't hit street signs, and the suspension is stiff enough that
    the headlights and rearview mirror vibrate a bit. On the good side, the seats are
    plenty cushy so the ride doesn't feel rough, the sore back problem can probably be
    fixed by adjusting the seat, the storage behind the seats is bigger than it looks,
    there's a notch on theback wall of the interior where I can hang up clothes or my
    towel (on a hangar, the low-tranmission glass works well enough that the car isn't
    unbearably hot after work, there's a third larger cupholder in the rear of the
    armrest, the smaller front console ought to hold thigns like small bottles of
    juice better than the similar but bigger ones on my Toyota pickup, and as
    advertised, the car is very responsive. Brakes on a dime, then zooms off and hands
    back change. Also, the top is very easy to put up or down, and the stereo is well-
    organized (unlike the after-market poster child for bad design I put in my truck).
    Also, I really do feel better being a silver MR-2 Spyder driver than a beige Civic
    driver -- I kept being afraid people would identify me with my car. And I'm enough
    of an engineer to like my cool toys, anyway.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 12, 2003

    and the greatest of these is ...

    A couple things I've read today (so none of you can take sole credit) reminded me
    that I haven't yet commented on some items news that made me very, very happy.
    Both, as it happens, were the sort of thing that straddles the boundaries between
    religion and politics. (It's amazing how fuzzy that boundary is, even when the
    Constitution is being allowed to keep them properly separate.) Both relate to some
    deeper convictions of mine, which is why I'm about to divert from my track for a
    couple of paragraphs.

    As it happens, I disagree with Saint Paul on
    most issues, except maybe his name. I realize that to many Christians this just
    automatically means I'm wrong, which is one reason it's probably a good thing I
    was born Jewish. Though I do believe there's a lot of wisdom in the Bible, even in
    the New Testament, I don't believe in Divinely inspired speech, which gives me a
    freedom I cherish to think about and disagree with some of the things in there.
    (And anyway, I wonder how many Christians agree with what Paul said about tax

    Even Paul's most famous saying, the one about ",
    hope and love, and the greatest of these is love". I'm not at all convinced that
    hope doesn't take first place, because so often hope enables us to survive while
    we don't have love, whereas any Dear Abby column or AA meeting can show examples
    of people who had to give up on love when there was no hope left. Faith is on a
    different level, a sine qua non component of both hope and successful love. Still,
    I agree with Paul that love is one of the most important facets of being

    That's why these two news articles resonated with me: both
    were about people accepting love and having faith in their hopes to change the

    I've always admired the Episcopalian church for its reasoned
    theology and academic traditions. A few days ago they gave me a new reason for
    admiration: their acceptance of the variety of loving paths, in the ordination of
    their first openly gay bishop. Three points: I do not believe love, when it's real
    love that wants the best for the beloved, can ever be sinful. (Echoes of Paul
    here, in his most true and beautiful speech: Love suffereth long, and is kind;
    Love envieth not; Love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave
    itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
    Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things,
    believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.) Second, even if
    homosexuality were a sin, I have not heard yet of any denomination of any religion
    anywhere ever finding itself a leader with no

    blemishes on his conscience.
    Third, this is pure conjecture but I suspect that this is far from the first gay
    bishop in the nearly half a milennium since Henry VIII started the Anglican
    Church. What other problems must have stemmed from the cover-ups and subterfuges
    the others had to perpetrate?

    The other news item that brought me to
    tears was a bit on the evening news about the href="">Bereaved Families
    , a group made up of both (BOTH!) Israelis and Palestinians who
    have lost family in the fighting there. They are working together to try to
    prevent the slaughter of more children on both sides. As the Palestinian members
    would say, "Insha'Allah" - may God will that it be so.

    I have hope,
    and I am working on having faith, that these acts of love really will help to
    change the world, to bring about a day when they will convert their missiles into
    rocketships and their guns into butter, when nation shall not lift up ARMS against
    nation and neither shall they learn war any more.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 11, 2003

    car test

    Well, the Mozzie passed
    its first little test: I drove it to work today. I can report conclusively that in
    Phoenix in August, it's too hot to drive with the top down by 8AM. I did anyway,
    of course. I did get it up to 80 and was still able to hear the tape I had playing
    (a lecture on Biological Anthropology, so hearing the words clearly was critical).
    And the seats are comfortable, and even have the lumbar support in about the right
    place. I only noticed one design flaw: the front cupholders are a snug fit for my
    water bottle, and are placed so that when occupied, the bottle obscures some
    stereo controls (I knew that when I bought it) and when you pull the bottle out it
    often hits the A/C button. I didn't know that and was worried for a bit that the
    airconditioning wasn't working properly.

    I took it out again at lunch
    today, which, given the way our parking lot is oriented, tends to be the hottest
    time of day to get in a car. I was glad to be wearing pants, so I still may buy
    seat covers, but am happy to say I wasable to touch the steering wheel and seat
    belt buckle without sustaining third-degree burns. It has low-e glass, something I
    sorely miss in the pickup.

    Another bit of good news: the reason I was
    driving in as late as 8AM today is that I stopped off at the doctors' to pee in a
    jar again. I am pleased to report that they found no trace of blood, so my kidneys
    have been given a clean bill of health. Whew -- I was worried over that one.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:47 PM

    August 10, 2003

    new Spyder

    Yeah, well, so much for waiting. Yesterday I went and leased another car, a Toyota
    MR2 Spyder:

    It's silver with brown leather inside, so is exactly like this

    Surprisingly, the lease payments aren't all that much more than Zippy the Honda
    Civic's were. This is for two reasons. First, it's a four year lease, while I had
    Zippy for three. I've gotten more comfortable with the idea of keeping a third car
    around, and have found having a spare extremely useful since I work so far away
    that if one vehicle is in the shop it's not easy for us to shuttle each other to
    work. Second, I was lucky enough to find a barely-used MR2. It's two years old
    and had only 7000 miles on it. I love the car. I hated dealing with the
    dealership, who sprung a few nasty surprises on me after I'd signed the
    papers. I'm considering a report to the Better Business Bureau. Fortunately, I get
    to keep the car and not deal with the dealer ever again.

    I'm thinking of calling it Mozzie, since it looks like a mosquito next to the
    Orange Crush. When I stand in our garage by the inside door, which means I'm on
    about a 4" step, the MR2 is lierally waist high, while the H2 is another foot
    above my head.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 08, 2003

    In the Chuck!

    Guess who just got his name drawn to race this year in the world's largest rowing
    event, the Head of the Charles? Hint: I'm married to him.

    I know,
    most of you don't know why this is a big, big deal. First, according to their href="">own website,

    "Over the past 38
    years, the Head Of The Charles® regatta has grown tremendously. Today, more than
    7,000 athletes from around the world compete in 21 different race events. The
    Regatta grew to a two-day event in 1997 and now attracts up to 300,000 spectators
    during the October weekend."

    I mean, this thing is BIG.
    There are not that many rowing events in this country that draw spectators at all,
    except for other rowers. And because it's so big, more people want to race than
    can fit on the river, so they have semi-random drawings to determine who gets in.
    There is one guaranteed entry per club in the bigger boats, so there will be some
    other people going from here. I'll definitely be there, at least for the weekend
    of October 18-19. There's even a slight possibility that I might get to cox a
    race, though it's more likely I'll just spectate and maybe


    Posted by dichroic at 03:43 PM

    just a pair of pants

    Looks like I'm going to have to send my new pants back to Bean. Of the three I
    ordered, the only pair that comes close to fitting are the ones in the men's size.
    Yeesh. The others, even in a petite size come too high up my waist, with the
    result that, even in a larger-than-usual size (because I expected this) they're
    way too tight in the waist. I seem to be in some weird size range all my own, not
    skinny enough for juniors and not curvy enough for misses. (Actually, J. Crew's
    junior petites fit me well enough. They just don't have what I

    Here's what I want, aside from world peace and enough for
    everybody to eat and all that. I want a pair of khaki pants, no pleats, in a dark
    khaki, British khaki, or even taupe shade. I want them to sit on my hips rather
    than trying to enforce a waist I've never had, but I don't want them so low that I
    can't wear them to work without showing unprofessional amounts of skin. I don't
    want current high style, just classic comfort. I want them loose enough to tuck
    things in, maybe even a little baggy, long enough to touch my shoes, and short
    enough that I don't step on them. To translate that to real numbers, that would be
    about a size 5/6 that's not designed for 17-year-olds with a 28 to 30 inch inseam.
    I've searched the websites of all my usual places, and can't find anyone with the
    low-but-not-superlow waist, the petite length, and the color all in the same place
    -- I can't find any better than two out of three.

    Maybe I'll just go
    to the men's department and try on some Dockers. Is this all too much to ask? It
    doesn't seem too much to ask -- just basic comfortable fall khakis, damn it. As I
    said, I don't have much of a defined waist, so that lower waist is a matter of
    comfort rather than style for me. This, by the way, is why I always get so ticked
    off at clothing manufacturers that brag they've lengthened the rise in their pants
    "to fit real women".

    As I wrote recently to href="">Natalie, real women are big and small, round and
    flat, tall and short, fat and skinny. Why can't manufacturers just tell us what
    body style they design for and provide links for those of us with similar tastes
    but different shapes?

    If I could wave a wand and turn the jeans I'm
    wearing dark khaki-colored, I'd about have it. Maybe it should tell me something
    that I'm wearing a pair of men's 501s.

    The other ironic thing is that
    I have what I want as far as fit, just not in the right length or color. The
    shorts I was wearing while shopping online would have been perfect, if I could
    turn them to pants and change their color.

    Why is clothing always so
    damned hard?

    Posted by dichroic at 12:12 PM

    August 07, 2003

    cars and cardboard heroes

    Later update: the quiz mentioned at the bottom of this entry is up now, right href="
    . Don't worry, I won't keep perpetrating these. This is the
    last, at least for a while.

    Yesterday was a good one, financially speaking; I got the check for my car (RIP
    Zippy) and Rudder and I sent off the paperwork to refinance our house again. We
    did it only about a year or so ago, but rates had fallen so quickly that it was
    worth doing again, and fortunately we applied before they headed back up. This
    particular bank had a system allowing you to do the paperwork on your own, but it
    was so confusing figuring out which parts had to be notarized and exactly what we
    had to sign that I think I'd rather go to an office next time. Also, I wasn't sure
    whether to leave in the loan for Zippy, which should be closed out in a couple of
    days. (We left it, since they'd already approved us anyhow.)

    now the prime choices for a replacement vehicle are a Honda Civic again, regular
    or hybrid, a diesel turbo VW Beetle, or a Toyota MR2 Spyder. The 2004 Toyota Pruis
    hybrids also sound like they might be worth waiting for. And yes, the C&E matrix
    is actually helping with the decision.

    I'm in the mood to create
    another href="
    . Since there's no point in
    doing a LMM heroines one, with a good one in the same vein already around (and
    even less point in one on her mostly-cardboard heroes!) I've been thinking of
    alternatives. I may make one on fictional detectives. Just don't blame me if you
    don't get to be Lord Peter ....

    Posted by dichroic at 12:17 PM

    August 06, 2003

    scares and structures

    Interesting. href=""
    >What Dorothea wrote
    is probably as perfect an explanation of the reasons
    behind Rudder's budgeting strategy as any I'm ever likely to see. Also, he'd
    rather save money for the perfect item than buy one sooner that's only good
    enough, and use whatever he can to fill the purpose meanwhile -- like putting his
    t-shirts in copier boxes until we bought a fancy cherry bedroom set. I'm more
    inclined, myself, to try and come up with an intermediate solution until I'm ready
    for the good stuff. He gets to his ultimate goal sooner by economizing, but I
    think I'm happier in the meantime. Still, I do believe in saving for emergencies,
    retirement, and big purchases or trips, so I understand Rudder and Dorothea well
    enough on this subject.

    That wasn't what I planned to write about. I
    meant to discuss the scary parts of the day, and how ridiculous our infrastructure
    is. Scary thing this morning: as I was on my way to work this morning after
    rowing, the first time I've come in after rowing since my accident last week, and
    on a nearby part of the road, a cop pulls up behind me in the left lane with
    lights flashing and turned on his siren. Ohshitohshitohshit. I checked the speedo
    but wasn't going unduly fast -- above the speed limit but at the speed of other
    traffic. I did not want to get on that shoulder again, consider what
    happened last time I was there, but I didn't know what he wanted and I've seen
    them get annoyed if you don't pull over right away. So I gritted my teeth, pulled
    v-e-r-y carefully onto the shoulder .... and he kept going. Lesson for police
    officers: don't get people rattled if you don't have to. It's not a good way to
    increase highway safety.

    Then there was a moment at work that was
    frightening in a different way. I was explaining to our intern what a Cause-and-
    Effect Matrix is and how it compares to a QFD. (You haven't missed anything if you
    don't know what either one is. It will suffice to know that they're tools our
    methodology uses to prioritize alternatives based on your needs and their relative
    importance.) I used the example of buying a car to replace Zippy to illustrate my
    point. And right about then I realized .... um, I really should use a QFD
    to make that decision, given that I'm still considering everything from a BMW Z4
    to a Honda Civic. You know what this means, don't you? Right. I'm a hopeless
    statistics / management geek. As Rudder likes to say, my hair will be sprouting
    points any day now.

    There is nothing like getting in an accident to
    make you realize how our infrastructure is geared to the idea that people don't
    work, at least not at jobs where they can't easily take off at any given time. In
    the next few weeks, I have to go see a judge at 8AM on a weekday morning (just
    because this particular one likes to talk to people before letting them take
    Defensive Driving; apparently it's an individual judge's decision). Today I have
    to go meet with my insurance company, who has appointments availble from 8 to
    4:30. Granted, they're handing me money (car value was more than the lease payoff
    -- yay!) but couldn't they also make it convenient? Next week I have to go back to
    the doctor, who again is not open at any time when I'm normally on that side of
    tow. Again, it's important (I *really* don't want to have damaged kidneys but if I
    do I want to know about it) but it all points up how inconvenient our systems are.
    Why do we all have to be at work during the same hours? If we staggered our work
    hours more, wouldn't everything from shopping to healthcare to jury duty be
    easier? The internet has made strides, with shops and classes, for example, that
    can be accessed at any time of day, but there's still a long way to go. Don't get
    me started on how many of these systems assume that one adult in evach household
    is at home all day.

    Oh, and by the way, thanks for all the attention to my href="
    . I was shocked to find that 408
    people have taken it since I created it yesterday. I was planning to create
    another one, "Which L.M. Montgomery heroine are you?" but someone has already done
    a very good one href="
    . (I can tell it's good, partly because the questions
    are appropriate to the people who might be taking the test as well as the LMM
    heroines, but most because I got to be Valancy.)

    Posted by dichroic at 11:55 AM

    August 05, 2003

    children's lit quiz

    This is how a meme starts.

    I've just made a quiz, all my my ownself!
    It's href="
    20children's%20literature%20are%20you%3F">Which hero / heroine from children's
    literature are you?
    Yes, I know there's already one on the subject, but I
    didn't like it. Not sure if I like mine either, but it's a first effort. See what
    you think.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:24 PM

    two good, two bad

    I finally found something good about a long commute -- at elast it's good on days
    when Rudder gets in earlier than I do and has a desire to do somethign about it.
    Last night, I walked in the house to be greeted by the smell of cooking cow. (I
    mean the cow was being cooked, not doing the cooking. You knew that.) We'd planned
    to have steak so that wasn't a big surprise, except that I hadn't expected
    Rudder to have the entire meal served 10 minutes after I walked in: tender steak
    with mine cooked to the slightly charred level I like, corn on the cob not
    overcooked (he did have to ask how long to leave that in), asparagus with lemon
    butter (a la Dichroic: put a chunk of butter in a small, add a generous squirt of
    lemon juice, microwave until the butter is melted), garlic bread (not from scratch
    but garlicky and buttery and who cares) and the Cabernet poured.

    I think I'll keep him.

    Meanwhile it's a good thing
    I have good memories of yesterday because today is not going as well. Actually,
    there are only a couple of problems. My return to the gym went smoothly; I skipped
    doing squats and stuck to exercises where my back was supported, but was able to
    handle the same weights I'd been using. But I finally heard back from the doctor's
    and there was a trace of blood in the sample I dropped off yesterday. So now I
    have to stop by and pee in yet another cup in a week or so. If there's still blood
    then, we'll "take the next step". I don't know what that is but it sounds ominous.
    Also, it turns out that I can't just take Defensive Driving: the judge in the
    court I was supposed to go to apparently "likes to talk to people" who have had an
    accident. Bugger. Hopefully he'll still let me take the class to get the points
    off my record.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:45 AM

    August 04, 2003

    replacing Zippy

    It was a quiet weekend here at Lake .... um, at Chez Dichroic. I did get to find
    out what the insurance company
    will do
    about Zippy the Honda, who should probably be renamed Thudworthy the
    Honda now. I still haven't figured out what to do about replacing it (I perceived
    Zippy as neuter gender), though I did have a useful conversation on the subject
    with SWooP last night. My dilemmas are: even though the Honda Civic is probably
    the car best suited to my needs, it feels odd to replace one car with another
    almost identical -- it isn't as though it's been long enough for Honda to
    introduce many changes. I might be able to counter that if I bought a hybrid
    model, I suppose -- the question on that one is whether I'd save enough in gas
    money and convenience to cover the extra $4K up front. Also, it must be
    admitted the Civics are a trifle vanilla. I had been considering the VW Beetle
    diesel, which has almost as good fuel economy as the hybrid cars, but I'm a bit
    concerned about acceleration and (thanks to SWooP) pollution on that. Normal
    Beetles have an MPG similar to that of small sports cars so that's out.

    I might be willing to buy a small sports car, like a Toyota MR2
    Spyder or Honda S2000, sacrificing gallons for glamour but I have a small ethical
    problem there. Getting a cooler car feels like rewarding myself when I've done
    something bad. Yet I'm still self-indulgent enough not to want to get something
    that will be painful (boring, slow to accelerate, uncomfortable) to drive, since I
    spend so much time in the car. This morning I stopped on the way in to drop off a
    sample at the doctor's (followup check for possible though unlikely kidney damage)
    and to take the rest of my stuff out of Zippy and release it to the insurance

    Another high point of the weekend was the chance to spend
    lots of quality 'zontal time with Rudder. I didn't mention it to him, but this
    might possibly have been propelled somewhat by my reading several of href="">Lissanne's HP
    "shaglets" this weekend. (Thereby improving my vocabulary at the same time, since
    I hadn't previously run across shaglets, snoglets, or drabbles before. Or rather,
    I hadn't come across the words, though I had seen the things.) They are nicely
    steamy and mostly sweet as well, a combination that pleases me. One odd thing that
    may possibly be a side effect of the youth of some of the Potterverse's fanbase
    though, is the physical unlikeliness of some of the scenes. It doesn't spoil the
    effect, fortunately .... but I will just mention a complete disregard of some of
    Dr. Kinsey's primary findings, and the fact that, at least for two people of
    disparate heights (the only situation I know anything about, given the unlamented
    dearth of 5'2" men) against-the-wall is really a terribly uncomfortable position.
    I know, because I got curious. ;-)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 03, 2003


    Oops ... I meant to check for that. It turns out last entry was my 1000th here,
    huzzah and pip-pip and all that. As it happens, it was an href="">interview entry (questions
    by Trance) so that seems appropriate
    for a milestone entry. I've already pre-celebrated, anyway, with the href="">win-a-Gold-Membership
    , won by L'Empress.

    The best part of my weekend so
    far was finding out that my car is officially being totaled, since I was nervous
    about driving a vehicle with so much damage even after repairs, and even better,
    that the insurance company will be paying me more than the payoff value of the
    lease. If I'd had to pay into the lease, I was going to wait until next year to
    get a new vehicle and just drive my truck meanwhile, but I may get a new car
    sooner after all. Now I just have to decide what: I'm looking for something with
    good fuel economy for my 80 mile round trip, but decent handling and comfort for
    the near two hours I spend in my car each day. So far the best choices seem to be
    another Civic, maybe a Hybrid one this time, or a diesel Volkswagen Beetle. If
    anyone has experience with either or other suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them.

    Another less sensible possibility is to sacrifice a few miles per
    gallon and get something sportier but still significantly more efficient than my
    truck, something like a Mustang, Miata, or even BMW Z-4. That last is least
    likely, since I'd be paying twice as much per month as I was for Zippy the Honda,
    which I don't think I want to do.

    And obviously, safety is a factor.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:46 AM

    August 01, 2003

    interview quiz

    This is strange. In a new, um, development that is the weirdest yet, I may soon be
    in the same cup size as the well-endowered href="">Weetabix. (No, I'm not growing more;
    she's shrinking.) That's just bizarre on so many levels. In my case, mostly the
    level a bit less than halfway between the armpit and the elbow. I can only
    conclude that band size has more to do with apparent size than I had ever

    Moving on, here is are my Quiz questions from the lovely, pale and interesting href="">TranceJen. First, the Rules, because
    part of doing the meme is agreeing to pass it on:

    1 -- Leave a comment in the guestbook or notes if you want to be interviewed.

    2 -- I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.

    3 -- You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.

    4 -- You'll include this explanation.

    5 -- You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed. Here
    are your questions.

    Here are Trance's questions:

    Dichroic, you call yourself a Jill of all trades and mistress of none. If you
    had to limit yourself to three and only three activities for the rest of your
    life, which would you choose? (I'm talking extra-curricular activities, by the
    way.) Would you choose things that you're already quite good at, or things that
    you want to improve upon?

    Reading, for one. I can live without rowing and all the rest of it; I can't live
    without reading. Anything else is a distant second. Or, wait, does sex count as an
    "extra-curricular activity"? If so, then it's not quite such a distant second.
    (Though I still spend a lot more time reading.) And I think my next choice would
    be traveling, rather than rowing, though that one would be close. If sex doesn't
    count, then rowing as a third.

    2. Rowing. Your love for the sport is very clearly evident. How did you get
    into it, and did you think that it would become such a big part of your life? What
    is it about rowing in particular that really makes you happy?

    How did I get into it? Rudder had started rowing with a local club that was still
    fairly new. (The Bay Area Rowing Club of
    , aka BARC.) He said, "Please just take this class and try it. If you
    don't like it you can always stop." That was in 1990. One of my favorite tings
    about rowing at the club level (as opposite to collegiate or elite crews) is that
    anyone who wants to row, can, and can even compete. (How you do in competition is
    another matter.) I'll never be the fastest boat on the water (much too short), but
    on the other hand I row my own boat and run my own training so no one can tell me
    to stop, either. And club rowers do tend to be supportive of anyone who wants to
    row. Also, you can choose to row in an eight, four, double, or single, so you get
    the choice of working with a crew or alone; it's a very different experience, and
    different things work better for different people. Right now I really like being
    in my own boat and running my own training; I don't have to wait for other people
    or worry about coaches making stupid decisions.

    3. Tell me how you and Rudder came to be. You are allowed to be mushy, if you'd
    like. People who've been married for ten years are allowed to mush.

    This is a good story, but I warn you, it's a bit long, though not too mushy. There
    was this guy, PigFarmer, who I used to work with. Actually, more precisely, we
    worked for the same company and used to party together. He left that company and
    went to work somewhere else. I ran into him at someone else's St. Patrick's Day
    party, and he invited me to a Tacky Party he was having a week later, on March 23,
    1990. I went, garbed in my obnoxiously bright men's large red-flowered Hawaiian
    shirt. (Well, and pants. Not that tacky.) He'd invited a bunch of people from his
    current company, including some young engineers.

    Now, there's some backstory essential to understanding why I was so thrilled to
    see them. After graduating Penn (East Coast, Ivy League, large Jewish population)
    I moved to Houston where I knew nobody. The people I was working with were mostly
    born and bred Texans or Cajuns, Baptist or Catholic, with an Associate's degree in
    Drafting or Design. (There were a couple of engineers, but mostly not very
    interesting people.) It was a huge culture shock, and though a lot of the people
    were warm and hospitable and great to go drinking with, they were also determined
    to make sure this Yankee college girl didn't get above herself. I'd been dealing
    with a variety of brilliant, well-educated, thinking people in college, who
    largely had liberal-ish opinions on a lot of issues and these were much more
    conservative people with different interests, at different stages in life and,
    honestly, mostly not nearly as bright (of course there were exceptions on both
    ends). So I was extremely happy to meet a bunch of other recently-graduated
    engineers. One of them was Rudder.

    Now there's his backstory. He had a couple of female friends from college
    visiting, both of whom were trying to hook up with some of the other guys at the
    party (one of whom lived with his girlfriend, but I didn't know that then). The
    one wanted to get Rudder paired up with someone so she could go off and snog
    without guilt, so when she and I got to talking, she said, "Have you met my
    friend, Rudder? He's really nice." Oddly enough, I remember looking over at him,
    trying to picture him without the mustache he had then, and deciding he had a bone
    structure that would age well. ( href="">It has.) Next thing I
    knew, I was in a car with Rudder and another guy, going to get the other guy's
    boat. (The party was at a house right on Clear Lake, near Houston.) Then six of us
    went out on the lake in the boat. The other two couples immediately lunged at each
    other, so Rudder and I sort of looked at each other, shrugged, and began kissing -
    - there obviously wasn't much else to do! We kept it pretty much to liplock,
    though before we headed in I did notice one of the other women pulling her shirt
    back on.

    Before leaving the party, he asked for my number, and to my astonishment, used it
    soon after. Then he started coming over after work, since I lived right by his
    company, and shortly after unofficially moved in. We officially decided to move in
    together in June, so when his lease ended we looked for an apartment we both
    liked. I moved into to it for real in September, when my lease ran out. So if
    you're counting, that's only six months after we met. We got officially engaged in
    November of 1991, and got married July 4, 1993. That, as Churchill said, was only
    the end of the beginning.

    4. Talk to me about Massachusetts.

    If you ever have an opportunity to work in Worcester, MA, run away. Quickly. I do
    like Boston, though (except that driving there sucks rocks), and there are some
    beautiful and no doubt ungodly expensive houses in its surroundings. I have to say
    though that I hated Worcester so much that I tried to avoid it on weekends and so
    missed some things there I've have liked to see, like a museum of armor and a
    library good enough to be mentioned in Nicholas Basbanes' books. I think I could
    live in Boston; there's a huge amount of good folk music aorund, which is
    something I still miss from Philadelphia; there's lots of rowing; and it's an easy
    drive to go camp in the White Mountains in NH, which we loved.

    5. Travel. If you could hop on a plane tomorrow with an unlimited amount of
    cash, where would you go and why?

    Had I but cash enough and time ... I'd buy the damned plane, get whatever licenses
    I needed to fly it (probably IFR, Commercial, and Multi-Engine) and fly everywhere
    I wanted. There's no one place I could see and die happy: I want to visit much
    more of Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland again, Italy, the obligatory visit to
    Israel (preferably when they're not fighting much) and Egypt, Japan, Iceland,
    Chile and Peru, Costa Rica, South Africa, New Zealand's North Island, more of
    Australia including Tasmania, more of Alaska, Prague. And I'm sure there's more
    I'm forgetting and places I've never thought of that I'd love.

    Anyone who wants to be interviewed next, let me know in the GBook.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 31, 2003

    soreness almost gone

    I'm hardly sore at all today and the seat-belt rash seems to be flaking off.
    (ewww.) Either I wasn't as hurt as I thought or all that exercise really does pay

    The best news this week is that I have moved into an actual
    office! With real walls and a door I can close. Just in time, since it seems I
    will have a long telecon almost every day for the next couple of weeks. It's much
    nicer to use the speaker phone instead of holding the handset or even wearing a
    headset. I've got a bookshelf and a cabinet and lot more space to move around in.
    I've brought in a couple of Rudder's old NASA pictures and a stained glass cat
    someone made for us for our wedding -- it's beautiful but we just didn't have a
    good place to hang it in the house. And some more books. There's still empty space
    on my shelves here and we all know how unnatural that is.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:19 PM

    soreness almost gone

    I'm hardly sore at all today and the seat-belt rash seems to be flaking off.
    (ewww.) Either I wasn't as hurt as I thought or all that exercise really does pay

    The best news this week is that I have moved into an actual
    office! With real walls and a door I can close. Just in time, since it seems I
    will have a long telecon almost every day for the next couple of weeks. It's much
    nicer to use the speaker phone instead of holding the handset or even wearing a
    headset. I've got a bookshelf and a cabinet and lot more space to move around in.
    I've brought in a couple of Rudder's old NASA pictures and a stained glass cat
    someone made for us for our wedding -- it's beautiful but we just didn't have a
    good place to hang it in the house. And some more books. There's still empty space
    on my shelves here and we all know how unnatural that is.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:19 PM

    July 30, 2003

    that wet stuff

    We finally got some rain last night. Boy howdy did we get some rain, not to
    mention wind and dust and lightning a-plenty. We got so much rain and so much wind
    that our back windows were leaking. Note the plural construction: I did not write,
    for example, "our back window was leaking". I did not write "our bedroom windows
    were leaking". No, our back windows were leaking. All of them. All at

    Apparently they're not really all that well sealed and the gale
    winds were enough to force the rain in everywhere, so we spent a good hour placing
    and replacing towels on the sills and bowls underneath. Our house has very few
    windows on the front (north side): a couple small high frosted ones in the
    bathrooms, one in the formal (unfurnished) living room that's protected by a large
    queen plam and that's about it. In back, however, we have windows in the four
    upstairs bedrooms and downstairs covering most of the walls in the dining room,
    kitchen, breakfast area, and family room.

    Did I mention they were
    ALL leaking?

    The downstairs ones weren't too bad, since there's a
    porch roof over them. The three smaller bedrooms have relatively small windows,
    and no one but an occasional cat sleeps there, so that wasn't too bad; we just put
    towels in and moved stuff away from the windows. In our room, though, the window
    is much bigger, and is apparently not at all well-sealed. Much replacing of
    towels, moving of bowl, and finagling edges of towels (to redirect the drips into
    the bowl) was necessary. I hear we got about an inch of rain on my side of town; I
    hope it also extended up into all the reservoirs.

    On the other hand,
    since Rudder put all the sodden towels in the washer as he went off to the gym and
    into the dryer when he came back, just about all of our towels are clean now. Not
    that they weren't anyway, unless there are wild parties in the linen closet that I
    don't know about.

    Despite missing some sleep last night, I feel quite
    surprisingly well today. A little sore still, of course, but not nearly as bad as
    I'd expected. I've well worse than this after a hard morning the gym. Thanks to
    everyone who sent good thoughts this way -- apparently they worked.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:55 PM

    that wet stuff

    We finally got some rain last night. Boy howdy did we get some rain, not to
    mention wind and dust and lightning a-plenty. We got so much rain and so much wind
    that our back windows were leaking. Note the plural construction: I did not write,
    for example, "our back window was leaking". I did not write "our bedroom windows
    were leaking". No, our back windows were leaking. All of them. All at

    Apparently they're not really all that well sealed and the gale
    winds were enough to force the rain in everywhere, so we spent a good hour placing
    and replacing towels on the sills and bowls underneath. Our house has very few
    windows on the front (north side): a couple small high frosted ones in the
    bathrooms, one in the formal (unfurnished) living room that's protected by a large
    queen plam and that's about it. In back, however, we have windows in the four
    upstairs bedrooms and downstairs covering most of the walls in the dining room,
    kitchen, breakfast area, and family room.

    Did I mention they were
    ALL leaking?

    The downstairs ones weren't too bad, since there's a
    porch roof over them. The three smaller bedrooms have relatively small windows,
    and no one but an occasional cat sleeps there, so that wasn't too bad; we just put
    towels in and moved stuff away from the windows. In our room, though, the window
    is much bigger, and is apparently not at all well-sealed. Much replacing of
    towels, moving of bowl, and finagling edges of towels (to redirect the drips into
    the bowl) was necessary. I hear we got about an inch of rain on my side of town; I
    hope it also extended up into all the reservoirs.

    On the other hand,
    since Rudder put all the sodden towels in the washer as he went off to the gym and
    into the dryer when he came back, just about all of our towels are clean now. Not
    that they weren't anyway, unless there are wild parties in the linen closet that I
    don't know about.

    Despite missing some sleep last night, I feel quite
    surprisingly well today. A little sore still, of course, but not nearly as bad as
    I'd expected. I've well worse than this after a hard morning the gym. Thanks to
    everyone who sent good thoughts this way -- apparently they worked.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:55 PM

    July 29, 2003


    I went to the doctor yesterday (actually, nurse practitioner) and he moew or less
    confirmed that the only thing wrong with me is a bit of seat-belt rash and some
    sore muscles. He did give me some samples of a muscle relaxant -- not the good
    stuff, I didn't want it since I still have to drive to work, not to mention
    actually doing work) -- and some good advice about Tylenol, heat on my neck, and a
    chair with more support for my head.

    So I've borrowed a higher-
    backed chair for the week and brought my microwaveable heat pack in for the day,
    along with a small bottle of Tylenol. Come to think of it -- excuse me -- gulp.
    OK, I'm back. Not that the pain is really all that bad, but I figure I should keep
    taking the Tylenol to keep down any inflammation and the muscle relaxant to keep
    my muscles from seizing up and throwing off my body to make other muscles sore.

    There was a slight trace of blood in the urine sample they took,
    which could be an indicator of kidney damage but I figure that's more likely to
    natural female events due today. I'm supposed to drop off another sample once my
    period is done, just to make sure. Problem is, I'm not generally anywhere near the
    doctor's office at the times they're open, so I may have to ask Rudder to take it
    -- a test of either true love or natural unsqueamishness.

    The NP also
    advised me not to work out until the soreness goes away, so I don't tweak anything
    else, which gives me yet another reason to be thankful. I'm very glad I had
    decided not to race in Masters Nationals, because if I had I'd be grievously upset
    at losing a week of workouts just now.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 28, 2003

    if this were Liavek, it would be my birthday

    What a way to start a week. I think I've used up all my allotment of good luck for
    the rest of the year. Pity it's only July.

    Things started out
    normally enough: woke up at 4, went rowing. Actually, first I woke up at 1 when
    another storm came in. I don't know if we got any rain, but there was a lot of
    wind and lightning that was nearly constant but far away. The lightning had died
    back to only a flash every thirty seconds or so by the time I reached the lake.
    I'm generally on the overconservative side about mixing water and lightning, but
    decided to go out this morning because it was all so far away that I never did
    hear any thunder. The lightning did go away almost completely by the time I got
    off the water. One bit of luck. (What kind of particles or waves does luck come in
    and how is it measured?)

    I showered and dove off to work. Halfway
    there, while driving in the left lane on a three-lane highway, I wanted something
    I can't even remember now in my purse. I reached over to get it out of my tote,
    looked ahead again and realized I had somehow quantum-jumped over to the left
    shoulder. I'm still not sure how that happened, since I don't think my eyes were
    off the road for more than a second. I attempted to get back in the lane but
    apparently jerked the wheel too hard; as best I can figure, the rear end swung out
    and I cut across three lanes of traffic, hit the right side barrier with the right
    rear of the car, bounced back across three lanes again, hit the left wall,
    and finally managed to stop the car.

    Somehow, miraculously, everyone
    else on the freeway -- and this was morning rush hour -- managed to avoid me. A
    very nice man stopped to see if I was OK, called DPS, let me use his phone since
    mine didn't seem to be working, and waited until the cop came. The fairly nice
    police officer called the tow truck and waited until it came. (Though he did cite
    me for "failure to control vehicle to avoid a collision".) The quite nice tow
    truck driver took me to one mechanic, then when it turned out he didn't do that
    sort of work, to another. (First the insurance office wasn't yet open, then the
    chick there was too clueless to tell me where to take the car.) And the nice body
    shop guy gave me a ride home.

    The car has a crumpled hood, some
    dripping fluid, a rear dent, and probably a bent frame. No idea what will happen
    with it.

    Meanwhile, I have a rash from the seatbelt angling over my
    left collarbone and a sore muscle from my neck to my left shoulder blade. I have a
    doctor's appointment this afternoon just in case, but I really doubt anything else
    is wrong.

    I'm staying home all day today (can access work email from
    here) partly to rest my neck and because it all took so long, partly because I
    really am not looking forward to driving that road again. Meanwhile, look at my
    luck. I'm a little sore and will have to take defensive driving, but no one else
    is hurt (I still am amazed they all steered around me), I have another
    vehicle I can drive, and while I have to pay the $500 deductible, I can spare
    the money without worrying about making my next meal or rent check.

    am a lucky girl today. Tomorrow, I'd best be careful.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:52 PM | Comments (1)

    July 26, 2003

    the meeting

    So OK, here's the story of the week's meeting, since I have time to write

    First of all, this is the semi-annual face-to-face meeting of a
    group that's scattered all over the country. Normally when this group meets, they
    call it a "relaunch", which is a whole 'nother story. This time, however, they
    decided that they didn't want to do the standard relaunch activities, so they
    needed another name. Somehow, they ended up deciding to call it a "rendezvous".

    Is it just me, or does that sound like it involves a motel that
    rents by the hour rather than a conference room?

    So then the
    facilitator (who by the way is an outside consultant who actualy runs meetings for
    a living. Just imagine.) and the head of this group had apparently decided that
    the meeting needed a theme. Within the first couple of slides, I had noticed that
    they all said "Rendezvous at Rivandell" at the bottom. Then they made us watch the
    entire scene from the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring where Bilbo has a
    party and disappears in the middle of this.

    I should mention at this
    point that the meeting attendees ranged from people who hadn't even seen any of
    the LOTR movies to some of the ones who run the local F&SF conventions and
    practically have the books memorized. Bad mix -- in my opinion that kind of thing
    should only be used where either no one has more than a passing familiarity or
    where everyone including the organizers knows it extremely well and can discuss
    parallels, analogies, and lessons to be learned. As it was, some of us were just
    annoyed when the department leader kept referring to the LOTR cycle as a "movie"
    and saying she figured "that just about everyone had seen the movies". (Book?
    Read? What?)

    Then another consultant came in and started telling us
    we were on a journey, like a hero's journey. I leaned over to one of the other SF
    geeks and said, "What, like a Campbell mythological thing?" about a split second
    before the speaker said, "Some of you may have heard of Joseph Campbell," who
    according to him seems to have done nothing but talk to Bill Moyers on PBS. Then
    he pulled up a slide showing the phases of a hero's journey, a la Campbell, and
    describing how this is a "left hand journey" because we're taking the road less
    traveled (he did *not* mention Frost) and showing the hero going on a counter-
    clockwise path.

    After half an hour of this, I couldn't resist
    anymore. I raised my hand and said, "Excuse me, but I have some serious
    reservations about this analogy. I don't think it's really a good one for a group
    that wants to make a defined journey in a reasonable amount of time. After all, in
    the standard hero's journey, the hero knows what he wants but has no idea how to
    get there, and it can take years -- the prototypical case would be Odysseus, who
    expected to get home in a couple of weeks and ended up taking seventeen years. Or
    Moses, who took forty years crossing a rather small desert."

    He said
    something about how we do have to face trials, yada yada yada. Then after another
    ten minutes blather, another of the local mythology-heads said, "Excuse me, but I
    can't stay quiet any longer. About that left-hand journey ... you do know, don't
    you, that in conventional paganism going counter-clockwise is always a Bad Thing?"

    And I think it took me ten minutes to scrape myself off the floor
    and stop laughing. Pity she only sat in that first day. But we didn't really hear
    any more about heroes' journeys!

    Posted by dichroic at 05:47 PM

    July 25, 2003

    the impossible closet

    So, after an all week meeting that included not one but TWO evenings out until
    nearly 10 (translation: two hours past my bedtime) and only one missed workout (Go
    me) the big plans for the weekend include sleeping in and cleaning out my closet.
    I intend to throw out anything with holes or even incipient holes and give away
    anything I haven't worn in a year or have to force myself to wear. ("Well, my mom
    gave it to me, and it is a nice shirt, even if it really isn't me.") There will be
    exceptions granted for reasons of sentiment, like the gaudy Hawaiian shirt I wore
    when I met Rudder (which is also handy when they declare Hawaiian Shirt Day at
    work) or the long ball skirt with the black tulle over lilac satin which I love
    but don't wear often because I get invited to so few balls, or the adorable denim
    dress that just has a bleach spot I keep hoping I can find someone to dye back to
    blue. Anything irreparable, however, is gone no matter how much I like it. Regatta
    shirts I never wear will be stashed away in hopes of someday making a quilt from

    The idea, naturally, is to make room for a bit of shopping; my
    idealistic and probably unreachable goal is to have a closet full of clothing I

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 24, 2003


    Blink. Blink. Blinkblinkblink.

    I'm trying out a new kind of extended-
    wear contact lenses. The annoying thing about contact lenses isn't so much wearing
    them, it's putting them in and taking them out, especially when, like me, you're
    generally in a tearing hurry to get out in the morning and to get into bed at
    night. So lenses you only have to change out once a week are kind of the Holy
    Grail for contact-wearers: no surgery, no nightly and mdaily cleaning, and you can
    see all the time -- but this applies if and ONLY if they're comfortable all week.
    I tend to assume that extended-wear lenses are bad for the eyes, since that's what
    every optometrist I'd seen for years had told me, but things seem to have changed.
    The last eye doctor I went to did have me try some extended-wear lenses, but he
    pushed them so hard I figured he was getting a kickback from the manufacturer. I
    tried that kind, but didn't find them as comfortable as my usual Accuvues. This
    doctor didn't mention these new lenses until I asked a relevant question, and it's
    been a couple of years so I figured I'd try these. They're supposedly much better
    for the eyes because they let enormously more oxygen get to the cornea than older

    This doctor was careful to warn me that some people just
    couldn't wear or didn't like these lenses. He examined me after I'd worn them a
    little while and told me one problem might be that apparently I don't blink fully
    -- my eyelids don't quite touch on each blink. Have you ever tried to change the
    way you blink? I mean, every time? So now I am trying to achieve a "full blink"
    (his words) without looking like some kind of raving blinky freak.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 23, 2003

    red X reject

    Once again, I am a Red Cross reject. At least by now I know enough to ask them to
    stick my finger first so they can reject me before we spend ten minutes on
    the personal and embarassing questions. At least they gave me cookies. (Nutter
    Butters! Yum!)

    Don't worry, I haven't forgotten to write up the LOTR
    meeting story. I'll do it as soon as I have sufficient time on the home computer
    to write, which may well not be until the end of this week. But just to whet your
    appetite: virtual kisses to the first person who can correctly explain why a
    mythological hero's journey, a la Joseph Campbell, is *not* the best model for a
    group trying to have measurable impact on work processes in a reasonable amount of
    time. (Hint: think Odysseus. Think Moses in the desert.)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 22, 2003

    tell you later...

    I'm in meetings all week and may not be able to update much, but if I don't get to
    it later today, someone please remind me to write about the Lord of the
    Ring-themed meeting and the widdershins Campbellian mythological metaphor they're
    ill-advisedly (in my opinion) using. And yes, this is work

    Believe me, this one is worth hearing.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:07 AM

    July 21, 2003

    new starts and wishes for new beginnings

    The problem here is that I have an entry I should write, about quasi-cancer and
    what happens after (don't worry, it's a long time ago now) but I don't really feel
    like writing it and I most definitely don't want to write it from work. I think
    it's blocking other subjects. So move along, no profundity here today. (She said,
    as if there often was.)

    Today was my first day of training for next
    spring. I've decided not to race in Masters Nationals next month or in the head
    races this fall. I may very well never do a head race in a single again in fact.
    There's nothing left for me to prove to myself: I know I can do it and I know I
    don't like it so why bother? Unfortunately I didn't get to row this morning (and
    thus didn't get to try out my nifty new rear-view mirror, rigging wrnch or seat-
    pad, sigh) because it was too windy. I did virtuously go to the gym again. I've
    switched back to shorter sets with heavy weights, so buffness and muscularity will
    be approaching in short order. (Um, they will, won't they?) This is feeling oddly
    as if it were part of a sensible plan: heavy weights and less time on the water in
    the off season, grading to lighter weights and longer sets to more days on the
    water and fewer in the gym as the race season culminates. Sensible it is, really.
    Planned? Um, no. Or at least only in the short term -- I did make each decision as
    it came according to what made sense at the time. I do expect to be planning this
    year a bit more, going from long and light rows with the emphasis on form
    alternating with resistance rows, to more endurance work to shorter intense bursts
    by next summer. I still won't be fast because I have reason to believe I'll still
    be in this body at this height by then, but maybe I'll be

    Rudder's even been making comments lately at how impressed he
    is that I stick with this and at my speed-to-height ratio. Whether these stem from
    actual impressed-ness or from a desire to keep peace in the home and maybe to
    reassure me a bit, it's probably better not to ask. (Rudder knows it's not always
    easy for me that he rows with another woman because she's a better partner for him
    in size, strength and time available for training. I trust him totally, though,
    and I trust and respect She-Hulk, and I'll have no qualms about them being in
    Sacramento without me for the first couple days of Nationals -- maybe some envy
    that I can't be there, but no qualms.)

    I'm now in my annual Autumnal
    throes, triggered as usual by the arrival of the first L.L. Bean fall catalog.
    Yes, OK, I'm a materialistic beast, but it all goes together for me: leaves
    turning and air that's crisp instead of ovenlike and sweaters and a utilitarian,
    out-doorish style, fleece and long sleeves and should-I-wear-a-jacket, bonfires
    and the start of a new year in both the Jewish and school year calendars. I miss
    all that. I think I may wait until the first of August to let my credit card start
    a new month and at least buy some long pants. It's easier than buying golden
    leaves and crisp air.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:32 AM

    July 20, 2003

    REAL sports

    Why is it that ESPN can televise lumberjack sports (log-rolling, "hot saw", etc)
    but will not be at US Rowing Nationals?

    I mean, why aside from the
    fact that the lumberjacks havesponsors eager to distract the American public from
    what some of them are trying to do to our National Forests?

    rolling and such are pretty cool to watch, actually; I wouldn't want them to go
    away. I would like all those big-money spectator sports that bore the piss out to
    me to go away -- those sports like like football, basketball, and so on, that are
    watched by people who would never think of participating in them. Or at least, I
    would like them to recede a bit to make room for sports that are watched and loved
    by people who do this or something related to it or something to train for it
    every damn day. Move over, you big hunks of overpaid meat in cleats. I want
    to see men and women who work for a living and play sports for fun.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:25 PM

    July 18, 2003

    She kissed a girl

    There are no doubt lots of things about parenting I don't understand, but here's
    one of them. It should be remembered that most of my opinions about the parenting
    of teen-agers derive from being on the other side (that is, I have been a teen but
    haven't been a parent). I've seen this situation several times, with differing

    So imagine you have a daughter, late high-school-aged.
    You've just found out she's sleeping with a girlfriend.

    confuses me is that in every single case I've seen, the parent's primary reaction
    (whether favorable or not) is to the word "girlfriend" rather than the words
    "sleeping with". I mean, if I'd had a nice Jewish boy whose family my parents know
    (in other words, the most appropriate date possible, in their eyes) sleeping over
    when I was that age or even when I was in college, I think my parents would have
    hit the roof. (I may be wrong, but I doubt it.) I know this isn't true of all
    parents; my college boyfriend's parents didn't seem to mind me staying over.

    Has this changed? Are more parents just comfortable with the idea of
    their late-teen kid having sex? I guess I tend to think that if I were a parent, I
    might be comfortable in the abstract with the idea, if I thought my daughter were
    ready to make her own decision, but not necessarily with it happening in my house,
    especially while I was there. Or maybe even that would be OK as long as I didn't
    have to think about the details much (in other words, about the same attitude I
    have toward the idea of my parents having sex). I just don't

    But it still strikes me as odd that no one (in the several
    cases I've read) ever seems to worry whether their daughter is old enough to have
    sex at all whether with a guy or girl. Maybe it's just easier because with a girl
    they don't have to work about pregnancy at all, AIDS is much less likely, and
    another girl is less likely to be able to overpower their daughter. Maybe the
    shock factor, for those that disapprove, is enough to overcome anything else.
    Maybe I'm just hopelessly out of touch and can't know without actually being a
    parent. Maybe I'd even encourage it, in order to not have my kid sneaking around
    behind my back.

    Maybe it's a good thing I don't have to worry about
    these things.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:04 PM

    July 17, 2003


    It's a day for announcements, and apparently a week for babies -- SWooP just
    mentioned a friend being induced, someone on my LMM list just had one, and

    I would like to extand a Welcome to the World to Ar (boy) and Og
    (girl), the much-wanted twin spawn of Egret and T2. (The noms are their initials,
    but I just like the cavebaby sound of Ar and Og.) Mother and twinlets are doing
    well but we haven't seen pics yet. As their honorary auntie I would like to play
    fairy-at-the-christening (don't worry, the bad fairy wasn't invited this time) and
    wish for them luck and love, wit and wisdom, health and wealth and charm and
    beauty (which latter three may not be on a par with luck and love insofar as real
    value, but they may make the rest easier to exercise).

    I'd also like
    to announce the winner of Tuesday's href="">contest, that poster
    character for Cool Older Womanhood L'Empress. Go read her -- she has a lot of insight
    into a lot of aspects of life. ANd I still want to learn more about Jonah training

    And with luck maybe tomorrow I'll be able to announce that
    we've had a bit of rain!

    Posted by dichroic at 11:52 AM

    July 16, 2003

    hot hot hot

    I'm fairly surprised to get only one email for yesterday's href="">Contest. I hope this means
    that all my readers are already Gold/Supergold members, flush with cash, or both.
    At any rate, it certainly does eliminate controvers yover who won. More later on

    At the bottom of yesterday's entry, I was not just whining when
    I talked about the heat here; it turns out that yesterday we set what the local
    news is calling a "particularly nasty" record, for the highest low temperature
    ever in the Valley of the Sun. We row at 5AM, which is right at the coolest part
    of the day. As it turns out the coolest yesterday ever got was 99 degeres. Ick ick
    ick ick ick. They're s[eculating that this might turn out to be the hottest July
    ever. Now, that can be pretty unpleasant when you're talking about hottest ever in
    a place like, say, Philadelphia, but imagine it when you're already in a place
    famous for heat. And before you tell me it's a dry heat, bear in mind that this is
    July, not June. Normally what happens is that we get our hottest weather in June
    when it's dry, then the monsoon starts at tthe beginning of July, the humidity
    rises, and temperatures fall a little. Not this year; the monsoon is here and
    we're getting dust storms and 115 degree temps in the same day.

    does give me a lot of sympathy for the service members still marooned out there in
    Iraq, where it's even hotter. At least nobody is shooting at me.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 15, 2003

    A Contest

    Time for a little practical two-for-one action.

    I am solvent at the
    moment, which as any habitual reader of on-line diaries will know, is not true for
    many people online. Apparently, Diaryland itself is one of them at the moment.
    Also, I am only 15 episodes of blogorrhea away from my 1000th entry here -- at my
    usual rate of writing, that means I'll reach it in a week and a half. I was trying
    to think of an appropriate way to celebrate my thousandth, and what better than
    promoting the health of the host of all those words?

    So here's the
    deal: I'll celebrate by holding a contest. I was going to make the winner just the
    first person to email me (decided to use email instead of the Guestbook to avoid
    embarassing anyone). Then I thought about asking some questions based on what I've
    written in here, but that seemed too self-aggrandizing and too many hoops to jump
    through. So you just have to email me, but let's add some rules to make sure the
    money is used effectively. Hmmm.... OK, this is open to anyone with a Diaryland
    diary that is at least three months old with at least thirty entries in it --
    that's an average of one about every third day. And they have to be reasonably
    spaced -- I mean, I don't care how regular entries are, but I don't want to
    sponsor a journal that got written in for a month and then left to molder, or even
    one that got written in, dropped, and then picked up again in that last week. I
    get to decide what constitutes "reasonable", but hey, it's my contest. Oh, and
    this isn't a rule, but please don't enter if you have so much cash on hand that
    you wouldn't notice an extra $30. Go run your own contest instead. The e-mail
    link is in the drop-down at left; the winner will be the sender of the first email
    I receive asking to be in the contest.

    Please tell me in the email if
    it's OK to announce your nom and site here if you win. If you don't want me to, I

    One more thing: if you already have a gold membership, a new
    one just adds time onto it, so you can still enter.

    other news it is ferociously hot here today. The humidity is up and the
    monsoons are here. I hear we had a little rain (very little) over the weekend, and
    there was a nice dust storm last night, but those didn't have any effect on the
    temperature. The forecast is saying we may be getting some thunderstorms with
    actual water, but judging from the predicted highs those won't affect the heat
    either. This is how hot it is: we unloaded the Orange Crush and rigged the boats.
    We were done by 5:30 and could have gone for a short row, but it was so nasty out
    that even Rudder, apostle of the Protestant Work Ethic, decided not to. I'm
    definitely taking the rest of the week off practice. Maybe next week will be

    Posted by dichroic at 12:29 PM

    July 14, 2003

    I'm back and I'm sleepy

    Getting in after midnight = not a good thing for rowers.

    Driving six hours
    home after several races and a day by the water, also not so good. I seriously
    considered a sick day today but there's one meeting right at the end of the day I
    really don't want to miss. (Of course if I had taken a sick day, I'd have missed
    out on the current crisis, which would have been nice, excet then I'd have had to
    come back to it tomorrow.)

    She-Hulk and I beat a couple of other
    boats (Yay!) so I'm pretty happy about that. We came in 4th of 6, so one place
    higher and we'd have gotten a medal. She did get a silver medal in the double with
    Rudder, who also got another silver and a bronze, so they're happy. I was a bit
    farther behind in the single, but at least not embarassing so -- though I'd have
    been really happy to beat some other boats there too. And yeah, OK, you have to
    row your own race and just do what you can do without worrying about others and
    all that crap, but if that were all there was to it, you could just stay home and
    row 1000m pieces. We go to races to figure out where we stand in relation to
    others. (I find it amusing that the last person who gave me that speech, about
    just rowing to the best of your capability, is a world champion on the erg -- so
    he's not exactly an expert at coming in last.)

    This was my last
    regatta for a while, since I don't want to race in either Nationals or the head
    races this fall. (Though I might do the local one.) Now I just have to decide if I
    want to take this week off ffrom training or wait until after Nationals next month
    and see if I can persuade Rudder to sleep late with me. Right now, doing both
    sounds like the best idea.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:38 PM

    July 11, 2003

    a Hummer in a hat

    Oops, never posted today, did I? I got landed with a couple of humongous tasks due
    in two workdays, along with the usual busy-ness.

    We spent this
    morning getting the Orange Crush behatted again with three boats, and stuffed with
    riggers and assorted other paraphernalia - we were planning to put all our boats
    on the club trailer, but AussieCoach is being a prat and wanting to load up and
    leave so late that we'd miss the race meeting, eat dinner way too late, and be
    exhausted by race time. (Maybe this will give us an advantage over the people who
    are loading with him ....) The good news is that we've *finally* found a race
    schedule and they've done a great job sorting the races out -- "great" in this
    context means that they've divided things by age so that none of the races we are
    in has heats. She-Hulk and I each have two raes and Rudder has three, as opposed
    to the five (!) he had two weeks ago. The last race any of us is in is supposed to
    be at 3:48, which means that even if the whole race is on time, we won't be packed
    and leaving until 6, so we'll get home around midnight. Feh.

    Rudder got the Hummer, the dealer had put chrome letters in the embossed H U M M E
    R on the back bumper. They keep falling off -- the dealer replaces them every time
    they service the vehicle (oil changes and such are free there) but they just fall
    off again. Currently it says UMM R. Good thing Rudder got the rear-mounted spare
    tire, which hides it.

    Grammar question of the day: when did "cliche"
    become an adjective? I've been seeing it used that way a lot lately, as in, "I
    know it's cliche but I really believe it was meant to be." It's true and I think
    it's a good thing that English words (even ones so recently borrowed as to still
    be often spelled with an accent) move easily among parts of speech but somehow
    this move seems wrong. I keep thinking that "cliched" would be more proper, but
    I'm not sure why -- I can't think of other good examples of words morphing from
    noun to adjective.

    No, wait, I have. You can say, "It's music," or
    "It's cardboard," in a way that you can't say "It's bear," or "It's car," and in
    the first two cases, come to think of it, you really are using those nouns in an
    adjectival way. Interstingly, my Webster's lists an adjectival sense for carboard
    but not for music, though I would argue the two uses are parallel.

    And yes, I do think as I write.

    A minute
    ago I somehow deleted all the above by mistake and was able to rescue it by right-
    clicking in the boax and picking "Undo". That may be my entire ration of magic or
    luck for today.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:27 PM

    July 10, 2003

    golly, and ouch

    Gosh, my body hurts -- my ankles and the tendon in my shoulder that always seems
    to be strained and my knees and the foot I've been sitting on.

    lately I seem to have co-opted Beaver Cleaver's vocabulary of expletives. "Gosh"
    is bad enough but I've even caught myself saying "Good Heavens" in public lately.
    WTF? Maybe I'll start using "Merlin's Beard!" as they do in the Harry Potter
    novels, or my all-time favorite from a girl I knew in college, "Holy Hammer!" I
    have no idea where that comes from, and neither did she, but it always sounds like
    an invocation of Mjöllnir to me.

    And the effort to type that
    correctly has just reminded me, in a stream of consciousness way, of a restaurant
    in Philadelphia, though I don't think it's still there. It was called Frög, and
    was reputed to be very good -- I never ate there because it was well beyond my
    budget at the time. Anyway, the monicker is pronounced just plain "frog", because
    as cognoscenti (and I, for some odd reason) knew, that is not an umlaut above the
    'o' -- it's eyes.


    Oh and in other news, I have just
    earned my ninth DUCK! Only one more
    to get to 500 miles. I wish I had announced the last one, so that I could have
    used the word "antepenultimate" -- though if you'll excuse my repeating a pun I
    used over at Fivehundred, perhaps that would be "antepinnipedultimate" for ducks.
    Note to SWooP, Diddyback, Natalie, and href="">Caerula: apparently your collective
    influence does not entirely cancel out a dose of Levy-ty. Sorry I had to run off,

    Gee whiz.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:37 AM

    July 09, 2003


    I can't imagine why anyone would think I'm a difficult person when it takes so
    little to make me happy (at least briefly). I was unreasonably excited last night
    because I got to sleep in all the way until 6 this morning. Not counting the
    usual-schedule-induced hourly wakings at 3, 4, and 5 AM, of course. Or the cat's
    yowling at some point, though he stopped before I had to drag out the squirt gun.
    And at least I didn't, like Rudder, wake up to find that one of the cats had
    yakked up on my shoes. (He didn't wear that pair yesterday, so it might not have
    happened last night.) Yes, it's official: my favorite part of racing is tapering
    off training in the week before.

    I did enjoy my practice with She-
    Hulk yesterday. If we row that well in the race Sunday, I'll be happy, and if
    anyone else beats us, it will be to their credit, not our shame. We row fast. If
    they row faster it won't be from our lack of effort.

    This is my last
    race until at least December or so, since I don't plan to do any head races this
    fall. I don't like doing longer races, and I've satisfactorily proved to myself
    that I can do them in a single a double, or any other boat. So first, I'll take a
    week off training and then I'll start a long-term plan focusing on next spring. I
    do hope to do some coxing this fall so I can still pariticpate in some races; I've
    spoken to Yosemite Sam about coxing for his crews, because though he's not always
    great at imparting his knowledge, he was a world-class cox and I hope to learn a
    lot (he was alternate cox on the crew that didn't get to go to the 1980

    Oh and if anybpdy's wondering, I did buy href="">those pants yesterday.
    Willpower R not me. Maybe it's a good thing I sublimate to relatively harmless
    lusts; imagine if these were a man.

    Stolen from Coriakin:

    border="0" alt="The man who sold the moon">
    You belong in The Man Who Sold The
    Moon. You are a
    dreamer. People don't understand you your
    calling, and
    often get in your way. Frontiers
    call to you, and you will breathe your
    breath as you gaze back from a distant horizon.

    border="0" alt="rapier">
    You are a rapier! You"re fast and very sharp.
    only weakness is that in certain
    situations you can be thin and

    Posted by dichroic at 12:04 PM

    July 08, 2003

    resistance to pants is futile

    Have you ever just lusted for a particular article of clothing? One you tried on
    and it just looked so good that even though you were strong and resisted spending
    the money you were still thinking about it three days later?

    In a
    local sporting goods shop the other day, I tried href="">these on. They are
    inordinately comfortable -- low and loose on the hips, lightweight and soft. They
    have spiffy seams, and the pockets zip closed just in case you might want to fall
    in the water while wearing them and not lose your car keys. (Note: just take the
    keys with you. Those car remotes don't like getting wet, according to my users'
    manual.) And they looked damned good -- for one brief moment back around 1980,
    knickers were in fashion, and they suited me so well I've been waiting for them to
    come back in ever since. This pair may be called capris, but they're just calling
    them that so they sound fashionable. I mean, come on, it's got buttons on the

    I resisted buying them because they met only two of my three
    major criteria: comfortable, looked good, but -- oops! -- not reasonably priced.
    They've been lurking in my head ever since, whispering "Resistance is Futile" so I
    may have to just given in and join the collective ... I mean, buy the

    I think it's all a function of being happily married. I don't
    obsess over cute guys (much) so now I'm just sublimating, projecting my wants onto
    clothing. At least they're less likely to break my heart, pass on diseases, or
    make me crazy... crazier.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:52 PM

    July 07, 2003

    another Potter-ish post

    It's time for me to admit something. Over the past several years, I have read
    enough Harry Potter sites, chat, fic, and related articles to conclude that I am
    just not like other women.

    I do not find Severus Snape in the least

    Oh, I can see the appeal of the bad-boy archtype, but for me
    that tends to run more in the direction of youthful rebellion -- say, Brad Pitt in
    A River Runs Through It or Sean Penn in Racing with the Moon. But
    Snape? No. First of all, he is downright mean-spirited and nasty. Arguments have
    been made that it's necessary to keep Voldemort from knowing he's joined the good
    guys, but I think that incident in the latest book, in which (deliberately vague
    to avoid spoilers) he stops doing something he knows is necessary just because his
    wittle feewings have been hurt disproves that thoroughly. And then he's unfair and
    petty to those over whom he has power, which I find inexcusable. Finally, there's
    the greasy hair. And that makes all the rest of it redundant: I have never, will
    never, could never find that sexy. Eurrrghh.

    And then there's Sirius.
    Sirius comes much closer to being attractive: he has a sense of honor, loves his
    friends, has principles and lives up to them. He apparently started out extremely
    handsome and is now romantically and Byronically wasted. He was apparently a bit
    of a jerk as a teenager (along with James) but I'm willing to give him credit for
    having outgrown that. And he is also a "bad boy" but in a far more appealing way.
    No, there's only one minor problem with Sirius: I've convinced that his time in
    Azkaban left him a bit mad. First, there's the entire plot of Prisoner of Azkaban:
    I agree he had to break out of prison, but about three minutes' thought suggests
    any number of ways he could have handled things better after that. (Sample: go to
    Dumbledore first intead of last.) And then he keeps taking risks, and trying to
    get Harry to do so, just for the thrill of it when there was no real payoff. Fine,
    if you're talking about bungy-jumping for fun, but not terribly sensible when the
    stakes are that high. (Of course, if you're a big Sirius fan and primarily
    interested in him for reasons other than waging a War against Evil, I suppose a
    bit of mad recklessness might not not be altogether a bad thing.)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 05, 2003

    the tenth one

    I always hate the feeling of realizing I am 8 days into a 9-day vacation from
    work, even when I didn't go anywhere or do anything special.

    Yesterday was nice, though. We spent the morning working on the
    boats with She-Hulk. (I did point out that most men do not wake up at 5 AM on the
    day of their tenth wedding anniversary to go off and meet another woman. She-Hulk
    said, "But it's a rowing thing!") They disassembled the double and put on some new
    parts while I washed and waxed my single and Rudder's. We spent the middle of the
    day doing nothing much, went to a party in the late afternoon and chatted with a
    bunch of other rowers, then went to href="">T. Cook's at the Royal Palms
    resort for our anniversary dinner. It's been voted the Most Romantic Restaurant in
    town, with which I'd have to disagree; it was light and bright, with an open barn-
    ish layout. No privacy to speak of. But it was attractive and the food was
    inventive and very good. Rudder was happy because it was also filling and the
    portions were of reasonable size -- nouvelle cuisine is his idea of a Bad Idea. He
    did claim it still didn't measure up to Commander's Palace in New Orleans, but
    while that might be true, I question the accuracy of ten-year-old restaurant
    memories. At any rate, both T. Cook's and Commander's Palace are among the
    country's best, by all the ratings I've seen. If anyone cares, we split a warm
    asparagus and a tuna carpaccio appetizer, both with morels. Both tasty. He had an
    heritage tomato and mozarella salad, followed by a rib-eye steak, while I had
    lobster with lobster-filled tortellini and more asparagus. They also served us
    excellent bread and very fresh pesto with it. We had glasses of an Oregonian
    Cabernet and a New Zealand Merlot, and finished with decaf, since we had a bottle
    of sparkling Shiraz and Godiva truffles waiting at home.

    we climbed up on the roof with the Shiraz and the truffles, a blanket and cups to
    watch the fireworks. This was a little bit of a challenge: it's a two story house
    but the garage roof is one one story and it's possible to get frm there to the top
    of the house -- though rendered a little more difficult when carrying a bottle of
    wine and squishable chocolates. The Shiraz was a disappointment, but we were able
    to see about eight different fireworks shows. All but two were distant and behind
    trees, and even the two best were rendered smaller than I'd have liked by
    distance, but it was still fun just being up there, even despite the horrible
    oldies-and-baddies soundtrack drifting over from a neighbor's

    The fireworks shows can best be described as "too long" but
    that's a rant for another time -- and one I think I've already ranted.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:42 PM

    July 04, 2003

    ten years together

    Today is the tenth anniversary of our wedding.

    by Wallace Stevens

    The night knows nothing of the chants of night.

    It is what it is as I am what I am:

    And in perceiving this I best perceive myself

    And you. Only we two may interchange

    Each in the other what each has to give.

    Only we two are one, not you and night,

    Nor night and I, but you and I, alone,

    So much alone, so deeply by ourselves,

    So far beyond the casual solitudes,

    That night is only the background of our selves,

    Supremely true each to its separate self,

    In the pale light that each upon the other throws.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 03, 2003

    another relaxing day

    So far today:

    - rowed 10 km including 4 5-minute pieces at high

    - took my truck in to fix the one little bit they missed earlier in
    the week

    - renewed our boat permits for next year

    - meandered around
    the mall -- bought a lipstick and foundation at Origins, 2 CDs at B&N, and some
    beading stuff. Tried to figure out how to make a rowing bear for Rudder, but
    unfortunately Build-A-Bear doesn't really have much in the way of oars or spandex
    unis. Though the saleswoman did tell me about an ASU rower's mother who sewed her
    own bear uni. I bought chocolate at Godiva instead (we're not really supposed to
    be giving each other gifts this year, the Antarctica trip being the big

    - went to the doctors' to have my clean bill of health certified for
    the same trip. Given that medevacs from there are a pretty big deal, I can see the
    point of requiring that.

    Unfortunately, I forgot to get a card for
    Rudder. Drat.

    Don't tell anyone, but one of the CDs was John Denver.
    Been meaning to get one of those for years. I really wish there were one with the
    setting of John Gillespie Magee's High Flight he once did for a TV special
    on NASA, but I don't think that was ever recorded. The other one was Violent
    Femmes, which always reminds me of freshman year. I put the two of those on the
    counter to pay and said, "Don't laugh."

    Posted by dichroic at 02:07 PM

    July 02, 2003

    SF/F list

    I wrote an earlier
    today, but what the hell. These seem to be mostly the older "classic"
    works in F & SF, which means they don't match my taste much, and a lot of the ones
    I've read only once were read long ago -- my college boyfriend had a very good
    library. My comments are in italics. I stole this from href="">Baf.



    * = I've read it

    ** = I've read it multiple times

    # = Started but never finished, or have read some books in series

    Science Fiction Novels

    *Dune, Frank Herbert

    **The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Robert A. Heinlein

    The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula K. Le Guin

    #The Foundation Trilogy, Isaac

    **Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert A. Heinlein

    The Stars My Destination, Alfred Bester

    *A Canticle for Leibowitz, Walter M. Miller Jr

    Childhood's End, Arthur C. Clarke

    #Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card (I read only the short-story version)

    Hyperion, Dan Simmons

    Gateway, Frederik Pohl

    *The Forever War, Joe Haldeman

    More Than Human, Theodore Sturgeon

    Lord of Light, Roger Zelazny

    #Neuromancer, William Gibson

    *Startide Rising, David Brin

    *The Time Machine, H.G. Wells

    The Man in the High Castle, Philip K. Dick

    The Dispossessed, Ursula K. Le Guin

    Stand on Zanzibar, John Brunner

    *Nineteen Eight-Four, George Orwell

    The Demolished Man, Alfred Bester

    #The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury

    **Starship Troopers, Robert A. Heinlein

    Downbelow Station, C.J. Cherryh

    *Ringworld, Larry Niven

    #2001: A Space Odyssey, Arthur C. Clarke

    #The War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells

    Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury

    *The Mote in God's Eye, Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle

    Way Station, Clifford D. Simak

    Star Maker, Olaf Stapledon

    Dying Inside, Robert Silverberg

    The City and the Stars, Arthur C. Clarke

    Dhalgren, Samuel R. Delany

    Rendezvous with Rama, Arthur C. Clarke

    Mission of Gravity, Hal Clement

    City, Clifford D. Simak

    *Cyteen, C.J. Cherryh

    *Flowers for Algernon, Daniel Keyes

    *Double Star, Robert A. Heinlein

    Earth Abides, George R. Stewart

    **The Door Into Summer, Robert A. Heinlein

    Last and First Men, Olaf Stapledon

    Ubik, Philip K. Dick

    Norstrilia, Cordwainer Smith

    The Witches of Karres, James H. Schmitz

    Frankenstein, Mary Shelley

    **Have Space Suit -- Will Travel, Robert A. Heinlein

    **Time Enough for Love, Robert A. Heinlein

    Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Philip K. Dick

    **The Gods Themselves, Isaac Asimov

    #"Riverworld" series, Philip Jose Farmer

    Fantasy Novels

    *The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien

    **The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien

    The Book of the New Sun, Gene Wolfe

    "Earthsea" series, Ursula K. Le Guin

    **Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

    "Gormenghast" series, Mervyn Peake

    **The Once and Future King, T.H. White

    *Little, Big, John Crowley

    **Nine Princes in Amber, Roger Zelazny

    *"The First Chronicles of Thomas Covenant", Stephen R. Donaldson

    **Dragonflight, Anne McCaffrey

    "The Belgariad", David Eddings

    **The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis

    *The Anubis Gates, Tim Powers

    "The Dying Earth" series, Jack Vance

    **The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum

    *Dracula, Bram Stoker

    **The Last Unicorn, Peter S. Beagle

    *The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley

    The Stand, Stephen King

    Watership Down, Richard Adams (I really should read this one)

    **The Riddle-Master of Hed, Patricia A. McKillip

    The Worm Ouroboros, E.R. Eddison

    **Glory Road, Robert A. Heinlein

    Mythago Wood, Robert Holdstock

    *"Alvin Maker" series, Orson Scott Card (sort of a compromise rating -- I've
    read the first two more than once, but never got to the third.)

    **A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine L'Engle

    *Witch World, Andre Norton

    "The Fionavar Tapestry", Guy Gavriel Kay

    Deryni Rising, Katherine Kurtz

    *"Discworld" series, Terry Pratchett (same sort of compromise)

    *"Elric" series, Michael Moorcock

    Replay, Ken Grimwood

    Something Wicked This Way Comes, Ray Bradbury

    "Fafhrd & Gray Mouser" series, Fritz Leiber (I want to read these, just haven't
    come across them)

    **The Incomplete Enchanter, Fletcher Pratt & L. Sprague de Camp

    But no Connie Willis, no de Lint, no Lackey, no Bull, Shetterley, Windling, Dean,
    Yolen, MacAvoy, Gaiman. Also, no children's fantasy but Alice and Oz: no
    MacDonald, Nesbit, Cooper, Rowling, Goudge, Travers, Duane. More is Imcompleat
    here than just Sir Harold de Shea.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:56 AM

    morning challenges

    This was my one and only day to sleep in during this week while I'm off from work.
    Granted, I'd only have been able to sleep until 7, as we having people coming in
    to tend to both the A/C and the roof, but still, that's 3 hours later than

    The males in my house put a stop to the right quick. First
    it was that damned cat whining at 3AM. My latest theory is that he's under the
    delusion that he still has balls and that this is his version of the classic cat
    singing on the back fence. However, his latest trick casts doubt on that theory.
    This morning, Rudder told me, he decided to climb on top of the previously sleepig
    Rudder, stick his nose in Rudder's ear, and THEN start mrowwwllling. I don't know,
    maybe he's so confused that he wants to mate with Rudder's ear? (If it had been
    me, I'd have begun playing kitty football at that point - when he was a kitten and
    used to curl up and knead my neck while I was trying to sleep, I'd sort of fling
    him to the foot of the bed. I think I may have gotten a spiral on him a couple of
    those times. I suppose this might be part of why he's so

    Then Rudder's alarm went off at 4 and he went to the gym.
    Then the cats decided that if he were gone, obviously I shouldn't be sleeping.
    Then the older cat decided he wanted to snuggle up. He's long haired, so this
    involves itchy fur in my face. I finally got to sleep at 5:30 or so, just in time
    for Rudder to wake me up coming back from the gym at 6, when he decided that he
    didn't have to be at work that early and so could nap a half hour before
    showering. (He has his reasons for doing that instead of setting the alarm later
    in the first place, but I'm not convinced.) And of course that involved the usual
    discussion about whether we were going to nap or "nap". I elected to try for
    actual sleep, but of course that still didn't work.

    I could sleep
    late, really, if only my co-residents weren't on such peculiar schedules.
    Unfortunately, I can't nap inthe afternoon unless I'm either absolutely exhausted
    or sick, neither of which applies at the moment. So much for luxurious late

    Posted by dichroic at 07:55 AM

    July 01, 2003

    Dean, sports, and feline harrassment

    After Natalie's comment on her contribution
    to Howard Dean's campaign, I was curious and checked out his href="">campaig
    n website


    I am very impressed with his
    background and almost all of his positions. (I'm a little ambivalent on his
    universal health care, because I don't like the idea of the government running
    health care, but I haven't read the details yet. And I am willing to believe that
    a physician has more insight than I do about how to run a healthcare system. Other
    than that, though: Balanced budget? Check. Pro-choice? Check. Equal rights and
    opportunities for all? Check. Strongly supporting individual liberties and
    opposing the what I now think of as the Ashcroft/Umbridge crackdowns? Check. Gay
    rights even including immigration freedoms (an issue no one who has read href="">Caroline or href="">Enka in the past few years can ignore)?
    Check. Cpatial punishment in extreme cases but only if applied fairly? Check. And
    he has a background to support it as governor of Vermont, he cut state taxes and
    even sales taxes, so when he talks about rescinding Bush's "irresponsible tax
    cuts" I don't hear echoes of "tax and spend".

    Caveat: All of the
    above is from the Dean website. Before I spend any money or a vote on him, I will
    be watching to see whether independent sources corroborate all of this. And I am
    sure managing a country as diverse as this one is a far harder challenge than a
    small state with a tradition of civic participation and

    We're into the worst workout season now,
    the one where you can work up a sweat even at a light and easy paddle. And it will
    get worse as the humidity increases, once monsoon season starts. After the next
    race, I think I will take a week of from working out. And while I'm off work this
    week, I may try to investigate other sports in which the irremediable aspscts of
    my body size won't be a major handicap. (I can build muscle but not height.) So
    far I'm thinking ballet, yoga, or martial arts. I'm too old for gymnastics, too
    sensible to undertake a body-builder's diet, and too crabby to do the fake-smile
    bit in those quasi-gymnastic fitness competition thingies.

    And I'm
    also going to end here because it's too hard to type with a cat sitting on my
    mouse, lapping over onto the edge of the keyboard, and hanging his chin onto my

    Posted by dichroic at 08:50 AM

    June 30, 2003

    only minor problems

    Grrr... I am so annoyed. I have the week off because we have a plant
    sutdown for July 4th, and courtesy of the bonus they gave us a week or so ago, I
    decided to really treat myself. I am scheduled to visit a local day spa today for
    a sugar scrub (body skin exfoliation), a deep-tissue massage, a facial, and a
    pedicure. I've been looking forward to all this with great anticipation. And what
    do I go and do to myself on Saturday? I apply sunscreen without being careful
    enough to get it everywhere and so I now have spots of sunburn. They're not bad
    sunburn, mind you, since it was cloudy most of the day. I can touch them without
    excruciating pain but they will not be fun to be massaged on. With luck the
    masseuse (and the sguar-scrubber) will be able to work around

    Still, if minor annoyances and ironies are the story of my
    life, I can at least be grateful to avoid the major ones. One rower, stuck in a
    traffic am while returning on Saturday night, wandered off into the desert for
    unknown reasons (like maybe, finding a quiet spot away from all the other people
    thinking to make a pit stop during the traffic jam), fell off a 6' high culvert,
    and broke his hip and a wrist. They're replacing the hip joint today. It's enough
    to make me feel I should be cherishing my minor annoyances.

    didn't find out about his mishap until this morning, since we didn't come home
    until last night. It was a fairly enjoyable weekend otherwise. I wasn't thrilled
    about coming last (of three) in both of my races, but at least I rowed well and
    didn't really do anything wrong. It's just that everyone else rowed well faster.
    I really should try out some other sports where my size wouldn't be such a
    disadvantage. The competition was a bit harder than I expected. Rudder won only
    one medal, in his double with She-Hulk. Poor boy had five (!) races: heat and
    final in his single, heat and final in the mixed double, and a double race with
    another guy. After the race, we had a nice Thai dinner with a friend from one of
    my lists who showed up in what she referred to as her "Professor McGonagall hat",
    then breakfast and a walk on the beasch Sunday with She-Hulk and her son and his
    girlfriend. The two teenagers also kept us entertained most of the weekend -- and
    even helped out in spots. We derigged this morning (because it as far too hot last
    night) then I was able to take a nice leisurely row, which I've have enjoyed far
    more at about 20 degrees cooler.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:13 AM

    June 27, 2003

    bad calls

    OK, packed up and all ready for the race ... ready, that is, except that
    AussieCoach has apparently given the race organizers the wrong ages for us. As it
    turned out, he was only estimating and *told* them (he said) to use the ones in
    the official entry packets, so it's not entirely his fault. Still, though, he gets
    it wrong every damn time. These things would work out better if he'd only remember
    that you can't just write someone's age down once and then assume it's the same
    forever, especially not after a couple of years. (Then again, you can
    generally assume that with names, and he gets my name wrong most times too, giving
    me Rudder's surname. I correct him, he apologies, and then he goes and does the
    same thing the next time.)

    And because I found this info so useful
    when I saw it on href="">Mer's journal, I will
    pass it on. As of today, you can register on the National Do-Not-Call list, though
    telemarketers don't actually have to check it until October 1. Go href="">here to register (though the server appears to
    be a bit overloaded at the moment) or href="">here for more

    Off to the races - wish me luck!

    Posted by dichroic at 08:32 AM

    June 26, 2003


    Good God, it's freezing in here. I'm wearing not only the cardigan I keep at work
    but also the blanket that normally lives in my truck. This isn't the first time
    it's come in to work with me, but it is the first time in this company. Until I
    went out and got the blanket, my fingers were going numb, then they did the pins-
    and-needles thing while I was standing out there in 100+ degrees, waiting for my
    core temp to climb out of the polar zone. The odd thing is, there's no reason for
    it to be this cold and it usually isn't. Yesterday, I was comfortable wearing a
    short skirt; today I'm freezing in jeans. In other Artic offices I've lived in,
    the cooling systems had been designed to deal with banks of large heat-generating
    computers that have now been replaced with small cards that have negligible
    thermal outputs. Here, in the other hand, my end of the building is just offices,
    so that's not it.

    I'm hoping to begin telecommuting occasionally,
    but my boss is being a bit restrictive about it -- she'll let me, but I'll have to
    jump through a few hoops first, which I wouldn't mind so much if she hadn't been
    working from home a lot herself lately.

    Repeat the mantra: off all
    next week, off all next week, off all next time to do whatever I
    want. (Except sleep in, what with another regatta only two weeks after this one.)
    Still, I'm looking forward to that free time.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 25, 2003

    H2 XS

    Well, this has been amusing. Because a bunch of us from work are going out
    for lunch today, I asked Rudder if I could drive the href="">Orange Crush. So
    far I haven't had too much trouble maneuvering around (well, except that it does
    tend to want to overlap its parking space), but driving out of the gym parking lot
    after showering I noticed almost everyone who walked by had the same reaction.
    I've begun thinking of it as The Hummer Doubletake. They look once, realize what
    they've seen, look again and walk away grinning.

    Rudder has a shower
    at work so doesn't use or park at that gym; I imagine people at the gym branch
    closer to home where we lift are a bit more blase by now. But it's not often you
    can make people smile just by driving by. Almost seems worth burning a frightening
    amount of petrochemicals. (Rudder likes to point out that with his three-mile
    commute, he uses less gas than I do in Zippy the gas-stingy

    I've already had three people ask to ride with me to lunch. I
    may have to take one batch of people up and a difference group back. Occasional
    excess can be fun.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 24, 2003

    idiopathic ickiness

    Crap. I've jut been feeling like complete crap on and off lately, and I'm
    not sure why. Sunday before last I spent most of the day just laying on the sofa.
    Yesterday I was fine until the drive home, then I started feeling progressively
    worse (tired, burbling gut) and ended up eating about three bites of dinner and
    going to bed. It's frustrating because I don't know why it's happening. I could
    blame dehydration now that it's gotten hot, but I do spend most of the day in air
    conditioning. Unfortunately [TMI warning] some of the general effects an usettled
    stomach has on me tend to add to the dehydration factor. And now I feel icky
    again, but at least I have a culprit: I drank something packaged as a juice
    smoothie (pre-bottled, from the supermarket) this morning, not realizing skim milk
    was the third ingredient. So now I'm in the throes of lactose intolerance.

    I wouldn't mind so much if I could just take a day off and lie
    down, but as usual that's not an option. I couod phone into my afternooon
    meetings, but I'm already here and it wouldtake nearly an hour to drive home. The
    worst effect is on my workouts. I can't just skip them, because I've got a race
    this weekend. This morning I drove all the way out to the lake, couldn't bring
    myself to go out on it, went home and erged instead. I did get a decent workout
    (5K including a 1K piece only about 5 seconds below my best) but it's just
    frustrating. And the scenery isn't as good. I don't know what this on-and-off-
    ickiness is, but I wish it would *stop*!

    Posted by dichroic at 12:09 PM

    June 23, 2003


    This article
    by Jenny Bristow on Harry-Potter-as-phenomenon is kind of funny. I can only
    conclude that the author has only scanned the HP books and has read no other
    children's lit except for te Enid Blyton books she keeps mentioning. (Disclaimer:
    Nothing against Blyton, but I haven't read her. Her books seem to be out of print
    at the moment. * Later Disclaimer: I was wrong, there's plenty of Blyton available
    at Amazon. But as far as I can tell, they're simple adventure books: the word
    reviewers keep using is "enjoyable". There doesn't seem to be anything with an
    actual Theme.) It's probably better to just ignore this sort of thing, but I'm in
    an argumentative mood so I'll tackle her points.

    1) Just because
    parents and teachers didn't put Blyton in libraries, doesn't mean they should also
    omit Rowling, even if they were on the same level. I happen to think they were
    wrong in banning Blyton, and that reading trashy books is far more likely to lead
    to reading good literature than is not reading even trashy books. It's quite
    possible to go from Encyclopedia Brown to Agatha Christie to Dorothy Sayers (I
    did, though somewhat more indirectly -- and I challenge anyone who claims Sayers
    is not literature) or from Harlequins to Heyer to Austen.

    Complaining that Goblet of Fire was too long is not necessarily the same
    thing as lowering expectations for children. Seven hundred and some pages is a
    scale approaching Tom Clancy. Bigger does not equal better, literarily -- often in
    fact, bigger is more boring. It's to Rowling's credit that she doesn't get as
    tediously verbose as Clancy, but still, a little pruning might not be entirely out
    of order. And it's not unreasonable to expect a children's book to be one children
    can actually lift.

    3) I don't read children's books because I'm
    "aspiring to be infantile"> I quite like being grown up and the privileges that go
    with it, and I'm willing to accept the accompanying responsibilities. I read
    classic (and future-classic) children's books because they're good books,
    plain and simple. There are not so many wonderful books in the worl dhtat I am
    willing to miss out on some because of an arbitrary age limit. Furthermore, an
    appallingly large fraction of current literary fiction is flat-out boring, and I
    don't expect a lot of it to survive a hundred years. In the past, some boring
    books passed as exciting because no one else was writing that sort of thing in
    language in better quality than penny-dreadfuls, as witness The Last of the
    . There's too much competition for that mode of survival to work
    today. (By the way, that's not just my opinion on Fenimore COoper; Mark Twain

    5) "The 'crossover' appeal of Harry Potter to a grown-up
    audience fuelled the conceit that there was something special, and more
    challenging, about these books compared with other children's novels." Um, yeah.
    Clearly the author is not familiar with the thriving online groups of adults
    discussing L.M. Montgomery, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Lewis's Narnia groups, and on
    and on.

    6) "Harry Potter is not social commentary at all." This can't
    have been written after reading Book 5, clearly. Or even after a careful reading
    of Book 4; see my next point for details.

    7) "There are few gray
    areas and no difficult issues -- except death -- in the Potter books at all."
    Well, if the principle that the end does not justify the means, that fighting a
    great evil does not justify cracking down on individual liberties -- see Barty
    Crouch in Book 4 for one instance, and most of Book 5 -- if those are not subtle
    ideas, then why is it that so many in the American government have such trouble
    understanding them?

    I'm certainly not saying the HP books are unique
    in literary quality among the mass of children's lit; it's only with the last two
    that I've thought could be
    at all to The Dark is Rising and the Narnia books. It's
    probably better to read them before criticizing, however, as with most

    In other news and as I keep reminding
    myself, I am OFF all next week, due to our annual July 4 plant shutdown. Once we
    get back from this weekend's race in Marina del Rey, I have almost no fixed plans.
    Rudder's not off except for July 4 itself and anyway, we're trying to save money
    as a result of being between the Ireland trip and the Antarctica trip. (Did I
    mention we're going to Antarctica this Christmas? Well, we are.) I want to do some
    beading, since it's been a long time since I have and I'm going to treat myself to
    some ridiculous pampering at a day spa, courtesy of a small bonus last

    Posted by dichroic at 11:45 AM

    June 22, 2003

    Harry Potter and the Order of Slip-ups

    I'd have to say that the editors at Scholastic have surpassed their previous
    record this time. I've noticed the following inconsistencies after only one and
    one-quarter readings.

    Harry Potter SPOILERS













    Here there be


















    all manere of strange









    | >

    • Prefects can't take away House points? I'm too lazy to look it up but
      didn't Percy do just that in a previous book? Or was he Head Boy at the
    • And speaking of prefects, if Dumbledore picks them,
      then why did he pick Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson? Isn't there anyone less obviously
      evli in Slytherin?
    • And how did James Potter become Head Boy
      (ref Hagrid, early in Book 1) without being a prefect
    • And since when is Hermione good at interpreting
      other people's emotions?
    • Why couldn't Harry see thestrals
      before? He was there when his parents died, and possibly when Quirrel
    • And most important of all, even if you accept that
      Harry, Ron, and Hermione could all forget that Snape was part of the Order, how
      could Harry forget that Sirius gave him a package JUST IN CASE HE NEEDED TO
      CONTACT HIM???? If Harry had opened the mirror earlier the entire episode at the
      Ministry could have been avoided! How do you forget something like that right
      while you're frantically trying to figure out how to contact a

    None of which, of course, will prevent my enjoying
    the book over several future rereadings or keep me from preordering Book 6 as soon
    as it's up on Amazon.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:43 PM

    HP5 and The Grey King

    I think I've figured out my reaction to HP5 by analogy. With the first few books I
    couldn't make a valid comparison between HP and Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising.
    I like the latter much better; the initial HP books were fluff in comparison. Now
    after Books 4 and 5 the comparison is mch closer, as Harry Dmbledore, et alia face
    issue on similar levels to those in TDiR.

    And now that I can compare
    the series, I'd say that this book is equivalent to The Grey King I don't
    love that one the way I do The Dark is Rising and Silver on the Tree
    but it's necessary to the series; it introduces important characters (a major
    factor in TGK, less so in HP5), sets up situations, and matures the central
    character to where he can tackle his ultimate battle.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:09 AM

    June 21, 2003


    Finished Order of the Phoenix, but don't worry, no spoilers here.

    tone of this book, especially at the beginning, seems quite different .... which I
    suppose is not too surprising, as Rowling herself must be a different person now,
    with three years passed and a new marriage and new child. Somehow the Muggle-world
    scenes seem more American, more modern, less fantastic. The scenes with the
    Dursleys are less of a Roald Dahl-ish caricature. I would very much like to know
    whether this book had different American and British versions; I think they
    stopped that nonsense a couple of books ago but I'm not sure. (I know the art is
    different; I just mean the words. And by the way, this is the best cover art

    Harry himself is suddenly a teenager, not a child. And yes, the
    good guys are a bit more ambivalent, including Harry himself, who did something at
    one point that shocked me to the point of gasping out loud. Despite the darker
    tone, though, there were quite a few laughs out loud. And even, I think, a Doctor
    Who reference.

    There are fewer cliffhangers in this one, but still,
    she'd BETTER not wait another three years! Reading this one has reminded me of a
    few more questions, an so I will be updating my previous "predictions" entry, but
    for at least the next month or so I will keep it strictly honest and only put in
    predictions I had at the end of Book 4, whether or not they panned out.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:17 PM

    June 20, 2003


    I've been thinking that it might be a good idea to get all my predictions and
    questions for the rest of the Harry Potter series in a form where I can update it
    and check back later. In listening to the Harry Potter books on tape while I'm
    waiting (impatiently!) for Book V, I've noticed a comment or two I missed during
    all my rereadings.

    I have not read Book 5 yet, so there are no
    spoilers here past Book 4. (Later update: I have now read Book 5, but will not put
    any spoilers for Book 5; there are at least a couple you can now see if I've been
    right one. I'm adding in ones I had forgotten here but will be honest about only
    putting in predictions I already had, whether or not Book 5 confirmed them.)Given
    the fact that these are YA books, I suspect that JKR is not being fiendishly
    devious and that the reasonably subtle hints will pan out, rather than being red
    herrings to hide other developments. (Also, I suspoect some of these hints are
    less obvious to those who don't frequent internet discussions of the HP books. So
    yes, I really do think that Ron and Hermione will end up together, and that their
    relationship is not a front for an abiding passion between Harry and Hermione (or
    Harry and Ron, for that matter). Similarly, I do think Dumbledore will die
    somewhere in the rest of the series, based on Rowling's and Dumbledore's own
    comments about death. I suspect he'll appear again after that, somewhat in the
    fashion of Obi-Wan Kenobi. (Use the Force, Harry!)

    I have a theory
    for why Dumbledore looked triumphant about Voldemort's having gotten a bit of his
    father's bone, Wormtail's flesh, and Harry's blood in Book 4; it goes back to what
    Hagrid told Harry way back early in Book 1: "Don't think he had enough human left
    in him to die." Maybe now he does?

    I do think Percy will end on the
    side of the good guys, but possibly not before a more serious flirtation with what
    I think of as the Crouch-Ashcroft path of justifying the means with the ends. Or
    at least more Fudge style denial. Early comments have said Ron plays Quidditch
    keeper in this book, so I'm guessing he'll end up Quidditch Captain by his last
    year. Hermione is a cinch for Prefect and possibly Head Girl. I have a feeling
    Harry may be Head Boy, though I can't see how that would be justified so maybe

    Dumbledore had mentioned Trelawney making at least one other
    correct prediction, and I think that will relate to Harry as well. I keep thinking
    Snape will show a good side, but that may just be from reading too many fanfics. I
    think it's probably safe to bet that *anything* Dumbledore says will turn out to
    mean something, so Harry's saving Wormtail's life in Book 3 will have to come into
    play at some later point. Also, his comment that "those we love never truly die"
    could refer to Lily and James' appearance in Book 4, but I wonder if it also means
    we'll see *ahem* the person who dies in Book 5 again?

    Quesions: How did Harry turn out so well mannered? Certainly the Dursleys wouldn't
    have taken any pains to bring him up to be considerate. What do wizards learn who
    don't attend Hogwarts? What happened to Hagrid after his expulsion and before he
    was old enough to take the gamekeeper job? He was only 13 when expelled, after
    all. Why would a human man want to sleep with a giant (and how could he?) Why are
    Harry and Ron still taking Divinations instead of switching to Arithmancy or
    Muggle Studies when they think Trelawney is a useless fraud? (Are they not allowed
    to sitch once they've decided?)

    Inconsistencies: Why in the first book are people given only a point or two at a
    time, but later only given (or subtracted) 5 or 10 House points? Why do wizards
    know so little about Muggles when so many are Muggle-born? How could someone like
    Arthur Weasey, whose actually studied them, be so bad at Muggle-lore?

    More later.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:56 PM

    high energy day

    I came in to work this morning with so much energy it's almost a pity I
    don't have more to do this morning. She-Hulk and I had a great practice and I was
    listening to Harry Potter III in the car on the way to work this morning -- the
    part where Gryffindor wins the Quidditch Cup. One thing about listening to a book
    on tapethat I'd never realized before is that write-ups of sports can be as
    adrenaline boosting as watching a real game -- and Quidditch beats the heck out of
    football or basketball anyway, as a spectator sport.

    And there's the
    news from O, Canada yesterday -- it's purely mind-boggling to see legislators of a
    whole big country do something morally right, that takes some guts, in a large
    enough body to pass the bill. Even if I did think love between two people with
    similar plumbing was somehow less worthy -- and if it's really love and the
    willingness do the work to make it flourish, how can it be? -- as I've written
    before, I've never quite figured out how gay marriage can even affect the sanctity
    of any other bond. Given how many traditionalist people still try to live up to
    gender stereotypes, anyway, I suspect my own marriage is structurally more like
    your average gay marriage than thes of those so-loud so-called Christians opposing

    Posted by dichroic at 09:48 AM

    June 19, 2003

    so far so good

    It's a rare thing to catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror and think "She's just
    adorable," instead of "Ick. I look like that??" I seem to be having a good
    hair-and-face day. Wearing all black always helps. Also I'm in a good mood because
    we just had a Big Important Meeting, organized by yours truly (at the boss's
    direction, not on my own hook) go fairly well. It might have been even better if I
    had remembered to change the date on the slide master so the slides didn't say
    "Jan 23 2003". Later today I get to do the VERY LAST ONE of this series of classes
    we've been giving all year. Woohoo!!!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 18, 2003


    Sorry, haven't posted today due to extreme swamped-ness.

    Rudder and I
    will reach our 10th anniversary of marriage on July 4, just two weeks and two days
    from now. When I called to remind him of this and ask how he wants to celebrate*
    he said, "You mean besides sleep?" I don't think he was joking.

    won't be traveling anywhere because we'll just be coming back from a regatta and
    because of saving to travel to Antarctica this Christmas)

    Posted by dichroic at 02:36 PM

    June 17, 2003

    more training blather

    Whatever low-grade minor ickiness felled me on Sunday was still having a tiny
    effect by this morning. Nothing major, I just had less energy than expected while
    rowing this morning. Despite that, I managed to do 12K, so I'm pleased. I have a
    race weekend after next but will not taper down for this one much, except for
    doing a short row on Thursday so I can unrig the boat and loading it on the truck
    instead of rowing on Friday.

    She-Hulk and I have our second row
    together, and our last row together before the race, on Friday morening, so I'm
    hoping to be more energetic by then. It's not that I've been actually sick, more
    like just not-quite-right - stomach cramps, low-grade fever and no motivation to
    get up off the couch Sunday, stomach burblies last night, low energy this morning.
    I'm almost back to regular status, I think. I hate when this happens right before
    a race.

    After the Regionals on July 13, I think I'm going to take a
    week completely off (not from work, just working out). If my body wants to
    collapse, it can just bloody well wait.

    By the way, since I href="">complained about a minor
    problem with Amazon, it's only fair to note that they fixed it. After increasing
    panic when they hadn't answered my emai in about 5 hours (they say they generally
    answer within 24, so that's not unreasonable), I looked up their 800 number. Yesm
    they still have one; it's not posted on their site anywhere I coud find, but I
    googled up a 1-800 directory and found it easily enough. I spoke to a very nice
    lady who immediately understood the importance of the problem and told me to
    disregard the site's shipping estimate. They were still promising free Satrurday
    shipping to anyone who ordered up through the 17th, and this was still yesterday,
    so I'd have been OK even if it were a new order. Then she promised to keep
    checking periodically to make sure the order would be shipped as promised, and
    I've just received an automatic email saying the book will be shipped on 6/20 and
    get here 6/21, as promised. Yay, Amazon, Dichroic's (relative) sanity will be

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 16, 2003

    please don't delay!

    I did finally get my relaxing weekend. (A clear case of being careful what you
    wish for...) On Saturday we went up to the property, watered living trees and cut
    down a few others and took the remains to the brushpit. I hope we keep getting
    rain so we can finally emerge from this drought. Yesterday I was a bit off-color
    with a low-grade fever and so did nothing but read all day; I think this may be my
    body's way of shouting "Slow the fuck down!!" It was a pleasure to get through
    four books for once, instead of a fourth of a book as my busy schedule has been

    This morning has not been relaxing at all, even though I'm
    going in to work a little later than usual. I stopped to check email and found
    that Amazon had sent a note saying the payment listed for my order of the fifth
    Harry Potter book was invalid. This is not terribly surprising, since I ordered it
    in late February of *2001*. Yes, I have been waiting for this book a very long
    time. Yes, I am on tenterhooks for it. Of course, I went to Amazon's site right
    away and fixed the payment method. Now instead of the free next day shipping they
    promised me a good six months ago, the order says it will have standard shipping
    and will not arrive until Jun 26 - July 2! Other bibliomanes may understand how
    painful this is. I wish Amazon still had a customer service phone number; I have
    sent an email and hope to hear back soon. If they don't fix this, they may lose a
    significant part of my business.

    Yes, I am talking about a mere five
    day delay. No, I don't think I'm overreacting. As I said, bibliomanes will

    Posted by dichroic at 06:45 AM

    June 13, 2003

    the ideal house, part 2

    The ideal house, part 2

    I may not mind stairs, but I am both
    practical and lazy. I want all the conveniences a design can afford, like a garage
    that opens on to the kitchen, a well-organized kitchen to cook in, and lots and
    lots of storage space. I want hallways and bathrooms big enough for wheelchairs,
    just in case, and door knobs, light switches, and faucets designed to be easy to
    use. With luck arthritis won't be a problem for us for a long time, but we might
    have older visitors. Besides, there are times when my hands hurt enough from
    rowing that those would be useful now, or when I have a full armload of groceries
    and need to open a door. I could probably write another whole entry on just the
    kitchen, but I will mention dark wood cabinets, maybe a dark cherry stain, some
    with glass doors, and stone counters. And a double oven, a sink with a sprayer and
    a filtered water outlet, and a couple of those dish washer drawers, so you can do
    a big load or a small one. Oh, yes, and a small wine fridge.

    I'm not
    much of a decorator, so someone else might have to fine tune the decor, but I know
    some of what I want. I want wood, tile, or stone floors, depending on the climate
    and the style of the house. I walk barefoot a lot, so I'd love underfloor radiant
    heating. I want bookshelves in almost every room, either built in or free-
    standing; I'm lusting over the dark wood ones with glass doors we saw in the href="">Rosenbach Museum. (Though not quite as much as
    I'm lusting over the fabulous books in them, including incunabulae that would have
    Peter Wimsey's mouth watering. Actually, given their contemporaneous timing and
    each of their reputations, Lord Peter would certainly have bought some of his
    collection from Rosy.) I'd like a library room, but I also love having some books
    right by my favorite chair, cookbooks in the kitchen, some old favorites or *ahem*
    special topics by the bed, and reference books in the office.

    thing I wouldn't change is what's hanging on the walls: there are a few family
    photos and then lots and lots of framed photographs from Australia, New Zealand,
    Taiwan, Paris, Oregon, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and I don't remember what
    else. We still need to add some from Korea, Alaska, and Ireland. I think they'd
    look better, though, on wood walls -- not paneling, more like the inside of a log
    cabin. I could be happy with painted walls if that's not feasible, though I'd like
    fewer of them to be white than in the current place. Within those walls, I'd like
    leather furniture, maybe with pillows and throws that I could change according to
    the season: lighter colors and textures in summer, warmer colors and heavier
    textures in the winter. Rugs, too, though I'd likely choose curtains I could use
    all year round. (There is no sense deluding myself into thinking that even in an
    ideal house I'd get around to changing things more than twice a year.)

    I'd like an office each for me and Rudder, both with computers and
    Internet access, but both also with plenty of counter space and good lighting and
    in mine, space for beading and some other crafts. We also need an exercise room
    with room for the erg and some weights, a TV and boombox and mat for stretching, a
    work room or airconditioned section of the garage, and a comfy spare bedroom.

    I'd like the house to be set somewhere with views and reasonable
    privacy so we didn't always have to close drapes on every window. I want a master
    bedroom on the second floor and trees around; I loved the MBr in our first house
    because it had windows on both sides looking at treetops and when the wind blew it
    felt like being in a treehouse. The master bedroom has to be reasonably large,
    with big closets and plenty of wall space for our dressers, because though neither
    of us is a fashion maven, we have far too many clothes (regatta T-shirts do mount

    I want water outside, though in what form will depend on the
    climate. Here, the pool is essential; in an area with cold weather I'd just want a
    hot tub and maybe a small pond. I think humans just like being by water; I know
    we get much more use from our backyard now, even though we aren't really in the
    pool all that much, than we ever did with dry yards. Other than that the yard
    needs to be nice looking but very low maintenance; the queen palms, other palms,
    cactus, bougainvillea, sagebrush, eucalyptus, jacaranda and oleanders we have now
    work very well for us. The rosemary I planted is thriving; I'd like to add a few
    other hardy herbs and a couple of fruit trees since our climate is good for them.
    (Our little orange tree has produced exactly one fruit to date.)

    wonder what I've missed. I know there must be several things.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:52 PM

    June 12, 2003

    house dreaming

    The gravid but still sparkling Mistress
    mention of turrets got me thinking about houses. Actually, it
    doesn't take much to get me thinking about houses. If I were an architect, I'd be
    working on single-family homes and maybe the odd townhouse, and to hell with the
    money and prestige being in public buildings. I like looking at house-plans and
    home magazines, though you couldn't tell it by looking at my own

    My idea of what a house should be (Not a home. Houses are what
    builders and decorators create, the physical structure, You can only create a home
    by living in it.) can be summed up as "rambling". I picture the ideal house as
    being a bit Victorian in structure, with lots of rooms and corridors to wander
    about. This probably derives from having grown up in a small rowhouse in NE
    Philadelphia then spending my last year and a half at college in the large
    Victorian houses in University City in West Philadelphia. I have recurring dreams
    that I'm in my parents' house, or my grandparents' and find a secret passage into
    huge sunny rooms and decks in the attic and on the roof.

    My idea of
    hell is one of those layouts with a big open area in the middle for the living
    room, dining room and kitchen, master bedroom on one side, other bedrooms on the
    other side, everything visible if you're standing in the middle of a house. I like
    houses you can't assess at a glance. I want nooks and crannies and a feeling of
    there always being somewhere else to go. Open and spacious houses are fine to a
    degree, but I want at least some walls so I can believe there's something
    wonderful unseen on the other side. I like two (or more) story houses more than
    ones all on a level, unless the latter are very spread out. I like having more
    than one path through the house, like in those New Orleans houses where everything
    opens off a long corridor, but the rooms also connect to each other. I wouldn't
    even mind a secret staircase.

    I want unique architectural details,
    with big wood doors and stained glass windows, possibly even a modicum of
    gingerbread trim. Rudder and I own a lot on an airpark, and hope to build a house
    there someday with a cupola on top, to watch the planes rise off the runway. I
    like wood and stone, though I might choose their modern imitators for fire safety
    -- parts of the airpark were hit by the vicious fires out there last summer. I
    don't want a garage that takes up most of the facade, though I would like
    one with room for three cars and some workspace, so it will have to be in a
    separate building or carefully placed, maybe opening sideways.

    mostly covers just the facade and floorplan -- I've got loads to write about what
    I want inside, so this will have to continue to another entry.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 11, 2003

    more exercising

    I did my 6K piece this morning - don't think I beat my old PR, but close. I did
    get it in under 29 minutes, which is what I was aiming for. But do you know what
    this means? I am DONE .... done the 1K, done the 6K, done the max watts pull, done
    the dreaded 90 minute piece, even done the max heart rate test that wasn't really
    a part of all this sequence but I did it anyway to get it out of the way. Done.
    Donedonedonedonedone. At least until next time, which won't be soon. And yeah,
    maybe a little tired and punchy still.

    Oh, sure, now you want
    results? I haven't seen all the numbers yet because the Rudder-man has the article
    this all came from at work, but he checked and tells me that it shows I need to
    work on my Aerobic Threshold -- that is, I'm weakest on long endurance pieces, the
    longer the weaker. Big surprise. And yes it is quite a lot of effort to find what
    I already knew, but it's nice to have real data. It's also reassuring to see my 1K
    piece (used to find VO2max) is right where it should be given my

    I've had a hard time writing here lately, Even though most
    of the big training push is done, work has been frenetic and I think I'm using up
    all my creativity on that. I don't plan to take a hiatus, though, any more than I
    intend to quit working out just because I'm tired right now. I think my creativity
    needs to be exercised, too.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 10, 2003

    on grapes

    There are grapes in my refrigerator. They're very good grapes, and they're already
    paid for, so I'm going to eat them no matter what. The question then lies in the
    next bunch of sweet green globes to tempt me at my neighborhood grocery. I felt
    very virtuous, in that pseudo-righteous eating-healthy way, that I bought several
    kinds of fruit last time we went shopping. The part I tend to forget, until
    reminded by someone like NPR, is that grapes are
    picked by migrant workers. In this case they are migrant workers working in the
    Coachella Valley of central California. It's a beautiful, fecund place to drive
    through, as we did just a few weeks ago en route to Sacramento, but apparently one
    with housing for grape-pickers that is crappy even by migrant worker standards.
    Which is to say, nonexistent -- you just stake out a bedroll next to the car you
    rode in on. In defense of the area, there are dedicated groups there working to
    make a difference and provide decent housing, but they can serve only a tiny
    fraction of the hordes or workers needed for the grape harvest.

    As I
    see it, I have a few choices on how to react. 1) Boycott grapes. Clearly, my tiny
    buying power won't make enough difference to matter, but if enough people join me,
    we can hurt the grape growers. Trouble is, grape growers = employers. Hurt them
    enough and there will be no agricultural jobs in which case migrant workers could
    stay in their homes but would starve there. 2) Keep buying grapes. This helps keep
    workers emplyed but leaves them in the same unsatisfactory situation. 3) Buy
    grapes but also donate to one of the several causes working on migrants' housing
    and education for their children. This may be the best I can do; the only problem
    is that it turns so easily into 4). Buy grapes, promise myself to donate and never
    get around to actually cutting a check. I'm already behind on donating and
    rejoining my usual groups, so this is a real problem for me. I suppose liberal
    applications of self-discipline would help....

    rowing news, I'm back. Over my burn-out, I am back to training hard and
    ready to race .... just in time for the most unpleasant time of year to train, the
    summer. Sigh. But in my next regatta, I will be racing in not only lightwieght
    singles, but also in a double with She-Hulk (Hardcore can't make the next two
    races) and maybe even a quad. So I'm training, I'm motivated, and I'm there. Just
    still a little slower than I'd like.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:30 AM

    June 09, 2003

    needing a rest day

    Going to the gym this morning, instead of taking a rest day, was NOT a good idea.
    My body has let me know clearly and unequivocally that tomorrow will not involve
    rowing, the lifting of heavy weights, or sweating (much -- after all, it is summer
    in Phoenix).

    So far, I'm not minding the summer heat here as much as
    usual. There's nothing like driving through the seedier parts of Philadelphia on a
    gloomy day to remind me of all the benefits of living in Phoenix. Not to mention
    spending time in rowhouses or old apartments. On the other hand, I've only been on
    the water about once since getting back, so my opinion may still change. We've
    been traveling to cooler climates about once a month on average lately, which also

    I am *so* sleeping in tomorrow. All the way until 6.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 08, 2003

    mil approaching

    Good heavens. I will probably hit my 1000th diary entry in a month or less. What's
    a good way to celebrate?

    Posted by dichroic at 11:01 AM

    June 07, 2003

    on the erg again

    Well, here I am, me and my relaxing weekend ... so far today I've done a 90 minute
    erg piece, gotten the oil changed in my truck, and gone on a major food-shopping

    I'm still tired from the erg. This was part of the erg
    series that is supposed to tell me what I need to work on -- now I just have to do
    a 6K piece and a max heartrate test. For some idea of today's pace, I did 16,745
    km and in that comprised a 6K less than a minute slower than my best time (if I'm
    remembering correctly -- it may be more, judging from a 5K I have a record of) and
    a personal record 60 minute piece. I'm still tired.

    Now I need to go
    cook steak au poivre. There's a lot to love about a gourmet meal that only takes
    about 15 minutes. total.

    Posted by dichroic at 05:11 PM

    June 06, 2003

    the dark side of fandom

    Here we go again -- approaching what is supposed to be a "relaxing" weekend, since
    we were traveling the last two. Um, yeah. Maybe somewhere between the necessary
    food-shopping, laundering, the 90 minute erg piece I need to do, the straightening
    up, and the pool cleaning, I'll manage to relax sometime in there.

    Maybe not.

    Only two more weeks until the new
    Harry Potter comes out, but I'm thinking it may be time to put in another Amazon
    order. I tend to put books in my cart there as I think of them (I love that
    persistent shopping cart) and then purchase when the cart reaches a critical mass.
    Right now, though, I need to either postpone some items until later or make that
    purchase, before that mass becomes a little too critical for my credit card's

    Besides, it's not like Order of the Phoenix will take all
    that long to read. And speaking of that, the longer I read href="">Ebony's blog, the more respect
    I have for her, but the less appealing the whole world of HP fandom becomes.
    Disgusting, even. I mean, really, it's a book. A book aimed at children,
    albeit a really, really good one. Bibliomane that I am, many as are the books that
    really have changed my life, even I have trouble with the idea of people seriously
    fighting, nastily, over who should end up paired with whom. It's just wrong on so
    many levels:

    • fighting over fictional
    • fighting over the romantic antics of people who are
      only fifteen and thus likely to shift pairings for quite a while
    • fighting over the romantic pairings of anyone other than
    • getting more serious about fanfic than about the original
      canonical story -- well, maybe where the original is a bit week, or now closed,
      and fandom is very strong, as in Original Star Trek, but for heaven's sake,
      Rowling is still writing
    • ad hominem snipes at other people
      for honest preferences
    • I'm sure there's more, but those are the
      top ones. I should stress that I have never seen Ebony herself do any of these --
      I think she writes about, reads and talks about her preferred shipping* for fun
      and friendship only, with a sense of proportion, but she does often discuss the
      darker side of the fandom.

      *H/H -- for not fandom types, this means
      she likes the idea that Harry and Hermione will end up together despite the
      OBVIOUS AND CLEAR canonical evidence Hermione and Ron like each other in "that"
      way. Just kidding -- I mean, I really do think JKR has thrown out unmistakeable
      hints about R & H, but as I said (and as Ebony has pointed out) they're only 14 in
      the fourth book and a crush now doesn't preclude any future entanglements.

      Posted by dichroic at 01:57 PM

    June 05, 2003

    food and training pain

    Lunch at Claim Jumpers (on the Bosstrienne, because someone in our group got
    promoted plus free ice cream day at work (because we've gone a very long time with
    no injuries) leads to a full body and a logy mind for Dichroic.

    will also lead to a lot of me to drag back and forth on the erg tomorrow, when I'm
    scheduled to do a 6K piece. Oig. Yesterday I did a personal bets on a 1K piece;
    I'm conflicted on whether to be proud of that or not because it was a whopping .2
    seconds better than one I did two YEARS ago. On the other hand, I'm in the top 50%
    in the rankings on the Concept II (the erg's makers) website for lightweight
    women, which isn't too bad considering that even a lot of lightweights are much

    Sometime after I get the 6K done, I get to have even more
    fun with a 90 minute piece. The idea is to do a 1K, a 6K, a 90 min, a max heart
    rate trial, and to get the max watts you can pull and then do some sort of ratios
    that will tell you whether your weakness is strength, endurance, or what --
    something Rudder found while researching training. I'll be very shocked if
    endurance isn't my weakest point. Rudder did his 90 min piece this morning and is
    apparently still felling like crap (actually, that's a direct quote). Something to
    look forward to in my near future. The things we do for speed......

    Posted by dichroic at 02:01 PM

    June 04, 2003

    major geekiness

    I am disappointed to have scored only 38% (Major Geek) on href="">The Geek Test (not being a gamer or
    movie fan).

    On the other hand, I am disproportionately excited that I
    will be receiving Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in less than three
    weeks (having ordered it more than a year ago).

    It hasn't escaped me
    that the two may be related.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:39 PM

    in other words, huh?

    I have a couple of Judaic / linguistic issues stemming from last weekend's Bat
    Mitzvah odyssey:

    I'd ordered kosher meals on the plane not because I
    ever have or ever expect to keep kosher or even because I believe in holy food for
    special occasions (see next story) but because I hoped they might suck less than
    regular airline food. They don't, in case you were wondering, but they were
    interesting. On the way out, they served me a sandwich with the bread packaged
    separately from the meat, which by the way was the most disgusting looking corned
    beef I have ever seen, and I usually like corned beef. An enclosed note hinted
    that "because it might not be convenient to wash your hands at this time, you
    might want to save the bread for later". And what would you do then? Eat the
    corned beef alone, and then gulp down dry bread in an airport lavatory? If there
    is any gustatory appeal to this option, I fail to see it. Also, while handwashing
    is indeed a part of the ha-motzi, or blessing over bread, it is generally symbolic
    -- dipping your fingers in your water glass is sufficient, and glasses of water
    are not usually hard to come by on airplanes. I also found it interesting that
    the blessing on the back of the note (not the ha-motzi, which they must
    presume anyone religious enough to request a kosher meal would know by heart, but
    a blessing for travelers) was in the Ashkenashic Hebrew that would be used by,
    among others, Chasidic Jews, rather than the Sephardic Hebrew used in Israel.
    Interesting demographic commentary. It's even more interesting because the
    difference is not in the written Hebrew itself but in the transliteration next to
    it -- Ashkenazic Jews pronounce an undotted taf as 's', Sephardim as 't'. There
    was no translation. I wonder, also, why a transliteration was included - how
    likely would a traveler be to be religious enough to eat kosher and want to recite
    a blessing, but not educated in Hebrew enough to read the original? I know
    several people who meet two of those descriptions (first and second OR first and
    third), but none who are all three. I also noticed (using the prayer to practice
    my rusty Hebrew before the Saturday service) that the transliteration had a word
    missing -- not one of the words, like a name of God, that would normally be
    abbreviated or used in a cryptic form on a throw-away bit of paper. Even more
    interesting, the flight home, bought from the same airline but run by a different
    one, with kosher food provided by the same company, did not have the bread
    packaged separately.

    On Sunday, I had a slight debate with my mother
    on a related topic. She was telling the story of someone who had served shrimp
    (shellfish are not kosher) at a bar mitzvah: "I can see it at an anniversary party
    or something, but not at a bar mitzvah!" I disagree, at least for some cases. Some
    Jews don't keep kosher, not because they don't beleive they ought to but because
    it is just too much trouble. My mother is one of these, hence her argument. She
    has been vaguely tending toward kashrut lately, though -- now she doesn't eat pig
    or shellfish, but doesn't salt her meat, avoid mixing milk and meat, or eat only
    animals killed according to the proper ritual. Other Jews, on the the other hand,
    don't keep kosher -- they don't believe in literally following the Bible and may
    believe the laws of kashrut were originally health precautions for a primitive
    peoepl in a hot desert, or for whatever other reasons. To my mind, if you don't
    keep kosher because you don't believe you are required to do so, then it makes no
    sense to keep kosher on special religious occasions. After all, who are you trying
    to impress? God? Other people? Either way, it doesn't seem likely to

    A final linguistic note: "Bar Mitzvah" means "son of the
    commandments", not in Hebrew but in Aramaic (the language Jesus spoke, as the
    rabbi oddly pointed out during the service). For women, the phrase is "Bat
    Mitzvah", "daughter of the commandments". (Purists will point out that
    "commandment" is not a complete translation for "mitzvah", but that's not the
    issue here.) Oddly, the plural used if, for example twin boys were undergoing
    their Bar Mitzvah ceremonies on the same day, is "B'nai Mitzvot", which (I think)
    uses the Hebrew word "ben" instead of the Aramaic "bar". The word "mitzvah" is of
    the feminine gender so takes the 'ot' feminine plural. For my mother and the other
    four women standing up there, the service used the phrase "b'not mitzvot" which,
    if I am remembering correctly (on which I might bet trivial sums but not large
    ones) is a feminine Hebrew plural added to a masculine Hebrew word (yes, Hebrew
    uses the grammatic rule that the male encompasses the female) in order to
    pluralize a feminine Aramaic word. Wouldn't the gender of the plural depend on the
    gender of the word instead of the sex of the person described? Or in other words,

    Posted by dichroic at 11:57 AM

    June 03, 2003

    back home again

    I'm back. The weekend wasn't too bad and more important, I think my mother was
    happy with the way things went. I spent almost the whole time eating and sleeping,
    the former courtesy of two brunchs and two family dinner outings and the latter
    courtesy of a 3AM arrival on Saturday morning, followed by the necessity of
    arriving at synagogue at 9. (Yes, we managed to stay awake during the service.
    Even Rudder, who had never been to one, and couldn't join the singing or try to
    keep up with the Hebrew. He's a veteran of far too many

    One thing worries me a bit: I went expecting to hear the
    usual chorus of "Oh, Puawleh (how my name is rendered in a NE Philly accent) you
    never change!" Instead, the reaction was evenly split between "I haven't seen you
    since you were this high ]" (holding a hand about 3 feet off the ground -- these
    being people who saw me last when I was at least 17) and "You don't look like a
    little girl anymore!" Well, at 36 I should hope not -- but it was amusing to watch
    them back-pedal to assure me they didn't mean I look old. I think that may mean I
    do look old. Then again, there was one woman there with whom I used to carpool
    when we were about 10. I last saw her in junior high or so -- and I thought she
    looked old. Good, though.

    We got back too late for me to go into work
    as I had planned, which is unfortunate since I hadn't wanted to use a vacation
    day. On the plus side, I was able to go get a couple of watch batteries changed
    and to finally spend a gift certificate that was a late birthday gift --
    things I'd been wanting to do for weeks and hadn't had time to do. I tried on a
    bathing suit or two, also, but that can only be described as a depressing
    experience. Whether or not I look old in a dress, I certainly do in a

    Almost forgot: there was one exception to the eating/sleeping schedule. We (me,
    Rudder, my brother and uncle) did get to the Rosenbach museum, which I had wanted
    to visit for years. (Last time I was there and had time, my parents dragged me to
    the zoo instead.) The museum, in a gorgeous townhouse on Delancey, was the home
    and officeof the the famous bookdealer A.S.W. Rosenbach (mentioned in Nicholas
    Basbanes' books and almost anything else I've ever read about serious book
    collecting) and his brother Philip, and antique dealer. As you'd expect, it's full
    of wonderful Colonial furntiture and some incredible books -- a 1st ed of Don
    Quixote, manuscripts of Joyce's Ulysses and parts of Dickens' Pickwick Papers and
    Nicholas Nickleby, many incunabula and unique historical papers. Lord Peter Wimsey
    would be in his glory.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:26 PM

    May 31, 2003

    grandmother's voice

    In my family we have a running joke that my grandfather haunts us when we are all
    eating together. Inevitably and unconsciously, someone will start channeling him,
    saying all the things he used to say. He used to tell us all how to eat -- "Have
    some peas. Eat some more of your chicken. Drink some water to wash it down." And
    this wasn't just to me and my brother as children, but even to my mother and
    uncle. It sounds controlling but actually it came off as funny and concerned,
    since he never minded if you didn't do what he said. He just wanted to make sure
    we were all nourished, I think.

    Last night, though, it wasn't him
    haunting me as I got ready to fly out to see my family. As I packed a skirt and
    sweater and heels for the synagogue service, another sweater because it's been
    cool there, and a dress for the brunch on Sunday, it was my grandmother's voice I
    heard. She reminded me to take jewelry and cosmetics. She never thought I wore
    enough of either on dressy occasions; I often wondered whether she'd been nagged
    in her turn for wearing them, at a time when lipstick and rouge were worn by the
    young, the fast or the rebellious. Though I left the house at 4:45 this morning to
    come to work because I'm leaving early, I polished my toenails to please her. The
    fingernails remain bare; I want to please my grandmother, but I have a lot less
    time to worry about such things than she did, at least when I knew her in

    She wouldn't have minded my not taking nylons, though.
    She hated wearing them and spent hours sitting out in a lawnchair, baking her skin
    to a soft, brown, wrinkled glove leather, getting her legs an even enough brown to
    justify skipping the hose in summer. She'd have been fine with my bare legs,
    though she'd have told me I needed more tan.

    I packed her pearls to
    wear on Saturday. I don't know whose voices we'll hear when we're all together at
    her daughter's bat mitzvah, but that reminder of my grandmother will be cool and
    smooth around my neck.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 29, 2003

    got a restaurant to recommend?

    Woof. Yesterday was a bit hectic, hence no update. And it wasn't only work, though
    that was a major part of it; there's nothing like getting home from a major road
    trip on Monday and having to prepare to fly out on Friday. Last weekend's trip was
    fun, but also unexpectedly expensive, in that I lost both my sunglass case with
    two pair of spare lenses and the charger for my PDA. I must have left the charger
    in a hotel room but my best guess is that the sunglass case jumped out of Rudder's
    truck when the door was open.

    This weekend, I'm planning to take my
    extended family out for dinner on Saturday night. The 'rents don't quite seem to
    understand that saying a restaurant has reasonable prices is not a sufficient
    recommendation, if you can't also say that they have better than "reasonable"
    food. Especially when you're going out to celebrate a special occasion. So can
    anyone recommend a *good* restaurant in Northeast Philadelphia? I'd settle for one
    in Center City, if it has parking.

    As I've mentioned before, we're
    flying in for my mother's bat mitzvah. Several people have asked me why an older
    woman would have a ceremony which is usually held for 12 or 13-year-old girls. The
    short answer is that she didn't have one when she was younger -- this was a time
    when at least some people, including my grandparents, thought it was less
    important to educate girls than boys. I think I've come up with a better analogy,
    though, for why this is important to her. It's not like being born again, in some
    Christian denominations, which is meant to symbolize a great change in a person's
    life. It's more like renewing a marriage vow after years of committment, standing
    up literally "in front of God and everybody" and reconfirming explicitly and out
    loud something that is important to her. And in a way, even though my mother is
    well past puberty and and the theoretical onset of adulthood, I think it's a rite
    of passage for her. Now she's not only a Jew by birth but one by study and by
    choice, able to participate in all aspects of of the religion even to the
    fundemental one of reading Torah. Even if she never does that again.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:16 AM

    May 27, 2003

    back in, full blast

    If I had hoped to have a nice quiet first day back after 1750 road miles, 2 races
    (plus one coxing debacle), and five days off, I would have been doomed to

    Fortunately I know better; the universe just waits to
    pounce on forlorn hopes. The universe enjoys evil timing.

    And the
    above is completely untrue. I did, at least in the back of my mind, hope
    for that nice quiet day. My PDA calendar even substantiated that hope, with no
    planned meetings until afternoon.

    Yes, I am both an innocent and a
    sucker. I got here only to be landed with a frantic voicemail from late Friday,
    followed almost immediately with a live call about the same problem, and then a
    request to present some information to a customer -- a presentation that did not
    yet exist, of course.

    I've written all of this to explain why it is
    that my summary of the latest Dichroic 'n' Rudder Road Adventure consists of only
    one imprecise paragraph. In brief, Rudder got two bronze and one silver medal. I
    got none, but was happy with the way I rowed my races and am confidently expecting
    not to be embarassed by the videotape. Our training session with href="">Xeno was also helpful and productive, though
    I'm not quite sure how to implement some of his suggestions. And to top it all
    off, my sunburn, though present, is slight.

    Now, back to work.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:24 PM

    May 23, 2003

    in sacramento

    it's been a nice couple days drive to sacramento. unfortunately it's ungodly hot
    here- i'm hoping it cools down for tomorrow's race. and no, living in arizona does
    not make me enjoy heat one bit more.

    scuse the lack of capitals; i'm entering this on a pda and punctuation is enough
    of a hassle.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 21, 2003

    the beast is loaded

    This morning instead of rowing we loaded up. Now there are FOUR boats (two singles
    and two doubles ) and FOUR sets of oars on the Orange Crush. And before you begin
    visualizing something like a trailer with a rack, I will clarify that these boats
    are side by side by side by side, with the singles on the outside and the doubles
    in the middle. The singles are on racks that raise them up a little and the oars
    are bundled under those. I really should have brought the camera.

    it gets even better inside. Currently there are six riggers (aluminum wings four
    feet long with an oarlock on each end), a big toolbox, a plastic box full of seats
    and such, two folding platforms we use so we can reach to put the boats up there,
    four folding chairs we use as boat slings, two bigger chairs we sit in when not
    racing, two canopies (ours and Hardcore's) and some odds and ends. That's all in
    back -- the back seat is reserved for clothing and the large five-days-worth-of-
    snacks-and-drinks cooler that are not yet loaded.

    packing many items into limited space *without breakage* and with the ones needed
    first in front is Rudder's superpower.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:32 PM

    May 20, 2003

    the evolution essay

    The other day I was going to write about why I think creationism is absolutely silly, but my computer rebelled. Most of what I have to say on the subject, you can get by a combined reading of Steven Jay Gould, L-Empress's latest entry, and possibly the first half of Bill Whittle's essay "Magic". (The last half has some interesting points, but it's on a subject I know nothing about and is irrelevant to my point.) Reading L-Empress today got me thinking on the subject again and I'd like to add a few points (which is predictable, since she wasn't addressing the subject directly). If you go read her first, some of the following may even make sense.

    Some of the following may be offensive; I'm sorry for that, but I simply cannot express my own opinion honestly and still pretend that I believe I can have an intelligent discussion with anyone who holds some of these beliefs and who will not listen fairly to the real evidence against them. If this is you, you might as well save your time and go away now.

    Creationism in the old-fashioned six-day sense is generally due to a literal belief in the Bible. This is why "disbelief" in evolution is found almost exclusively in the US. I have put the word "disbelief" in quotes because the major difference between science and religion is that science, properly and ethically done, does not depend on belief. If it does, then it isn't science no matter what they call it. L-Empress has explained gently and cogently, and Mr. Whittle a bit more aggressively, why believing something you are told, when available evidence disproves it, is not adult behavior. Believing something that cannot be proven or disproven is the essence of religion, which is why many people are able to be scientists and believers at the same time, but this is a different issue entirely. I'm still six years old, myself, in many ways. When someone tells me to believe in something which seems unlikely to me, my first question will generally be "Why?" If they can back it up with data, fine; however, I have serious trouble with the concept that someone's word ought to be respected purely because of his or her position (just ask my mother). In the best of all worlds, position is earned by qualifications. In many cases, position is respected by a general agreement that doing so is best for most people (police, for example). But "believe this because I tell you that God wrote it, because someone told me that" isn't one of those cases.

    Also, there are linguistic and sociological issues for me. Even if God did originally hand down the Five Books to Moses on Mount Sinai, I just plain know too much about the inaccuracies of transcription and translation to feel sure that that Word is exactly what I can read now. Also, I have to take into account the enormous amount of time and change since then: those were primitve people -- Bronze Age, I think, someone correct me if I'm wrong. If I were to speak to them, I would need to speak in terms they understood. I would not be able to be exact about numbers, so that I might well say that Methusaleh lived 969 years, for example, meaning only that he lived to be very old. Or that the world was created in six stages, to answer that universal "how did we get here" question, even if that was slightly inaccurate. I have a lot of ways of thinking and concerns for consistency and logic that imply
    didn't exist then. (I'm not anything special; we all now have those. And surely an omniscient Being speaking to me now, today, would have the same sort of

    Finally, I cannot bring my engineering mind to literally
    believe in anything that contradicts itself. The stories of creation and of Adam
    and Eve are told several different ways just within Bereshit (Genesis) for instance.

    Now, "scientific creationism" is a way to attempt to join the teachings of science and religion. This can involve teaching that the world was created as stated in Genesis but in six thousand years instead of six days, which is no less silly than six days, given evidence for a four billion year old Earth. The other end of the spectrum is the belief that God set up the universe to unfold in the Big Bang, expand, and eventually form life in ways that agree with the evidence we have -- that if there is a Supreme Being he, she, it, or they do not (either cannot or choose not to) contravene the laws they set up. This doesn't strike me as silly at all; the only flaw it may share is this: if it is not subject to experiment, at least hypothetically, then it is not science -- even if it might possibly be true. This is one reason we have religion, in fact: to
    explain parts of our experience or questions that cannot be tested by science.

    There are good answers to most of the questions that are frequently asked either by creationists or by those who are just trying to understand. For example it's called a theory not because we're not sure of it but because that word has a special specific meaning in the scientific method. It just means a coherent idea. This is technical jargon, just as I, as a software engineer might say "code" to mean a computer program rather than something a spy would use in the general meaning. Stephen Jay Gould explains that and other ideas better than I can in Rocks of Ages and his other works. I'll just speak of one more that involves me personally. I'm not a biologist, evolutionist, paleontologist, or in any of the related disciplines. What I know I've learned from reading on those subjects for most of my life. In fourth grade, I did want to be a paleontologist when I grew up, and paleoanthropology is still one of my interests. So why do I believe their words but question my friendly neighborhood rabbi, priest, or imam? I don't. But if I ask, the scientists can show me data. They don't believe blindly: they form a hypothesis and then attack it. (Technically, the scientific method can't be used to prove anything, only disprove it.) If they can't shake the hypothesis, they eventually accept it as truth, those it's still always subject to new attacks in light of new information. A good scientist (not every person with that title, just the honest and ethical ones) will make decisions based only on the weight of evidence and will admit what he or she doesn't know. Incidentally, any rabbi I would be inclined to trust will make the same admission.

    I believe it was a religious figure who said that that is the beginning of wisdom.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:43 AM

    May 17, 2003


    I'd been curious about science fiction / fantasy conventions for years, but now,
    having spent part of today at Leprecon, I've
    concluded they're not my heaven. I can see going again with a friend, or to meet
    an author I really like, but not on my own and not just to go. I don't know how
    this compares to other cons, but it was a bit smaller than I'd expected; four
    panels at a time, yes, but not all that many dealer tables, and though this con
    focuses on art, the art there clung rather more closely to the semi-naked-woman-
    with-dragon school than I'd hoped it would. There were a few astronomical
    pictures, but not as many as I'd hoped and not nearly as many new ideas as I'd
    have liked to see. Also, I got annoyed at the myriad artists who had drawn either
    semi-naked women with wings or cats with wings (can you imagine what the house
    would look like??) without, apparently, ever having considered the musculature
    that would be necessary to operate said appendages.

    It was a bit of a
    freak show, and I mean that as a compliment. Many of the people attending had
    either physical or social handicaps (and I am not excluding the possibility of
    being in the latter category myself) and it was clearly a comfortable and
    accepting environment. I can't imagine anyone there making a comment to the man
    with hands growing directly from his shoulders other than, "Nice

    I did very much enjoy meeting href="">Charles de Lint and his wife Mary Ann
    in a small session. Not only were they gracious and interesting, but
    they brought guitar, mandolin, and flute and made some most excellent music
    together. It must be wonderful to make music and share writing with your spouse,
    though I suppose divergent interests are rewarding in their own way. I did skip de
    Lint's Guest of Honor speech though, and went home early. I couldn't imagine he'd
    say more than I'd already heard and in a much more enjoyable small-group
    environment, and all the other things I wanted to see were late enough that I
    wasn't going to stay for them. It was a fiarly long drive home, and I wouldn't
    have enjoyed it three hours after my normal bedtime, even if the body-painting
    demo did sound interesting.

    I may try again in a year or so, though,
    when the world fantasy con is going to be right near home. Especially if a certain
    calligrapher makes good on her threat to come use my spare room during

    Posted by dichroic at 07:59 PM

    May 16, 2003

    it's not making data based decisions

    Huh. Apparently my computer's a creationist.

    I heard of a survey this
    morning that claims more than 50% of Americans "don't believe in" evolution, as
    if belief were even relevant to the question. I don't believe in that survey,
    myself, but it's downright embarassing that any significant fraction of Americans
    would say such a thing. I am embarassed too that so many don't understand the
    concept of the scientific method, or prefer to base their viewpoints on received
    opinion rather than on evidence in the sphere of science. (As opposed to the
    sphere properly governed by faith -- and in biological anthropology, I confess,
    the two may be closely related. Not all facets of our self-consciousness belong to
    either.) Yes, I admit it. The tolerance on which I pride myself covers sex, race,
    class, level of formal education, sexual preference, size, shape, and so on, and
    even many aspects of relgion, but it stops short when people of any creed allow
    their faith to turn off their (presumably God-given) brains.

    I was
    going to write a detailed essay on why literal Bible belief croggles my mind, on
    why calling it a theory doesn't mean it isn't necessarily true, and on how
    thoroughly the available evidence uphold the bedrock concept even though we're
    still learning all the details. But while I've had it on a back window, this
    computer has rebooted when it was just supposed to sleep, not once but twice.
    Which just goes to prove something I've long suspected: it's impossible to have an
    intelligent discussion with someone who believes in a system that can only be
    supported by authority and who won't listen to reason (e.g. most creationists,
    "scientific creationists", et alia).

    I maye write that essay later
    .... but maybe I'll find a different computer to do it on.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 15, 2003

    i can win i can win i can win...

    First, go read today's previous entry, which contains href="">good news. (Not for me,
    specifically, but for all of us.)

    I think I'm being punished for not
    going to the gym yesterday. It was too windy to row today, at least in a single. I
    got to the lake and RUdder had already left -- we drive separately because of
    going off to work afterward and he always gets out of the house earlier, not
    having to deal with contact lenses, sports bras, or a crotchety gut. So I went
    back home to find find him back in bed. I did think of erging (I swear!) but,
    well, it wouldn't have been very nice to wake him, would it? Not that he was
    asleep, as it turned out. (I confess, "punished" is not exactly the correct word
    here. We're not really into that stuff anyhow.)

    After writing href="">yesterday's entry, I
    concluded that the best way to get myself perceived as a rowing goddess -- by
    other rowers -- would sinply be to win a major regatta. Like, say, the one in less
    than two weeks. The only flaw with that plan is that I can't figure out how to get
    much faster without trading in both my body and my job, for a bigger and a smaller
    one, respectively. Failing that, maybe I should just spend the rest of this week
    practicing self-hypnosis. ("I am smooth and strong and fast......")

    saved books!

    Ti-i-ra-la-lu! Much and maybe most of the holdings of Iraq's national library have
    been saved, according to the href="
    +.shtml">Boston Globe
    . A reporter was shown a collection of 40000 items hidden
    in a mosque; the saviors are claiming to have 30% of the library's holdings hidden
    there and 60% elsewhere. Not only that, thay saved even some of the library's
    Judaica holdings along with the Islamic / Arabic items, so they really are
    respecting knowledge, not even taking advantage of an easy chance for

    The only cause of tears in the gladness is that the
    national museum had to be looted to make people realize the library had to be
    saved. I will be joyous if it turns out someone has hidden a substantial cache of
    looted items away in safety, or if many of the looters have a change of heart and
    return stolen items.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:23 AM

    May 14, 2003

    I don't get no respect

    Yesterday morning as we were about to launch off the beach. I told She-Hulk how
    annoying I find it that the other rowers out our way never seem to take me
    seriously. Yeah, I've cut back a bit (until the last couple of weeks) but still,
    there I am out there at every race. And she answered, "Yeah, it's great the way
    you support your team."

    *bangs head against wall*

    Rudder pointed out to me when we discussed it, I should have said, "See?? That
    just proves my point. Even you don't take me seriously." Racing. I am racing. I
    am at those regattas because I am racing in them. I might be off looking stupid in
    last place, but I'm racing. Unlike all but a very small minority of rowers here
    I'm not waiting for a coach to tell me what to do and when to race or coming up
    with lame excuses. (Two recent memorable ones were "Well, we can't get there in
    time to do a practice race," on a 1000m absolutely straight course, and "I don't
    want to go all that way for only one race." This was from a woman who would be in
    my same category and I'm even on more than one race. And I could be in four events
    if I wanted, even without looking for someone to row a double with

    I'm very conscious that I'm not all that fast, so I don't talk
    big about how I want to kick butt, or about how I don't want to even speak to
    anyone who's not serious, or about how hard I'm going to train. I know my body and
    I know my workload and I know my stress level, and yeah, when any of those is
    about to be overwhelmed or overwhelming I do take things a bit easier. I have a
    responsible and frantic job and with my commute, no workday is ever less than 10
    hours long. But dammit, I am out there on the water two to four times a week and I
    almost never exercise less than three times a week total. And anyone who doesn't
    think I am a serious rower can f@#$*&g kiss my oars.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:04 PM

    May 13, 2003

    adjusting attitude

    I'm thinking I need to make myself an Attitude Adjustment CD, and I was having some fun figuring what should go on it. I need something for driving home on a Friday afternoon with the windows open after a rough week, the kind of thing you can crank up and get in the mood to kick ass. I want something for road trips, to add energy when that white line gets to looking endless, something to kick a mood into overdrive. I've been having some fun trying to figure out what should be on it. What does it for me is old rock with attitude, happy pop beats joined to folkie sensibilities, ad the kind of thing that can only be properly listened to with the volume up while singing along. Driving-related music is a plus, obivously. And it should be stuff I have so I don't have to go looking for file-sharing. I'm cheating a bit, though, by including songs I only have on tape, even though I have no idea how to get those onto a CD.

    To start with, I'd have to honor my blue-collar Philly with my all-time favorite bit of Bruce, Thunder Road. Then I'd continue in a similar mood with something by Gearge Thoroughgood -- probably Bad to the Bone. As a companion to that, I'd dig out that four-CD set of Last Waltz and burn in Ronnie Hawkin's cover of Who Do You Love. While I was in the Dixie rock vein, I might include something else from that set, maybe The Night They Drove Dixie Down. Or maybe some Creedence. And then if I wanted to mellow out a bit as I moved along the coast, some Parrothead music. I like singing along to Jimmy -- no idea what song to pick though. Maybe A Pirate Looks at 40. Or maybe something I'd pick completely different and go with his cover of Brown-Eyed Girl, which I've always liked since I am one.

    My choices so far might not be too PC, but Jimmy would be my sole representative from Alabama -- no Sweet Home Alabama for me. I've never understood why a pro-segregation song is still getting airplay; I can only assume no one else listens to lyrics. Since I'm doing attitude adjustment, a little Hank Jr. may be appropriate, but definitely not the song of the same name (it hints at wife-beating). I have a soft spot for Bocephus though, the song, rather than the man.

    While I was in Texas, musically speaking, Bonnie Raitt's got lots of good road songs. My favorite of hers is Angel from Montgomery but for this CD I'd go hunt up something livelier. Next I'd go into the heartland for some Melissa Etheridge, either Yes I Am or maybe We've Got Nowhere to Go. Or both. I like Melissa. And probably the Grateful Dead's Wharf Rat which is not terrribly upbeat but which has good associations for me.

    I'd be unlikely to make any mix without something at least a bit folky on it. Great Big Sea's album Rant and Roar always makes me happy or at least happier so I'd have to include something from that. I was thinking Ordinary Day, but for real clout I might do better with the brilliant combo (not my brilliance; they're back-to-back on the album) of Mari Mac and their cover of REM's End of the World as We Know It. Or maybe for contrast I'd include REM's original, which I like just a hair better anyway. At similar speed, Stan Roger's Acadian Saturday Night. And then something from Pete and Maura Kennedy, likely Life is Large from the album of the same name, because I love the cameo of Roger McGuinn playing just a bit of Bach.

    ANd maybe some blues, because this is the sort of thing the blues were invented for, after all. But it should be something loud and upbeat, so maybe Koko Taylor singing Let the Good Times Roll The rest of the album would probably not be in the order described, but I'm thinking of some obscure white-boy blues to end it: Dave MacKenzie playing Stumbling Home. Or some not-so-obscure: David Bromberg on I will Not Be Your Fool, to make me laugh.

    Gah! I knew I forgot something! How could I have left off AC/Dc's You Shook Me?? And I think I need some Metallica, too, like maybe Gasoline ("Give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire"). Of course, for sheer ear-filling power, that would have to be from the S & M album, where they played with the San Francisco Orchestra. I know I've forgotten something else obvious though....what?

    Posted by dichroic at 11:43 AM | Comments (1)

    May 12, 2003

    what Rudder does

    Monday, and back on the four-days-on-the-water / one-at-the-gym schedule for
    another week before I begin tapering down for my race. They've been more intense
    workouts too: I've done 200 and 300-meter pieces today, and will do 500m pieces
    tomorrow, steady state Thursday, 1K race pieces Friday, just like href="">last week. Normally, I do
    try to exercise this many days a week, but Mondays and Fridays I do 5K on the erg
    instead of ten or twelve on the water.

    But last week href="">Marn wrote, "I don't know how you're keeping
    up that kind of schedule. If I was one of those ducks on that lake, I'd be
    freakin' amazed." So it's True Confession time, diary readers. Here's the thing I
    haven't been mentioning. I had to read Marn's note to Rudder, and he got quite a
    kick out of it because ... you see ... Rudder does this every week. He's kept up
    the 5 days at 4AM schedule since the beginning of this year. Even scarier, most
    days he does three laps, or about 18K, and a higher proportion of that distance is
    at a race pace. One or two days he rows a double with She-Hulk -- usually I find
    the distance a bit easier in a double, but since he's actually faster in the
    single, I'd guess that for him the added drag outweighs the added propulsion.
    (This is no reflection on She-Hulk; they'll be racing other mixed doubles, and
    she's probably the best choice for that double of all the women here. She's got
    the strength and the attitude, she's not lagre but is at least much bigger than
    me, and she thinks Rudder is the Oracle of Delphi and listens to every word he
    says.) All that pain has paid off; he's currently about the fastest of the 80 or
    100 people who row here regularly. Last race he even beat a recent lightweight
    nationals champion, though the latter was admittedly not in training. (But still
    upset with himself, nonetheless.)

    I don't know quite how Rudder does
    it, especially while working a demanding and responsible job. My leading theory is
    that it's a combination of natural endurance and mental toughness, rather than all
    either one. I have none of the first, myself, and a bit less than he has of the
    second. (Then again, he doesn't have to put up with small stature, contact lenses,
    menstruation, or MEN. Maybe mine is just scattered around more.) Still, it's
    impressive. It's also makes it damned hard (but never impossible) for me to whine
    about doing for two weeks what he's done for five months.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:32 AM

    May 10, 2003

    flying and not sleeping

    It's been a Saturday full of aviation, cool people, and lack of sleep. Odd

    On Thursday at the end of a meeting, one of the guys who had
    been brought on the team as a subject matter expert said, "Hey, anyone want to go
    fly a [local airline's] A320 this weekend? The only catch is that I have the
    simulator from 2 to 6 Saturday morning."

    Background, part one: This
    is a man of a type you occasionally run into when you work in aerospace. He's
    toward the end of a career that's brought him an incredible level of knowledge
    about flying and about one area of it in particular, along with deep respect from
    the part of the aviation community that knows about his area, and he wants to
    share some of what he knows. (Also, he needs to log some hours and this is a
    pleasant and entertaining way to do it.)

    Background, part two: I
    spent the first seven years of my career working on military and space simulators,
    the real ones NASA and the USAF, Navy, and Marines use to train their pilots. I
    have flown the A-10, the F-16, the C-130, and the Space Shuttle Fixed and Motion
    Base Simulators. "Flown" is the correct word; because of their level of
    verisimilitude, these are considered by the FAA to be

    Background, part three: Rudder and I pride ourselves on
    picking up on opportunities when offered, and making opportunities when possible,
    and have gotten to do some very cool things as a result. I've known of people who
    missed free chances to do everything from riding in a helicopter (not due to fear
    of flying) to working at CERN, the physics lab in Switzerland, and they baffle

    All of which explains why the correct answer to a question like
    that, and the one I gave, is "Yes, sir! Thank you, sir." Then I asked if I could
    bring Rudder. The man demurred, because he doesn't work for our company. A minute
    later, he said, "But then again, you're a lady, and it's 2 in the morning, and I
    don't want to be in a compromising position. Just have him bring his driver's
    license, and bring your badge." First time excessive reastion to harassment
    training has ever worked in my, or rather, Rudder's favor.

    So at 1:30
    AM, there we were at the airline's training building. Over the next few hours, I
    flew from DC to Philly, Rudder got to shoot instrument approaches, and another
    ride-along got to check out some details he was about to be working on. I can
    report that as long as someone else does the initial setup, the A320 is so
    automated that it's far easier to fly cross-country than, say, a Cessna 172.
    Rudder reports the same of ILS landings in it. Even better, we got to enter the
    time in our pilot logbooks, and because it's considered an aircraft, it's logged
    as real time, not simulator time. And my company will count this as training for
    me; certainly getting to see some of our products in their intended use, more or
    less, can only help me do my job better.

    Afterward, we caught us a
    couple of naps (I don't nap well, but have an easier time falling asleep at 6AM)
    then met my old friend the Rhino and some other friends of his at the Champlin
    Fighter Museum. It's about to move from Mesa to Seattle to join the Flight Museum
    there, so Rhino had suggested visiting one last time before they leave. It was a
    bit better than I remembered or maybe I was just in the right mood despite the
    lack of sleep. Somehow all the signed photos of young WWII aviators (and some from
    WWI) were fascinating and comparing the jaunty US photos with the serious self-
    conscious ones from Russia and Germany was revealing. My favorite part, though,
    was the tiny aircraft miniatures mounted on wires to illustrate particular battles
    or maneuvers.

    We spent two hours there and then another hour or two
    at the local airport restaurant sharing good Italian food (it's called Anzio
    Landing after the battles there) and good conversation.

    And now I'm
    off to finish up my leftover pasta. Planned for tomorrow morning: Rudder has been
    duly informed that I will be staying in bed with a stack of books as long as I
    goldurn well feel like it. I haven't had enough time to read latly and I get
    crotchety when I don't. (Don't worry, I spent some time paying attention to him
    this afternoon. Wouldn't want anyone to feel left out.)

    Posted by dichroic at 06:34 PM

    May 09, 2003


    Anyone out there know why I just got a book in the mail that I never ordered? It's
    The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown, and was shipped from Jeffs Books, via Amazon
    Marketplace. I haven't heard of it, but consulted y brother (in case he'd sent
    it). He tells me it's a thriller that came out a few months ago and got a bunch of
    good and a bunch of bad reviews.

    Anyone? Anyone?

    Posted by dichroic at 05:58 PM

    comparative religions

    Being the environmentally conscious sort I am, I'm recycling pre-used bytes today.
    I wrote the following for someone on one of my lists who asked about intermarriage
    and how that worked out for us, and wanted to know if I were Orthodox. Clearly, by
    that she meant "observant", and it's a common misunderstanding, hence the lecture-
    ette at the end. So with a few minor changes (read: things I left out to avoid
    hurting feeling over there) here's my response.

    In my experience
    interfaith marriages work best when the partners agree on the level of their faith
    if not the actual beliefs. I must also include a lecture on Orthodox Judaism,
    becuause it's not an accurate synonym for "religious Jew", but I'll put that at
    the end to spare you all. Neither Rudder nor I are terribly religious. Neither of
    us attend religious services. We do each have our own beliefs, thought over,
    defined and satisfactory to ourselves, and those are actually not too far apart.
    We each have moral codes to which we hold ourselves. (Some religious types appear
    to think you can't have a moral code unless Someone dictates it to you.
    Horsefeathers.) We are also both rather scientific in our outlooks; I agree that
    there is much wisdom in the

    Bible, for example, but entirely flummoxed that
    any reasonable person can believe every word literally (especially considering how
    in many places it contradicts itself). I'm forced to conclude that quite a lot of
    the ones who rant and rave most have never actually read the words they profess to
    believe in.

    And I am a Jew, after all; I come from a tradition that
    has spent two thousand years interpreting and reinterpreting href="">literally every word of the
    Torah, so I know how words can change according to the reading and the

    That's the difference between me and my husband; though I
    don't attend a synagogue, I do consider myself a Jew, and my traditions color a
    lot of my thinking. He was raised in a middle-of the-road Protestant denomination
    and comes from a WASP-ish sort of background, and of course that colors

    thinking, though I don't think he realizes it as explicitly. So for example, we
    don't do a full Passover Seder, but I do like to make traditional foods then, or
    light candles during Chanukah, and think and talk and write (mostly here) about
    the history of those holidays.

    I have also seen examples of
    interfaith marriage where both partners are religious, each attending their own
    services and sharing in their partner's observations on holidays and special
    occasions. Partnerships where the people differ significantly (on anything) do
    require a little more work,

    but I think interfaith relationships are easiest
    when both are at similar levels of belief and observance.

    And now the
    lecture. (I can see your eyes rolling from here. Maybe I should say, "the rest of
    the lecture".)There are three major divisions of Judaism: Orthodox, Conservative,
    and Reform. One is not necessarily more "religious" than the other. Basically, the
    easiest way to say it is that Orthodox Jews believe in the words of the Torah,
    though still modified by interpretation as I said above; an Orthodox would

    likely be a Creationist, but would be likely to frown on women doing
    "men's work" or dressing immodestly, for example. Reform Jews believe in the
    spirit of the law, and Conservatives are somewhere in between. An Orthodox Jew
    would restrict him or herself to kosher food -- but a Conservative or Reform Jew
    might choose to do also. A female Rabbi would not be Orthodox, would be likely to
    be Reform, but might be Conservative. If I had a child, she would be considered
    Jewish by all three groups. If my brother had one with a non-Jewish woman, the
    child would not be considered Jewish by an Orthodox rabbi (unless the mother
    converted first or the child did afterward) but might be by a Reform one, if
    raised in the Jewish faith.

    It's not valid, though, to think of
    Orthodox Jews as being like Fundamentalist Christians. For one thing, they don't
    want to convert everyone else. (Other Jews, maybe.) A rabbi doing a conversion is
    required to try three times to talk the person out of it. Orthodox Jews

    a tradition of scholarship and a respect for those who

    study that
    I don't see built in to Fundamentalist Christianity. (Before everyone jumps on
    this, let me say I do know there are plenty of individual Fundamentalist
    Christians who do share this attitude. I don't don't think it's mandated.) And the
    whole relationship among the Jewish groups is complicated and is much closer than
    that between, say, Episcopalians and Baptists -- maybe like Southern Methodists
    and Baptists, without the rivalry, or like the Presbyterians and Methodists in
    L.M. Montgomery's books. (As viewed by everyone except Miss Cornelia, naturally).
    I've heard people refer to different Christian denominations as different
    religions or speak of "Christians" in a way that made it clear they only meant
    Protestants. We don't have that level of differentiation, maybe because we have a
    tradition argument and disagreement among even the greatests Talmudic scholars.
    Which is not to say that some of us aren't sometimes judgemental -- the bad as
    well as the good things about humans transcend religious lines.

    As a
    concrete example, you'd probably consider Chasidic Jews to be extreme Orthodox,
    and they'd probably consider themselves so -- long beards, black robes, heads
    always covered, lots of restrictions on women. Yet their beliefs about taking joy
    in the spirit rather than the letter of the Law are the beginning or the Reform
    movement, and stem directly from Hillel, one of the greatest theologians and
    philosopher whose teachings have become mainstream Judaism. (He was the one who
    said, "Do not do unto others and you would not have done unto you. That is the
    whole of the Law. The rest is only commentary. Now, go and study the

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 08, 2003

    stupid is as stupid does

    I've got a case of the stupids this week. I'm actually a bit proud that I figured
    out the reason for it this quickly, since as anyone who has read Flowers for
    will realize, this is the sort of ailment that makes itself difficult
    to diagnose. That is, it doesn't mimic the symptoms of other ailments, it just
    makes sure its victim is ill-equipped for logical deduction.

    Long-time readers may remember that when I was training hard (this is a way to say
    that I am too lazy to look up the reference) under the influence of Coach DI (who
    has been in Jekyll mode recently), when we took a break from training I woke up
    one morning and realized my brain had been defuzzed. Suddenly I was sharper and
    more productive and my memory was much better.

    I'd never actually noticed the change in the other direction before; it usually
    just kind of sneaks up on me. With the more varied and (slightly) less strenuous
    erg-row-lift-row-erg schedule I'd followed for most of this year, I'd been feeling
    sharp and focused, a very good thing given recent work demands. However, compare
    these lists:

    Stupid things I've Done Lately

    • written in my own address instead of my mom's on her Mother's Day card
    • taken said card to work, found a label to cover wrong address, dropped card in
      mailbox. Without a stamp.
    • Forgotten to pack essential items (sanitary supplies) in my
      gym bag, two days in a row, and nearly forgotten a third day

    Recent Training Schedule

    • Saturday: went out on the water with Rudder for critique session, rowed 9.5
    • Monday: up at 4, rowed 11 km including several hard 200m pieces
    • Tuesday: up at 4, rowed 10.5 km including several hard 500m pieces
    • Wednesday: up at 4:30, went to the gym
    • Thursday (today): up at 4, rowed 12 km, tried to maintain at least 65-70%
      pressure over the whole distance

    Incidentally, during a normal week I get up at 4 on rowing days, 5 on erging days,
    4:30-5 on gym days. I'm not sure whether the change is due to slightly earlier
    hours, or the more strenuous workouts, or stress, or what. I'm going to keep up
    the same schedule next week, then taper for the href="">Gold Rush regatta
    on May 25, but I think after that I'm going to have to cut back a bit.

    I don't mind look stupid or occasional stupid things, but I really, really hate
    just being stupid.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 07, 2003


    Apparently I have a href=",12983,937443,00.html">male
    . (It must be a bit confused finding itself in my female body, though
    that could explain a few features of general outline.) This is not a great
    surprise, given my curriculum vitae: degrees in engineering and sciences, more
    male than female friends, interest in processes, good at English but more
    fascinated with linguistics and history than fine lit'rachure, and so on. If you
    go by stereotypes, I'm a guy ... until you look at the polished toenails,
    drawerfuls of lingerie and cosmetcs, fondness for shopping, shelves full of
    authors like L.M. Montgomery, Louisa May Alcott, and others whos fan bases tend to
    be composed of individuals with two X chromosome.

    The authors of that
    article and the designers of the study it's based on do make the point, several
    times, that brain type does not necessarily go by gender; a woman can have a male
    brain (obviously) and vice versa. It leads me to wonder, though, (with that
    systematic mind they say I have) why they pandered to stereotype by labeling the
    types male and female in the first place. Why not just say, as so many other
    personality tests do, that some people are people-oriented while others are
    problem-oriented? That way you don't have to keep explaining that no, you don't
    mean that word in the way in which every other speaker of ENglish expects it to be

    And maybe, you'd weaken the stereotypes just a little more,
    making it just a bit easier for each child to grow up in his or her own way.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:34 AM

    May 06, 2003

    blackened and band-aided

    Work is a little less insane this week and next. (Translation: I have six meetings
    today but at least I'm not teaching all week, only 3/4 of yesterday and half of
    Friday.) Between that and the fact that my biggest regatta of the year is on
    Memorial Day weekend, I've upped my training volume. I've rowed over 30 km in the
    past four days and have been doing more intense sprints -- I can't up my longterm
    endurance in that period but I can improve my anaerobic threshold, which is what
    matters since my races are 1000m and 300m. I'll try to row four days and lift once
    this week and the same next week, then taper for the race.

    In other
    words, it's only Tuesday and I'm tired already. I get a bit of a break tomorrow,
    though, because it's a gym day rather than a rowing day. Good thing as I already
    have blisters on two fingers and bandaids over raw spots on two others. This is
    partly due to rowing three of the last four days and partly because it's getting
    warmer. When my hands sweat more, I always get blisters and more ground-in black
    oar-grip rubber. My hands look like a mechanic's.

    Fortunately, at the
    moment, warmer doesn't yet mean warm, at least not at 5AM. The weather has been
    just perfect, cool enough to start out in a pullover and warm enough to take it
    off shortly thereafter, and there are beautiful sunrises to watch while gasping
    for air after my intervals. What a great time of year to be on the water.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 05, 2003

    literally annoying

    "She ate so much, she literally burst."

    Presumably, this would have
    involved little pieces of person and gouts of blood and used food showering the
    room, like the Mr. Creosote episode in my favorite Monty Python movie, The
    Meaning of Life
    . (Yeah, yeah, I know, everyone else thinks Life of
    or The Holy Grail were better.)

    "He was literally
    rolling on the floor with laughter."

    Uh-huh. When was the last time
    you saw an attack of hysteria that involved actual rugburn?

    The above
    examples are made up, but they're not far from the language I hear regularly, in
    person, on the news, in movies, and even sometimes in print. I'm not a complete
    knee-jerk language curmudgeon. I use the word "hopefully" because I know of no
    exact substitute -- "it is to be hoped" is awkward and sounds unnatural to me.
    Furthermore, I think the rule about splitting infinitives and all of the other
    prescriptive grammarians' attempts to make English function like Latin are silly
    and misguided. Sometimes I even say "me" when I mean "I", though rarely the other
    way around. (When I want to be hypercorrect, I try to start with being actually

    The word "literally", though, has an actual, current use,
    one which is not covered by other words. It means "This actually happened; I'm not
    speaking metaphorically." It is the antonym of "figuratively". It does NOT mean,
    "I want this to be a really strong metaphor. If you want to do that, you're on the
    hook to come up with an actual strong metaphor. Vivid and interesting speech is
    an art, not a birthright. Or maybe it's a hearer's birthright, but not a
    speaker's. I have a literal mind, and these things (figuratively) grate on

    And if I hear one more damned newscaster telling me it's going to
    be raining cats and dogs, I may be throwing those cats and dogs at

    Figuratively speaking, of course. (Then again, I live in a
    desert, so they'd be safe anyway.)

    Posted by dichroic at 11:53 AM | Comments (1)

    May 04, 2003

    a new environment for Dichroic

    Well, that was interesting. Last night on a whim, Rudder and I decided to
    visit what Houstonians, whose city is apparently famous for theirs, refer to as
    "titty bars". Actually, it was more like a whim and a lot of wine.

    had dinner at the Roaring Fork in
    Scottsdale, which I'd been wanting to try for some time; they always end up in
    articles about the best places to eat in town, and the Western theme sounded
    interesting. We started with salmon nachos, with fennel chips, bits of cucumber,
    and what they called caviar, but which looked more like the tobiko used in sushi.
    (Flying fish eggs, so I suppose it's the same thing.) I had the best salmon I've
    had since we were in Alaska, surrounded by chunks of beet (why beets?) and yummy
    grilled asparagus. Rudder had a beef tenderloin with whiskey "shellac". The nice
    thing was that portions, while not small, were reasonably sized enough to allow
    for dessert, respectively creme brulee and pecan pie with toffee and chocolate
    toppings. We split a recommended Cabernet Sauvignon, which was entirely to blame
    for what happened next.

    There's this odd thing about Scottsdale.
    It's one of our local high-rent districts, catering to golfing tourists, and has
    most of the fancier hotels and restaurants in town. Oddly, the south end of town,
    right by the car dealerships (ones like Hummer, BMW, and Jaguar, naturally) and
    just noth of ASU, has a lot of strip joints and associated businesses. (Massage
    parlors, head shops, lingerie stores...) I've never been in a strip place, and
    Rudder, who goes only as part of a bachelor party, has been roughly once in the
    seven years we've lived here. On the way home, we decided it was time to satisfy

    We went to a new place that was part of the chain he'd
    been to once before. To Rudder's surprise, the place was not, technically, a titty
    bar. It was instead an all-nude place, which disappointed Rudder (really!) because
    he'd gotten his taste buds all set for a rum and coke, and had to settle instead
    for plain coke. They can't serve alcohol at the all-nude places.

    place was not what I expected. For one thing, the lights were so low it was hard
    to see details -- intentionally, I assume. There were ribbons of light sliding
    over the girls on stage, dimness everywhere else. There were comfortable club
    chairs grouped around (thankfully) widely separated tables. The cover charge
    wasn't too high, so I assume they make their money on the drinks, which were
    priced as though they had contrained alcohol. There were at least two other
    couples present, and two young women sitting together who looked like they might
    be doing research for a career change.

    The girls all had more or less
    the same body type, thin and not too muscular. They all had medium to long hair.
    The only variation was in their breasts, which ran from small and natural to
    medium and natural to large and silicone-ish. No real gazongas. They all looked to
    be in their early twenties, all were entirely clean shaven, and all had no visible
    blemishes, razor bumps, stubble, or uneven skin color. Rudder has remarked on this
    before. I'd guess uniform use of self-tanners and body makeup -- no idea how they
    all get such clean shaves and perfect skin.

    There were two girls on
    stage at a time, one with some little clothes or an open robe and one mostly
    naked, and they staggered entrances and exits. The naked one would exit, the one
    with clothes would drop them, and then take a new girl's hand and walk her out
    front. They didn't so much dance as squirm to music and several were
    impressively flexible. Every one was wearing four-inch platform shoes with
    stiletto heels, so even walking gracefully took some ability.

    one came up to us, which surprised Rudder. He accepted her "offer" of a lap dance,
    which surprised me -- The lap dance was the only time all night I was
    uncomfortable, though the girl did her best. (I think he wanted to make sure I got
    the *ahem* full experience.) She spoke to both of us and was really quite nice.
    She led us to a couch a bit back from the stage (after asking if we wanted to go
    there) and proceeded to wiggle all over Rudder. She touched me once or twice with
    her shoe, but that was it. Again, impressive flexibility -- I try to stretch a lot
    and I can't do some of what she did. She really was nice and seemed to be happy
    with her job, as far as I could tell. I commented on her flexibility and she joked
    that most of the girls there had been in dance or gymnastics from early ages "so
    parents should watch where they send their daughters!" Moms, steer those kids to
    soccer instead. Then you'll only have to worry about them stripping to a sports
    bra after a big win.

    The announcer did keep referring to this girl or
    that as "Your toy," but he was a bit hokey anyway. So yeah, they were being
    objectified, but it did seem to be a matter of choice at least. Rudder keeps
    claiming it's the men in those clubs who are degraded, but I don't know if I
    agree. I do suspect the girls regard the men as objects at least as much as the
    converse. Not sure the whole thing is a good thing, but the club was about as un-
    sleazy as it could manage.

    I believe we have now formally established
    that I'm not bisexual, or possibly just not visually oriented. The whole thing was
    pretty interesting though, from sort of an anthropological perspective. For some
    reason, my reaction keeps reminding me of my one trip to a rodeo; it was more
    interesting than I expected in some ways but I doubt I'll be going regularly any
    time soon.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:12 PM

    May 02, 2003

    homer or virgil?

    I forgot to write that the other day, some of us had a brief decription over
    whether a certain project here was more like the Iliad, the Odyssey, or the
    Aenead. I managed to persuade the others that it was the Odyssey, the trip that
    was supposed to take a week and instead lasted 17 years.

    See why I
    love my job? Not because of a problematic project but because I get to have
    discussions like that. (And because we were looking at ways to improve so we don't
    have similar problems in the future.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:30 PM

    tortillas, saguaros, and butterflies

    I am replete, having just gotten back from eating Mexican food with a coworker.
    Our cafeteria's not bad, but I am very tired of it. Anyway, good Mexican food in
    tiny unassuming restaurants is one of the good things about life in Arizona.
    Though actually the best Mexican food near my house is instead in a large assuming
    sort of place, decorate with large statues of Mexican patriots and a painting of
    the sky on the ceiling.

    Drat. I had an actual essay topic to write
    about today an I have forgotten what it is. Perhaps when work calms down a bit at
    the end of June, I can tilt the contents of this journal a bit more toward essays
    and less toward daily minutiae, though I don't ever expect to give up writing
    about both.

    Meanwhile, it's probably just as well I've forgotten my
    topic. The outline of a story about a girl and a cactus crawled into my mind
    yesterday on my drive home and I should capture that in print, though I'm not
    really sure what to do with the butterfly after I net it. To be the finished
    product I envision, it will also need illustration and I don't know whether my
    drawing skills are up to the task. The best thing, no doubt, would be to write it
    and draw it and find out.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:57 AM

    May 01, 2003

    class and con

    Difficult class, this one is. Exhausting, but also rewarding -- they won't let us
    (the instructors) get away with anything, but they're asking difficult questions
    because they want to know, not just to be difficult.

    I keep thinking
    other jobs would be easier, and then having to remind myself they all have their
    challenges. And even if I could persuade Rudder I should stay at home, I don't
    have any kids, or any projects or home businesses I'd want to work on. Not only
    would I feel guilty, I'd eventually get fidgety, wanting to get things *done*. Not
    true for everyone, I know, but I think it would be for me.

    Weekend after next, I think I am going to do
    something I've never done. Though I've been reading fantasy and SF since I learned
    to read at age 3 (literally, since Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was one of my first
    books) I've never yet been to a con. But someone I work with occasionally turned
    out to be a RPG-er and SF fan, as I expected (you can generally tell, somehow) and
    informed me yesterday that there's a con voming up in town with Charles de Lint as
    the Guest of Honor. Given his presence, I'm wondering now if Emma Bull and Will
    Shetterley might also show up -- I learned only a week ago that they now live in
    this state. So I'll need to double-check whether her info is correct, but if it is
    and if my travel schedule doesn't conflict, I think I might go.

    there some central web site with info on F&SF cons?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 30, 2003

    can I bill for my time?

    I hate how long doctors' appointments take! Got my very first mentor-ee certified
    today (a big deal for me) but didn't get his certificate to him before he left.
    Unfortunately "left" in this particular case means "left this site for good and
    headed for a new position (same company) in Europe. So I'll have to mail the cert,
    I guess.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:43 PM

    April 29, 2003


    I was idly trying to find info about a book I used to own, one I'd inherited from
    my mother or grandmother (probably the latter, going by its age) and was annoyed
    not the be able to find the main Girlsown webpage. Is the list defunct or just

    Also, has anyone run into a series, set in the 1920s or so,
    involving a club of roughly high-school aged girls named (if I recall) Harriet,
    Hazel, Jane, Tommy (aka Grace) and Margery (whom Tommy referred to as 'Buster', or
    ratehr 'Buthter', as Tommy lisped). They had a "guardian", Miss Elton, and tootled
    around in Jane's car. In the volume I had, a neighboring boys club presented them
    with a complete tennis outfit and entered them in a tournament only to find that
    none of the girls knew how to play. Of course, they promptly learned to play, in
    time to win the tournament. Sound familiar?

    Books I can handle.
    Clothes I'm not so sure about. It's obvious that I wasn't born to be a
    fashionista, even aside from the fact that the labels in my wardrobe tend to run
    far more to Moving Comfort, Nike and Athleta, the Gap and LL Bean than to Armani,
    Betsey Johnson, or BCBG. On Sunday, I bought a T-shirt from Nordstrom, among other
    things. It's got a sort of splotchy design on it and some vaguely French words.
    (Here it is -- scroll
    down to the short-sleeved "Pres Paris" to see the exact shirt.) Sunday night I
    washed my new clothes and some old ones, including a burgundy crushed-velvet skirt
    I later found was marked Dry Clean only. Oops. I could swear I've washed it
    before, and it's more like a stretchy velour than a traditional stiff velvet and
    has ono lining, so it doesn't look like a dry-clean-only sort of garment.
    Which is why I was surprised to find a big pink splotch on my new T-shirt. At this
    point I'm hoping it either is a prt of the design or will look like it's supposed
    to be, but just in case, I wash it again. The splotch is still

    Now, go look at that picture again. I'll wait. Big pink
    splotch in center, see?

    Conclusion: designers who put deliberate
    splotches that look like laundry accidents on their clothing should be classes
    with musicians who include sound effects that sound like sirens approaching when
    you're listening in the car. The two have much the same dismaying effect.

    On the other hand, I may never worry about bleeding dye again. "This
    red spot? Oh that's just part of the design."

    Posted by dichroic at 12:12 PM

    April 28, 2003

    June, June, June

    Woohoo! Done with teaching until Thursday! Taught a new version of my materials
    today, one that I'm slightly underwhelmed by. The best I can say it is wasn't as
    bad as I was afraid it would be.

    But June 30, when we'll be done with
    this insane training pace, is getting nearer and nearer. Nobody better expect me
    (or my colleagues) to be coherent on July 1. I've already informed the boss, in
    about those words. (She sympathized.)

    Posted by dichroic at 03:38 PM

    April 27, 2003

    not ready for the week

    So, the "relaxing weekend"? Weeded the front driveway and back yard, did some food
    shopping (3 different grocery stores because we were unsuccessfully trying to find
    a cheap source for Rudder's protein bars, now Wlamrt has quit carrying them. No
    luck but I've concluded I definitely need to get to Whole Foods more often),
    bought a few clothes and underclothes at Nordstrom's but didn't usethe gift card
    the in-laws sent for a bleated birthday because none of it was "special" enough
    (though they're getting in an outfit they didn't have in my size from another
    store, that does qualify), touch-up-painted the singles, went to the science
    museum to see their Science of Roller Coasters exhibit before it leaves (very
    interactive), paid bills.

    I'm beat.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 25, 2003

    inherrent contradictions

    The worst thing about a busy week is that a relaxing weekend to rest and
    rejuvenate and catching up with all the things you didn't have time to do during
    the week are mutually exclusive.

    Virtual chocolate (or vanilla, your
    choice) to anyone who can follow the structure of that sentence. But I
    think commas would have just made it worse.

    Of course not all the
    things I want to do this weekend absolutely have to be done, like going to the
    Science of Rollercoasters exhibit at the Phoenix Science Museum. But it sounds
    reallyreally cool and it's only here for another week or so. And besides, every
    weekend needs a highlight. (Well, there will also be spending my in0law's belated
    birthday gift, a gift cert for Nordstrom's. That will be fun -- I'm still debating
    purse, shoes, or clothing.)

    Posted by dichroic at 12:55 PM

    April 24, 2003

    cats! Who needs 'em?

    The more annoying of my two cats has been extremely needy since we got back from
    Ireland. He wants attention constantly when I'm on the computer (He *only* ever
    wants attention when we're on the computer, because if we're doing anything else
    he's scared we might move suddenly. Though he does love to play with our feet
    while we're getting dressed.)

    For each of the last several days, the
    fuzzy brat has woken us up at 2 or 3AM. This is NOT a good thing when the alarm is
    set to go off at 4AM anyway. He's mostly just asking for conversation, as far as I
    can tell, not crying or troubled. (Today being an exception: he did have some
    justification because the other cat had gotten shut in the garage. Though I'd
    think soon after we turned off the lights would have been a good time to mention
    that, rather than seven hours later.)

    We could just move the
    litterbox out of our bathroom and shut both cats out of our bedroom, but then the
    other cat would be complaining all night. It's a Feline Principle: "The catnip is
    always greener on the other side of the door."

    This morning I was
    actually short enough on sleep that I skipped rowing and set the alarm two hours
    on,. I'd have had to cut the row short anyhow, since I'm teaching all week and
    having to be in here before eight. The other instructor should be here tomorrow (I
    finally spoke to her) so maybe I can get her to come in so I can get a full two
    laps in. If the damned fuzzball cooperates, that is.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:24 PM

    April 23, 2003

    grad school

    Grrr. The other teacher is not here in class again. She's not slacking,
    mind you, she's just off teaching something else. But still, it would be nice if
    she'd told me in advance. Now I don't know if she'll be gone all day or just part
    of the day. I'm hoping for part, as I have a meeting this afternoon to dash off

    On the other hand, reading about href="">Dorothea's
    grad school experiences
    , not to mention some of SWooPP's occasional makes me
    grateful for my own situation. This 40-hour week of classes is the equivalent,
    time-wise, of a one-semester class. I'm here teaching 10 students (there were
    more, but it's a lab day and several people are "auditing" and don't have to take
    lab). I have a laptop to work on while they do their labs, they all have computers
    at their tables, there are enough books to go around, and I don't have to come up
    with tests. More importantly, my boss appreciates what I'm doing and I get paid
    somewhat more than the average full professor.

    I should note, though,
    that my own grad-school experience wasn't particularly unpleasant. I did it part
    time, with my company paying for classes, so I never had the full experience of
    looking for funding, serving as a TA, and so on. Grad school was just a secondary
    part of my life. Furthermore, I suspect that even for those going fulltime the
    experience is different for those working on science, engineering or business
    degrees. (Disclosure: My MS is in Physical Sciences with a concentration in Space
    Science. Don't laugh -- I was working for a NASA contractor at the time. But yes,
    I really did take up Time and Space in grad school. And yes, I really AM a Rocket
    Scientist.) Those students know they are employable, and many will have worked
    before or during the degree or will have a corporation footing the bills, so
    there's not that fear factor. And if the department heads know they don't have
    total power over their students, they're less likely to become petty tyrants. My
    own advisor was not terribly interested in what I was doing, I don't think, but he
    never made my life more difficult.

    That's not true. He did pose one
    challenge: staying awake during classes he taught. He was awful. I think he was
    about the only full-time professor in the department, and if he'd been good he
    probably would have been at a better school. I attended a satellite campus of the
    University of Houston, because it was close to home and work. And because it was
    also close to the Johnson Space Center, it had lots of space-related classes as
    well as business classes aimed at engineers going on for MBAs. For some reason it
    also had a big education program, but I was never given any reason to be impressed
    with either that program or many of its students. But because it was close to the
    JSC and the Lunar and Planetary Institute, quite a lot of the lecturers were NASA
    or NASA-contractor or LPI research scientists moonlighting by teaching a class or
    two, and those people were uniformly excellent. They were PhDs teaching on the
    subjects that most interested them, on which they were doing front-line research,
    which is why I enjoyed most of my classes greatly.

    I don't really use
    much of what I learned about Lunar Geology or Human and Robotic Exploration of
    Space, or even Astrophysics, but the program was open enough to let me take a
    couple of other courses I felt lacking in. I took Electromagnetism (actually they
    required that one because as a Mechanical Engineer, I'd only taken the intro
    course to Electrical Engineering as an undergrad) and Statistics, and the latter
    is the foundation of what I'm teaching now. Plus of course, I get to put the MS on
    my resume. And mostly, I got to go learn some really cool stuff.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 22, 2003

    more on looting

    After reading Teresa Nielsen
    on the subject, I wanted to go into what I'd said href=""> about the looting of the
    Iraqi National Museum a little more fully. (And yes, this will be another of those
    wishy-washy entries.) It is a little simplistic, I suppose, to say that
    only those who are doing the looting deserve the blame, but I do still
    believe that the criminal deserves the blame for the crime -- far more so than the
    society that allowed the criminal to function, which is the position the U.S. is
    in here. The fact that we know 10-15% of the population will perform criminal acts
    if they can get away with is still no excuse for those criminals. So blame the
    looters, first and foremost.

    But it's unforgiveably idealistic for
    the rest of us not to make plans to deal with that criminal element. According to
    Bartlett, Edmund Burke probably did not really say, "The only thing necessary for
    the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"; nonetheless, his ghost has been
    niggling at me. I don't blame the soldiers in Iraq; there just aren't enough of
    them to keep order. I do blame Rumsfeld, for seeing to it that there aren't enough
    of the right sort of force. Civil unrest after the toppling of a government can
    scarcely be unanticipated by those schooled in the ways of power and government.
    Either he knew this would happen and didn't care enough (about either artifacts or
    lives) plan for it or he's a complete idiot. And I don't think he's a complete
    idiot. (GWB, maybe.)

    The Iraqi people and the Arab neighbors
    demonstrating in solidarity with them bear some responsibility too: they keep
    saying they want to run their own country and that we should go home. A perfectly
    reasonable request, but not one that is particularly compatible with expecting
    American troops to protect their treasures from Iraqi looters.

    the product of the written word that I am, I am even more distressed at the loss
    of the Iraqi library than at the loss of the museum. I mean, I'm still not over
    the burning of the library at Alexandria. This library is not likely the sort of
    unique repository Alexandria was, bu all big research libraries have irreplaceable
    knowledge. I was relieved somewhat to hear, this morning on NPR, of Moslem groups
    employing boys to save everything possible from the library. I hope they can save
    some of it, at least.

    casting blame

    Whew. Survived yesterday. The rest of the week should be considerably more laid
    back. (IhopeIhopeIhope)

    Now it's time to up the intensity of my
    training so that the results of my next race (end of May) will be more
    satisfactory than those of the last one. The videos were terribly depressing; I
    got discouraged and form went all to pot in the last third of the race. As
    Poseidon is my witness, I will never do that again. If I have to row slower than
    I'd like I will but by Nereus I will look good doing it. And thereby keep my speed
    up a little more to boot.

    On a different topic (I sure say that a
    lot!) I missed most of the news last week but did catch the bit about the Iraqi
    National Museum being pillaged. I'm as grieved about that as the next history buff
    / museum freak but I'm perturbed to see blame cast toward America for that one.
    You can, of course, argue whether we should be there at all, and I have, even with
    myself. But the fact is now we are there, and an invasion force is not the same,
    size, equipment, and training-wise, as a civil police force. More to the point, it
    wasn't the Americans who did the looting, and to blame them for it feels to me
    like blaming "the other woman" instead of the straying husband who broke his vows.
    Ahem. Sorry, not quite an apt analogy, but I mean that the people who perpetrated
    the outrageous act are the ones who deserve the outrage.

    On the other
    hand I heard a rumor today that some American GIs had looted money from some Iraqi
    stashes and I do find that, if true, entirely appalling and

    Posted by dichroic at 01:27 PM

    April 21, 2003

    jumping back in with both feet

    Whew. Pant-pant-pant. Work today has been insane -- I was booked to
    teach two classes at once and the co-instructor for one of them didn't show up
    until about 2 hours in, and it is NOT a class that can easily be taught alone
    because there are lots of labs. Also there was a (mostly) blind and deaf
    (slightly) guy who realized he couldn't keep up unless he had someone to read all
    the instructions from the manual to him.

    Fortunately one of my
    wonderful co-workers rescued me by teaching the other class, the other instructor
    finally showed up (she'd been double-booked too but hadn't bothered letting me
    know .... grrrr) and the blind guy decided to reschedule. I'm going to see if we
    can arrange for an intern to sit next to him and help him out next

    Pant, pant pant. Wheeze. Go read yesterday's entry about href="">Ireland instead -- it's far
    more interesting. and it's got pictures!

    Posted by dichroic at 12:32 PM

    April 20, 2003

    Song of Ireland

    I never know how to tell people about a trip without having it take all day. In
    just over a week, we spent two days in Dublin, then put 900 miles (not km, miles) and a couple of scratches on the rental car, we walked around and over castles, cathedrals, abbeys, and museums all over the southern two thirds of the island, we saw innumerable sheep and looked for baby lambs, we drank a reasonable amount of Guinness and Smithwick's, we slept in lots of tiny beds. It all took 15 pages in my travel diary, which is why I have trouble condensing it here.

    Ireland is noisy pubs, green fields bounded by hedgerows, cliffs over the ocean, worryingly narrow roads without centerlines. Friendly people. Mediocre food, good beer, easy and convenient B&B's with no beds larger than a double. (Actually I'm not even sure they're as big as an American double.) It was easy to drive into a town, stop at a convenient B&B -- they had signs to all the ones off the main road -- and put up for the night. One I got used to the size of the roads, I realized it's a very good road system; you can get from anywhere to anywhere, and there are signs to all towns and attractions -- though some are more readable than others. We did scratch the rental car, though -- good thing we'd paid for the damage waiver. (You know how VISA cards insure car rentals in most countries? Not in Ireland.)

    Every town seemed to have a ruined castle or cathedral or abbey. You can see it in the place names: "cill" is Irish Gaelic for "church", so Kilkenny and Kildare, Killarney, Kilkelly, and Kilcoole were all major church centers. Some castles weren't ruined; we toured beautiful Georgian rooms in Dublin and Kilkenny. I think my favorite is Blarney; it's ruined enough to let you see how it's laid out, but restored enough to have bars in all the dangerous places and yes we did kiss the Blarney Stone. You have to lean way back on the top of the castle, so it's a bit scary. There are bars beneath though, and someone to hold your legs; I think you could fall out but you'd have to try hard.The castle is in beautiful grounds, too -- this is from a high-up window:

    As mentioned, there were a few drawbacks; I'm convinced the Irish drink so much beer because the food isn't that great -- "and such small portions!" The beer is awfully good, though. Here's us at the top of the Guinness tour, looking out over

    We drove from Dublin down the coast, to Waterford, to Kilkelly, to Cashel, to Cork, to Dingle, to Galway to Castlebar to Boyle to Trim to Drogheda to Dublin. The oldest things we saw were the 2000 year old beehive huts along the beautiful Slea Head Drive at the tip of the Dingle peninsula, that were still standing despite being built of drystone (no mortar) and a 5000 year old passage grave at Newgrange. We also saw any amount of prehistoric goldwork at the Dublin Museum. The oldest place we stayed was the Rising Sun Inn, built in Cromwell's time. It seems odd how many of the things we saw were built at rough times in Ireland's history; most of the older castles and cathedrals date from the 1200s, just when Henry II was conquering so he'd have something to give his favorite and youngest son John (the Magna Carta guy), and that inn and some tower houses build while Cromwell was ravaging the place. Also, a lot fo the newer churches, still in use, weren't contructed too far before or after the Great Hunger.

    A partial list of what we saw is Dublin Castle, the National Museum, Dublinia (an
    interactive history thin, not particularly recommended except for kids), the Guinness tour, Christ Church Cathedral, Ferns Castle, Kilkenny Castle, St. Canice's Cathedral, Blarney Castle, the Dingle Peninsula including the Slea Head Drive and Connor Pass, Ballintober Abbey, Boyle Abbey, the King House, Trim Castle, Newgrange. And I know I'm missing things in that list. The time constraints made us miss far too many things I'd wanted to see: the Giant's
    Causeway, the Bushmills' brewery, the high crosses at Monasterbuice, the Ring of Kerry....

    That's all right, though. It gives me plenty to see next time I go. And I won't mind going back at all, at all.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:30 PM

    back safe

    We're back safe and we had a good time. More details later; just now I have to go
    shopping and make some matzoh ball soup before I miss Passover entirely.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:37 AM

    April 10, 2003

    walking pharmacoepia

    Phew. Fortunately I feel signiicantly better today, though maybe a bit guilty for
    skipping my workout again. Even Rudder said to, though, and when Mr. Work
    Ethic says to take it easy, I listen. He mentioned that he'd heard some airports
    are quarantining anybody with a temperature over 100.4, which was a bit worrying
    since mine was up to 101 last night. Now there'd be a fun way to spend a vacation,
    locked up in solitary in a London (or Dublin) hospital.

    Also, T2 is
    justifiably protective of Egret these days, so if I show up too sniffly, I can
    just see him making us stay at a hotel. Can't argue with words like "high-risk
    pregnancy". Incidentally, she's got only 3-4 months to go and says the twins are
    now about 2 lbs each, if anyone out there has been curious. I don't think she's
    updating Ziggymmuch these

    Just in case, I have packed Tylenol (so I can land fever-free),
    Nyquil (so I can sleep on the plane -- should help with jet-lag, too), Claritin,
    and at least two kinds of Sudafed. If a small army gets sick in my vicinity, I'm

    Posted by dichroic at 02:04 PM

    April 09, 2003

    sore throat

    Today's mantra: I am not sick. I am not sick. I am not sick. It's only


    Later: God DAMN it. 100.8 fever. So much for mantras. Now what do I do, besides
    hope? And think healthy thoughts?

    Posted by dichroic at 12:36 PM

    my mezuzah is melting

    Yesterday the postamn left something I hadn't seen in my mailbox for quite a few
    years: a Bat-Mitzvah invitation. Come to think of it, since I'm not close to my
    cousins, don't have Jewish friends with 13-year-old daughters, and my babysittees
    were male (and hence would have had bar mitzvot instead of bat) I don't think I've
    gotten one of those since I was 13 or 14 and getting them from my

    So imagine how much more surreal thigns got when I realized
    this invitation was from me. It was for my mom's bat mitzvah, of course
    (which already mandates a certain level of surrealness). Normal bat mitzvah
    invitations (that is, those for 12 or 13 year old girls) like traditional wedding
    invitations, are sent from the parents: "Mr and Mrs So-and-So proudly request your
    presence as we wtach our daughter assume the mantle of Jewish womanhood..." or
    some such. Apparently Mom felt odd sending out invitations in her own name, so
    these are officially from Dad, me, and the brother. So now I'm inviting all sorts
    of people I don't know or have met only briefly (though I do get to hear about all
    of their operations and grandchildren) to watch my mother become a woman.

    Also, she'll be dressed like a man, in some respects; apparently
    things have changed since I went to these affairs regularly, and now Mom will be
    wearing a kippah (yarmulka / skullcap) and tallit (prayer shawl). Presumably if
    this were a weekday service she'd also wear tefillin (phylacteries) which are
    small boxes held on to the head and the arm with long leather straps. They look a
    little odd even on old men who have worn them all their lives.

    that premise, maybe I should find a watch to wear that looks like it's melting.
    Dali wasn't Jewish, was he?

    Posted by dichroic at 09:05 AM

    April 08, 2003

    wing to wing, still

    I would have used this one at my own wedding, except I didn't know it then. Today,
    it's for Jenn and Rick, and also still
    for me and Rudder, as we welcome them to the community of the very-happily-
    married. Maybe they live there a very long time.

    Robert Frost

    No speed of wind or water rushing by

    But you have speed far greater. You can climb

    Back up a stream of radiance to the sky,

    And back through history up the stream of time.

    And you were given this swiftness, not for haste,

    Nor chiefly that you may go where you will,

    But in the rush of everything to waste,

    That you may have the power of standing still-

    Off any still or moving thing you say.

    Two such as you with such a master speed

    Cannot be parted nor be swept away

    From one another once you are agreed

    That life is only life forevermore

    Together wing to wing and oar to oar.

    I've posted this one href="">before, way back when this
    journal was very new and I had been away from my husband for far too long, a thing
    I will never do again without a far better reason than "my company told me to".
    (And yes, this would be the place that laid me off four months after I came back.)
    I liked what Jenn's sister said, too, about their working out over time the degree
    to which who protects whom; I think that may be one of the things it's necessary
    to agree on, to stay together. Rudder mostly doesn't shelter me, and vice versa,
    but that's what works for us. Seems like with most issues in a long-term
    partnership, it's not so much what you agree on that matters, as whether you do
    agree, or at least can find a way to remove that issue from

    And starting in 2.2 days, I get to spend ten whole days with my husband! Whoohoo!
    Whoever designed this work system where we see our random coworkers more than out
    chosen mates ... well, was probably going back to hunter-gatherer patterns. But
    you'd still think we'd have improved on that by now. Someone told me yesterday
    about an Orthodox Jewish man who quit his job because it didn't allow him to spend
    at least 12 hours a day with his family. Considering eight hours of that is
    probably sleep, that sounds more than reasonable to me.

    In other news entirely: I got href="">LIPS!!!!

    (Listed as Paula, not Dichroic)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 07, 2003


    I'm almost all packed now, except for the inevitable things I've forgotten and the
    things like my favorite contact lens case and the BCP that I can't pack unti the
    last morning. But I'm still having to be severe with myself in order to prevent
    myself from putting in another pair of shoes. On the other hand, given the 6 books
    to read, the three guidebooks, and the one rowing book we need to return to T2,
    self-discipline has not realy entered the picture.

    I'm teaching
    almost all day today, though. Maybe I could practice by disciplining them first.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 05, 2003

    trip prep

    Well, Tyger has just
    accomplished the near-impossible feat of making me feel good about the fact that I
    shave my legs almost every other day. (Or at least, on any day in which there is a
    possibility I will be seen in shorts of a skirt before the next shower.) Blame
    Eastern European Jewish genes and the combination of dark hair and pale skin. I do
    it in the shower; I use soap lather instead of shaving cream and it takes me
    roughly a minute per leg. If they're especially dry afterward, I use moisturizing
    lotion, which is currently Body Butter at home (two kinds, Nut and Mango, because
    they were having a sale) and Lubriderm with sunscreen in the gym bag. The legs
    have to be dragon-scaled before I bother moisturizing at the gym,

    The major clothes are now packed for Ireland, which still
    leaves shoes, PJs, toiletries, books, camera gear, and the carry-on stuff to be
    packed between now and Thursday. We're still figuring out our driving itinerary,
    but some of that will be decided on the road depending how long everything takes.
    I'm thinking we can see most of the sights outside Dublin we care most about, from
    Waterford to the Burren to the Giant's Causeway, but skipping the Ring of Kerry,
    in five days. This might be overambitious but plans will be changed as occasions

    My can't-go-home-without-seeing list includes the Guinness
    Brewery, the Book of Kells and the Harp of Tara, a castle or two and a stone
    circle and stone cross or three. There are quite a few of each of the three to
    choose from, but the Rock of Cashel, Castle Matrix, and the Drombeg Stone circle
    for preference. There's also a lot of stuff I suspect is less interesting to look
    at than its history and the stories about it suggest, like Armagh (Ard Macha, the
    hill of Macha) and the Hill of Tara, whence Brian Boru ruled.

    Suggestions welcome.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:22 PM

    April 04, 2003

    boots and bras

    I may be the only woman in the world who could href="">go up two bra sizes and
    still end up in a size hardly anyone carries. I can wear a more common size (34B)
    but the underwires end up in the wrong places. Ouch. Not that I really need
    underwires. Not that I really need the damn thing at all, except for showthrough
    issues. So why not just stick with the lightweight top-half-of-an-undershirt sort
    of thing? As I said, showthrough issues.

    Hey, href="">Mechaieh opted out of doing a
    bra rant today, so someone had to. And I never have too much trouble ranting on
    that subject. I suppose I should be thankful I don't have to wear corsets,
    crinolines, or girdles.

    Despite the talk of undergarments and makeup
    and the overindulgence in shopping, I don't think of myself as much of a girly
    girl. So why am I having so much trouble restricting myself to only two pair of
    shoes (brown laceup walking boots and black Doc-clones) for a week in Ireland? I
    may end up throwing in a pair of ballet-slipperish things that weigh nothing just
    so I can have something that goes on quickly and doesn't weigh 5 pounds or require
    socks. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if Rudder brings nothing but his high-tops.
    Less than a week before we leave!

    Speaking of Rudder, he's still not
    over his cold yet, and has been uncharacteristically easy going this week. It's
    sort of scary. This is a man for whom "easy-going" can include the double practice
    yesterday -- that is, he took a double out with She-Hulk and then again with the
    erg champion guy. On the other hand, he did only light workouts Tuesday and
    Wednesday and didn't exercise at all Monday and today. I hope he gets all the way
    better (and I don't catch it) before we have to fly.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:12 PM

    April 03, 2003

    unlabeled and defiant

    I've been reading some essays by a self-proclaimed href="">conservative lately, and he's got me a
    little bit annoyed. The funny thing is, it's not because I disagree with him on
    most subjects. It's not because I wouldn't like him, either: he's a pilot, a man
    with opinions, a historian, and a hell of a good writer, all of which suggest I'd
    enjoy meeting him. (Though I'm not sure it would be mutual.) What ticked me off,
    mostly, is the scornful way he writes about liberals, all of whom are apparently
    hypocritical yellow-bellied scum-sucking appeasers, as opposed to conservatives,
    who are all moral, upright, freethinking heroes.

    I don't like
    stereotypes. I have not yet met a large group of people who all think enough alike
    for a stereotype to be unfailingly accurate. There certainly are slimy liberals
    who would rather be slaves than free men and women, as long as they could keep
    their little luxuries, as well as conservatives who think for themselves, apply
    logic, and live by their own moral code. On the other hand, I have encountered
    liberals who are righteous freedom fighters willing to suffer to maintain other
    people's rights and conservatives who are hidebound, hatebound, unthinking
    followers of cheap idols. The labels are not wide enough to span the beliefs of
    all those who march under them.

    Furthermore, I have noticed that
    while the most fanatic extremists on left and right tend to approach each other
    somewhere in the swamps of fascism, there are a goodly number of moderates who
    meet far on the oppisite side of the circle. That is, there are quite a lot of
    Americans who don't want the government telling them what to do with either their
    bedroom or their wallet. They have a wide spectrum of fine shades of belief on
    other touchy issues such as guns or abortion, often winding up somewhere or other
    in the intermediate area (that is, legal but with restrictions), and they are
    almost all fervent believers in freedom of thought and speech. What I have seen is
    that these people who share a core of belief describe themselves differently
    according to their priorities. Typically, those who prioritize freedom in the
    bedroom describe themselves as liberals, while those whose priorty is freedom of
    the bankbook describe themselves as conservatives. (As I've already said I don't
    like stereotypes, I want to point out I said "typically". It's not a universal
    truth.) If people with very similar beliefs fall in under both banners, how can
    one group be universally better or worse than the other?

    I'll stand
    up for my own beliefs here, in detail I rarely put up in a public forum. I believe
    human worth and capability are not determined by gender, race, nationality, sexual
    orientation, or any other external factor. I believe I should be the only one
    deciding what happens to my body, and you to yours. Thus to me, whether abortion
    is wrong or not is irrelevant; I can't make that decision for another independent
    person, and by independent person I mean "self-aware individual", not "possessor
    of human DNA". I'm a card-carrying member of the ACLU, and proud of it. (And why
    aren't you? They're the only non-governmental organization I know of pledged to
    protect our Constitution and the freedoms it guarantees for everyone, not just
    those they agree with, and they've proved their convictions over and over. If you
    don't like some of their stances, then join them and change those decisions.) So
    mostly, I get branded a liberal. On the other hand, I think the NRA is actually
    right about what the Second Amendment says; though I'm not always 100% sure I
    agree with the Founding Fathers on that one, I'm also not sure they didn't know
    more than I do about it. I support the death penalty, though only if it can be
    fairly and accurately applied; we can't afford mistakes on something that
    permanent, so if we can't do it right, we shouldn't do it at all. And I believe in
    limited government. All rights not specifically granted to the government by the
    Constitution do and ought to belong to the people. (Actually, the Constitution
    says to the states or to the people, but I see no more reason to trust state
    governments than national ones.) Based on those opinions, I am a conservative.
    Labels don't fit me, and they rarely say all that needs to be said about anyone
    else's beliefs either.

    There are certainly gutless weasels,
    unappreciative of their freedoms and those who have suffered for them. And there
    are brave free-thinkers lovers of freedom. But you can't identify the players by
    their shirts in this game.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    It was a good morning for birdwatching; today at the lake I spotted three
    pelicans, five snowy egrets, a heron (Great Blue?), a couple of ducks, and
    zillions of those little birds that build mud apartment-style nests under the
    bridges. (Swallows? or are those bigger?) Plus a couple of seagulls and some
    various generic sort of bird. (I said it was a good day for it, not that I was
    good at it. And yes, all that was here at my little man-made lake in the
    middle of the Sonoran Desert.

    Tuesday was even better; I did extra
    distance (12k vs 11K today), spotted four pelicans as well as an avis even
    more rara: a very large and fit guy who's trying out for the National team,
    getting ready to go out just as I was bringing my boat in. (The part when he was
    changing his shirt was especially good. ) I didn't see him this morning, but
    Rudder, who stayed late to do a double practice, not only saw him but was coached
    by him for a whole lap.

    One of Rudder's vendors from work came to our
    last regatta here and took some wonderful photos of us, mostly black and white and
    with a posed, sculptural quality to them. She took him to lunch yesterday and
    presented him with an small album as well as one enlarged image of me in a frame -
    - definitely one way to keep your customer happy. I'd post a couple shots here,
    but don't have a scanner. Which reminds me, we need to go to the camera store
    this weekend and buy scads of film for Ireland. I may try some more black and
    white on the digital camera, where I can switch on the fly, but really my strength
    in photography is in colors and lighting -- alpenglow, sunrises over water, that
    sort of thing.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 02, 2003



    I think it's a sign that Something is Wrong with your
    daily life when scheduling a haircut gets difficult, every damned

    I've been helping someone here at work come up with obscure
    musical show trivia for a treasure hunt he's doing that may use that theme. I
    haven't had so much fun in weeks. I love musicals and hadn't thought about some of
    these songs literally in decades. If they need to get really tricky on this, I
    figure I'll bring in the big guns, and call in my uncle. And maybe SWooP because I
    don't know Jesus Christ Superstar or the Charlie Brown musical at

    Don't you hate when someone says 'literally' and then it's clear
    from the context they mean 'figuratively'? As in, "I was so excited I literally
    went over the Moon." Oh yeah? Did NORAD see you??

    Rudder is feeling a
    bit better now but he didn't row Monday, slept in and erged instead of rowing
    yesterday, and cut his gym workout in half this morning and went back to bed for
    an hour or two. Good thing he's not having trouble breathing or I'd think he had
    SARS. Either that or aliens have kidnapped my husband. (Remember that episode on
    Soap when they replaced Burt and the alien posing as him got all excited because
    he hadn't had sex in several hundred years? And the time in Bloom County where
    they kidnapped Steve Dallas and replaced him with a SNAG? (Sensitive New Age

    The cafeteria here makes really tasteless alfredo

    I wish I got three weeks of vacation time. Or that I got comp
    time for OT. I do get three weeks (one reason I took the job) but it's not really
    enough. WOuldn't want to pay European taxes, but I wish I had their vacation.
    Ihate it, too, that after all those labor fights to get to a ten and then an eight
    hour workday, we seem to be going back the other way. I don't often get out after
    only eight hours; try nine or ten and then a two hour round trip commute. I think
    other people here probably work more hours than I do. Weren't we supposed to be
    down to six hours and all telecommuting by now?

    If I had a blog, this
    is the sort of brain-gas that would be in it all the time. This is why I don't
    have a blog.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:08 PM

    bad timing

    Oops. Just realized that we will be in Ireland for the beginning of Passover as
    well as Good Friday. We don't do a real Seder anyway, and I suppose I can make
    matzo ball soup when I get back. (I admit it, I'm a bad girl. Even if we were
    staying at home I probably wouldn't keep strictly Pasadic). Good Friday may be
    more of a problem, though, as I have a hunch much of the country will be shutting
    down for it. Oh, well; scenery is still there no matter what day it is.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:10 AM

    April 01, 2003

    recommended reading and more waffling

    Here is one
    reason I cannot comfortably be against this war, stated eloquently and with the
    deep knowledge of history whose lack dismays me in so many supporters of both
    viewpoints. It's an incredible essay well worth reading for its own educational
    sake as well as for the lesson of history.

    And yet ....

    (I have
    yet to state any position on this war without having an "And yet ..." once I dried
    my tears of sorrowing pride there were still a couple points gnawing at me. I
    would be comfortable betting a large sum of money that Mr Whittle, a self-desribed
    reader of SF and evidently a student of military history, is familiar with Robert
    A. Heinlein's dictum, "You cannot conquer a free man. You can only kill him." I
    wonder if the converse is not true: "You cannot free a conquered man. You can only
    kill or reconquer him." So are we doing the Iraqis a favor? If on the other hand
    they are free, then we owe them the respect of spending more effort than I have so
    far seen to gather their opinions on whether they want to be liberated. I
    must waffle again, though, to note that it's quite possible we did so and I have
    just not seen it -- and I will also note that something I heard from a Saudi
    Arabian journalist on the news this morning does make it sound as if the Iraqis do
    want to be freed from their current regime, though they they a different

    Astute readers will note that I haven't even touched the
    more difficult issue of whether we are justified in a preemptive attack on Saddam
    on our own behalf. History is generally the only accurate judge of that sort of
    question; all I can say is that those prepared to anticipate Clio had best be
    damned sure of their facts.

    I do believe war in necessary sometimes
    to rout out an even greater evil (and Mr. Whittle articulates my views on that
    perfectly) but by what units is evil measured?

    My other reservations
    have to do with not the fact of war but the manner in which it is prosecuted. I
    know our military today contains the heirs to the bravery of soldiers in all our
    earlier battles; I hope that we have within our current forces and the planning
    bodies who rule them the heirs

    to the brilliant tacticians of the Civil War
    and WWII. And I hope those tacticians are allowed to do their jobs.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:03 PM

    March 30, 2003

    Life: the Good Parts version

    On Friday, I was driving home from work, and suddenly got a feeling I've had a few
    times before. It's one of my favorite ways to feel, but one of the hardest to
    describe. The best I can say it is that I felt centered, anchored in the myth of
    my own life -- a feeling that the days of miracle and wonder are not yet over and
    moreover, that I'm in the middle of them right now. I have a certain
    sureness that I will look back on these as some of the best times of my life,
    because they are among the times when I am most fully myself.

    often find it easier to use the words of some of my favorite authors. If there's
    anyone else out there who was helped through adolescence by Norma Johnston, you
    will understand perfectly when I say that these are my Keeping

    It caught me by surprise, a bit, since I've been so busy
    treading water while balancing plates like a circus act (Cirque du Soleil, that
    would be, to combine the two) that I'd hardly had time to notice how much fun I
    was having. Honestly, I think I like my life and myself better when both are
    stretched to their fullest extent, even if it does mean things are a little crazy
    and I can't do everything I'd like to do as well as I'd like to do it. I never was
    good at perfection anyway.

    In fact, maybe that's the phrase that
    should be my epitaph.

    I've had that same feeling other times: when I
    was nine through eleven, had some great teachers and hung out with a close circle
    of male and female friends (probably the best social life I've ever had); a couple
    of rare moments in high school; my first and last years in college and the summer
    after the first one; the year I met Rudder and began rowing (there is nothing
    better than sharing a beer with friends and your new True Love, right on the water
    -- I miss the Clear Lake bars on the water); the year we were planning a wedding
    and buying a house and I was working on an exciting new project with an incredible
    group of people. And now.

    There are things that could be better, of
    course; for one thing, it would be very nice to have more local friends. One
    problem of living in a mobile community is that every time we get close to people
    they move away. On the other hand, there's a line by Richard Bach whose power is
    evident in the fact that I can quote it despite not having read the book it's in
    for at least a decade: "There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you
    in its mouth. We seek out our problems for the gifts they bring." And some of my
    problems, such as the craziness (excitement and challenge) at work and the long
    commute (time to meditate and look at some beautiful desert and sky) are simply a
    matter of perspective and appreciation. Then there are the parts I appreciate
    without question: a job I can do well, a comfortable and peaceful home, a trip
    soon to one of the place I've always wanted to see, and always, always Rudder. And
    so here I am, right here. Living one of the best parts of my life. And it's pure
    luxury to know that while it's happening.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:19 AM

    March 29, 2003


    Uh-oh, Rudder seems to have a bit of a cold. He's not terribly sick, and it's not
    really a bad time for him to be sick -- if that's not a contradiciton in terms --
    but it's not to close to a race or anything else especially important.

    The thing that concerns me is that if he passes it on to me, I could
    still have it in time for the Ireland trip. So I guess if I'm going to get sick
    I'd better do it fast or not at all! And meanwhile I can just hope that he's not
    really sick at all, just a little discombobulated by the front that just came in
    and his erg trial Thursday. Those really can wreck your lungs; when I set my own
    Personal Record for 500m I was coughing for three days. If it's either or both of
    those things, he should be feeling better soon.

    I have another essay, a real one about feeling anchored in the good parts of my
    life and knowing when I'm in one, rattling around my head right now but I'm not
    sure how to say it yet.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:03 AM

    March 27, 2003


    It's 8:23 AM and it already feels like halfway through the day. (Of course, my day
    began at 4 so that's not as far off as it seems.) I hope I've now gotten at least
    halfway through the hard parts of it. Or that at least I get to eat lunch today,
    which would be a distinct improvement on yesterday.


    Morning crises averted, lunch eaten and with luck the afternoon won't be too bad.
    Unfortunately because of the morning's potential disasters, I only got to row one
    lap, but managed to get a decent workout anyway and work on some of the issues
    apparent from the race videotape.

    Rudder and I had some difference of opinion on that tape -- the camera belongs to
    T2, who had it shipped to us so we could bring it when we visit next month,
    instead of paying for international shipping; he asked us to test it first. So I
    was filming so T2 and Egret could see the race, doing things like showing how much
    open water there was between Rudder and his competition, whereas Rudder was
    staying parked on one person so we could use it as a training video. And I confess
    I didn't do a great job even at my stated intention; there's an awful lot of
    unintended empty sky and water shots. I think I was born to be a still

    Product review: Yesterday's luchlessness was somewhat eased by the fact that I'd
    had one of Yoplait's yogurt smoothies (they call them that, but they're not,
    really) for breakfast. It's portable, easy to drink right after a workout, tastes
    exactly like normal yogurt and has all kinds of nutrients added -- the ones I
    especially appreciated were significatn amounts of protein, calcium, iron, and
    potassium. My initial response was very positive. However, a little while later, I
    realized they'd obviously turned yogurt into a drink by blending it with a lot of
    milk, so my stomach was dancing for the rest of the day ... and turning and
    twisting and burbling and rumbling. Somewhat uncomfortable. I might drink it
    again, but not on a day when I'm teaching, for example.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:23 AM

    March 26, 2003

    good gym day

    I'm afraid my wardrobe strategy for today may not be working out. I've got on a
    nice off-white pair of pants,a sleeveless black shell (because it's predicted to
    hit 88F today), a long beige jacket (because I'll be in a chilly classroom part of
    the day), and tan mules (sort of like the original Candies, for those of you who
    remember those, except without a wood heel). The problems are that the whole
    outfit comes out a bit more formal than I intended and that I'm not sure the mules
    work with pants. The hem keeps wanting to get under my heel, between it and the

    The black cat fur the smaller and needier cat is at this moment
    trying to coat me with doesn't help the total image either.

    I did
    have a good gym day. I've got a new strategy I think of as Lagniappe; I do my
    usual sets of 20 on the weights then go as high as I think I can and do another 5.
    I surprised myself on a couple of them -- and also saw some nice shoulder and arm
    definition when I was doing nothing more strenuous than drinking my water.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:53 AM

    March 25, 2003

    back to sleep

    This morning I woke up after not enough sleep (because we had to go unload the
    boats yeasterday after work) went to rowing, got my oars halfway to the water,
    decided the whole thing was a stupid idea and went home to bed for an

    I'll be in training all day today, but now at least I'll have
    half a chance of staying awake.

    Postscript: after 8 hours of sitting in one room in one chair, I am so, so, so
    glad I made that decision. Insteresting training, but still.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:00 AM

    March 24, 2003

    dratted fast people

    So, the regatta. DFL, DFL, DFL. Blah, ick, ptooey. I had my race in the single and
    ended up coxing an intermediate women's eight a bit earlier. It didn't help that
    the string controlling their rudder broke as we headed out, so I was steering with
    one hand behind me -- fortunately the rudder in that boat had sort of a tiller
    bar I could reach from the coxswain' seat or we'd have had to bring it back in and
    probably missed the race. This was a crew that isn't really focused on competition
    and I think they were just outclassed by a crew in much better shape and with
    better form and coordination. When they went to race pressure they lost all their
    smoothness, and there were oars hitting the water every stoke. Of course, because
    of the rudder situation I wasn't steering the best course in the world, so I'm
    sure that didn't help. I think I did help them stay motivated, though, or maybe
    they just have a lot of heart; it was a 2000m race instead of the 1K masters
    usually have and they didn't slacken their pace at any point -- maybe about ten
    strokes in the middle, but that's it.

    In the single, they'd put the
    masters and open lightweights together, two of each. I didn't particularly mind
    coming in second to the other masters rower, since she was extremely buff and had
    recently won the world erg championship for her age and weight class. Also, she's
    47 so gets a significant handicap time over me, not that she needed it. I was
    disappointed, though to come in fourth of four, behind the two open lightweight
    rowers, and with open water between me and the rest of them. Damn

    Of course, as my lungs were flaming up the course with the
    other boats out of sight ahead of me (remember, rowers face backward) I kept
    thinking, "Why do I do this to myself again?" The worst part is that I think most
    of my problem is conditioning, so the only way to do better would be to increase
    the pain during training. Or resign myself to a lifetime of DFL. Or quit racing.
    Not an attractive bouquet of options.

    By the way, the other
    masters lightweight woman who beat me, also raced in a double with D, the men's
    world erg champion in his age group. He's from Colorado, but comes out to race
    with us, and he and Rudder also raced a men's double. D's double got a faster time
    with the woman than with Rudder. Just to give you some idea.

    having only one race, I was exhausted by the end of the day, because of course
    when you race less, you do more fetching and carrying and packing and running
    around. Still, it was a nice weekend out on a beach (Marine Stadium, not ocean) in
    the California sun, and I got to see trees and flowers, and Hardcore and She-Hulk
    rode both ways with us, so that was fun. We didn't get home until eleven, and I
    don't feel too bad, considering.

    Except about the damned race

    Posted by dichroic at 12:04 PM

    March 21, 2003

    disconnected Friday burblings

    I am so leaving early today. Me and everyone else in my group -- it's been
    that sort of week all around.

    And speaking of things related to
    driving home: yesterday, I saw a new level in tacky yesterday: a bumper sticker
    that said, "Special Memory - Just Married - Las Vegas, NV". I mean, I can see
    getting married in Vegas for any number of reasons, but a bumper sticker to say

    Also, I have learned something new about driving and lisening.
    The Teaching Company has some good lecture
    series on tape (or videotape, CD, or DVD). However, if you order a tape on a
    subject you know a lot about (and you would, because those are likely to be the
    ones you're most interested in) be prepared to do a lot of yawning or talking back
    to the tape player (this particular prof asks a lot of questions he apparently
    doesn't expect students to be able to answer) during the first couple of

    Off to the races this weekend! For some reason they have
    combined two events, masters women's singles and open lightweight women's singles
    into one, and now have two heats and a final. I don't understand this for several
    reasons. 1) No other event has heats and finals, so why combine races? 2) I am
    actually a master lightweight woman single rower. Who am I racing against? 3) And
    in any case, why in the name of Nereus would you have the finals only about 20
    minutes after the heats?

    Posted by dichroic at 12:36 PM

    March 17, 2003

    stretched thin

    You might as well go elsewhere; I write boring entries when I'm overstretched.
    This is because all my naeurons are dedicated to keeping straight all the things I
    have to do and take and teach today, instead of pondering about world peace, or
    even pet peeves.

    One of the things I have successfully remembered was
    to call the people who are still fixing my car -- between the dealer and their
    bodyshop (which I'm a bit confused over, since the body wasn't damaged) and the
    insurance company we are now into the second week of trucklessness. Or rather of
    Toyotalessness, since Rudder's Hummer is still looming in our garage. Now the
    damned body shop is saying I need to come and do a walkaround, which of course
    they couldn't actually tell me over the weekend when I might have had time to do
    it. Grrr....

    Posted by dichroic at 11:27 AM

    March 16, 2003

    one million meters

    Breaking news: after doing a 10 K this morning, I have now reached ONE MILLION
    METERS, recorded, on the erg.I will be sending away for the href="">T-shirt shortly.

    Of course, Rudder had to steal my thunder yesterday by getting me to
    witness his logbook entries so he could send them in for the FOUR Million Meter
    Club, drat him. It's not that he ergs four times as much, but that he did start
    doing serious distance a lot sooner and started logging a couple of years earlier.
    And I can't even really complain because he'd been nagging me to log my distance
    for at least a year before I caved and began to keep a log.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:21 AM

    March 15, 2003

    a breather

    Argh. What a week. When your schedule is so booked that you have to leave one
    class to go teach part of another, you've passed beyond the boundary of silliness.
    (Typically in these all-week classes, we have two anchors, or an anchor plus a
    teacher for each module, so at least leaving is possible.) We have GOT to get this
    schedule straightened out. The worst part is that next week will be nearly as

    Fortunately the good thing about the current situation is that
    it's not the kind of thing where I have to (or even can) do a lot of weekend work.
    So I appreciate these days off to their fullest. Today we're heading off to the
    local Renaissance Faire, though we've been the last few years so might not stay
    all day. Off to the showers, first.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:30 AM

    March 13, 2003

    still here

    Quarter after five and I'm sitting here in an almost empty classroom, babysitting
    the one student who hasn't finished his lab assignment yet. Actually, he isn't
    even testing it yet, so he's got a long way to go. I'm out of here at six, a rule
    the other teacher and I decided on yesterday -- after 6PM they're on their own. It
    was his suggestion, but of course I agreed in mere microseconds, due to the 40-
    mile drive home and the early wake-up tomorrow (actually, I get to sleep all the
    way to 5tomorrow) and the fact that I'm a big lazy antiworkaholic who considers
    anything more than a nine or ten hour day to be complete waste of time. And I was
    in before 7:30 this morning, thanks to having done only one lap on the lake
    specifically because of this class.

    At least the remaining student is
    a nice guy. It would really suck to stay late for a jerk.

    In sports
    news, I'm up to 104.7 km on the erg for this year, meaning I have only just over
    15K to go to the href=">million meter mark.
    I've been tracking it over at href="">FiveHundred. I feel a little guilty
    because most people there are trying to cover 500 miles (walking, biking,
    treadmill) but not too much: this is a real goal, not something I've made up just
    to finish early. I did add a five hundred mile goal of my own there, mostly
    because I figured I'd be doing it anyway and it's nice to see the meters roll

    Another guy here, one who'd already finished and
    left, just popped back in to show me some features of the integrated
    development environment he's using. He's one of the developer of it (it's an in-
    house product) and I used to be the customer support engineer for the product's
    ancestor at another company, but still. If that's not the defnition of geeky, I
    don't know what is.

    Posted by dichroic at 05:17 PM

    March 09, 2003

    the weekend of being 35 and 364/365

    We decided to celebrate my birthday this weekend, since tomorrow, the actual day,
    will probably be frantic and exhausting. Yesterday I got a pedicure (at the mall -
    - must try some other places as this one is convenient but not great) and went out
    for dinner at the Wrigley Mansion,
    where I liked both my dinner and the Hurricane Ridge Merlot very much, but Rudder
    was less enthusiastic. Today we went up to the local Pioneer Living History
    Museum. We've been meaning to go for some time but weren't terribly impressed.
    Afterward we went up to the Nike outlet nearby (yes, still more rowing gear) and
    then back down to a local restaurant whose main appeal was the free entree their
    email had offered for my birthday. We both liked the "shrimp martini" (more or
    less ceviche with tequila added) but the mahi-mahi was only so-

    Don't be worried if I don't update much next week; I'll be
    teaching all week and am not sure how reliable my net feed will

    Oops, almost forgot to mention the gifties: ruby necklace from
    Rudder to match the earrings he gave me last year. And I love it, but in a way I'm
    almost more impressed with the only other gift I've received so far. (My family is
    ALWAYS late and this year the in-laws are too because apparently they had a
    question to ask Rudder who was out of town when they called last.) It can be
    difficult to buy the perfect thing for someone you live with but at least you have
    the insight; how much harder to get something just right for someone you've met in
    the flesh three times? (Or is it four?) The incomparable href="">Mechaieh sent me the fifth book of a
    series I enjoy very much, of which I own the first four. (Interesting connection:
    bought the first while visiting Swoop.) Not quite sure how she did that, as it's
    been many months since she last had the opportunity to inspect my bookshelves, but
    I am very grateful.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:48 PM

    March 07, 2003

    explain please?

    COuld somebody please do me a favor and explain the Arthurian references in David
    Lodge's book Small World? I mean, I see where they are, but why are they
    there? Is it just because Persse (=Percival) is on a quest for a woman and the
    Grail is a yonic (as opposed to phallic) symbol?

    The Fisher King
    reference I understand; not only are there the references but the structure
    underlies the whole book, and becomes very clear at the end. But why the Arthur
    stuff, and if it's there, why not do more with it? Or am I just missing something?

    Also, it's fun to spot the bits that fit another mythos entirely,
    like Miss Maiden as Delphic oracle, but why all the other stuff that doesn't fit
    any mythos, like Moris Zapp -- or am I missing something?

    I'm only
    just reading it for the first time (thanks to a couple of diary recommendations
    that I can't find now) so that's entirely likely.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:36 PM

    lousy way to start a morning

    Here's a lousy way to start a morning:

    Decide to take truck this
    morning. Go out to the driveway where it's parked, to see if it has gas. Notice
    both doors are unlocked. Open driver's door. Notice funny little black plastic
    knobs on driver's seat. Wonder if Rudder had some gizmo break when he borrowed the
    truck a couple days ago. Look around a bit more and realize the panel around the
    radio, with plastic vents and A/C controls is dangling.

    someone tried to steal my radio. Either they couldn't get it out or they got
    frightened off, because it's still there. So now the police are supposed to call
    back, I have to call my insurance when they open at 9, and somehow get enough time
    off from work to drop the truck off to get fixed. Sigh.

    This does
    make me glad once again that I leased Zippy the Honda, so at least I have
    something to drive. The worst thing is that the truck was right in front of my
    house when it got broken into.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:01 AM

    March 05, 2003

    grandmom's birthday

    Today is my Grandmom Rose's 91st birthday. Unfortunately, she died about five
    years ago, so I can't call her to wish her a happy one. Lucky for the rest of us,
    she did live until her mid-80s; in fact, I was very lucky because I had four
    living grandparents until I was in college. (Rudder still has four, all still
    living on their own; I keep telling him he needs to call them often, but it seems
    to be hard for him to see why he should change his family's usual pattern. I hope
    he figures it out before he loses them, because they're all

    My Brother the Writer and I were lucky in more than just
    having living grandparents, in fact; they were also very good at being
    grandparents, epsecially my mother's parents. We were the only grandchildren and
    my grandfather thought we walked on water. (After all, we wouldn't be the first
    Jewish kids to do it.) My grandmother thought pretty highly of us, too, but had a
    somewhat more realistic view.

    She didn't think much of my sense of
    style, I don't think; she thought I should always wear jewelry and makeup. (I
    wonder whether she'd had to fight to wear cosmetics in her youth? Her mother was a
    strong character, though much faded by the time I knew her.)She believed in
    wearing fancy underwear and nightgowns; that's one of those things I'd rather not
    speculate on.

    She and my grandfather argued all the time; I think
    they enjoyed it. For someone who never learned to drive, she was a very outspoken
    backseat driver. She thought I was a much better driver than my mother (actually,
    that's the generally-held opinion) though I think she got a little annoyed the
    time she and my uncle were visiting me in Houston and I drove all the way to
    Austin without stopping to stretch our legs. (They kept saying vegue things like
    "We should probably stop sometime," but never actually said "Let's stop soon.")

    She was timid about water, one of those old ladies who would go in
    only halfway and then splash themselves to cool off. Even every summer when they
    took us down the shore (what Philadelphians call Atlantic City) for the day, she
    would never take me in more than ankle deep. I was eight or nine before I even
    knew you could swim in the ocean. She wasn't timid about dealing with
    people at all, though when she got very old she got nervous riding through bad
    neighborhoods or on steep roads. SHe and my uncle took several trips after my
    grandfather died and he delighted in taking her on places like the Pacific COast
    Highway -- she enjoyed it once she calmed down, but he wouldn't tell her about it
    in advance.

    My grandfather used to say she'd been a "hotsy-totsy" in
    her youth, and I don't think he knew the half of it. She had some hilarious
    stories she didn't tell us until after he'd died -- he'd been there for some of
    them, though, like the times they went out drinking during Prohibition. I doubt,
    though, that she ever strayed after they were married and she had no desire to
    take on another man after he died, though several asked her out.

    was outspoken all her life. She didn't talk about politics much, but whenever she
    did mention an opnion, I delighted in how closely they matched mine. That was back
    when "family values" were much discussed; well, MY family's values weren't exactly
    what the religious conservatives who loved that phrase had in mind. She knew well
    enough what it was like to have to be careful about money, and she remembered how
    necessary the Depression social programs had been -- not coddling people who
    didn't need it, but providing a safety net to keep desperate people off the

    She was close to her sister and to the cousins they'd been
    raised with; there weren't safety nets in her youth and her widowed mother and
    aunt brough their children up together. She had a job for most of her life, as did
    my great-grandmother; the women in my family never really expected to stay home.
    Mom may have taken more time off work to raise children than any other generation
    of us. I may be the first one to work when it wasn't absolutely necessary to pay
    for rent and food. (Of course, you could say the same about Rudder's working.
    Either way.)

    She and my grandfather spoiled us; they told us we were
    wonderful but never to the point of letting us be bratty. We saw them every few
    days, because they lived only a few blocks away. (About ten minutes walk, but we
    never walked and I was probably in high school before I realized you could
    walk the distance.) With all the squabbling they did, I never ever heard either of
    them complain about my grandfather's heart condition having spoiled their
    retirement plans -- didn't even know until my uncle told me that story a few years

    They were the best grandparents you could have, and I miss them

    Posted by dichroic at 01:37 PM

    more echoes

    Today's headlines, glimpsed at the newspaper box on may way in, were something

    "US Plans for Iraq: Swift, Sudden Attack"

    There is
    a technical term for this particular military maneuver:

    Of course, then again, successful military
    plans are not generally broadcast in the morning paper, so I wouldn't be surprised
    if that was leaked as a propaganda measure.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:57 AM

    March 04, 2003

    damn cats

    I suppose it would be unprofessional to nap under my desk. I sure will be glad
    when we get the latest work issues ironed out. Also when (if ever) the cats learn
    that just because they sleep all day doesn't mean they should keep me up all
    night. Especially not by licking themselves all over while sitting at the foot of
    my bed. For hours.

    Last night I got four (four!) telemarketer calls
    after I was in bed. I had to answer them all in case it was Rudder, who's on a
    business trip. He'll be back tonight but will probably be late enough to wake me.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:50 AM

    March 01, 2003

    party prep

    Thoughts on party preparation:

    Who in hell, aside from my husband,
    stores the cream cheese in the freezer? I mean, if you're planning to use it
    within the next week?

    (Use of cream cheese: mix with salsa. Spread on
    torillas, roll up and slice. Voila, pinwheels.)

    Running the vacuum
    cleaner, which has been unused since just after we removed the Christmas tree,
    gives the rooms a nice pine fragrance.

    (Yes, I am a lousy
    housekeeper, but that's not why. We have a cleaning service and they bring their
    own vacuum.)

    I sure hope enough people show up to eat at least two of
    the three turkeys we're deep-frying. Though Rudder will be happy if two are left

    Posted by dichroic at 10:19 AM

    February 28, 2003

    work woes

    I may have to kill someone by the end of the day. I'm not sure who, but i have a
    few candidates.

    Before my company's nonviolence policy catches that
    or someone still recting to Columbine panics, I should say that I have no intent
    of actually inflicting physical violence on anyone (a tongue-lashing maybe) and
    that the above is just a reaction to a bunch of things all going wrong at

    Some changes were made herre in haste without ramifications
    being considered or telling everyone affected. (Me, for one.)

    On the other hand, we have a party at DrunkTina's tonight
    and ours is tomorrow, so things should improve ...

    Oh, yeah, and I
    did a real training piece this morning, 3 19-minute pyramids. Stud-muffaletta am
    I. (Appropriate for Mardi Gras weekend!)

    Posted by dichroic at 11:43 AM

    February 27, 2003

    over and out

    If we don't get some of our scheduling straightened out here, my head may explode.
    I could do with a bit of Mr. Rogers' deliberate slow pace right

    It's really been surprising, and gratifying, to see how much
    love and respect has poured out for him all day, across the Internet and the news.
    I heard of his death first thing this morning when the clock radio went off
    playing NPR -- but you know NPR, they often report stories that don't show up
    elsewhere, or that are glossed over. So when I was composing my href="">earlier post in my head on
    the way to work, I didn't expect to be one drop in a tidal wave.

    always satisfying to see someone appreciated so much for just being good
    and gentle -- usually attention goes to people who are only flashy, or pretty, or
    loud, or outrageous, or powerful. It's also been good to read about the honors and
    thanks given to him during his life; he may have had to leave early, but he went
    knowing he was beloved. I doubt he asked much more than that.

    maybe some morphine. I hate to think or him dying in pain. At least stomach cancer
    can be quick -- I hope it was for him.)

    In an exchange of e-mails
    with Batten, I wrote that I wished we
    had more people in power like Mr. Rogers. If you think of it, he did have power,
    or at least influence, over more people than almost anyone in a political or
    business office. Batten asked in return, "Can you think of anyone else, outside
    family, who influenced you more as a young child? In a positive way?" And I really

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    RIP, Mr. R

    Daniel Tiger is crying and won't be comforted. X the Owl is very solemn, as he
    tries to reassure Henrietta Pussycat. Lady Elaine is swearing, but only in the
    depths of the museum where no innocent ears can hear her. King Friday has
    proclaimed national mourning in the Kingdom of Makebelieve.

    Another member of my href="">personal pantheon is
    gone, and our world has lost something we can't spare either: one of the few who
    spent his whole life trying to make it better.

    I confess that as a kid, I liked the faster moving Sesame Street and The Electric
    Company better, and watched Mr. Rogers
    mostly because he was on between them. It wasn't until much later I saw how
    extraordinary he was, and how much I'd learned from him, how much I really had
    internalized his words. Mr. Rogers thought I was special. Mr. Rogers thought every
    kid was special. I'm not even sure why, and I feel silly about this, but I keep
    bursting into tears. I knew he was getting old but I didn't know he'd been
    diagnosed with stomach cancer. I wish he'd died in a way as gentle and calm as his
    own show.

    Please Don't Think It's Funny

    (c) 1968 Fred M. Rogers

    Sometimes you feel like holding your pillow all night long.

    Sometimes you hug your teddybear tightly,

    He's old but he's still strong.

    And sometimes you want to snuggle up closely with your

    own mom and dad.

    At night, you even need the light sometimes,

    But that's not bad.

    Please don't think it's funny

    When you want an extra kiss.

    There are lots and lots of people

    Who sometimes feel like this.

    Please don't think it's funny

    When you want the ones you miss.

    There are lots and lots of people

    Who sometimes feel like this.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:50 AM

    February 26, 2003

    raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens and workout details

    "Marathon runners talk about 'hitting the wall' at the

    twenty-third mile of the race.

    What rowers confront isn't a wall;

    it's a hole

  • an abyss of pain,

    which opens up in the second minute of the race."

    -- John Seabrook, "Feel No Pain"

  • Yeah, screw it. I'm going to race in Long Beach. What the hell.

    My time in the race a couple of weeks ago was actually 13 seconds faster than last
    year's at Long Beach -- but I don't remember what conditions were like and anyway
    that was right after I raced a double with Hardcore. My last time isn't even too
    bad compared to the the ones at last year's Regionals -- though again, conditions
    male a difference. On the other hand, I'm not changing my basic schedule. For one
    thing, I like the variety. I like sleeping in (until 5AM!) three days of five in
    the workweek. (I usually get up at 4:30 on Wednesday so I have enough time in the
    gym, but I let myself read for a couple of minutes before getting out of bed, so
    it feels leisurely.) I like rowing on TTh instead of MWF, when there are fewer
    other boats, and more importantly fewer coaching launches creating wakes out on
    the lake. So I'll up the intensity a bit but otherwise keep diong what I'm

    I did get proof, though, that the rowing machine gives me less of a workout than a
    real boat -- not too surprising, since my erg pieces are 5000m (or 1000m if I'm
    just warming up for the gym) while I generally row at least 10,000m. Normally I
    erg on Monday and row of Tuesday but I'd switched the days this week due to an
    early meeting. This morning I went to the gym as usual and found myself erging
    faster and lifting a bit more weight than usual, and I'm thinking it probably was
    from having less of a workout the day before.

    Just to prove I am interested in things other than rowing, here's a list of some
    of my favorite things I just wrote for one of my mailing lists. It was supposed to
    be 10-15 items, but I sort of got on a roll, and ended up with ... well,
    considerably more. And I've added another one or two I'd forgotten. Or rather,
    another five or ten. Or fifteen. I'd better post this now.

    • Rudder -- I think he deserves pride of place.

    • Men, real and fictional, who insist on women who are equal partners.

    • The Internet, especially email, mailing lists, online diaries, shopping,
      and books

    • Snyder's sourdough pretzels

    • nicely bound books printed on creamy paper

    • a full or nearly full moon hanging above the lake when I'm rowing before

    • sunrise over the lake, ditto

    • my sweet boat

    • the feel of a classical guitar, all made of polished wood with silver
      and nylon strings (even if I hardly ever play any more and never did play well)

    • new books

    • free libraries

    • massages

    • the smells of rosemary, mint, pine, cut grass, cinnamon, and rain on the
      desert (hence, I really like Aveda's Rosemary Mint shampoo and conditioner)

    • summiting a mountain after hiking up it

    • seeing the world from 3000 feet above it in a small airplane

    • aircraft and spacecraft in general

    • pictures of Earth from space

    • taking pictures of clouds, mountains, and landscapes

    • skies that stretch from one horizon to the other

    • seeing rainbows

    • old books

    • getting new clothes or shoes.

    • connections in linguistics and history -- that Aha! moment when you see
      how things are related to each other

    • words in general

    • learning things

    • discussing ideas with people who know how to disagree on a point while
      still respecting a person

    • authors of books

    • wind - soft breezes, winds that carry the feel of spring or fall, winds
      heralding a storm

    • watching a fire, with the sparks shooting up, in a fireplace or
      campfire. Even forest fires are beautiful, though in a terrible way.

    • water - both the feel of being immersed and the way it reflects moons
      and skies and light.

    • hot showers when I'm freezing cold.

    • traveling and seeing new places

    • good beer

    • breathing clean air with the scent of plants instead of the usual car

    • sniffing baby hair

    • people who have strong beliefs and accept that other people believe
      differently -- and that those other beliefs might be completely right also

    • people who accept that they may be mistaken, in general

    • John Donne. Gerald Manley Hopkins. Wallace Stevens. Robert Frost. Poets
      who can say unexpected but perfectly right things, in general.

    • books on tape and tape players in cars

    • well-loved falling-apart paperback books

    • popcorn

    • down pillows and comforters

    • flannel sheets, even in summer

    • seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting -- not everyone can do all
      of these

    • running dowhill at full tilt, just for fun

      Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    Curse you, SWooP. There I was feeling all smug, having managed to avoid watching
    every show of everyseason of Survivor, Big Brother, American Idol, Joe
    MIllionaire, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, MTV's Real Life, that odd current
    celebrity thing, The Osbornes, and even the PBS reality shows like 1910 House, and
    probably five or 10 others I've forgotten. And then you had to mention the
    Wackiest Game Show moments. Didn't know what the show was called, but I'm pretty
    sure I caught a bit of it yesterday -- Ted had the TV on while we were getting
    ready for bed. I feel so .... sullied.

    Disclaimer: we do watch Fear
    Factor regularly, but hey, there's a reason for that. Having paid good
    money to skydive, scuba dive, ski, hang glide, bungy jump, mountain bike,
    windsurf, waterski, river raft, and kayak (not to mention jumping off a cliff or
    two for free) naturally we like shows where people get to win money for doing that
    stuff! And really, what's a bull testicle or two along the way?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 25, 2003

    one of THOSE days

    Yesterday: Teaching for four hours in high heels?

    Today I'm wearing sneakers. (Black Keds with a
    slight wedge, if you're curious.)

    Today: Should have known it would
    be one of THOSE days, between the early meeting I had to shift my workouts around
    to accomodate and the five other meetings I have scheduled. (One got
    deleted, but then another two snuck in to take its place, so now I'm up to seven.)
    Off to meeting 4 in a minute or two. I know this isn't quite up to href="">John's as far as sheer
    numbers go, but almost as much of my time is booked. Oops, recount: that would be
    #5 I'm off to now.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:44 AM

    February 24, 2003

    four gripes

    Assorted gripes today, two rowing, one clothing, and one desk. In reverse

    Desk: My keyboard tray just caused my desk to eat my last
    entry. The tray is only slightly below the level of the desk, but sometimes the
    corner of the keyboard gets wedged under the desk. UNfortunately, this would be
    the corner with the Esc key. Did you know pressing Escape causes a diary entry to
    disappear? I do, now.

    Clothing: I picked the wrong outfit
    today. The top half is OK, but the bottom half includes a wrap skirt and heels.
    The skirt is OK when I walk, unless there's a strong wind, but tends to fall open
    when I sit, unless I arrange it very very carefully. I'll be teaching a class all
    afternoon, and I usually alternate between standing (remember the heels?) and
    sitting (remember the skirt?). And they're predicting some wind this afternoon, I

    Rowing 1, timing: I've said it before but this working for a
    living thing gets in the way of my training. Had to row today because I have an
    early meeting tomorrow. My 5K erg piece days get me in to work much earlier than
    my 10K rowing days, even though I sleep until 4 on rowing days and 5 on erg days.
    Getting up at 4AM on a Monday sucks.

    Rowing 2, philosophical:
    I knew that last race was the start of a slippery slope. Now I have to decide
    whether to race again in about a month. It would be easier to say no if I hadn't
    already raced once. The whole point of pulling back a bit was to cut my level of
    burnout, and having to make decisions all the time doesn't help.What I need is a
    firm policy, and there are three obvious ones: race; don't race; race but don't
    take it seriously. Naturally there are pros and cons to each. Not racing would
    lead to some very oring trips where I sit by a lake all day waiting to cheer for
    Rudder or a fwe other people for a few minutes at a time. Therefore, I'm leaning
    toward options 1 or 3. Option 1 clearly requires more training. As I realized in
    discussion with Rudder, training harder is painful but no more stressful than
    training lightly. The stress comes in knowing you have to train hard, and in
    worrying whether you're training hard enough. On the other hand, option 3 requires
    nothing but a willingness to look stupid (I won't fall in, but might finish DFL).
    Possibly what I need is a point somewhere on the continuum from 1 to 3; plan to
    train hard, but be kind to myself if I need a day off or a lighter day, or if my
    race finishes aren't as good as I'd like.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 23, 2003

    more dead trees, dammit

    Today was mostly spent at the property planting a couple of trees and sawing out
    yet another couple of dead ones. &^*&#%$ bark

    Brought some of the wood back, at least; we're having a
    Mardi Gras pary next Saturday and will probably fire up the firepit. (It's sort of
    like an extra-large round grill with sand in the bottom, and has a sort of fence
    to go around it that we generally don't use. Come to think of it, we should haul
    that out in case there are kids.)

    The party will feature deep-fried
    turkey and king cake ordered from New Orleans. Latest decision: whether to use
    disposable cups or plastic ones caught from actual parades on Bourbon Street?

    Oh, by the way, I did not go back to buy the cool clothes from yesterday. Self
    image issue or not, I realized that in the next month I will have to pay for two
    sets of car insurance (6 months' worth), two car registrations (significant in
    this state, where they tax cars as property -- probably $600 or so for the
    two) and the credit card bill for the Ireland trip airfare. And what are the odds
    I won't treat myself to something or other for my birthday, two weeks from
    tomorrow? I mean, really. So maybe this isn't the best time for more clothing I
    don't really need....

    Posted by dichroic at 06:22 PM

    February 22, 2003

    silly morality

    Went shopping today, because I had a bit of time and I felt like it. I wanted a
    pair of men's 501s, they being my most-appropriate for work jeans, and I wanted to
    look for a couple other items. A long jacket. Mascara, maybe. A bra that won't
    show under even clingy clothes (that one's an eternal quest).

    digression, since I've mentioned that before and I'm writing from home instead of
    work. I'm not comfortable posting some things from work, just in case someone
    really is watching. The reasons I have so much trouble finding the ideal bra are
    twain. I'm quite small breasted, so edges and decorations seem to show more,
    because more of the shirt is actually against my breasts. There is no deep
    cleavage there. Second, my nipples stick out -- I mean, they show even through
    most of my bras. Even when I'm not cold. But when I found one that seemed to work
    (Gap T-shirt bra, $34) I noticed that with this stiffer (though not padded)
    cup, when I slump, the cups and my body part company. I suppose the answer is not
    to slump, but how likely is that?

    End of TMI, back to regular

    At Express, a store I've never really shopped at much, I
    found a jacket. And pants to go with it, and boyfriend jeans I actually liked a
    bit better than the 501s I finally found at Sears. There was a minor problem,
    though, aside from the fact that the jacket was $128 (which is probably
    reasonable, but was more than I'd thought of spending). I'd worn a comfy old
    Henley top and my silly jeans, the ones that are so low that if I sit down
    uncarefully, someone may try to hire me a s aplumber. They're comfortable, though,
    having a high proportion of spandex. The problem was that with those jeans on and
    the top off, especially with the integral belt cinched tight (to try to avoid the
    plumber look) every tme I looked in the mirror all I saw was belly. (Well, I did
    notice some nice back muscles in one mirror angled just right.) My weight is at
    the higher end of my range just now, though I was still trying on my regular
    sizes, more or less. The Express jeans were a size up, but the dress pants were my
    usual size. Still, somehow I decided if I had gained weight, I didn't deserve more
    clothes and shouldn't buy any until it went away again.

    What the fuck
    is up with that? Since when is weight a moral issue? I don't even really believe
    that, when I stop to think about it, but apparently it's a prejudice lurking in my
    subconscious. Another one to root out -- dangerous to me, obnoxious to others, and
    just silly.

    Next choice is, do I go back and buy those clothes
    tomorrow, if I have time (somewhat doubtful) or do I decide that, stupid as my
    reasoning was, at least it kept me fiscally prudent?

    Posted by dichroic at 08:07 PM

    February 21, 2003

    Women in Love

    I've been rereading Miss Read's Gossip from Thursh Green, and little Miss
    Fogerty has got me thinking about romantic relationships between women in
    literature. No one would argue that she and her fellow teacher, coworker, and
    friend Miss Watson love each other, but when I started thinking about the ways
    they speak to and think about each other, I see no other way to interpret it than
    as romantic love. The clearest bit is when Dorothy Watson begins speaking of
    retirement. Agnes FOgerty is a bit depressed, assuming that if Miss W. retires and
    loses the school house (a house provided to a school principal) she would have to
    go back to living alone. When Miss Watson makes it clear she wants to keep living
    together, Miss Watson is elated. "How do I feel about it? Just let me get my
    breath back and I'll tell you exactly how I feel about you." If that's not a
    prelude to a staement of love, platonic though it may be, than what

    And speaking of platonic love, I was going to put in a disclaimer
    that when I say romantic love, I am not necessarily implying that the characters
    have sex. Really, though, my urge to say that is based on the fact that last time
    I wrote anything on the subject, it was in a post to my L.M. Montgomery list, a
    gorup of women who are squeamish on the subject, at least partly because of
    multiple encounters with scholars who insist all loving relationships between
    women in old books necessarily implies that the women are lesbian. My hunch is
    that it varies; I can't imagine Miss Read's little Agnes Fogarty having sex with
    anyone. On the other hand, Dorothy Sayers has a couple of charcters who are
    clearly lesbians in that they are married to each other for all practical
    purposes. In the end, as with people in real life, I find I don't much care who
    characters sleep with (and in the case of most of the people discussed below, they
    probably don't, anyway). I'm more interested in how they feel about each

    By that rationale, Miss Watson and Miss Fogarty are in love,
    and very happily so. They don't idealize each other much, but enjoy time together,
    forge a lifetime committment to each other that takes precedence over any other
    friends and relatives, and find no greater pleasure than in taking care of each
    other. It's really as happy a marriage as can be seen anywhere in life or

    Looking at Montgomery's characters, Pat of Silver Bush feels
    about her friend Bets in a way that's equally romantic, but is more of a
    schoolgirl infatuation. Then again, Pat's obsession with her house doesn't leave
    her much room to have mature human relationships with anyone except maybe Judy,
    and it's Judy who sets the tone for that one since it begins in Pat's babyhood.
    One of LMM's strengths is the individuality of her characters (though mostly only
    the female ones. Pat contrasts beautifully with Anne Shirley (Anne of Green
    Gables). Anne's feelings for Diana start as schoolgirl infatuation too -- Anne
    loves Diana with a passionate intensity and idealizes Diana with ruthless
    disregard for her actual strengths and shortcomings. But then. Anne is an orphan
    at the beginning of the books; she doesn't know anything about love or the
    different flavors love comes in. As she learns how to love in different ways (from
    Marilla, Matthew, Gilbert and Diana herself, her feelings for Diana mellow into an
    abiding but less intense friendship. She does conceive a romantic appreciation for
    Leslie later on, but that has something to do with the romantic tragedy of
    Leslie's life. Still it's worth noting that Anne's feelings for Leslie seem far
    more intense than those for her new husband Gilbert, even while they are

    Jane Austen shows the same sort of pattern, where friendly
    relations between women are deeper and more mature than romantic ones -- compare
    the feelings Jane and Elizabeth Bennethave for each other with Harriet's
    schoolgirl crush on Emma Woodhouse.

    In Louisa May Alcott, too, the
    love among women takes precedence (maybe a tiny bit of revenge for the way her
    father kept messing up the family's life for his various causes?). I always
    identify with Jo March myself (doesn't everyone?) but she's a bit of a mess as
    she grows up. In her teens, her family is the center of her life and she loves
    them intensely but in a filial/ sororal sort of way. As she grows up, she starts
    mooning over Meg ("Sometimes I'm half in love with her myself ... I wish I could
    marry her and keep her in the family.") Then she as she moves into a more equal
    relationship with her parents, she falls sort of in love with her mother. (Don't
    tell me you haven't been stopped by the line, "Mothers are the best
    lovers," even after she continues with "Though I don't mind confiding to Marmee
    I'd like to try the other kind as well.") And then she marries a classic father
    figure. This is also a contrast to Polly (the Old Fashioned Girl) who falls for a
    man she initially seems to mother but then waits for him to grow up before she
    will marry him, and to Rose (In Bloom) who rejects the man who needs a caretaker
    for one who is her equal. Still, probably Alcott's best depiction of love among
    women, romantic and otherwise is in her adult novel Work, one of those not
    well known but easier to find now. Christie is married to a man briefly, but in
    the end finds (and says so explicitly) her most satisfying relationships with

    I thought most of this out in the shower, and no doubt it's
    not nearly as profound as it seemed in there. Still, though, I find it very
    satisfying to see Miss Fogarty and Miss Watson acknowledge the depths of their
    feelings for each other. I like seeing that in the same book, Jenny doesn't ditch
    her happy life (a friendship, but neither egalitarian nor romantic) with Mrs.
    Bailey when a man comes a-calling. I like knowing that Agnes Fogarty will never
    have to go back to lonely lodgings and that she will always have someone to care
    for. And I find it artistically pleasing that all these different relationships
    exist in the same book, and one type isn't better than another. I'm not claiming
    Miss R is a better writer than Miss A, LMA, or LMM -- that would be silly. But the
    easy acceptance of difference in her world (though only some kinds of difference,
    admittedly) is one of the things that makes it so comforting.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    I just figureed out one possible explanation for why I have been so damned
    tired all week ... coupled with the little birth-control mixup earlier this
    week. (I took one pill by mistake in the middle of my off week due to extreme
    brain farts, so had to skip SUnday and start the new pack

    You don't suppose? Nahhhhhh....

    Maybe it was
    just the pill mixup by itself causing mimicking symptoms.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:16 AM

    February 20, 2003

    obsession: not just a perfume anymore

    The Ampersand topic
    this month is "Why the obsession with..." so I figured I'd be completely mundane
    and obvious with this one. Besides, I'm tired of writing about the war news, the
    other obvious topic - though I was reassured yesterday to hear Paul Wolfowitz, one
    of the more hawkish members of the Administration, say that war will only be used
    as a very last resort. If they keep remembering that, we may still be OK. It's
    when they start sounding like Teddy Roosevelt in his days as Naval Secretary, when
    he really thought war in itself was a Good Thing, that I get nervous. I do like
    the idea of a new resolution with an actual deadline date attached. Arguing over
    what's long enough is stupid -- set a real date.

    Anyway, back to the
    scheduled topic.

    I won't write about books either, because I don't
    consider them an obsession but a way of life. I read. It's what I do, other than
    sleep. I read books, magazines, diaries, online articles, these entries as I type
    them, technical stuff for work, emails, comics, and more books. I always think of
    somethig a former coworker said about his daughter-in-law: "She sings. It's what
    she does -- it's very nearly who she is." That's how I read.

    back to the scheduled topic.

    I suppose the reading thing comes from
    an obsession with words in general, to the point that after coming across the word
    in the middle of yesterday, I actually looked it up in the unabridged
    dictionary last night. In general I'm terrible about remembering things from one
    part of the day to another, but this was a word thing so remembering was easy.
    (Though as it turned out, the &^*^&% word wasn't even in the biggest dicker I

    Anyway, back to the scheduled topic.

    Yes, the
    obsession with rowing does fall below the obsession with words for me, and maybe
    even below the obsession with war for politicians. But it is the one where "why?"
    is a hard question. I know why I read; the benefits have been and are enormous.
    I'm not quite sure why I row. It leaves me tired, sore, and less alert than i
    should be. It requires me to get up well before an hour that normal people
    consider obscene. It's bitter cold in winter, even in Arizona, and annoyingly hot
    in summer, even at 5AM. It tears up my hands. And I'll probably never win many
    races because I was just born with the wrong body for my sport. (Don't tell me
    about the 5'4" woman on the Aussie National Crew, or about your 5'6" daughter
    who's captain of her college eight. There's a reason they keep writing articles
    calling them "the hardest working people in rowing". I have a job, quite a
    responsible one. I don't have time to be the hardest working 5'2" rower anyone's
    ever seen, and anyway I don't think I want to.)

    So why don't I quit?
    Fear, partly. I'm afraid if I quit that all the endurance and cardiovascular
    fitness I've worked on so hard would fly away like a wee skylark. I don't worry
    that I'd get fat (I'd probably lose weight, in fact) but losing my fitness, such
    as it is, would be worse. I worry that I'd never seen Rudder. He's hoping to go to
    Nationals this year (he DOES win races). If I kept a normal schedule and he kept a
    rowing one, we'd never be awake at the same times. I worry that if I quit,
    everyone would think I was a weenie, and by "everyone", I mostly mean, in my
    solipsistic way, "me".

    So what do I get out of it? That's harder. An
    extended local family, some of whom annoy me even more than my real family. The
    aforementioned endurance -- not a ton of it but a lot for me. The feeling of
    knowing I'm good (though not fast!) at something most people can't do at all.
    Sunrises over water. Another set of jargon. Something to strive for. A shared
    interest with my husband. And there was my old friend the moon this morning......

    Posted by dichroic at 12:38 PM

    February 19, 2003


    The dose I got of Langston Hughes this morning (the same one I kindly but
    illicitly passed on
    to all y'all) reminded me: this is what poetry is for. What power he had in
    his words.

    I love what words and logic can do. I hate when they bite
    me back. Today at lunch, my most petted of pet peeves was pulled on me. I hate
    like hell being condescended to, an unfortunate combination with my having the
    prickly sort of psyche that finds patronage in what was probably intended to be a
    kindly sharing of information.

    I'm standing there
    looking through my change after paying for lunch.

    Total Stranger,
    male of course: Do you collect the new quarters?

    Me: Not collect,
    really, just trying to see what I have here.

    TSmoc: Do you know what
    to look for?

    Me: Actually, I don't know what the latest one for this
    year is. [Hoping he'd tell me.]

    TSmoc: Well, it's not just the year.
    Look here. [pulls out a quarter] See, look here under the year -- there's a little
    tiny letter there, see?

    Me [coolly]: Oh, you mean the mint

    TSmoc: Uh, yeah. The 'P' ones are really hard to find, so those
    are the ones to look for.

    Me: No they're not!

    [looks puzzled]

    Me: My whole family lives in

    I mean, come on. Who doesn't know what a
    mint mark is? Dad had me looking for those on his coin collection when I was a
    wee(er) thing, because the tiny letter hurt his eyes.

    But yeah, I
    know, the guy wasn't really assuming I'm an idiot, just sharing what he apparently
    thought was cool esoteric information. Maybe my pet peeve is just people who have
    a low threshold of the esoteric.

    The worst thing is, I've been
    accused of being patronizing for doing just about the same thing. I suppose I feel
    that other people should just naturally see I'm not intending be that way, just
    taking delight in sharing a bit of esoteric information. Damn, I hate when logic
    bites me in the ass.

    On the other hand, if people would just assume I
    know everything, or will ask if I don't, we'd all get along just fine. Start at a
    high level and I'll bring it down if necessary -- I don't mind looking stupid when
    I actually am. Can I reconfigure the world that way?

    Posted by dichroic at 12:36 PM

    a bit of Hughes

    Let America Be America Again

    Langston Hughes

    Let America be America again.

    Let it be the dream it used to be.

    Let it be the pioneer on the plain

    Seeking a home where he himself is free.

    (America never was America to me.)

    Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed--

    Let it be that great strong land of love

    Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme

    That any man be crushed by one above.

    (It never was America to me.)

    O, let my land be a land where Liberty

    Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath,

    But opportunity is real, and life is free,

    Equality is in the air we breathe.

    (There's never been equality for me,

    Nor freedom in this "homeland of the free.")

    Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark?

    And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?

    I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart,

    I am the Negro bearing slavery's scars.

    I am the red man driven from the land,

    I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek--

    And finding only the same old stupid plan

    Of dog eat dog, of mighty crush the weak.

    I am the young man, full of strength and hope,

    Tangled in that ancient endless chain

    Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land!

    Of grab the gold! Of grab the ways of satisfying need!

    Of work the men! Of take the pay!

    Of owning everything for one's own greed!

    I am the farmer, bondsman to the soil.

    I am the worker sold to the machine.

    I am the Negro, servant to you all.

    I am the people, humble, hungry, mean--

    Hungry yet today despite the dream.

    Beaten yet today--O, Pioneers!

    I am the man who never got ahead,

    The poorest worker bartered through the years.

    Yet I'm the one who dreamt our basic dream

    In the Old World while still a serf of kings,

    Who dreamt a dream so strong, so brave, so true,

    That even yet its mighty daring sings

    In every brick and stone, in every furrow turned

    That's made America the land it has become.

    O, I'm the man who sailed those early seas

    In search of what I meant to be my home--

    For I'm the one who left dark Ireland's shore,

    And Poland's plain, and England's grassy lea,

    And torn from Black Africa's strand I came

    To build a "homeland of the free."

    The free?

    Who said the free? Not me?

    Surely not me? The millions on relief today?

    The millions shot down when we strike?

    The millions who have nothing for our pay?

    For all the dreams we've dreamed

    And all the songs we've sung

    And all the hopes we've held

    And all the flags we've hung,

    The millions who have nothing for our pay--

    Except the dream that's almost dead today.

    O, let America be America again--

    The land that never has been yet--

    And yet must be--the land where every man is free.

    The land that's mine--the poor man's, Indian's, Negro's, ME--

    Who made America,

    Whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain,

    Whose hand at the foundry, whose plow in the rain,

    Must bring back our mighty dream again.

    Sure, call me any ugly name you choose--

    The steel of freedom does not stain.

    From those who live like leeches on the people's lives,

    We must take back our land again,


    O, yes,

    I say it plain,

    America never was America to me,

    And yet I swear this oath--

    America will be!

    Out of the rack and ruin of our gangster death,

    The rape and rot of graft, and stealth, and lies,

    We, the people, must redeem

    The land, the mines, the plants, the rivers.

    The mountains and the endless plain--

    All, all the stretch of these great green states--

    And make America again!

    Hghes wrote this in the Depression, of course. What does happen to a dream

    Posted by dichroic at 07:43 AM

    February 18, 2003

    Atlas shrugged (well, maybe not Atlas)

    Well. Yesterday I wrote
    about how all the protests on Sunday should have been, and weren't, in the
    national news. Thery were in the news today, but I am not reassured. The headline
    on Reuters is href="
    218/ts_nm/iraq_usa_dc">Bush Shrugs Off Global Antiwar Protests
    . Six million
    people, a number that resonates to any one as saturated in "Never again!" stories
    of the Holocaust as I am -- only, this time it's six million standing for life.
    And in another parallel to WWII is the Louis MacNeice poem href="">Mechaieh quoted today. Ouch,
    ouch, ouch. Here we go Santayana-ing again. (As in, "Those who do not know

    On the plus side I rowed almost 13,000 meters this
    morning. This is not of importance to anyone but me, but in times like these
    (maybe times like any) you have to take small victories where you find them. I'm
    listening to How the Irish Saved Civilization, which I've either heard or
    read before, but somehow I don't remember its being this good .. or finding this
    many parallels to our times. I've only just gotten through the first chapter, on
    Rome and its decline, and have concluded I really need to read all of St.
    Augustine's Confessions, and probably buy it. My library is very catholic, with a
    small 'c'.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 17, 2003

    the race report

    There's an entry from earlier today href="">here.

    one's more global, about the antiwar protests and the news coverage, but I did
    also want to talk about the more immediate issue of my race this

    I came in third of four, as I'd more or less hoped: behind a
    large girl from Texas and Dr. Bosun, but ahead of Hardcore, the only other
    lightweight in the race, so I'm happy with that. There are a lot of oddities in
    the way AUssieCoach set up the race though. I could gloat that I won the
    lightweight division, but ... he had at least one other W1X race, 2000m instead of
    the 1000m I raced, and there's a woman who raced in that who might be a
    lightweight. There were supposed to be two others who are down here training for
    Nationals in the Ltwt W2X -- in other words, the single isn't their primary event
    but it's very similar to the boat that is, so there's no question they'd beat me
    by boatlengths and boatlengths. They declined to row that race, though, because as
    a matter of teamwork they don't compete against each other. Sensible.

    Also, the Texan woman in my race (who won) really probably shouldn't
    have been there, because it's a Master's race and there's no way she was 27.
    Apparently in several races AussieCoach listed people as being 27 just to give
    them a place to compete. Stupid, because he could as well have raced her as a 21-
    26 year old with a negative handicap, by current US Rowing Association rules. In
    other words, he appears to have just put races together however he thought they'd
    work, in defiance of any actual age or weight categories, at random distances (1K
    or 2K) which makes the whole thing hard to take seriously. Though the 2K race may
    have been classed as Open instead of Masters, which would make more

    If you're not a rower and you've read that far, your eyes have
    glazed over by now. It gets worse though - I was happy with my placement, but not
    with my time. There's something about the latter I don't understand, though. They
    timed me at 4:45 for the 1K. I forgot to zero my StrokeCoach at the start of the
    race. It was running, though, so I could look back in the memory for my average
    time in each 100 meters. I did the math and ended up with an average split
    (predicted time to row 500m) or 2:08, which would give me a time of about 4:16 for
    the race. Sometimes races vary in length, but this was a buoyed course, so
    couldn't vary much. So now I don't know if the timers were slow or my computer is
    off. I'm sure if they were slow it would have been consistent so that it wouldn't
    affect the race results, but I'd like to know about those times. I suppose
    miscalibration is more likely, though. *sigh*

    And then Rudder asked
    to look at the StrokeCoach and accidentally reset it -- oops! I think he was
    scared of my avenging wrath, but I'd already done the math to check my time. Lucky
    for him.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:47 PM

    dona nobis pacem

    It annoys and worries me that I have seen nothing in the general global
    news about protests yesterday ...

    and yet the href="
    says 10,000 gathered there (one of the largest peace demonstrations
    in city history -- and on a day of record snowstorms), href="">Thistledown and Paisleypiper say it
    was 1600 in their city (a small Midwest city, I think), and href="">Ebony says it was 5,000 in
    Detroit. An article on NPR Friday spoke of protests in San Francisco and of how
    people with widely varying beliefs were marching together, united only by a wish
    for peace.

    This is Americans, not "just" those foreign people the US government seems to take
    little account of. These are the people who vote our governments in ... or out.
    But it's not just Americans; I checked the London Times and there were protests
    there too yesterday, though I could only find it mentioned in an opinion column
    (he was against it).

    I'm still a tiny bit equivocal, because I keep thinking of WWII, of what would
    have happened to my people and others had other countries not fought Hitler, and
    of how pusillanimous we now thing Chamberlain and the other appeasers were in
    1938. On the other hand, that was when Hitler was marching into Poland, Austria,
    and Czechoslovakia; we did interfere when Saddam marched on Kuwait, but at the
    moment he's not marching on anyone. Or wasn't until he called for kamikazi attacks
    on American after we tried to bring the world to war on him. The situations
    are not really parallel, and trying to force them to be could be

    So the people in the US as well as abroad are calling for peace. And these are
    serious numbers; 5000 here, 10000 there, and the numbers add up to hordes. And one
    comment I saw in a few places was "this is what democracy looks like," with people
    of all races, beliefs, and income levels marching. The sixties did bring real
    change, when it was just one segment of society protesting; I hope it doesn't take
    as long as it did then. Do I think Bush is listening? No, I don't, not based on
    his record. But I hope he will be forced to listen. And I hope Fred Small was
    right when he sang:

    Many years ago, I heard a soldier say,

    When the people want peace,

    Better get out of the way

    But it's less likely to happen if it's not even in the news.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:14 AM

    February 15, 2003

    here goes something ... I hope

    Practiced some racing starts, just so tomorrow's race wouldn't be my first one all
    season. Then we went to Sam's, to start the shopping for our Mardi Gras party in
    two weeks, which involved more heavy lifting than we probably ought to do the day
    before a race.

    But, well, anyway, here goes.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:19 PM

    February 14, 2003


    Well, I'll be racing this weekend. I wasn't expecting to, planning to, training
    to, or even particularly wanting to, but it seems that I'm going to.

    I'm not really training or planning to race at all this spring --
    maybe in summer. I did consider doing this one, because it's local; the final
    thing that made my decision was when they said thes races would all be 2000m. The
    standard Master's racing distance is only 1K, and I'm better over shorter

    Rudder mentioned that part of it to AussieCoach, who's
    setting up our local href=">regatta. AC emailed me
    just a day or so ago to tell me that he'd signed me up for a race, having changed
    the W1X distance to 1K. I was annoyed to be told instead of asked to race, and
    told him so, but he'd implied that he'd done it because he needed more competition
    in my category. I couldn't refuse, because of course we all try to support the
    sport locally and give a good race to people coming here from elsewhere -- in fact
    there's someone all the way from Dallas in my event.

    I am one of the
    best rowers on the lake in terms of form, mostly because I've done this for longer
    than most people here. However, I'm not anywhere near one of the fastest, because
    I'm not one of the tallest, strongest or fittest people out here. But because I'm
    experienced, they know I can race at the drop of a hat -- may not do well, but I
    won't fall in or anything.

    So I guess I'm racing. Oldtimer just asked
    me to race a double with him; which I emphatically don't want to do. It would be a
    very slow boat and the competition is stiff -- Rudder's been practicing in a
    double with She-Hulk. Fortunately it's right after my singles race so I can't do
    it anyway.

    The real test will be the competition against Hardcore. I
    don't know the woman from Dallas. I know exactly where I stand against Dr. Bosum;
    she's a little faster in a club boat and should beat me easily if her own new top-
    of-the-line boat has come in, but then she's much bigger. Hardcore is my size, and
    has the same exact (excellent) boat. She's been rowing a lot more than I have
    lately, but is less experienced. Don't know if she's trained to race the single.
    She's tougher than I am mentally(having raised 4 kids, been a nurse for years, and
    run marathons) but isn't in the ideal shape I've seen her in other years. Or
    wasn't a few weeks ago. Her endurance is much better but this is a sprint. On the
    other hand, having not expected to race until the last minute and then had a rainy
    week, I haven't done a single racing start this year. Should be interesting.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:06 PM

    mountains floating

    It's been raining here for three days now. We've got some flooding. This doesn't
    happen much in the desert; to give you some idea, we've just gone from way behind
    on rainfall to a=over an inch ahead of where we ought to be for the year. This
    isn't quite enough to bring us out of our four-year drought,

    The rain had paused during my drive in this morning, but it
    was a good thing I took the truck because, while the freeways were fine, the back
    road I take to work was a wading pool. Rudder offered to let me take the Orange
    Crush; I didn't take him up on it because there would have been too many bells and
    whistles I haven't figured out yet -- though its better defrosters would have come
    in handy. Rudder gets Valentine points for offering, though.

    The best
    part of the drive in was that, though the rain had stopped, a fog came up in the
    fields, so that the mountains were sitting on clouds instead of the other way

    Posted by dichroic at 09:01 AM

    February 13, 2003

    the first boy I loved

    On Monday I got another treasure box from Amazon. (Don't look at me like that. I ordered it before I'd even heard of the used book sale) I've been listening to CDs from it even since – Garnet Rogers (Stan's brother) and Gordon Bok, Greg Brown and even Johnny Cash. (The last because how could I resist an album combining "Danny Boy" with Depeche Mode's "Personal Jesus"??) This morning I was listening to the best of Richard and Linda Thompson, which makes it crystal clear why he's regarded as a guitar wizard, as well as why it was a tragedy when she lost her voice. (It's back. She's got a new solo album out.)

    For some reason in the twists of memory, the song "A Heart Needs a Home" got me thinking of the first (and only other) time I fell in love. I was debating whether to write about it here, as the other person concerned has this URL, but it's all ancient history by now and while we may remember things differently and experienced some of them differently even at the time, I don't really have anything negative to say.

    It hit me hard, because you know, I was at that sort of age, and maybe because I hadn't really dated in high school. (I didn't in college, either, but only because socializing mostly divided into Beer and Bed, and the former were group outings.) When it did hit, it was sudden. We had been friends, just friends for most of my freshman year. Suddenly the world looked like the inside of a Christmas ornament, all perfect and shiny and reflective. Suddenly I was Juliet, and never mind how things turned out for her. I was Iseult, and Guinever and Eve and every romantic heroine, except that this time it was Meant to Be and there would never be any unhappy ending.

    There was, of course. He broke it up in spring of my Sophomore year. I can't even remember now if he broke it up because he fell for someone else or if that happened right afterward, but of course that was the heartbreakingest part. And oh, how my heart did break. I cried every night -- though never to my parents, even though I went home for the summer, partly because by then they had become irrelevant to my emotional life and partly because they'd been so prejudiced against the whole relationship even when we were just friends that I'd never come out and admitted when it went beyond that. I think that hurt him more than he told me at the time, too, and it certanly forever lowered my opinion of my parents. The Other Girl dumped him that summer and he used to cry on my virtual shoulder, over the phone, which scraped the scab rawer but led to us hooking back up. Even that second time, things were never as pretty and shiny as they had been at first and as we went on and off over the rest of my college career we'd probably have been much better off forgetting romance and just being "friends with benefits". At least one other guy I was seeing broke it off because I still spent so much time with the First Guy, even in our "off" times -- we worked and had classes together too.

    I'll come back and add more here later but I have a meeting now. I'll abbreviate for the moment by saying how glad I am it all happened and how much narrower my life would have been without his early influence.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:59 PM

    The First Boy I Loved, Part II

    Part II of The First Boy I Loved

    (Part I is here.)

    We spent a lot of the rest of college together too, even when we weren't officially "on" as a couple. We were pretty much best friends except during that first painful breakup. After the last breakup, the one after we were out of school (the one where we probably do remember it differently), we got out of touch for a while, but we do e-mail each other these days.

    The reason I'm writing about this, besides the sweet memories a song brought up and the fact that everyone seems to be doing it for Valentine's Day, is that the whole experience opened my world -- not the falling in love part, but the boy himself. I know I had an effect on him -- it was his First Love too -- but not, I think, as profound as the one he had on me. He introduced me to the music I still listen to, as you can tell from the music that got this reflection started. He and his family showed me a whole new way to live. They lived in a much bigger space than my family did, not just physically (they were much richer) but metaphorically too. They traveled the world. When something needed to be built or changed or bought, they did it instead of doing without and just complaining about the lack. The boy went places too, without dithering about it, built shelves into his room in the student apartment (his roommate built an entire loft into his room), drove distances casually that my parents would consider an expedition. His parents were probably not thrilled about me (not Catholic, poor (to them) family) but they accepted me comfortably, fed me whenever I was around, didn't even seem to mind my sleeping over. (My parents would've plotzed!)

    The "in love" part was a learning experience too, and certainly my relationship with Rudder grew more easily because I'd gotten some of the learning (of what not to do) out of the way already. He's been married for years now too, and seems happy -- I hope his practice with and on me helped there too.

    So I'm glad it all happened; the only thing I'd change is that I wish we'd ended it a bit more conclusively after about the second breakup, when it would have been easier to end the romance without interrupting the friendship. I treated a couple of other people badly by running back to the First Boy at the wrong times, and I regret that. That pales, though, compared to how much I'd have to regret if it all hadn't happened.

    February 12, 2003

    still equivocal

    This whole war thing is really bugging me. I actually agree that Saddam is an evil
    man and a menace, but I'm not sure that the problem is ours to solve at this time.
    Or maybe just not ours alone. It worries me when we scornfully reject proposals to
    use diplomacy. If we rejected those proposals is a measured fashion with logical
    arguments, even, I'd feel easier. Colin Powell's presentation helped, but why
    didn't we start there instead of ending there?

    I do agree that we
    need to fight terrorism directed against us. And we may need to attack Saddam for
    that reason, -- now -- since he's been calling for suicide attacks against us. And
    no matter what we did to him, that doesn't excuse calling for those attacks. But,
    well, if you're fighting a wild pig, you don't corner it, because you know
    that's when it's most dangerous. I am not a diplomat; I have little skill at
    manipulating people. But we are supposed to have diplomats who are smart about
    that -- if I can see this is a bad plan, why can't they? Plenty of the other Arab
    states dislike Saddam as a bad Muslim -- wouldn't it have been more productive to
    target that weakness?

    I can't get away from feeling that this is all
    a result of George Bush trying to compensate for a small dick. That accounts for
    both the scorn toward proposals of diplomacy, the irrational drive to attack Iraq
    and ignore Korea and the vicious total war plans they've been hinting at. The idea
    that people will die because of a man mired in a puerile insecurity upsets and
    offends me more than anything. I keep hoping for proof that I'm wrong, waiting for
    Colin to explain why Iran and not Korea, waiting for the allies to draw a firm
    line -- displomacy "thus far and no further" and it hasn't happened, and hasn't
    happened, and still hasn't happened.

    I want to be governed by
    people who are smarter than I am, or at least as smart and better informed. Where
    are they?

    Posted by dichroic at 11:56 AM

    February 10, 2003

    why they do it

    I've always figured teachers choose their field for one of two reasons: either
    educating young minds is the most important thing they can think of to spend a
    lifetime doing, or they can't think of anything better to go into. If you're
    lucky, you get more of the former than the latter in your educational

    I'm anchoring class today and tomorrow, which means I keep it
    running as teachers cycle in and out to teach different modules in addition to
    teaching a couple of modules. After running a class all morning, I've come up with
    a third reason people go into education: power. Think about it: they're
    stuck there all day. I can speed things up or slow them down, try to
    interest them or not, and because they'll be required to use this stuff, they have
    to at least try to listen.

    Now, there are limits in my power. If I
    teach a bunch of crap, these people will tell me so, and will tell their bosses
    so. If I were stupid and mean enough to tell them they can't take bathroom breaks,
    they'll laugh at me and go anyway. Good thing, because I don't want that sort of

    But now think back to first grade. The rumor of a second
    grade teacher who wouldn't excuse you, ever, was terrifying, and you didn't have
    the experience to realize few teachers really want puddles on their classroom
    floors. You had to have a pass to walk the ahlls, so you couldn't just sneak out.
    You could be kept after school or during recess. And you had to believe what the
    teacher said, because you didn't have any reference to compare her to. (Especially
    if all the reference books had words too big for you to read.) Pure power. And
    every school had at least one who did abuse the power enough that the kids were
    scared of her. I wonder if they still do, or if increased scrutiny on teachers has
    ended that. Thank goodness for all the rest of them ... but why didn't they stop
    the power-hungry ones? What did they talk about in the teachers' lounge?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 09, 2003

    Record of Acquisitions

    Today I went halfway through Phoenix (meaning, I drove almost as far as I do to
    work) for a mondo used book sale that is apparently held every year by local
    charity. This thing filled one of the exhibit buildings; I'd guess it covered at
    least an acre. I spent $48.50 on eighteen pounds of books, (yes, I weighed
    them when I got home) which gave me a new understanding of Anne Fadiman's essay in
    which she describes a birthday when her husband took her to a new (to them) used
    book store and they emerged with nineteen pounds of used books. In case you have
    not had the pleasure of a similar haul, I can report that eighteen pounds of
    books, carried in plastic shopping bags, is fully enough to stretch one's arms by
    a couple of inches. Next year -- you bet I'm going back! - I will either grab one
    of the few shopping carts they have there or take an old suitcase on

    Actually, of the money I spent, $40 was on three books in
    the Rare and Used section. I've rated the conditions mostly for fun, and tried to
    rate on the low side:

    • The Master of Ballantrae, by Robert
      Louis Stevenson, $8. Fine to VG 4to, blue cloth binding, no DJ. The pages look
      new, but there's just a tiny bit of wear on the bottom edges of the binding. It's
      a Heritage Press edition, from 1965. I haven't read much RLS, and have always
      figured I probably should.
    • Barchester Towers, by
      Anthony Trollope, $4. Fine 8vo, except maybe a little dirt in the rough page
      edges. Leatherbound edition from the International Collectors Library, not dated.
      No DJ, but it's still got the insert describing how the binding was copied from an
      1891 edition of some other book entirely (WTF?), so I doubt it's even been read.
      There is a tiny bit of scuffing to the edges of the pasted endpapers, though. I
      like what Trollope I've read and expect to find this one much easier on the eyes
      than some of the tiny-printed modern editions I've seen.
    • My
      real indulgence: The Oxford Book of English Verse, chosen and edited by Sir
      Arthur Quiller Couch. It's a frivolous use of $26 because I only just bought a
      copy of the book from Powell's -- but I couldn't resist. It's VG -- only a little
      bit of wear the gilding on the pages' edges -- with a Good DJ, in a nice little
      dark-blue 16mo that I think is copied from the original 1900 binding. Now I have
      to decide whether to sell one of my duplicates, take one to work, or maybe just
      give one away.

    The other thirteen books cost me a
    grand total of $8.50. Most of them were marked $.50 to $1, only a
    couple were $2 or $3, and though the sale only lasts one weekend, they
    mark everything except the Rare and Unusuals at half price on Sunday. Yee-

    • Boswell's Life of Johnson: the only pb I bought,
      but it's in almost perfect shape -- looks like someone bought for a class and
      opened it but never quite read all the way through. It's abridged (by Frank Brady)
      but I have a feeling that may be all to the good. That is, if Brady didn't do the
      sort of expurgation poor Sam'l Pepys seems so subject to, but I have a feeling
      Boswell was less prone to showing his idol as having any coarseness anyway,
      despite Johnson's own writings.
    • Kitty Foyle, by
      Christopher Morley, because I like the Parnassus books and especially the his book
      about Philadelphia. Good condition, clothbound 8vo, quite possibly a 1st ed -- all
      it says is Copyright 1939. Has an address label from a previous owner, that
      unfortunately came up with the price tag, but that is old enough not to have a zip
    • Upstairs, Downstairs, by John Hawkeworth,
      because whatthehell, someone liked it enough to make a TV show out of. (Someone on
      PBS (or was it BBC?) so there may be some taste involved. VG 8vo with Good
    • Mrs. 'Arris Goes to New York, by Paul Gallico. I
      like Gallico; a few of his books, like For the Love of Seven Dolls, were a
      wee bit disturbing (though still good) but the predeccor to this one was nothing
      but charming. A 16mo (I measured!) VG with Good DJ. I expect to enjoy this quite a
      lot, but only for about half an hour or so.
    • Deafness and
      , by A.W. Jackson. Good to VG but for a tiny bit of wear on the
      binding corners, in miraculous condition for something that appears to be the
      original 1901 pressing. Has names of two previous owners, both of which look to be
      written with dip pens. An odd little book I'd never heard of, about dealing with
      becoming deaf. No idea hy I bought it except that it looked interesting and cost
      only about a quarter. I'd give it to my mother-in-law, who does have hearing loss,
      but am not sure if she'd like it.
    • "Where Did You Go?"
      "Out" "What Did You Do?" "Nothing"
      , by Robert Paul Smith. VG 8vo with Fair DJ.
      Looked amusing -- written in the 1950s about being a kid in the 1920s.
    • Auntie Mame, by Patrick Dennis. Good ex-library 8vo,
      with DJ and plastic cover. I've always liked both the msical and the book
      (previously read from the library, but picked this up mostly because I had just
    • Around the World With Auntie Mame, by
      Patrick Dennis. Good 8vo, in cloth binding. Never read this one before -- I didn't
      even know it existed.
    • Famous Prefaces. My second
      volume from the Harvard Classics, but this one is leatherbound and would be Fine
      if the cover hadn't cracked near the spine. (Well, there's also a pulled-off-a-
      full-shelf indent in the top of the spine.) Prefaces from Caxton, Knox, Raleigh,
      Newton, Hugo, Whitman, and others. It seems like an odd choice of things to
      collect, but should be interesting to read.
    • The State of
      the Language
      , ed. by Leonard Michaels and Christopher Ricks. Never heard of
      either, or most of the writers they include (barring Kingsley Amis and Anthony
      Burgess), but I have an abiding interest in the English language and its changes,
      and a shelf of books on the subject. Fine 8vo with a Good
    • Penrod Jashber, by Booth Tarkington. Fair to
      Good, no DJ. I like Tarkington, I like Penrod, and I didn't know about this one
    • The Nursery Rhyme Murders, by Agatha
      Christie. VG, with what would be a Good DJ but I got a bit of water on it while
      carrying it in from the truck, so we'll see. Dame Agatha's were the only adult
      mysteries I read for years and years, which may be just as well because I could
      read them at 10, when I might have been too callow for Sayers. I still like and
      enjoy her, though she doesn't inspire love as DLS does. This is a collection of
      three books whose titles are based on nursery rhymes: A Pocket Full of Rye,
      Hickory Dickory Death, and The Crooked House, so I get Poirot and
      Marple as well as Inspector Tavernor (of whom I've never
    • And finally, The Life and Times of Hercule
      , by Anne Hart. Fine, ex-library with DJ and plastic cover. My Christie-
      only days were pretty much also Poirot only, though I gradually learned to like
      Miss Marple even better, so I expect I'll enjoy this if Hart has done a decent

    Rudder has already pointed out that $48 for 13
    books is not such a bargain if they require spending several hundred dollars for
    another bookshelf! The hard decision will be whether to sign my name in them. I
    have been doing so with new books, because I buy my books to read, not to sell,
    and because I enjoy seeing former owners' names in my used books. But in some of
    these cases, a name could really reduce the value of the book. Maybe I'll sign
    them, but use pencil in cases where it might matter. What do you all do?

    Posted by dichroic at 12:49 PM

    February 08, 2003

    monolithic. that's me

    I have just deleted the following entry from my LiveJournal page. I don't
    want to have two separate journals; I don't have a project or a volume of
    writing or photographic work I need to shelve elsewhere and I don't have any
    secrets I want to share with only a fwe people. To split a journal other that
    feels to me like dividing up my life or my persona and I can't imagine any good
    coming of it. It feels like it would be untrue to myself. (None of this is meant
    to be a reflection on anyone else; there are people I respect who have as many as
    four journals and they have good reasons of their own. This is just about me.)

    And so I've deleted the entry I wrote there, leaving up only a
    description of myself pointing a casual reader here for more details. I'm not
    saying I'll never move from here; I can imagine wanting my own domain someday,
    though right now this is more convenient. And I'm not saying I'll never split this
    page, just that right now I can't imagine why I would.

    However, I did
    capture some thoughts about my current fuzzy state and about possible overtraining
    that I wanted to save, so the erased entry is below.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:51 PM

    hanging out

    For the record, I just got a 180 on href=">this test. Told you
    I was a word person.

    Just don't call me an English

    Posted by dichroic at 10:04 AM

    February 07, 2003


    There is this minor problem with my job: it's not a good one to be sick for. I'm
    not really sick sick, but after I dragged my unwilling body out of bed and
    onto the erg for five thousand meters, I found I was seeing afterimages flashing
    in front of my eyes and had a bit of a headache. This has happened a few times
    (but previously on weekends) in the last few months; my best guess is that my
    body, still easily dehydrated in this desert air, has decided to change to showing
    it in this way instead of the nausea I used to get. At any rate, I don't feel
    terribly terrible, and the afterimages have mostly faded, but when they're here I
    don't have much peripheral vision so I'm not willing to drive forty miles to work
    until I'm sre they're gone.

    Unfortunately again, I had two meetings
    scheduled for this morning that actually do require my presence. So far I've
    rescheduled one, arranged to call into the other, and answered several e-mails.
    Good thing I'm not really sick!

    By the way, go read LA today. And maybe yesterday too. SHe's
    laying it out plain enough for even Ronald Reagan (and all those people who still
    think that he was a good president) to understand. I don't get Shrub. (And by the
    way, Molly Ivin's campaign bio of him, by the same name, is downright chilling.
    She even predicted war with Iraq.) He does good things like propose money to fight
    AIDs in Africa, then takes away programs that help keep teenagers from getting
    pregnant or getting AIDs in the first place. He wants to fight a country that
    might be trying to get nukes but ignores one that has them, says they have them,
    and is threatening us with "total war". He speaks as if the whole country is
    speaking through him but opposes positions that every poll says the vast majority
    of us hold. Is he compensating for a small dick, incapable of logic, or what? I
    know lots of people (on both sides!) disagree with me on positions; all I say to
    conservatives is that I was much happier once I realized that being generally
    liberal on many issures didn't mean I had to like Bill Clinton. I know a lot of
    conservatives who believe in logic, and a lot who believe in not legislating
    morality. Come over to the dark side....

    By the way, did you know there's Wimsey slash?
    Though I wouldn't rate it any higher than "amusing". However, this href="">Northern
    one is far better.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 06, 2003

    conflicting priorities

    OK, I admit it. I haven't been taking the rowing quite as easily as intended. Some
    of it is just that I'm pertified of losing some of my hard-won cardiovascular
    conditioning, and some of it is just the body taking over. Last night Rudder and I
    spoke to Supercoach Xeno on the phone about some of our training questions. (It
    was kind of funny -- his toddlers seemed to be singing in the background). As a
    result of his training philsophy, plus the fact that it's still too dark in the
    mornings to see a heart rate monitor except when you can stop and light it up,
    this morning I ended up rowing 10.8 miles varying between about 80% and 90% of my
    max heart rate. It wasn't as unpleasant as it sounds, but still, it's possible I
    was not firing on all cylinders when I taught a new module for the first time this
    morning. Next week I have to anchor two full days of classes, though other people
    will come in and out to teach the various sections -- I may just skip the longer
    Tuesday workout or switch it around.

    It's hard to know what to do
    when you're trying to do well at two things and they don't heterodyne well. I
    suppose if I had kids, this would be an old story.

    Apropos of nothing, today's fortune cookie said, "You are a lover of words,
    someday you will write a book." I might have been more inclined to believe it
    without the run-on sentence.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 05, 2003

    I got curious....

    The following items have been brought to you by the friendly people at

    CAT scans. Weather satellites. Eye trackers. Virtual reality systems. Scratch-resistant lenses. Portable coolers/warmers that plug into a car cigarette lighter. Dustbusters. Smoke detectors. Sports bras. Automated eye screening. Firefighters' air tanks. Better brake linings. Laser angioplasty. MRI imaging. Digital image processing. Artificial hearts. Kidney dialysis. Water purification techniques. Cordless power tools. Velcro. TV satellite broadcasts. Clear orthodontic braces. Aircraft lightning protection systems. Freeze-dried foods. Foams used in mattresses and athletic pads. Bar code scanners. Fishing forecasts. The use of vacuuum chambers to dry out water-damaged books. Early forms of laptop computers. Breast cancer detection. Riblets (tiny grooves that help reduce drag) used on America's Cup yachts, Olympic rowing shells, and competition swimsuits. Robotic arms (waldoes) used for surgery. Waterbeds. Telemedicine. Volcano tracking. Earthquake prediction. Oil spill detection techniques. Fuel cells. Solar energy research. Insulation barriers now used in cars and trucks. Athletic shoe design. NASTRAN structural analysis software. Automatic implantable defibrillator. Remote patient monitoring systems. Improvement of hang gliders. Fire-resistant aircraft seats. GPS systems. New cheaper ways to evaluate bone density. DirecTV. Prosthetic materials. Chromosome analysis. Golf ball aerodynamics. Blue-blocker sunglasses. Ear thermometers. Heated ski boots. Space pens. Aerodynamic bike wheels. Joystick controllers. Quartz watches. Portable medical equipment on ambulances. Fireproof clothing. Emergency blankets. New low-power anti-icing system. Self-righting life boats. Balance evaluation systems. Blood analyzer. Land mine removal device.

    That, by the way, is a partial list. Mouse over the items on the list above to see my comments. After seeing and hearing some discussion on whether NASA is worthwhile, I got curious, so I did a little research. I have, by the way, used or benefited by two thirds of the items listed above, either through direct encounter or by having them used to help someone I love. NASA did not invent everything listed above; in some cases they were just the ones to develop a good idea until the point where it could become commercially viable.

    I don't actually think that the spinoffs are the best reason to keep exploring space, but if someone has a soul so dead as not to understand the lure of space, its effect on potential scientists and explorers, and our national need for a frontier, it may not be possible to explain it to them. It's usually easier to explain monetary benefits - and note that conservative estimates by U.S. space experts say that for every dollar the U.S. spends on the space program, it receives $7 back in the form of corporate and
    personal income taxes from increased jobs and economic growth. And then there's the US Professional Jobs Program, aka the space centers. Besides the obvious jobs created in the aerospace industry, thousands more are created by many other companies applying NASA technology in nonspace related areas that affect us daily.

    Honestly I would rather see commercial competition to get to space, but this is the model we have and NASA's reasearch has helped develop space travel to the point where commerciasl companies are just beginning to edge into space. Historically, though, large-scale exploration has always been funded by government -- think of Ferdinand and Isabella. It's only after that that business men and women begin to set up trade routes, to import spices, farm new ground, or mine for new riches. (Let's hope we can do that part a bit more responsibly this time.) I know that most people are still saying NASA should continue, but those few dissenters bug me. Besides, it's one of our better investments.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM | Comments (1)

    February 04, 2003

    poetry and tragedy

    Funny thing about poetry, how people suddenly resport to it when they don't know
    what else to say. After what showed up all over the net after September 11, 2001,
    and again after last Saturday, nobody should ever need to question why poetry

    I admit to getting a little tired of "High Flight",
    but that's just because as a pilot and an aerospace engineer, it's an old favorite
    that I learned by heart years ago. It's entirely appropriate to the discussion of
    why the astronauts went up, knowing the risks. On the other hand, it's nice to see
    a poem that means a lot to me comfort other people too.

    own choice for most appropriate poem was posted as a comment to href="">Teresa
    Nielsen Hayden's site
    , to which I was directed by href="">Mechaieh (I know, go figure).
    Since it's off on the comments page, I'll repost it

    A bundle of tempestuous cloud is blown

    About the sky; where that is clear of cloud
    Brightness remains; a brighter
    star shoots down;
    What shudders run through all that animal blood?
    What is
    this sacrifice? Can someone there
    Recall the Cretan barb that pierced a

    --Parnell's Funeral, W.B Yeats

    My own
    poem yesterday (which,
    I realize, is the height of hubris to mention right under one from Yeats; I am not
    doing so from any claims as to its quality but just to make a point) more or less
    flowed out in about ten minutes. (If it's a little rough, that's why.) In contrast
    is another one on which I've been working for a week and have two verses down.
    Something about tragedy* calls out words, and something about poetry seems to
    respond best to elemental needs.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:48 PM

    February 02, 2003

    memory dragged

    Today we made some rigging adjustments on my boat. I went for a row around the
    lake to test the new configuration, and just as I was at about the farthest point
    from the beach where we dock, the gentle breeze from the east turned into a gentle
    breeze from the west. Then the water got choppier. Then I started noticing that
    rowing against the wind was getting to be a noticeable effort, Then I noticed the
    wind was actually strong enough to fill the air with dust. (That's what strong
    winds in a desert do.) Then I started seeing whitecaps, and noticed the wind
    sensor alarm on the side of the lake was lighting up. Getting back in wasn't
    really a whole lot of fun - in fact, for a single, it was verging on scary, and I
    was beginning to feel like a sail. I bet the sailboat out there today was having
    fun, though.

    And I can tell this will be the pattern for my days --
    as I approached the eastern end of the lake, before the wind kicked up, I noticed
    that the three flags at some facility near the north shore were at half-staff. I'd
    been thinking of nothing but rowing, and suddenly the Columbia was dragged back
    into memory. "Glad" is not the right word, but I am gratified that those flags
    were lowered, and to have the crew brought back into my memory -- whether it hurts
    to think about them is really not the issue.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    Rudder and I have been together now for just about 12 years. We met on March 23,
    1990, incidentally just across Clear Lake from the Johnson Space Center. In all
    that time I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I've cried on
    his shoulder. About him a few times, maybe, but if I'm crying on his shoulder it's
    about somethng outside us. Today was another one.

    And it's odd, because it is far away and maybe because it is the second time. I
    was a sophomore in college when Challenger blew up, and yes, I do remember exactly
    where I was when I heard. Somehow it feels less like a new grief, more like a
    closer grief would feel after a couple of weeks. I've forgotten about Columbia a
    few times today, once while out at the lake touching up scratches on my boat and
    hanging out with people there and again when we went to see the movie Chicago,
    only to have to emerge, blinking, back to reality. For people now in the space
    program, I know, and for those who knew those seven (seven again!) astronauts
    personally, there is no escape from grief yet. There will be none for weeks at
    least, and then after that every time they're happy they'll emerge back into grief
    when they remember.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 01, 2003


    Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckety




    As you will know
    by now, the Space Shuttle Columbia has exploded. There are few things that could
    possibly happen in the public world that would upset me more than the explosion of
    a manned spacecraft -- it's much more personal when you've spent some years
    working on the Space Shuttle and Space Station programs. I'm left with no more
    graceful or creative way to express my feelings at the moment than a succession of
    repeated expletives.

    I didn't even know about until about three hours
    after it happened, because I'd gone out for a massage and hadn't been watching TV
    and hadn't listened to the radio in the car. Somehow, it seems impossible that
    it's possible not to know, as if the news should somehow filter through the
    air or beam out to every mind. My first reaction when I walked in the door and was
    told the news by Rudder was an unimaginative but heartfelt "Fuuu-u-

    I've been half-expecting something dire to happen because of
    the presence of an Israeli astronaut, coupled with the situation of the world just
    now. They're saying that it can't possibly be due to terrorism because nothing
    could get to the Shuttle at the altitude and speed at which it was moving, but it
    seems obvious to me that if you were going to do such a thing the way to do it
    would be to sneak a timed explosive system in before takeoff, or more simply, to
    somehow introduce flaws in the heat-shield tiles.

    I can't make up my
    mind whether it would be worse if this is due to terrorism or just to a mistake by
    NASA. Either way, I expect I'll be remembering this morning in the same mental
    file as the Challenger explosion. There is no good time for this sort of disaster
    to occur, but this is almost the worst time for it -- the most high profile flight
    we've had lately, with more contact with schoolchildren than most flights. The
    only way it could have been worse would be if this had been the flight to
    reinstititute the Teacher in Space program.

    Incidentally, the Shuttle
    Challenger exploded on January 28, 1986. Apollo 1 burned on the lunch pad on
    January 27, 1967, killing three astronauts including Gus Grissom, who had flown on
    only the second US space flight ever. NASA has been observing a moment of silence
    on January 28; that should be a national observance now. Go read href="">Outrage and href="">Mousepoet; they've
    marshalled their words better than I have.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:24 AM

    January 31, 2003

    War, what is it good for?

    I find it more than a little distressing that most people I talk to these days are
    not convinced we ought to go to war, but are resigned that we're going to. You'd
    think anyone old enough to remember Vietnam (and who used some dubbleyou -- er, I
    mean dubious -- methods to avoid serving there) would have scarring memories of
    what happens when you get into a war that doesn't have popular support.

    It's even more perplexing because it doesn't seem that hard to get
    popular support. Given the level of resignation I've seen and the fact that there
    doesn't seem to be anyone who doesn't consider Saddam Hussein a mad and evil man,
    a large number of the people I've spoken to would likely to be happy to be
    convinced that we ought to go to war. (I live in a fairly conservative state,
    though.) A good number of those now in power brag about their faith and supposed
    morality, but how can it be moral to send people off to die who don't believe that
    the cause is worth dying for?

    I'm not a pacifist. I believe that war
    is an awful, horrible thing, a thing of sordid mud and pain rather than glamor and
    nobility. But I believe that there are things even worse, that war is a last
    resort but that it is a valid resort to combat those last worst evils. It would be
    nice, though, if more than one of us believe that it is a necessary thing in this
    time and in this place. If Colin Powell doesn't show the world some evidence, and
    by "show" I mean "make really, really obvious, with an Adlai Stevenson sort of
    clarity", I will be very disappointed.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 30, 2003


    Within the last two days I've volunteered to help someone create a new Information
    Science program in the Netherlands (by "help" I mean "be one of the people she
    bounces ideas off") and to edit a whole set of material for a four day class at

    Yes, I'm a masochist.

    Well, it's really not that
    bad. The first probably entails very little work, just an occasional opinion. (For
    me, I mean; it will be an enormous amount of work for the person who has the main
    responsbility.) The second was more a matter of irritation than benevolence. Bad
    spelling and grammar just annoy the shit out of me, and I can't not notice
    them. I'm one of those natural editor freaks, a trait I share, apparently, with
    the entire Fadiman family (according to Anne Fadiman in the wonderful collection
    Ex Libris, Confessions of a Common Reader -- ooh, due for a reread on that one)
    and half of the LordPeter list.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    who me?

    Out to dinner and so up late last night. Rowed this morning. (Yay me!) In class
    all day. Only a short break for lunch.

    Which is to say, look
    elsewhere if you want brilliance or even coherence.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    January 29, 2003

    in review

    Yesterday I had my first performance review here. I'm beginning to think that it's
    better for a company to force everyone to do reviews at the same time, because if
    you do it on the employee's service anniversary (the other common method) it's too
    easy to postpone. I once went about three years without a review. ANd yes, you
    should be getting feedback all along but at that place I wasn't, and it is
    probably a good thing to sit down and talk to your boss once in a while. Assuming
    your boss isn't evil, or stupid, or like the one I once had who would chew tobacco
    and spit (into a can, mercifully) during meetings. I have rarely been physically
    nauseated in staff meetings but that did it.

    My current boss (the
    Bosstrienne) isn't evil at all. In fact, I was impressed at how the review went.
    (No, not by myself!) The mst notable thing about her as a boss is that she is
    always, always positive. I've never done anything for her without getting a "Good
    job!". This is not terribly helpful, because if someone compliments everything,
    there's no way to tell if you're really doing a good job or just being overrated,
    or to tell what needs improvement. So I was wondering, going in, whether there was
    going to be value to this.

    There was, though. She was hamstrung by a
    silly policy requiring every review to have two of twelve areas listed rated at
    excellent, two at Needs Work, and two At Standard. Even with that handicap,
    though, she was able to give me a few things to work on (without ever actually
    doing anything much resembling criticism, mind you). Impressive.

    was a bit easier for her since I'd already listed things to improve on the first
    draft of the review they told us to fill out in advance, and my list agreed with
    hers. I'm weak on business knowledge, because they just don't teach that stuff to
    engineers. As you rise through the ranks, you either get a related Master's degree
    or pick it on on the job, as I'm trying to do now. Also, I'm supposed to work on
    not coming off as what the Bosstrienne refers to as a "know-it-all", what some
    other less kind people have called "condescending", and what I should probably try
    not to think of as not suffering fools gladly.

    I can't believe I
    haven't written about this before, because it's sort of important to me. I noticed
    years ago that Ben Franklin and Isaac Asimov have a lot in common. Both were
    experts in a startling variety of areas. Both apreciated the other sex, sometimes
    in more than theoretical ways. And both, according to their respective
    autobiographies, underwent a very conscious transition that led to them morphing
    from annoyingly bratty young men (think Jason in the comic strip Foxtrot) to
    beloved old men. In both cases the transition was based on the epiphany that they
    did nt need to carry the responsibility of what Asimov refers to as "the smart
    man's burden"; the need to correct everyone's errors. They might have more ideas
    than others, but they didn't need to take credit for all of them; Franklin began
    speaking as if he were only communicating the ideas of a group.

    Clearly I need to make the same sort of change, and work on some
    accompanying nonverbal mannerisms, but it's something I've been working on for a
    few years now. Both men write as if they made these changes more or less
    immediately, but that may just be the liberty of an autobiographer. Or maybe it's
    just a prerogative of genius; I do think that not only did their minds work alike,
    but that mine works in the same polyglot sort of way. I am most assuredly not,
    however, confusing a similarity in kind with one in degree. I'm bright, but not
    Asimov-bright or Franklin-bright. Both were semi-famous by my age and it wasn't
    luck; it was purely earned from the products of their brains.

    But I
    can certainly learn from my betters! And one of the first things I probably need
    to learn (not necessarily from Drs. F and A) is to stop thinking of people as
    betters and worse ones.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 28, 2003

    jargon and fingers, coffee drinks and salsa

    Rudder just sent me the following and it's too good not to share. This is NOT an
    Internet forward; this is actually directly from a business presentation he
    received. Grammatical errors are

    "position [Productname] as a
    commoditized alignment nescessity, while remaining focus on competitiveness and
    leverage customer satisfaction for solutionized global semiconductor processing
    quality paradigms, applying a totally independent empowered paradigm approach by
    its leading edge integrated system design"

    I think he's
    considering sending it in to the Dilbert website. I told him that it was a shame
    they missed using "proactive", but that "solutionized" should count for at least 3
    on the management-speak bingo card. Sadly, I said that right before a meeting in
    which I heard at least three people speak the word (!)

    In writing yesterday about the href="">clinic with href="">Xeno, I forgot to mention that shaking hands
    with him when we were first introduced was an interesting if somewhat futile
    experience. Think about the topology of a handshake: the palms cross at a 90
    degree angle, and the fingers stick out either side to bend around the other
    person's palm. Except mine didn't. His hand is nearly as wide as mine is long, and
    only the very tips of my fingers protruded. It was like being a little kid shaking
    hands with an adult. It was probably weirder for the guys than for me; I mean,
    they could probably shake his hand, but it must be an odd feeling standing next to
    someone that much bigger than you. I'm used to it because everyone is bigger than
    me, and I don't really notice the difference between 5'11" and 6'3". It's all just
    up there to me. But as Rudder kept saying, Xeno's a big

    On the nutrition front I would like to report that strawberry
    smoothies camouflage the taste of flaxseed oil (supposed to boost energy) quite
    nicely. I noticed that the little health-food store by the gym where I shower
    after rowing is now selling smoothies and coffee and opening early, so I decided
    that for once I'd eat breakfast when I should, while still in my glycogen window
    instead of forty-five minutes later when I got to work. The smoothie (with yogurt
    instead of ice cream) made a great breakfast, except that it's still a bit chilly
    here in the mornings. (Stop laughing, out there on the East Coast). By the time I
    got to work I was freezing my ass off, even with the car heater on. Someone needs
    to invent a hot healthy energy drink; I'm thinking coffee (decaf for me) mixed
    with a vanilla version of those yogurt drinks they sell for kids, maybe with some
    flaxseed or protein powder mixed in.

    If anybody reads this and
    decides to market it, all I ask is a year's supply.

    Other questions
    on nutrition, since I've just eaten lunch and the cafeteria had chimichangas
    today: does salsa count as a vegetable serving? How about beans? Even if they're

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 27, 2003


    The dominant sporting event of my weeend was not the Superbowl. (I did watch it,
    though I generally define "watching" TV as taking occasional peeks at it over the
    top of a book.) Both mornings this weekend, Rudder and I participated in a rowing
    seminar with Xeno Muller, winner of the
    gold medal for men's single scull in Atlanta in 1996 and the silver in Sydney in

    It was good. Xeno's a hell of a nice guy, down to earth and
    with a contagious enthusiasm that's impressive in someone who's been doing this
    half of his life. He has am emphatic presence, partially but not entirely due to
    his being rather a large lad. (I think Rudder and the other male participants were
    a tiny bit cowed.) (He's cute, too.) More importantly, he didn't tell us anything
    stupid -- all of his comments on good rowing form are things that make sense in
    terms of basic biomechanics. (Not true of the styles taught by some

    Of course, I may be a little biased because he was very
    complimentary of my form and Rudder's, commenting that, because we've been rowing
    longer, we're way ahead of the other rowers in the seminar. However, said other
    rowers are still faster than I am and I don't expect to be getting any taller in
    the immediate future. I can't get let my head swell much, since all it would take
    to deflate it would be two words: "Wanna drag?" We didn't get as manypointers on
    form because of that, but he did correct some bad habits I'd been developing --
    this is what I need occasional coaching for

    Xeno did give me
    some helpful rigging tips. I made an easy change or two, and did seem to be moving
    a little faster, but there are some things I can't easily change (the shoes don't
    fit in front of the righer, so they need to be in front of or behind it). Now, of
    course, my ever-helpful husband is all in favor of taking my boat apart to try to
    optimize it. Rudder's not terribly well-acquainted with the idea of "good enough".
    I suppose if we can make it better, it will be worth it, but when we doi take off
    that rigger I'm going to be very very careful to mark the present positions so we
    can put it back if necessary.

    Longtime readers of this journal may be
    shocked to hear that the seminar was arranged by the local junior crew, nexus of
    the often-vilified (by me) Coach DI: he had two boats-full of juniors in it but
    also invited any of the local rowers to sign up (I think he charged us the same as
    the juniors). I think, though, that while the idea may have been his, the actual
    arranging was done by one of the parents. Nothing wrong with that; if you're not
    good at organizing, the best thing may be to let someone else do it. Furthermore,
    DI was in full-on Jekyll mode all weekend; not only was he helpful and friendly,
    he went out of his way to be generous -- actually loaned one person a boat when
    there was a conflict with the club boat she expected to use, and in general tried
    to make us all look good in his comments to Xeno. Impressive. He told us he's
    planning several more of these seminars, some with equally impressive names. If
    they all go this well, bring 'em on. If they don't happen, at least we had this
    one. I think its success went a long way toward mending some strained
    relationships around here, too. (Though at least one other coach may not be best
    pleased at Xeno's comments on the style he teaches -- and several of his most
    dedicated people were in the seminar. But I'm with Xeno on this one, purely from
    the physiological and engineering standpoints. (It wasn't the charisma. Really.))

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 26, 2003

    God Bless ... not that song

    Can we just retire the song God Bless America? Please please please? I hate that
    song. I don't think anyone but Kate Smith should ever be allowed to sing it
    again, and I think she's dead, so that's safe. (Do I mean Kate Smith? The old
    woman who used to sing it at hockey games, whoever she was.)

    I was
    afraid, when they announced Celine Dion wold be singing it at the SuperBowl, that
    it would be instead of the national anthem. It is NOT the national anthem, dammit,
    no matter how many times it's been perpetrated on an innocent public since
    September 11, 2001. I have never been one to believe that an important subject is
    justification for bad words -- Q wrote something to the effect that it was
    important for a nation to develop its poetry "because we still have heroes to
    celebrate". (Scott had just died in Antarctica.) That's still true.

    And whose dumbass idea was it to have Celine Dion sing it? The
    woman's a Canadian, for cripes sake.

    I was immensely relieved when
    they brouy out the Dixie Chicks to sing the REAL anthem. They did some sweet
    harmonies on it, too, and the crisp salutes of a diverse military group was
    actually touching.

    But if people want another song to add to The
    Star-Spangled Banner, which certainly has its drawbacks (i.e. most Americans can't
    actually sing it), can't we sing something like America the Beautiful? Or, since
    I'm still an unregenerate radical, how about This Land is Your Land or Phil Ochs'
    Power and Glory?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 24, 2003

    what it means

    "For this is what it means to be a king: to be first in every desperate attack and last in every desperate retreat and when there's hunger in the land (as must be now and then in bad times) to laugh louder over a scantier meal than any man in your kingdom."

    Read that, subsititute "leader" for king, think on our current body politic, and weep. Somehow I don't think any of them have read The Horse and His Boy lately. I wonder who Lewis had in mind when he wrote those words, and whether he was intending satire -- though British leadership in WWII probably comes as close as any to those words, in modern times. ("Nothing to offer you, but blood, toil, tears, and sweat" .... "Now I can look the East End in the face.")

    THaHB never used to be my favorite of the Narnia books, but I recently reread it (spurred on by an audiotape that abridged way too much of the story) and had to reevaluate. There's a lot more to it than I had realized, on how to run a life as well as how to run a country. I'm off next for a rereading of The Magician's Nephew and maybe The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, though I may not make it through the latter. It and The Last Battle are among the books I've read so often they're internalized. I don't need to reread them more than every decade or so now because their words are an irrevocable part of my internal dialogue.

    I've also been reading Quiller-Couch, first On the Art of Writing, then his autobiography, and they also are growing experiences. Just on the most obvious level, it's the first nontechnical book I've read in since my teens that consistently kept introducing words I'd never heard, a bit of a blow to the old ego. ('Bewray' and 'pullulate' were the first two to send me to the dictionary.) There are phrases that struck me on first reading and good advice I'd seen quoted by those who learned from him. Considering that most writing I do is technical (and the rest is long-winded) I need to remember his definition of jargon, especially. (Not because he objects to technical words, but because meaningly phrases are so often used in corporate writing.) I can tell I'll be rereading Q until his ideas and phrases are in my brain and tongue for future use.

    In the car, I'm listening to Maria Shriver reading her book, Ten Things I Wish I'd Known. Generally my idea of a self-help book is the aforementioned On the Art of Writing, but this one really is pretty good. I won't say there's much in there I didn't know, but there's a lot I learned the hard way, and there's some I needed to hear verbalized or to have repeated. Some of her choices were certainly not be mine -- not only am I not much interested in TV news, but I have no desire to have four kids. And she did the latter starting at age 34. (I admit, Arnold has his points. And he's aged well -- he's far more appealing now than his was in his youth when he never got to show a sense of humor.) But she reiterates her respect for those who make different decisions, and her advice to listen to your own gut on moral and life issues, not other people's rules. And she drives home some points with which I vehemently agree. For example, she says flat out that while she chose to scale back her career drastically when she had kids, that was her own choice, and that her husband has tailored his career to the kids' needs as well -- that both parents, not just the mother, need to plan lives around their kids, that men can't just assume their wives will take care of everything non-job-related. She's said a few things that make me think well of Arnold as well -- when he first told her not to expect him to make her happy, that she had to do it herself, she thought that he still didn't have his English quite right yet. Now it's one of the lessons she's passing on. I don't know this book would have been a life-changer even if I'd read it back in college, but like the Richard Bach books I occasioannly reread, it says some things I need to be reminded of now and then.

    This weekend: rowing clinic with Xeno Muller, gold medalist at Atlanta and silver medalist at Sydney. Should be interesting.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 23, 2003

    an ode to my trousers

    Today is a death-or-glory sort of day (does that make me a Death-or-Glory toad? or
    was that Mole?) in that I have severl meetings that really matter to me. The first
    two are over; one went well and one went splendidly. The third, in which I have
    the most skin, still looms. This is the one where I have to convince a bunch of
    people who have to join my project team -- many of those including some of the
    most senior have serious reservations that what I'm proposing will work -- and
    some of those have a lot more knowledge of this area than I do. My tactic will be
    to assure them that I'll listen to their questions and that we won't force changes
    in unless we determine together that they make sense. (This is less common than
    you'd think on big aerospace projects.) Wish me luck.

    Because of all
    those big meetings, today for once I am dressed in an outfit of which Rudder
    approves wholeheartedly. His tastes being notably more conservative than mine,
    this rarely happens. He's particularly happy that I'm wearing a scarf, which I
    hardly ever do because I'm not good with them. I'm happy because the colors are
    elegant -- pewter gray and ashes-of-roses and so is the cut -- lean pants with a
    jacket down to mid-thigh. I'm even happier because instead of the pants which came
    with the jacket, which are now unaccountably too small, I'm wearing pants I just
    bought from REI that not only match the jacket almost perfectly, but that fit
    comfortably and that stretch. And they're the same size as the too-small
    suit pants so I can pretend it's the pants that shrunk. (Though I doubt Tencel
    does shrink, so this is pure self-delusion.) In these pants, which are even better
    for having been on sale at an absurdly cheap price, I can subdue anyone who does
    give me a hard time with spinning Charlie's Angel kicks. If necessary. Or at least
    my pants are capable of it; whether I can pull off spinning kicks is another
    question entirely.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    the foggy dew

    This morning was an unusual and entirely unexpected experience for those of us who
    row in the desert. When we got up at 4AM, RUdder looked out the window and
    commented it might be too foggy to row. Fog in the desert is usually an evanescent
    thing, though, and wind or fog at our house don't necessarily imply the same at
    the lake, 10 miles away. The fog was unusually thick in our neghborhood and on up
    the highway, though, enough to have me driving a little slower than usual even in
    the more-asphalted areas. Once I made the turn to the west, though, I noticed the
    air was much clearer and I could see the lakes and its bridges with no trouble. As
    usual, we were the first two there (I swear, this trait in Rudder comes from a
    minor haunting by my grandfather).

    We joked about coming home and
    snuggling instead of rowing, but he was supposed to row with She-Hulk today and it
    wasn't really anywhere near foggy enough to justify taking the day off.So we took
    down the oars, carried the boats to the water, and set off. Even down right there
    on the water it was fairly clear, as I headed to the western dam, then turned
    around and came back toward the east, but by the time I'd completed my first
    thousand meters or so, it was looking a bit hazier. Two hundred meters past the
    bridge and I could only see the lights on top of it. I passed the ASU stadium and
    saw only a bright white haze, and then moved on to the darker eastern end of the
    lake. There are no lights or buildings, or much of anything else out

    The Rural Road bridge was nothing but a dark shadow until I
    got close to it. After it, there were only a few distant lights on the shore, and
    then nothing. There were no sounds from the highways, and nothing I could see but
    water and grayness, that would have been blackness but for the lights on my boat
    and a fwe by the edges of the lake. It was like moving through cotton. I couldn't
    see the buoys that mark the eastern end of the lake until they were 50 meters
    away, even with the lights right behind them. Very spooky. I kept thinking of a
    story by Larry Niven (I think) about a man who wandered into a dense fog and
    wandered out again in a different universe. I made my turn wide, and stayed close
    enough to see at least the shadow of the shore, and decided to head back in. I
    don't mind the occasional risk if there's a payoff for taking it, but there was no
    reason to risk this. And it was dangerous; rowing shells flip easily, and I knew
    some of the other boats out there might not have good lights on them. And if I
    fell in, the chance of anyone else noticing and coming to help was very low,
    something necessary to consider in the water temperature of even an Arizona

    By the time I'd gotten my boat up and rinsed it off, everyone
    else had made the same decision, even Coach DI's juniors. Rudder and She-Hulk came
    up last, so I made sure to give them a healthy helping of shit for not doing the
    safe thing until even the juniors had come in. He tried claiming he was flying
    IFR, but I pointed out that She-Hulk was actually the pilot (rowing bow) and she's
    not IFR rated, and that even in an airplane it's only legal to fly on instruments
    if both pilot and aircraft are IFR rated. No nav instruments on these

    We used to have to stay on shore for days in a row when we
    lived in Houston. Out here we rarely have to cancel practice because of weather.
    Next time it happens, I hope it's obvious far enough in advance that I can just
    stay in bed.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    January 22, 2003

    the erg entry

    Since I talk about the erg (rowing machine) all the time and since I know some
    readers here work out, maybe it's time for the how-to entry. Also, it will explain
    some of the details I list for my workouts.

    First, the basics. Why:
    because it's one of the best cardio workouts you can get.

    is an erg: They are the
    rowing machines used by most rowers because they're closest to the feeling of real
    rowing, and because lots of gyms (and lots of rowers) have them. Rumor has it that
    NordicTrack's which has a fan moving through actual water, is also pretty good,
    but I haven't used one.

    How: Sit on the seat, sliding it up to the
    fan end. Set the damper to about 3 (this feels like a good racing shell rather
    than a heavy barge). Grab the handle, because unless you're very limber it's hard
    to reach with feet strapped in. Adjust the feet thingies to a comfortable level --
    I put them on the fourth holes. Now straighten out, straightening your legs before
    leaning back and pulling in your arms so your hands don't bump into your knees.
    Reverse the process: hands out, body over, bend legs. href="">Here's what it's
    supposed to look like.

    Cardio: Start out easy so you don't make
    yourself want to puke. You'll probably find even ten minutes challenging at first,
    until you build up to rowing harder and faster. href="">Here are some
    ideas for workouts. I usually do 5000m for normal workouts, or 1000 to warm up for

    By the way, about the computer thingy: It will start
    automatically when you start rowing nad will stay on for a few minutes after you
    stop. You can set it for a specific time or distance but I usually just let it
    count up, which is the default. If you press the big button on the lower right you
    can cycle through a bunch of information: watts (which I only use for power
    workouts, below), total Kcalories burned (which can be motivating), average split,
    or distant. On the last two your current split time will also be displayed -- the
    split is the time it would take to row 500 meters at your current pace. Stroke
    rate (strokes per minute) is shown in the upper right. If you've rowed hard, do a
    few hundred meters light cooldown afterwards; you'll feel much better when you get

    Strength workout: Basically, I use the ergs to simulate squats.
    Except it works your arms too so it's really almost a clean and jerk. For these, I
    set the resistance damper all the way to 10, then I do two sets of twenty, keeping
    the stroke rate all the way down to 14 (24 is about a normal rate for rowing for
    me) so that I don't get any help from momentum. This is the only time I watch the
    watts on the monitor; I try to get over 100 on each stroke (but only hit it on
    some). I'm puffing by the end. I usually warm up first and do a bit of a cooldown
    before the strength piece. I've added this to my erg days and do it as the first
    weight exercise on gym days.

    The boredom factor: the best thing I've
    found is books on tape. However, you can't really wear a Walkman because your
    whole body is moving. This is why I do my longer erg pieces at home with a boom
    box on the floor. At the gym I hardly ever do more than 2000m, which is 10-12
    minutes depending how hard I'm pulling, and people watching suffices for

    So now you have no excuse! (Except that you got bored and
    didn't read any of this.)

    Posted by dichroic at 11:41 AM

    January 21, 2003

    desert sky

    "Magnificent" is the only word for what the sky was doing as I drove home
    yesterday. We don't get clouds all that often in this desert, but when we do, we
    get scenic ones. They are especially impressive because you can see so many of
    them -- on the road I take to get home, I can see many 160 degrees of sky, and it
    would be a full 180 but that there are mountains on all sides. This still amazes
    me because I grew up on a street where the sky only shows between the tops of
    rowhouses. Never saw a horizon except on trips down the shore. Never saw a rainbow
    until I was grown. Yesterday I drove home as the sun was low, getting ready to
    set. Opposite it, arching down from a low clooud to a mountain was a vivid snatch
    of rainbow.

    The clouds were piled in tattered and riotous layers and
    the sun came through them in odd ways -- turning a snip of cloud to silver here
    and pouring gold across a mountain slope there, turning an isolated section of
    town to a shining city in a valley, and somehow reflecting a spray of beams
    up across dark clouds.

    After a while, as the sun lowered, the
    layers of cloud melded to more uniform grays and big drops of rain fell on the
    windshield for a few minutes. Later, though, the setting sun lifted through the
    clouds again and the clouds opposite shone rose and gold, then it set and the
    western clouds were layers of red and purple. I was listening to a tape of the
    one-man John Muir show performed regularly in Yosemite[1], which heightened my
    appreciation for natural beauty.

    This morning on the ride in, I saw
    the rising sun, big and round in my rear view mirror. A couple of days ago if I
    had had a camera I would have pulled the car over and stopped, because the full
    moon was big and low over Four Peaks, and the air was clear enough to show the
    details of the mountains.

    Parts of my drive home are beautiful every
    day, with views across relatively unspoiled desert to mountains. The light on the
    mountains changes every few minutes and the desert becomes more or less green
    depending on rainfall or lack of it. If I could change it I wouldn't give up the
    commute entirely, just extract the best 15 minutes from the middle of it. Whenever
    we do move from this desert, I think the wide open sky is what I'll miss

    [1]Lee Stetson, who wrote the show and has performed it for
    years, was recently elected as a Mariposa County supervisor. There's apparently
    some question whether the election was a tribute to Stetson or to his alter ego
    Muir, though Stetson says it doesn't really matter much, since his own views don't
    differ from Muir's in any significant way.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 20, 2003

    in honor of the day

    We shall overcome,

    We shall overcome, someday,

    Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,

    We shall overcome, someday.

    We Shall overcome.....

    Obviously, "someday" isn't here yet. We still have a mountain to climb to get to the place Dr. and Mrs. King fought for -- a place of harmony, equality, and peace, where there is no poverty. Maybe we can't get to that ideal at all in this world, though that's no reason not to try. "A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?" said Browning. But one thing I always find, when I'm climbing a physical mountain is that when I'm panting and tired, and the peak is a long way off, it helps to look back and see how far I've come. And we have come some way; for just one example, we wouldn't be seeing backlash against affirmative action if the results hadn't been enough to scare some people. And whatever you think of Colin Powers, the fact that he's where he is, that his position is such that his disagreement with Shrub over affirmative action made national news this morning, can only be progress. That didn't happen the year I was born, and I'm not that old.

    We'll walk hand in hand.....

    This one has happened, at least where I live, in the most literal sense. I see all combinations of blacks, whites, Asians and Latinos walking hand in hand every time I walk through my local mall (the only place people actually walk around here). From my experiences with my own parents' reaction when I dated an Asion guy in college, not to mention some of the odd looks we got now and then (though never on campus) I can only think things have changed. It may be just geographical, but I hope not. On the other hand, while segregation is no longer de jure, it's clear there's a long way to go until it's no long de facto in some areas. Teenagers may hold hands, but in many places, small children still can't.

    We shall live in peace.....

    Nope, not this century either. Though at least this morning I was heartened to hear that diplomats on both sides are still at least trying to evade war with Iraq. And the North and South Koreans have been talking. But there's still Israel, and Ireland seems to be backsliding lately. Pakistan is worrying me, and I don't think we've had a President so inclined to consider war a Good Thing since Teddy Roosevelt. And even he changed his mind after a few of his sons were killed in battle.

    We shall not be moved.....

    Hah. There are still those who have not moved on their positions or budged from their fights, and blessings on them all. And then there are those who once stood with them, and who fought the accumulated wrongs of society, and who then aged a little and gained a little power and began voting and speaking on the basis of a new platform: "I Got Mine." There are those who turned on their once-brothers when they began to follow where conscience led. (I'm thinking here of some allegations I recently read against Louis Farrakhan -- never one of my heroes anyway, for reasons that may be obvious.) There are those who walk the halls of power and forget the people who scrub the floors of those halls -- I see them every day in real life as well as on the news. We could use a little more inflexibility.

    We shall overcome.....

    Deep in my heart, I do still believe. I do.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 19, 2003

    weekend in briefs

    Ah, weekends without plans. What a wonderful thing. Here's a story illustrating
    exactly why we need breaks from our jobs, and yes, I do have explicit permission
    to post it.

    The other day after sharing some bodily fluids and
    marital joy, I was chiding Rudder for his uncanny ability to always leave wet
    spots, and always on my side. He looked up at me, practically batting his
    eyelashes, and said, "But I'm good at it. You've got to go with your

    Then he looked down, looked back up and said, "Uh-oh. Can
    you tell I've been doing employee reviews all day?"

    Hell, I'm just
    happy he didn't describe it as a "core competency".

    Posted by dichroic at 03:35 PM

    January 17, 2003

    still ain't satisfied

    I've been reading some of href="">Ebony's fiery prose; she's
    someone I know from a list from way back in her undergrad days. I just found her
    site though a link in another journal. (Thanks, href="">Kiwiria, and yes I do think you shouold
    keep writing!) Now she's on the front lines living what she believes in, and
    probably doing more direct good in the world than I ever will. She's always
    managed to both interest and educate me. I don't agree with some of her minor
    points; for example, high black crime rates and low life expectancies may be
    partly due to despair and stress respectively, but I believe you've also got to
    give credit (discredit) to simple poverty and the overcrowding that goes with it.
    Those things, though, don't diminish the force of her points, and in my
    disagreements I am always uneasily conscious that I might be wrong on all of them.
    It's hard to argue with someone who's living with the brutal and hard realities
    that are so easy to opine about from the soft comfort of the White house -- or
    from my comparatively luxurious home and office. (Er, I mean luxurious compared to
    urban war-zone Detroit, not to the White House.) (I'm not dissing Detroit as a
    whole; I'm sure many parts of it are not brutal. Some are.)

    I found
    myself wanting to respond line by line to amplify or point out something I thought
    she'd missed. I had the same reponse to href="">Batten today, but in that case it was out
    of disagreement. Funny, I think she and I agree on the very high level and on many
    details; it's somewhere in the middle that we draw very different conclusions. We
    agree on the need to fight for freedom, just not always on how or when. But it's
    always worth debating with someone who thinks about her points, either to learn,
    to teach, or to find common ground.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 16, 2003

    ms. tact

    I actually spend time at two different gyms, or rather two branches of the same
    gym chain. At the one near my home, on Wednesdays, I erg and lift weights and
    stretch out abused body parts. Afterwards, I can usually count on interesting or
    at least friendly and non-irritating conversation in the locker room, in the
    primping area. (There's plenty of time for this; at either gym I can walk in,
    notice a couple of people blow-drying their hair, shower, dry off, dress, slap
    some glop on my face and different glop in my hair, and say goodbye to those same
    people, still fluffing away.) The other one is closer to the lake; ostensibly I go
    there not to work out but to shower after rowing.

    The extra benefit
    to this gym is that while I don't build muscles there, I do get frequent chances
    to exercise my tact (which needs it). Tuesday, one woman was talking about having
    had LASIK. I mentioned that I was interested, but hesitant because they tell me
    I'll eventually have to wear reading glasses even if I have the surgery, and if I
    have to wear glasses, why not just wear normal prescription ones and skip the
    surgery? She said, "Well, yeah, but how often do you read???" I promise
    you, I did not answer her with the question, "What kind of fucking illiterate are
    you?" though I think my jaw dropped and it may have been obvious I was thinking
    it. She then said, "Well, you're not reading now, are you? Well, no, I
    wasn't, having just gotten out of the shower -- but if I'd been at home, I would
    have been. I'm reading now, I read for work and for pleasure, I read when I eat, I
    listen to books while I drive, and I'd read while I was sleeping if I could keep
    my eyes open. I don't expect everyone to do the same, but surely it shouldn't
    actually surprise anyone that some people might spend a great deal of time staring
    at printed or phosphor words.

    This morning, I stood in one of the
    open shower cubicles, and glimpsed another one of the regulars across from me.
    This one happens to have had breast augmentation (her dad paid for it, which
    somehow strikes me as bizarre) and she had an amount put in that I wouldn't have
    thought any reputable surgeon would inject. Waaayy out of proportion, the sort of
    thing some women have surgery to reduce. This time I had to bite my tongue to keep
    from saying, "You paid to make those like that? Why?"

    Yup, any
    second now I'll be ready for polite society.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 15, 2003

    Mindfulness, in more detail

    OK, so back to the mindfulness issue.

    Since I seem to be working from
    a Jewish perspective and starting from food, here's some further illustration.
    Harold Kushner (the guy who wrote "Why Bad Things Happen to Good People" as well
    as "To Life!", a book I highly recommend, on the basic attitudes of Jewish
    theology) writes that Jews say specific blessings before eating not just to thank
    God but because it's the next best thing to vegetarianism. This way, you are at
    least acknowledging the lifes that died to keep you alive.

    In my own
    life, I'm not really working from what Shrub might refer to as a "faith-based
    perspective". I'm thinking I need to appreciate more aspects of my life for my own
    sake, to enrich that same life. It's easy for me to begin arguing from the
    tradition in which I was brought up, but I'm really working at least as much from
    Socrates' stricture on the unexamined life as I am from Judaic traditions of

    The problem is the same one I was discussing before the
    holidays, the same discontent that has me revamping my workout and complaining
    about my commute, and I think href="">Mechaieh's post yesterday
    may be pointing me to a more accurate diagnosis. At present I think that the
    problem may be that when I am very busy and I don't have much down time, it's easy
    for life to become a set of scurryings from place to place, an obstacle course in
    which even the things I like to do become one more damn obligation. I'm beginning
    to think that maybe living in the moment, being mindful of each thing, is part of
    a solution. Simply scaling back is a more obvious fix, but it's not really
    feasible, especially since most of my stressors are actually good things in
    themselves. I can't shorten my commute without changing jobs. I really like this
    one and I'm not nearly ready to leave it; I like this company a lot; and I need to
    stay with it for a long time to establish continuity on my resume. I don't want to
    cut back on exercise too much because if I row less I'll do badly in races, and
    because I worked hard for my current level of fitness, such as it is.

    It sometimes gets to the point where my mind is a frantic blur, like
    confetti in a whirlwind and even the things I know are good for me look like
    intolerable burdens. Camping might be relaxing when I get there, but packing and
    driving out on Friday night after a week of work can look like too high a wall to

    I think more mindful living might help. The people who seem
    best at the sort of consciousness I'm thinking of usually seem to identify as
    artists; Mechiaeh and href="">Kuinileti are good examples. href="">Thistledown and href="">Paisleypiper are two who live
    together, which must be particularly effective, though even so most of these
    people would probably say that theior lives are far less serene than they look
    from outside. They've all carved out time for art and artful pursuit of living. I
    know I'll never get to the same extent because my mind doens't work the same way,
    because I'm not an artist by talent or temperament, and because, frankly, I enjoy
    a bit of chaos and flutter, within limits. It lets me know I'm alive. So this is
    why, so example, I've added more variety to my workouts, decided not to emphasize
    racing this season, and begun trying to focus on using my morning rows to clear my
    mind. Maybe if I plan but don't worry about things ahead, the confetti in my head
    will start to settle. Maybe if I try to live in each moment while it's here, the
    moments won't fly by so fast. I've already got my drive time to listen to books or
    the radio (singing and reading are almost the only things that are never, never
    chores for me, no matter what). I need to slow down in speaking also, to calm my
    hamster-wheel brain and compose my words; I know this is something I have to do to
    become a better teacher and mentor, two major facets of my job.

    Despite all the supposed furor of modern life, I don't think it's a
    new problem -- why else all the Torah stories about taking time to bless eating,
    drinking, waking up, going to sleep, starting, ending, living? And why else are
    there all those stories about God speaking only not in a whirlwind but in a still
    small voice? Susbtitute "life" or "my best self" or "truth" or what you will for
    "God" -- in this case it's all the same for practical purposes. (But please, don't
    call it "sharpening the saw".)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 14, 2003

    mindful living

    I stole the following story from href="">Mechaieh, because I think it may nail
    exactly what's wrong with my life, why I'm so drained from work and exercise, and
    why I'm having problems getting burned out from

    The flow of Divine abundance that makes the whole
    earth and the whole universe fruitful depends, [the Kabbalists of Safed] said, on
    human intentionality in blessing the fruits of the trees. In this way they, like
    the Zohar, put enormous energy and weight into the human act of eating.

    Not merely eating, but eating with intention and with proper
    blessings. . .They quoted a line from the Talmud: "Whoever enjoys produce in this
    world without pronouncing a blessing is called a

    Now, this is a Jewish story, which means that
    you could take it literally, but you'd missing the point; this is a tradition in
    which people have spent 2000 years arguing over every interpretation of every
    word. Though it speaks specifically of the blessing of fruits of the trees, on the
    next level up (as far as I'm prepared to go here) it speaks of living mindfully,
    of noticing what you do as you do it. The traditional sages would say that this is
    because God created the world and therefore one should appreciate the divine in
    every aspect of it and render thanks for blessings received.

    I'm not
    that traditional; to me the reason for mindful living is not to give thanks to God
    as a sort of quid pro quo. (Though if you believe in even a Prime Mover on any
    level, it does seem only polite.) This is probably a bit closer to a
    Reconstructionist viewpoint, but mostly it's a poor thing and mine own. The reason
    for appreciating all aspects of life is more a matter of enriching my own life, of
    sqeezing all the juice from it. There are other reasons for noticing, for example,
    what you eat, especially animal flesh, to acknowledge that other life is taken to
    support your own. Or to pay attention to relating to other people, of respect for

    I'm writing in way too much of a hurry here, probably far too
    much for this to be clear, but I wanted to get this first bit written out so I
    have it to come back to later. I'll try to go on with it, and get more explicitly
    to how this relates to work and rowing and so on.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 13, 2003

    about (weekends)

    Tune in yesterday for a
    picture of Rudder -- unfortunately he's got a bit of a goofy expression in it but
    he's aw'fly cute. (I'm not biased or anything, of course.)

    And yes,
    yes I was, I was a good girl today and did my erg piece plus some weights and
    crunches. The scale afterward doesn't seem to have noticed but my waistband isn't
    tight and I can feel my cheekbones and ribs so who cares? (positive thinking ....
    ignore the scale ... pay attention to what really matters ..... and go easy on
    both the sweets and the parenthetical comments.)

    Besides, the way
    work is going, I'll need all the energy I can build up. Nothing bad, but lots of
    busy-ness going on. I'm beginning to feel that if there's one Jewish contribution
    that really made the world better, it was the invention of weekends.

    Before I forget, a couple entries in the guestbook make me think I need to
    emphasize that a few days
    , I was NOT in any way trying to crow over those who have fewer entries
    than I do. I was actually trying to use the numbers as proof of the fact which
    needs no further proof, that I tend to be on the loquacious side. Bluntly, I

    Posted by dichroic at 11:34 AM

    January 12, 2003

    the rules

    My body is not currently a happy body - shoulders, wahtever those are at the back
    of the underarms, thighs, and the blisters on my feet. It made getting into the
    Orange Crush with its newly removed side steps into quite an experience.
    cFortunately I should still still be sore tomorrow, so I'll know it was a
    successful weekend. Just been offered a massage -- bye!


    OK, somewhat better, though still a bit sore. This is one of the rules I live by:
    1) Always go to the bathroom when you're at one, because you don't know how far
    off the next one will be. (Obviously this applies mostly during travel or on
    hikes.) 2) Never turn down an offered massage (assuming the offerer is someone you
    want touching you). 3) Never miss an opportunity to do or learn something
    enjoyable, interesting and rare. I've heard of people turning down chances to do
    everything from skydiving free to studying at CERN in Switzerland for the summer,
    and the waste annoys me.

    On an entirely unrelated topic, here's a picture I took of Rudder with the beard
    he grew during vacation, just before he shaved it off. Now, it's clearly not the
    most flattering shot ever taken of him, but I think it makes it quite clear why I
    hated seeing that beard go. Imagine that face now with the long hair he refuses
    ever to grow, factor in that Aragorn was one of the major reasons I enjoyed The
    Two Towers so much and ..... granted I'm biased but if you use a bit of
    imagination the resemblance isn't totally in my head.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:17 PM

    January 11, 2003

    Up and down and still somehow...

    Make that six days in a row of working out. And on the seventh day, even if
    it's not quite the right seventh day, I shall rest.

    Today we hiked up
    Picacho Peak, not to mention back down. It's only about a four-mile round trip,
    but it's a sneaky one because you hike up 900 feet in a mile (this is steep, if
    you're not a hiker), hike/climb back down what the guidebook I have claims
    is 500 feet but seems like less, and then mostly climb up another 900 feet. There
    are cables alongside for much of the last half and a lot of it would either be
    impossible or very unsafe without them -- even with them a lot of people seemed to
    be finding it scary.

    Funny how fitness doesn't transition between
    sports. Row 10K? No problem. Run 10K? Forget it. Hike a steep 4 miles? Can do, but
    my lungs are still feeling the pain lo these several hours later and I don't think
    my knees have forgiven me. We used to hike quite a lot, but have done much less of
    it lately. Partly, it's because we've done most of the trails of that length
    hereabouts and partly it's just that working out and working all week lead us to
    want to collapse on the weekends.

    Tomorrow I'm happy to say I have no
    plans. Uh, except for going flying with Rudder at 8AM. And buying a calendar. And
    finishing embroidering that damned tablecloth, again. And grocery shopping. But
    nothing that really counts.

    You know how it is.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 10, 2003

    "You're a Smart Girl, Gay"

    Work is starting to get a bit more hectic, as expected after the holiday doldrums.
    I did my first teaching on Wednesday (two modules, all afternoon)and I think it
    went relatively well. On the feedback sheets, one person said I "need to become
    more familiar with the material" (fair enough -- a total of about 140 slides, 4
    hours worth, and this was my first time teaching it), but quite a few used words
    like "interesting", "smart", and "good presentation". A few people claimed the
    particular tools won't be of any use to them. Some of those are right, though I
    tend to think a little imagination can adapt this particular tool to be very
    useful to most of our people.

    The "smart" comment puzzled me a bit,
    and it came from several different people. I mean, I am smart (and not especially
    prone to false modesty), and it's among the first few words people who know me
    would use in a description. I've got a verbal sort of focus, so it shows easily --
    I'm not one of those people whom you have to know for a while and gradually
    realize they're frighteningly intelligent. I don't reach the "frightening" level,
    and such intellectual goods as I have are more or less in the shop window. But how
    do these people know? I had never met any of them before Wednesday; they saw me
    speak for about three and a half hours from prepared slides (that I didn't prepare
    myself). I answered a few questions, but nothing too wild. So how do they know? Is
    "bright girl" tattooed on my forehead, as someone once claimed "granola" was?
    (That would be shortly before I began working in the defense industry, so I think
    it was mainly clothing-related.) Maybe it's just an aura. Or maybe they couldn't
    think what else to write on the feedback sheets.

    In other news I may
    be smart but I'm also tired -- back to the workout schedule and yes I did exercise
    all five days this week. I'm not quite smart enough to figure out why my weights
    as high as it's ever been. Yes, some of it's muscle .... but probably not all of

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 09, 2003

    about other people

    Remember, a day or two I made some vague allusions to someone deserving
    congratulations? Egret and T2 have
    announced that they will be having a litter TWINS this summer! I
    can't wait to watch T2 chasing knee-high sprinters going in opposite directions.
    (I suppose I'll do some chasing myself, as I intend to volunteer the occasional
    babysitting. I never get to play with muchkins any more,

    And, proving my status as a bad influence, I'd like to be
    the first to welcome Lcubed, a major
    influence of my college years, to Diaryland. Just wait until he finds out how
    addictive these things can be .... heh, heh, heh.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 08, 2003

    writing, ad nauseam

    This is a bit scary. I noticed this morning that I have 800 entries up on this
    diary (801, as soon as I post this). And it's not like I'm keeping this blog-
    style, with lots of little entries each day; these are big honking essays, one or
    two a day, several paragraphs each. I knew I was verbose, but

    Curious to know just how verbose I was, relatively speaking,
    I did some searching around. None of the first several D-land profiles I looked at
    had nearly as much volume, including even some of the pillars of Diaryland:
    Weetabix, Pischina, Marn, Badsnake, Mechaieh .... all several hundred entries
    behind. Anenigma and Gofigure have more posts, but theirs tend to be so short it's
    evident they're not afficted with logorrhea. It wasn't until I checked the
    numbers on Kinetix, KitchenLogic, and Unclebob that I finally found people who
    have posted even more than I have. However, it will be noted by the astute and
    habitual diary reader that the diarists mentioned above are all very widely read.
    Some of them are professional or semiprofessional writers, read outside the diary
    community. Me, I just babble. That's why I like the online diary format so much
    (with 800 entries, obviously I do!). I can chatter on as much as I want and others
    can choose whether or not to read. Read it or don't, get bored with me, go away.
    It's no skin off my nose, and I like it that way.

    At any rate, such
    writing ability as I may have I come by honestly. My mother is becoming Bat
    Mitzvah next May [1] and has just sent me a short article she wrote for her
    synagoue's newsletter. The following is an excerpt, with names removed to protect
    their privacy.

    My name is [Dichroic's Mom], and I
    am proud to be a part of the Bnai Mitzvot class. Our joint Bnai Mitzvot is
    scheduled for Saturday, May 31, 2003.

    I have been married to
    [Dichroic's Dad for 39 years, and we have 2 adult children: [Dichroic], married
    to [Rudder], and [My Brother the Writer -- hmmm, guess it is

    Although raised in a secular family, my parents sent me to
    the Hebrew Sunday School Society for several years where I received a good
    background in history and customs. It wasn't as common then for girls to become
    Bat Mitzvah. However, I always felt drawn to Jewish activities, like BBG[2] and
    Neighborhood Center[3]. I even met my husband at a synagogue dance. Therefore,
    when we had children, it was important to me that both my daughter and my son
    receive a quality Jewish education. For our family, after trying others, that
    meant joining [their synagogue]. As my children moved toward being a Bat and Bar
    Mitzvah, I became active in the Hebrew School PTA, and then moved on to Women's

    When my son started Aleph class, P

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 06, 2003

    term limits

    Among them, John Kitzhaber, the outgoing governor of Oregon (leaving because of
    term limits), Cardinal John Henry Newman (dead more than a century), and the
    Missouri House of Representatives (where something like 91 of 168 legislators are
    new this term) have convinced me that, while term limits may be fine for the
    executive branch of government, they're not a good idea for the legislative

    The same theme showed up in an interview Kitzhaber did on
    NPR, Newman's essay on the proper site for a university, and on a news story this
    morning on the new MO legislature, and it's not the obvious one. Most arguments
    I've seen against term limits in Congress point out that a legislator whose term
    is limited has no time to build a power base, serve on important committees, and
    bring that clout to serve his or her state. That's not my po in there; it's always
    been obvious to me that if everyone has the same limits, that argument falls
    apart. The argument that convinces me is the steep learning curve. There is a lot
    to learn about serving in a legislature; there are people to deal with, processes
    that are different for each legislative, and a lot of tribal knowledge that must
    be assimilated. In my field, tribal knowledge is generally a bad thing; processes
    need to be documented whenever possible. In a legislature, I suspect it's often
    not possible. (Though it's ridiculous that Missouri staffers need to teach state
    reps how to write and pass a bill, as much of that certainly ought to be written

    At the moment, term limits are not working well, because
    legislators kicked out of office can come back as lobbyists. That means lobbyists
    may have the experience and clout to overwhelm and overpressure freshman

    It's true, though, that some new blood and new ideas
    are needed in government. People shouldn't be able to serve forever, because it's
    very difficult to remember why you're there, and whom you're there to serve, when
    you deal only with other poltical critters for years. We do need to keep
    remembering that one form of term limit that applies to all elected offices in the
    US: the ballot. We certainly need to remove impediments to its use; keeping a good
    legislator in place is one thing, but keeping him there because he's got so much
    funding that all other voices are drowned out is another matter. Drastic reform of
    election finance laws may be necessary so that new voices can be heard. New people
    need to come in, just not all at once.

    Gov. Kitzhaber remarked that
    term limits may be valid for the executive branch of government. I think he's
    right, at least for the top positions, presidents and governors. They need common
    sense, but can build a staff to provide support on the details. And a time-limited
    chief executive working with a legislature that's had time to build experience and
    relationships may provide the checks and balances that were so important in all
    those civics classes we've all forgotten from junior high school -- and that
    actually are so important in safeguarding our civil rights.

    PS: If
    you haven't been keeping up with Doonesbury for the last week or so, go href="">read it from
    about 31 December on for some trenchant comments on Ashcroft's America.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:28 AM

    January 05, 2003

    guest entry: The Beast

    Guest Entry: The Beast

    First of all, I want to make it clear that I'm
    writing this because I want to, not as a favor to Her or because She told me to. I
    don't do things for any other reason.

    We've been together a long
    time, She and I, since I was a tiny orphaned kitten and She was young herself, new
    in town and in Her first apartment. I moved in with Her after Her neighbor rescued
    me and my brother when the cops got our mother for vagrancy. Unfortunately, I
    couldn't persuade Her to take my brother too, even though a few years later she
    adopted the Interloper (more on him later). It was just the two of us in that
    tiny apartment, fourteen years ago now, which is why we never call each ther by
    our names. When She said "You,", I knew She was talking to me because there wasn't
    anybody else there. I'm elegant now, but back then I was adorable, with long soft
    black fur setting off china-blue eyes. I still have the beautiful fur, of course,
    but as I aged my eyes turned yellow. (She says. I'm colorblind, or course.) She
    hasn't changed much that I can see; She looks a little more weathered and She
    keeps changing the length of her fur (why do they do that?) but she still smells
    the same. Like pretzels, mostly.

    We weren't alone for too long before
    She let Him move in. At first He'd just stay with us, but then we moved to a new
    place. I hate moving, but at least that place was a little bigger and I had stairs
    to chase up and down. I used to like to nibble toes back then, and He kept his
    outside the blanket, so that was something to do when they were sleeping. I'm
    nocturnal by nature, you know. I didn't like Him so well when He was awake, though
    I've realized now He probably wasn't the one who locked me in the closet that
    time. She had to come rescue Him when He was fending me off with a tennis racket -
    - I was a real terror back then, I was. Ask Her sometime about the time I
    intimidated a Texas cop, when I was only half grown. Anyway, He's settled down
    well, and has proved to be actually more trainable than She is. He's much more
    willing to let me in and out of the back yard (if they'd only keep the door
    open, or give me a flap I could open myself, we wouldn't have these issues) and
    He's pretty good about not moving if I'm sleeping in the crooks of his legs, and
    petting me when I want to be petted. She keeps wanting to pet me on Her schedule
    or stop when I want Her to keep going -- She doesn't seem to realize that cats
    ALWAYS set the schedule. She feeds us though, and She always gets us top of the
    line food, as I deserve.

    Yes, I said 'we'. After we'd been together a
    couple of years, she started to get some silly idea that I might be "lonely". She
    talked Him into agreeing, and one day they brought home the Interloper. At least
    he matches me nicely, with his black and white coloring that they call "tuxedo",
    but if they thought a short-haired cat wold shed less than I do they were sorely
    mistaken. He kept wanting to follow me around and sit next to me -- well, wouldn't
    you be annoyed? After all these years, I've given in a bit on that, and I admit he
    does come in useful in washing the parts I can't reach, but I still don't see why
    if She wanted two of s, She couldn't have taken my brother to begin with. I liked
    him much better. Or better still, a nice friendly female .... not that I could do
    anything about that, after that little trip to the vet (and She wonders why I
    still don't like to get in my carrier. I know where we're going!) but still, a
    girl would be nicer to snuggle with. That part was His idea, anyhow; He picked
    this Interloper cat out because of his looks, and because He thought he was
    "lively" from the way he ran around the adoption place. "Lively", my tail --
    scared out of his whiskers is what he was. Can't blame him for that, but he's
    still scared by every little noise they make and still whines all the time. They
    like me better, of course.

    One good thing about them is that they
    give me the respect due my age. They don't laugh now that I'm having trouble
    making high jumps onto things. I think they worry a bit about whether I'll stay
    healthy. Don't take me to the vet and I'll be fine, that's what I

    It's a good life with them, I suppose. They feed us well and
    sometimes we get bits of cheese or tuna or turkey. They go away almost every day
    so the Interloper and I have the place to ourselves, and it's big enough that I
    can avoid him when I want. Our favorite thing is when they come in (where do they
    go all day?) they always look all tired .... so we open one eye, look at them, and
    yawn. Just to rub it in. I enjoy being a cat.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 03, 2003

    how not to cook with wine

    Yesterday and today I am working while Rudder is still off. He spent yesterday
    working on issues with the Orange Crush (the side steps that weren't quite up to
    the wild offroad ride we took, among others), trying to fix the connection to the
    washer (ended up having to call a plumber ... and he still can't understand why I
    hate dealing with plumbing myself) and, in a rare moment, fixing dinner for me. He
    had it on the table within about ten minutes after I got home: chicken breast
    medallions and tomatoes in champagne sauce over rice, complete with tablecloth,
    candles lit, wine in the good crystal, and ice water in Margi Gras plastic cups.
    So OK, he never quite gets that elegance thing down par, but still, champagne
    sauce and all, and the food all ready when I got home. He'd added a bit of vinegar
    and lime juice, scallions, and all kinds of stuff.

    I took one bite of
    tomato and barely managed not to spit it out. That shit was nasty. After
    some questioning, the problem emerged. Because we'd tasted href="">two kinds of champagne on
    New Year's Eve, we had a total of about a bottle left. Flat, naturally, so he
    decided to cook with it to avoid waste. He's usually a decent cook, who prefers
    improvising to following recipes, but not a fancy one.

    Well. The last
    time I cooked with wine, on New Year's Eve, the recipe called for three
    tablespoons of it, sauteed with butter and garlic. Normally, when I throw wine
    into a sauce, I add about a splash of it. Apparently what Rudder did was the put
    the chicken and vegetables and the entire bottle of champagne into a
    crockpot and simmered it for an hour. I can now report, firmly, that this is not
    the proper way to make a champagne sauce.

    On the plus side, not
    feeling too well a few hours later kept me up for a bit, enabling me to have a
    nice long chat with SWooP, so between that and the sweet intentions behind it,the
    dinner wasn't a total waste.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:41 AM

    January 02, 2003

    I did / I didn't

    Oops -- fixed an error so the following is now readable -- thanks, href="">Mechaieh!

    After getting some comments on it from an old friend (hi, L3!) I've finally
    updated my Books page. I
    changed the direction a little, including more things that I read and like but
    that haven't necessarily changed my life or even my inner life. Every book changes
    your (well, my) thinking a little, anyway. And I've now included a couple of
    authors, like Madeleine L'Engle, that I have no excuse for forgetting when I first
    created the page. And speaking of books, if you didn't see my previous entry, go
    check out Samuel Pepys new

    We got a lot of things done over the holiday: painted, went
    offroading and investigating a new climbing area, finished up the erg challenge,
    celebrated Rudder's birthday, celebrated Christmas with ridiculous amounts of
    food, and New Year's Eve quietly. I finished a necklace my mom asked me to fix
    that's been hanging around forever. I updated my wardrobe further. (Oh, wait, I
    was supposed to avoid that.) Finally had almost enough time to read. Spent
    time with Rudder. Made scones and chili and turkeys and turkey soup and veggies --
    not all on the same day, but we have an awfully full freezer. Bought two more
    trees that we'll plant up north in spring. I dragged Rudder to look at a table I'd
    like to buy. And toward the end I finally got to relax, as I'd wanted to do.

    I keep having to remind myself of, because we didn't go camping, I
    didn't finish some embroidery, we did only the needful amount of cleaning, we
    didn't set up a library (though we did plan what we need for it), we didn't
    socialize much. I didn't exercise much or rethink my workout schedule. I haven't
    even finished sending out the annual "awards" to the list for which I am the
    moderator emerita.

    When I mentioned to the woman in the next cube
    that I hadn't gotten as much done over break as I'd have liked, she said, "Yeah, I
    always set my standards too high, too." I like that. I didn't fail to live up to
    my plans, I just have overly high standards. I'm not a a shlub who didn't get
    anything done, I'm a woman with lofty ambitions. It's all in the frame of

    Posted by dichroic at 01:02 PM

    January 01, 2003


    Very cool. I had it from Neil Gaiman, who
    had it from Oliver Morton (a friend of his and fellow author) that Phil Gyford has
    hit on the cool idea of putting up all of Pepys as a blog, on a day-by-day basis.
    It starts today, right href="">here.

    I have no idea who Phil
    Gyford is, other than that he's clearly a Pepys fan, but what a great idea.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:11 PM

    resolution? me?

    I have no resolutions this year, really, except maybe some work-related ones. I
    can think of a few things I'd like to change, but not much to

    At work, mostly I'm resolving to keep going on
    through and beyond my project, to drive it through and get it done. It still
    scares me, since I have very little idea of the technical how-to's involved, and
    since it depends on a number of other people many of whom are not (yet) too happy
    about the idea. I still don't really know what I want to be when I grow up, but
    the situation I've gotten myself into is wonderful for at least the near future.
    Plenty of opportunity to learn and practice new skills and tools.

    keep thinking I should be nicer to Rudder, but then I keep thinking I'm nice to
    him when he's nice to me, already. Maybe I should be nice to him all the time,
    just as a test of character?

    I don't really need to work out more. I
    do need to continue getting the same amount of exercise (which I have notably not
    been doing duringthis vacation) and I really need to revamp my workout to deal
    with my burnout issues. Or I could do something like bagging half of the sporting
    activities and going for my instrument (flying) license instead. At the very
    least, I need to join the Million Meter club on the erg -- I'd be way past it
    already, but I've only been logging my distance for the past less than two years.
    I've got just over 100K to go, so could finish it this month if I were willing to
    really buckle down.

    The one area of my life that is not satisfactory
    is that I don't really have many local friends. Every time I make a friend here,
    he or she moves away. (Is it me?) Maybe this year I should concentrate on trying
    to build relationships. I'm finaly outgrowing the tendency to want a prefect "best
    friend" who's interested in everything I am. There are just not too many people
    who are into rowing, flying, and reading everything from Heinlein to Austen to E.
    Nesbit to de Lint to Hambly to Bryson to L.M. Montgomery to Doug Hofstadter....
    and it's just unreasonable to think that the person with those interests would
    just happen to live in my zip code. Now I'd be happy to settle for, say, someone
    who reads Heyer instead of Austen, or Niven instead of Heinlein, or Perry instead
    of Peters (all inferior choices in my book ) and who has a passion of his or
    her own to discuss even if it doesn't match mine. But they have to read and they
    have to think and they have to do .... something. Especially the first two of
    those. And they have to like me, an important qualification. There are a few
    people at work I think have promise, so maybe I need to make an effort to reach
    out, especially to the ones in my former department whom I don't see much any

    So there's a resolution, and one that should be pleasant to
    implement. Oh, yes, and I need to continue to buld up my nest egg, too, though
    that will be a bit less fun.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 31, 2002

    a toast to the alt jahr

    We're at home for New Year's Eve; we rarely end up going out in the traditional
    sense. We do have a semi-tradition of spending New Year's Eve in dumpy motels in
    the middle of nowhere, for various reasons -- everywhere from Pensacola Beach,
    FLorida, to Chirstchurch, New Zealand. (Though to be fair, that hotel was far from
    dumpy. But we were jet-lagged and bleary-eyed enough that it wouldn't have
    mattered.) My favorite to date was New Year's Eve 2000, when we camped out in the
    Chiricahua Mountains (that's Chee-ri-CAH-wa, kids). We took a bottle of Dom and
    some very good steaks and shared some Jiffy-Pop and an impromptu champagne tasting
    with the like-minded folks in the next campsite. They'd brought Pol

    This year our champagne tasting is on a somewhat lower scale;
    we've got two bottles of our usual Freixenet (having determined that yes, Dom
    Perignon does taste better, but not enough to justify $100 instead of $10)
    and decided to determine once and for all if we prefer Brut or Extra Dry. The
    latter came out ahead in the popular opinion polls. All two of us, that is; we
    haven't asked the cats to vote, though given the aount of champagne present we may
    well do so.

    In other news, yesterday we did some ambitious four-
    wheeling, checked out a remote climbing area and ruined the side steps on Orange
    Crush, Rudder's new Hummer. Oops. Silly design, anyway. We finished the painting,
    cleanup and unmasking and now have a yellow entry hall with spandy white woodwork.
    And my new Handspring arrived today, so I've been setting that up and figuring it

    2002 has been an interesting year and one bringing
    opportunities and choices, for me and for others. It will be interesting to see
    what we do with those in the next year.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 29, 2002

    why was that?

    Remind me again, why did I ever think painting was fun?

    Posted by dichroic at 03:08 PM

    December 28, 2002

    still tired

    Well. This vacation is not being nearly as expected. I am writing this on Day Two
    of what's turning out to be a three day painting project, even though we're only
    painting a laundry room, a hall, and one wall of the family room. The problem is
    that because the dryer vent is way too long, to actually have the machine dry out
    clothing we have to vent it indoors to a little box with a screen on top. This
    works about as well as you'd expect, which is why the first step of cleaning the
    laundry room was to vacuum and scrub the walls and get mummified lint off

    Then of course there was the usual masking fun, followed
    by painting trim and then realizing it will need a second coat -- that's today's
    project. Yes, we decided to paint the trim first. It seemed to make more sense due
    to the logistics of masking, and because the yellow walls will be darker than the
    white trim and thus their paint will cover smudges of the white better than vice
    versa. Or something.

    Menawhile one sinus is chock-full and my head
    hurts. Either I've become allergic to paint or we're due for another weather

    And on the non-relaxation front, I haven't yet made it out to
    use the Borders gift certificate I found in my stocking or the ones to the bead
    place I got for Chanukah. Dammit. I've already had one minor hissy fit (an amusing
    one, I hope, not a nasty one) to convince Rudder I needed more relaxation time
    but unfortunately there's just too much to be done for that to have had much
    effect. I married the wrong man for relaxation, or else it's just that Real Life
    doesn't support that sort of thing.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:37 AM

    December 27, 2002

    consumer complaint

    Consumer complaint ahead: Fucking Handspring
    still has my cool new Treo organizer/mobile phone listed as "awaiting shipment" --
    since the 23rd. Now, I know Christmas was in there, but the other days were
    workdays, especially for the automated warehousing robots I'm guessing they use. I
    ordered on the 23rd, the phone plan was approved the same day, and the thing was
    moved to the warehouse to await shipment, according to their tracking page.

    I finally called to see what the deal was, and the customer care rep
    said, "Oh, we're having a delay on the Treo 180, and they won't ship until the
    31st." WHAT?? I asked, "And when were they planning to notify me of this? It's not
    on the shipping page or in any of the three emails I got from you about the
    purchase." (Note: Thank-you-for-ordering, order confirmation, plan approved).

    She claimed it was on the web page when I ordered but I didn't see
    it -- the info about the product and the service plans and special offers for it
    were sort of haphazardly scattered over several pages, and several of them still
    claimed express shipping was free, an offer which had expired the day before. I
    suggested that perhaps the pages hadn't been updated at that point, and she said,
    "Well, it's possible."

    She did credit me for the express shipping
    since obviously this is far from express service, but I'm still irked. I wanted to
    play with my new toy before going back to work. This thing better be wicked cool
    when I get it, because right now I'm still pissed.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:52 PM

    December 26, 2002

    boxing day


    As I was about to start this entry, I got called out to be Safety
    Monitor as Rudder lowered the first turkey into the boiling oil. Yes, I
    said "first"; we are having not one, not two but three turkeys. Two deep fried,
    into which Rudder injected seasonings two days ago, and one smoked, a birthday
    present to Rudder from his brother. Why yes, my husband does tend to excess, as
    just witness the behemoth in the garage. This is the view upon opening the door
    form the house to our garage: .

    So now I'm
    just wondering. Dinner will consist of slices from the smoked trkey and one of the
    fried ones. (Deep fried turkey is juicy and not at all greasy) as well as French
    bread, salad, and asparagus and new potatoes tossed with lemon butter, followed by
    cheesecake-browsing for dessert -- we bought six slices of six different kinds.
    The question is: if I do up a bit of New Orleans Shrimp for as appetizer, would
    that be overkill, or just part of the theme?

    Merry Christmas, y'all.
    Peace on Earth, to all humankind.

    Today: We did have two kinds of
    turkey as well as shrimp hors d'oeuvres. However the computer was being crotchety
    so I couldn't put up my entry. Today's plan is to do absolutely nothing: nibble
    snacks and leftovers, nibble on each other, play with our new gifts and toys.
    Happy Boxing Day.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:10 PM

    December 24, 2002


    I was cleaning out some drawers in the china cabinet yesterday, in order to make
    room for the entire set of china Rudder's grandparents gave us last May -- and
    which have been sitting in boxes next to the cabinet ever since. In the process, I
    also went through my old tapes and reunited some empty cases and orphaned tapes
    sitting around.

    Tapes .... I had forgotten how much I loved some of
    the music on those. I don't buy or make tapes anymore; these days I mostly get
    commercial CDs. The tapes are mostly from college and just after, and I think on
    balance I love them more than the music I have on CDs. There are three reasons:
    first, I had much less money then so I only bought something or went to the effort
    of taping it if I did really love it. Second they're from a time in my life when
    maybe music had more impact on me. And third, they're from when I was still
    discovering the folk music I still love. I had a boyfriend with a great album
    collection and a local folk club where I volunteered to introduce me to the best
    older and newer music. I don't have that kind of music community in Phoenix --
    there's an Irish music club out here that also turns out for bands like Great Big
    Sea, but that's about it. Really the only new artists I've found since that I love
    as much as GBS and Gordon Bok.

    And maybe I love them more because you
    only get to hear something for the first time once. Then again, rediscovery is
    almost as thrilling, plus it has the sweetness of nostalgia added in. And
    listening to Cindy Kallet is still like laying back into a sunbeam and having warm
    honey poured all over your body. Mmmm.

    And a pot of chili is
    simmering in the crock pot. Mmmmm again.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:59 PM

    December 23, 2002

    what's that watery stuff falling from the sky?

    Rudder's birthday today, so while he's out flying (assuming he is -- the weather
    isn't cooperating) I have to go out in the rain (!) and get a card for him,
    then come back and wrap all those presents I never managed to give him for
    Chanukah. They'll be stocking stuffers instead. I should also go and get him a
    Dilbert daily calendar because I haven't gotten one and we've exchanged them for
    about 5 years straight now, but I really don't feel like it. Oh,, I
    suppose it's too late for that.

    And I'm still vacillating over
    ordering a new Handspring organizer/phone for me. I waited a day too long and now
    their shipping isn't free anymore, dagnabbit. (I've have ordered yesterday, had I

    Off to get rained on.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 22, 2002

    how to wrap

    How to wrap a large wheeled suitcase: don't bother closing the bottom. Just wrap
    the rest of it, leaving the bottom open so the wrapping is sort of like a large

    How to wrap an IOU for airfare to Ireland (an IOU so we
    can pick the date together: write it on a shamrock cut out of green paper, then
    tuck that into a tourbook on Dublin. (Or two, if you can't decide between them.
    TIP: try to make the shamrock small enough to fit inside one of the books.

    The aboe has been brought to you by the voice of

    Damn it, I forgot to get a card for Rudder's birthday

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    real trust

    Been an interesting couple of days. Not that I needed any proof that my husband
    loves and trusts me, but if I ever did, I have it now.

    Friday night,
    Rudder told me he had "something" he had to pick up -- it hadn't been ready when
    he'd originally bought it, and he'd thought he'd have to get it Saturday, but it
    was ready for Friday. He'd made an appointment to get it at 7:30. Given the timing
    and the fact that he's not usually mysterious, of course I thought it was
    something for me -- jewelry or something that could be custom ordered. While he
    went to get that, I went off to Michael's to see if I could find some way to wrap
    his presents, one very large and one more an idea than an actual present.
    (Actually, chatting before I left, I figured out how to wrap the one; printed on
    an appropriate shape and tucked in an appropriate guidebook. (He's in the room as
    I type this.) In case anyone needed to know this (SwooP, you there?) 7:30 on a
    Friday night is an ideal time to visit Michael's. The place was deserted (amazing,
    since it's opposite our local mall) and all the wrapping paper and ornaments were
    on sale, 50% off. I ended up spending way too much on paper, candles, and a few
    more icicle ornaments there and at the Pier 1 next door. I suppose that means
    their sales had the intended effects. Just doing my bit for the local

    Then I got home and there was a dark orange BEHEMOTH in the
    middle of my driveway! Turned out the "something" Rudder had to go get was the href="">Hummer H2 he's been
    planning to buy. (NOTE: For himself, not for me!) I had wondered about that; he'd
    been planning to purchase in a month or so, but then it turned out the price will
    be going up by then and then the dealer called -- they had one in stock with all
    the options he wanted. I figured he needed to decide on that soon, but he hadn't
    mentioned it -- in retrospect I should have been suspicious.

    parked it out front because the Behemoth, henceforth to be known as the Orange
    Crush because it is the coppery color the dealer refers to as Sunset Orange
    Metallic, is so big that he wanted to have me spotting when he drove it into the
    garage the first time. There was some doubt as to whether the rack on top would
    fit under the open garage door. I told him that before we did that, it was
    necessary to take the new car for a joyride. So we went out and looked at some of
    the Christmas lights before affirming that the Crush does, indeed, fit in our
    garage. Barely.

    He spent last night cleaning some other stuff out of
    the way so now we can park it next to Zippy the Honda and even get the doors of
    either vehicle open. Now when you open the door of our garage, you are greeted
    with an in-your-face ferociously glowering grill. I need to post a

    Yesterday we drove up to the town of Show Low, about three
    hours away, just to buy a live Christmas tree reared at the proper altitude for
    planting on our airpark proprety. We took my truck so we could stash the tree in
    the pickup's bed. As it turned out, the biggest live trees they had were about 3'
    tall, so we could have taken the Orange Crush. Given the size we were also glad we
    had bought a regular cut tree, since that one is much bigger. We ended up buying
    two, an Austrian Pine and a Colorado Blue Spruce. This is a Good Thing; we
    checked the property on the way back and found that someone had completely
    uprooted and tossed aside one of the biggest of the young trees we planted last
    spring. At this time, the prime suspect is described as being about 7' tall, with
    broad antlers and a taste for tree bark. Yes, there are elk in the

    After we got back, Rudder did the aforementioned garage-
    clearing. I headed out to do some more food-shopping. My truck is not a good
    shopping vehicle -- groceries left in the bed tumble and spill. The Civic works
    well, but there are Special Things in the trunk I didn't want Rudder to see when
    he helped me unload. Options: 1) don't let him help me unload, or at least get
    everything out of the trunk myself. 2) Take the Crush. Rudder urged me to do the
    latter, to take his new baby to the land of careering carts. (As he pointed out,
    the Crush has brush guards, bumpers, and steps all aorund so at least a cart
    couldn't scratch it.) And that, my friends, is how I know my husband loves me: He
    let me drive his brand new truck. Without even having him along. Is that sweet or

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    December 20, 2002

    slow day

    Last day before a 12-day holiday and I am NOT having a productive

    Big surprise there.

    I slept in this morning
    (clarification: until about 5AM) and didn't erg, because the alternative was to
    get up at 4 to get on the rowing machine before Rudder. Sadly, I can't say I feel
    any more energetic for the extra sleep and lack of exercise -- oh no! don't tell
    me my body has become erg-dependent!! AAAUUUUGHHHH! Does Betty Ford have a program
    for this?

    Having, finished (FINISHED!) the challenge, I only would
    have done about a half-hour's time on the erg, so I still may do it

    I am such a waste of an occupied chair today. I keep trying
    to at least do some reading, but it's not working. Maybe I'll clean my desk. That
    will serve the dual purposes of keeping me busy doing somethign sort of
    productive, and ensuring that I don't forget anything I need to take home -- which
    reminds me. Hang on. [Carefully makes sure the last sip of tea is finished and
    throws mug into backpack.] The mug I use for making my tea has tea-crud on the
    bottom, and it's one of those tall insulated ones -- too narrow to reach the
    bottom. I keep forgetting to take it home so I can get it cleaned out with a

    Any bets on how long it will take me to bring it back in?

    PS. Forgot to mention a local news item today. Apparently, some guy in town who
    wrote a book on "dirty divorce tricks", a few years ago, specializing in advice on
    how to get out of paying child support. I can understand being upset enough to
    want to get back at an ex-spouse, but what sort of subhuman takes it out on
    children? Apparently, the sort who just got arrested for --- you got it --
    nonpayment of his child support. Karma in action, or a God(dess) with a sense of
    humor, you choose. Either way, it sure as hell brightened my morning commute.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 19, 2002

    woman with a ravell'd sleave

    I'm not entirely sure why, but I think I'm as excited about Christmas and New Year
    this year as I have ever been. We're not doing anything special at all; in fact,
    here's the list:

    • sleep late every damn
    • not erg 10K every day (I'm vacillating between trying to
      hit 250000m by New Years, less than 5K/day average, or not touching it at
    • Head up to Show Low and buy a live Christmas tree we can later
      plant on the property (we're buying it there because we need one adapted to that
      altitude, about 5000' higher than here)
    • drink lots of wine. And
      some beer, and champagne on the holidays
    • cook some good meals --
      deep-fried turkey for Christmas, chili for Christmas Eve, not sure what
    • paint one hallway and a wall of the family
    • read and read and read
    • spend at least one whole
      day in bed. With Rudder, of course. And the box from href="">Blowfish that's under my tree this
    • And read some more
    • finish rejuvenating an
      old necklace my mom asked me to fix about a year ago (Venetian glass beads,
      actually bought in Venice, circa 1967)
    • Minor household
    • Go out rowing, for fun, not training, in actual daylight. My
      boat is dusty.
    • Hang out with the kitties, who clearly don't think
      we're spending enough time with them.
    • Buy myself a library table
      (Rudder is not fully aware this will be happening this soon.)
    • Plan
      our spring trip to Ireland (He doesn't have full details of this,
    • Stay up late -- like, at least through prime
    • Spend a few small gift cards I got for Chanukah -- books and

    And really, that's about it. If we get bored we might
    go camping at Death Valley for a couple of days. So I don't know why I'm so
    thoroughly psyched. Since no one is staying with us, we won't even get as many
    presents as usual. I think it may all come back to activity #1, way up at the
    start of this page.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:58 PM

    December 18, 2002

    mixed grill

    Another one of those mixed days here.

    Good: I just found out I will
    be able to take off from 12/22 all the way through New Year's Day, and won't have
    to borrow vacation ahead or take more than a few unpaid hours.

    Rudder keeps making noises about how much we have to do over the

    Good: I think it won't be that bad. He always finds lots of
    work for himself, but I think I'll only have to work with him on some painting,
    which I enjoy, and a few other things like backflushing the

    Bad: I lost my PalmPilot yesterday, complete with credit card
    number`, all my financial numbers, and my passwords to all the 10 million work
    applications that all need separate ones.

    Good: The important
    passwords, like for my credit card's website aren't there, just little hints to
    remind me what they are.

    Bad: But I can't get into any site or
    application whose password I don't remember.

    Good: I was thinking
    about getting a new cell phone anyway, and this Palm was two years old. For
    $100 less than this one cost, I can get a Handspring Treo that's a phone and
    organizer, that's as small as the one I lost. And I can get a phone plan for it
    that's only a couple dollars a month more than the prepaid one I

    Bad: This plan doesn't have as good coverage as my current

    Good (well, less bad): But it's a newer system that my current
    provider is also moving toward, so coverage should improve.

    Because of the lost Palm, I cancelled my credit card and won't get the new one for
    5-7 days.

    Good: But I can call on Saturday to get the number of the
    new one, so I can use it online or over the phone. Say, to buy the new Treo. And I
    can use my debit card for all in-store purchase -- don't think I had that number
    in the old Palm.

    Bad: Yet more money to spend, on top of all the
    holiday and birthday presents.

    Good: But the days I don't have to
    take unpaid just about cover it.

    Good: And I get wonderful, blessed,
    free time to spend at home with my Rudder (and I mean those two words in the
    metaphoric as well as the more literal sense) so who cares what minor irritants I
    have to deal with?

    P.S. The Palm has been found, though naturally it's too late to uncancel the
    credit card. As a fervent believer in Murphy's Law, I knew this would happen. I'm
    not sure whether to be relived or disappointed that now I have no excuse to buy a
    new one.

    Today I am thankful that: the Goods are outpacing the Bads. And that
    tomorrow I will be done the erg holiday challenge!!!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 17, 2002

    the decline and fall...again

    I read this article by Linda
    Hall with a strong sense that I had seen it before. People have been compleining
    about the decline of the English language since well before the Norman Conquest.
    They've been right since then, too, but only if you assume that change is
    necessarily change for the worse. If there were any learned writers who were
    paying attention to English in the first two centuries of the milennium, rather
    than writing in Latin to impress religious colleagues or speaking in French to get
    on at court, they would have had a very good case for the decline of the language.
    It was changing quickly, acquiring a simplified grammar and borrowing new
    vocabulary with the speed of a pidgin language, so that grandparents would
    literally not have been able to understand their grandchildren, had their own
    language remain unchanged. By the time of Caxton's ubiquitous "egges/eyren" story,
    English was again the national tongue, but was so fragmented that a dialect from
    one district could not be understood in another. And yet it was the result of that
    "decline" that became the instrument played by maestros from Chaucer to
    Shakespeare on up to Wharton and James, whom Hall holds up as exemplars of correct

    It's also interesting that James's work always seems to be
    cited as a paragon of good English. There's no doubt that he was the master of an
    idiosyncratic style, and none that his weighty sentences are always grammatically
    correct. But would it really be a good thing if everyone wrote in James' ponderous
    style? Reading James requires plenty of time, and a patient mind. There's still a
    place (and there always was) for things that are easy to read at a surface level -
    - more so if, like Jane Austen, they also repay a bit of deeper

    And what, precisely, is wrong with hanging out? What else
    were Shakespeare and Jonson and Marlowe doing in all those Elizabethan pubs?
    (Well, besides tupping barmaids or lads, as appropriate.) What else was Boswell
    doing with Johnson? (Besides the hero-worship and puppyish flattery, both of which
    is still visible in any junior high -- or Senate office.) What were Chaucer's
    didn't equate to, "Dude!! Road trip!"? Except that, according to Hall, the Wife of
    Bath was somehow morally superior because she didn't say "Dude!"

    Yes, some people get annoyed by youngsters who think they've
    discovered sex, or safety pins through facial piercings, or the joys of slang
    their elders don't understand. Me? I get annoyed by those who profess to have a
    knowledge of history who yet repeat thousand-year-old complaints about the decline
    of civilzation and the language.

    Today I am thankful for: a
    sense of history, and a sketchy but working knowledge of same.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:14 AM

    December 16, 2002

    I think that's it

    It's been too long since I updated. I can tell because now I want to write about
    the boat parade and the guaranteed-seedless oranges, the half-marathon, the tree,
    the local climate, getting back to work, and holiday presents. And probably other
    stuff I've forgotten. And e-cards. And good cheese. I don't know how to write
    about all that coherently without creating The Entry That Ate My Day, so I'm
    afraid coherence will have to suffer.

    The boat parade went fairly
    well. We had an eight, decked out with white lights along both gunwales, white and
    colored lights crusting bow and stern decking, glowsticks along the oars, and
    battery lights -- red bulbs and multi-colored stars -- pinned along the rowers'
    arms. Rudder was the main planners, and he does tend to excess, which of course is
    the right thing to do anyhow in this sort of situation. Unfortunately, I can't
    find any pictures of the parade at al online, much less of our boat. But I'm told
    we looked good, and rumor has it we won the human-powered division. (Since we
    launch on one side of the lake, and the awards were announced on the other side,
    we weren't there for them.) It wasn't nearly as much fun as last year, probably
    because instead of T2 and Egret we had a bunch of people whom we don't know well,
    only a few of whom were willing to help with all the necessary planning and set-

    Somewhere during the several hours we were there doing up the
    decorations, I ran off to the supermarket with another woman, whom I will call
    Anjou. We actually had a blast, picking up things like pizelles and eggnog and
    some wonderful sweet tiny oranges (Clementines, maybe?) whose peels practically
    zipped off. I can now report that a French accent can be an enormous asset in
    brief interactions. Anjou got the produce guy to solemnly swear to her that the
    clementines were seedless, and he was charmed; if I had tried that I would have
    just sounded whiny. Even I kept having the urge to explain that yes, you can
    expect American supermarkets to sell Christmas lights, unlike smaller European
    markets. Fortunately I managed to suppress that urge; since she's been in this
    state six years, as long as I have, it's probably safe to assume she knows what
    supermarkets are like.

    Yesterday, I did a half-marathon on the erg.
    That's 21097 meters. I was a bit disappointed to finish a few minutes slower than
    last year. I wasn't pulling hard, but I wasn't then, either. I now have only about
    35000 left for the holiday challenge. (If T2 or Egret are reading this, no, I am
    not going to knock it all off in one marathon row. Yes, I am a wimp.) After that
    we went out and got the Christmas tree, me walking like an old woman. We've got
    it set up, but only had time to put on one string of lights -- because of the boat
    decorating, we have tons of them, so it will be a very well-lit tree. Next week
    we're driving up north about three hours just to get yet another tree, a live one
    that we'll then plant on our lot up north. It's a bit redundant, but this is the
    time of year for that. Having come late to Christmas, I'm not annoyed with its
    excesses, and have no desire yet to scale back. Besides, just this year we've
    gotten about six more ornaments (from Korea, Alaska, the National Cathedral, and
    Mount Vernon) and we may be outgrowing one tree. I don't think we'll normally be
    having more than one tree, though; it's just that the live one will probably only
    be three feet tall and that's just not big enough to make the whole house feel
    festive. The first year we had a tree, we bought lots of plain gold and red balls,
    (as well as some crystal and silver icicles and a few things we just liked) so the
    plain ornaments are gradually being replaced by those that mean something to us. I
    still hang at least some of the stars made from tuna-can-lids that I got before I
    even met Rudder, when I had a tiny tree one year because Gymrat, a lapsed
    Catholic, was visiting over the holiday. (I need to call him, come to think of

    This also appears to be the time of year for cheese; at least
    three times in the last few weeks, people have brought in cheeses and crackers
    (Anjou's Beaujolais Nouveau party, Thursday afternoon in last week's class, and
    now today at work) which have included all kinds of wonderful cheeses. Yum. Wines
    and cheeses .... nothing like foods that are both tasty and able to make you feel
    all sophisticated. I don't know if the cheese markets out here have suddenly
    gotten good or what, but I believe I'll be hitting Trader Joe's or AJ's, our local
    gourmet shops (supermarkets with delusions of grandeur) for some holiday

    The climate thing: I don't think our climate works the way
    other places do -- our temperatures seem to depend only on how much sun we get.
    There are hardly any clouds to seal heat in or out, so our coldest part of the
    year isn't really the part called winter. Instead we always seem to get our
    coldest days around now, late December into early January, when the days are

    The presents and e-cards things: Uh, need to mail the one
    and compose and send the others.

    I think that's

    Oops, one more thing:

    Today I am thankful for: cool

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 14, 2002

    purely for morale purposes

    Went and wasted me some dollars last night, and enjoyed it too. They let us out of
    class around 11, and I (and I think most of the other locals) decided not to head
    into work. I did, of course, check my work email when I got home like a good
    little employee. Um, I think I did.

    So I ran a bunch of errands,
    traded my broken boots in for a pair that were similar but come up to the knee,
    which I hope I won't regret -- I do wear them with pants, but they're made out of
    stretch stuff and are tight to my enormous stud-muffaletta calves (ahem). Then I
    stopped in at a local day spa to check out their survices, and cased the local
    AT&T place, because my biggish and non-studly cell phone is driving me crazy as is
    my prepaid calling plan. I use the plan so rarely I'm lways finding my minutes are
    about to expire. However, I've been using it only due to being in class. It
    doesn't drive me nuts at all when I don't use it, so I decided to wait another
    month and see if I still want to change to a regular plan. If I do, though, I
    could get an internet connection, which I expect mostly to use as something to
    play with while waiting in line. Or checking my email while in class, if I'm ever
    in training much again.

    Then I dropped my old boots oand a pair of
    Rudder's shoes off at the cobbler. I think I'm the only person who says "cobbler"
    anymore -- now they're all called "shoe repair shops". Then I went to he library
    and luxuriated in having plenty of time to spend there, and plenty of time in the
    near future to read any books I might get. I'll also be spending about 3 hours a
    day listening to audiobooks, between erging and commuting, so needed to replenish

    And then....ah, bliss. After a couple of hours at home,
    I went back to the day spa for a massage. Mmmmmmmmmmm. I opted to try the hot
    rocks massage -- not only do they set the rocks on various body parts to impart
    heat, they actually use them for massaging. These rocks are hot, about the
    temperature of a hot tub, so it feels like tongues of flame moving along your arms
    and legs. The table was incredibly comfortable, because they'd added a layer of
    eggcrate foam, plus a heated blanket under me. It did get a bit warm by the end.
    The only drawback is that it uses lighter pressure than other forms of massage. I
    would recommend the hot rock massage for pure relaxation ad destressing, but
    because I've always got tight muscles, I think I will opt for Swedish next

    I got to the spa a little early, so I wasted time in the nearby
    stores. There was one home accessories place, with tchotches all over the place,
    and a clothing store of the type I think of as diva clothes, complete with a
    manager who calls every customer darling and gets very excited at tight-fitting
    clothes. I thinks she takes her own styling cues from some designer, but I'm not
    sure which one. The store carries some Versace, but she's definitely not doing
    Donatella's looks -- not enough hair or cleavage. I found some clothing I liked,
    but asked them to hold it while I went for the massage because it was getting
    late. Went back after and did decide to buy all of it, partly against better
    judgement. There was a hot pink crinkled silky top with a mandarin collar and
    matching flowered chiffon skirt, pink on ivory.I might wear the top under a
    sweater; or the skirt with a sweater; I won't wear the set together for 6 months,
    but it was half-price and will be wonderful for work then. Thee was a vanilla
    ribbed turtleneck that I expect to get a ton of wear from in the next few months,
    and a pair of very-low-waited, denim-belted jeans that I will rarely wear, but
    that I bought because, frankly, they make my ass look incredible. Unfortunately,
    they make it look a little too good for work, though I might be able to wear them
    there with a long top. Though I suppose that defeats the whole purpose. I need to
    go to parties more.

    Today I am thankful for: having enough
    money that I can waste some. I really need to donate more to charities, though.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:22 AM

    December 13, 2002

    usual bitching

    So, 123000 meters into the erg thing, which means somewhere over 125000 calories
    burned, and my stomach is looking pouchy. Where, I ask you, where is the justice
    in this world? I'm beginning to think rowing may actually be better exercise than
    erging a comparable distance. After all, besides the actual rowing, there's the
    carrying the boat to and from the water -- we have a longer haul than any other
    boatyard I've seen.

    Of course all these late dinners aren't helping:
    chili and beer Wednesday night, sushi last night because my class went out to
    celebrate the end of training. I keep trying to convince myself that the stomach-
    pouching is only an ephemeral phenomenon caused by late dinners not having been
    fully digested by early mornng, but I'm not entirely buying it. Of course, I'm not
    trying to eat any less, either.

    Today I get out early and can finally
    do some errands, which is a good thing because tomorrow one of the other people
    planning our entry into the annual Boat Parade told all the other rowers to show
    up at 2, to decorate a boat for a 7PM parade, and by the time we found out it
    would only have confused people to change it. It does not take 5 hours to put
    lights on a boat, but since we're among the motivating factors of this whole
    thing, we'll pretty much have to be there the whole time or people will just leave
    and we won't have anyone to carry and row the eight. I'm not all that jazzed about
    te actual lighting anyway, but Rudder gets off on planning this sort of thing.
    (Yes, my husband is perverse in some ways.) The parade itself will be fun, if I
    haven't gone stark mad by then.

    Off to get out some more cards before
    heading off to class.

    Today I am thankful for: Only a half day
    of training!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 11, 2002


    Odd. Went out with Homer and Alice to our local brewpub tonight. This also happens
    to be the brewpub in the mall, and it's now December, two facts we forgot when we
    arranged to meet there. (We haven't been there for a while, since our usual href="">partners in crime deserted us for wetter
    climates.) The odd thing was that parking was easy, and so was getting a table --
    much easier than on a typical summer Wednesday. I'm starting to get very, very
    worried about the local economy.

    Today I am thankful for
    Getting to see some old friends, and hear from others.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    drat...very quickly

    Busybusybusy. Need to leave for class, running late, but waiting for a floppy to
    format so I can put something on it that I want to take. Meeting Homer and Alice
    tonight over a beer. How long do floppies take to format, anyhow? Dammit. Don't
    want to be late because the instructor WILL embarass me if I walk in after he's
    shut the doors.

    Phew. It's done. Dammit, now the damn thing only fits
    one of the two files I wanted on it. Drat drat drat .... bye!

    Posted by dichroic at 07:32 AM

    December 10, 2002

    more shopping

    I'm back in class yet again (sigh), which is why updates are a bit sporadic this
    week. This is the last week of my four-weeks-in-four-months training, though.
    After this, I'll only (!) have to figure out what to do with all I've learned. And
    how to help other people use all the stuff I've learned.

    Over the
    weekend I did a bit more shopping though these gifts were as much for me as for
    Rudder. I did it a bit backward, though; it was only after dropping a chunk of
    change at Blowfish that I asked my own
    version of Susie Bright, the well-informed href="">Natalie if she'd had dealings with
    them. (The original Susie Bright's page links to them, to purchase any of the
    products she recommends, so I figured they had to be reasonably reputable. Also,
    their web pages are reassuringly coherent and helpful.) Not only did Natalie give
    them an enthusiastic review, but as it turned out I could have just waited a day
    and read Badsnake on
    the subject. I will just note that between the Rancho and Chez Dichroic, Blowfish
    must not be feeling the recession too badly. I didn't spend as mch as Bad did, but
    then I'm not supplying as many people. :-)

    In unrelated musings, I
    noted wrongly that my holiday shopping was done. I do have a gift or two left --
    that sort of thing always trails out. And in the realm of things I really don't
    understand, I've been burning 500-700 calories daily on the erg. So why is it I've
    gained two pounds? Cardio exercise isn't supposed to do that, but I don't think
    I've been eating more. Odd. I did hear of a similar idea that sounds good;
    apparently a local Y here sponsors the "lazy man's triathlon": running 26.2 miles,
    biking 100mi, and swimming 3 miles, but over the course of a month. Not for me, I
    mean, because that's more running than I'm willing to do even over a month, but
    someone who jogs anyway might like it as a goal.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    artistic judgement

    Yesterday: a software demo in a hotel next to a fancy shopping center I'd never
    visited, then an afternoon off. A tasty but ridiculously expensive lunch in said
    center. A visit to the Poisoned Pen, a
    mystery bookstore I'd never been to either, where I picked up a copy of Barbara
    Hambly's Day of the Dead. (I'd planned to wait for paperback but -- score!!
    -- they had a signed copy. Given that I never sell books unless they're absolutely
    awful, I have no idea why it makes me happy to know that in five years it will be
    worth twice what I paid for it.) Next, an hour and a half with Janice, student
    masseuse extraordinaire with a soft voice and strong hands, then a stop to pick up
    the film from Death Valley, where I caved in to a combination of exasperation and
    holiday-shopping-mode and bought us a light table and loupe. I'm sick and tired of
    looking and slides in a one-at-a-time viewer, and given that Rudder's bought ten
    rolls of film for Antarctica, I think it's time for better way.

    were some good shots in the Death Valley batch, though as usual we disagree on
    which ones they were. One of my favorites is of me in the dry chute of a seasonal
    waterfall. You can see the whole chute and a bit of sky at the top with light
    coming down; I'm tiny, maybe a tenth the height of the chute, dressed all in black
    and looking up. My other favorite is the Devil's Golf Course, which is a flat
    plain full of rough stubby salt formations. You're looking across the plain at a
    mountain with sunrise light on it and snow on the top; the mountains are fuzzy and
    the salt formations crystal clear. Rudder likes the waterfall pic but says "It
    looks better smaller," i.e. not magnified in the loupe, and prefers a similar shot
    of the Golf Course where the whole scene is in focus. Pah. The man has no artistic

    (The long-time reader, or the long-married one, will correctly
    interpret this to mean "He doesn't like what I like.")

    we didn't get these pictures put on CD-ROM or I'd post them and take a poll. We
    probably will digitize the best along with our Antarctic shots when we get back,
    so maybe I'll do it then.

    Today was back to work, but did include a
    lunch out with most of my department. Paid for, even.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 08, 2002

    Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat

    Things I learned this weekend: "In Dulci Jubilo" is actually the same as the carol
    "Good Christian Men, Rejoice" that I sang in junior high school choir. (In a choir
    that was more than half Jewish, including the choir director,

    I'm still in remedial Christmas education, not having
    celebrated the holiday until I took up with Rudder. Now we do both Christmas and
    Chanukah. I confess, though, that I use Rudder as an excuse. I do throw myself
    into celebrating Christmas, though in a secular way. For one thing, I like
    holidays, the more the better. This is a Jewish thing, I think; we have more
    holidays than anyone except Catholic-school kids who get off for all the saints'
    days. For another thing, I figure anything that promotes "peace on Earth, good
    will to mankind" is worthwhile. Thirdly, it is just strange living in the U.S. and
    not celebrating it. I'm not fond of feeling left out. Growing up, we sang
    Christmas carols and made Christmas crafts in school, and watched Rudolph, Frosty,
    and Charlie Brown every year. The mall (in our largely Jewish neighborhood) decked
    itself in lights and fake evergreen garlands. I think my parents even got a
    picture or two of me on Santa's lap, and rumor has it I'd memorized The Night
    Before Christmas
    by age two. And yet we had no tree or presents or

    I think this is something that's been a problem for
    Jews in general since moving out of the ghettos and participating in the larger
    culture. My great-gradnmother referred to my grandmother, her non-Yiddish-speaking
    daughter-in-law, as a "Yiddishe shiksa" (lit. Jewish gentile). My uncle reports
    that he and my mother did have Christmas trees as children, 'until we realized we
    were Jewish'. I went to college with people of Jewish background whose families
    always celebrated Christmas. We often gathered for big family dinners then,
    because that's when everyone had time off.

    It's hard not to
    celebrate when it's a recognized national holiday with an official national tree
    at the White House, when all businesses are closed and everyone has time off, when
    every magazine has articles on what to wear at holiday parties and what to buy as
    presents. It will be interesting to see what happens in the future, as the various
    Christian denominations become less of a majority in the US. (This might not
    happen if Hispanic Catholics coming in balance out Buddhist and Hindu immigrants,
    or if the latter tend to convert as they assimilate.) My guess is that we'll
    continue to celebrate the holiday but in a more and more secular way, as Japan

    I sympathize with religious Christians who hate to see their
    holy feast co-opted, but I suspect they're fighting a losing battle. (Only as far
    as the wider society goes -- if I can celebrate Passover in my home, there's no
    reason Christmas can't be Christ's mass in theirs.) At any rate, since most
    Biblical analyses I've seen seem to think Jesus would have been born in spring,
    and since our current celebrations owe at least as much to Yule and Saturnalia, it
    may be a battle lost before it started. Besides, it was a battle lost to win the
    war; co-opting local holidays was a primary method early missionaries used to gain

    So I do celebrate Christmas with enthusiasm and enjoyment,
    marred only by a limited tolerance for kitsch. I'm not a high-culture snob; I like
    things I understand. I prefer Norman Rockwell to Jackson Pollock or even your
    average medieval allegorical painter. In the case of Christmas decorations, the
    kitch-tolerance line is fuzzy. There's "not in my house", which includes pretty
    much any decoration that makes noise ecept jingle bells, and then there's "get it
    out of my sight", which would include the bare-bellied wiggling Santa I saw the
    other day. In other words, I'm pretty tolerant.

    In the matter of
    music, I draw the line much sooner. First of all, Christmas music Should Not be
    played before Thanksgiving. Second, I really wish people would give up entirely on
    updating holiday music, unless the resultant oeuvre has either entertainment or
    aesthetic value. In other words, "Jingle Bell Rock" and "Rockin' Around the
    Christmas Tree" should be abolished. I'm OK with Rudolph and Frosty (the songs) as
    long as I don't have to hear them more than about three times a week. (A futile
    ambition.) My favorites, though, are the really old traditional ones that seem to
    hold layers of meaning like "The Holly and the Ivy" (I keep wondering if all the
    Jesus stuff was a later addition) and "Lully Lullay" or the semi-obscure but
    beautiful ones like "In the Deep Midwinter" or "I Heard the Bells on Christmas
    Day". As an antidote to the horrible mall music I've been hearing, I've gone out
    and bought CDs by the Medieval Baebes (which then saw mentioned in In Style
    magazine -- hey, I'm trendy!) and the Robert Shaw Chorale, and a Chanukah
    compilation including They Might Be Giants (they're Jewish??). I haven't listened
    to the last; the Shaw one is good traditional and some not quite traditional
    music, nicely done, and the Baebes are lovely pagan-meets-medieval Christian-
    meets-Le Mystère Des Voix Bulgares. So now should I accidentally flip to the All-
    Really, Really Bad-Christmas-Music-All-the-Time radio station, I have the

    Oops, almost forgot:

    Today I am thankful for: All my shopping's done and I'm more than halfway
    through the erg challenge.

    Concept II Holiday Challenge: Approx. 88000 meters left to go.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    Erg. erg, erg, erg. Another fifteen thousand meters knocked off today, and I'm
    thoroughly convinced there's a very good reason those rowing machines aer called


    Unfortunately, RUdder hasn't erged yet today
    so he's way too fucking energetic and is driving me nuts. I've been trying to
    hint, in subtle wifely ways, that he's got plenty of time to do his daily hitch
    before we have to go out, as long as he doesn't do anything insane like a half-
    marathon (having done a whole marathon yesterday, I can't imagine why he'd want to
    do more than necessary today) but the hinets are not landing on fertile


    Ergito, cogito sum -- I erg, therefore I think I am. Only I'm not entirely sure
    what I think I am.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:33 AM

    December 07, 2002

    back in black

    Today I have:

    erged 10000 meters

    gotten my hair cut

    (pretty much) my holiday shopping

    addressed most of my

    And now we're off for a dinner cruise -- just a little one, on
    a local lake, which one of Rudder's vendors hosts every holiday season. I think I
    should now be allowed to retire from the holidays and let someone else do the rest
    of it.

    Of course, that would work better if there were a tree or any
    holiday decorations up at all in our house, and if I didn't still have another
    155000 meters to erg by midnight Christmas eve. Damn. And I don't even have kids.
    How do people who do manage?

    Today I am thankful for: the
    mall's not being overcrowded today, though it probably isn't a good sign

    Posted by dichroic at 02:55 PM

    December 06, 2002

    Where have I been?

    Let's see, why haven't I updated? Yesterday there was the day off that made me
    want to go back to work for a rest. Up only slightly later than usual, erg 10K,
    shower, breakfast, off to the mall to buy holiday music at B&N and return a
    sweater. (I love that I can mail-order clothes from J. Crew and then return them
    to the store if they don't fit. Shorter line and closer than the post orifice
    and no shipping charge.) Over to the bank to get in my safe deposit box,
    which would have worked better if I had remembered that you need a key, then to
    pick up some more glowsticks for Rudder's art project. (Actually, decorating a
    four-man shell for the lake's Christmas Boat Parade. It's not easy to light up an
    unpowered boat that's extremely fragile and only about a foot wide. That will need
    to be a whole 'nother entry, probably.) Then to the library for audiobooks to erg
    to. (Score! Elizabeth Peter's latest Amelia Peabody, which I couldn't decide
    whether to buy.) Then to another store to get Rudder's birthday gift, then the
    supermarket for ingredients. Home again, to make the World's Easiest Potluck
    dishes, a Mexican Layer Dip and an Eggnog Pie. The pie was a new recipe someone on
    an email list had posted and it is stupidly easy: mix eggnog, cream, sugar, eggs
    and brandy. Pour in piecrust - storebought, of course. I don't *do* piecrust.
    Bake. Ta-dah! Tasted good, too, though I certainly should have been a tiny bit
    less lazy and beaten the eggs first.

    Only problem was that the pie
    took longer than expected to bake (My oven's fault, I think) leaving me nearly no
    time to nap with Rudder before leaving for the work Christmas party, at my
    regrettably-soon-to-be-ex-boss's incredible house way out in the desert. That was
    fun, since I like my coworkers. Food, bonfires, and even Frosty and Rudolph
    projected onto a sheet for the kids.

    This morning we slept
    wonderfully, luxuriously late and then stayed in bed even later -- I'm talking
    normal non-rower weekend hours, ten 10AM. Good thing, because then I had to erg a
    half marathon, 21097 meters, which I did in five minutes less than the last time.
    Then I'd have updated but my fingers weren't working so well, and when they'd
    rested I had to do all the rest of my Christmas cards. Which brings us down to

    And now I'm hungry.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 05, 2002


    Rudder and I spent the five nights of our Thanksgiving break sleeping in a
    (mercifully comfortable) sofabed, on the fifth floor of a corner building, where
    sirens spin by from the nearby police and fire stations, cars drive by at all
    hours, and people walk by and sometimes yell to each other on the street below.

    (We also slept on pillows with a strong resemblance to
    griddle cakes. I know what my uncle is getting for his next birthday.)

    During the day, we pushed through crowds at museums,
    spoke loudly so we could hear each other in crowded restaurants, and tried to find
    enough quiet in our heads to properly appreciate monuments and a

    When we got back, the first thing we noticed was the
    quiet. There is a small airport nearly next door, but it's not all that busy even
    during the day and hardly anyone lands there at night. We're toward the back of a
    quiet subdivision that backs onto fields and an Indian reservation. When the
    lights and fans are off, the only thing we hear at night is the ever-present 60-
    cycle hum all modern buildings have, and an occasional car on the street out
    front. There is an easement in back of us, so the houses and streets behind us are
    a good bit away. A couple of times the power has gone off and even the normal hum
    has gone quiet, leaving the house in an uncanny silence.

    It's not at
    all fancy; though we have some good wood pieces, most of the house is not so much
    decorated as furnished, and the condition of the upholstered furniture makes it
    clear that our cats are not declawed. The place is big -- 5 bedrooms for the two
    of us. There's always somewhere else to go if you don't like where you are, always
    a free room. It's very restful.

    Or at least, it would be, if I got to
    spend any waking time there.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    I wonder whether, maybe, there are only a few things that have ever changed. Two
    of those are the scale of events and the speed and ubiquity of communication. That
    is, war was always linked to despair, but the big wars of this century have
    brought pain and death to more people than those of any other time. And modern
    communications have let people know of and grieve over events all over the world,
    instead of worrying only about local problems. But more essential things don't
    change. Longfellow, the poet who made it ok to be brilliant only some of the time,
    wrote this in one of his better efforts:

    I heard the bells on Christmas Day

    Their old familiar carols play.

    And wild and sweet the words repeat

    of peace on earth, good will to men.

    I thought of how this day had come,

    The belfries of all Christendom

    Had rung so long the unbroken song

    Of peace on earth, good will to men.

    Then in despair I bowed my head.

    "There is no peace on earth," I said,

    "For hate is strong and mocks the song

    Of peace on earth, good will to men."

    Then pealed the bells now loud and deep:

    "God is not dead nor doth He sleep.

    The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,

    With peace on earth, good will to men.

    Incidentally, other things that really have changed over time are that a greater
    percentage of humans do have the right to pursue their own vision of happiness, or
    a way to get to where they can have that right, and that more and more types of
    prejudice are viewed as wrong by more and more people. Despite the Irish Troubles
    and the Mid-East unrest, and the recent genocides in Africa, despite some of the
    things happening even in the US, and a world with more troubles than Pandora had,
    those things still give me Hope.

    Today I am Thankful for: See above.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:15 AM

    December 04, 2002


    Funny, work doesn't feel all that busy these days, but I don't seem to have any
    time at lunch to post here. I still haven't settled in to the new job -- next week
    I'll be back once again in grumblegrumble training. Actually, it's great training;
    I just wish it came at more widely spaced intervals.

    The holidays
    have now officially hit. Normally there's some period in November where I realize
    we have things scheduled every weekend until the end of the year. This time, we've
    had busy weekends since the end of October, but we had a couple weeks' break
    between regattas and Thanksgiving so that the earlier part didn't feel like
    holiday season. Now I know we're into it because we have holiday-ish things every
    day for the rest of this week. Fortunately, the friends we were supposed to meet
    tonight, the ones I had totally forgotten about, emailed and canceled because they
    got sick over Thanksgiving. Poor things; it's not just being sick for the holiday
    itself, but I'm sure the trip back was miserable.

    So instead tonight
    we will shop, since we'd let the pantry empty out before our trip. Tomorrow we
    have a meeting to plan how to light the boats for the annual boat parade; Friday
    night there's an end-of-year rowing outing, Saturday we have a dinner cruise (on a
    local in the mountains) from one of Rudder's vendors, and Sunday is the annual
    holiday thing from my work. I am so looking forward to spending Christmas
    at home with Rudder, relaxing and maybe painting and rearranging the house a bit.
    There will be at least one day spent without getting out of bed, we've promised
    ourselves. There will be a tree -- we never have one on years we travel for the
    holiday. I've promised myself to decorate the family room nicely even if I have to
    buy more things to do it (yes, it's severe penance). There will, I have vowed, be
    a fire in the firepit I hardly ever get to use. And popcorn. And hot chocolate.
    And hours and hours and hours to read.

    And I'll have to bone up a
    bit for some a class I have to teach just after New Year's but nothing is

    In other news, I'm once again attempting the holiday erg
    challange -- 200000m between Thanksgiving and Xmas. That's almost a week less time
    than last year, and I missed 5 days due to our Thanksgiving trip, so whether I'll
    make it remains to be seen. I did get on an erg once during the trip, for 10K, so
    only 175000m left to go. I can't wait.

    Today I am thankful
    my company's shutting down for at least a week over

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 03, 2002

    turkey in DC

    The Thanksgiving trip, from which we got back last night, involved getting to DC,
    cooking and eating Thanksgiving dinner for three (me, Rudder, and my uncle),
    monuments and museums, a cathedral, more museums, meeting up with friends,
    visiting Mt. Vernon, walking around in Alexandria, and getting home again.
    Respectively, things were ok, good, interesting, amazing as usual, good, great,
    interesting, cold, and kind of sucky. On balance, I think it was a

    My uncle is the easiest of my relatives to stay with and
    hang out with. This is partly because he goes to interesting places and does
    interesting things and thus has interesting things to talk about, but more because
    he has a condo in a neighborhood described by this month's issue of In
    magazine as "edgy" (they had a blurb on a salon just across the street)
    which boasts two bathrooms. And no denizens with IBD, which makes it a far better
    place to stay than, say, the house in which I grew up. He's a pretty good DC
    tourguide, too, except for tendencies to get distracted and start telling stories
    when he's giving driving directions ("I remember bringing your grandfather down
    this road..." "Um, excuse me, but do I need to get in the left lane now?" "My
    friend Susan used to live in that building..." "That's nice but should I turn
    here??") and to chatter on when you want to be experiencing a cathedral in

    The Air and Space Museum wasn't quite as much fun as usual
    because of huge day-after-Thanksgiving Day crowds. (And why on Earth are there
    always, always Amish families in there? I don't get it.) It and the other href="">Smithsonian museums now all have guards at the doors
    checking bags, so we actually had to wait in line to get in. On the other hand,
    there was no wait and few people, at the Ripley gallery, which had a good exhibit
    of portraits of famous women. The Building
    has a spectacular atrium (you can sometimes see it televised when
    Christmas concerts are held there) and a few good exhibits on public
    infrastructures and the history of Do-It-Yourselfing, but the best part of it is
    really the shop, if you like museum shops. The href="">National Cathedral
    is always stunning and always worth seeing, unless you're my mother, whose
    attitude toward it is, "Aren't there any nice synagogues around

    We saw a wild turkey at Mount Vernon on Sunday -- I guess it
    feels safe now.

    Saturday night we had one of the highlights of the
    trip, an evening at a brewpub with friends. Rudder's college friend IE came out,
    and (drumroll) I had a chance to meet href="">Jenn, who arrived with a friend, K, whom I
    keep thinking of as Laura. She looked like a Laura. It was an interesting group:
    two rowers, two passionate sailors, my uncle, who loves travel and food and is
    wont to reminisce about meals he had in June of 1972 in Paris, or late 1983 in New
    York, and IE, who informed us that he can't wait until retirement so he can play
    golf, every day and all day. I was very excited to meet Jenn, and enjoyed it
    thoroughly. It's always interesting to see how someone is different live than
    online -- Jenn is a bit softer-spoken than I had expected, though just as
    passionate about her boats, and she somehow had never gotten around to mentioning
    the vague resemblance to Nicole Kidman. (She looks like Nicole when she's just
    being Nicole, in an interview or whatever, as opposed to when she's decked out as
    the Glamorous Movie Star or costumed as a consumptive stripper.) That may explain
    all the marriage proposals, anyhow. I think Laura had a good time, though she was
    a bit quiet -- it must be odd to spend an evening with your friend's cyberfriends
    and several others you know nothing about. What with the obsessions ranging from
    competitive watersports to competitive eating, we had no shortage of general
    discussion topics at least, especially as Rudder knows enough about sailing to ask
    good questions.

    The worst part of the trip was getting home: there
    was a snowstorm in Chicago that resulted in our flying into Phoenix at 11PM,
    instead of 5:30 as originally planned. Bleah, but better than it could have

    Today I am thankful for: being back home.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    cheers, beauty, and holiday delusions

    Two very short essays today.


    It's an odd thing about people in the desert; come the
    Christmas decorating season, they seem to want to pretend not to be in the
    desert. In my neighborhood, twinkling lights strung on saguaros, or even lit
    ornaments hanging from them are common, though I think that's more a matter of
    celebrating what you've got instead of wanting what you don't have. At any rate,
    the effect is more one of Southwest festivity rather than of a cactus in pine-tree
    clothing. The Southwest theme is also evident in the many houses with luminarias
    lining their paths. Those have spread elsewhere, but I think they derive from Old
    and New Mexico and Arizona originally. Originally luminarias were just paper bags
    filled half-full of sand, with a candle sitting in the sand. It gives a warm
    golden glow through the brown paper. These days they're more apt to be plastic and
    electrified, but the effect is similar.

    The denial is factored in to
    some decorations that have been becoming much more common in the last few years.
    It's always (since the advent of electric Chistmas lights, anyhow) been common to
    outline your house in twinkling bulbs, either white or clear. Lately, though,
    almost every house in the neighborhood has its roofline dripping with icicle
    lights instead of a straight line. Sometimes these are so thickly gathered as to
    look more like a wide band of tiny lights, sometimes they are spread widely enough
    to show the icicle effect.

    If icicles in the blistering deserts
    aren't weird enough, there are the streams. Many houses here have desert
    landscaping instead of grass, and for good reason. Much less work is required,
    less of our precious water is required -- we're in year eight of a severe drought
    -- and native plants adapt better to our climate. Like the real desert around us,
    these mini desert-scapes often contain small washes, sculpted stream-beds picked
    out with smooth rocks. WHat more and more people are doing during the holidays is
    to convert these into flowing streams. When done well, this involves strings of
    twinkling blue lights scattered randomly along the stream bed. Of course, some
    people don't quite get the idea, and use other colored lights, or lights that
    don't twinkle, or lay the light-strings out ruler-straight so the effect looks
    less like a sparkling stream and more like a string of lights accidentally left on
    the ground.

    Between cactus Christmas trees, icicle lights hagingin up
    in 70-degree weather, and blue streams coursing across desert lawns, not to
    mention the snow a nearby town sets up one day every winter for the kids to play
    in, I'm convinced many of my neighbors are in denial. Next they'll invent glowing
    white sheets to lay on the gravel to simulate snow in the front yards.
    Ooops....maybe I shouldn't mention that idea too

    Cheers and Beauty

    some reason, this morning at the gym my mind kept running over what I think was
    one of the finer moments in the old TV show Cheers. In the episode, Coach's
    daughter was visiting. I don't remember the actress's name -- I think she also
    played the secretary in Moonlighting -- but she was either very plain or
    was made up to look plain. Think of Adrienne in the first Rocky movie.
    Coach believed his daughter was beautiful, and had always told her so, but she had
    a much harsher view f her own looks -- and the show's audience was clearly meant
    to agree with her. Her father couldn't understand why she never went on dates or
    had a boyfriend, and she couldn't seem to explain to him. FInally in desperation,
    she stepped back into a bright light and said, "Daddy, look at me! For get I'm
    your daughter and really look at me! What do you see??"

    He looked and
    got very solemn, and whispered, "Oh, my God."

    Then his eyes filled
    with tears, and he said, "You look.... you look just like your

    I think the show's writers meant to make a point about
    delusions and families being hopelessly partial because the daughter's next line
    was an emphatic, "Exactly! And Mom was not..." then, very gently, "Not...
    comfortable with her own beauty, you know that." But if that's what they intended,
    it's not the point I took. To me, it speaks of love and of the subjective nature
    of beauty. Of course she was only a fictional bit character on an old TV show, but
    I have a tendency to believe in imaginary characters, having spent too much of my
    childhood in a world where the only people who shared many of my interests and
    feelings were fictional. I can't help hoping that shortly after that episode, she
    found a man* as loving and honest as her father, and that that conversation helped
    her believe him when he told her she was beautiful.


    *Note: I'm not just being heterocentric here, though I
    confess that I wrote first, then thought. The show made it clear she was
    interested in men.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    Thanksgiving mostly good, but the longer post I wrote was disappeared on me. Will
    try to reconstitute it later.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:11 PM

    November 27, 2002

    giving thanks

    Having just heard some very good news
    this morning that will send me happily into Thanksgiving, I'm going to repeat last
    year's holiday observance: from now through the New Year, I'll list something I'm
    thankful for every day. I thought about using this to replace my new clothes field
    -- I've decided not to for now, but may change my mind. Meanwhile, I am packed,
    trying to think of work things to occupy my morning, and ready to head East to
    celebrate the holiday with my favorite uncle. (He's also my only uncle, not
    counting great-uncles and distant cousins with courtesy titles.) I may not be able
    to update here until next week. And I get to meet href="">Batten in person!!And maybe href="">Geni!

    Today I am thankful
    Friends in real life. Friends online. Friends who are also family. And
    most of all, the prospect of a new little friend I'll be hoping to meet in nine

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 26, 2002

    what it's like when I'm not in training

    I do like the group I work with. Today we had a fire drill at 10:20. Our response?
    "Let's go out to lunch! What restaurants are open at this time?" Unfortunately,
    the damn security guard made us stay around until the drill was over, just so we
    could be counted. Not that anybody was actually counting.

    But we did
    go out as soon as the drill was over, at 10:45. Did I mention that I like the
    people I work with? I lost my pager somewhere in the course of that lunch, but
    I'm not convinced that's altogether a bad thing.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 25, 2002


    So there I was this morning, out on the lake, and suddenly thought, "This is not
    fun." I think I've been rowing for a while now out of a feeling of obgliation,
    which is both stupid and unpleasant. I don't really need any more obligations in
    my life, but somehow quitting rowing would feel as if I were somehow wimping out
    of something, a feeling I deeply abhor.

    I've come up with some possible options:

    • Quit entirely and find a new sport. I don't like things that make me sweat for
      a long time, so maybe the gymnastics-for-adults class Hardcore once mentioned or
      yoga. The thing about yoga is that I like getting into the positions, but probably
      wouldn't like holding them for ages. Also, I've not quite figuring out why yoga
      classes have you do things like the gas-relieving posture (I think that's one of
      its real names) when you're in a classroom with other people and not really in a
      farting-approved environment.
    • Take a break from rowing and see if it feels better when I get back to it. I
      will sort of do this anyway over the holidays, if I decide to do the Concept II
      200000 erg challenge again. I'll need to scale back on rowing just to have enough
      time to erg. I'm not convinced, though, that erging furiously is much of a change
      from rowing. The one aspect that will help is that I suspect some of my burnout
      stems from a hyperactive monkey mind. My best way of clearing it out is readin,
      and on an erg I can at least listen to books on tape.
    • Reframe rowing, somehow, so it doesn't feel so much like one more damn burden
      -- just get out and row lightly instead of training for races maybe, or cut back
      so I can sleep in at least one morning a week, or row one day on the weekend so I
      can sleep in, since I think my burnout is more from the hectic schedule than the
      actual on-water time.

    Yet another possibility would be to find another job closer to home, so there
    would be more *day* in my day. Right now I leave home at 4:30 AM, row, shower,
    work, and get home around 6, and that's a major cause of my burnout. The problems
    with that are that I really like this job, and that I would like to stay with this
    company for several years, to counteract the effects on my resume of having held
    the last three jobs for only 1 - 1.5 years.

    Maybe I just need a holiday. Rudder and I are beginning to think we need to just
    stay home over Christmas, not even doing the short tripos to Death Valley and Las
    Vegas we were considering. We can sleep late, get lots of sorely-needed skin time,
    fit our rowing or erging somewhere in the middle of our lovely long free days,
    stay up late if we want, and in my case, read and read and read and read.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    yes, I spend too much on clothing

    I've added a new field up top, largely because I'm curious to see whether my
    clothes sound as cool as Anat's when
    described. They're not as cool really, of course, but they might sound nearly as
    good if you're not looking at them.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:06 PM

    November 23, 2002

    class rundown

    Thank goodness that's over. The class I've just finished was a fascinating
    experience, though, on a number of levels.

    First, of course, was the
    one it was intended for. We learned a lot of statistical and other Six Sigma tools
    (don't ask unless you really want to know) and learned them much better for having
    applied them on our projects.

    Next was the teamwork aspect. I've
    worked on teams all my life, of course, but mostly not this closely or on this
    intense a project (except maybe while rowing in a four or eight). As I've said,
    this was not the team I'd have chosen. It wasn't that bad, though. The two people
    I hadn't worked with before were both great. One women I expected to be annoyed
    with was designated as the group lead and actually did an excellent job. (And yes,
    I told her so.) That leaves only one woman whose head I kept wanting to rip off
    and use as a sacrifice to the gods of statistics. Among other annoying
    characteristics were a laugh like a hyena, a tendency to laugh at her own unfunny
    jokes, and a habit after a margarita or two of tossing her head and saying, "Hel-
    loo-o. Like, I'm from California?" I mean, really. There should be no need for any
    functioning adult to show off her Valley Girl impression more than, oh, once a
    decade or so.

    However, at least she wasn't stupid. One thing I've
    learned on this project is that a team really does get more done, even if
    it's not an optimal team, as long as the team members are all reasonably
    competent. This would have been completely overwhelming as an individual project -
    - it was wonderful to know lots of things would get done without my having to do

    Another interesting thing was watching my own reactions. I had
    some training at the previous job on personality styles and was classified as a
    Driving Expressive (look here to see how this system compares to others. One thing
    they talked about in that training was how, under stress, the types go through a
    certain pattern, showing characteristics of other types. According to that system,
    under stress I should first act according to my pattern, attacking people I
    disagree with, then move through Acquiescing, Atutocratic, and Avoiding in
    extreem cases. And you know what, they were purt'near right, though I think I
    switched Autocratic and Acquiescing. Of course in a professional situation I don't
    get all emotional and make personal attacks, no matter what my type-rating says,
    but I do challenge people's logic and conclusions when I disagree. From there it
    was "Let's get this done -- do this, this and this, bang, bang bang, we should
    just shoot quickly through this part." Then I moved to "Fine. I don't care enough
    to argue - let's do it your way just so we can move on. I'm tired of arguing and
    we're wasting time." And finally it was "If I stay engaged in this conversation
    someone's going to have a new asshole ripped for them -- better to pull back and
    just go off for a bit."

    Finally, not coincidentally with that last
    point, I will say that finding a copy of the excellent href="">Lust Over Pendle still stashed on
    my Palm Pilot did wonders for my sanity, especially in those times where I didn't
    think we needed another trial, other people did, and we had to wait until after
    midnight until we could do one. At the risk of sounding obnoxious, I was right
    about that and a lot of other things, but I don't think anyone was realized it --
    either though not understanding the point I was making, not listening, or a spot
    of self-delusion (which if this weren't a diary I might refer to as "having a
    different perspective"). I did at least refrain from using the phrase "I told you
    so," I'm proud to say.

    Next up is this afternoon's race, a post-race
    dinner, then a party to taste the new Beaujolais, to which I'm quite looking

    Posted by dichroic at 10:33 AM

    November 22, 2002

    almost done

    Got home around 12:30 last night. Thank goodness today is a short day -- we
    basically just have to test our "extermination systems", make a "sales pitch"
    about them, award a trophy to whoever gets the most points and go home.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:35 AM

    November 21, 2002

    no coffee??

    Last night we were working on our projects until 11:30, a mere 3.5 hours past my
    normal bedtime. I can't imaine who thought it was a good idea to combine projects
    with class time; I strongly doubt we were the latest ones there and I can't
    imagine everyone will be bright-eyed and alert at 8AM for class. My head hurts and
    it's definiely unfortunate that I can't drink coffee.

    The idea of
    these projects is to use a balsa wood glider to kill a varmint -- we are supposed
    to be an exterminator company. Of course, we need to use all sorts of statistical
    tools to design our experiments, changing various parameters on the gliders and
    the launch procedures. Anyone know a good way to make a glider fly straight?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 20, 2002

    Rudder rocks

    Rudder rocks. He's on the phone with Taiwan now .... I think he may have had them
    call him at home just so he could get here in time to give me a tool I need to
    take back for my class project (they let me escape home for dinner). Wow.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:06 PM

    argh and ok

    Yesterday alternated between arrghh (my team lead signed up for a room time at ten
    tonight when she could have pickd two PM tomorrow -- just in case the lecturers
    run late and we might miss a morsel) and OK (we worked until about two hours past
    my bedtime but did get lots done -- and not at a snail' pace either). We'll see
    how today goes.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:02 AM

    November 18, 2002

    yet again arrgggh

    DOn't expect to see much of me this week -- I'm back in training for week three of
    the Black Belt stuff, and they say this week we'll end up staying very late.
    Unfortunately the instructors (not the same ones who were there last week) picked
    who works with whom for our big project and they stuck me with the two women who
    drove me absofuckinglutely nuts last week. (Very nice women but v - e - r - r - y
    slow and methodical on e - v - e - r - y - f - u - c - k - i - n - g - t - h - i -
    n - g. And I'm not.) Just when I'd sat at a table with the people who would make
    the best team of the class. I felt rather complimented, actually, when a few of
    them sounded upset about not getting to work in our team.

    Forgot to
    say it, but I agree with SWooP; the first part of CHamber of Secrets was choppy
    and very rushed.

    Lesson: when you write a poem about rowing and the
    moon (yes, another one) and you're trying to capture the fey loveliness of moon
    over lighted bridge over water, don't look at the poem later while you're in a
    work-related class. The juxtaposition just makes the poem look stupid. And I don't
    think it is, or at least not as bad as it looked.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:21 PM

    November 17, 2002

    Potter review

    Here's my Harry Potter mini-review; I'll try to avoid spoilers but no

    I liked it.

    I was a bit worried because the
    critics liked it and these are the same idiots who complained about the first
    movie because it was "too close to the book.


    No wonder they were happier though, because
    this one does depart a bit more. In general it wasn't a problem; for instance, the
    scene with the Malfoys shopping in Diagon Alley was omitted, but a speech from
    Lucius at Flourish and Blott's Bookshop made his Dark tendencies just as obvious.
    There were a few new oneliners and a few places where minor departures from the
    text added a lot of visual punch -- for instance, Harry and Draco's chase though
    the scaffolding of the stands in the Quidditch match. (I will say, though, that
    the reviewer I read who claimed the match was more realistic this ime was clearly
    sniffing glue.)Another nice touch was that Harry was filthy from his Floo trip and
    Knockturn Alley when Lockhart pulled him up for a picture for the Daily Prophet in
    the bookstore, adding to his obvious annoyance at being in the spotlight.

    The atmosphere was well done, again, and Branagh as Lockhaart was
    brilliant and hilarious, while the actor who played Lucius Malfoy was brilliant
    and chilling. The mix of styles in the costuming, from Elizabethan (Lockhart's
    dueling doublet) to Georgian (Malfoy's hair and clothes toward the end) to
    early/mid Victorian (Diagon Alley, Fudge's clothes) did a nice job of conveying an
    Olde English flavour.

    My complaints are that there were hints of an
    Harry Hermione 'ship that seem to me to go against what's coming in Book 4 (though
    Rudder debated this, so it's a matter of interpretation) and that Harry himself
    was a wee bit arrogant in spots -- though again, some people see that in the books

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 16, 2002

    Much better now

    I feel much better now. (Read that sentence with Monty Python accent, always.) My
    presentation yesterday went well, though of course I didn't enjoy watching the
    video tape. (Is that ME? With the goofy hair, the flashing glasses, the accent I
    didn't know I had, the bad posture I always forget to correct?)

    have my parents' Chnukah gift (jointly with the Bro, yet) and my mom's birthday
    gift ordered, an idea for the Bro's birthday, more than half of my several loads
    of laundry done, bills enveloped and ready to be mailed, and quality time spent
    with the Rudder-man. Next up: laundry to be finished, shower to be taken, new-car
    scoping to be done, REI to be visited. Also further thiking, as I still need
    holiday gift ideas for brother and uncle, as well as several gifts for Rudder.
    What birthday gift goes well with an Xmas IOU for a ticket to Ireland?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 15, 2002


    Yesterday involved not one but two complete Thanksgiving dinners, vote-counting
    complete with a tie, a recount and a runoff, gymtime, and a presentation assigned
    at 5PM, due at 9AM today.

    So y'all will understand if I'm not my
    usual verbose self this morning. Ta.

    OK, I couldn't resist, thanks to Mechaieh and SWooP. And what do you know, Emode
    got me right with their href="
    ndex.jsp">Inkblot test


    This means you are full of questions about life, people, and the potential of your
    future. You spend more time than others envisioning the possibilities of your life
    — things that others are too afraid to consider.

    Your curiosity burns with an almost physical need to know and do more. It's only
    through new experiences that you feel a greater understanding of yourself or the
    world — which ultimately is the greatest way for you to feel satisfied.

    It is possible that the underlying reason for your drive towards curiosity is a
    deeply rooted fear of boredom. That means that you are probably more susceptible
    than others to feel like you're falling into a rut when life slows down into a
    comfortable routine.

    You need to make sure you have stimulation in your life — that makes you feel like
    you're innovating or being exposed to the ideas and experiences that truly inspire

    With such a strong orientation towards curiosity, you're also prone to a
    rebellious quality that shows up when you feel you are just going through the
    motions, and are unable to really influence the world around you. But
    interestingly enough, your drive towards novel experiences also indicates an
    openness others don't have, but wish they did.

    Unconsciously, your curiosity presses you to learn more, experience more, and get
    the most out of life.

    Posted by dichroic at 05:51 AM

    November 13, 2002

    lullabye and good night....

    I've got my karma comeuppance. The gods have punished me for making fun of T2
    blisters yesterdday by giving me my own crop this morning. The thing about rowing
    is, you don't get blisters in normal places like feet. You get them on your hands
    because that's what grips the oar. For lagniappe you get what we call "trackbite",
    abrasions on the backs of your calves where they contact the tracks the seat roll
    on. And yes, I do realize that firm juicy hand blisters are not only painful but
    sort of disgusting if you think about it too much.

    I generally solve
    that by not thinking about it too much.

    Every once in a while I
    reread Little Women, get to the part where Meg is proud of her soft, white
    hands, and conclude it's a good thing I wasn't around in the 1860s. At least no
    one has refused to shake hands with me yet, despite the blisters as well as the
    ground-in oar-grip black rubber that refuses to come of in the shower and that
    makes my hands look like a mechanic's.

    The reason for today's
    blisters is that I've rowed two consecutive mornings, which I usually don't do.
    This is what I love about rowing a single: the freedom to restructure my workout
    to fit whatever is going on in my life. Like this -- I didn't row Monday, nor did
    anyone else who went to San Diego for the races. (Though I was sort of sheating,
    since I didn't actually race. Rowed the double with Egret on Tuesday as previously
    planned. Rowed today because we're going out tonight with Egret and T2 before they
    leave again for Ireland and I'll have Beer and won't want to row tomorrow. Or
    Friday, because tomorrow night we going to the rowing club's annual dinner /
    meeting. (There are a lot of good things to be said about a club that only has one
    meeting a year.) SO tomorrow and Friday mornings I'll sleep in a little and lift
    weights or erg. Possibly I'll let Rudder talk me into rowing this weekend, though
    I think the effort betrays a lack of understanding on his part of the term
    "relaxing weekend". Relaxing is not a skill for which my husband is known, though
    I admit I greatly prefer a guy who doesn't slow down to one who's vegetating on
    the couch in front of a football game every Sunday.

    This journal has
    been a bit boring lately -- I'm not all that worried about readers, who can choose
    to read it or not, but it's been boring even me. That's attributable to a
    combination of two factors. First, I'm very happy with both my job (well, most of
    the time) and my husband (ditto). We're not apart or sick or poor, we're not doing
    anything eventful like moving or reproducing,and I'm not doing anything creative
    like NaNoWriMo, so there's not much angst in my life at the moment. (Minor
    irritants a-plenty, but little angst.) That makes the daily-activity entries a bit
    mundane. Second, I've been busy as hell, so haven't had much chance to think about
    the sort of essays I originally intended this journal for. Though I am hoping for
    a bit more spare time after November, I don't really plan to do anything drastic
    like divorcing Rudder just to spice things up. I won't give up keeping this
    journal either, because I've never really had one before and it feels like just
    the act of writing in one has some value. (I can't quite pin down why, but it's a
    strong feeling.) In other words, I'm not really planning to change anything but do
    want to apologize if I've been putting anyone to sleep.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 12, 2002

    daily data

    Four meetings down, two (that I know of so far) to go. Because it's been that kind
    of day. This is an historic day, the first workday since October 18 -- nearly a
    month -- that I haven't been in training. I was a little worried about what I'd do
    all day, but that appears not to be a problem.

    With a bit of luck I
    won't crash before the afternoon meetings; I was awake for several hours because
    of yesterday's plumbing work. The fix itself wasn't all that big a deal; I cut off
    the leaky part and Rudder capped it, because I have no desire to use a blowtorch
    except maybe to carmelize creme brulee. The problem was that the pipe was behind a
    bathroom wall. We didn't want to go through the wall because this is in the
    bathroom Rudder redid, with tile four feet up the walls, and cutting through all
    that tile would have been almost as little fun and trying to fix it afterward.
    Instead he cut a small (I mean small -- 12" by 18") hole in the back of the
    coat closet and we somehow squirmed through it, breathing drywall dust and some
    sawdust laying back in there, then pushed asied some insulation (with gloves) to
    get to the pipe. All of that shifting and cutting released a ton of dust into the
    air, which was why I was laying awake, trying not to cough, trying to find a
    position in which my sinuses would un-stuff. I don't think Rudder was best pleased
    with me.

    Egret's still here and T2 is in for the week. Egret and I
    rowed the double again this morning; I'm happy to say that we completed two full
    laps while our husbands went in early. Poor T2 had blisters. (Why yes, I did have
    trouble keeping a straight face while I typed that.) It will be her last row for a
    while as she's having her
    today, so please send good vibes her way.

    Anyway, back to

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 11, 2002

    water in various forms

    Well. The weekend went reasonably well. I didn't race at all, because Mission Bay
    is generally to rough for singles, though it actually ended up being fairly smooth
    this year. udder had a practice row on Saturday, so we couldn't go out and do
    much, but we did get to sleep in, go for breakfast, and take a nice long walk
    along the beach in the morning. Once we got to the boathouse, the bus with most of
    the rowers and the trailer with the boats were late, not unpredictably. They'd
    left that morning instead of the night before, and due to some perverse whim of
    AussieCoach's, had only scheduled (pronounced, "sheduled", 'cause that's how
    Aussies say it) half an hour to load all the boats on the trailer -- two eights
    and two fours, respectively 60 and 40 feet long. Yeah, right. Eventually they got
    there and rowed, after which we relaxed in the hotel a bit, drove to their hotel,
    and rode the bus to Old Town for dinner.

    Note: Speaking of
    AussieCoach and his kangaroo fixation, the unisuits he'd ordered from Australia
    finally came in in time for this race. The obnoxiously and unexpectedly bright
    green and gold do have their advantage in being very visible out on the water, but
    that's not quite enough to redeem the lack of breathability in the fabric,
    uncomfortable cut, and complete transparency of the yellow.

    Back to
    the weekend. We had debated whether to eat alone, because large groups descending
    on restaurants without prior notice can often result in extreme cluster-fuckitude.
    However, this grop was at least smart enough to let them seat us in small groups
    and we ended up with a wonderful meal. We'd picked Zocalo's more or less by random
    chance -- we hadn't wanted to eat Mexican food pre-race, but the proponderance of
    restaurants did have SPanish names. Zocalo's turned out not to be Mexican at all
    though -- maybe a slight Spanish influence, since they served tapas, but otherwise
    purely creative. There were so many wonderful soundin foods on the menu that She-
    Hulk and I decided to order four of the appetizers and split them. We ended up
    ordering lobster bisque (her), warm aspargus and wild mushroom salad (me), salmon
    summer rolls (us), and shrimp kebab with mango salsa (us again). Yum, yum, yum,
    and yum.

    On the downside, while getting packed up and waiting for me
    to come home on Frdiay, Rudder heard a drip behind one of the walls by the
    downstairs bath. We didn't have time to do much about it so we turned off the
    water main, left, and hoped for the best. We left right after his race, drove home
    listening to Harry Potter IV (does Barty Crouch, Sr., remind anyone else of John
    Ashcroft, or is itjust me?)got home, and attacked the plumbing. After cutting a
    12" by 18" hole in the back of a closet and somehow squirming through, Rudder was
    able to find the leak. It was a tiny one, at the end of a small pipe L that stuck
    up 8" into the air and ended there, with no apparent rainson d'etre. We turned the
    water on just long enough to brush teeth that night and shower the next

    This morning, while I headed off for yet more training, he
    called a plumber and me tthe guy back home. He told Rudder that the pipe just
    needed to be capped off and offered grudgingly to do it for a mere $200. So
    guess what we just finished doing?

    Posted by dichroic at 05:08 PM


    No time to update, after a weekend dealing with travel, rowing, and (unfortuately)
    plumbing. Off to orientation, only three weeks after starting the job.


    Posted by dichroic at 07:00 AM

    November 08, 2002

    here we go again

    I'm getting ready to go off for the third consecutive weekend in this train all
    week / travel every weekend siege. After this I have only three days of training
    next week, a weekend to sleep and delve into the piles of stuff around the house
    that are beginning to reach Everest proportions, another week of training that I'm
    warned amy extend late at night, a local race, and then Thanksgiving week.

    All of which is my justification for purely taking it easy on
    the water this morning. There are some days when just to be out there counts as

    I'll be cheering for Rudder and the other club members racing
    this week, but they'll have to be satisfied with mere volume. I'm saving all my
    most best strongest good wishes for href="">Egret over the next few

    Note to T2 Hatfield: Don't get your hopes up. Despite my
    occasional ambivalence, we're not likely to be shopping for daycare with you.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 07, 2002

    on the spot

    Well, that was amusing. I was sitting peacefully in this week's training
    class, which is stuff I need to know so I can both use it and teach it, when my
    hitherto virgin pager buzzed. Apparently, the same woman who was teaching my class
    was also somehow scheduled to teach another class at the same time. Unfortunately,
    this was the initial overview class, which I have somehow managed never to attend,
    and I haven't yet studied all the tools briefly covered in the overview. The only
    other person around has been in this group longer than I have, but has also never
    taught this module and is a hardware person to boot. He had already started with
    the class, working from hard-copy handouts because he didn't have the appropriate
    slides, either. I took over the class while he went off to download the slides.
    I'd hoped he could stay around for support, but he had to run off to another

    The class went a bit better than I had expected, meaning it
    was not a total disaster. Nobody actually fell asleep. They weren't hostile,
    possibly out of pity -- we'd explained we were teaching this for the first time
    and gave them an option to come to a later class. They asked a few questions I
    couldn't answer as well as I'd have liked, and I couldn't provide concrete
    examples of successful use of these tools and methods. I was able, though, to
    provide web sites where they could find both more info and some examples, so I
    wasn't totally useless. Maybe next time I have to teach I'll at least be able to
    read the materials first.

    Or maybe I should download all the
    materials for all the modules to my laptop and reach it on the beach in San Diego
    this weekend while Rudder races.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:32 PM

    November 06, 2002

    a few more rowing stories

    The wake on the lake this morning was horrible, with three coaching launches out.
    It was a pity, too, because the water was a perfect smooth mirror before we
    riffled it. It was all worth it, though, for the shooting star I saw, complete
    with a long white tail. It was in the east, so might have been an impatient
    Leonid. (Note: Don't forget to look for the Leonid meteors, which will be peaking
    before damn on November 19.)

    I was almost tempted to thank the
    coaches, for their wake; all that practice in dealing with bounding billows
    certainly came in handy during my race in Newport. They'd had t odelay the race
    2.5 houra because of dense fog, so by the time we got going, the boat traffic was
    heavier than it would have been earlier. I'm still irked at one small boat with a
    man and a woman who were acting like race officials, who stayed right in front of
    me for at least 500 meters in the middle of the race. I didn't register a protest
    because it wouldn't have changed the outcome of the race, but it was unpleasant
    being stuck in their wake and I'm still annoyed. I may send an e-mail to the
    sponsoring club, to ask them to brief their people better next

    I also haven't told the story from the Marina del Rey race
    about which I'm still being ribbed. Several of us were out on the edge of the
    marina to see the finish of the race, and I went back to get a camp chair. When I
    got to the parking lot to get the Cherokee keys out of my pack, my club's coach
    hollered over, "Dichroic, you still available to cox?" I told him I was -- it's
    more fun to participate than just to watch, and coxing lets you be in a race
    without even having to sweat. He directed me to some San Diego guys who were short
    not only a cox but one rower. He turned up soon enough and we headed out, with me
    frantically trying to figure out how to steer from the bow-coxed position while
    getting my boat warmed up and not hitting any other boats or buoys. The rest of
    my club, having seen me walk off to fetch a chair, next saw me coming by in a boat
    with four good-looking men.

    We won too. I think half of them are
    giving me shit because they're envious of the medal, and half because they're
    envious of my pick-up skills. As for me, I'm enjoying it because not only did
    those men come up to say hello at the next day's race, but so did the women from
    LARC with whom I rowed to a first-place finish on our lake last spring.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 05, 2002

    me and JA

    Which Founding Father Are You?


    I may be the only person in the world (possibly excepting Joseph Ellis, Adams and Jefferson biographer) who would be happy about this diagnosis, which just proves its correctness. I gather Adams was pretty happy to be Adams, too.

    Except for that whole Alien and Sedition fiasco, anyway.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:56 PM



    Wrote an
    entry last night, but D-land ate it. The gist was that the thing that bothers me
    about being so busy is not any of the the things I have to do -- I don't even mind
    my daily shlep to work, while I'm doing it -- but all the things I don't have time
    for. My soul just doesn't feel right when I don't have enough time to read; I have
    to chug books down in small but voracious sips instead of my usual refreshing

    One that may get me in more trouble is that I have absolutely none of my holiday
    shopping done yet. This is worse than it sounds, because Chanukah starts on
    November 30 this year, and my mom and brother both have birthdays in early
    December. Rudder's birthday is just before Christmas. I know what I want to get
    him this year -- to date he's read this site about once so it should be safe to
    mention that I want to give him an IOU for airfare to Ireland, to visit Egret and
    T2. (An IOU instead of real tickets so that we can decide on dates together.)
    Given the cost, that may have to go for his birthday as well. That still leaves me
    to buy two gifts each for my mom and brother, one each for my uncle and
    impossible-to-buy-for dad, and maybe some stuff for friends.

    Anyone have some spare time they'd like to sell me?

    Posted by dichroic at 09:07 AM

    November 04, 2002

    race news

    Back from the races, no time for a real update. Rudder, rowing with the club in a
    men's eight, won first place on Saturday and second on Sunday. At the last minute
    I ended up coxing a San Diego men's four, which was especially interesting since I
    didn't know the race course and had never steered a bow-coxed boat before. This is
    where the cox is sort of reclining in front of the rowers instead of sitting up in
    back. You can see ahead much better but can't see what the rowers are doing. The
    boat wasn't set up with a cox box (microphoine system either, so I didn't say
    anything much during the race, except when I needed them to row harder on one side
    to make a turn. I could have steered a better course but must not have screwed up
    too badly because we won.

    On Sunday I raced my single and came in
    second out of two. I wasn't thrilled with my time, but at least I wasn't
    embarassed by it. I did this race because it's shorter and last year the water was
    much calmer there at Newport than at the Marina del Rey race. This year MdR was
    calmer and I think next year I may do that race instead because it's smaller and
    more laid back. Or I could be a masochist and do both, I suppose.

    am still in training, so don't have much time to update here.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:55 AM

    November 01, 2002


    Has something changed since my trick-or-treating days? Quite a few of the kids
    last night looked into my house through the open door and said, "Wow, your house
    is big!" One little boy, not more than about 8 or 9, told me gravely, "You have a
    beautiful house."

    I thanked him, of course.

    littlest ones just kept trying to toddle in. I don't know whether that was because
    they liked the house or if they just think that that's what you do when a door is
    open; you go through it. I have two theories on all of this:

    1. Their
    eyes are dazzled. The front room in my house is a living room we don't use much.
    It currently contains a sum total of two bikes (hiding behind a half wall) and a
    ping-pong table, folded. In other words, it's nearly empty. The room has white
    walls and a white-ish tile floor. They're coming in from the dark. Maybe it just
    looks all big and shiny.

    2. They're brown-nosing in hopes of getting
    more candy. Seems unnecessary, on Hallowe'en, but I don't suppose they've acquired
    the concept of "enough" chocolate. (Neither have many adults.)

    Of for
    a fun day of team building, including a round of disc golf, then off for the

    Posted by dichroic at 07:50 AM

    October 31, 2002

    a reader's mind

    I swear in Welsh to myself, often, though I have no idea how to
    pronounce the words out loud.

    I sing Romany songs in my head:
    Koshko grai, Romano grai....
    though I know neither the tune nor how the
    words should sound.

    I used to mispronounce words, even though I knew
    their meaning well. I do that much less now, just because having lived longer I've
    heard more of those words spoken.

    I have a reader's mind. I'm not
    really a writer; I have more of an urge to absorb words than to bring them forth,
    several hundred diary entries to the contrary. I can't be a Common Reader only
    because readers are no longer common -- if Tom Sawyer were around now, he wouldn't
    be playing King Arthur or Treasure Island, he'd be playing Nintendo. He'd be
    priding himself on his ability to maneuver through a virtual landscape rather then
    the ability to "talk like a book". For that matter, if he did read, his books
    would be much closer to the language he spoke daily.

    It's not
    necessarily a bad thing, since books are still there for those who want them. In
    fact, they're much cheaper and easier to obtain than in Tom Sawyer's day. He might
    have owned one or two, if very lucky; I don't even know how many hundreds I have.
    More than even Judge Thatcher, I feel certain. I can buy a paperback of anything
    from Steinbeck's King Arthur (my favorite modernization of Malory) to Harry Potter
    (Tom would have loved that!) for the money I can earn in about 15 minutes (and
    that's after taxes). Sounds like a bargain, since it takes me well over 15 minutes
    to read even a children's book. Aunt Polly would have had to pay a few dollars
    that she likely didn't have for any books of Tom's, unless he'd managed to acquire
    one in trade for pins, marbles, kittens, and whatever else he could

    I suspect in some ways being a reader is one of the things
    that makes marriage easy for me; if I can read undisturbed (except maybe for a few
    kitty headbutts) it counts as alone time for me. Rudder doesn't work quite the
    same way, and he gets a bit surfeited with people and conversation at work. One
    reason he goes down to rowing ten minutes or so before I do is just to get a
    little alone time down by the water. Reading certainly makes it easy for to
    survive anything boring or uncomfortable; if I'm in a book, I don't notice as much
    where my body is. The downside is that I find it difficult to do anything not
    requiring my mind without a book in front of my eyes (brushing teeth, changing
    clothes, vaccuming, watching TV). This makes it difficult to do anything like
    embroidery that doesn't leave my hands free to turn pages. Books on tape are a
    godsend for long road trips, since even when I'm not driving I can't read in a
    moving car because it makes me a bit queasy. Also, I must confess to having droped
    more than one library book into the bathtub before I hit adolescence and began
    taking showers. They're never quite the same, somehow. (No, I don't try to read in
    the shower.)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 30, 2002

    please, not DFL ... not DFL, please

    COunting down to my race on Sunday. I don't really like the long fall races; this
    one is on the shorter side at 4400m, but I am just not built for endurance. I hope
    I don't make a complete DFL fool of myself.

    Fortunately, head races
    run one boat at a time, so that if I do no one will be able to tell except by
    looking at the posted results.

    I'm a much better rower than I am a
    racer -- that is, I row well but slowly. I might be happier if I just emphasized
    time in the boat without worrying about speed or getting ready for races, but
    rowing alone can get boring without having a goal. Also, and more crucially, I
    can't get my head into any point from which that doesn't look like wimping out.
    I'm not terribly competitive in physical sports in the sense of needing to do
    better than other people, but I do have some issues with wimping out. (On the
    other hand, I'd be upset if I lost a spelling or trivia contest. But I don't know
    many people here who consider those things recreational.)

    today I had a much better idea to write about, but it got lost in the flurry of
    work. I'd like to note, though, that I spent almost all of today writing code,
    which is what we software people call what we do because it sounds so much cooler
    than "programming". Yeah, dude, I write code, like Ms. Secret Agent Woman. It was
    simultaneously frustrating and satisfying, and I could have stayed much later if
    not for the need to go assess a local disc golf course (more on that later), pick
    up dinner, and carve the pumpkin that Rudder ended up not being able to find in
    the stores anyway.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:21 PM

    October 29, 2002

    sweaters and Emily

    This class has one major advantage over last week's -- network access during
    class! No, I'm not goofing off; it's just nice to be able to browse when I've
    finished an exercise or come back from break early.

    FUnny thing this
    year -- I love wearing sweaters and fuzzy clothes, but I'm feeling an odd regret
    this year about transitioning to fall clothes. I still love the clothes, but
    they're big, lots of them. They're wonderfully warm and comfy and all that, but
    part of the appeal is that lots of them are big. I tend to wear less fitted
    clothes in winter, apparently. The problem with this is that I had gotten used to
    noticing the curve of a bicep or a calf in dail yactivities. And though I'm happy
    with what my arms and shoulders look like now, they're not so big as to show under
    even a tight knitted sleeve. (Even big weightlifter guys are often hard to tell
    from big fat guys in clothing -- though lots of them are both.) Drat. AT least it
    gives me something to look forward to next summer, while I'm dreading the onset of

    I've begun reading "Emily of New Moon", since my Montgomery
    list is supposed to be discussing the Emily books at present. This time around I
    found myself wondering whether starting a child's book with a death seemed as
    daring when it was written as it does now. I Know the Victorians had a fascination
    with death, and it shows up thoughout children's literature from the time (Beth
    March's death in Little Women springs to mind) but I wonder whether starting right
    off with the death of a sympathetic character was risky even

    Done the exercise, time for lunch!

    OK, I ate. And since I have some time until class starts up again, I was thinking
    how lame the above entry is.In case anyone else is wondering why I tend to write
    such jumpy, disjointed entries, the reason is just that I have a jumpy disjointed
    mind. That goes for "vain", too -- see above.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 28, 2002

    daily whine

    Well, I have a spiffy new laptop at work now (it took most of the day to get it,
    despite its being supposed to arrive sometime in the past week). The downside of
    that is that I'm expected to shlep it home every night, as if I didn't al ready
    carry enough crap in my car. The usual load is a lightly loaded backpack for work,
    a towel on a hanger, and my gym bag; the total weight has just increased
    significantly. I'd be even more excited about the laptop if my desk had a working
    network connection. That's sort of less of a problem since I'm in training all
    week, but unfortunately people won't stop sending me email and it piles up. I
    estimate I've walked about two miles today, back and forth from my desk to the
    classroom to my old desk on the second floor of the other bulding, which still has
    a computer on it where I can catch up with email.

    Mantra of the day:
    "Training is an opportunity." Repeat ad libitum.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 27, 2002

    PS report

    Some random data on Palm Springs:

    Tram ride up the mountain: a little
    expensive, but worth doing. Spectacular views -- I'd like to go back to X-C ski or
    maybe even backpack, since they do the ork of getting up the

    Average age in the restaurants: about 65, but

    Windmill farm tour: too damn expensive and emphatically not
    worth it. They tell you it's a "ninety minute ride out into the desert" but never
    quite get around to mentioning that all of it is zig-zagging arounf not 200m from
    the parking lot. And then there was the tour guide's rants on his personal
    philosophy of life, which was, by the way, not a terribly original one. Not to
    mention the way he kept saying he'd do some "geek talk" any time he was going to
    give us numbers. Several of the old ladies and I think some of the men shrieked in
    dismay whenever he did that.

    Restarants: the two we ate at, The Deck
    and Kaiser's Grill, were both excellent, and Palm Drive, the main drag, was fun to
    walk around. I was hoping to knock of some of the holiday shopping, but instead
    found a gift that will be perfect for my mom's Bat Mitzvah next

    Golf: Sorry, I don't play.

    AOPA conference: lots
    and lots of sweet airplanes, but the only one we bought is designed to sit on top
    of the Christmas tree and go around in circles. (I also bought a little silver
    two-blalded prop I'm thinking of making into a navel charm; however, t just
    occurred to me that the potential for stupid jokes, if I walk around with a prop
    hanging my my belly-button, is frighteningly large.) Fun to walk around the show,
    and I learned that my new status as an official employee at work will entitle me
    to 50% off list on the avionics made by another branch of the

    Palm Springs Air Museum: Worth visiting, but try not to
    get there an hour before they open. Oops. Our state doesn't haveDaylight

    Chance to sleep in two mornings in a row: priceless.

    Posted by dichroic at 05:15 PM

    October 25, 2002


    Off to drool over pretty airplanes.....expect next week to be as short on entries
    as this one.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:32 AM

    October 24, 2002


    Not that there's a, er, snowball's chance in Arizona of us ever seeing the white
    stff here, much less in October, but the fall flurry has definitely started. Or
    maybe it's less flurries than the Dichroic Follies. And I thought last year was
    bad. Last year, long-time readers may recall, I wasn't working. So here's my
    schedule for the months of October and November, starting last

    One week training, offsite (closer to home,

    Weekend at Aircraft Owners and Pilot's Association
    annual conference, in Palm Springs.

    Officially begin new job, Monday
    morning. Dive right in to another week's training, this time at the office.
    Team-building exercise all day Friday. (I can miss the trainin, apparently, since
    the team a-building is the same team who does tis training.) Skip out a little
    early to drive out to CA for:

    Weekend in LA, back-to-back regattas at
    Marina del Rey and Newport. I'll only race in Newport, but Rudder's in both, in a
    club eight.

    What would be the first normal week at the new job,
    except the old department's "borrowing" me back for half of it.

    to CA for the San Diego regatta. I'm sitting this one out; it's rough water for a
    single. Rudder's in the eight again.

    I think after all that we get a
    weekend or two at home before heading off to DC for Thanksgiving. Thank goodness
    they seem to be wrapping up the sniper case so now I only have to worry about what
    an obvious terrorist target I'll be on an airplane flying in to the nation's
    capital on the busiest travel day of the year. Downright relaxing, in

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 23, 2002

    how to use new skills

    Loooks like Egret won't be able to race with me after all, so I'll be racing a
    single in Newport weekend after next. At least it's a head race, 4.4km long. You
    can see the end of it, but people are started individually so it's not possible to
    tell who won or (more relevant) who's way behind from watching. That all means
    that if I'm embarassingly slow it will only show on the scoreboard and in posted
    results. ("If" is not really the correct word for that

    Training and more training. Once all of this is over, I
    will be the Queen of Statistics.

    Yeah, that sounds like an empty
    title to me, too. Maybe I can manipulate the data so it looks like I won my race?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 22, 2002

    a sma' request

    Just in case Anyone is listening: this minor sore throat had better not be
    anything more serious than a reaction to a change in the weather. Now is really
    really not a good time. (I doubt Egret would appreciate it much if I got another
    sinus infection resulting in dry heaving after this year's race. And if I race in
    the single I wouldn't appreciate it, either.) If You could just hold off until
    after the Newport race, I don't care what germs You send.(Within reason, of


    Posted by dichroic at 06:05 PM

    October 21, 2002

    my computer ate my entry

    SO I had this whole entry written up about how Egret and I went out dancing on
    Saturday night and she mysteriously disappeared with some gorgeous young guy for
    an hour or two. Not that any of that actually happened, but I thought T2 might be
    bored and in need of some entertainment. Unfortunately, my computer ate my

    Entries this week will be sparse, as I'm in training all week
    with no Internet access until I get home in the evenings. This weekend is the
    first of our annual back-to-back-to-back trips, though this time it's a pilot
    conference and three regattas, rather than four regattas like last year.

    In other words, don't worry if you don't hear much from me. I'm not
    dead, just busy.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 18, 2002

    how to begin, how to end

    What a great way to start the day. Egret and I took the double out this morning,
    with the weather cooperating this time. An no, we didn't talk quite as much as we
    rowed. Almost, though. She was a bit rusty, of course, since it must be six months
    or so since she rowed last, and the damned launches with their damned wakes
    weren't making balancing a foot-wide boat any too easy, but she picked it up again
    very well. That is, I could critique a few things, but there are quite a few
    people out there who've been rowing all this time and are far worse. And we've all
    got a few things to improve. We did a 3/4 pressure piece at the end that felt
    really nice, especially the part where we pulled away from a women's eight. (hee,
    hee, hee. Actually, I think they were doing drills, but still, 8 oars vs. 2. And
    we weren't at full pressure either. You do the math.)

    This is my last
    day at my old job, really. I'll still officially be reporting to this department
    for another week, but I'll spend all of that week offsite in training for the new
    job. So this is my last day in the cube, since I'll be coming back to a shiny new
    and bigger one. (They said it would be an office but they ran out of them. Rats.)
    Packing all my stuff isn't really combining all that well with my usual Friday
    wall-to-wall meetings.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 17, 2002

    not too well put together

    Health fair today at work. The results: My posture sucks (I knew that, but am
    still not sure I believe in chiropractry.) My feet sucks (I suspected that.) My
    bone density kind of sucks (A distressing surprise.) But my blood sugar is good.
    (Which surprised me .... might be all those pretzels I snack on more-or-less
    continuously.) And when I mentioned that my dad was diagnosed with diabetes fairly
    recently, one nice lady gave me -- free! -- a home blood glucose monitor, even
    though I told her I'm not sure if he has one and that he's 2000 miles away. "I'd
    rather be sure he has one," she said. "Send it to him." So I'll call tonight and
    check. If he does, I'll have a glucose meter going a-begging. Anyone need

    Egret's in town for a few weeks, so of course we promptly
    scheduled a row. Unfortuntely, the atmospherics didn't cooperate. The lightning
    was far away and we decided to chance going out, but we made all of about 500m
    before deciding it was heading closer and coming back in. Most other people either
    came back in or never went out; one team was still on the water when we left. I'm
    on the conservative side when it comes to lightning and water. I have twice been
    marooned out on a lake in a thunderstorm through no fault of my own (Really!) and
    have no desire ever to repeat that experience.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:30 PM

    October 16, 2002

    gametes on the brain

    That whole kid issue still gets me some sleepless nights every so often. Maybe we
    should. Maybe we shouldn't. Maybe we're missing something important. Maybe we'd
    regret it when it was too late if we don't. Maybe we'd regret it when it was too
    late if we do, and that would be much, much worse. Maybe we should just take a
    shot at it and let the universe decide if it happens or not.

    This is
    really bad entry to write on a night when my mother used the words "Dichroic" and
    "email" in the same phone conversation. (She knows my AIM id is dichroicpb, but I
    haven't told her why). So just in case, hi, mom. Don't get your hopes up.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    a quiver of quizzes

    All of the following found thanks to Lush:

    What's your Battle-Cry?

    this quiz was made by Aroihkin of PlanetKulitron

    Hmmph. Busted:
    What is your mental profile?

    brought to you by Quizilla

    What box do you get put in?

    brought to you by Quizilla

    take the nerd test.

    and go to a nerd utopia.

    Not so much anymore...

    size="-2">Who are you?

    I can live with this:
    Which Famous Homosexual
    are you?

    And to summarize (note: this one is only 4 questions, but they did get it right): My Bloginality is ENTP!!!

    Posted by dichroic at 01:25 PM


    Jeez. Not that I really expected a going-away lunch since I'm not actualy going
    anywhere, but I was hoping to be able to drag more than three people out for Cajun

    ---Part 2

    Posted by dichroic at 11:02 AM

    October 15, 2002

    I believe I do

    I get to leave work early today, la la la la la la....

    But it's to go
    to the dentist, so hold the la la-ing. Though it is only a

    But after that I get to go see Cool Salon Guy, so la la la
    all over again. I wish hair stylists could make hair long again as quickly as
    they can make it short. If you're wondering why I'm getting a haircut when I'm
    trying to grow it out, the reason is that I get split ends, so I try to get the
    ends trimmed every couple of months. Besides, I like getting my hair cut. Not only
    do I get to impress Cool Salon Guy with my latest antics, but then there is the
    blissful experience of Scalp Massage during the shampooing. (And at that point,
    half of the people reading this went, "Huh?", and the other half went, "Ahhhhhh".)

    And of course I have to dress well for CSG (is it true that gay guys
    are better at clothes, or is it just part of being a hair stylist? Or maybe just
    sucking up to the paying customers?) and so I am all suave today in drapy knit
    wide black pants, long-sleeved black jersey knit top, and spiffy black-and-white
    glen plaid vest. And, naturally, lots of silver. Yes, I look dangerous -- all the more
    so for that I now do have my navel pierced. Well, ok,
    no I don't really look dangerous. But I like to believe I do.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 14, 2002

    damn cats

    Don't you hate when you get mad at someone for pestering you and then it turns out
    they were trying to tell you something important? "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" "Mommy is
    busy right now." "But Mooommmmmyyy..." "I don't want to hear about it unless the
    house it on fire!" "But Mommeeeeeee..." "WHat did I just say??" "But Mommy, the
    house IS on fire!"

    That was this morning, only it was a cat, not a
    kid. And what he was trying to tell us was that the other cat has somehow gotten
    shut in the garage. However, I think I'd be more inclined to apologize for yelling
    at him if he hadn't for some mysterious reason decided to wait until 3:30AM to let
    us know this, instead of, oh, say, about 8 last night when the other cat got in
    there in the first place. Of course, the cat, being a cat, will assume I am
    slobberingly grateful that he deigns to grace our house with his presence whether
    or not I apologize. Damn cats.

    It wouldn't have been so bad if all
    that noice hadn't started less than half an hour before the alarm ws due to go
    off, giving me no chance to get any additional quality sleep. It also didn't be so
    bad if I didn't know that the furry barsteds are at this very moment curled up
    asleep in my comfy chair, while I slave all day to keep them in comfort and
    Science Diet. And then when I walk in tonight, 13 hours or so after leaving this
    morning, they'll open on eye and look at me like, "You again? So soon? You're not
    going to kick me out of this chair like usual, are you? .......

    Also, since Rudder and I have been discussing furniture, does
    anyone out there know if cats tend to like to put little claw-holes in leather

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 13, 2002

    over for now

    I'm not quite sure how to explain the problem, but Rudder was pissing meoff
    yesterday, and for a few days before, to the point where I believe I told him that
    he was "poisoning my attitde". (If you're about to give me a lecture on how I
    should let others affect my own mood, please don't.) Most of the reason was his
    refusal to enter in to any of the things I've been concerned about lately, such as
    the lack of seating in our family room that's been driving me nuts for about the
    last five years, and the way he always seems to disagree with what I

    I think we're out of it now, or emerging. One part of the
    solution is that I'm going to try to circle on the calendar every day on which he
    drives me nuts to the point of depressing me, just so we can firmly establish that
    it's not a hormonal thing. I'm fairly sure it's not, but it's really on in the
    last few years that I've been seeing that sort of thing affect my mood at all, and
    I still don't always recognize it. But I'll be damned if I let female hormones
    ruin my life.

    The other thing is that he appears to need me to
    present the problem I'm trying to solve, so he can treat it as a problem solving
    exercise. This enables him to try to make an ideal solution, which appears to
    matter to him (Rudder is not good with Good Enough, or Somewhat Nice Looking; this
    was the man who stashed his socks in an old copy-paper box on a closet shelf until
    we bought expensive chery bedroom furniture. This also reassures him I'm not
    fallin prone to impulse buying (well, it's been known to happen) and to compare
    relative priorities. It's true that we also need to consider spending money on a
    new roof, redoing the pool (replastering at a minimum, a complete redo with
    waterfall and a built-in grill and Pebbletec at max) or redoing the kitchen. That
    last may be only a cosmetic redo, but is most apt to recoup its own cost when we

    So I guess I'm not mad at him any more, though more comments
    on how nice the weather is here would still be inadvisable. (No matter how happy I
    get over other things, it's still too fucking hot here.) We had a decent time
    watching ASU play Oregon State last night, courtesy of Rudder's boss' season tix
    on row 15 at the 30-yard line. College football is definitely better than the pro
    variety; they kept bringing out scholarship winners to be honored instead of some
    dumb little honorary ball-boy thing (or whatever the NFL equivalent is), there was
    a live marching band instead of an organ and there was a lot less of the video
    monitor telling the spectators when and how to react.

    The band was
    really good; they and the dance team did a Jimmy Buffet mix and halftime that had
    very impressive arranging and choreography. Also, the local team won, which is
    always nice. Though not for my in-laws the OSU alumni.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:27 PM

    October 12, 2002

    I want fall, dammit!

    I want fall. I want FALL! I FUCKING WANT FALL!!!!

    Rudder thinks I
    should suck it up and stop complaining. He says I should pretend this is summer
    and enjoy it as perfect summer weather (which, in fact, it is) and "stop paying
    attention to labels". Rudder also thinks skydiving is the most dangerous thing
    he's done to date.

    He is very, very wrong.

    Today I
    stopped by a farmer's market and tonight we're going to a college football game
    (ASU v. Oregon State) and these experiences, I just know, would be greatly
    enhanced if I were wearing a sweatshirt. Instead, I show my alumni pride, as well
    as my muscular shoulders, in a little camisole-style top printed with the name of
    my university, a completely inadequate substitute for being THERE, walking down
    Locust Walk in 64-degree weather (I just checked), shuffling through the first of
    the falling leaves and smelling the unmistakeable scent of fall. (Which, it's
    sadly true, would in that case be mingled with the scent of west Philadelphia, not
    a great additive to the bouquet. But still.)

    I am still here only
    because I can't pry Rudder away from the place. And now because of the job I've
    taken, I'm here for another 18-24 months, after which I will begin looking for
    opportunities (within the company, if I still like them as much by then) in a
    climate that that encourages sweaters (but that stop short of frostbiting exposed
    noses. No need to overreact.)

    And if this hasn't been the most
    eloquent entry ever, go read LA expressing similar feelings much better href="">here.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:08 PM

    October 11, 2002


    Sorry, too many meetings and not much to write about today, but I figure the three from yesterday should

    Posted by dichroic at 04:57 PM

    October 10, 2002

    A Muppet Odyssey

    This is what's wrong with the world today, or at least the part of it I inhabit: I
    cannot walk up to someone in the office and say, "Y'know, it's funny. I've been
    listening to the Odyssey on my way to work and this time through it, I'm
    finding that my perception of Odysseus' character is very strongly influenced by
    Tennyson's Ulysses," and have them answer something like, "Really? That's odd,
    since Tennyson's Ulysses is so much later in his life." Or, really, any
    answer indicating a rudimentary knowledge of either the story or the poem (the
    latter of which shouldn't be too difficult since there's lengthy chunk of it
    posted on my wall). Though I did walk by a meeting the other day and hear someone
    talk about his fondness for Tolkien and the Harry Potter books, so they're not all
    complete illiterates. I have never, except during my four years as an undergrad,
    known anyone in school or at work with whom I could discuss much of my reading. I
    have known a few bright fantasy and SF fans along the way (endemic in engineering)
    and I used to work with one Jane Austen fan, but I don't think she'd read anything
    but Emma (she liked Stan Rogers and Great Big Sea, too -- clearly a woman with
    superior tastes). If there's one major blessing the Internet has brought, it's the
    ability to connect with other people who can discuss books. As well as other
    obscure subjects like folk music and rowing, but most of all and especially

    Another more serious problem with the world is the existence
    of stupid or corrupt judges, but that's a different story and belongs to someone

    The Odyssey tape is very well done, by a storyteller who
    calls himself Ods Bodikins. The case says that he does "over 37" voices for
    different characters (uh, would that be 38?), which seems paltry compared to the
    400+ Jim Dale reportedly mustered for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,
    but I impressed at how these book readers can summon up voices so different from
    their own that I wouldn't have been able to tell it was the same person. He's
    having a bit of a hard time differentiating Odysseus' sailors, but I suspect
    that's because the story never does treat them as individuals, except for the
    second in command. My only real problem so far with the story is that Ods
    Bodikins's Circe sounds far too much like Miss Piggy for me to take her seriously.
    Perhaps changing the sailors to pigs was meant to be a compliment? (Come to think
    of it, Polyphemus sounds a bit like a Muppet too -- one of the monsters.) To
    balance that, his sound effects are very good (almost all vocal, I think), his
    Odysseus does sound like a man who would be trusted and followed, and the 12-
    string guitar and harp accompaniment are enchanting.

    To insert my
    almost-obligatory non-sequitur, I am wearing my new red shoes today. The only
    problem with them is that I keep wondering if I could escape work by clicking my
    heels together three times and repeating, "There's no place like home." (Even
    though yes, I do know that in Baum's original the shoes wre silver. Presumably
    ruby slippers were more impressive in Technicolor.)

    Also, I would
    like to welcome yet another new person to the world, even
    if this one has ink instead of blood in her veins.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:08 AM

    fear me

    fear factor

    You Should Be On Fear Factor!

    While you don't have the patience for a drawn out adventure,

    you're up for almost anything.

    Put your big balls to the test and see if you can earn a little cash!

    What Reality TV Show Should You Be On? Click Here to Find Out!

    Big surprise. (OK, I gave some of the right answers on purpose. I'd hate beiong on most of the other shows.)

    Posted by dichroic at 07:54 AM

    October 09, 2002


    WARNING: If discussions of food bore you, come back tomorrow.

    I was
    asked about my diet, by someone who apparently doesn't (yet) know how giddy and
    verbose I get when I'm asked to speak about virtually anything. More often, I'm
    being asked to shut up. (Oh, now I remember why I keep this diary so

    My diet can be adequately summarized by the phrase,
    "Way too many pretzels." I never ever ever worry about not getting anough carbs.
    There are also regular infusions of Gatorade and copious amounts of water
    involved. The recent reports on water-drinking say that 8 8-ounce glasses per day
    are not really required for sedentary people in a temperate climate, but I don't
    really qualify on either count.

    Because of the rowing and gym
    schedules, I don't worry about calories much. Fortunately, my favorite pretzels
    are low-fat. I do eat fats in moderate amounts but try not to go overboard. I
    believe that individual needs vary quite a bit; I feel best with a higher
    proportion of carbs than most articles I've read seem to favor, while Rudder has
    only in the past year been eating more veggies and would still be happy with an
    all-meat diet. He's also happy with big meals and not much snacking, while I tend
    to eat lots of snacks and smaller meals. If I go too long without food I get
    lightheaded and grumpy. I don't pack a lunch unless I have leftovers of something
    I like, and even then there's a severe memory hurdle.

    A usual week
    includes several salads, along with stir-fried veggies whenever they're on the
    menu at the cafeteria here. I try not to eat fast food more than once a week;
    lately we've been going to the local Chipotle for burritos a lot when we want
    quick food that's not bad for us. I don't eat all that much meat, really; shrimp
    often, chicken more rarely (loved it when I was younger, but seem to like it less
    now), and beef whenever I get a craving for it (or when someone else is buying the
    steaks) maybe a couple times a week. It's quite possible that more protein would
    help my energy level, but I don't like most fish (tuna, sushi, and lox excepted,
    salmon if it's really good) and steaks or burgers give me awful stomach cramps, so
    I have to want the beef enough to deal with the expected pain. Lately I've been
    finding myself eating more at lunch and less at dinner, probably due to the size
    of cafeteria / restaurant portions, and I figure this is better anyway, as I'm not
    eating a lot right before bed. Especially on nights before rowing, when I also try
    to eat non-greasy food that will not result in my wishing they'd invent rowing
    shells with bathrooms. In fact, my diet is probably shaped more by IBS than by my
    sports regimen.

    I don't, as you may have figured by now, keep any
    kind of track of what I eat. I try to eat more vegetables, not to make high-fat
    choices too often, and to go easier on the pretzels. (Those are listed in
    decreasing order of success. I also try to eat a lot of variety. The best advice I
    ever got was to balance the food groups over a couple of days rather than at each
    meal. For example, yesterday's lunch was a grilled cheese sandwich (carbs,
    protein) with fried mushrooms (digusting, I Know), but I'd had a salad for dinner
    the previous night so it was OK. Except for the fried 'shrooms, anyway. Do they
    even count as a vegetable?

    Since I imagine this is all tremendously
    un-helpful for anyone trying to eat well, I will finish with an actual Helpful
    Tip. A woman I work with tosses various combinations of fruit in a blender because
    the resulting puree is convenient to bring to work in a plastic container (a
    lidded cup, basically). The mix I saw looked like baby food, and is better than
    fruit juices because the fiber is preserved. One warning: she said the day she
    mixed waterm,elon and kiwi, people kept asking, "Why are you drinking salsa?" in
    tones of revulsion.

    Off to grab lunch.

    Later note:
    There's a new deal at the cafeteria. Now they make yyour sandwich for you, and
    they have all kinds of fancy meats and imported cheeses, and fresh breads. The
    down side is that there's no more tuna fish, it costs more (used to be by wieght,
    now it's a set price) and was about twice as much as I could eat. The good part is
    that I ended up with a sourdough baguette piled with Brie, mozzerella, lettuce,
    tomato, roasted red pepper, and a few bits of artichoke heart. I was sort of
    trying to recreate the best cheese sandwich I've ever had, from the Rijksmuseum in
    Amsterdam, though I think the resemblance stops with the Brie, sourdough, and
    tomoatoes. Still, it was far better than yesterday's grilled cheese. Anyone want
    the other half?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 08, 2002

    subconscious as novelist

    I've never had any great desire to participate in NaNoWriMo, mostly because fiction isn't my
    thing. Apparently my subconscious wants to do it, though. The main character was a
    post adolescent boy (I think he was a boy). This being a dream, I was him part of
    the time and observing from outside part of it. He was the son of a famous sage
    or enchanter (who was dead or away) and he had to travel by water for the and
    then by air in search of Tamburlaine's sword. It was a task laid on him, not
    something he'd chosen to find. There were several other things he had to retrieve
    on the way to the sword, rather like the plot of a video game. By now I don't
    remember any of it clearly, but I did imprint one episode on my memory just after
    waking up, when it was all still clear. I think I had had one part of the dream,
    woken up a bit, then returned to it and dreamt the following, which is why this
    part was clearer in memory.

    The boy had just come home to his
    mother and, I think, a few sibs or other relatives. There was a lake or beach in
    front of their cottage. He saw something across the water he needed, and got on a
    raft or floating debris to get there. A swift and strong current carried him
    toward the object; by then he was all or partly in the water and had to dodge a
    couple of logs and other floating things that would have been painful to run into.
    Then the wind grabbed him up out of the water and carried him away. He ended up on
    the top floor of a house in a city or town, talking to an enchanter. The enchanter
    told him, "You'll need this," reached down, plucked the fire out of his grate, and
    handed it to the boy. There was a faint flickering, like the shadow of a fire,
    playing over the logs remaining in the grate; the enchanter told him/me, "That's
    just to finish consuming the firewood, so it won't be there to risk an
    uncontrolled fire later."

    Clearly, my subconscious is lousy at
    plotting, because there are all sorts of holes in that story. For one thing, I'm
    not sure who Tamburlaine was, though I have a dim memory associating him with the
    Crusades and the French Romances like the Chanson de Roland. But also: Why did the
    boy have to seek the sword? What does the sword symbolize? What had happened to
    his father? (The questions seemed to be related.) Why traveling by water and air,
    or was that just my own preferences? Why could the air carry him? Who was the
    other enchanter, and why could he and the boy handle the fire? What was the fire
    for? If there's water, and and fire, where does earth come in, or was that just
    part of the dream I've forgotten? Why did the boy get into the water in the first
    place? He seemed resigned at being carried away from home at the

    Second-guessing the subconscious is always a bit futile, but
    I'd have to guess this one owed something to Patricia Wrede's Talking to
    , and something to Arthurian legends, and something to a book that I
    think was by Lloyd Alexander, in which a lost boy found out he wasactually king of
    the land, after a trip in which he teamed up with a man who turned out to be a
    lord and advisor who had lost his memory. (Note: not a girl, a boy. It's not the
    Westmark series. The amnesiac lord was named Hilary, and either the boy or the
    lord had a silver lock in his golden hair. ) Hmmm ... given the common thread of
    those stories, maybe the boy was meant to be a lost prince.

    I'd like
    to write the rest of the story, because I'd like to read it, but I don't think I
    have it in me to make it satisying, or to put in the enchantement and hints of
    forgotten lore that it needs.

    An aside: I've been reading about some
    of the English purists who wanted to purge the language of all foreign borrowings.
    I think the idea is silly and would impoverish the language, but their sample text
    and those of others, like Poul Andersen and Douglas Hofstedter who were writing
    in "Anglish" only as an exercise did leave me wondering. Why do the constructs
    with the oldest roots somehow seem so much more magical and potent than the modern
    equivalents? "Starlore" sounds like it encompasses (even) more wonder than
    "astronomy", "wyrd" and "doom" have greater portent than "fate". Is it just that
    those writers have specifically chosen evocative words, or is it just the archaism
    that attracts? After all, I can't say I find "guma" more interesting than "man",
    or "lych" than "body", but then those words are completely archaic and have no
    modern connotations at all (except for nearly invisible presences in "bridegroom"
    (was "bridguma") and "lychgate" (the gate through which dead bodies are carried
    into a churchyard to be buried).) Or is there more to it?

    Posted by dichroic at 10:58 AM

    October 07, 2002

    messing with my plans

    I hate when they (the invisible "they" who run the universe) screw with my
    schedule. I cut my row a little short when my stomach started cramping up
    (apparently last nighs tacos woke up an half and a half later than the rest of
    me). Washed the boat and oars (attempting not to wash the juniors who were milling
    about watching each other do erg pieces), and headed off to the gym to shower. All
    the traffic lights on the way were out. I pulled into the gas station near the gym
    and was told I couldn't fuel up because their power was out too. (So why were the
    pumps all displaying numbers on the electronic readouts?) And the gym was dark.
    They'd probably have let me shower in the dark, but with no guarantee of hot
    water. And I'm not sure I could shave my legs in the dark.

    Instead of
    going to the next nearest gym and having to find a gas station near it, I decided
    just to head home to shower. The plus to that was that I pulled another outfit out
    of my closet, allowing me to use the one I had packed for tomorrow -- a tiny time-
    saver, since I'm generally in a hurry to get to bed. And yes, both outfits include
    new clothes. We've already
    established that I have no self control. Sadly, the red shoes don't really go with
    the denim shirt, at least not with the flowered top. Life is full of minor

    On the work side, I am frantically trying to get
    everything done before leaving for the new job. It's not looking promising at the

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 06, 2002

    buying frenzy

    Um. Well. Today's shopping trip was, uh, productive. Not to mention profitable,
    for the mall stores. I believe it has now been thoroughly proven that I have no
    will power. None. Now you know why I've never ever ever been on a diet. I may need
    more hangers. (I almost wrote hangars. I only need one of those.) Here's the
    damage; assume all of it is way cool and looks totally hot on me. (May not be true
    in all cases, but obviously I think it is, or why would I have bought all this

    • The href="">red shoes that
      were the motivation for this whole trip.
    • Six skinny plastic
      headbands. OK, these don't look totally hot. But they were cheap and they're
      going to be necessary to restrain my hair as it grows out and wants to stick out
      in strange new directions.
    • One wicked cool skirt with stretchy
      black lace over beige liner and a little ruffle running down the front. I'm pretty
      sure it will be OK for work with a plain black top -- not too tight and just past
      the knee. I don't usually wear that length because I'm bowlegged, but it does show
      off my calves.
    • One slightly see-through shirt, black with bright
      flowers on it, and a black camisole to wear under it. And the cami is, for once,
      big enough not to cut into my arms, and double-thick for solo wear. Rudder vetted
      the combination for work, and he tends to be conservative, so it should be all
    • A nifty little denim skirt, flaring out to below the knee.
      (See above re calves) Size 2, if you please.
    • Not one but two
      gentlemanly vests: one black and white houndstooth and the other a tweedy brown
    • A fitted white stretch shirt with 3/4 sleeves for under the
    • A velveteen brown jacket for over the brown vest. Something
      I'm sure I'll wear a lot here in the desert. Size 8, petite, to balance that size
      2 skirt.

    • Small containers of The Body Shop's href="
      urr_category=TBSUS_body_body_butter&parent_category=TBSUS_body">Body Butter
      both Grape Seed and Mango, to see if I can find one that will pass the Husband
      Sniff Test. (He refers to the Shea Butter one I have now as "Rudder Repellant" --
      though I admit that can have its uses.

    I think that's it.
    Kudos to the very helpful salewoman at Nordstrom, who brought me all kinds of
    goodies including at least two things I wouldn't have picked out and ended up
    buying, and the one at Ann Taylor Loft, who steamed the jacket so the laels would
    fall straight.

    Kudos to me, too. I forgot to mention that yesterday I instealled a new garbage
    disposal. Even if Rudder helped a little, I deserved that shopping trip.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    cavorting day

    to frolic.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    October 05, 2002

    time to relax

    Rudder and I slept something like 12 hours last night. Ahhhhhh. The cats, critters
    of habit that they are, were Not Pleased, which is why the last two hours were
    fairly intermittent.

    And I think I hear a pedicure calling, from my
    immediate future, though I would probably deserve it more if I tried to fix the
    garbage disposal first.

    Also, I think the small gift certificate from
    work justifies the cool red shoes
    that I lust after but am not sure how much I'll wear. The similar brown ones I
    bought last week have been worn once already and could have been worn more if not
    for not wanting the other denizens of my shoe rack to feel

    Posted by dichroic at 10:30 AM

    October 04, 2002

    will linking yourself make you blind?

    Rowing this morning was a reenactment of Aesop's fable of the Tortoise and the
    Hare. For some reason, despite the fact that this is fall and we're heading into
    head race (5000m) season, everyone seemed to be doing short sprint pieces. I was
    rowing at about 50% pressure, trying to just keep going and keep the water bearks
    to a minimum. So they'd race past me and then stop and I'd row on by while they
    sat panting. Then I'd get to the end of the lake, turn around, pass them as they
    recovered, they'd race past again, and again I'd pass them when they stopped. It
    would have been fairly gratifying (REALLY gratifying would be if they couldn't
    pass me at all), except that on some of those passes I got mercilessly waked by
    the accompanying coaching launches. It was bad; I'm stable enough in the boat that
    I never came near tipping , but it does slow me down and there were a couple of
    points where I was getting a tiny bit seasick.

    Or maybe that was from
    the late meal and lack of sleep. I've been thoroughly spoiled lately; last week I
    was in training and work paid for all my breakfasts, lunches, and snacks, and
    Rudder's company gave us
    to see the Diamondbacks beat the Rockies, from a suite. This week, I
    paid for my own lunches, but on Tuesday I got to go out for a steak dinner from work (not
    to mention a few extra bonuses) and last night, one of Rudder's vendors invited us
    out to a really, really good steak dinner, at a place notable for the quality of
    both their beef and their wine cellar. I don't know what I'll do next week when I
    have to pay for all of my own meals!


    If your
    health insurance is a PPO and you want to find out whether a medical provider
    (those would be what we used to call "doctors and nurses") participates in the
    network, apparently you must ask whether they "participate" in that insurance
    network, rather than whether they "accept" the insurance. Becuase I used the wrong
    word, my insurance has just informed that the convenient mobile service that
    provided my baseline
    is actually out-of-network and therefore they will only pay $26
    of the $147 claim. This was after I cleared up the part where the
    insurance refused the claim because they tried to bill it in my name instead of
    Rudder's -- insurance at my last job was through the same company, but that
    account closed over a year ago, after they laid me off. Obviously the mammogram
    company have larceny in their hearts are well, because when they billed me (in the
    letter telling me insurance coverage was refused), they only billed for half the
    amount they would have charged the company. Therefore, I'm sure that whatever
    residual I have to pay will be much less than $147 - 26 = 121, but it still
    peeves me that I have to pay anything at all over the normal copay (which is what
    we used to call a "copayment"). I'll argue it down as far as possible, naturally,
    but I doubt I'll win this one entirely. Sigh. So much for doing responsible
    preventive medicine.

    Note: I'm linking to myself all over the place
    today, in honor of Kinetix,
    because he's my favorite of the journalers chosen for the latest Diary Survivor. That's not entirely
    fair, since there are only two people on that list I've been reading regularly,
    but I have read him for a long time and he amuses me frequently.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:48 AM

    October 03, 2002

    giddy but not smiling

    "I may be a wage slave on Monday, but I'll be a free [wo]man on Sunday." -- Manchester Rambler, by Ewan MacColl

    Yes, I'm looking
    forward to the weekend already. I need to enjoy these next few quiet weekends,
    because after that we get into regatta season and from there straight to holiday
    season. Maybe we can go rock climbing, since the weather's been bee-YOO-ti-fully
    cool lately. (Yesterday, it didn't even break 80! They're predicting it will go
    back to 90 soon, though.)

    That's for day after tomorrow. Today's
    poem is much shorter: Payday, yay!! Another thing I'll miss when I become a real
    employee instead of a contractor is weekly paychecks, instead of biweekly. That's
    less than a month away now., and I'm scrambling to get everything done before
    then. Somehow I have a feeling that my hope that things will be less busy then is
    pure wishful thinking.

    Since things have cooled down here, I have
    been downright bubbly. Verging on giddy, even. Though apparently still not enough
    to please the guy in the office who keeps telling me to smile. (Why would I be
    smiling when I go to ask my boss how we'll handle getting a job finished that was
    last worked on two years ago by someone who's now in another department,

    Speaking of smiling, am I on target with my impression that
    people who sprinkle LOLs and (smile)s randomly through emails are the same people
    who giggle annoyingly and meaninglessly at the end of every sentence they

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 02, 2002

    confused but happy

    My life, or at least the technical side of it, is becoming recursive. In a demo
    this morning I encountered a software modeling tool I trained to use at the start
    of my last job, a mention of a military networking protocol that's the successor
    to one I used when I first moved out here, and a discussion of a proprietary
    simulation tool I'd used on a petrochemical project for an aerospace company (long
    story). The development environment used here, by the way, is one for which I was
    a customer support engineer, let me count ... three jobs ago. I would chalk it up
    to aerospace being a small world, but the last job had nothing to do with
    aerospace (all of the others did, admittedly, but some were peripheral). Either
    I'm mired in an endless loop or all my life has been leading to this point.
    Unfortunately, I can't tell which.

    This next bit is for Egret -- wouldn't want her to think it will
    all be downhill from newlywed bliss.

    Last night was nice. After an all-day meeting, I went out to dinner with the group, having previously warned Rudder I'd be late. The food was decent, and I got not only a free meal (I know, I
    know, TANSTAAFL) but a small bonus check and, mirabile dictu, a shirt in my size.
    That's never happened before -- usually the smallest they have is a men's medium.
    Rudder has a whole collection of shirts from my jobs. This one is not only a
    small, but a women's small. Incroyable. Even better, though, was coming home.
    Though it was a good hour and a half after our normal bedtime, Rudder had gotten
    home from work not long before (poor boy) and was still awake. I got to tell him
    about my evening and then I got to snuggle in behind him. (Yes, we tend to spoon
    backwards. So what?) It's just turned nice and cool at nights, so he wasn't
    sweaty, and it felt so right to be there that I began to leak slow happy tears. We
    fell asleep that way. Ahhh.... now if it only weren't for that damned alarm clock.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 01, 2002

    coming alive

    Before getting into this month's entry for Ampersand, check out yesterday's entry, which I have now fixed so it's readable.

    Ampersand: When art comes alive

    Somewhere in Surprised by Joy, C.S. Lewis tells about the thrill that went
    through him as a boy when he read the Norse myths and came upon the phrase,
    "Baldur the brave is dead, is dead!" He mentions other times when he felt that
    shock of joy; I was expecting him to write that he'd found a more potent joy in
    his religion later in life, but somehow nothing he writes about the faith for
    which he was famous ever matches the profundity of those moments of wild apostate
    joy in his youth. Emily of New Moon and Anne of Green Gables get the same sort of
    thrill ("the flash" and "the queer ache", respectively) from the unearthly beauty
    of a moonlit landscape, which leads me to believe their mutual creator did

    Maybe that's just my subjective identification, because while I
    have never found deep joy in a religion, I have felt -- haven't you? -- the wild
    thrill of a few words that somehow strike just right, right at the heart of
    things, that seem to hold the answers to secrets in their syllables. That nearly
    physical sparkle down your spine. I've quoted several of them here before:
    Kipling's "Something hidden. Go and find it." and Service's "Hear the challenge.
    Learn the lesson. Pay the cost." There are many others: E.E. Cumming's "then
    laugh, leaning back in my arms, for life's not a sentence / and death i think is
    no parenthesis." Gordon Bok's "The stars are swinging slow / and the seas are
    rolling easy, as they did so long ago." A couple of miscellaneous unknown quotes
    stored in an old book of hand-copied poems somewhere in my library. I rarely get
    stirred to the same depths by visual art -- but photos or images of the Moon, or
    of Earth from space have been known to do it.

    I'm not entirely sure
    what does it for me, but moons and waters, unknown landscapes and most of all
    wildness seem to play a big part. I think it must be different for others; I
    imagine the perfect balance of a phrase or curve of a line, or an evocation of
    untouched delicacy, or a portrait of deep love could be triggers for other people.
    I wonder if this is the core of what art is supposed to do. I can appreciate
    works, both verbal and visual, that don't give me that thrill, but not at the same
    level. Maybe for a specific piece of art to really come alive for a specific
    viewer there has to be that kick in the viscera. Maybe it can only be alive in
    that sort of one-to-one relationship. Maybe that's what art is, but I doubt it.
    Maybe that's what great art is: pieces that resound for a lot of people. Or maybe
    not, but maybe it's more important for art to be alive than to be great in a more
    conventional sense.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 30, 2002

    happy feet

    Back to normal at work, for one whole day. Then tomorrow through Thursday there's
    a three-day kickoff meeting I'm involved in, which of course doesn't mean I don't
    have to do all my normal work, including all that stuff I couldn't get done while
    I was in training last week.

    But I bought new shoes
    yesterday, so at least my feet look good.

    They also feel good. And
    looking up the website linked above just now, I found out that Born sponsors the
    Head of the Charles regatta, so I'm happy all around. Hmmm .... if I'm supporting
    my sport, does that mean I'm justified in buying the cute red ones

    Speaking of rowing, it was blissfully cool this morning, so I
    celebrated by doing an extra 1000m. I hope we've seen the last of summer for this

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 29, 2002

    weekend report

    Company's gone. Did I mention we had company? A guy Rudder went to school with,
    also an engineering major, who lived only a few doors down for three years later
    went to law school and became a patent attorney. He was out here working on
    patents at Rudder's company. And it's not a huge company. I just think
    that's totally bizarre, even more than the time we ran into someone I knew from
    Penn on a rock-climbing in Texas. Everyone I've told the story to just looks blank
    and shrugs, "Yup. Small world." But it still blows my mind.

    It was a
    good visit. Rudder managed to get tickets for all of us (plus the rest of his
    department) to the ballgame Thursday night, where we got to watch the D-Backs
    break a 6-game losing streak. Damn, Randy Johnson is something to watch. As long
    as you don't have to look at his face close up. Then the college friend, IE, came
    home with Rudder on Friday night and we all went to Copelands to remind the boys
    of their halcyon days in New Orleans. According to Rudder, I consumed one of the
    bottles of wine we ordered, solo, in its entirety. Oops. Of course, drunk women
    and memories of New Orleans combine well, so I don't think either of them minded
    much. I'm not a sloppy drunk, anyway -- no vomiting or personality changes or
    indiscretions to regret later.

    Then yesterday we went out to Sedona
    for the day. Just as we were about to leave, Rudder started suspecting that the
    water pump in his Cherokee was dying. So scratch that, as we didn't want to be
    marooned two hours from home. Scratch the Civic, because we wanted to go down
    Schnebly Hill Road, a rough dirt road with incredible views of Sedona's red rocks,
    and it's Not Recommended for Passenger Cars. You can do it, but you'd better be
    resigned to bottoming out a couple of times. And my pickup has no problem with
    that road, but riding in the flip-down back seat wasn't on my list of fun ways to
    get over a (slight) hangover. IE saved the day by volunteering his rental car, a
    Corolla. So for the second time, we took that road in a small rental car,
    no doubt pissing off all those people who'd paid big bucks to go on a rugged off-
    road tour in a Jeep or Hummer. We got looks that had us laughing all the way down.
    We decided that what we really needed was a big sign that said, "IT'S OK. IT'S A
    RENTAL CAR." If I ever do that again, I'm making one.

    Came home, had
    brisket that Rudder had started before we left, and some asparagus and bowties-
    and-kasha I threw together. IE seemed to like it all, and I restricted myself to
    one beer. We spent the evening talking out on the back patio, where he gave us
    fascinating insight (really) into the life of a patent lawyer, and how to do it
    right. Cool stuff -- I love hearing about other people's jobs. The weather is
    finally cool enough to sit out in the evenings and the mornings, and I think our
    patio may have been IE's favorite part of his visit.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 27, 2002

    hey, you in that hat!

    D-backs game last night. I'm glad to say they beat the Rockies, ending a six-game
    skid. I kept thinking how some faces just don't look right in game uniforms;
    watching Randy Johnson pitch to another guy whose face belongs to a man rather
    than a boy, I kept picturing where those faces belonged. Randy, whose baseball
    skills are amazing but whose face looks better from the higher sections, always
    makes me think o a guy out of a Zane Grey novel. Other players looked like
    everything from truck drivers to movie stars -- and at least a few looked right
    under the duck-billed cap.

    Last bit of training today. Then I'm
    running over to the office to try to get done everything I'd normally have done
    this whole week!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 25, 2002

    anyone got some spare hours to send over??

    Arrgggh! No time, no time, no time!!!

    Rudder comes home late tonight
    from a one-day business trip, so I'm resigned to interrupted sleep. And I promised
    to help someone set up his new boat tomorrow. And my team in this training class
    wants to stay late tomorrow to work on an assignment. And despite being closer to
    home I still don't get home any earlier because training always runs late. And we
    have tickets to a Diamondbakcs game tomorrow. (In a suite, thanks to Rudder's
    company - yay!) And we're having company Friday and Saturday nights, a college
    friend of Rudder's I don't know well.

    Did I say

    Oh, yes, and today's TMI tidbit is that all my intestinal
    flora appears to have committed mass suicide. In green.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:50 PM

    September 24, 2002

    ringing in my ears

    Yet another problem with telemarketers is those autodialing systems they all have
    now. If I answer the phone and no one's there, not only did I have to interrupt
    what I was doing and get up, but I have no way of knowing if it's a crank call, or
    someone trying to check if the house is empty before attempting to break in, or an
    autodialer hanging up on me because one of the three other people it dialed
    simultaneously answered first. These days the last is by far the most likely,
    though I'm starting to think it's every bit as invasive as the other two. (Well,
    ok, having the house broken into would be worse.)

    Last night we got
    five phone calls and not one of them was anyone either of us wanted to talk to.
    One caller evinced evidence of working brain cells and I was so bedazzled I agreed
    to let her give me a quote on auto insurance, though I'm happy with my current
    company. (Then she said someone else would call me back. Humph. I bet he's not up
    to her standard even if he does have a fancier title.)

    I could get
    Caller ID, but then I'd still have to get up to see what number was calling. I
    could even get the deal where the Caller ID shows on your TV screen, but I have no
    desire to watch that much TV. When they get one that flashes across your book,
    maybe it will be useful. I could get one of those systems where callers have to
    know a special code to get through, but I never remember the code of those friends
    who have one, and I have no reason to believe anyone else would remember mine, And
    I've run afoul of those systems when I wanted to get through to someone in a

    The worst is the nmber of callers that dial us at 8:30 or so,
    which is generally just when we've managed to fall asleep. If I were less of a
    worrywart, I'd unplug the phone when I went to bed. I keep thinking someone could
    be calling with an emergency message. I have gotten calls then or later to find
    out one parent or the other was in the hospital, and though I can't do much from
    2000 miles away, I do like to know these things when they happen. Besides, I'd
    never remember to turn the phone back on the next day. I could just turn off the
    upstairs phone but I sleep lightly enough that the downstairs one wold probably
    wake me up.

    Clearly, abolishing all telemarketers is the only
    solution. Does anybody really want to hear about glass repair, upholstery
    cleaning, or mortgages over the phone anyway?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 23, 2002

    in class

    I'm in training all this week, so probably very little journal activity. No net
    connetion during the day, and tonight at least I've got a bit of homework. So far
    it's reasonably useful, except that it's mainly geared to hardware and I work on
    software. The people in the class mostly seem bright, which is

    But it sure would have been easier if they'dsent me away to
    class so I wouldn't have to keep my normal wakeup/workout schedule. Just think, if
    I didn't have to get up at 4 or 5 I could stay up til 10 or some exotic hour like
    that to finish this bit of homework. And go out to eat!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 22, 2002

    kitty trauma

    Fuck it, I just lost a whole entry. The gist was that getting the damn cats to the
    vets for their shots today was much harder than flying an airplane (did that
    yesterday) and that putting them in to a pillowcase, as recommended by a coworker,
    actually did help, because then I could keep the beastie still while Rudder went
    and got the carrier. Much easier than sneaing up on them with the carrier, which
    is sort of harder to casually conceal ("Oh, this? It's a, a new sex toy I was just
    bringing up to the bedroom. Yeah that's it -- just ignore us,

    And we had steak au poivre for dinner and didn't even share
    any with our poor traumatized felines, meanies that we are.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:05 PM

    September 21, 2002

    air instead of water

    Flying today went well, though at least part of that was that the instructor went
    easier on me than I think he should have. My airspeeds were off a few times and
    I'd rather he got on me about them (after waiting for me to see and fix the
    problem myself) than just say, "Well, but you corrected in the right direction and
    that's the important thing." He did have me do some VOR work as well as steep
    turns under the hood and we did about 5 landings, all of which went relatively
    smoothly. He also pulled the power out on me to make me simulate an emergency
    landing -- I think it may be a rule that every instructor flying with a new
    student has to pull out the power to see if you freak.

    Someday this
    year I might even pass 100 hours in my log book. I got my private pilot rating
    somewhere around 1997 - can you tell I hadn't flown much after my check ride??

    Next time I should do some slow flight and stalls. It would
    also be good to do a cross-coutry trip (technically, that's anything over 50 miles
    from the starting point). Rudder keeps nagging me to fly up to the property. I'd
    want to do that with an instructor anyway -- the runway is sloped so the landing
    gets a bit tricky. And we're stuck flying with an instructor unless we change to
    renting from a more expensive place. The 9/11 attacks savaged private flying and
    one result is new insurance policies that have made lots of places inclding the
    one we rent from rent planes only with an instructor or as part of a formal flying
    course. One of these days we're just going to have to brake down and buy a damn
    plane ourselves.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:37 PM

    September 20, 2002

    what love looks like

    I really don't give my family enough credit. I tend to think that they gave me a
    love of books and that that made all the difference but that's not really true.
    They taught me a lot about love as well.

    My Dad is a product of the
    foster system. His foster parents were the only real mother and father figures he
    nknew; unfortunately, the system at that time was not to leave a child with a
    family for more than a year for fear he would bond with them, as if having a child
    grow up with no one to love weren't far worse. (I will spare you the rant about
    awfulness of the system then and now, as well as the one about his birth parents.
    If you love your child, you either do anything necessary to raise him, or you cut
    him loose entirely so other people can become real parents to him. This is not
    what they did.) At any rate, he did bond with one set of foster parents, even
    running away from other (sometimes abusive) fosterers to go back to them.

    They divorced eventually, and he remarried around the time I was
    born. I knew him and his new wife as Grandpop Chuck and Grandmom Fay. We weren't
    as close to them emotionally as to my mom's parents, and they were closer to her
    grandnieces and grandnephews but they lived only a couple of blocks away and we
    saw them often. As a little kid, all I knew was that I had two complete sets of
    grandparents, plus a couple of extra grandmothers (Chuck's first wife, my dad's
    birth mom, with whom he had sort of gingerly reconciled by then, and my mom's
    grandmother). That's extraordinary in itself; imagine being a grandmother to the
    children of a kid your husband had fostered years before. Fay had no kids of her
    own, so my brother and I and her sister's grandchildren were the beneficiaries of
    her grandmotherly instincts. That's one sort of love.

    Chuck had been
    in bad health for as long as I can remember, mostly due to the effects of years of
    heavy smoking and a resulting cases of asthma and emphysema. Once when I was 12,
    my parents called me at a party and told me to go home with a friend who was there
    also. A small plane crash-landed on my grandparent's tiny street and the smoke
    from the explosion triggered an asthma attack that sent him to the hospital.

    By the time I went off to college at Penn, in the other end of
    Philadelphia, Chuck and Fay had moved down the shore (as we say in Philadelphia)
    to Atlantic City, to be near her relatives in Margate. During my last couple of
    years, I worked for a behavioral geneticist who had his office in HUP, the
    university's teaching hospital. In what turned out to be Chuck's last illness he
    was med-evaced to HUP, where they tried angioplasties and eventually replaced a
    heart valve. That operation killed him. It wasn't the doctors' fault at all; his
    system was just too damaged by then to withstand general anesthesia; his kidneys
    just stopped working. They performed the operation only because he would have died
    almost as soon without it. Since I was on that campus and even in that hospital
    every day, I was able to visit him daily. I never once saw him without Grandmom
    Fay by his side, and it was then that I realized exactly why they had married each
    other. It was impossible to miss.

    Now, they must have been in their
    fifties when they married, and they were old as far back as I can remember. I know
    lots of people that age now who are nearly as young as I am in every way but
    chronological age, but they weren't, and I don't think it was just my youthful
    perceptions that are clouding my memory. They smoked and ate heavy foods and had
    lots of health problems. They were short and dumpy, wrinkled and gray-haired. They
    didn't look like Sean Connery and Sophia Loren; they looked like the sort of old
    people you don't generally notice. And, it became increasingly clear as I visited
    them in that hospital, they were as deeply in love as any couple I have ever met.
    The wrinkles and blood pressure and the occasional presence of an oxygen machine
    in their house had nothing to do with anything important. They married because
    they fell in love and they stayed that way.

    And death didn't part
    them, though it tried. She was devastated to lose him, but she was also upset that
    he had gone on without her. She told me once that they had planned to go together,
    holding hands and walking out into the Atlantic Ocean in front of their apartment
    until they bacame part of the ocean. Her family had a talent for dying, or maybe
    an unwilingness to live alone; two sisters that had lived together for years died
    within a month of each other. She manifested the family talent, dying of nothing
    but age and grief within a year after he went on before her. I am very glad I paid
    her a visit after I graduated college and before I moved far away; I had a feeling
    it was something that needed to be done, and it was. It was the last time I saw
    her. There are stories of people who die of broken hearts, but apparently it
    really happens sometimes. That was when I learned that love really doesn't take
    account of age or infirmity; that it can ignore wrinkles and age spots and that
    Hollywood was entirely wrong in showing falling in love as a glamorous thing,
    restricted to glamorous (or at least young) people.

    That's not all.
    My dad is not an emotional man. I think he may have misted over slightly at my
    wedding, but I have only seen him crying, really crying helplessly, once in my
    life and that was when Grandpop Chuck died. They were no blood relation, and I
    don't know whether Grandpop Chuck and his first wife got into foster-parenting as
    charity, or to earn a bit of money, or just as an act of neighborliness. (They and
    my dad's birth parents knew each other and I think had all grown up together.) But
    once they did it, they were able to be parents in a real way to a boy who needed
    them. Parents aren't born into motherhood and fatherhood when their children
    emerge from the womb; they are molded by love and responsibility. Chuck was my
    dad's real father in a way that had nothing to do with the name and genes they
    didn't share. My parents did OK raising us, and I can't imagine that my dad could
    have done that, or could have stayed married to mom for nearly 40 years now,
    without being shown what love looks like.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    not dead just busy

    Crazy day at work. At the moment I'm playing hooky from the 5th of 5 meetings
    today. May update later if possible.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:14 PM

    September 18, 2002

    up a mountain, down a beer

    Last night we lived out the slogan on a T-shirt I once bought Rudder in New

    "Up a mountain. Down a beer."

    It was a small
    mountain, so I stuck to a small beer.

    Actually, it all started when
    Mechaieh and the BYM rode into town,
    and I mean that literally -- over 1000 miles on a motorcycle. And people think
    we're nuts. They appear to have enjoyed it, and were in good shape when we
    saw them.

    We met by Gordon Biersch on Mill Ave, that being our local
    cool-shops-and-restaurant street (though the cool shops are morphing into Gaps and
    Borders these days). In deference to the BYM's dislike of chain restaurants, we
    skipped Biersch (I'm not crazy about their beer anyway, though the food is good)
    and went to a nearby Thai place Rudder had heard recommended.

    food wasn't bad, but the most memorable part of the meal was when they served my
    soup in a miniature volcano, something like a cross between a soup tureen and a
    Bundt pan with a not-too-small fire burning out of the center hole. Our server
    brought it out very gingerly, commenting that he was afraid the fire would melt
    his polyester shirt. Unfortunately, the presentation was more picturesque than
    functional, as they didn't seem to have a ladle. They did offer a large spoon, but
    my Asian-style ceramic spoon had a larger capacity. Still, filling a bowl was a
    tedious process.

    After eating, we asked the restaurant to hold the
    leftovers and went off to climb up 'A' Mountain. I would just like to state that
    this was entirely Rudder's idea, even though he had to get up early today to row.
    It was cool enough in the dark not to be unpleasant to hike up, and it's a little
    mountain, only about a 15 minute hike to the top. (It's called 'A' Mountain
    because there's a big A on top, for ASU, and the stadium is built into it -- you
    may get a glimpse when ASU or Cardinals games are broadcast.) The valley here is
    flat, except for mountains sticking up here and there, so the view from the top at
    night is very good.

    After that we went over to Bandersnatch for
    beers -- their beer is worth chortling over and Mechaieh was charmed with the
    name. After being told they wer out of milk stout, I had the chocolate stout,
    Mechaieh had the barley wine, and the menfolk had IPAs. The adorable waitress had
    the sort of gamine look going that keeps making me doubt my decision to grow my
    hair out, not to mention considerably more functioning brain cells than our dinner
    waitress. We'd only met the BYM once before, but he'd had another friend visiting
    then, so we got to talk to him much more this time, which was nice -- about
    everything from bikes to planes to automobile companies to software to marketing
    to music. After more comfortable conversation, they left for a concert, while we
    picked up the leftovers and headed home to bed, an hour or so late. Rudder is not
    a happy rower today.

    He made an odd comment as we were settling down
    to sleep. I had commented that it seem odd how well Mechaieh and I get along
    considering how unlike we are. We have quite a few interests but very few
    personality traits in common. He said something like, " I don't know about that.
    You have very different views on life, but you apply your views similarly." I'm
    still not sure what that means, but told him I'd ask more later when we weren't
    short on sleep.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 17, 2002

    cogitation completed

    I'm back, having duly cogitated. No deep thoughts hit, but I didn't really expect
    them to. I did do a lot of unwinding and catching up on some things I'd meant to
    do forever; not only did I let my mind empty out, but I got the basket full of
    papers that site on my file cabinet nearly empty as well, And I finally
    embroidered T2's smartass signature on my tablecloth as well. I also made chili. I hadn't really wanted
    to go out and spend money, but I needed a few cans of beans so while I was out that way I finally got the oil changed in my truck, as well. I met my husband for lunch, something we can't usually do on weekdays due to distance. And I read and read and read.

    It felt right, somehow; much better, at least, than in other years when I've worked through the holiday. Yom Kippur isn't actually meant to be a one-day festival of contrition; the whole ten days before it are for remembering and atoning for sins. Yom Kippur is the seal of all those, the day of Judgement -- and, in a case convincingly made by Baraita, mercy. Maybe I'm doing a bit of cafeteria religion here, but worshipping an infinite God(dess) in a strict and prescribed way sounds pretty silly anyway. Whatever yesterday was or wasn't, it was good for my mental health and my putative serenity. I appreciated the minutes of my day, including even the food I ate (my biggest departure from strict tradition), and the media fast did keep me from gettig sucked into the usual frenzy.

    Am I making excuses? Silly of me. This is what I did. I liked it. It worked well for me. I felt bigger at the end of the day than at the beginning.

    One decision that I did make was not to waste any further time online. By "wasted time", I mean time in which I am not having fun, or learning something, or getting paid. I will keep updating this journal, but I will not write when I don't have anything to say. (A much rarer occurence than you'd think; remember I didn't say "anything profound to say". But when I don't feel like writing, I won't.) I've written in this journal every day since starting it a year and a half ago, often more than once a day, except for days when I've been out of town. If I ever had anything to prove, it's proved. I will not read other journals or email lists just to keep up with them; I won't read anything online, except as required by work, unless it entertains me or teaches me. Doing recreational things out of a feeling of "ought to" is just silly, and my free time is too scarce. The only real difference to Dichroic Reflections, probably, will be the occasional skipped weekend entry.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 15, 2002

    various odd feelings

    What a weird feeling. I walked in here earlier and Rudder had an old Dichroic
    entry up. He was looking at my Alaska summary while trying to index our photos
    from the trip. I had told him long ago that he could read this diary if he wanted
    (actually when I started it and we were nearly 3000 miles apart, I though he ought
    to). We've discussed various things I've written and he was the one who suggested
    his own pseudonym. I meant it when I said he could read it, too, but as far as I
    know he's never actually done it before. I didn't even know he knew how to search
    through it. ("I just clicked on the link, went to the archives page, got the
    appropriate month, and opened the one called "Alaska Summary". OK, it's not rocket
    science - and he's perfectly capable of handling rocket

    Also odd is that I was in the mood to go out somewhere nice
    for dinner tonight, but Olive Garden somehow sounds appealing. It may not be haute
    cuisine, or even Italiano autentico (and that probably isn't real Italian either;
    I'm just guessing) but their food always tastes good, and I always enjoy myself on
    our infrequent visits there. Maybe it's the generous carafes of

    Tomorrow I will read and read, possibly meet Rudder for luch,
    listen to music, and maybe even embroider a bit. If I finally get T2's name
    stitched onto my tablecloth (it's been a veryvery long time) I can take it with me
    when me meet Mechaieh for dinner this week, to get the signature we discussed but
    later forgot when she was here last.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:46 PM

    September 14, 2002

    Yom Kippur plans

    I'm taking Yom Kippur off work on Monday. It's not something I usually do, but I always feel guilty when I don't. It feels a little silly to be taking the day off,
    since I don't intend to go to synagogue, but somehow I do feel the need to spend a day in reflection. I have no real idea why, except that my days include almost no unscheduled time these days except on weekends, and I'm severely in need of down time.

    As I think I've written before, I've never entirely understood the idea of fasting for Yom Kippur. The theory is that abstaining from food permits the mind to concentrate on Higher Thoughts, but if I go too long without eating I end up either distractingly hungry or lightheaded and dizzy to the point of uselessness. I've decided instead to do something that makes more sense to me, and go on a media fast for that day -- no radio, TV, or internet. Therefore, there won't be an entry here from sundown Sunday to sundown Monday. That should allow me to reconnect with things that are more essential to me. I'm not abstaining from books because they fall into the category of "essentials" -- I'm not sure I even have an identity left if you remove the concept of "reader" from it. People who know me would argue that I do, because they've seen me interacting with the world and other people, and it's true that I'm very engaged in it when I do it, but from the inside it feels like reading books is an even more central component of my life. Also, honestly, I have no idea what I'd do for a whole day alone if I couldn't read. Somehow hanging out at the mall, or spending money in any context, seems not to agree with the spirit of the occasion. I don't plan to row either, though I may go for a short hike.

    It's sort of a hard line to draw. I've decided that even reading books online counts as being on the net. I haven't decided about magazines, but I don't really spend enough time reading them that
    withdrawal is much of an issue. I'd abstain from newspapers, but then I would have anyway. I will listen to recorded music -- somehow that feels more like the category of books, for no logical reason.

    If I do any writing, it will be with pen and paper. Maybe I'll play some guitar, and change the strings on my instruments. Mostly, I hope to think. But I don't know what I'm going to think about.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 13, 2002

    Dear Dichroic

    I'm tired of reading journals and listening to friends and not being able to tell
    them what to do -- because, of course, it's easy to see that right thing to do
    when you're not the one involved. Sometimes it's easy even when you are the one
    involved, but seeing it and doing it aren't the same. On the other hand, I believe
    that people have the right to make their own decisions, that it's rude to offer
    advice unless it's asked for, and that no one takes advice anyway until they're
    ready to move on it. And I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or invade their
    privacy. So here is my own version of Dear Abby, with names omitted and details
    left out to protect those involved. It serves no purpose except to relieve my own
    mind. If you think a bit of advice may be meant for you, it likely isn't. (Some of
    these aren't even people who read this diary, or who I know from the D-land
    community, and I've tried to be vague enough that the rest won't be obvious.) But
    if any of it feels helpful, feel free to use it. I don't imagine it will,

    Dear N:

    You're getting good experience but if you don't use it you'll waste your life.
    Make plans to go back to school in a year or so.


    Dear Y:

    You've got a lot right now. Remember that before you shoot for more and take the
    risk of ending up with grave heartache.


    Dear A:

    Dump him. You know you should, and you know that when he cries and says he will do
    better it won't last.


    Dear D:

    The company will not fall apart if you take time off when you're sick. Trust


    Dear N:

    Keep him. Peripherals are not as important as compatibility and real caring.


    Dear X:

    You've got the time, now do some writing!


    Dear A:

    COnsider if some of those things could be your own fault. Watch your temper.


    Dear I:

    Try actually caring. Cynicism is a false shelter.


    Dear H:

    Take time every day to revel in your blessings. Maybe while the baby is asleep.


    Dear Z:

    Try to get more sleep.


    Dear W:

    The way he's been resisting your reasonable and normal requests? Red flag. Dump


    Dear J:

    Stand up straight!


    Dear K:

    Technical competence is important, but in your job, so are interpersonal skills.
    Your people and your peers will do more work for youif you don't piss them off all
    the time.


    Dear B:

    Take a good look at what he brings to the relationship. If it can't be one thing,
    it should be another.


    Dear s:

    If you loosen the reins, the horse will run more easily.


    There, I feel much better.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:20 AM

    September 12, 2002

    there she goes, pontificating again

    Somehow, the opposing suggestions I've been reading in various places, that people
    should care less about victims of attacks in this country because we pay too
    little attention to the masses who die of war, famine, AIDS, earthquakes, and
    other forms of genicide in other countries, and those that we are justified in
    caring about our own tragedies and to hell with other countries strike me as
    equally stupid.

    Here's a suggestion instead, derived more or less
    from the ideas behind the celebration of Passover, but it's not limited to Jews
    and it's not limited to this attack. Care about those who died. Think of them.
    Remember them. Try to get your mind around the magnitude of 3000-some deaths. Try
    to get your mind around the magnitude of one death -- the concept of a living
    person suddenly ending is almost as mind-boggling as the concept of birth.. And
    then next time something awful happens anywhere in the world, remember how it felt
    when it was you who were suffering. The point of Passover is that if you remember
    how it felt to be a stranger in a strange land, you will now how to treat the
    strangers in your land. Similarly, if you know how it feels to be bereaved,
    mourning, shocked, or suffering, you will know how to help those who are bereaved,
    mourning, shocked, or suffering.

    On to forgiveness. I confess I have
    seen a lot more objections to forgiving bin Laden and crew than actual proposals
    that we do so, but it's a timely topic in the ten days of repentence between Rosh
    Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Judaism teaches that offenses against another person
    cannot just be confessed and forgiven by God; they must be atoned for and forgiven
    by the injured person. God only forgives for sins against God. Clearly if God
    cannot forgive a sin that did not harm Him/Her, then certainly a person cannot do
    so. Also, God will not, and a person is not expected to, forgive unless the person
    asking forgiveness repents sincerely and does his or her best to repair the

    OK, now take it out of religious context. Forgiving someone
    who has not repented is not saintly, it's illogical, and fairly stupid. Forgiving
    someone who does not want to be forgiven only annoys them, and tempts them to a
    greater attack in the future. In the case of the September 11 attacks, of course,
    some of the perpetrators are not in a position to atone, being dead and all.Since
    they are either completely irrelevant or in some afterlife where they are learning
    of their errors, depending on your belief, forgiving them might be all right, if
    you think somehow it will help you feel better, except for one thing. You
    can't forgive them the harm done to someone else.
    If you have not been
    injured, you do not have a right to compensation for injury, so you also do not
    have a right to waive that compensation (whether it be in hard currency or the
    currency of apologetic words). Forgiving an injury done to someone else is not
    only logically inconsistent, but intrusive, selfish, and presumptuous. It does the
    true victim the additional injury of not being taken seriously.

    related topic is justice. If the injurer does not repent and atone, justice may be
    visited -- though justice needs to be effected by the society, not the individual
    victim or else what you have is a lynch mob. The thing about justice is that it
    only lives up to its name if the penalty is extracted from the actual person
    guilty of committing the injury. Which is something we need to make damned sure
    we're careful about if we go into Iraq.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    exercise in blogging

    Why do I always decide to get a powdered-sugar-covered doughnut when I'm wearing
    dark colors?

    I'm wearing dark colors because I had felt like wearing
    a black outift yesterday, and didn't for fear it might look like mourning clothes.
    Wearing mourning somehow seems presumptuous, since no one I know died in the
    attacks (as far as I know).

    Though it was shocking, during the
    reading of the names from the ATC, to hear a few names of people I knew. None of
    the names I recognized were terribly uncommon in areas with large Jewish
    communities, like the one I grew up in. And like New York. Still, it's possible.
    Northeast Philadelphia to New York City is not such a big step.

    Someone at work commented that I wasn't wearing red white and blue.
    No way in hell. I believe in patriotism, as I've said several times, but in
    patriotism of the reasoned sort. Jingoism scares me. Also, I believe it's as
    important to remember all those from other countries who died in the WTC (that
    "World" in "World Trade Center" is not just window dressing, y'know) as it is to
    remember all of those who weren't Jews but who died in the Holocaust. And for much
    the same reason.

    This is beginning to remind me of last year, when
    for weeks all topics led back to the attacks on the WTC and the

    Enough of that.

    I realized this morning that
    if I add together my rowing and erg distances, after tomorrow's planned workout
    (which only includes about 2500m) I will have rowed roughly 35K this week. The
    national team probably does that in a day, but I don't care. It still sounds like
    a distance to be proud of for me. Besides, the National Team members don't work
    for a living while they're doing their two workouts a day (though they have a hell
    of a time getting funding and sponsorships and I don't want to make light of
    that), whereas I am not only an Athlete in Training but also a Rising Young
    Professional with a Responsible Job. (A description of my life worthy of a
    professional spin doctor -- but it sounds good, doesn't it?)

    been thinking of starting a weblog, because all kinds of things like the above
    keep coming to mind. I always mean to put them in the day's journal entry, but
    forget by the time I'm writing it. Occasionally I'll make notes, if I have a geat
    idea for an essay, but all the little fluttery train-of-though bits get lost.

    On the other hand, not keeping a blog may be a valuable
    writing exercise. The problem with writing down everything I think is that it begs
    the question of whether everything I think is worth writing down. No, on further
    thought the answer to that is obvious, so rephrase the problem. It begs the
    question of whether everything I originally think is worth writing down really is.
    I'm fairly sure it isn't, which would mean that there's little point to having a
    record of everything I thought on a given day. I honestly believe that if Internet
    archives survive that long, online journals and blogs will someday be an
    invaluable resource to historians hoping to study how ordinary people lived and
    thought, but journals are already informal enough for that, and there comes a
    point when more information is not useful but just superflous, not to mention
    boring. (If I've already passed that point, I hope no one will tell me.) So no
    blog, though I may try to be better about jotting thoughts down so I can judge
    whether to expand on them or toss them away.

    Come to think of it,
    these are useful for more than just historians. There's the soap-opera
    entertainment aspect of course, and the somewhat more worthy aspects of making and
    keeping up with friends, and of the feedback from guestbooks and comments but
    there's also a tremendous reassurance from peeking into other people's lives: Yes,
    there are others who feel the way I do. Yes, there are people who have faced the
    same dilemmas, and yes they survived, and here are how their choices worked out.
    Yes, everyone else sometimes feels unworthy too. Reading journals may also provide
    the occasional healthy smackdown: no, you don't feel things more intensely than
    everyone else. No, you're not the only one who likes to use irony and can spot
    hypocrisy. Yes, you're made of good stuff and you have potential; no, you're not
    superior to everyone else. Yes, you deserve to be taken seriously; no, you
    shouldn't take yourself too seriously. Or as Aunt Eller says in Oklahoma,
    "I don't say I'm no better than anybody else, but I'll be damned if I ain't jist
    as good!" What else does anyone need to hear, in the lifelong process of building

    There I go, trying to be all profound again. So much for
    not taking yourself too seriously!!

    Posted by dichroic at 09:50 AM

    September 11, 2002

    playlist for peace

    Imagine all the people
    Living life in peace...

    John Lennon

    I never saw such hands
    Flexing like silver leaves,
    I never knew such air,
    Or leaned to so good a breeze.
    Even the tears I cry,
    They aren't salt but clear,
    For seabirds riding the wind, calling their last,
    Their wild goodbye.
    The world is asking not to die.

    Malvina Reynolds

    Show me the country where bombs had to fall,
    Show me the ruins of buildings once so tall,
    And I'll show you a young land with so many reasons why

    Phil Ochs (who died in 1976)

    There were roses, roses,
    There were roses, and the tears of the people ran together.

    Tommy Sands

    All rights and all wrongs have long since blown away,
    For causes are ashes where children lie slain

    Stan Rogers

    When will they ever learn?

    Pete Seeger

    One moment of conviction, one voice quiet and clear,
    One act of compassion, it all begins here.
    No safety now in silence, we've got to stand our ground.
    No hate. No violence. Not in our town.

    Fred Small

    Light one candle for the terrible sacrifice
    justice and freedom demand.
    Light one candle for the wisdom to know
    when the peace maker's time is at hand.

    Light one candle for all we believe in
    that anger won't tear us apart.
    And light one candle to bring us together
    with peace as the song in our hearts.

    Peter Yarrow

    What can you do with your days but work & hope
    Let your dreams bind your work to your play
    What can you do with each moment of your life
    But love til you've loved it away
    Love til you've loved it away

    Bob Franke

    Peace is the bread we break
    Love is the river rolling
    Life is a chance we take
    When we make this earth our home
    Gonna make this earth our home.

    Fred Small

    Oseh shalom bimromav
    Hu ya'aseh shalom aleinu
    V'al kol-ha'am, v'imru: "Amen."
    ("May God, who makes peace in God's high places, make peace for us and for all the world, and we say 'Amen.' " )

    Jewish prayer
    Note: the original says "Israel", where I have written "ha'am", "the World"

    You take the little that you know,
    And you do the best you can,
    And you see the rest with the quiet faith of man.

    Bill Staines

    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you'll join us
    And the world will be as one

    John Lennon

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM | Comments (1)

    September 10, 2002

    five-hundred pound gorilla

    They said everything changed (over and)
    Everything changed (over
    Everything changed (over again)
    Did everyone lift to help shoulder the
    Or was it all Just a bump in the road?


    For those who've lost someone they knew, there's
    still a hole in the world, rougher-edged and slower to heal for that they were
    untimely ripp'd. No one death in the September 11 attacks was any more tragic than
    a thousand other deaths every day, and we need to remember that there are people
    suffering just as severely for those who died on other days. But somehow, as in
    war, a mass of murders together have a collective gravity. They have a cumulative
    impact not just on those directly concerned but on all of the society that is
    greater than the sum of their individual effects.

    They said
    everything changed (over and)
    Everything changed (over and)
    changed (over again)
    Did everyone lift to help shoulder the load
    Or was it
    all Just a bump in the road?


    The politicians
    all seemed to be deeply and sincerely affected by the events of September 11 ...
    for about a week, Maybe two. That's how long all the bipartisan efforts lasted,
    before they resumed. Single exception: those who want to use the attacks for their
    own good, either to distract the nation from the economy ("Look over there! It's a
    terrorist attack!") or to seize power ("The Constitution? We can't worry about
    that now; we've got bad guys to catch."

    They said everything changed
    (over and)
    Everything changed (over and)
    Everything changed (over
    Did everyone lift to help shoulder the load
    Or was it all Just a bump
    in the road?


    I don't judge journalists as severely as
    politicians, except maybe the big business-types in the background. There was
    serious shock on those faces reporting the news last year -- at least on the first
    dozen repetitions. Now, though, for many stations it may just be a chance to play
    cool explosion footage over and over again. There has been some good coverage
    sandwiched in with the weepy patriotic repetition, though. href="">NPR, my main news source, had an interesting piece on
    why the anniversary coverage has been so overdone, and this morning they
    had on a man, href="">Hale
    , who had helped in the rescue attempt, and who had commented last year
    that he was "searching for freedom" as he dug through the rubble looking for
    survivors, worrying about how his country would change. This year he also had
    actual insights, and unique phrasing. I'd like to hear more from

    They said everything changed (over and)
    Everything changed
    (over and)
    Everything changed (over again)
    Did everyone lift to help
    shoulder the load
    Or was it all Just a bump in the road?

    American public

    I could generalize (and certainly the
    media often are) but I'd be wrong. Reactions seem to be everything from "Huh?" to
    "Let's go kick some Osama ass!" to "I still get nightmares," to "My life changed
    completely," to "I don't see much change at all," to "What am I going to watch on
    TV now American Idol is over?" I've seen comments I agreed with and comments I
    abhorred and comments that just left me baffled -- none of which is either bad or
    surprising in a country this big and varied.

    I don't know what to
    think about it all, still. I didn't want to write about this at all, but as href="">Caerula wrote, it's not something you can
    ignore. But somehow, I am glad my company is having a minute of silence

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 09, 2002

    he's fast, he's mean, and he's got a Law

    I should have known. Never tempt Murphy; he's fast and he's mean and he thinks
    he's funny. And he's got a Law. Yesterday while waiting for my Jello to jell, I
    stopped at the Aveda store for shampoo and conditioner for my gym bag (and at
    J.Jill for a bunch of new shirts). Yesterday night, I carefully put the new Aveda
    stuff into the gym bag, restocked Q-Tips and cotton pads, put extra undies in a
    baggie to stay in the gym bag for those forgetful days -- the baggie is so they
    don't have to hobnob with sweaty gym clothes). I remembered to pack underwear,
    shoes, socks, and jewelry.

    In the gym this morning, I told the very
    nice women who laugh kindly at me whenever I forget underwear that I was now
    organized, prepared with extras. Then I walked into the shower and realized that
    instead of buying shampoo and conditioner, I'd bought shampoo and another kind of
    shampoo. Then I got to my locker and realized I'd left my clothing hung in the
    car. One of the nice women offered to go fetch it for me, but I figured it was
    easier to pull the gym clothes back on and do it myself than to have her trying to
    figure out where my beige Civic was parked. It wasn't until I got to work I
    realized I had put a silver ring on under my engagement ring instead of on the
    other hand where I meant to put it. Murphy's Law and hubris are an ugly

    When I was in J.Jill yesterday, I noticed the background
    music was a collection of songs by the Kennedys (Pete and Maura, not the Dead
    ones). The other week, when I went with Rudder to test drive a used Jaguar (he
    didn't buy it) the dealership was playing other Kennedy songs. This is beginning
    to worry me. It's not that I think Pete and Maura have sold out; Pete's guitar
    wizardry, Maura's pure voice, and the insightful lyrics they sneak under pop hooks
    are certainly not degraded by being played in the background of places that want
    to sound tasteful, yet alternative. And singer-songwriters have such a
    nonlucrative job (even with several albums out and after playing backup for Nanci
    Griffith for years, I bet the Kennedys don't driveJaguars) that any way
    they can make aliving from their music, without compromising its quality, is fair
    game. It's just that now I'm wondering if I've been buying and listening to Muzak
    all these years.

    Nah. See "guitar wizardry, pure voice, and
    insightful lyrics", above.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:42 AM

    September 08, 2002

    cooking and laundry (Hey, 'Chell, I think I'm a housewife)

    Today is a Food Day. First thing this morning .... no. There was no first thing
    this morning. I didn't get out of bed until 8:30. Partly it's because I was up 11
    last night (couldn't sleep, went downstairs, and couldn't find anyone online to
    chat with) and partly because yesterday was fairly exhausting. And partly because
    sleep is a Very Very Good Thing.

    When I did drag my ass out of bed,
    and "drag" is certainly the appropriate word, I headed over for a grocery Trudge.
    $112 dollars later, I had all the ingredients for a two-person Rosh Hashanah
    dinner. We didn't have our big dinner last night on the fist day of the holiday
    because we had to go to the property yesterday, since the brush pit isn't open on
    Sundays. I've got dessert started (a simple jello a la Grandmom -- you know, with
    the top layer mixed with whipped cream) and will later be roasting assorted
    veggies and making chicken breasts in phyllo dough with lemon tarragon sauce. Wish
    me luck -- I've never worked with phyllo before. I have read all the stuff about
    not unwrapping it until you're ready to use it and brushing each layer with butter
    or olive oil, so I think it will work out OK. Add a small salad, good bread and
    some wine and we've got ourselves a dinner.

    I need to do some laundry
    too. I'd think I was chanelling SWWooP but I doubt she deals with jello and I'm
    fairly sure she doesn't do Rosh Hashanah either.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 07, 2002

    hard work. tired. need food.

    Cutting beetle-infested trees down again today. We took a record 4 loads to the
    brush pit. Off to grab some food and go to bed.

    Rudder on the loose
    with a chainsaw is a scary idea. Fortunately, it seems to have tired him out
    thoroughly and left him sore.

    It's raining, for the second day in a

    And, even better, href="">Heidi has finally posted href=>baby news and pictures!!!!!!

    Posted by dichroic at 08:16 PM

    September 06, 2002

    not cutting off hair or legs

    Well, today was every bit as hot but somehow not quite as miserable. I took it
    slow but did manage to eke out over 10K. (Note to SWWooP: Actually, I don't get up
    at 5:30 to row. I get up at *four*, and have dressed, driven to the lake, carried
    the boat and oars down, and am on the water promptly at five.) (Second note to
    SwooP: I've never quite gotten the acronym. Shouldn't that be SWWoP? For "She Who
    Was Once Phelps"? Or even SWoKaP, if you want to stick in a "known as", Prince-
    style? Just curious.)

    Here is the big news: the weather forecast I
    just checked is predicting double-digit temperatures here this weekend -- highs
    well under the 100s. On Sunday, the low is supposed to be 72. This is worth
    celebrating. Too bad none of those cool breezes made it in time for this morning's
    row, though.

    In news that a more rational person would consider even
    bigger, I have accepted a position offered to me by the company I work at. The
    drawback is that I have to become a real employee instead of a contractor, which
    translates to a fairly major pay cut. (The company has great benefits but they
    don't really make up for hard cash, though I will enjoy getting 3 weeks/year
    vacation.) The advantage is that I'll be getting a lot of useful training and
    experience and will be working on some interesting stuff -- though I think there
    will also be plenty of opportunities to be a visible part of a fairly spectacular
    failure. I'll try to avoid that -- not so much the visibility as the failure. And
    this is supposed to lead to lots of new opportunities. Of course, that's what they
    told me at the last job, but this company has a far better track record. Plus,
    even after the pay cut, they'll be paying me more. I've said hat I don't want to
    start until the end of next month, which (my secret motive) gives me an extra two
    months to sock away that contractor pay, in addition to allowing me to finish up a
    bunch of stuff and stay here through a major upcoming audit (the public

    So I'm looking forward to that, but mostly I'm just happy to
    be looking at a weekend where I can go outside without feeling like I've stepped
    onto a frying pan. Tomorrow Rudder and I are headed back up to the property for
    the day, to cut down the bigger trees that have succumbed to bark beetles. This
    will entail use of a chain saw, something I had hoped to avoid. (I'm not sure if
    Rudder has used one. He's from Oregon and appears to have logger genes -- not to
    mention a grandpa who still splits his own two cords of wood and then more for the
    neighbors -- so he may well have.) We've got some obnoxiously bright orange Kevlar
    chaps to keep us from slicing off any legs, so all should be well, though if you
    haven't heard from me by Monday you can speculate about what's happened to my

    Later addendum: Odd. Just went to get lunch, planning to
    post this while eating. In the cafeteria a total stranger just told me the "shape
    of the back of my hair is cute", Sort of strange, since it's in the early stages
    of grpwing-out-hell. At the moment I've been encouraging it to curl, with a good
    bit of gel, so it's a very boyish look -- not that it wasn't already -- and the
    longest bits are maybe 3" long. I'm still ambivalent about the whole growing-out
    thing; I think I have been since spotting a woman at the GBS concert last month
    who was looking awfully cute in hair as short as mine had been. I wish that
    growing it out took longer, or that I could put up long hair so that it looked the
    way it does short.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 05, 2002


    Last night I was browsing through the Nordstrom catalog (yes, still in
    materialistic mode), lamenting all those wonderful suedes and wools I couldn't buy
    because it's never cool enough here to wear them. Usually it's the LL Bean Fall
    catalog that gives me that nostalgia for changing seasons; this year for some
    reason it was Nordstrom and J.Jill. Maybe I'm just getting tired of Bean's
    clothes being made for someone with the figure of an ancient fertility goddess:
    swelling out above and below a small waist, short limbs. In other words, not

    Getting wistful over Fall clothes is an annual manifestation of
    my general nostalgia for proper seasons. It's way too damn hot for nearly half the
    year here, yes, but that's only a part of my problems with this intemperate
    climate. The other problem is that without bracing breezes in Fall and newly-balmy
    ones in Spring, hot but saunterable days in Summer and snowy gray winters I am
    lost in the year and ungrounded. I need that cycle to satisfy my love of change
    and to give me milestones in time, so that I know when I am.

    markers of Fall are that first crisp breeze that brings the unmistakeable aroma of
    the season, the pulling out of sweaters from storage and starting to wear a
    jacket, the first piles of leaves to walk through, and yes, the beginning of
    school and all the rituals appertaining thereto. And the holidays; Labor Day is
    really still part of summer, but Halloween and Thanksgiving belong to Fall, with
    their decorations that imitate the colors Nature dresses in then. The end of the
    season is marked with the first wearing of winter coats and the real Christmas
    season (as opposed to the September shopping of the highly-organized Marthas and
    the advertising retailers begin in August). Despite what the calendar says,
    September is Fall and December is Winter.

    Fall is the nesting season
    for humans. Summer is to be spent out of doors as much as possible (another area
    in which this desert climate fails we -- we spend summer in air-conditioning
    whenever possible). Fall brings cold rain, wind, and then sleet, and getting a
    home ready for winter suddenly looks like fun. Candles, flannel sheets, and sofa
    throws all seem like good ideas, and all those warm colors that looked too heavy
    in summer start looking homey again.

    This is what I'm supposed to be
    feeling like in Fall, but it's not easy when the thermometer hit 111F yesterday
    and it will be weeks until we can even hope for consistent highs in the 90s. And
    wearing short sleeves in February is somehow just wrong. Yes, our February weather
    is wonderful, but I'd like it better if it came in about May.

    On another topic, check out a couple of interesting perspectives on free speech in
    an href="
    3e">article by Penn president Judith Rodin
    and in the response to the article.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:57 AM

    September 04, 2002

    to every thing....

    Last night I recited some of my I-want list to Rudder -- all of it I could
    remember, laying there in bed, which is the only place we seem to have that sort
    of discussion. (Unfortunate, since it cuts into sleep time, and not very nice of
    me, since he had to get up at 4 to row while I only had to get up at 5 for the
    gym. But he always falls asleep while I'm still talking, so it balances out.) His
    comment: "It's surprising how many of those are mutually exclusive."

    Well, yeah. If they weren't mutually exclusive, they'd be possible (some of them -
    - I'd also like to be able to fly like Superman, and row like Steve Redgrave, but
    those weren't on last night's list). And if they were possible, I could go get
    them. I've already gotten many of the things (material and otherwise) I wanted,
    and I am grateful. There are some few things I want (e.g. new living room
    furniture without a depleted savings account) that are possible with some planning
    , an that's good too. It gives me something to look forward to plus somehting
    unattainable to yearn for, and what's a life without both of those?

    I am out of joint with my time, though. I have no problem with wanting things and
    experiences; I'm resigned to being materialistic as far as daily comfort is
    concerned, and in some insteances, wanting is related to yearning, which, as I've
    said, is an important part of being human. It's the first spur to growth. But this
    isn't the time for that. September has felt like less of a new year for me since I
    haven't had the start of school as a built-in reminder. It is a new year, though,
    in the Jewish liturgy, and these few weeks before it are meant to be dedicated to
    study and contemplation, as the time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is
    dedicated to repentance. (See href=""Baraita's recent sermon for a better and
    fuller perspective.) I am not terribly observant, as is clearly shown by the
    decade or so since I've attended a synagogue service, but both the Torah and Jimmy
    Buffet(*) say it's a good thing to stop and think every year or so, and when you
    get advice from sources that disparate, you know it's probably got some universal
    value. It's a time to turn back, to turn inward, before plunging into another
    year, a time for resolving to be a better person, instead of just a more fit one
    or a more diligent one as typical January resolutions would have it.

    *In both When the Coast is Clear:

    That's when it always happens

    Same time every year

    I come down to talk to me

    When the coast is clear

    and Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes:

    I took off for a weekend last month

    Just to try and recall the whole year.

    All of the faces and all of the places,

    wonderin' where they all disappeared.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 03, 2002

    too many fireworks

    Feh. Ugh. Remember a couple of weeks ago, when I wrote that mornings were finally
    cooling down? Well, apparently it was just a tease. The heat is

    This morning's row was purely miserable because of that. I was
    hoping to finish 10K, but at about 8000, I started to think about how this is
    supposed to be something I do for fun. That convinced me to turn around and head
    it, because it wasn't being fun at all, not one bit. I ended up rowing about 9200
    meters, none of it at much pressure.

    I wish we could just build our
    house up on the Airpark property and move in. That's a perfect climate, four
    seasons but none too extreme. And also a proper appreciation for community
    fireworks, apparently. On Saturday, they had all their July 4 activities, because
    the whole town had been evacuated due to the
    Rodeo-Chediski fire
    back when it was originally scheduled. I had heard and
    forgotten about the postponement; fortunately a neighbor reminded us about the
    fireworks show in time.

    Wow. Just wow.

    These days, when
    they're refer to that community they motly call it "Heber-Overgaard", because the
    towns are contiguous, but even when you consider them together, it's a small town.
    That's why we were so surprised at how good the fireworls were. They were as
    spectacular as any I'd seen, lasted well over least half an hour, and
    included some effects I'd never seen -- 3 colors of sparks insterspersed together,
    or one that opened out into the shape of a five-pointed star.

    the last quarter of the show, though, when my eyes had glazed over a bit and the
    "oohs" and "ahs" around us were starting to sound automatic, I started to think
    about the way fireworks shows used to be, back when I was a wee lass. You'd get to
    the park, stake out a spot, spread your blanket and wait. FInally they'd shoot up
    the first rocket, and it would burst in spangles across the sky. You'd stare at it
    because it was the most beautiful thing you'd seen since last July 4th. The
    firework would dissipate and all the sparks would flicker out, then you'd wait
    there in the dark for a few minutes until they shot up another one, or maybe
    another set of them, if it was a big show. After maybe ten of these, the pauses
    between would start to seem longer and longer, and after each one, you'd wonder if
    this was the end. And that, young boys and girls, is why fireworks shows always
    have grand finales. In days of yore, you needed something to tell you when it was
    really finished and not just momentarily dormant. When it did end. you went home
    wanting more, wishing the show could have lasted longer.

    are better now than they were then, and I wouldn't want to go back to the long
    wait for each one, but shows that go on for so long you get tired of them tend to
    destroy the mystique and sense of wonder that make fireworks so magical in the
    first place.

    Something irrelevant I learned last night: there's
    actually a Great Big Sea song in the soundtrack to Something About Mary.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 02, 2002

    human birth and tree death

    A little girl who may be themost wanted
    baby in the world
    is being born right now and I'm sending all my best
    wishes her way, not just for an easy birth but for a life so wonderful that it
    makes all her mother's worries and tears worth it all. (I think Heidi will think
    it was worth it no matter what, though!)

    We came hom last night after
    a couple of days camping on the property, clear
    out still more low branches and dead wood and attending the annual homeowners'
    meeting. Urgh. That went on much longer than expected; they're makig some changes
    to the CC&Rs, and there is not much agreement on what to change. I must confess
    that I spoke up enough that I really shouldn't complain. It drives me nuts,
    though, when the document's exact words say things that are clearly not the
    intended meaning. This is a legal and binding document, and a change in personnel
    could lead to conditions being enforced that no one really wants. One example is
    motorhomes; as written, it now reads that motorhomes cannot be set up on a
    property except while building is going on. Well, that's not what they mean. No
    one objects to people occasionally camping out on their own lot; they just don't
    want motorhomes permanently out in view. So now they're changing the rules to
    allow them to be used "not more than 15 days per year", as if anyone's going to

    We had a very upsetting realization while we were there. All
    of our Ponderosa pines seem to have contracted bark beetles. The tallest tree on
    our lot is dead, as well as several smaller ones. Several more are showing signs
    of infestation and I think we may lose all but the little seedlings. We cut down
    some of the smaller ones and will buy a chain saw and go up next week and take out
    the big one. I feel like a tree murderer. Thank goodness we have some other types
    of pines on the land as well. Today's projects: sleep late (done) and shop for a

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 29, 2002

    the body is leaden and the mind befuddled

    Jeez. Drink one beer, stay up half an hour late, and everything goes to pot. I
    couldn't do anything in the gym this morning -- slow on the erg, low on the
    weights, even wimped out of some of the reps. Or maybe my body is just drained
    from an intense workout yesterday. Yeah, that's it. Unfortunately ths would be
    more convincing if yesterday's workout were actually hard enough to require
    recuperation. Though I did sdo some full-pressure bits, which I do tend to feel
    longer...for the same reason weight lifters don't exercise the same muscles

    We're going camping for the Labor Day weekend, which should
    be nice and unstressful, at the Airpark so we can participate in their annual
    meeting and throw our vote behind changing the covenants to allow the use of more
    stone and faux-stone, instead of requiring all-flammable-wood siding. Camping is
    also a good cheap way to spend a weekend which is nice because September is car-
    insurance month. One problem with buying your vehicles around the same time of
    year is that the insurance payments all come due at the same time. Because the
    Honda was cheap to lease and not cheap to insure, the insurance costs almost half
    as much as the entire car payments each year.

    I need to be better
    with money anyway. I've been offered a promotion at work (well, sort of a
    sideways-and-up move -- this is the work stuff I kept saying I was waiting for).
    The catch is that I'd have to convert from being a contractor to being a real
    employee, which translates to a pay cut of nearly 20%. This company has great
    benefits, but I get decent medical coverage through Rudder anyway, so the only one
    that means much to me is the three weeks of vacation I'd get. ANd of course,
    there's more security as an employee. Company rules only allow contractors to
    stay on for a max of 24 months (actually 18 with one allowable 6-month extension).
    So if I want to stay on -- and I like it here -- I'd have to convert in a year and
    a half anyway, and of course there's no guarantee that they'll be hiring then. I'd
    get very good and useful training, and great experince if I took the new position,
    but I'd get some of the same experience plus more in-depth technical knowledge if
    I stay on in what I'm doing, though the latter is probably less transferable. And
    the new job might be more flexible, as far as being able to transfer to another
    site, say one nearer home. It's not a bad choice to have to make, because the
    "pro" list for either option is long, but it is a tough one.

    Oh, and
    did I mention that the pay cut would leave me making $10K more in base salary
    than in the job that laid me a year and a few weeks ago?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 28, 2002

    It's my face and I'll frown if I want to

    I'm having a bit of a case of "my sport is harder than your sport". After this
    morning's slightly short but intense interval workout (well after, what with the
    necessary shower, dress, and driving activites) I decided coffee, though of the
    wussy decaf variety, and sugar were required. As I schlepped my weary body down to
    the little cooffee bar on the floor below, I passed two leads who were talking in
    the hallway. They looked at me and said "Smile!"

    I ^%*& hate when
    people tell me to smile.

    I told them, "It's my face, anyway!" though
    I did smile as I said it (wouldn't have, but I like these people otherwise). The
    woman pointed out, "But we have to look at it!" Point to her.

    Then I
    pulled out my ace in the hole. "If you had rowed before work this morning you
    wouldn't be all that bouncy either." One said, "I ran this morning," and the
    other, "I used the NordicTrack. I even got up at 5 to do it."

    humph. I got up at four, but the point is rowing is harder than what they
    did anyway. Unfortunately I can't really go off and explain that, for a variety
    of reasons. First and foremost, I'd look like an idiot and a snob. Second, I don't
    think I could run two miles if I tried. Third, cross country skiing (and thus the
    NordicTrack) actually is one of the few things that burns as many calories as
    rowing. And fourth, as anyone who's still reading will be thinking now, nobody
    cares. But dammit, I still bet my workout was harder than theirs.

    Sigh. The things I put up with for my sport.

    In other
    news, I have an errand to run at lunchtime and a 12:30, so this needs to be a
    short entry. Bye!

    Posted by dichroic at 11:54 AM

    August 27, 2002

    confuddling the cats

    I think Rudder and I managed to thoroughly confuse the fuzzballs this morning. He
    left the gym a bit before I did. I went off to the locker room as usual, showered,
    started to dress .... and only then realized I'd forgotten a couple of small but
    important items. One was especially important because I'd brought a lightweight
    white sweater to wear to work. I was hoping to make due (read: go commando), but
    when I tried on the top it was distressingly apparent that there was nothing under
    it. (Yes, the locker room was a bit cool.) So I had to run back home to redress
    the error, or rather re-dress myself. As I opened the door from the garage, the
    older cat, who usually doesn't bother, was right there to check who I was. When I
    got upstairs, I realized Rudder had been home to shower. I must have just missed
    him. Usually, he does that at work, but will sometimes go home if he's got a bit
    of extra time. So no wonder the fuzzballs looked confused; they're used to having
    the place to themselves all day. They must have wondered why they had so much

    Because he showers at work and has a locker there, Rudder
    can keep an extra change of underwear and pair of shoes there for jus such an
    emergency. Because gym lockers are not permanently assigned, I can't. But the
    saddest part of all is that I've only just realized that yes, I could keep spare
    lingerie in my gymbag -- after all, it doesn't take up much space -- or even in
    the trunk of my car. On eof the regulars at the gym who does carry spares and who
    is about my size offered to loan me a bra, but that just felt too weird. There are
    some items you just can't share. (I think she may have been relieved when I turned
    her down politely.)

    The other sad thing is that when I started
    writing this, I thought I've have a nice entry on cats, for once, instead of my
    usual three B's (boats, books, bras). Clearly I'm in a rut.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:26 PM

    this is why

    This is why Ashcroft's raids on the US Constitution bother me so. I grew up on
    this stuff, and childhood impressions are strong.

    Oyfn furl ligt dos kelbl,

    Ligt gebundn mit a shtrik,

    Hoykh in himl flit dos shvelbl,

    Freyt zikh, dreyt zikh hin un krik.


    Lakht der vint in korn,

    Lakht un lakht un lakht,

    Lakht er op a tog a gantsn

    Mit a halber nakht.

    Dona, dona, dona, dona...

    Shrayt dos kelbl, zogt der poyer:

    Ver zhe heyst dikh zayn a kalb?

    Volst gekert tsu zayn a foygl,

    Volst gekert tsu zayn a shvalb.


    Bidne kelber tut men bindn

    Un men shlept zey un men shekht,

    Ver sÕhot fligl, flit aroyftsu,

    Iz bay keynem nit keyn knekht.


    And for those of you who don't speak Yiddish (well, all right, me, too -- I just
    like the sound of the original):

    On a wagon bound for market,

    ThereÕs a calf with a mournful eye.

    High above him thereÕs a swallow

    Winging swiftly through the sky.


    How the winds are laughing,

    They laugh with all their might,

    Laugh and laugh the whole day through,

    And half the summerÕs night.

    Dona, dona, dona, dona…

    "Stop complaining," said the farmer,

    "Who told you a calf to be,

    Why donÕt you have wings to fly with,

    Like the swallow so proud and free?"


    Calves are easily bound and slaughtered,

    Never knowing the reason why,

    But whoever treasures freedom,

    Like the swallow has learned to fly.


    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    August 26, 2002

    nonconflicting emotions

    You know those diaries that have the little face icons to say how the writer is
    feeling at the moment? I have no idea how on earth I could summarize all
    that in one little icon -- much less leave it there to symbolize my emotions for a
    whole day. Just at the moment, I am happy, scared, thoughtful, annoyed, and

    Happy: The past weekend lacked only a bit of socialization to
    be successful by my standards, having comprised time spent with Rudder, some
    exercise, and an outdoor activity. (And sex, of course.)

    Because I do now have a bunch of stuff to look forward to this fall,
    professionally and personally. And because href="">Batten is back!

    Scared: Last
    week I found out that Atty. Gen. Ashcroft hopes to set up href="">camps where he could
    "order the indefinite incarceration of U.S. citizens and summarily strip them of
    their constitutional rights and access to the courts by declaring them enemy
    combatants." This morning I found out that the American Patriot Act (what wincing
    irony!) already allows law enforcement officials to href="
    act_congress_1">demand that librarians turn over a patron's library records
    to see what books one of those suspected "enemy combatants" has checked out and
    may be reading -- and the librarian may not even inform the patron that his/her
    records have been subpoenaed. I am both pissed off and very frightened at what
    seems to be happening in my country and am beginning to wonder Just how closely
    Ashcroft has been studying Mein Kampf. And check href="">this out. Perhaps he's been
    reading up on the KGB also?

    Thoughtful: SWooP ended her latest diary
    entry with this "And obsessions can be narrowing." Of course, it's easy to see how
    that can apply to some obsessions -- see the paragraph above. But she was talking
    about literary obsessions. Somehow, that phrase just struck me, and I'm still
    thinking about its implications.

    Annoyed: Just typical work stuff,
    with people promising to get stuff to me by a certain date and not doing

    Proud: Because I rowed 11,200m this morning, and wasn't even
    wiped out afterward. And went off to a responsible job. Because I've been a "card-
    carrying member of the ACLU" forever. And a bunch of other reasons too small to
    talk about, but special to me, that make Dichroic someone I can like and respect
    just at this moment.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 25, 2002

    collecting my namesake

    We spent today in Jerome, an old mining town north of here and enough higher that
    walking around outside was tolerable, even in the middle of the day. They call it
    a ghost town, but it's not really, since it's got a population of 500 or so.
    Still, it had 15000 at its peak, so there are lots of old empty buildings - though
    fewer than you'd expect. It's built into the side of Mingus Mountain, on top of
    several faults that were aggravated by the mining activities, so old buildings
    have a tendency to slide on down the montain. It's become a home for artists now,
    with its main streets lined with galleries.

    The Jerome State
    Historical Park, in an old mining mogul's mansion, was definitely worth the $4
    charged; the Gold King Mine and Museum as definitely not, unless you enjoy looking
    at old machinery sitting out in the sun.

    The galleries were much
    better than I remember them from our last visit, with lots of cool glass,
    metalwork, and pottery, and fewer boring paintings. I realize this may betray my
    own philistinism, but I also suspect that a medium-good glassworker can make
    something far more interesting and beautiful than a medium-good painter. On the
    other hand, a painter who is more than medium-good can say far more in a painting
    than any glassblower. Therefore, the sort of galleries Jerome has are more likely
    to be interesting when they focus on glasswork and other arts of a similar nature,
    though this is not necessarly true of museums that can get the really good stuff.
    In the interests of decorating myself and my house without making my checkbook and
    ugly thing, I restrained myself to two purchases; a pair of earrings and an egg-
    shaped lump of glass -- a paperweight, I suppose. Naturally, both are of dichroic
    glass. If I ever have scads of money to spend there, though, I may have to go back
    to where I bought the latter, to invest in some truly spectacular kaleidoscopes.
    (Including, naturally, some made with dichroic glass!)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 24, 2002


    Yet another quiet weekend here. We seem to have run out of steam. When we first
    moved to this state, we went camping almost every other week in summer. Now,
    though, we've seen and done almost everything in the state that we wanted to see
    and do. Of course, things like hiking and mountain biking aren't the sor tof
    things you'd only want to do once, but the other factor is that between jobs and
    rowing, by the time the weekend rolls around we're just plain too tired to want to
    pack up for camping.

    Still, tomorrow we're planning to head out to a
    mining town north of here that's become something of an artist's colony, and next
    week we'll go camping on our property and attend the airpark's annual meeting.
    September may be quiet, but in October and November, we have four trips planned so
    far, so things will definitely be heating up. I'm sure there will be a day in
    there where I'll be wishing for a quiet day like this.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 23, 2002

    soundtrack to a workout

    Coolth. Blessed, blessed, coolth.

    (That's a quote, but I couldn't
    give you the provenance. I'm thinking either Edward Eager's Magic by the
    or one of Elizabeth Enright's Melendy books. Anyway.)

    morning for the first time in a long time, the temperature was under 80F when I
    got to rowing, and there was a nice breeze, just enough to feel good but not
    enough to roughen the water. It wasn't really coolth, but it was the nearest
    thing to it I've seen since getting back from Alaska. There were just enough
    clouds to make the sunrise pretty, not enough to hold in heat. Not entirely
    coincidentally, with the drop in temperature, a couple of old friends had come out
    to watch me row. I've seen Luna on and off all summer, but today she was low,
    full, and bright. I hadn't seen Orion since last spring; today was the first time
    since then that sunrise was late enough to let me see stars while rowing. Orion
    was gone by the time I'd rowed my first thousand meters, leaving only Venus and
    another bright star visible, but Luna stayed around. Judging from how low and
    bright she was today, she's beginning to think of harvest time -- only just
    beginning, because she's still pure white.

    Of course, the flip side
    to the pleasant weather was that now I have no excuse for taking things lightly.
    It took some force of mind, but I convinced myself to row my first 5000m piece of
    the season. I rowed down to the east dam, about 3500 meters, as a warmup and then
    went into the piece, at, I'd say, between 65-75% of full race pressure. On our
    lake, 5000m is a bit less than a full lap; generally, I don't row more than one
    length (half a lap) before stopping for a water break. Endurance, as regular
    readers will have gathered, is not my strong point. But I did it, and the cooler
    air made it possible and not intolerable.

    Five thousand meters is a
    long way, though: over 25 miinutes at the speed I was going. Though I enjoyed at
    least some of it, I noticed that the tenor of my thoughts (not to mention my
    rowing form) went distinctly downhill over the course of the workout. I usually
    have a song in my head as I row, partly because I usually have a song in my head,
    period, and partly because it helps keep the rhythm steady. When I started out in
    the relatively-cool air, and noticed Orion, the song in my head was Gordon Bok's
    setting of William Carlos William's href="">Peace on href="">Earth. (You can tell how
    much I like that poem, since I've included its entirety in here twice.) As I got
    started on the piece and upped the tempo, the song switched to Stan Roger's comic
    song, Athens
    (fortunately I hadn't then read the note at the bottom of the lyrics I
    linked to there, saying that Athens Queen can also be sung to the tune of the
    Gilligan's Island theme. I don't know what would have happened, but it couldn't
    have been good.) As I started to really sweat, my mind urged me on with the chorus
    from Come On Eileen. The part
    where they sing "Come on, Eileen, taloora aye" about six times in a row works
    particularly well with stroking a boat, and you get to grunt before each

    When it got up toward 4K and I was having to be very
    stern with myself to keep the pressure on, I was probably rowing a bit raggedly
    and my soundtrack descended to the chorus of an old sort of proto-hip-hop thing
    that went, "Put your mind on it, girl, come on you can get it, get it girl,
    anytime. (Say what?) Tonight's mine. Huh!"
    (Apologies to anyone old enough to
    rememebr it and now have it stuck in their heads.) And after I finished and had to
    row another couple thou to get back to the beach, my mind plumbed even further
    depths, with the intro to the old TV show, Fame: You got big want
    fame. Well, fame costs, and right here is where you start paying .... in
    Not that I dream of fame (fortune, yes), but I was certainly paying in

    Posted by dichroic at 10:26 AM

    August 22, 2002

    a mysterious woman

    I am in Limbo. Not in any big dramatic sort of Purgatory, but a hundred tiny
    simultaneous Limboes, waiting for this, needing that to happen before I can do the
    other thing. It's too early to talk to him, too late to talk to her, and I forgot
    to think about them, and oh yes, am I ready for that.

    In other words, I'm a bit bored at the moment, even though I know it's just a lull
    between two moments of crazy business.

    And just because it amuses me to realize that this is as close as I ever get to
    the sort of enigmatic entry some people write every day, here for your humming-
    along pleasure are the lyrics to Christine Lavin's Mysterious Woman. (The
    song dates back to the 1980s -- I think she had Suzanne Vega in mind when she
    wrote it.)

    Mysterious Woman

    Words and Music by Christine Lavin

    Copyright 1988, Flip-A-Jig/Rounder Music

    I want to be a mysterious woman

    I want to write mysterious songs

    I want everyone to wonder

    what is she thinking about?

    existentialism? nihilism? wrong

    I am thinking about

    defrosting my refrigerator

    but I could get into mysterious mood

    watch me ask the bartender

    for a drink he cannot make

    watch me order mysterious food

    food even Julia Child

    cannot pronounce right

    from cookbooks that time has forgot

    then maybe I will read

    Crime and Punishment for fun

    then again, maybe not

    I want to be a mysterious woman

    tantalize you with my come-hither stare

    maybe it will work a little better

    if you pretend I'm not wearing underwear

    If you pretend I was never a Girl Scout

    and I never learned how to twirl baton


    I feel a mysterious song coming on

    I think I hear I scream

    I think I hear ice cream

    melting all over

    the rock hard bread

    which is stuck to

    the chicken parts

    long since dead

    they're in a cold box

    within a cold box

    within a warm box

    (which is my room)

    there's a ceiling

    there's a floor

    there's a wall

    there's a window

    look at the moon

    it's a marble, it's a button

    it's a sequin, it's a polkadot

    stiched into the velvet sky

    the pocket of Sir Lancelot

    who is riding on Pegasus

    who is fighting with the Pleiades

    who is fighting Cassiopeia

    who is fighting with Hercules

    who is fighting with Betelguex

    who is fighting with the Milky Way

    that is stuck to the Bird's Eye Peas

    that is stuck to the ice cube tray

    that is stuck to the chicken parts

    that is stuck to the rock-hard bread

    hey, what am I doing here? I should be home defrosting my refrigerator instead

    But I want to be a mysterious woman

    I hate being so easy to read

    hey, bartender, give me a light yeah, a Bud light

    and a plate of pommes frites

    is all I need.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 21, 2002

    the fine line until stuff happens

    Yet another thing that really sucks is being stuck in a telecon at the time when
    you normally go to lunch. Pfaugh.

    Last night I was a Very Bad
    influence on Rudder, and when he hinted at the possibility of skipping rowing this
    morning, I toally jumped on the bandwagon. I'd actually really wanted to row but
    couldn't because of an early meeting that meant I'd either have to cut it short or
    stay home and erg instead, so I figured if I can't row, I'd just as soon sleep
    late. And I was even able to persuade my psycho-rower husband to join me! (It's
    his last week before starting to row with the club, and when he has other people
    depending on him to show up he won't be able to just decide to take days off like
    this. And ooh, it was niiiice. And I didn't even have to offer him the Usual Bribe

    I suppose this means I really ought to row both tomorrow and
    Friday. I think my calluses are up to it, and the weather has cooled down a
    snitch, so maybe. (A snitch, in this context, would be like a titch, only less

    I'm waiting to find out about some cool training I might get to
    take at work, and yesterday I broke down and did a bit of binge-shopping at
    Amazon, so I'm in waiting mode for that shipment also. (In Amazon's case, "waiting
    mode" involves checking the UPS package tracking about every ten minutes.) So now
    I'm torn between the fact that I Like anticipation, but I don't like waiting. It's
    a fine line.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 20, 2002

    reply to Service

    A Reply to Robert Service

    Dedicated to Jo March

    There are women born that don't fit in
    But unlike their brothers wild,
    They're not allowed to run away;
    They're bred for home and child.
    They're taught to stay within the bounds,
    To keep a house and hearth
    And raised to find a husband's love
    The highest form of worth

    Though work she may, even climb the rungs
    It's steadiness she learns to prize
    A job near home, a steady wage
    A life well-organized.
    And as she's taught, so does she live
    And what she does, does well
    Unlike her brothers of gypsy blood
    Who'd sooner stay in hell.

    For though she loves her family,
    Though her career succeeds
    The tamer joys do not suffice
    To fill her deepest need.
    She never shares her yearning soul,
    Her friends don't understand
    A different breed, content, complete
    Preferring birds in hand.

    Some days she gets the yen to bolt
    Her feet plain itch to roam
    Her spirit strains at manacles
    Forged of love and home.
    She'd like to take the rover's road,
    To leave her hearth and kin
    To 'range the field and rove the flood'
    And find where she fits in.

    But home's a leash and job's a chain
    And Duty's call is loud
    And so she stays to satisfy
    The sedentary crowd.
    But when she's got a minute free
    She likes to close her eyes
    And leaning back, about untrammeled
    Freedom fantasize.

    But it's never more than a minute
    Til someone calls her name
    And once again she has to play
    Pretend-I'm-happy games.
    And then she stops and wonders
    What her daughters' dreams will be
    And she adds a bit to a hoarded stash
    To set a young rover ... free.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:57 PM

    August 19, 2002

    I want

    I want, I want, I want, I WANT ... only I don't know what it is I

    It's not stuff I want; I sometimes buy stuff to fill the gap,
    but the satisfaction of that fades quickly. (Though at least afterwards, I may
    still be dissatisfied but I'm dissatisfied while playing with cool stuff.) Books
    are the only exception, because books are not objects but windows.

    don't want things to have, I want things to do. I want adventure, travel,
    experience, things to do that I can be passionate about. Things that will reward
    my pasion. I want to go and do and be and feel and try and care.

    want to live big. I don't want to live inside a caul that binds me in and blinds
    me to the world, even if that caul is called a cubicle, or a status quo, or an
    outside expectation. I don't want every day to be the same and I don't want to be
    comfortable in the sameness of my life. I want to be completely alve in the
    minut, whether it's a minute with candles, bubblebaths, and being careful not to
    drop my book in the water, or a minute of slow drugging kisses and warm skin, or a
    minute on a hilltop with me and the biting wind and the stark glory of high

    I want, I want. Veruca Salt in the Willy Wonka movie sang
    about wanting the whole world. I want it too, only not to have, but to live.

    Dum vivimus, vivamus!

    Posted by dichroic at 03:46 PM

    recommended reading

    Recommended reading: first, the sensible ones.

  • href="">Bastion, to read about how a marriage is
    still an ongoing work (replete with the imperfections of a living organism) even
    after 60 (?) years.
  • href="">Thistledown, on how to classify
    prioritize life-sucking activities.
  • href="">AK, to read about how even the best of us fall
    down sometimes, on even the things that are most important to us.
    • Then it's on to someone who needs to work a bit more on her
      logic skills. Someone recently wrote to href="
      55/225kg.html">Ann Landers
      about the increasing prevalence of self-destructive
      behaviors among Americans: "As we descend further and further down the slippery
      slope of addictions (which include not only alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, but
      shopping, gambling, overeating, sexual obsessions, and more), we are becoming a
      nation so harmful to itself that terrorists need only sit back and watch us self-
      destruct. How can we be truly strong and healthy as a nation when we are comprised
      of individuals who are not strong and healthy?" Interesting opint, though I tend
      to think it's not entirely that simple an equation.

      Ann's answer
      included this: "People usually engage in self-destructive behaviors because they
      are trying to avoid dealing with unpleasant emotions or situations -- so they
      comfort themselves with substances or behaviors that when used to excess can be
      damaging." Valid so far, but that's where her logic falls short. That paragraph is
      crying out for further analysis. If, for the sake of argument, you assume Ann's
      right, and her correspondent is also, then those two propositions lead irrovocably
      to the conclusion that Americans are experiencing an epidemic of 'unpleasant
      emotions or situations'. I don't know. Maybe we're not -- maybe one or both of
      those premises is untrue. But if we are, then that's a problem worth some serious
      study and it might be more profitable to go to work on the root cause than to try
      to treat each manifestation of symptom individually, as we have been

      Sports report:

      I rowed 10,500 meters
      today, That's not quite 2 full laps so I'm still a weenie compared to my husband,
      who's been trying to row 4 laps once a week. Ick. I have no desire to do that,
      ever. The city program and the juniors were back out on the water today after
      their summer hiatuses (what's the correct plural of that?) so the boatyard was
      unpleasantly crowded. I've gotten spoiled lately, having to share the lake with
      just a few other scullers. If I don't watch it, I'll be slacking off again, or
      going to rowing on only two days. I'm going to tentatively plan to do the race in
      Newport, CA, this year, just to give myself a training objective.

      Slightly disappointing: when I went to check out href="">Mer's report that MSN
      is cataloging online diaries, with blurbs about each one, I found, regrettably,
      that it's true but that all Diaryland diaries are lumped together as "A community
      of writers who keep online diaries." Well, I suppose.

      Posted by dichroic at 11:21 AM

    August 18, 2002

    no, really, I jumped

    I didn't fall in , I jumped. Really, I swear.

    It seemed like
    the beter part of wisdom to practice tipping a boat over and getting back in now,
    in daylight, when the water is warm. In 12 years of rowing, I have never yet
    fallen in, but someday it will happen, probably at 5AM on a February morning when
    the air is about 35 degrees and the water's nearly as cold. At least while I'm
    worrying about hypothermia then, I won't also be worrying (as much) about the
    simple mechanics of getting back in the boat.

    Surprisingly they did
    turn out to be simpler than I had expected (having seen other people flop around
    while attempting to climb back in after a flip). I had Rudder coaching from the
    sidelines, for safety. The boat itself didn't flip over; apparently that's hard to
    do, what with 10' oars sticking out either side. My feet did slip out of the shoes
    easily, something I had been worried about. It's all too easy to visualize broken
    ankles, with me flopping about with my head in the water as the boat remains
    resolltely right side up.

    So: fall in, pop back up, grab an oar,
    attempt to grab the other oar. Wedge near oar on top of the boat, pop under, try
    to grab other oar. Tilt the boat the other way, watch formerly-wedged oar handle
    rise and float free, but mercifully it stays perpendicular to the boat. Grab near
    handle, reach up for far one, heave up and lay across the boat. Still hanging onto
    both oars, wiggle into sitting position. Look around to see if anyone is watching.
    No one is, so I don't have to yell, "Don't worry, I meant to do that!" Row in,
    hand oard to Rudder, sloch back up to boatyard in uni that is not nearly as quick-
    drying as youd think. Change in corner of boatyard, with creative use of towel to
    preserve modesty, having cleverly remembered to bring by a towel and dry clothes.
    Go to breakfast.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:18 AM

    August 16, 2002

    restful Saturday

    Ahhhh, sleeping late. Really late this time, all the way to nine or so. Errands
    today, including a waterproof box for the digital camera and new sunglasses for
    me, and steaks and wine for dinner. I took the waterproof case down 11 feet or so
    to the bottom of the proof (being for once intelligent enough to take the camera
    out *first*) and it passed with dry flying colors.

    Tomorrow, I plan
    to go fall in the lake. I want to practice getting back into a boat -- not the
    easiest thing when your boat is only a foot or so wide -- while it's warm and
    light out. If you don't hear from me by Monday, assume the lake water is even more
    toxic than I had thought. Maybe I'll let Rudder take the camera.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    watch out, Charlie Brown!




    href="">I'm Patty,
    which ambiguous dyke are you?
    Quiz by href="">Turi.

    Must have been the Gatorade question. Currently we have ... hold on least five different kinds in the house, and I mean five ways it comes
    packaged. I'm not even counting differnet flavors. I never really think of Patty
    as a granola-head, despite the Birkies. I, on the other hand, was once accused of
    having "granola" tattooed on my forehead, so I suppose it's appropriate. 'Course,
    I'm not a dyke (I would be, except that whole sleeping-with-women idea doesn't
    really do much for me), but Patty's really more attracted to Charlie Brown than
    Marcie, so it all fits. And I say this as something of an expert in the field,
    having at one point in my youth had the Peanuts oeuvre from 1950 to the 1970s damn
    near memorized.

    Not that this is relevant, but fuck, weekends are a goooood thing.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    rough day for the girls

    My breasts had a very rough day yesterday.

    First, of course, there
    was the erg workout, so they got all squished into a sports bra, but they're used
    to that, so it doesn't really count. And this was one of the slightly looser ones
    I can take off without surgery.

    Next, though, there was the
    mammogram. And yes, it hurt and all (they just don't go that flat, or sit
    at those angles, and I think one of my ribs might be bruised. One on each side,
    that is.), but I still think all those women who complain about how awful they are
    should just being whiny. I mean, these are the same women who get yearly Pap
    smears (one hopes) and in some cases, who have given birth. Mammograms hurt a bit,
    but compared to those things, they're just not that bad. Heck, it wasn't even as
    painful as rock climbing can be, and people do that for fun. Still, it's
    definitely a spinach thing: totally sucky but for my own good. (I actually like
    against spinach raw or slightly stir-fried, but when I was growing up, Mom used to
    served frozen creamed spinach, so I still think of it as the epitome of really-

    After the usual long day of work, there was
    the Seven Nations/Great Big Sea concert. (Young Dubliners were playing too, but
    it was around 11 by the time the first two bands were done, and we both had
    morning meetings.) If I am ever lucky enough to go see GBS again, someoe, please,
    remind me to wear a bra. I hadn't expect there to be quite so much pogoing
    involved. Some of it was because the very nice but very tall people who had stood
    behind us in line moved in front of us. (There were tables in back but the front
    2/3 of the room was empty for people to stand.) Seemed like every time I'd move to
    see the stage one of them would step in front of me. Some of the jumping, though,
    was just in response to the music -- me and lots of other people.. GBS is even
    better live then recorded.

    The three bands (Young Dubliners, Seven
    Nations, Great Big Sea) are touring together, and apparently switch spots as they
    travel around. Each band played for an hour or so. YD are from LA, so that's
    probably why they were last; evidently they were expected to be the best-known
    here. From the sound of the audience, though, most of them had come to see GBS. I
    was far from the only person there who knew all their songs. I think the next
    largest contingent were affiliated with the AZ Irish Music group and just come out
    to hear anything vaguely Celtic.

    Seven Nations played first. The
    band wasn't bad, but their sound mixing sucked. It was sometimes difficult to get
    a sense of their melodies or understand the lyrics. The best part was when the
    fiddler had a break where he wasn't playing in a song and started to dance. I
    slipped up to the front so I could see whether he was clogging or just goofing
    around (I couldn't see his legs from where I'd been standing) and he was clogging
    all right. I've never seen anyone's legs move so fast. The band consisted of
    drums, guitar, bass, fiddle, and bagpipes; their songs were modern ones with only
    one instrumental traditional jig, but most of their songs incorporated wild reels,
    played just on the feathered edge of control, moving in and out of harmonies, with
    throbbing drum beats I could feel in my chest. I'd have to hear them with better
    sound quality to tell if I like the band but I did love the wild taste to their

    After that, GBS came out. They played songs from all of their
    recordings (at least, all of those releaseed in the US), and did do both originals
    and trad music -- I had been afraid they'd skip the traditional songs in this
    setting, since the other two bands don't seem to do much of it, but they did a
    resonant a capella version of General Taylor is Dead and Gone that even
    Rudder (who went more to keep me company than because he lies this stuff) said was
    far better than the recorded version. They also did Lukey's Boat and
    finished up with Mari Mac, which really is sung that fast. Amazing. The
    only song they skipped that I'd have liked to hear was Boston to St.

    My breasts were a little sore afterward, though, from their
    traumatic day. While we were waiting to get into the show, I laughed at a couple
    girls running by, with arms crossed to support their large chests. Rudder told me
    it wasn't all that funny but I don't think he understood how much I was laughing
    with, not at, them. Anyway, they were laughing too -- they knew exactly how funny
    they looked. It's underwires today for me.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    August 15, 2002

    all about

    I have to go get a mammogram this morning, my first baseline one. Blech. But I get
    to go see Great Big Sea tonight, along with the Young Dubliners and Seven Nations.
    Yay! (Actually, the billing is YD, with SN and GBS, but it's GBS whose music I
    know and for which I bought the tickets.

    There were two
    entries I wanted to write today, but the other one will be a lot harder to put
    together so I'll do that later. Meanwhile, here are the answers to href="">How Well Do You Know Dichroic?. I doubt
    there's anyone left who hasn't taken it and wants do, but if you haven't and you
    do, don't read the following. I set up the quiz so that some questions have
    partial credit.

    1. What was my underaduate degree

    • Electrical engineering (0 points)
    • linguistics
      (3 points)
    • mechanical engineering (10
    • folklore (3 points)
    • computer science (2

    I majored in Mechanical Engineering as an undergrad. I
    gave partial credit for folklore, because I took serveral classes in it, partial
    for linguistics, in which I actually once considered getting an MA< and partial
    for computer science, because that's what I do for a living.

    2. Where did I get my

    • Texas A&M (-10 points)
    • Penn State (0
    • University of Houston (10 points)
    • ASU (1
    • Penn (2 points)

    Actually, technically it
    was the University of Houston-Clear Lake, but I figured UH was close enough.
    Partial credit for Penn, my "real" alma mater, where I got my BS, and for ASU
    where I took my linguistics classes.

    3. How
    many years have I been rowing?

    • 4 (0 points)
    • 5 (0
    • 10 (0 points)
    • 12 (10
    • 15 (0 points)

    No one got this right, not
    even Rudder -- pretty silly for the guy who talked me into taking my first rowing
    class, back in 1990. I just counted continuous time since I started, not
    subtracting the first few years after we moved here, when there wasn't a lake to
    row in. (I cheated a little and told Rudder that, so he has no excuse.)

    4. Which of the following have I not

    • flown a plane (0 points)
    • jumped out of a
      plane (0 points)
    • bungie jumped (0 points)
    • hang
      glided (5 points)
    • paraglided (10

    Paraglided (Like hang gliding but with a parafoil.)
    Partial credit for hang gliding because I only did it once, and that was

    5. Which of the following have I not

    • climbed a 5.10 rock face (0 points)
    • run
      2 miles (10 points)
    • wind surfed at the Columbia River Gorge (0
    • scuba dived at the Great Barrier Re (0 points)
    • Parasailed over Negril Bay (0 points)

    I have
    never in my life run more than a mile. I don't do distance.

    6. How many boats do Rudder and I currently

    • 1 (0 points)
    • 2 (0 points)

    • 3 (5 points)
    • 4 (10 points)
    • 5 (0

    Four -- the two new singles, the double he and T2 own,
    and the Julien single hanging from the roof of our back porch, not currently

    7. How many piercings have I had

    • 2 (0 points)
    • 3 (5 points)
    • 4 (10 points)
    • 6 (8 points)
    • None of
      the above (0 points)

    This one's a little tricky, which is why
    the high partial credit. I have four piercings currently open: both earlobes and
    my navel. I also had an ear cartilage piercing, which I've allowed to close, so I
    counted four as the right answer. However, you could argue for six, because when I
    was about 10 and first had my ears pierced, one got infected and I had to let them
    close and get them redone. I figured, though, that that's not something anyone
    would know from reading my diary.

    8. Which city
    have I not visited?


  • Anchorage (0 points)
  • Sydney (0
  • London (0 points)
  • Taipei (10 points)
  • Seoul (0 points)
  • Taipei, though Rudder's been
    there a few times on business. Alaska and Korea this year, Europe in 1996,
    Australia and New Zealand in 1998.

    9. How many
    years have Rudder and I been married?

    • 3 (0
    • 5 (0 points)
    • 6 (0 points)

    • 9 (10 points)
    • 12 (6 points)

    years. Lucky for him, Rudder got this right. We've lived together for twelve,

    10. In which time zone have I lived

    • Eastern (10 points)
    • Central (3
    • Mountain (1 points)
    • Pacific (0

    22 years in Philadelphia, 7 in Houston, nearly 7 in
    Phoenix, 0 west of that.

    And now you know all about Dichroic.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 14, 2002

    read hair dreams

    Work's going full blast and my List's getting a bit testy again. It's amazing how
    irritated people could avoid getting if they'd just read things before
    responding to them -- and not just on the list. Yet another Rule for Happy Living,
    brought to you by Dichroic.

    On a happier, if also stressful, note, I
    have an appointment with Cool Salon Guy this afternoon. That means this is the
    Moment of Decision: am I really going to let my hair grow out, or am I going to
    get it cut short again? I am still leaning toward the former; longer hair behaves
    so much better when you've just woken up and haven't showered. At least, if it
    doesn't you can tie it back. Very short hair, though, has an avant-garde air I
    like -- don't we all like to think of ourselves as rebels, no matter how great the
    evidence to the contrary? (And that's a whole entry, but one for another day.)
    Also, it sets off my eyes. Unfortunately, that also means it sets off the lines
    around them. Later note: I think I know what I want: the hairstyle Asia Argento
    had in xXx. Unfortunately, it will be a while before my hair is that long, and it
    just doesn't do that anyway -- too curly. In need of a plan

    Whatever I decide to do, at least I know I'll enjoy talking to
    Cool Salon Guy, as always. Even if I don't post the line-by-line conversations
    like Weetabix, everyone's pick for
    most humorous breakfast food.

    Mentioning Weetabix reminds me that I
    had a dream the night before last I wanted to post here. Unfortunately, I didn't
    note it down soon enough, and I've now forgotten it. I know SWWooP was in it, and
    I think Natalie was too -- she was a
    little vaguer, which makes sense since we haven't met IRL. And then there were a
    bunch of people I know in the flesh, but I just can't remember what we were all
    doing. Drat.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:25 PM

    August 13, 2002

    the usual scattering of topics

    Q. What sucks worse than having a friend die young, unexpectedly? A. Getting in a
    major car wreck on the way home from his wake. Go check out href="">Batten's page for the full news, kindly
    posted by her sister, and join me in sending good thoughts and wishes her way.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    news about Batten

    Q. What sucks worse than having a friend die young, unexpectedly? A. Getting in a
    major car wreck on the way home from his wake. Go check out href="">Batten's page for the full news, kindly
    posted by her sister, and join me in sending good thoughts and wishes her way.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:21 AM

    August 12, 2002

    putting it to the test

    If everyone else jumped off a cliff, would I? Well, yeah, probably. I'm a sucker
    for peer pressure in some ways.

    So anyway, SWooP talked me into
    putting up one of those tests on "How well do you know Dichroic?", because
    everyone else is href="">doing href="">it. And also because it was kind of fun to
    put the quiz together -- I tried to pick questions that someone who's been reading
    here a while would be able to answer.

    On the other hand, I'm a little
    reluctant to post it, because I'm not quite sure anyone will want to take it.
    Still, it's kind of fun to try to get in someone's mind enough to figure out when
    they're faking. So if you do wnat to take the quiz, href="">here it is. And if you score low, I
    promise not to make fun of you -- speaking as a woman who's scored 40% on every
    one of these "how well do you know xxx" tests she's taken so far.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:20 PM

    of inept cutting and Celtic rock

    A stranger looking at my forearms would conclude that I am a) suicidal and b)
    inept. Actually, a more accurate description would be c) more averse to
    overheating than to abrasions. When we went to up to the property on Saturday to
    relax and clear our more of the (fire-hazard) low growth, Rudder wore jeans and
    boots, while I wore shorts and sndals. (This is why he's always the one to do the
    hoedowns/tribal dances to crush down brush in the truck bed.) Not that more leg
    and foot protection would have helped my arms but I've got matching cuts just
    below my butt, from inadvisedly sitting on brush and low branches while trying to
    maneuver a saw in some awkward areas. It's symptomatic of my general attitude
    anyway -- when I'm going to be getting hot and sweaty I'd always rather wear less
    clothing and let my skin take its chances. After all, it heals, and I don't seem
    to scar easily. This is why you can generally tell on Monday how lively a weekend
    I've had. I'm usually more or less cross-hatched after a rock climbing weekend.

    This is an eventful week; I had an interview first thing this morning for
    selection for an internal position that would get me some intersting training.
    It's a follow-up from the one last Wednesday. The woman who href="">saw me spit wasn't there
    this time, but called in toward the end. (One other higher-up who was supposed to
    be there also didn't make it -- I don't know if that's a sign they aren't
    impressed with me, or just a sign of busy schedules. I prefer to belive the
    latter, at least for now.) On Wednesday, I have a hair cut acheduled, and on
    Thursday a baseline mammogram (just because I'm 35) first thing in the morning and
    then a Great Big Sea concert that night. It turns out they're not alone; the show
    is actually billed as "the Young Dubliners with Seven Nations and Great Big Sea. I
    hope that "with" means GBS is playing more than just a short opening set, though
    it would be nice if they were on first. This show starts just around the time
    we're usually in bed, turning off the lights. (Rowers are generally not among the
    great party animals of the day. Not past college, anyhow.) I expect I'll like the
    other two bands, anyhow. A quick look at the web says they have the same sort of
    kick-ass Celtic folk/rock fusion I like so much in GBS and Brother.

    Convention has a lot to answer for ... thank goodness. Lots of people have done it
    since (the bands named above, for example), and lots have done it well, but
    Fairport did it first. I'd still like to hear Richard Thompson perform live. Most
    of his songs have a harder-edge these days, but you just have to hear the guitar
    line and ballad story of 1952 Vincent Black Lightning to know where he
    comes from.

    Said James, "In my opinion there is nothing in this world

    Beats a '52 Vincent and a red-headed girl.
    Your Nortons and Grieveses and
    Indians won't do,
    They don't have a soul like the Vincent '52."

    And he
    reached for her hand and he slipped her the keys,
    Said "I've got no further use
    for these.
    I see angels and aerials in leather and chrome
    Coming to my
    bedside to carry me home."
    And he gave her one last kiss and died,
    And he
    gave her his Vincent to ride.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:38 AM

    August 11, 2002


    Yeah, VIn Diesel's kind of hot. At least some of the time. We really liked his
    movie, mostly because the special effects are dope (Diesel's word). And though
    it's not the sort of thing you go see for the plot, at least it doesn't have the
    sort of plot holes and logic gaps you could drive a small submarine through, like
    90% of action movies built on the same lines. Also, unlike James Bond, Diesel's
    character actually has a reason for knowing how to do all the stuff he can do. And
    I kind of liked it that he kept having to rescued by a girl, and sometimes by his
    boss. And finally, though I wished he'd used a rope in the rock climbing scene,
    neither it nor any of the other stunts had the physical impossibility of the
    climbing scene in Mission Impossible. At least, not that I could spot, and I've
    done most of those things, at least once, at last in a weenie kind of

    But yesterday's href="">question on hotness still
    remains, and I really want to know your opinion. Speak to me!

    Posted by dichroic at 06:48 PM

    August 10, 2002

    an analysis of hot-itude

    Spent another nice day up north, breathing clean air and cutting off low-hanging
    branches, with the result that my arms and legs appear to have had close
    encounters with a briar patch. Rudder asks me to relay that he does not
    perform hoedowns in the truck bed, to crush down a load of brush and make room for
    more, as Mechaieh once
    , but rather something more in the nature of an Indian tribal dance.
    (What the hell, he's got ancestors who performed both kinds of dances, though
    probably more hoedown-types than tribal-types in the pedigree.) However, he didn't
    take it kindly when I started chanting "Hey-ya, hey-ya-yo" as he stomped.
    Something about what the neighbors would think.

    On the way back, we
    were discussing going out tomorrow to see XXX, and I said that I hadn't decided
    yet if Vin Diesel is hot ot icky -- he sort of straddles the line. That led to a
    discussion of the meaning of the word "hot"; Rudder claimed it denoted strictly
    physical attractiveness, while I maintained it's a measure of fuckability, which
    is not entirely based on appearance. We debated if Sean Connery and Harrison Ford
    could be called hot, since at this point in their careers, their appeal is
    certainly not all physical. (Actually, Connery's a bit aged for my taste, though
    his character in that recent movie where he played a master cat burglar was
    definitely beddable.) So, readers, if any of you there are, what do you think? If
    hotness purely a visual physical thing, or does it encompass other things like
    pheromones and maybe even personality?

    I wouldn't be surprised if
    this one splits across gender lines.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 09, 2002

    girls who spit

    If I haven't mentioned it already, on Wednesday I had an internal interview. If I
    get selected, I'd be trained to be a local lead in a big company-wide program. I'd
    be working on it anyway, but if I get this I'll have better training and
    resources, and maybe be groomed a little for future leadership roles. (Why does
    that sounds so icky written out like that?) I think it went well, because they
    scheduled me for another interview first thing Monday morning (eek), this time
    with even bigger wigs including a VP (eek again). Anyway.

    morning I got to work, fumbled in my backpack, and failed to find my badge. I
    happened to get here early this morning, about 7:05. I couldn't get to the North
    building, where I work, in my regular door so I walked around to the nearest
    lobby, only to find a sign saying it would open at 7:30. Next I walked west and
    then south all the way around the buiding, and the next building, past several
    other lobbies whose doors opened only to those armed with the magnetic-encoded
    badges. I thought I would be able to get in at a lobby near the the south-west
    corner of the complex, where I had been sent the day I first started this job.
    Wrong again; that lobby isn't opened until 7:45. By that time, I probably could
    have walked back and gotten to the North lobby just as it opened, but not thinking
    that creatively, I buttonholed a passing stranger, explained that it was my first
    time forgetting a badge, and asked where to go. He directed me to the guard shack
    on the south side of the building. I walked around there, getting hot by then
    (they're very large buildings) and I had been tired before I started the
    trek, from my gym workout. By now I was going through a relatively empty parking
    area, away from most of the people coming to work.

    About then, I had
    another bout of the cough I'm not quite over. Afterward, I, well, I spit ... and
    just then, I saw one of the people I had interviewed with, the one whom I suspect
    will have most influence on that decision. She waved and smiled and called over to
    me, so I'm sure it was her. She was 30 feet away or so and she was on the opposite
    side, so I'm hoping she didn't see. I feel so uncouth. ANd I was trying so hard
    not to snorfle during the interview too.

    By the time I got the
    temp badge and got to my desk it was about 7:35. I figure I had walked a mile or
    more. And of course, an hour later I was looking for something else in my backpack
    and found what was was apparently the one pocket I had missed looking in before,
    completely with badge. Dammit.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 08, 2002

    the Quest

    Speaking of food, I was starving by lunchtime today, which makes sense
    since I probably burned more calories this morning than I had in two weeks. Aside
    form the cough and a residual hoarseness, I think I'm officially Better. (Q.
    Better than what? A. Never you mind, missy.)

    You know what sucks?
    What sucks is that, though E.Nesbit's The Treasure-Seekers and its sequel,
    The Wouldbegoods are easily available, the third book in the series, The
    New Treasure-Seekers
    is neither in print nor available online. There are
    several copies listed on Bookfinder, but that
    seems hardly sporting, the Great Book Hunt that is my life. (Coming across a find
    in a used bookshop is a thrill; looking on out on the Internet seems too

    On the other hand, that sort of thinking once lost me a copy
    of Polly Learns to Fly, part of Lillian Elizabeth Roy's Polly of Pebbly Pit
    series, circe 1921. For one brief moment, Bookfinder admitted its existence, in a
    solitary copy. Neither Amazon nor Powell's lists it even as Out of Print. Not only
    do I like the series and own some other volumes, but I'd absolutely love to have a
    book about a girl learning to fly in the 1920s for my flying shelf and as a
    companion to Betty Cavanna's Girls Can Dream, Too! in which a high school
    girls wins a contest and gets flying lessons in the late 1940s. Still, it's
    pleasant to have a quest. Someday a copy will turn up, and in the meantime I have
    that as an excuse (as if!) for plundering used book stores.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    growing up Philadelphian

    This is for Tygerchild, for
    mentioning The Al Alberts show and giving me flashbacks. And maybe a bit for href="">Doug, whose remembrances of the Denver of
    70 years ago are fascinating for those of us who remember only half

    So, Fluffyans, all together now: "Send your pictures to dear
    old Captian Noah, send today, send right away...." Or to misquote another of the
    Captain's songs, for those who remember when the Rocky Horror Picture Show was
    screened every Saturday at the TLA, "Red and yellow and pink and green, purple and
    orange and blue, I can make a monster, make a monster, and I can f*** him too."

    Soft pretzels. I miss soft pretzels! They were only $.25 (you
    can still get three for a dollar) and were real soft pretzels, not
    prefrozen and none of this pizza dough crap they're selling at malls these days.
    And water ice (pronounced wooderice), which is fine-shaved (not crushed) Italian
    ice you eat from a paper cone. You could buy either, as well as hot dogs, sodas
    and chips, at sidewalk carts all over town. In Center City and University City,
    you can buy almost any other kind of food, too -- Chinese, sandwiches, bowls of
    fresh melon and berries. in the late 80s, some of the best Mexican food in town
    was from a little cart on 36th and Spruce.

    My family's been in Philly
    for three generations. Jewish neighborhoods were in South Philly, where my great-
    grandfather owned a candy shop (wish I could still collect rent on that!) and
    Southwest Philly (where my grandmother grew up and was thereby a social step up),
    then moved to West Philly when my parents were kids, and then into the Northeast.
    Mom remembers when it was all farms after you got off the El at Bridge Pratt --
    they'd go out to visit the cemetaries. At least they could take a bus -- in my
    grandfather's young days they'd get off the train and walk miles across fields to
    visit family graves. Now people my age are either still in the Northeast, which is
    a bit more diverse and was on a downhill slide but seems to be recovering, or out
    to the 'burbs.

    I can remember getting milk delivered every day, and
    the vegetable an who came by once a week, and the Charles Chips trucks that
    delivered big cans of pretzels or, for a treat, potato chips. In the evenings, we
    used to have Good Humor trucks bringing ice cream, then later those were replaced
    by custard (what Dairy Queen calls "soft-serve ice cream") trucks that also sold
    all sorts of candy. My mother remembers when ice was delivered door to door. My
    grandmother remembered when she was twelve and the landlord installed indoor
    plumbing -- big excitement. (An entire block of row houses with outhouses sounds
    pretty stinky to me!)

    Roosevelt Mall, 3 blocks from my parenst is
    entirely outdoors. There have been indoor malls in the are for a long time
    (including Neshaminy Falls, built on the site where Chistopher Morley wrote of the
    falls themselves, and canoeing in the creek and visiting an amusement park there,
    just after WWI) but Roosevelt was "the Mall" to us and it was a long time before I
    realized most people mean a giant building when they talk about going to the mall.
    Actually, in Philly, they pronounce it more like "gaowin' to the moo-

    When I was little there was an amusement park on Roosevelt
    Boulevard, with a boat ride for little kids, and ferris wheel and the Salt Shaker
    for bigger ones. When I got older they build Six Flags Great Adventure in New
    Jersey and we'd get to go there every year or two. There was always at least one
    trip down the shore in summer, usually with my grandparents. My grandmother never
    let me get more than ankle-deep in the ocean. I was astounded when I visited my
    uncle in New York (age 8) and he took me to the beach and I learned you could
    actually swim in the ocean, just like in a pool.

    brick everywhere, even on the sidewalks in the old part of town. Rowhouses in the
    Old City dating from the 1700s and even the 1600s, rowhouses in the Northeast from
    the late 1940s, products of the postwar housing boom. On summer evenings, kids
    from about first grade up to 6th or 7th would all play running games out front,
    games like Doors and Manhunt which were variants of Tag adapted for rowhouses. Or
    the younger ones (I always think of myself as a younger one, maybe because fewer
    of us played in big groups by the time I got older) played Mother May I or Red
    Light Green Light. The adults all still sit out oon the steps and talk to the
    neighbors on summer nights, and the kids still run around chasing fireflies.

    The shore is its own whole entry, Soft pretzels are a whole
    entry. Rowhouses, fireflies, local TV, water ice, University City vs. the
    Northeast ... easy to write a page on each. And don't get me started on the
    Philadelphia accents. But I think the gestalt of my memories is in that last
    paragraph: red brick and hanging out with neighbors and summer nights back when
    the only thing summer meant was freedom.

    I miss fireflies. Kipling
    wrote about the changes in Philly from Revoluntionary War days to his time, as
    well as things unchanged: "And the fireflies in the corn make night amazing".
    There are still fields and fields of corn as soon as you get outside the city, and
    at least by the late 1980s when I was there, the fireflies on a June night were
    still amazing. I'm sure they still are.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:04 PM

    Encounter with aliens

    Oh, THIS is why I row! I won't say it was cool today, but it was finally,
    gloriously tolerable. (Only Arizona heat can make that combination of words make
    sense.) And while I still had to stop occasionally for the periodic cough-hack-
    blow session, I was finally able to put a bit of power into it. My body works
    again -- yay!!

    I did noticed I was tired and losing energy after the
    first lap so I just did half of a second one. Wouldn't want to push things -- and
    it's still the farthest I've rowed in about two weeks,

    Then on to get
    gas, which I did do in sports bra and spandex shorts because I was too hot to be
    able to face putting a shirt on and like href="">Mechaieh, I'll all about
    comfort, and then it was on to the gym to shower. My routine involves soaking my
    navel piercing first, while I get undressed (which involves some no doubt highly
    comical snuggling up to the locker to prop the cup held to my stomach against the
    locker door so I can use both hands to remove the sports bra. I floss my teeth at
    night the same way.) Whie I was preparing my salt water soak, I overheard two
    women whose immense collection of personal care items took up most of the space by
    the sinks -- I'm always astounded at how many products are necesary to prepare
    some people to go out in public. They were discussing the diet one was on. Here's
    a rough transcript:

    Dieting chick: I've actually gotten to the point
    where food is something I have to do, you know?

    Sympathetic chick: Yeah I
    know what you mean -- just calories you have to eat.

    Dieting Chick: Yeah,
    just fuel, not something, like, pleasurable. So that's

    (Dichroic thinks: No, it's not!!! I've felt like that too,
    lately, but only because I've been sick.)

    Dieting Chick: The snack I really
    look forward to is the afternoon one -- I have yogurt mixed with cottage

    Sypathetic Chick: Oh yeah, that's good.

    (Dichroic, who doesn't
    like cottage cheese, thinks: No, it's not!!!)

    Dieting Chick: Those
    protein bars taste like ass.

    Dichroic, trying to avoid the visuals of that
    last statement, can't resist jumping in: Luna bars aren't bad, especially the Chai
    Tea flavor.

    Dieting Chick and Sympathetic Chick, in harmony: But they
    have so much sugar!

    Dichroic: Well, isn't that why you work out, so
    you can eat what you like?

    Both Chicks, staring at Dichroic like
    she's from another planet: Uh, no.

    At that point, I had my saltwater
    mixed, and I walked away, realizing they were clearly another species and I'm no
    Jane Goodall. But really ... isn't that (at least part of) why you work

    I understand the idea of cutting down on food temporarily in
    order to lose weight faster, but I still suspect eating normal food but less of it
    is easier to maintain in the long run. And even Slimfast markets its probduct by
    claiming it tastes good. (I'll never know. It reminds me too much of the Ensure
    they kept making my grandmother eat in the nursing home, when she was dying.)
    Emphasizing raw veggies and yogurt makes sense fot nutritional as well as caloric
    reasons, but those things taste good. Food should be a pleasure. There may be
    times when it's better to indulge moderately, just as you don't (well, I don't) go
    around having sex with everyone you meet. There may even be reasons to cut back
    severely for a short period. But what's the point of life if you can't not only
    smell the cherry blossoms but pick and eat the cherries?

    Those high-
    maintenance Chicks are welcome to their protein-ass-bars. I'm going out tonight
    for a beer.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    August 07, 2002

    not old...just mature

    I'm not sure whether I feel old today, or just grown up.

    I've just
    started growing my hair out, and right now it looks as short as it did but is just
    a bit pouffier -- sort of the way my mother-in-law's looks when she's had it set
    for a special occasion. In my case it's the result not of a blow-dryer but of the
    natural curl. The main challenge is to keep bits from sticking out in odd
    directions. However, because it's a little longer more of the gray strands end up
    in front where I can see them. Denial of gray is one side benefit of very short
    hair. Suddenly I find myself wondering if maybe I have morphed into a short-haired
    person by temperament, after all.

    I'm dressed like a grown-up today
    too, because I have an interview (at this company; they're looking for people to
    train for an internal program). I'm wearing a little black dress I always forget I
    have, in a very plain sheath cut with a round neck and princess seaming. Somehow
    it manages to make me look round and curvy in all the right places even though
    it's closely fitted, so I look corporate, but I look like a hot corporate babe.
    (At least in my own mind.) The high heels help, and show off the definition in my
    calves. (Calves are about the easiest things to get in shape. Almost everyone has
    good calves, except those who are extremely stick-thin.) The only problem with
    the dress is that, like many of my clothes, it blouses out too much in back when I
    stand up straight. I think they expect the front to be a bit better-filled, as if
    there were many busty women who wear size 4. Clothes designers clearly live in
    fantasy worlds. At least the dress looks good from the front, and at least it fits
    -- I think there was one point a few years ago when it was too tight. Now it's
    just tight across the shoulders.

    I wonder if my age is also
    responsible for how long this cold or whatever is hanging on. The thing about
    being 35 is that you can do still anything you ever could, but it hurts more when
    you stop. When I was in my early twenties, I played Ultimate Frisbee, on a team
    where lots of the other people were in their early to mid-thirties. They could all
    outrun and outplay me on the field (I'm not good at traditional ball sports and
    Ulttimate uses the same sort of skills). Afterward, though, we'd go out for food
    and beer, and there would be much groaning as they stood up after sitting still
    for an hour right after strenuous exercise. I could bounce right up without a
    twinge -- that was my first glimpse of my future. Now I can sit in any odd
    position at my desk, and often do, but I limp for a bit after uncurling myself. I
    don't notice problems after sitting still post-rowing, but mostly I go straight
    off to the showers -- and I'm often so wiped afterwards I don't notice any
    gradations in the pain. I wonder if that loss of the ability to bounce back is
    responsible for my lingering phlegm issues. At least I erged a little this

    Another symptom of aging is loss of memory. I'm pretty sure
    there were other related issues I wanted to mention..............

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 06, 2002

    John and Abigail Adams, in their honor

    I have been learning so much from my recent Adams immersion: reading Joseph
    Ellis' Passionate Sage while listening to David McCullough's biography,
    John Adams. Here are some of the salient points, big and

    • John Adams was probably the single most important
      person in getting the Continental Congress to declare independence. It was clearly
      the will of the people by then, but his writings, as well as those of Paine and
      others, had had some effect on that as well. This is the opinion of the men who
      were there, not just that of partial biographers.
    • He was of equal
      importance with Jefferson in shaping the character and direction of the new
      republic. Again, this is the opinion of those who were there in its early days;
      Jefferson's rise in the opinion of history began some years after their nearly
      simultaneous deaths, while Adam's reputation only began to rise again (mostly
      among professional historians) in the 1950s.
    • Massachusetts is a
      Commonwealth, not a State, largely because he decided to write it that way when
      writing the state constitution (which is incidentally, the oldest one still in use
      anywhere, according to McCullough).
    • Many of the unpopular actions
      of Adams' presidency have been vindicated by later historians, especially his
      managing to keep us out of what seemed an inevitable war with France -- though
      really nothing can whitewash the entire wrongness of the Alien and Sedition act,
      no matter how strongly John Ashcroft would like to reinstate it. Whatever else he
      did, Adams did make mistakes.
    • A lot of things about government I
      had never understood make more sense now. Though happy to be a beneficiary of
      governmental support of education and scientific research, and glad that there are
      at least some safety nets in place, I had never understood why they were there. My
      understanding of the proper role of government was limited to the words of the
      Constitution itself, plus the tag (probably wrongly) attributed to Jefferson,
      "That government is best which governs least." Adams' writing, in the
      Massachusetts Constitution, explains and lays the foundation for governmental
      presence in education, science, and charity.

    Jefferson's idea of government was strictly a guarantor of individual liberties,
    Adams' ideas were more complex. In fact, Ellis theorizes that his relative
    obscurity may be mostly due to the fact that, not only do Adams' ideas and persona
    not boil down to an easy sound bite, but that Adams himself fought his whole life
    against that sort of reduction of history to simple pictures. (Also, he had a
    quixotic tendency to fight agains any trend that seemed to be gaining popular
    ascendancy. As fiery an American patriot as any man, he defended the British
    soldiers who took part in the Boston Massacre when they were brought into court,
    simply out of a belief that laws ought to be fairly and impartially applied. And
    he won his case.) Adams believed strongly in "life, liberty, and the pursuit of
    happiness", but he also believed that government was a compact between each person
    and the body politic (the amalgamation of all pople concerned, society as a whole)
    and that while government's power did indeed derive from the consent of the
    governed, a government's duty to its people was balanced by the individual's duty
    to his or her society.

    Absolutely fascinating stuff. John Adams was
    apparently a very warm, human man, much unlike Washington's Olympic superiority or
    Jefferson's contradictory reticence. (I probably need to read American Sphinx
    next.) Here is an example that struck me as telling: in May of 1776, Adams gave
    what observers recalled as the speech of his life, a masterwork of oration
    equivalent to those of the ancient Greeks, an immeasurably powerful and passionate
    speech that convinced Congress finally to officially declare on that day that
    these colonies "are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states". After
    he had spoken for an hour, several New Jersey delegates wandered in late, asked
    what he had been saying, and requested him please to repeat it all for their
    benefit. And he did. (There is no mention of bitch-slapping or even eye-rolling in
    the any of the records of the incident, proving Adams was a better man than

    Though the immersion has deepened my respect for Adams, and
    convinced me that he was an entirely likeable man as well as an admirable one (as
    opposed to his son, who sounds only admirable), it's really made me feel with
    Abigail. They married purely for love, not material advantage, arrangement, or
    anything else, and it was one of the great love affairs by all accounts. And yet,
    the country's business and both of their conceptions of honor and duty, kept her
    husband away from her for months at a tmie -- they reckoned they were apart for
    half of the first fourteen years of their marriage. I know what it's like to be
    away from a beloved husband, but I had a phone and email. She had nothing but
    letters, and the delivery of those subject to the vagaries of war. At one point,
    he had to be away while she was pregnant. The child was stillborn, and the anguish
    of their letters is not any different from that in anything I've read from the
    latest online diary of a mother who's lost a baby this very year. And se was a
    business woman, no idle flower who could retire to a fainting couch with her
    smelling salts, or flirt away her days in society; she had a farm to run and a
    family to raise, and she did both well, while still asking her husband to indulge
    her with more "sentimental effusions" in his letter, as they were all she had whil
    he was 400 miles away. Or, worse, traveling an ocean away, in winter, in wartime,
    along with her oldest son. And in wartime, she also had to deal with shortages of
    everything from pins to shoes to food. But her pain at the separation comes
    through, and is one of those things that does not and has not changed across the
    gulf of centuries. Neither has the fact that Abigail, the primary counselor of one
    of this country's greatest men, was a hell of a great woman.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:56 PM

    googles and gametes

    Along with the usual googles for "dichroic" and for songs and books I've written
    about, I've gotten two recently that are worth mentioning. One surprised me only
    becuase it is so antithetical to everything I think and do and say and am. I had
    written about the awful "music" they sometimes play at my gym, quoting from a song
    about 'real women and real men'. I got googles for that line, which is a bit scary
    because I had thought fans of that music would only be able to tolerate it by
    litening to the catchy tune and ignoring the lyrics.

    An even more
    interesting hit was for the phrase "my brain doesn't work after a shower". Now
    there are quite a lot of times when my brain doesn't work well, but after a shower
    isn't one of them. I often come out of the shower with ideas to solve a problem
    I've been working on. It's true, though, that my brain doesn't work well before a
    shower, especially if I've just woken up.

    I also got a hit for "I am
    fire" Actually, as I've written, I am more href="">water, but that was for this
    specific poem. I still think
    it's one of my better ones, even by Joan Houlihan's standards. I like the internal rhymes,
    assonances, and references (I'm especially proud of Yahwist/burning bush). Though
    I also still think the last line is weak.

    After my href="">bored entry the other day,
    I keep finding myself thinking that maybe I was right, maybe I should have a baby.
    Since I do have a tendency to internalize everything I read (just ask Rudder -- I
    know I treat him differently depending on whether I'm reading something warm and
    cuddle or cold and intellectual or unpleasant and off-putting), href="">all href="">of href="">the href="">diaries and emails I've read lately from
    people who are or want to be pregnant have definitely had an effect there. I'm a
    bit old for it (35) but as far as I know have no health problems that would make
    it hard to conceive. (If what I were reading were statistically accurate, I'd be
    thinking more women had PCOS than not. I suspect it's just that people who have
    problems are the ones who need to write about them.) I've always been ambivalent
    on the matter, though, and much of my reason for wanting one is the idea of having
    something to look forward to plus the fear of missing out on something important.
    Rudder, though he likes kids and would be a grewat father, says he doesn't want
    one, but that seems to be mostly a matter of fear -- fear of what I'd be like
    pregnant, and fear of change to a lifestyle he likes perfectly well as it is. I'm
    not crazy about my current lifestyle in some ways, but much for the problem there
    is the constant business and having a kid would make that even worse. The 'pro'
    reasons aren't strong enough to rationally overcome the 'cons', and I've never
    really had the sort of strong emotional need for a baby that would sweep away all
    the rational opposition. Also, for every time I've thought, "this would be fun to
    do with a kid (hiking, climbing, flying), there have been times I've thought,
    "Thank goodness we don't have a kid" (when I feel like crap and am glad not to
    have to deal with a crying baby or also-sick cranky child). I think we'd be all
    right as parents, but it's only right to consider what we'd owe to any child we
    brought into the world -- not just to be brought up according to our best efforts
    but to be wanted, yearned for, and dreamed over. Some of those things would kick
    in when hypothesis became reality, I'm sure, but would it be

    Probably not. We need nieces and nephews, blood or honorary,
    that's what we need. So the rest of you out there, who do want pups of your own,
    get busy. I'll baby-sit.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:17 AM

    August 05, 2002

    news at 5

    First, go look at yesterday's href="">cool pictures. Those are
    from the digital cam -- we're hoping at least one of the film versions of the two
    of us will come out well enough to have made into a poster, with Robert Frost's
    The Master Speed superimposed. (Hey, if it comes out well, anybody want a
    cool rowing poster? Good wedding present.)

    Anybody watching the local
    news at 5AM today might have caught a glimpse of me. Um, on further thought,
    perhaps "glimpse" is not the correct word for it. "Eyeful" may be more like it.
    Evil Coach DI (he's not my problem any more but I still consider him Evil because
    his coaching methods with those kids remind me of Bela Karolyi's, only without the
    winning results) had a TV news crew out there to film the juniors this morning. He
    must have asked the kids to show up early, and he himself was there before I was,
    which may be a first. Now, last night on the news there was a story about a dead
    body found in that same lake -- they're still not sure how he got there, whether
    it was murder, suicide, or accident. So I walked up to a cameraman, figuring that
    since the light on his camera was out it wasn't running, and asked, "Are you here
    about the juniors or the body in the lake?"** Some newsman type came running up
    and said, "You just walked into a live camera!" Oops. So I got into my boat and
    called, "Well, sorry but I'm here to row -- you guys are on *our* beach!" but I
    think he was ignoring me as soon as I stepped back.

    I do think it's
    more important to row than to televise rowing and they were definitely in my way,
    but the most irritating part is knowing that no one will have mentioned that there
    are not one but three local juniors rowing programs, or much of anything else but
    how wonderful DI is. I entertained myself for the rest of the row with fantasies
    of being interviewed, of the weaknesses in his program I could imply while never
    speaking one word of overt criticism. Actually, even speaking directly to a parent
    whose child wanted to learn to row, I wouldn't advise against DI's program. I
    don't like him but his coaching style might mesh perfectly with someone else's
    learning style. In theory, anyhow.

    True confession time: It was
    pretty obvious the TV people were there to televise the rowers. I asked about the
    dead body largely to see if any of the kids would freak out, but I don't think
    anyone heard. Bad Dichroic. No pretzels. (Yeah, right.)

    it was a fairly miserable morning to row -- almost as muggy as rowing in Houston,
    not a good combination with all the crud still riding around in the my sinuses,
    throat, and lungs. And to add make it worse, She-Hulk pointed out yesterday that
    there's a scratch on my pretty brand-new boat. Drat. So I only made it one
    easy lap around the lake. I figure though that every meter I row is at least
    better for me than one I don't row. I'll start pushing again when I feel better
    and the more when things finally cool down. Meanwhile, today's goal is: trying not
    to cough up a lung. Or lunch.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:03 PM

    August 04, 2002

    on-the-water boat pics

    We got She-Hulk to come out with us today and take turns taking pictures in our
    spiffy pretty boats. Here she is, with Rudder, in her double:


    Here I am:


    and, the piece de resistance, here
    we are, Rudder and me, rowing in formation in "Sunrise" and "Sunset",

    As always, all images copyrighted 2002 pkb

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 03, 2002

    authorial prejudice

    In the middle of rereading Podkayne of Mars for the first time in years, I
    keep noticing how dated it is. Partly it's small details, like Poddy taking along
    two hats when she travels. (Did most people still wear hats that often in 1963?
    That was after JFK's inauguration, which I had understood was their death-knell,
    fashionwise.) Mostly, though, it's the ingrained sexism of the time, which
    Heinlein seems to have thought would still be around a hundred years later, or
    whenever the book was set. It's a good sign that Poddy even wants to be a
    spaceship captain, but surprises me that she changes her plans because it's so
    hard for a girl to be accepted for training, and even harder to get hired.

    On the other hand, it's never entirely safe to surmise an author's own
    opinions from his or her fiction. Dorohy L. Sayers is a prie example of this, in
    the way that her own faith was not shared by her best character, Lord Peter
    Wimsey, but there are pitfalls of that sort throughout Heinlein's work too. In the
    contemporary Starship Troopers, women are actually preferred to men as
    miltary spaceship captains; supposedly we are able to withstand greater
    acceleration (this was probably based on the result of a real study; I don't know
    whether it's still thought to be true). So it's possible RAH was just postulating
    a specific future with the same attitudes toward the sexes that held in his own
    milieu. Knowing him, it was probably specific decision. It's also possible that
    the decision to do so was made for marketing reasons; perhaps a book in which
    girls were fully equal to boys would have been too subversive for the youth market
    in 1963.

    I actually agree with the part in the end in which he says
    that people who will not take the time to raise children properly should not have
    any (one reason I don't). I will note, though, that I find infuriating the hint
    that this is more a matter for the mother than the father: "...building bridges
    and space stations and other useful gadgets is all very well, but a woman has more
    important work to do." Humph. Phooey. Change "woman" to "human" and it doesn't
    bother me. Again, I still wonder if that was Heinlein's own voice or just his
    character's; it's very clear that the message about parenthood in general was not
    only his own opinion (maybe that's why he also had no children?) but the raison
    d'etre for the entire book. Seeing athors limited by the endemic prejudices of
    their times doesn't generally bother me, or I wouldn't be able to read Sayers,
    Conan Doyle, Alcott, Twain, or pretty much anyone who wrote before the 1970s. It
    does bother me in RAH's case because he was able to think outside the limits of
    his time in so many other ways.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:38 AM

    August 02, 2002

    I can spell eschatology, anyway

    At least part of yesterday's entry should probably be put down to the divine
    discontent that is part of the human condition. (I can't remember who wrote that
    phrase, and I'm not sure how it can be simultaneously divine and human, but I like
    it anyway.) People who don't wonder at all if the world could be bigger than they
    know are just piggies in their extra-comfortable sties complete with couch and TV.
    People who have too much of it are ramblers who can't handle being pinned down.
    People just short of either extreme can be very happy and productive, though,
    either building a snug home and stable business, on one extreme, or turning
    wanderlust into a profession like travel reporters and photographers on the other.
    I definitely lean toward the wanderers: I like change, and to my mind, better
    poetry has been written but none more viscerally thrilling than Kipling's
    "Something hidden. Go and find it. Go, and look behind the Ranges -- Something
    lost behind the Ranges. Lost and waiting for you . . . Go!"

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 01, 2002

    turn and face the (lack of) change

    One of the worst things about living in such a mobile area is that as soon as I
    make a friend, they move away. That never happened in Philadelphia, and only
    rarely in Texas, so I don't think it's me. In six years here, we've lost at at
    least four good friends as well as some more distant ones. One of the latter moved
    back, but she was more a friend of a friend (who's moved away) and we don't see
    her much anymore). Yesterday I learned that Queue is moving away in less than two
    weeks. This one is especially rough because we never did get to be really good
    friends, even though there was no reason not to be. She's smart, funny, well-
    educated, slightly wild when you get her out, responsible otherwise, and a hell of
    a rower when her shoulder is cooperating. There are her flaws: she's not good at
    saying no when people ask her to do too much. And ... and ... that's about it. So
    why did we never become close friends? I don't know, but laziness on my part has
    to be part of it. And now it's too late, though of course I'll ask for her new
    email address and we'll keep in touch sporadically. I hate losing the opportunity
    to make a friend, because although I have lots of acquaintances, I really don't
    have that many close friends. I never have, and marriage hasn't helped; it's easy
    to be lazy about other relationships when your best friend lives right there.
    Also, I have so little spare time that, paradoxically, it's easier for me to
    maintain long-distance friendships than local ones. I can send emails from my desk
    or make phone calls while doing laundry, but it takes a major time investment to
    actually go somewhere. It's not that I don't want to; it's just that most of my
    time is eaten up by rowing or work and I generally need to spend what's left
    maintaining that one most important relationship. (This is one reason I miss Egret
    and T2 so much; their life was so similar to ours that the little crannies of free
    time matched up well and no one was offended when we had to go home at
    ridiculously early hours.)

    I envy Queue, as well, for all the changes
    she's making. Right now I have nothing to look forward to. It's not because
    my life is bad, but because it's good; I like my job, I have a great marriage and
    a comfortable (though not fancy) home. We have no vacations coming up except for a
    few races this fall, and in general no changes in the foreseeable future. For some
    people this would all be ideal, but I'm restless. I like change. I keep hoping
    something wonderful will turn up, but even if it did, down the line I'd want to
    change it. Much as I hate the heat, we're stuck here for at least a few more
    years, because Rudder's reasons for staying are better than mine for going. I'm
    not stupid enough to cheat on Rudder and ruin the best part of my life -- I want
    to do something different but I want him to do it with me. I suppose I could go
    back to school but that doesn't seem like a good idea without some plan of what to
    do after graduation -- I'd probably want to study either linguistics or cognitive
    science, but I'm just mostly interested in the idea of learning more about them,
    with no idea of what to do with what I've learned.

    I read other
    diaries and people are wrestling with major life dilemmas or trying to conceive or
    breaking up with long-time boyfriends or clawing back from the brink of oblivion.
    My inner drama queen is stifling, I tell you. I can think of plenty of ways to add
    changes to my life, but they all seem like very very bad ideas. I want changes,
    but I want good changes. Yes, I am spoiled. I'm almost tempted to get pregnant
    just so there would be built-in excitements and milestones ahead. Or maybe start a
    garden. (At least I wouldn't have to worry that I was bringing plants into the
    world for all the wrong reasons.)

    I didn't expect the above to come
    out quite so whiny; I'm not really functioning at a high level today. I think I
    may have blown my brains out (through my nose into a tissue, not with a gun). Or
    perhaps I'm just not getting adequate oxygen to the brain. My appetite is coming
    back, and I'm hoping to be well enough to erg or at least row tomorrow, so maybe
    I'll be more cheerful then.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 31, 2002

    Where have all the peace accords gone?

    Still sick (diagnosis: minor sinus infection) but I'm trusting to a pocket full of
    non-prescriptions to get me through the workday. Though I'm not sure why I seem to
    be so convinced they'll do me good from there in my pocket, as I've only actually
    ingested a single Sudafed Sinus caplet.

    Pause. Swallow. Make that two
    Sudafed Sinus caplets.

    By my usual standards, I've been indulging in
    an orgy of drug use; when I woke up at 2AM, I actually got up and took a
    second dose of Nyquil, it being over six hours since the first dose. Yep,
    I'm a wild woman when I'm sick. Don't get between me and my Nyquil.

    don't imagine anyone else is particularly enjoying my presence at work either, as
    I've been blowing my nose all day. (I was going to get slightly more graphic here,
    but in the interest of having anyone ever come back to read this page, I'll spare
    the details. Anyway, you've all been there.)

    Last night I was trying
    to rewrite Tommy Sands' powerful song, There Were Roses to fit the
    situation in Israel, while simultaneously chatting to a couple of people from my
    List. I figured the Irish didn't need the song any more as they finally, after
    three hundred years, seemed to have things under control. Regrettably, I was
    informed by the British gentleman in the chat that the number of attacks and
    beatings in Northern Ireland has risen dramatically, and that bombs are expected
    any day. (Which is still more "under control" than the pitiful state of things in
    Israel, na'theless.) My first thought is that I hope Egret and T2, outside Dublin,
    won't be affected. My second, though, is not from Tommy Makem but from another
    peace warrior, Pete Seeger:

    "When will they ever learn? When will
    they ever learn?"

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 30, 2002

    I feel icky, oh so icky...

    Here's the entry I wrote earlier. I did end up coming home from work early, but
    not until I'd gone to three meetings and finished everything I'd planned to do
    today. I have a fever, so some of the surmises below are probably wrong. There
    will probably be one more entry later today.

    Posted by dichroic at 05:22 PM

    a little sick

    came home sick. more later -- I wrote an entry at lunch but the web access was
    down and I mailed it home but apparently external email is down too.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:11 PM

    July 29, 2002

    Is this the little boy I carried?

    I sprouted about three new gray hairs yesterday, when Mom told me that my former
    babysittee, is engaged to be married. (Side note: she also told me that she's
    still consistently exercising three days a week and has lost 17 pounds. She even
    ergs. Go Mom!) (Other side note: I think my cubemate at work is about the age of
    Former Babysittee. Make that four new gray hairs.)

    I immediately
    called FB's parents to get the full scoop. Their house down the block was a refuge
    in my own stormy adolescence. She was matron of honor at my wedding (in company
    with the maid of honor and man of honor, my other two attendants) and he made the
    rehearsal memorable by providing live harmonica blues. I really ought to give them
    noms... uh, Harpman and Lo J.

    I'm not really all that close to FB and
    his younger brother FB2 these days, because I moved away to college when they were
    about 8 and 5, but they've turned out well, still recognizably the same people
    they were as small boys, and I like to keep up on their major events. Also, though
    I fall about in the middle between Harpman and Lo J and their kids, Lo J has a
    brother a year older than I am. We were in several classes together and were also
    good friends throughout high school and after, until he married spectacularly
    badly. And I mean spectacularly: it's a long story but she's now under house
    arrest. He was lucky enough not to be given any time; apparently the judge thought
    being married to her (and they still are) was its own punishment. So I was a bit
    anxious about FB's choice of a wife.

    From what Lo J says, though,
    he's emulated his other uncle, the one whose wife is a wonderful person who
    respects her husband's family as well as her own (FB's fiancŽe and the uncle's
    wife even have the same first name). They met online but are not rushing into
    anything. They'll have lived together for over a year by the time of the ceremony.
    She's comfortable with his family, he likes hers, and though he's always been
    extremely reserved, FB is visibly (at least to his mother) happy around her. So,
    good; he's a nice kid (well, not a kid now) and I wish him and his family all the
    happiness they deserve.

    But I still feel old now.

    this the little boy I carried?
    Is this the little girl at play?
    I don't
    remember growing older,
    When did they?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 28, 2002

    a rowing sort of Sunday

    Today was a rowing sort of day. We got out to the lake a bit before six to meet
    AussieCoach, who had very kindly offered to do a video-and-critique session, just
    for us. After spending some time being filmed, we practiced "formation flying",
    probably much to the amusement of anyone watching. We hope to get someone to stand
    on the bridge and take a picture of us, close together, in our spiffy pretty
    boats. Ideally, I'd like to make that into a poster with and appropriate poem by
    Robert Frost -- the one that ends "Together, wing to wing and oar to oar". (With
    all the spelling correct, unlike the poster I bought that incorporates a section
    of Tennyson's Ulysses.) Of course, if we wear our flag-inspired unis and
    use our flag-painted oars, I may have to Photoshop the design a bit so viewers
    aren't blinded. Or donate it to a first-grade art class. ("Children, today we're
    learning about primary colors.")

    We came home and did a few chores,
    including putting a new battery in my truck, then met AussieCoach at one of our
    favorite brewpubs to review the video. He had a digital videocam hooked up to a
    laptop -- very slick. There were plenty of things I need to improve, of course.
    (Rowing consists of trying to perform a single sequence of motions, absolutely
    perfectly, hundreds of times in a row -- there are ALWAYS things to improve.) But
    the thing was, I didn't look half-bad overall. Not only have I rarely viewed
    videos of myself rowing without embarrassment, I've rarely seen myself on video or
    TV for any reason without cringing. But this wasn't bad. In fact, AussieCoach had
    even somehow chosen an angle in which my potbelly some hidden by my elbows or the
    boat at all times. Maybe he needs to rethink his day job -- lots of brides would
    pay well for that sort of service.

    After that, we went to a Volvo
    dealership, because Rudder's Cherokee is nearing its last gasp and he wanted to
    check out their new convertibles, and ran into Stinky (arguably the best rower on
    our lake) and the future Mrs. Stinky (also a rower, which is how they met).
    Unfortunately, we didn't run into any useful salespeople because the dealership
    was closed, so we consoled ourselves by going across the street (they call that
    area the Motor Mile for a reason) and looking at Jaguars instead. Of course,
    Rudder *would* like the rabidly expensive XK8 best, which puts a damper on that
    idea, but we also both liked the S-class cars, which are cool-looking in a bulbous
    and quirky sort of way, and whose sticker price resembles the downpayment on a
    nice house, rather than the whole house.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 27, 2002

    sleep is goooood....

    This morning: a planned lazy day, and yes it's sad that we have to plan them.
    Once in a very rare while we stay in bed all day; we didn't quite make it to that
    level, but we did stay in bed until nearly two, which feels like all day when
    you're used to getting out of bed at four, ante meridian. We slept for something
    like twelve hours, so obviously we needed to. Both Rudder and I have been having
    trouble sleeping for the last few months. Part of the problem is that even in a
    king-sized bed (ah, our wonderful big bed) once one of us started tossing and
    rolling it wakes the other one, but there's more to it than that. Discussing how
    well we'd slept in Alaska, we hypothesized the problem might be because we keep
    the house at about 80 degrees at night (which is still cooler than our usual low
    temp outside). We've turned the AC down a bit, the last couple of nights, and have
    slept through until nearly alarm-time without either of us waking up once. Sleep
    is gooooood.............

    We'd bought munchies and grapes last night,
    so with that, books, and of course each other, we were well supplies for a lovely
    lazy horizontal morning. Since then I've gone to the bead store and the library,
    gotten the oil changed on the Civic and found out my truck apparently needs a new
    battery, but that ice relaxed feeling is still with me. Next stop: beer and

    On my round of errands, I overheard something that left me
    bemused. I still can't decide if this is the best thing I've heard in a long while
    or the silliest. Mother to small sons, leaving library: "Now we've had two
    adventures today!"

    Posted by dichroic at 04:47 PM

    July 26, 2002

    about me

    After reading an old entry of Kiwi
    , I started thinking about how I'd describe myself in ways that
    actually meant something. Anyone who'd read much of this diary knows I am small
    and smart, that I am more verbally than visually oriented, and that I like to row
    and fly and travel. All of those things have strongly influenced me, but none of
    them really get to the core of who I am. (Except maybe the "verbal" one. Words are
    crucial to me.)

    In some ways I am old-fashioned, but not in the sense
    generally meant. I think most people who use that phrase hark back to either the
    1950s or the Victorian era, two periods I would not have wanted to live in.
    Possibly as a result of my schooling in Philadelphia and the resultant emphasis on
    the American Revolutionary period, I would be far more at home in the Age of
    Reason. I am not by nature either a specialist or a postmodernist; the appeal of
    the former and the jargon of the latter just confuse me. I am not particularly up
    on pop culture, but do have a level of traditional cultural literacy greater than
    most of the people I meet. (Translation: I know my Bible reasonably well and have
    at least heard of most of the English and American works of great literature.) I
    wouldn't be considered literate by an educated man of that period as I don't know
    Greek, Latin, or most of the great authors in either language. On the other hand,
    Thos. Jefferson couldn't drive a car or program a computer, so I don't feel my
    shortcomings as a crippling blow to my sense of self worth.

    I am a
    bit of an elitist, and have no problems with the idea of judging humans, but I do
    so on their behavior and refuse to believe anyone should be considered lesser due
    to gender, age, skin color, religion, sexual orientation, or appearance (including
    physical disabilities); in this I'm not old-fashioned at all. I find more
    enjoyment speaking to people of average intelligence who make use of their brains
    cells for more than stopping the flow of wind from ear to ear than to more
    naturally gifted people who accept everything they're told and who are too lazy to
    use logic.

    I like attention and the surest way to piss me off is to
    ignore me. I'm not afraid to look like a fool, though it would be nice to do so a
    little less often. There are some other things I am afraid of, but I refuse to let
    them stop me from doing something, if I think I would enjoy it or if it's the
    honorable thing to do. That's led me to do everything from skydiving to leaving a
    note on the windshield of a car I'd scraped. (I was 22, with a brand-new driver's
    license, and didn't have my own insurance because I was about to move out of
    state. I didn't want it to go on my parents' insurance -- it was their car -- for
    fear of sending up their rates. I still have the note the guy sent me in pleased
    shock, after I'd sent him the check to get his car fixed.)

    I have a
    sense of integrity that I try to live up to, and a sense of humor more than
    slightly on the raunchy side. I have little body modesty and no compunctions about
    talking about sex, but only in the abstract. I do have enough desire for privacy
    that I rarely talk more than obliquely about actually having any.

    used to like summer, but probably mostly because of school vacation. I don't like
    it now I live in a climate with too damned much of it. I do enjoy all four seasons
    in moderation, but I'm more of a winter person, in predilection as well as in
    coloring. I like sweaters and soups and chili and hearth fires, sleeping in a cool
    room and snuggling, and being indoors watching a storm outside. I like wind and I
    like snow. (Except driving in it!) Of the four ancient elements I am emphatically
    a water person.

    I don't consider reading a hobby; it's just what I do
    when I'm awake. I used to read mostly F&SF and children's literature (especially
    fantasy) but now I probably read more mystery than SF, and more nonfiction than
    either. I still read children's books a lot because I think good children's books
    touch essential truths in a way that often only great adult books manage. Their
    meanings are much less cloaked, and more in tune with my unconvoluted mind.
    Learning more, always, is very important to me, but I learn at least as much from
    fiction as from nonfiction. I retain more by reading than by listening, but have a
    very good memory for lyrics and verses, as well as printed words. There are
    several books from which I could probably finish a sentence read from anywhere in
    the book, or at least tell which episode it came from. If I didn't have to be
    polite to other people, I would sing whenever I was moving. As it is, I mostly
    restrict it to my own house and car, and to whistling when walking outside.

    People sometimes think I'm smarter or stupider than I am because I
    speak up when I don't understand, and sometimes figure things out by talking
    through them, instead of figuring and then speaking. People have told me I'm
    detail-oriented, but that only holds true with words. Rudder once said if he had
    to describe me in a word, it would be "free-spirited". It's one of the nicest
    things he's ever said, but I'm not sure I always live up to it. My mother once
    wrote me that I'm "more open to new experiences that anyone she's ever met", and I
    think that's the truest thing anyone has said of me. (Which may mean I
    underestimate her perceptiveness. Hmm.)

    My ambition is to live my
    whole life, not just half of it. I want to be one of those people who always has
    someone home behind their eyes, who is a little larger than life. Who walks alone
    when necessary and who leads or follows only when the crowd happens to be going in
    the direction she chooses.

    The funny thing is, this is probably the
    most starkly honest entry I've written, but I'm not sure it will make sense to
    anyone but me. There's still more to say -- I would pity a person who could be
    fully described in only a few paragraphs -- but I'll stop here, because I'd also
    rather not be fully, completely described. I want to believe there's still more
    to learn and grow into and discover.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    the dilemma

    What more do you need to know?

    Today's dilemma: new boat good, heat
    bad. I've been thinking about going down to 2 rows/week and spending the other day
    on a long erg piece to maintain endurance, until it cools down a few degrees. But
    that would leave my pretty boat on the rack an extra day. (wrings hangs) What to
    do, what to do??

    Posted by dichroic at 07:52 AM

    July 25, 2002


    Regular readers of this space may remember that I hinted around last week of
    something exciting about to

    Announcing................. the arrival of TWINS

    Name: SunriseName: Sunset
    Arrived on: July 25, 2002Arrived on: July 25, 2002
    Weight: 29 lbsWeight: 29 lbs
    Length: 25'3"Length: 24'6"
    Birthmarks: "Sunrise" on starboard side near bow. Rudder's name on deck inside splashguard. Birthmarks: "Sunset" on starboard side near bow. Dichroic's name on deck inside splashguard.

    OK, the birth announcement may not be an entirely appropriate format. For one thing, parents rarely sell off one child to fund the birth of another. Also, those weight and length numbers would make for a fairly nasty birthing experience.

    I couldn't write before about the new boats because Rudder wanted to spring it as a surprise on T2 and
    Egret by sending them a picture of our new matching "fleet". Unfortunately, someone seems to have leaked the news ahead -- T2 told me he was "wondering why he hadn't heard anything yet". Oh well.
    I should also mention the twins' littermate: She-Hulk and another rower ordered a double from the same
    maker, Hudson. It's also very pretty, a sunny yellow with a white stripe coming to points on top.

    I was still in training and couldn't leave early yesterday, or I'd have been out of here to go unload the boats. I'd been needing to stay late and get work done after class all week, but there was no way in hell I was staying after five with a new boat literally with my name on it in the boatyard. I tore out of here precisely at five and hauled ass down the freeway to the boatyard, letting Gordon Bok's Schooners supply proper mood music all the way. (It's really mostly about sailing, but the love for boats is in every note on the CD. Jenn, you need a copy.) Got there a little before six. Fortunately Rudder's work was calm enough that he was able to peel out and unload the boats, along with one owner of the double (She-Hulk is out of town and Not Happy about missing the boats' delivery) and Hardcore. My very kind husband did all the preliminary rigging for me, working outdoors in an Arizona July. Luckily, yesterday was relatively cool (only about 104!) but it was still hot enough that the truck driver who delivered the boats burned his hand touching
    the aluminum rigger. When I got there someone told me the guys had just gone out in the double so I tore down to the water at top speed to grab a few photos. By the time they got back from their quick spin and I'd taken about fifteen photos of the boats alone and together, and I'd run down to the water about three more times
    (less literally than the first time), I was dripping sweat inside the long pants I'd worn for work. Rudder had been there for four hours by then so we headed off to our favorite brewpub, conveniently only about 10 minutes from the lake, to grab some food. We sat outside under a mister because at least the air was moving; it's an old dairy that doesn't have A/C. It was late for us by then, and so hot I was starting to flip out until Rudder got me to put ice on the back of my neck, which helped a surprising amount. We kept it to one shared beer, since we'd be back out
    on the lake in too few hours.

    After christening the boats with the obligatory champagne, we spent this morning's practice in rowing a little, finetuning the rigging, rowing a little to test it, lather, rinse, repeat. The paint job is based on the Arizona flag. We've got oars and unisuits to match, so we'll be hard to miss at regattas. There are a few subtle differences, because Rudder's boat is a midweight and mine is a lightweight, but unless you look at the names they're hard to tell apart at a glance. I'm going to have star decals made, and put the Big Dipper and the North Star on mine -- because it seems appropriate for a boat named Sunset, and as an echo of the Alaska flag. Not only did I love Alaska, I'm hoping the evocation of the memory will keep me a little cooler as I row in our muggy monsoon mornings. There's a star in the middle of our AZ-flag oar blades so I'll match the color to that. Sweet, sweet boats -- smooth and
    fast and very very pretty.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 24, 2002

    crossing the border to find new life or death

    This month's href="">Ampersand topic is "But
    why should love stop at the border?" -- Pablo Casals

    Last time I
    wrote on love and borders, I talked about eros. This time, I'm addressing

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 23, 2002

    er, um

    I have these ideas for a couple of slash stories that have been floating around my
    head (or somewhere) for a while now and I'm not sure what to do with them. I don't
    generally have much urge to write fiction, but that's primarily due to no talent
    for plotting, not a major challenge in this case. Both stories would certainly be
    NC-17, so the uh, climax of the plot is somewhat pre-determined. One is
    Holmes/Watson; I didn't even know there were others with that pairing until href="">Mechaieh (a Sherlockian) managing not to
    tell me I was just being stupid, suggested I try a quick web search. Turns out
    there are entire sites on the theme. The other, which first occurred to me during
    a chat with Natalie pairs up Robert
    Heinlein's Lazarus Long and Andrew Jackson Libby, quite possibly not a pair that
    have been written about before (at least, I couldn't turn up anything in another
    quick search). Though I can't really claim any great perception in spotting the
    homoerotic comment there, since Lib says as much in Number of the Beast.

    Anyway, I don't want to post it here. Too many people whose opinions
    on the subject I'm not sure I even want to know, know about this diary. (Though
    ironically, the two members of my family I think I've mentioned it to probably
    wouldn't mind.) So if I ever have time to write up either story, what do I do with
    them? And how easy is it to keep the author's identity from being obvious? I don't
    care about inviolable secrecy but would rather not be a bright shining beacon to a
    simple search. It might be nice if there were some reasonably anonymous way to get
    feedback, too.

    I must not be all that worried, or I wouldn't
    be writing this entry. Maybe I'm just easily embarrassed.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    new uses for pool toys

    Not sure I'll have time to update later so I'll do it now. href="">Mechaieh's visit went well, if you
    couldn't tell from previous comments. It was a bit on the sedate side, though,
    partly because she's still recovering, more because I suddenly started feeling
    unwell on Saturday afternoon and was still lethargic on Sunday, and partly because
    my life really is that sedate.

    Above, I had originally typed the
    words "previous comments" as "pervious comments", which reminds me. On Sunday
    after dinner, we were hanging out in the pool (It was actually cool enough to do
    so. Yes, it is possible to be too hot to stay in a pool.) and I went to get out
    some of our floats. We have several of those pool noodles: long, flexible foam
    tubes that have enough floatation to support a person, but not so much as to keep
    your body out of the water. They're 4 or 5 feet long and maybe 4 inches in
    diameter. M (who had never seen one)said, "Oh, don't bother, we don't need those."
    Half an hour later, most of which we'd spent perched on those noodles in one
    posture or another, I commented to Rudder, "Boy, she really seems to like those
    noodles." Mechaieh responded, "Well, I've never done a pool noodle before." Pause,
    while Dichroic thinks "Ouch." and Mechaieh realizes what she's said. "Uh, you can
    put that line in your diary if you want."

    This week at work I've got
    training all week, but still have to get all my regular work done. It's one of
    those times when you just suck it up, and keep reminding yourself that a) it's
    temporary and b) you get paid for overtime.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:59 AM

    July 22, 2002

    changing weights

    I've switched my gym workout around a bit, for several reasons. There are lots of
    debates about whether weight lifting really helps rowers at all, but as Rudder
    points out, doing something different helps keep us from getting so bored we drop
    the whole thing. Also, weights can help develop the muscles opposite those we use
    in rowing, which helps support the others and prevent overuse injuries (and, of
    course, it looks better if they're evenly developed). First and foremost, even
    small changes help keep me from getting burned out -- just doing a triceps
    kickback one day and skipping my vertical rows can make me feel all rebellious for
    breaking the routine. (This tells you how mundane my life can be. Though as href="">Mechaieh pointed out the other day,
    what's routine for one person can be completely exotic for another.) The other
    factors are that I keep reading that one weight set, done properly, can have as
    much effect as two or three, and that fall is our head race season -- we race
    5000m instead of 1000m, so endurance is much more of a factor.

    today I did some strength exercises on the erg first, that being the only thing
    that is definitely rowing-specific. I need to fit in more distance whenever I
    have time, so I did 2K to warm up instead of my usual 1k, then set the resistance
    to its highest level and did 10 maximum-pressure strokes, rested, did 10 max-
    pressure with legs only, rested, 10 max-pressure with arms and back, rested, and
    another 10 max-pressure full strokes. (My source for this is an article at the href="">Rowing Training site.) After
    that instead of my usual 3 sets of 12-10-8 reps, with increasing weights, I did 1
    set of 20 reps on each exercise, trying to use the heaviest weight I could manage
    20 reps of, and tried to concentrate on opposing muscles -- pulldowns and military
    presses and vertical rows, biceps and triceps, and some abs and lower back stuff
    for good measure, then my usual long stretching session.

    The other
    advantage to only doing only one set of each thing is that even with the added erg
    meters I got to work early, a definite plus because this is going to be a killer
    week, what with training and all my regular work to get done.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 20, 2002

    the inconvenient Icks

    Up at the property today, to clear out more of the low branches of the pines and
    junipers. We didn't make Mechaieh
    wield a saw, though; seems a bit much to ask of a guest. Unfortunately right as
    we were heading out to drop off the second load at the brush pit, I started
    feeling twinges of Unhappy Gut and spent the next two hours in the lodge, near
    it's facilities, to my embarrassment. *sigh* The gracious and debonair host,
    that's me. Fortunately she's a fairly undemanding guest, and Rudder is used to me
    and my crotchets.

    I did try to atone when we got home (I was feeling
    a bit better after the two hours' drive) with beer-steamed shrimp, corn on the
    cob, asparagus, and tomato-and-bread salad. Grapes for desert just to set the seal
    on summer.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 19, 2002

    zero for two

    So I was reading Elphaba and Byrne today, for some reason both struck me as being
    all existentialist (in an interesting way, rather than the regrettable "I'm deeper
    and more angsty than you" way you so often see) though I doubt either writer would
    agree with that assessment. At any rate, it got me thinking that my life feels so
    flurried these days that I rarely stop to do that sort of pondering. Then I
    realized that no matter how much time and energy I had, I wouldn't be
    existentialist because my mind just doesn't work that way. I think I'm a throwback
    to older ways of thought; the Jefferson / Adams correspondence is in my to-buy
    cart at Amazon, and for some time I've had a sneaking suspicion that I'd probably
    like William James (though brother Henry is a bit slow-moving for me), but Sartre?
    Probably never. Ditto Nietzsche (though at least I can almost spell him -- I only
    missed one letter on my initial try).

    If I ever have the time, I'll
    think about that. It won't be in the next week or so, though.

    that, in most ways I understand how my mind works better than I understand how my
    body works. I don't know whether that's related to the fact that my mind in fact
    works better than my body does. (Not strictly true: the body is stellar in terms
    of health, just not so great at performance). What I mean by that is that I would
    have no compunctions about taking classes at a top university, but would never be
    / have been able to be on any of their sports teams. Even after all my hours on
    the water, I would be able to get to a higher level in trivia competitions, if
    they had such an infrastructure, than I ever will at rowing races. (None of which
    is to say that my mind isn't also considerably muddled most of the time.) This
    reflection, of how I still really don't understand my body in many ways, is
    brought on because I have gained about 3-4 pounds since the end of May and my
    jeans are uncomfortably tight, and I have no idea why. I don't know if I've been
    training less hard because of the heat, eating more, or what. It doesn't feel like
    I've done anything different. I tend to gain and lose that much weight
    periodically (No, not on a monthly schedule. I do understand that cycle.) for no
    discernible reason; I hope it never gets more extreme, because if I suddenly
    gained lots of weight I'd have no idea how to get rid of it.

    Looking at what I've written, I see that it could be paraphrased as "mind is
    obsolete, body is weak and undisciplined". That doesn't leave much. Perhaps I need
    to redo my textual analysis here.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    and would "No shit, Sherlock" have been better?

    Question for the day: when the boss tells you you'll probably need to work some
    overtime next week, is "No shit" an inappropriate answer?

    I did
    quickly change it to, "Uh, I mean, I had already surmised that."

    Posted by dichroic at 08:17 AM

    July 18, 2002

    boring food entry

    Mmmmm....Thai food for lunch. I'm stuffed.

    Though I always regret
    going to buffets, because I never eat enough to justify it. Too bad more places
    don't have, say, a cheaper rate if you take a smaller plate and only go back once.
    I suppose it would be too hard to verify.

    No workout today; I decided
    more sleep was more important. That also had something to do with being woken up
    by my steak from the night before at 3AM. I keep thinking it's a good idea to eat
    large hunks of protein ("large" in this case meaning about half an 8-oz filet)
    occasionally, but I'm not convinced my body actually absorbs many nutrients from
    beef, so maybe not. I'd eat more fish if more of it were like the salmon we had
    in Seward, but now I fear I'm spoiled.

    And yes, this is exactly the
    sort of boring food topic I said I hate to discuss, but at least I'm not
    inflicting it on anyone in conversation.

    Back to work. Nothing to say
    and too much to do to extend my lunch hour any further.

    P.S. Stupid
    sign lady's stupid saying of the week is "Nothing big ever came from being small."
    WTF?? Napoleon and I strongly object to that one.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 17, 2002

    only minor fixes

    L meant to mention on Monday that over the weekend I posted some href="">photos from Alaska.

    Good God, I'm tired. Too much to do and apparently a side-effect of
    being in my thirties means the days are much shorter than they used to be. In
    addition to the three documents I'm working on (one late, two due next week) and
    the customer delivery I'm putting together, I'm supposed to read "the first 91
    pages" on another document for some training I start on Monday. That's not
    including the other 5 things I should be working on. Then outside of work, I am in
    urgent need of a food-shopping trip as well as a bit of sprucing up before
    Mechaieh's visit, plus the 98 other things I need to do there. (Please note her
    visit is not a chore; it's the payoff for getting chores done. The only thing I'll
    have to do that wouldn't be done otherwise is to make the guestroom bed, and I
    think I can handle the added strain of that.) (But I may take a leaf from my in-
    laws' books and do the shopping right before dinner and right after figuring out
    what I want to cook.)

    Also, I need to submit my resume to apply for
    some in-house training, only I just realized that was another casualty of the
    dratted hard-disk crash. And most of the work I need to do needs input from other
    people, who can't help me much because they're either out of the office or working
    balls to the wall. (Where did that expression come from

    Another reason I'm tired is that this morning I rowed in the
    double with Stinky. He went easy on me, but the fact remains that Stinky won
    Nationals a couple years ago in the lightweight doubles -- that is, exactly the
    boat we were in today, except for having a guy in the other seat instead of me. In
    other words, I had a lot to live up to. As you might guess, he's way better and
    stronger than I am and his version of a light paddle is more like half pressure
    for me. But it was ungodly hot (not again, still) and neither of us felt like
    working all that hard, so we just did some power tens and twenties and drills. We
    were both dripping with sweat afterward, due mostly to the temperature, but I
    enjoyed the row and I think he did too. Rowing alone can get old and it's nice to
    switch into a boat with someone else occasionally.

    Sad ... listen to
    me, complaining about having a well-paid job that challenges me and the chance to
    go out in a double with one of the best rowers in the area. *wrench* (forcible
    attitude adjustment) Yesterday I read a href="">diary entry addressing
    the question, What if you were given a chance to return to any previous point in
    your life and change a decision you made, but you will lose everything that has
    happened to you since then. Is there a time you would return to?" Hell no, not me.
    Any major changes before meeting Rudder would have resulted in not meeting him (it
    was a fairly chancy sort of thing). Since then, there haven't *been* many things
    I'd want to change .... except a few minor improvements that aren't worth losing
    the life I've lived. I could decide not to move to AZ, but that could have ended
    me in Cincinnati or Wichita, or someplace flat and without rowing. (I'm glad to
    have lived here, just ready for a change.) There are a couple of job decisions
    where I'd have like to get a do-over, but that could lose me friends I'm glad to
    have made and experience I'm glad to have acquired. ANd there isn't really
    anything else in my life that's so fucked up it can't be made right starting from
    here. Now, if I could keep the memories, live them over, and just correct a few
    small mistakes along the way, that I would do. I'm a lucky

    Funny, as I typed that last sentence, I started hearing an echo
    in my head; in the movie about Benjamin Franklin's life that they show in Franklin
    Court in Philadelphia (my favorite historical attraction there), Franklin says
    almost exactly the same thing. I believe it's taken from his actual writings. Not
    only am I a lucky girl, I'm in good company.

    Literary craving: After
    listening to the audiotape version of Joseph Ellis' brilliantly analyzed
    Founding Brothers, I'm jonesing for a transcription of the letters
    Jefferson and Adams exchanged in the last 13 years of their lives. Fortunately,
    Amazon carries one, along with Ellis' bios of both men. I put them in the shopping
    cart I've always got on the boil there .... but I promised myself not to buy any
    books this month. Is there a literary equivalent of methadone?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 16, 2002

    various writings on the net

    I don't know how Arts and Letters Daily
    finds all the articles they link, but the digest is not only worth reading but is
    an answer to anyone who still believes that the Internet is ringing the nine
    strokes of the death-bell for good writing. (Not that there's not plenty of crap
    out there too.) (Not that anyone who actually spends any time on the net -- and
    who cares -- doesn't already know there's good stuff out there. I just wanted to
    sneak in that Nine Tailors reference for fun.)

    I am getting
    very excited about upcoming events whose details I am not at liberty to divulge. I
    promise, though, that early next week I will Reveal All. No, I'm not pregnant. Why
    is that the first thing everyone thinks of?

    I just finished reading
    an absolutely wonderful Harry Potter fanfic, href="">Lust Over
    . There are some things I just don't get. I mean, as a reader, I've
    entirely happy to have things like this to fill in the long grey period until
    Rowling gets her attention away from those blasted movies (and her new husband,
    one supposes) and back to the serious work of finishing Book 5. But what is the
    payback for the writer? Clearly there's some satisfaction in providing comeuppance
    for Harry (he appears to have annoyed her) and in rehabilitating some of the
    characters who got a bad rap. But this thing is book length, or nearly. There was
    clearly an enormous effort involved in writing it. So why not just write a new
    book? The plotting is entirely original. The characters have the same names as
    those in the books, but some have developed in entirely unsuspected directions
    while others appeared to briefly to have a personality in the canonical books --
    so in essence she's created entirely new characters. That is, in addition to those
    who really areentirely new. I suppose it's just the fun of working
    within the Potterverse, the same lure that brings us all those short story
    collections in which various authors set stories in one universe. And this one is
    a hell of a lot better than, say, most of the Sherlock Holmes sequels out there
    (excepting Laurie R. Kings -- I like Mary Russell) or the odd book by Martin
    Gardiner in which Dorothy leaves Oz for a brief visit to New York. Anyway, go
    read it. Or wait a bit, if you like carrying books on your Palm Pilot; I've
    converted the files to .prc and am going to send them to the author. (Note to href="">Natalie: Thanks. That Makedoc program
    worked like a, er, Charm. I'll send you pie.)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 15, 2002

    rest room rant

    I keep forgetting to write this entry, but it's one I don't want to post from
    work. If you're male, feel free to tune out now -- you may be a swine in your
    personal habits, but in general, you're not my problem. Go hang out in the Someone
    Else's Problem field over there (makes vague gesture indicating

    OK, the lodge is tyled and it's just us double-X types now,
    right? Good, because I have something to say, and it's about public restrooms. We
    travel a lot, and drive a lot, so I've used a lot of them. And then there's work,
    and restaurants, and libraries and such.

    Ladies ... Women ... Female
    People .... just sit down on the fucking seat, OK? You are not going to catch
    loathly diseases through the skin of your ass, unless you get way more intimate
    with the fixture than I want to think about. Really, I promise you, it will be all
    right. Use toilet paper or those weird slippery seat liners if it makes you feel
    better -- though I've never quite figured out how porous paper is supposed to
    block marauding germs. Why do I care? Because I might use that seat after you.
    When you hover over it, you spray little droplets, and many of you appear to be
    too inconsiderate to wipe off your own bodily fluids. While I really don't worry
    about catching strange virulent diseases (trench-slit, would that be?), sitting in
    someone else's piss is just disgusting. If your aim is that bad or you must hover
    that high, then clean the fuck up after yourselves. Or (and this is the easy
    solution) just sit on the damned seat. That's what it's there for.

    you're that worried about diseases, wash your hands well with soap afterward.
    Lather well, like a doctor. Unless your immune system system is already
    compromised, this will kep you healthy, even if you open the door with your very
    own fingers immediately afterward.

    Oh, and don't use that anti-
    bacterial soap, either. More resistent bacteria are not things we need in this

    That is all.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    The Not-at-Work List

    Later note: Please disregard the next couple of paragraphs, about Weetabix.
    They're not at all appropriate today. I'm going to give my cats an extra hug

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    July 14, 2002

    no wonder they call it "work"

    Again, if you haven't seen my Alaska pictures, they're href="">here. I'll probably post that
    tomorrow too, since some people only seem to read this on

    We went to see Men in Black II today. Great cinema it's
    not, funny it is. It's definitely a sequel in that you have to see the first movie
    to get the background, but it departs from the usual pattern by not being any
    worse than the first one. It's fluff, but the effects are spectacular and the
    jokes are funny.

    Other than that it's been mostly a chore-and-errand
    day. Amazing how being off from work can make even household chores more pleasant.
    One thing about "work": it's aptly named.

    Oh, yes, and we went to the
    CHeesecake Factory for dinne. It was much beter than I expected. The variety of
    food on the menu is very wide, from Cajun to French to Jamaican to down-home, and
    my meal tasted wonderful -- Vietnamese rice-paper rolls and Jamaican black -pepper
    shrimp. Rudder's meat loaf was OK but nothing special. It wasn't good enough that
    I'd put up with the hour-plus waits they get at peak times, but no food is worth
    that. I'll be back....just at an off time.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    no damage

    First, I posted several pics from Alaska. If you haven't seen them, they're href="">here.

    we went up to assess the damage to the property. Thanksfully there wasn't any;
    even the new treelings we'd planted are fine. Most of the href="">Airpark is undamaged, but there are a few people who
    face the heartbreaking chore of cleaning out the rubble of a house that's burned
    to the foundations. There are bands of burned trees all the way from west of Heber
    to Show Low (for scale, that drive takes most of an hour). To balance it, in the
    usual way of life, there are houses and hangars going up that were untouched by
    smoke, and I am very pleased to report that the burned areas are already being
    reseeded. Apparently the hurry is to give the seeds a chance to take root before
    the monsoon rains wash them away.

    The astonishing thing about the
    fire is how spotty it was; there will be a damaged area next to an intact area
    next to a destroyed area, all along the main road. Close to the Airpark, in some
    of the area hit hardest by the Chediski part of the fire, there are living trees
    surrounding houses rendered to rubble, and intact houses surrounded by burnt trees
    (no bets on smoke damage though).

    The fire has given everyone more
    impetus to clear out the underbrush and low-hanging branches. Next week we'll drag
    Mechaieh out there as we take another
    couple truckloads to the dump, but I've already informed her she isn't expected to
    wield an axe or a hacksaw. Someone has to provide the conversation, after

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    July 12, 2002

    Alaska pics

    Alaska photos

    "" border = 0>
    from Earthquake Park

    "" border = 0>
    Taken from
    the Richardson Highway looking east, I think.

    "" border = 0>
    Glacier, near Seward.

    "" border = 0>
    There were
    wildflowers all over on the southern half of our trip.

    "" border = 0>
    This is from
    near our hotel at Seward.

    "" border = 0>
    From the
    Native Heritage Center, at Anchorage -- most of the native cultures used sod
    houses, for their good insulation.

    "" border = 0>
    On the Richardson
    highway again.

    "" border = 0>
    I saw Ted
    in this pose and made him do it again so I could snap the

    Posted by dichroic at 08:19 PM

    progress and dust

    After my earlier weather rant, I came across this. It's from href="">Elly Patterson, an extremely sane ans sensaible
    woman even if she does live in two dimensions and have ink for blood "Now we're
    into July. It's hot, humid and all fans are sold. People now have something to add
    to their list of complaints. Canadians complain about sports and the weather -
    what a luxury. Others have too many things to cry about and say little. We're
    lucky to live here." The rest of it is href="">here. Those of us a bit
    below Canada on the map tend to complain about lots of other things too, but the
    principal applies.

    In even more surprising news about fictional
    characters, check href="
    712/od_nm/sesamestreet_dc_1">this story
    out. I don't know whether or not it's
    necessary in the US, not having the figures handy, but those numbers for South
    Africa -- that 1 in 9 people has AIDS -- suggest it's not too extreme a move for
    there. With luck, it will ensure that the children there (those who survive) will
    grow up with more sense than their current generation of leaders. Maybe that means
    we do need to do the same here. I wonder if Sesame Street hasn't had more effect
    than anyone realizes already, though there are always so many other factors at
    work that it would be difficult to study. For example, Sesame Street was a pioneer
    for colorblind casting from the beginning. Now, I was a first generation
    Muppethead (the show started when I was 3) and my attitudes are substantially
    different than my parents'. On matters like race and gender they have been since
    before I can remember, and I don't know where else that could have come from, so
    early. And it's not just me. I will never deny we have far to go on race issues,
    but it is clear that the changes over the past 30 years or so have been dramatic.
    I don't have numbers for this, either, but all you need to do is go walk around in
    a crowd and note the number of mixed-race couples. They used to be very rare, not
    all that long ago. Even in about 1983, when I was in high school rumor had it a
    black boy and white girl were asked not to go to the prom together. I fervently
    hope that doesn't happen any more. (Twenty years before that, they wouldn't have
    been "asked". These days it's same-sex couples who have those problems. I hope to
    see the same sort of progress, though preferably a faster rate of change.) Mixed-
    race adoptions are common, TV shows about black people are targeted to everyone
    (Bill Cosby gets a lot of credit there), most sports fans don't pay much attention
    to who is of what race. (There is always the not-occasional-enough troglodytish
    exception to all of this, of course.) Maybe Sesame Street will have some impact on
    attitudes toward AIDS.

    I do want to talk about weather again, but no
    rant this time. You've seen a sun shower? Yesterday, on my way home, I drove
    through a sun-dust-storm. The storm was blowing in from the mountains to the east,
    while the sun was shining in the west, and I was driving due south. As a result,
    the dust clouds coming in form my left were glowing as if they were lit
    from inside. They were golden instead of beige. I couldn't watch too closely
    because it was rush hour and the storm wind stirring them up kept trying to push
    me into the next lane, but it was very beautiful in an eerie way, The effect only
    lasted a few minutes. No rain yet, though.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:30 PM

    too damned stinkin' hot

    Good God, it was stupidly hot this morning. And by "stupidly hot" I mean that
    anyone who would row in it is stupid. There were actually quite a few other boats
    out on the water, so I'm not the only stupid one. Of course there are plenty of
    people who don't mind heat, or so they keep telling me. I find it difficult to
    believe, myself.

    It was around 90 degrees out, with humidity probably around 40% -- not steambath
    levels, but enough to be annoying. Now, I know there are plenty of places where
    that get up into the 90s, with 90% humidity, where summer is the prime athletic
    season. Remember, though, most rowers are out at dawn, in the coolest part of the
    day. 88 degrees was the low here today. Out of curiosity, I looked up the
    low temps in Philadelphia, Boston, and DC, three cities full of rowers that are
    known for their steamy summers, and they all have lows in the upper 60s/low 70s.
    Even my old stomping ground, Houston, where morning rows could feel unpleasantly
    sticky, has average lows around 75.

    Interestingly, claims Tempe, where our lake is, also has average lows
    around 75 for July and August. I don't know where they got that number --
    predicted lows for the next ten days range from 83 to 95, and that's about normal.
    (I believe the Houston average, because that's siilar to the temperatures they
    have predicted now.)

    You're whinging again.
    Yes, I know. I defend my right to whine in the
    face of a completely unreasonable climate.

    *Sigh* So how long are we stuck hearing this?

    The rest of July, all of August, and half of September, or at least until
    we get a front that allows the words "unseasonably cool" and "Arizona" to be
    mentioned in the same breath. Speaking of breath, don't hold yours.

    wishing luck to the local crews heading off to Sacramento to race in Regionals. At
    least they should have the advantage if it's hot there.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:49 AM

    July 11, 2002

    I think Mr. Rogers had a song about it

    If you're scrolling back to look at previous entries (I often do more than one a
    day), ignore the previous page. It's just there to provide links to Diaryland-only
    diary rings.

    In a way, I'm being a hypocite on my Montgomery list. I
    keep talking about how I believ in not imposing one's own beliefs on others, yet I
    sneakily try to do exactly that. In my own defense, I am not trying to undermine
    the faith of even the most fundamentalist menber of that list; what I'm trying to
    do is get them not to assume that everyone they speak to -- especially everyone
    who has strong morals -- must necessarily share their beliefs. I want them to
    realize that other paths may have something to teach, and that looking and
    learning doesn't have to jeopardize their own faith. That if their beliefs are
    right, they do not need to be protected by the walls of narrow minds.

    Now, these are well-meaning, good-hearted people, and most of them
    probably already believe that last sentence intellectually. I'm not talking to
    bigots here or I wouldn't waste my time. It's just those automatic assumptions
    that "we like each other so we're all good Christians here" that I want to

    I wouldn't presume to tell them that all faiths are equal
    or that they're all paths to the same end. I'm sorry (no I'm not), but some
    religious beliefs are plain stupid, and some are even plainer evil. (Jim Jones.
    Aleister Crowley. Torquemada.) If you're going to stake your soul (yet another
    dubious assumption) you had better have more than an inkling that you're right. Or
    at least close enough to right. And anyone who believes that all faiths are equal
    paths to Infinite Truth just hasn't studied many of them. Shiva, Buddha, and
    Jahweh have more differneces than similarities.

    On the other hand, it
    is true that another path may have something to teach you, if you will listen.
    Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva have something to say about death and rebirth that should
    resound in the ears of any follower of the three-in-one. The Humanists (to whom I
    think I am going to make a donation) have a creed that should make sense to anyone
    living on this planet, even if you're only here temporarily.

    More to
    the point with my sisters-in-LMM-fandom, we are not all alike, and it's not safe
    to assume we are. We are alike some ways, and different other ways, and that's the
    good thing about us human types.

    Sorry, I'm getting all heavy again.
    Maybe it's because I've somehow gained a couple of pounds. I'll stop now.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:39 PM

    Diaryland rings

    Posted by dichroic at 12:26 PM

    I want to go

    Working at home for a little bit this morning, because my remote access to work
    stuff still isn't working right and I need to be here while the support guy talks
    me through it. Unfortunately, I'm supposed to call him at 8, and it's now only
    7:20 and there isn't that much I can do meanwhile.

    The monsoon season
    has set in here, but no rain yet. Instead we get dust storms, which are
    thunderstorms with dust blowing in the strong winds but no rain. My first year
    here I took a picture of the approach of a dust storm; it had such a defined edge
    and was so beige and opaque that it looks like I have my thumb over the

    I miss Alaska. I want to go back. I want to move there, though
    I'm not sure how I'd survive the winter. I wan't to move somewhere, at
    least. I have itchy feet and would be happiest moving to a new place every two to
    four years. And I am so, so tired of heat. If Rudder were to keel over tomorrow
    I'd be out of here within a week, up to Flagstaff, Portland (either one),
    Anchorage, Juneau, or somewhere not too urban and much cooler. I'm more interested
    in being with Rudder wherever he is than in going off without him, so I just keep
    hoping I can persuade him to move one of these years. He likes not only the
    sunshine here, but also his job, so he's more tied down than I am. (I like my job,
    but as a contractor I can't stay more than 2 years anyhow.)

    My ideal
    place to live would be on an acre or ten, so that there are neighbors nearby but
    not always in view. They would be neighborly neighbors, not necessarily best
    friends but pleasant to talk to. Close friends would be not too far away. The
    house would be rambling, with lots of natural materials: wood and stone and maybe
    some earth (rammed, I mean), with comfortable seating to read in the library and
    to talk in the family room. The family room seating would focus on a fireplace;
    there would be a TV but it wouldn't be the centerpiece of the room. Sounds system,
    phone and network jacks throughout. A kitchen with plenty of cupboard and counter
    space, and room for at least a couple extra people to hang out. Bedrooms for us
    and a visting friend or three. The climate would be warm but not obscenely hot in
    summer, and cold enough to have snow in winter. It would rain sometimes, but not
    all the time -- Flagstaff is just about perfect. There would be challenging and
    well-paid jobs, interesting shops, and good restaurants not too far away, so it
    would probably be just outside a small city or big town -- this is where our
    property on the Rim falls short, and why we don't live there now. It doesn't seem
    like too much to ask for.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:59 AM

    July 10, 2002

    are you a painting?

    I think I invented a fun game href="">yesterday by accident. If
    you were a painting (or a painter's whole oeuvre), who would you be? What if we
    expand to visual arts in general? Throw in songs or books, too, what the hell. I'd
    consider setting up a quiz, but I don't know how. Also, on reflection I don't
    really like the idea of shoehorning the vast spread of human personality into a
    few choices. I may set up a survey, so it can be open-ended.

    A more
    fun way to play would be to decide what paintings your friends would be. After
    all, you know far more about yourself (I hope!) and it's hard to find one painting
    to symbolize all those facets. It's easier to do for other people, though whether
    they'd agree with your choices is another matter.

    So let's see ... If
    anyone's wondering, the reason I didn't suggest href="">Natalieeee as a Rubens yesterday is
    that the word that comes to mind for her is not so much "voluptuous" (a mere
    physical description) as "incisive". Durer? No, too dour and colorless. And href="">Caerula? Maybe that guy that does the big
    comic panels (what's his name?) -- something to reflect her knowledge of and
    immersion in pop culture (see her bio entry), but Andy Warhol is definitely not
    right. And with a dash of van Gogh, too, for more shaded color and swirling
    complexity. I suspect lots of people are compilations like that. href="">Geni should be easy, definitely an Italian
    master, but here again I'm too ignorant to say which one. My brother might be a

    (I do hope nobody is offended by this -- after all, these are all
    considered great art.)

    And come to think of it, not everyone is
    great art. After all, the above and those mentioned yesterday are all people I
    like. Fabio is a paint-by-numbers on velvet. Your least favorite politician may be
    graffiti. But that isn't always a bad thing either. Ronnie Gilbert (of the
    Weavers) is a Grandma Moses -- this is a compliment to her vitality and solid
    roots, not an insult to her complexity. I used to work with a real Norman
    Rockwell (named Norm, too), completely genuine.

    So, who are you? Are
    you a painting at all or some other form?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 09, 2002

    Waldo's not here, sorry

    I'm beginning to appreciate the woman in the next building who posts all the
    stupid affirmations. Yes, they're always stupid, but they do get me thinking.
    (Though I doubt that's her intent.) Today's saying clearly owes a debt to one I
    love, from Auntie Mame: "Life is a banquet, and most poor sons of bitches
    are starving to death!" Now, that one I can sink my teeth into (sorry). But
    today's UnThought of the Day doesn't have nearly the implcations of endless
    choice: "Life is a great big canvas. Throw as much paint onto it as you

    Well, yeah, if you want your life to turn out like something by
    Jackson Pollock. I suspect quite a few of us don't, though certainly we all have
    Pollock-y days. And Calder days, too, where everything is just barely balanced and
    one more weight would upset the whole thing. But overall, some of us shape our
    lives as we want, while some do fling random paint. href="">Mechaieh, who has always struck me as
    living a very carefully constructed life, would be a Monet -- all the colors make
    shimmering sense when you look at them together. Some lives are murky and muddy,
    like Goya (or maybe I don't mean Goya; Sister Wendy I'm not). It's tempting to
    call SwooP a Titian and Baf a
    Cassatt, but those are just superficial -- I don't know either artist (or either
    person) well enough to know if that works on other levels. Though I suspect href="">Weeabix may really be a Rubens, but
    again, I'm speaking from ignorance. I've definitely met a few Dalis, which can be
    kind of scary in a real person.

    I'm not sure what my 'painting'
    would be like, but I think it would be representational, have colors ranging from
    rich jewel tones to iced pastels, and lots of fine detail and visual jokes to
    search for. I realize I've just described myself as a Where's Waldo picture. Maybe
    instead I could be that painting -- who's it by? I know it's very famous -- that
    shows a room whose walls and ceiling are hung thick with other framed paintings.
    In fact, I seem to remember seeing a parody on the original, where are the
    paintings have somethiung odd about them. That would be me. Sister Wendy?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    modern verse, part deux

    I may have to revise my opinion of href="">modern poetry. I think it's changing -- moving away from deliberate obscurity and moving on to
    observation of the everyday, to picking out the sacred encapsulated in the
    mundane. And that may be a sentence as obscure as many I deride, because I
    understand what I mean in a visual way rather than in words. Several poems I've read lately remind me of a halogen spot highlighting one painting on a crowded gallery wall, or maybe I need even a more mundane image -- like taking special noice of the intense hyper-red color of a particular cherry in a fruit salad, or the perfectly polished shape of a pebble on a beach full of pebbles, any one of which may be as beautiful as another.

    This is all because I clicked over to Rattle to look for a poem of Mousepoet's. I'm fairly certain which is his, but if you're not sure of his real name, it's more fun to look for it. I
    won't post any of the poems here in case of copyright issues, but I particularly
    liked the ones there by Kay Puttney Gantt and Michael P. McManus -- href="">click over and take a look at them.

    Though I still think a lot of poets would be better if they'd pay as much attention to their words as to their images.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:35 AM

    July 08, 2002

    Alaska - the lists

    The Alaska Trip: the lists

    The scenery:

    mountains, glaciers, rivers, lakes, taiga, tundra, fjords, oceans

    The wildlife:

    bear, moose, caribou, Dall sheep, some kind of little shrew or vole that looked
    like a fluffy cat's tail, bald eagle, puffin, mew gull, common murre, Dall
    porpoise, sea otter, salmon, Stellar sea lion -- we didn't really get close-up
    views of any of the larger critters, though. Oh, and mosquitoes.

    Cool towns:

    Anchorage, pop 225000, Seward, pop 3000 in winter. Lots of restaurants and live
    music in Anchorage, plus the Saturday Market -- music, crafts (the good stuff, not
    the icky kitschy kind), food. Seward is right on the ocean, and apparently a big
    favorite with RVers, but downtown had a nice funky look. We also went through lots
    of towns whose population is under three digits, and there are plenty of people
    living in AK in places with no roads, and there are still the 'Caribou Clatters'
    radio announcements for those with no other means of communication.

    Most striking difference:

    Cool wet weather -- wearing jackets in July. And it never did get all-the-way dark
    at night.

    Annoying things about traveling (off the plane):

    People at hotels who think that because it's light out, it's OK to make noise late
    at night. Vast quantities of people on bus tours. Realizing too late we missed
    something cool because we didn't do enough research to find out about it in

    Annoying things about traveling (on the plane):

    Screaming children (not babies -- I don't like that noise either, but you can't
    reasonably expect a baby not to cry). Loud adults. People who kick the back of
    your seat. Fat people who don't pay attention to the fact that they're taking up
    half your seat. Oh, and Alaska Airlines has nice planes but icky food. And for
    some weird reason they served a tract -- well, a little slip with a Psalm verse --
    with our lunch on the way home.

    Funniest thing overheard:

    (in strong Southern accents, while looking at a globe)"Hey, Ma, did you know
    there's all of Canada between here and the rest of the US?" "Now you know I'm as
    stupid about geography as you are." "Well, it is -- I thought Alaska was just
    kinda stuck on top of the US, but Canada's in there."

    Also amusing:

    Rudder and I have this one tiny problem kayaking: when they put us in a double
    kayak on these sorts of trips, we keep getting far ahead of everyone else, even
    the guides (because they were in single boats). Even with Rudder still not
    entirely better, we'd have to paddle for about a minute then stop and wait for the
    rest of them. I attribute it partly to him not having a light paddle in his
    repertoire and part to our timing as rowers; we paddle together and most people
    don't, or at least not as consistently.

    Best restaurants we ate at:

    Glacier Brewhouse in Anchorage, Resurrection Roadhouse in Seward.

    Beer consumed:

    Alaskan Amber, Glacier Brewhouse Scottish, and a doppelbock from Girdwood or
    somewhere. All good.

    Things I want to do next time:

    Seen glaciers calving, gotten up into the Arctic circle, visited Barrow and Juneau
    (that's probably two trips -- they're a loooong way apart. Also, more rafting and
    kayaking and flightseeing.

    Could be better:

    Denali, if the weather had cooperated. Wrangell-St. Elias, if we'd been able to
    get further in.

    Entirely sucked:

    Rudder puking his guts up and being queasy or otherwise uncomfortable for the next
    few days.

    Better than expected:

    Anchorage, rafting, kayaking, the hotel in Seward, the salmon bake at Fox

    If I did it again I would:

    Do more research before talking to the travel agent. (Or get a better one - we
    used an agent to plan our Austraia/NZ trip a while back and she gave us far more
    info and choices. But we gave her more lead time.) Make sure the boat tour went by
    tidewater glaciers. Stay at smaller hotels or B&Bs instead of lodges aimed at the
    bus tours.

    Will we really do it again?

    I hope so. Great place.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:21 PM

    Alaska - the summary

    We're back.

    The trip to Alaska ran to 10 pages in my trip journal
    (paper), and I don't really feel like transcribing all of that, so I'll just pass
    on the gestalt here.

    Trip Summary: Flew to Anchorage 6/28. Stayed at
    the Voyager -- not bad, though undergoing renovation. Spent one full day there:
    wandered through the Saturday Market, took a trolley to the Native Heritage
    Center, another trolley tour through town, saw one movie with the Northern Lights
    put to music that put me to sleep and a better one about the state in general that
    I think started out as IMAX. Had a good Thai Chicken pizza and excellent beer at
    the Glacier Brewhouse. Drove up to Denali. Stopped at Talkeetna to get on a plane
    and flightsee Mt. McKinley (aka Denali), got only a glimpse of the mountain in the
    clouds, but did get to land on a glacier. Stayed at the Princess Lodge (owned by
    the Princess cruise line). Not overimpressed with Princess hotels; the hotel part
    is OK, not the sort of luxury they'd like you to think they have, but the food is
    definitely mediocre. Also, too damn many tour buses coming in and out. Went on a
    bus for a wildlife tour through Denali, in weather not conducive to spectacular
    shots of the mountains. Went rafting that evening and had a blast -- it was
    chilly, but they had us in very good drysuits. We also found that the bar and
    grill and the salmon bake place across the road from our hotel were both far
    better than any of the hotel restaurants. Drove up to Fairbanks, where we stayed
    in the Wilderness Lodge, another place on the tour bus route. Ate at the hotel
    restaurant, where Rudder's steak tasted funny (cue ominous music). Went to
    Alaskaland, which despite the kitschy name had a good little aviation museum and a
    wonderful presentation on the Gold Rush, as well as less stellar attractions --
    house museums and shops and a beached paddleboats.

    The next morning
    we'd have liked to tour the NOAA satellite tracking station, but they were too
    busy with a satellite launch. We drove down to Copper Center, by Wrangell-St.
    Elias National Park (the largest NP). We stayed at another Princess Lodge. After
    another mediocre dinner, Rudder began feeling a bit off, which eventually
    culminated in his being violently ill at 3AM (loudly, too, though he'd
    considerately closed the bathroom door). Instead of the long dirt-road drive into
    the park we'd planned, we drove just the first part of it -- paved road to
    Chitina, then a few miles of dirt for some more views. I drove, actually; he was
    only somehwat there, but decided he'd rather feel lousy out of doors than in a
    hotel room. I ate at a historic roadhouse (food OK but a little bland and greasy)
    and brought him back rice and toast. The next day, I drove us the six hours or so
    to Seward, while Rudder looked pale and wan in the passenger seat. Usually he
    drives because he likes to and I don't, for more than an hour or two. When we
    finally got there, he napped (we were at the Windsong Lodge) while I drove into
    town briefly. The we went to dinner at the Resurrection Roadhouse, which despite
    being at our hotel was excellent -- 15 good beers on tap (plus Bud), a
    winelist, and tasty food. Unfortunately I couldn't save my Pad Thai -- no
    minifridge in the room. Good hotel, too. Next day Rudder was considerably better,
    though still feeling inflated after eating anything much. We went on a
    cruise/kayak trip -- out to Fox Island on one boat, kayaked around it for three
    hours, had a very good salmon bake (salmon is usually too fishy for me, but this
    wasn't at all, and was nicely grilled), and cruised back on another

    This is just the bare bones of the trip, but it's already
    getting long (now you see why it was 10 pages in the handwritten journal). I'll
    end here for now, and post later or tomorrow with more highlights and experiences.
    For more lyrical travel writing, go check out href="">Egret, who's seeing Ireland the right way -
    - by living in it.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:59 AM

    June 28, 2002

    home office

    I'm working at home today, because I was going to leave around noon anyway and
    figured I could get a lot more work time in if I didn't have to sped nearly two
    hours on the road. Not to mention that when they're predicting highs of 111,
    staying indoors is a good thing. And think of all the pollution I'm not

    I think I'm being at least as productive as I would be at
    the office; it would help if I could walk around and ask some questions, but
    anyone I'd need to talk to probably isn't in anyhow. We have a plant shutdown for
    all of next week, so this is one of those days where everyone starts vacation

    There are some definite advantages to working at home: peace
    and quiet, not depressing gray cubicles, food that doesn't come from a vending
    machine, a clean bathroom and the ability to read therein. The only intrinsic
    drawback is that my home PC is a laptop and after a while it hurts my eyes, which
    makes my nose run. Also, Rudder took the day off -- nice to have the company, I
    guess, but every once in a while he comes into our office and does something that
    usually involves leaning over me or making lots of noise. Not too often,

    I'm hungry.

    Later on, we'll be off
    to the airport and then to Alaska for a week, so there won't be any updates here
    for a while.

    Move along, there's nothing more to

    Unless I get really, really bored between now and time to leave.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 27, 2002

    I pledge allegiance

    Yesterday in my car on the way home, I was practicing the new, Constitutionally
    valid, Pledge of Allegiance:

    I pledge allegiance to the flag

    Of the United States of America,

    And to the Republic for which it stands,

    One nation, indivisible,

    With liberty and justice for all.

    Actually, I think it has a nicer rhythm that way. And I was never quite sure what
    the phrase "under God" was supposed to imply. That the nation is run by God and so
    "under" in an org-chart sort of way? That we are only pledging allegiance when and
    if the nation is run under God's principles? And if so, whose God? (Of course,
    that was the court's whole point.) Actually I agree with href="">ak that those words don't
    mean much to anyone anyhow, but my problem with saying them is that I do take the
    word "pledge" seriously. I keep my promises and I don't want to be "pledging"
    anything unless I know exactly what it means.

    After that I started thinking about it further. The whole "one nation,
    indivisible" thing must be a reaction to Civil War issues, and doesn't really seem
    to be all that in need of emphasis these days. In fact, I think the Pledge was
    written and intended as something of a loyalty other to the reunite Union, in the
    days when memories of the Civil War were still alive. I don't like loyalty oaths;
    they make me think of McCarthy. I like them much less when they're forced on
    schoolchildren well under the age at which they have the experience to make
    lifetime oaths. So take out the "one nation" line, too. That brings it to:

    I pledge allegiance to the flag

    Of the United States of America,

    And to the Republic for which it stands,

    With liberty and justice for all.

    I really hate the idea of pledging allegiance to a flag. It's a symbol, nothing
    more, and I support the right to treat it as such: I believe both in proper
    treatment of the flag and in the right to burn it or use it in art. If I am
    pledging myself to something, I want it to be a real thing. So now I'm down

    I pledge allegiance to the Republic

    With liberty and justice for all.

    Not bad, but then I thought about it from another direction. What does it mean to
    pledge "allegiance"? It's an awfully vague term. What does it bind me to do? What
    should a responsible citizen do for her country? That needs to be spelled out in
    more detail. So here's what I came up with. I think we need a new Pledge entirely,
    and I offer the following as a starting point:

    I pledge allegiance to the Republic

    Of the United States of America,

    And to the freedoms for which she stands.

    I vow to fight those without and within

    Who seek to curtail her freedom and her general welfare,

    And to work for liberty and justice for all.

    It probably needs some tweaking, and would definitely be stronger with input from
    others, but this is a pledge I can speak, and one I consider worth upholding.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:35 AM


    From Mer, href="">Mechaieh, and


    Current Dress: light blue sleeveless
    button-down shirt that looked awful on the rack but surprisingly flattering on,
    dark olive miniskirt, brown Born sandals, blue topaz stud earrings, topaz heart
    necklace on gold chain (rare for me, I almost always wear silver), blue and silver
    watch, curved barbell with blue stone (in navel). Engagement ring -- haven't been
    wearing the wedding one because it's a pain to take off. Contact lenses.

    Current makeup: tinted moisturizer with sunscreen because
    I'm trying to be good, the remains of lipstain.

    Current Mood:
    anticipatory, slightly stressed, a little bored with the telecon I'm in right

    Current Music: none, except that "Because the Night" keeps going
    around in my head, thanks to Mechaieh.

    Current Taste: Darjeeling tea
    with sugar.

    Current Hair: very short and somewhat gelled. Natural
    dark brown, some gray starting to show.

    Current Annoyance: getting
    very tired of the technical documents I'm working on!

    Current Smell:

    Current Thing I Ought to be doing: technical docs, see above,
    and paying more attention to telecon.

    Current Favorite Artist: Dale

    Current Favorite Group: Great Big Sea.

    Book: Mercedes Lackey, Serpent in the Shadows (or something like that). It's
    definitely got a tribute to Lord Peter Wimsey; I'm trying to figure out if
    references to the Amelia Peabody books are also intended.

    Current CD
    In Stereo: in the car, Mary Higgins Clark's Domestic Malice 2

    VHS in player: none

    Current Color Of Toenails: metallic red. Almost
    matches my truck.

    Current Refreshment: Tea, as mentioned. Also had a
    Luna bar, Gatorade, and some pretzels this morning.

    Current Worry:
    getting these documents finished, not forgetting to pack anything for

    Current Crush: None really -- between crushes just

    Current Favorite Celebrity: living one? I don't know. I'm
    impressed with the political work Bono's been doing.


    Food: pretzels!

    Drink: tea, water,

    Colors: deep jewel tones

    Album: Stan Rogers, Home in

    Shoes: sandals, walking boots

    Candy: none,

    Animal: cats, I suppose

    TV Show: Fear Factor, the Simpsons --
    don't watch TV much. I always like the Kennedy Center Honors shows.

    Don't know. Hook, Moulin Rouge, and Harry Potter are near the top.

    Dance: I
    don't much. Does gymnastics count?

    Song: "When I was a Boy" by Dar Williams,
    several, by Stan Rogers and Great Big Sea

    Vegetable: mushrooms

    grapes, raspberries

    Are You

    Understanding: when I

    Open-minded: yes

    Arrogant: yes, a bit


    Interesting: only to smart people (well, I said I was

    Hungry: no

    Friendly: usually

    Smart: yes.

    less than I used to be.

    Childish: I do sometimes hold grudges, and generally
    want attention, so yes.

    Independent: oh, yes.

    Hard working: not

    Organized: I can do it very well, but often don't.


    Emotionally Stable: pretty much

    Shy: no.

    Difficult: some
    people think so. Of course, I think the same of them. I am generally reasonable
    when approached reasonably.

    Attractive: reasonably, not

    Bored Easily: not for long.

    Messy: my desk says

    Thirsty: Yes.

    Responsible: yes.

    Obsessed: depends who you
    ask, and on what subject.

    Angry: less than I used to be, and sometimes I
    think less than I should, but still more than many people.

    Sad: not right

    Happy: yes.

    Trusting: to a fault.

    I'm also working
    on one version of my annual July 4th rant, and will likely post that later.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:22 AM

    June 26, 2002

    vagaries of nature

    ouch ouch. These losses from the Rodeo fire may not look that heavy, but it's a
    sparsely populated area. One article claimed that if a similar proportion of the
    population had been evacuated from Phoenix, a third of a million people would have
    been involved. And it looks like probably half of the houses in the airpark are
    gone. One of the worries now is whether the area will ever recover. Lots of the
    residents are retirees, who have nothing tying them to that particular spot of
    earth, or part-timers from Phoenix or Tucson. The question is whether there will
    be enough people there to maintain the infrastructure, like the senior center, the
    grocery, and yes, the airpark runway. Building a cabin in the woods worked for
    Thoreau, but he only stayed there a year. We'd like to retire on this land
    someday, and being able to buy food locally or see a doctor nearby will be
    nontrivial considerations. Also, it hurts on pure ecological grounds; the White
    Mountains of Arizona have one of the largest stands of Ponderosa pine in the
    world, and it's very sad to see some idiot burn down a chunk of it, even knowing
    that the forest itself will likely outlast the idiot.

    We've had
    actual clouds today and yesterday, along with humidity high enough to be stifling
    (doesn't take much when it's over 100 degrees F). So maybe we will have a href="">monsoon
    after all. What is laughably called the "monsoon" here officially
    begins when the dew point is over 55 degrees for three days in a row. It really is
    a monsoon, technically, but what with being in a desert and on, and on the
    northern edge of the affected area, the effects are pretty marginal. The problem
    is, monsoons don't always bring us rain. Sometimes the rain will evaporate before
    ever getting to the ground. Often, thunderstorms in the mountains will have
    mutated into dust storms by the time they reach the city. Still, we get our water
    via those mountains, and at this point rain in any part of the state will find a
    red carpet with WELCOME in big letters laid for it before it even reaches the
    ground (and then quickly removed to allow the water to soak

    Also, the increased humidity seems to cause my hands to be
    shredded worse by the oats, and now I've added a charming problem with chafing
    underarms after rowing for a half hour or so -- can't even blame it on a sports
    bra this time; this is sheer friction of skin on sweaty skin. Plus stubble. Sorry,
    you didn't want to hear about that, I know.

    And now I've spent almost
    a whole entry talking about the weather, of all the boring things, only our
    weather is not that boring at the moment. Just unpleasant. But here's something
    completely different to think about. The other day, href="">Suzan wrote that she'd like
    to photograph anorexic women to show the beauty they see in themselves, in
    achieving a body with nothing to hide the lines of the bones. This is something
    I'll never do, as my photography skills rest more with mountains than human
    bodies, but I think it would be cool to do that and then do a companion series of
    nude photographs of fat women, again trying to show the beauty of their shapes. If
    I were a good enough photog to do it right, it would almost be playing off air
    spirits against earth spirits, lines against curves, with the thin women remote
    and very light, all straight lines or the subtle curve of bone, with the unearthly
    beauty of the dying, disassociating themselves from the frenzies of daily life.
    Maybe in black and white. The fat women would definitely be in color. Gloria
    Steinem once wrote something like, "it is only the female curves of breast and
    belly that make the image of the Buddha believable," and that's what I'd be going
    for here. Ripeness. Roundness. Incarnations of Demeter. A more grounded shape that
    has something to give to a suppliant, that can nurture from its own abundance,
    rather than the fey disengagement of the others. Hmm. Maybe pregnant women too,
    for that series.

    I'll never do it, unless I take up a new hobby and
    learn a whole new set of lighting skills. But wouldn't it be cool?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 25, 2002


    Oh, yeah, forgot to update at lunch. I don't have much else to say; the fires are
    still burning, I've gotten some List issues out of the way, and I can't wait until
    Friday. How lovely it will be to get off the plane in blessedly cool

    Of course, I'll probably start whining immediately if it's
    raining or cold enough to require a jacket, but I'll try to remember I'm suppose
    to enjoy that. I like wearing cozy clothes. I like seeing green around me (won't
    be doing much of that at midnight ... well, maybe, that far north and this close
    to solstice. Hours and hours to spend driving with Rudder and seeing beautiful
    things ... rafting on the Nenamenomenamee (well, something like that) ... flying
    by Mt. McKinley ... keeping normal-people hours, staying up late and sleeping in
    almost every day ... not sitting at a desk or writing technical documents for a
    whole week .... ahhh..............

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    more fire news

    Whew. Well, I can still see a webcam view of "Hangar row" at the airpark where we
    own a lot. There are still plenty of buildings and trees intact, though we know at
    least two houses have burned. Not a good feeling when they mention your specific
    development on the nightly news. I've had friends tell me that news of the fires
    has made it as far away as Scotland and the Netherlands, also not a good

    This morning as I was about 1500m from the end of my row,
    the bolts that attach my shoes to the boat came loose. Since that's the main point
    where you're attached to the boat, and where the rowing drive begins, it made
    coming in a little tricky. Need to take a wrench out tomorrow. By the way, href="">here are some
    good pictures to show what our boat looks like. You can click on the images to see
    closeups. Some of these have the seat and shoes installed and some don't -- if you
    can't figure out where I sit on the boat, it's probably one that doesn't.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:48 AM

    June 24, 2002

    the appeal of self-destruction

    Note: There were two things I wanted to write today, and the subjects were so
    disparate I decided to split them into two separate entries. The earlier one is
    much happier. Go here
    to read it -- especially if you're SWooP.

    I can really see how eating
    disorders would be appealing. No, I'm not turning pro-ana or anything. But I can
    see where the idea of eating less and less, and purging or exercising more and
    more, could be a hard lure to resist.

    Last night, I was a bit
    unwell, probably as a reaction to eating too much popcorn at the href="">Cirque du Soleil IMANX movie, with
    that oily crap they call "butter" that has no flavor but is necessary to make the
    butter-flavored salt stick to the kernels. (And what evilspawn invented
    that backward system?) Without going into details nobody, including me,
    wants to dwell on, I probably lost a pound or two of water weight. This morning I
    felt enough better that I couldn't quite justify skipping the gym. While doing my
    upright rows in front of a mirror, I noticed that my ab definition was noticeably
    better than usual. Hmm. And at the cost of only a couple hours of discomfort and a
    few hurried trips to the bathroom.

    Now, no one needs to worry about
    me turning into Calista junior. I am not self-disciplined enough to give up my
    pretzels, and even if I were, I am serious enough about my rowing that I wouldn't
    stop eating healthy food, or do anything to lower my energy level. Also, I'm
    happily married, I get paid enough attention by others to make me feel at least
    reasonably attractive, and I'm fairly happy with how I look and very pleased with
    who I've grown into. But suppose some of those things weren't true. Suppose I were
    alone, and off balance. Suppose I'd been fed the message that no one would think I
    was sexy unless I looked like an actress so many times that I believed it. Suppose
    I didn't do sports and felt no need to be strong. Then yes, I can see how that
    glimpse of abs shown off by a bit of involuntary loss of water weight could make
    voluntary purging seem logical. And I can see how the next step could be factoring
    exercise into everything I do, and then eating less, and then, and then, and

    There are so many things to enjoy about being 35 instead of
    17. The fact that self-destruction becomes much less appealing is one of

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 23, 2002

    Cirque du Coolness

    If the Cirque du Soleil IMAX movie Journey of
    is playing in your area, go see it. It's amazing what the human body can
    do, and though it only lasts 45 minutes, it's a bargain when you consider the
    price of their shows in Vegas.

    As always, they left me thinking I
    need to stretch more often. This time, the troupe also left me wanting a bungie
    rig in my backyard to flip around on -- way cooler than a trampoline.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:34 PM

    June 22, 2002


    Computer update: the PC hard drive is toast. HP/Compaq is sending up a new one,
    but I had to pay to extend the hardware warranty. Got the old Mac hooked up to the
    net, and I'm on it at the moment. It's a little slow, but on the other hand it's
    seven years old, which is like 70 in people years. Having the hard drive crash on
    a year-old PC is making me lust after a new iMac. My flirtation with a home PC may
    be over. Macs still rule, for those more into quality than

    Other than that, we're spending the weekend starting to
    pack for Alaska -- everything from bathing suits and shorts to fleece and Gore-
    Tex, plus lots of CDs for the road and books for the flight

    Meanwhile, the fire up north is getting closer and closer to our

    Posted by dichroic at 06:19 PM

    June 21, 2002

    time to go Mac

    ml?x">Thank Allah
    there are still people in every culture who see the value of
    life and peace.

    There may not be any activity here over the weekend,
    as my laptop died most horribly last night. It originally crashed Thursday night
    (note to Listsibs: while looking at a site with pictures of JWK, ironically). I
    was able to resuscitate it eventually, but then last night I tried to defrag the
    disk and it crashed and burned. Now when I try to start it, the drive makes odd
    clicking sounds and it says it can't find the OS and to reinstall the hard disk. I
    will attempt to figure out how to do so tonight, if the problem hasn't
    spontaneously self-corrected. (Not this time, I'm thinking.)

    If I get
    desperate, I may just hook the old Mac up to the modem. I'd love to replace it
    with an iMac, but with the trip coming up and a credit card bill so large I'm not
    going to pay it in full this month (first time in a year, probably) that's not in
    the budget for the near future. Note, by the way, that our Mac is now 7 years old
    and still working.

    At any rate, I ought to have some spare time this
    weekend, because we will certainly not be going up to the property this weekend.
    I'm not all that fond of href="">barbeque.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    unfriendly fire

    This really sucks -- large portions of my
    are on fire, and one of the fires is frighteningly close to our airpark
    property. They've evacuated the whole town there. For once I'm glad we hadn't
    built anything there yet. I'm a bit worried about our neighbors though -- lots of
    the people who live at the airpark full-time are fairly old. At least all of
    those have the money to get out of there easily, but there are plenty of others in
    the area who don't. And there are no expectations of being able to confine it any
    time soon, and no predictions of rain. There hasn't been any all year, and the
    whole state is short of water, so I don't imagine we can easily afford the water
    to fight those fires.

    Another annoying factor was listening to one of
    our stupider Senators on the news last night blaming "rabid environmentalists" for
    using up state funds in lawsuits that could be used to fight the fires. I have a
    very strong suspicion that those "rabid" types are just trying to get the state
    and BLM to do controlled burns to clear out underbrush and tinder, so that when
    wildfires do start they don't explode the way these have. Good thing I already did
    my Ampersand piece;
    I'm having trouble thinking of fire as "friendly" these days.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:59 AM

    June 20, 2002

    wasp colors != WASP colors

    I'm tired. This morning I rowed a double with the Oldtimer -- not sure whether
    it's fairer to say he wore me out or that I'm exhausted from dragging his butt all
    over the lake. (Neither, really.) It was a good row, though, and when we did some
    racing starts they went fairly well for our first time rowing together. We raced
    Rudder for those, though, and he beat us most (not all) of the time. One of these
    days I want to race Rudder in a single. I bet I can keep up with him, or nearly,
    for 100 meters, but that he'll pull further and further ahead over longer

    I'm tired also because I woke up at 3AM, an hour before I
    needed to. As if four weren't bad enough! The dratted cats have been whining
    around that time most mornings lately, and though they didn't today, I think they
    have me trained now. Gah.

    I like my job -- just got confirmed for
    some training that will help me both here and in the future. And I just got back
    from the cafeteria, where the local Pride group is manning and womanning a table
    today, raising awareness and giving away lollypops. How cool is that? Still .... I
    wish I'd called in sick and spent the day sleeping. only a week and a day until
    we leave for Alaska. I still wonder if there's really any such thing as a job so
    wonderful you don't want to take vacations. Given my fondness for change, I
    suspect there is not, for me. It might be true for other people who are fonder of
    routine and who don't like leaving home.

    At the Pride table, I
    answered a question about the origin of the pink and black triangle symbols to
    enter a drawing for movie tickets. Easy ... they should have known better than to
    let a woman wearing a mezuza answer a Holocaust-related question. Like shooting
    non-pork kosher hot dogs in a barrel. I also picked up their information sheet,
    which did have some stuff I didn't know. Apparently women were not officially sent
    to the concentration camps for being lesbians, but were sent as "antisocials", a
    category "which included everything from feminism, lesbianism, prostitution, and
    was extended to any woman who didn't conform to the ideal Nazi image of a woman."
    There is a chart showing the various symbols prisoners were forced to wear;
    apparently the right-side-up yellow triangle that forms part of the star Jews were
    forced to wear could be combined with inverted triangles of other colors to show
    Jewish political prisoners, Jewish criminals, Jewish homosexuals, and so on. Given
    the definition above, I'm tempted to adopt the yellow-and-black triangles of the
    'Jewish antisocial'. Except that Hitler is not among my favorite

    P.S. I've finally gotten around to updating the href="">Who's Who page, and
    correcting some of the misspellings and redundancies.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:38 AM

    June 19, 2002

    mean nastiness

    My L.M. Montgomery list keeps trying to turn me into a radical -- which wouldn't
    bother me, except I keep feeling the temptation to turn into a mean-spirited one.
    The problem is that it's populated by a bunch of sweet, pure, religious women ....
    and me. I don't do sweet. Or pure, or religious, for that

    This list is a spinoff of another one I left a few years
    back. That one was sweet also, and cozy and perky. Except when someone stepped on
    another's toes, at which point it would suddenly flash into ugly and cruel. It was
    sort of like seeing a house all decorated in little pink country patterns, with
    curtains and knick-knacks and Victorian frills, that would periodically catch on
    fire. The smell of smoke always took forever to get out,

    Apparently that list got worse after I left, and so some of its
    members formed this spinoff, which was meant to be full of kindred spirit (a
    resounding phrase for fans of LMM), a shelter from the flames of the main list.
    For some odd reason, they asked me to join, and I did, in hopes of being able to
    discuss some of the books I love.

    The list is also full of off-topic
    discussions of things like housekeeping and gardening and children. I have little
    interest (or ability) in gardening, but some of the housekeeping and childrearing
    talk gets into very interesting historical channels. Some of it is more about
    today, though, and every so often someone will comment on "how much we all have in
    common". Ha. There's also a heapin' helpin' of that tendency majority groups
    (religion, in this case) so often have to think all right-minded people think the
    way they do. So I become the list trouble-maker, stepping up on occasion to point
    out the fallacy of this. The first time I pointed out not everyone there is
    Christian, I was answered with a chorus of "Oh, no, we don't want any of *that*
    topic because then there will be flames here!" I was careful to point out I was
    not insulting anyone else's religion, and a few braver souls did chime in to say
    how they respected people of other faiths. (I didn't ask how they felt about their
    children marrying one.) I notice, though, that no one minds the occasional mention
    of Jesus. (Well, I don't either, as long as they realize not everyone believes in
    him, a fact I fear is mostly forgotten.)

    The other problem is the
    actual book discussion ... we have people who lead topics and present questions, a
    decent way to keep the discussion on track. The problem is in the questions.
    Instead of something like "Compare Anne's attachment to Green Gables with Pat's to
    Silver Bush", they're apt to be more like "Have you ever had a house you really
    loved and didn't want to leave?" Grr. That can occasionally be interesting, but
    it's not book discussion! Again, I wouldn't mind, if they would mix the two styles
    a bit more.

    My constant temptation is to say things to shock the
    other listmembers, because all that sweetness gets cloying. (And it is a choice
    for most of these people -- if it were just unsullied ignorance, I wouldn't
    entertain these thoughts. I'm not that mean-spirited.) A mild aside the other day
    on lesbianism went over their heads, so I may need to be less subtle. Maybe a
    simple "Goddess bless" would do?

    I know, I am Not a Nice Girl.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:59 AM

    yesterday, a child came out

    One of the best things about reading diaries is the chance to go through nearly
    the whole life cycle in a morning. Today I've read one href="">wants-to-be-a-mom, one href="">pregnant woman, two href="">mothers of">one-year-olds, one href="">woman in the thick of her life with her
    daughter grown and gone, and one old
    looking back on his life. Likely later on I'll read a teenager or two,
    someone with young children, someone with a pubescent daughter, a young adult on
    her own, someone in a stable couple with reproduction plans way off in the future,
    someone just planning to get married, and someone in her thirties who chooses not
    to have children (that would be this essay, among others). It's good to share a
    bit in the whole carousel of time.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:59 AM

    June 18, 2002

    vindicated (and muscular, too!)

    Today I went to get my body fat checked -- there's a company out here that has a
    setup in a truck that they park in front of various local gyms. They must get a
    good business, because I made the appointment two weeks ago and this was the
    soonest opening at a gym near work or home. It's not that I'm manic about this,
    really. It's partly because I was curious how accurate our not-for-athletes Tanita
    scale is (usually reads 26-27%), but mostly because the guys at the gym pissed me
    off last time they checked my bodyfat via the caliper method.

    number they gave me appalled me so much that I asked at the desk there if they
    knew of a place that measured it by immersion. Another trainer overheard me ask
    and offered to recheck me with the calipers, giving me a long speech about how
    he'd been doing this for 10 years and knew exactly what he was doing, blah de blah
    de blah. He returned me a number only about half a percent lower than the last
    one. At least they're consistent in their wrongness.

    The reading they
    gave me was about 29% bodyfat. Remember that number. You may also want to review
    the pics here to form
    your own opinion. I have some fat on me, no question, but 29% is high enough to
    start affecting health.

    Also, the trainer started telling me people
    can have high percentages of fat without being large, and that as we age, we store
    more fat internally. All of which is true, but only to a point. And thin people
    with lots of fat juggle, and their upper arms dangle. I mean, you can tell -- it's
    not a hidden thing.(They tend to look much worse than curvy round goddess types

    So I went off to be dunked. The truck was out across the
    parking lot from an LA Fitness (a local gym chain). Unfortunately, the truck had
    changing cubicles but no waiting area, so I had to wait outside for 5-10 minutes.
    That doesn't seem so bad until you realize it's well over 100 degrees and I'm
    dressed for work in long pants and a sleeveless sweater. He did apologize when he
    let me in, at least, and explained the previous client, a weighty gentleman, was
    squeamish about being seen in a bathing suit. Actually, I had assumed it was a
    standard courtesy.

    I changed into my new bathing suit (realizing in
    the process that it's a little loose -- oh, well, for $12 I can't complain),
    and let him weigh me and explain the process. The tank was long enough for me to
    stretch out and maybe 2.5 feet deep. There was a ladder-shaped frame made of
    plastic tubing and he instructed me to hold one end with my hands and brace
    against the other end with my toes (not sure how this would have worked for the
    much taller previous client). Then I had to lower my face, expel as much air as
    possible, and wait for about four seconds. He had me repeat that five times-- this
    is not a good idea for anyone with a phobia about water.

    And after
    all that, I got dressed again and came out to get my results. Remember that 29%?
    And the cocky trainer who told me his numbers must be right? Read it and weep,


    Next, I need to shoot for a number that's
    in the Good range (18-21 for women in my age group) by something more than the
    skin of its toenails. But mostly I'm just pleased to have once again been proved

    yes, and the most amusing part was where the report told me that (in defiance of
    the good/bad ranges on a previous page) that my ideal was 22% and that I should
    therefore gain 2 lbs of fat (the guy who ran it recommended 4 lbs of muscle
    instead, which might help more on the water). A fig for the trainers!

    Posted by dichroic at 01:06 PM

    June 17, 2002


    I feel like I've been one-upped for Father's Day. My dad is impossible to buy
    presents for because he has no hobbies, unless you count napping. To make things
    more difficult, his birthday is June 15, so we have to think of two presents at
    once (or one big one). He does have an interest in military aircraft, having
    served a hitch as a mechanic in the USAF, so lots of our gifts play to that. This
    year, I paid to have an honorary plaque with his name put up on the wall of the
    new facility the National Air and Space Museum is building at Washington
    International Airport -- a way of helping to build something he'd care about in
    his name.

    My Brother the Writer gave him a certificate saying that
    his name would be burned onto a CD carried to Mars. One-upped, yes, I am. What Dad
    doesn't know is that the Mars thing is free (you can do it yourself href=">here, and print out the certificate)
    while the museum sponsorship was not cheap. Still, I make a good bit more money
    than MBtW, so while it's more than I'd normally spend on a gift, it's not the
    stretch it would be for him. And he more than made up any difference, anyway, by
    investing his time and using his writerly skills to compose a long Father's Day
    letter that so affected our normally undemonstrative father that he read me the
    entire thing. (It boils down to "Dad, you may not have given us material things
    but we knew you loved us and were always there for us" sort of thing that always
    brings tears to parental eyes.)

    I had issues with a few minor
    points in the letter, but the gist is correct. My parents did love us, did do
    their best, and in a world of abusers, self-interest, and indifference, that
    counts for a lot. And they got us both reading, which in my view counts for even
    more. (MBtW, thanks to a talent for scoping our booksales, may own even more books
    than I do.)

    Well, it's not a competition, and the point of presents
    is to make the recipient happy, which he certainly did. Here's the thing that
    puzzles me: why is it I would be so very uncomfortable writing such a letter? I
    think it's the idea that it might make the parents think they did everything
    right, which they certainly didn't. I have some issues with their insularity and
    even more with their tempers -- while we were never abused, there was certainly
    more screaming than necessary and some slapping, also. Still, so what? No doubt we
    were difficult children to raise, and if we didn't have a wide range of experience
    directly, we certainly did so vicariously through our books. Besides, they did the
    most important things right, so why does it matter what they did wrong? I think
    it's really just fear they might take it as an admission that they were right and
    I was wrong (about what, specifically, I don't really know). And -- confession of
    Dichroic character flaw here -- that's something I can only stand when I really
    was in the wrong.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 16, 2002

    computer aids and AIDS

    Arrggh. I just spent an hour and a half trying to install a VPN client on my
    computer so that I can work from home occasionally. Everything seemed to go well,
    except that it wouldn't let me log in. We have a contract for support with an 800
    number that's supposed to be 24/7 but of course the people who can actually help
    on this appear to be there only Mon-Fri. Which is why I will mention that this so-
    helpful support company is IBM. At least I can charge the time.

    reading yet another biography of Isaac Asimov; his wife Janet Jeppson put this one
    together, condensing the three volumes he'd written into one at the request of a
    published. Some of it is thus matter I'd read before, but some of it is new from
    letters to her and she's also added some comments. The biggest change is that
    Janet and Asimov's daughter Robyn decided to tell the truth about his death. This
    surprised me quite a bit, but apparently Asimov died of AIDS, contracted from a
    blood transfusion back before they were testing the blood supply. It was kept
    quiet because of the enormous stigma attached to the disease for most of the time
    he was ill. (Well, there's still a stigma, of course, but less so, I hope. Back in
    the late 80s/early 90s, educated people were still talking in public about how
    they'd never want to touch anyone with AIDS and viewing it as necessarily the
    result of the afflicted person's own risky choices. Nowadays only some people do
    so, at least a partial advance in our social fabric. (She said,

    And now I've done my computer chores (the VPN thing,
    not this update) and it's still early enough to be comfortable outdoors, so I'm
    going to go put the patio furniture we finally acquired last week to good use.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 15, 2002

    spidey anti-gravity (pro-gravity?)

    Spider-Man was pretty good -- as my Homer told us the other day, "One of the best
    superhero movies I've seen. However, of the many gaping plot holes that seem to be
    unavoidable in any superhero movie, one bothered me and it was repeated twice. Two
    separate times, Mary Jane is falling, and somehow in defiance of all laws of
    gravity, Spidey jumps after her and somehow manages to fall faster, so that he can
    catch up to her. Now, he's in a straight dive and she's kind of flailing, but
    still, they don't fall nearly far enough for air resistance to have that much
    effect. Is this another feature of spiders that I have somehow never noticed, the
    ability to speed up gravity?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    she comes in colors everywhere

    We're off to the car-dealers so we can pick the exact colors for our new boat
    designs. (They use car paint on the boats, so you can just tell them the make and
    color name.) Don't worry, though; we're going to the dealerships that have really
    annoyed us in the past so we don't have to feel bad about wasting their

    After that, maybe Spider-man, since everyone seems to like,
    followed by AzMex food for dinner.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    June 13, 2002


    My fuzzy brain today may be accounted for by dinner and Mmmmm....beeeerr... with
    former coworker and friend Homer and his wife (I think I may have nommed her
    Alice, as in Dilbert, since she's certainly not a Marge). It was good to see them,
    since it's been a while. Oddly, though, Rudder always turned into a different
    person around those two. He liked them, and I don't think they make him
    uncomfortable, but he laughs and talks a little too loud, and talks about his/our
    travels a little too much, as if he's trying to one-up them. Not sure why, as he
    doesn't do that with most people and they're not the snooty or bragging sort you'd
    expect to bring out that behavior. In fact, if they were, he wouldn't do it; he
    just wouldn't bother with them. Maybe it's just because we like them and he
    doesn't know them as well? I, on the other hand, just become susceptible to peer
    pressure, which is why we ended up after dinner at the Cold Stone ice creamery
    across from the brewpub. (Our new mall has all it's best restaurants conveniently
    located around a fountain courtyard in back.)

    Doing weights today
    after the strength work in the boat yesterday turned out not to be a good idea. My
    body wasn't really whining or complaining; I can work though that. (Well,
    sometimes I cave.) Today it just said, "No." Very definitely, not argumentative,
    but firm -- my legs just were not going to be doing squats at full force today. I
    listen when my body gets like that, on the theory that skimping on one workout
    will harm me less than getting burned out and chucking the whole thing. Also,
    everything I've ever read on the subject says that for optimum results, your
    muscles need to rest for a couple of days after a strength

    On the other hand, I was already at the gym by then. So we
    compromised, the mind and the body. I finished out the squats, did a light set of
    inclined leg press, some calf raises (my calves weren't as fatigued from
    yesterday) and added more abs exercises than I usually do.

    Then I did
    the indecision mambo. Don't laugh at me, you all know the steps. After doing my
    stretches, I went to the locker room to shower, but realized I'd left some stuff
    in the car. I carry my bag of toiletries into work with me, because they're prone
    to melt or explode if left in the car in summer, so I'm always forgetting to shift
    them back into my gym bag. The locker rooms are at the end of the gym farthest
    from the exit. I started to trek all the way back through the gym to my car. Mid-
    way there, I realized I was tired and not feeling great (from last night's ice
    cream, probably) and I could just go home instead, and work from home for a couple
    hours, as long as I got to the office in time for a 10AM meeting. I turned and
    headed back to the locker room to get the stuff I had left there. After I'd taken
    ten steps or so, though, I realized I needed to talk to someone before that
    meeting. So it was back to the locker room to shower and off to work after

    Oh, but there is a bit of good news -- I found my logbook. It's
    been missing about a week and it contains records of all my erg pieces for 2002 to
    date, so losing it would suck muchly. I found it at the very back of the top shelf
    of a gym locker -- lucky I usually use the same one. Just another example of how
    the world is not designed for small people. One of these days, me and all of the
    kids are going on strike until the rest of you make things to fit us. Yes, I can
    fairly be called child-sized. I didn't buy a bikini in abercrombie the other day
    (Abercrombie & Fitch's kid's store) because it was too big in the butt.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 12, 2002

    a geek, but not world-class

    Today I did some strength training -- 13 sets of ten strokes, as hard as possible,
    with a bungie cord around the boat to add resistance. It was fun in a way -- the
    bungie creates much more wake so that when you go fast there's bubbles and spray
    and a rooster-tail. (Well, OK, the rooster-tail effect was mostly in my head. But
    there was much more wake than normal, anyhow.

    However, I've concluded
    I will never be a world-class rower. Well, I knew that, of course, because no
    matter what else you do, you need to have the right genes to reach the top and I
    don't, by about eight inches of height. However, another reason I will never be
    world-class is that when I look at the training schedule of those who are, my
    first reaction is still, "Are they crazy?" Here's a sample, and this is for a
    lightweight woman, mind you:

    I do a lot of single
    sculling (@ 20 miles per day) much of which is done with a 20 foot rope that
    floats. I tied knots every foot and it actually creates quite a drag. In
    addition to the sculling I do numerous other cross training cardiovascular based
    activities. One of my favorites is 100 flights of stadium stairs twice per week.
    I cycle @ 30 miles per day and run or swim occasionally.

    *excerpted from an article href="">here

    Any one of
    those components would kill a normal person -- I can show you blisters from rowing
    a mere 10K, my normal distance. And that's after my hands got used to it. But 20
    miles is well over 30K, and the extra resistance from her knotted rope is not
    inconsiderable. And that to the 30mi on a bike plus all the extras (elsewhere in
    that article she'd mentioned weight training) and it becomes clear that the top
    athletes have to come up with sponsors or rich relatives, because they can't
    possibly work full time. And remember, this is a sport with no professional

    All I can say is wow. And thank goodness there are regattas
    on all levels so I don't need to compete against people like that.

    the other hand, I scored 32 on the href="">Are you a Rowing Geek
    , which is well into the range of geekhood.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    For anyone who's wondering: the reasons we worry about civil rights for people who
    may be criminals is because it's too damned hard to be sure we only give them to
    innocent people. Especially in the case of innocent people who were in the wrong
    place at the wrong time and ended up looking like criminals. Also, it's important
    that in trying to punish those who are guilty, we maintain our own morals. This is
    not so much because of what it does to them as because of what it does to us.
    Also because what if those who decide what is a criminal act aren't right every
    time? (*cough* Ashcroft *cough*)

    And like href="">Bastion, another Wondering Jew, I
    hear Pastor
    Niemoller's words
    echoing louder every time I hear the domestic news.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:04 AM

    June 11, 2002

    the past as another community

    Prufrock and SwooP have been tossing
    some interesting volleys on the topic of "Was Then Better Than Now?" As I so often
    am, I'm sorry SwooP's journal is password protected, because she had some points
    well worth reading. It's not that often that you hear the past defended in a non-
    kneejerk fashion. ("We were all tougher then. We walked two miles to school,
    uphill each way, in the snow, and we were damned glad to do it!" being the more
    usual refrain. Her thesis was that despite the undeniable gains, and she
    specifically lauds the broadening of civil rights, in the 1940s through 1960s the
    sense of community was far more pervasive than it is now, and that's a huge loss.

    She's right about that, of course, though I still wonder how much of
    it is regional. I have less community because I moved to where there is less
    community. My parents still live in the same house where they raised me and they
    still know their neighbors nearly as well as they did 30 years ago. (Some of them
    are the same people, or the children of the same people.)

    On the
    other hand, though our neighborhood is not friendly at all, we do know our
    neighbors on the airpark property up north. Not only do people there have the
    common interest in flying, there are several group activates each year and between
    the flying and the wonderful weather there, people seem to spend a lot more time
    hanging around outside, watching runway activity and chatting. Also, though we
    don't have the built-in community of a real neighborhood, I wonder if elective
    communities, both real and virtual, haven't grown stronger than they once were.
    Churches have often functioned as extended family, but now I've had that sort of
    thing both in my rowing program and in my online community. Was that sort of
    secular group as strong in the 1950s? Or was in just that the people you knew in
    your sports team or your lodge meetings were your neighbors, so the
    communities were one and the same? And of course, it's easier to meet people who
    share one's more recherchè (I think I have that accent backwards) interests since
    the advent of the Net. Maybe communities haven't died, just migrated out of the
    immediate neighborhood. Of course, they're also less likely to last a lifetime,
    and it would be easy to argue this is a sign of weakening.

    I imagine
    SwooP deliberately limited her argument to the relatively recent past; it's easy
    to argue that any time before the common use of antibiotics was worse than the
    present because now the vast majority of parents will be able to watch their kids
    grow up. There are still some tragic deaths due to accident or disease, but
    nothing like those Victorian or earlier parents had to deal with.

    main argument for modern times, though, is neither of the above. It's true that
    the past had some things that are a sore loss. It's equally true that the present
    has quite a few facets that are hardly gains: long hours of work, technology that
    eats our lives, the constant pressure on kids. I can't say that Now is
    immeasurably better than Then, or that progress has been unalloyed with regress.
    The major advantage I do see today is that many more of our problems are the
    result of our choices -- or are at least easier to overcome by making different
    choices. I can choose not to own a TV or a computer, or not to spend too many of
    my hours on them; my grandmother could not choose to given my mother antibiotics
    when she had spinal meningitis, in about 1945. I can choose a career and lifestyle
    that will not require large amounts of overtime far more easily than my great-
    grandmother could, back when she had three small children to support and no labor
    laws to protect her (yes, I cheated there; that was well before the 1940s). And I
    can choose to live in a neighborhood where people still talk to each other, or to
    join other sorts of communities; Rosa Parks' predecessors could not choose to sit
    in the front of the bus or avoid other sorts of discrimination, in the North as
    well as the South.

    So I would argue that things have gotten better.
    Do we still have a long way to go? Oh yeah -- until there is no prejudice, no
    "holy wars", no discrimination, we can't even claim to have completed the job in
    the areas where we have made progress. And again, it's easy to argue that a
    community of people who are right there, physically, is more useful than one you
    have to go somewhere to see, or one that only exists the dance of electrons and
    lightwaves across a network. The hardest thing may be to regain the past's
    blessings while getting rid of its ugly parts.

    Damme, I'm getting
    pompous here again. Sorry.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    Dammit! I forgot to watch the eclipse yesterday evening!!

    Posted by dichroic at 11:59 AM

    June 10, 2002

    40 by forever

    Lately a lot of diaries I read have been doing that 40x40 thing -- a list of
    things the writer wants to do before turning forty. They can be interesting to
    read, but my first response is always, "Those things are for people who aren't
    already thirty-five!" My second, more measured response is, "Why forty? Do people
    think life ends then?" I hope to do as many interesting things after I'm forty as
    I've done in the previous years.

    With that in mind, here is a matched pair of lists:


    40 things I've done before 40

    40 things I hope to do later


    Drive a car

    Learn to ride a motorcycle


    Drive a boat

    live on a boat for a while


    Pilot a plane

    Own a plane


    Live alone

    improve my temper, work ethic, and compassion


    Get an engineering degree

    Remain self-supporting


    Become self-supporting

    Become financially independent (aka retire early)


    get a Masters degree

    get another MS, in Linguistics or Cognitive Science



    keep doing things that scare me



    get certified for skydiving



    mountain bike down steep hills without a death-grip on the brakes


    Rock climb, up to 5.10b

    Successfully climb a 5.11a


    Hang glide



    soar in a sailplane

    pilot a sailplane



    get IFR certified


    River rafting

    log > 1000 hours flying time


    Get married (yes, this is listed with the adventure sports for a reason)

    stay married (also an adventure)


    Ride in a helicopter

    Pilot a helicopter


    Learn to row

    Win a race in a single


    Learn to windsurf

    Learn to sail



    Kayak well enough to handle rapids (say, class IV)


    scuba dive

    get scuba certified


    travel to Europe

    spend enough time in Great Britain (at least a couple of months)


    travel to Asia

    visit Antarctica


    travel to Australia

    live abroad for a year or two


    travel to New Zealand

    quit my job and spend a year roaming around the US


    travel to more than half of US states

    travel to all 50 states


    speak in public

    teach a class


    own a rowing shell

    own a shell sized just for me


    visit the Reno Air Races

    visit the Oshkosh fly-in



    take a child camping and climbing


    own a house

    live in a trailer (while traveling -- both for the freedom and the exercise in
    doing without possessions)


    build a house (have it built for me, that is)

    build another house -- maybe do some of it myself -- and plan it from scratch


    live in the heart of a city

    live in a beautiful place


    live with cats

    improve my writing/photography


    keep a journal (well over a year now!)

    put together and and publish a book


    manage a team

    find a career where I can live anywhere I want


    work on Space Shuttle/Station programs

    publish some of our photography


    donated to charity

    give more time and money away to good causes


    visit New York, New Orleans, London, and Paris

    spend more time in all of the above, plus other great cities


    survive being unemployed for 6 months

    save enough for a year's worth of expenses


    travel alone

    get out to more live music/theater

    Looking over the list, a surprising number of these are either material (own this,
    own that) or very concrete (et this or that degree of certification). That may be
    the nature of the beast, though; it's easier to write "get scuba-certified" than
    to write "really learn how to dive and go do more dives", though the two mean
    nearly the same (to me, at least). It would probably be fair to consider all the
    degree/certification items as a wish to learn things. Most of the ownership items
    reflect either the wish for freedom (airplane, rowing shell) or the wish to -- I
    don't know quite how to put it -- live in beauty, like building another house, one
    we've designed, in a beautiful place.

    Some things that can be goals before they're done (get a cat, live in city) are
    just commonplace experiences and hardly seem worth mentioning. I have mentioned
    some of them, though, because they're now part of my past, even if not noteworthy.
    It's clear that not everything in the list is an accomplishment, but they are all
    things I would have hoped to do when I was younger. Some of the to-dos, like
    traveling to Antarctica, I may actually complete before turning 40, while others
    (learning to fly a helicopter) I may never get around to. But I'll be happy to
    wait and see.

    Sorry if the above table appears garbled for some readers, by the way; I'm not
    sure if all browsers can handle nested tables.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 09, 2002

    Smokey is on alert

    We went up to the property today, to water the tree we planted. They seem to be
    doing surprisingly well, considering we're in the middle of what may become a
    record drought. We went, also, to recharge by sitting outside in comfortable
    temperatures, with green trees around us and the scent of pine (well, an avgas) in
    the air. It was windy as hell though.

    One of the taller pine trees on
    the lot is dead, and I need to call the Forest Service to ask how I can tell
    whether it was killed by beetles. If so, we need to get it out of there before
    other trees get infested; if not, I'd like to leave it at least through the
    summer, because it protects a couple of younger junipers. The Forest Service is
    quite busy these days, though; there was a twin-engine plane circling overhead for
    a while (at first we thought he was worried about the wind or had a gear problem)
    and a fire engine down at the end of the taxiway because of a report of smoke. We
    think it was just the smoke from a small jet someone landed (yes, up at the
    airpark we're among the poor folks). I am impressed at how alert the fire crews
    are -- with this level of fire anger, they have to be. We didn't could have
    camped, though we didn't, only because we own the property; most of the national
    forests nearby are completely closed. I hate when that happens.

    Posted by dichroic at 05:37 PM

    June 08, 2002

    what to do

    What I'd like to do today:

    • sleep in
    • make boat
    • do some List maintenance
    • create a new banner
      for D-land
    • visit a bookstore
    • and, while I'm in the
      mall, maybe buy a bra or two for my new improved pecs and
    • spend time with Rudder
    • spend time
    • get a pedicure

    What I've done
    so far:

      sleep in

    • spend time with

    What else I expect to get

    • make boat slings
    • With luck, the
      bookstore visit, which I suppose counts as time

    Not too bad.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 07, 2002

    attack of the giant amoeba

    I sat in on the beginning of a Lake Users' Group this morning, to hear discussion
    of boat storage and launch-wake issues, but left early to get to work. It was
    clear by then that Rudder and AussieCoach were bringing up all the issues I wanted
    discussed, so they didn't need me. My favorite part of the meeting was when one
    person who works for the city and has only recently evolved past the amoeba stage,
    brain-cell-wise, said, "We can't make a decision when we don't have all the
    facts!" Rudder snapped back with, "Sure you can -- we do it at work all the time!"
    while I quoted my Stats professor: "Statistics is decision making in a climate of
    uncertainty." Not that our knife-edged logic made any dent on Amoebawoman, of
    course; she just congealed around the cut and oozed on.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    solitude and mindfulness

    If there's one thing I've learned, or learned more about, from reading the href="http//">Rancho href="http//">Lesbiano href="http//">four-strand href="http//">oeuvre, it's the whole thing about
    mindful relationships - that is, being mindful of what you need as well as what
    you give, speaking up when things aren't in balance, remembering no one can read
    your mind.

    The other night, when Rudder sheepishly announced that
    he'd have to work at least one day this weekend and so we couldn't go camping, I
    realized the reason I wasn't upset was that I've been itching for some time on my
    own. I've got lots to do, like make new slings for the boats and install a VPN
    client so I can work from home occasionally, but really I just want to be able to
    go to the mall or to a bookstore and not be in a hurry to get home. It's not that
    he even asks me to come home early; it's just that weekends are almost our only
    time together so I feel guilty for spending time on my own. Purely self-induced
    guilt, the silliest kind and the hardest sort to get rid of.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:19 AM

    June 06, 2002


    My feet hurt today when I stand. I wonder if it might be from weightlifting this
    morning -- I was doing squats of up to 90 lbs (thank you, thank you) plus some
    related stuff like leg presses and calf raises (including a few of 135 lbs, which
    is exciting because it's well over my weight), and I wonder whether this is a bit
    more stress than my nearly archless feet are happy with. Oh well.

    my way to buy lunch, I passed the message board with the annoying perky slogans.
    Today it says, "Instead of complaining that roses have thorns, be thankful that
    thorns have roses!" That got me thinking. For one thing, why not just appreciate
    the whole plant, its wildness as well as its more conventional prettiness? Why
    should everything be all sweetness and life and perfume? Life is better with a few
    small untamed risks in it, a few reminders that everything isn't here just to
    please us.

    On further thought, I realized that in some ways, I
    actually like the thorns better. Roses aren't my favorite flower, at least not the
    traditional big plain red or pink or yellow or white ones. I like the more fragile
    prettiness of antique roses. I like the more subtle colors, like the blush roses
    with the palest near-white at the edge of the petals that shaded to a very
    alive peach-pink heart that I carried at my wedding. I like seeing all the
    different things a breeder can do with a basic genome. Really though, my favorite
    thing about a rose blossom isn't the way it looks or smells but the impossible
    softness of the petals.

    But have you ever looked closely at a thorn?
    Break one off and try it. (Don't use the whole stem with the thorn attached
    because another thorn will get you right in the eye, and if you complain people
    will laugh at you.) Rose thorns have a beautiful curve to them, and when you touch
    the sides of them they have a slick smoothness that sweeps your finger along. Rose
    blossoms are great obvious flaunting things, but thorns only show their beauty
    when you pay close attention, when you aren't limited by the obvious, when you
    look without preconceptions. Their beauty is a bigger reward than that of the
    flowers, because it's a secret not everyone knows.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    June 05, 2002

    not a blog

    After all the waiting around
    for windshield replacement
    , I ended up with a tasty and non-nutritious bag of
    microwave popcorn for lunch. Dinner had better be something good.

    the plus side I found out that the vending machine downstairs has ginger ale.

    I keep thinking I should switch to blog-style entries, or even start
    a whole new blog, because I'll think of something want to write about it, phrase
    it in my head, and then totally forget about by the time I get to writing the next
    diary entry. The above is why that would be a bad idea. It would be likely to
    discourage the cohesive essay-style entries and odd bit of poetry (some odder than
    others) that I meant this diary to contain, and that I even still sometimes write.
    And while I'm never entirely sure why I've been doing this for the last 15 months,
    I'm pretty sure it's not about soda. Not only does no one else want to read about
    the contents of my local vending machine, I don't even want to read about that
    stuff. I can't imagine doing a random web search some day when I'm in my 70s (on
    whatever the Internet has become by then) and thinking, "Oh, wow, I liked ginger
    ale back in 2002!"

    Though you never know. I've been known to discuss
    the merits of ginger beer vs. ginger ale, and I was wondering just last night when
    they started selling Coke in bottles rather than just at soda fountains, and then
    when people started buying soda in bulk to have in he house rather than just
    getting one at a time at a gas station.

    Still, I'd just end up
    writing about stupid things like what I've eaten, and who care about that? Reading
    about what other people have eaten is never interesting unless it's actually
    interesting food, or it has a story attached. Or a recipe, so I can try it myself.
    If you've gone to a French-Asian fusion restaurant and had a saumon-canard terrine
    with a soy ginger sauce, then I want to hear about it, or about why you can't make
    piecrust as good as your granny's because she used pure lard, or about how
    everyone looked at you funny as you jumped up and down in the middle of a Houston
    supermarket emitting squeaks of joy because they'd just starting the special brand
    of pretzels you were addicted to and thought you couldn't get outside
    Pennsylvania. (Actually, that last one was me.) But I don't want to talk about
    what I had for lunch today, or hear about what you had for breakfast just to make
    small talk. This was a favorite conversational gambit of my parents', so I'm
    venting some pent-up boredom here, but I think that gets back to my original
    point. If I had a blog, I'd end up writing about more minutiae than anyone ever
    needs to read, and I'd bore myself silly. (Sillier.)

    So that's why I
    need to avoid blogs; ironically, nontechnical as she is, keeping a blog could turn
    me into my mother. Eek.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    dribs and drabs

    It's amazing what creatures of habit people are. NPR reported on the Israeli bus
    driver who survived yesterday's suicide bombing -- this is the fourth attack he's

    The fourth.

    I appreciate the concept
    of standing your ground in a fight, but I believe I'd have found another job by
    now, if I were he.

    For some odd reason, I got a shitload of Googlers
    here late yesterday. I rarely mention my Google hits because most of them are just
    for "Dichroic", and the next biggest block are for books, songs, or poems I've
    quoted (though that's very cool, because I get a lot of people searching for
    lesser known artists/writers like Ewan MacColl or Miss Read (Yes, SwooP, most
    people are unlucky enough not to know who she is)). However, I would especially
    like to welcome the person who came here yesterday searching for "small rower".
    Yup, that's me, coxswain-sized but a rower nonetheless. Drop a note in the
    guestbook, rowers, obscure book and music fans, and any of you.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:14 PM

    June 04, 2002

    Knock on wood

    The more diaries/blogs/journals I read, the more I realize I am a lucky, lucky
    girl, compared to an awful lot of people. Some fortune you make for yourself, of
    course -- I don't consider a happy marriage, now nearly nine years old, to be the
    pure result of fate, though meeting Rudder in the first place was. Other things,
    though, are purely a result of when and where I was born, and of the family I was
    born into:

    I have two parents, still married to each
    other, to whom I am still speaking. Until I was in college, I had four loving
    grandparents. I have an uncle to whom I am close. I have one brother, now self-
    sufficient and out on his own. None of these people abused me as a child, sexually
    or in any other way (there was a bit more hitting and screaming than modern
    standards would consider appropriate, but that's a far cry from real

    Some problems I've avoided are a combination
    of luck, work, and common sense precautions. The latter two make a difference, but
    there are people as careful who have yet been

    I have never been mugged, beaten, raped, or
    robbed of anything irreplaceable. I have been short of money, but never so poor
    that food and shelter were major problems. I have never been ill or hurt enough
    to need hospitalization or surgery, barring a couple minor outpatient

    Some luck is in the time and place I
    inhabit and the opportunities it offers:

    I have had
    chicken pox, sinus infections, flu, UTIs, strep, and a staph infection. None of
    them were more than a temporary annoyance, thanks to antibiotics. These things
    used to kill people. Also, I had the chance to get a first-rate education, which
    allowed me to enter into a career that is reasonably rewarding in terms of
    challenge, enjoyment, and money.

    One of my biggest
    pieces of luck was being born to parents who loved to read and taught me to do
    likewise. Not only did that help with my education, it gave me insights into
    worlds far removed from blue-collar Northeast Philadelphia, and into people
    different from those I knew.

    I was encouraged to think
    for myself, and to make up my own mind. I was encouraged to read and learn more
    and still more. I never went through a period where I hated myself, or thought I
    was ugly, or stupid, or worthless, as so many girls do. For the first, I had my
    mirror and my own eyes. For the second -- well, there were all those books I'd
    read. Other people didn't read like that, or know all the things I'd learned from
    those books, so I knew I was smart. For the third, I had the example of literary
    heroines from Cinderella to Elizabeth Bennet, who weren't properly appreciated
    until they fell in people with the wit to appreciate them.

    Because of my reading, I knew there were people out
    there who would like me; how could they not, when they'd written the heroines I so
    identified with? I was never beautiful or popular, and didn't have a huge social
    life in high school, but I was never all that unhappy about it, largely because I
    spent so much of my time riding around in other people's heads -- everyone from
    Meg Murray (in A Wrinkle in Time to Tish Sterling (in Norma Johnston's
    The Keeping Days) to Eddi McAndry's (in Emma Bull's War For the
    ). I knew they were fictional, but I figured there had to be people out
    there like that or there would be no authors able to imagine them.

    Even now, I think I'm more confident in myself than many or most
    women, largely because I've been so many other people in an almost literal sense.
    It gives me perspective to be able to judge myself fairly instead of assuming I'm
    inferior because I can see my own failings more clearly than other people's. It
    doesn't mean everybody loves me, and I don't know that it makes me happier, but it
    certainly makes life simpler.

    So if you ever see me complaining about
    my luck because I've lost a race or something, kick me, OK?

    CLASS="mutter" TITLE="Don't think I haven't realized that the mere act of writing
    this could cause the universe's sense of irony to kick in, causing me to be mugged
    as I leave work today, resulting in injuries requiring hospitalization, leading to
    the loss of my ability to type, which would get me laid off, the ensuing
    depression from which could eventually drive Rudder away, leaving me alone,
    jobless, and poor. I'm writing this blurb to forestall that, and incidentally to
    test a cool idea I stole from Ravenblack at">Knock wood

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    a brief message

    Mousepoet said this,
    and I think it's important:

    "with any incident

    you have
    two ways to react --

    let it teach you or

    let it haunt

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    June 03, 2002

    too well aligned

    This is the second entry today; I wrote about a few authors href="">here.

    inevitable piercing update: it doesn't hurt now, even when I touch it (which I'm
    not supposed to do anyway, and mostly don't). It does hurt when I catch it on
    something and the top ball gets yanked down. This happens at least once a day,
    unfortunately. It happened in a fairly drastic (i.e. painful) fashion yesterday;
    I'm not entirely sure of the details, but I think Rudder and I became a bit too
    well omphalically aligned.

    See the brilliant parody of Xena, " href="">I Am the Very Model of
    a Heroine Barbarian
    for the definition of omphalos. Heck, see it even if you
    know what I meant to say -- it's a better world just knowing contains people who
    can write stuff like that.

    Possibly due to yesterday's incident, I
    did see just a tiny bit of ooze today, for the first time. This is still less
    trouble than I've had with any ear piercing, so I have hopes it will heal
    uneventfully. It turned out my trouble rowing the first day was because that
    particular boat isn't rigged right for me; with my feet as far in as they'll go,
    the oar handles are still together when they touch my body, instead of several
    inches apart as they should be. Not only was that painful at times, it's
    inefficient, because I'm just getting to the most efficient part of the stroke
    (blades perpendicular to the boat) when I have to pull the blades out of the
    water. (Yes, it's true: not only are there innumerable complexities within the
    single, ostensibly simple motion that is rowing, but there is another entire host
    of complexities in the world of boat rigging.)

    Rudder and I had more
    discussion over the weekend on how to spend some tax refund money we've got laying
    around, but are really no closer to deciding among the options(redo the pool; redo
    the kitchen; buy another boat; get a new roof or A/C). There are so many factors
    involved: how long will our current roof and heat pumps last? How long will we
    stay in this house? If we get a new boat, will we be able to get storage space?
    And so on, and so on.

    We did decide to tweak our rowing schedules to
    allow us each to use our single more often, which is why I was at the gym instead
    of on the lake this morning. We'll see how well this works. The advantage to
    rowing on Tuesdays and Thursdays is that the club and city don't have launches out
    to roil the water on those days. Unfortunately, Coach DI just got one, so he may
    be out on it to mar my pristine lake. I hope not.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Goudge and Streatfeild, Read and Karon

    First of all, if you missed the boat'n'belly pics I put up yesterday, take a look

    been rereading Elizabeth Goudge's The Little White Horse, and before that,
    Linnets and Valerians. I cannot believe I had never even heard of Goudge
    before this, my thirty-fifth year. (Rather, my thirty-sixth year; the year of
    being 35.) I understand why I had never read Noel Streatfeild until recently;
    those dreadful Shoes titles would never have grabbed my attention on a library
    shelf. They give no hint of the worthy stories therein. But the Goudge books must
    have just eluded me. Possibly they weren't in my childhood library at all, but I'd
    hope for better things from a Philadelphia Regional Library with an entire story
    dedicated to children's books.

    At least I've found both authors now,
    thanks to the discussion list I moderate (this sort of thing is one of its chief
    glories). Grown people who avoid children's books entirely have dead parts in
    their souls. Great children's books (and even merely good ones) and great literary
    classics (the categories are not exclusive) have far more in common than great
    literary classics and mediocre adult books. I believe with C.S. Lewis that "No
    book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally (and often far
    more) worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond." I think it's because good and
    great children's books are more likely to deal with important and universal
    questions head-on. Literary classics do too, but are more likely to cloak them in
    layers of metaphor and symbolism. Simple soul that I am, I like to take my
    philosophy straight.

    In the car last week and while embroidering
    yesterday, I listened to the first book of Jan Karon's Mitford trilogy, as read by
    the author. The Mitford series is often recommended as "if you liked Miss Read's
    Thrush Green or Fairacre series, you'll love..." Nope. Nope, nope. And I don't
    think it's just that my Anglophilia responds better to Cotswold stone than Georgia
    clay. (Or wherever.) The similarities are there, superficially; both authors write
    cozy books set in cozy towns where nothing much happens. But the Read books
    delineate place and characters much better, and when one person likes another it's
    easy to see why. I had no idea why Father Tim would prefer Cynthia to Olivia,
    except that the author said so, or why Miss Sadie would hoard money her whole life
    then suddenly turn generous. The Karon books ooze religion, while the Read books
    have it as the foundation of a society, quiet, unassuming, and unostentatious as
    it supports everything else. The Thrush Green Rector's prayers are part of him,
    while Father Tim's are for faith in a God who provides everything his petitioners
    ask for. (And why would faith even be needed, if that were true?) And no one in
    Mitford is ever the least bit crotchety -- even the jewel thief who hides out in
    the church is given as festive and loving send-off as the FBI carts him off. It's
    possibly the recording was abridged from the book, but since Karon herself read
    it, she must have approved any deletions.

    Karon's book seems to have
    been written in a reaction to all those nasty gritty slice-of-life books out
    there, the ones that leave a bad taste in your soul. But sugar syrup is no real
    nourishment. Miss Read's books talk about a place and people the author loves, and
    because of that, the place and the people are far more real. That's a diet a
    reader can grow on.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:43 AM

    June 01, 2002

    there is nothing like a musical

    Robert Goulet was much better than I expected as Emile Debec in South Pacific. You
    could tell he was stopping short on some notes in order to save his voice for the
    big moments, but when he needed it, it was there. Quite impressively there, in
    fact. Also, I realized that the main reason I was having trouble envisioning him
    in the role is that the man is just goofy looking. I hadn't been to a show in so
    long I'd forgotten you can't see their faces anyhow, so that didn't matter. Rudder
    complained that his body language was stiff, but that's probably attributable to
    his being 69 years old. (Way too old for Nurse Nellie!) Rudder never says anything
    good about musicals anyway -- he finds it too annoying and unrealistic when people
    spontaneously burst into song at odd moments. I can't imagine why; I do that
    around the house all the time. The woman playing Nellie Forbush was really playing
    Mary Martin playing Nellie Forbush, but was fairly good anyhow. Her accent and
    body language were as innocent small-town-hick as she's supposed to be. And the
    choral numbers were far more impressive live, especially all those powerful male
    voices in 'Nothing Like a Dame'.

    One complaint: that theater, the
    Gammage Auditorium on ASU campus, was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and for all
    his vision, the man had some problems with basic livability. There weren't nearly
    enough ladies' rooms, and when you finally got in after waiting in a long line,
    the stalls were dark and gloomy. Not quite sure what mood that's supposed
    to create.

    I meant to post piercing pics today, but will try to put
    those plus some from the race, up tomorrow instead.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:32 PM

    plans for the day

    Morning: Worked the starting line of a scrimmage race AussieCoach set up. It was
    supposed to be for novices, but somehow most of the city and club rowers ended up

    Afternoon: For once I actually did something about seeing a
    musical, and so we have tickets for South Pacific, which is one of my all time
    favorites (I think Rogers and Hammerstein could beat the shit out of Andrew Lloyd
    Webber and Stephen Sondheim, even with the cast of Stomp! thrown in.) I must admit
    that I'm a little weirded out by the idea of Robert Goulet as Emile Debec, but I'm
    willing to wait and see how it works.

    Night: Dinner after the
    musical, early to bed. *happy sigh*

    Posted by dichroic at 12:59 PM

    May 31, 2002

    fast but perforated

    I got a bunch of my navel-gazing questions answered this morning. It turns out
    one of the juniors is apprenticing to be a piercer. This is not a major surprise,
    considering the amount of metal already inserted through various parts of his body
    -- navel, behind (not through) both nipples, and "the one you can't see" (his
    words). Anyway, as both an athlete and a piercer, he was able to answer some of my
    specific questions better than the people at the piercing place, who look like
    they don't get out in daylight much. And he recommended that in future I go to
    the guy he's studying with -- I didn't quite have the heart to tell him I was
    planning to stop with just the one extra new hole.

    Back when I was
    coaching the city juniors programs, the kids used to come in and tell me about
    every new piercing this guy and another one had gotten, so I already knew he'd
    "pierced his junk" (their words).

    Why do people feel the need to
    tell about these things? Yesterday I walked to my car after work with a coworker
    heading in the same direction. This guy's wife also works here, and had told me
    about an unusual medical condition of his, including the exact reason she's glad
    they had their son a few years ago. Walking with him yesterday, all I could think
    was, "I know about this man's sperm count. That is far more than I wanted to know
    about him."

    Speaking of which, the sperm count in my boat was higher
    this morning. I rowed the double with Rudder, and this time it actually went
    fairly well. We did a 1000m piece faster than he and She-Hulk do it. (*gloat*) Of
    course, then he had to take credit for all the power -- "the boat was much more
    set so I could use my full power and I can't do that with her." Gee, at least he
    gave me credit for setting it. She'll be a better rowing partner for him in the
    long run; she's considerably bigger than I am, and she'll be able to improve her
    technique more than I will my strength.

    PS. Andrew's just got to fix this Optional Fields thing. They need to be
    longer, and they need to be re-editable. That up above should say, It's Mistress
    Sinister's fault."

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    tired, blah

    Rowed with Rudder this morning. Tired. Uninclined for productive work. Glad it's

    Posted by dichroic at 08:36 AM

    May 30, 2002

    not quite the Real Thing

    Thumbs down on new Vanilla Coke. It's got a taste that makes me wonder if anyone
    actually added a bit of vanilla extract to Coke to see what the real thing tasted
    like before starting to fiddle with the natural (so the label says)

    The new piercing gave me no trouble on the erg,
    fortunately, but does hurt a bit if I stretch way back. I started to do sit-ups on
    a close cousin to Marn's Purple Ball of
    Death, but switched to a mat instead because laying all the way back on the ball
    made me feel like the barbell was trying to push out through the band of skin it
    pierces. It seems to go through a longer bit of flesh than I had expected, or
    maybe that's just the angle.

    Incidentally, the ball I started out on
    was blue. I would think leaving giant blue balls scattered around a gym would tend
    to make male members uneasy from reasons they can't quite finger (oops, bad choice
    of words) but apparently not. Or maybe they're just not admitting

    Getting back to the piercing, I would love to hear from anyone
    with a navel piercing who's very athletic, especially anyone into something like
    yoga or Pilates, which would stretch it a bit, or rock climbers. We haven't been
    climbing much lately, but I can remember times when I had full frontal contact
    with a rock face. Ouch. Has the piercing been a problem for you, and if so, how
    did you deal I do think the barbell is less likely to get caught on a rock than a
    hoop would.

    Last night we wanted to discuss training with Hardcore
    and She-Hulk, so we went over to Hardcore's for her weekly neighborhood potluck.
    It was great -- they have a big backyard with sunflowers and corn growing and a
    chicken coop, and a cool older house with gorgeous hardwood floors. There were
    kids and dogs wandering everywhere -- the former ranged from 3 months on up to
    Hardcore's 17-year-old daughter, also a rower. (Don't know what to call her --
    Softcore is definitely out.) She-Hulk spent a long time blissfully rocking
    someone's baby to sleep and various moppets kept asking us (more or less
    intelligibly) for help in important endeavors like shredding a ball of foil or
    getting an ice cube out of the cooler. Their parents were also very cool, and the
    whole thing left me wishing we lived in that neighborhood. Our neighbors aren't
    nearly that friendly, or that much fun. Of course, we also don't have kids to
    serve as introductions. Still, one neighbor, the one who's also a rower, turned
    out to have been at the Philly Folk Fest back in one of the years I worked there.
    How cool is that? I don't have neighbors like that.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 29, 2002


    I got brave or stupid yesterday and stopped on the way home from work to get my
    navel pierced. It's always amusing to go to the piercing place, just to look at
    the people working there. The girl at the desk had a 2" barbell across her lower
    abdomen on either side, low enough that they'd only be visible above the hippest
    of hip huggers. The little kilt riding on her hips complimented it nicely, as I
    told her, since it was held together by large safety pins on either side. This is,
    of course, in addition to the inch-across grommets in her ears and various other
    metal in her face. The guy doing the actual piercing was even wilder, with huge
    holes in both lobes and heavy earrings that swung them as he moved his head, fangs
    hanging from his upper lip, and a hairstyle that somehow made me think of a gangly
    half-grown rooster. Nice people -- very patient with all my questions. And it's
    one of the best piercing studios in town, where they sterilize everything in an
    autoclave. They had a adjustable piercing chair sort of like an adapted dentist's
    chair, that I'd love to have in my house. They gave me a packet of sea salt and
    told me to soak it in warm saltwater 2-4 times a day, which requires some planning
    for the logistics of my life.

    Of course the experience is different
    for everyone. Hardcore had told me she couldn't even feel it when hers was
    pierced, but I most certainly did. Ow.Ow ow ow. But it didn't bleed at all, and it
    hasn't really hurt since except when bumped. I had them put in a plain steel
    curved barbell. Both ends unscrew, so I can put on a different color or a jewel,
    or hang a charm on it, without removing the jewelry.

    unfortunately, it was this morning. The piercer, when I told him about rowing,
    said, "You might want to hold off for a few days." Yeah, right. I had thought it
    wouldn't be much of a problem, since with a proper stroke the hands hit the body
    at the bottom of the ribs. I hadn't bargained on the fact that hands are lowered
    at the finish to get the oar blades out of the water, a motion just perfect for
    ripping out the barbell. I also forgot how much height can vary when the set's
    off, and it was this mooring. I spent the practice trying to finish a couple of
    inches out from my body instead, but did bump it a couple of times. The short bra
    top didn't help either, but putting my T-shirt back on made things a little
    better. I have some square waterproof band-aids, and will try wearing one of those
    next time. Egret tells me she used a gauze eyepatch when hers was new. She also
    tells me she had trouble with the erg -- I haven't tried that yet -- and that it
    got sore and oozy if she didn't soak it after practice. Unfortunately, she didn't
    tell me those details before I got mine done.

    I did the salt-
    water soak last night, first thing this morning, and again at the gym after
    practice. I also brought my salt packet to work and will soak again in the ladies
    room this afternoon. I managed to forget it in my car and had to go get it later -
    - there's nothing like the feeling of walking into an office building in an
    industry highly concerned with security, with an unmarked baggie full of white

    This is another thing, like leasing the Civic, that I'm not
    sure was a good decision. I can wear band-aids for a bit, but if rowing is an
    issue after the six-month healing period (yes, I know it's really 6-12 months)
    I'll have to consider getting rid of it. Rudder thinks the whole idea is silly,
    and I don't entirely disagree, though I do like the way it looks. And I like to do
    things that scare me sometimes. The nice things about piercings is that they're
    removable. Unless, of course, you have huge hanging holes in your earlobes.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:47 AM



    New piercing + oar handles = not a great

    More later. (No, I didn't rip it out, just a couple minor

    Posted by dichroic at 08:25 AM

    May 28, 2002

    After the Gold Rush

    Gold Rush regatta report: Rudder won two bronze and one silver medal, the former
    in his two singles (regular and lightweight) races and the latter in his double
    with She-Hulk. She-Hulk was veryvery happy at getting to take home a medal. He
    also came in first in his heat in the men's B single (B is ages 36-44 or
    thereabouts) and set a personal best time there.

    We came in last in
    both the quad and in my double with Hardcore, but not embarrassingly so. In the
    quad, I think we might do better with more practice -- the race was about our
    third time all rowing together. The double actually felt much better and smoother
    than the quad; and I think we were just rowing against some burly competition.
    (They didn't have a lightweight W2X category, unfortunately.) In my 300m sprint in
    my single, I came in THIRD, I say THIRD, ahead of TWO OTHER PEOPLE. Not only that,
    but I was closer to the first place finisher than the fourth and fifth place were
    to me. I got off the water grinning, practically jumping up and down in the boat.

    When Rudder rowed his marathon race in Louisiana, right before we
    moved from Houston, he said, "I've finally found my event and now we're moving!"
    and that's just how I feel. I've found my event, but unfortunately, hardly anyone
    holds 300m races. *snif* The standard distances for masters are 1000m and 5000m. I
    do best in shorter races, having no endurance to speak of. Even on the Concept II
    web site, where you can compare your erg times to others from around the world, if
    you plot my percentile, it is inversely proportionate to the distance. Egret and
    Hardcore and even Rudder are exactly opposite, preferring distance to the short
    haul, but I'm a quick-twitch kind of girl.

    Since Rudder's
    grandparents are moving to the other side of Sacramento, his parents were down to
    help them, and they, the grandparents, and an aunt and cousin all came out to
    watch us race. It's always cool to have a cheering section, and they had never
    seen him (or me) race before. Unfortunately they got there a bit too late to see
    any of his singles races, but were able to see him come in second in the double
    and to watch my sprint.

    Lake Natoma is really a wonderful venue for
    the race, and the club there did an excellent job of organizing. There were races
    every ten minutes from 8AM to 7PM, with a break for lunch and they managed to stay
    on time all day, not a trivial task. The barbeque lunch provided wasn't bad
    either, and they had a large tent with tables and chairs where Rudder's family
    were able to watch the races while staying in the shade. The weather was a little
    warm but very comfortable in the shade, and we had brought a shelter to set up
    near our boats, along with chairs, towels, and coolers so we could lounge in
    comfort between races.

    On Sunday, we acquiesced to duty and went off
    to Bodega Bay to help pack up another load of the grandparents' stuff. No one said
    much about the kayaks they'd offered us, but it was obvious we had no room for
    them anyhow, with three boats on the rack (ranging 27-45' long). We did somehow
    end up with a service for 12 of fine china. We don't particularly need such a
    thing, having already both good and everyday plates, but Rudder's mother really
    seemed to want us to take them and she's upset enough already about various other
    aspects of this move, so we just said thanks and took them. Anyhow, this gives me
    tea cups from this set of his grandparents to add to the ones from my grandmother,
    the ones from his great-grandmother (paternal side), the ones he brought from
    Taiwan, and the tea set I got in Korea. One of these days I really ought to hold
    a tea party, especially since this set actually includes a tea pot, something I
    was conspicuously missing.

    On the way back, we found a great place to
    stay. For some reason, some ranchers in a tiny town halfway between Sacramento and
    LA decided to diversify. Not only do they raise both beef and vegetables, they
    breed and board racing horses and run a hotel, restaurant and adjacent airstrip.
    The restaurant is about 25 years old and seems to be thriving; I'm not sure if the
    hotel is older or younger, but it also was quite busy. At any rate, both were
    wonderful and we'll certainly stop there again if we need a place to crash in the
    area. It would also be a great stop on a flying trip.

    At around 6
    last night, we finally pulled into our boatyard, having called Hardcore to come
    help unload the boats. She showed up with her husband and another rower who lives
    next to them, and we unloaded in record time. As we were standing around talking
    afterward, I decide to pop open a well-deserved beer, which is when the park cop
    drove by and busted me. Dammit. I guess my law-evading skills have atrophied, in
    all these years since I've been of legal age. He was nice about it at least, just
    made me pour it out and warned me not to drive (because, you know, those two sips
    would have just ruined my reflexes). And it did provide vast amusement to my
    audience. I imagine I'll be hearing about that one for some time.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:08 PM

    May 23, 2002

    ready to go, ready to GO!

    I'm all energetic and jittery today, which means one or more of these things is

    • I'm excited about the trip and the race on
    • Loading up boats instead of working out this morning has
      left me much less tired than usual. I do occasionally skip gym days, though, so
      maybe the tapering is working as well.
    • My morning Darjeeling was
      more caffeinated that the English Breakfast I drink more

    Probably all three, though I'd
    rank the influence of the caffeine higher than I'd thought because I just knocked
    over my Coke. This race is going to be fun; the people in my boat are
    hugely excited because they haven't raced in a while and it's their first big race
    independent of the moribund city program. Their enthusiasm (and willingness to do
    lots of the organizing work) has made this more exciting for us old hands too.
    Also, we'll get to see some of Rudder's family. Not only are my in-laws way cool,
    but it's always heartening to have people cheering for you during a

    This morning we loaded up all the boats, which went better than
    expected. We were afraid the oars wouldn't fit, but as it turned out, we were able
    to stash them under the biggest boat, at She-Hulk's excellent suggestion. The
    riggers and seats also fit inside better than expected.

    God thing I
    do have that extra energy today, because plans for the rest of the day are to
    leave work a bit early, shop for lunches and trip munchies, finishing loading our
    gear, and see how far we can get toward Sacramento before we poop out. (With all
    this talk of leaving the house, this might be a good time to mention my catsitter
    is married to a cop. If any hardened criminal types are reading this, don't rob
    me. You don't want to mess with my killer cat, anyhow.)

    I'm still
    listening to MLK on my commute, and still keep thinking how it relates to the
    situation in the Middle East. Tom Clancy, who is certainly a better strategist
    than writer, has a plot somewhere in which a Palestinian leader educated in the US
    persuades his people to stage a sit-in, singing "We Shall Overcome" in Arabic. I
    have a suspicion that if that had been tried in real life, they might have their
    sovereignty by now.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 22, 2002

    Has anybody here seen my old friend Martin?

    Here's what's wrong with my href="">rant from yesterday, I've
    just realized: people fall asleep during rants. They get boring. This is why I
    will never asked to tell the Israeli people how to run their country. Sarcasm, as
    the old bards knew, is far more effective. Check href="">this out, courtesy of the
    inimitable Miss Throckmorton.

    Though, as I noted, I don't have the
    moral credibility to off suggestions to people who are facing insane bombers, I
    was listening yesterday to the words of someone who does. I've been driving to the
    tune of the autobiography of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, created by
    collecting his writings and recorded speeches to tell the story of his life. The
    people of Montgomery, during the bus boycott, did face enemies far enough gone in
    hatred to throw bombs into their houses and churches. The last of those bombers is
    on trial only now, in fact. And Martin called on them to return hatred with love,
    to preserve themselves by turning away from bitterness and preserving their
    principles of nonviolence. Jews don't have that "love thy enemy" principle, but
    our entire Law was summarized by Hillel as "What is hateful to you, do not do unto
    another". You don't have to love them, but you do have to treat them with the
    common humanity that is become so uncommon.

    Listening to Reverend
    King, I find I can't forget for a moment that the "Dr." in his title was an earned
    doctorate. That man was incredibly well-educated, with a command of the language
    that reminds me of the speeches of Winston Churchill I listened to recently. I'm
    impressed that he used that erudition as a tool for his passion, that he managed
    to communicate and lead people of every level of education through some fairly
    difficult concepts and more than fairly difficult levels of pain and

    I would like to know who was the main organizer of
    the logistics of getting people around during the Montgomery bus boycott, whether
    it was King or Abernathy or someone else. I don't know why budding MBAs don't
    study that episode in management classes. Imagine: you have half a city full of
    people, few of whom own cars, few of whom can afford to take a cab every day, and
    you need to keep them off the city bus system. For a full year, as it turned out.
    Even the sympathetic cab companies can't lower their fares, because there's a
    minimum fare mandated by law. Even the most sympathetic of white employers are
    being pressured not to pick up and deliver their employees. On the first few days,
    people would walk as much as 12 miles to their jobs, which bespeaks an amazing
    level of commitment, but no one can keep that up, not in sweltering Alabama summer
    heat, not in icy winter rains. They organized all the people with cars, had them
    donate as much time as possible and set up regular routes and dispatch stations.
    And people walked where possible, or drove mules, or did anything else they could
    to get around. For, I repeat, just about an entire year. An amazing feat of
    motivation and logistics.

    I don't know if this book is available in
    book form -- it would lose a lot without the recorded speeches -- but Corretta
    Scott King's book Life With Martin also has a lot of the

    Um, so much for using sarcasm instead of earnestness. I
    don't think I have a future as a bard. Oops also about that second line above this
    message. That should read, "Now Playing in my Head: Sweet Home Alabama. Those
    lyrics are so hateful I'm always amazed they still play that song. Also, Phil
    Och's "Here's the State of Mississippi". I'll be glad when Andrew fixes things so
    we can edit those fields after entering them.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 21, 2002

    prophets and profits -- both dangerous

    I keep wanting to write a speech about the situation in the Middle East. It would
    begin with Shylock, and go like this:

    "If you
    prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do
    we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?"

    Yes, yes,
    yes, and hell, NO! If we revenge ourselves upon madmen and -women by sinking to
    their level, if we trade terror for terror, then we have lost those things that
    gave us any claim to moral superiority. We have claimed to be a Chosen People for
    two thousand years, and now it is our duty to live up to our traditions. Many of
    us are tired of that yellow badge, and would claim that we deserve, and bear the
    responsibility of only the common responsibilities of humanity -- but campaigns of
    terror donÕt even reach that standard. We are, if we are nothing else, the people
    of the Book, not the people of the bomb, and it is in our traditional strengths of
    learning and teaching that we have our best chance for peace in our home lands. We
    are a people of long memory; have we forgotten the lessons of Joseph, of dealing
    kindly with the strangers and refugees among us? Do we remember only the episodes
    of vengeance in our Book? Vengeance is not ours to practice, by the very teachings
    of that Book as much by the common sense and common bond of

    Fortunately or unfortunately, nobody
    is booking me to give any speeches on the subject. I could go on in that vein for
    paragraphs. And in some ways, I'm not qualified to give that speech anyway; no one
    I know is cowering at home, afraid to leave the house. No one I know has loved
    someone they loved to an insane bomber. But by the bones of all the prophets of
    three religions, how many people do you have to kill before you can see that maybe
    there's a better way?

    I could also write a rant about George Bush's
    stance on Cuba; funny how those noble humanist ideals don't apply to China, or any
    of the other places where we can make a profit. Must be because he doesn't have a
    brother running Hong Kong. But one advantage of our quarrelsome two-party system
    is that, when both parties agree on something, and it's not something that will
    line their own pockets, there's a pretty good chance that it's the clear right
    thing to do. Unless you've got a brother who will be looking for votes pretty
    soon, anyway.

    Uh, maybe "could write a rant" wasn't the right
    expression. I think I just did.

    We're in the homestretch of getting
    ready for this weekend's regatta. We've got back and forth over it, but it looks
    like our fourth rower will be back and we will be racing in the quad. I've also
    got a race in a single and one in the double with Hardcore; Rudder has two in the
    single and one in the double with She-Hulk. The imminent (do I mean immanent?)
    challenge will be putting all three boats, not to mention four pair of oars, on
    top of the Cherokee, and getting seven riggers inside. I will be following my
    usual practice in these situations: stay out of Rudder's way except when he wants

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 20, 2002

    the rescuers

    I was proud of us this morning. On our final lap, Rudder and She-Hulk, Hardcore
    and I were in two doubles, about to do our racing starts together (half, half,
    three-quarters, full stroke, ten really fast strokes and glide, see who's ahead)
    when Hardcore, rowing stroke in my boat said, "Hey that girl in the single just
    flipped." She was just on the other side of the bridge, maybe 100 yards from us;
    we got both boats turned and to her in about a minute.

    She'd flipped
    over not far from one of the lake access stairways. By the time we got there,
    she'd gotten her boat to the side (only 3 meters or so) and was standing on the
    bottom stair trying to right her boat. She got that done and got back in fairly
    quickly (not easy, in a tippy boat with 9' oars on either side. when you can't
    extend the oars out to keep you stable because your boat is by a wall). She had a
    little trouble pulling away from the wall, but didn't take much time at that
    either. We didn't have to do anything but offer advice, as it turned out. She was
    lucky the water's warm now. Still, people die every year from falling out of
    boats. We were in a time and place to do some good, if it had needed to be done
    (and with medical personnel, yet -- Hardcore's a nurse and Rudder and I are
    trained in First Aid, though I'd be scared to depend on us alone). That's more
    than can be said for anyone in either of the two coaching launches on the lake at
    the time.

    If she'd needed us, we'd have been there. If I were her,
    I'd be pretty happy to have someone there just in case (as I think she was).

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 19, 2002

    you could argue that way

    One of the major joys of an unplanned weekend is being able to go into a bookstore
    and spend time in there. (Of course, it's also one of the perils-to-the-
    checkbook.) I went all by myself, too, so I didn't have to worry about anyone else
    being bored. I was reasonably moderate; I got the Harry Potter II audiotape I'd
    gone in for (part of the ongoing campaign to turn Rudder on to Good Books, and
    part of the plan to keep whichever of us is driving awake on next week's
    megadrive), and only three other paperbacks (Chronicles of Chrestomanci II
    and the two sequels to Mercedes Lackey's Knight of Ghosts and Shadows. The
    latter are a little trashy, but entertaining and I enjoy how she weaves her
    various elvendoms together.)

    Lots of people have trouble with too
    many italics or underlines, but I'm the only member I know of in Parentheses

    I'm finally getting over the silly feeling of guilt I
    always have when I go somewhere on a weekend without Rudder. We get to spend so
    little awake time together during the week (rowing on the same lake at the same
    time in different boats -- or even at opposite ends of a quad or an eight --
    doesn't count) and so we tend to spend all of our weekends together. However, we
    both enjoy shopping far more if he's not there. When he is, he's bored and I'm
    always rushing, not getting to stop and look at interesting things or buy
    frivolous things. (Then again, there's something to be said for that last,
    considering what I spent on skin-care today.) Because of that, shopping together
    leaves us both cranky (and not shopping for things I want leaves me cranky) so
    that we don't much enjoy each other's company anyway. Plus, I bought cat litter
    and food while I was out, so everyone benefits. Therefore, my going to the mall
    alone is actually a proactive way of strengthening our marriage. Yeah, that's it.
    I'm selflessly sacrificing myself to the goddesses of commerce in order to build a
    happier home. And practicing my logic skills at the same time, too!

    Posted by dichroic at 01:36 PM

    May 18, 2002

    a wolverine's man

    I'm href="">Logan
    href="">What X-Men Character are

    No fair, Mechaieh gets to be Rogue. Not sure I'm entirely
    comfortable being a "man's man"; being called a "tough guy" I can deal with.

    Forgot to mention, I did not go get my navel pierced. I've more or less
    decided to do it, but Hardcore, Natalieee, and
    the guy at the piercing place all advised me not to do it before next week's
    regatta, and it seemed like a good idea to listen to the people who knew what they
    were talking about. I went to the piercing place anyway, partly to scope it out
    and partly because looking at the people behind the counters there is always
    entertaining. I've never quite figured out who could think some of those piercings
    look good. (Though I did sort like of the fangs one of them had -- piercings on
    either edge of his upper lip with centimeter-long metal points coming down from
    the bottom side.) And one guy either had three big lumpy things implanted under
    the skin on one arm or was very allergic to something. Hard to tell.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:39 PM

    relaxed now

    Today: sleeping in, snuggling with Rudder (er, in-depth snuggling), going to the
    gym, a bit of pool maintenance, going to the new IMAX movie about the Space
    Station. And last night involved steaks and beer -- yum. Tomorrow we need to put
    together the rack for transporting our boats to the races, so it won't be quite as
    relaxing, but then I'm taking off next Friday so it's a short


    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    May 17, 2002

    not much to say

    Funny, I don't seem to have much to say today. Work's OK. We're still trying to
    figure out logistics for next weekend's regatta. My biggest dilemma just at the
    moment is, "leave early, or earn some overtime"? The latter would be smarter,
    since I'm taking next Friday off without pay, but I have a feeling free time will
    look even better an hour or two from now.

    And if I got my navel
    pierced, would I regret it? Rudder thinks it's a silly idea, and I have a regatta
    in just over a week for which I'll be wearing a spandex unisuit -- I don't know if
    that would be too uncomfortable. Also, is the whole idea too 1998, or has it
    become a standard thing like pierced ears? I actually saw jewelry for a navel
    piercing for sale in the Nordstrom's catalog, of all places. I'm not sure what
    that means. And with that total lack of profundity, this is Dichroic signing out.
    Have a good weekend.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 16, 2002


    Open letters:

    To a coworker:


    You shuffle
    around like you're scared someone's going to hit you. Come over here and look in
    this mirror. Think about yourself. You're tall and blond and smart. People like
    you. I'm not saying everyone needs to be outgoing and brash, but you'd be so
    gorgeous and elegant if you'd just STAND UP STRAIGHT! Walk like you own the world,
    girl. Because you do.


    To Egret and

    Yesterday was my second Wednesday in a row without any beer. This
    sucks. Are you sure you want to stay over there having adventures, seeing new
    things and meeting new people instead of drinking with



    To whoever decided this plant should
    have a 24-hour day:

    Could we just make the nights a little longer,


    Dichroic (human)


    If online diaries are addictive, does that make you a pusher or an
    enabler? Thanks for D'land, though.

    Gold Member

    To Mechaieh:

    I finally got your b'day card

    Procrastinatingly yours,


    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 15, 2002

    not coherent today

    These meetings that last until 12:45 are killing me, and I still have another
    couple of them. I'm now on Phase 3 of an incoherent day. Phase 1: rowed hard and
    it's getting pretty warm out there. By the time I got showered and to work (about
    an hour and fifteen minutes after getting off the water) I was getting that low-
    blood-sugar, not-really-safe-to-drive feeling. Grabbed a Gatorade and a Luna Bar
    (blessed be their makers) and got to my 8AM meeting only 20 minutes late (not a
    big deal, in this case).

    Those held me for a bit, but then I was
    still feeing a bit groggy so I had some actual real coffee. I had forgotten how
    bad office coffee tends to be. Between that and how long the meeting lasted, I was
    lightheaded again by the time it broke up, the cafeteria was closing in fifteen
    minutes, and it wasn't serving anything good anyway.

    I called in an
    order for some Chinese food, getting a big meal so I can have leftovers tomorrow.
    Dragged myself all the way out to my car, to the restaurant, and back -- more
    driving in a muddled state. Now I've eaten and I think the soda has kicked in but
    not the food, so I have a bit of a sugar high without actually having my blood
    sugar come back to a level that would make my mind function more or less normally
    again. If IÕm veryvery lucky, I won't be feeling queasy from the coffee later this
    afternoon. (This is the main reason I generally only drink decaf, but it seems to
    be cumulative so sometimes I can get away with a very occasional mugfull.) I hope
    no one wants me to do anything productive this afternoon. Maybe I'll go file.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 14, 2002

    it's my diary and I'll brag if I want to

    It is fun, when attending a meeting mostly populated by more senior folks, to pipe
    up with a comment and hear, "Hey, that's a good point." "Yes, we need to consider
    that." "Good call!"

    It's even more fun to hear a deafening silence,
    as everyone suddenly thinks, "Uh oh. Why didn't we think of that

    This is why I like software quality assurance. With a
    tenuous grip on the latest ideas and methodologies, a good memory for what was
    said in the previous presentation, and a dollop of common sense, you can leave a
    roomful of managers speechless for entire seconds.

    My body seems to
    be changing again. Lately, I've put on a couple of pounds (literally a couple) but
    our body-fat-measuring scale says my body fat percentage has gone down 2-3 points
    (it varies.) The scale is wildly inaccurate as far as actual percentage, but it
    seems to be fairly consistent, so I think I can trust it to indicate trends. If
    so, I must have traded a pound or so of fat for about four of muscle. Cool. And
    this morning, I did my 1000m erg warmup faster than usual, and even upped all my
    weight. And I found out that on the leg extension machine, the most painful one I
    do where the lightest weight the machine can do never seems to get any easier,
    it's actually less painful and not much harder doing a heavier weight. Apparently,
    it was just the lightest weight that hurts so much, and I really am able to move

    Also, I notice I'm not having a tendency to want to skip gym
    days any more. I should still get up and go earlier than I do, but I get there in
    time to work out enough, I think. I still wake up wanting to skip rowing, but
    that's inevitable. At that time of the morning, it's perfectly reasonable to want
    to skip anything that doesn't involve going back to sleep.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 13, 2002

    third time is not charming

    I think my truck is suffering from either altitude sickness or sibling envy. I'm
    not sure which. The engine light is back on for a third time. Here's the

    I leased a Civic for the commute to work, because it's a long
    drive and I do it every day, and I wanted something that drank its gasoline in
    small sips. My truck drinks in nearly a ladylike manner for a truck, but it still
    is a truck. (That translates to about 21 mpg highway, for the numerically
    inclined.) Before leasing Zippy the Honda, I'd driven the truck every day. It's a
    great truck and I'm quite fond of it, a '96 Toyota Tacoma that has given me hardly
    any problems since I bought it new. One reason for leasing the Civic was to
    prolong the truck's life. (Environmental guilt was also high on the

    I don't use the Civic on weekends, because the lease came with
    limited mileage, so the truck does get out every week or so. We've been using it
    most lately to haul water up to the property to water the trees we planted. The
    first time we went up, we drove an extra hour to a larger town, bought the trees,
    and had the check engine light come on as we drove back to the property. We
    planted the trees, headed home, and had the truck checked out. The mechanics
    replaced the air filter, which hadn't looked too bad the last time I'd had oil
    changed, and the fuel filter, which had apparently never been changed. (Jiffy Lube
    apparently doesn't check it. Who knew?)

    About two weeks later, we
    went back to water the trees. We distributed the water, had lunch, went to get
    block ice to leave dripping on the trees, and had the light come on again. This
    time the mechanics replaced the fuel vapor valve, which they say is one of the
    very last things you check with that light. After this latest fix, I drove the
    truck to work two days (total probably over 160 miles -- this is in addition to
    the 100 miles the mechanics put on it to test it. No lights.

    Saturday, we went up to water the trees again. This time, we watered them, then
    got gas to get us home. Pulled out of the station, and Rudder directs my attention
    to the engine light, once more glowing cheerfully. Grrr.

    The summary
    version is that the light only seems to come on after the truck sits turned off at
    altitude (the airpark is at 7600', home is about 1200') for a couple of hours. The
    mechanics who worked on it tell me it's not likely to be related to the elevation,
    but I'm not convinced. (Though I am too lazy to do the pressure calculation.) I
    figure this is either an altitude thing or else it's due to sibling new-baby
    jealousy, since none of this happened before I leased the Honda. I've tried
    explaining that it was for the truck's own good, but it is not very savvy on the
    difference between leasing and purchasing, nor inclined to listen to my

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 12, 2002

    almost good

    I passed my BFR.

    The List discussion seems to be becoming more
    constructive and our new policies are getting the wrinkles

    Rudder and I have a good idea for what we're doing July 4th

    Best of all, the reason I seem to have so little money in my
    checking account has to do with a paycheck I forgot to write in.

    if only I didn't have to go to work tomorrow, life would be damn near perfect
    ..... on the other hand, I actually like my job, so it could easily be a lot

    Posted by dichroic at 11:49 AM

    May 11, 2002

    in the pines, in the pines

    Last night was the rowing club competitive group annual outing -- we got to go
    partly because we have, after all, been registering as club members at races,
    partly because I did row with them for the first couple months of this year, and
    mostly because they never took me off the email list. It was well done, actually -
    - a little expensive but the food was decent and the company was happy and
    friendly. The coach, probably with some help, gave out awards (just printed on a
    sheet of paper) to everyone, including me. Mine was for, and I quote, "Biggest
    Little Woman", for best lightweight woman. I think I may be the only lightweight
    woman who's rowed for them this year, but hey, I never turn down an award. The
    coach was turning 30 that day, so people had brought presents for him, mostly
    beer. We brought a little koala bear holding a boomerang (one of the tchotckes
    still hanging around the house from our Australia trip a while back, because he
    apparently lived there a while and still likes to sound like an Aussie) and a
    card, improbably purchased at the local drugstore, showing a crew holding up an
    eight before lowering it into the water and making some crack about giant
    suppositories. I guess you had to see it.

    Today we went up to the
    airpark property to water our baby trees, which are doing well despite the dry
    year we've been having. The aspen has even sprouted leaves. Despite the two-hour
    drive, it's incredibly relaxing to go up and breathe air scented only by pine and
    avgas and not have anything else we need to be doing at that instant. It was
    incredibly windy, though -- must have been gusting to 35 knots. Tomorrow I'll take
    yet another stab at that biannual flying review (with luck it will be less windy)
    and try to nail down our plans for July 4 week. Just at the moment, we're leaning
    toward going to Alaska.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 10, 2002

    Hold, please

    I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that there's no such thing as a telecon
    that's not two long. Certainly not when they last for two hours and are held
    weekly, anyway -- doesn't matter how interesting the subject is, and sometimes it
    really is, it's too damned long. On the other hand, the telecons are no longer
    physically uncomfortable, since our admin person found me a cool headset, so now I
    don't have to hold a phone to my ear for two hours. Of course, now I look like an
    old fashioned telephone operator, with my little microphone. and I have to keep
    stifling the urge to say, "Hold, please," in a nasal voice. Fortunately there's a
    mute button.

    The headset had been used before, but fortunately the
    admin also brought me a couple of alcohol wipes to sanitize it with. What looked
    suspiciously like foundation came off on the pad when I wiped off the earpiece.
    Ick. One major problem with being new in the office is that everything I have is
    inherited -- when I first moved into this cube I spent a good amount of time
    getting the dust and in some cases stickiness off of everything. I can't claim to
    be any better, though; my semifortunate* addiction to Snyder's Sourdough Hard
    Pretzels invariably results in crumbs in the keyboard. Every once in a while I go
    fishing with scotch tape to clean it out.

    I went to lunch today at a
    place that combines Chinese and Mexican food. It's an institution for people who
    work out here, and I had heard of it for years, from a former coworker who had
    worked here before (aerospace is a small world) and used to whine about how much
    he missed the place. I'd have to give it as my opinion, though, the idea is better
    than the execution. Or rather, the whole setup is cool, but I wasn't all that
    thrilled with the actual food.

    Oops, almost neglected to say that
    Rudder actually rowed with us in the quad, since one woman (the only one without a
    nom) is away. It actually went fairly well, though he's still not impressed with
    our power. Then again, he has no idea what a woman's boat is typically like, and
    he's not much impressed with the power of most people out there.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 09, 2002


    Gyms are dangerous places to walk around. I think I banged my knee this morning. (Correction: I know damned well I banged my knee; I think it was in the gym this morning.) It should be better in time for tomorrow's row though. Unlike Batten, I only specialize in minor injuries: bumps, bruises, scrapes. Never broken a bone (yet!) probably mostly because so many of my childhood adventures were on the printed pages rather than the playing fields of Eton (or, more likely, Northeast Philadelphia). Come to think of it, many of my childhood adventures were on the playing fields of Eton, or thereabouts, vicariously. Isaac Asimov once wrote something about having not a drop of English blood in his body but being descended from that heritage in his ideas literary outlook, a much more central thing to him, and I'm the same way.

    I have a theory Asimov and I are/were distantly related, anyhow. His mother's (not uncommon) birth name was the same as mine, my ancestors were from around they area where he was born, and my mind seems to work in the same packrat, unspecialized fashion as his, though of course not as well. A similarity of kind rather than of degree. Quite likely the theory is completely wrong, though, As I said, it's not that rare a name. (What do you mean, you've never met any other Dichroics?)

    I also have a theory that, having written in here for about fourteen months, I'm starting to repeat myself; I'm fairly sure I've expounded the above before. I've been swamped lately, and that always does horrible things to my memory. (It's also making me far behind on dealing with changes to my list. Repeat: "It's only a list. It's only a list....")

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Jim Croce missed an opportunity

    If I could save time in a bottle,

    The first thing that I'd like to do.....

    ...... is to sell it to people like me who need some extra, make a fortune, and
    retire to enjoy the blessings of for once having both time and money at the same

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 08, 2002

    becoming jello

    This will be the first Wednesday in a long time that we haven't gone out with
    Egret and T2. Rudder is probably taking his clients out to dinner again (and even
    if he doesn't, he hasn't been getting home until 6:30 or 7 (not so bad until you
    realize he's in there by 7:30 AM). So I finally did something I've been meaning to
    (and not finding time for) since starting back to work. I've booked an appointment
    for a massage this evening.

    I go to a local school, where I usually
    get a massage from one of the students. The facility is nicer than some expensive
    spas I've seen, I've always been happy with the students (I don't think they let
    them work on paying students until they're fairly advances, and you can't beat the
    $29/hour rate. Today, though, because I didn't call for an appointment until
    this morning, I could only get a slot with one of the instructors. At
    $49/hour, it's still not too bad, and I am eager to see how much better this
    gets (the student ones usually leave me a relaxed lump of quivering jello, as it

    Because time slots available were limited, I'll have to leave
    work 15 minutes early, and I got in a little late this morning. However, I was
    late because I was over picking up three boxes of Krispy Kreme doughnuts to bring
    to work, so I don't expect complaints.

    My shoulders are stiff from an
    intense practice this morning (I lost skin on my hands in four separate spots!)
    and my thighs are a little sore, probably from overstretching in the gym
    yesterday. Add that to general tension from the list debacle, work, coordinating
    rowing plans, lack of sleep, and not getting to see much of my husband, and what
    you end up with is a woman desperately in need of massage therapy. I am so looking
    forward to this.

    Oh, and check out the scaled-down sleeker (well, a
    little) new layout!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 07, 2002

    burritos and earthworms

    Last night on the show "Fear Factor", contestant were required to eat "blood
    balls" made of coagulated cow's blood wrapped in pig intestines. They had to eat
    five within four minutes, nosing them out from among a platterful of live
    earthworms without using their hands. No one completed the challenge. (Apparently
    the blood balls were very dry and difficult to swallow.)

    This makes
    me feel much better about having eaten Taco Bell 'food' for lunch. Besides, I've
    been trying to get hold of my doctor to ask if the results of a recent cholesterol
    test are something I really need to worry about (total number is high, but all the
    ratios are OK) so I may as well scarf down some more fat and clarify the

    The brouhaha on my list seems to be dying down, to the
    point that people are starting to offer constructive suggestions. Many of them
    are upset we didn't consult them. I don't agree here -- for one thing we knew what
    the results would be and for another, this is what list moderators are for -- but
    I think it may help if we take some of their suggestions to improve the new

    I think today is Egret's day to leave for Ireland.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 06, 2002

    superhero clothing

    There's a common recurring dream, in which you find yourself out in public and
    suddenly realize you have no clothes on. Lots of people have variations of this
    dream; few actually have it happen in reality. Well, no, I didn't really go out
    naked. But this morning after rowing, I noticed my gas light was on. Normally, I
    fill my gas tank well before the Empty light comes on, but in the new Honda, that
    happens when there's still a quarter tank left. On the other hand, I haven't had
    the car long enough to get over the "Oh no, I'm entirely out of gas" panic. (It
    drives me nuts when Rudder waits until he's into his past gallon to refuel his
    truck.) Given my long commute and the location of the nearest gas station, the
    obvious thing to do was to fill up right away, on the way to the gym where I
    shower after rowing. I pulled up, got out of the car, entered my debit card and
    PIN, stepped on the clutch and moved the car six inches after realizing the hose
    wouldn't reach, and began fueling. And then I looked down and realized I was still
    in my rowing clothes, which now that it's gotten warmer consist of only a Lycra
    tank and shorts. Oops. I hope the guys at the other pumps enjoyed themselves at
    least. It could have been worse though -- another few degrees warmer and it
    wouldn't have been a tank but a sports bra, with my pasty abs on view in all their
    flabby glory.

    Of course, I'd have sucked it in as soon as I

    I'm dressed now though; for some reason the place where I
    get my hair cut has a rack of Bali dresses (long loose sundresses with batik
    prints) for sale, and I picked one up for a mere song (no really, they gave it to
    me to stop me singing ). It hangs from shoulder straps, doesn't bind anywhere
    but has a tie in back just below the shoulders so it doesn't look like a muumuu,
    and has a funky beige-on-black fish-skeleton print. (Though that looked better
    before I got almost all the blonde tips in my hair cut off.) It's a little narrow
    for its ankle length, so if I take long steps, I stretch the skirt to its limit
    and it makes a cool whooshing sound as I walk that makes it sound like I'm moving
    very fast. This is the grownup-up version of running around with a cape on, like
    little kids playing superhero. Come to think of it, the Lycra costume from earlier
    goes well with that image, too.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    May 05, 2002


    After noting the reaction this weekend on my email list to the changes we've made,
    the fact that I need to do still review on the BFR (emergency landings
    sucked again) and the fact that like 5 people have read this diary, I've

    Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, think I'll go eat

    Though really I'm not sure how that would help matter. Never
    mind; first thing tomorrow I'll go row with three women who are very excited about
    this quad we've put together and plan to race and that will be both fun and
    affirming. So anyone else with negative comments to make can just sod


    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 04, 2002

    Dichroic, autocrat

    The word for the weekend is "Arrggghh". I have to go up at least one more time for
    my BFR, because my (faked) emergency landings still sucked, and the CFI has this
    stubborn idea about how he wants to make sure I'm safe up there

    On the splitting-the-list issue, I expected my hand-wringing,
    but a bigger percentage of the responses are negative that, I expected -- the
    first couple were positive, but it's been all downhill since then. One thing that
    annoys me is now we're starting to get complaints from people who were part of the
    problem in the first place. (I was especially amused by the one who deplored
    splitting the lists but then said we should have just let people join my list
    without requiring them to be members of the other one. Huh?) And one thing that
    worries me is the very few volunteers we've gotten to be on the jury that judges
    new members. We can't do this without help from the list members, which is
    probably part of what got us into this list.

    And we can't go
    back to the way things were. The other moderators simply don't want us there. Oh,
    they'd have probably let us stay attached if I begged, but it would have been
    miserable to try to keep the lists together without enthusiasm on both sides. And
    anyway, I don't beg. Not without damned good reason, anyway.

    true that the list members have a point in deploring our taking such a major step
    without consulting them, but had we done so, they'd have all voted to keep the
    lists connected without coming up with ways to solve the original problem. And a
    vote and ensuing discussion would have taken forever, while the other moderators
    were urging us to a speedy decision. Autocracy is so much more efficient :-

    Work is so-so at the moment -- lots of interesting things going on,
    but being a contractor is a bit of a problem, since it's hard to get the training
    to do my job as well as I'd like. And this is internal company stuff, so it's not
    like I could go train on my own. My boss has been difficult to find and talk to
    lately, too, which is always worrying.

    As I said, "arrgghh". At least
    rowing is going well.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    reshaping email lists

    Well, that's done. My list has split off its parent list, at the request of the
    parent listÕs moderator. I don't entirely concur in the need to split. No
    actually, more honestly, I did think they needed to, until the other day when I
    explained the existing policy to someone who couldn't understand why she couldn't
    join mine without being on the other one for two months (she was upset at having
    to suffer the "embarrassment" of being denied for membership -- some people take
    this shit way too seriously) and in the process of answering I convinced
    myself that the attachment was a good thing. But clearly, it's not good for either
    list to be attached if the moderators of both are not enthusiastic about the

    Our immediate problem then became how to screen new members for
    the list I moderate. We're a general discussion list, unlike the parent list which
    is devoted to the Lord Peter Wimsey books, so it's not self-selecting, and we
    needed a way to keep out idiots. The whole idea of splitting the lists, however
    justified, struck me as dreary and depressing, so I wanted to think up an idea
    that would counter that, that would be fun and interesting. Racking my brain, I
    came up with the idea of audition-by-jury -- potential members will be asked to
    write a bit about who they are, why they want to join us, and why we want them to
    join us, and a jury of four list-members will decide whether to admit them, with
    me or one of the other moderators casting a deciding vote.

    I hope
    this works, and is as interesting (in a good way) as I think it can

    PS: Given that this is a list of people who love books, and that
    all present members are Lord Peter fans, there are definitely some readers of this
    who might want to consider joining -- or even joining the (formerly) parent Lord
    Peter discussion list.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:21 AM

    May 03, 2002

    rowin' with the big boys

    Every time I walk back from the cafeteria here, I step outside, tilt back my head,
    and just smell the breeze. The courtyard isn't all that exciting, and most of it
    is covered in concrete, but it has sagebrush and mesquite trees, and even some
    anomalous grass, and the air at the time of day is pleasantly warm and breezy.
    This won't last much longer; in another month or so I'll be taking the shortest
    path across to try to get out of the broiling heat. But for now ....

    This morning, Rudder took the single and neither Hardcore nor
    She-Hulk wanted to row the double with me (because they wanted to make sure they
    didn't leave the city people with too few rowers to fill a boat. The city men,
    though, were about to take out an eight with only six rowers, so I volunteered to
    row with them -- I figure at least I'm stronger than the empty seat they'd have
    had otherwise. Then once we got out in the lake, Yosemite Sam announced we were
    going to row very hard, for a very long time. Oig. He told us we would be rowing
    "as hard as we could" for an hour. I interpreted this to mean, "as hard as we
    could sustain for that long", which is a very different thing. Fortunately, he had
    to break after half an hour to switch people around and let the coxswain get a
    chance to row, so I got out then. (I had told them I needed to leave a little
    early to get to work on time.) The funny thing is that I wasn't nearly as tired as
    I should have been after half an hour at full pressure. Either I wasn't keeping up
    my end or those men are a bunch of wimps.

    Shout out to Mechaieh:
    this would be another good day to commend yourself for retiring as listmom. Oy.
    But I think I've got a solution to the latest dilemma that is not only workable
    but positive -- now we'll see how it goes in practice.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:44 AM

    May 02, 2002

    various annoyances

    Arrgghh. All-day meetings do not mesh well with List crises. And I'm *tired*. Last
    night I had dinner with Egret, and then, since neither of the guys were here, we
    walked over to the local Barnes and Noble, where she bought three books for her
    trip to Ireland, just on my recommendation. No, four -- she picked up the first
    Amelia Peabody too, in combination with Bill Bryson's Notes from a Small
    , David Sedaris' Me Talk Pretty One Day, and some book about
    living in Ireland that I'd never read but that looked interesting. ("Expat books,"
    I said, as I handed them to her.) I hope she likes them. I'm a little worried
    about how she'll like it over there -- no baby to birth and raise, as she'd
    expected, neither of her other children there, no one else she knows but T2, and
    no job. I wouldn't think of it being anything but a grand adventure, except for
    the first and last of those items (well, she'll miss her teenagers, but they'll
    visit). But living with a new husband and no job will be a challenge. She's
    adaptable though, and has lived overseas before, so she'll make it. And having T2
    there will make up for a lot -- that's exactly one person more than I knew when I
    moved across the country after college.

    The latest list crisis is
    being a mess, because I don't think there's any ideal situation to this one. Maybe
    it's not even something the moderators should decide alone. Maybe I should retire
    and let someone with more spare time deal with it. (An aside: All of the
    moderators on both lists have lots of demands on their time, but I swear some of
    the listmembers do nothing but sit in front of the computer. Even when I was
    unemployed, with no job, no kids, and no responsibilities except to show up for
    rowing and find a new job, I didn't have as much free time as some of these people
    do. Amazing. And how boring for (and of) them.) With luck, we'll resolve this one
    way or another without any of the mods getting too annoyed at each other (As
    opposed to those who always annoy us anyway. There's no hope for

    And so, back into the meetings.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 01, 2002

    almost as bad as hanging wallpaper together

    I'm writing this early today because I'm sitting here on the phone in a very, very
    long teleconference. I could go join some people in a conference room, but if I
    stay here at my desk, I can get other work (and this) done, and be ready to take
    action when the fire I'm expecting later today blazes up. Yes, I know that's not
    a great way to work ("reactive, not proactive", in management-speak) but I've
    already done the preparation that will let me auto-generate the reports I'll

    This morning, Rudder and I rigged the boats -- we take off the
    riggers, which are the crosspieces that hold the oarlocks to transport the boats
    to regattas -- and then rowed the double together for one lap and a bit. This is
    only about the second time we've ever rowed a double together, because he's so
    much taller and stronger than I am. It was an interesting row -- not as bad as I
    expected, I'm not seeking a divorce now or even annoyed at him. There were some
    comments about how "heavy" the boat felt, meaning he had to pull more of the
    weight, followed by claims that he was not either being critical, but I had
    expected that.

    Rudder is much better than most of the people I've
    rowed with too -- he and T2 rowed together so long and so intensively that they
    are some of the best rowers on our lake -- T2 is by far the best rower ever to
    have learned out here, since the other really good ones all come out of collegiate
    or even national programs elsewhere. I knew Rudder was a lot stronger than me and
    was used to a higher rate and more intensity. What I didn't expect was his
    precision in every motion -- I told him it felt like using the "snap-to-grid'
    option on a computer drawing program. In return, he allowed as how the set and
    timing were better than with anyone he'd rowed with since T2 left. That's my
    husband, always complimentary. Under duress, anyway.

    I was able to
    keep up with everything he did, though when we rowed at full power the rate was
    way too fast for me -- I had to pull myself up the slide as I would do during a
    racing start rather than let the boat move naturally under me. He claimed the rate
    worked for him, but it just didn't feel right to me -- I suspect he may have just
    used the rate he's used to with T2.

    I know that's more technical info
    than anyone else wants to read, but I figure it's useful for me to be able to look
    back over this stuff. That's also why I've added a "Today's Workout" field up top,
    so I can have a quick record.

    Rudder's taking some customers out
    tonight (or maybe the other way 'round) but I hope to go out with href="">Egret -- the last time before she leaves
    for Ireland *snif*

    Posted by dichroic at 10:10 AM

    April 30, 2002

    not done yet?!?!

    Arrggghhhh! Silly flight instructor! How can a BFR not be finished in THREE
    HOURS?? I have to go back Sunday to do some more landings, VOR navigation and
    hood work. Pfui.

    Also, I've just been to get my eyes checked and
    can't really see very well now. SO this is it for the moment.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    shopping tip

    Shopping tip for the day. I had a discussion with href="">Natalieee the other day, about how hard
    it is to find clothes that fit if you're short, tall, thin, fat, muscular or
    pretty much built in any way unlike a store mannequin. So when I saw an extremely
    large woman in the locker room this morning in an extremely cool pair of pants
    (black, knit, slit from hem halfway up to the knee with some little fabric strings
    zigzagging across the slit, thus simultaneously trendy, comfortable, and showing
    off a bit of skin that looks good on most people) I asked where she got them,
    hoping it wasn't just a local place. As it turned out, they came from Fashion Bug,
    which I think is pretty much national. You heard it here,

    Coach DI has his juniors out on the water this morning,
    despite having told Rudder yesterday they wouldn't be out in the mornings until
    his wakeless launch comes in, in about 2 months. Yup, that's DI, the reliable
    type. Fortunately (maybe he was being considerate?? or scared by all the
    complaints about the launches out there now?) he sent them out without a launch.
    Egret and I were out in the double, and rowing that thing, especially since we
    were doing square blades drills, would not have been pretty with three
    motor launches out there. Rudder and I may have to switch to rowing
    Tuesday/Thursday after all when that happens.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:59 AM

    April 29, 2002

    sports and fashion reports

    First, the sports report. Race results: We had fun. The numbers look slightly
    discouraging, but the bigger picture looks encouraging -- that means everything
    that looks bad has a "But--" attached.

    Hardcore and I think we came
    in 5th of 6 -- we're not entirely sure whether the results we'd seen had the age
    handicaps added in. So we weren't last, but more importantly, we were with the
    pack. And this was despite my crabbing on three consecutive strokes about
    300 meters in -- I just couldn't seem to get my oar straightened out. So we just
    need to work on my finishes and on our endurance, but it is very encouraging that
    we were staying with the other (bigger) rowers throughout.

    who would have preferred more people to compete against, came in second of two in
    the Men's B singles, to a rower who was not only skilled but very large, and who
    had already won the (younger) Men's A category.

    I came in last in my
    singles race, but only by about a second and a half, not much over a race that
    lasted over 4 and a half minutes. I crabbed again -- I really do need to
    work on getting the oar out cleanly, but again, it felt good, and I was happy to
    just be close to the other rowers.

    We won medals for being the first
    (read: only) lightweight finishers in all three events.

    Rudder got
    his semi-usual post-race migraine on the way home, which sucked because I had to
    drive most of the way and do all of the unpacking and take the trash out.
    It sucked worse for him, or course. We think he just needs to eat more before

    Next, the fashion report. I got home to find most of the items
    I had ordered from J. Crew sitting on the porch -- thank goodness my neighbors are
    honest (or don't seem to have any desire for black-market size-fours). J. Crew has
    wonderful petite sizing that enables me to have their low-riders actually sit
    where their supposed to, low on my hips instead of up above my belly button like
    most stores. Unfortunately, they only sell petites mail-order, so I can try them
    on in the stores.

    I got the brown pants I'd been wanting, in a shade
    called desert that bears no resemblance to my local terrain. A little bright as
    browns go, but I don't think they'll be too hard to match with tops, and the snug
    fit above the knees should be made comfortable by the stretchy fabric. In an
    effort to stay comfortable as the climate dial goes to "broil", I also got some
    straight legged capris, in a mid-calf length that I think will look professional.
    The odd thing about these is that the rear pockets are capri length also --
    they're only about 2" deep, for some odd reason. Strange.

    In the
    category of "even more shameless indulgences, I also got a pair of jeans I really
    don't need (hipster flares, not too flared and very snug in hips and thighs),
    because all my most favorite jeans are getting a little ratty. That still makes it
    hard to justify new ones, of course, since all the newer ones are sold already
    looking ratty. It's even harder to justify since I've been trying to dress up a
    bit and only wear jeans on Fridays.

    Even harder to justify (and even
    cooler) is the white lawn cotton prairie skirt with lingerie tucks at the yoke and
    a ruffle and a fine, tiny fringe at the hem. They call it a gypsy skirt, but I've
    got it on today, stylishly teamed with a snug cap-sleeved stretch denim shirt with
    mother-of-pearl snaps and scalloped pocket flaps. Don't worry, the cap sleeves and
    tiny fit keep it from looking like a cowgirl costume. Now all I need are just the
    right sandals.................

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 26, 2002

    And she's off..

    Off to the races. So probably no further update until Monday. Looks like Hardcore
    and I have some pretty formidable competition in our doubles race, but as long as
    we're with the pack I'll be happy. I just hope we don't have to do heats-and-
    finals, given that there are 6 entries, because my singles race is an hour
    afterward. Almost all of the entries are lightweight, which is good in that we're
    not racing a bunch of burly brutes, but bad in that we don't have a cakewalk to
    the lightweight medal. Oh well, that's not what competition is for, anyway. My
    singles race isn't quite as full, but all of this could change by the time of the
    race. I hope it does, because there's only one other guy in Rudder's race at the

    I am a little sore in unaccustomed places today. Yesterday we
    had a company outing, in celebration of a hardware and software delivery, to a
    local place called Rawhide. As the name would suggest, it's western themed --
    there's some eating areas and a little Main Street where they have a few shops and
    a few rides. They fed us well, along with a modicum of free beer, which may
    possibly have influenced my next decision. I had been thinking riding the
    mechanical bull a few days before a race might not be the best idea ever, in case
    I hurt my back or something.

    But the people I was walking around with
    decided to go ride the little train, which sounded dead boring (don't tell them I
    said so. I did want to go on the little deally where they put you in a harness
    hanging from a couple of bungies and let you bounce and flip around for a while.
    (I didn't especially want to go right after eating, but my wimpy stomach, so
    easily upset by any kind or amount of food, doesn't particularly mind wild rides.)
    That cost $4, but it was only $6 for a wristband that let you go on
    everything! How could I pass up a deal like that??

    A bit of a crowd
    gathered by that point (I think someone got me on camera, dammit) and the boss was
    trying to talk people into riding the bull. (He's from Texas.) All of the guys
    wuz hemmin' and hawin' and makin' excuses, offerin' to buy rides for each other. I
    just got plumb tired of it. So I marched me over to the bull man, held up my wrist
    with the band on it, and said, "Gimme one 'a them helmets there". Cause, you know,
    I make my living with my head, not my ridin' skills, and I didden want nothin' to
    happen to it.

    So the guy starts me off easy, then he gets the bull
    buckin' and spinnin', then gone back the other way, and it gets wilder and wilder.
    I think the bull even started snortin' in there somewhere. Eventually it became
    clear to me that I was about to fall off soon, so I let it kick me off, you know
    how you know, so the fall is a little controlled and you ain't flyin' off into the
    dirt somewheres. They wuz a big crowd by then, and the boss hollers out, "Fifty-
    four seconds!", meanin' that's how long I stayed on. Shee-it, if I'd knowed it'uz
    that long, I'd'a gone for the full minute.

    Never did get the boss-man
    on that bull though. All talk, like so many men-folk.

    Um, I think
    everyone knows who I am now. I have a feeling those photos are destined for an
    internal web page somewhere. And my thighs are remembering just how many years
    it's been since I was on a horse.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:06 AM

    April 25, 2002

    In which Dichroic finds out that she has done some good, after all

    Last night was the final installation of Wednesday Night Out in its original
    configuration, the goodbye dinner forT2 and Egret as they head off to Ireland.
    Actually, he's leaving on Monday, while she'll be around for another week or so.
    Somewhat depressing, even though it's not permanent. Egret tells me she has
    started her own diary; I'm hoping she decides to share the URL with me, so we can
    follow their Eire escapades. (I don't feel right searching for it, if she

    Rudder present them with a montage of photos in a mat we'd
    had people sign at the party Friday night, as well as a very nice shot of T2 in
    his single. Several people couldn't make it, but one other rower did join us last
    night. I'll call him Oldtimer, because she's been with the city program since it
    began, as well as for the obvious reason. (Remember, this is a sport where getting
    older is a good thing, because it's rewarded with generous handicaps.) Oldtimer
    told me something last night I hadn't known, and that pleases me greatly.

    Let me backtrack a bit. When I was about 12, I invited one friend to
    join a chapter of a Jewish girls' group, BBG, that other friends were forming. Not
    only did she join, but she was elected president, became active on a regional
    level, and later ended up traveling to Israel with the group.

    later, when we moved out here, I became friendly with a coworker, who had held
    that same job for about five years. He had a pilot's license, but hadn't flown
    since college. We invited him out flying one day; next thing we knew, he'd put
    money on account at a local FBO and was up flying every week. Then we quit his
    job, cashed in his 401(k), and went to a school run by Mesa airlines. Now he's
    flying with them for a living, and is married to a woman he met while out at

    So last night, Oldtimer told me that he had once stopped by
    the lake in a subdivision where I used to row monthly with the rowing club, way
    back before the lake we row in now was even created. The subdivision lake wasn't a
    great place to row, being narrow, twisty, and not all that long, and we couldn't
    row the bigger boats at all. Still, it was a chance to get out on the water when
    there weren't really any other alternatives. They'd publicize the row, and give
    new peopole a chance to taste the sport. Apparently I'd spent quite a while
    talking to Oldtimer that day, and he'd decided this was exactly what he needed.
    He's been rowing ever since, and has competed, gotten in much better shaoe, and
    made some friends. How very cool, to know you've had that kind of effect on
    someone's life.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 24, 2002

    I had a happy childhood the first time around

    The latest car listen is Gloria Steinem's Revolution from Within. So far,
    ick. Her book Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions meant a lot to me
    when I was college-aged or thereabouts, but I find myself disagreeing with this
    one at every turn. I think part of the problem is that most of the research in it
    is ten years old, and maybe all that stuff about "reparenting your inner child"
    sounded less silly then. Or maybe not.

    One problem I have with it is
    that he really seems to be pressing all her readers to decide their childhood was
    somehow horrid and scarring. Well, mine wasn't. It was far from idyllic, but like
    most of life, it had good parts and bad parts. I tend to think my parents were not
    especially good at being parents and certainly Mom's temper was on a looser rein
    than it should have been, but both of them loved me and tried to do their best for
    me. And if they didn't give me everything I needed, at least they helped me
    develop the tools to eventually get it for myself. Really, what more can you ask
    from fallible humans?

    Same in school; my teachers liked me fairly
    well, and if I got picked on occasionally, it wasn't the sort of concentrated
    scapecoating SWooP's (wonderful and amazing) daughter is currently undergoing from
    her (obviously braindead) classmates. And fortunately none of my teachers was ever
    *that* oblivious. (Luckily, Herslf does have parents who are more keyed in than
    mine were. She's an incredible kid and I only hope she still knows that about
    herself after all this is done. Thank goodness fifth grade is

    I'm sure there are lots of ways in which I still need to
    grow, but I don't think my inner child really needs reparenting, or anything more,
    really, than to be let out to play on a frequent basis. Fortunately, she and my
    outer adult agree firmly on that. 'Scuse me while I go blow some of the bubbles I
    keep on my desk.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 23, 2002

    tapering and Churchill

    What I want to write about, I can't write now (which narrows it down to either sex
    or complaints about work, and I'm actually quite happy with my job....) Maybe
    tonight, if I have time. (As if!)

    So instead I will sublimate my
    urges to write on that topic by writing about exercise, which seems appropriate.
    I'm tapering down my workouts now, for my race Sunday. The theory behind tapering
    is that you decrease workouts in the week or so before an event so that you will
    build up nervous energy. The practical aspect is that I get to take it a bit
    easier without feeling guilty.

    I actually find the idea of feeling
    guilty for not working out hard enough fairly stupid -- more of that equating
    fitness with moral virtue idea we've been brainwashed by -- but I do anyway.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:59 PM

    April 22, 2002

    vexing the stormy Hyades

    Saturday, a couple of posters I had ordered from href=<"">Potomac Rowing came in the mail. Today, I
    brought them into work (tricky, since I was also carrying 30 lbs of Gatorade,
    having stocked up at Sam's Club -- it's getting hot here!) and hung them up. Both
    have very nice pictures of single scullers. One has some line about perseverance
    that is meant to be inspiring but rings fairly true anyway. ("What we hope ever to
    do with ease, we must first learn to do with diligence -- no attribution.) The
    other has a long selection from Tennyson's Ulysses, a poem I like enough
    that I have stenciled "I will drink life to the lees," on my dining room

    I hung the posters (T pins and binder clip on the fabric
    cubicle walls), sat down, looked up at the Ulysses poster .... and promptly
    noticed a typo. Shit! It's a very minor one ("to" for "too") but now it's what
    I'll see every time I look at that poster. They also changed Tennyson's spelling
    (he wrote "vext", "enjoy'd", "suffer'd", and so on, and they substituted standard
    spellings) which is annoying but not as much so.

    I called the company
    and the guy there told me that these posters were printed five years ago and no
    one has ever complained before. He offered to let me return it, but after all,
    it's not like it's damaged and I can get a better one.

    Maybe I'll
    give it to Rudder. It won't bother him -- he can't spell anyway.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 21, 2002

    should I fly or should I row

    I'm thinking of semi-retiring.

    Not from work (well, I think about it,
    but can't figure out how to actually do it) but from rowing. One thing most people
    who read this (do enough people really read this for me to say "most" with a
    straight face?) is that I really am a dilettante at heart. Oh, I know I've talked
    about rowing a lot for the year I've been writing in here, but I've actually been
    doing it for 12 years, on and off. That "and off" is what I'm talking about. I
    never actually stopped rowing entirely, except for when we first moved here and
    there was no water for the first three years, but there have been times when it
    was de-emphasized, when I would have talked to you about rock climbing, or flying,
    or mountain biking or ultimate frisbee. The only one of my hobbies that never gets
    shelved for long is reading, and that's not exactly a hobby. More like the
    foundation of everything else.

    The reason I've been thinking about
    cutting back is that I'd like to go ahead and get my IFR (Instrument Flight
    Rating) and there's just not enough time to do it in my current schedule. I
    figure I could cut back to rowing twice a week, drop the weight-lifting (er, not
    literally) and fly once or twice before work during the week as well as on a
    weekend day. That should keep me reasonably fit and able to get back into it for
    the fall head-racing season, assuming I'm done by then.

    There's no
    question about whether instrument flying is something I want to do; it will make
    me a better and safer pilot all around, and keep me in the air and building up
    hours instead of staying on the ground as I mostly have for the last couple of
    years. Also, I want to keep up with my husband (who got his rating, cleverly, just
    before the lake here opened). It's always just been a question of when to do it. I
    can afford to do it now, though I suppose that will cut into my savings a

    On the other hand, this time around I've been training and
    conditioning more intensely than I ever had before. I'm a better, faster, and
    stronger rower than I've ever been, and I hate to let any of that slip after
    working so hard on it. I don't know what to do.

    One consolation is
    that people row all their lives; there are 80-year-olds still racing. People fly
    until they get old enough to start failing the EKG exams. Whichever activity I
    choose to deemphasize, at least I've got the rest of my life to catch back up on

    Maybe I should go rock climbing instead.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 20, 2002

    today I am .... zucchini

    I had a great idea for what to write about today, but I'll be damned if I can
    figure out what it was. Maybe I should go nap instead.

    For some
    reason, going to the boatyard, washing and waxing the double, eating breakfast,
    and walking all around the airport next door, which is having some sort of block
    party thing for the people who live there has left me very tired. I can report,
    though, that block parties are a lot more interesting when they include activates
    like dropping flour sacks from a plane, trying to hit a target, and trying to land
    exactly on a given point on the runway. I'll be practicing landings myself
    tomorrow morning, but I don't think I'll be ready for the landing competition any
    time soon.

    There are some very, very pretty aircraft at that airport.
    Also some houses with virtually nonexistent landscaping -- it's clear where these
    people place their priorities.

    Speaking of things in the sky, I
    finally remembered to look for the amassed planets in the western sky. Whoever
    said they would be in line apparently flunked first-grade art class, but there was
    a sort of bright V formation near the moon that I think was them.

    I'm considering shopping for patio furniture or bathing suits this
    afternoon. I probably look better poured into the furniture, though. And I
    wouldn't have to worry about whether I was tan enough for it. Meanwhile, off to
    veg some more.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 19, 2002

    fun again

    Rudder wanted to row the single today, and Egret didn't want to go out in the
    double, so I ended up rowing a quad with Hardcore, She-Hulk, and another woman
    they've been rowing with. It was actually a good row; the other woman is about
    She-Hulk's size (medium -- I just gave her that nom because at the time she was
    in a boat with several of us coxswain-sized rowers -- and as I've pointed out
    before, Marvel's She-Hulk comic character is hot, so it's not meant as an insult).
    They rowed in the "engine room", the middle seats, while Hardcore and I were in
    stroke and bow respectively, and it was a good balance. We had power, and our set
    was so good that we did some square-blade drills right at the beginning (rowing
    with square blades demands very good balance, because otherwise you keep getting
    the oars stuck in the water). The new person did exceptionally well, considering
    she had never even done a racing start before, and we did a bunch of starts and
    two 1000m race pieces.

    Definitely a boat with potential. Of course,
    it would be even more exciting if we could ever keep a boat together long enough
    to realize our potential. I have hopes for this one -- it's a good group of
    people, all of whom have taken the initiative to get out on the water, switching
    times or programs or whatever it took instead of just blindly following a coach
    around. Maybe this time....

    And if not, it's still a boat that would
    be fun to row with now and then. I've just realized it's been *weeks*, maybe
    longer, since the last time I had a really sucky row. As in, not since last time I
    rowed with a club or city boat. And I think I'm rowing better, faster, and more
    confidently now than ever, probably largely because I get so much more time on
    water with blades moving. I definitely benefited from my time with AussieCoach,
    and he occasionally drives over and gives me a few more pointers, but it's been
    nice choosing who I row with and sticking to smaller boats. This is getting to be
    much more fun again!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 18, 2002

    work, truck, and (of course) rowing

    It's a slow day for me here. I'm still new enough that this makes me nervous, like
    my boss will suddenly decide I'm not needed at all and will end my contract. On
    the other hand, if he did that, next time things heat up, he'd have to do all the
    work and I'm fairly sure he doesn't want that. Still, I feel as if I should be
    doing more to bring us to process utopia (for those involved in software
    development, that would be CMM Level 5).

    The week after next, after
    the Long Beach regatta, I think I may take a morning off, to go take my Biannual
    Flight Review (BFR), gets my eyes examined, and maybe get the haircut for which I
    will by then be overdue. Taking time off is another thing that feels odd when
    you're still the new person at work. Amazingly, since I'm a contractor, I think I
    will actually get paid for the time off (yay!). This would probably be a good time
    to review that policy.

    After work today I get to go pick up my truck,
    whose "Check Engine" light had BETTER not come on again, if she doesn't want me to
    start liking Zippy the Honda better than her. Because of my long commute and the
    hours Rudder works, this is a two stage process: I pick up the keys on my way
    home, then we go back together to actually get the truck since I can't drive two
    vehicles at once. What I really need is a garage that stays open

    Somewhere in there we need to do a wee bit of shopping for our
    contribution to tomorrow night's potluck. Amusingly, we have this, which is a
    party for the city rowers, then in a few weeks another party for the club
    competitive rowers, even though we don't actually row with either group anymore.
    Obviously, we're just special. Either that or we just don't like anybody unless
    they're having a party.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    April 17, 2002

    Go and find it

    I don't feel like leaving my diary on that last, depressing note. One of the
    glories of online diaries is being able to reinvent your day just by adding anew
    entry. So instead, after that whole entry about why Kipling href="">doesn't understand women,
    let me explain why I like him anyway.

    The Explorer


    There's no sense in going further -- it's the edge of

    So they said, and I believed it -- broke my land and sowed my crop --

    Built my barns and strung my fences in the little border station

    Tucked away below the foothills where the trails run out and stop.

    Till a voice, as bad as Conscience, rang interminable changes

    On one everlasting Whisper day and night repeated -- so:

    "Something hidden. Go and find it. Go and look behind the Ranges --

    "Something lost behind the Ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go!"

    So I went, worn out of patience; never told my nearest neighbours --

    Stole away with pack and ponies -- left 'em drinking in the town;

    And the faith that moveth mountains didn't seem to help my labours

    As I faced the sheer main-ranges, whipping up and leading down.

    March by march I puzzled through 'em, turning flanks and dodging shoulders,

    Hurried on in hope of water, headed back for lack of grass;

    Till I camped above the tree-line -- drifted snow and naked boulders --

    Felt free air astir to windward -- knew I'd stumbled on the Pass.

    'Thought to name it for the finder: but that night the Norther found me --

    Froze and killed the plains-bred ponies; so I called the camp Despair

    (It's the Railway Gap to-day, though). Then my Whisper waked to hound me: --

    "Something lost behind the Ranges. Over yonder! Go you there!"

    Then I knew, the while I doubted -- knew His Hand was certain o'er me.

    Still -- it might be self-delusion -- scores of better men had died --

    I could reach the township living, but. . . He knows what terror tore me . . .

    But I didn't . . . but I didn't. I went down the other side,

    Till the snow ran out in flowers, and the flowers turned to aloes,

    And the aloes sprung to thickets and a brimming stream ran by;

    But the thickets dwined to thorn-scrub, and the water drained to shallows,

    And I dropped again on desert -- blasted earth, and blasting sky. . . .

    I remember lighting fires; I remember sitting by 'em;

    I remember seeing faces, hearing voices, through the smoke;

    I remember they were fancy -- for I threw a stone to try 'em.

    "Something lost behind the Ranges" was the only word they spoke.

    But at last the country altered -- White Man's country past disputing --

    Rolling grass and open timber, with a hint of hills behind --

    There I found me food and water, and I lay a week recruiting.

    Got my strength and lost my nightmares. Then I entered on my find.

    Thence I ran my first rough survey -- chose my trees and blazed and ringed 'em --

    Week by week I pried and sampled -- week by week my findings grew.

    Saul he went to look for donkeys, and by God he found a kingdom!

    But by God, who sent His Whisper, I had struck the worth of two!

    Up along the hostile mountains, where the hair-poised snowslide shivers --

    Down and through the big fat marshes that the virgin ore-bed stains,

    Till I heard the mile-wide mutterings of unimagined rivers,

    And beyond the nameless timber saw illimitable plains!

    'Plotted sites of future cities, traced the easy grades between 'em;

    Watched unharnessed rapids wasting fifty thousand head an hour;

    Counted leagues of water-frontage through the axe-ripe woods that screen 'em --

    Saw the plant to feed a people -- up and waiting for the power!

    Well, I know who'll take the credit -- all the clever chaps that followed --

    Came, a dozen men together -- never knew my desert-fears;

    Tracked me by the camps I'd quitted, used the water-holes I hollowed.

    They'll go back and do the talking. They'll be called the Pioneers!

    They will find my sites of townships -- not the cities that I set there.

    They will rediscover rivers -- not my rivers heard at night.

    By my own old marks and bearings they will show me how to get there,

    By the lonely cairns I builded they will guide my feet aright.

    Have I named one single river? Have I claimed one single acre?

    Have I kept one single nugget -- (barring samples)? No, not I!

    Because my price was paid me ten times over by my Maker.

    But you wouldn't understand it. You go up and occupy.

    Ores you'll find there; wood and cattle; water-transit sure and steady

    (That should keep the railway rates down), coal and iron at your doors.

    God took care to hide that country till He judged His people ready,

    Then He chose me for His Whisper, and I've found it, and it's yours!

    Yes, your "Never-never country" -- yes, your "edge of cultivation"

    And "no sense in going further" -- till I crossed the range to see.

    God forgive me! No, I didn't. It's God's present to our nation.

    Anybody might have found it but -- His Whisper came to Me!

    Yes, I know it reeks of Imperialism -- that and its attendant racism were bred
    into the Victorians and Kipling never managed to escape it, though he had a few
    moments of glimmering on the verge of insight. But still that repeated phrase,
    ""Something hidden. Go and find it. Go and look behind the Ranges --" rings up
    and down my spine every time I read it.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM | Comments (1)

    not a great week

    This is really not shaping up into a great week. I've sent three sympathy notes
    just this week, and it's only Wednesday. It may not be safe to know

    (To be fair, the three notes were only about two events: href="">this one and the death of an
    old friend's elderly and ailing father. But still.) On the plus side, a rower I
    know slightly has just announced the birth of his first son, reaffirming my belief
    in the balance of life. Not that that's much consolation to anyone who is
    grieving. I feel helpless, mostly because I am. When it's someone else's grief,
    you offer help, but you don't want to intrude, and you alternate between
    empathetic grief and completely not thinking about it, which feels odd when you
    take a step back and consider it.

    Moving on to areas I have the
    ability to affect, there were three launches out this morning, and it was like
    rowing on a boiling kettle. A boiling kettle that was being shaken. (Clearly, by
    someone not concerned about possible scalding.) And it will only get worse,
    because DI's juniors are rowing every morning and they will also be getting a
    launch soon. I know that someday my luck will run out and I will tip a boat over,
    but I would much prefer that it be due to my own mistakes.

    emailed Unknown Legend, suggesting that launches only be allowed on certain days,
    like MWF and weekends. That's actually the situation right now, but I think when
    DI gets his launch, he'll be out every day, and we small boats will have no
    escape. She, being a city worker, has of course, passed my suggestion on to
    someone else, but at least she does do that, and understands the problem. Really,
    the best way to handle this might be an agreement among all the rowing groups,
    rather than a rule passed by the city. Unfortunately, I can't make it to the lake
    users' meetings, because they're held during work hours. Maybe Rudder can go

    Things to be thankful for: My job. Weather that has cooled off
    to "warm" instead of "inferno". (110 degree days will be here soon enough!) A race
    in 11 days to look forward to.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    April 16, 2002

    Harry's daughter and Rudyard Kipling

    I've been listening to Antonia Fraser's History of the Kings and Queens of
    on my way to work, which may be the best way to finish something of that scope. Though it does get a little confusing when you're say, in the middle of the Wars of the Roses and you can't turn back a few pages to check who's on which side. I want to get a hardcopy of the book to keep for reference, but doubt I'll ever read it through.

    At the moment it's up to Elizabeth I, which started me thinking of Kipling's
    depiction of her, in Rewards and Fairies, the sequel to Puck of Pook's
    Hill. It's an odd thing, but I always remember the included poem as ending on a
    triumphant note. But here's the last stanza:

    The Queen was in her chamber, her sins were on her head.

    She looked the spirits up and down and statelily she said:
    "Backward and forward and sideways though I've been,
    Yet I am Harry's daughter and I am England's Queen!"
    And she faced the looking-glass (and whatever else there was)
    And she saw her day was over and she saw her beauty pass
    In the cruel looking-glass, that can always hurt a lass
    More hard than any ghost there is or any man there was!

    I think I had remembered her declaration of who she was, and her facing straight onto the glass, and had forgotten the last three lines. I still think it would be as true to life, and truer to the character Kipling drew, without the final stress on loss of beauty.

    I have never met a woman who doesn't want to be beautiful, and often it's more for ourselves than for anyone else. (Lord knows Elizabeth would have had flatterers enough no matter what she looked like.) But to have been true to the role she was born to, to hold up her head through fear and imprisonment, solitude and statecraft, to be "Harry's daughter and England's Queen", that meant something to Kipling's Bess and also, I suspect, to the historical one. Maybe the "cruel looking-glass" can hurt a woman more than her ghosts or her men (though I doubt it) but nothing it says can't be faced, and faced with head high, if she feels worthy of herself.

    Maybe the fault is in Kipling's understanding of women? He understood men, or many aspects of them, and it seems to me his fault may be not realizing that the masculine traits he grasped so well are only a matter of gender, not sex, and that they are not necessarily apportioned by chromosomes. I do think he may have a point when he says that "The Female of the Species is more deadly than the male," but that is specifically about motherhood, and doesn't deal with any of a woman's other roles. He understands workers and explorers and fighters, but doesn't seem to realize they don't have to be men. His women stay home, like the Widow of Windsor and the harp-singing Dane women.

    As you can probably tell, one of the things I miss about school is the opportunity to drive home a point in written form, especially when it's something you never get to talk about in everyday life. Those last three paragraphs are just begging to be turned into an English essay.

    Besides, the word "statelily" is fun to read.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 15, 2002

    sad news

    My pregnant friends have lost their baby. I don't think I had ever mentioned their
    names (well, their noms) here, because I don't know if they had made the pregnancy
    public to everyone, though they had told friends and family. And I've seen enough
    to be reluctant to mention anyone's pregnancy during the first trimester, or until
    I'm sure they've made it entirely publics knowledge.

    Even in
    heartbreak, there are degrees. I imagine miscarrying is not as bad as losing a
    child you have held in your arms and sung to sleep, or, worse, one in whom you
    were beginning to see signs of who she would turn out to be. Still, losing the
    chance to do and see all of those things has to be entirely wrenching. And it must
    be worse for those, like my friends, who have gone to great lengths to conceive,
    who endured the wait to find if they had gotten lucky, who were being so, so
    careful with this fragile budding life.

    I know that miscarriages in
    the first trimester are very common; one of the downsides of the technology that
    has so greatly reduced child mortality is that we now grieve over the end of a
    early pregnancy that would at one time have been only suspected. Still, telling
    future parents not to love a child they have worked and hoped for must be about
    like telling a tree to grow down instead of up. It could happen, but it's not
    bloody likely.

    The worst part is that my friends aren't together
    right now to comfort each other; he's out of the country for another two weeks.
    She has family nearby, and I've told her (as I'm sure others have) to call on us
    for anything, but it's not the same. It's their grief, not ours, and outsiders can
    only help smooth the rough edges. We can't touch the core.

    I don't
    know what to hope for my friends, or what to say to them. I don't know if they'll
    try again. I do hope they find some comfort in each other, that this draws them
    together instead of apart, and that the shared sorrow becomes a very tender memory
    that shapes instead of blighting them, like a tree with a branch cleft by
    lightning that keeps growing, with new branches twining around the old scars.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:06 PM

    April 14, 2002

    so tired

    Blah. I am so not ready for Monday. Just tired, and wishing for another day to do
    nothing -- or more correctly, a day to do nothing. Yesterday, we worked on the
    boats some, and then I flew, and then we went out for some Thai food. Today, we
    drove all the way up to the property (about 2.5 hours each way) just to water the
    trees we planted there two weeks ago. And now I have no desire to eat anything and
    would just rather go to bed.

    I have to eat something, though,
    because Hardcore and I are rowing tomorrow morning and I need some energy for
    that. We have a race in just two weeks.

    In a little bit, I'll try
    again to call Genibee to sing her
    Green Grow the Rushes-O so I have that to look forward to, at least. I also
    get to finish up These is my Words, a fictional diary of a woman living in
    the Arizona Territory from 1881-1901. It won the Arizona Author Award and was a
    finalist for the Willa Cather Literary Award, but more importantly I like it quite
    a bit. It is interesting to get an early view of so many places I know, back when
    living here was far more difficult and dangerous, and what I know of the time
    suggests the author, Nancy Turner, did her research.

    Speaking of Arizona, have I mentioned it was supposed to reach 100 degrees here
    today? And yet the blooming palo verde (I think that's what that is with all the
    yellow flowers) and the budding saguaro say this is just spring. I dread the onset
    of summer here every year, though there are so many things to like about living
    out here. I could never move back east, I don't think.

    Later on, I can browse through the travel books Rudder and I bought last night, or
    read Elizabeth Peters' The Golden One, which I couldn't resist after seeing
    it was 30% off. I always forget they do that for bestsellers, and wouldn't have
    realized this was one anyhow.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 13, 2002

    sore-thumb books

    There are, famously, some one-book authors, like Margaret Mitchell or Ralph
    Ellison (though someone else pieced together Ellison's second manuscript and
    published it posthumously. Another odd phenomenon I've noticed is what I'll call
    one-book-in-the-genre authors -- or sore-thumb works, since they stick out like a
    sore thumb from the rest of an oeuvre. These are the ones who write one book that
    is nothing like any of their others. For some reason, that one book always seems
    to be better (or at least, I like it better) than any of their

    For example, I have no fondness for his usual genre
    thrillers, and thus never plan to read anything else by Steven Coonts, but I loved
    Cannibal Queen, his true story of barnstorming across the country in an
    antique biplane. It's a wonderful read, if you like true stories, travel stories,
    or airplanes.

    I'm not much for unhappy endings, and don't expect I'd
    be fond of anything else by Fay Weldon, but Letters to Alice: On First Reading
    Jane Austen
    is a unique combination of letters, biography, history, and
    argument in praise of literature. I've never read anything like it. The setting is
    fictional, but the arguments in the first-person letters are obviously right from
    Weldon's own passions.

    I have no great liking for horror stories,
    and, I'm afraid, a bit of snobbish disdain for anything on the best seller lists
    (not enough, fortunately, to keep me from reading anything that sounds appealing,
    which is why I'm a rabid Rowlingphile). But I loved Steven King's book On
    , which really ought to be called, "On Life and Writing" since that's a
    better description. Rudder loved it too (we listened to the audio version, with
    King himself reading) and he's even less of a wannabe writer than I

    Maybe what these have in common is that they are the books that
    the writers really wanted to write -- and these are all writers with enough clout
    to publish just about anything they want. Or maybe the publishers realized just
    how good they all were. I don't know, but I keep an eye out now for sore-thumb
    works, because there's a better than average chance they'll fall into the
    "wonderfully quirky" category.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 12, 2002


    Marn's extra walk up the hill
    reminded me that I, um, "forgot" to write about my own idiocy the other day. Since
    starting back to work, and thus back to showering at the gym, I've been using a
    key lock mostly because that happens to be the first lock I found lying around
    when I looked for one. In fact, just the other day I was thinking, "You know, it's
    really stupid to carry keys around when I don't have to -- I should go look for
    the combo lock I know is around somewhere."

    Then I made my second
    mistake. I try to wear glasses once or twice a week to give my eyes a break from
    contact lenses. I can wear them to the gym, but try to avoid it on rowing days as
    I don't want to lose my glasses on the day my 12-year dry streak breaks and I fall
    in. So I wore my glasses on Thursday. Now, I don't know why, but I am demonstrably
    and measurably stupider when I can't see. Apparently, my brain thinks that if the
    rest of the world is fuzzy, it ought to join in.

    So yesterday, I got
    up, dragged myself to the gym, put my stuff in a locker, worked out (dragging my
    keys with me the whole time, as well as my erg log and water bottle), returned to
    the locker room, took out what I needed to shower, and put everything else
    (everything else) back in the locker. And (you knew this all along) locked
    it. And as you may have noticed in your own life, keys don't generally fall into
    the category of "things needed to shower".

    Naturally, I didn't
    realize all this until I had stumbled along the blurry way to the shower, sluiced
    down, and come back to the locker, ready to put my eyes back on and get dressed.
    That would be the point at which the "Oops!" feeling hit, with me there in nothing
    but a towel and unable to see anything more than two feet in front of me (I
    navigate around blurs pretty well, though, due to much

    Fortunately, my gym keeps a bolt-cutter on hand,
    presumably for cutting off locks that are left on overnight. Even more
    fortunately, there were other women in the locker room, who were not only willing
    to go get someone with said bolt-cutters, but who somehow managed not to laugh at
    me. (Rudder laughed, when I told him the story. Hell, I'd have laughed

    Result: a happy ending. But I really do need to go find that
    other lock now!

    Posted by dichroic at 12:34 PM

    April 11, 2002

    work: what a silly idea

    The bloom has definitely worn off. My job isn't new and sparkly anymore, and if I
    had my choice, I'd work only about three days a week. On the other hand, the fact
    that I'd still choose to go in at all means that I still like the place a lot. I
    just wish working for a living didn't have to take up quite so much of that

    The sad part is that now I can't even pretend to myself that if
    I didn't work I would be writing a book, redecorating the house, or finishing some
    other exciting project. I was home for six months and I didn't do any of that. Of
    course, I was looking for a job, but no matter what anyone says, that really
    doesn't take as much of the day as actually holding down a job. At least, not in a
    downturn when no one is calling for interviews. At least, not for me, though
    others might be more industrious.

    I would, of course, have been more
    likely to redo the house or build an airplane if unemployment didn't always seem
    to involve loss of salary (darn it!) so maybe I still have some excuse. It's
    fairly obvious, though, that no matter what else I did, a sizeable portion of my
    time would still be spent in that same chair, reading. Well, someone has to be the
    consumer for all the writers out there who do actually get things

    Incidentally, on the house front, we're going to sign the
    final papers today to refinance our house, going to a 15-year loan. The rate is a
    bit lower and we don't have to pay mortgage insurance any more so it's only a bit
    more (well, not quite a *little* bit)) than we currently pay. And so back to work,
    since I need to leave early for that.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 09, 2002

    sod off, smiley

    First, here's a link to my April href="">Ampersand entry,
    because it's only been up on the index page for a couple of hours.

    the way to the cafeteria just now, I was having spring and summer songs swirling
    in my head -- mostly the old Broadway ones like "It's a Grand Night for Singing",
    "It Might as Well be Spring", and "June is Bustin' Out All Over", which I feel
    entitled to despite being a bit early, considering we'll have highs in the 90s all
    week. Of course, I didn't actually sing any of these, not even out there in the
    courtyard where it wouldn't bother anyone working, oh dear me no, because that
    wouldn't be behaving normally just like everyone else, and we couldn't have that.
    Why, what if everyone were to act as if they enjoyed being outside on a beautiful
    day? We might have harmony in the streets!

    If I can't sing, not only
    is it not my revolution, it's not my idea of how to enjoy life. And so I'm
    subversive: I whistle. People don't look at me quite as strangely for that, though
    they do have a tendency to say, "Boy, you must be in a good mood!" even if what
    I'm whistling is suicide blues or Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D

    But then people do have a tendency to all make the same
    comments in the same situation. Lately at work, I've been going through the
    archives to make sure everything's in place, which is easiest to do by working out
    in the hall by the files, with a chair and a small table. I have been wondering if
    whether it would be rude to make a small sign saying, "No, they're not just out of
    space; no, this isn't my new office; yes, I do have a regular cube," since the
    great majority of passersby make some comment along those lines.

    second and third place for all-time least favorite comment are "There she is!"
    (said by someone who hasn't been looking for you) and "And how are we today?". The
    winner by a long shot, though, is "Smile!" That one always leaves me wanting to
    snarl, "It's my face and I'll do whatever the hell I want with it!" But of course,
    all I really do is to grin weakly and hope they go away soon.

    Dichroic must be grumpy today.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 08, 2002


    Heh, heh, heh.... I think I've gotten another friend interested in starting an
    online journal. I'm hoping she does, because she's embarking on some major changes
    and I'd like to keep track of how it all goes. This will be the first person I
    know IRL that I've gotten to start writing, though I think I was one factor for a
    couple of list friends to start. I feel like a pusher ;-)

    Which is
    only fair, because yesterday left me feeling like an addict, with shopping as my
    drug-of-choice. I was contemplating going to the swanky mall to buy yet another
    pair of shoes (no, I'm not that bad; I'd have returned one of the pairs I'd
    gotten the previous day). I decided not to do that but then promptly went and
    spent way too much on fancy hair gunk and nail polish. Did I say I needed to stop
    spending so much? Oops. Someone please tell me if it's even possible to spend
    $44 in a beauty supply store on completely unneeded items without being a Bad

    Hell. Planned Parenthood could provide all kinds of services
    for an at-risk kid for that kind of money. Habitat for Humanity could probably
    build an entire room in a house for that much (well, ok, maybe a wall). Maybe I
    need a list of what really useful things different amounts of money can buy to
    take with me when I get the urge to shop. Or stick to online and catalog shopping,
    where I tend to ponder more and binge less.

    I do have an odd sense of
    priorities, though. After that shopping I took Rudder out to dinner and a fancy
    steak place, in a very belated celebration of my first paycheck here, and spent
    twice as much. And that doesn't bother me one bit.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:43 AM

    April 07, 2002

    Taliesin West

    On Friday night, we took an evening tour of Frank Lloyd Wright's Arizona complex,
    , a brilliant idea of Queue's. Night turned out to be a great time to tour
    it; the air was cool and comfortable and most of the structures are canvas-roofed,
    and glow in the dark from the lights inside. I liked it better than I expected to
    do. The low ceilings that I had expected to be claustrophobic were mostly limited
    to fairly small areas or areas where you were expected to be seated, and the
    chairs are far more comfortable than they looked (not necessarily true of those
    from his Prairie years, according to the guide, who was pretty much charisma-free
    but was extremely knowledgeable. All of the walls consist of rough cement binding
    large rocks from the nearby mountainside; the rust colors used on all the beams
    and woodwork match the colors of the rocks and the painted cement floor, so that
    the total effect is much warmer than I would have imagined. The house is very open
    to the outside, and carefully aligned to frame certain views. There is even at
    least one place where a hole is cut in a glass wall to allow an ancient vase to
    fit on a narrow shelf.

    One of our favorite features was the enormous
    hearths throughout, all vast alcoves about four feet high, six wide, and three
    deep. I don't know whether these would be allowed by today's building codes, but
    if they are, we'd like one like that (preferably with an access to an ah pit at
    one side to make cleanup easier). Another favorite feature was the dragon
    sculpture given to Mrs. Wright after FLW's death. The giver had intended to plumb
    it as a fountain, but Mrs. Wright pointed out that all self-respecting dragons
    breathe fire, not water, and so it has been converted into a gas torch. It's the
    only one I've seen where the flame tube points down instead of up, and the
    resulting curved flame is beautiful and can be seen from all over the

    The best part of the tour was not due to FLW at all, except in
    so far as he provided inspiration. Outside the cabaret theater, there is a
    sculpture garden containing about 20 works by Heloise Crista. Some of her works
    are shown here; the
    website doesn't have any of my particular favorites, but you can see her style at
    least. I have to admit that though I loved the sculptures, I hated some of her
    names for them, things like "Into the Future" that struck me as bloated and
    pretentious. There were a few, though, like "The Mind of God", "Through a Glass
    Darkly", that are exact descriptions of the works, and there was one I really
    liked, though more for its other associations: "Perelandra". All of her works are
    for sale, though I have no idea of prices and am feared to ask.


    Oh -- I do have one complaint about the guide. He claimed
    Wright used the name "Taliesin" to honor his Welsh ancestry and because the name
    literally means "shining brow" and Wright liked to build on the brow of a hill. I
    mean, really now. There is no way I can imagine that if the man had any knowledge
    of Welsh mythology at all, as it seems reasonable to think he did, that he would
    choose the name for its literal meaning -- though that might play a part -- rather
    than for its far more important connection with the greatest bard of Celtic lore,
    especially since Wright believed all the arts to be connected.

    the tour as a whole left me half-tempted to throw everything else up and go study
    architecture. I think Queue's visiting youngest sister, who is still in high
    school, was more than half tempted.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:25 PM

    April 06, 2002

    shoes and shopping

    Feh. I have *got* to give up on the idea of shopping for clothes or shoes with
    Rudder along. He doesn't particularly enjoy it, but we keep trying it just because
    we do enjoy spending the time together. I thought it wouldn't be so bad today
    because he needed things in the mall too, and I knew exactly what I wanted.
    However, finding the sort of shoes I wanted still took looking through several
    stores and trying several pairs on, while he took about 5 minutes to buy a pair of
    Levis and came right back. He wasn't complaining, having known exactly what he was
    getting into, but because I knew he wasn't enjoying himself, I rushed through
    buying shoes and probably made my decision too fast. There's a particular style in
    a particular brand I want, and I can't seem to find them anywhere. Today I finally
    gave up and bought a similar style in another brand.....but I may drive up into
    the rich part of town tomorrow, see if I can find the ones I originally wanted,
    and if so, return the others. Or maybe I'll just sleep all day.

    the plus side, I did get some very good sushi at the Kona Grill.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:06 PM

    April 05, 2002


    There's a woman here who keeps a whiteboard posted with annoyingly perky sayings
    that are meant to be inspirational. (It took me a long time to phrase that
    sentence without using the word "stupid", which already reveals that, in the
    jargon, I am probably part of the problem rather than the solution.) Under the
    saying of the week, she's written "NEVER prouder to be an

    In the interests of sparing myself the sort of discussion
    that happens between people with no common ground, I haven't asked her what she
    means by that, but I keep wondering. What worries me is a nagging hunch that she
    means it in the sense of, "My country is rich and relatively free, and so I am a
    better person than you third-world types, who were obviously doomed to live there
    by some karmic failing of your own." I'm sure she'd never put it into those words,
    but as far as I can tell, that's pretty much what a lot of flagwaving boils down

    Not that I am not happy to be an American myself, you understand;
    it's just that I find it hard to be proud of something that was mostly an
    undeserved accident of birth. If pride has been earned, it wasn't by me, but by my
    grandparents and great-grandparents, who didn't have all that easy a time getting
    here, or surviving once they did. If I want pride, I need to do something to earn
    it. Being born American isn't enough; doing something to make the place better
    after I got here would be.

    Of course, I may be underestimating this
    woman. Maybe she has done something to make it a better country. Or maybe she
    means something different by that phrase. There is also the vicarious pride you
    have in a person, group, or even country with which you are associated --like
    being proud of your friend for her accomplishments, though you had no part in
    them. Maybe this is what she means -- that she is proud of her country for what it
    has done.

    Though I doubt it.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 04, 2002

    shoes vs. kids

    I was seriously tempted to go shoe-shopping during lunch but ate cheap Mexican
    food with co-workers instead. Much more economic....except that I'll probably do
    the shoe-shopping this weekend anyway. I know exactly what I want except that
    it's been expanding. I've been wanting some black slides, dressy ones with a
    closed toe and funky little French heels, for a while now. After seeing what some
    of the women at the gym wear to work though, I've concluded something like tan
    mules with wood (or otherwise tan-colored) soles would also be versatile. I
    already have some sandals, but they're on the casual side. (When I say "some", I
    mean 3 pair, black and tan Born leather ones and Tevas. Yes, I suppose I am a

    Something Hardcore said while we were rowing Monday has
    really up the whole spawn / don't spawn issue for me. She told me that before
    having some of her (four) kids, sometimes all she could think about was wanting
    another baby. I have never had that happen in my life. Not about babies, at least.
    I have been consumed with the desire to get a particular book, or even a pair of
    shoes (see above), but never a small drooly person, much as I enjoy other
    people's. That may brand me as shallow, but far better to face one's own failings
    than take an irremediable step that could have such drastic effects on an innocent

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 03, 2002

    aero goes caz

    Arghh, arghh, arghh. I'm in the middle of a 5-meeting day. Luckily my boss
    cancelled the middle one so I'm down to four. The last one is a major client
    meeting, though. The only good thing is that it's a telecon so I didn't have to
    dress up.

    Funny: in the last few years since I've been in hits sort
    of situation, even the aerospace industry seems to have lightened up. Not only do
    people wear jeans way more than is sanctioned by the official dress code, but I've
    even seen several people in shorts. I'm starting to wonder how they'll dress once
    we're into full-on summer heat (which would be in about another

    Similarly, the all-day presentations I remember making for
    things like Critical Design Review are now scaled back into much more laid-back
    incremental reviews like the one I have today. And, I hope, the people working on
    things like software process are seen as usual team members instead of pallid and
    useless anal retentives who get in the way of getting anything done. There's one
    in particular I like to remember whenever I'm in danger of thinking too well of
    myself. He didn't ever add anything useful to the project (except the rubber-stamp
    approval our government clients demanded), he never made things easier, and he
    often wore an unfortunate sorts jacket with large blue and brown squares that he
    had "bought from the preacher down the street". Yes, that really is an exact
    quote; I am not making this up. Apparently the preacher had outgrown his jacket
    and instead of letting it die a merciful death, or donating it to someone who
    might need an extra layer of warmth more than a fashion statement, had sold it to
    a neighbor.

    In the interests of truth in reporting, I should also
    report that I did have one sneaking bit of respect for that old QA guy, because he
    was the only born-again, conservative, anti-choice type I have known who lived his
    beliefs to the extent of adopting a child -- not an easily adoptable Caucasian
    baby either, but a Hispanic girl who was old enough to already be speaking
    Spanish. Even the worst geek at work can have redeeming values, I

    Anyway, lunch break is over and it's time to go see what I
    can get done before the next two meetings. Fortunately, once I survive those,
    there are cold beer and hot Cajun food waiting for me.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:55 AM

    April 02, 2002

    on mortgages

    Today, Rudder and I will go sign papers to refinance the house. Our payments will
    go up slightly because we're moving from a 30-year to a 15-year loan. I'm finding
    that having spent those months unemployed is making me distinctly nervous about
    taking on any additional financial obligations, like this or the car I leased. It
    doesn't seem to be preventing me from doing it, just making me worry more. That's
    probably not altogether a bad thing, if it spurs me to save more

    Fortunately, even with the new loan, our house payment
    is far below what the mortgage people seem to think we can afford. Whatever
    possessed anyone to decide that most people can afford a house that costs three
    times their annual salary? That may be barely possible -- but only if you don't
    spend any money on anything else. I like to be able to afford to leave my house
    occasionally, to go out to dinner or to take a trip. Maybe that rule of thumb is
    based on a time when most families owned only one car and had an adult at home
    full-time, on the theory it's easier to save money if you have some time to trade
    for it (planning nutritious and inexpensive meals, not paying for day care, and so
    on). At any rate, with the way we live, our lives would be far more uncomfortable
    if our house were far more luxurious.

    But now I've been here long
    enough to settle in, I need to stop spending money like a sailor in port. There
    will be one last hurrah, though: I've promised myself forever that I would get the
    Flower-of-the-Month club (probably from href="">Jackson & Perkins) and I will do so as
    soon as I decide between their options (Bulbs or Flowering Plants).

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    April 01, 2002

    As Mom used to say, "I don't care who started it!"

    Once again, today's news from Israel reminded me of two children in the back seat
    of a car:

    "Mom!! He hit me!"

    "Well, he

    "No, you started!" Slug. Punch.

    I think it
    may have been the Israelis responding to suicide bombers with tanks (though they
    had been "instructed to avoid citizen casualties" Yeah, I'm sure that worked as
    well as it usually does.) Or maybe it was the Palestinian at the world meeting on
    terrorism who claimed that the suicide bombers weren't terrorists "because they
    were driven to it by Israeli oppression". Yes, oppression always forces the
    downtrodden to go about killing the civilians in the country whose government is
    oppressing them. Just as Malcolm. Or Mahatma.

    There are children
    dying on both sides. As the immortal Stan Rogers wrote, "All causes are ashes
    where children lie slain." I believe that, almost more than I believe in anything
    else except freedom and knowledge. To my discredit, I can forget about war news
    from Serbia, or Somalia, or Afghanistan. I'm not callous about it -- I get upset -
    - but I don't always think about it for long after the news report. Israel is
    different for me, though, because after six years of Hebrew school indoctrination,
    Israel is "us" to me. But after 35 years of life in the US, I am (I hope)
    incapable of regarding Palestinians as a whole as nonpeople. When Israel's actions
    don't meet the standards of humanitarians, I feel to a lesser extent as I would if
    a member of my family committed a crime -- or, maybe more accurately, as I do
    every time my own country fails to live up to the principles enshrined in our own
    central writings.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Hardcore rowing

    Since Egret won't be rowing much for a while (being very probably about to move to
    Ireland for a year and a half, among other things), I've asked Hardcore if she
    wants to race a double at Long Beach at the end of this month. She was very
    interested, since the city program she's been rowing with has been sliding
    downhill, and we had our first practice today. We'll be rowing the double at least
    once a week for this month, then rowing other stuff the rest of the time. I figure
    we can work on strength and speed in any boat, and concentration on getting our
    timing, finesse, and racing starts together during our double

    We'd never rowed together in anything smaller than a quad.
    Considering that, today went very well. We even practiced some racing starts, and
    both got off the water feeling like we have lots of potential as a boat. We're
    well matched for size. I think my form is a little better (and I've rowed singles
    and doubles more) but she has more endurance and probably more tenacity. Not to
    mention a masochistic streak, having undergone multiple tattoos, piercings,
    childbirths, and marathons.

    One more thing about last Friday. I've
    had a tablecloth for several years that we have guests at our table sign. After
    that, I embroider over the ink signatures. While I doubt I'll ever end up donating
    it to the Smithsonian as Joe Doolittle (Gen. Jimmy Doolittle's wife) did with
    hers, it is a nice keepsake. On Friday, after the meal, we had Egret and T2 sign
    it. T2, in one of his delusions of grandeur, signed in big letters, "T2 'THE MAN'
    HATFIELD". I'm torn between thinking that's pretty funny and lamenting my nice
    tablecloth. But I must admit, it will hold memories for us!

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    March 31, 2002

    not a girly girl

    You know what's wrong with Sundays? The library is closed, that's what. Rudder and
    I listened to my last book on tape yesterday on the way to and from the property,
    and I can't go get more today. Fortunately, I have Antonia Fraser's Kings and
    Queens of England here as emergency stash, having traded a duplicate CD plus
    some additional cash in at Barnes and Noble.

    Went flying again today;
    one more flight and I think I'll be ready for my biannual. I was feeling a lot
    more confident today. I also worked well with this instructor though he was a
    little sniffy when I didn't want him to take over the controls without telling me
    what he was about to do (I thought he was going to do a spin or something, because
    we'd been talking about stalls and why they scare me). Otherwise, though, he
    didn't do most of the usual annoying CFI tricks like explaining something further
    after I'd shown I knew it, or being generally stupid. He's one of the few who has
    clearly thought about what he teaches and how he does it. The only other annoying
    thing was that he wanted to reinforce points that a lot of people get wrong,
    regardless of whether I get them wrong. For example, he kept talking about
    not getting too aggressive with the controls, which led me to think I was doing
    that when I wasn't. Still, I might work with him if I do go on for an instrument

    Oh yes, and I promised to talk more about the latest 'do.
    This time I got Cool Salon Guy to cut it good and short -- we both agree it looks
    better that way, but he has a tendency to want to leave it a trifle longer in back
    and on the sideburns in order to keep it more feminine. Unfortunately, the latter
    also leaves it tending to stick out, which makes it look like I have tufts of ear
    hair -- not a feminine look at all, to my mind. I also let him dye it in a way we
    had been discussing for a little while: just the tips are bleached a slightly
    reddish blonde. It's not bad looking, though if I do it again it will need to be a
    slightly less brassy color. The effect is almost like a tortoiseshell cat -- they
    also have fur that's dark at the roots and in places light at the tips. That's
    what I think anyway. Rudder says it reminds him more of a teenage boy. I don't
    think he has any great desire to experiment with teenaged boys, but the effect on
    me doesn't seem to bother him any. Besides, if he were into girly girls, he'd have
    left me long ago.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    I'm a little reluctant to add an entry, because yesterday I wrote on something
    very important to me so if you haven't read href="">yesterday's entry, go do
    that first. I know it's a strange thing to be passionate about, but that feeling,
    that mythos and magic and Dreamtime are still here, is to me one of the things
    that absolutely literally make live worth living. As I've said before, blame it on
    years of reading F&SF, but there has to be something to keep that moment of
    transtion from magic on the page to mundanity when you close the book from causing
    paralyzing depression. Now, on to today's bit of depression.

    I was a bit distressed, earlier, to reading a blog in which I sometimes disagree
    with the author but generally find her reasoning sound. (Disclaimer: Of course
    it's her journal and she can say anything she wants. I'm only reporting its effect
    on me, which is one reason I'm doing it here and not in her comments.) She made a
    statement along the lines, "You do not really support our troops (no matter what
    you say) unless you without hesitation would say....." The exact point raised is
    almost irrelevant to my reaction. Establishing a condition for "support" somehow
    rubs me in the same love-it-or-leave it way of the people who try to define
    patriotism as consisting only of their particular brand of idolatry. In this case
    that certainly was not the writer's intent, and in fact I suspect she'd say that
    the fact I can't agree means that I don't understand her point. I do, I think, but
    I can't make any logical statement about this war without hesitation because my
    basic postulates on it are so unclear. No, wait, I can say one thing: I do think
    Saddam is evil. But what do I think we should have done? Uh ... uh ... uh

    I'm beginning to believe that we have no business being there
    unless the majority of Iraqi citizens want us to be. The next question obviously
    is, is that condition true? It is, according to Brig. Gen. Brooks. It is not,
    according to Iraq's speakers. Of the two, I am far more inclined to believe our
    generals, and I'm not weighing the opinions of 4000 suicide bombers from outside
    Iraq at all. But is it true, or would we just like it to be true? Uh ... uh ... uh

    I am also finding that the longer this goes on, the less
    impressed I am with the current administrations, some of whose pecadillos are
    nicely summarized by Teresa
    Nielsen Hayden
    . I keep hearing echoes of, "And it's 1, 2, 3, what are we
    fighting for? DOn't ask me, I don't give a damn, Next's stop's Iraw and Iran..." I
    was stunned to hear of a survey this morning that reported that 66% of Americans
    think Mr. Bush is doing a good job. Where do they find these people? They're not
    anyone I've spoken to, even in this conservative state.

    But yes, I
    support our troops. I especially support their right not to be in at risk unless
    there's an overwhelmingly good reason for it, something worth dying for. And I
    support their right to be managed in a way consistent with preserving their lives
    whenever possible and allowing them to do their job effectively.

    I really wish all those Viet Nam-era songs would quit playing in my head....

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM | Comments (1)

    March 30, 2002


    Appropriately enough for the weekend of two religion's major spring holidays, we
    spent today buying and planting trees. It is so good being on the property up
    north, where when you breathe, you smell pine trees instead of car exhaust and
    when in one's taking off on the adjacent runway, the hum of the suburb is entirely
    missing. We planted 7 trees: Colorado spruce, Austrian pine (spruce?) and
    Ponderosa pine seedlings, of varying sizes. Not quite Gerald Wimsey planting oaks,
    but a statement of faith in our futures there, anyway.

    Dinner yesterday went smoothly; the hiatus between courses weren't too long and
    everything was more or less hot when it should be. And, mirabile dictu, I actually
    remembered everything and didn't find a side dish in the fridge or the oven that I
    Had forgotten to serve. I even remembered the parsley I had minced to garnish the
    new potatoes. Not that there was any reason to fuss over a dinner for four people
    (though I cooked enough for six or eight) but still, T2 and Egret are almost the
    only people I know who seem to think I'm a wonderful gourmet cook, so I have my
    rep to maintain. My only regret is that we never did really end up talking about

    I also managed to do a bit of shopping. I didn't find the shoes I was looking for,
    but did bring home a Haggadah, four tops for work (all on sale), a denim mini that
    is emphatically not for work, and a belt. I still want the shoes, some brown
    pants, and maybe a pair of jeans, but I may have to get all that online. Rudder's
    been making comments like, "You sure are buying a lot lately," but its my money
    and I'm brushing up my wardrobe for work, after an extended period of not being
    able to spend much. Though I probably shouldn't be spending much now, after
    assuming a car payment (and making a downpayment) last week and forking over
    $200 for trees today. Yeah, right, like I won't go buy the pants anyway.

    I also dyed my hair again yesterday, but I think I'll leave further description
    for tomorrow.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 29, 2002

    bashana haba'a

    Tonight, at my half-assed (and late) Seder, we will not be doing all the
    traditional prayers, leaning to one side, leaning to the other side, spilling wine
    on the tablecloth to represent the plagues in Egypt, or having the cats recite the
    Four Questions. (If you're wondering, they're all variants on the One Big
    Question, "Why is this night different from all other nights?" Now you know.) We
    will be drinking wine and eating matzah, though, and I will serve horseradish
    (maror, the bitter herb) and charoses (a mixture of apples, nuts and wine,
    representing the mortar the Hebrew slaves had to lay bricks with.) We will also
    hamatzo ball soup, which has nothing to do with the ritual of the holiday, but
    which is traditional nonetheless.

    And even though we will not be
    following the traditional order of the service, we will likely end up discussing
    the Exodus, which is what the Seder is all about. The point of remembering this
    for so long bears repeating, because it has so clearly been forgotten by Israel
    and so many others throughout the world. The point is to remember that we were
    strangers in a strange land. We were welcomed as honored guests and treated well.
    A couple of centuries later, we were treated as slaves and cruelly oppressed. And
    that "we" is another vital part of the Seder: we need to think of it as if we were
    there, not some distant ancestor. Because we could be there: the same things are
    going on today and it could be any of us. We've been there. We know what it was
    like. And because of that, we need to treat other strangers we encounter with
    kindness and respect. We owe it to those who treated us well; we owe it to
    ourselves to be better than those who treated us badly. We are better than they
    were, but only if we act so. We have no other claim to be more moral just because
    it's us and not them; we have to earn our moral standing by our own actions. You
    will realize that I am not speaking only of Jews here.

    This also is
    why my throat closes up when I think of the end of the Seder. The traditional
    ending is, "Bashana haba'a b'yerushalayim, next year in Jerusalem", meaning, happy
    as we are to be able to hold this Seder here, next year, may we be able to cease
    wandering and hold our Seder in our true home. Well, I'm a bad Jew. I have no
    desire to move to Jerusalem. I would like to visit, but my home is in America, a
    country where you can't be quarantined for your ethnicity. Jerusalem has gotten
    along without me for three thousand years and I don't think it will suffer for
    missing my presence. My wish is instead, "Bashana haba'a shalom b'yerushalayim",
    which is probably not correct Hebrew, but which I intend to mean, "Next year may
    there be peace in Jerusalem." Next year may Arabs and Jews see their shared
    heritage rather than their differences. Next year may they see that war in such a
    small country can only hurt both sides. Next year may they build, together,
    instead of destroying; may they ask "How can we live together?" instead of "How
    can I get you out of here?" Next year, respect instead of hatred, peace instead of
    war, life and learning instead of death. Next year, next year, next year.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    daily rant

    Not too bad: 8:30 AM on my day off and I've already got a chocolate torte baking
    in the over, and matzo balls boiling. And I've already rowed 10 K and showered. I
    also made chicken soup, but that was last night so it doesn't count. Yes, I am
    being disgustingly energetic. I'm also taking this half-assed Seder way too
    seriously, as I can tell because I dreamed a conversation last night in which
    Rudder and I discussed the problem of baking the torte when the brisket's in the
    oven. (Solution: do the torte first, see above.) We'd already had pretty much the
    same conversation last week, which classifies the dream as not only a waste of
    perfectly good REM time when I could have dreamt of making love to Mr. Darcy, but
    redundant as well.

    Having the day off not only lets me cook like
    Martha Stewart's maniac evil twin (redundancy again) but also update here from
    home, which means I don't have to watch what I say. I interpret the company's
    Internet policy to mean it's ok to update my diary on my own time (i.e. lunch)
    but I do worry about their scanning what comes in and goes out so I tend to avoid
    the use of foul language and other topics they might have flagged, just in case
    Big Brother is watching (and I wait to read href="">Badsnake at home).

    Which is
    a long-winded way of explaining why I'm about to offend half the people who read

    Why in God's name do Christians always feel like they have to
    advertise? Can't they just have their beliefs and worship as they please without
    broadcasting? Even when they were a hidden, persecuted sect, they scratched
    symbols on the walls of catacombs; now they're in the majority, there's everything
    from the lighted cross on top of the mountain overlooking my lake to the fishies
    on cars and business ads. I wouldn't mind the cross, which I presume is there for
    Easter, except that it's one more damned bit of light pollution. If the fish on
    cars are supposed to advertise that the humans within are highly moral, I must say
    their driving doesn't tend to bear that out. In fact, so much the opposite is true
    that I tend to avoid businesses who put fish on their ads in case they're run by
    the same nasty people. It also seems highly unlikely that the sight of a simple
    fish pictoglyph is going to cause anyone to suddenly convert. As best I can tell,
    the whole thing reduces to an exercise in labeling to reinforce the "us-ness" of a
    group, and by extension to cast everyone else as "them". Pfui.

    on to offend a completely different group. If, as I keep reading in various
    diaries, it's finally becoming possible for fat chicks to buy flattering, well-
    fitting, and appropriate clothing, when do the rest of us get our turn? As an
    athlete (more or less), I do not have the same shape I used to; I'm still more or
    less straight up and down, but my arms are bigger, my thighs are bigger, and my
    pecs stand out more. I can't wear clothes that are designed for eighteen-year-olds
    who are apparently formed of strings and rubber bands, but I can't wear clothes
    designed for curvy female figures either. I'm sick of arm holes that cut into my
    underarms (especially in exercise clothing, whose makers ought to know better).
    I'm even more sick and tired of stores that don't carry petite sizes; for once, I
    would like a pair of low rise jeans that are really low in the rise. It's annoying
    to know that if I were taller, I could try on J. Crew clothing to find what was
    flattering, but as a short person, I have to order from the catalog. And J. Crew
    is far ahead of most retailers, who don't have a petite line at all, mail order or
    not. Gap has the strange solution of selling jeans in three lengths, where only
    the leg lengths change but not everything else. This makes if possible for me to
    find jeans that are the right length but that still have odd buckling and bulging
    because the band at my waist is only supposed to come up to my hips.

    Incidentally, as someone who worries about what I eat, I agree
    entirely with everything Caerula said
    about how much harder it is to find healthy food. I do get a yen for grease
    occasionally and wouldn't want it to be impossible to get a burger and fries at
    the drive-though, but I wish I had the choice of healthy food that was as easy to
    get. I also wish I had the choice of smaller portion sizes; it's irritating to
    have to pay for twice as much food as I can eat. Burger King deserves some praise
    here, since as far back as I remember, they've been the only one to offer a burger
    with actual toppings in a small size. Wendy's deserves even more praise, since
    they do offer the option of semi-healthy foods like veggie pitas and baked
    potatoes. (I suppose all the toppings are loaded with fat,

    Done ranting. I don't ask for a lot. I just want a world
    designed around me, instead of larger, skinnier, or greasier-intestined people. Is
    that too much?

    Posted by dichroic at 08:33 AM

    March 28, 2002

    to match or not to match

    Here's an interesting dilemma. I've been following this one diary, and every time
    I read it, I realize what a perfect match the writer would be for my friend
    Gymrat. They're compatible in age, location (more or less), and gender preference.
    He doesn't share her consuming passion, but he does understand very well the idea
    of consuming passions in general, having what he refers to as an obsessive sort of
    personality. They have similar attitudes towards their friends and families. More
    than that, they share the same worldview. They would understand each other because
    their minds work the same way.

    The reason it's a quandary is because
    I don't know whether being alike is a good basis for a relationship or not. I
    suspect it is for some personalities and isn't for others, and I don't know
    whether these two are with the some or the others. But I think I may tell Gymrat
    to start reading this diary, and let them figure it out.

    I have
    tomorrow off from work (yay) though I don't get paid (boo). I'll be spending the
    day shopping and cooking, because we're having T2 and Egret over for sort of an
    ersatz Seder. "Ersatz" because it will include no Seder service and no Jews but
    me. But there will be matzo balls, and maybe even some discussion of the Exodus.
    Remembering that is the real point of a Seder, after all.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Ho for the weekend

    I do like Arts and Letters Daily, thankfully
    resuscitated after a brief and temporary demise. I'm not interested in every
    article they link, or course, but where else can you find the range, from essays
    like this
    on why full-out attachment parenting is not perfect for everyone, to href=",,7-612909,00.html">this one, on
    giving things up for Lent and, a topic I've often addressed here, how regrettable
    it is that we seem to be equating physical fitness with moral virtue these days.

    (And notice my artful segue in that paragraph, from the theme of
    Easter to a story on Lent. Pretty good for a Jewish girl, huh?)

    also tend to equate fiscal responsibility with moral fitness, which is probably a
    bit closer to the mark. Despite that, my plans for the weekend include copious
    amounts of shopping. It's proabaly not the best idea, considering we're off to
    Europe in a less than two weeks, but I'm running low on mascara and Body Butter
    (the latter is all the 'Bix's fault)
    and too many of my shoes are too high heeled to teach in. I'm forced to it, simply
    forced. And I still need to consider what else I might need for the trip;
    thankfully, I finally remembered to book our cat-sitter last night and visas are
    not required.

    Sing Ho! for the weekend!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 26, 2002

    Monday, Monday, so good to me

    One thing I've noticed about traffic to this diary: barring other factors, like my
    working on the template and checking it every two minutes, traffic here peaks
    toward the beginning of the workweek. I don't know if my readers like Monday or
    hate it, but they do like to read diaries then.

    I'm reading a book on
    software processes for a class I'll be taking (at work) and I noticed something
    odd; I actually recognized lots of the names in the reference bibliography at the
    end of each chapter. That doesn't happen in any other field except maybe women's
    studies, and in that case it's largely because the professor of the one class I
    took gave us several of the seminal works in the field to read. I've even met at
    least one of these authors. (He didn't like me, I don't think; my questions were
    insufficiently adulatory.)

    I will admit, though, that the only
    referenced book that I've actually read all the way through is Zen and the Art
    of Motorcycle Maintenance
    , which seems a peculiarly apt work to quote in a
    book that lays forth a process meant to improve quality. Maybe I ought to reread
    it; I have a hunch it may be one of those that is profound when read at 18 and
    annoying at nearly twice that age, but maybe I'm wrong. The other possibility is
    that it's one of those that has different levels to offer to different readers.
    The only thing I'm sure of is that I won't be reading the same book now that I did
    in 1985.

    Of, and I got to drive the new car in today. Driving it, I hardly ever stopped to
    think that I was in a different and unfamiliar vehicle, so Honda does make good on
    their boast that "everything is in exactly the right place". And I do like
    the moonroof.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    "this big!"

    One friend of mine, when she began dating her now-husband, had Rule One laid down
    to her immediately: never, never go like this [holds hands about five
    inches apart] at a bar. No matter what it is you're talking about: fish,
    waiting times, the length of a movie, no matter. If you must gesture, always hold
    hands far, far apart.

    I presume indicating sizes with thumb and
    forefinger is even more strongly verboten.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 25, 2002

    Second, third, and fourth thoughts

    I'm having second thoughts about this car thing, especially after calling my
    insurance company this morning to find that the little bugger will cost ore to
    insure than my truck. My four-wheel-drive, cost-$5K-more-than-the-car, likely-
    to-be-taken-offroad truck. (Of course, the fact that it's six years old may make
    some difference here.)

    I am not happy about this, especially given
    the down payment from my unemployment-depleted bank account and the fact that I'm
    supposed to spend the next year or so industriously building up said account, not
    to mention the lump payment I may have to make when I turn the car back in for
    going over the allotted mileage amount. I may be able to get out of that if the
    car is worth more than the stated residual amount, as seems likely, but I confess
    I didn't quite understand that part.

    On the pro side, it will be nice
    to have a zippy little car for times when I don't actually need the carrying
    capacity of my truck, and it will be much better for things like grocery shopping
    and transporting more than 2 people. Also, when i did a bit of mental math I
    realized that a third car not only sounds less ludicrous than the third boat we're
    talking of buying (actually the 3.5-th boat: we currently have the old Julien
    trainer that's not really rowable at the moment, the Hudson single I generally
    row, and half of the Hudson double that Rudder and T2 bought together) but it's
    not much more expensive. (Addendum: Yes, it is. I was considering only the
    payments and forgot about the downpayment. Sigh. This is why when I do important
    math, I don't do it mentally.)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    I don't know what to do about rowing. My dues are paid to the club through the end
    of this month. After that, I will just be rowing on my own. The problem is that
    the boys, Rudder and T2, also want to row singles at least once a week. I could
    row their double on that day, but only if I can find a partner to row it with
    (Egret's out these days for sort of health reasons). And there's some possibility
    of T2 and Egret moving away for a year or so, for his job, in which case Rudder
    and I get to fight over the single, unless he can find another partner for the
    double. Or we could buy another single. We're leaning toward this option, having
    the tax return to do it with, but if we buy a new boat, it takes a couple months
    to get it made. Bleah. And to think I've been wanting to row on my own just
    because it's less complex than rowing with a group.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    March 24, 2002

    new car

    How bizarre -- I nearly forgot my entry here 2 days in a row. It's been a busy
    day, though -- mostly just enjoying RudderÕs company, but I should also mention
    that I bought (well, leased) a car. It's a Honda Civic, with gas mileage that will
    make my commute a bit more ecologically responsible and handling that should (I
    hope) keep it fairly pleasant. It's a bland beige-y sort of color (they call it
    Titanium Metallic, but that's just the usual car maker delusions of coolness).
    There weren't too many colors to choose from, though, and the others weren't much
    better. I will miss being able to see my truck across a parking lot (of course, at
    work, first I have to determine that it's not one of the other three dark
    red Tacoma trucks, so just seeing it isn't all that much of an accomplishment). I
    get to pick the car up tomorrow, after they install a cassette player under the
    CD. Yes, I have paid an extra $285 just so I can go one listening to
    audiobooks, since the lib has more on tape than on CD. They'd better keep
    expanding the collection, is all I have to say. (I didn't really pay it. This
    particular car, though new, had been on the lot a while, so I got them to throw it
    in. But I would have paid, if I'd had to.)

    And why is it that my cat
    thinks he can sneak onto my lap while I'm typing on the computer without my
    noticing? The fingers may be flying, but the lap is still attached to the rest of
    me. It's really very funny to see him attempting to be inconspicuous. He has no
    talent for it at all.

    Finally, thanks to href="">Natalie for her recommendation of the hilarious
    Eyre Affair. How can you not love a book that contains the line, "I'm not
    mad, I'm just ...differently moraled"? Or one whose characters have names like
    Braxton Hicks (he doesn't seem to contract much, if you're wondering), Thursday
    Next (the heroine) and Oswald Mandias (called Ozzy by his friends, I presume)?

    Posted by dichroic at 06:39 PM

    March 23, 2002

    no trains

    Oops. Almost forgot to write today's entry. It hasn't been all that exciting a day
    anyhow. Flying this morning was cut a bit short; I found a couple of broken tie
    wraps in the engine of the Cessna 152 I was scheduled to fly at 8AM and elected
    not to take it out, having been thoroughly indoctrinated with horror stories of
    FOD (Foreign Object Debris in the engine) damage during my time at Boeing. They
    had not other 152s free, so I ended up flying a 172 instead. Preflighting the 152
    had taken some time, of course, and we had to have the 172 back by 10, so it was a
    short flight. For someone with a propeller in her logo, I have a ridiculously low
    number of hours logged; I'm still well under 100 hours. I really should go get an
    instrument rating; just the amount of flying time to get it would make me a better
    and more confident pilot. Anyway, it was a windy day, with a fairly substantial
    crosswind across the runway, so my landings today were not things of beauty, nor a
    joy forever.

    After that, I went to the mall where I exchanged a CD my
    uncle had given me (because I already have O Brothers, Where Art Thou?).
    This may be the first (and probably last) time either of us has ever given the
    other a CD that's on a best-seller list. Most of the music we both like is not the
    sort of thing that's been played on any radio station since roughly the advent of
    rock 'n' roll. I traded it (and some additional plastic) for the audiobook version
    of Antonia Frasier's Lives of the Kings and Queens of England so I can
    broaden my education as I drive. Unfortunately, I think it only goes back to
    William I; I'd have liked to learn more about Alfred and Æthelred, Hardicanute and

    A local car dealer had a tent sale at the mall, so I
    browsed their used cars and realized that what I really need for my commute to
    work is a Civic, so that I don't have to refuel three times a week. Much as I love
    my truck, it is not the appropriate vehicle for my nearly 80-mile round-trip daily
    commute. They had a Civic EX I really liked, except that it had a rear-window tint
    so dark as to impede visibility and an arm rest that can't be used when the seat
    is far enough forward that I can reach the pedals. The tint can be removed, but
    the arm rest problem is permanent.

    I decided to drop in at a Honda
    dealership to see if they had more used Civics, which is when I realized that it
    makes very little sense to buy a 1999 car for $14,500 when a new one, same
    model, still with the moonroof I'd liked but with the arm rest design flaw fixed,
    is about $16000. I don't normally do this, but since the main purpose of the
    car is to commute to work, and since I'm a contractor and can't stay there for
    more than 2 years unless I convert to a direct employee, I think a lease might be
    the appropriate option. I may try to drag Rudder there tomorrow to make sure the
    car is comfortable for him too, since he's much taller than I am. And to make sure
    the whole thing isn't a stupid idea.

    Speaking of Rudder, he will be
    home in only a few hours. Yay!!

    Posted by dichroic at 06:19 PM

    March 22, 2002

    sailing up, sailing down in the dry washes

    The b'y is still abroad but the felidae are gathered 'round. The night is warm --
    not just relatively warm but really warm. I have the back door open and the
    hibiscus, the purple vaguely hibiscus-like flowers that I think are weeds, and the
    jasmine are all in bloom. The scent of the jasmine is drifting in and the cats are
    wandering in and out. I had sushi (well, supermarket variety) for dinner and there
    will be fresh-made popcorn for dessert as soon as I leave the

    Sitting alone here in the middle of the desert, I've got a
    whole set of sailing music to keep me company tonight. It's even a narrower
    classification than that really; what I have here is specifically schooner music.
    (Acc. to the dicker, it's a schooner if it has fore and mainmasts and if any lower
    masts have fore-and-aft sails.) Courtesy of the gift cert the bro' gave me for my
    birthday, and of's store of obscure music, I have a CD from the Maine
    band Schooner Fare and Gordon Bok's CD Schooners. The former is playing
    now; when I switch CDs I won't be typing on the computer, because Bok's lyrics,
    including those he borrows from others, are always worth full attention. He's got
    one that's really more about rowing than sailing; I'll have to learn that one if
    the tune measures up to the words. Quite likely, given some of his other

    I have been tired and a little droopy since Wednesday
    or so. What I really need is a nice quiet evening with not much to do, and lots of
    sleep, and I think I'll finally get it. I may even be ready to fly by the
    scheduled time tomorrow.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Where is everybody?

    The newest thing I've learned: how to do rollovers. Point your mouse to those
    airplanes at the top of this page. Cool, huh? I do need to edit the artwork a
    little further, though.

    A while ago, I came up with the idea that
    Rudder and I should use the crossed-oars-and-prop symbol as our logo. After all,
    monograms are difficult when you have different last names, and this is more
    descriptive anyway. Whenever we get to design and build our dream house, I'd like
    to have that design painted on the mail box and done in stained glass over the
    front door. What you see here is the initial public debut of the symbol. Those oar
    blades, with the Arizona flag painted on them, are the very ones with which I
    rowed 10683 meters this morning. (Well, the ones pictured are probably Rudder's,
    since I snagged the image out of a photo of him and T2, but the three of us all
    have the same blade design. Close enough.)

    And speaking of those 10
    km I rowed, here's something I don't understand. I was in a single. There were
    also three eights, a four, and a double out this morning. (Rudder is in Europe on
    business and T2 stopped because his knees were having problems, so they don't
    figure into this.) Boats with more people in them have much more power; thus, an
    eight should be way faster than a single. (Presuming equal strength and skills. I
    saw T2 zoom right past an eight just two days ago.) And yet none of those boats
    passed me in two laps around the lake. We all started at different times, but I'd
    expect the eights, at least, to be able to lap me. It's certainly not because I'm
    fast; I have a little Speedcoach, much like a bike computer, that tells me
    otherwise. It may just be that in a single, there's no need to stop and wait for
    anyone else; I stop for a swig of water than get back to it, without having to
    have a coach catch up or wait for other people to be ready. I don't know. All I
    know is, whatever all those other people, it can't be rowing hard the whole time.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    March 21, 2002

    need feedback

    No, really, I'm not just trying to be like href="">Geni. Though href="">Nataliee did have some effect, since she was
    complaining the dark layout hurt her eyes. I've been meaning to do a new layout
    for a while, because I was getting bored. It's just been hung up because I had no
    time to work on the graphics, pitiful as they are.

    I'm still not
    entirely satisfied, so suggestions are welcome. My HTML skills aren't top-notch,
    but they are better than my graphic design skills, so if you have design ideas,
    let me know those especially. Though I do realize I'm talking to the same people
    who never told me that my mailto: link has been broken for months, apparently.

    I'm thinking maybe I should make those airplanes at the top (they
    take you back and forward) into rollover popups so their function is more
    apparent. What else?

    Incidentally, the asterisk thingies are crossed oars, quartered with a four-bladed
    propeller. (In case it's not immediately obvious!)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    This morning, the top I was going to wear to the gym didn't seem to be with the
    rest of my gym clothes. I looked around a bit, didn't see it, and figured it must
    be in the laundry or something. I put on something else, drove to the gym (I
    know, I know, but it's not like I run on the treadmill after I get there), went to
    the locker room, opened a locker more or less at random. I always use one of the
    full-length lockers, but which one I pick depends mostly on which one isn't
    already being used. Anyway, I opened the door, went to hang up my clothes …. And
    spotted my top, hanging there on the hook. Clearly the victim of an previous day's
    post-workout brain fade. And it had been there at least two days, because I
    shower at a different branch of the gym on rowing days. So I now have my top back.
    Well, either that or someone else is missing a cobalt-blue Moving Comfort top,
    size S, in which case ewwww.

    I've been listening to audio books in
    the car, which is probably one of the main reasons the commute hasn't bothered me
    as much as expected. After all, if I had a short commute, I'd probably spend most
    of the saved time reading anyway. It's interesting to notice, though, that what
    makes a great book to hear is not necessarily the same set of attributes that
    makes a great book to read. Complex plots are out. Intricate subplots are out. Not
    only is my attention divided by the need to pay attention to my driving, but I
    can't easily turn back a few pages to refresh my memory as to who a character is
    and why he's doing what heÕs doing (almost always a necessity in reading, say, Tom
    Clancy, which is one reason I don't read him much any more). A series of anecdotes
    is good, so biography works well. Unclear sentences are no good – after all,
    there's that divided attention to deal with. Even if I had any desire ever to read
    Cormac McCarthy, I wouldn't listen to him in the car. However, colorful metaphors
    and vivid, quirky language are good – Kinky Friedman and Malachy McCourt are a joy
    to listen to, for Friedman's outrageous similes and McCourt's poetic phrases
    ("silver-gilt stories") and blunter comparisons (both are prone to frequent
    references to what McCourt calls "shaking hands with the unemployed", when he
    doesn't just say "wanking").

    The reader is important, too. Anything
    demanding an accent, from McCourt's Irish yarns to Cajun Tales my Granpa Tole
    really needs to be read by the author. Fictional stories told in the first
    person have to be read by someone who sounds like the title character – Dick Hill
    is laid back and appropriately drawling as Kinky Friedman's fictional namesake,
    and whoever did the Mark Twain quotes in Ken Burns' bio of Twain was absolutely
    brilliant. I'm looking forward to listening to Barbara ReynoldsÕ reading of one
    of Elizabeth Peters' Amelia Peabody stories, sitting in my To Be Heard pile. I
    don't know what I'll do when I exhaust my libraryÕs audio shelves, though – these
    things cost way too much to buy. I've heard Cracker Barrel rents them out cheaply,
    but I donÕt think I want to patronize them, and the web-based rental services I've
    seen are almost as expensive as just buying the damned things.

    always an odd feeling when your separate worlds touch. The article href=""> Batten referenced today, on
    sailors' ritual sock-burnings, quotes Caryl Weiss, whom it refers to as a
    musician. This must be the same Caryl P. Weiss whose music I've heard of as a
    card-carrying folkie. For some reason, I keep associating her with the song "With
    Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm"; IÕm sure itÕs older than she is, but either
    she's recorded it or my memory's gone squirrelly again.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:59 AM | Comments (2)

    March 20, 2002

    at the bottom of Pandora's box

    Good news from href="">TranceJen, proving that
    good things do sometimes happen even to those who have given up expecting

    The Online Books page now links to Dorothy L. Sayers' article
    The Lost Tools of

    Go, href="">New

    Wishing much joy and love to href="">Jenn, about to embark on the
    adventure of marriage. I firmly believe all the best marriages are adventures,
    ones in which you get to share new experiences with the best of all traveling

    Egret's twins
    are progressing nicely. One's definitely a boy; they're not sure about the other.
    We're looking forward to seeing them (Egret and T2, not the babies yet!) next

    The news about (Trance)Jen's diagnosis and (Batten) Jenn's
    upcoming wedding, about new and much-wanted babies and scholarship and courageous
    patriotism remind me that even at a time of global trouble there is always local
    good. A wise woman on one of my lists just shared this story: "A wonderful man I
    used to teach with years ago, he is about 80 now, was a German slave laborer
    during WWII. He was a fairly young man at that time. He is Lithuanian and had been
    captured there. One reason he thinks his life was "spared" is because he was
    fluent in English, French and German and Russian as well as Lithuanian. He was
    sent to in a camp in southern Germany, where he was starving, filthy, and
    considering suicide. He happened to see an edilweiss (and that I don't know how to
    spell!) blooming. He thought if that beautiful little flower could still bloom in
    all that horror, he could hang on. He was liberated just weeks

    When I look at stories like the ones linked above, I feel
    somewhat like that man looking at an edelweiss blooming amid the horrors of a
    slave camp. There is no question but that this war could lead to worldwide horror,
    but (maybe as a result of reading years of F & SF) I believe that the future is
    not a predestined path, but a crossroads, a choice of paths each of which will
    brach still further. And the choices are the crossroads are determined by our
    decisions. Each choice shuts off some paths and opens others. I fear it's possible
    to make enough bad choices that all the paths left are dire, but I still believe
    that we're not there yet, that the choices made by a few, whether necessary and
    right or not, have not doomed all of us to a terrible single path. Not while
    there's still love, hope, truth, and courage abroad. In a radio essay about that
    silly fish story, Andre Koudrescu (sp?) reminded me of the old Jewish fable that
    the world will continue to be preserved as long as there are 36 truly righteous
    men alive at all times. (God would never be so sexist, surely; women must be
    counted as well.) There are more than five billion of us now; I won't believe that
    there aren't more righteous souls than that -- and that the vast majority of those
    billions aren't righteous at least some of the time. Particularly while we still
    can find love, stubborn hope, truth and courage for inspiration among us.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    Today's lunchtime entry curtailed on'accounta I got my wish (the one about being

    Though I will just add that I'm not sure what I did in the gym
    yesterday, but apparently I did too much of it. Ouch!

    This morning in
    the single I once again failed to write the classic rowing poem. Though John Myers
    Myers may have already written it anyway. (And if you haven't read
    Silverlock, you should.)

    More later maybe. Or maybe not.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:02 AM

    thoughts on the news

    Lesson learned: Be v-e-r-y careful about giving power to a small man who looks
    like a gray-haired Howdy Doody, who has a famous daddy to boot. He may have
    something to prove.

    I pray now, in my unstructured and disjointed way
    for wisdom for those in power (that so few on all sides have shown heretofore) and
    for the innocents and powerless who are always the first victims of war.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    March 19, 2002

    almost a day off

    Somehow this morning, I rowed two full laps (about 1200 meters more than usual,
    washed my boat, removed the lights and riggers to get it ready to travel to our
    race this weekend, showered at the gym as usual, and still got to work 15 minutes
    earlier than I normally do. I don't understand it.

    I took the
    opportunity to row a bit farther than usual because today is the only day this
    week, in fact these two weeks and probably part of next week also, when I'm not
    teaching or anchoring a class and don't have to be here well before 8:00. I've
    been enjoying it. Maybe I'll sneak out early or get a chair massage this afternoon
    or something.

    The race this weekend should be pretty cal, too. We're
    not leaving until Saturday morning because Hardcore and the She-Hulk are riding
    with us, so we won't get to sleep in Saturday, but can nap or sightsee in LA.
    We've seen the Queen Mary, Universal Studios, and Venice Beach. Where's another
    good place to spend a couple of afternoon hours? The La Brea tar pits,

    Then the race is Sunday, which means I'll probably be elected
    to drive home since I'm the only one who's in just one race. Five hundred miles of
    trying to keep the Orange Crush (Rudder's Hummer H2) in just one lane at a time.
    Oh, joy.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    an interesting literary encounter

    When I went to the library yesterday, in order to restock my truck with books on
    tape for my commute, I couldn't resist taking out Miss Julia Takes Over,
    despite the several books in my To Be Read pile. Of course, Miss Julia was
    promptly moved to the head of the line because she is in a library book (and
    besides, she wouldn't have it any other way.

    When I headed up to
    bed, I amused myself trying to picture an encounter between Miss Julia and that
    other grande dame, Elizabeth Peters' Amelia Peabody Emerson. Actually, I think
    they would get along well, though there might be some initial friction; both women
    have enough esteem for themselves and their sex that they tend to like other women
    who are like them. At least eventually. And they would also respect each other for
    having made new lives after escaping from the shackles of unsympathetic brothers
    (Mrs. Emerson) and husband (Miss Julia). They also have that shared tendency to
    adopt waifs and strays and to mold them (willing or not) into productive members
    of society. Peabody's less conventional views of sex and religion might shock the
    more staid Miss Julia, though I think the latter is inching gingerly leftward in
    her beliefs.

    Ick. Remind me not to go again to the truck that comes
    by selling teriyaki chicken bowls. I'm not entirely convinced this meat began its
    career as part of a chicken. And if it did, I wouldn't speculate as to which

    I ran into the woman whose desk was ext to mine at the last
    company, in the gym this morning. She worked as sort of a project manager in
    training there. She's been unemployed for four months now, yet another reason not
    to take my six months out of work as anything personal. I don't know how hard
    she's looking, since I'm sure she enjoys the time to spend with her kids. She has
    one of the coolest last names I've ever encountered, being a nice Jewish girl who
    married an Amerindian man and took his name -- on the order of Cynthia Black Bear.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:40 AM

    March 18, 2002

    the Purim story

    I was just thinking about Purim, which started last night at sundown. (Largely
    because I find thinking about an averted genocide in distant long-ago Persia far
    more pleasant than thinking about contemporary wars in the general

    The basic story is that the King Ahashuerus' minister, Haman,
    was plotting to convince the King to kill all the Jews in his kingdom --
    apparently he was ticked off when they refused to bow to him. Mordechai, a leader
    of the Jewish community, had an ace in the hole: his nice, Esther, happened to be
    Queen of the country. When the king beheaded his former wife, Vashti, for being
    uppity, Mordechai had sent Esther to the beauty pageant Ahashuerus was holding to
    choose a new Queen, instructing her not to mention that she was Jewish. (I have no
    idea why anyone would want a beloved niece to marry a man who demanded that kind
    of instant obsequious obedience, but it turned out well, in the end.) When the
    Jews found out about the plot against them, Mordechai got Esther to plead for her
    people and Haman was hanged on the gallows he'd built for Mordechai. A more
    detailed version of the story is href="">here.

    I was thinking about what that time must have been like -- Esther
    and Mordechai running around trying to communicate with each other, trying to
    figure out how to change people's opinions, avoiding Haman, trying to talk to the
    right influential people, plotting ways to get management to do the right thing
    instead of the wrong one. I would bet it was quite a bit of fun, some of the time.
    I would also bet a lot of it was like my life, only without e-mail and with much
    higher stakes. On the other hand, now I get credit for my own planning, without
    anyone assuming I had to have a man telling me what to do. Maybe we've made a
    little progress over a couple thousand years. On the other hand, Haman is often
    identified with Hitler, and mass killings in the Middle East loom. Maybe we

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    the descendent of Wayland?

    I may be having a Stupid Day. This morning, I rowed a double with Egret, drove to
    the gym, showered, came out, put my key in the ignition …. and couldn't turn it. I
    tried several times, and jiggled the steering wheel, in case that was impeding the
    ignition, but no luck. Fortunately, being as prepared as a Boy Scout who carries
    matches AND a lighter, I am a member of AAA. I called them, and they sent out a
    locksmith. Which sounded odd to me, but the woman assured me he could deal with
    anything up to and including replacing the entire ignition.

    I waited
    almost an hour there in front of the gym for the locksmith to come. When he got
    there, he told me it was likely he'd need to rip the whole ignition out and put in
    a new one. Then he leaned into my truck, laid hands on the key to let it know its
    master had arrived, moved the steering wheel slightly, laid one finger along his
    nose, muttered an incantation I didnÕt catch, blew pixy dust into the ignition,
    and smoothly turned the key and started the ignition. He claimed that the steering
    wheel, which I'd turned all the way to one side to pull into that spot and hadnÕt
    recentered, was binding the ignition, and that all he'd done was to turn the wheel
    a bit. He even turned the wheel again and had me try it. However, I'd rather
    believe it was magic. That way, I feel less of an idiot for not being able to
    start the truck myself. And besides, I did try turning the wheel before he
    ever got there. I know I did.

    I got to work by nine, but had to tell
    my boss what had happened, since I'm usually there by eight and had called to say
    I'd be a bit late. He listened, then said, "Yeah, sometimes it's the simple things
    that really mess you up." I like my boss. And then he said some things about how
    fast I'd been picking up on things here that made me feel not so stupid after all.
    But I still favor the magic-locksmith theory.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:36 AM

    March 17, 2002

    average? Not me!

    Something odd happened the other day. Because I'm working as a contractor, I went
    to State Farm to get life insurance and long-term disability insurance. (I didn't
    have either while unemployed, but then I wasn't earning anything, either.) To get
    approved for the LTDI, I had to have a physical, and they sent someone over to my
    house to do it. Apparently insurance companies do have people who make house
    calls. She took a medical history, blood and urine samples, blood pressure, and
    measured my height and weight.

    This is where the odd part comes in. I
    don't trust her scale, because it measured me a bit lighter than my home scale,
    which matches the gym scale, which is one of those accurate balance kinds.
    However, I can't imagine how her tape measure could be off .... and she measured
    me at five-foot-two. And a half.


    This is a
    big deal for someone who has thought she was 5'1" all her life. I'd been measured
    before all the way up to 5' 1.5", but no higher. Somehow, it seems unlikely that
    I'm growing, now in my mid-thirties. Maybe all that rowing and lifting has somehow
    straightened out my (slightly crooked) spine? I'd have thought that likely to have
    the opposite effect.

    Just to be sure, I got Rudder to measure me
    again. In the interests of accuracy (and being an engineer) he held a level on my
    head and brought the tape up against that. His result was 5' 2 1/8". (I'm guessing
    the insurance nurse doesn't fiddle with that level of accuracy.) For those of you
    living in countries with sensible measuring systems, this means that I have
    shot up from my previous 155 cm to a towering 158. Or damn near 159, if you
    believe the nurse.

    I can't tell you how exciting this is. Don't ask
    me why, though; I actually hope that either this trend stops right here or it
    continues for about another 8 inches. I really don't mind being short: I can get
    through a crowd quickly; it makes me distinctive so that people tend to remember
    me; it makes people think I'm younger than I am; and sometimes it makes people
    underestimate me, which can be fun to play with. And it had some advantages back
    in my single days, though generally I'd figure that a man without the cojones to
    deal with a taller woman is probably not worth my time anyway. I don't think I'd
    mind being tall, either: clothes hang better; you can reach things on high
    shelves; and it would do wonderful things for my rowing abilities. But I'm not
    sure I see many advantages to being of average height.

    I'll probably
    shrink back again when I get older anyhow.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 16, 2002

    useless luxury

    After dropping Rudder off at the airport for yet another business trip, I went
    flying again this morning. I'm trying to regain currency, feel comfortable as
    pilot-in-command, and then maybe even go for an IFR (instrument) rating. (For non-
    pilots, that's the one that would probably have kept JFK Jr. live.) The flying
    went reasonably well, though I need to do at least one more session before I
    schedule the biannual flight review I'm due for. After that, to continue the
    aviation theme, I headed off to an airshow at a former Air Force base nearby, now
    converted into a campus for several local universities and a local

    I suppose I've just been to too many airshows, or maybe it
    was because I was by myself, but it just wasn't all that exciting. For one thing,
    they seemed to think most people would be more excited by really fast, loud
    military planes doing their maneuvers, but I really prefer aerobatics by smaller
    planes. I have a thing for biplanes, but mostly my preference is because the F-16
    is so fast that it does one maneuver, then has to spend twice as long looping back
    over the audience to get in position for the next one. IN contrast, a pilot in an
    Extra 300, or a team like the Red Barons in their Stearman bipes are slow and
    maneuverable enough to fit an entire aerobatic routine in front of the audience.
    Also, I like wind, but it was strong enough today to blow dust in my eyes
    continually and to affect the precision of some of the aerobatics.

    left the show after only about two hours. Having an afternoon free and alone, I
    decided some pampering seemed indicated. I was hoping they could slot me in at the
    local massage school, but they're booked. And the place I went last time I got a
    pedicure does having anyone doing them today. I think I will just go to one of the
    upscale shopping centers that are multiplying rapidly in my neighborhood, look for
    the new watch I've been itching to buy, and see if I can find a nail place that
    takes walk-ins. This also seems like a good time to exchange one of the CDs my
    uncle gave me for my birthday, since it's one I've already got. Shopping for
    something you've already got and pedicures, the epitomes of useless luxury.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 15, 2002

    I like it here

    I don't get this. Not only do I really like my job, I really like almost
    everything about it. Even the commute hasn't been too bad, mostly because job +
    commute = still less hours than I worked in the last

    Obviously, I expected to like what I'm doing, or I wouldn't
    have taken the job. The strange part is that it even feels good to be back in
    aerospace again. I worked hard to get out of the industry. I thought I wanted to
    escape mostly because, while you do get to work on cool stuff that flies, there's
    usually an ungodly amount of red tape and procedural crap to get through to do

    Maybe it's because I'm actually into the procedural end of
    it now and I know why all of it is there. Maybe it's because at this company,
    there isn't all that much of it that doesn't need to be there. Maybe it's also
    because I'm on the commercial end of it, not military and not NASA, so there's no
    hierarchical rank thing going on and no NASA monitors sitting in on every code
    review whether or not they know anything about it.

    Maybe it's also
    just a bit of a retreat to the familiar. I can say, though, that it's actually
    nice to have the rules defined. This is as opposed to working for a company that
    tries to think of itself as cool and likes to pretend there are no rules, so that
    while the rules are there, of course, they're all undefined and you never are
    quite sure when you're going to be in trouble. Here, everything is explicit and
    it's even easy to figure out which rules can be broken with

    An example: the dress code here is minutely laid out and
    you're only supposed to wear jeans on Fridays. Quite a few people wear them every
    day anyway, but they know they'd at least better not wear holey falling-apart
    jeans, at least within normal work hours. At the old place, they bragged about how
    casual they were and everyone wore least at first. Toward the end, as
    they brought in more and more high-level people to try to save the sinking ship,
    the people who were project managers and up, or who wanted to be, began to dress
    up more and more and I even heard people discussed behind their backs for dressing
    too casually.

    Bleah. At work, at least, I'd rather know my
    boundaries, so that if I want to go outside them, I know how far out I am.

    PS. The rules say minor personal Internet usage is ok, as long as
    it's not abused. I'm at lunch. In case you were wondering.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 14, 2002

    dreaming down a strange line

    Yay to me -- I've kept up this journal now for over a year, and have written in it
    every single day except when away on travel – and even then when I had access to a
    computer. While I've handing out kudos, yay also to my boss, who yesterday handled
    a difficult situation – informing the department of the sudden death of a well-
    liked and respected coworker – about as well as it could possibly be done. And to
    Rosie OÕDonnell, for coming out of the closet when she thought it might serve to
    set a good example. I'd have been more impressed if she hadnÕt waited until right
    before she was about to end her show anyway, but she'll probably still face a lot
    of flak. I think a lot of people who have learned to accept and respect gay and
    lesbian adults in other ways still have trouble with the idea of gay parents. But
    Rosie commands a lot of affection from people who see her as a normal person
    (whatever that is), so maybe her example will help.

    I had the oddest
    dream last night. I think it owes something to being around a nursing mother
    yesterday, something to the movie Legally Blonde, something to joining the women's
    crew from LA on Sunday and most to some very strange recesses of my subconscious.
    I was in some sort of class and we were all supposed to be taking turns giving
    presentations, but then on the days we were to give them, hardly anyone showed up
    to class, so the presenters were speaking to a mostly empty room. I wandered out
    of the room during a break and was grabbed by the class's cheerleader clique. They
    werenÕt really cheerleaders, I donÕt think – we were all older than that – but
    they all had flippy cheerleader hair, careful makeup, and similar outfits on. They
    were doing their presentation in a group, and needed an extra woman to fill in,
    and would I do it? I said yes, and they thanked me and pulled me into the room
    where they hung out. Of course, they knew their extra person wouldn't be dressed
    as they were, so they had brought along a little flippy-skirted outfit, sort of
    stiff netting petticoat thingy (more like a tutu) to support the skirt, and, as a
    crowning touch, a pair of falsies. They explained they hadn't known who they would
    end up with, or how she would be built. So they had brought these along just in

    They were joking, not meaning to be obnoxious, and I wasn't
    offended. One of the women took me into a little dressing room and helped me get
    suited up. We got the dress half on, with the top hanging down, and I put on an
    oversized bra. The falsies were inflatable; we got one blown up and stuffed in,
    then decided it was too big (the nipple was two inches long). The woman showed me
    how to let air out; you had to squeeze the nipple to open a valve – actually, it
    was very similar to the bite valve on a Camelbak drinking tube, come to think of
    it. We finally got that one adjusted to the right size and stuffed into the bra,
    but then I couldn't find the other one. I wandered out of the dressing room with
    one falsie in and one missing, looking like a mastectomy victim, and went looking
    for the other one. At that point, several guys began showing up, and of course the
    women let them into the room because they were that kind of women, who would never
    send a man away. Some of the guys seemed to be European exchange students who had
    gone to my high school, for some reason, though in retrospect their names were
    different. I joked with them about the missing breast, and we all talked for a
    while, but when I finally found it, it was too late to give the presentation after
    all. After that, people milled around a lot more and we all hung out a while
    longer, and then I woke up.

    Yes, my brain is strange. No, the women
    rowers from LA did not wear flippy hair and makeup. And no, I have never worn

    Posted by dichroic at 11:55 AM

    March 13, 2002

    around in the gearbox

    Later note: after all that stuff below, I just got an email from close friends
    telling us that all the emotional, physical, and fiscal pain of IVF has paid off
    and they're going to be parents in nine months. You know how I keep saying life is
    a sine wave? Make that a roller coaster.

    This isn't what I was going to write about. I was going to talk about my college
    roommate's visit, with her husband and baby, and how funny it is to compare them
    to the cousins we spent time with in Korea – the difference between a mother with
    her first new baby and an old hand on her third. Instead, I've been thinking what
    a mishmash life is, with joy and grief and hope and memory all mixed together.
    It's not a wheel, with the neat ordering that implies, or if it is, it's more like
    a gearbox, with all the gears meshing so that the beginning of one person's life
    may touch the middle of another's and the end of a third's.

    morning, it took me a while to leave the house, talking all the way. I exchanged
    goodbye hugs with a new mother, a father of four near-adults and a new baby just
    getting started again with this second family, and a little guy just starting out
    to see life, who's enjoyed two and a half months of it and seems to approve so

    A little later this morning, I reflected that it has been just
    about half a life since I shared a dorm room with that little guy's mother – our
    lives, not his. She hasn't changed much, except to mellow a bit. I don't know if I
    have – I feel the same in my core, but there might be some weathering and wearing
    down of rough edges.

    Right after that, I got pulled into a meeting
    where the boss told us that a coworker had just died. Heart attack, no warning, in
    his late forties.

    I still don't know most of the names here, so it
    took me a few minutes to figure out who this man was, but it turned out to be
    someone I've talked to quite a bit, and liked – I just didn't have the name to put
    with the face.

    Ironic -- I've heard him taking part in conversation about
    how dangerous riding a motorcycle out here is, but it wasn't his bike that killed
    him. If anything, it might have been the running he'd started doing for his

    Never mind the eternal rest stuff, because I don't think he'd
    like it. I hope, wherever he is, there are motorcycles, and cool gadgets, and
    mental and physical challenges, and most of all, people who like a spirited
    conversation. He'd be happy in a place like that. Come to think of it, I'd be
    happy in a place like that.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    assorted pinheads

    Thank goodness for Zippy.

    (That would be the Honda, not the Pinhead.)
    My truck has been at the dealer since Saturday. They did the estimate on fixing
    the dash panel and the broken back window and sent it to the insurance company,
    who has *still* not given them an OK to fix it. Most people here cannopt afford to
    have their cars out of circulation for this long. Yes, I have another car to drive
    meanwhile, but they don't know that. (Actually they do, because they insure it,
    but still.) This is Arizona, not Philadelphia or New York; it is not possible to
    get anywhere without a car. What do they think, I'm going to walk 40 miles to
    work? Or even two miles to and from the nearest supermarket? Carrying groceries?
    Not unless I wanted to shop daily, for the amount I'd be able to

    Typing the above made me feel really ungrateful and whiny, for
    the view into life below the poverty line -- and there's a lot of life below that
    line, out here. Any of you who were reading this a year ago may remember me
    complaining how low our unemployment insurance is (currently $205/wk); at the
    moment, it's the lowest in the country, bar none. Even Mississippi and Alabama
    raised theirs above ours. And though we've now got a horrible definict, for a
    couple of years there we had a surplus, so it wasn't the state as a whole being
    poor that kept that number down. (We had an extremely messed-up reimbursement
    program for alternate-fuel vehicles that wiped out the surplus, along with falling
    tax revenues.) Though to be fair, our poorer neighborhoods tend to have shops,
    schools, and bus stops mixed in much closer to the houses. Also lots of muffler
    shops, for some reason (older cars?). So it might be easier to do without a car
    .... until you had to leave your neighborhood. And while they also have libraries,
    welfare centers, churches, and other services locally, there aren't a lot of
    doctors or hospitals.

    So I need to stop whining about my truck being
    out of commission, and be grateful we can afford a third car. But that won't keep
    me from taking a stern line with the insurance agency! Speaking of pinheads...

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 12, 2002

    Curses! Foiled again!

    March Ampersand
    topic: curses

    The villain always said, "Curses! Foiled again!"

    Why foiled? Is the
    idea that he's been fended off with a fencing foil? Perforated as by a rapier's
    point? Even stabbed with a stiletto?

    Or has he been foiled in an even
    more literal way: bound so tightly in tinfoil that all his nefarious thoughts
    perforce came to naught? Swathed in sheets of aluminum so that he is unable to
    make his date with the heroine and the train?

    He is certainly meant
    to be a foil for the hero; all his unrelieved evil ways serve only to show the
    burnished gleam of the hero's sterling qualities. But does this mean the hero is
    also his foil? If a foil is meant to show off good qualities by contrast, then the
    hero can't be the villain's foil, so how can he be foiled again?

    then there's the "Curses!" part. Has anyone anywhere ever actually said "curses"?
    (It doesn't count if the person saying it was trying to imitate those foiled
    silent-movie villains.) Or is it a placeholder, meant to denote foul language
    without ever exposing tender ears to actual swearing, much like the symbols used
    to show profanity in comic strips? And if so, why couldnÕt a silent movie villain
    say "*$#%#@&*!", just like Sarge does when he beats up Beetle Bailey? After
    all, the movie villain only spoke in captions, just like a comic character.
    Perhaps the symbolic cursing convention wasnÕt invented until well after the
    dastardÕs heyday.

    What curses would the villain have used, if not
    hampered by the need to keep his audience's ears (and eyes, in the days of silent
    movies) unsullied? Surely nothing scatological or sexual – the innocent heroine
    wouldn't have even understood his words. Profanity, perhaps. Or perhaps the
    villains of those days had a flow of epithet unmatched in these more prosaic
    times. You seldom hear any imaginative swearing anymore. Oh, I once knew a six-
    year-old who was adorable as she stamped her little foot and swore the worst oath
    she was allowed: "Rats!" And there was someone in college whose favorite epithet
    was "Holy Hammer!" I once asked if the reference were to Thor's Mjöllnir, but she
    didn't know either – she had picked up the phrase from someone else. There's
    precious little swearing anymore that isn't either a four-letter word, a
    combination of them, or a euphemism for them. Some of the worst news of recent
    days has brought a small spate of creativity, as Americans struggling to find ways
    strong enough to express their emotions dropped the usual swear words as too
    hackneyed and suddenly added words like "pusillanimous" to their vocabulary, but
    that effect was short-lived. Almost no one reaches the level of Kipling's "By the
    livin' Gawd that made you" anymore, let alone his more imaginative flights of
    derogatory, or the sorts of hard names the men who hammered out the Declaration of
    Independence called each other in their less harmonious

    Nobody swears well anymore. It's a lost

    Goshdarn it.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    moral imperatives

    Mer reminded me of
    another point I'd been thinking through. I'm still not of resolved mind on this
    whole impending war thing. The truest comment I've heard on it yet was the other
    day on the radio -- might have been Sen. Kyle or someone like that: "I don't think
    anyone feels comfortable about their opinion on this, except maybe those at either
    extreme." (If it was the Senator, it's about the first thing he's ever said that I
    agree with.) I'm pleased to find that people on both sides agree in their support
    for the rank-and-file of the military; as Tommy Sands says, "Those who give the
    orders, they are not the ones to die." I'd be even happier if I were sure more
    people on both sides realized they have this commonality.

    About the
    situation as a whole, I tried to dissect my opinions into their component beliefs.
    These are my beliefs, stripped out and laid completely bare here.

    believe Saddam Hussein is evil. I do believe the government's premise on this
    item. I used to believe all terrorists were evil, but on further reflection I
    concluded some may just be thoroughly deluded, brainwashed with "us=good,
    them=bad," especially those so embedded in their own beliefs that they are glad to
    die for them. I'd like to think I'd have the moral courage to realize that killing
    people for my beliefs is a bad thing, but how can I tell? From here in freedom,
    anyway? On the other hand, there is no form of life so low as those who recruit
    people to kill and die to bolster their own power.

    So OK, he's evil.
    But is he our problem to deal with? Well, yes. If he's evil and we want to align
    ourselves on the side of good, in defiance of the the usual political expediency,
    then he is, and we do have to deal with him. My thoughts on this were certainly
    influenced by my current reading
    : "In Life's name and for Life's sake, I will set aside fear for
    courage and death for life, when it is right to do so..." But just because it's
    fiction doesn't mean it doesn't carry truth.

    So OK, he's evil and he
    is our problem. But how do we fight him? That's where the logic chain stops being
    easy to link. We can't leave him alone to torture and brood over a growing weapons
    stash. But despite my idealism above, we do have to consider political expediency.
    This morning in a href="">radio
    , US Army Col. Mike Turner (Ret.), former policy advisor to the
    Joint Chiefs, laid out a very possible -- and very dire -- scenario of what would
    happen if we war without allies. It differed from LA's prediction only in being more
    detailed. We also, if we want to have any claim to living up to our principles
    (and they are idealistic, and that's not a bad thing) need to make sure that we do
    not indulge in evil in trying to fight evil. We've done it before, certainly;
    that's no excuse for doing it again. Each new decision is an opportunity to make
    the right decision (or a right decision) or the wrong one. We must fight, I am
    convinced. But do we have to do it in the literal sense, warfare with blood and
    death, bullets and bombs and desperation and despair? That I can't say. But if we
    do take that irrevocable action, we'd better be damn sure it's the right

    And what will I do with my logic? I don't know. If we go to war,
    will I speak out? Once war is officially declared, it happens to be illegal to
    speak against it: sedition, to be precise. I don't have a particular objection to
    breaking a law, if it's a bad law, but this isn't a bad law, in itself. It may be
    necessary to avoid a breakdown of morale in a dire situation. We don't typically
    enforce that law (as witness protests during Vietnam), but we could. It's on the
    books. And I work in a patriotic industry; getting arrested for speaking out
    wouldn't do much for my job prospects. But I don't have kids or dependents, Rudder
    being well able to care for himself, so it would mostly only hurt me. Should we go
    to war? I don't know. What would I need to do if we did? I don't know. Would I do
    it? I don't know. I don't know.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Stupid Gym Music

    Here's what I want to know: do record companies really have separate divisions
    dedicated solely to producing Stupid Gym Music? My gym plays songs I've never
    heard anywhere else. (Thank goodness!) Presumably, the idea is to play upbeat
    tunes to energize gym rats (and us smaller gym mice) and distract them from the
    pain of the workout. However, that plan fails completely because of the bone-
    numbingly stupid lyrics of those songs. Someone ought to suggest to the record
    companies that they use a randomizing program to generate their lyrics; the
    results would have to be an improvement.

    You can't escape the music,
    either, even on the locker room, which lends credence to the hypothesis that the
    lyrics are carefully chosen to hide subliminal messages the gym broadcasts.
    Unfortunately, those are probably less likely to be "You are getting stronger and
    more toned," and more likely "Sign up for personalized sessions with a trainer at
    our new low, low prices."

    This morning while I was getting dressed
    after my workout, they were playing one of these musical excrescences whose lyrics
    were something like, "A real woman knows a real man when she sees one/ And a real
    man, he just can't deny a woman's worth". My first thought was, 'Well,
    there's some circular reasoning." After listing to an additional verse with
    the line, "A real woman knows a real man always comes first," my second thought
    was, 'Well, yes, they often do, but it's not really anything to brag about!'
    Though I suppose they might have meant that a "real man" would expect a woman to
    treat him as more important than anyone else, a distinctly less palatable concept.
    I don't mind my original idea so much; after all, someone's got to be first,
    unless you have the sort of split-second timing general only found in cheap
    romance novels and magazine columns purporting to consist of true stories of
    readers' amatory exploits. On the other hand, the credo that a real man is one
    who is possessed of a sort of domestic megalomania, never happy unless he is the
    sole focus of his woman's attention, is downright appalling.

    It makes
    me hope that song really is only played in gyms, and not, say, on radio stations
    catering to a junior-high demograph.

    I'd also like to know why it is
    that none of my shoelaces can stay tied for more than five minutes, even when I
    double-knot them, but thatÕs a whole 'nother rant.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:22 AM

    March 11, 2002

    small breakthrough

    Minor breakthrough today: this has been one of our more stolid, not to say boring,
    classes to date. Today we got them embroiled in a lively (well, relatively) debate
    on the burning issue of whether it's better to review your code first or compile
    it first. (Trust me, it's a hot-button issue among programmers.) The best part was
    that we had people in the class on both sides of the issue, so it didn't have to
    be just us as instructors trying to make a point. Also, the people who deal with
    these issues every day, especially the leads who have a little better visibility,
    can make these points better than I ever could.

    By the way, the
    correct answer is, "It depends. In theory, reviewing first (in a structured way)
    should be more effective, but just try it this way for a while, then make your
    decision based on data."

    In other news, I was practicing racing starts this morning and broke two minutes
    on my split -- 1:57 at a rate of 38! (That's fast, at least for me.)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    still groggy

    If I had one of those little emotion readouts on this diary today, it would
    definitely read "groggy". I'm not really terribly sore from yesterday, but both
    body and mind are fatigued and neither is inclined to move quickly. I got plenty
    of sleep (so I judge, because I set the alarm for 5:40 AM, turned off my light at
    7 last night, and woke up every half hour or so from about 3:00 on) but sometimes
    one single night's sleep isnÕt enough to restore the corpus from one of its more
    corpselike states.

    I can't believe I raced four times
    yesterday. The two races in the eight were 2000 meters, too, instead of the 1000m
    the smaller boats raced. Therefore, I raced a total of 6000 meters, twice as far
    as Rudder rowed in three races. This has left me disinclined to move around much
    or do any work today. Unfortunately, I doubt my supervisor, who's been working a
    lot of weekends himself, would appreciate it much if I napped under my desk today.
    Thank goodness we didn't have rowing practice today. My general state of fog has
    also left me with no inclination or energy to deal with the squabble going on
    among moderators of one of the email lists I own.

    My old college
    roommate is staying over tomorrow night, with a husband I haven't met before and
    an even newer baby. I am very much looking forward to seeing her and her menfolk,
    but not up for doing much to prepare for the visit. Thank goodness we restarted
    the cleaning service. I'll probably drag myself into the supermarket after work,
    and throw together a quick Cape Verde vegetable soup (courtesy of one of the
    Moosewood cookbooks) tonight or tomorrow – if we decide to go for the ordeal of
    dining-out-with-baby instead, we can always eat it another night. There are
    definitely things I miss about unemployment, and time to cook and time to shop are
    two of them. However, there's much to be said for interesting work and money to
    shop with.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:32 AM

    March 10, 2002

    the real schedule

    Last night, I posted a schedule for today that went:

    • Race in
    • Turn 35.
    • Race in final (if successful in
    • Collapse.

    Here is the way that
    actually turned out:

    • Race in single, heat.
    • Turn
    • li>Race in eight with women from LA who needed another person,

    • Race in single, final.
    • Race in eight with LA
      women, final.
    • Go out for beer and food.
    • Update
    • Return calls from family
    • Shower (still in
      planning stage)
    • Collapse (still in planning stage).

    Y'all will kindly excuse me for not being more

    But thanks to Natalie, SWooP, and Jen for the cool birthday
    cards and to Marn for the gbook greeting - sorry but I'm way too tired for proper

    Posted by dichroic at 05:50 PM

    a good start to the day

    Happy birthday to me...

    Thanks very much to those of you who have
    wished me a happy one in the guestbook or via an e-card or e-mail. I also got a
    car from Yogi here at work, which made me feel a little guilty; she gave me one
    that said "Happy birthday Sister," because we were born on the same day, same
    year, while I gave her one featuring the kid from the Wild Thornberries, saying
    "Happy Burp Day!" I feel better since the Yogi admitted this was just one she had
    on hand originally intended for her actual sister, though. And the Statistician (I
    think that's what I've called him) brought in a carrot cake, or at least most of
    one he had left over from the weekend, for our joint birthdays. Awwww. I dont
    actually like carrot cake, or at least not the cream cheese icing, but I won't
    even mention that to anyone.

    Today has been a little hectic, work-
    wise, especially the part where I had to run out of one class (leaving my co-
    teacher, who's the one with experience in this class anyhow, in charge) to go
    teach a module in another class. Gah. We need to get this schedule further
    straightened out, but at least we've made progress.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 09, 2002

    plans for tomorrow

    Plans for tomorrow:

    Race in heat.

    Turn 35.

    Race in final
    (if successful in heat).


    More or less in that order.
    I may omit the collapse part if I only race once.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    I just put in a load of laundry, complete with Mountain Spring-scented Tide, and
    it got me wondering: have these people ever actually smelled a mountain in spring?
    Because I have, and it's nothing like their detergent. In fact, there isn't just
    one mountain smell; a mountain here in the desert, covered with sagebrush and
    desert wildflowers smells very different from a mountain in a Colorado spring,
    with snow at the top and streams of pure melted ice running down to water the
    columbines. The mountains of western Oregon have a bit of sea salt mixed in with
    the scent of the pines that cover them, while those of northern Arizona's high
    desert mix sagebrush with the pines. And the lower mountains of the mid-Atlantic,
    from the Catskills to the Blue Mountains, can never quite escape the tang of all
    those cities not too far away.

    Deodorants are even worse. They have
    scents like "powder fresh", "summer breeze", "baby fresh", and "sport". Taking
    those in order: they do sometimes get the smell of talcum powder right, or nearly
    right. They ought to; they can have the powder sitting right there in the lab, or
    even blend it in to the stick. "Summer breeze" though, has the same problems a
    "mountain spring". Also, whoever came up with that name was obviously not there,
    as I was, that summer in Philadelphia when the trash collectors went on strike.
    Not a good image for me. Then there's "baby fresh"; I yield to no one in my
    admiration for the smell of a clean baby's hair (whether I want my own armpits to
    smell that way is a different issue) but "fresh" is not the word I'd use. It's
    more a subtle mixture of soured milk, baby powder, and visceral reaction. And why
    would I want to smell that way myself? I don't want people I meet to want to
    mother me. As for "sport", I thought that the smell of sports was exactly what the
    deodorant is supposed to erase in the first place.

    Most perfumes
    aren't all that much better. I want one that makes me smell like fresh healthy
    girl, or in less literal moods, like a freshly blooming flower, or a bit of musk,
    or anything else that would make people want to be near me. Forget the "vat of
    chemicals" smell so many of them seem to evoke. I don't wear perfume much, can you

    Smells are so evocative that it's important to get them right.
    There's one brand of shampoo that gives me flashbacks to Australia, because it's
    the one I used on our trip there. And then there's the problem of mixture: what do
    I smell like, if I've washed my clothes with "spring breeze" Tide, applied "shower
    fresh" under my arms, washed my hair with citrus shampoo, spritzed on jasmine
    cologne, and moisturized my skin with yet another unnamed scent? Not to mention
    any other cosmetic product I might see fit to use? Do I just smell like "fragrance
    amalgam"? Ick.

    Marketers and advertisers are silly people.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    March 08, 2002

    Almost busier than the weekdays

    Yes, life is back to normal. Busy, that is. Would it so upset the balance of the
    universe if I had both time and money available at once? (Cue Zero Mostel, "If I
    Were a Rich Man, deedle deedle deedle dydle deedle...) Tonight and early tomorrow
    morning, I have to read up on the flying stuff I've forgotten because it's been so
    long since I've gotten my sorry ass up in a plane. Later that day we've got a pre-
    race barbeque for the regatta portion of the Grand
    Canyon State Games
    , which is on Sunday. At some point in between I ought to
    wash my truck or have it washed, because when you drive on the freeways during
    rush hour, it's a trifle pleasanter if your windows are transparent rather than
    just translucent.

    At present it looks like I'll only be racing in my
    single on Sunday, though I may still race twice if I win my heat (as if). I really
    don't like the way the club group handles racing, which is to have AussieCoach
    make all the decisions about who's in what boat without passing on much info to
    the rowers. I'm paid up for this quarter, but once that's over, I may just become
    a member of "Arizona Rowing", which is what Rudder and T2 call themselves when not
    racing under the auspices of club or city. Coaches, bah. The club does offer
    individual coaching sessions, so I may just decide to row on my own and take the
    occasional lesson just to keep from developing too many bad habits and to help me
    plan my practice schedule. Maybe I'll try to work with the scary former Olympian
    (Bulgarian, female) who also seems to be fed up with the whole large group idea.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 07, 2002


    Waiting sucks. My first paycheck is supposed to be mailed out today. Eventually,
    it will be directly deposited in my account and I'll get paid every Thursday, but
    until that goes through, I have to depend on the vagaries of snail mail. The U.S.
    Post Office is fairly efficient these days, except when it's not; this state
    doesn't do direct deposit for unemployment checks and I always got those either
    one or two days after they were mailed, except for the one that took over a month
    to get to me. With luck, that won't happen to any of these checks in the short
    time before they start getting directly deposited.

    It was exciting to
    get back to work, but frustrating to have to wait an extra two weeks for the first
    installment of the paycheck which is, after all, my main reason for being here.
    When the wait starts to get to me, though, I think of the situation of a friend of
    mine. There is a distant possibility her husband will be asked to move to Ireland
    for a year or two for his job. They'll be finding out in the next couple of weeks
    if that will happen. I'd be thrilled at the opportunity if it were mine, but I
    think they're ambivalent. She's got a couple of kids from a previous marriage and
    they've got shared custody, so that might be difficult.

    Ireland is
    just a side issue, though, much as it would change their lives. The real crux for
    them is waiting to find out if she's pregnant. They desperately want to have a
    child, and have undergone IVF: shots every day for three months (and three months
    more if she conceives) and a surgery painful enough to keep her out of work for a
    couple of days. I don't know what the statistics are for the procedure (I'm sure
    quite a lot of D-landers do), but it is definitely a toss of the dice, far from a
    sure thing. They've only just recently married, and we're worried about how
    they'll adapt if she hasn't conceived. They find out in the middle of next

    When I think of all that, it suddenly becomes much easier to
    wait a few days more for a bit of money. I'm not starving, and I know it's
    definitely coming, so all I have to do is decide what to do with it when it gets
    here. Easy, by comparison.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    running on


    Have reported on my busted-into-truck to the cops, who were very
    friendly and laid-back and who told me about another drug house in the
    neighborhood they just busted up. In addition tothe one we knew about, which has
    now been fixed up and sold. This is not so much a commentary on the neighborhood,
    which is a nice middle-class-ish one with big houses, as on the world, in which
    this has become a common thing. I figure there's no point moving, on the heory
    that any city and many rural neighborhoods have the same problems.

    Reported also to the insurance agents, who were also kind and
    helpful as they always are but who distressed me because it turns out I can't just
    go and get it fixed which would be way too simple, oh, no, I have to get it
    assessed first. Which presumably involves me and the assessor and the truck all
    being in the same place, which is difficult because they haven't called me back
    today when I could leave early and next week I absolutely can't because I'm
    teaching a class all week. The agent also helpfully suggested that the assessor
    could come to my work parking lot, but I really don't want to drive the truck all
    the way across town to work with its dash panels dangling.

    distress causes me to write run-on sentences. Or maybe run-on sentences just feel
    like the right way to express dangling emotions.

    Maybe Rudder can
    deal with getting my truck and the assessor to each other since he works much
    closer to home.

    Maybe this weekend will be fun

    We'll see.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 06, 2002

    Monday's incident

    I have a race on Sunday. In addition, I will be turning 35 that day. Therefore, I
    should probably be concentrating on eating healthier. None of this stopped me from
    having decaf coffee (I'm a wimp and can't drink the real stuff) with half-and-half
    and sugar and a cherry turnover for breakfast. Oh, well. We athlete types need fat
    for energy, right?

    I don't believe I've written about what happened
    at rowing the other day. Other than the upcoming race, the excitement on the lake
    this week happened on Monday, when a city quad, rowed by Hardcore, She-Hulk, and
    two guys, flipped over. I was in another quad with three women from the club; we
    saw them a bit after it happened, by which time they had gotten their boat to the
    side, gotten out of the lake, and were trying to get some water out of the boat.
    We hollered over to them, then went to get our coach, about 1000m away, to go in
    his launch to help them. We got over to the end of the lake where he was, and,
    yelled and screamed and whistled (the well-prepared Dr. Bosun had a loud whistle
    with her) but AussieCoach, concentrating on the two eights he was watching, didn't
    hear us. He sped on by and we had to row halfway back up the lake to fetch him.
    By then, the other four were back in their boat, heading to the beach, but he went
    and helped them in. They got there as we were taking out our oars, and AussieCoach
    sent us up to get towels for them. On the way up, we saw their coach (not Yosemite
    Sam, the other one) talking to a ranger, so we told him what had happened. It
    turned out the ranger had pulled his launch off the lake for not having proper
    lights. The ranger had told his eight to come in, but hadn't notified the quad. I
    gave the coach the blanket and some fleece clothing I had in my truck, then sped
    off to work. As I left, She-Hulk and one of the guys were carrying oars up, and I
    later found out Dr. Bosun had told them to go home and marshaled club people to
    carry their boat up. They'd spent about 30-40 minutes in the water and in wet
    clothes, from the time they tipped until they got back in.

    If you
    weren't there, the amount of sheer dumb-assery and other mistakes implicit in that
    story may not be evident.

    • First, the coach went out, well before
      dawn, in a launch without lights. This is against the local rules and is unsafe
    • Next, the ranger told the eight to come in, but not the
      quad. This is somewhat equivocal; it sounds like there was faulty communication
      somewhere there and the ranger didnÕt understand there were two boats out. Also,
      though it's against city rules, I don't honestly think rowing without an
      accompanying launch is all that dangerous – the club didn't have one at all until
      a few weeks ago. Still, the city people expect to have a launch for rescue, and
      they should have been told to come in when they didn't have one, by the policy of
      the city, which employs the rangers.
    • The ranger didn't see the
      flipped quad. This isnÕt equivocal at all – what's the point of having them out
      there if they don't look around?
    • AussieCoach also went by the quad
      twice without seeing them. Rowers are supposed to focus, but a coach needs to
      maintain awareness of what else is going on.
    • AussieCoach didn't see
      or hear us when we first yelled to him. See above.
    • The people in
      the quad, three of whom are experienced scullers, didn't know how to turn it back
      over and get back in, to rescue themselves. They did rescue themselves in the end,
      but they could have saved a lot of time in the water. At 6AM. In February. And
      it's not especially clean water, either.

    This is
    serious – they were lucky the water has begun to warm up a little. People have
    died from that sort of thing. I called Unknown Legend to suggest a bit more about
    rowing in ranger training; Rudder emailed her to suggest that how to right an
    overturned boat be added to the rower training.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    not too much to say except thanks

    Work's left me not feeling like writing much today. It hasn't been bad
    exactly, just frantic enough to leave me disinclined to write anything I don't
    have to.

    Oh, except this...

    I've been getting birthday cards
    from my dentist and insurance agent for a week now, but yesterday I got an actual
    present in the mail, from an actual person. href="">Thanks! Only problem is, Rudder won't let
    me open it until Monday, my actual birthday. (Well, he wouldn't actually prevent
    me, but he'd tell me I'd regret it and he'd be right.) At least he doesn't make me
    wait until after dinner, as he always does -- I can see the appeal of delayed
    gratification, but that's just ridiculous.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 05, 2002

    the vanishing flight line

    Now I'm having hallucinations. Instead of my usual trip to the building cafeteria,
    I decided to walk to Taco Hell today. Yes, their food has way too much fat, but
    the cafeteria isn't serving anything I like today and I don't want a salad. I had
    a salad and shrimp (Gambas al Ajillas...mmmm) for dinner last night and will
    problem have the same again tonight. (Leftovers....mmmm again.) Besides, it's a
    beautiful day out. Anyway, on the way there, I was watching the little planes take
    off at the small airport across the street when I noticed a sign on a building
    there that read, "Flight Line". A place with that name at an airport is most
    likely either a pilot shop or a cafe, and either way I'm interested, so I detoured
    a bit to check it out.

    When I got to the corner where I should have
    been able to see it again, "Flight Line" was gone!! I looked and looked, but
    couldn't see it at all. Back in the office with my Mexi-junkfood, I checked Yahoo
    Yellow Pages and couldn't find a place with that name at all. My best guess is
    that maybe a truck with that name painted on it was pulled up at the airport and
    drove away. I just don't know, though.

    I don't think I'll mention at
    work that I'm seeing things, especially because I might have to go get drug-tested
    for a third time. No, I haven't been smoking anything, let alone anything illegal.
    The first time, the sample I provided was "too dilute". (Well, you're supposed to
    drink lots of water, especially if you both work out and live in a desert
    climate!) The second time, reflex was too strong for me and as I stood up, I
    automatically flushed, contrary to instructions. Ooops. I can't imagine what
    difference that should really make, anyway. After all, it's not like they do a
    strip search. Anything I could have hidden on the way in, I could have hidden
    equally well on the way out.

    Still, I really don't much want to have
    to fill that cup again.

    On a completely different (and
    probably more appetizing) subject, I'm starting to get the urge to go flying
    again. I've logged very few hours in the last couple of year -- I keep meaning to,
    but there's never enough time. I ought to have done it during my layoff; after
    Christmas it wasn't even a question of money, since Rudder gave me a block of time
    at our local FBO (FBO=Fixed Base Operator=flying school). I never used it because
    I wanted to do some reading and "chair flying" first and I never got to that.
    Watching the small planes take off and working on aviation software has started to
    get to me, I guess. I probably need to just schedule the time first and let that
    force me to read up. I'd like to just take a couple lessons out here at lunch,
    though I probably should use the time Rudder gave me first.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 04, 2002

    a normal Monday

    Plans for the day: Row. Work. Los of driving before and after. Yup, things are
    back to normal Chez Dichroic. Oh, well, we can't all be jet-setters popping hither
    and yon over the ocean like href="">Mechaieh. (What a stupid
    thing to say right after two weeks in Korea. Memory fades

    Today's excitement will be calling to get the cleaning service
    restarted - yay!! We were going to wait until after my first paycheck, but my old
    college roommate and her new husband and baby are visiting early next week, and I
    sort of like to have the house clean for company. We've got a local regatta this
    weekend, so the chances of having time and energy to do it ourselves are quite

    And I have a meeting today, my first. With luck, it'll get me
    well-started on the path to doing some real work.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    March 03, 2002


    I was chatting with the Three Bitchin' Babes last night: SWooP, href="">Caerula, and href="">Natalieee (apologies to Christine Lavin), but had to
    get off early because it was getting toward bedtime and Rudder seemed lonely. Just
    as well, since he told me afterward he thought I'd been spending a bit too much
    time online, not so much now as when I was unemployed. He's probably right, since
    he was really only talking about the weekends.

    Today I'm going to go
    make up for my frustrated shopping impulses yesterday at the RenFaire (where we
    really didn't do much but eat). I want a new gym bag, because I don't think all
    the exploded antiperspirant will come off my old one. I also need to return my
    waterproof socks, which leak, and might stop in at a shoestore. Or the office
    supplies place next to it; I'm a sucker for both shoes and fountain pens.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    traumatic bra incident

    I had another traumatic bra-related incident yesterday.

    I may be the
    only person I know over the age of 12 who can write those words and mean them.
    Make that 14, because I had no need for one until about then. ANd when I did start
    wearing them, for most of my life it was a 32A, which is the smallest size you can
    buy without a "training bra" label. I was somewhat stunned recently to find myself
    in the Gap buying a 34B -- a lot of my existing ones, regualr and sport, had been
    getting tight under the arms, and I put it down to the effect of weight lifting on
    pectoral muscles.

    So back to yesterday. We cleaned up from the party,
    a relatively trivial task since apparently all our local friends are growing old
    and sedate (in some cases too sedate to even show up, drat them) and then Rudder
    took off for a business trip. Naturally I took advantage of the rare alone time to
    go shopping, and ended up doing something I'd never done. I got measured

    You know how they say 60% of all American women, or some
    such number, wear the wrong size bra? well, apparently I am among that number (I
    figured for years I couldn't possibly be, because you can't go any smaller than a
    32A.) But as of yesterday, I am a 32C. Apparently that tightness wasn't from the
    band size.

    I mean really, a C? What's that all about? Where did these
    things come from? More importantly, what is my body doing and why have I not been
    consulted? First there's the discovery last year that I'm a full inch taller than
    I'd believed I was for years, then there's the fact that I weigh a good five
    pounds more than I did a year ago (just after the height revelation, so I can't
    blame that, dammit), the spreading gut -- the general contours are the same as
    always and I still look fairly small around, but it looks softer and now
    this. Next thing you know, the little bitches will start sagging on me. (They
    still don't so far, knock cellulite.)

    I'm still in quest of a T-shirt
    bra -- one made not to show under clothing -- that performs as advertised. (By the
    way, what sort of idiot markets something as a T-shirt bra, with te fiberfill for
    smoothing, no seams and all that, and then puts freaking bows at the base
    of each strap?) But now I'm scared to spend the money, just in case I morph again.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 02, 2002

    a bit of Static

    I got to watch Saturday morning cartoons this morning, something I don't normally
    do these days, though I used to love them. (This was back in the days of the
    originalJustice League of America, the one where Wonderwoman was the only
    girl.) I can recommend Static Shock, about a teen-aged kid with electrical powers.
    Today, his powers were affected by sunspots, running overcharged one minute and
    gone the next -- a nice metaphor for pubertal hormones, I thought. Luckily for
    Static, these sunspots lasted for one half-hour cartoon, rather than the normal
    11-year cycle. The kid's a good influence, anyway. I rather admired his calm
    acceptance of losing his powers: "No, man, this is great. I can have time for my
    friends again, time to study, time to sleep. It's good to have my life back
    again." The Adventures of Jackie Chan (and his little niece sidekick) also looked
    promising, but I was done on the erg by then.

    Speaking of being a
    sidekick, I had to erg today, to make up for skipping the gym Thursday. I need to
    live up to my new title, Lady Erg, [preens] over at href="">Chez Sinister.

    And now I
    need to go see if I can stencil the dining room before Rudder gets back from the
    gym. (I want to write "I Will Drink Life to the Lees", from Tennyson's Ulysses,
    over the entrance to the living room.) He knows I'm going to do it, but I don't
    think he's enthusiastic.

    After that, we're going to spend the day at
    the Renaissance Faire, with T2 and Egret. I get to spend a whole day being dragged
    away from all the cool crafts stands, whee.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    March 01, 2002

    retrospective, current update, and future hope

    I've been a good girl this week, mostly. I rowed Monday, Wednesday and today, and
    went to the gym Tuesday, despite all the stress of starting a new job and so on.
    Rudder and I slept in and skipped the gym yesterday, a mutual decision. He plans
    to go tomorrow to make it up, but I'm not quite that dedicated. Besides, I've been
    getting in lots of walking here, between having the cafeteria at the far end of
    the facility and getting lost several times.

    Today's row was nice --
    the water was calm and there's a full moon. If I can reconstitute the wordsmithing
    I was doing out there, I may post the results here later. If not, well, shorter
    updates may just have to be part of the side-effects of a busier

    I can't wait until next weekend when I get my first

    Posted by dichroic at 08:59 AM

    February 28, 2002

    I think this is in accordance with company policy

    I have a new computer at work now (literally a new one - a cool black Dell). No
    phone yet, but that should come today or tomorrow. So far, it looks like a good
    gig. The commute sucks, as anticipated, but the company actually seems to buy in
    to what I do, which will be a nice change from fighting uphill battles all

    Evil Obo stopped by this morning for a civil chat, so I conclude
    he intends to be friendly, or at least professional polite. Either that or he was
    collecting data to see if he still hates me, so I tried to be polite and
    respectful. Surprisingly, he seems to have kept in touch with several of our
    former coworkers, including the manager who let him go. I suspect it was more his
    doing than theirs, but I'm still a bit surprised.

    This is a rather
    large facility. I just got completely lost on the way back from the cafeteria,
    despite having found it successfully at least twice in the last few days. St.
    Bernards rowing the halls with cask of brandy would be distinctly helpful

    I get out early again today, because I have to go be re-drug-
    tested. No, I haven't smoked any odd cigarettes. And no, I didn't have a poppy-
    seed bagel for breakfast that morning. You know how health experts are always
    telling people to drink lots of water? Especially women? Especially in a dry
    climate? Well, apparently that's not a great idea right before a drug test.
    TheyÕre claiming my sample was "too dilute". Sigh. Apparently I do have a drinking
    problem, though just with water. Maybe I should just keep drinking lots, so that
    I can keep getting out of work early?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 27, 2002

    a quick one while he's away

    Rowing. Work. Then out for beer or early to bed. Back to the old grind.

    I'll try to write more later, but am short on time right now.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 26, 2002

    Evil Obo's in town

    Ohmigod OhMyGod OHMYGOD NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

    Not Evil Obo!!!

    At work today, for Day Two (more properly, Half-Day Two, since I
    left at noon) I saw someone I knew from my last job, standing there in the
    courtyard smoking. Unfortunately, if I'd had to name the top three people on my
    list of Coworkers I'd Rather Never See Again, his name would be in all three

    I should have known he'd be there. After all, why else would
    that stairway always smell like pipe smoke? After all, lots of people smoke pipes,
    but most of them wash their clothes occasionally.

    This guy took a
    severe dislike to me at the last job. Apparently he thought I was an arrogant
    little bitch. Obviously, I think I'm properly humble -- I admit to making mistakes
    all the time and freely apologize when I know I'm wrong -- but others have
    complained, so there's likely a grain of truth there. At the very least, I have
    mannerisms that can occasionally be interpreted as arrogant. (Is that self-
    delusional or what?) (See? Properly humble.) (And proud of it!) But what do you
    generally do when you find a coworker irritating? You shut up and do what you have
    to do to work with them, and avoid unnecessary contact, that's what. You don't
    send them nasty emails every morning, or scream at them. And, I repeat, to project
    a professional image, you change clothes daily and wash them

    I didn't get him fired though, didn't even file a
    formal complaint. His behavior was erratic enough, and obvious enough, that I
    didn't have to. And now he's there at the new job. With luck, this time he'll
    avoid me as thoroughly as I'll be trying to avoid him. And if not, the company has
    a very stringent policy against harassment, stalking, weapons, violence, and any
    other scary behavior you can think of. I don't actually wish him harm; I just wish
    him far, far away from me, so I won't go near him if I can help

    But on the way out, I met two former coworkers from an even
    earlier job whom I was delighted to see again -- technical whizzes, both of them,
    and extremely sweet guys, to boot. Now if Evil Obo (Obo's not his real name but
    it's got the same letters and a similar pattern) picks on me, I feel like there's
    someone in my corner. And if he tried to spread evil rumors, there's someone
    around who knows better.

    Posted by dichroic at 05:15 PM

    February 25, 2002

    maybe there's hope for him

    Good Lord. Rudder bought me flowers, as a "Congratulations for being gainfully
    employed again" sort of thing. I can't remember the last time he brought me any,
    but the century certainly didn't start with a '2'.

    Later note: Actually, the bouquet he got is very pretty, with some sort of pink-
    speckled lilies, feathery ferns and squiggly twigs; however, I have begun thinking
    of the main component as 'dung lilies' for their rather pungent scent. And they're
    filling the house with it. I couldn't resist mentioning the odd scent to Rudder,
    who went over, sniffed, and said, "They smell good to me." However, I tried to
    cast my comment in as positive a light as possible and have refrained from
    mentioning the species' new name to him. And really, I don't care; I've been so
    irked at him for the past week, for not showing up for the tax meeting and then
    not, apparently, trying hard to apologize, that we haven't been as snuggly as
    usual. But he's reprioritized his work now and given me these as a gesture -- they
    could smell like ginkgo fruit and I wouldn't complain.

    Anyway, they seem to be wilting already, so the smell shouldn't last too long!

    Today I hope to leave work around noon, to get my hair cut, update my insurance,
    and maybe if my willpower fails, drop in at a local shoe store. Bad Dichroic. But
    I will enjoy to the fullest the free time I get, since after this it will be grey
    cubicles full time for me. I've got loads of stuff to take in with me to at least
    make it a Dichroicized grey cube.

    Off to the gym.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    first day report

    "So, Dichroic, how was your first day back at work after 6 months?"

    "Um, well....a little boring, actually."

    That wasn't
    anyone's fault; it's just that I don't have a computer yet and don't have a phone
    yet and can't really do any work. And the people who can give me some training are
    insanely busy. So this will get much better within the week. Since I'm a
    contractor and get paid hourly, I think they'll be more than happy to see me for
    well under 40 hours this week ... which is fine with me, since I realized
    somewhere around lunch time that I had already earned as much as I would have for
    a whole week on unemployment. Today I got to leave at 2:30 to go get drug-tested,
    neatly avoiding the afternoon traffic.

    Morning traffic wasn't bad,
    either. I left rowing at 6:30, which meant by the time we got our quad all
    together and adjusted, we got to do about half a lap before I had to come in.
    Boatyard to gym (to shower) to work, about an hour and 10 minutes. Not too bad.
    Also, of course, today I was primping a good bit more than usual because of it
    being the first day and all, so I'll be able to cut a little off that time.
    Tomorrow I think I'll shower at the gym after lifting weights instead of coming
    home -- that will save 15 minutes or so and get me on the roads a touch earlier,
    while traffic is a smidgen lighter.

    Bizarrely, it was almost nice to
    be back in a grey cubicle in an aerospace company wearing a badge and having to
    log my time to an insane exactitude. This is a world I understand, having spent 8
    and a half years in it. The previous employer, an Internet company, gave us free
    sodas and cookies and I could wear shorts to work. All of this is fun, but on the
    other hand, that company is now probably going out of business. The aerospace
    companies may be anal, but they're still providing jobs. There's something to be
    said for that. (But though I didn't get free cookies, I did get a sandwich, fries,
    and a 20-oz Coke for $3.75, so there's at least a little nurturing going on

    I'm also pleased to see they have the best set of orientation
    documentation I've seen: a very specific, reasonable dress code; a
    nondiscrimination policy that specifically bars making employment decisions based
    on everything from pregnancy to "affectional and/or sexual orientation", and a
    sane Internet policy (basically, you can use the web at work for private stuff
    occasionally, but don't abuse it and don't be downloading porn.

    so far, so good, I guess.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:50 PM

    a sparse future

    I'm writing this quickly before practice. Today will be hectic: rowing practice,
    shower at the gym nearby, off to the new job for my first day, meet Rudder and the
    tax person at 6 to go over our taxes. Unless I get out of work early (because I
    have to go somewhere else to get drug-tested), I'll be out of the house from 4:30
    AM to 7:30 PM. Oig.

    Tomorrow, with luck, they'll let me out early to
    run errands and get stuff done. (No, I'm not forgetting what a real job is like.
    Because of the short notice to start, I was told I could work part-time the first
    week.) So updates may be a bit sparse on the ground for the next few days.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:39 AM

    February 24, 2002

    more later, maybe

    No time to write. First we're off to see lions and tigers (maybe bears) at a local
    wildlife park, then I have to do errands and laundry and get ready to start work
    tomorrow. More later, maybe.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 23, 2002

    the elven ranger corps

    Well. A lot of those questionnaire thingies floating around are pretty silly, but
    I liked this one for it's level of detail. I saw it over at href="">Mechaieh's place.

    I Am
    Chaotic Good Elf Bard Ranger

    characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of
    goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will
    generally do their own things, without heed to such

    Elves are the eldest of all races,
    although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-
    cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with
    day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves
    are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or
    so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existence.


    Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play
    instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also
    tend to dabble in magic a bit.


    Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They
    are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and

    Find out href='' target='mt'>What
    D&D Character Are You?
    , courtesy of href='' target='mt'> height='17' border='0' src=''
    align='absmiddle' width='17'>
    href='' target='mt'>NeppyMan href=''>(e-mail)

    In a
    completely unrelated bit of weirdness, I got an interesting email today. One of
    the tech leads at my former place is telling me his new gig needs a QA Manager,
    and would I be interested? It never drizzles but it precipitates felines and
    canids. I passed his message on to his former manager, who had just emailed that
    he was looking for a change, and who, in my humble opinion, would be very good at
    managing a software quality assurance department. I think they got along well. I
    hope so.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    excitement and ethanol

    Wow. Yesterday was an eventful (and alcohol-filled) day. And all in a good

    I was a little grumpy in the morning because I'd volunteered
    (silly me) to pick up some cinderblock that the club is going to use to set up a
    race course for March 10. (As I said before, it's my birthday, so they'd better
    give me a medal!) they had found a place to buy them for $.60 each, a really
    long way from the boatyard. I checked at a home-improvement place on the way home
    and found they had the same blocks much cheaper, at a far more convenient
    location. Even better, Dr. Bosun and her truck were available to help. We arranged
    to meet at the boatyard at 11, with a few other people to help

    Just about 5 minutes before I left, I got href="">the call offering me a new job,
    starting Monday. (ulp!) I made a slight detour to pick up cheap champagne, which
    we drank after getting all those blocks unloaded.

    For the rest of the
    afternoon, I planned to do all my pre-job errands -- oil change, haircut, and so
    on. Those plans came to a speedy end when I got a phone call from T2: "Can you
    come in an hour to be a witness when me and Egret get married?" (Ulp! again) So of
    course I dropped everything, had Rudder paged, picked him up, ran a very quick
    errand he insisted on doing, then sat around the courthouse for half an hour
    waiting for a trial to be over. It wasn't the most romantic wedding I've ever
    seen, but the judge had a very good ceremony (about waiting out the ebbs and flows
    of a relationship, rather like my href="">sine wave theory) and the
    expressions on the bride and groom's faces were as proud, and happy, and nervous,
    and glistening as any I've seen at the most elaborately planned expensive

    And then we all went to a local brewpub, met up with a bunch
    of other rowers and drank much more.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    February 22, 2002

    really, really, good news

    You are reading the diary of an Employed









    you're done whooping, hollering and stomping, here's more info. I will be helping
    a software group in a major aerospace company refine their software development
    processes, so that they can both develop code with fewer bugs in it and pass
    audits by their customers and the FAA. I know this is odd, but I really like
    working on processes, so this sounds great to me. I'll be doing that for six
    months, and then either doing more of the same, moving into development, or into
    testing, which I also like. I'll be a contractor there, which I can do for 18
    months, after which I could either be extended or convert to an

    There are only two drawbacks I can see, one big and one
    small. The small one is that these guys developed things like operating systems
    and firmware, not cool snazzy user-interface applications. This would be a big
    problem for me, because I like doing apps much better, but I won't be writing code
    anyway. Also, this stuff is meant to run on airplanes (big commercial ones) and
    it's always more pleasant when your work has an end use you're interested in. In
    lots of ways, I'll be glad to be back in aerospace.

    The big one is
    the commute: it's about 40 minutes with no traffic, so it will be more during
    actual commute times. This is offset by the fact that several mornings a week,
    I'll be commuting from the boatyard, which is much closer than my house.

    The disadvantages are also offset by one major honking Good Thing:
    they have offered me considerably more money (like, $5/hour more, which
    equates to $10K/year) than I have ever made in my entire life. I took a pay
    cut when I went to my last employer (to do more interesting work) so this is way
    more than I made there. I figure that offsets a bit of driving.

    I may
    buy a plane for the commute.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 21, 2002

    hen's teeth and skating cars

    You know those talking cars Chevron uses in its href="">ads? II just realized
    those must have been done by the same guy who created the movie href="">Chicken Run as well as the href=">Wallace and Gromit
    features. There's just something about the teeth that gives it away. Not that it
    makes me any more likely to buy Chevron's gas, but at least I don't hate their
    commercials. (The Olympic one with the ice-skating car is very cute.)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Forty years ago yesterday

    Thanks to Caerula, href="">Natalieeee, and SWWooP. The full
    explanation is here but
    it's probably more than anyone wants to know.

    Yesterday was the
    fortieth anniversary of John Glenn's orbit of the earth, the first American to do
    so, though not the first human. Blessings on href="">NPR's collective heads for being the only news
    outlet to cover it at length. From my readings about the early space program and
    similar exploits like Lindbergh's crossing of the Atlantic Ocean, I have concluded
    that there is nothing that has happened within my memory (too young to
    remember Apollo's Moon landing) that has aroused so much public feeling -- the
    best comparison I can come up with is the excitement of your city's team winning
    the Super Bowl/Stanley Cup/World Series, only sustained for months nationwide,
    instead of in one city for a day.

    I wish the Apollo program hadn't
    ended early. I wished the Space Shuttle had been launched in time to boost Skylab
    back into orbit (and I have good reason to believe that was entirely due to poor
    management, but that's another story). I wish the Space Station hadn't been cut
    back to such a poor remnant. I wish we had civilians in space right now, this
    minute, recreating, studying, healing, and working, as every science fiction
    reader fifty years ago confidently believed we would.

    NPR's href="">Talk of the Nation yesterday had a
    live interview with John Glenn, paired first with a current astronaut, href="">Col. Mike Foreman,
    and then with Walter
    . They had them on for a nice long time, and it was a fascinating
    interview. Col. Glenn said two things that surprised me greatly. One was when he
    stated that he is surprised at how far the space program has come. It's true that
    a case can me made that no one (save maybe Arthur Clarke) expected the sort of
    satellite communications we now have, but the manned space program has been rather
    a disappointment to most space buffs, including most NASA engineers I know (I used
    to work for a contractor at the JSC). We are still only letting a small elect
    cadre of people into space; we have no real direction; we have no commercial
    traffic beyond Low Earth Orbit (LEO); we have sent no one outside the Earth-Moon
    system. I did a graduate paper once n the history of space station proposals and
    was almost in tears at the end, because the International Space Station is such a
    pale wraith compared to those once proposed, some of which had artificial gravity
    (induced by centrifugal force), gardens, and large communities of people. And they
    were talking about building these by the 1990s.

    Glenn also shocked
    me by making one statement that is flat-out wrong. In illustrating why a Mars trip
    would be so much greater a challenge than anything we've done, Senator Glenn said
    that the planets "are light-years away". No they're not! Proxima Centauri, our
    nearest star, barring the Sun, is a bit over four light-years away. If my math is
    right, that's something like 42,200,000,000,000 kilometers, or 26,200,000,000,000
    miles away. The Sun, in contrast, is a mere 93,000,000 miles from the Earth (this
    is called 1 Astronomical Unit, or AU). Mars comes as close as 54,500,000
    kilometers, or 34,000,000 miles, to the Earth. That's a fairly large difference,
    and I cannot believe Glenn doesn't know it.

    Amusingly, every time
    Col. Foreman addressed Glenn, he didn't call him Colonel Glenn, or Senator Glenn,
    but John, as if to emphasize, "You're senior and I'm junior, but we're members of
    the same lodge." Of course, the fact that they had offices two doors apart while
    Glenn was preparing for his shuttle flight may also have had something to do with
    it. The other amusing part was when Cronkite came on. It was clear from the awe in
    her voice that to Lynn Neary, the host of this show, Cronkite has exactly the same
    legendary-elder-in-the-field status that Glenn does for Foreman. The parallelism
    was rather nice. And so was Cronkite's undiminished enthusiasts for space flight.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    a gratitude entry

    Last night after the evening went very very badly, I redeemed it partially by
    staying up until midnight (yes, me; yes, midnight) chatting with href="">Natalie and SWWooP. That was good, because afterward I was too tired to be mad at Rudder, who had let me down in a way I can only remember him doing once before, in the last decade.

    And all that elision is starting to sound like he was impotent and I'm being a bitch about it, so perhaps I should give more detail after all. His car is in the shop, so I had to pick him up from work; he was supposed to call me when he was ready. We had an appointment to get our taxes done at 7PM. Five o'clock, no Rudder call. Five forty-five, no call and I'm starting to get perturbed. I call Rudder repeatedly but can't get through. He has no cell phone or pager and wasn't in his office. I even tried calling his boss, who wasn't there either. At twenty til, I finally gave up and went alone -- fortunately we had all the tax papers organized in a folder, so that part was easy. He finally called me on my mobile phone about 15 minutes into the tax session, and was in his office henceforth (not able to leave until we picked him up, remember) so at least we were able to call him and ask questions about things like his stocks. We do those separately so I had no idea what he'd done. I was so furious afterward that I didn't even want to meekly go to bed beside him, so stayed up as late as I wanted for once and skipped the gym this morning.

    Thanks go at this point to Caerula who let me chat and vent to her on IM back when I was getting worried before the tax session -- I attribute that venting to the fact that I was able not to yell at him when I did see him. I find yelling much more satisfactory, actually, but it's not terribly productive. People go on the defensive when yelled at and won't admit they're wrong or

    Thanks also to Natalieeeee and SWWooP because by the time we were done chatting I was too tired to hold a grudge or sleep on the sofa.

    I really wanted to write about John Glenn today, so I'm going to go ahead and do that in another entry, but I wanted to give thanks where due, and they don't make sense without the explanation. But I'd rather write about outer space than in-home arguments.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:59 AM

    February 20, 2002

    You go girls

    Well, maybe I won't do the "I am the only one who..." poem. href="">Mechaieh and SWooP seemed to
    have covered fairly thoroughly what I would have said in their versions. Or maybe
    I will, anyway, if I get any ideas, because I like the first line and because I'd
    say it differently, anyway.

    Job prospects are looking up a little, as
    three major aerospace companies out here seem to be doing some hiring. Today I
    have a non-interview -- it's with a company to whom an acquaintance forwarded my
    resume. They're not actually hiring now, but thought the resume looked very good
    and they're in my town, so they invited me out. (They want to both meet me and use
    me as market research to get an opinion on their product.) It won't lead directly
    to a job, but should be interested, and lets me do a bit of

    At rowing today, I was in an eight, so got to work on an
    entirely different set of calluses than the ones I began rebuilding

    Since I am smaller than the average athlete, in just about
    every sport but gymnastics, horseracing (the jockeys, not the horses) and T-ball,
    I have always liked the companies that specialize in woman-specific gear and
    equipment. Most of them try hard to serve their customers; href="">Title 9, for example, uses real women
    athletes in their catalog pictures, and tells you straight out which sports bra is
    good for who doing what. Moving
    , though I've had a few issues with their href="">sports bras either not
    coming in my size or having seams that chafe, in general makes great products that
    even get into the mainstream sporting goods stores. But yesterday I was browsing
    through a Terry catalog and saw
    something I'd never seen before.

    href="">Terry specializes in women's bike gear
    that they sell both directly via catalog and website and in bike stores. Their
    most famous product is a bike seat with a strategically located cutout, so that
    you're not putting all your weight on sensitive parts. And trust me, a mountain
    bike ride on a standard seat can leave a girl feeling slightly, um, tenderized,
    and not at all in the mood to see what other adventures can be had using those
    body parts. Over the years, they've expanded to cover a full range of cycling gear
    for women, from clothing to complete bikes. I don't know how new this latest thing
    is for them, but it's something I haven't seen elsewhere: they sell cycling
    clothes in plus sizes. Not only that, they sell good-looking cycling
    clothes in plus sizes. Not only that, they show some of them modeled by plus-sized
    women. (Plus sized model women, so they're still tall and gorgeous and probably
    barely into the size range, but anyway.) I don't actually wear plus sizes (and I
    suppose the fact that I even feel the need to say so shows some latent prejudice)
    but I love the idea that they're catering to anyone who wants to ride, not making
    assumptions that only people who are a certain shape want to do sports. Yay,
    Terry. Power to the women.

    I should probably note here that both
    Terry and Title 9 also sell maternity sports clothing.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 19, 2002


    Junior year in college, part of the reason my grades finally went up was that I
    was taking both Linear Algebra (a math course) and Finite Element Analysis (an
    engineering course). It turns out that all of the latter uses techniques of the
    former. I could see how the math applied to real life problems, and so I
    understood it better. Similarly, I did better with computer programs when I was
    modeling a real world issue than when I was just writing something meant to teach
    a new programming technique.

    I was taught history as a series of
    unrelated events, so it was very exciting when I first saw the connection between
    the Federalist Papers, written just post-Revolution, and their direct consequence
    in the Civil War (states' rights issues). I love when topics heterodyne like that;
    I feel I have a deeper understanding.

    Right now I'm reading Patience and Fortitude, by Nicholas Basbanes, which
    is subtitled, "A Roving Chronicle of Book People, Book Places, and Book Culture".
    Immediately before this, I had gotten a short way into Jacques Barzun's From
    Dawn to Decadence
    , which is subtitled, "500 years of Western Cultural Life".
    I'm still in the first 100 years of that, but it is epiphanic (is that an
    adjective? If not, I've just invented it.) to see the same people and movements
    Barzun details popping up in their relation to books and libraries -- the
    humanists of the 15th century, Erasmus as an author, the effects of the closing of
    the monasteries by newly Protestant governments in England and Europe, and so on.
    Sometimes books, like classes, are best understood when harnessed in tandem, and
    this seems to be one of those times.

    I also ought to mention, for fellow Sayers fans, that Barzun discusses Sayers in
    all three of her incarnations: detective writer, theologist and theorist on the
    nature of creation, and translator of Dante.

    There is only one problem with this: I really ought to drop both books and go read
    up on software quality processes so that I don't sound like 6 months unemployment
    have turned my brain to mush, at my interview this afternoon. And a shower would
    be good too. And I still need to write more about the Korea trip here.

    On that last topic, I've uploaded my digital photos to albums on
    both Yahoo and Ofoto -- I wanted to try both services. They turn out each to have
    different strengths -- Yahoo makes it easier to upload and manipulate images,
    while Ofoto has a sharing mechanism I prefer. Anyway, the images are copyright and
    I don't want to share them with the entire world, but if you have a particular
    interest in Korea or our trip, email me and I can send you a link to one of the

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 18, 2002

    travel writing

    No inspiration on the poetry front, but I did get in a decent row, my first since
    leaving for Korea. It was fairly rough out today though, so I spent most of the
    time working on staying right side up, rather than finer points of

    I've been keeping a travel diary for several years now --
    the idea was originally Rudder's, but he wimped out of his almost immediately.
    During the long flights to and from Korea, I've got it up to date too -- I had
    been remiss lately. Writing about a trip months afterward tends to lead to much
    shorter entries than if I do it during or just after the trip. Since the Korea
    entry was written in real time, it ran to about 20 pages. Of course, pages in a
    handwritten journal probably fit about four to a typewritten page. I started the
    first volume on July 5, 1994; this trip just about finishes out the second volume.
    I might be able to squeeze in a weekend trip, but that's about it.

    The third volume is sitting waiting and ready on my shelf, where it
    has been for a couple of years. I prefer a specific format, so I figured I had
    better buy if when I found it. They're the Paperblanks series, which have a
    special Smyth-sewn binding so the book lays flat when open, and they have an
    eggshell-textured acid-free paper that's a pleasure to write on. The journal I'm
    just finishing isn't in this series. It has wonderful paper, but not the special
    binding, so it's harder to write near the bound edges. Also, it's a little smaller
    than the 8"x10" Paperblanks books.

    Those 20 handwritten pages on
    Korea are probably the reason I haven't written in too much detail here, though I
    do keep remembering, on and off, topics I want to discuss here (like href="">breakfast). The trick is to
    remember them when I'm actually sitting down to write. Ironically, the reason I
    liked the travel diary idea to begin with was that I thought I could keep it up,
    as opposed to the daily journal I knew would languish after two entries. I never
    thought, back in 1994 when the Web was still new, that I would be able to keep a
    daily online diary. This one is coming up on a year now, and I still haven't
    missed a day except when traveling, and not always then. (Also, the two- or three-
    entry days more than make up for the missed ones; I've got well over 400 total

    I'm not sure what makes the difference between a diary I
    want to write every day and one I have to remind myself to update, but feedback
    probably has something to do with it. In a lot of ways, I prefer the idea of a
    public diary. I hope that Internet archives somehow manage to survive a few
    centuries, so that these diaries will be available as an historic reference.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    missing breakfast

    I miss the breakfast buffet at the hotel in Seoul. Every day, it had counting down
    one side, up the other, and through the middle: an omelet station (yuck); water
    dumplings; dim sum (shrimp dumplings); shrimp with noodles; bacon; mashed
    potatoes; sausages; 6 kinds of juice; 4 kinds of lettuce; turnip sprouts; cucumber
    salad; bean curd; salad dressings; odd salad toppings; danish; croissants; pan au
    chocolat; sweet breads (not sweetbreads which are organ mea; I mean just cake sort
    of things); oatmeal; oxtail soup; abalone porridge; 5 kinds of kimch'i-ish things;
    several cereals; pears, peaches, grapes, pineapples, strawberries, cantaloupe, and
    watermelon; yogurt. And I'm sure I'm forgetting something. I did skip the things
    like oxtail soup and abalone porridge, not to mention the pale sausages, but I
    loved the idea of being able to have shrimp instead of eggs for

    With luck, AussieCoach will let me row a single today,
    because I still don't feel well enough to row at full pressure. (I keep having to
    stop to blow my nose.) If so, thanks to href="">Mousepoet via href="">Mechaieh, it may be one of
    those mornings where I work out a poem on the water, usually to forget it soon

    Posted by dichroic at 07:59 AM

    February 17, 2002

    a traveling Parnassus

    Arggghhh! I just had a long entry deleted when I hit the Escape key by mistake. I
    hate when that happens....and it's never as good the second time you write

    I may have a minor sinus infection, cold or allergy rather than
    just jet lag -- not too surprising, considering the radical change in climate and
    all those hours in very dry airplane air. I do feel a little better today, though
    I'm not sure I'll make it through practice tomorrow. Talked to Mom after her
    surgery yesterday, and she's got several screws and a plate in her ankle -- all
    the breaks were in the ankle, which might be nasty to heal but should make it
    easier to get around meanwhile than breaks higher up the leg.

    swimming in a sea of bibliophile's delight right now, an enviable place to be --
    partway through Nicholas Basbane's new Patience and Fortitude, which the
    library found for me right before we left, The Woollcott Reader, which I
    had been in the reading before the library called, and Jacques Barzun's to Decadence
    which I started on the trip.

    This is a fast reader's
    curse. Because the trip was nearly two weeks long, I suspended my moratorium on
    book-buying for the duration and took along Diane Duane's The Wizard's
    ; Elizabeth Goudge's The Little White Horse and Linnets and
    , Cynthia Voigt's Tree by Leaf; Sean Stewart's
    Galveston; and Diana Wynne JonesÕs Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Vol.
    . The Voigt book wasn't up to the level of the others -- it was only okay,
    though she's won a Newbery Medal for another book. The Duane book was excellent --
    not up to the best in that series, but nearly. Goudge is a new author for me --
    I've been hearing about her for awhile and was excited to find her books back in
    print, no doubt due to J.K. Rowling's public praise. They were as good as
    advertised, too -- I liked Linnets almost more than The Little White
    and read through both twice over. Galveston was every bit as
    bizarre and engrossing as Stewart's Mockingbird and made me wish I had
    gotten to Galveston's Mardi Gras back when I lived in the area. I reread the
    second book in the Chrestomanci compilation (which really comes first), The
    Many Lives of Christopher Chant
    , and liked it better this time, but haven't
    gotten to the other volume yet.

    All that was finished halfway through
    the trip, so it was clear I needed more. I found a couple large bookstores with
    English-language sections. I got The Hobbit, The Princess Diaries,
    and, in another store, the aforementioned Dawn to Decadence. I've read
    The Hobbit before, years ago, but not the rest of the series -- my theory
    was that, if I could find those, they ought to hold me for the rest of the trip.
    Never did get them though. The Princess Diaries isn't an all-time Great
    Book, but it's funny and holds its teenage tone all through. I liked it better
    than the movie, which we saw on video at Rudder's cousins'. The movie took major
    liberties with the plot, though it did hold the same spirit and tone. Examples:
    the book is entwined with its Greenwich Village setting, while the movie Mia lives
    in San Francisco; the Grandmère of the book is not nearly as sympathetic as Julie
    Andrews (who is, nonetheless, magnificent); and there is NO WAY that actress would
    be believable as a 9th-grader whose main concern is her flat chest (the movie
    removes all but oblique references to her figure).

    I do like Dawn
    to Decadence
    , though I haven't made it very far through -- it's slow reading,
    at least when you're travel-muddled. I was worried that Barzun would be as
    annoying as Harold Bloom, but he's not at all, thankfully -- though, from all the
    cautions at the front of the book, he is worried his readers will think he is. He
    explains in detail why he is using 'man' for all humans, and why he is presenting
    the logic given at the time for systems like slavery and divine right that are
    abhorrent today. He doesn't come off annoyingly at all, though, at least not to
    me, and not so far. I'll get back to him after returning Basbanes (who's also
    interesting but slow) to the library.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM | Comments (1)

    February 16, 2002

    jet lag, dammit

    Ugh. I still feel like crap. My bones ache, I have a tiny fever, and my sinuses
    feel like someone has emptied a Dustbuster into them. Dry, that is, and slightly
    full. This had BETTER just be jet lag that will go away, and not a cold. I have an
    interview on Tuesday, and I can't afford to get sick now,

    Dammit, dammit, dammit. Bleah.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    Did I say the jet-lag was over? Wrong! It was lurking, hiding, waiting for
    evening to attack. My bones ache, probably because I just spent over 14 hours in
    bed, not all of it actually getting to sleep. I suppose this is the payback for
    getting a 40-some hour-long Valentine's Day. We flew back home on the 14th, waking
    up in Osan at 4:45 AM, flying out of Seoul at 11:10 AM, and landing in Phoenix at
    2PM, still on the 14th, after 26 hours of travel time. It was a very long day,
    filled with almost no observation of the holiday. Though I did show Rudder my href="">Hands sonnet and tell him
    it was for him. He's not much of a poetry fan, but seemed to like it. Though then
    again, what else could he say?

    Yesterday went like this: Meet T2 and
    some of his work cronies for beer at 3. Egret showed up at 4. They were drinking
    from pitchers of Moosehead, and I know my glass got refilled at least 4-5 times.
    Get home around 6. Watch the Olympics, passing in and out of sleep, until nearly
    8. Get woken up at 8:30 by my brother calling to say Mom had fallen downstairs and
    broken her leg, and Dad was taking her to the hospital. (They live over 2000 miles
    away, so I didn't have to rush to join him.) Get woken up at 10 by my brother
    calling with more details. Wake up at midnight, along with Rudder. Indulge in the
    usual sleep-provoking activities, unsuccessfully (well, unsuccessfully in that
    they didn't get us to sleep, anyhow.) Stay awake until after 2. Wake up at 5, and
    again at 7, and again at 8:30. Finally get out of bed, with all my bones aching
    and my mouth cottony-dry. Get dressed and stumble downstairs for tea.

    I have the feeling today will not be a productive day. I may come
    back later to write more observations of Korea, though.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    February 15, 2002

    wrapping up

    We got to sleep at around 6 last night, and slept until Rudder the masochist got
    up for rowing at 4 (well, I slept on and off until almost 7) so I think the jet
    lag is almost over. I'm completely unpacked -- Rudder got his done last night,
    which inspired me so that I actually unpacked all my stuff instead of leaving it
    sitting around as usual. And I even have my laundry in progress. Not as far along
    as I thought, though, since I've just realized I didn't turn on the dryer.

    The job front looks good, too -- I got several calls while I was
    away, returned a few of them, and should really be making more calls instead of
    doing this. I have another interview set up for Tuesday already -- the job sounds
    great; the only drawback would be way too long a commute. It's right next to a
    small airport, though, so maybe I'll just get a little used plane and fly to work,
    like Rudder's always saying I should do.

    Now, back to Korea

    The Folk Village we went to on Tuesday was very well done. They
    didn't appear to have anything special going on for the lunar new year, though; in
    fact, the crowds were bigger but they may have had fewer living history demos than
    usual. At least, there were fewer than I expected. This was the first chance we'd
    gotten to see the smaller thatched-roof houses ordinary Koreans used to live in.
    We'd seen several represented in museum pictures and dioramas, but even in the
    small towns near we drove through on Monday and Tuesday, they seem to be a thing
    of the past. Richer people had tile roofs, similar to those in the palaces and

    The oddest thing about Korean architecture was its
    uniformity. Every palace and every temple we saw was decorated in the same style,
    with the same exact colors. Here's one of the best, Gyangbokkung in Seoul, with a
    close-up of its roof decoration:

    "" border = 0> "" border =

    They were all like that, with stylized lotus tiles on the end of
    the roof beams and the same shade of green used everywhere.

    It was
    good to see Rudder's cousins again, too. They put us up for four days, giving us a
    taste of military life and an insight into life with three children. In return, we
    dragged them out to a temple and the Folk Village, things they hadn't yet done
    through the inertia of family life and chores. I think we wore out the kids, and
    probably the parents too. These are the ones I've mentioned before. They had
    stayed with us a few times, when they flew out of our local airport. Staying with
    them gave us a better view of the girls --they're not ideal children by any means,
    and the younger one especially has a distinctly me-centered view of the world. On
    the other hand, that's probably par for the course at four years old, and the
    parents have really done a wonderful job getting the kids to be reasonably
    mannerly and not sulky. They're worried about the baby, who's not yet talking at
    one and a half. It's early to worry, of course, but he does seem to be fairly
    unresponsive for his age. They're planning to have tubes put in his ears, which
    may help.

    It was odd to be in a country where people are so, so
    polite to visiting Americans. Possibly that's because the Korean War is still so
    strongly felt (technically, it's still on; they never signed a peace but only an
    armistice). Anyway, people were very welcoming and helpful. People from Rudder's
    company who have lived there have actually found it easier to deal with than
    Europe, because shops are everywhere and are open late and on weekends. We had a
    fairly easy time getting around, though having a hotel concierge was certainly a
    large factor in that. Also, all of the public signs, on highways, in subways, and
    everywhere else, were in English as well as Korean, and often Japanese, too.
    Announcements on the subways were in all three languages. I'm not sure whether
    this was because of the number of current tourists, a holdover from the Seoul
    Olympics, or in anticipation of the upcoming soccer World Cup, which will be split
    between Japan and Korea this month.

    Korea had never been especially
    high on my list of places to see; I went because I had the free time and it was an
    opportunity to go at very low cost. I don't believe in missing opportunities like
    that. I would recommend it, though, to anyone with a yen for travel.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 14, 2002

    back home

    We're back, but still groggy. More tomorrow.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:43 PM

    February 12, 2002

    looking forward

    We're looking forward to going home tomorrow, though the 26 hours of travel time
    won't be tons of fun. It will be good to get back to our own house though, and our
    own bed, and soon, hopefully, an own job for me.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 11, 2002

    war and temples

    The War Museum was very well done, but we spent at least an hour longer there than
    I'd have preferred. I was getting depressed (both by the tragedy of the Korean War
    and the general idea of history since the Bronze Age as a development of new and
    better ways to kill people). Rudder seemed interested in the minutiae of each
    service however. It was nearly 4PM by the time we got to the National Museum, but
    that turned out to be not all that exciting anyhow, so it was worth

    On Saturday, we took a tour of the DMZ, which was definitely
    worth it -- I'll write that up in more detail later. Sunday, we went to a temple
    in the morning, then moved over to stay with Rudder's cousins in a small town
    south of Seoul. We spent a two hours driving the thirty miles there, due to the
    traffic induced by everyone's driving to their home town for the Lunar New

    On Sunday, the whole lot of us went to Gyaeryongsan National
    Park, an hour and a half trip that took us nearly twice that long due to the New
    Year's last wave of travelers. Fortunately the kids (6, 4, and 1.5) were all good
    travelers, and the number of us in the vehicle allowed us to use the bus lane,
    which sped things up a little. Today is the New Year itself, so we're hoping the
    traffic has died down. We're going to a Folk Village to see traditional lifeways,
    hoping there will be celebrations of the holiday there.

    Off to amuse
    the kids.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 08, 2002

    more updates

    Yesterday I went to another market, this one for antiques and crafts, called
    Insadong; another palace, this one much simpler in design but having some
    furniture in the buildings, and a Buddhist temple. I didn't go in any of the
    buildings, though, not wanting to intrude. We had Japanese food for dinner, but
    since this is still Korea, it was served complete with

    Today, Rudder and I are off to the War Museum and the
    National Museum. He's here, so I have to run.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:07 AM

    February 06, 2002


    The Internet Cafe I'm in is called Laputa; I haven't figured out whether that's be
    cause it sounds vaguely like 'computer' or whether the Gulliver reference is
    deliberate. If the latter, it's extremely clever, given the engrossing nature of
    websurfing, but somehow I suspect the former is more likely.

    Koreans tend to walk on the left side of the street, like Australians, even though
    they drive on the right, like all the non-British Commonwealth

    Since last writing, I've been to the convention center and
    associated shopping arcade and the Itaewon market district. I'm saving the
    National Museum and the War Museum for Friday, when Rudder is free. Today I'm off
    to see the Namdaemun market and the city's south gate, and if the weather clears
    up, the Seoul tower. It's something like the third highest tower in the world, but
    that may be including the mountain it's on -- cheating, really. If the misty
    clouds decide to rain on me (and the rest of Seoul, of course), I may just give up
    and head back to the hotel to check out their fancy afternoon tea. When in Seoul,
    do as the English do, eh what?

    So far, my Korean is limited to yes
    (ye), no (anyo), thank you (kamsa hamnida, with the words slurred together into
    something more like kamsamnida) and "Suseyo", which is apparently something like
    "Hello, can I help you?" Yes, it's a good shopping city. Off to spend more money

    PS. I checked my messages and found two from recruiters. I
    called them back and it sounds like one may be able to get my clearance extended,
    which would remove my looming job-search deadline. Phew.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 04, 2002

    starting off in Seoul

    Just a bare bones entry, as I'm using a computer in an Internet cafe in Seoul. It
    has an annoying plastic overlay that makes it very difficult to see the English
    letters in the corner of each key (I don't touch type). The keys also have Korean
    letters. Rudder is off at a business dinner -- Seoul's Gangnam-gu neighborhood is
    both safe to walk around at night and invigorating, with crowds, lights, shops,
    and sidewalk stalls.

    It took us over 24 hours travel to get here, so
    I'm still a bit jet-lagged. It's good for me to be out here instead of back at the
    hotel dozing off. Yesterday we went to see the Gyeongbokgung palace and the
    National Folk Museum. Another day I'll return there to see the National Museum,
    but by late afternoon I was fading fast. We collapsed in the room and ordered room

    Today Ted's cousins came to town and we went with them to
    the Changyonggung palace, after which we went to a bulgogi restaurant. This is
    meat grilled at the table and rolled up in a lettuce leaf with various other
    condiments and pickled vegetables. Ted's cousin G wimped out so it was us, his
    wife K, and their three children. The girls more or less refused to eat much but
    rice. I liked the food, Rudder and K liked some of it, and the waitress kept
    whisking the baby off to stuff treats into him. Babies are a major attraction
    here, apparently.

    More another time,


    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    February 01, 2002

    Artemis speaks

    See which Greek Goddess you are.

    Artemis is off to bestow her divine presence upon Seoul. (Hey, it's better than being a pink Doc Marten. That is so not me.)

    Be good, and if you can't be good, be clever.


    Posted by dichroic at 04:53 AM

    January 31, 2002

    the rest of the household

    My older cat is getting more crotchety and less observant by the day (much like
    me, I suppose). This morning he was preceding me to the kitchen when I remembered,
    turned around, and put down my finished yogurt container for him (he loooves
    yogurt). I had to get his attention and actually point to the container before he
    noticed it. And if you're wondering, I don't think he's harmed by the amount of
    leavings he can lick off the sides before the container gets too small to get his
    head in. He and I have a continuing battle over the comfy chair; he sneaks into it
    as soon as I get up, and gives me dirty looks, lying on the rug, after I kick him
    out of it when I want to sit down. (This all amuses Rudder intensely.) The other
    day we tried sharing it, with him sitting on my lap, but he was annoyed when I
    wanted to get up and the results were bad for my sweater. He has not mastered the
    art, like the other cat, of sitting on the back of the chair right under the
    reading light we refer to as the kitty heat lamp.

    The other cat, when
    not on the back of the easy chair, likes to prowl around while I'm on the
    computer, as he is doing at this moment. He butts his head against my elbow while
    I type. Sometimes he sits on the mouse -- whoever named it that should be censured
    for giving ideas to cats. Then he sits on my lap, or meows at me if he doesn't
    think I've arranged it (the lap) in proper configuration for feline comfort, gets
    up, walks around my laptop, scratches his head on the side of the screen, and gets
    back onto my lap. He has no idea why I should find all of this inconvenient. At
    least he doesn't help me type like some cats I've heard of. On the other hand, he
    is extremely timid, and will run away when he hears a sudden noise, often to the
    detriment of my lap. Both cats have their claws.

    The cats' official
    names are Beast and Coxswain, but we generally refer to them as the big cat and
    the little cat, respectively. This goes back to the early days of my acquaintance
    with the big one, just about 13 years ago (we celebrate our birthdays on the same
    day, March 10, though the date is approximate in his case), before Rudder came
    into our lives. There were only the two of us in the apartment, and so I never
    used his name -- you usually don't, when talking to the only other one present. He
    was only addressed as "you", and he knew whom I was speaking to. Sometimes I
    yelled, "Cat!" to get his attention, or when he'd created havoc. When the second
    cat moved in, it seemed unnatural to call him by his name when I didn't do that
    for the other one. They both now answer indiscriminately to "Cat!", "Munchkin,"
    "Doofus," "Sweetie," or "Peabrain," depending on circumstance. Luckily for Rudder,
    he had a well-established name when I met him -- though he gets many of the same
    nicknames (I usually spare him "Cat!" or "Peabrain").

    Tomorrow, we'll
    be leaving the felines to their own devices while we head off to Korea. T2 and
    Egret will be caring for them, and his they have two of their own, I'm sure
    they'll taking the usual hissing (older cat) or hiding (younger cat) in

    I may not update much for the next couple of weeks, though I
    will if I can.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 30, 2002

    fingers are still stiff

    I found one thing I like better about rowing with the city rather than rowing with
    the club: the weather policy. It was windy enough this morning that the wind
    sensors at the lake were going off. The city people were all leaving as I got
    there; T2 and Rudder were long gone. We rowed. We did row in eights rather than
    singles or doubles, so it wasn't really unsafe, just a bit unpleasant, and it did
    calm down toward the end. Then it started raining as we got off the water and
    carried the boats up.

    At least the rain held off that long; they
    were predicting heavy rain and snow down to the 2000' level, which would bring it
    to the mountains within the city. At any rate, it is definitely a hot shower-hot
    cocoa-hot oatmeal sort of day.

    Between that and packing, I don't
    think I'll go out at all until it clears up this afternoon. (Not that I trust our
    weather forecasters, but this is Arizona. It very, very rarely stays rainy for
    more than a couple of hours.)

    I may not do anything else more useful
    than to figure out which shoes to take.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 29, 2002

    charlie fox

    If not for the fact that I try to moderate my language around juniors, I would say
    that the word that best describes yesterday's practice is "clusterfuck". Not the
    kids' fault -- they were mostly great.

    Yesterday, we had a coxed quad
    of experienced rowers (one hadn't sculled (two oars each) before, but it's not all
    that different) and a four of less experienced ones -- about intermediate level.
    Entrenador and I, one extra cox, and one kid who needed to take pictures for a
    class were in the launch. Here's the lake:


    The lake
    runs mostly east-west -- southeast is up in the picture. We were halfway between
    the bridges, near the south shore, with the launch and the four and a strong
    breeze from the southwest, when the launch died. We tried and tried and couldn't
    restart it. In defiance of safety rules, we couldn't find a paddle on the boat.
    Fortunately, the wind pushed us over to an area where we could tie the boat off. I
    remembered that the other launch had just been returned to the lake, after an
    extended period of maintenance. We tried to raise the quad on our radios, but as
    usual they weren't working well, so we got the four to come over to us, and I
    swapped places with the cox. We took the four in to the beach; I hadn't realized
    until I got to ride with them just how bad the set in that boat was. Really, it
    was par for the course for intermediates, but juniors only have a novice and a
    varsity class, so they get thrown into varsity while they're really still

    We finally got to the beach. I took the stroke rower (the
    least chattery of the bunch) with me and begged a couple of the club rowers I knew
    who were there to help the other girls get the boat on slings and out of the way
    of any other boats landing. (They came through and took it all the way to the
    boatyard. Good people.)

    Meanwhile, the stroke rower and I walked over
    to the other launch. By this time, the people on the launch were on the radio,
    asking over and over where the other launch was. We tried to reassure them, but
    our was low on batteries and they couldn't hear us. We untied one of the boat's
    ropes, and I started the engine. I eased the choke down partway and everything
    sounded fine, so I got the rower to untie the other rope and jump on. I lowered
    the choke and shifted quickly into forward .... and the boat died. Arrrggghh. We
    tried again, quite a few times, and for the first several, it died as soon and I
    lowered the choke. After that it wouldn't start at all. Unfortunately, we were on
    the north shore this time, so did not drift back to the dock. Instead we drifted
    slowly west, toward the beach.

    By this time, the quad had figured out
    what was happening and had come in to the beach. Entrenador must have swapped into
    it, because I saw him there. We jumped up and down and shouted a lot, and finally
    someone figured out that we were drifting. One of the rowers who was in that boat
    has a tendency to take charge; so far, though, he's managed to do so mostly at
    times when it's helpful rather than annoying. He's one of our strongest rowers,
    and has rowed a single a lot lately. He jumped into a club single that was sitting
    there, came over, and towed the lunch to the dock - no small feat, in a single.
    Fortunately, it was only a matter of five meters or so.

    So at this
    point, everyone was on shore safely except for the original aberrant launch and
    four people on it. We were able to talk to the marooned people on the radio the
    quad's cox had had. Somehow, they'd managed to get loose from the wall and were
    drifting. (Silly kids. This is why I said they were "mostly" great.) Unknown
    Legend was around and called the park rangers, who are supposed to do rescues, but
    apparently they were in their shift change and had no coverage for a half hour.
    (Scheduling apparently courtesy of Incompetency Ltd.) Thank goodness no one was
    drowning. The quad went out to try to tow the launch -- a few people had had to
    leave, so they had fairly inexperienced people in the cox and stroke seats. By
    this point the launch was back by a wall and some cops came over; however, instead
    of rescuing the kids, they just yelled at them. Very helpful, Tempe's Finest.
    Unknown Legend tried to talk to the cops on radio, but by that time the quad was
    there (this all seemed a lot slower at the time). The quad was able to tow the
    launch, very slowly. I ran down toward them, but was on the opposite side of the
    lake. By dint of much waving and yelling and jumping up and down like an idiot (I
    was an idiot, not having brought the radio) I got them to come over to me, instead
    of trying to take the boat all the way to its proper dock, west of the westernmost

    We got the launch in to the dock there, and all the kids
    headed off. Just as I was tying the boat up, Queue came roaring up. In the second
    launch I'd been unable to start. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. She said, "It started on the
    first try." Stupid boat. Possibly the carburetor was flooded, but I had tried
    letting it sit a few minutes just in case. I hate when that happens. Queue,
    who is also an engineer and therefore knows that machines can have their own
    minds, was sympathetic, as was Unknown Legend, but it's still embarrassing. Stupid
    boat. Stupid, stupid boats. We towed the nonworking launch in, and I finally got
    to home.

    Rudder was still out at work by that time -- 6:45, and he'd
    gotten to work at 7:30. This was good, in a way, because it meant he hadn't eaten,
    so I was able to persuade him that we both required Beer for the good of our
    souls. He finally got home at 7:30 or so, and we headed out to our local. Ahh,
    Beer. Is there anything it can't do?*

    *Yes, psychic trauma turns me
    into Homer sometimes.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 28, 2002

    remember the suit

    Dr. Bosun and I rowed singles this morning -- it was a much better row that
    Friday's in the quad, and I really felt like I was both making progress on my form
    issues and getting a workout.

    With all this rowing and weightlifting,
    though, I'm really starting to feel a bit sore all over, more or less permanently.
    Last night, I tried taking a hot bath to see if that would help. It did, a bit.
    What I'm really looking forward to, though, is the hot tub in the hotel in Korea.
    I always forget my damn bathing suit and can't use them, so at the moment I have a
    suitcase out on my bedroom floor with nothing in it but the swimsuit. Just so I
    don't forget.

    My mother asked last night whether I had packed yet. I
    pointed out that not everyone plans outfits for every day of a trip and packs two
    weeks in advance. After all, I figure the actual packing will take approximately
    20 minutes and I'd rather wait until close to the trip so I can have all my
    underwear washed and not be needing to wear it before I go. Mom also told us to
    have a "very safe" (as opposed to "good" or "fun") trip, which is

    I had a very funny and somewhat raunchy story I wanted
    to tell here, but of course I have entirely forgotten it now. Drat.

    do have further advance prep for the trip -- buying film, doing laundry, and, most
    of all, cleaning house before the friends who are catsitting see it. I actually
    mopped all the downstairs floors yesterday, which is a fairly large undertaking
    when you have to dust, sweep, and move out all the furniture beforehand.
    Considering the mop water turned black enough that I had to empty and refill it
    between doing the kitchen and the family room, I should probably do it a bit more

    If I remember the raunchy story, I'll post it up later. Ciao.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 27, 2002

    radical ideas

    I said that the speakers in the book I'm reading were on fire with new ideas.
    Here, for a sampling, are some of the things they got me thinking -- either ideas
    that shocked me or natural conclusions of what I read.

    • The
      Immorality of Overtime:
      I have thought for a long time that forced continual
      overtime is an abuse of the individual worker. I'm not talking about occasional
      long hours, and I'm not talking about workers who choose it themselves; anyone who
      is on a project they think is important and who thinks they can do it well, will
      choose to put in long hours in the crunch times, when something vital needs to be
      finished. I'm talking about the sort of jobs that force people to work 60
      hours/week, every week, because it's cheaper than hiring more people. What I
      realized, reading, is that it's not only abusive to the individual, but a societal
      evil at any time when there is unemployment. That overtime work cuts down on the
      number of jobs available, and keeps the level of unemployment up. Incidentally,
      the idea of a thirty-hour work week sounds more practical when it's coming from
      someone who was part of the original fight for a 40-hour
    • Lawyers can be freedom fighters: I swear to
      you, when I watched the movie Legally Blonde, the thought of lawyers
      working to keep innocent people out of jail shocked me; I had forgotten they could
      do that. My view of the field had contracted to include only corporate lawyers,
      out to make a buck; benign patent lawyers; and family lawyers, many of whom are
      good, idealistic people who want to help battered women and abused children, and
      who do some pro bono work (this is why this field has the least status in the
      world of law). Oh, and scholarly constitutional lawyers, who do their good work by
      protecting the Bill of Rights. I had completely forgotten about labor lawyers,
      fighting against exploitation of workers; civil rights lawyers fighting racism;
      environmental lawyers fighting big corporations who don't care if they poison
      water and air; and of course criminal lawyers defending clients they believe to be
    • Things have gotten worse: Over and over
      people said this -- those who fought for equal rights for women, for civil rights,
      for worker's rights -- those who saw progress made and are seeing reaction to it.
      Also, police officers, doctors, lawyers, and people who are trying to build
      communities. Granted, most of this book was collected during or just after the
      Reagan-Bush years, but here we are again. We need to be careful not to get so
      complacent we don't even notice when hard-won freedoms and advances slip away. We
      also need to take care not to lose what we have when we progress to the next
    • Professionals need to organize: I think the
      idea was always that software engineers, just for example, never needed any sort
      of union because we were professionals, who could talk to and maybe move into
      management. The problem is, when we get laid off, there is no notice and no
      protection. People I've chatted with in other countries were shocked to learn that
      I got only two weeks severance pay. (And in this state, unemployment is
      $200/week. Better build up a good nest egg if you live here.) My title
      actually said I was a manager, but that's meaningless when you have no influence
      over how the company is run, what the benefits are and who gets the axe and so on.
      There are a very few engineers' unions (Boeing, in Seattle, is unionized, I
      believe). I suspect that if the economy doesn't turn around soon, there may be a
      new labor movement, including professionals. If it does, of course, we'll all be
      well-fed and somnolent once again, too lazy to try anything radical or plan ahead
      for harder times.

    Okay, enough ranting for one
    Sunday morning.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 26, 2002

    carry it on

    I'm reading a book by Studs Terkel, Coming of Age: A Story of Our Century, by
    Those Who Lived it
    . Terkel must have had a hell of a good time putting it
    together. It's a collection of people's stories of their own lives, and all the
    people in it range from 70-99 years old. I think my head may explode -- these
    people are on fire and they have so many ideas. It's notable that the only
    people who aren't still completely alive, still working and fighting and living,
    are the ones who were powerful businessmen, with executive offices. They're a bit
    adrift. The rest were or are lawyers, labor organizers, stockbrokers, teachers,
    doctors, salesmen, PR types and they are without exception fighters. (Even the
    conscientious objectors and the pacifists -- they do their fighting in a different

    They're not thinking we're all going to hell in a handbasket,
    or that all technology is evil, but they do see changes that make them sad. To
    synthesize a lot of individual views, the changes that bother them most are those
    away from community, from human contact, and from pride in workmanship. These are
    all people who had found their Proper Jobs, and in many cases are still doing
    them, and who have seen their causes shrink or grow or mutate. One thing usually
    missing in people my age and younger is a sense of history, and these people have
    it by definition.

    The most intense stories were those of the labor
    organizers from the 1930s, the ones who got the UAW accepted by General Motors,
    back when the UAW meant something, and they saw a groundswell of ordinary people
    who got real changes made. They saw people who treated each other like family, who
    would sacrifice their own comfort to provide food for each other's children, who
    lived up to what they said they believed. It's obvious that the people who lived
    through that had something seared into their soul that has never faded, and they
    need to pass it on.

    These people are not stagnant -- the old labor
    organizers know very well that the unions these days are full of people in fancy
    offices who are as much concerned with their own power as the managers they fight.
    The old political idealists know Communism as practiced by the Soviet Union was
    not the utopia the early followers of Marx dreamed of. The old TV producers know
    money rules that industry. But there are still Quakers living in houses they built
    on produce they grow, actresses still teaching high theater, philanthropists still
    giving, and all of them still passing the torch to anyone who will carry it on.

    I find that my own ideas tend to vary a lot, with whatever I'm
    reading. I hope this book doesn't ever wear off.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:57 PM

    Seoul plans

    Saturday, and my husband is about to head off for 5 hours at work. It's almost
    enough to make me appreciate unemployment. Actually, though, he hasn't had to go
    in on a weekend for awhile; today's stint is part of getting ready for the
    presentation he has to do in Korea, which is apparently a fairly big deal. He'll
    be explaining a very complex concept to people who know the field but whose
    English may be questionable -- I think 'challenging' is a fair description. And
    no, I am not being the sort of horrible person who goes to another country and
    expects everyone there to speak my language; as it happens, English is the
    official language for this conference.

    Meanwhile, I need to spend my
    day preparing for the visit in other ways. I should start cleaning the house,
    before the friends who are cat-sitting see its normal state, and I need to look up
    both the local currency exchange rate and current conversion, so we can buy a
    converter for Rudder's laptop.

    I also need to figure out what
    presents to take for the kids of the cousins we'll be seeing. The 1.5 year-old
    should be easy enough, but buying for the two girls, 6 and 4, will be a little
    more challenging. I don't want to buy toy makeup kits. I don't want to buy
    Barbies, even though I don't have particularly strong feelings against them
    (except when they say, "Math is hard!"). Last time I bought the older one a href="">Get Real Girl and the younger one a href="">Groovy Girl, so I think I'll avoid
    dolls for the moment. I hear the older one is into American Girls now, but those
    are a bit out of my price range. Maybe I'll buy some of the cool beading or other
    art kits one local toy store has, but I should avoid anything the youngest can
    choke on. Or there's always books, which have the advantage of not taking much
    room in a suitcase.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    January 25, 2002

    just slightly bad

    I did a slightly bad thing today. I rowed with Egret, She-Hulk and Queue (that is,
    with the city group instead of the club where I'm supposed to be). But, you know,
    they asked me to. And if I hadn't, they'd have been condemned to riding the
    launch and switching in, only getting half a practice, and freezing their asses
    off the other half. Also, their practice starts and ends earlier, and I've got a
    lot to do today. The irony of it all is that I got more coaching from Yosemite Sam
    today than I got in the last three months I rowed with him. The even more ironic
    part was that he started off by telling me I had improved since leaving his
    program. I bit my tongue and did NOT say, "Yes, and that's because I'm finally
    getting some fucking coaching, which is why I left you in the first place!"

    I suppose I should email apologies to AussiCoach -- at least my
    absence didn't keep any of the club people from rowing, as they have smaller boats
    (doubles and singles) available.

    Anyway, I wasn't nearly as bad as
    Rudder and T2, who didn't row at all. They left and went back home for reasons I
    don't fully understand. T2 apparently wasn't feeling well, but I still don't see
    why that kept Rudder from rowing. Wuss.

    Time to go now, as I have
    the caramel custard for pots-au-creme* chilling in the fridge. T2 and Egret have
    invited us to dinner and I have to get these made before I get on with the hair-
    cutting and juniors-coaching parts of my day.

    For those who care
    about that sort of thing, the recipe is from the Stars! dessert cookbook and is
    both easy and very, very, tasty. And probably terrible for the arteries.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 24, 2002

    Satan tempted me...

    How can a good God allow evil?

    The question is so often asked

    Now that we have such enormities in our recent past.

    Maybe HeÕs just a prime mover

    Maybe HeÕs not there at all

    Maybe heÕs gotten disgusted and sits staring at a wall

    Or maybe he canÕt make a difference

    Maybe heÕs just ineffectual

    If so, you may be disillusioned if he fails to resurrect you all.

    But I – I believe in free will

    I think we can chose our own way

    And so I think we can blame only ourselves, at the end of the day

    Ourselves and each other, if we are called to account at the end of the day.

    copyright pkb, 2002

    I admit it: Satan tempted me to do it. In this case, he was masquerading as that
    rhyme in the third verse.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    shredding lungs

    Juniors rowing practice yesterday was actually kind of fun -- I didn't get
    crotchety even once. It was fairly windy out, so they didn't actually row, but the
    new coach had some good ideas for land-based practice. (I'm calling him
    Entrenador, Spanish for "coach".) First, the kid who's helping us out because he's
    been assigned some large number of hours of community service (I haven't asked
    what he did to deserve it) showed up with a new look. Very 40s -- derby hat, baggy
    pants, white T-shirt, gray pinstriped vest, loose suit jacket, tie hanging down
    from his neck. All he needed was a long chain to have a zoot suit thing going.
    Instead, just to show it's not really 1942, he had a studded belt hanging low
    around his hips, more studs on the jacket lapels, and several patches on the
    jacket -- "Punk Lives", the anarchy symbol and so on. I'm not sure he appreciated
    it when I told him the whole outfit looked like the retro stuff we sometimes wore
    in the 1980s.

    Entrenador had the kids run 20 minutes, instead of the
    6 minutes they usually do as a warm-up for rowing. Meanwhile, we dragged the three
    ergs out into the sun where it was a little warmer. Zoot Suit Riot and one of the
    coxes weren't running, so they started messing around on the erg. ZSR, who's only
    about 5'8" or 9" and wiry, was pulling some impressively low times, but the cox
    wasn't, so I challenged him to race me for 500m. I was wearing jeans, which didn't
    especially help, since I couldn't get full compression, but I was fairly happy
    with my time -- when I entered it on the Concept II ranking site, it turned out to
    be my first time in the top 50% of lightweight women, for any distance I've
    entered. Yay me. I spent the rest of practice trying not to cough up a lung
    though. The cox did beat me -- he's a competitive kid, so I think the challenge
    lit a fire under him. He is 5" taller than I am, though about 8 lbs lighter, a
    combination which derives from being only 14. ZSR, meanwhile, had taken off his
    jacket to erg and shaken out his hair from under the hat (apparently he's given up
    on dreadlocks, which were last week's look). With the hat on, longish red hair
    hanging out, and vest unbuttoned, he looked like the Bad Boy character from a film
    set in the 1940s -- Brad Pitt in A River Runs Through It or Sean Penn in
    Racing With the Moon. It's a good look for him -- now all he needs are some
    15-year-old girls who are movie buffs.

    After the rest of the kids got
    back from running, Entrenador did something I thought worked very well. He divided
    them up into three teams of five each, set the ergs to count down 2500 meters, and
    had the kids do a relay race. Each one had to row 500m, run about 500 yards to
    where the rest of the team was waiting, and tag the next person to row. I think
    they enjoyed it (at least I did). It kept them interested and let them see where
    some of their skills are weak. Only a few of the bigger and more experienced girls
    beat my erg time, I was glad to note. After that, he worked with them on their
    form on the erg, where it's much easier to make small corrections than when you're
    yelling across 5 meters of water from a coaching launch.

    For once, we
    skipped the gym this morning. I think I got almost 10 hours of sleep, but my lungs
    still feel a bit shredded. Maybe I'll go try to nap more. I'm still tired, and I
    don't have to do anything much until noon.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    January 23, 2002

    mr. cummings, meet Mr. Meatloaf

    I know sex and death are two of the most common themes in poetry, but does anyone else see a really amusing amount of correspondence here, or is it just me?

    (may i touch said he
    how much said she
    a lot said he)
    why not said she

    (let's go said he
    not too far said she
    what's too far said he
    where you are said she)

    may i stay said he
    (which way said she
    like this said he
    if you kiss said she

    may i move said he
    it is love said she)
    if you're willing said he
    (but you're killing said she

    but it's life said he
    but your wife said she
    now said he)
    ow said she

    (tiptop said he
    don't stop said she
    oh no said he)
    go slow said she

    (cccome?said he
    ummm said she
    you're divine!said he
    (you are Mine said she)

    e.e.cummings, "may I feel said he"

    I. Paradise
    I remember every little thing
    As if it happened only yesterday
    Parking by the lake
    And there was not another car in sight
    And I never had a girl
    Looking any better than you did
    And all the kids at school
    They were wishing they were me that night

    And now our bodies are oh so close and tight
    It never felt so good, it never felt so right
    And we're glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife
    C'mon! Hold on tight!
    C'mon! Hold on tight!

    Though it's cold and lonely in the deep dark night
    I can see paradise by the dashboard light

    Ain't no doubt about it
    We were doubly blessed
    Cause we were barely seventeen
    And we were barely dressed

    And I gotta let ya know
    No you're never gonna regret it
    So open up your eyes I got a big surprise
    It'll feel all right
    Well I wanna make your motor run

    And now our bodies are oh so close and tight
    It never felt so good, it never felt so right
    And we're glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife

    C'mon! Hold on tight!
    C'mon! Hold on tight!

    We're gonna go all the way tonight
    We're gonna go all the way
    Tonight's the night...

    Radio Broadcast:
    Ok, here we go, we got a real pressure cooker going
    here, two down, nobody on, no score, bottom of the
    ninth, there's the wind-up and there it is, a line shot
    up the middle, look at him go. This boy can really fly!

    He's rounding first and really turning it on
    now, he's not letting up at all, he's gonna
    try for second; the ball is bobbled out in center,
    and here comes the throw, and what a throw!
    He's gonna slide in head first, here he comes, he's out!
    No, wait, safe--safe at second base, this kid really
    makes things happen out there.

    Batter steps up to the plate, here's the pitch--
    he's going, and what a jump he's got, he's trying
    for third, here's the throw, it's in the dirt--
    safe at third! Holy cow, stolen base!

    He's taking a pretty big lead out there, almost
    daring him to try and pick him off. The pitcher
    glance over, winds up, and it's bunted, bunted
    down the third base line, the suicide squeeze in on!
    Here he comes, squeeze play, it's gonna be close,
    here's the throw, there's the play at the plate,
    holy cow, I think he's gonna make it!

    II. Let Me Sleep On It

    Stop right there!
    Before we go any further--!

    Do you love me?
    Will you love me forever?
    Do you need me?
    Will you never leave me?
    Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?
    Will you take me away and will you make me your wife?
    Do you love me!?
    Will you love me forever!?
    Do you need me!?
    Will you never leave me!?
    Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life!?
    Will you take me away and will you make me your wife!?
    I gotta know right now
    Before we go any further
    Do you love me!!!?
    Will you love me forever!!!?

    Let me sleep on it
    Baby, baby let me sleep on it
    Let me sleep on it
    And I'll give you my answer in the morning

    Will you love me forever?

    Let me sleep on it!!!


    Will you love me forever!!!

    III. Praying for the End of Time

    I couldn't take it any longer
    Lord I was crazed
    And when the feeling came upon me
    Like a tidal wave
    I started swearing to my god and on my mother's grave
    That I would love you to the end of time
    I swore that I would love you to the end of time!

    So now I'm praying for the end of time
    To hurry up and arrive
    Cause if I gotta spend another minute with you
    I don't think that I can really survive
    I'll never break my promise or forget my vow
    But God only knows what I can do right now
    I'm praying for the end of time
    It's all that I can do
    Praying for the end of time, so I can end my time with you!!!

    Meatloaf, excerpted from "Paradise by the Dashboard Light"

    Well, maybe it's not as close a correspondence as I thought; I first read the
    cummings line, "But your wife" as "But I want to be your wife", and now I realize it's more probably meant to be, "But what about your wife?" Despite that, though, the cummings poem somehow sounds to me like adolescent sex, as much as the Meatloaf song. I don't think cummings can be meaning to say that all sex is adolescent, since it took him three tries (so presumably some maturity) to get marriage right. And then he did -- and there's nothing like a happy marriage to convince you that all good sex doesn't have to be in the adolescent model.

    It's always startling to realize how frankly sexual so much of e.e. cummings' work is, once you get past the few poems most commonly anthologized. (Was the other meaning of his own name an influence?) I suppose it shows his genius that he evokes the mood with such allusory brushwork, though I don't think the comparison is all to Meatloaf's discredit either. (The baseball announcer part makes me laugh every time.)

    I've been reading Poetry Speaks; the central conceit of the book is the
    included CDS with poets reading their own work. They go back as early as possible, with Alfred Lord Tennyson as an old man recording onto Mr. Edison's new wax cylinders, and coming up to Sylvia Plath (all included poets are dead). The accompanying book has a short bio of each poet, an essay on their work by a living poet, and several selections. To the credit of the editors, they've included poets whose names I hadn't heard, though I've seen their work, as well as works I'd never seen from Big Names (like the one above). I'm finding that having a few poems broken up by essays and listening to the CD is prompting me to analyze each one with more attention, instead of the glaze my eyes get when confronted with page after page of Erato's and Polyhymnia's tributes.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 22, 2002

    far off in the future

    I finally had that phone interview yesterday -- the told me that by the time they
    get through their formal interview process (the main interviewer is going out of
    the country for two weeks), it will probably be mid-March before they have anyone
    actually starting work. I thought parts of the interview went well, but they did
    ask some questions I didn't know how to answer -- highly technical embedded-
    software stuff. The good news is that they're filling four slots, and that they
    don't mind if I have to reapply for a clearance. (I was worried because the end of
    February will be two years since my last security clearance was turned off, and
    after that, it can't be turned back on without reapplying.) The fact that having
    me start sooner would save the company a good amount of money and paperwork is
    less important than following process, which is actually one of my concerns about
    this place.

    The Korea trip is shaping up nicely. For the bulk of the
    time, we'll be in Seoul, staying at (wait for it) the Ritz-Carlton. Rudder's
    company does treat its people well, but I think this has more to do with the fact
    that a Ritz in Seoul costs about the same as a Holiday Inn here. This would all be
    more poetically apt if Rudder had ever made me one of those "Stick with me, kid,
    and I'll take you to the Ritz," sort of speeches. Apparently the end of our visit
    will run into the local New Year's celebrations, which should be very interesting
    but may shut the city down. We'll be staying with cousins at that point, though,
    which should make it easier to participate or not, as we want. (That reminds me: I
    need to buy film. Lots of film.)

    I do have one thing to look forward
    to today: a visit to CoolSalonGuy, which is always fun. I'm always glad to have a
    major trip or event to tell him about, to maintain my reputation as being
    certifiable. And I can ask him for an opinion on that other major question I've
    been mulling over. Should I get my navel pierced?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 21, 2002

    Dr. King and the saints

    Thanks to Martin Luther King, Jr., I get to go rowing two hours later today. The
    sun will even be up for most of practice. I got to sleep until a time when I would
    normally be off the water.

    Despite all this, though, that's not the
    main thing for which I am grateful to Reverend King. I have a personal pantheon of
    "saints", people who have spent their lives trying to do good in the world and who
    actually have succeeded. (It's that second condition that makes the list so

    Pete Seeger is on the list -- a man who's spent his life
    singing about social justice, marching for justice, working for justice and a
    cleaner planet. Pete doesn't hedge about his real goal: "If music could only save
    the world, then I'd only be a musician." He's getting old and feeble and I don't
    think he'll manage to save the world before he dies, but he leaves a large group
    of people who have been touched or had their lives change by his message, a Hudson
    River much cleaner than he found it, and better race relations around the world.
    (Of course, we've now more or less switched to fighting over ethnicity instead of
    race. I said he was a saint, not a Messiah.)

    Jimmy Carter is on the
    list. I believe it was worth living through his presidency in order to have his
    time as ex-President -- the Carter Center, Habitat for Humanity, the trips as
    peace mediator to the Middle East (where they're still fighting but at least now
    sometimes they're talking). Even more unusual, Carter provides an example of a man
    who lives by his creed. I don't believe in his creed, but that's not the point.

    I think John Henry Faulk, proponent of the First Amendment (yes, he
    was also in Hee-Haw) would be in the pantheon if I knew more about him. Much as I
    admire Ben Franklin, I don't see him in the same light, possibly because I just
    tend to think There Were Giants in That Time. Or John Muir -- most of his great
    accomplishments stemmed from living the life he enjoyed.

    Martin Luther King has a firm place in the pantheon, and serves as proof that
    history can be changed by individuals. There is no doubt that the civil
    rights movement would have been born without him; it had already started before he
    got involved. But would it have gone as long without violence as it did? I doubt
    it. Would it have shown such an example of peaceful organization as the Bus
    Boycott without his charisma? I doubt it. Without King, it might have taken longer
    for a critical mass of people of all races to realize how wrong the situation in
    the South was. I know we still have far to go. The US is far from an ideal society
    even yet. But now prejudice is seen by almost everyone as a shameful thing; even
    people showing it have to reach for some other explanation. The question that is
    debated is not whether all people deserve equal access to law, education,
    opportunity, but how to get it to them. How to achieve fairness for all. And
    that's a huge step,, and Dr. King was a huge part of it. His speeches were not
    only eloquent but prescient -- the one before his death was chilling.

    Go celebrate his day by reading
    what he had to say

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 20, 2002

    being the interviewer instead of the interviewee

    I've got another alumni interview today. The last one started out a bit scary,
    when she told me two of her favorite books were The Red and the Black and
    War and Peace. I don't think she was just saying that to impress me -- once
    I stopped to think about it, I remembered having far more time and patience for
    Great Books at her stage of life, and at least as much mental capacity as I have
    now. There were a few books I didn't have the life experience to read; I love Jane
    Austen now but couldn't read her at all until I was well into my 20s, and I expect
    that will be happening throughout my life. On the other hand, she also mentioned
    Catcher in the Rye as a favorite, and I think that one is the opposite: a
    book that is most appreciated by someone still in a rebellious teenage phase, that
    starts to seem overdone in later life. I suppose that shows how well Salinger
    remembered his own adolescence, though I do think it takes more literary skill to
    make a book that has different appeals to people of different ages.

    Anyway, further probing of the last interviewee showed that most of
    her interests and activities stem from a curiosity about how people act and think
    and react, and how that's affected by their cultures. She wants to learn more
    about the differences, and to go to a college that has a diverse body of students
    and communities. She and Penn will love each other. It should be interesting to
    see how this next interviewee, a budding engineer, is

    Other than that, there's not much going on here this
    weekend, except more planning for Korea, and appreciating both time spent with
    Rudder and just having more time, period. Rowing and gym and coaching eat
    unpleasantly into my weekdays. Being unemployed should be compensated by at least
    the ability to oversleep occasionally, and a feeling of more free time. Last week
    actually felt overbooked. I don't know if the transition back to work will be
    difficult because of that, or a relief. Being paid enough to get the cleaning
    service back would definitely help with the latter.

    Sorry if href="">yesterday's prose was a
    bit overwrought; space travel is a subject that hits heartstrings in me, and lack
    of space travel even more so.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 19, 2002

    from sleep to space

    "Happiness consists of getting enough sleep."

    Robert Heinlein said
    that -- I think it's somewhere in Starship Troopers. my vehicles tend more to cars
    and boats and tiny airplanes, sadly, but I agree with

    Incidentally, if there is one great disappointment in my life,
    it would be exactly that -- not lack of sleep, but not getting to ride in a
    spaceship. I could blame Congress for its lack of interest in the space program,
    but I honestly think that the exploration of space will never go beyond short hops
    in our own terrestrial neighborhood until private interests take up the
    exploration of space in competition with government. Though then again, the
    greatest explorations of the past -- Columbus, Magellan, and all the
    conquistadores -- were done under the auspices of government. It was only after
    that that private businesses and organizations settled in to colonize and profit
    form the resources discovered.

    As a child and teenager, hearing about
    trips to the Moon and reading fantasy and science fiction, I thought that by the
    time I was grown up I would be able to go, at least to the Moon, if not farther. I
    would never have envisioned the stalling and timidity of our tentative probes into
    space that leave us content with a sluggish move toward a tiny space station in
    orbit about the Earth. In the entire history of humanity, exploration has
    always paid for itself with glorious bounty, in knowledge as well as
    concrete riches, though it hasn't always paid in exactly the ways expected. Even
    NASA's tentative baby steps have brought enormous progress; the laptop computer
    I'm typing on, all 7 pounds of it, would not have been possible without the space
    program. Neither would many if not most of the medical advances of the last fifty
    years; some of the people I use this computer to email to would be dead without
    the space program's payoffs.

    Also, I believe that most of the things
    wrong with my country are because it grew around the concept of a frontier, and we
    have none today. There are always people whose restless energy leaves them
    unsuited to a rigorous civilization, and many of those have had brilliant careers
    when they had somewhere else to go. The same sort of people do well in wars --
    General Patton is an example -- but a frontier uses the same talents without the
    hatred. The ones Robert Service called the href="">Young
    er Sons
    need somewhere to go. The ones who need to seek glory -- they need
    somewhere better than street gangs to find it. The ones who want to seek wealth
    without spoiling the Earth -- there are asteroids out there with no endangered
    species. The ones who just want to Do, and Go, and See are not being served by our
    governments or our crowded streets or our cautious congresses and

    To be an astronaut, you must be a perfect physical
    specimen with a Ph.D. or military rank, with few exceptions. When will the rest of
    use get to see our planet dimming the stars with her reflected light, against the
    blackest field of empty space?

    And just to bring this full-circle,
    back to bed, I should also mention zero-G sex, where you finally get to use

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 18, 2002

    cold and stupid

    Brrrrr. So cold. So very cold. At rowing practice this morning the temperature
    must have been well down into the 30s, which when your blood is thinned to Arizona
    level is very very damn cold, ya, you betcha. I took a hot shower right away
    instead of after reading email as usual, and I'm drinking hot tea and eating
    oatmeal, but my hands are still stiff and a little numb. Brr brrr brrrr brrrr
    brrrrrr! (Yes, it gets much colder most places. In most of those places, people
    don't row all winter.)

    It was so cold it apparently affected my brain
    cells and I couldn't remember AussieCoach's name all morning. Not that it matters,
    since I didn't have to talk to him much and since, anyway, you almost never do use
    someone's name while talking directly to them. Still, it was a bit disorienting,
    though not as bad as the first time I woke up next to my on-again-off-again-for-
    five-years college boyfriend, whom I had already known for almost a year at that
    point, and couldn't remember his name. In that case I blame the aftereffects of an
    odd and vivid dream. I have been dreaming a lot lately, but I think cold and
    stress and incipient senility have more to do with this one.

    cat's just jumped onto my lap, purring and radiating a little bit of heat. The
    latter makes him more welcome than usual when I'm trying to type. What I really
    need is to convince one cat to sit on my lap and the other to curl around my

    The latest career perplexity is that yesterday I spoke to a
    career counselor. I feel I could really use someone to suggest other fields my
    skills and personality might fit into, and other avenues in which to look for
    jobs. On the other hand, the word "fee" set off all my scam-detectors. This is a
    firm that's been around for quite a while, and seems solid, but I just don't know.
    They did a personality test (Myers-Briggs, and I'm an ENTP, but I knew that
    already) and promised counseling on my resume and interview skills and on direct
    targeting to employers. On the other hand, I've had people look at my resume, I
    think my interview skills are OK though not stellar, and the reason I haven't done
    more targeted marketing is mostly that I really don't know exactly what I
    want to do next. Maybe I just answered my own question. I asked Yosemite Sam about
    the counseling firm this morning (he's been a recruiter and is now in HR), and he
    told me they're a crock, and that I wouldn't get anything useful from them. He
    also kindly offered to look at my resume himself. I'm not sure what to do next,
    but I do know not to disdain free help. (After all, advice can always be accepted,
    adapted, or rejected as necessary.)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 17, 2002

    strange day

    Yesterday was the weirdest day. I got turned down for the job I href="">interviewed for. Sample
    quote: "We really liked you, but someone else had just a little more experience."
    Then she kindly passed my name on to another person at the same company, who
    called to ask for a resume. I don't know whether they lack internal email and
    copier machines or if this is just to let me know I'm being considered again. This
    is even odder when you consider that this is a company that recently announced
    9000 upcoming layoffs. I sent the resume, but have lower hopes, as I don't think
    any of the jobs this other person is trying to fill fit me as well as the first

    After that, I got a call from the company I once worked for, who
    told me they wanted to schedule a phone interview way back in early November. The
    person who called left me a message with a different person's phone number
    (because the first person is in the middle of an office move) but didn't actually
    tell me it was another person's number, so I thought sheÕd made a mistake. We
    finally got that straightened out, so I have the phone interview on Monday. They
    said they want to get the whole hiring thing done by the end of the month (which
    is also what they said in November).

    Anyway, at least I'm seeing
    action and interviews, a vast improvement on the last few months. If I believed in
    omens, I'd think Someone was trying to tell me something. I've run into three
    former coworkers, people I hadn't seen since they or I left the relevant company,
    in the last two weeks. One, a former manager at my last company, was walking
    around the office when I was signing in for the interview last week. One, a
    sysadmin from my very first job in Arizona, was sitting outside a restaurant when
    I went out to meet T2 and Egret last week -- I hadn't seen her since mid-1997. The
    third, who worked in my group at the last place, was my gym this morning. He says
    he's belonged there for a year, but he must have been going at a different time
    until recently. I thought I saw him the other day but wasn't sure. If I get past
    Monday's phone interview, I'll see several more, since I know these people from
    when I worked there before.

    To complete yesterday's surrealism was
    coaching the juniors in the afternoon. The new head coach had to leave early (one
    reason they asked me to assist for a couple weeks) so I got to do the wrap-up
    speech afterwards on my own. I told them they were much better than Monday, and
    mentioned several things they had to work on. I finished talking, let someone else
    say a few things, and said, "Well, that's about it." And they just stood there. So
    I told them again they'd improved a lot and had a lot of potential, and said,
    "That's all I've got". And they just stood there. I went over to talk to Hardcore
    who was there helping the club with their juniors, finished talking, and they were
    still standing there chatting! None of which would be a problem, but
    they're juniors, and I wasn't sure I should leave while they were still there.
    Next time, I'm giving up on them -- as soon as I make sure they've all got rides
    home, I'm leaving. They're rather like puppies sometimes; it would be cute if I
    weren't such a curmudgeon. And today I get to meet another one, because I'm doing
    my first alumni interview of a college applicant. At least I don't have to do
    anything but draw this one out and report on her.

    I just found this
    quote, about the succession of a new American President: "They are so tired to
    death of intellectual charlatanry, they turn to honest imbecility." A perfect
    explanation of GW Bush's election, except for two things. I'm not all that sure
    he's all that honest. And the quote was from H.L. Mencken, talking about Warren G.
    Harding succeeding Woodrow Wilson. It's from a book on Presidential humor by Bob
    Dole, who turns out to be a better raconteur than campaigner

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 16, 2002


    I swear, I've got so much shit going on this week, I might as well be working.
    Though really, I feel that way less because of the actual amount of work and more
    just because of the psychic pressure involved in knowing I have things scheduled
    for every day of this week. Between that and getting up early for rowing again,
    for the last couple of weeks I've been clenching my teeth in my sleep. I finally
    dug out the mouth guard I bought to help with that (it's a small soft rubbery
    thing, that fits over my upper teeth). It helps a bit, though I wake up with my
    teeth feeling all funny after sleeping with it.

    This morning I rowed
    a single, but had to wait ten minutes just to check that the coach (have I nommed
    him yet? If not, he can be AussieCoach) didn't want me to row something else. No
    fault of his, but I'm starting to get tired of the whole idea of rowing programs,
    and having to wait for other people. Maybe I'll drop out and just row by myself
    once Rudder and T2 go back to rowing the double.

    href="">Mechaieh reminds me that I briefly
    mentioned going to Korea, and hadn't discussed the whys and wherefores. (Is that
    redundant?) Rudder has a conference in Seoul on the first week of February. He's
    traveled enough for work to have built up a huge cushion of frequent flyer miles,
    which he keeps for situations like this. So, I can get there for free, our hotel
    is paid for the duration of the conference, and I have the time available. (Unless
    someone offers me a job soon -- hey, it could happen!) Also, he's got a cousin in
    the Army who's stationed near Seoul, and has his family out there. Basically,
    there's no reason not to go. We'll stay just under two weeks, spending most of our
    time in Seoul, fitting in an overnight hop to see temples in Kyong-ju as well as
    day trips to the DMZ and the Folk Village, and spending the last few days staying
    with the cousins.

    Korea was never on my list of must-see-before-I-die
    places, but everyone I know who's been there really likes it, and it's got some of
    the oldest temples in Asia. Also, I've never been to Asia at all and Rudder's
    never been on the mainland (he's traveled to Taiwan for work). I'm a bit nervous
    about going someplace where I won't even be able to guess at words from their
    English cognates (as I could in Germany), but the hotel people will speak English
    and having local family will help. Also, Rudder and I have made this a principle
    of our lives: "When an adventure throws itself at your feet, grab it and hop on."
    You wouldn't believe how many people we've met who turn down opportunities that
    have been given to them, with no strings attached and all difficulties smoothed
    out -- people who didn't want to go flying when we invited them (I understand fear
    of heights or lack of interest as a reason to refuse, but not laziness), people
    who didn't take great jobs because some change was involved, people just too
    stolid to appreciate wonder when it sidles up and introduces

    But I could still end up not going if a job suddenly came
    through. In a burst of impatience yesterday I called the HR person who arranged href="">my interview last week. She
    told me they hadn't given her a decision yet. I don't know whether to consider
    that good news, exactly, but it's way better than, "I didn't call you because we
    hired someone else"!

    Later: an hour and a half after writing the above, I got the "We're making someone
    else an offer" call. Blahsuck.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 15, 2002

    time to play frisbee with the laptop

    Diaries are good for when you can't get your husband on the phone and you have an
    overwhelming irony to communicate.

    So, want to hear something

    I've spent all of today on the computer; we decided to back it
    up to its original parameters instead of adding more memory, in the hopes that
    there's just something eating memory that I can get to go away. First, I installed
    the 'conversion kit', because @Home is dying and Cox is taking over our part of
    their network. They only support Outlook Express, so then I had to figure out how
    to configure Outlook to get mail at both the old and the new addresses. Got that
    done (though I'm not sure how to have it send mail from the new one). I did this
    first so I could see what the new settings were, mail servers and so on, and write
    them all down, rather than having to figure it out from scratch after killing off
    all the relevant software.

    Next, I had to back up the files I wanted
    to keep, as well as things like my Internet bookmarks and saved e-mail. First, I
    had to export the latter to files, then, because I'm lame and have never written a
    CD on this computer, I had to install the CD-writing software. Then I had
    to recall that the computer actually came with separate drives for reading DVDs
    and writing CD-ROMs and put the drive in. After all that I had to figure out how
    to get the computer back to its initial settings. I figured it out from Help at
    the same time I was on the phone to ask Customer Support the same

    At that point, I ha my files backed up, knew how to do a
    restore, and had only to decide what date to restore to. And at that point
    ............................ 2:30 PM, mind you, having been online since 8AM with
    only a few breaks ..............................................................
    at that point, I noticed the computer, for the first time in two weeks, wasn't
    running slow at all.

    I'm tempted to do a restore anyway, but I think
    that would fall into the category of cutting off my RAM to spite my ROM. Or
    something like that.

    Someone tell me again why I chose to work with
    computers for a living? And why I do this even when I'm not getting paid for it?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    how not to spend Tuesday

    Plans for today including completely reloading software on my computer, from the
    ground up, and going to the dentist.

    I don't know which I'm looking
    forward to more. At least the dentist visit is only for a

    And at least a side effect of having to back up files
    before the reload is that I'll finally get around to figuring out how to write
    CDs, since I did pay extra for a drive that can do that.

    though, neither chore is my idea of how to spend a pleasant Tuesday. Maybe, just
    maybe, the company I interviewed with last week will call today, and offer me gobs
    of money and a starting date after I get back from Korea. It could happen. Please,

    Posted by dichroic at 08:59 AM

    January 14, 2002

    I'm sweet, but Me sucks

    Despite a small accident with the chili powder, I've got a nice batch of Purists
    Beware Dam'Fine Chili cooked up for dinner. (I use ground beef, and beans from cans instead of soaking them all night. Fortunately chili powder, even the "Hot Mexican" kind we've got, isn't really all that spicy, and anyway I think you're supposed to put a lot in. (Not quite sure -- I don't measure the spices in chili anyhow, just toss them in with a liberal hand. For some odd reason, it tastes a little sweet. I did put cinnamon in, but not very much, and I can't think of anything else that would be sweet, unless they're adding sugar to canned tomatoes these days.

    Maybe it's just me. Last night I made Scampi La Riviera, from (of all places) a Charles Kuralt book, which turned out to be what restaurants around here usually call something like N'Awlins Shrimp. Rudder loves the sauce, and has been known to ask for extra bread to sop it up and refuse to let waiters take the appetizer plate away while there was still sauce left. In this case, I blame the sweetness on the balsamic vinegar I had on hand, and will be sure to use plain red wine vinegar next time. Maybe it's just me, though I can't imagine the sweetness of my character is affecting my cooking! Maybe my cycle is affecting my tastebuds instead.

    The recipe was excellent and the stories were good, but I'd have enjoyed the rest of that Charles Kuralt book more if I could stop thinking about the mistress and family who surfaced after his death, and wondering how he squeezed in visits to them in among all the other traveling.

    I tried to get help from Compaq customer support this,
    another thing that didn't contribute to the sweetness of my character. Basically,
    my new computer has been running way slow -- actually it runs at normal speed, but stops to think about what it's doing every few seconds. There are no extra tasks listed that could be causing this; I defragmented the hard drive and ran a clean-up yesterday; I even turned off Active Desktop. No use; I've still got an absent-minded laptop. The Compaq guy asked me to check my System Resources. They were 63% percent. He told me he could help but my software warranty had expired, so either I could pay for the help or I could extend the warranty. I chose the latter, so I'd have someone to bitch at for the next year when my computer doesn't work, paid $59 I really didn't want to spend, and got transferred to another guy. This one got the system resources up where they should be, all right, but that still didn't solve the problem. All he could tell me to do was to back up everything and try reloading everything from scratch -- advice I got from Rudder, yesterday, for free. The real problem, I think, is just that Windows Me sucks. Compaq support officially sucks now, too.

    Time to go cheer up before I terrorize a bunch of high-school rowers!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 13, 2002


    It was good to see S, and we did get to meet her sister, who was very cool.
    However, as usual after these encounters, I have moved S close to the list of
    people I wouldn't want to be my doctor. She's a little scatty, though of course
    it's possible that at work she puts on a professional bedside

    I keep in touch with so few people from high school and
    before that it's actually a little odd to be able to talk to someone who remembers
    Mrs. Madres, our third grade teacher, or the summer we were camp counselors, at
    16, or the time we went all the way to D.C. by ourselves to visit my uncle, at 12.
    Fortunately, she seems to have good memories of me at those times.

    Today I'll try to enjoy lazing around, as my afternoons are
    committed for the whole rest of the week -- helping teach juniors rowing
    Mon/Wed/Fri and going to the dentist on Tuesday. And if I'm lucky, I can arrange
    to do an alumni interview Thursday afternoon, so I don't have to do it on a

    Off to vegetate. Ta.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 12, 2002

    seeing S

    Tonight should be fun -- one of my oldest friends is in town for a family thing
    and we get to go meet her for dinner. Apparently, her great-aunt is turning 90, or
    something like that. It's a funny thing; I've known S since third grade, and yet
    I've never met her dad, siblings (including the well known href="">artist, whose work -- artistic and activist
    -- I really like despite the rather ugly web page), or any of the relatives she's
    meeting here. She knows my parents, thinks my brother is cute (in her mind, he's
    still about 3 years old) and even went with me to visit my uncle, when we were 13
    years old. I know her mom and have met her ex-stepfather and ex-stepsister. Not to
    mention her ex-husband.

    This is because S was the first person I'd
    ever met who came from what they used to call a 'broken home'. There was only one
    other girl I knew in grade school whose mother worked full time, and her father
    was dead (Vietnam, I presume). Back then, in the mid-70s, most kids I knew had a
    father who worked and a mother who stayed home and took care of the kids. That all
    changed amazingly fast -- there were lots of people with divorced parents by the
    time I got to junior high school, and of course now I don't think there are any
    kids who don't know plenty of moms who work, dads who watch kids single parents,
    and so on. (Except maybe in some of the local heavily-Mormon neighborhoods.) It's
    always sad, of course, when marriages don't work, and it's true that more of the
    people I know whose parents are divorced are working on a second or third marriage
    themselves. (Though this is more true of my generation. My dad's parents divorced,
    as did my father-in-law's, and they've both stayed married.)

    In a
    way, though, it's probably a good thing in some ways for the kids to have more
    diverse models of happy families. At least they know they have

    Anyway, it will be good to see S. We've always had an on-
    again, off-again sort of friendship, not because we fought, but because of lack of
    proximity. We went to school together for 3rd and 4th grade, then her mom
    remarried and moved away. We kept in sporadic touch, and ended up getting bussed
    to the same school on the same day as part of the gifted program in 7th grade.
    Then we got funneled into the same high school and had classes together. We ended
    up at the same college, 2 of the 3 people from our class who went there, but had
    interests different enough that we didn't see each other too often. I went off to
    Houston and she went off to med school, but it's been at least a couple of years
    since I saw her last. Maybe I'll finally get to meet that artist sister.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 11, 2002

    things I know now

    Things I've learned today:

    • Apparently my tastes don't match
      Unknown Legend's. The new juniors coach isn't really all that cute. Though
      he seems like a reasonably nice guy.
    • Microsoft Access is
      neither intuitively obvious nor well-documented. (Big surprise there, it being a
      Microsoft product.) Along related lines, Windows Me still sucks. My computer likes
      to sometimes run v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y for no reason it is willing to share with
    • My college roommate is still frighteningly organized. I
      thought it was pretty cool when she e-mailed me the other day to tell me she'd
      given birth, but now I've also gotten a formal birth announcement. Note that today
      is January 11 and the baby was born on New Year's Day. Most first-time parents
      seem to be barely coherent at that point, much less addressing envelopes. I'm very
      happy for her, of course, and I have to admit, the idea of a baby born on New
      Year's Day is pretty cool.
    • One of my local bead places has a
      much greater selection available through a catalog, and even though it says $5
      right there on the cover in big letters, they will give you one for free if you
      ask. (Uh-oh.)

    I haven't heard yet from the interview people
    though. (Not necessarily a bad sign, since they said they'd call early next week.)
    After all, you can't learn everything in one day.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    me and the young'uns

    No luck on the weather -- it was windy enough to make for a bit of a rough row,
    but not enough to call off practice and go home to bed. I rowed in a quad again,
    with one of the same people in it -- I'll need a nom for her) and two different
    ones. It wasn't nearly as pleasant as Wednesday, but I'm not sure if that was due
    to the new people or the weather. The woman who stroked the boat both days is
    someone I known, and rowed with on and off, for about 4 years now. She is
    extremely nice, competent, and a good rower; has a doctorate she's not using at
    the moment, and is in charge of fixing the club's boats. I'd call her Frau Doktor,
    as she was educated in Germany, but I'm not sure that really captures her. Drat.
    Bosun, maybe?

    I got drafted to help teach the city's juniors again.
    Apparently the city was lucky enough to find an excellent juniors coach (at least,
    he comes *very* well recommended) who's moved here for his job, and they've asked
    me to assist him for the first couple of weeks. I think this is partly to provide
    some continuity, partly because he'll have to cut out a few minutes early for the
    first week or so, and partly because (Unknown Legend says) he's extremely
    good-looking and they want him to have a bodyguard when hordes of high-school
    girls start falling in love with him. (They know there's not much risk of high
    school boys falling for me.) I don't really like the idea of committing my
    afternoons again, but it's only for a short time, and if this guy is as good as
    reported, I can probably learn a lot from him.

    I also am supposed to
    do alumni interviews for a couple of Penn applicants, though I admit I volunteered
    for this one. I'd better start learning to develop rapport with teenagers sometime
    soon, before they begin to hang me in effigy in the halls of the high schools.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:59 AM


    It's windy out. That means that, with luck, if it's also windy enough on the lake
    20 minutes away, I may get to turn around, come home, and go back to

    I don't care how much you like doing something, at 4:30 in the
    morning, sleep is always more appealing.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:30 AM

    January 10, 2002

    No idea

    Well? Welllll? WELL?

    I don't know. Really, I have no idea about
    whether I'll get the job. I
    thought the interview went reasonably well, though they asked some very hard
    questions. (I admit it: I have no idea how you handle memory leaks in C++.
    Fortunately, it turns out, no one else has a very good way to do it either, and
    this is one of the major problems with C++. However, I probably should have known
    that.) And they asked how I'd solve a problem relating to their application,
    wanting to know more about my alleged math-modeling skills. (The math models I've
    done in the past, though, have been simulating things like aircraft engine
    crossbleed- starts or heat exchangers. Still, the basic engineering ideas should
    apply.) The HR person told me I did very well, but I don't know whether she was
    just being nice. (Though I'd think any reasonably good HR person would try hard to
    avoid raising false hopes.)

    (This is becoming a many-paragraphed

    The thing that's worrying me is not so much how I did, but
    how everyone else did. They told me, when I asked, that they had interviewed
    "several" other people for the job -- I figure that means at least three, likely
    four or five. A lot of their questions were focused toward developing software,
    even though the job ad was for a software test engineer, and it's true that if you
    want a hot C++ programmer, I'm not the best person for the job. However, they may
    have assumed I knew my testing and just wanted to see what else I could do -- and
    if you really want someone who's flexible, who can code and test and document and
    move into new areas quickly, then I'm your woman.

    So I just don't
    know. They're going to decide within the next few days, and have said I'll hear by
    early next week. The HR person promised to let me know either way, though I've
    heard that before. So now I will spend the next few days picking at my nail polish
    and forcing myself to think about other things and apply for other

    It occurs to me that it may have been a mistake to tell diary
    readers and everyone else I know (and my mother) about this interview; I figured
    that would leave me no room to screw up, but didn't allow for the number of other
    people looking for work, and thus the amount of this that's out of my control.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:06 AM

    January 09, 2002

    so far so good....

    Yogurt for breakfast, followed by popcorn for dessert (I figure it's at least as
    nutritious as Sugar Corn Pops.) Mmmm.

    And this morning I rowed in a
    very enjoyable quad, with one woman I've known since before there was a lake here
    and two others I've just met (one of whom rowed at Vassar). We had a lot of things
    we need to improve, but it felt like everyone in the boat was alert and committed
    to improving them. And the coach is having us get the form right before he has us
    doing the hard physical workouts. He has us using a different rowing style than
    I'd been used to, so I have a ton of new habits to ingrain. I don't want to get
    into all the technical details, but it's a smoother stroke with all the different
    parts of it flowing together instead of kept separate. This is more like the
    stroke the Canadians have been using, but I think American rowing in general is
    moving toward a smoother stroke sequence.

    So it's a very good day so
    far, and now I hope the rest of it will be in keeping. I'll be spending some time
    doing things like polishing my nails, figuring out what to wear, and figuring out
    how to answer questions like, "Have you ever worked with a difficult person? How
    did you handle the situation?" or "Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses."

    I got some good advice from a couple of Aussie chatters who said,
    "Over here, we usually don't do an interview unless we're fairly confident the
    person can do the job. We just want to figure out how they'll fit into the office.
    So concentrate on trying to speak clearly and seeming likable, instead of being a
    cleverboots." I do think these people will also be trying to assess how well I can
    do the job, but the rest of it is good advice anyway.

    And please,
    please, please, send good vibes at href="">4PM today (MST). Huge thanks
    to the friends who have already sent good wishes in the href="">.

    January 08, 2002

    small request

    Consider yourselves duly notified: at 4 PM MST tomorrow, I want, good vibes,
    thought, wishes, prayers, fingers crossed, thumbs held, whatever you do. I have a
    *job* interview!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And a good one, too. I'd be perfect for
    what they want, and I think the job would be good for me. And this is a company
    that has excellent benefits and, I think, decent money (at least, they offered me
    a job once a couple of years ago and would have paid $12 more than I was
    making). But most important, there would be variety, the chance to learn lots of
    new stuff, and maybe even a chance to travel to interesting places. (For a week or
    two, not three months.)

    And most of all, it's a JOB!!!

    hope it goes well, I hope I hope IhopeIhopeIhopeIhope.....

    Posted by dichroic at 03:56 PM

    Now what?

    While this time staying home has certainly been pleasanter than I expected, I am
    ready for it to be over. More than ready. Champing at the bit. I have never, since
    leaving college, lived on someone else's money. There is nothing wrong with doing
    so, when you're doing other parts of keeping a family running, but it would
    require a much bigger mental shift than I want to make at the moment. Also, it's a
    lot harder to justify when you don't have children, or a budding book or business
    to work on. For me, it's not so much a question of how much Rudder makes (more
    than I had realized) but of wanting my own money to play with, without
    responsibilities to anyone else.

    I really should get back to that
    book project I was working on a few months back. I haven't felt comfortable with
    myself for just abandoning it. All I really need to do is brush up the proposal a
    bit and then do the work of mocking up a few pages -- more a matter of finding
    what to put in them than anything else.

    Also, considering I haven't
    even had interviews, it's getting harder to believe that this lag between jobs
    isn't my fault, that I couldn't be applying to more places, or making my resume
    better, or something, anything, that I'm not doing but should be.

    keep thinking I should go back to school, but the next thought is invariably, "But
    for what?" I'm not sure it's worth the time and effort until the answer to that
    one is clear. And it's not, unless I want to go all the way to a Ph.D. and become
    a professor, which I might like, but the road there is longer than I'm prepared to
    deal with.

    So now what?

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    January 07, 2002

    the newest and coolest, plus some same ol' - same ol'

    I just spent an hour scrubbing baseboards. Ugh. I have got to get a job, so
    I can feel less guilty about not doing housework. (And maybe hire someone else to
    do it, thus helping the economy even more.) Not that there's anything
    intrinsically wrong with scrubbing baseboards. It's hard on the knees, but there
    are certainly chores I mind more. It's been clear nearly from my infancy, however,
    that home-making is Not My Proper Job. (Well, neither is anything I've gotten paid
    for yet, but it comes a lot closer, and I'm better at it.)

    though, a recruiter told me that the interview she thought she could arrange this
    week is at least 2 weeks off, because the company has to post it internally and
    jump through all sorts of hoops first. Blahsuck.

    I happened to be in
    the local Apple store today just in time to see a live broadcast of Steve Jobs'
    presentation at MacWorld.


    • If the new Mac OS
      X, 10.1, is as stable as they say, it's got to be considerably less frustrating
      than Windows Me (which is currently in the running for my least favorite home OS
    • the iPod may turn out to be great-- too early to tell -- but
      the despot iTunes software doesn't appear to be any great leap over most other
      computer media players -- except that it will make it easy to download music to
      the iPod.
    • the new href="">iPhoto software
      has some killer features, but the most impressive part isn't so much the
      photo handling -- though that looks good -- but the partnerships that allow you to
      order prints from Kodak or a hard-bound book of your photos -- all at reasonable
      prices -- with just a few clicks. How all this plays out over time, with
      improvements and business changes, will be interesting.
    • the new
      iMac is absolutely stunning -- just look at
      . In addition to the flat panel screen you can see, it's got two great
      features you can't see -- a G4 chip in every one (so does this mean they'll stop
      selling other desktop G4 machines?) and a price tag ranging from $1299 to
      $1799. The biggest thing stopping people from buying Macs, pre-iMac, was the
      pricetag. (Well, and a lack of software for it, but that's a chicken-and-egg
      thing.) Then the iMac was just too fruity for powerusers. This one may bridge the
      gap -- serious power, way cool styling, and not too pricy. You can get a PC for
      cheaper, but it can't do as much.

    Yes, I'm a Mac person,
    even though my current computer is a PC laptop. It's on the desk, right next to
    our Mac.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    blades, boats, Bach, and buildings

    I started a new rowing program today. I could after gone back to the city program,
    since they've gotten rid
    the Evil Coach, but I'd still have some of the same other problems, like
    never getting any feedback because they spend their time working with the worst
    rowers. And Rudder and T2 want to row singles a lot, and with Egret rowing with
    the city, I wouldn't have many chances to row the double. The other local program,
    the Rio Salado Rowing Club, has a new coach who seems to be fairly together, and
    is trying to rebuild their women's competitive program, so I decided to give that
    a shot. This morning, I rowed a double with a girl from ASU. Not bad at all for a
    first row together. We mostly did drills, so it wasn't too strenuous, but that's
    not a major problem.

    Anyway, yesterday I did a 2000m piece and cut
    20 seconds off my previous best, so I'm still gloating. I rank 27 of 42 in my age
    and weight group on the href="">Concept II World Rankings
    which isn't too bad, considering even most lightweight rowers are much taller than
    I am.

    Outside rowing, I'm a bit upset by this news about the 15-year-
    old who flew into a building in Florida. They found a suicide note in his pocket,
    so it was intentional, which doesn't surprise me because it's just not that easy
    to fly into a building by mistake. Into the ground while trying to land, yes, that
    I can see, but buildings don't just pop up in front of you. I see how it could
    happen: typically, when you take a flying lesson, the instructor sends you out to
    do a preflight inspection of the plane, then joins you before you get in and taxi
    off. This kid just jumped in and took off without waiting for his instructor. (I
    think you can take flying lessons at any age, but can't solo until you're 16.)

    It's not even the fact that the suicide note expressed sympathy with
    bin Laden that bothered me; disturbed and deluded teenagers are certainly no new
    thing (neither are disturbed and deluded adults, of course). What worries me is
    that a boy taking flying lessons wanted to kill himself. Look, you absolutely
    cannot learn to fly without not only a fair share of intelligence, but an
    even greater amount of self-discipline. You just can't. And this kid was air-
    struck enough to be washing planes in trade for lessons, which is generally
    something you don't do unless you love airplanes. Richard Bach once wrote an essay
    about inviting the troubled son of an acquaintance to go up with him. The boy
    never showed up for the flight, possibly because when you're a fifteen-year-old-
    rebel, any opportunity that comes to you from your mother doesn't seem like much
    opportunity at all. Bach just wanted to pass on the gifts of his own instructor,
    to see if this one fifteen-year-old could be reached through a learning that
    begins with, "Now, this is what we call a 'wing',", goes on through flight, "which
    for me was challenge, was I dare to you survive alone in the sky, and I offer you
    inner confident quiet if you're good enough to do it, and if you do you'll have a
    way to find who you are and never be lonely again," and that never

    So here, in Florida, we have a boy who did show up for that
    first flight, who was enthralled enough to do drudge work just to get to touch the
    airplanes, to get to go up once up, and who was at least partway on that road to
    an "inner confident quiet", and to the respect one pilot gives another. And it
    wasn't enough for him. He killed himself. I don't know whether he had love in his
    life, but he had not only a parent dedicated enough to drive him to the airfield,
    but a chance to be around others who loved the same thing he loved, and that's a
    powerful kinship. Respect, something to do, and something to learn -- what more
    could he have wanted?

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    January 06, 2002

    dressed in organdy...

    I'm supposed to be reading both Java for Dummies (in case the job interview
    where they want me to know it actually comes through -- I've told them I don't,
    but I want to at least have seen it) and the Private Pilot Manual (because
    I'm *very* rusty and Rudder gave me some flying time for Christmas.) This explains
    why I'm here writing this entry, instead.

    For Mechaieh, here's the
    Simon and Garfunkel song you can still have someone sing to you, even after
    growing up enough not to want to be someone's only truth.

    What a dream I had,

    Dressed in organdy,

    Clothed in crinolines,

    Of smoky burgundy,

    Softer than the rain.

    I wandered empty streets down

    Past the shop displays,

    I heard cathedral bells

    Tripping down the alleyways,

    As I walked on.

    And when you ran to me, your

    Cheeks flushed with the night,

    We walked on frosted fields

    Of juniper and lamplight,

    I held your hand....

    And when I awoke

    And felt you warm and near,

    I kissed your honey hair

    With my grateful tears.

    Oh I love you girl,

    Oh I love you.

    Though for Mechaieh, that last verse should be "ebon hair".

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM | Comments (1)

    January 05, 2002


    The good news is that I finally got enough sleep. After New Years Day, when I
    finally got back to rowing, my subconscious was apparently so nervous that I
    wouldn't wake up in time that it kept waking me up all night, just to make sure.
    Never mind that I have this nifty modern invention known as an ALARM CLOCK --
    apparently my subconscious isn't up on the latest technology. Actually, we have
    two alarm clocks, one on each side of the bed, partly because it's really annoying
    to have to turn the alarm off when you're not the one who has to get up and partly
    because I like to see what time it is (and thus, how much longer I get to sleep)
    when I wake up in the middle of the night. I can't see more than about five inches
    without my contact lenses or glasses on, so my alarm has these big honkin' numbers
    that you could practically read by.

    The bad news is that I may have a
    cold, but I'm hoping the runny nose is just an artifact of sleeping over nine
    hours. On the other hand, if I do have a cold, that makes it more likely that the
    two people who promised they'd set up interviews for early next week will come
    through. (And one of these has been diddling around since the beginning of
    November!) I'm a fir believer in Murphy's Law. There's nothing as eminently
    hireable as a job interviewee with sniffles. Thank goodness for

    My two books from Amazon came yesterday, so I piled them
    with the two I haven't yet read from the used book store and now I have a small
    TBR pile (to be read -- Rudder had to ask, so I guess not everyone knows that
    acronym). That's not even counting all those Library of America books we should
    have, but too many of those are the sort of thing I href="">should read. Why is a four-
    book pile of my own unread books so much more exciting than ten books from the
    library? Maybe it's because the library books are ones that just looked
    interested, not ones I've searched out and waited for.

    And for
    posterity, the TBR pile consist of:

    • Helene Hanff's Q's
    • The Woolcott reader
    • A book of
      essays from the Harvard Bookshelf (the five-foot shelf of everything a well-read
      person should have read, according to Charles Eliot)
    • Diane Duane's
      The WizardÕs Dilemma
    • But I suppose I should finish my
      library books first. Yeah, right.

      Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 04, 2002

    boats and beads

    I'm running a bit late today, because Rudder and I tried some tag-team rowing. The boys had wanted to row singles instead of their double today and Egret was rowing in a quad with Hardcore and some other women, so I was boatless. T2 and Rudder said they'd take out a double if I wanted, but since my time is my own, and since our boat is now stored low enough that I don't need help getting it off the rack, I decided to just show up a little later and row after they were done. It worked perfectly; I had the lake almost to myself (the quad and another single were there, but I hardly saw them) and I only had to carry the boat back up, not down to the water.

    I don't think I've mentioned that Rudder and I named this boat RowedRunner. (Our previous singles were Rowver and Rowedster, and I think the double is SunStroke.) She, and she is definitely a she, is very sensitive, and really rewards proper technique. I had a strokecoach (sort of like a bike computer for boats) so could see just how much faster I went when I concentrated on balance and snapping my hands in to my body.

    After I got back home, I spent some time fooling with the digital camera, trying to photograph some of my bead projects. I wasn't totally successful, but I think these pictures will at least give some idea.

    These winecharms are for a friend of mine. I made him six, of clear beads, and he asked for another dozen, six red and six blue, offering to pay whatever I was charging at craft fairs. I'm not selling commercially, because I suspect it would be a huge amount of trouble, so I'm just charging him for materials and shipping -- a nice way to subsidize my hobby. These are made of memory wire, so if you pull one open, it snaps back into shape. Each charm is different, and they're meant to be placed around the stems of wineglasses, so you can tell which glass is yours. I don't think you can see what a pretty color these red beads are, but they glow like little pomegranate seeds. These charms are a bottle, a corkscrew, and a glass; I've also got other types of glasses, a fancier corkscrew, a soft pretzel (the friend they're for lives in Philadelphia), a wedge of cheese, a bunch of grapes, and so on.

    The necklace is for myself. It's been through about three iterations so far, and now I've got it about where I want it. The only problem now is that the slender loops of the chain keep slipping out of all those jump-rings. I either need to get
    sturdier jump rings or just be careful while wearing it. I think as long as I don't fool with it while it's on I'll be OK.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 03, 2002

    it's very beautiful here...

    One of the books I scored with the gift certificate Rudder gave me to my favorite
    used book store is The Woolcott reader -- Alexander Woolcott's way of
    making sure his favorite short fiction was in print so that he could force
    everyone he knew to read it. I haven't gotten far in, because I feel I ought to
    finish my library books first. (And Waverly took bloody forever to

    So I've only read the Preface so far, but it's already more
    than worth the paltry $1.98 they charged just for this

    "Now, I would be highly content to come
    up for judgment as one who thought highly of all the works in this volume and
    deeply loved some of them. It is true that its table of contents seldom duplicates
    the lists of books with which some of our best minds are constantly electing to be
    wrecked on some desert island -- that putative retreat which must now be suffering
    from overpopulation. In those lists (besides indisputable and nourishing
    essentials like Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, and War
    and Peace
    ), I do often find austere works of such orthodox classicism as fills
    me with a mutinous suspicion that they have been included from a sense of duty and
    will be taken, if at all, medicinally. Indeed, when faced with certain of the
    monumental works of the world's literature, I am affected as was a
    cuisinière of my acquaintance by the State of California, to which brightly
    pigmented commonwealth she repaired late in life to make her home. To her former
    mistress in the darkling and rain-drenched East, she reported her arrival by
    sending a florid postcard on which she had scribbled this message: "It's very
    beautiful here I don't like it."

    Woolcott wasn't
    very beautiful, by all reports, but I think I'll like him.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    not good so far

    "There are no atheists in foxholes."

    That's not entirely true, but it
    takes a stronger will than mine to stick to your beliefs when you're in trouble.

    At the end of February, I will turn into a pumpkin. That's my double
    witching day: my unemployment insurance runs out and, after then, my security
    clearance can no longer be simply turned back on, but has to be reapplied for. And
    applying for a security clearance is a really, really ugly process these days.
    It's not that I especially want to work on secret stuff, but I do especially want
    to have a job, since some of the jobs I'm interested in are in aerospace, that's
    one of my advantages right now. (Of course, since it hasn't gotten me a job yet,
    it could be argued that it's not much of a selling point.)

    insane man, gets up to 4:10 (what we think of as "rowing time") to go the gym). I
    usually set the alarm for 5:30 on gym days. When I woke up with his alarm this
    morning, though, I began worrying over the job thing and my impending deadlines
    and couldn't go back to sleep. I don't even believe in petitionary prayer, so when
    I found myself muttering, out loud, "Please God, help me get a job," I knew
    4AM desperation had set in. (It's amazing how much misery you can save yourself by
    realizing how rarely middle-of-the-night panic is justified.) At 5, I finally
    decided to get up and head off to the gym. That was when I realized my keys were
    missing, complete with gym tag.

    Our mailbox is way at the far end of
    the block, around the corner. I've been known to leave my mailbox key, with all
    the rest dangling from it, in the mailbox door, so I drove by to see if it was
    there, figuring that if so, I could head on out to the gym from there. No luck. I
    came back home and did one more panic-stricken search, then realized I could have
    dropped them in Rudder's car....and he was still at the gym. So I headed over,
    talked my way past the front desk, got his keys, and .... my keys were there,
    under the passenger seat where he'd never have noticed them. It's always nice when
    desperate theories pan out. SO I went in, worked out, and now I'm back

    Anyway, I figure fear can be useful, as long as it prods you
    into action instead of paralyzing. At least I know I won't skip over my job-
    searching activates for today!

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    January 02, 2002

    the cat about nothing

    Sorry to be handing such a steady supply of href="">death and href="">grumpiness. Blame my cat,
    who in his emotional neediness and quest to be on my lap (or in my face or on my
    mouse) every single time I get on the computer lately is being very, very
    annoying. At the moment he's on the seat next to me, having wormed his way up
    between the seat and the back of my small desk chair. Every once in a awhile I
    have to lean over and squish him a little so he doesn't jump up on my lap (to
    start kneading my legs, claws out) or walking across the computer. He's only got
    about three inches of space to sit in, and I don't know how he's avoiding falling
    off the chair, but the purr volume seems to indicate a state of domestic

    My other cat, out in the back yard at the moment, is much less
    annoying. He's so much more emotionally stable than the one currently attempting
    to sneak onto my lap (I don't know why he thinks I don't notice) that he will even
    come over to comfort me when I'm upset. The more annoying cat is a "me, me, me"
    type, the sort who only worries if people are paying him enough attention. If they
    ever resuscitate the Seinfeld show, I'm sending him over for audition. He'd fit
    right in.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    I want a job

    Egret and I tried to row the double this morning, but there was some wind and the
    water was rough enough that we came in after one short lap. Rudder and T2, rowing
    singles, didn't even make it that far.

    So maybe a case of scullus
    interruptus is why I'm feeling so crabby just at this moment, but it's probably
    more because I've been thinking about the job thing again. I want a job. I Want a

    Hello, world, is anybody listening to me?
    Recruiters, companies, anyone? Some hiring would be nice, here.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    January 01, 2002

    Death, be not proud

    Despite the large quantity of them occurring the past year, I still don't really
    believe in death. Well, I do, of course, in an academic sort of way, and I've seen
    a body or two (at viewings, I mean -- nothing as dramatic as you were probably
    thinking) but I've still never really gotten my mind wrapped around the whole idea
    of a person just stopping and not being there any more.

    It must be so, I know, because the other alternative is that my grandparents just
    haven't wanted to speak to me in a very long time, which is not bloody likely.
    I've been given to understand that a concept of one's own mortality is an
    inevitable accompaniment to increasing age, which actually makes me feel
    hearteningly young -- I don't feel my own mortality, therefore it must not be
    close. Not that I haven't acquired a few more creaks and crochets over the years,
    but they don't actually feel like they're leading to any drastic changes.

    That's the best argument I can think of for some sort of afterlife: the human
    mind's (my human mind's) inability to comprehend its own end. I mean, if we had
    planned obsolescence wired into the machinery, you'd think the whole idea would
    seem a little more possible. Or is it that we're just unable to get on with our
    lives unless we believe they're endless, and so the surviving fittest were also
    the most uncomprehending?

    And how much does belief affect the workings of the world? If a child who doesn't
    believe in death dies, what happens to their -- I need a word here. Soul? Essence?
    I mean the self-awareness, everything non-corporeal that's comprehended when I
    think "me". What happens to their me-ness? Is it different from what happens to an
    old person who is ready for death? No wonder there are legends of ghosts and
    spirits, heavens and wheels of rebirth. How else could we stand such an imminent
    and awesome idea?

    (And did you know that "imminent" and "immanent" are two completely different
    words? I just found that out while looking up the spelling. The other reason I
    Have trouble thinking about death is that I'm easily distracted from anything so

    I have no idea why I was thinking about all this today. I
    hope it's not a harbinger. Maybe it's a sign of putting all of last years little
    and big deaths and finalities behind me.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    I consider 2001 a fairly bad year, not because I spent much of it being actively
    miserable (this unemployment thing wouldn't be bad at all, if only they paid you
    for it), but because two major Bad Things happened and there were no major life-
    changing Good Things to counterbalance them.

    As someone pointed out
    to me last night, though, the only thing worse than job misery is bad
    relationships, and really, all of mine seem to be in decent shape. There were lots
    and lots of other good things happening, and I would be remiss if I didn't mention
    them: blossoming friendships both online and out in the world, chances to visit
    family, in-the-flesh meetings with some of those online friends, and even a
    savings account holding out much better than anticipated.

    And there
    are all the continued good things that are so easy to overlook because nothing has
    changed: Rudder, the continued health of all of us including the aging kitties,
    people who seem pleased to hear from me, my e-mail lists where I can discuss odd
    interests with people who understand, these diaries providing peeks into other
    people's lives and thoughts, food, clothing, and shelter (growing up in a small
    rowhouse with only one bathroom makes one thankful for room to spread out and
    *three* baths and while no one will ever call me a fashion leader, I do have
    enough clothes that I won't have to worry about shopping until I can afford to),
    enough qualifications and determination to be sure that *someday* I'll be employed
    again. And so on.

    My hopes for 2002 for myself include more of the
    same (especially the 'friends part'), plus a new job. My ideal job is mentally
    challenging, busy, varied, with cool co-workers, a 40-hour week at least most of
    the time, and, while we're talking about ideals, three or four weeks' vacation and
    an office instead of a cubicle. Oh, yes, and lots of pay. And, again ideally, work
    that I can think is actually doing some good to the world. And a good bit of
    independence. And a short commute.

    I'd also like the chance to do
    more traveling than I have this year, and maybe even renovate the house a bit,
    and, again ideally, some prospect of moving to a place with cooler weather but
    still lots of outdoor sports. I really can't think of much else I want that I
    don't have. I suppose that proves how lucky I am, that I don't need major changes
    even after a bad year.

    For the world, of course, I'd like for peace
    and freedom to become more widespread, along with enough prosperity to allow more
    of the population to stop thinking about the next meal or the latest epidemic and
    start thinking about more abstract ideas. Like peace, and freedom. And, of course,
    the pursuit of happiness.

    And for all of you out there, I wish that
    your own pursuits of happiness, prosperity, and love may be well-rewarded in the
    coming year.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    December 31, 2001


    Happy new year to all, and may 2002 bring peace, honor, love, work, joy,
    fulfillment, and prosperity to all who read this. (Since of course you already
    have taste. *wink* )

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    No, she doesn't want a drink, dammit

    I very nearly slugged an old woman the other day, and she wasn't even doing
    anything to hurt me. I'm a violent person, I guess; small as I am, I don't really
    worry about actually hurting other people, so I've never had that reason to
    restrain myself. The main reason I don't go around actually hitting other people
    is that it's just not fair to hit someone who is too chivalrous to hit you back.
    Plus, you know, there are all those laws and customs about manners and all that.

    In this particular case, though, I was this close to at least
    taking her aside and yelling at her. This is an annoying woman anyway, but she
    really surpassed herself that day. I was chatting with her and another person, and
    shall refer to them henceforth as A and B. A is getting over a nasty cold and the
    ensuing cough has been keeping her awake at night. B suggested a shot of whiskey,
    with honey and lemon. A responded that she doesn't drink.

    So far,
    okay, and even my finely-honed annoyance trigger wouldn't have been set off. B,
    however, said, "Oh, it's just one drink." A said, "Nope, sorry, I don't do it." B
    said, "Well, what about some wine?" and on and on and so fucking on. I mean
    really, what part of "I don't" is so hard to understand?

    Now, I have
    a personal principle, by which if someone says they don't eat or drink a certain
    item, I do not urge them to try "just a little bit" For one thing, they might be
    allergic, in which case I'd far rather be spared the gory details, not to mention
    the possible consequences if they did try just a bit. For another, as a light and
    sometimes picky eater myself, I am convinced that one of the joys of adulthood is
    not being forced to consume foods you don't like or want, one of the banes of my

    With alcohol especially, there may be many reasons why a
    person wouldn't drink. The three that spring to my mind, however, are dislike of
    the taste or effects of strong drink; a physical allergy; or avoidance of the
    consequences of known or suspected alcoholism. In the first case, a single small
    drink for medicinal purposes might be acceptable, but in the latter two cases,
    even a small drink could be downright dangerous.

    Not only that, while
    the lemon and honey in the suggested whiskey might indeed soothe a sufferer's
    throat, the whiskey itself would probably not help a sick person to sleep more
    restfully. (Though a sufficient quantity could cause passing out, it's been my
    observation that people rarely spring up from that state refreshed and full of
    joie de vivre).

    I have nothing against drinking myself, but urging it
    on someone who doesn't want it is stupid. And rude. And an adult who, as I have
    reason to know, has been around for many, many discussions of why people do not
    like being urged to partake of drink they donÕt want should damned well know

    The only reason I didn't take B aside in this case is that I
    know that A is perfectly able to take care of herself. And if slugging were
    required, she could probably do that better than I could,


    And now I'm off to buy champagne, and
    maybe some wine to go with the steak au poivre I'm making tonight. May 2002 be
    happier and better for all of us.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    December 30, 2001

    as God is my witness

    This morning I was lost in thought/ as 'cross the lake I

    [Scratch that, start over.]

    This morning, I
    was out alone on the lake in my little shell just after sunrise, a time when the
    clarity of the reflections on the lake give rise to another sort of reflection

    [A little overwrought perhaps, but I've been reading Sir
    Walter Scott, so my readers will have to pardon me.]

    A day or so
    before Christmas, the San Francisco news did a feature on a former dot-com CEO,
    now homeless. I was rowing fairly lightly this morning, a state conducive to
    thought, and began wondering whether a similar thing could happen to me. I
    pictured my unemployment stretching on indefinitely, leading to some mental
    unbalance or depression (I do have some bipolar depression in my family). As the
    months stretched on, my savings would run out, I would grow dispirited and cease
    applying for jobs, jobs would be harder and harder to get even when I did look for
    them, and Rudder would eventually give up on me, in sheer frustration. I would end
    up on welfare, grow coarse and unable to prod myself into action, and would sink
    into a base and useless state, without the demands of spouse, children, or job to
    spur me to activity.

    Then I had a bit of an epiphany, a sort of
    Scarlett O'Hara moment. I can't say that "As God is my witness, I'll never be
    unemployed again," because I won't make promises I can't keep, even to myself. But
    I can say that I will never let myself go that far. My Dad has survived much
    longer periods of unemployment, and what he can do, I can do. I'm lucky enough and
    determined enough to have many more external and internal resources than Dad; it
    occurred to me that in similar circumstances, he wouldn't have even been out in a
    boat on the lake because I don't remember his ever doing anything extracurricular
    requiring skill, patience, and diligence. He would certainly not have even briefly
    considered going back to school, especially since he doesn't have the background
    to embark on a graduate degree. (To give Dad his due, it also occurred to me that
    a major focus of his life and work had been to provide exactly those resources for
    his children. I can take only partial credit for the situation I'm in, the rest
    going to parents, professors, Rudder, friends, and sheer luck.)

    so I'm off, to send in a few more job applications. I'll get past this.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 29, 2001

    bittersweet, but mostly sweet

    So far, highlights of catching up on everyone else's diaries have included
    Caerula's husband's hair href="">catching fire and what the
    man in Astralfrog's life href="">wrapped for Christmas.
    The trick to reading things like that is leaning back so you don't sputter on the

    We spent the holiday at Rudder's maternal grandparents (the
    lucky boy still has two full sets, despite having turned 35 two days before
    Christmas). His parents, an aunt, and a cousin were also there, creating a
    pleasant level of confusion. His grandparents have a house they built themselves,
    on a golf course overlooking the Pacific ocean. It's not huge or anything, but
    it's all wood inside, and beautiful. This year was bittersweet, since it may be
    the last one in that house. It's in a small town north of San Francisco, and they
    have a long drive to get anywhere, and they're getting a bit old for it. They've
    put their names on a waiting list for one of those senior communities that has
    care there if you need it. I think this one is affiliated with a university, so
    there should be lots of interesting things to do there -- these people are getting
    a little bit frailer, but are still active and interested, and have just come back
    from a cruise to the Panama canal, so a nursing home environment wouldn't suit
    them at all. They're very cool.

    Our most addictive and most
    frustrating present this year was from Rudder's cousin. It's a scale that also
    measures body fat percentage. Unfortunately, it says right there on the box that
    anyone who works out a lot needs the scale with the special "athlete mode" which
    this one doesn't have. Possibly as a result, it measures me at a whopping 27%.
    (Well, if I were really that high, I certainly would whop!) It also measures my
    nearly 6', 160 lb husband, who works out what even I think is too much, at 17%, so
    I know it's not right. We've arbitrarily decided that all measurements from that
    scale are 10 points too high. Not 10 percent high, which would be about two points
    -- I mean ten points should be subtracted. So there.

    I'm also having
    a bit of trouble with the gift certificates I've been given. I asked for them,
    because I've been trying not to buy books or clothing, my two greatest spending
    vices. For Chanukah, Rudder gave me small ones for Borders, the local used book
    store, and REI. Also, apparently his parents are sending us ones for L.L. Bean --
    those didn't get there in time for Christmas. The problem with all this is that I
    feel I should spend them on just the right thing, so it may take me forever to
    decide. I have the Borders one narrowed down to two choices -- either Nicholas
    Basbanes' latest or a combination of Diane Duane's latest wizard book and Helene
    Hanff's Q's Legacy. I'm leaning toward the latter on the theory that my
    library is more likely to have the former.

    And Rudder's making waffles, so I'm thankful for him all over again.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 28, 2001


    Home again, after a drive all the way up the California coastline on Highway 1,
    three days of Rudder's family's usual happy holiday chaos, and a quicker drive
    back down on 101. We got some nice presents, got to join on what will probably be
    one set of grandparents' last Christmas in their beautiful ocean-front house,
    Rudder got his usual holiday cold, and we're looking forward to our own bed

    I'm also looking forward to updating here, getting back to
    the erg (scary, what?) and catching up on how everyone else spent their holidays.
    (I admit to having already scrolled through She-Who-Was-Phelps's account, and
    I'll probably peek in at the href="">other href="">three before I sign off tonight.) And I
    like Turtleguy's greeting in my

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 21, 2001

    not quite ready to go

    I'm at that point where I have so much to do today that I don't know how I would
    manage if I actually had a job. The answer, of course, is that I would only do the
    most important parts of it, and would buy rather than make stocking-stuffers and

    We're heading off tomorrow to see Rudder's parents and
    grandparents at the latter's house in Northern California. It's about a 13-hour
    drive if we went straight through, which we're not doing because we're taking the
    scenic route, up the coast on Highway 1. Come to think of it, Christmas isn't
    exactly the usual time to do a beach drive. It should be good though; I always
    like beaches in winter, when there are so few people on them and even the Jersey
    shore somehow looks more rugged and pristine. Also, with luck there will be a lot
    less traffic.

    I haven't made hotel reservations. I called around to
    check and it sounds like the combination of the off-season and the lower travel
    volume this year mean that we won't have any problem walking into hotels and
    getting rooms for the night, even in the scenic tourist

    Meanwhile, I need to visit the supermarket and the library, to
    get food for body and mind on the trip, clean house, finish a couple more stocking
    stuffers, wrap presents, and then go off and coach the juniors this

    I will probably not be able to update while we're on the
    trip, so I will wish any reader of these words a very happy Christmas break and a
    wonderful, joyous, and prosperous New Year.

    Damnit, that reminds me I
    still have to send out some e-cards.

    I was going to save this one for
    Rudder's birthday, on the 23rd, but now it turns out we will be traveling on that
    day. So today is the day to remember the biggest cause of all for

    Today I am thankful for: Rudder!

    And may you
    all have or find partners of your own, to help and spell you through piloting the
    rocky shoals and open seas of life.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 20, 2001

    toy stories

    Dear Santa,

    I would like the href="">Jerry
    Garcia action figure



    I was just at Toys'R'Us,
    or ToytarUth, as the kids I babysat used to call it before they all morphed into
    fully functioning adults with college degrees and life plans and all that. They
    really do carry the Jerry figure, but, unfortunately, not the Bob and Doug Strange
    Brew figures I went to look for. The latter really exist, too, because I've seen
    them, and they come with extra beer bottles. And if you push a button, they say,
    "Good day, ey?" or something similarly Canadian. I didn't really think TRU would
    have those, though, even though I'm informed Kaybee toys does. But i won't believe
    that, either, until I see them.

    By the way, the existence of a Jerry
    Garcia action figure (not to mention ones of Jim Morrison and the entire band of
    Metallica) becomes less improbably once you realize that Todd McFarland has his
    own line of toys now.

    I am left with one other inescapable question
    from wandering around the toy store: who let Barbie start shopping at Frederick's
    of Hollywood? And why?

    Posted by dichroic at 11:19 AM

    Sorry, buddy, not here

    Heh. Someone found this site through a Google search on "big + tits + Christmas".
    Won't that person be disappointed.

    A friend of mine just ordered some
    wine charms -- I'd sent him some as a gift and he asked for more, saying that he'd
    "be happy to pay whatever I charged at craft shows". I don't do craft shows,
    because getting a tax ID would be such a hassle, but I'll do them for him for the
    cost of materials -- I love being able to subsidize a hobby this way. (I'm also
    pretty happy with the implicit flattery.)

    Egret just told me that T2
    has been invited to a bachelor party that will probably end at a titty bar (well,
    sorry, but what else can you call them?) and that she won't let him go unless
    Rudder goes with him. I'm not sure what the scariest part of that is. It's not
    that I really mind Rudder going (because he doesn't like the sleaziest ones, which
    is where I figure the women are more likely to be there against their will, and
    because he comes home to me afterwards). It's just that the idea of him as a good
    influence is scary. Even Egret said "...though I don't really know what I'd expect
    Rudder to do...". Drool, maybe?

    Today, I will be finishing up a few
    stocking stuffers for Rudder's family, getting my hair cut, buying film, and
    cleaning house. The worst thing about my otherwise wonderful catsitter is that she
    has an impeccable home -- with white carpets! -- despite having as many animals as
    you'd expect from a woman who earns a living watching other people's pets. IÕm
    always loathe to let her see the usual state of my place.

    Today I
    am thankful for:
    having someone I trust to watch my cats while I'm

    Posted by dichroic at 08:59 AM

    December 19, 2001


    It was so cold this morning that rowing a single didn't seem particularly safe
    (theyÕre tippy little beasts). SO Rudder and 2 took out the double and I ended up
    coxing for the Masters group (they were short-handed, apparently because several
    people decided it was TOO DAMNED COLD). I said I'd cox on the theory that I
    probably had more extra clothing in my car than anyone else, and I used it all. I
    was still getting a little chilled by the end of practice, but it wasn't really
    too bad because I was wearing the following:

    On my

    • Polartec socks
    • waterproof socks

    On my

    • Polartec 100 tights
    • heavy fleece

    On my body:

    On my head:

    • a
      lightweight balaclava
    • the hood of my fleece

    Also, a pair of wool gloves and two fleece blankets
    tucked in over my legs. Did I mention it gets really cold here at 5AM? I'd guess
    it wasn't below about 30 degrees, but remember, in areas where that's a laughable
    temperature, people don't spend much time sitting very still, on a lake, in
    December. Or if they do, they build an ice-fishing hut and put a stove in it.

    Fortunately, it's supposed to be around 70 degrees this afternoon,
    when I have to go coach the juniors.

    Yesterday I went on a short hike
    with a former coworker and her child. This is how to make a 2 mile hike, on a flat
    trail, more strenuous: take turns carrying a 10-month-old baby. Fortunately, he is
    both easygoing and small, but his favorite thing was to be sitting on my
    shoulders, so he could get a view. At that age, "holding on" is still a foreign
    concept, so the bearer (me) has to reach up and hold him. Tiring. But he liked it
    when I sang to him, so he rates high with me.

    Today I am thankful
    baby grins, with two bottom teeth showing, and a level of joy that comes
    from living only in the moment.

    No more Holiday Challenge updates,
    since it's DONE! (Yes, I'm still gloating.)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 18, 2001

    Done. I'm done. I'm DONE!!!

    Oh, frabjous day! Calloo!! Callay!! I gloat! Hear me!!

    *sounds of
    Dichroic chortling in the background*

    I'm done I'm done I'm done I'M

    Whew. Please excuse the giddiness, but it's well-
    earned. I have now finished 200,000 meters -- two hundred thousand meters -
    - on the erg. The challenge was to do that distance between 12:01 AM Thanksgiving
    Day and 11:59 PM Christmas Eve. As you will notice, it's still five days until the
    deadline. To put it another way, not only did I finish, but I finished some 30300
    meters ahead of



    Posted by dichroic at 07:38 AM

    December 17, 2001

    almost done....

    Oww. [Creeeakk] *whimper* Ow.

    I guess breakfast before rowing worked
    (she said, doubtfully). I didn't puke or anything, or even feel anywhere close to
    it, and I did seem to warm up a little faster. I was getting a little antsy about
    finishing the damned erg thing already, especially after seeing that Rudder had
    only 11K to go, and hearing that T2 snuck ahead of me also. He's a bit
    competitive, and I think falling behind me may have bothered him a bit -- catching
    up included doing *two* erg pieces some days.

    So.....I did a half
    marathon, 21,097 meters. I foresee lots of Gatorade and plenty of doing nothing in
    my immediate future. I don't actually feel all that bad, though my back aches a
    bit, but I think I've earned the right to malinger. Also, I burned over 1000
    calories, and probably ought to replace some of those. Fortunately, I don't have
    to do anything until leaving to coach the juniors at 3

    Today, I am thankful that: I'm nearly

    Concept II Holiday Challenge: 5819 meters left!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    a new approach

    Today I'm trying something a little different: up early, tea and toast (with
    butter and cinnamon) before erging. Either I'll puke it all up or I'll be more
    warmed up and less logy for the first couple thousand meters. I'm hoping for the

    Meanwhile, Rudder, the scum, has under 11K to go. I still
    have 26000m left. Maybe I should try to finish it all today, in one massive
    ergathon. After all, there's nothing else I have to do until 3:30 this

    More later.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    December 16, 2001

    holidays and parades

    OK, I'm starting to get annoyed here. We still have not figured out what
    we're doing for Christmas. We decided not to do the trek to Yellowstone that we
    were thinking of, because all those closed roads, open roads that go over
    mountains, and low, low temperatures began to look like recipes for Serious Risk
    once we actually sat down and checked out a map. I don't particularly want to go
    anywhere around here that would involve staying in a hotel, what with being
    unemployed and all that. My family doesn't do Christmas and anyway, I was just
    there. And I DO NOT want to spend Christmas here, with just the two of us, Did
    that at Thanksgiving, had the leftover turkey to show for it. A gathering of only
    two people does not feel like a holiday to me.

    The obvious solution,
    and the one we had planned as part of the Yellowstone trip, way back when, is to
    spend the holiday with Rudder's family, but for some reason, he seems to be
    resisting the idea. If I understand him correctly, he's OK with driving to
    northern California, if his parents will be going to the grandparents', but
    doesn't want to drive all the way to Oregon, to the parents' house, if not. As far
    as I can tell, he has plenty of vacation time to do either, and we don't usually
    mind long drives. In fact, I was sort of looking forward to this one, because we
    could do the coastal road from LA to San Fran, in daylight, which I have never
    done. (We've taken I-5 instead, and usually at night.) And the coast road from San
    Francisco north is even more scenic. Also, his parents have been doing some
    remodeling that I'm curious to see.

    It's hard to tell, but I think
    the problem may just be that Rudder is tired: he's been run ragged at work, trying
    to get in his end-of-year reviews and prepare for some upcoming business travel,
    and has probably never really caught up from all those regattas in November. He'd
    have plenty of time to rest at the parents' house, probably even more than at the
    grandparents', so it may just be the sort of state I've gotten in at times, where
    even the idea of going somewhere is just too much of a burden.

    if I offer to drive the whole way....and do all the packing and

    The boat parade last night went well, and Rudder and T2
    won the Man-Powered category. The prize was a night at a local resort, impossible
    to split, so we gave it to T2 and Egret, on the theory that they can use it on
    their wedding night. Assuming, that is, that they get married on a weekday, since
    it's one of those any-night-but-Friday-or-Saturday deals.

    There was
    one minor hitch in the parade: the lights went out on the Mill Avenue Bridge just
    after the first boat came under it. Of course, we all assumed they had done that
    on purpose, to show off the boats, but it turned out that a traffic accident a few
    miles away had blown the transformer, so there were also no lights or sound
    equipment working at the judge's tent. (Egret's son, the Teenager, and I were sent
    over to the festivities, on the other side of the lake, in case awards had to be
    accepted.) The judges took forever, apparently hampered by having to work by
    flashlight, to figure out the four prize-winners (two category prizes and two
    overall) from among about fifteen entrants, and the lights came on just as the
    Teenager and I crossed back over the bridge. Halfway back, I realized that I had
    the keys to the truck in which all the boat decor had to be loaded back up, and in
    which Rudder's and T2's shoes and extra jackets were stashed.

    Today I am thankful that: no matter how our plans end
    up, at least I get to spend the holidays with Rudder. And that he wasn't mad at me
    over the key incident last night.

    Concept II Holiday
    26610 meters left!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 15, 2001

    words and juniors

    One thing I forgot to mention about my writing process is that I usually find
    several more changes I want to make after I've posted the silly thing. If I were a
    published poet, I'd be wanting to make changes after the book was in

    The latest tweaks to href="">yesterday's poem are due
    to some useful comments of Rudder's. I don't usually show him stuff like this;
    he's emphatically not a verbal person and I doubt he's read any poetry since the
    last time an English class forced him to it. Still, he does have a very good
    feeling for the use of words, and I knew he would respond to the whole flying
    theme. He surprised me by pointing out a couple of lines he thought were clunky (I
    mean, the idea that he had a feel for the rhythm of the lines surprised me, not
    the fact that they were clunky) and pointed out spots where my shifting images
    were jarring. He even complimented one stanza. I think I'll keep

    Yesterday's junior varsity rowing class went well, except for
    one jarring bit at the end. A couple of the kids thanked us for taking over their
    class; they all responded well to our coaching, and they were very helpful in
    telling us what they had been doing. One guy demurred a bit when I told them I
    wanted them to row at rates from 16 (very slow) all the way to 32 (a racing pace)
    -- "These people are experienced and very comfortable at higher rates," -- but I
    think he was OK with it once I told him that slow rates are good practice for
    anyone, that I didn't have any doubts as to their abilities, and that they
    wouldn't be rowing at a 32 at all if we didn't know they could do it. There were
    a few who needed to work on form, of course, but as rowers they all ranged from
    decent to outstanding, and their attitudes were all good. Whatever arguments I
    have with DI, his work with the juniors has definitely paid off -- they whether he
    brought them to this point or just didn't stand in their way, I couldn't say. He
    certainly had excellent material to work with.

    Next time, though, I
    want to call the lineup. DrunkTina still has some preferences for the bigger
    people, and I'd like to set up the boats so that they are more evenly matched,
    especially if we do any more race pieces. On Monday, though, they'll be doing
    2000m erg trials -- better them than me.

    The disquieting moment was
    when we came back up to the boatyard to find DI hanging around. Neither DrunkTina
    nor I spoke to him, but the kids all flocked around him, of course. We didn't try
    to keep them away, not being physically equipped for pissing contests. To their
    credit, they did not go over to talk to DI until after cleaning and putting
    away all the equipment. Still, his presence worries me; I don't know what lies
    he's telling them, and I can so see him as a stalker. I took Queue's
    suggestion -- she was there to teach the Fitness class -- called the city as soon
    as I got home, and left a message for Unknown Legend, letting her know he was
    there. Not only is this unprofessional, it's scary -- reminds me of the time at my
    last job when an employee who had been fired was lurking around the parking

    Tonight, we'll be back at the boatyard for T2 and Rudder to
    participate in the Boat Parade. There are prizes for this, and they have high
    hopes of winning one. I'll be taking pictures, but doubt they'll come out all that

    Today I am thankful that: I didn't have to talk to DI

    Concept II Holiday Challenge: 33936 meters left.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 13, 2001

    unseemly gloating

    Now that I've dumped all the details of my href="">Philly trip, in inordinately
    fine detail, I can share
    a bit of news that was waiting for me when I returned.

    The subject of
    many rants here has gone down in flames of his own making. Coach DI has been

    Ti-ra-la-la-i-tu! I gloat! Hear me!

    Excuse me, that was unseemly.

    [hee, hee, hee,

    Sorry again.

    Remember a few weeks ago, when he
    took two boats out of
    , against city policies? Well, word of that got back to the city (and not
    through me, I might add).

    He's still trying to believe
    himself in the right, apparently -- he sent a note to the rowing e-mail list
    stating that he had "resigned, due to irreconcilable differences". Uh, yeah.
    That's not the way I heard it.

    Anyway, it will be interesting to see
    what happens next, I hope the city can keep their rowing program together. They
    may have some trouble finding a new head coach who would take a part-time

    Today I am thankful that: I had nothing to do with
    creating the mess described above.

    Concept II Holiday
    52300 meters left.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 12, 2001

    Philly trip report, Part II

    This is Part 2 of my trip report -- if you're not one the eight people who read Part 1, just hit the back arrow.

    After the show, I stayed with an old friend and once again had a flareup of House Envy. His is a three-story twin, built in the 1880s, with gorgeous original cherry and mahogany woodwork. It's been painted over, neglected, and otherwise messed up, and he'll be restoring it probably for the rest of his life. But what a thing to restore! The downstairs is pretty much done, and is just beautiful. The neighborhood is only barely beginning to be gentrified, but it's not far off Penn campus and has a lot of potential. There are lots of very nice houses not more than a block away, and scary ones not more than a block the other way.

    Monday was the highlight of my trip. First, I walked around the Penn campus all
    morning, astounded at how much something that looks so permanent has changed. Of course, most of this change is new buildings for the Wharton school, and to other stuff being moved around to make room for them. Also, there's a new bookstore, run by Barnes and Noble. Stone and mortar are no match for the might of money, apparently. I guess I knew that, but hadn't seen it demonstrated so graphically. I stopped in to see a friend who professes there, but found she's on leave this semester, and then made an appointment for a phone consultation with a career counselor, just on the principle of making use of resources available.

    I had planned to visit the Rodin Museum, which houses the largest collection of Rodin's work outside France, but halfway there, I realized it was probably closed on Mondays. I headed to the Parkway anyway, and decided to stop in at the central location of the Philadelphia Free Library, which I hadn't visited since grade school field trips. I was disappointed in the Children's section, and in small (very, very small) exhibits of crafts and Wodehousiana outside the Art and Literature departments, respectively. Therefore, my hopes weren't too high entering the Rare Book area, where I wanted to see the books themselves, as well as a Beatrix Potter exhibit. You have to ring a bell and wait a few minutes to be let in, then submit to having bags and backpacks locked up while in there. The librarian who let me in was quite friendly – he seemed to be having a slow day. He left me alone to peruse the exhibit, which was quite good, giving accounts of the writing of all her books, along with letters, stories, and various issues of Peter Rabbit &co. There was a modern copy of each book, in an edition very close to the original one, outside the cases for visitors to page through. All of the books in the Rare Book collection were also visible, locked up behind glass.

    At the far end of the area, there were locked doors behind which I could see a beautiful wood-paneled library room. According to a sign, the original owner of the room (a Mr. Elkins, I think) had donated his collection to the Free Library, and after his death, his wife and daughter decided to donate the library itself. I had to go find the friendly librarian anyway, to get my backpack and be let out, so I asked him if I could see the room. OhmyGod. I want one. It was about 60' by 20' wood-paneled throughout, bookshelves alternating with paintings and comfortable, though fancy chairs. Most important, it was clearly a reader's library, not one created primarily for reference or for show. The primary collections were of Dickens, Goldsmith, and American exploration books, but there were plenty of others, and they were all of either the sort you'd want to read or for reference into the reading books. And it was beautiful. The original owner must have hated having to do work that took him away from that room and from his books. Unfortunately, my camera was in my backpack, locked up way at the other end of the section, so I couldn't take photos to bring home to Rudder. It may be just as well though if I showed him that library, he'd be trying to design one like it for our eventual house. Not that I wouldn't like that, but I don't think it would fall within any budget we'll ever be able to afford.

    According to a pamphlet they had there, the basis of the collection of rare
    children's books is the personal library donated by A.S.W. Rosenbach. I've been
    interested in him since noticing that he features prominently in just about every
    book I've ever seen on bibliophiles and book collecting, so I asked the friendly
    librarian to show me that collection. On the other side of the nook containing the
    Rosenbach collection stands the collection of incunabula. Of course, I had to look at those, because Peter Wimsey collects them. The librarian (who did not say, "Ook! Ook!") offered to take one out for me, "Even though I don't normally do that, because you seem so knowledgeable." I refrained from mentioning Lord Peter.

    Partly due to my mother's recent influence, and partly because I was standing in front of it, I chose a Latin edition of Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews and The Jewish War (De antiquitate Judaica. De bello Judaico). I couldn't touch it, of course, but he turned the page for me and we had fun guessing at the meaning of the Latin, a task made easier because I recognized the stories he was telling. The text on each page was very dense; each capital letter at the beginning of a sentence was filled in in red and the first sentence of each paragraph was underlined in red. The librarian told me that this was a common practice, in order to make early printed books look more like manuscripts. I pointed out, though, that the noted in this particular edition looked more like notes a reader would jot in to make the dense pages easier to read. Since the red markings petered out after the first third of the book, and after noticing a few marginal notes in the same red, we concluded my theory was correct.

    After all that, I pretty much floated to the subway, and headed home. Dinner was an odd conglomeration between what my mother wanted to cook for me (stuffed chicken breasts and potato latkes) and the two meals' worth of leftovers I had stashed in her fridge (shrimp and shrimp, Chinese and Italian variants). Afterwards, I headed down the block to hang out with some old friends; a kid I babysat, now 22 years old with ambitions to open a dessert restaurant, his mother, who was like a big sister to me as a teenager, and his father, a gifted musician and a truly terrible lyricist. Of course, an hour over there became two (and then two and a half, when I asked, out of courtesy, to hear a song from the CD that S had just put together
    and he insisted on playing me bits of every song on it). But despite a 5:30 wake-
    up call, I got almost enough sleep that night, as I'd finally convinced my parents
    not to keep yelling to each other after I went to bed. Or at least to yell less.

    A neighbor had offered to give me a ride to the airport the next morning, since
    she works near it. We grew up together, and were best friends until we
    reached the age where friendship demands shared interests beyond dolls and
    playgrounds. She and her husband bought her parents' house, and live there with their two-year-old. It was odd calling her to set up a time to meet, because her phone number is the same as it was when we were six (of course, so is my parents' number). Before going to the airport, we had to go drop off her son with her mother, who now lives in an apartment nearby. A. hadn't told her mother I was coming, and she was shocked to see me. Also very happy – I can't remember when anybody has been so excited to spend ten minutes in my company. I think she still misses the old street and all the neighbors she' known for 30 years. She kept offering me breakfast, and telling me how wonderful it was to see me, and passing on gossip about all of our mutual acquaintances.

    Now that I'm home again, I'e spent the whole day doing laundry. Every piece of clothing I took, even the ones I didn't wear, smelled of smoke. The real reason not to smoke isn'tto save your lungs, it's to keep your clothes and hair from smelling of it. I still have so much to do here around the house now that I'm glad I don't have to go to work. (Which doesn't mean I don't want to be hired, if anyone reading this has a job opening!) I have concluded that our society is still based on a model whereby one member of a couple goes to work and one stays home and does everything else. We need to change things. A shorter work day, maybe?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Philadelphia, Part I

    Oh, it's good to be home again. Obviously, I survived the family visit. Now that
    I've taken all the suspense out of it, here are the

    (Digression: Jesus, no wonder it was cold out on the lake
    this morning. According to the weather forecast, it was only supposed to be about
    30 degrees out. Brr.)

    Even my Dad commented that we hadn't had any
    fights on this trip. I considerately refrained from pointing out that that was
    because a) I'd escaped from their house for at least half the trip and b) I bit my
    tongue whenever a snide remark came to mind. There were plenty to be made, though,
    and if there are no objections, I will reward myself for being a good girl by
    letting them out here.

    [Any objections? No?

    There were hard feelings between the 'rents and My Brother the
    Writer (MBTW) before I got there, because he and his girlfriend picked me up at
    the airport and told Mom they would bring me over "if I weren't too tired". They
    told me they were trying to save me from dealing with my parents too much,
    completely missing the point that I save myself from that fate by living three
    thousand miles away. If I'm in their city at all, I've girded my loins and put a
    lock on my tongue and am prepared to deal with all and sundry, in the interests of
    family harmony (and some gratitude to my parents, who after all did and do try to
    do well by their children.) This is especially ironic because the girlfriend, who
    will henceforth be referred to as The Prodigy, got her MA in Psychology shortly
    after her 21st birthday. And she got it from Penn, which is a difficult school, as
    I can vouch.

    Also, Mom was mad because on the phone on Thursday, MBTW
    didn't tell her to have a happy birthday, and she was throwing a medium hissy fit
    over how her feelings were hurt, despite the plans for all of us to gather for a
    big combo mom-and-bro birthday dinner the next day, my visit specifically to
    celebrate those birthdays, and a lot of friends taking her out to lunch and making
    a fuss. And Rudder thinks I get silly about birthdays.

    Greatly to Mom's credit, she came with me to the local Y the next
    morning, where I erged while she walked on the treadmill. After that, we went to
    the Art Museum to check out the Eakins exhibit. It was a little disappointing to
    know that his famous rowing paintings are only a fairly minor part of his career -
    -I had hoped to see many more rowing paintings than the ones I knew about. Still,
    it was a wonderful exhibit, and I highly recommend it. I love how you can tell, by
    the lighting and the level of detail, exactly what part of each image Eakins
    conspired most important. And I burst out laughing in from on one rowing scene
    where, according to the accompanying text, he'd painted himself in, rowing in the
    middle distance -- the puddles left by his oars showed him as a strong rower with
    perfect form. Tidy little piece of self-praise there.

    After that, we
    walked through the museum's European section, which turned out to be a mistake, as
    Mom viewed every work through Jewish-colored glasses. At the stone effigy of a
    Crusader, she make remarks about his "killing Jews all along the way" and she was
    far more interested in a minor painting showing Esther and Mordechai than in
    anything dealing with either secular or New Testament subjects, or even the
    beautiful stained glass and furniture in some rooms. Sigh.

    The dinner
    was good, but not exciting, at a very loud and crowded restaurant called
    Georgine's. (And called Georgini's by the parents of a former boyfriend, with whom
    I'd eaten there over a decade ago.) The food was Italian, and tasty, but I have
    trouble with restaurants whose biggest claim to fame is the quantity of their
    food. Maybe that's because I don't eat much, though, compared to most

    We unwrapped presents afterwards, and everyone seemed to like
    the things I'd given, especially the handmade ones. (Relieved

    I spent the next day with MBTW and The Prodigy, getting ready
    for and then attending his birthday party. I do like her; we spent a lot of time
    talking. I think that, like the rest of us, she's frustrated by his vagueness and
    apparent lack of ambition -- she told me he hasn't written anything new in a year
    or so. Though considering how long it's been since I worked on my own book
    project, perhaps I ought not to comment on that. For example, though, he'd finally
    gotten a learner's permit, two months ago, and hadn't so much as touched a
    steering wheel. I did my big-sisterly duty by taking him to a nearby parking lot
    and administering his first driving lesson, which actually went fairly well. The
    party was somewhat tame, though it did go on until 3 AM. (And despite my normal
    early bedtime, I did stay up for it all -- not so much due to natural studliness
    as to the fact that I was to sleep on the living room futon.)

    just realized how long this is getting, I'll write about the rest of the trip
    later -- including getting up close and personal with the Rare Books at the
    Central Library. So tune in later for the further adventures

    Today I am thankful for: being home again. Big, quiet
    house, comfortable places to sit and sleep, more bathrooms than

    Concept II Holiday Challenge: 59408 meters left to

    Posted by dichroic at 12:59 PM

    December 11, 2001

    home again, jiggetty-jig

    I'm back, and I've survived. The short version is: three nights staying with the
    'rents, bit my tongue a lot but not to the point of severe pain. Went to dinner
    for Mom's and brother's milestone birthdays. Met the brother's girlfriend,
    attended his 30th birthday party. Went to smokin' concert of the Battlefield Band
    (Scottish music), stayed with a friend who lives out that way, giving me a flareup
    up House Envy. Spent some time on my old campus, then got up close and personal
    with the Philadelphia Library's Rare Books Collection. (Stop drooling, you
    librarian types.) Erged twice. Caught up with some old neighbors and

    The long version will be written at a later

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 08, 2001


    So far, I've survived two nights at my parents' house, which is much smaller and
    dingier now than it was when I lived there. They haven't moved; the size change
    is perceptual,, though I think it really is dingier. There's 14 more years of
    Dad's cigarette smoke deposited everywhere, for one thing. That's one of the
    worst things about cigarettes, to me -- not so much the smoke in the air, which
    dissipates, but the film and smell it leaves behind on surfaces. I have been in
    smokers' houses that were clean, so it's obviously possible, but I think they
    either spent a lot more time cleaning up or else they smoke outside or in a
    confined area.

    Anyway, I have gotten to erg, yesterday, and for the
    next two days I will be hanging out with My Brother The Writer, and his
    girlfriend, who needs her own nom. I couldn't say what condition their place is
    in, because you can't see any surfaces, under all the books. Not that that's a bad

    Today I am thankful for: getting to go home in three

    Concept II Holiday Challenge: not sure, 80K or so left.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 06, 2001

    peer pressure

    Later on today, I'll be flying of to the other side of the country. I expect to
    have some computer access, but I expect I'll only be able to update here
    sporadically, if at all.

    But today, I'm all about peer pressure. After reading href="">Comfortfood and D, I feel the need to
    mention the chicken/sausage/shrimp gumbo I made the other day. I'd post the
    recipe, but it's right out of the Bubba Gump cookbook, and I didn't change much,
    other than to add in some Tony Chacere's Cajun seasoning, because I can't cook
    Cajun or Creole without Tony. And how can you go wrong, with an entire cookbook
    full of shrimp recipes? They claimed it would make 4.5 quarts, though, whereas my
    gumbo boiled down sufficiently that we had just about enough for two dinners
    (apiece), plus a lunch for me.

    And, after reading Geni and href="">Mechaieh, not to mention my own early
    entries, I realize how much more rarely I post poetry than I used to. I haven't
    gotten started on the terza rima I wanted to do for Poetica, so instead, band because I'll be spending half
    of today aloft, here's one of my favorites by Gerald Manley Hopkins. To Hopkins,
    this was about Christ, but to me, it's about flying. Maybe there's not a total
    disagreement there.

    I CAUGHT this morning morningÕs minion, king-

    dom of daylightÕs dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding

    Of the rolling level underneath him steady air, and striding

    High there, how he rung upon the rein of a wimpling wing

    In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing,

    As a skateÕs heel sweeps smooth on a bow-bend: the hurl and gliding

    Rebuffed the big wind. My heart in hiding

    Stirred for a bird, o the achieve of; the mastery of the thing!

    Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here

    Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion

    Times told lovelier, more dangerous, O my chevalier!

    No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion

    Shine, and blue-bleak embers, ah my dear,

    Fall, gall themselves, and gash gold-vermillion.

    Today I am thankful for: Hopkins' swinging rhymes and mastery of words.
    (And, descending to the mundane, also that my gumbo turned out well.)

    Concept II Holiday Challenge: 85928 meters left

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 05, 2001

    minus six million

    A friend mentions that her ten-year-old thought Lois Lowry's Gathering Blue
    was very sad. I haven't read that one , but the mention of Lowry makes me think of
    her Number the Stars, a wonderful book about the incredible actions of the
    Danes during the Holocaust. (Picture the complete opposite of how the Poles acted
    (the Polar opposite?) and you'll pretty much have it. I have no idea what makes
    one country behave so nobly and another so unspeakably, but I am sure that the
    causes are not singular or simple.)

    Anyway. The Lowry book makes me
    think of another I just finished, The Devil's Arithmetic by Jane Yolen, and
    reminds me that I had wanted to write about that. If you have a child who is of
    the proper age and mindset to read that one, consider this a warning -- a yellow
    light, proceed-with-caution sort of warning, rather than a red light stop. It's a
    very good book. It also describes daily life in a concentration camp modeled on
    Auschwitz in unflinching detail.

    I think I understand why Yolen
    decided to do that, in a children's book. The concept of "witnessing" is woven
    throughout the book; one motivation for survival in the camps was to become a
    witness, who could later tell the world of the Nazis' atrocities. If other
    generations can be made to witness, through the medium of fiction, the memories
    will be carried on further.

    And after all, maybe it's not right to
    protect children from the knowledge of evil. Children weren't protected from dying
    in the Nazi ovens, or in a despairingly long series of other wars and genocides
    stretching to the beginning of the last century and probably before it. And if
    they know how awful the consequences of hatred can be, maybe they will refrain
    from starting the next wave of genocides. Maybe one reader of Yolen's book will
    grow up to be another Dr. King or another Moses. Or at least, not grow up to be
    another Hitler.

    So if I had a daughter who wanted to read The
    Devil's Arithmetic
    , I wouldn't try to stop her. but I would certainly make
    sure I was there afterward in case she needed support.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    done and ready to pack

    OK, I've done my 8K for the day, in four 2K pieces. Some days, it's just too hard
    to get going in the morning if you have a big mountain to climb, and it's easier
    to face a series of small hills. Also, this allows to do a fast piece in the
    middle and have its time recorded.

    The rest of today will be spent on
    packing and other upcoming trip-related activities. I've reluctantly decided that
    four five days, in winter, with sweaters and gifts and all that, not to mention
    workout wear, I won't be able to get by with my smallest suitcase. Blahsuck, as href="">Natalieee would say.

    I will probably
    take my holiday cards to finish on the plane. I've done all the ones for my list,
    but now I have to finish the ones for the Meat People. (What? Priorities? What
    about them?) I may also take a few beads to work with on the plane -- I've just
    realized it would be annoying to do embroidery, as I can't take even my tiny
    scissors on with me. On Sunday, I'll be staying with a friend, and should probably
    bring him a host gift, and if I can make him some wine charms, I can keep the ones
    I've already made for my own use. (The more sensible converse of this, of course,
    if that if I give him mine, I can always make more at my leisure. It's not like I
    have people over for wine all that often.)

    Or maybe I'll just read on
    the plane and not get anything done.

    Anyway, I can start the packing just as
    soon as my laundry is done.

    Today I am thankful for:

    Concept II Holiday Challenge: 91900 meters


    Posted by dichroic at 09:59 AM


    Today's method of self-delusion is to do 4 2000 meter pieces on the erg, with
    plenty of time to goof off in between. I'll update the meters left when I've
    finished all of those.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:59 AM

    December 04, 2001

    Catalog gumbo

    Dear Catalog Marketeers (and I mean that "Dear" in the most pro forma

    If I see one more catalog that informs me "There's still time
    to shop!" before such time as a reasonable person would be worrying about that
    (say, December 22), I'm going to put your catalog to use in the outhouse,
    replacing the corncobs.

    Also, could you please each send me not more
    than one a week? I'm beginning to worry about the Earth imploding due to the
    unbearable pressure of billions of



    Every December, my mail
    carrier displays new levels of skill in fitting 60 cubic inches of mail into 30
    cubic inches of mailbox.

    I know why I'm making Chicken, Shrimp, and
    Sausage Gumbo at the moment. Could someone please tell me why I'm making 4
    quarts of it? Or does anyone want to come over for dinner?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    terror, or not

    Great...they've announced that bin Laden may be close to having nukes (or the
    cheap'n'dirty kind), and warned of another possible attack, just in time for my
    trip to a populous and dense East Coast city, centered between New York and DC,
    that holds some of the USA's most beloved icons. Granted, my home city is just as
    populous, but it is very widely dispersed, has no special claim to strategic
    importance, and is, in general, probably not one of the places a terrorist would
    think to attack in order to have maximum impact.

    I can console
    myself, however, by remembering the last time Ridge and co. warned of possible
    attacks. That, you may recall, was when they were worried about attacks on bridge
    in major California cities, the very weekend we drove out to LA. Nothing happened,
    as you may also recall. I hope this will be a repeat.

    I do not want
    to denigrate the warnings of a possible attack. If these things may happen, I hope
    our own government will give us all the information it can, and I do not want to
    be flippant about such matters. On the other hand, when you have no idea when or
    where, there's not much an individual can do to prepare, so I won't alter my

    On a more cheerful note, today I need to go to the post office
    to get the first batch of my cards mailed. Um....I don't want to give anything
    away, but to anyone who receives an unexpectedly large envelope from me, don't
    worry. I promise there is no fine white powder involved.

    And on that
    note, I need to go. I want to get to the PO before it gets

    Today I am thankful for: every possible terrorist
    attack that doesn't happen.

    Concept II Holiday Challenge:99900
    meters left -- more than halfway there!!!!!

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    December 03, 2001

    how to impress a woman

    I had the oddest experience today: I was impressed by a mall restroom. Really. I'm
    not making this up.

    Like everyone else, my usual reaction to mall
    restrooms is to structure my life so that I can avoid them whenever possible. This
    morning, though, I was finishing up my Rudder-present-shopping at our shiny new
    mall, which despite being only a mile and a half from my house is clearly aimed at
    the more fat-walleted of the local shoppers (Banana Republic instead of Old Navy;
    Aveda instead of Supercuts; lots of stores that have never been in this state
    before). The mocha latte I'd treated myself to kicked in and necessitated a trip
    to the loo in one of the department stores (excuse me, "anchors", in mall-

    First and most impressive, someone had used their brains in
    the design, and this was what made me notice the rest of it. They had done
    something I'd never seen. The wheelchair-accessible stall was the first one in,
    not the last one. So someone whose mobility is difficult doesn't have to go that
    much farther. Though in case turning into that first stall was difficult, there
    was another accessible stall at the far end, whose door was flat perpendicular to
    the aisle. I've never seen two in one place, except in those mega-loos they
    sometimes have in airports.

    The rest of it was equally nice. All the
    tile and counters were stone, or a good facsimile, and the sinks were pedestals,
    with faucets that wouldn't be out of place in a private house. There was a shelf
    behind the sinks, where it would stay dry, so you could put your parcels down
    while washing your hands, without having them get all nasty. The changing table
    out of the way of all but the last stall. It was curved (to fit a baby's shape, I
    presume), and had its own separate trash.

    And, in a true marketing
    genius touch, they had a jar of Origins salt scrub, with little spades to keep
    everyone's fingers out and a sing inviting patrons to try it. Of course, if you
    liked it, a new jar could be conveniently purchased at the store's Origins counter

    And of course, the whole room was clean, the sine qua non of
    a usable public restroom.

    I know I'm easily impressed, but my
    question is, if it's that easy to bowl over your customers, why don't more stores
    do it?

    I just realized that I had forgotten to add the following in
    my earlier entry. So:

    Today I am thankful for: having finished
    my holiday shopping. Now I have only wrapping, card signing and addressing, and
    mailing to do.

    Concept II Holiday Challenge: 109917 meters

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    manic on Mondays

    It's just getting to 8AM, and already I've rowed twice around the lake in a double
    with Egret, and then came home an did over 6K on the erg. I'm such a stud

    And I didn't href="">sing to ELO while I was doing

    Though I haven't noticed it as much since I've been at home, I
    usually do seem to have more energy on Mondays. Weekends are my time to recharge.
    By Fridays, I'm often a rag; I've been known to burst into tears at the idea of
    having to go camping for the weekend -- even though I know once I get there, it's
    actually more restful than staying home. When I get really, really physically
    tired, like, say, when backpacking up a mountain, I tend to get floppy and fall
    down a lot. The equivalent, for mental tiredness, is similar.

    though, maybe that was just symptomatic of the stress level at my last job. I
    can't remember Fridays finding me so burnt-out before then. I can remember times
    when the accumulated frustration of the week made me want to drive really fast,
    with all the windows open and AC/DC blaring "You Shook Me", over to a bar to get
    shit-faced with my co-workers and fellow frustratees (frustrants?). But that's
    just pissed off, not tired to the point of tears. Given a choice, I'll take pissed
    off every time.

    Humph. I never realized before that that was only with that one job. I knew I
    write here for a reason.

    Go read this. Reminds
    me of why I felt let down by the ending of C.S. Lewis's Surprised by Joy.
    This is how it should have ended instead, embracing his moments of joy, instead of
    deciding they were superseded by something else. But that's another entry.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:59 AM

    December 02, 2001

    softening of the cerebrum due to overexercising

    Concept II Holiday Challenge: 116123 meters left.

    See? I
    promised I would do it. The scary part of all this is, there was actually one
    point on Friday when I caught myself thinking, "Hmmmm....if I can just row 30000
    meters over this weekend, I'll be half done." For perspective, 30000 m in a
    weekend, for me, is theoretically possible but not bloody likely. I thinking
    erging has affected my brain.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    trip planning

    Rudder and T2 spent all day yesterday working on their boat decor. I'm
    going to have to describe this in detail, but I don't think I'm supposed to do
    that until after the boat parade, just in case someone local reads this. I will
    just say, though, that they keep saying that they may have to have Egret and me
    row the boat, because we're lighter. They're a little worried that the weight of
    their decorations may sink the boat. I think Rudder will be doing even more work
    on it today, while T2 goes out shopping for antler hats. I will be very sure to
    take lots of pictures, I promise. I can't believe these guys are going to wear
    reindeer hats voluntarily.

    I'm getting a little nervous about my trip
    to visit the family, next Thursday. For one thing, staying with the 'rents is
    always a bit stressful. (Here comes the TMI. Don't say you weren't warned.) Aside
    from the general bit about how they drive me batty when in close proximity,
    there's the fact that they live in a one-bathroom rowhouse, and my mom has
    ulcerative colitis. Considering that my own body's reaction to stress involves
    churning guts, this can be not a lot of fun. As far as I'm concerned, Immodium
    ranks right up there among the wonders of modern chemistry. (/TMI).

    suspect I'll be fairly mobile this time, though; I'll probably only stay with them
    two nights or so, staying with an old friend of mine near Penn on Sunday after
    seeing the Battlefield Band at the folk club where I used to volunteer and staying
    with my brother the rest of the time. I should survive that way, I

    Today I am thankful for: parents that are only mildly
    annoying, when there are so many who have parents that are mean, or abusive, or
    uncaring, or absent.

    Concept II Holiday Challenge: I haven't
    erged yet today. I will, I promise!!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    December 01, 2001

    another coach rant

    Amazing how much I end up hanging around with other rowers even when I drop out of
    the program. Last night we went out for happy hour with a few, and this morning I
    went and cheered on a mixed eight in a scratch race. Actually, I was down there
    because on Thursday, I'd gotten permission to move my single to a lower rack. Now
    I can reach it all by myself and take it out without help. Huzzah!

    haven't ranted about Coach DI in here for a while, so I'm about due. There is also
    another race this weekend, in California. None of the masters are going, just some
    juniors. During this morning's race, DI loaded up a small bus with the juniors,
    put two fours on top of a van, and left for the CA race. This means:

    • He wasn't there to cheer on the boats racing today, which he could have done
      by leaving an hour later.
    • He took city equipment (the boats) along,
      which is against city rules. If they find out about it, there may be hell to pay.
      I rather hope so.
    • Worst of all, in my eyes, because he took those
      boats, they weren't available for the crew who wanted to race in them today.
      Again, this could have been fixed by his leaving an hour or two

    I don't know if anyone will tell the city
    about this. I am tempted to do so myself, but would rather see one of the people
    actually hurt by his actions do so. What a dick. (I know, I've said that

    Meanwhile, I'm going to go off, read Jane Austen, write out
    holiday cards, and see if Rudder and T2 need any help with their boat decorating.
    They're going to kick some serious ass in the Boat Parade.

    Today I
    am thankful for:
    being out of DI's rowing program, and his sphere of

    Concept II Holiday Challenge:124198 meters left to
    go. (Amazingly, there are people who have already finished the 200000 meters, and
    one sicko who's done 290000!)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 30, 2001

    weeping guitar

    Who needs news when you can read diaries? This morning, I have broadened my
    vocabulary, thanks to Genibee -- "Non
    vale il pena", or "It's not worth the penis" is definitely an expression I can see
    myself using, to vary my usual battle cry ("Men!").

    And from D, I
    learned that George Harrison has died. Though I was barely old enough to listen to
    "Let It Be" on the radio when it first came out, the Beatles have been part of the
    sound track of my life too. I remember first finding out about Lennon's death (I
    like when they call it an "assassination", because that says so much about his
    importance to so many people) when a couple of girls showed up to junior high
    choir practice the next morning in black armbands. I remember singing "Help!" in
    the back of the school bus on field trips. (I'm sure the teachers minded it less
    than the ribald songs some of the boys used to sing, though I still remember the
    lyrics to all of those, too.) I remember listening to Sergeant Pepper and the
    White Album all the way through for the first time, in college, and finally
    understanding what can make an album more than a random collection of songs. I
    remember how impressed I was in a Drama class when my friend Kevin correctly
    answered the professor's question, "Does anyone know what is the connection
    between Shakespeare's King Lear and the Beatles?"[1] And I can pull any number of
    CDs off my shelf that draw from their legacy, from the Bobs' a capella cover of
    "Helter Skelter" to the guitar work toward the end of the Kennedys' CD "Life is
    Large", that comes straight out of the Indian-inspired music George Harrison
    brought to Western ears. And now two of them are dead.

    Maybe I'll go
    find the tablature to "While My Guitar Gently Weeps", get my guitar out of the
    corner, and see if I can pick it out.

    [1]Sorry, I wrote this *hours* ago and just realized I forgot to put the answer to
    that one. In one of the Beatles songs ("I am the Walrus", maybe? It's been a long
    time) there's an odd bit at the end where you can hear a bit of the BBC's
    production of Lear.

    Today I am thankful for: The Beatles body of work and continuing
    musical influence.

    Concept II Holiday Challenge: 130638 meters
    left to go.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    body image

    Funny, I did over 8000 meters this morning and it wasn't too bad (though I'd had
    to tap up my fingers, due to yesterday's blisters), but I noticed that the first
    6000 were a minute and a half slower than a similar distance yesterday, even
    though I was just as tired. It's always interesting to see how the body changes
    from day to day; I believe in going with it, knowing that another day I will be
    faster. I don't try to force it, unless for a race or other special event, where
    it matters that I be fast on that given day. Probably, yesterday was faster
    because I was thoroughly warmed up from rowing beforehand -- normally, when I row
    first thing in the morning, I notice my split times naturally go way down after
    the first two or three thousand meters. Also, the pizza and beer last night
    probably didn't help -- I can tell because I'm still tasting the green peppers.

    Rudder has lost some weight since upping his erg distances, not so
    much for this challenge as just because he had planned to, once the race season
    ended. It shows in his face, which, since he didn't have any extra weight to begin
    with, is beginning to resemble a knife blade. He weighs some ridiculously low
    amount now, for his height. T2 has reported weight loss also, though I suspect his
    food poisoning incident may have contributed. If Rudder loses any more, I will
    worry; he still has a tiny margin at the sides of his waist, so I'm not worried
    yet. My face also looks a bit thinner, and I think my shoulders and forearms are
    looking a little more defined, but my weight hasn't changed and I don't see much
    other difference. It's possible my pot-belly which, like the poor, I have always
    with me, has declined a little, but I don't want to get my hopes up until I'm

    My thighs still touch when I stand up straight, but I think
    that's just the way they're shaped. It's hard to tell, because I had never noticed
    until a few years ago when I read an interview, with Amy Fuller (I think it was),
    who was an Olympic rower and silver medalist, as well as one of the grinders on
    the America3 all-female sailing crew. She was discussing the event of motherhood,
    after years as a world-class athlete, and said something like, "Pregnancy was so
    weird. My thighs touched when I walked for the first time since high school."
    Being female, of course, I immediately stood in front of a mirror to check my own
    thighs, which did, indeed, touch. Of such small things is a body image

    However, I'm bowlegged. When I stand normally, my knees are a
    good three inches apart. (No, I've never done much horseback riding, though I
    imagine the trait would be useful there.) So, to meet at my hips, I reason, my
    thighs have to slant back together. Anyway, I can look at them and see there's no
    extra fat there, beyond the bit on the inner thighs no normal woman can ever
    completely get rid of, so I'm not too worried about it. But this is coming from a
    woman who is in fairly good shape, and who is, to boot, 34 years old, presumably
    mature, and with no raving beauty or perfect figure to fear the loss of. Sheesh.
    If I even find myself thinking of this crap, no wonder 17-year-olds have a rough
    time in our culture.

    In other news, my brother's girlfriend belongs
    to a gym which does have ergs, and has offered me the use of her guest pass. So I
    should be OK during my visit to Philly. I'm a little nervous about meeting her, as
    I've seen too many good people take up with psychobitches (male or female) who
    then proceed to ruin their lives. (Literally: one former friend is now in jail.)
    But so far, I really like his girlfriend, from the phone and email contact we've
    had. I think my parents drive her nuts, but they would drive me nuts too, if I
    lived that close to them.

    Today I am thankful that: my brother
    appears to have taken up with an intelligent and cool woman who cares about him,
    and who even seems to be a Good Influence.

    Concept II Holiday
    137713 meters left to go.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:59 AM

    November 29, 2001

    the opposite of a nautilus

    How odd. I was just looking back at the first few entries I wrote when I began
    this diary, at the beginning of March. That's only eight months ago, but it feels
    like reading someone else's writing. In fact, it feels more like reading someone
    else's work than does going over the things I wrote when I was about 14. That's
    probably because I didn't keep any sort of regular journal then, so when I did
    write something down, it was usually due to overwhelming emotions that had to be
    purged by means of ink on paper. Fourteen is more than half a lifetime ago, but I
    still remember those aches. They were nothing special or profound, just the usual
    yearnings of an adolescent with almost no friends who really understood anything.
    Or maybe they were profound because they are so commonly bound to that age. I
    don't know.

    The most disquieting thing about reading the things I
    wrote back in March is that it's not only like reading another writer's work. It's
    like reading a better writer's work. Maybe because, living in a hotel room, I had
    fewer distractions, or maybe because I hadn't yet run out of things I really
    wanted to say. Maybe also because my gym time was less focused and so I didn't
    dwell on it the way I do now. Possibly, I just think better in colder
    temperatures, in which case our current weather ought to be a stimulus. I still
    have things to say sometimes, and anyway I like writing here, so I'm not going to
    let a little thing like declining quality stop me. I love the idea of having a
    record of my daily life, and I also love being able to write out my opinions,
    sorting out in my own mind and expressing them in public, without anyone having to
    be forced to hear them due to proximity or politeness. Here, you can read if you
    want or go away if you want, and either way no offense can be taken.

    I will be curious, though, to reread this eight months from now and
    see how I feel about it. What's the opposite of a chambered nautilus?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 28, 2001

    masochist morning

    This morning, for a change, I went rowing in a real boat, on actual water. And
    then I came home and erged. I'm about two days ahead of schedule, so I could have
    skipped it, but I need to build up a cushion in case I can't find an erg when I'm
    in Philadelphia. I
    wimped out and took it easily in the boat, but came home with three new blisters
    anyway -- taped them up while Rudder was finishing his erg piece, wiped the sweat
    off the grip and did my 6Km. He'd slept in a little and skipped the gym, so,
    possibly out of guilt, he did a new personal best time for 10000m. Tag-team
    erging, our new sport. Rah.

    For no apparent reason, I woke up late
    last night wanting to go make myself some popcorn. The subconscious is a strange
    beast. I was going to make some for breakfast instead (I figure it's probably more
    nutritious than, say, Sugar Corn Pops) until I realized that I didn't actually
    want any right now. I'm sure that will change.

    Now, I'm starting on
    all the just-in-case gifts, the little ones I have in case someone unexpectedly
    gives me something and I need a return present, and the ones for people to whom I
    want to give gifts but don't want them to feel obligated to give me anything.
    These will all be handmade, so the heart is in them but the dollars are not, which
    seems to me to suit both cases. I'm also in the middle of another embroidery
    project, a little Santa thing that's meant to hang on a hook or a doorknob. This
    will probably go to someone in Rudder's family, with the exact recipient depending
    on how our holidays turn out. After all, I could hardly give it to any of my
    relations -- Santa just doesn't look right, hanging from the menorah.

    I almost forgot to ask that I felt bad for running out on href="">Natalieee yesterday, while we were having an actual
    conversation on IM, because I had to do errands. Hope I wasn't a factor in her bad
    mood. And I forgot to say something else, but now I forget what it was. Senility
    has hit early in the Dichroic household; lately, my memory is even worse than it
    once was. Rudder's theory is that this is because I am not exercising it, by
    having innumerable projects to remember in a work day.

    Today I am thankful for: having discovered beading, which allows me to have
    the fun of making pretty sparkly things with a relatively low investment of time
    and money, and which will allow me to make a lot of my own jewelry instead of
    buying it from here on out.

    Concept II Holiday Challenge:
    146027 meters left

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 27, 2001

    illness and reactions

    Jesus, did everyone get sick for the holidays? href="">Mechaieh and href="">Miguelito had colds, T2 had a stomach
    virus, thereby missing one of the few meat meals he gets to eat (Egret is a
    vegetarian, and he emphatically is not), and my sister-in-law's mother had a
    stroke Thanksgiving morning. This would be the Evil SIL married to Rudder's
    brother, not the sister-un-law I'll meet in two weeks who lives with my brother.

    My in-laws were out there for the holiday. Now, I can't think of any
    good way to react to the news that your mother, two states away, has had a stroke,
    especially if you actually like your mother. And my in-laws, being kind and caring
    people who worry about the happiness of their sons, try very, very hard to view
    the ESIL in a positive light. Given those two factors, I have to interpret their
    guarded description of events, along with the cautious use of words like "extreme
    overreaction" to mean that the ESIL completely wigged out. I suppose if you are
    going to lose it entirely, a major health crisis on the part of someone very dear
    to you is an appropriate time, but I can't help but think it's better to control
    yourself so as to be of more help to the person actually having the crisis. I keep
    thinking of Mistress Sinister's
    determination to be there where her mother needs her, despite her own worry and
    distress, in strong contrast. I dunno, maybe I'm just not being empathetic
    enough. I just hope my principles aren't tested any time soon.

    I just find it easier to condole with fictional characters. I'm rooting hard for
    Elizabeth Patterson to dump her awful boyfriend, in href="">For Better or For Worse, even
    while I admire how Lynn Johnston has subtly built his awfulness up from little
    hints to the point where even the besotted Liz can't ignore it. Her friend
    Candace's advice should be a mantra for any battered or abused woman: "Then, you
    have to ask yourself...'Does being in love mean I Have to put up with
    @$%#@&#?' "

    Today I am thankful for: the fact that
    everyone I care most about seems to be in reasonably good physical and mental
    health, barring a few minor illnesses and chronic, treatable

    Concept II Holiday Challenge: 152096 meters left -
    - nearly 1/4 done!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 26, 2001

    scared and spazzing cats

    At some point this morning while I was on the erg, the cats decided they were
    Scared, apparently, despite the fact that there was absolutely nothing unusual
    going on. More precisely, one of the cats was Scared. There wasn't really enough
    damage for it to be both of them. No points for figuring out which one it was,
    either; one of them, the younger by about two years, is scared by almost anything
    and everything, and goes around with a permanently scared-out-of-his-kitty-wits
    expression. He's calmed down a little, having been with us for a decade or so now,
    but he still likes me best when I'm sitting very, very still. For this reason, he
    loves it when I'm on the computer and is on my lap, purring like a -- well, like a
    very happy kitty -- as I'm typing this.

    Anyway, I heard a crash from
    downstairs, but was in the middle of my workout and couldn't stop to go look.
    There wasn't much he could have knocked over that would get worse over time,
    anyway. Ted came home to shower after his row, and told me the meathead cat had
    knocked over a small lamp and the trashcan. When I went down to investigate, I
    found that somehow, he had managed to knock over the lamp in such a way as to
    break a light socket, bend a strong metal tube that held up the shade, and break a
    piece from his own water dish, on the floor below the half-wall the lamp stood on.
    Somehow, though, the lightbulb had managed to come out of the broken socket
    unscathed. I doubt it still works, but at least there aren't shards of broken
    glass in the cat food. Fortunately, I had taken out the trash last night, and
    hadn't even put in a new bag, so knocking that over did no harm. Also fortunately,
    the light was nice-looking, sort of deco-ish, but quite inexpensive. Actually, I
    had originally gotten it at my supermarket, so later on this week, I'll see if
    they have another like it.

    Yes, my supermarket carries lights. In
    addition to food and other usual supermarket items, it also carries housewares,
    hardware, paint, flowers, small appliances, some toys and camping gear, and some
    books. Also, they make keys and have a machine that will give you money for the
    contents of your change jar. And there are attached video and electronics stores,
    that open into the market but have their own cash registers. Yes, it's all a
    little bit silly, and I rather miss having the sort of butcher and produce stores
    that I think they still have out by my parents, but it is convenient. During my
    three months in Massachusetts last winter, I found myself missing my own market
    whenever I wanted to by anything a bit out of the usual way -- a thermometer, or a
    plastic container, or some such.

    Today I have several errands, if
    you can refer to present-buying and library visits under that name. I plan to do
    my annual sweep through REI, a basket over my arm, in search of small presents for
    Rudder for Chanukah. And while I'm there, I'll probably visit the Really Big Bead
    Warehouse store, as well as the other smaller bead stores I was already planning
    to visit. But first, I need to pay bills, and I should go do that right now.

    Forgot to add one thing: my former company has announced that they have appointed
    a new executive. I use the word "executive" advisedly: if I am understanding
    correctly, this new man will serve as Executive VP, CFO, corporate secretary, and
    treasurer. I have never pretended to understand the workings of upper corporate
    levels, but somehow this reminds me of when Calvin and Hobbes formed a club and
    between the two of them, held all club offices. Hobbes even got to be First Tiger.
    I wonder how long until the former company gives that title to their new

    Today I am thankful for: Not having shards of
    glass all over my kitchen.

    Concept II Holiday Challenge:
    163245 meters left to go.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 25, 2001


    Ten thousand meters down, and I have no idea what I'm going to do for the rest of
    the day (though I do know there are a shower and a cup of tea in my immediate
    future). I feel funny doing errands on weekends when Rudder is home, since I have
    the rest of the week for those. I've decided to make a lariat necklace that I will
    probably use as a present -- I get the best ideas for beading projects from art
    museum store Christmas catalogs, who usually charge $90 for something I can
    duplicate easily. It's very gratifying -- I don't believe I'll ever spend money
    for beaded jewelry again, unless it's something really special and hard to

    Another odd problem with my current situation is that I feel
    guilty about reading any of my own books. Since I've been delving so deeply into
    the library's bounty, I always have a sackful of books that will have to be
    returned in a week or two, so I feel silly reading any of the ones that will still
    be here. At the moment I'm defying that feeling to reread the fourth Harry Potter
    book, having reread the first three not long ago. After that I really do want to
    dive into a couple of Patricia Wredes sitting there in my library bag, then it may
    be time to revisit what I think of as Jane Austen's lesser works -- Northanger
    Abbey and Mansfield Park. I suppose one solution would be to take out fewer
    library books, but how likely is that?

    One way in which the library
    has really helped me is with this 200000 meter erg challenge. I've been listening
    to Stephen Ambrose's Undaunted Courage, about the journey of Lewis and Clark, as I
    puff along on the erg. It's far more absorbing than the TV shows that are on first
    thing in the morning. It's also a bit comforting to hear about people who were
    working even harder than I am, while I'm working out. When I first read the book,
    the distances those men walked in a day left me with glazed eyes, a dropped jaw,
    and sympathy pains in my feet. Unfortunately, the audiobook is an abridged
    version, and since I have read the book, I can tell the difference. I'm almost
    finished this one, and getting more books to erg to should be much easier than
    picking audiobooks for a car trip, where they have to please both me and Rudder.

    I realized last night that I have one other major problem with this
    erg challenge; I'll miss at least four days when I go to Philadelphia for my
    mother's and brother's birthdays in a few weeks. More, if I don't row the days I
    leave and come back. Eek. That four days translates to 24240 meters I would have
    to make up. That's a lot. I did some extra today to start building up a cushion,
    just in case, and I'm going to call around and see if there's a gym near them with
    a rowing machine I can use. That will also give me an excuse to escape, for which
    I may be extremely grateful. Half my family is mad at the other half, at the
    moment. No one is mad at me, that I know of, but they all complain about each
    other to me. I think the 'rents still don't understand why they weren't invited to
    my brother's birthday party, and it sounds like there are some hard feelings over
    who went where, when, for Thanksgiving. An excuse to run to the gym (I use the
    word "run" figuratively) may be just what I need.

    Today I am
    thankful for:
    the distance that allows me to deal sanely with my family.

    Concept II Holiday Challenge: 170251 meters left

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 24, 2001

    critics and groupthink

    Whenever I open my refrigerator, eau d'turkey wafts out. Given the amount of
    cayenne I used in the seasoning, and the amount Rudder smeared on the outside of
    the turkey, it's a fairly large-sized wafting. Rudder treacherously finished the
    leftover salad last night without saving me any *pout* but I made up a batch of
    bowties and kasha that will last a while. We've still got some of the pots-au-
    creme left, too, as well as the very tasty Pepperidge Farm cookies, delicate
    wafers rolled up and stuffed with chocolate, that I bought to go with the custard.

    T2 and Egret were supposed to come over in an hour or so, to work on
    lighting up the double for the Christmas Boat Parade they're having over on Town
    Lake. However, T2's on the phone with Rudder right now, and it sounds like the
    food poisoning the poor boy woke up with on Thanksgiving morning, of all the
    rotten timing, may actually be a virus and is still with him. Poor

    Yesterday, we went to see the Harry Potter movie, my second
    time and Rudder's first. He liked it as much as I did, I think. He hasn't read the
    books, but listened to the audio version of book 1 on one of our long trips a
    while back. I'd have gotten the other books for our recent siege of regattas, but
    the library copies are booked for months ahead, and I didn't want to spend the
    money to buy them. One may be in the offing for one of Rudder's Chanukah presents,
    however, if we do decide to do a long trip at Christmas.

    I have been
    meaning to write about how irked I am at the movie critics' reaction to Harry
    Potter and the Sorceror's Stone. They all seem to be spouting the same idea
    (follow the party line; it saves thinking) that the movie sticks "too closely" to
    the book. What was that again? Here we have a brilliant and well-beloved book,
    known practically by heart to its legions of young fans, and some older ones as
    well. It has vivid descriptions and fast-moving action scenes. The movie-makers
    have stuck to the original story-line, omitted and conflated scenes whenever
    possible in order to fit within the confines of a movie length, transformed the
    descriptions into beautiful and evocative images, and used so many special effects
    that the credits list studio after studio after studio. And, uncommonly among
    movies with such effects, all of the actors range from competent to brilliant, by
    universal acclaim. And these peabrained philistines are saying the movie wasn't
    good enough because it should have been less like the book???

    who thinks the Wizard of Oz movie was improved by the ending that says it was all
    a dream, is in greater need of a heart than the Tin Man ever

    Today I am thankful for: the friendships we have
    developed over the past year with T2 and Egret.

    CII Holiday
    1805359 meters left to go.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 23, 2001


    Funny thing; yesterday, the amount of food on my plate looked perfectly
    reasonable (2-3 slices of turkey breast; one potato, sliced not quite all the way
    through and fanned out, with butter, herbs, and cheeses dribbled over it; some
    steamed asparagus with lemon butter; a slice of bread; a pickle; and a small bowl
    of my tomato and bread salad) but after I got done eating all that, plus (hours
    later) a serving of caramel pot-au-creme (which turned out to be both easy and
    tasty) I felt the beginnings of a food fight going on in my gut, plus the
    intensifying of a headache I'd had all day. I don't know why this should be,
    except, of course, that my stomach isn't used to Thanksgiving dinners, as a
    general thing. Also, an amount of food that appears to be perfectly fine for an
    average-sized person can be way too much for me. Rudder, as usual, ate three times
    as much with no ill effects. Oh, well, at least I've participated in a national
    ritual: the post-Thanksgiving dinner Alka-Seltzer Moment.

    Also, due
    to my sudden realization that the Concept II 200000 meter holiday challenge began
    on Thanksgiving, not the day after, I pulled two 2000 meter pieces, which didn't
    help either my head or my stomach. Yes, it's here; Hell Month has begun. Two
    hundred thousand meters between Thanksgiving and Christmas translates to 6060
    meters/day, average. Obviously, today I Had some catching up to do, since I only
    did a total of 4K yesterday, so I pulled 8500 meters and am now back on track and
    even a tiny bit ahead. If we take a possible two-week driving trip to Yellowstone
    and Rudder's home town in Oregon over Christmas, I may not make the whole
    distance. Still, the prize is nominal. The real point of it is just to erg more,
    so if I try but don't finish, I won't mourn. For purposes of comparison, I have
    actually done just over 200000 meters since the end of January, when I began
    logging it. However, that's not including all the distance rowed in a real boat.
    (Rudder's suggestion is to take the erg with us on our trip. I've mentally filed
    that under How to Ruin a Perfectly Good Vacation.)

    So even though at
    any second I can pull up a long list of things for which I am thankful, with
    Rudder at the head of the list, I don't feel thankful at the moment. To counter
    that tendency, between now and Christmas, at the end of every daily entry I'll
    note the meters left out of that 200000, plus one thing for which I am

    Today I am thankful for: wearing cotton and spandex
    workout clothes instead of a burqa.

    CII Holiday Challenge:187249
    meters to go

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 22, 2001

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Plans for the day: sleeping late (done and checked off the to-do list) and
    cooking. I was going to make kasha and bowties to eat with the leftovers, but I
    think I'll wait on that, since there isn't room in the fridge at the moment. The
    caramel pot-au-creme is done, and even tasty. I was a little worried that the
    caramel flavor wouldn't be strong enough, since half of it boiled up and onto the
    stove when I added the cream, but I tasted a tiny bit and it seems ok. Egret
    suggested BŽarnaise sauce to go on my asparagus, so I may do that, if it doesn't
    look too hard to make. I'm off now to eat breakfast and consult with my

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving, everyone. One thing for which I
    am thankful this year is the opportunity to meet and get to peek inside other
    people's lives through the medium of these diaries. Even more so, for those who
    have become friends, though diaries and my lists -- high in that roster are href="">Mechaieh, she who was Phelps, href="">Natalie, and href="">Caerula, but there are lots of others. I
    have a feeling I'll write more on that theme later today.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 21, 2001

    No, really, I'm OK

    And it's morning, and of course I'm feeling better. One problem with keeping an
    online diary is that writing down your bad moods somehow dignifies them: passing
    blues can sound like the onset of major depression. On the one hand, obviously I'm
    not happy about the fact that I'm not earning any money, and it's true that I've
    not entirely thrilled about the way we manage our money. And the very nice notes
    from Mechaieh and href="">Caerula cheered me up quite a lot. It's
    just that I hate to think of them worried enough to write to me about it when it
    really was mostly a case of can't-sleep-grumpiness.

    Anyway, the thing
    about the money is that it's really just a side-effect of one of the things I
    treasure most about our marriage. Rudder actually sees me as a person. Not an
    appendage, or a different species, or a child, or something called a 'wife' that
    every (hetero) man is supposed to have, but a partner. He expects as much from me
    as he would from anyone with whom he had set up a partnership. As a result, we
    really donÕt fit most of the usual marital stereotypes well. I tell people getting
    married that marriage doesn't have to be what other people think it is; each one
    can be shaped to fit the people in it and to hell with the rest of the world's
    expectations. I honestly believe in that, and most of the time I live and want to
    live by it.

    Sometimes, though, it's a lot like when I was a little
    Jewish kid, celebrating Chanukah but seeing all the malls decorated for Christmas,
    watching Frosty and Rudolf and Charlie Brown with his scraggly little tree, and
    singing carols in school. Sometimes the rest of the world's expectations grow
    overwhelming and it's hard to stop thinking, "Wait. They say that's my birthright.
    Why don't I have that?" even though you might have something much better instead.
    I've been rereading the latter half of the Betsy-Tacy series and I get a bit
    wistful when Jo proposes and tells Betsy how he wants to support and take care of
    her. Ditto when I hear that T2 just bought Egret a new car -- and they're not even
    married yet.

    Also, Rudder has no iota of inclination toward a
    romantic frame of mind. He last bought me flowers maybe eight years ago. He
    doesn't know how to think of sweet nothings, though he might be willing to say
    them if he could. He doesn't throw surprise parties for my birthdays, or bring me
    gifts when it's not my birthday, or whisk me off for romantic weekend trips. Our
    weekend trips are to regattas. On the other hand, last year my Christmas gift was
    a pair of oars, painted with the Arizona flag and sized just for me. It took him
    hours and hours and was the sort of thing that was perfect for me and no one else
    in the world. And last night, when I got done injecting the turkeys, he came in
    without being asked and took over the cleanup -- not an easy task, since pureeing
    and injecting that mix of onions, garlic, broth, and seasoning tends to slop over,
    spray out, and generally get all over everything. His kind gestures are practical,
    not romantic, but probably take more effort exactly because of

    So keeping our money separate is one factor of our equal
    partnership and it also prevents a lot of fighting, since Rudder is much more
    careful with money than I am. And when we make roughly equal amounts, or close
    enough that it can be adjusted by having one of us put a little more in our joint
    savings, I'm ok with that. It's rough right now while I'm not making anything, but
    we haven't adjusted our methods in the belief this is a temporary state. (Please
    God.) He's paid for all the traveling we've been doing, will probably pay for some
    end of year one-time expenses like joining the other rowing club, and has said
    he'll help out whenever I ask. I just know it's my part of the deal not to ask
    unless it's something I really need.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 20, 2001

    Maybe some nice hot tea will help

    Can't sleep. Sucks. Fuck.

    Also, I'm pissed again over the fact that
    Rudder is making vast amounts of money and I'm trying to focus on thinking poor,
    since I'm living off my savings and my unemployment only lasts another couple of
    months. It's like having two standards of living in one house. I mean, we eat the
    same food and sleep on the same sheets, but I'm trying to think about every dollar
    I spend and he can buy whatever he wants. Actually, he does think about every
    dollar he spends, but only because he's like that anyway -- he saves and saves and
    saves and then buys something big, instead of pissing it away as I tend to. But it
    sucks anyway. And my share of our food, roof, and other necessities is coming out
    of my savings account.

    It hasn't escaped my notice that my moods
    seem to be affected more by hormones lately than they ever used to, so it's
    entirely possible I'm pissed only because of those annoying little lunar-cycling
    chemicals. After all, this is the deal I signed up for when we got married; it's
    not like he's changed anything on me. But it sucks even more that I can't feel
    self-righteous about being pissed off; instead I have to wonder if I'm just being
    all menstrual and unreasonable. Goddammit, if I'm mad, I want to at least feel
    good about it. I hate having to second-guess my emotions, always probing to see if
    they're valid.

    This sucks. Life sucks. Unemployment sucks. Rudder
    sucks. And he's sound asleep, which makes him suck even more. Can you tell it's
    way past my bedtime? Now I know why babies cry when they wake up in the middle of
    the night. It's because when you can't sleep and you don't have control of your
    life, everything sucks. And they don't know the words for it, so they cry

    I'll show them, the nameless 'them' that are behind
    everything wrong and evil. I'll sleep in tomorrow and completely skip working out.
    That'll show them. I'll have my revenge yet. Or at least I'll be asleep and won't
    notice if anything sucks.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:59 PM

    for what she is and what she is to be

    Last night, we saw an old rerun on TV that upset me a bit. It was a Drew Carey
    episode in which he and Mr. Wick are pretending to be a gay married couple (their
    words) in order to get a Wick a visa to stay in the US. I wonder how many people,
    watching that show, believed that those really are the laws. It upset me, because
    if people believe that, if they don't know when things are wrong, then there will
    never be any outcry to fix the laws. I was thinking about that again today, after
    coming across some lines by Henry van Dyke:

    I know that Europe's wonderful, yet something seems to lack:

    The Past is too much with her, and the people looking back.

    But the glory of the Present is to make the Future free, --

    We love our land for what she is and what she is to be.

    Van Dyke wrote that in 1911, before the Great War shattered Europe, and forever
    wrenched her from her past, but I still believe that if there is something that
    America ought to be, it's encapsulated in those last two lines. Australia, too;
    the two countries are alike in that. I felt at home there because both countries
    are so oriented toward the promise of the future.

    Incidentally, Roger McGuinn put that poem to music, and it can be heard href="">here.

    I don't know why I felt the need to write that today, except for the concatenation
    of the sitcom and the poem. But it is something I believe in.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    the 200000 meter turkey day

    Hot. Cold. Chilled. And getting ready to deal with turkeys. That's my day. First I
    erged for over half an hour, doing a workout that involved pulling as hard as I
    could for a minute, then taking it easy for three. It's supposed to be a good
    anaerobic workout, according to an exercise researcher who works with href="">Concept II. He said to start with 2-4 reps and
    build up to 10, but I figured that was meant for people who haven't erged much. I
    did eight reps, because I wanted to make sure I finished over 6000 meters, just to
    get ready to do that distance if I decide to do the href="">200000 meter Holiday
    . (Incidentally, I'd have linked to more info about all this, but
    apparently Concept II doesn't put their newsletter on their web page. Silly

    So first I rowed, getting hot and sweaty enough that I had
    to take off my T-shirt. I was wearing a sports bra, just so no one gets unpleasant
    images springing to mind, though I don't know why I bother, since I was doing this
    at home. Then I hobbled downstairs to use the computer. After about 5 minutes
    online, I realized I hadn't stretched out. This is where a laptop comes in handy;
    I could move it to the floor and finish reading about href="">kangaroos and stromatolites, a
    la Marn
    , while I stretched out. But now my butt is chilled, from sitting on
    cold tile in thin tights. So I'm sitting at the computer wearing a fleece jacket
    whose main virtue is that, unlike all my other warm stuff, it was

    Once all this excitement wears off, the high point of my
    day will consist of injecting some really smelly stuff into turkeys. No, I have
    not become a veterinary volunteer. And, no, I am not attempting to spread anthrax
    by way of Thanksgiving dinners. (Or even gonorrhea, though the href="">Horrible Affliction Test
    says I could. But at Chez Dichroic, we generally deep-fry our turkeys, as a result
    of having spent some years out near Cajun country. We considered just roasting one
    this year, as it will just be the two of us, but when you're deep-frying turks,
    it's just as easy to do several as one, so we generally ask around to see if
    anyone else wants one done. Some friends took us up on the offer, and so we have
    an excuse.

    Deep-fried turkeys do not come out greasy. What happens
    is that the whole thing cooks in no time (about 3 min/pound), and so it seals
    quickly, leaving all the oil (peanut oil) on the outside only, and the turkey
    juices sealed within. But the true Cajun touch is in the injection. We use a
    recipe based on Paul Prudhomme's; it used to be easy to find on the Internet, but
    now all I can find is his Terducken recipe, or weasly pages that purport to tell
    you how to deep-fry a turkey with vague ingredients like "4 ounces of your
    favorite liquid marinade". Pfui. It's possible that Prudhomme's recipe is
    copyrighted and his people got it off all those sites, but that seems unlikely,
    given the number of his other recipes available. I may have to post it myself, if
    anyone is interested. So today I will chop onions and garlic, mix with spices and
    sauces, puree the whole thing, and inject into several spots on the turkey,
    getting it ready to provide us Turkey Nirvana on Thursday.

    One note
    to anyone else planning to fry a gobbler this year: do NOT try this indoors.
    Houses in New Orleans have burned down because of this.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:13 AM

    November 19, 2001

    smarts and cars and turkey

    Hmmm. Mistress Sinister href="">thinks I'm smart. And
    the woman (excuse me, the supervillainness) is a published author, fer gossakes,
    so you know she's no slouch in the Deep Thought department herself. (Do
    supervillainnesses think Deep Thoughts, or do they just create Deep Plots?
    Anyway.) So I'm flattered. Funny how much easier it is to seem smart on the
    internet, where you can erase your demonstrations of complete stupidity before you
    send them out. Not all of them, in my case, because I can't type worth a damn, and
    I don't always think coherently, but at least some.

    Even more
    amusing, Rudder apparently has an inflated idea of my store of knowledge -- and he
    has every opportunity to know better. On the way back from climbing on Sunday, we
    were listening to the Car Talk show on NPR when Click and Clack, aka Tom and Ray
    Magliozzi, posed their weekly puzzler. I snapped out the answer immediately, which
    involved the direction of the thread on the tire lugnuts of a 1963 Dodge Dart. The
    man (Rudder, I mean) didn't even seem slightly startled that I knew that essential
    tidbit. Now, it is true that I do know a vast amount of completely useless
    information (I'm much weaker on useful information, and not at all good at getting
    things done) but the lugnuts on a Dart? Even I have limits. He didn't even ask how
    I knew, so I probably shouldn't have ruined my rep by admitting that I had heard
    the answer when I caught a snippet of the show the day before. (On Sundays, my
    local station plays the previous week's episode of href="">Car Talk, while on Saturday, I had heard the
    latest one, which of course gave the answer to the previous week's

    But really. Tire nuts from 1963?

    Current evolving plan for Thursday's menu:

    deep-fried turkey

    tomato and bread salad

    fanned potatoes (my brother's recipe)

    steamed asparagus

    apple sauce (Rudder doesn't like cranberry sauce)

    caramel pot-au-creme

    The caramel creme is the only thing on that list I haven't already made and liked.
    It looks like a minor amount of pain-in-the-ass, but not terrible, and I can make
    it the day before. I think I'll also make bow ties and kasha, not for Thanksgiving
    dinner, but to eat with the leftover turkey, while I'm in cooking mode. Or maybe
    not, since deep-fried turkey doesn't produce gravy. Hmmm.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    hands of the Mummy, part deux

    I had a very nice, though somewhat painful row today. One problem with mixing
    rowing and rock climbing is that it's hard on the hands. My butt didn't get too
    sore today (I need to do something about that seat) but my fingers are shredded.
    By the end of the row, I was doing my famed href="">mummy imitation again --
    tape on at least 10 of the joints in my fingers. And I still ended up with a
    blister, so it should have been 11. I taped all the spots that were missing skin
    from yesterday before I started, but had to add more when the tape itself started
    making skin near it fold over funny.

    Despite that, and despite some
    residual soreness in my shoulders and a skinned knee, I did just over 10600 meters
    today, and at a couple points during power drills had my split times down to 2:13.
    Which is piddly for Rudder, who can do that while rowing at half pressure, but
    it's good for me.

    Meanwhile, I still can't get the boat down
    by myself because it's too high. There are a set of wooden steps that let me reach
    the boat, but they don't help enough -- I'd have to be standing on a narrow step,
    lifting a quarter of my body weight overhead and way off and to one side. Not
    gonna happen. I need to see if I can get the city to let me transfer to a lower
    rack. Otherwise, Rudder is considering a typically (for him) elaborate system
    involving a small step and a sliding rack system. That would let me slide the boat
    overhead and get me up just high enough to reach it.

    I should do a
    lot of cleaning today, but I don't even want to think about that. Meanwhile, my
    computer setup is giving me some problems. The laptop seems to have processes I
    don't want or need running on it that really slow things down. This is most
    noticeable online (of course, most of what I do on the computer is online) and I
    think it's due to things that have downloaded without my permission -- for
    example, when you download RealAudio, a bunch of other stuff comes with it. I've
    actually had a site (NOT RealAudio) change the homepage on my computer without my
    volition! Another possibility is that things I do want to be there are
    autostarting, which I don't necessarily want them to do. The Startup folder is
    harder to find on Windows ME -- NT is much easier to manage. Also, when I try to
    print, I get an 'out of paper' message, when the printer does have paper. This
    does not happen from the Mac, which is hooked to the same printer. That's a major
    problem, as it prevented me from printing the confirmation for some airline
    tickets I got yesterday. I did save the page, as well as the email they sent, so
    at least I'll be able to print when I get this problem fixed.

    Later note: After an extremely frustrating call to Compaq, who told me
    "Since the problem involves your printer, we consider it a third party problem. We
    can still help you, but only after charging $39.99." This despite the fact
    that the Mac, hooked to the same printer, worked perfectly. Considering that the
    Compaq people sounded fairly clueless, and I didn't want to spend $39.99, I
    didn't take them up on their offer. I did get them to tell me how to control what
    processes start up when I boot this computer. (If anyone needs to know, you select
    Start->Run and type 'msconfig'. Intuitive, huh?) I turned off everything I didn't
    think I needed, which was everything not connected with Windows or VirusScan, and
    restarted. Then I tried to print again, and got the same "Out of Paper" message.
    Frustrated, I smacked my hand to my forehead, then accidentally, let it fall
    heavily onto the laptop. The error message disappeared, the printer whirred
    industriously, and my file printed perfectly.

    So now, my latest theory is that Compaq offers to help for a significant charge,
    so that questioners will go away, because they don't think it sounds professional
    to tell their customers, "Whack your computer hard and the problem may go away."

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    November 18, 2001

    shooting stars and climbing rocks

    The camping trip to go watch meteorites? Definitely worth it. Early on I was a
    little worried, because even an hour out of town, we could see the glow of Phoenix
    to our left, and there were a few clouds early on, so that the sky was dark blue-
    gray instead of black, and the stars were in "city" instead of "rural/planetarium"
    mode. Thankfully, though, the clouds cleared away, the city's glow was only way
    down on the horizon, and the moon was a fingernail sliver. Though it wasn't the
    "raining stars" show of 1833 or even the "too many to count" one of 1966, it was
    still more shooting stars than I have ever seen in one night, made more
    spectacular because so many -- most of them, in fact -- were fireballs, leaving
    trails of flame across the sky that faded out slowly, like afterimages. We slept
    outside, not bothering to set up a tent in the dependable desert weather, to
    maximize our viewing chances. Most of the shooting stars I had seen before were
    the kind that just look like stars that move a short distance, or like satellites
    that only travel a few degrees before going pffffutt. These were beautiful balls
    of fire -- some even flashed and dimmed and flashed again as they burned into the

    Queue was going to come, but ended up going ATVing with
    an old friend instead. T2 and Egret did come. Unfortunately, evil influences that
    they are, they brought an entire fifth of Jack Daniels, most of which we finished
    in the course of the night. This forced me later to have to leave the warmth and
    comfort of my sleeping bag and assorted blankets not once but twice. Bleah. Or
    maybe it was the hot dogs. I finally got to sleep for an hour or so, to be woken
    around 2 by Rudder getting up for something (nonalcoholic) to drink. By then, he'd
    been watching the show for a little while and told me the meteors seemed to be
    coming closer together. We watched for a few more minutes, then woke T2 and Egret
    to be sure they didn't miss anything. (The nice thing about rowers is that being
    woken at 2:30 AM hardly phazes them.)

    I fell back asleep as the
    fireballs began to come less frequently, and woke again in time to watch the sun
    rise in streaks of red and gold. We got up, packed a little, and headed out to do
    a bit of climbing while we were in the area. Rudder and I hand' climbed in over a
    year; Egret and T2 had only gone once, indoors, so we set up the top ropes for
    three 5.7 climbs, in an area where we've taken a bunch of newbies. Egret, light,
    wiry, and flexible was a natural. T2, being strong for his weight, would likely
    had done well except that he doesn't like heights. They both turned out to be
    rock-steady (sorry) belayers, which is always reassuring when it's your ass there
    in a sling, literally. And now I'm tired and grumpy, and my fingers are so much
    more abraded that I can't believe how much I've typed here.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 17, 2001

    gold against blue

    We're planning to go out camping tonight, just so that we can be out in the desert
    where it's really dark when we wake up at 3AM to see the meteor shower (and thanks
    to Mechaieh for being
    the first one to let me know about it). I have some doubts, as I have never yet
    seen a meteor shower, however widely vaunted, that produced more than one every
    few minutes. Also, the Leonids are supposed to peak about every 33 years, and that
    would have been 1998 or 1999. Then again, that may just be an approximation; it's
    the latest predictions that are estimating thousands per hour. And the guesses as
    to when the shower will peak are just guesses, so maybe I'll wake up well before
    3, just in case. And sleep outside the tent, with contact lenses in (I almost
    always do that when camping, anyhow). Three or four others are going with us, so
    this should be fun, no matter how the comets pan out.

    In sympathy with my plans, I started reading An Intimate View of the Night
    . However, I may not make it through the book, as it's ticked me off right
    in the beginning by showing Orion without his sword (though, oddly, he's shown
    correctly on the cover). Clearly the illustrations are omitting faint stars, to
    make spotting constellations easier and to approximate the view from a city, but I
    live in a majorly metro area and have no problem spotting the sword. Of course, I
    get an especially nice view of the Hunter when I'm out rowing, but there are
    bright lights ringing the lake, so there's still plenty of glare

    In honor of Orion, here's something from William Carlos Williams, who did
    apparently write about more than peaches:


    The Archer is wake!

    The Swan is flying!

    Gold against blue

    An Arrow is lying.

    There is hunting in heaven--

    Sleep safe till to-morrow.

    The Bears are abroad!

    The Eagle is screaming!

    Gold against blue

    Their eyes are gleaming!


    Sleep safe till to-morrow.

    The Sisters lie

    With their arms intertwining;

    Gold against blue

    Their hair is shining!

    The Serpent writhes!

    Orion is listening!

    Gold against blue

    His sword is glistening!


    There is hunting in heaven--

    Sleep safe till to-morrow.

    I may have included that poem here before. If I did, I probably also mentioned
    that I really like Gordon Bok's musical setting of it.

    There are a few astronomical poems collected href="">here, though I think he's
    stretching a point by including Sam McGee. But I like Service too.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 16, 2001

    Sorceror's Stone good, P's bad

    OK, I'm back from seeing Harry Potter (and the rest of his movie, of course), and
    here are some random impressions. I did like the movie. The staging, sets, and
    costumes, had a nice Dickensian flavor, with lots of sepia tones. The Gryffindor
    common room was far more luxurious, rich and decorative while still looking
    comfortable, than, say, my living room. I want to move to Hogwarts now. No wonder
    the students and teachers all seemed to be in fairly good shape; anyone trying to
    get around that castle, with all those stairs, on a daily basis ought to have
    thighs like Xeno Mueller's.
    (I was going to say Lance Armstrong's, but I saw Xeno at a regatta the other week
    and the man's got thighs bigger than my waist.)

    Most of the
    characters were not jarring far from my mental images. Harry's hair was much
    messier than it had looked in the pictures I'd seen, fortunately, as this is a
    point J.K. Rowling harps on. His eyes probably should have been greener. I was
    expecting more freckles on Ron, and worse teeth on Hermione. Also, for some
    reason, his name mostly, I always think of Rubeus Hagrid as having long red hair
    and beard. That's not the movie people's fault, though, since JKR does describe
    him with masses of black hair. Maybe she was envisioning a red face? Also, I had
    pictured Neville as being shorter and rounder, and I would have guessed all those
    Brits in the school to run more to redheads and blondes, with light eyes. There
    did seem to be the appropriate number of non-Anglo-Saxon types, though. Lee Jordan
    is black, as he was written, and I saw several Indian faces as well. No Asians,
    but I don't recall any until Cho, even in the books.

    If I had one
    major complaint about the movie, it was that everything seemed so rushed; so many
    of the delightful, scene-setting details were missing. They seemed to include only
    things relevant to the main thread of the plot. I assume JKR kept them from
    omitting anything that might be important in later episodes. (Does that mean
    Neville's frog will do something important?) They probably couldn't have done
    anything about this, however; even with all the omissions, including the coming
    attractions, the movie ran about 2 hours and 40 minutes, and they couldn't
    realistically make a children's movie any longer. What will they do with the 700-
    plus page Book Four?

    One other minor gripe: Chris Columbus or someone
    appears to have an odd prejudice against the letter "P"; not only did they omit
    Peeves the poltergeist, but also Dudley's friend, Piers Polkiss, Poppy Pomfrey,
    the nurse (apparently, injuries have to heal normally in the movie world) and,
    most significant, the potion challenge after the living chess game. I miss that
    last one. I liked the idea that magic has to follow rules and that logic is always

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    a pleasant row

    This morning I rowed 9800 meters, almost exactly, in my single -- I meant to do
    10K, but I underestimated and turned a little early. (There's a little computer
    that hooks to a tiny propeller under the boat and a magnet under the seat to tell
    stroke rate, distance, and time it would take to row 500m at the current
    pressure.) Perhaps I should follow href="">Badsnake's, lead and begin providing a
    casualty report: a sore butt, four blisters, one on the middle and ring fingers of
    each hand, and some blackened skin, from the rubber grips on the

    Coach DI was in Jekyll mode today: even though I didn't row
    with his group, because I haven't and won't sign up for the new session, he helped
    me get my boat down from the rack (I can't quite reach it). Even more astounding,
    he handed around a workout schedule for the rest of this month. She-Hulk had
    complained about the lack of planning and apparently her voice actually had some
    impact, or maybe it's a cumulative thing. He was spookily nice,

    I did have a nice row -- got waked several times by the
    coaching launch, but otherwise I quite enjoyed myself. Though that seat is
    extremely uncomfortable; I limited my distance not due to time or fatigue, but due
    to pain in fingers and butt. The finger pain is just blisters; they'll go away
    once I scull enough to build the proper calluses. My boat, a href="">Hudson lightweight
    , is sweet but sensitive. Concentrating on proper form made a huge
    difference in bringing down my split times. And I was rowing the whole time, with
    no nonsense about coxing, swapping out, or drills with only some people rowing, so
    I was warm enough, despite temperatures in the high 40s. It's such luxury to just
    get in a boat and row, on a calm clear predawn morning, with no waste of time, no
    chatter, no waiting, no damned politics.

    I have a feeling I'm likely
    to post again today; in two hours and eight minutes, I get to go see Harry Potter!

    Posted by dichroic at 08:59 AM

    November 15, 2001

    a book for my pains

    Well, the unemployment meeting wasn't too bad -- they were almost running on time
    and the meeting itself was very short. Clearly the woman was impressed with my
    professional-but-not-too-well-off costume.....that, plus the fact that I had
    filled out my form correctly.

    Also, traffic was light and I got there
    well ahead of time, which allowed me to spot and visit a very nice used book store
    just down the block in Mesa's surprisingly nice downtown. I scored a copy of
    Marjorie Dean, College Senior, out of fond memories of Marjorie Dean, High School
    Freshman, which I think I had inherited from my grandmother. Either I read it to
    death, or it's still at my parents' house. My ban on book-buying while unemployed
    is flexible in the case of one-time-only used-book opportunities. Besides, this
    eighty-year-old hardback cost less than a new paperback.

    But I
    learned I only have about three more months of unemployment. Eek!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    dreary, most likely

    Ugh. This morning I have to drive to the state "Economic Security" office, 15
    miles or so away, just to convince them that yes, I am still unemployed, yes, I am
    really looking for a job, and yes, they should keep sending me those piddly little
    checks, for six months or however long they're willing to so. With luck, I'll get
    a job soon and won't have to find worry about whether there's an extension. Given
    the current job climate, there damned well should be.

    This is a bit
    of a clothing challenge; clearly I need to look professional and serious, but not
    too prosperous. ("Yes, I really want a job and I am a trustworthy professional
    anyone would want to hire....but I still want that state money meanwhile.") I
    settled on the narrow black-and-white tweedish pants from a suit I splurged on in
    my spending spree last winter, when I needed cold-weather business clothes, with a
    black jewel-necked fitted jersey top, otherwise known as a glorified T-shirt, and
    restrained jewelry. At least it's comfortable.

    I fully expect today's
    appointment to be dreary, perhaps with some patronizing thrown in, if they decide
    to critique my resume, but at least it's sandwiched between yesterday's haircut
    and tomorrow's viewing of Harry Potter.

    Oh, and a smidgen of rowing
    news: despite DI's promise to extend the current rowing session because of its
    raised price and bad timing, the city is starting (has started) a new session
    running from November 7 to somewhere in January. It was hard to determine this,
    since the online schedule is buggy and can't be downloaded, but Unknown Legend
    forwarded the info to me, after a marathon conversation yesterday (she's nice, but
    chatty). I imagine half the group will skip this, just because they'd miss so much
    with the holidays. Meanwhile, I had said I'd drop out after the current session,
    so as of now, I am rowing on my own or with the other local club.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:54 AM

    November 14, 2001



    Yes, even here in the low
    deserts it can get cold at 5 AM in November. It's even worse because we
    have no docks, and actually have to step into the water to launch our boats,
    leaving us with wet, slowly freezing feet for the rest of practice. This year, I
    will go find me some waterproof socks, I promise myself. Also, I coxed the last
    half of practice, which means first I worked up a sweat (well, not really, because
    we were just doing drills) and then I sat very very still in a tiny little seat
    for half an hour. It could have been worse; at least they didn't splash me.

    Also, for some reason our set really sucked today (partly the
    boat, I think, and partly us). It was so bad that we had to do our drills in
    pairs, so only two people were rowing, and the other two just shivering, at any
    given time. So I wasn't even all that warm when I first got into the coxswain's

    I feel much better now, though, after a hot shower (mmm...),
    some cocoa (Mmmmmm...), and cinnamon toast (MMMmmmmmmmmmm....). Half the fun of
    being cold is warming up again. (The other half, if you're wondering, is getting
    to wear sweaters. And there's also something in there about just not being hot, a
    condition of which I'm very tired.)

    Today I get my hair cut.
    Tomorrow's appointment won't be nearly so much fun, though; I have to go to the
    local unemployment office, and convince them that yes, I am really looking for a
    job and yes, they should keep sending me money. Not that they send me all that
    much; good thing I have savings, because unemployment in this state is well below
    the poverty line. I suppose that's *why* I have savings. At least I can use the
    meeting to ask a few questions; I had thought I read that the benefit lasts 18
    months, but there's something else in their booklet that seems to imply it's only
    6 months. I have a master's degree and some talent with words, but I cannot
    understand the rules in the Arizona Unemployment manual. The good thing is, at
    least I know it's them being unclear, not just me being stupid.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:05 AM

    November 13, 2001

    Off to see the Big Tits

    I was a good girl today and went to the gym, where I did not only upper-body
    weights but also 3K on the erg. Almost at stud muffaletta level. However,
    considering I haven't done over 6K on the erg on any given day since I started
    considering the Concept II
    , I somehow doubt I'll ever make that.

    At any rate, I
    won't make it if we go away for either Thanksgiving or Christmas, and especially
    not if we travel for both. Rudder is talking about taking next week off so we can
    drive up to see Yellowstone and its neighboring Big Tits (Grand Tetons National
    Park, in more formal parlance). The trip sounds like fun, but I was just thinking
    how nice it would be to spend a weekend in my own bed, so I'm ambivalent.
    Especially as I would then get back, have exactly one week here, and then head off
    to Philadelphia.

    I've got a significant portion of my holiday gifts
    ready; my brother's, his girlfriend's, and my mother's are done, and my father's
    just needs to be ordered. That leaves my uncle and Rudder. However, we celebrate
    both Chanukah and Christmas, and Rudder's birthday is just before the latter, so I
    usually get him a lot of stuff. His Chanukah gifts will be small things, and
    probably mostly candy this year, but I want to get something he'd like for
    Christmas and his birthday, though without spending as much as I generally

    Turtleguy's entry href="">today is reminding me
    that I need to go to Wal-Mart soon and buy some protein bars for Rudder. The only
    thing that makes that more bearable is that I know exactly where they are and,
    though they're always busy, I can go during the day when at least they're a tiny
    bit less crowded. Also, for some reason the protein bars are in the pharmacy
    section, so I always check my blood pressure on the machine there, just in case
    it's so low I can gloat about it. Or in case it's gone up, I suppose. I'll put the
    Wal-Mart trudge off until tomorrow, though, so I can combine it with a visit to
    Cool Salon Guy. Today, I just have to visit the library, and call the person who
    was supposed to be wanting to interview me, since I have given up on her company's
    HR to get anything done in a timely fashion.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 12, 2001

    Veterans Day

    Veterans Day. Once it was Armistice Day, to remember the 11th hour of the 11th day
    of the 11th month, when the Great War, the War to End All Wars, was itself ended,
    to remember the moment when the population could settle down and rebuild for a
    glorious future in a new world founded on peace, not war. I think a lot of people
    truly believed that, at the end of 1918 after four years of one of the ugliest
    wars the world had yet seen. Now of course, we call it Veterans Day, because we
    have seen so many wars since then that it would be silly to memorialize one. Our
    idealism has faded, and here we are in another war again. They keep saying it's a
    new kind, but the dead are still just as dead, I notice. I doubt that I know
    anyone who believes this war will be our last.

    Veterans Day. Lucky thing it is, because some kids would otherwise have been in
    school in Queens, and might have been hurt or killed when the plane went down

    Veterans Day. Tragedy that it is, because some people were at home in Queens who
    might otherwise have been at work, safe from the giant aircraft whose engines
    plunged through houses, whose full load of fuel set homes on fire.

    Veterans Day. I am glad to honor those who have placed their own mortal bodies
    between their loved homes and the war's desolation. I am glad, even, to honor
    those who took the risk of doing so, whether voluntarily or via the draft. I
    believe in moments of solemnity, to ensure that courage and suffering are not
    forgotten. I just wish, though, that we had an opposite but equivalent day of
    derision, to remember with scorn those who have started the wars, those who
    committed such atrocities that war seemed to be the only answer, those who
    promoted combat for their own glory, and, not least, those who, not even believing
    in the cause, sent younger men and women off to die. What's the opposite of a
    holiday? What I have in mind is not so much a day of mourning but a day of
    scorning, of deprecation rather than celebration.

    I don't know where the moral is, or where this song should end,

    But I wonder just how many wars are fought between good friends.

    And those who give the orders, they are not the ones to die,

    It's Bell and it's O'Malley, and the likes of you and I.

    There were rose, roses, there were roses

    And the tears of the people ran together.

    -- Tommy Makem, There Were Roses

    All rights and all wrongs have long since blown away,

    For causes are ashes where children lie slain....

    -- Stan Rogers, House of Orange

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    Back again, and (I write with immense satisfaction) no more trips planned for a
    month. I get to spend weekends in my own bed. The traveling has been taking its
    toll on most of us who have been along for the four-regattas-in-three-weeks siege.
    I've definitely been feeling grumpy (though at least part of that is not getting
    to race in any but the first one) and Rudder and T2 are both showing signs of
    strain. By the time we got home last night, Rudder had a full-blown migraine and
    was telling me that if he said to pull over to the side of the road, I should do
    so immediately. He used to get bad headaches after a lot of our regattas,
    but hasn't this year; he probably didn't have enough to eat or drink yesterday,
    and I know they rowed even harder than in the previous races. The other guy who
    went along doesn't seem to be stressed, or maybe I just don't know him well enough
    to tell. He's a former Nationals champion, so maybe he's more used to the

    Now that this is all done, I need to get back on track, working
    on my book project and applying for jobs every single day (I have been applying,
    but just a few times a week). I've been a bit of a sloth the past few weeks,
    working on beading and stitching projects but otherwise mostly just getting ready
    for each trip. It's time now to get back to "normal", and, with luck, back to
    work. Though I'm sure that when that happens, I will miss having time and energy
    at my disposal, even while I'm enjoying having money again.

    href="">Concept II has posted a challenge for the
    holiday season: to do 200,000 meters on the erg between Thanksgiving and
    Christmas. I did the math, and this comes out to an average of 6060 meters a day.
    That equates to torture as far as I'm concerned, but both Rudder and Egret are
    talking about tackling it, and if they do, I will feel obliged to at least try.
    I'm putting all the peer pressure on myself, sadly; neither of them has so much as
    hinted the thought that I really should be erging more anyway. Even if I get a
    job, I can't use it as an excuse, since both of them are working. Also, I admit to
    a hint of curiosity as to what I'd look and feel like at the end of the month, if
    I did do it. The prize for succeeding is negligible, but even if I don't make the
    goal, the attempt will be good for me. *sigh*

    I have also figured out
    why not getting to row or even cox in this past weekend's race bothers me so much.
    Last week's race, where no one from my group raced except for Rudder and T2,
    didn't bother me much; after all, I could have chosen to race a single or tried to
    talk someone into doing a double with me. This last week, however, we sent eights,
    and the lineups were chosen by DI. When I got laid off, over three months ago, it
    left a big hole in my life. One thing I did still have was rowing, and that got me
    out of the house, dealing with other people, and with responsibilities to live up
    to. As a result, rowing has probably assumed a greater importance in my life than
    it would have had I been putting most of my time into a job. So when I was left
    out, not only of the rowing lineup, but even out of a coxing slot, it was as if DI
    had said, "Not only are you not good enough to keep a job, you're not good enough
    to row when it matters. You're not even good enough to just steer the boat." Even
    though I know that my layoff was no reflection on my own competence -- even though
    I think DI has the mature judgment of a rabid rodent -- even though everyone else
    my size also got left out of the lineup, that still stings.

    But now
    it's over, and I'm leaving DI's program, and I need to just concentrate on getting
    employed again, and get past it. Still though, the mere sight of DI can make me
    daydream more than any other man. Only in his case, the fantasies involve poison
    darts and small backpack-mounted missiles, or at least a swift kick.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    November 09, 2001

    my cup runneth over

    I knew there was a reason I like the Gap and it's
    more than just my essential bourgeois-ness. I just bought a 32B bra there. And
    yes, it does fit just fine, with no extra socks or even cotton balls needed. This
    does, I suspect, have something to do with all that exercise --while there, I had
    the saleschick measure me and I am officially now a 34A, up from the 32A I've been
    since I finally grew enough that I didn't need a training bra. The saleschick told
    me that she was also a 34A, but found 34B fit her better, so it's probably just
    that the Gap's bras run small. But hey, I'll take it.

    Next step:
    finding out whether, if I buy a sportsbra in a larger size, it won't cut in under
    my arms as several of mine have been doing.

    It's funny how exciting
    this is; I have honestly never minded being small-breasted (though I did mind a
    bit being completely flat, back in 7th grade when my peers considered that a fit
    subject for loud discussion). I sort of think of myself as being the convenient
    travel size. I have no divots in my shoulders. I have no upper back pain (that's
    not just due to slumping). I can go braless comfortably and often do, if my shirt
    isn't too white or too tight. I can even jump up and down without any external
    support. Yet still, I'm enough a product of my culture that going up a cup size is
    a milestone moment for me, especially since I've actually lost a few pounds
    recently so it doesn't just stem from increased plumpness.

    I am
    looking forward to telling Rudder.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    I have been outed. One of the rowers told me she'd spoken to the href="">newspaper photographer
    when he came out to take some photos at practice on Wednesday. He told her about
    online diaries, and this one in particular -- the word he used was "hilarious",
    she said. So if you're reading this and you're anyone from rowing,

    That's all right -- when the reporter originally interviewed me,
    she asked if it was all right to use my name in her article. When I told her she
    could, I made my decision about going public. Anyway, some of the things I've
    written may be biased -- it's a personal diary, after all -- but I've always tried
    to tell truth as I saw it, even to pointing out other possible

    The photographer came out to practice today, as
    well; DI had told him he could ride the coaches' launch. I was surprised at how
    well his flash seemed to illuminate us, since most of the row is pre-dawn at this
    time of year. Nice camera.

    Today's practice was light, because most
    people (but not me, damn and blast it) are racing this weekend, but fun. We did
    several "leapfrog" races -- row the boat for 10 hard strokes, then balance it,
    with oars off the water, and see which boat goes farther. The women's eight beat
    the men's almost every time (except once when we had some major crabbing going on)
    mostly because we can balance better, It's a matter of center of gravity; I've
    noticed that men, especially burly ones, fall in the lake more often when rowing
    tippy single sculls.

    The rest of today will just be for packing and
    then driving to San Diego. Wish Rudder luck in his race, his fourth in three

    Next weekend we get to stay home -- yay! I've decided to go to
    Philadelphia for a weekend next month, to celebrate my mother's 60th birthday and
    my brother's 30th, only three days apart. Besides, his girlfriend invited me to a
    30th birthday party, and my parents are being weird about not being invited. I may
    be useful to have on hand, to keep explaining why one wouldn't necessarily want to
    invite one's parents to a drunken writer sort of bash.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    November 08, 2001

    Just do it....or not?

    Holy shit, I need to do collabs more often. Thirty-three readers yesterday, and it
    was a slow week up 'til then.

    Again this morning, I couldn't convince
    myself to go to the gym. So I didn't: I did 2500 meters on the erg, a short
    callisthenic routine, a few weights with some little dumbbells we have around, and
    some stretching. I really ought to do the stretching no matter what else I do or
    don't do on any given day.

    This is consonant with my view of exercise
    in general: you have to know when not to force it. Some days, your body says, "No,
    no gym, please!" Some days it's best to Just Do It (one of the better motivational
    slogans for athletes, because thinking too much about exercise can turn you into a
    couch potato, stat). But other days, giving yourself a break can help prevent more
    serious burnout in the long run. So you fool your body, by changing up: it cries
    at the thought of the gym, so you put on an aerobics tape at home. Or you cop out
    of a rowing machine workout and swim laps instead. Some days, I don't mind the gym
    but I'm bored with my routine, and all I need is to try out a new weight machine.

    Certainly, if you're training for a for a specific challenge you may
    need to force things -- when training for a marathon, you will need to force
    yourself to run a certain amount of distance. Even then, though, a little bit of
    cross training may be a good thing.

    And some days, extra sleep will
    do your mind and body more good than all the exercise in the world. This one
    should be used with extreme discretion, however.

    Today, not going to
    the gym, coupled with a light workout yesterday (we were doing drills, rowing by
    sixes with square blades, so we in bow pair ended up sitting out a lot) left me
    with n unexpected burst of energy. I did a much faster erg time than usual, and
    plan to get more done today than I have been. All this weekend traveling has left
    me a bit tired and lazy during the week. I really need to be more diligent about
    the job applications, especially since the company that wanted to do the phone
    interview still hasn't called back. On Monday I spoke to the HR person, who
    had been out a lot last week and who had consequently sat on my app for almost a
    full week -- this after telling me they were in a hurry to bring someone in before
    the holidays. Grrr.

    Otherwise, now that the siege of regattas is
    ending, I've decided to go to Philadelphia for my brother's 30th birthday party --
    except I just realized that conflicts with a small regatta out here. Oops. Oh

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 06, 2001


    Overheard on NPR:

    Caller, speaking about a reporter's story of
    getting a protesting Afghani man to give him his "Americans are evil hellions"
    sign: "When he was so surprised at the warmth of the Afghani people, it just goes
    to show you that even well-educated liberals can be arrogant about other

    Show host: "Well, he was at a Death to America rally!"

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Dichroic-centric, in word and image

    Well, this should be interesting. For that article in the local paper about
    people who keep online diaries, now they want to have a photographer come in later
    this morning and photograph me working on my computer. Yeah, there's a Pulitzer
    prize subject. This is apparently in addition to photos of me rowing and doing
    some of the other shit I write about -- I don't quite know where they're going to
    put all these pictures, since I can't imagine it will be all that big a story. I
    suppose they just want to take several shots so that they have some choice. It
    will be particularly interesting to see how this photographer is going to fit a
    camera into my tiny space here, me and my laptop sandwiched between the old
    Macintosh and a large black file cabinet. I have a hunch it will involve me moving
    the laptop and working somewhere else. Which is fine, but in the name of
    journalistic integrity, I would just like to state that if you see the article and
    it shows me working anywhere other than in a tiny cramped section of the desk,
    that picture was posed.

    Today's entry is going to be short, because
    for obvious reasons, I need to do a bit of straightening up around

    This morning, I forced myself to do 6000 meters on the erg.
    Really, it should have been 10000m, or else included some weight lifting, but it
    was one of those mornings where the body was whining, "I don't wanna!" It took me
    half an hour and a couple of chapters of Agatha Christie to even get out of bed.
    The first 3000m were pure dragging torture, even with stops for a swig of water
    every 1000m. It wasn't until after that that I finally got into the swing of it,
    was able to convince myself to go longer without a break, and started bringing
    down my split times. Probably, I should have done 10K at that point, but by then
    the news show I was watching started to repeat.

    When I was young, I
    was taught that it is bad form to use the word "I" too often. Am I the only one
    who finds that very difficult to follow in writing a diary, or should I just give
    up and accept that this is an exercise in solipsism? Or am I just hopelessly self-

    Average "I" count for today's entry: 4.25 per paragraph.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:16 AM

    November 05, 2001

    when they retire from baseball...

    !!!!!!!!!!YEAH DIAMONDBACKS!!!!!!!!!!!

    This weekend was more busy
    than restful, and depressing for me since I didn't get to race. Still, the race on
    Saturday, at Marina del Rey, had a nice brunch afterwards, where we got to hook up
    with some of the people we only see at regattas, so that was nice. I also spent
    part of the day hanging out with Carney Johnson, who was celebrating his 91st
    birthday and who has been rowing for 70 years. He's something of a legend in
    California rowing circles. Sunday's race at Newport Beach was large and very
    crowded, on a nice race course that stretched from a protected inlet out to the
    ocean. Rudder and T2 came in 2nd on Saturday, 3rd on Sunday against stiff
    competition. Next weekend: San Diego Fall Classic. There is some possibility I may
    get to cox a boat for another club.

    The high points of my weekend,
    though, had to deal with another sport entirely. Nothing for me will ever beat the
    Phillies' winning the World Series in 1980, in their first championship after more
    than 90 years of major league ball, or Tug McGraw's incredible relief pitching in
    that series. Still, this came close -- I've heard sportscasters already calling it
    one of the most exciting Series ever. On Saturday evening, we managed to find a
    table at the local Outback with a good view of the bar TVs. This gave us a vantage
    point to watch the Diamondbacks CRUSH the Yankees, 15-2. Eight runs in one inning,
    I think there wonder Joe Torre looked so pissed off whenever the
    cameras caught him. We watched there until the sixth inning or so, then watched
    the D-Backs hold the score to the end of the game. What a relief after those games
    in New York.

    Last night, we stayed up to watch the end of the game,
    afraid to turn the TV off -- during both the fourth and fifth games, we'd gone to
    sleep, comfortable with our team's 2-run lead, only to find out Brenly had sent
    Kim in as relief pitcher and he'd allowed the Yanks to win the game. Twice in a
    row. Jesus H. Christ. Staying up last night was rewarded, as we got to see that
    incredible bottom half of the 9th inning, when Gonzo brought that runner home to
    win the game for us. Schilling's pitching for most of the game was incredible -- I
    think he'd only allowed one hit up through about the 6th inning. And then Johnson,
    realizing there was nothing to save up for, stepping in after playing last night -
    - now there's a man who is fortunate to have so much talent, because he'd never
    get by on looks alone.

    Whenever I look at our local MVPs, though, I keep thinking both should be in the
    movies. I see Schilling in a comedy, playing John Goodman's younger brother. Even
    in the tense moments of a World Series Game 7, his mouth looks like it's used to
    curving in humor. The rangier, more withdrawn Johnson always reminds me of Zane
    Gray's lean cowboy heroes -- I imagine him as the hero's stern and silent
    sidekick, the guy who'll watch your back in a brawl or shoot a rattlesnake (OK,
    not a diamondbacked one) before you see it. And he'd probably die, heroically,
    saving a girl who loved someone else, before the end of the movie.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    November 02, 2001

    What's a bearfoot beau?

    We have *got* to stop turning off the baseball game to get to sleep on time. Last
    night was the second in a row that we went to bed with the Diamondbacks in the
    lead, only to find out they'd brought in Kim as cleanup pitcher and lost the game.
    I am beginning to not like him very much.

    I'm also getting a little annoyed with the Yankees' blatant bid for sympathy. To
    my thinking, "People died in our city so we morally deserve to win the World
    Series," is not a valid syllogism.

    This morning, I admit to being a complete bum. I skipped rowing and got to sleep
    all the way to 5 AM. But there are extenuating circumstances: I got up, put in my
    contact lenses, got dressed, and realized my gut was slightly upset. (Details
    withheld as a public service.) It wasn't that bad and I was about to head out
    anyway, until I realized there was no point. Because I'm not in the boat for the
    next big race, I would only have rowed half a practice anyway, or taken out my
    single. I did a 45 minute erg piece yesterday (are you impressed? you should be)
    and besides, there was a warm, sleeping, barely-dressed man right upstairs I could
    be lying next to. The boys rowed a little yesterday and put the boat on top of the
    truck to save time today, so that Rudder could get to work earlier and, with luck,
    leave earlier. Therefore, Rudder was actually sleeping in, for once. At that
    point, common sense kicked in and I went back to bed. And enjoyed it, though I
    only got back to sleep right before the alarm went off.

    Got an interesting phone call yesterday. The woman who interviewed me about online
    diaries a few weeks ago wants to send a photographer out next week to take
    pictures of me doing some of the things I write about -- rowing, shopping for
    beads, going out for a drink. The rowing program, the bead store, and the bar
    won't mind the free publicity, though I did check with three I'm most likely to go
    out drinking with to be sure they don't mind. But this will necessarily publicize
    this site to the rowers and coaches. I may need to write only nice things about
    them for a week or so. :-)

    There's not much reason to complain about the coaches now, anyway. Yesterday, I
    sent out a note to all the women in the lightweight four, telling them I would be
    dropping out of the program. Leaving that boat is my only real regret about the
    change -- I will still be rowing, just in my single or with the other local club.
    There is a dim possibility that we may revive the four under the auspices of the
    other club, though I don't know how likely it is. Rudder and T2 are also likely
    to leave, and possibly Egret and others. If that happens, perhaps the city will
    notice and finally do something about DI. Or perhaps not.

    That was rowing, now to books. I am reading Barbara Michaels' A Stitch in
    . All I keep thinking is, "I bet href="">Caerula loves this book." She's both a
    quilter and a Michaels fan, so that doesn't take any extraordinary insight. Before
    that, I read a couple of Maud Hart Lovelace's Betsy books -- two of the high
    school ones. I've always sort of liked the concept, where the series goes from
    books for and about little girls to books for and about high-schoolers. The two I
    read are set in about 1908-09, and it's funny, but some of the references are to
    things I've known all my life, like some of the songs:

    School days, school days, dear old golden rule days,

    Reading and writing and 'rithmetic, learned to the tune of a hick'ry stick.

    You were my queen in calico, I was your bashful barefoot beau

    You rode on my sleigh and I loved you so, when we were a couple of kids.

    My grandparents, born around when Betsy was in school, used to sing that with me.
    (I always thought it was "bashful bearfoot beau".) Some of the references were to
    things I've only recently encountered, as when Betsy's little sister Margaret
    receives a copy of Mary Ware, the Little Colonel's Friend. And there were a
    few implements mentioned that I didn't recognize at all, and don't remember now.

    The mores were also interesting -- the gradual switch form horses to cars, the
    rules by which a good girl wouldn't even hold hands with a boy, the friendly
    attitude toward Germans on the eve of WWI. That last is especially interesting in
    books first published around 1946. It looks deliberate -- Tib Muller, who had
    moved away, invites Betsy for a visit to the very German Milwaukee, and then moves
    back into town. Was Lovelace working toward a reconciliation, or just lamenting an
    easier time?

    Posted by dichroic at 06:07 AM

    November 01, 2001

    a whole day ahead

    Ahhhh, sloth. This morning I skipped the gym, slept in, and ate actual breakfast
    food for breakfast. (Well, ok, it was instant oatmeal. Close enough.) I'm still
    wearing a bathrobe, at a time when, if I were working, I would be there already.
    Later on, I keep telling myself, I will do 5000m on the erg. That may even be

    I have no plans for the day, because yesterday I was so
    reckless as to do my librarying and grocery shopping on the same day. Even more
    recklessly, I did all this after I had lunch with my old friend Homer and his wife
    (Marge? But that doesn't really fit her. Hmmm. I'd change his name to Jimbert --
    he sometimes signs emails that way -- so then she, another engineer, could be
    Alice, but he occasionally calls me Alice, so that would be too weird.) We ate at
    a newly-opened local brewpub, part of a chain, that has a huge menu and even huger
    portions. I had a beer with lunch on the principle that it would be immoral not
    to, since I don't have to go back to work and so for once I can indulge without

    Normally, I spread my errands out so that I have at least one
    thing planned to get me out of the house each day. Today, I may be reduced to
    going out on purpose only to gas up my truck. I love my truck; it's a little red
    four-wheel-drive Toyota pickup that handles beautifully off-road and had good
    manners in traffic. However, I don't quite love it enough to make feeding it the
    high point of my day. I suppose I will have to either visit a bead store -- I have
    a new idea for the charm bracelet I want to make for my mother's birthday -- or
    searching for a belt clip for my cell phone. Or both.

    Or I could lay
    on the couch, read and embroider all day. Or not -- too boring. I won't pack for
    this weekend's trip, because I'll have plenty of time for that tomorrow. Or I
    could be a very good girl and work on the book project I've neglected for a month,
    or ask the local stores to sell my beadwork, or....something.... I'll probably end
    up somewhere between the extremes of industry and sloth.

    But there's
    a whole day ahead of me, and you never know.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 31, 2001

    advent of the sweater season

    So the current prognosis is that I will not be in a boat in the San Diego race. A
    brief recap: I discussed it with DI, and he wanted me to cox it. Then he sent out
    a lineup in which he had Hardcore and someone I'd never heard of listed as
    coxswains. Then Hardcore said she would not be going (because if she can't row,
    she'd prefer to put her new bathroom floor in) but pointed out that I would be
    there. Today, DI told me that he'd put in a junior cox because they have "more
    experience", which is crap since a) I was coxing races when some of those kids
    were in diapers, literally, and b) I've actually coxed this exact race, which has
    a tricky course, last year. So I have sent a note to the other local rowing
    program, in which I've had a membership since before there was a lake out here, to
    say I am available if they need an extra coxswain or rower. And I've reminded
    myself that I am out of this program and away from DI's dickheadedness at the end
    of this session, a month or less away.

    Meanwhile, in better news, I'm
    having lunch today with my old work buddy Home, who has been lucky enough to
    survive the recent layoffs at his company. This is a very good thing, because he
    loves working there. It's one with a very strong company culture, and people tend
    to either love it or hate it. He told me once that he plans to stay there until he
    retires, a "love it" if I've ever heard one.

    And Queue just told me
    she has contacts at one of the companies I talked to yesterday, one where I'd
    really like to work. They do small and unmanned satellites. They've got my resume
    from yesterday, but I'll send it to her too -- never hurts to explore all the

    I need someone to hire me, or better yet, just give me large
    sums of money without requiring work in return. Fall always makes me want to buy
    new clothes., not that I actually need any.

    Oh, and I finished a necklace that will be my sister-un-law's Christmas gift (not
    the Evil one, the cool one who lives with my brother). I don't think she reads
    this, so I might post a picture, as it's very very pretty. (K, if you read this,
    let me know and I'll make you wait [evil grin])

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 30, 2001

    space is stable?

    Today's job fair was far better than the previous two. There were a good five
    companies that were worth my time to stand in line for. The grand total of 16
    companies present, however, was a far cry from the large and crowded room of other
    years. Amusingly enough, most of the companies there hiring were military and/or
    space contractors. When those are the most profitable and stable companies, you
    know the economy's in a very, very deep hole.

    On the other hand,
    this might be where my years working for NASA and DoD contractors finally do me
    some good. It would be kind of fun to work on the design of unmanned spacecraft --
    I might even actually get to use that master's degree in space

    If any of them ever call me, that is.

    spending about an hour and a half standing in various lines, I walked over in my
    tight shoes to have lunch with Egret, who works out that way. She has now seen a
    sight previously granted to very few people in Arizona: me in a suit. And
    pantyhose, even. She stood the shock well though; I suppose after someone has
    listened to your dry
    , anything else is an anticlimax.

    After that, I drove way
    out to the east side of town to drop off an application form to my once and maybe
    future employer, which gave me a chance to appreciate anew, and still in tight
    shoes, just how big that parking lot really is. Even the visitor's spaces are a
    trudge away from the main building. The scariest part of all, on this campus of
    several buildings and thousands of employees, was that the receptionist recognized

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    things might could be a'changin'

    I think I actually covered most of the major parts of the Austin trip in my last
    entry. We did get to see a couple of guys we knew from our old rowing club in
    Houston, but not for all that long, since they decided to head home right after
    the race.

    Apparently, Egret had a small encounter with jealousy on
    the flight there. I think it was just because T2 Hatfield is so good for her she
    can't believe other women wouldn't all want him. Still, it surprised me a little,
    because T2 is one of the most trustworthy guys I know -- possibly not up to
    Rudder's level, but who is? Not that I'm biased or anything. I figure, if some
    other woman is talking to Rudder, either she's just being nice and I don't have to
    worry, or she's hitting on him and I should pity her because I know he's coming
    home to me. I don't think Egret has to worry. There used to be far more women than
    men in our rowing program, and T2 ended up with her, not any of the rest of

    As usual, I'm mad at DI. Not only did he not put me in a boat
    for the race in San Diego, but after a whole conversation in which he actually
    made me say I wanted to cox that race (generally, people ask it as a favor), he
    sent out a lineup that didn't include me. He had Hardcore coxing the women's
    eight, though, and I don't think she wants to go if she can't row, so I may end up
    in a boat anyway. Or I may be able to row or cox in a pickup boat out there.
    However, I have decided not to re-enroll in this rowing program, so now when DI
    annoys me, I remind myself it's not for much longer. I'm just tired of dealing
    with his shit.

    Later this morning, I have to go to another job fair.
    Though the prior two were exceedingly lame, I have higher expectations this time
    because this one is specifically oriented toward high-tech jobs. There will
    actually be companies there that I want to talk to, several of

    Meanwhile, I'm supposed to be getting called to set up a phone
    interview for the large aerospace company I worked for a couple of years ago. Two
    of the worst things, the boredom and the long commute, will be different due to a
    different job assignment and a new highway. The cafeteria will still be mediocre,
    I'll still have to pay $2.50 a month to drink from the water cooler(!), and
    I'll still have a 5-10 minute walk in from the parking lot. On the other hand,
    there are people there I want to work with again. The guy I loved sharing an
    office with at the last job had previously worked at this other company too, and
    is there again now. A friend from my very first job in this state started there
    shortly before I left, and is probably still there. And though I'd prefer to be a
    contractor rather than an employee, if that's not an option, this company has the
    best education benefits I've ever seen, and I've been wanting to start on another

    Of course, they haven't even set up the interview yet, so
    there's not really much point even considering pros and cons at this point. And
    with a lot of luck, I'll end up with other options from today's job fair and will
    be able to pick the best one.

    All good vibes sent this way will be
    much appreciated!

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    October 29, 2001

    hey, it's good to be back home again....

    We're back from Austin, and after 17 hours driving each way, I'm nowhere near
    caught up on reading lists or diaries, and way too tired to do a
    comprehensive entry here. Here's the (relatively) short version,

    We got to Austin earlier than planned, and got to unload the
    boats and take a nap before having dinner with the Rudder's brother and the Evil
    Sister-in-Law. ESIL was on her good behavior, though, and was quite pleasant aside
    from some fairly nauseating interaction with the dogs (yes, lots of people baby-
    talk to and for their dogs, but not constantly). And there was the time she
    complimented herself for being so laid back as not to be upset when one of the
    dogs ate a pound of barbequed turkey they'd gotten for dinner. Fortunately, they'd
    also gotten enough brisket to go around, so that wasn't a major

    On Friday, we met up with T2 and Egret and did practice rows.
    Saturday was the race -- T2 and Rudder beat everyone else in their race by a good
    two minutes. Egret and I came in third of three. Apparently I'm still not quite
    well -- it's really better if you can wait until after the race to get dry heaves,
    rather than having them during your final sprint. I did manage to keep rowing, but
    certainly not at full pressure. Poor Egret had to listen to me, which couldn't
    have been pleasant. We got to see the BIL again when he came out to watch, but the
    ESIL stayed home because of her "separation anxiety" vis a vis the dogs -- they
    were about to leave on a three day cruise.

    We were really too tired
    for Sixth Street, but had an excellent dinner-and-beer outing to the Bitter End
    brewpub and then to the Ginger Man -- Rudder, T2, and I all have fond memories of
    its Houston branch. Egret's a baseball fan of almost D's caliber, and talked both
    places into putting the World Series on their TVs, so we also got to watch our
    Diamondbacks kick some serious Yankee ass.

    Rudder and I have spent
    the last two days driving home. I'm starving, and this has been a lot more
    comprehensive than I expected, so that's all for now.

    Except to say
    that Mechaieh sent me the
    coolest postcard from Boston. I don't have a scanner, but it shows Donald
    coxing a exhausted Mickey and Goofy on the Charles.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 23, 2001

    what goes down must come up

    For some reason, shopping today was totally depressing. Part of it was suddenly
    thinking of myself as a housewife in the middle of it (note to people who stay
    home on purpose: it may not be depressing in and of itself, but it is when it just
    mean that no employer wants you). Part of it was realizing afterward that I now
    have about $20 in my checking account (the unemployment check should have been
    in today's mail but wasn't). This is not nearly as bad as having only $20
    total in the bank, but it is still a minor shock. And the worst part was how
    excited I got that my store's frequent shopper card, or whatever they call that
    program, had saved me $12. That made me feel like I was turning into my mom, a
    chronic and enthusiastic coupon clipper, as if next thing I knew I'd be dying my
    hair auburn, driving badly, and living in Northeast Philadelphia.

    Fortunately, my bad mood didn't last too long, because right
    after I got home, the phone rang, and it was a real life employer! This is only a
    first tentative step; next there will be a phone interview and only then a real
    one, but still, I feel so much better.

    And tomorrow we're off to
    Austin, to hang out with new and old friends, row fast, and spend Hallowe'en on
    Sixth St. And between here and there I get to spend quality time with Rudder, both
    of us conscious and in the same place at the same time. Life is good again.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    rejected, dejected

    DI announced that tomorrow and Friday, we will be doing time trials to see who
    will be racing in the San Diego Fall Classic. Except, that is, for those of us
    with erg times slower than 24 minutes for 5000 meters. That would be me,
    Pigtails, and the girl who crabbed so many times yesterday. It's not a coincidence
    that Pigtails and I are two of the smallest people in the program; Hardcore is
    tiny, but she's, well, hardcore, and Egret is a bit taller. Still, that's not
    really an excuse; while my erg times will never be anything to brag about, it's
    true that more dedicated work would bring them down at least a little. On the
    other hand, Hardcore and Egret's times are more where mine should be, but they're
    still among the slower ones; there's simply a limit to what the body can do.

    But if DI is going to run the program so that I'll never get to
    compete, then that's another reason for me to pull out of it. The thing I've
    always liked most about club rowing is that anyone who wants to, can, but it's
    true that the high-level competitive programs, such as he would like this one to
    be, are run more like a college program. The coach picks who gets to race, and the
    faster ones are chosen, period.

    He's completely within his rights on
    this one, but I will admit here that my little feelings are hurt. If my attitude
    were better, I would merely take this as a sign that I haven't been working hard
    enough and should be doing more erg pieces until I can bring my times down. And
    it's true, I should. It is discouraging, though, when I've been lifting weights
    and doing at least little warm-up erg pieces all year. I've done something like
    160000 meters total, since I started keeping track last March, but for comparison
    purposes, Rudder has probably done over 300000m for the year to date. He's a lot
    more dedicated than I am.

    Meanwhile, I've revamped my resume based on
    some advice from D. The new version goes against a lot of what I was told by the
    career counseling guy that my old job paid for (who went over my resume, provided
    a list of job sites on the web, and did little else for me). Since that version of
    my resume seemed to attract very little notice, however, I think it make be time I
    took someone else's advice.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    fudge, sinuses, and beads (but not all at once)

    Reporting in, as usual.

    The fudge didn't work out too well. I haven't
    tasted it yet, because I was waiting for it to set, but I'm not sure that will
    ever happen. At the moment, it dents when you touch it, like slightly underdone
    brownies. If I ever try it again, I'll use heavy cream; this time I used half-and-
    half partly because that seemed a reasonable compromise between the heavy cream
    that Mark Bittman's How to Cook Anything called for and the "rich milk"
    (what the fuck is that?) listed in the Joy of Cooking. Also, the cream I
    had, though only a couple days out of date, was chunky (ewwww) so I had to run to
    the corner drugstore and they only carried half-and-half. Then, after fudge cools,
    you are supposed to beat it vigorously with a wooden spoon until it loses its
    sheen; I gave up on this part about 2 minutes before my arm would have fallen off.
    I suspect this soi-disant fudge will taste OK, but it might have to be eaten with
    a spoon. The brisket was good, though.

    The Joy of Cooking has
    always been my staple cook book. These days I'm leaning more to the use of How
    to Cook Anything
    because its recipes tend to be simpler, yet it's just as
    exhaustive. I still don't quite trust it entirely, though, so I tend to check back
    against the JoC. In this case, Bittman's book won out, because its instructions
    (not to mention the ingredient list -- "rich milk indeed!) were clearer. I've also
    had good results with Sundays at Moosewood but that's more of a specialty
    book. It has vegetarian versions of a wide range of ethnic

    I've got crap in my sinuses. It's either a cold, a
    sinus infection, or a reaction to the changing weather. Hard to tell, at this
    point. It's only bothering me above the neck, and I can still breathe, at least.
    WARNING: disgusting subject below!

    But sinus
    clogs, at least for me, lead to much puffing out the nose, eventually rewarded by
    a clot of gunk flying into a tissue. Sometimes the gunk flies on its own, and then
    I'd better have a tissue nearby or risk grossing out anyone in sight. It's one of
    those bodily functions, like taking a good shit, that's oddly rewarding but best
    carried out in private.

    ---Disgusting section over

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    October 22, 2001

    Seventeen times!!!

    One of the juniors, W, has been rowing with us, because she can't make the junior
    practice time. Today she coxed the first half of practice. The rowing was ok,
    though not great; it felt otherwise all right, but I couldn't get my oar off the
    water because the boat was down to my side. She seemed to have very little idea of
    what a coxswain says; I've seen other people that bad and I still can't figure out
    how someone can respond to a cox, day after day after day, and still not be able
    to tell people how to put a boat in the water.

    But it was after she
    swapped into the boat that we really had trouble. She caught a crab (got her blade
    stuck under water) seventeen times. SEVENTEEN TIMES!!!! And when I say seventeen,
    I don't mean "some vague number and it seemed like a lot", I mean I counted
    seventeen and I may even have missed a couple. We had to stop for four of them,
    during the piece. Jesus Christ.

    The other 783 strokes (30 minutes at
    a rate of 21 strokes per minute, plus paddling it in to the beach afterwards), she
    didn't crab because her oar was hardly in the water at all. I will say that, after
    about the first ten, she got very good at recovering from a


    I have a gazillion things to do to get ready
    for our trip: shopping, trying to find a cheap cell phone service, getting
    audiobooks out of the library, cleaning before our catsitter The Immaculate
    Housekeeper comes in, packing. As well as some things I don't need to do but want
    to: checking out the newly-opened mall down the block, getting supplies to make
    Mom's birthday gift. Actually, I do need to go to the mall, really, to get the
    fishnet stockings Egret and I want to wear for Hallowe'en. Besides, there might be
    a selection of cell phone places there.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 21, 2001

    Had fun

    Good party last night. Did a race piece with Egret this morning. Very tired and
    stiff, fingers shredded, can't type.

    Back to bed, maybe.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 20, 2001

    what am I, chopped liver?

    I'm convinced some of the drugs the nurse practitioner gave me yesterday don't
    interact well. There were no warnings in the sample he gave me, so it's hard to
    tell. He said the nasal spray was find to take with Nyquil, but there is a
    website, and it implies there may be a problem. I'm going to find a pharmacist
    later on and ask. The main problem was that I was awake for what felt like half of
    last night. Maybe it was just the Sudafed not having worn off yet.

    Despite the insomnia, I woke up feeling a bit better. Egret and I
    had a good row in the double this morning. I wasn't quite up to doing race pieces,
    but we did alternating power tens and twenties for one length of the lake (that
    was 10 strokes at full pressure, hard as we could row, 10 at half pressure, 20 at
    full, 20 at half, repeat), and then did a short piece at a head race pace just to
    see what that would feel like, since we had never done that before. She
    overpowered me during the head piece, but I'm blaming that on the virus.

    Yosemite Sam told us afterwards that it's just because she's
    stronger than I am, but I don't think that's quite it, or at least not usually.
    She probably is stronger, but just by a little bit. Where Egret normally outdoes
    me is in endurance. Our times for short erg pieces are closer than those for long
    erg pieces; she can get in a zone and just go for hours without slackening her
    pace, whereas I have almost no natural endurance. I've built some up, of course,
    but I think it's far easier for me to build strength and flexibility than
    endurance. I've often read that women typically have more endurance than men, and
    once again, they forgot to count me.

    This is probably on a par with
    Land's End lengthening the rise on their pants so that they will fit "real women".
    They come up to my neck. If those are for real women, what do they think I am,

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 19, 2001

    sick report

    According to the nurse practitioner, I have both a virus that's going around and
    allergies. I don't usually get more than vague snifflies in allergy season (and
    even that's only a recent occurrence) but apparently this is the worst allergy
    year anyone out here can remember. He did give me some drugs, Sudafed and a nose
    spray, and said I should be feeling better in three days or so.

    also said strenuous exercise wouldn't hurt anything, so I expect to be out in the
    double with Egret tomorrow morning. At least, now that it's fixed I do. Wednesday
    at practice, the double and the men's eight collided, putting a hole in the side
    of the latter. Yosemite Sam said the eight had the right of way, but that seemed
    unlikely, and anyway Rudder and T2 were curious, having encountered a similar
    situation in last year's San Diego Fall Classic regatta, so they queried a USRA
    official, who confirmed that YSam was wrong. It was a tight turn though, and a
    tricky situation, and they could also have stopped -- after all, it was only a
    practice race. Rudder and T2 aren't angry at Execurower, who was coxing the eight,
    and who and doesn't have much coxing experience.

    Meanwhile, Coach DI
    said he'd fix the double, at least well enough to race next weekend. He told me in
    am email in the middle of yesterday that it would be ready this morning. So of
    course the boys get there only to find the job is only half done, and spend the
    rest of the practice period finishing fixing their boat. Ugh. DI talks a lot about
    honor and integrity, but seems to entirely miss the concept that both pretty much
    mean doing the things you say you'll do.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Being Ill

    Today, I have finally given in to Being Ill, as opposed to doing all my normal
    stuff but feeling like crap and whining a lot. I am still in my bathrobe. I
    skipped rowing practice and stayed in bed until 8:30 (considering the alarm
    normally goes off at 4:10 on Fridays, that's later than it sounds). I have made a
    doctor's appointment for later this morning. If they're lucky, I'll shower before

    It's not that I'm really all that terribly sick. I have no
    fever and my throat is just sore enough to make me a trifle disinclined to swallow
    or talking more than necessary. It's not one of those killer sore throats where
    everything is so swollen that you keep worrying about how to breathe past all the
    obstructions. I've been able to sleep relatively well, thanks to Nyquil. It's just
    that I've been like this for about four days, growing a tiny bit worse each day,
    and I'm more than ready to start feeling better soon. I figure it's probably not
    strep or a sinus infection, and thus not likely to be curable, but maybe the
    doctor will be able to prescribe some good drugs that will at least mask the

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    October 18, 2001

    and so to.....

    The Sudafed kicked in, and I did enjoy a nice, though short, hike as well as a lot
    of conversation about being unemployed and job prospects (very few in my case, a
    few more in hers, which is good, as I think she's much worse off financially).

    I've about decided not to go see a doctor about whatever's wrong
    with me, since basically all I have are stuffed-up sinuses, a minor sore throat,
    and sore and swollen tonsils. I don't have any fever at all, which makes it more
    likely this is a cold and less likely it's a sinus infection that a doctor could
    do something about.

    For the rest of today, I can either do some
    cleaning, and work on my book proposal and book review project, or I can go back
    to bed. Any guesses as to most probably outcome?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    the beer didn't help

    Huh. Turns out two beers in a deceptively loud brewpub were not the proper
    medication for my sinus thing. Who knew?

    They were good beers,
    though, and the manager and the brewer kept stopping by and letting us give them
    shit, and the waitress was funny and amused by us, and the food was tasty, and a
    good time was had by all. Also, the waitress, a math major, mentioned that she'd
    been interviewing for an intern position in a local company I'd never heard of,
    that might also be hiring some of us older non-intern types. So I even got a job
    tip out of it.

    In the middle of the night, though, I woke up with a
    throat sorer than it had been, and a desperate need to blow my nose many, many
    times. I didn't want to wake Rudder, so I moved to the spare bedroom and read and
    blew my nose alternately for a couple of hours.

    In the next hour and
    a half, I need to decide whether I'm going to go hiking with a fellow laid-off
    former IIS employee or call to cancel. Somehow, hiking seems like less effort than
    trying to find the perfect moment to call, after she's woken up and before she's
    left, before she's spent too much time scrambling around looking for her water
    bottle and hiking boots. Besides, we probably won't exert ourselves too much and
    some fresh air might help. Anyway, this is one of the people who was exiled to
    Worcester, MA, with me last winter (see the first month of entries in this diary)
    and I haven't seen her since she was laid off, several weeks before I was.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 17, 2001

    pizza, guilt, and erg times

    Well, I felt enough better to go to rowing this morning, though I did ask to cox.
    That turned out to be a good thing, because even though Wednesday is supposed to
    be drill day, DI and YSam had us doing a 5000m race piece. Those two would be a
    lot easier to deal with if they ever said one thing and then stuck to it; instead,
    we never know what to expect. I think it's at least partially a memory issue, but
    that's not all of it.

    I was fairly impressed with how the women's
    eight I was coxing did -- there was some real power in that boat. The set and
    timing could have been better, but they could also have been much worse.
    Unfortunately, the men's eight managed to collide with Rudder and T2's double.
    Actually, the eight apparently had the right of way. It should b fixable in time
    for our race in Austin, but Egret and I won't get our planned and desperately-
    needed practice in tomorrow. With luck, we might get to row it

    After the 5000m piece, we knocked off for the day. This meant
    I didn't get to row at all, so I had to erg when I got home. Yuck. Interestingly,
    I wasn't trying to pull all that hard because of being sick, but my time was only
    about a minute over my best. A little more speed makes a big difference in

    It turned out sending the extra beadwork in with Rudder was
    a mistake. They chose to buy the necklace and earrings I'd made for myself, and
    sent back the one I rushed to finish on Monday. Oops, bad decision on my part. I'm
    not crazy about the one they didn't take, so I'll either take it apart and reuse
    the beads or else try again to sell it closer to Christmas. I feel bad though;
    Rudder gave them the necklace, and collected the money for it before the
    company announced their planned layoffs. I'd offer to give the money back, but
    they already presented the necklace to their boss. I imagine anyone laid off today
    will be regretting his or her share in that present.

    Tonight, instead
    of the usual Wednesday night Mexican food outing, we're dragging T2 and Egret to
    the opening party for a new brewpub, in the about-to-open mall down the road. It's
    part of a chain, and we think we ate at one last time we were in Long Beach. Good
    beer and good pizza, less than two miles away -- woohoo!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 16, 2001

    on Bloom (Harold, not Molly)

    Reading Harold Bloom's The Western Canon leaves me with one conviction:
    Bloom must spend a lot of time awake at 3 in the morning. His conception of
    Shakespeare as the ideal writer, unapproached by any before or after, the center
    of all Western thought and literature, strikes me as the kind of epiphany one does
    have at that hour, and usually repents at a more sober time of day. I'm not trying
    to diminish Shakespeare's genius or influence, but Bloom's adoration of Master
    Will is so near idolatry as to be embarrassing.

    I am a little
    hesitant in disagreeing with Bloom's premise, since he is so much better read than
    I am, but I so often find myself wanting to just tell him to get a grip, and maybe
    check out some of the world outside the ivory tower. His writing so often seems
    obfuscatory, also, though it may just be that all those "authentic tropes" and
    suchlike phraseology are merely instances of lit-crit jargon with I admit an
    engineer's lack of familiarity.

    I keep wondering, also, when someone
    will finally admit that revisionist scholarship does not necessarily have to mean
    trashing all the works of Dead White European Males (DWEMs). I happen to think
    that the conditions that kept so many women from expressing themselves were
    deplorable and in desperate need of correction. I applaud attempts to show what
    women's lives were like, to find female writers behind male pseudonyms, and to
    take seriously writers whose works were considered second-class because the
    author's gender or intended audience. Still, even if Shakespeare's sister could
    have been as brilliant, were she only given the opportunity to write, that doesn't
    diminish his works in any way, or make them less worthy of study.

    would condemn Bloom for stereotyping, in assuming that anyone who disagrees with
    him must be a member of what he styles the School of Resentment -- Marxists,
    Feminists, New Historicists -- and must mindlessly espouse the groupthink of that
    school, except that I have read in so many other places that the current state of
    academic literary criticism really is that moribund. Sad, if true, though I still
    find it hard to believe. I've met so many people in other areas who take the most
    vocal extreme wing of a movement for its mainstream (for instance, assuming that a
    woman calling herself a feminist must necessarily hate men) that I wonder whether
    a similar knee-jerk reaction might be happening here.

    To give Bloom
    credit, he appears to want to judge authors only on their merits. He may not
    seeking out underappreciated writers, but then that wouldn't be appropriate in a
    book entitled The Western Canon anyhow. On the other hand, he does include
    Jane Austen, Emily Dickinson, George Eliot, and Virginia Woolf in his view of the
    Canon. And his more modern writers include Borges and Neruda, so that ivory tower
    may not be entirely impenetrable after all.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    just say blah

    Blah. I think I'm sick. Just a cold, but Pilates class kept making me dizzy and
    left me sweating that unpleasant sweat you get when you're sick. I was hoping it
    was allergies or some reaction to changing pressure that would magically be gone
    tomorrow, but now I doubt it. Chicken soup for lunch and lots of OJ and Gatorade
    for me, and I think I'll go lie down for a bit. Blah, again.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:59 PM

    October 15, 2001


    Practice this morning was wonderful -- I have no idea why, but the women's eight
    was horrible on Wednesday and, with an only slightly altered lineup, wonderful
    today. Even more amazingly, DI gave me a club T-shirt to replace the one he'd
    asked me to give to someone who coxed one of our boats in the last San Diego Fall
    Classic regatta. (We're now into training for this year's Fall Classic, which is
    on November 11, so it's only been 11+ months.)

    I feel like nesting
    today, so scattered among today's errands I plan to make a brisket and attempt
    some fudge. The brisket is easy -- throw it in a bag with lots of spices and beer,
    some tomato sauce, and whatever else you think will work. put bag in a pan and
    place in the over at 250 degrees. Come back in 6 hours.

    however, is uncharted territory. I do have a thermometer left over from our beer-
    making days that I think will work for candy. We gave up brewing when we moved
    here, because in summer the house is too hot and the yeast dies, and in winter
    we're usually busy every weekend, taking advantage of weather that lets us get
    outside without melting. I need to make the fudge today to use up the cream I
    bought before Mechaieh's visit, when I
    thought of making scones for breakfast (this was before I realized I'd forgotten
    to buy eggs). The Sell-by date was two days ago, so I figure I'd better use it

    I also need to stop by the AAA to get a Trip-Tik for our
    drive to Austin, and was plotting a stop at the bead store up that way. Is it too
    silly if I make my brother and his girlfriend semi-matching necklaces for
    Chanukah? What kind of beaded necklace would be appropriate for a guy, anyway?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 14, 2001

    flights of the Young Eagles

    We're back home again, slightly sore around the shoulders, but otherwise rested
    and refreshed. This is a good thing, as we have one more weekend, studded with
    parties, then a three week period where we're traveling every weekend, probably
    driving about 3500 miles total. Wow. Good thing we like each

    This weekend up at the airpark, they were giving plane rides
    to kids, as part of the Young Eagles program. Te idea is to lure more people into
    flying, recreationally or professionally, while they're at an impressionable age.
    This was scheduled to be held on September 14, but they couldn't do it then,
    partly as a matter of sensitivity, but also because of the onerous restrictions
    placed on General Aviation after Sept. 11. At that point, all aircraft were
    grounded. We still can't fly from our usual airport, except with an instrument
    clearance or with an instructor along, because it's too close to the major Phoenix
    airport. They are finally going to lift that restriction near most (not all) major
    airports in the next couple of days. Note that it's never legal to fly over a
    major airport, or very close to one, without a special clearance, so it's not like
    pilots would just run amok without these extra rules.

    The thing that
    bothers me most about the Young Eagles program is, where were all these people
    when I was young? I had my sweet sixteen at an airport restaurant themed after a
    WWI air squadron. I majored in mechanical engineering because I wanted to work in
    aerospace. But I didn't get to fly even commercially until the week I turned 21,
    and I didn't get to fly in a lightplane until I was about 27.

    I could
    have been a Young Eagle this weekend, though -- when we walked over to the lodge
    (to use the bathroom there, actually), one of the old guys asked if we were there
    for the plane rides. I know we look young to them, but still, at 34 I figure I
    probably do look a little old for a kids' program. It was probably a combination
    of androgynous clothes, the young-boy haircut, and the sunglasses covering lines
    around the eyes. Or Rudder's boyish slimness (the muscles don't show under a loose
    T-shirt). Or possibly that particular old man's eyesight has degraded to the point
    where he really shouldn't be flying anymore.

    There was a href="">Beech Bonanza flying around, doing
    landings too -- if they had been giving rides in that, I'd have been happy to
    pretend I was a 17-year-old boy! I'm not proud.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 12, 2001

    falling asleep and falling food

    Wow. I rarely nap, but I feel like I've just woken from hibernation. This morning
    I bought a hot/cold pad, and I heated that up, then held against various sore back
    and shoulder muscles. It must be full of buckwheat or something similar, from the
    smell. I don't know if it was the smell or the soothing heat, the book I was
    reading about life in the Arctic, or just fatigue from href="">this morning, but I zonked
    out. Even though I was on the loveseat, I slept so deeply that when I woke up it
    took me a minute to realize who, where, and when I was.

    Perhaps it's
    because I sleep so rarely in the daytime, that when I do I tend to wake up
    disoriented. Lately, though, even when I wake in the middle of the night, as I
    almost always do, I keep to have lost the sense of how long I've slept. I have to
    look at a clock or my watch to see whether I can go back to sleep for more
    blissfully long hours in MorpheusÕ embrace, or whether I should be dreading the
    alarm in too short a time. I love waking at midnight or so to find I can go back
    to sleep for luxurious hours; I hate it when I wake up half an hour before the
    alarm goes off and it's not worth going back to sleep. I sympathize entirely with
    Valancy, in L.M. Montgomery's best book, The Blue Castle, who almost
    counted that night wasted when she did not wake at least once, to gloat over the
    night and the moonlight, her cabin and her freedom and (especially) Barney
    sleeping beside her. (That was the passage that told me Montgomery intended this
    one for adults: I doubt the mores of her time would let her discuss a woman
    sharing a bed with a man, even though she was married to him.)

    been unemployed too long. I'm losing my focus and my motivation. I trail through
    the house, meaning to do one chore then getting sidetracked by another. I spend
    half the day on the computer and the other half reading a book. I've gotten
    nothing done all week on my book project, even though I need to hurry before
    someone else gets the same idea, and even though all I have left to do is some
    internet research and working up some sample pages.

    Today has been
    punctuated by episodes of falling food. As I was unpacking groceries this morning,
    I knocked over a small bottle of Gatorade and the lid cracked. Less than half of
    it poured out, but now I can't seem to get the floor to stop being sticky. Just
    now, as I was rummaging about in the fridge, I knocked over a container of yogurt,
    which fell onto the floor and cracked. Again. Luckily, because of the consistency
    and the small cracks, not much oozed out this time. Maybe it's a good thing I'll
    be spending the weekend out where there's not much to spill.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    stocking up on cocoa

    I was cold this morning -- it was wonnnnnnderful.

    DI had us
    do erg tests this morning -- 5000m on the rowing machine, as hard as you can,
    which is otherwise known as sheer pain and torture. Because of that, practice was
    lots of time sitting in the 5AM chill punctuated by about 20 minutes of
    ridiculously hard work. Only one guy actually puked, and I thought another was
    going to pass out. (I told him that, afterwards, and he said, "I thought so too".)
    My time was one of the slower ones there, because I'm small and still have little
    endurance, but it was 10 seconds faster than my previous best, so I'm slightly
    disappointed but not at all crushed. Yoga yesterday morning and 2 laps around the
    lake with Egret yesterday afternoon probably didn't help; now I'll be wondering
    whether, if I had rested yesterday, I could have pulled another 10 seconds off my
    time. Since Egret's time was at least a minute and a half faster than mine (she's
    taller, but the same weight), I really can't think that would have made much

    When I said "DI made us" do the erg pieces, I am speaking
    loosely. Actually, he didn't show up until we were almost done. Fortunately,
    Yosemite Sam was back from his honeymoon, and was there early as always. It's not
    that YSam can run the erg tests perfectly well; it's just that having the head
    coach not show up for something that difficult, painful, and stressful is sort of
    like having your mother not show up for your school play. It implies a lack of
    caring. He also gave us a speech afterward about how there will be no further
    whining in this program, anyone who brings in "negative energy" will be asked to
    leave, he sets the lineups and we row as we're told, yada yada yada. I'm familiar
    with clubs in which anyone who wants to race, can. I asked YSam this morning and
    he told me that more competitive clubs do have race lineup set by coaches' fiat.
    Part of the problem with this program probably is conflicting expectations of what
    it should be.

    Anyway, we're getting away from it all for a little
    bit. I need to go buy groceries now, then pack for a weekend camping. Cool clean
    air, pine trees, the wonderful bike path we found last time, and laid-back old
    pilots with stories to tell. It's a funny thing about camping; it's sort of
    stressful to get there, but always relaxing once you're there. Even sleeping on
    the ground doesn't bother me. According to CNN's weather, we can expect sunny
    days, with highs in the mid 60s and lows around 30, so I'd best make sure we have
    plenty of hot chocolate.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:59 AM

    October 11, 2001

    H's legacy

    I decided to skip weight-lifting today, since I plan to go do yoga later in the
    morning and then row the double with Egret this afternoon. We were planning to row
    this morning, but realized it might not be a wise move to go out in the dark on a
    day when there might be no one else out on the lake.

    One day in an
    online Chat, several people from my List recommended 84 Charing Cross Road,
    by Helene Hanff. I finally found it in the main branch of my local library. The
    oddest thing is that Miss Hanff writes exactly like one of the people who
    recommended her, or rather, considering chronology, the other way around. The two
    women are of similar backgrounds and are even both writers and script-readers. I'm
    convinced that either they're related or else my friend read Hanff very early in
    the process of forming her own style.

    Now I want my own copy of 84
    Charing Cross Road
    , as well as Hanff's later book Q's Legacy. I can get
    both from Amazon for under $20 for the pair, but those are paperback editions
    (the larger, nicer, publisher's editions, judging from their price, but still). It
    just doesn't seem right. I'm going to go to a local used book store and see if I
    can get some nice used hardbacks. Maybe they'll even have someone's name on the
    flyleaf and faint penciled notes in the margins. That would be much nicer. Best of
    all would be to have them bound in antique style, with "thick vellum and creamy
    pages", but that's unlikely, and I'll settle for "cardboardy American

    I wouldn't mind a copy of Quiller-Couch's anthology of
    English verse, either, though it is available href="">online. My old Norton
    anthology, my favorite of all the textbooks I had to spend so much money on in
    college, is decrepit.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 10, 2001

    fifteen minutes of fame

    Yesterday I got interviewed by the local newspaper. Apparently someone there is
    doing a report on online diaries, and I do have my state listed somewhere so she
    was able to track me down. I decided to allow her to use my name in her article,
    which will probably be published sometime next month. So now I just hope my rowing
    coach doesn't read the newspaper too carefully! However, though I have bitched
    about him a lot in here, I don't think any of the criticisms were unwarranted, and
    when I knew that there were two sides to an issue, I've tried to show them. He
    hasn't done anything especially annoying in the last few days, at

    This was a fun interview, because I was able to talk about
    what I thought were the important parts of diary-keeping. She asked some good
    questions, but also allowed me to run with the bit in my mouth. After all, she can
    pick and choose what she wants to include in the final article. But I hope she
    keeps one thing I said; I told her that I really think online diaries will become
    an important historical record. There are letters and diaries left over, from
    people writing about their experiences of older historical events, but they are
    neither as copious nor, generally, as detailed as these diaries. Samuel Pepys may
    have discussed his wardrobe in as much detail as href="">Kinetix does, but imagine how much more we
    could learn of his milieu if he'd also had a Guestbook. Or a list of favorite
    fellow diarists, each writing from a slightly different view of their time and

    I was the first diarist this reporter had actually spoken to,
    so a lot of her questions were about how easy it is to set up a diary, who reads
    them, how I know other diarists, how much I filter what I write about, and so on.
    I don't suppose Andrew reads this, so I should probably send him a note about the

    I need to stop postponing getting my hair cut. Yes, I save
    money by stretching out the time between cuts, by I miss getting to talk to Cool
    Salon Guy. Not only do I enjoy that, but he has sources. After all, he
    chats to a lot more local people than I do. Yesterday he told me that another
    company had moved into an old Motorola plant not far from here and was hiring
    "very quietly". I checked their website and sure enough, not only are they hiring,
    they're hiring in my field. Fingers are tightly crossed. They're also crossed for
    Natalie. I am
    not eager to welcome any friends into this club, the Unemployed. I hope she does
    figure out what she should be doing and pursue (and nab) a more fulfilling job.
    And if she does figure that all out, I hope she tells me how she did it!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 09, 2001

    the empty pocket blues

    Yesterday was so depressing. I called the maid service to cancel and picked up our
    house keys from them. After riding my bike when rowing practice was canceled due
    to lightning, I noticed that my gloves and my little under-the-seat bag were
    coming apart, so I went to the nearest bike store to replace them. Once I realized
    that the cheapest decent gloves were $25 and the bags started at about
    $20, I left without buying anything. Also, my severance and vacation pay is
    finally gone, so this week was the first time I'd had to tap into my savings

    Now obviously, none of this constitutes deprivation. Not
    only am I not worried about where the next meal is coming from, I still get to eat
    out at least twice a week -- which is more than my parents could afford when I was
    a child. I live in a nice house. I have clothes bursting out of my drawers and
    closet. I don't lack for anything I need. The fact that I've gone two months
    without touching my savings account is a good augur for how long the money will
    last. But this was the first time I've really been hurt at all by being out of
    work, and it was painful. Until now, the only major change had been just the plain
    fact of not going to work everyday, and that hasn't been unpleasant at

    It's frustrating, too, to have spent two months looking for work
    and not finding anything. Like everyone else, I've become spoiled in the past few
    years, when I could update a resume on Monsterboard on Friday and get four calls
    about it by Monday. I like to think my problems finding work are due to the
    economy and the number of people applying for each job now, rather than any lack
    in me. Nonetheless, it's frustrating.

    Meanwhile, today I have a
    Pilates class and then an appointment with Cool Salon Guy to look forward to -- I
    really shouldn't have cut my hair short at a time when my job was precarious, as
    now I need to get it cut fairly often. Still, it gives me an excuse for something
    I enjoy anyway.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 08, 2001

    let the mystery be

    Here are some other things I didn't say href="">earlier.

    One of the best parts of href="">Mechaieh's visit for me was
    getting to show off the acoustics of my living room. Most of the people I know
    have that unfortunate modern belief that no one should sing who's not a Singer,
    capital S. Well, I'm not, but I do it anyway. Mechaieh is, and we traded song
    lines for a while, standing in my raised entryway that's almost like a stage,
    facing in to the empty living room (because we live in the family room) and singer
    to the dust motes and the cats. Later when I was changing my clothes I heard her
    back downstairs, serenading the house again.

    Today I called my cleaning service to have them stop coming. This is the first
    major thing I've had to cut back since losing my job. We've been going out to eat
    a little more rarely, but we still go a couple of times a week, and until this,
    the only change was just the actual not going to work. I hate cleaning, but
    couldn't justify having someone else cleaning my house when I'm here all day with
    plenty of time to do it.

    This, from Emily Dickinson, is quoted in the book I'm reading, Madeleine L'Engle's
    A Live Coal in the Sea which is about love, betrayal, truth, and

    Tell all the Truth but tell it slant -

    Success in Circuit lies

    Too bright for our infirm Delight

    The Truth's superb surprise

    As Lightning to the Children eased

    With explanation kind

    The Truth must dazzle gradually

    Or every man be blind

    This is one time my engineering background was a handicap in interpreting poetry -
    - at first I thought "Circuit" meant an electrical one, especially given the
    mention of Lightning later. I thought she was saying something about containment
    versus unleashed wildness. Instead, though, she seems to be referring to
    circuitousness -- yes, tell the truth, but break it easily and indirectly, so that
    we can absorb it without being stunned. I think I disagree, if she's talking about
    daily truth. And if she's talking about a Divine Truth -- it's hard to tell, with
    Emily -- then I know L'Engle agrees entirely, but I'm more inclined to go with
    Iris Dement:

    Everybody's wonderin' what and where they all came from

    everybody's worryin' 'bout where they're gonna go

    when the whole thing's done

    but no one knows for certain

    and so it's all the same to me

    I think I'll just let the mystery be

    Some say once you're gone you're gone forever

    and some say you're gonna come back

    Some say you rest in the arms of the Saviour

    if in sinful ways you lack

    Some say that they're comin' back in a garden

    bunch of carrots and little sweet peas

    I think I'll just let the mystery be

    Some say they're goin' to a place called Glory

    and I ain't saying it ain't a fact

    but I've heard that I'm on the road to purgatory

    and I don't like the sound of that

    I believe in love and I live my life accordingly

    but I choose to let the mystery be

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    pumpkins bad, pilots good

    Hmm, let's see. We're bombing Afghanistan, there are cases of anthrax in Florida,
    the economy is in a recession, and I've been out of work for two months with no
    immediate job prospects. You'll excuse me for strapping my rose-tinted goggles on
    and writing only about good things or annoyances that are minor and

    DI cut practice short because of lightning. It was
    scarce and quite far away, and conditions would have been safe to keep rowing, but
    I prefer this overcautious policy to his earlier tendency to send us out in
    conditions that scared me. (There was one day when I was very near to walking out
    on a practice because I was convinced the lightning, though far away, was coming
    closer. As it turned out, I was right and we had to come in almost right away that
    day.) Judging from his explanation about how this was all due to liability issues,
    he may think by now that the current policy was his own idea, which is all to the

    Instead, I rode my bike to get in some exercise without
    resorting to the torture of the erg. On Saturday, I offered to show href="">Mechaieh how to use the erg, but she
    wisely declined. Incidentally, I love having friends who can go out with a whole
    crowd of people who are strangers to them and still manage to have a good time,
    without needing to be babysat.

    Recommendation: do not buy the special
    Hallowe'en edition of Apple Jacks cereal. It's a cute idea, but the little jack
    o'lantern cookies in there are nasty. In other food news, the box of pretzels I
    just opened had the box flap tucked in instead of pasted down. The plastic bag
    inside was still airtight, so I decided they were safe to eat. However, if this
    space is not updated for the next several days, you may conclude that some fiend
    injected noxious substances into my pretzels and then cleverly resealed the bag.
    On second thought, at a time when we are on the alert for chemical and biological
    forms of warfare, that's not funny.

    Rudder volunteered last
    night to pay for me to get an IFR (instrument flying) rating, now, while I have
    the time though not the money. He'd like that because he has one and it would make
    me a much better safety pilot, so he wouldn't need to go up with an instructor to
    maintain currency. It would also make me a much better pilot in general.
    Considering the job market, though, or lack thereof, I'm not sure that's the best
    use of several thousand dollars right now. I've told him to take a couple days to
    think about it. Whatever he decides, though, it's still an extraordinarily sweet
    and generous gesture. I'm going to keep him.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 07, 2001

    weekend report

    Busy companionable relaxing weekend. Ah.

    Friday evening while I was
    waiting for Rudder to get home from work, href="">Mechaieh called to say her work dinner
    had fallen through and did I mind if she came over then instead of late in the
    evening as previously scheduled? Mind? Me? Of course not.

    followed directions to my house successfully and we hung out on the back porch
    hammock chairs until Rudder came home. After a reasonably short helping of the
    usual "What kind of food do you want?" "I don't you have a preference?"
    conversation, we headed off for Chinese food, at a local restaurant which foursome
    odd reason has a koi stream running through the middle of the seating area. We all
    brought leftovers home, but only Mechaieh had duck for breakfast. (Largely my
    fault; I had planned to make scones but somehow missed buy the eggs that were
    clearly written at the top of my shopping list.)

    Rudder opted out in
    favor of getting chores done, but Mechaieh and I spent the morning at the Boyce-
    Thompson arboretum, giving her a chance to get up close and personal (though not
    cuddly) with our local saguaros and cholla, as well as Boojum trees and Australian
    gum trees. It's finally gotten cool enough that we could do the two mile path
    without getting majorly drippy with sweat -- very pleasant, in fact. After that,
    we headed out to Globe to see an archaeological site, but as we got there the
    lightning started (with simultaneous thunder -- no 5-seconds-because-it's-a-mile-
    away delay at all), along with rain heavy enough that we bagged the expedition and
    headed back home.

    It wasn't raining much back in town, so we
    detoured so that I could show her the boatyard and the lake I row on. She found
    the odd cracked texture of the mud by the lake more interesting than the bits of
    art along the lake, which is not a comment on her taste but on the quality of the
    artwork. (Sample from the Words Over Water project, which has tiles with words
    along the lakeside wall: "Water runs and runs. It must get very tired.") After
    that, we hung out with Rudder for a while and polished our toenails in preparation
    for Egret's bachelorette party. This was in keeping with the theme; some of the
    rowers had decided on Friday morning that we should all dress

    I wore a tight brown slipdress with black lace at the neck
    line (chest line, rather). Mechaieh, being a very good sport about going along
    with these women she'd never met, pulled out a very short red knit dress she'd
    originally planned to sleep in. I warned her about T2's sarcasm when we went to
    pick up Egret. Though it didn't exactly show, I think he was impressed by us. He'd
    made Egret wear a bra, though.

    The best part was that all but about
    two of the rowing women showed up, including one who's been out for months with a
    hurt back. Egret was especially touched theyÕd all come out for her. The weather
    had kept Four Peaks, my favorite brewpub, from getting too crowded, and we managed
    to push three tables together so we could all sit comfortably. That worked
    extremely well until the weather shifted from occasional drops to real rain. We
    all stood around one table until we finally got everyone to agree on the
    next bar to hit. Unfortunately, some of them were refusing to go to the dance
    clubs that sounded more fun, or to anywhere with "too young" a crowd (I'm not sure
    why that would matter, since we were in a group of 12). We finally agreed on the
    bar in a local resort, which proved to be almost completely empty, so then we
    headed over to a sports bar with a dance floor and spent the rest of the night

    There was the usual assortment of a few people who could
    really dance, more who moved vaguely to the music, a guy who kept grabbing his own
    crotch and dancing up against any woman who would dance with him, people of all
    sizes and shapes who had found flattering clothes and others who had picked
    entirely the wrong bit of skin to show off. Good thing Mechaieh was there,
    because for a good part of the evening, she and I and Egret danced while everyone
    else only sat. It's always worrying to subject people to large groups of
    strangers, but she was adaptable enough to manage to have a good time, even when
    they got to discussing the weirdest place anyone had had sex (the winner: in an
    elevator at Sky Harbor airport, Terminal Four).

    This morning, we went
    up flying with Rudder. It was just a routine flight that he has to do to stay
    current on instrument procedures, but of course that's a lot more interesting the
    first time you go. Mechaieh seemed to enjoy the flight a lot -- I think, because I
    always fall asleep in the back seat of a lightplane. As we were turning in the
    keys and paying for the plane, someone came out of a back room and said, "We just
    started bombing."

    I don't even know what to say or think about that.
    I hope Mechaieh's flight home is all right.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 05, 2001

    boats, bars, and books

    My body's going to *hurt* tomorrow. We did an impromptu head race (5000 meters)
    today. We came in last (as expected, racing against a men's eight and a
    heavyweight women's four) but not by much. However, Egret was coxing the men's
    boat and Hardcore coxed us, so we had someone else sit in our boat, and the set
    sucked. My side and shoulder are sore from trying to get my blade off the water.
    It's probably not really the other person's fault; she's lightweight but tall, and
    she and She-Hulk rowed on the same side (opposite me and little Pigtails) which
    would tend to unbalance the boat.

    Tonight, href="">Mechaieh comes to visit for the weekend
    (Yay!) so today will involve shopping and a little more cleaning. Tomorrow we'll
    go do something scenic then go out with my girls. Something like that, anyway --
    we're taking Egret out to get her plastered (to deal with her approaching
    marriage). I've already warned several of them that with Mechaieh along, we have
    to talk about something other than rowing at least part of the time. Should be
    fun, anyhow -- we've been talking about doing a Girl's Night Out sort of thing for
    a long, long time.

    Not much else going on. I've been doing almost
    nothing on my writing projects, and need to get back to them. I tried reading a
    book Paul West wrote on his writers' Master Class, but found it impenetrable. I've
    been reading mostly gentle English-village sort of stuff -- Barbara Pym, Miss
    Read, the Miss Seeton mysteries, some old Alicia Craig mysteries (Canadian
    village, same idea).

    That is all.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 04, 2001

    the echo of joy (and other stuff, of course)

    Mechaieh reminds me that it's
    necessary to keep writing so you'll be able to manage the magic when it does come.
    She put it much more clearly than that, of course, but the basic idea is that I'll
    never be able to play symphonies if I don't practice scales. I guess I knew that,
    really; I was just so blown away by Yeats href="">yesterday that I was
    feeling a bit self-pitying.

    Or maybe I'm just having a little private
    pity party today. I wasn't feeling great last night, for no real reason, and
    Rudder's fighting off a cold, so we skipped the usual Wednesday outing. Anyway, we
    like having a few drinks with Egret and T2, but we do get a bit tired of the same
    Mexican place every week. This morning I slept in and skipped the gym.

    I want to make extremely sure I am not sick for this weekend -- I'm
    looking forward to Mechaieh's visit and only regretting that she won't be here
    long enough to see all the stuff I'd like to show her. There are a lot of cool
    things about Phoenix; my complaints about it are only because I feel ready to move
    on now. (And of course, summer here pretty much sucks.)

    I've just
    realized that's why Rudder's attitude sounds wrong to me. He's willing to move
    away, to one of a very few places, but wants me to go there a while first, to find
    out if whatever job I find is the "right" one, before he uproots and joins me. No
    doubt this would make more sense to me if I'd ever had a job I liked as much as he
    seems to like this one. My view is that it doesn't have to be the right job or the
    right place, because what I'd prefer is to go somewhere, almost anywhere, live
    there or two-three years, then move on. I don't want to stop until we both fall in
    love with a place so deeply that neither one has any desire to move. Damn. Itchy
    feet and a spouse who doesn't share them. At least he does like to

    I actually found myself stopping yesterday to think, href="">Dashenka and href="">Louise must be together just about
    now. Either I spend way too much time reading diaries, or joy has a long echo. I
    prefer to think it's the latter.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 03, 2001

    on Yeats and gramarye

    Natalie and a few others have gotten me
    reading Yeats. I've always liked some of the best-known poems of his, such as href="">The Second
    and href="">When You Are
    , but the depth of his bench, so to speak, is what's really astonishing.
    And of course I've had a weakness for Celtic mythology for most of my life, so I'm
    predisposed to like his work.

    I may never write any verse again,
    except possibly for those rare moments when Polyhymnia starts banging on the
    inside of my skull, desperate to be let out. What's the point, if you don't have
    that wild magic in it?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    the usual assortment

    A couple hours after my usual weight workout yesterday, I went back to the gym to
    try their new Pilates class (low-rent Pilates, with only a mat, rather than a
    funky stretching machine). The result is that my hip and shoulder joints hurt like
    hell today. So it must have been good for me.

    With logic like that,
    you just know that one of these days I'll end up on href="">Badsnake's doorstep begging for someone
    to flog me one of these days. Though I seem to do a more than competent job of
    abusing my own body.

    This morning at rowing practice, we did some
    balance drills. At one point, DI had us rowing for five strokes, then gunnelling
    our blades (resting the oar handles on the gunnels (side walls) of the boat, so
    that the oar blades are up in the air). For the last several of those, we had that
    boat locked into balance, oars poised evenly on either side, no one daring
    to move for fear of throwing off the set. I've never felt anything like it. I love
    this boat.

    Amusingly, I heard today that a couple of the taller
    skinnier women are now wanting to get into our boat. It used to be that rowing
    with the "big girls" was seen as the prestige thing....until everyone realized how
    good our boat is. It's true that two of them might be a few pounds lighter than
    She-Hulk, but they've rowed with us before and the boat as a whole never felt as
    smooth. Anyway, some regattas seem to worry about only the average weight of the
    boat. Since She-Hulk is only about 5 lbs over the lightweight limit, and the rest
    of us are each 15+ pounds under it, we can still able to row as lightweights,
    where that's the rule.

    Yesterday, while engaged in my usual practice
    of spending too much at the bead store, the woman asked me where I'd learned to
    wire-wrap (here's what
    that looks like). I told her I'd figured it out from books and looking at others'
    work, and asked why. "Because I know I didn't teach you and you seem to know what
    you're doing," she answered. Really. This is not rocket science (though basic
    ballistics isn't that hard, either). It's similar to the technique I used to make
    rings as a little girl, whenever I got hold of some electrical wire. The main
    difference is that because this wire is stiffer, I use jeweler's pliers to bend
    it. It's not difficult.

    And the scary thing is, if I had learned how
    in a class, this would have been the advanced class. It's a sad example of what
    someone I know calls the Ownership of Knowledge -- if you're not a recognized
    expert, you shouldn't be able to figure anything out on your own. It's hard to do
    nice beadwork without proper tools and materials. With them, it's ridiculously
    fast and easy. I may never buy beaded or wire jewelry again.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    October 02, 2001

    this and that

    My mind is sufficiently disjointed today that I think this needs to be a href="">Turtleguy-style entry, only without the
    cool childhood stories. And probably no humina, huminas.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    October 01, 2001

    an historic moment

    I actually agreed with something Coach DI said at practice this morning. That's
    rare enough that I thought I'd better make a note of it. He had us row in two
    eights today, one men's and one women's. I was initially disappointed not to row
    the four, but he told us he wants us to become more used to set boats, and that
    not rowing together was the reason we didn't win more races on Saturday. He wants
    the men and women each to have a steady eight that can be broken up into four
    fours, so we will practice in both configurations. Makes sense to me.

    Then he topped off this unusual run of logic by letting practice go too long and
    getting everyone (else) to work late.

    I keep thinking there are a couple of poems in me, about the events of September
    11, and about rowing, and how smooth and easy it looks while all the time you're
    working furiously, and how much of life is like that. Like a duck swimming. But
    every time I try to put the ideas into words, nothing comes out, Or I get a few
    lines but then no more:

    This morning my desert's cerulean sky

    Was shrouded grey and sullen, a rare thing.

    How long will it take before gray billows in the sky

    Cease reminding me of smoke over twinned towers?

    what I mean? I think the problem is that both ideas are to big for me. If I have a
    strength at all, it may be lapidary detail, like the reflections in my namesake
    bits of glass.

    Also, I've been reading bits of Wallace Stevens and
    Yeats, who seem to be the two modern poets who have the most href="">influence on current
    writers, with Frost a close third. A humbling, if educational experience.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 30, 2001

    for the love of books

    I've been reading For the Love of Books, a collection of writers' words
    about the few books that most influenced them. It's not quite as magical as my
    beloved battered copy of That Eager Zest, possibly because the latter is
    entirely about magic, about the first moments when the major acolytes of words
    felt the first devotional stirrings. Still, though, For the Love of Books
    is far more interesting and readable than most of the similar attempts I have
    seen. Likely that's because the selection of writers is well done, from John Barth
    to Dave Barry to both Fadimans -- Clifton and Anne -- to Frank McCourt to John

    A distressing number of them gave their deepest allegiance to Moby-Dick,
    which should please she-who-was-Phelps but worries me, since I have never really
    been able to read it. Maybe I'll try again, some year. Another great influence on
    many is Proust's Recherche du temps perdu either in its best-known English
    translation (Remembrance of Things Past) or a more modern one, or in the original.
    Several picked Huckleberry Finn and Aristophanes, both of whom work better
    for me. Several mentioned more idiosyncratic books, or the first children's books
    that brought them to the world of words, or books that once resonated their world
    but were later outgrown - Hemingway is frequently invoked in this

    But in defense of my lack of interest in Moby-Dick and Papa Hemingway, here is y
    favorite passage from the book. From Pete Hamill, author of Flesh and
    , Snow in August, and A Drinking

    "What I think poetry does -- like music-- is
    hit some tuning fork in your brain. It's the reverberations of that tuning fork
    that really stimulate both your imagination and your understanding of other
    writers. Readers should learn to trust that tuning fork in poetry as well as
    prose. There's no shame in not being able to read Jane Austen. You just say, 'It
    doesn't hit my tuning fork.' "

    Before this, among others of course, I read At Home With Books, a collection of photos of great home libraries. At least For the Love of Books has got me thinking about what else I should do, read, an write. The last book only left me with a nagging envy of other people's bookshelves and a desire to go tour Chatsworth. Funny, how that house and its associations seem to keep coming up -- the house itself is lauded in How Buildings Learn and its chatelaine is the youngest of the Mitford sisters.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    in shock

    Good lord. I'm still in shock from this morning's news. I think this will be like
    in during the Gulf War, and I will be spending today planted in front of CNN. God
    help us all if we have to try to go to war with a terrorist organization - it
    could be like trying to fight a cloud.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:59 AM

    September 29, 2001

    World's Hottest Race Report

    Post Race Report:

    The World's Hottest Regatta did not live up to its
    name -- in fact, the early morning was nice and cool and the temperature during
    last few races (at around 9:30) was at least bearable. Yay!

    didn't win our race. Boo.

    But we lost by only 5 seconds to some of
    the fastest strongest local women, who said they had to work their hardest to beat
    us. Yay!

    The third-place boat in our race was a good 30 seconds or
    more behind us. Yay!

    I also got to cox a Men's 4 who rowed a good
    strong race. Yay!

    But they also came in second. Boo.

    they only gave medals to first place winners this year. Boo, boo,

    T2 Hatfield was out of town, so he and Rudder
    couldn't race their double. Boo.

    But Rudder ended up racing with C.,
    who won Nationals a couple of years ago in the Men's Lightweight Double event.

    They were more than a minute ahead of their competition. (The
    whole race only lasts 3.5-4 minutes for most people.) Yay!

    didn't reach Rudder's secret goal of having the fastest time for all races for the
    oat, and as day. Boo.

    Instead, they tied the winning Men's 8+ (that
    is, their boat, with two people in it, was faster than any other boat, and was as
    fast as the winning boat in the race with eight men in it.)

    Afterwards, we went out en masse to Chili's, came home,
    snuggled, and zonked. (Sorry, bad sentence. Only the Chili's outing was en masse.
    Probably everyone there went home and bonked, but separately.)

    For more insight into how addictive this sport
    can be, check out the songs page at the unofficial web site of the href="">Twickenham Rowing Club. Click on the oar labeled
    "Stuff" and then on "Top of the Pots".

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 28, 2001

    What was I going to say?

    There's a new upscale mall not two miles from my house, that will be opening in
    less than a month. If I'm still unemployed by then, I can go hang out there and
    pretend I'm too rich to have to work. Obviously, that would mean also pretending I
    dress the way I do out of some kind of reverse chic. Or maybe just because it's

    Several stores in the new related shopping centers on
    other corners of the mall intersection have already opened. Today I went to check
    out The Great Indoors, which carries pretty much everything for the house except
    major furniture -- basically, it's like a combination of Home Depot and Bed, Bath
    and Beyond, with several dollar signs thrown in. They have alphabet stencils which
    I'd been looking for ages. You can find little bitty ones, but it's hard to find
    letters big enough to be seen if you put them up high.

    So now my next
    project is going to be stenciling a quotation around the dining room, up near the
    ceiling. I'll go buy the stencils and paints just as soon as I remember the
    perfect quote I'd found for that spot.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    ready to race

    Got our race tomorrow -- its official name is the World's Hottest Regatta.
    Unfortunately, it may live up to the name, since highs tomorrow are predicted to
    be around 102. Still, humidity has dropped drastically -- I got a nosebleed this
    morning to prove it -- and our nights cool off so much that it takes a while for
    the day to get obnoxiously hot. This morning was deliciously cool. So the later
    races tomorrow may be a bit too warm, but it shouldn't actually be

    And I devoutly hope my four will kick some heavyweight

    There is pretty much nothing else new here. I need to work on a
    couple book-related projects, I've almost got another beaded embroidery done, and
    I still have no new job prospects.

    The good news about that last
    part is that even if I got an interview tomorrow, I should be able to start late
    enough that I will be able to drive to Austin for the Hallowe'en regatta there
    with Rudder. He would be driving anyway, since he's got vacation time he needs to
    burn, but I think it would suck for him to have to go alone. That regatta, where
    we'll be able to connect with Rudder's brother and a lot of our old rowing friends
    from Houston, should be a blast.

    I need to talk about libraries here
    -- maybe I'll do that this afternoon. Stop by later and see.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    September 27, 2001

    how a dentist should be

    I realize this sounds like an oxymoron, but I actually had an enjoyable dentist
    visit today. First of all, I didn't have to wait long, but, since I'd been a bad
    girl and bought a used copy of Barbara Pym's Civil to Strangers and other
    for $4 (after spending money on beading supplies yet again), the
    wait was pleasant. I only had to get examined, not cleaned or drilled or filled or
    capped today.

    First, the tech took X-rays with a very futuristic
    machine that held my head still and moved around it. After I commented that it
    seemed more like something that would be scanning my gene pattern before
    transporting me to the bridge of the Enterprise, we talked about the different
    Star Trek shows. She had a lot more warm personality than the usual dental
    hygienist is willing to show to yet another open-jawed drooling patient. Next, the
    dentist showed up. Like the tech, she was a medium-young black woman -- old enough
    to seem experienced, young enough to be cool. She examined my teeth and X-rays
    fairly quickly, and the three of us spent longer talking about the telethon the
    other night, and the indistinguishable women singers on it. I used the term
    "divas" to refer to them, for lack of a better description. The dentist had firm
    opinions that people like Celine Dion and Mariah Carey had not earned that label
    yet: "You've got to have twenty years of attitude first."

    The whole
    thing was over sooner than I thought possible, and then it turned out that thanks
    to my new insurance (I switched to Rudder's when my own ended) there was nothing
    at all to pay. So to recap: short wait with a good book, cool high-tech machines,
    no pain, good conversation, no discomfort, no fee. Definitely a success.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:18 PM

    a formidable compliment

    T2 Hatfield paid me the nicest compliment yesterday, though I'm not at all sure it
    was intended in that way. We were out at a local Mexican place with him and Egret,
    because that's what they do on Wednesdays and after about the first three times
    they talked us into going we realized it gave us the illusion of having a social
    life. As always, we were talking about rowing and as usual we were griping about
    DI. T2 said, "Hey I was making fun of you yesterday," which surprised me because
    as far as I can tell, he's almost never not making fun of someone, and I
    couldn't see why this would be special enough to talk

    Yesterday, he'd been exchanging emails with another rower, who
    was the first one to let me know of a rumor that led to my finding out that DI
    still hadn't turned in our regatta forms. (I won't give the other rower a nom
    here, because I couldn't possibly come up with anything as cool as his real name.)
    The Other Rower (TOR for short) was telling T2 he sort of regretted having gotten
    anything started. T2 told him, "Yeah, you've unleashed not only the wrath of DI
    but also the wrath of Dichroic. Those are formidable forces."

    I mean
    really, what woman doesn't want to be thought of a 'formidable force'? It sounds

    On a more mundane note, I have a checkup at the
    dentist this afternoon. Blahsuck, to quote href="">Natalie. Even us formidable types can't be
    forces of nature all the time.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    September 26, 2001

    same ol' same ol'

    Maybe I should just set up a stock diary entry for all the stuff that seems to be
    the same every day:

    I rowed this morning. I'm
    tired. My crew rocks. Coach DI was AWOL again. And he still hasn't done something
    he promised to do. What an idiot.

    To be labeled
    "Stock Entry 1" and taken 3 times a week or as necessary.

    The thing
    DI was supposed to do was to register all of the entries in the regatta on
    Saturday, but if I'd put that in, then the Stock Entry would only be valid for
    this week. As it is, I figure it's applicable almost anytime.

    anyway, the man hasn't registered us for the regatta, which is being run by the
    other local rowing club. And it is, I repeat, on Saturday. Which is -- hello DI? -
    - 4 days away. I think the deadline for registration was about 2 weeks ago.
    They'll still let us in, because not doing so would seriously diminish the amount
    of competition (there are some people coming in from CA, but most of the crews
    there will be us and the other club). However, anyone who has ever organized any
    sort of sporting event, especially with quite a few different categories, will
    know exactly how inconsiderate this is.

    I will say that I've just
    finished reading Trollope's The Eustace Diamonds and DI's self-absorption
    goes a far way toward making Lizzie Eustace more believable.

    promised a while back that I'd stop whining about him, didn't I?

    On a happier but still rowing-related note, I am psyched for
    the upcoming regatta. Yosemite Sam had us (my four, a men's eight, and a
    heavyweight women's four) doing 500m race pieces this morning. By all rights, the
    other four should have beat us with open water between the boats. Instead, we beat
    them every time. And the men's eight was ahead of us, but not all that far ahead.
    I knew our boat felt great together, but I did have a few reservations about how
    fast we actually were. I don't have them any more.

    Still no progress
    on the job front, but I did calculate that my saved money will last a good bit
    longer than I'd originally thought. It's worrying, though, to read about other
    people getting lots of interviews, or href="">Caerula's husband finding a new job within
    a couple of weeks of losing his old one, when I'm not getting any

    Oh well, onward. The only thing I can do is apply for more
    jobs, work on that book proposal, and research my options.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 25, 2001


    I don't think I've written much explicitly about the September 11 attack since
    that week, and yet in another way, it's been in the background of almost
    everything I've written or thought since then. It's colored all of the news,
    foreign and domestic, and lurked in the unspoken layer of every conversation.

    I wondered, at the time, if it would be like the previous bombing of
    the WTC, or Oklahoma City. At the time they occurred there was a lot of talk about
    how "this changes everything, and Americans will never feel safe again". We did
    feel safe, though. McVeigh's arrest and later his death filled the news reports
    and made for a lot of water-cooler conversation, but most American's lives were
    not tangibly altered (except, of course, for those whose lives were all too
    terribly changed or ended). The WTC bombing did alter some emergency policies in
    that area, which may have saved lives this time around, but again, most people's
    daily lives didn't change much.

    Of course, it's hard to tell while
    we're still so close to the initial event, but it looks to me as if this one
    actually will have long-reaching consequences. The reserves are called up (and
    their mortgage rates lowered, as of an announcement this morning), the Dow has
    plummeted, enlistments in the military are up, Bush has at least avoided looking
    like a complete idiot, Giuliani has unexpectedly emerged as a real leader, and a
    feeling of community has emerged that I hope will have lasting effects. The rest
    of the world has shown more sympathy with the US than I can ever remember, Israel
    and the Palestinians have both declared a cease-fire (though it is wobbly on both
    sides) and even the Japanese have pledged to send troops.

    I can't say
    the job market has improved any, though.

    On a completely different
    note, I ran into ExecuRower and DrunkTina at the gym this morning. ExecuRower, at
    least, can waste me on an erg....but I am selfishly, shallowly, and thoroughly
    glad my thighs don't look like that.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 24, 2001

    a not particularly manic Monday

    The Dow is up, and so is every stock I look at, except my former employer. How
    gratifying. Tough not too much so, since all of the stocks I own are still way,
    way below where I bought them. If I do decide to go back to school and enter a
    completely different career field, it will not be stock broking. (Stock

    Practice got called today. My four was already out on the
    water (because we are such coordinated and efficient women) when Yosemite Sam came
    roaring over and told us to head back in. A ranger had kicked the other women's
    four off the lake for not having sufficient lights (it's still fairly dark at 5
    AM). Apparently, our lighting was OK, as was the men's eight, but there weren't
    enough flashlights to go around. YSam decided if one crew couldn't row, all of us
    couldn't row. That seems reasonably fair to me, since it's a bit of a crapshoot
    who ends up with which lights anyway. My only quibble is that we do have a race on
    Saturday which we ought to be preparing for. However, he made an executive
    decision and I think it is a reasonable one.

    There are two things about the situation that leave me furious, however.
    For one, we each paid $100 for this two-month session -- they just raised the
    rates on us. There were at least 20 people out there today. I'd think that
    $2000 would be enough to buy a few more fucking flashlights. And second, DI
    (who would be the person who should be making sure our lights are correct) wasn't
    even there, and as usual, hadn't given YSam or anyone else notice that he wouldn't
    be there. It is not a coincidence that DI can stand for DIckhead as well as Drill

    Yesterday, after I wrote my morning entry, I did 5 1000-meter pieces on the erg.
    That would be similar to 1 5000 meter piece, except that I stopped for a swig of
    water after every thousand. I did break my all time 1000m record, so I wasn't just
    being a weenie. (I can report, by the way, that the Judas Priest episode of Behind
    the Music is ideal for erging. Interesting enough that I didn't need to flip
    channels, not so much that I couldn't concentrate on what I was doing, and with
    occasional bits of heavy metal for when I needed to pull really

    After that, I was a lot less stir crazy and more willing to hang around doing
    normal stuff. So Rudder and I went out to eat -- this was around 1PM, and as it
    turned out, our first 3 restaurant choices only serve dinner on Sundays. We ended
    up at Pei Wei's Asian Diner, which, it turns out, is owned by P.F. Chang's. The
    menu is similar, but unlike Chang's, Pei Wei does seem to have meat and vegetables
    in the same dish. After that, we spent some quality naked time together (like href="">Genibee but unlike href="">Natalie). Then
    Natalie convinced me to install AIM (my ID is dichroicpb, if anyone cares) and we
    spent some time chatting about the look for this book review project idea I swiped
    from Mistress Sinister. N's done a
    lot of work on it lately, so I need to bone up on Greymatter and then do my share.
    I am also going to cruise through some of the other local bead shops, and make the
    necklace I was "commissioned" to do Saturday night. I think I'll do matching
    earrings too, and ask if she wants those also.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 23, 2001


    Bored. I am boredboredbored. I think I wouldn't have minded having a few quiet
    weekends in a row, normally, but at the moment, a "quiet weekend" translates as
    one where I have nothing to do but exactly what I've been doing during the week,
    except with Rudder's company. Or I would have his company, except that he's spent
    some time at work both yesterday and today. He's promised to come home by noon, so
    that we can do something, but I can't seem to think of much I want to do. We've
    done most of the indoor stuff in town, and it's still too damn hot to go hiking or
    riding or climbing outdoors.

    I did just check the local listings and
    there is a Cider Festival we could go see, or a County Fair in a town far enough
    up in the mountains that the temperature might be tolerable, and an exhibit that
    might be interesting at the Science Museum. I suppose any one of those might be
    ok. Rudder was even desperate enough for ideas to suggest hanging out in a mall,
    which he likes a lot less than I do, but it's no fun when you're trying not to
    spend money. Half the fun of window shopping, I think, is to know you could buy
    something if you absolutely fell in love with it.

    This is one of the
    reasons I'd like to move somewhere else. I sort of feel like I've drained the
    juice from Phoenix and it's time for a new place. Plus, of course, there's the

    Just to keep this entry from being entirely negative, I do have
    one bit of good news. I wore the beaded necklace I made to a party last night, and
    someone asked me to make her one just like it. I told her I would, and just charge
    a few dollars more than the materials cost me. I don't think it would be possible
    to make a living doing this, but it might be a way to fund a hobby. I've decided
    that I will never make two pieces of jewelry exactly alike (not counting pairs of
    earrings) but hers will be similar to mine.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 22, 2001

    not camping

    We were planning to go camping this weekend, up to the property to mark holes. In
    case I didn't tell this story before, we dug about 10 holes -- hard work because
    the soil is clay with rocks in it -- to plant pine trees. We were told it would be
    best to plant in around February, since we're not up there much, so that the
    spring rains (that we always hope for but don't always get) will keep the
    seedlings alive. Rudder's theory was that we should dig this summer, so that we're
    not trying to dig holes in frozen ground under snow. Then we filled the holes back
    in with pine duff and cones, in case the very strict Homeowner's Association
    doesn't approve of holes. Or at least so if anyone steps in them, they're less
    likely to break a leg. We were thinking it might be a good idea to mark the holes,
    in case they're under snow and impossible to see in February when we're ready to
    plant trees, so I bought some long dowels for the purpose.

    I should
    state, at this point, that all of the above was Rudder's idea.

    not good at dates though, and it turned out that this was the week someone he
    works with was having a party that (I think) he really wants to go to, so we
    stayed home after all. Next week is a local regatta, the week after that we have
    company, the week after that may be Egret's bachelorette party, then we're
    traveling to regattas four weekend in a row. By that point it will be time to get
    ready for Thanksgiving. It's that time of year again.

    The ironic
    thing is that when we were planning to go camping, I was regretting that I
    wouldn't be able to sleep in (impossible when you're in a sleeping bag on the
    ground, for me at least). As soon as I found out we weren't going, I realized how
    badly I'd wanted to get up in the pines, breathing cool and clean air. Never
    satisfied, that's me.

    Clueless is also me. I watched the telethon
    last night and have no idea who about half the performers are. All the diva types,
    especially, blended together -- who was the one who played piano? Was that
    Springsteen in the beginning? Who was the guy later on that sounded sort of like
    him, who had Neil Young playing back-up for him? And who was that who did
    the nice cover of "Wish You Were Here" with the revamped lyrics? Took me back to
    college parties, that one did.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    sharing a boat with the She-Hulk; also, looking for suggestions

    Practice this morning left me happy with my boat, but pissed off at Coach DI. (I
    know, I know, what else is new?) I keep thinking of something Andy Rooney once
    said: that when he broke his collarbone, he knew something about it that the
    doctor who treated him, no matter how good, will never know until he breaks his
    own collarbone. That analogy applies especially well to a boat like ours, where
    we've begun to come together as a team. We're starting to know what each of our
    quirks are, and what works well for us as a team -- which isn't always what DI
    thinks will work for us.

    Also, as Pigtails pointed out, his inconsistency makes him difficult to deal with.
    One minute he's joking with us, the next he's telling us to stop talking because
    our chatter is becoming unbearable for him and thus must be annoying others in our
    crew. The way she put it was, "It's like having an alcoholic

    I need to give K. a nom here. She's the token non-lightweight in our four. She's
    four inches taller than Egret, the next tallest woman in the boat (which makes her
    7 inches taller than me), and a good twenty pounds heavier than the rest of us, so
    I'm leaning toward She-Hulk. That's not meant as an insult; if you've ever seen a
    comic featuring Marvel's She-Hulk character, you know that she's a total babe
    (though green). We love having K in the boat; she pulls hard, has a great
    attitude, and doesn't throw off our set. The clearest indication of how hard she
    works is that she is the only one of the larger women whose body has
    changed significantly since she started rowing. Her rowing style has improved
    immensely over the past year or so, too.

    Back off the water, I am worried about the job thing, or rather the lack thereof.
    Though I have financial reserves to last through March, I need to start making
    plans now. If I don't have something within the next month or two, I think it may
    finally be time to go back to school and learn to do something new. The most
    obvious choices are to get an MIS or MBA, which would make it easier for me to
    stay in software, but convince someone to give me a management job. On the other
    hand, it's not like there aren't tons of both out there already. Another idea
    would be to go restart that Linguistics MA I bailed out on when I took my last
    job, and maybe go for the PhD. I would enjoy the period of schooling immensely, in
    that case, but I don't know what I'd do afterward. It's the ideal solution if my
    goal is to learn, but the worst one if the goal is to get a job. I'd like to
    balance those two, really.

    Two more far-out options are to go to school for either architecture or law.
    They're interesting fields, though my primary interests aren't in the more
    lucrative end of either (as an architect, I'd want to design houses, not big
    public buildings; as a lawyer, I'd probably want to study constitutional law). But
    that's ok. My engineering background would be a plus for architecture, and maybe
    for law, if I decided to become a patent lawyer instead. I'm not sure whether they
    all have to live in DC, though.

    If anybody has other brilliant ideas,
    I'm open for suggestions. I've got some writing projects going, too, but I'm not
    naive enough to think of living on those.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 20, 2001

    training but not working

    Today I used a bunch of different machines in the gym, just because I've been
    getting very very bored. Also, I keep thinking I need to do more for my abs and
    back, because they're the foundation for almost every move the body makes. I
    think. I was good though, and hardly dropped any of the stuff I've been doing. I
    didn't do the high row, but since I did do lat pulldowns, bench pulls, and low
    row, I don't think the muscles affected are missing out on much. I did skip the
    last set of my biceps curls and upright rows, though. But I added triceps dips, as
    well as several abs/back machines. I get bored easily, but fortunately, it takes
    only trivial changes to make me un-bored.

    Rudder came over on his way
    out of the gym and asked me what erg piece I was going to do today (in addition to
    my usual 1000-meter warm-up). I told him I might not do one, but if I did it would
    be short, a hard 1 or 2K. He said, "But I thought you're doing longer pieces now
    to train for the head races?" Well, I am, but not every stinkin' day. Some days
    are supposed to be long and low, some hard and fast. Not only do I think that's a
    better way to train, but there's that boredom factor again. I mean, it's like sex;
    one way might be good, but you don't want to do the same thing every time. (Maybe
    I should have used that analogy on Rudder.)

    I almost skipped the gym
    entirely this morning, because staying in bed was an extremely attractive option.
    And we'll be camping again this weekend, so I won't be able to sleep in then. This
    is the bad side of rowing with a steady crew; I can't slack off on my exercise,
    because I have a responsibility to the other women in my boat. I may not be the
    strongest or have the most endurance of us, but no way am I going to be the
    reason we lose a race!

    Rudder was actually fairly annoying, when he
    was telling me what he thinks I should do. I've already had to tell him not to ask
    me every single day if there's any news on the job front, because answering no day
    after day gets depressing, and it feels to me like he's accusing me of not working
    hard enough on getting a new job. This is, I'm sure, completely a figment of my
    own imagination and guilt, rather than any intention on his part; he was actually
    just trying to show concern. He does have an annoying tendency to tell me how I
    should run my life (the same way he runs his, of course) but it's hard to tell
    where the line is between him being preachy and me being

    It hasn't escaped me that I may be overreacting to him
    due to my feelings over still being at home. I do feel a little guilty about still
    being out of work. Most of it is the economy, not me, and I do try to send out job
    applications or scout available positions every single day. But it still feels
    like I should have been able to find something by now. It's been over a month and
    a half, and intellectually I know that's not much time. But guilt has no

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 19, 2001

    L'Shanah Tovah

    Mom sent us a card for Rosh Hashanah that I really liked. It was constructed along
    the lines of the old song that begins, "M is for the Million things she gave me, O
    means only that she's growing Old", and goes on to spell M-O-T-H-E-R. Only this
    one had much better wishes for a new year, put together to spell out L'Shanah
    Tovah, the tradition wish for a good year. (That's the literal translation: "To a
    good year".) The reason I liked it so much was that if all her wishes came true, I
    would have an absolutely kick-ass year.

    Like this:





    New dreams








    Sounds like a good recipe to me. Go, Mom.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Have a phenomenal New Year

    Practice wasn't quite as good this morning -- we have to learn to keep our boat as
    set in rippled water as we can when it's mirror smooth. But something Pigtails
    said when she was coxing got me thinking. With apologies to Maya Angelou:

    Taller women wonder where our secret lies

    We're small and cute, not built to suit a standard rower's size.

    But when we start to tell them,

    they think we're telling lies.

    We say, It's in the speed of our hands,

    The control of our slide,

    The force of our stroke,

    The run of our glide.

    We're women


    Phenomenal woman rowers,

    That's we.

    Last night, I roasted a turkey breast, which turned out to be even easier
    than roasting a whole turkey. There's almost no cleaning involved. I brushed the
    skin with oil, sprinkled it with pepper, rosemary and bay leaves, and tucked a
    couple of fresh basil leaves under the skin. At the last moment I decided to make
    kasha and bowties to go with it, but was out of bowtie noodles, so I made kasha
    and rotelle instead.

    Note to self: flavored pasta does not enhance kasha.

    As festive dinners go, it would have been better if Rudder hadn't gotten home from
    work a little late. It's partly my fault for not telling him I would be cooking a
    nice dinner, but he did know it was Rosh Hashanah. He's not Jewish, but he knows
    enough to figure out that Pigtails and her husband invited us to Erev Rosh
    Hashanah dinner on Monday, then Rosh Hashanah must be on Tuesday.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    September 18, 2001

    a seedling

    According to NPR a little while ago, Israel and the Palestinians have each
    declared a ceasefire. Yasser Arafat has told his people not to fire even if fired
    upon. I am disappointed to say that Sharon did not match him.

    again, Sharon's soldiers, at least, will probably obey their orders. Whether the
    Palestinians listen to Arafat is another matter; Hammas has already said they will
    not. Still, this is a seedling of peace, barely unfurling its seed-leaves in
    ground that has been harrowed over many times and been irrigated with

    Maybe the matching ceasefires won't stand through tomorrow.
    But for today, I'll take what I can get.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    you don't have to say it again

    One effect last week's attacks have had on me is to make me very easily fed up
    with repeated words and phrases. Here are some I'm ready to stop hearing now,

    • "horrific"

    • "enormity" (especially when used to mean
    • "I'm not going to (fill in the blank with some normal reaction to being scared and
      sad) because that's exactly what they want." I keep wondering, if we have so many
      people with a telepathic link to bin Laden, why can't we even figure out exactly
      where he's hiding?

    • "I feel like I have to (fill in the blank with something you really want to
      do). It's important, at a time like this, to take care of yourself." This one has
      some truth to it. I worry when I hear about rescue workers not stopping to sleep.
      If they don't stop to recharge, how will they be able to keep going? It's always
      important to appreciate the little joys of life, too, and it's appropriate to
      remind ourselves of that in times of sorrow. But when I hear people who -- like me
      -- have no personal ties to the tragedies using them as a reason why it's one's
      duty to avoid any possible stressful situation, I tend to think it's just an

    My reactions to stock phrases and repetitions have become so strong that I've even
    had trouble responding to a series of messages yesterday from the women in my
    boat, because they were so upbeat and pious -- and in this case, they were being
    upbeat because it's a great boat to row in, and were dedicated to the greater god
    of the boat because we've really become a true team.

    I'm just a
    crotchety individualist at heart, I guess.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:12 AM

    September 17, 2001

    stocks and strips

    I hope the stock market bounces back today. I don't quite understand the sell-off;
    it sounds to me like, "Ohmigawd, price are going down! Sell!" which isn't exactly
    the way to make money, as I understand these things. I suppose it's possible
    everyone selling was holding short, so they can make money off a down market, but
    it seems unlikely that that accounts for all of it. Maybe I'm naive, but I
    honestly believed Warren Buffet when he said he sees this as a buying opportunity.

    Of course, every stock I buy promptly tanks, so what do I

    Coach DI finally videotaped my boat in practice today.
    He taped the other boats last week and they viewed their tapes at the beginning of
    today's practice. I'm sure it would never have happened if I hadn't organized the
    taping, and when I say "organized" I mean said, "Hey, K, could we take you up on
    your offer to use your videocamera?" DI's organizational skills are so bad that
    everyone was shocked that he remembered to bring candles to Friday's vigil. We
    looked all right on tape though. There are still lots of things we can correct, of
    course and as always, but generally seeing yourself row is a disillusioning
    experience, and it really wasn't this time. We looked solid and together, and as
    DI told us, all the things we need to correct are minor.

    My carpal
    tunnel is feeling like it's too small for its contents, though, so I probably need
    to be careful about my wrist position. This only seems to happen when I row
    starboard, never on port, so it definitely derives from rowing, and not typing or
    other activities.

    I'm sorry to see that Lynn Johnston, the author of the
    comic strip For Better or For Worse has chosen
    to include a general letter of sorrow in place of the usual monthly ones from each
    of the Patterson family on her website.

    Cartoonists have to be
    breaking their hearts right now because since they work 6 weeks in advance, all of
    their characters are continuing on their preplotted paths with no reference to
    last Tuesday's attack. This isn't much of a problem for some strips -- the Wizard
    of Id doesn't know from New York City. And I'd just as soon not see some other
    strips' take on it -- it's been a long time since Johnny Hart, the author of BC,
    wrote anything I agreed with. But For Better or For Worse has always dealt with
    difficult issues with courage and humor.

    Michael and Deanna's
    wedding in FBOFW has been one of the brighter spots in my past week. Michael, a
    young writer, is the character Lynn often uses to think about moral issues and it
    would have been fascinating to see his musings on the concurrence of his wedding
    and the worst terrorist attack on the continent.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 16, 2001

    reading Roger Williams

    I'm reading href="
    3104662-8743048">I, Roger Williams
    , by Mary Lee Settle, because I don't
    want to plunge entirely into escapism (though I'm also reading The Little
    Colonel's Holidays
    online) and so I decided it would be appropriate to read
    something about the taproot of my country.

    According to Settle,
    whose interview on NPR I caught one morning(the href=">Diane Rehm show, I think) some of Roger
    Williams' writings are at the base of some of the ideas in our Declaration of
    Independence and Constitution. He was the one who insured that at least one
    colony, Rhode Island, truly had freedom of religion, instead of being like the
    others, ruled over by those who had come to escape persecution for their beliefs,
    only to turn and persecute other in their turn. Perhaps this book is more
    relevant than I had thought.

    Settle has obviously spent years
    immersed in Williams' letters. The voice in her book is that of a dreaming old man
    returning to live over his past, making sense of it and seeing the connections he
    missed while living it as it happened. She says in her afterword that she
    deliberately uses the voice of his letters, because his formal writings are
    convoluted and polished, according to the custom of the time, while the letters,
    written in haste while a courier waited, show his thoughts more vividly.

    It's not an easy read, echoing an idiom three centuries dead, but of
    course the pacing was set by a modern author and it cannot be as alien as a true
    diary of the time would be. It is an absorbing read, though, and a bit comforting,
    since it speaks of an old man who has outlived his own cataclysms and upheavals
    and arrived at peace.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM | Comments (1)

    September 15, 2001

    war and tchotchkes

    Usually, I can't write an entry here on any subject without mentioning rowing at
    the start of it.* I foresee that for the near future, I will not be able to write an entry without mentioning the attack on New York and Washington, and its consequences, instead. This morning, thanks to the links Mechaieh posted, I have signed a pledge against hatred and read the letter Miss Throckmorton posted. On Monday, I will call my Afghani friend Shahin, to make sure she's ok.

    Though I can't resist writing about the wonderful rowing practice we had yesterday, or resist mentioning the fact that Yosemite Sam complained to Rudder afterward that my form was perfect -- he couldn't find
    anything to complain about.

    Last night, I joined other rowers in a candlelight vigil at the lake, which proved to be a wonderful place to have one. People were holding candles in boats just offshore and standing them up in the sand. I think it meant a lot to the juniors, particularly. Some were crying. Most were hugging. One girl said that she had been first shocked, then angry, and that this was her first chance to feel sad. A boy told me that 5 people had been suspended from his school so far for "talking about this the wrong way". This was a chance for them to stand with people who had thought more about the moral consequences of the attack and of our response, I think.

    Coach DI brought several sheets of the words to Amazing Grace and a valiant attempt was made to sing that, which would have worked better had more people been willing to sing loud enough to be heard, so that everyone could be on the same line at the same time.

    Then some of the juniors wanted us to all hold hands and say a prayer, so we did that. The first guy to speak mumbles ecstatically and at
    length, assuring God over and over how much we all loved him (though he did manage to only mention Jesus once or twice). He also thanked God for giving us a president who really cares about our country. I'm sure He has done that, at least at some point, but wouldn't care to speculate *which* of our Presidents that was. I bit my tongue very hard at that point. The others to speak were more restrained but still homogenous enough that I couldn't resist speaking up myself at the end, and offered a pointed prayer that we all learn to come together and appreciate each other's differences and that our leaders act with wisdom, compassion, and restraint. Hey, at least I didn't start out, "Baruch ata Adonai...."

    Afterwards I went out for good cheap Vietnamese food with Hardcore, her family, and several of the junior girls -- she's sort of a den mother for the juniors. She's got four kids -- one in college, the rowing one in high school and two little ones -- and I have a feeling all the neighborhood kids have always hung out at her house and complained to her about problems with their own parents. It was a liberating feeling to be out eating at eight o'clock on a Friday night on Mill Avenue, which was full of lights and people. Afterward, I chatted with several people from my list until nearly 11. It felt great to be keeping normal hours for a change, even if I slept in past eight this morning and woke up sore.

    I have done very little reading this week, but have spent a lot of time with
    needle and beads, since that could be done while watching the news on TV. Here are the results:

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 14, 2001

    light one candle?

    Apparently there is a movement afoot to organize a nationwide candlelight vigil
    tonight at 7 PM. The email I got about it claims this will "show the world that
    Americans are strong and united", which left me a little confused. United, yes,
    but I don't quite see how lighting candles shows strength. The rest of the world
    is certainly watching to see our official response to the tragedy, and I hope they
    are also seeing Americans working together toward a common goal, but if the
    candle-lighting shows them anything, it will only be that we are not quite bright
    enough to coordinate across time zones.

    That said, I do think the vigil is a good idea, but how it shows us to ourselves
    rather than how it displays us to the rest of the world. If it gives us a sense of
    unity, or being part of a greater whole, that will strengthen us for whatever
    comes next, and for dealing with the grief of what has already happened. And I'm
    sure someone will choreograph a display a Jews and Moslems, Christians and
    Buddhists and Hindus all standing together in reverence that will end up being
    televised -- and maybe that will show the world something about us.

    A candle -- flame -- is a talisman of spirit and memory. Like the Ner Tamid, the
    eternal light that is always kept burning in every synagogue, the flame will stand
    for remembrance and reverence. A whole nation burning candles is a powerful symbol
    of mingled hope and grief and unity. We do need that.

    Peter Yarrow's Chanukah song says it better than I can:

    Light one candle for the strength that we need

    to never became our own foe.

    Light one candle for those who are suffering

    pain we lived so long ago.

    Light one candle for all we believe in

    that anger won't tear us apart.

    And light one candle to bring us together

    with peace as the song in our hearts.

    What is the memory that's valued so highly

    that we keep it alive in that flame?

    What's the commitment for those who have died,

    when we cry out they have not died in vain?

    We have come this far always believing that

    justice would somehow prevail.

    This is the burden, this is the promise,

    This is why we will not fail.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 13, 2001

    trust and betrayal

    It's a cruel irony, that the href="">Ampersand topic for this month is
    "The End of the World". My visceral response is that I have been writing of
    nothing else for two days now. But that is not really the case, is it, though
    Tuesday's events may
    possibly have changed our world

    My first reaction, when I read
    the topic, days before smoke filled the sky of New York and Washington, was to
    remember a quotation from Susan Cooper's Dark is Rising

    If you have once betrayed a great trust,
    you dare not let yourself be trusted again, because the second betrayal would be
    the end of the world.

    I disagree.

    quote is true to the character who speaks it, I think, which may perhaps be why I
    have never warmed to her, in her many literary incarnations. To my mind, it is the
    speech of a coward, one who, once compromised, will never try again, will never
    surmount her failures. Perseverance can be foolish; trying again and again in the
    face of literally impossible odds is usually less of a noble undertaking than a
    waste of time. But never trying again after a single defeat, never attempting to
    correct a single sin, is wasting a whole life.

    All of us have
    betrayed a trust at one time or another -- for one thing, if we hadn't, blood
    supplies would not have been so low on Tuesday, before the long lines began
    forming outside donation centers. But whatever the sin may be, an there are more
    grievous national sins than this, the past is irremediable. The only right thing
    to do is go on, and to vow to do better next time.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Plus ca change...

    It may turn out that only 3000 are dead instead of 20000. People reporting this
    generally hasten to add, "Not that that makes it any better." Well, it doesn't, if
    you're one of the 3000, or if you loved one of the 3000. But yes, it does make it
    a bit better for 17000 people who were potentially casualties, and who may turn
    out not to be. If there are 17000 people who escaped, then there may be five times
    that number who are feeling some of the most profound relief and joy of their
    lives right now.

    What won't change, of course, are the feelings of
    the rest of us who are a bit further removed, and our national response to the
    attacks. And I wonder what that will be. Has anyone noticed how many of the
    speeches, the ones that say "Things will never be the same. Americans can't feel
    safe anymore. We're not removed from the rest of the world," seem to have an odd
    echo? We heard the same speeches, from newscasters and regular people, eight years
    ago when the World Trade Center was bombed in 1993. They said then, "This changes
    everything," but in the end, it changed nothing. (Except of course, for the people
    who were directly affected that time. I don't want to minimize what happened to
    any of them.)

    Oklahoma City did have a more profound effect on our
    national psyche, but I don't know that it even changed much -- I'm sure Federal
    buildings instituted some new security policies, and became a bit more skittish
    about threats, but what else changed? I'd like to think that interest in the more
    freaky lunatic fringe militias decreased, but that's not what the reports from the
    Southern Poverty Law Center, who tracks these things, seem to

    In the short term, many people will be much more afraid of
    flying, and of traveling in general. In the long term, airport security will be
    heightened, if not permanently, then for a very long time. But will anything else
    change? Or will we send out a few raids on the perpetrators, then gradually

    Unless, of course, we go to war, in which case everything
    will change.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    September 12, 2001


    Rowing practice was a mess today, for various reasons.

    But I donÕt want to
    write about it. After yesterday, complaining about rowing seems petty. I have no
    problems with talking abut petty things, to keep life going on, or in taking joy
    in tiny things, but complaining about minor irritations seems unworthy of the

    From the TV and radio newscasters, and also from the people I
    talk to, I keep hearing the same words and phrases, neatly packaged nuggets of
    shock, grief, or determination. "Horrific." "Enormity." "The grim scene." "America
    under attack." "We never believed it would happen here." "The worst attack since
    Pearl Harbor." And over, and over, "We will get through this," as though we
    had an alternative.

    We do have choices, though. We can get through
    this and become paranoid xenophobes who hate and blame or we can hang on to our
    beliefs, applying the cornerstone of our ideals, "innocent until proven guilty",
    even to those we suspect of the worst. And that, I hope, is what all those people
    are saying when they vow to "get through this".

    It may be that we're
    all repeating the same phrases because we're a nation of sheep, but I don't think
    that's it. The newscasters repeat themselves because they have to say something --
    that's what they're paid to do -- and there's nothing else to say. The rest of us
    have seized on those phrases because we have no words to encompass our shock and
    so we repeat the words that resound though our airwaves, knowing others will
    understand because they share the same grief and shock.

    reason we repeat packaged phrases is because the deaths of thousands is too much
    for us to grasp. God forgive us, we can shut it off when they're far away -- when
    even more thousands die of earthquake in India or famine and disease in the
    refugee camps of Somalia. But this is here and we can't ignore it and none of our
    usual coping mechanisms will work. So we use the set phrases to package our grief,
    to break it up into small enough chunks that we can begin to process

    One thing I like about Jewish tradition that I think America as a
    whole should adopt is that we remember our watershed events and we remind
    ourselves of their lessons, over and over. At Passover, we don't just celebrate
    our freedom from slavery. We remind ourselves that others are still salves, just
    as we were. We remind ourselves that before we were enslaved, we were well-treated
    in Egypt for hundreds of years -- we were "strangers in a strange land", and were
    helped by our neighbors, and therefore we are required to do the same for
    strangers in our land. Paying it forward is a Jewish concept, though not by that

    And there are many lessons that were taught to Americans
    yesterday, but here is one. This is what it feels like when thousands of us die.
    The grief and the need to help overwhelm us. Next time it happens somewhere else
    in the world -- when there is an earthquake or a typhoon or a war or an epidemic -
    - we need to remember what this feels like and not choke off our grief, and our
    urges to help only because it's happened to someone else.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:48 AM

    September 11, 2001

    still in shock

    The last entry was getting long, so I started a new one, and will continue to keep

    I keep wondering if the place crash near Pittsburgh might
    have been due to a pilot who decided that, since he (or she) and the passengers on
    a hijacked plane were doomed anyway, it was better to crash than to kill still
    more people by acceding to a hijacker's demands. I wonder. If so, what a hero.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 10, 2001

    rowing as it should be

    We appear to have finally gotten the rowing coaches to think of our lightweight
    women's four as a team now, the way they do with Rudder and T2, because they've
    put us in the boat together now every day for two weeks. Ahhhhhh....rowing as it's
    meant to be, with a crew that fits together and works together, a whole boatful of
    people paying attention and fixing whatever needs fixing. Again: ahhh.....

    Today we had another woman, K, coxing us for the first half of
    practice and rowing for the second half. Both halves went very well and we felt
    stronger with her in the boat than with some of the others who have sat in with
    us. She's not a lightweight, but not huge either (twenty pounds more than us
    little people, that is, but not forty pounds more like a lot of the bigger women).
    Our local race at the end of this month doesn't have a lightweight four category
    anyhow, and Egret will be out of town for the race, so we've asked K to join us
    for that. I need to come up with a better nom for her.

    On Saturday, I
    showed up to watch a volleyball tournament the rowing group was having. Since it
    was held at 2PM, on an early September day in Phoenix, I decided that actually
    playing would be unpleasant. Anyhow, I have this problem with volleyball: I don't
    mind playing for a little while, but no one ever lets you stop. It's always, "You
    can't go now! Just one more game! One more match! Best of three!" It's not that
    I'm especially good at it, but many leagues or tournaments have rules about the
    minimum number of women on a team. It was not infernally hot, though, and no one
    got heat stroke. In fact, it was quite pleasant sitting in the shade with Egret,
    Yosemite Sam, and his wife and son. I'd brought a bit of needlepoint, as well as
    my usual book, and got teased for being such a domestic picture. But hey, I'm
    unemployed. I need these little projects to gain a feeling of

    Not much else new, except that I'm resolved to be a
    bit more productive this week. I hope to finish the proposal for my book project
    by the end of the week (or mostly, anyhow) and to check out the newspaper want ads
    earlier in the week than I have been (though I do check online job ads daily).
    Also I need to get my truck's tires rotated and oil changed. Sounds like an
    exciting week, huh?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 09, 2001

    an exercise

    I've been reading a book on writing, The First Five Pages, by Noah Lukeman.
    I don't generally write fiction, which is what he's concentrated on, but he has
    had some useful things to say about presentation, writing style, and so on.

    In the middle of his chapter on dialog, I realized I have absolutely no idea how
    to do that, no idea whatsoever on how to tell a story and makes the characters
    real. (Maybe that's why I don't write fiction, eh?) So just as a writing exercise,
    here is my day so far, in fictionalized format.

    Dichroic and Rudder were having a hard time fighting off the Bed Magnet, on
    a sleepy Sunday morning when they had no real plans to pull them out of bed and
    into their day. He rolled over, put an arm around her, and muttered, "So are we
    going to get up and take turns rowing the single?"

    She opened one eye, decided the effort was too great, closed it again. "I
    can't get excited about sitting on the beach, waiting an hour while you row, and
    then getting into a boat I've been rowing a lot lately anyway."

    "I know what you mean," he said. "Anyway, if I'll be racing in the double
    with Ringer, I don't really need to row the single. But what else can we do

    She enumerated possibilities, "We could go to the Art Museum. We could go
    hike up Four Peaks -- it should be cool enough there. We could do the sprinkler
    system. We could just stay in bed all day and not do anything."

    He nuzzled closer into her neck. "And have lots of sex?" he asked


    They stayed entwined and horizontal for a few more minutes, enjoying the
    chance to do nothing for awhile. Eventually, he swung up to a sitting position and
    said, in a wheedling tone, "We have all day for that, but we should probably put
    in the sprinkler system before it gets too hot. Want to learn to glue pipes

    "Not really," she answered. "But I guess I will." She followed him out of
    bed, brushed her teeth, pulled on some clothes loose enough to be cool in the
    desert heat she expected, and found him out on the back porch.

    "Hey...this is nice!" she exclaimed, surprised at the temperature of the
    September breeze on her face. "It's almost cool out!"

    "Yup," he answered. "Nice. Can you come over here and dig out the pipe
    coming from over there? The small hand shovel should work well for that."

    The morning rapidly grew to seem less cool as she worked until finally she
    reached two pipes buried eight inches down, complaining at the sandy soil that
    slid back in the hole almost as fast as she dug it out.

    "That's deep enough," he said. "Just widen it a bit and see if you can pull
    out that black pipe -- it's pretty flexible."

    She did as directed, then looked over to see that he'd finished half of the
    ten-foot trench they needed to lay the pipe for the sprinklers.

    He transferred the shovel from one gloved hand to the other and used a
    forearm to wipe sweat from his forehead. "Come over here and I'll show you how to
    glue joints in the piping. You'll be amazed at how fast this goes. See, we need to
    go from this faucet down, then along the ground to the trench and over to the new
    controller. Don't worry, though -- it's not rocket science."

    That last was a standing joke between them, as they had both formerly worked
    on NASA projects. She absorbed his directions, nodded, then began work. As she
    expected, the project did not go "amazingly fast". It went smoothly, though, and
    they were done in an hour or so, with only one or two tiny leaks that they left to
    fix another day, as the late-summer heat was starting to build in the desert

    They cleaned up their tools, and went inside companionably, deciding to skip
    breakfast and go straight to tuna sandwiches for lunch. She made the sandwiches,
    turning at the sound of frantic miauling to give a bit of tuna to the cats, who
    had, as usual, magically appeared as soon as she opened the cans of fish.

    After lunch, she went over to the computer and began work on her daily
    journal entry.

    Hmm. That was a little easier than I expected. Now if only fiction didn't also
    require all those hard things like plot and characterization....

    PS. I still don't believe in this stuff, but this one is very near: a description
    based on my name. The only thing they
    got wrong is that I am quite happy to let others do their own work -- even if I
    have to do some fixing afterwards. I want stuff to be done right, but I'd rather
    let other people do as much of it as possible.

    As Paula you seek change, travel, new opportunities, and new challenges. Your
    active, restless nature demands action and you dislike system and monotony. As you
    are versatile and capable, you could do any job well, although you would not like
    to do menial tasks. Having considerable vision, you could be adept at formulating
    new, more effective ways of doing things. You could organize the work of others,
    though in your impatience to see the job done efficiently, you would likely step
    right in and do it yourself. You could work well in sales and promotion, and would
    not be afraid to risk a gamble as the name gives you much self-confidence. You do
    not find contentment in the routine tasks and responsibilities that are associated
    with home and family or with administrative detail in the business world, so you
    have to guard against frustration and even moods of depression over your personal
    responsibilities. The restlessness this name creates could find an outlet in
    caustic, irritable expression. Also, the intensity of your nature could result in
    tension in the solar plexus causing stomach trouble and, because you take your
    responsibilities seriously you could experience much worry.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 08, 2001

    don't read this book

    I spent half an hour this morning reading a book on how to get jobs. That's half
    an hour on the WHOLE book; the author was a man of few words and much

    I wasn't sure I'd actually finish the book; the fact that
    the author used words like "dollarize" got on my nerves early on. The presence of
    the phrase, "that matters not a wit(sic)," had me questioning his editor's
    competence as well. Thank fortune it was a library book, and so none of my dollars
    were spent to support the author's conviction that he could write

    He did have some good points though, and I will reiterate
    them here, out of the goodness of my heart, to save anyone else having to read
    this thing.

    • Treat job-hunting as sales, because
      you're selling yourself.
    • Use the word "you", not "i", in letters
      and interviews.
    • Use the basic sales technique: find out what your
      customer's problems are and solve them.

    I list these
    here to remind myself; I can see how I haven't done each of these when I should
    have in recent job-hunting efforts.

    The book is Don't Send Your
    , by the way; I'm reluctant to mention it because I don't want to give
    them the Google hits, but there's no point in summarizing if I don't name the

    I also need to keep reminding myself that this is not what I
    want to do for the rest of my life (either the jobhunting or most of the resulting
    jobs) and so I need to work on my book project and on finding other avenues toward
    a Proper Job.

    I also need to kick back and enjoy a lazy weekend, but
    no self-reminders are needed for that.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 07, 2001

    women athletes, autism, and women athletes

    It is FINALLY getting cooler in the mornings. Callooooo! Callaaaayy! I gloat. Hear me!

    Yes, I am fully capable of mixing Alice and Tom Brown when happy. Not only was the weather pleasant (Callooooooo!) but we did a lightweight Womens' four again, which was also very pleasant. We are a kick-ass four and I am really looking forward to racing with this group -- in fact, one thing on my list for today is to see if there are any fall regattas not too far away that have a lightweight category.

    None of us but Pigtails actually got much constructive coaching today, but they did give us a lot of compliments. Not helpful, but at least pleasant.

    For some odd reason, the keys on the left side of this keyboard are louder than those on the right. I've probably gotten crumbs in it -- I have an unfortunate habit of mixing food and keyboards a little more closely than is optimal for the latter.

    Yesterday, I had lunch with a former co-worker from Boeing and her husband. They both quit work awhile back in order to have more time to work with their autistic son and it sounds like their methods have worked extremely well with him. They hope to get a grant to work to teach their methods in a local school for autistic kids. I don't know much about autism, so it was fascinating to hear them.

    Apparently, the cornerstone of their method is to realize that as far as these kids are concerned, everything is fine. They may have retreated far inside their own heads, but they're happy in there. So instead of forcing them to cone out in order to make other people happy, they start with a basic respect for the kid and work from there. Their own son is now social and verbal, reading and speaking and making eye contact. Perhaps the fact that the mother herself has a problem with her legs that forces her to use crutches or a wheelchair has helped them realize that a disability can be a fact and a hindrance without being a tragedy. I don't know, but I am impressed.

    I'm not an expert on this stuff, not having kids, but a lot of what they were saying sounded to me like an amplified and targeted version of general good parenting techniques. I suggested that after they finish their book on dealing with autistic kids, they write one aimed at all parents, adapting the lessons they've learned to dealing with all kids.

    They get to practice dealing with other kids anyway, since
    they also have an 11-year-old daughter who is not autistic -- I gather one of
    their challenges is to make sure she gets enough attention, that all their time
    isn't spent on her younger, cuter, and needier brother. Right now, their biggest
    concern with her is that she's not even a teenager, and is very skinny, and is
    thinking she's too fat and trying not to eat. Arrrgh.

    I recommended the book "Generations", in hope that hearing three generations of women talking about their lives might give her interesting perspective. I should also have recommended "Game Face" which I've just finished. It's a collection of words and pictures of women athletes throughout the century, or all ages, shapes and fitness levels, from a little girl playing with a ball to Flo Jo to Ernestine
    to a swim team of older women from over in Sun City. Great book. And great role models.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM | Comments (1)

    September 06, 2001

    Library origins

    Another use for online journals: put all your questions in and hope some reader
    knows the answer. Of particular use for those too lazy to do proper

    Who is the benefactor to humanity who invented public
    lending libraries? Benjamin Franklin usually gets credited, but (much as it pains
    me, a Philadelphian and Penn alum) to admit it, I don't think he deserves all the

    The great library of Alexandria was reputed to have a copy of
    every book then in existence, but I am sure it wasn't open to the public (most of
    whom couldn't read anyway). Monasteries and colleges have had for libraries as
    long as those institutions have existed, but those, again, were only open to their

    The British Library dates back to 1753, but in its early
    days was simply the library of the British Museum. Its great Reading Room was not
    opened until 1857, and anyhow, as far as I know, it was not a lending library, at
    least not to the general public. Holders of a library card could read there, but
    not necessarily take books out (someone let me know if I'm wrong

    The Library Company Franklin invented was a group of not-too-
    well-off, studious young men (geeks, in other words) who decided to pool their
    books so that they could all have access to each other's books, forming a much
    larger library than any of them could afford on his own. This was a true lending
    library, whose books could be withdrawn for a set period of time by any member.

    What I want to know is, how did libraries grow from Franklin's
    private Company into facilities open to any resident of the town? Who is the
    genius who deserves all the lilies for the idea? Andrew Carnegie's money enabled
    many a small town to have a library, so he had a lot to do with making libraries
    universal, but I don't think it was a new idea by then.

    Whoever it
    was, we should name a new holiday for him or her, and all take time off from work
    to read on that day.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    out of the Chuck

    I think boredom has finally hit. I'm getting tired of staying home -- someone
    please offer me a great job. Unfortunately, this still hasn't driven me to be much
    more diligent about all the things I really should be doing, from writing to

    We had some bad news yesterday: Rudder and his
    doubles partner T2 Hatfield did not get into the Head of the Charles regatta. It's
    a random draw rather than a qualification, so this is just pure bad luck. We had
    thought they would definitely be in, since the HOTC rules state that "no event
    shall be made to fall below 60 entries", and they don't get quite that many people
    wanting to enter in the Men's Championship Doubles, but apparently those 60
    entries include both men's and women's events.

    They have been
    training so hard, and rowing so well -- on Friday, they beat two eight-person
    boats in a 5 mile race -- that this is a strong blow. In the course of several
    beers last night, I learned something that makes it even sadder. Apparently T2 had
    ordered their racing jerseys specially; he rows bow, so is more visible, and on
    the back of his shirt, he'd had printed, "Egret, will you marry me?" It turns out
    that Rudder has known this for a month and not told me, the swine.

    After finding they were out of the race, T2 apparently couldn't wait
    any longer and told Egret about the shirt. They've lived together for several
    months now, so I don't think it was a great surprise to her, or that her answer
    was in doubt, but still, what a great way to propose, and what a shame not to be
    able to carry it out.

    They ordered Rudder a matching shirt with no
    words on it. We were joking that it should have said, "Egret, marry
    him....please!" T2's butt has a tendency to fall asleep after long rows, making
    his legs numb. Egret has to stay around, because certainly nobody else wants to
    massage it for him!

    I was proud of the boys, though. I thought last
    night's beers would have been intended to drown their sorrows, but instead, each
    of them showed with a schedule of upcoming races, and they immediately began
    making alternate plans. The most insane possibility is that they would row that
    Head of the Colorado (aka the Pumpkinhead), in Austin, on October 27, then do two
    back-to-back races in San Diego on the next weekend, then one in L.A. the weekend
    after that. After that, presumably, they would collapse into exhaustion and spend
    the rest of the year trying to recuperate.

    I will miss seeing href="">Mechaieh in Boston, too, just to make my
    disappointment more severe. She has been kind enough to suggest that we try again
    next year though, and hope to have better luck talking D and href="">Natalie into joining us there. (D?

    Much as I was looking forward to Boston, though, I can't
    complain, if Rudder and T2 aren't. With luck, we'll end up doing the PumpkinHead,
    which will not only let us spend Halloween on 6th Street in Austin, but would let
    us see Rudder's brother and lots of our old friends from Houston. Egret and I may
    race, too, which we hadn't planned on doing in Boston. That would be

    Sigh. Replan. Life's like that.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    September 05, 2001

    on a food binge

    I got to row in a lightweight women's four this morning, with a coxswain who only
    outweighed each of the rowers in the boat by about 20 lbs. He's good though (I
    trained him) and at least doesn't outweigh us by 40 lbs or more, like everyone
    else there. It was a very good row, until the last piece where the coaches
    switched two other people in and we weren't as well matched.

    I'm on
    a bit of a cooking spree this week. Yesterday I made chicken soup (from chicken,
    vegetables, herbs, water, and my grandmother's recipe, that is, not from a can).
    It's been hitting 105 degrees F or so, and if thus not an appropriate time
    for soup, but I was in my local market yesterday and they were actually carrying
    mandlen (soup nuts) for a change, as well as packages of whole cut-up chicken
    complete with all the icky parts, so I couldn't resist.

    Mandlen, for
    those not familiar with Jewish food, are small delicate balls about the size and
    shape of those round jaw-breaking oyster crackers, and weighing perhaps one tenth
    as much. They have a very soft crunch, are mostly air inside, and you float them
    on your chicken soup.

    I considered also making matzah balls, which
    are heavy dough dumplings that sink in the soup, absorbing enough of it to give
    them flavor. However, there were critters in my matzo meal! Don't know what
    they are, where they come from, or most importantly, how to get rid of them, but
    we tend to get small ant-like bugs in flour or anything similar that is left
    unsealed. We keep our flour and rice and sugar in plastic airtight canisters,
    which seem to work well (though we've never had trouble with bugs in the sugar,
    for some reason). The matzo meal box was actually in a ziplock bag, so I don't
    know how the damned beasties got in, but get in they did, so I had to throw the
    box away.

    The major question with chicken soup is always what to do
    with the left-over chicken. When the soup is finished, you're left with an entire
    cooked chicken. It's way too much to throw away without guilt, but it's also
    tasteless, having had all of the flavor boiled out into the soup. And the skin
    comes out all nasty, yellow and goose-pimply and hard to remove. Mom usually
    sprinkles hers with paprika and broils it for a few minutes, but that's not a good
    answer (see the part about "tasteless", above). Or she'll make chicken salad,
    which would work better for me if I liked chicken salad.

    I am trying
    a new solution this time. I'd bought some very thinly sliced beef, thinking to
    make Mongolian beef or something like that with it - something sweet and spicy,
    with a vaguely Asian flavor. I found a recipe for pork satay, decided beef would
    work as well, made a bit extra of the marinade (measure ingredients? who, me?),
    and threw both the beef and chunks of the chicken from the soup into it. It will
    have about 9 hours in the marinade; I don't know if the already-cooked chicken
    will absorb it as well as raw meat would, but I figure marinating can only

    But I do have one question about the marinade: who ever thought
    peanut butter dissolves in water and soy sauce?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 04, 2001

    work and too little time

    I skipped going to the gym this morning because it wasn't open as early as I
    usually go, a fact Rudder verified by heading over there at 4:30 or so. (I usually
    don't get there until well after 5.) So he came back home and we went back to
    sleep, together in our wonderful soft warm bed, prolonging our holiday weekend by
    two more precious hours.

    I always find it almost offensive that I spend more awake time with my assigned
    coworkers (or at the moment, with my cats) than I do with the husband I chose and
    with whom I spoke my vows. This to me is one of the prime indicators that there
    are serious flaws in the modern model of work, at least in the office sort of job
    where I've spent my career.

    We heard something on the radio the other day about the introduction of the eight-
    hour day, a radical idea for its time. The slogan was "Eight hours to work, eight
    hours to sleep, eight hours or recreation." That still sounds like an ideal
    proportion until you consider how that eight hours is spent. A typical proportion
    might be:

    • one hour to wake up, shower, and dress
    • 2 hours getting to and from work -- loading the car, driving, parking
    • 1 hour for lunch -- breakfast is grabbed on the run
    • 1.5 hours for dinner -- cooking and eating it
    • one hour for exercise
    • 0.5 hours to get ready for bed

    This adds up to 6 hours out of that "recreation time", and so far this
    hypothetical person hasn't so much as played a game of solitaire -- and notice I
    haven't even included time to take care of pets, much less children. Add in time
    to dress and feed the kids, take them to sports practice, music class, or
    playgroup, and forget about having any "quality" time left over. Having two days
    off for every five we work sounds like a reasonable compromise, until we have to
    spend our weekends catching up on the chores, errands and housework we have no
    time for during the week.

    And so we rush. In the attempt to snatch a few more minutes of discretionary time,
    we compress our morning routine, eat lunch at our desk while working, grab takeout
    food for dinner that can be eaten while standing and doing something else. No
    wonder we all feel flurried; no wonder I'm still enjoying being unemployed.

    Part of this imbalance is because the idea of designating time for work and
    recreation is fairly new and we still haven't worked out all the bugs. To the
    working class in more agriculturally-based times, the only time adults dedicated
    purely to recreation might be a neighborhood dance, held once a month or so. The
    compensation for this, before the rise of factory work, was that more of the work
    itself might be combinable with pleasure. A group of women doing the family sewing
    might gossip or take turns reading to each other; shopkeepers living behind the
    store might have their children with them, helping out or being watched over
    according to age; farmers mending tack in the long winter evenings might tell
    stories or sing with their families. (The decline in attention span can be
    measured in the decreasing length of the songs people sing. Older ballads might
    have run to 50 verses, with some being made up to fit the story to local

    As office and factory jobs -- that is, work outside the homestead -- grew to
    consume more of the population, other balances evolved. In Jane Austen's Pride
    and Prejudice
    , Eliza Bennett's uncle, though in "trade" seems to have plenty
    of time to travel with his family. But what of the poorer men who worked for him?
    Dickens shows that no care was given to the recreational time of the poor -- Bob
    Cratchett barely has Christmas Day off to spend with his family; his wife
    shoulders all the care of the house and children (and probably earned a few bob
    whenever she could, working at home). The labor movement, among other factors, has
    improved the lot of the Bob Cratchits. His 21st century great grandson and
    granddaughter at least get to eat dinner with their families -- if the kids aren't
    out at soccer practice, that is. Now it's the bosses and the professionals who
    work the 12 hour days, sometimes to make more money, sometimes just to keep their

    There are people whose work is a vocation. Sometimes, if it's a noble enough
    vocation, we even sympathize when they spend less time on other obligations. No
    one says Nelson Mandela should have renounced his principles in order to stay out
    of jail to bear Winnie company. But these are rare exceptions. The ideal would be
    to combine a true vocation with the time for family an friends -- this is the
    solution Louisa May Alcott finds in her recently resurgent book Work. For
    the rest of us, though, where true vocations are not obvious, we need a better way
    to combine work and pleasure, so that we can all have some of both, without
    waiting for the weekend.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 03, 2001

    the divine Miss A.

    This may be a short entry, because my fingers are a bit numb. I rowed just a titch
    under ten KM in the single today, so they've earned the right to have no feeling
    for a while. The rest of today will probably be spent doing very little.

    I'm in a Jane Austen mood, having just read Stephanie Barron's
    Jane and the Wandering Eye, a mystery in which Jane herself is the
    detective. I didn't find it convincing enough to believe the narrator to actually
    be Jane Austen, but it had an agreeable period flavor, a heroine with some insight
    and a good helping of asperity, and quite a few Austen quotes. It has given me a
    taste for more of the original, so I'm not reading a selection of letters to her
    sister Cassandra, and will probably follow that up with a rereading of
    Northanger Abbey or Mansfield Park. I've only read those once each,
    not liking them nearly as well as Pride and Prejudice or Emma, or
    even Persuasion, but the fault may be in myself rather than in my material,
    so I will try again.

    I may take up href="">Mistress Sinister's idea and
    create a book review site, though I will probably not host it on Diaryland as I
    want it to seem less like a journal and thus more accessible to those outside the
    diary community. More on that if events warrant.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    September 02, 2001


    OK, I've finished the first revision of this layout, so feel free to point out its

    We've returned from camping, relaxed, refreshed, and sore, as
    usual. Unfortunately, the soreness tends to last longer than the relaxation. It
    derives from sleeping on the ground and from muscles unaccustomed to shoveling,
    or, these days, to mountain biking.

    We went up to the airpark, to
    breathe air that's not brown, attend the annual meeting there, and dig holes.
    Rudder has many odd quirks I don't understand due to his having grown up in a
    small town in Oregon, such as a fondness for chopping wood. (His brother and one
    grandfather have it too, but I still don't know if it's transmitted via heredity
    or environment. One such quirk that has recently manifested is a preference for
    pine over juniper trees. He says that he just wants a balance of both
    kinds, but I notice that he keeps chopping off the lower branches of the junipers
    to make them shaped more like the pines. Well, that and to reduce fire dangers.

    I sort of like the junipers, myself, being of the girl persuasion
    and thus preferring a bit more cover for those natural activities that can make
    you feel a bit exposed when you're camping on land that has a house in one
    direction, a hanger opposite it, a road at right angles, and a runway on the
    fourth side. They're all a good distance away, with trees in between, but

    Anyway, the holes we dug were for planting more pine
    trees. We were told they'd have a better chance for survival if we plant them
    around February, so that they can be watered by the spring rains we hope we'll be
    getting then. Rudder's theory is that it's better to dig the holes now, in case
    the ground is frozen then. They took forever to dig anyhow, because there's a
    layer of clay we had to use a pick to break through. We filled the holes back in
    with lightweight pine duff and such, so that a) the homeowner's association won't
    complain (we don't know their feelings on open holes) and b) no one will step in
    and break a leg. Only after we had done that did Rudder realize that the re-filled
    holes might be a bit hard to find if there's snow on the ground when we go to
    plant the trees. If we go back up this fall, we'll try to remember to mark them. I
    want to place some reflectors anyhow, because it's hard as hell to find where the
    turn on to our property is, because it's always dark when we first get

    We also did a 7+ mile bike ride, on a beautiful forest trail
    we found in the national forest right next to the airpark. It was probably made by
    and for ATVs, so it was doubletrack for us, with just enough technical stuff to be
    fun. I'm a weenie about steep downhills, and not crazy about all the rocky trails
    we have here. This was just nice dirt, with the occasional branch to hop over and
    small whoop-de-dos to add a little interest. There was no one else around and the
    trail seemed to go on for miles in both directions, through forest and

    We came back today instead of tomorrow, partly because I can
    only take just so much aimless relaxation (away from my comfy reading chair) and
    partly to have the extra day to catch up on chores and errands and stuff. That
    second one is Rudder's reason, of course; I have nothing but time to catch up
    until I find another job. Can't say I'm getting tired of it yet.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 31, 2001

    still tweaking

    I know the new layout still has problems (like the repeating title at the bottom)
    but I don't have time to fix it before taking off for the weekend. Yes, those
    beads on the left are dichroic glass.

    If Rudder ever gets
    home, we're headed up north, where the nightly lows are predicted to be about 60
    degrees. Ahhhhh.....

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Come as close as the air

    Today is the birthday of one friend, and the one year anniversary of another's href="">escribitionism.
    (Mechaieh gets credit for the word.)
    Because of that, because summer is finally cooling off into fall, and because my
    life, or at least my career, is in a state of flux right now, and also because I
    have to go pack up for camping this weekend and then shower and dress for another
    interview, I'm going to post Phil Ochs's words today, instead of mine.

    Sit by my side, come as close as the air,

    Share in a memory of gray;

    Wander in my words, dream about the pictures

    That I play of changes.

    Green leaves of summer turn red in the fall

    To brown and to yellow they fade.

    And then they have to die, trapped within

    the circle time parade of changes.

    Scenes of my young years were warm in my mind,

    Visions of shadows that shine.

    Til one day I returned and found they were the

    Victims of the vines of changes.

    The world's spinning madly, it drifts in the dark

    Swings through a hollow of haze,

    A race around the stars, a journey through

    The universe ablaze with changes.

    Moments of magic will glow in the night

    All fears of the forest are gone

    But when the morning breaks they're swept away by

    golden drops of dawn, of changes.

    Passions will part to a strange melody.

    As fires will sometimes burn cold.

    Like petals in the wind, we're puppets to the silver

    strings of souls, of changes.

    Your tears will be trembling, now we're somewhere else,

    One last cup of wine we will pour

    And I'll kiss you one more time, and leave you on

    the rolling river shores of changes.

    --Phil Ochs, "Changes"

    Later note, after post-interview goofing-off session:

    Yesterday, I learned to make this main section scrollable. Today, on the other
    hand, I have been acting closer to my shoe size than to my age, literally. Here's
    what I learned to make today:

    "" border = 0>

    Posted by dichroic at 11:59 AM

    August 30, 2001

    monochrome dreams

    I don't know what's with my subconscious. I just remembered I had a dream
    the other night about trying unsuccessfully to flush tampons (they kept floating).
    As pathetic dreams go, that one's in the leaguer with dreaming about being at
    work. Or dreaming the alarm has gone off and you've woken up, only to realize you
    were dreaming a few minutes later when the alarm actually does go off. Even worse,
    I once had a double-nested version of that dream: I dreamed I woke up, had the
    alarm go off, woke up, realized I was dreaming, and then had the alarm go off for
    real. For all I know, it was triple-nested and I'm still dreaming.

    Hello, id? If I'm going to dream, I'd like some technicolor, please.
    How about flying, without an airplane? Or spending a dream-month in Paris, or
    Morocco, or Denali? Or even the tired classics: alone on a tropical island with
    Mr. Boytoy, or of winning a lottery, or mad passionate sex with hordes of
    admirers? Any of those would be a good way to spend some REM

    But if I'm going to dream, I want to really dream. None
    of this replay of everyday situations, petty frustrations, or niggling annoyances.
    Time for my subconscious to get out the Crayolas and start doodling. Time for some

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM


    Yesterday's high points included being interviewed and being drooled on, though
    not at the same time. The interview went well enough that they've scheduled me for
    a second one today. This company sounds like a great place to work for (though,
    then again, I thought that about the last one); its major drawback is that the
    commute is unpleasantly long. The fact that they work 40 hour weeks partially
    makes up for that; if I can work at home some of the time, I may consider

    The drool was from having lunch with a former coworker
    (not a cow-orker, in this case) and the reason she quit the company. He's
    about 6 months old now, a little fussy but very cute. I think he's teething, hence
    the drool. I did get some big gummy smiles from him, dancing to the restaurant
    background music. (Baby thoughts: "Mom, who is this weirdo in the orange shirt and
    what is she doing??? She's making me nervous....better smile, sometimes that makes
    them stop.")

    I know they're a little young for logic to have kicked
    yet, but why do babies refuse bottles or food when they're plainly hungry? It's as
    if he forgets that milk comes out of the bottle, or that that squishy stuff on the
    spoon tastes good. (More baby thoughts: "Hey, don't push that thing in my mouth.
    My gums hurt. I don't want it there. Get that out of my face! Oh wait.....there's
    milk coming out of it! Mmmmmmmm...")

    I ran into some aerobatic
    acquaintances at the restaurant also, one of whom offered to forward on my resume
    to someone he knows who may have a position. Whether or not anything comes of it,
    it was nice of him to offer. I'm still not great at the networking thing, but who

    Off to the showers.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:14 AM

    August 29, 2001

    cat-and-mouse games

    Today should be comparatively exciting. I have an interview this morning (wish me
    luck!) and lunch with a former coworker and her baby later in the

    I believe I have finally figured out what "stewed tea" is and
    why it's bad. Lesson learned: do not reuse jasmine tea leaves. Or if you do, don't
    steep them for too long.

    Conversations with my younger cat would be
    far more interesting if I only knew the meaning o his favorite word, "mrowwwrr".
    When he's being verbose, it's "myep-mrowwwwrrrr". He will sometimes answer when
    spoken to, so perhaps he understands me better than I understand him. In which
    case, I should keep whispering to him, "Hairballs go in the litterbox. Claws stay
    in when you're on my lap." This is the same cat who, when he was small, used to
    like to sleep in my hair, purr loudly in my ear, and knead my neck with his claws.
    Unfortunately, the resulting kitty-line-drives to the foot of the bed, seem to
    have left him feeling a tad insecure.

    Actually, he started out that
    way -- scared of everything, when we first brought him home, he spent three days
    hiding under our bed, sneaking out only in he middle of the night. In the last
    couple of years, he's finally started to be a bit less of a scaredy-cat. It only
    took the better part of a decade, through five houses and two states. He still
    thinks I'm his mother, though. He especially likes to sit on my lap when I'm on
    the computer because he knows I'm not going anywhere suddenly. In fact, this has
    made him fond of the computer itself, and he will walk by it, scratch his ears on
    the monitor, and then sit on the mouse. As a result, I have been trying to teach
    him to stay off the desk.

    Whoever named the computer pointing device
    a "mouse" should not have made that name known to the felines of the world.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:34 AM

    August 28, 2001

    tempted into maundering

    Random comments:

    Rudder is planning to take a half day off from work
    to hang out with me. This does not mean that he will actually take half of the day
    off; more likely, he will manage to get out at 4 instead of 5:30.

    I did something this morning that I hadn't done since we broke
    down and got a maid service: I cleaned. With scrubbing and everything. The plan is
    to cancel this week's maid service, then if I still have no prospects (but see
    today's earlier entry)
    in two weeks, to go to a monthly schedule. I only did the downstairs, saving the
    upstairs for another day. As any athlete knows, overdoing it on your first day
    back risks injuries.

    I didn't bother putting anything on to clean,
    after taking off the clothes I had worn to the gym so I could throw them in the
    laundry. After all, skin is waterproof and easy to clean, and I wasn't planning on
    using any particularly nasty chemicals. However, while our back windows face on a
    very private yard, it would have been better had I remembered to close the front
    blinds before doffing gym clothes. Fortunately, there's a very large queen palm,
    due for a trimming, between the window and the street.

    There was an
    article in our local newspaper on Sunday about teaching in community colleges. A
    sidebar claims that "starting professors can make $42000-$73000". Hmmm...I
    think I hear a drumming sound. That must be any teachers reading this either
    rolling on the floor helpless with laughter, or stampeding to Arizona, depending
    on how sure they are that the writer goofed. Those numbers sound unlikely to me,
    anyway. Though I am tempted to call around and check....

    I suspect
    the reasons I felt compelled to write all these maunderings was that I really
    should be starting on my href="">proposal. Aroint ye,
    temptation! Begone!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    radio dreams

    The good news: I have an interview scheduled. The bad news: the company sounds
    great but is way farther away than I want to drive on a daily basis. I wonder how
    they feel about telecommuting?

    For the last couple of nights, I've
    had unpleasant dreams -- not nightmares, just unpleasant dreams. I don't really
    remember last night's, except for the sense of nagging frustration and entrapment,
    but on the night before last, I dreamed I was volunteering on a folk-music radio
    show. Everybody there was very nice to me at first. A listener came by and
    requested a song on a particular subject; I said, "I know!" There's one by
    Christine Lavin that's perfect for that!" Everyone agreed with me that the song
    would be great. Lavin is a Big Name in contemporary folk, so I knew the radio
    station would have her music. I went over to the woman actually spinning the CDs,
    but she wouldn't let me look for it in her stack, so I had to go over to the back
    room archives. I couldn't argue with her because we were on the air and had to be

    By the time I found the disc I wanted, the show was over and
    it was too late to play it. That's when the people there told me they didn't like
    to play that song because it had the word "damn" in it, though bleeped out. In
    fact, they didn't like to play Lavin at all, because she says "damn" in TWO songs,
    and some listeners might be offended. (Note that this was in the dream; as far as
    I can remember, the real Christine Lavin never uses any profanity in her

    I can't be sure, but I'd interpret this as my subconscious
    linking work and frustration, colored by the stories of the friends I met in LA a
    few weeks ago, who did go to the studio of a folk music show after I'd left. (The
    woman who runs that show probably doesn't play Lavin either, but only because she
    focuses on traditional music.)

    My subconscious apparently doesn't
    want me to go back to work. However, since it's permanently attached to the parts
    of me that like to eat, wear clothes, and sit in an air-conditioned house when
    it's 114 degrees out*, that's just too bad.

    On the other hand, when
    I am working, typically I only dream about it when I get very stressed out and am
    working long hours, so maybe this was a sign of being tired of not working.
    Or maybe it was just the firing of random neurons.

    Plan for today:
    begin work on my book proposal. The promotion plan is going to be the scary

    *It was 114 degrees, in fact, day before yesterday. Arizona
    summers are not one of my favorite things. We're going camping this weekend,
    though, so we will probably get some good storms.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    August 27, 2001

    When I grow up...

    Last night the oddest thing happened. Shortly before I was heading up to bed, I
    suddenly got very dizzy, for no apparent reason. We'd gone out for an early
    lunch/dinner and had brought home some very rich chocolate mousse for dessert. I'd
    had some of that an hour or so before the dizziness hit, so Rudder's theory was
    that it was from the sugar rush. I don't typically eat a lot of sweets, let alone
    chocolate mousse.

    So, given lingering remnants of dizziness and my
    boat's tippiness, I didn't row this morning. I need to go erg soon, in addition to
    the other dozen things on my list for today.

    So far, I've been
    applying mostly for jobs similar to the one I left. These are positions that would
    allow me to develop my skills a bit more, it's true, but still, I feel as if I'm
    wasting a golden opportunity to figure out what it is I really want to

    The problem is, how do you do that? I mean, if I ask myself,
    "Dichroic, what do you really want to do?" no one pipes up with an answer,
    and no quiet certainty springs to my mind. The only thing I've figured out is
    that I definitely like not working 50 hour weeks and being worried because I don't
    work more. I like being able to work at home, at least some of the time. But
    that's not a job description.

    I keep thinking I should be a writer,
    but first you have to write. And then you have to publish. That first step is hard
    enough, never mind the second. Still, I figured I might as well try it while I
    have the time. But then I ran into another problem; the article I wrote last week,
    though I think it's based on a good idea, turned out....well, stuffy. Oh, well, I
    think it's just that I'm not used to having to write to professional standards,
    though I can recognize when I'm not there. On to rewrite!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 26, 2001

    house sweet house

    This is a ridiculous time to be awake on a Sunday, but Rudder had a plane reserved
    at 6. I was supposed to go up with him, but just didn't feel too well. Mornings,
    despite rowing and all that, are just not my body's favorite time. I think he was
    counting on using me as a safety pilot so he could do instrument approaches under
    the hood, but he was nice about it anyway.

    A "hood" for flying
    purposes, is a visor that lets you see only the instrument panel. Since the pilot
    can't see outside to look for other planes, mountains, or the ground, a safety
    pilot is required. Hmm, maybe I need to add a flying terminology

    Speaking of flying, last night we went to the aerobatics club's
    annual pool party. Aerobatics is an expensive sport -- a new Pitts S-2C, an
    absolutely adorable biplane that climbs like it's on afterburners, rents for about
    $200/hour, or sells for well over $200,000. And that's not even what elite
    competitors fly. This is one reason we hadn't gotten so far as to take aerobatics
    lessons. This is also one reason the sport tends to attract those who have bushels
    of money to burn.

    One reason to attend these parties is to see the
    houses they're held in. The house last night was clearly the work of
    professionals....professional architect of mansions, professional interior
    decorator, professional landscaper. It was very attractive, but there were no
    personal touches in any of the public rooms except for some family photos. None.

    The kids' bedrooms and the parents' offices (plural) appeared a
    little more lived in, though none of the bookshelves had any books on them that
    looked like they've ever been read. (When the set of leather-bound Great Books is
    part of a collection spilling off the shelves, I believe they're there to be read;
    when they and the encyclopedias are the only things on the shelf, then they were
    put in place by the decorator.)

    The ping-pong table, swing set, hot
    tub, and water volleyball setup looked like they saw more use than almost anything
    in the house, which is unlikely in an area where temperatures have been well over
    100 for the last 3 months. I suppose any house looks a bit more sterile when it's
    cleaned up for a party, but this appeared to be straight from the model home
    decorator. It wasn't a home, just a beautiful and immense house.

    Posted by dichroic at 05:59 AM

    August 25, 2001

    bougainvillea bruises

    Looking at my arms and legs today, it becomes apparent that, though I may have won
    the wrestling match with the bougainvillea, it was a Pyrrhic victory. Scratches,
    scrapes, abrasions galore. I can just see myself now: "No, Rudder hasn't been
    beating me -- it was the landscaping."

    We tried to take the remains
    to the dump today, but they've instituted a new policy we didn't know about. Now
    you need to show not only a driver's license but also a water bill, complete with
    refuse charge. Since we didn't have one with us, the guy tried to look it up but
    couldn't find us. I'm sure he was misspelling our street name, but there was a
    line of trucks behind us and he'd already taken 10 minutes, so we didn't want to
    argue further. Guess where we get to go tomorrow morning? At least they open early
    on Sundays, so we can go before it gets too hot. Or at least before it gets way
    way way too hot.

    Instead, we went to the nearby small airport for
    breakfast, where we ran into a woman I know slightly from the job-before-last and
    her husband. We had a good time talking to them about flying, land at our airpark
    (they'd almost bought a house there) and travels, ours and theirs. I promised to
    email them the URL for our Australia pictures, since they want to go there
    someday. They were also able to give me the email address of a mutual acquaintance
    who may possibly know of jobs in my field.

    Tonight we may go to the
    local aerobatic club's annual party. We still haven't gotten around to taking
    aerobatic lessons (and now I have the time, but not the money, to start flying
    again) but we've volunteered at some of their competitions and they're generally
    nice to us. Besides, that way we don't have to decide what to have for dinner,
    always an ordeal for the two of us.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 24, 2001

    A Lyrical Questionnaire

    I have this from Mechaieh, who had it
    from Kat, who had it from href="">Sandandwater:

    A Lyrical

    [Instruction: Fill this out using only song lyrics or

    Who are you?

    "I am the fountain of affection, I'm the instrument of joy"
    Great Big Sea,
    "When I'm Up"

    What do you look like?
    "See that picture?
    That was me
    Grass-stained shirt and dusty knees"

    Dar Williams, When I Was a Boy"

    What's your secret?

    "The stars are swinging slow
    And the seas are rolling easy, as they did so long
    If I had a thing to give you, I would tell you one more time,
    That the
    world is always turning toward the morning."
    Gordon Bok, "Turning Toward the

    What do you want to be?
    May you grow up to be righteous,
    May you
    grow up to be true
    May you always know the truth
    And see the lights
    surrounding you.
    May you always be courageous,
    Stand upright and be
    May you stay forever young,
    Bob Dylan, "Forever Young"

    What can you do?
    "I think as I please and this gives me pleasure
    conscience decrees this right I must treasure
    My thoughts will not cater to
    duke or dictator
    No one can deny, die Gedanken sind frei!"
    trans by Arthur
    Krevess, "Gedanken sind frei"

    What can't you do?
    "I will live with you and love you but I'll never
    call you mine"
    Bob Blue, "The Ballad of Erica Levine"

    What is

    "It's hard love, but it's love all the same.
    Not the stuff of
    fantasy, but more than just a game.
    And the only kind of miracle that's worthy
    of the name,
    For the love that heals our lives is mostly hard love."
    Franke, "Hard Love"

    What is friendship?
    "Tonight the smoke is rising, from all around the
    And judging from the warmth of the smells from the kitchen,
    be supper ready soon...
    And our table's set for twenty,
    room for more if
    they should come,
    And later on we'll pass around a pipe for our
    And sit and take a little rum... "
    Stan Rogers,

    What are you afraid of?
    "Now the sun has disappeared.
    All is
    darkness, anger, pain and fear.
    Twisted, sightless wrecks of men
    Go groping
    on their knees and cry in pain.
    And the sun has disappeared."
    Simon and
    Garfunkel, "The Sun is Burning"

    Are you strong?
    "Whoever treasures freedom,
    Like the swallow will
    learn to fly."
    Trad, "Dona, Dona"

    What would you do with a million dollars?
    "There are sober men in
    plenty, and drunkards barely twenty,
    There are men of over 90 that have never
    yet kissed a girl,
    But give me a ramblin' rover, and frae Orkney down to
    We will roam the country over, and together we'll face the
    Silly Wizard, "Ramblin' Rover"

    What would you tell the one who loves you?
    "No fancy gowns, no high
    class towns to promise,
    I'm plain as rain and that's just not my style.
    never was the one to ask for favors,
    But I hope you plan to stay with me a
    You're as comfortable as quiet conversation
    Among close friends who've
    shared the time to eat,
    Like good meat loves salt, that's how I love
    Si Kahn, "Like Butter Loves Bread"

    What do you want to do?
    "Some day I'm gonna give up all the buttons and
    Gonna punch that time clock 'til it can't ring
    Burn up my necktie,
    and set myself free,
    'Cause no one's gonna fold, bend or mutilate me!"
    Russell, "White Collar Holler"

    Where do you want to be?
    "There's a place for us,
    Somewhere a place
    for us
    Peace and quiet and open air
    Wait for us, somewhere....

    a time for us,
    Somewhere a time for us
    Time together with time to
    Time to look, time to care"
    West Side Story, "Somewhere"

    Who do you love?
    "I love my love, and I love my love
    Because my love
    loves me"
    Trad, "The Loyal Lover"

    What do you want?
    was crazy....But it sure was good."
    Fred Eaglesmith, "It was

    Posted by dichroic at 07:16 PM

    yardwork, followed by a modest proposal

    I just spent two hours wrestling with a giant bougainvillea. I think I won; the
    plant is now mostly short sticks. It was beautiful, but we have to get to the
    sprinkler head behind it, and I don't think bougainvilleas particularly mind
    periodic reduction to their bare essentials. It just gives them a chance to grow
    lots more little stems with big thorns.

    I didn't even haul the
    cuttings, a full pickup-load's worth, off to the dump, because by then it was
    starting to get hot and I had to wear gloves, boots, long pants and long sleeves
    to protect myself. Bougainvilleas have BIG SHARP thorns all over. Maybe I'll do
    the dump trip tomorrow, early. Then I can get Rudder to help load up the truck
    (ulterior motive showing here).

    I was also going to vacuum the pool,
    which for me is an experience in risk-taking. Last time I tried to do it, I got
    some air in the hose and we had to replace the pool motor. Ouch. This being
    August, though, I figured I could get all the air out of the hose fairly easily by
    being in the pool with it. It turned out, though, that Rudder had forgotten he'd
    broken the vacuum head, so I have to go buy a new one before I can do

    And some big news -- I would have put it at the top of this
    entry, but I think itÕs a tad equivocal. I've mentioned to a few people that I had
    an idea for a book. One of them told me it's best to keep it secret -- she's a
    writer and has had an idea stolen -- so I won't go into details here. But
    yesterday I finally got my query written and sent it to my first agent.
    Because the idea is Internet-related, I sent it to an agency that has a web site,
    and I sent it through e-mail, as their site that that was OK. Today, I got the
    following email back:

    Dear Dichroic:

    Please check
    our Web site, and use the proposal book

    to do a proposal. I long to see how
    you're going to outline the book.



    Obviously, I've changed the names. I interpret this as a go-
    ahead to do a full proposal, along with a pitch for his own book. What a gimmick
    for an agent: write a book, then require all aspiring writers who apply to you to
    read it. If I can find it in the library, I will read it, of course. Anyway, I've
    seen other agents recommend his book, too, so it can't just be a vanity

    But the point is, he asked for a

    Posted by dichroic at 09:34 AM

    August 23, 2001

    get well soon

    While out looking for an anniversary card for my parents, I found a get-well card
    that I bought for future use, even though I don't know anyone who's sick. t shows
    a crew carrying an eight-man rowing shell, lifting it overhead preparatory to
    putting it in the water. The caption inside says, "You had better get well
    soon....they've just brought out your suppository!"

    Whatever the
    opposite of vulgar is, my sense of humor probably isn't it.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    sleeping and writing

    I need a sick day. That probably sounds stupid, coming from someone who's out of
    work, but I've been busy lately. And I haven't gotten to sleep in once
    since being laid off, except when I was in LA and then I was in a strange bed and
    couldn't sleep for too long. (In case my hostess reads this, I should say that it
    wasn't because the bed wasn't comfortable.)

    Waking up early to work
    out has, in fact, worked out well, because it gets me up and moving instead of
    lounging through my day. However, I can't take a nap later in the day because I'm
    congenitally incapable of doing so. I had been thinking of taking a mental health
    day right before I got laid off, but never did (and so lost several sick days).
    Maybe I won't row tomorrow, and stay in bed half the day instead.
    MMMMmmmmm....maybe I can persuade Rudder to do the same...even more
    MMMMmmmmmmm....but very unlikely, on a rowing day.

    At any rate, I
    plan to spend today not any jobsearching whatever, at least not of my normal form.
    Instead, mixed in with the usual loafing, I will work on some writing I've
    assigned myself, and, if good enough, will submit it somewhere or other. I keep
    thinking that writing is one of the few kinds of work that can be done anywhere
    and on any schedule I choose. Of course, I also keep thinking that, if I were a
    real writer, I wouldn't be able to keep myself from perpetrating prose, instead of
    having to use stern self-discipline. On the third hand (in my mind, I'm Shiva) I
    have been keeping this journal since early March. I'm approaching 6 months, and
    have never yet missed making an entry on any day when I wasn't traveling. It has
    not been an undue burden. So really, the question for me is not whether to write,
    just what.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    August 22, 2001

    Decisions, decisions

    Written this morning, fortunately not lost when D-land went down:

    had rowing practice again today, and may have one Friday. We had one Monday,
    though I elected to row my single instead. I don't quite understand this; the city
    has scheduled us to be on hiatus until September, but Coach DI seems to be calling
    special practices pretty much every time we'd have a normal practice. I think
    they've missed only about two so far, though I didn't care anyway since I rowed my
    single those days.

    I'm trying to decide whether to sign up for the
    fall session or not. If I don't, though, I'm out of it for three months.
    Advantages to taking the class: Theoretically, I get coached. I get to row
    in a variety of boats. I get more opportunities to race. Advantages to not
    taking it:
    saving money while out of a job. Practically, I almost never get
    coached anyway; this way I also don't have to get yelled at or bite my tongue
    whenever I disagree with YSam or (especially) DI. I get as much time on the water
    (in the single) as I want, instead of having to wait for everyone to get there and
    get organized.

    I also need to decide whether to go to a job fair
    today. I don't want to, because it's downtown in the Civic Center and parking is a
    bitch, and the last job fair I went to was completely lame. I think I ought to go,
    though, and this fair is scheduled to have a lot more companies interviewing.
    Also, it's not like there's anything else I really have to do

    The third decision I need to make soon is how much to pay on
    my credit card. The balance isn't all that high, and I would normally have paid it
    in full, as I do every month. The options are: pay the whole thing, which would
    deplete my savings by about 1/10; pay some smaller amount of it and let the rest
    ride; pay only the minimum until I get a new job. I just need to figure out which
    makes most fiscal sense.

    Ha. Diaryland seems to be down at the
    moment, but I found that out when I tried to open a second window, and so I saved
    this entry in Word instead of losing the whole thing. No matter what else happens
    today, at least I've done one thing right!

    Later note: yes, the job
    fair was lame. Unless I want to become a collections agent (not bloody

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 21, 2001

    the Youngest Brother and the Psychobitch

    Some background:

    My friends L and S are considerably older than me; they live down the block from my parents and I babysat their sons until I went off to college. (The "children" have recently graduated college themselves.) L,
    especially, was like a big sister to me, and their house was a refuge that every
    adolescent needs. We've stayed in touch, and L was matron of honor in my wedding, while S, a semi-serious musician, made the wedding rehearsal memorable by playing blues for us on his harmonica.

    L's youngest brother is a year or two older than I am. We were in the same math class one year in high school. We never dated or anything, but we used to wrestle a lot. Put whatever spin on that you want -- I never quite figured it out. We also played a lot of pinochle with L, S, their parents, and sometimes their other brother and sister-in-law. It was my first experience with a family who actively enjoyed each other's company. We were fairly good friends through high school and college, and even corresponded during his military hitch.

    By the time he got out of the Air Force, I'd graduated and moved to Texas, but we still kept in touch. He was getting a bit lonely by then and signed up for a dating service. Though his other brother's wonderful wife is Catholic and gets along extremely well with his family, he told me he didn't want to date anyone who wasn't Jewish. Then he promptly met a Catholic woman, presumably fell in love, and got married. [1]

    Well, over the next couple of years she manifested her true horridness, doing her best to try to pull him away from his family. One year when I sent them a combination Chanukah/Christmas card (I thought it was humorous, and it was certainly far more innocuous than the cards he'd used to send to me), the wife returned it with nasty comments. She became an agoraphobe and pretty much avoided any kind of consistency or rationality. Things got a little better for a while after they had a daughter, once she realized his family was good for free babysitting.

    A couple of years ago, though, L and S started telling me they (the Youngest Brother and the Psychowife) were making loads of crank phone calls to them and signing them up for all kinds of magazines, not to mention anti-Semitic and KKK literature. After a decade together, it seems the psycho-ness is rubbing off on him too.

    S just sent me a news clipping about a suit they are now in. The Youngest Brother and the Psychowife have been persecuting a local doctor's office in similar ways, and they, L, and S have joined to prosecute. I find this all terribly sad because the family used to be so close, and because I always liked the Youngest Brother, in his pre-wife days. Possibly mental illness is involved; I confess I don't understand people who are irrational, people who go from calm and laid back to rabid, or a Jew who would send religious slurs to his own family. I feel awful for L and S and their sons, and even worse for their parents.

    [1]My own brother, known here as My Brother the Writer, did something similar -- telling me he wanted to date only Jewish women and then promptly falling in love with someone who was raised Catholic. However, he has shown much better taste, as far as I can tell. Though I've only spoken to her via phone and email, his girlfriend seems to be wonderful.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 20, 2001

    What was it I was thinking again?

    Rowing all by yourself, at sunrise, on calm water, with no coach yelling at you,
    is wonderful for thinking. It's excellent for coming up with ideas for journal
    entries and essays. It's terrific for remembering the things you really should do,
    and promising yourself to do them.

    On the other hand, it's horrible
    for committing all those thoughts, ideas, and promises to memory. I had some
    wonderful things to write about, but now I've forgotten what they

    I do remember promising myself to finish a letter I have to
    write, so I'll try to do that today. I also plan to spend much time sniveling over
    War Letters, a collection of letters mostly to and from American soldiers
    from the Civil War on. I will listen to the rest of the audiobook version of Pride
    and Prejudice (note to self: dingdingdingding! Write essay on the joys of hearing
    books read aloud. Then (the hard part) find someone that wants that

    And as soon as I can reasonably expect anyone to be in, I
    will call my old company to ask why the fuck they haven't paid me the
    vacation time they promised. Damn. I should have gotten that in writing.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Sam I am NOT

    Notes on a somewhat unpleasant shopping experience:

    I do not like the club of Sam. (1)
    I do not need large cans of Spam.
    I don't need yogurt in a box; (2)
    I do not buy prepackaged lox. (3)

    I do not think it saves me cash
    To buy a giant TP stash. (4)
    There was bad music in the air;
    I found no bargains anywhere.
    I do not like the club of Sam,
    I am disgusted. Yes, I am. (5)

    Notes for those outside the US, or those who have successfully avoided Sam's Club:

    (1) Sam's Club was founded by Sam Walton, also the proprietor of Wal-Mart. You must buy a membership, which enables you to enter the warehouse-style store and buy vast quantities of things you probably won't use. They don't usually have many brands of each thing, so if you have a particular favorite brand, you are probably out of luck.

    (2) The box contained about 24 small containers of yogurt. Actually, I would have bought some, if they'd had the fruit-on-the-bottom kind I like.

    (3) Salty smoked salmon, properly served on bagels.

    (4) toilet paper, aka loo paper. Sold only in 30-roll packages.

    (5) The whole experience would have been less unpleasant if I hadn't ended up spending a large sum of money for a comparative few items. I think I do better at a normal supermarket. If you're wondering, we have a Sam's Club membership because it's the only place we can buy 5 gallon containers of peanut oil, which we use when we deep-fry turkeys. (Very yummy and not at all greasy.)

    Posted by dichroic at 03:37 PM

    August 19, 2001

    twelve hours in the desert, punctuated by books, food, conversation, and

    All right, trip report time. The drive to LA on Thursday was uneventful, if
    boring. There was, of course, no traffic to speak of in the teeming metropolises
    of Quartzite, Blythe, or Indio, and only a moderate amount in LA. (Well, for LA.
    That means we hardly ever actually stopped, just slowed down a lot.) I got lost
    slightly once (there are at least three places in the LA area where I-10 has an
    exit called 4th Street), but only very moderately so. The dreaded parallel parking
    was no problem, as I found a space-and-a-half I could pull right into, then just
    left my truck there all weekend.

    The woman I stayed with, Miss S-S,
    has a life that is admirably designed for her preferences, and a family (husband
    and adult son) that have clearly long since worked out the bugs in their
    relationships, and who enjoy each other's company. They are all more or less
    nocturnal, earn a living through reading and writing, and do most of their work
    either at home or at a nearby book-lined coffeehouse. I don't know if I've ever
    met anyone with such a tailor-fitted life.

    Also staying there was a
    Dutch woman, the Lounge Lizard, whose visit was the main impetus for this
    gathering. She turned out to be quieter than I had expected from her postings on
    our mutual List, and very thoughtful. We spent time together in the mornings while
    the S-Ss were asleep and had several long conversations, emphasis on the CON.
    Sometimes she talked and I listened, sometimes I talked and she listened, neither
    one was overwhelmed or overwhelming. When we went out exploring the Santa Monica
    promenade, she bought several souvenirs and gifts she'd planned to bring home, and
    I bought (as did she) a Chinese papercutting to hang over my computer. Mine has
    two complicated dragons entwined (for me and Rudder); Chinese characters on one
    side say "Successful career" and on the other "Health, wealth, happiness, and
    longevity". I think that covers my present needs.

    We spent Thursday
    night and Friday immersed in books and conversation, with some trips to the beach
    or to shops interspersed, with frequent applications of good beer, coffee, and
    food. On Friday afternoon, we spent some time with another listsib, a woman deep
    in the folk-music world with whom I have some mutual acquaintances. Her
    conversation was interesting, because it centered on musicians whose work I've
    listened to for years. She was oddly cagey about parts of her private life,
    though, refusing to tell us, for example, how many children she has. They're all
    grown, and she has "one and two-thirds" grandchildren now.

    Saturday, we met two more listsibs for Dim Sum. This particular Dim Sum restaurant
    apparently interpreted its cuisine as a challenge: How many ways can you prepare
    shrimp? Note that I am not complaining here. I think I ate at least 6 different
    versions. The Lounge Lizard ordered chicken feet, but I think everyone else left
    them all to her. The other listsibs seemed nice, but I didn't really get to know
    then enough to see details, except that the one who posts in very high volume
    speaks the same way, while the one who is quieter onlist is so in real life as

    The drive home was a duplicate of the drive there, only facing
    the other way. My combination of audio books and music worked well, except for
    annoying volume problems with my library's copy of Pride and Prejudice; the
    sound would cycle from loud to inaudible on two of the cassettes, which was only
    tolerable since I was already very familiar with the plot. The spoken version was
    amusing though; the reader highlighted all the flirting and sarcastic authorial
    comments more than I had done in reading. While perusing P&P, I generally find
    myself mumbling "Bitch, bitch, you BITCH!" at speeches from Mrs. Bennett, Lydia
    Bennett, and Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and this was accentuated with the spoken
    version, so it was perhaps fortunate that I was alone in the vehicle..

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 18, 2001

    Just a quickie

    I'm back, the driving went well, I got to prove I still can stay up late at night,
    I bought souvenirs even though I was trying not to and some of the people I met
    were wonderful and all were at least OK. Details later.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 16, 2001

    Doesn't look like Weetzie-Bat-land...

    I hope you're all duly impressed that I can stay up late, like a normal person,
    when I try.

    The trip here was smooth; the only tiny problems were
    being minorly lost for about 10 minutes and a weird volume thing on casette 2 of
    my Pride and Prejudice audiobook. Not a great problem, since at that point I was
    concentrating mostly on dealing with traffic, and anyhow I know the book well
    enough to fill in the parts I couldn't hear.

    So far, highlights have
    been great Thai food, seeing a whole pod of dolphins very close in to shore,
    hanging out at the kind of coffeehouse people actually hang out at, and lots and
    lots of talking. Low points....none yet.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    See you in the pictures

    I slept in a little, then worked out a little (as opposed to a normal workout)
    today. The point is to be wide awake for my Big Drive, on the theory that in the
    grand scheme of things, being conscious while driving six hours is much better for
    my health than any amount of exercise.

    In pursuit of the same goal,
    I stopped by the library yesterday to pick up an audiobook, because I'm getting a
    little tired of most of my CDs. I couldn't decide between them, though, so I ended
    up taking out 5 different ones, then rationalized my indecision by saying this
    will allow me to listen to whatever I feel like, or whatever keeps me awake most
    effectively. I'm a little leery of audiobooks, because the only full length one we
    have is Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone, and much as I like both the book
    and Jim Dale, I always fall asleep as soon as we pop in one of the tapes. We've
    only tried it when Rudder was driving, though.

    For the sake of
    posterity, or at least future reference, the audiobooks I got (though they aren't
    all really books) include How the Irish Saved Civilization, Pride and
    , Stephen King's On Writing, English as She is Spoke,
    and a radio version of two Cary Grant movies, Mr. Blandings builds his Dream
    and The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer. I've read the second and
    third of those several times, but since I don't mind rereading, figure I shouldn't
    mind re-listening. I'd been meaning to read the first, having enjoyed a later book
    by the same author. The radio movies are apparently by the original cast;
    apparently it was common to finish a movie then go redo it for the radio. I would
    have thought it would hurt movie ticket sales. Maybe it did and that's why they

    I know this is all vast overkill, but I tend to react to
    being nervous by planning events like a military campaign. Hey, it works for me.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    August 15, 2001

    various beefs

    We're on hiatus from rowing until September 4, though no one really understands
    why the city set it up that way. Rudder and T2 are still training, though, since
    they own their double, so I went out in my single this morning. I can only go when
    someone else is around, because, though I can carry my boat to the water by myself
    (it's a loooooooong walk, as these things go) I can't get it off the rack without

    It was quite nice to not have to wait for other people to show
    up and not have to deal with any of the crap that seems to be inherent in
    any group of more than about 5 people engaged in the same activity. Though I do
    think that the crap level here is more than is required by the sheer number of
    people, and I lay a lot of that at DI's door. I'm thinking of sticking with the
    single, and just not signing up for the next session. It's not like I ever get
    much coaching anyway (though more than the guys in the double get, which is
    approximately none). I can use the expense and my out-of-work status as an excuse,
    too. I would probably miss rowing in the bigger boats, though.

    attempted a beef stew last night, but wasn't impressed with the results. I got a
    little creative and used beer instead of wine or stock for the liquid, and that
    seemed to work out fine. The gravy was quite tasty and just about the right
    consistency. The veggies were pretty good also, but the meat was lousy. Part of it
    was the meat itself. I don't know what the cut was, because it was only labeled
    "pot roast". Er, which part of the cow would that be? My guess is the shoulder or
    something like that, because it was extremely fatty and quite tough. I cut off as
    much fat as I possibly could, because I can't eat it (not an allergy or anything,
    it just makes me gag, literally). Still, though, there was a little bit of gristle
    in almost every bite. And it was tough; I don't know if the crockpot I cooked it
    in wasn't hot enough or what, but after 2 hours of cooking, I'd have expected it
    to be more tender. I did finish it in a pot on the stove, to get the potatoes to
    cook through faster.

    Anyway, it wasn't really bad; it just wasn't
    much better than what I could get out of a can. This was Mark Bittman's Classic
    Beef Stew recipe from his How to Cook Everything. I've generally had good
    results with his recipes, though. The pot roast I made last week was tender and
    tasty. I need more ideas for things to cook while I have the time, preferably
    things that are a bit better suited to summer. I'm considering a flank steak salad
    next, though what I'd really like is a recipe for Mongolian Beef (at least that's
    what P.F. Chang's calls it) since I have some thin-cut beef on hand that would
    work well.

    Looks like I will be driving out to LA to meet up with
    people from my List on Thursday. I'll come back Saturday night, so I don't miss
    all of my weekend with Rudder. Someone is kindly putting me up, so I don't think
    it will be too expensive a trip. I'm still a little nervous about the drive
    though; it's not challenging driving at all, just long. So if you think of it, any
    time around Thursday afternoon, send some not-sleepy vibes my way. I'll be in the
    red Tacoma heading west on I-10. Thank you.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 14, 2001

    If it's Tuesday, I must have something to say

    My lower back hurts, and I have no idea why. It's not all that painful, but I
    don't believe in taking risks when a spine is involved, so I kept my weights a
    little bit light today and only did lifts in which the lower back is either
    supported or stretched out.

    Today I get to go to my former job and
    pick up the results of my CQA certification, that have finally gotten
    there. I got the call that they had arrived only a few hours after persuading the
    certifying group to send me another one. I think, though, that I am sufficiently
    annoyed with the quality of their test (this being the Quality Assurance
    Institute, they have no excuse for that) and with the timeliness of their grading
    that I won't bother calling back to tell them not to send it. Anyway, if they kept
    their promise, it was sent out yesterday afternoon, East Coast time, before I got
    my call.

    No news on the job front. I went to a local High Tech Job
    Fair yesterday, but it was pathetic - a grand total of 6 companies, almost none of
    whom are hiring for positions here in town. Not even worth dragging out the
    Serious Clothes for. I do hope to hear soon from some of the other companies to
    whom I've applied, though. If I have passed my exam (and if I have, I'll update
    here later), the certification may be a help in the job-hunting

    Meanwhile, I've been ruining my eyesight making some little
    beaded ring doohickeys that are meant to be put on wineglasses. Each one has a
    different dangly bead, so you can tell which glass is yours. These aren't among
    the essentials of life, but they're pretty, and not all that hard to make. I
    haven't decided whether to keep them or give them as Christmas presents. They
    strike me as a useful thing to have on hand for when people whom you didn't expect
    to give you a present, do.

    I've said it before and I will undoubtedly
    say it again: how wonderful it is to have time to read, and to make things that
    are purely ornamental.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 13, 2001

    rowing, traveling, and categorizing

    In yet another illustration of Coach DI's organizational ability, he sent out an
    email via the rowing mail list, on Friday afternoon (instead of just telling us at
    practice when we wee all there). This meant some people, including Yosemite Sam,
    didn't show up because they didn't read the email. Some people, on the other hand,
    did show up because they didn't know we weren't originally supposed to be rowing
    for three weeks, until the next session starts. (Yes, the dates are listed when
    you sign up but that was three months ago, and sessions are usually

    DI also vented some frustrations because not enough
    Masters' women had signed up to row in the Head of the Charles. I bit my tongue
    very hard to avoid telling him that most of my reasons for not doing so were that
    last year was so unpleasant, thanks largely to him.

    I'm considering
    driving to LA next weekend, to hang out with several people from my email List,
    including one who will be visiting from the Netherlands. I am nervous about doing
    that 5-6 hour drive alone; the 5.5 hour drive I did from central Massachusetts to
    Philadelphia, shortly before starting this journal, has given me a bit more
    confidence, and this will be a trip I've done, as driver or passenger, several
    times before. On the other hand, the scenery is boring. Once you pass from
    the Sonoran desert into the Mojave, the land is much less lush. There are
    mountains, thank goodness, but otherwise, there's not much to look at until you
    get almost to Palm Springs, where the miles and miles of windmills that are fun to
    watch. After that things get a bit greener, but then you get into a hundred miles
    of strip malls, as monotonous as the desert but without its sere

    Meanwhile, aside from the usual job hunting (there's a high-
    tech job fair today), my challenge for the week is to organize books into the new
    bookshelves. The fiction and nonfiction each present their separate challenges.
    The first goal for the nonfiction is to organize them in a way that makes sense,
    so I'll be able to find my books; the secondary goal is to do this efficiently, so
    I can get the maximum number of books on the shelves (or leave the maximum amount
    of space for new books). The nonfiction varies quite a bit in height; for
    instance, I only have a few on architecture, but they range from about 3" high by
    2" deep to about 11" by 14". It would be easier to shelve from smallest to
    largest, ignoring distinctions of subject, as Pepys did, but then I'd never be
    able to find anything. What I may do is based on a suggestion of Rudder's:
    starting with the A's in the Library of Congress system, go all the way through to
    Z, setting most shelves at a standard height and leaving one higher shelf in each
    bookcase, to lump together all the books too tall to fit in their proper

    The fiction presents a different challenge. We have quite a
    few Library of America volumes in their handsome slipcases. Those, Rudder's old
    Reader's Digest children's series in their rainbow-colored jackets, and my motley
    assortment of hardbacks definitely go in the new shelves. But what then? The
    paperbacks crammed and double-stacked on the upstairs shelves include about 50%
    science fiction and fantasy, 25% mystery, and 25% childrens'/YA, with a few
    miscellaneous books, and some thrillers belonging to Rudder. (The percentage of SF
    has decreased over recent years, and may be lower than that by now.) Most of them
    will have to stay who gets promoted to the dignity of the family
    room? These are the ones people coming to our house will see, and the sort of
    people who judge you by what you read are the sort whose opinion I care most
    about. Or I could lump all our fiction together and just shelve by author, with
    say, A-F downstairs and the rest up, but that doesn't seem right

    By the way, I have no idea how many books we have, but they
    will eventually fill four 7'x 3' bookcases downstairs, plus two that are as tall
    and even wider upstairs, and some miscellaneous ones here and there. So we're not
    talking university library-scale here, but there are enough that some system is

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 12, 2001

    taste the high country

    Rudder did his 6000m piece on the erg today -- I think he's a little disappointed
    that he didn't quite beat T2 Hatfield. On the other hand his time was
    approximately 7 minutes faster than mine (that's 25%!!) so I'm not doling out much

    After that we day-tripped up to Prescott, where we walked all
    around an arts and crafts fair (where I didn't buy anything -- yay me) and a bead
    store (where I did -- sigh), had some food, and then stopped to talk to a cedar
    house builder I've been interested in for a while, who has an office up there.
    (The houses are cedar, not the builder.) Incidentally, I hate the way they always
    call themselves home builders. "It takes a heap of livin' to make a house a home",
    though I have no idea who said that. (Eugene Field?)

    Rudder's food didn't do enough for his blood-sugar, so he's being all quiet and
    floppy, not to mention a little cranky.

    Time to get me some food, so
    I don't join in.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 11, 2001

    blooming bookstores!

    My new bookshelves are coming today. Two of them. Big'uns.

    does a Happy Dance][1]

    They say more people are reading these days,
    thanks to Oprah and Harry Potter and all, and maybe it's true. Granted some of
    Oprah's picks look like crap, but then again, some of them are Alice Walker. The
    Harry Potter books really do live up to their hype; I only get annoyed when people
    call them better than any other children's books ever. The competition for that
    honor is very, very stiff.

    And it doesn't matter anyhow, I figure;
    once people start reading, whether it's feel-good pseudo-literature or football
    stories, Dick and Jane or Sweet Valley High, they can go on to find what else is
    out there, and decide what they really like.

    Besides, maybe Oprah's
    books aren't all that bad. I have to confess I've never read any, except the
    aforementioned Alice Walker.

    What gets me wondering is the plethora
    of GIANT HUGE bookstores springing up around here. I was thrilled to be moving to
    an area that had a Borders, because they carry music I hadn't been able to find
    since moving out of Philadelphia -- this was before the Internet became a major
    shopping option. Then I found out there were two, no, three, in town. Then they
    built more. Now, just within the area I can drive without feeling like I've left
    my part of town, there are about 6 very large stores.

    The new mall a
    mile away that's opening in October has a Barnes and Noble, presumably for those
    who don't want to drive 10 minutes to the next closest one. There's a Borders 5
    minutes away as well as the one 20 minutes away, not to mention the new one
    they're building up by ASU (15 minutes away plus another 5 to park). And there's
    a Half-Price Books -- a used bookstore chain that doesn't feel like a chain -- and
    a large local store called Changing Hands. I liked the original one of those, over
    at ASU better. It had nooks and crannies and a feeling that you might find
    anything there. They've moved closer to me; the new one is nice and bright and
    friendly, but more of their books are new (and full-price) rather than used as the
    name implies. Still, they're great for unique cards and calendars and other
    assorted stuff. Half-Price and Changing Hands, by the way, are nearly as large as
    Borders and B&N.

    I'm amazed that this area can support so many
    bookstores. And happy to have to many chances to get rid of any extra money I
    didn't happen to need. (Food? Who needs food?)

    [1]The Dichroic Happy
    Dance derives from the Comanche Happy Dance, used when I was on a team working on
    software for the Comanche helicopter. It is much less impressive when performed by
    me, than when rendered by a 6'1" 350lb former coworker. His Happy Dance was a
    thing to behold.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 10, 2001

    a bed of feathers

    Gofigure's entry today
    left me a little bit leaky around the eyes. I'm not sure of all the reasons for
    that, but I think it boils down to one: gratitude. I do know how lucky I am and I
    like to stop and appreciate it now and again.

    I haven't quite been
    where she is, but near enough to get the taste of it. My parents were never to the
    mac'n'cheese-every-other-night level, but they never hit the level of prosperity
    at which you quit worrying, either. There was always a lot of coupon-cutting. We
    had plenty of food, but the beef was generally something like flank steak or
    shoulder steak, the cuts that can be rendered reasonably tasty without a lot of
    expense. Dad worked long, long hours; he was always gone before I got up, and when
    I was little, he'd come home after I was in bed. They send me to a good college,
    but even with all the loans and grants and scholarships, I know paying their share
    made paying bills a little tough sometimes. (They seem to be doing well now,

    When I was in college, I was on my own as far as spending
    money went. Again, it wasn't that my parents didn't want to give me money, just
    that they didn't have much to spare. I paid for most of my own clothes and for
    meals on weekends when the dining halls were closed. I never went hungry then,
    either, but a new blouse or a paperback was an indulgence, and not a frequent one.
    (Beer, on the other hand, counts as food.) I know none of this is unusual and
    that lots of people had it much tougher; my husband, whose parents didn't want him
    to take out a loan, paid a lot more of his own way and worked three jobs during
    high school to do it. Others have been on their own entirely, or gone to school
    while working full time. (I did that for my MS, but there are a lot fewer classes
    required.) So I know I didn't have it unduly hard, but I've been close enough to
    that wear-out-your-shoes level to have some feel for it.

    And I'm not
    there now. This is what I'm celebrating. And even my unexpected layoff, I have
    severance pay, vacation pay, and savings enough to carry me for quite a while.
    After that, I have a husband who's reasonably well paid as a safety net. I if I've fallen, but only into a pit of feathers. And I see rungs on the
    side to climb out. Recruiters have been calling, there are at least a few openings
    listed in my field, there's a local high-tech job fair next week. It may be harder
    to get a job than it was, and they may offer a few dollars less, but it doesn't
    look as bad as I feared.

    The other thing that makes this all much
    easier is that my ego isn't closely tied to my job. I work to live, I don't live
    to work. When my Dad was out of work years ago, it hurt him terribly. It was a
    terrible shock - he essentially got laid off for being good at his job -- as a
    manager, he'd gotten the place to do so well that someone bought it, and then
    wanted to put it their own people. More crucially, I think he grew up in a time
    when a good man was a person who supported his family. Maybe the fact that his own
    father didn't helped reinforce that point even further. Given Dad's background,
    the fact that he and my mother have been married 38 years is remarkable. Even
    though Mom has earned a salary for years, I think Dad still thinks of himself as
    the breadwinner. When he couldn't do that, his pride and his self-worth were
    tarnished. I had a coworker once who had been out of work for a year before we
    hired her, and had landed in the hospital with serious heart problems from the
    shock and strain. She'd always defined herself by the work she did.

    do have a certain pride invested in supporting myself, but when I lost my job,
    that was all I lost: one job, that in many ways I'm glad to leave behind. The rest
    of me is still here, and happy to enjoy, for a little while, the glorious gift of
    time I've been given.

    But I do hope everything works out well for href="">Gofigure and her family.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Tales of torture

    Later note, while listening to Robert Earl Keen: His song "Feels So Good to be
    Feelin' Good Again" is a fair description of my feelings about all the free time
    this layoff has given me. If I were less of a worrywart, I'd take a few months off
    like Rubybluebird and href="">Jessie have done. OK, that was for anyone not
    interested in rowing. Back to your regularly scheduled entry now.

    Erg. That's an exclamation of disgust, as well as a rowing machine. This morning
    there was some lightning in several directions. Because of that, we didn't go out
    on the water. Because rowing coaches are sadists at heart, we lined up four ergs
    (either they planned this, or they'd borrowed two extras to make the juniors do
    some pieces) and took turns doing 6000 meter pieces.

    To do a "piece"
    means to row it like a race, at maximum effort, the hardest pull you can sustain
    for that long. And make no mistake, 6000 meters is long. It's about 3.8 miles. We
    did this distance because head race season is coming up, and most head races are
    5000 meters, more or less. You always want to do a little more in training than
    you'll have to for the real thing.

    So everyone was taking turns on
    the erg, and I let a few people go ahead of me since I wasn't in a rush to get
    anywhere this morning, and some other people were in a rush to get to work.
    Eventually I realized that may have been a bad strategy, as Yosemite Sam always
    needs to leave promptly at 7. Rudder was also waiting -- he ergs a lot, but I
    don't think he wanted to today, since he'd gotten home late last night from a
    business trip.

    I spoke to YSam and he agreed he wouldn't have time
    this morning. He suggested Rudder and I either meet him at his gym, or just
    monitor each other. We may still do that, but since I hadn't rowed this morning, I
    needed to exercise anyway. So I came straight home and submitted myself to the
    torture machine.

    Results: compared to the other women my size, I
    guess I did ok. Hardcore didn't finish her piece (maybe I need to change her
    name?) Egret, who ergs a lot and has the natural endurance of which I'm completely
    devoid, beat my time by maybe three quarters of a minute. Pigtails trailed me by
    the same amount, but I don't think she had ever done this before. Conclusion: so-
    so. I need to do this more often, much as I hate the thought. The city has
    scheduled up for three weeks off before our next classes begin, so I really
    really need to do this more often, or else take out my single. Or

    On tap for today: cleaning out and moving a bookcase so we have
    room for the two big new ones coming tomorrow. Envy me, ye bibliophiles.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    August 09, 2001

    of time and books

    Ahhhhh, free time. I got to do a wonderful thing today: I went to my local Borders
    and actually hung out, with no time pressure to leave. I didn't buy a thing,
    though I might been less strong-willed had they had the latest of Diane Duane's
    Young Wizards books. It was wonderful, though. I got to check out Barbara Hambly's
    latest Benjamin January mystery and a couple tear-jerking bargain books, Pay It
    and a collection of memories of the founding of the State of Israel --
    sort of an Israeli version of Brokaw's Greatest Generations books, except, I
    suspect, with a political subtext.

    I also went with the purpose of finding out whether the latest version of Writer's
    Market is substantially different from the 1999 edition my local library stocks.
    The main one isn't, but there is also a new Internet version that comes complete
    with CD-ROM, but it costs an additional $20. If I had $50 to spend on a
    single book, I wouldn't be needing to look up Writer's Market in the first place
    (I have private but vague plans for it.)

    I ended up not spending a cent, not even for a latte on the way out. I might have
    indulged myself that far, but since I hadn't bought any books, I wouldn't have had
    anything to read while sitting there. I'm never sure whether they frown on
    unpurchased books being taken into the cafe area, but it seems logical that they

    I consoled myself with a stop at the library afterward. However, the closest
    branch is very new and not terribly well stocked yet -- I've never seen a fiction
    section so small that all adult genres are shelved together, before. The
    mysteries, Westerns, and SFs do have special labels, no doubt to facilitate
    shelving them at the larger main branch. They had no Miss Reads at all, whereas
    Borders had 3 or 4 different ones (I see Phelps' ears perking up), no Nancy
    Mitfords, only Hambly's previous one, and not the Diana Wynn Jones I wanted.
    Still, they had some nonfiction I'd wanted to read. And it was wonderful not to
    have any time pressure pulling me out of the library, either.

    Time: the last great luxury most 21st century Americans still can't afford.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Free Susanna Thomas!

    One can only observe the dynamics of staying home alone for just so long, unless
    one is truly solipsist; I predict I'll fall back onto that subject again in the
    very near future. Nonetheless, I think it's time to turn outward, for a change.

    I'm troubled by this Quaker girl being held in Genoa on charges of
    conspiracy to commit devastation and looting. For some reason, this one bothers me
    more than the case of the Fulbright scholar just released from Russia, who was
    charged with espionage. Maybe it's because I can believe he was possessing or
    dealing marijuana -- not that I believe that should be a major crime, but dealing
    in a foreign country is a major act of stupidity, which should be charged as at
    least a misdemeanor in itself. Maybe it's that the spying charges seemed so
    ludicrous that I was sure he would be released.

    In Susanna Thomas's
    case, no evidence has yet been published that indicates her guilt, or even that of
    the theater group with whom she was traveling. All the character evidence, the
    details of her conversations, and those of her studies, points toward

    The thing the most convinces me, though, is that she's a Quaker,
    a member of the Society of Friends. I don't know a whole lot about the Friends,
    but from what knowledge has rubbed off in half a lifetime in Philadelphia, I have
    quite a lot of respect for their beliefs. I know this is no guarantee; Richard
    Nixon is the prime example of a Quaker run amok. On the other hand, the Friends
    are still ashamed of him, because he was proven to be a liar. I have yet to hear
    of a Baptist embarrassed by our current President.

    People follow
    various denominations for a lot of reasons, but there are few reasons to join the
    Friends other than espousal of their beliefs. No disrespect intended to other
    faiths, but people do sometimes join them for reasons that aren't entirely pure.
    But the Friends don't exemplify worldly success, as Episcopalians has sometimes
    done; they don't offer absolute certainties, like Catholics, or family-feeling,
    like Jews, or a chance to lose oneself in a fervent group, like Baptists. Most
    difficult of all, they make you think for yourself; the essence of Quaker belief
    is following "the light within".

    Sue Thomas, by all accounts,
    believed in the religion in which she was raised. she was young enough to still be
    an idealist. She based her life around nonviolence. One of her main goals while in
    Europe was to study, on behalf of her Meeting back home, European examples of
    nonviolent civil disobedience. This is why she and her group were in Genoa at that

    I believe in Susanna Thomas's innocence. I hope she gets
    released, not into house arrest in a convent or via deportation to the US, but as
    a woman judged innocent, set free with no stain on her character. And I hope she
    is able to maintain her idealism no matter what happens.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    August 08, 2001


    I had a minor realization last night: I really don't want to go back to work. On
    the other hand, I don't want to stay here and not work either. That would seem to
    knock out all the obvious options.

    far, I've thought of two other alternatives:

    • Stay here and
    • Instead of going "back" to work, go forward to something
      that's so much fun it doesn't feel like work.

    I think Option A can
    be summarized as "nice work if you can get it". I just need to keep remembering
    the other half of that sentence, according to the Gershwins: "And you can get it
    if you try". I don't actually want to work out of my house all the time; I think
    I'd get itchy to talk to real people after awhile. Besides, my smaller cat gets
    very annoying when I'm working on the computer. I'm not sure if he's trying to
    help, lure me away from it, or just scratch. Either way, I'm sure all the floating
    cat hair is bad for my keyboard. It's also hard to work when he's laying on the
    mouse or, as now, on one of the forearms attached to a hand I'm trying to type
    with. Still, a job with 3 days at home and two at the office, or at home but with
    meetings elsewhere, would probably work for me.

    Option B is more
    conceptually difficult. After all, if a job were that much fun, they wouldn't have
    to pay to get it done. And they wouldn't call it "work". Still, this is a relative
    thing, and some jobs are definitely more fun than others. And as fond as I am of
    variety, almost any new thing is enjoyable for me at work. I'd settle for a job
    that's different from my last one (from my last two, in fat. The previous one was
    very boring) and that includes lots of variety. Hmm.....sounds much more

    Or, as Rudder pointed out, I could stay home, really learn
    about investing, and make us rich from my keyboard. I'm fairly sure that's harder
    than it sounds.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 07, 2001

    escarole and embroidery

    The state Jobs office turned out not to be humiliating, just depressing. And I had
    to register and enter past job history on a horrible DOS application. Maybe they
    should put a few of their more technical jobseekers to work on making that
    application less miserable. Nah....too sensible.

    Today was the first
    time since the layoff I've spent much money, but it was all on groceries, so it
    doesn't count. Of course, I could have minimized it a little bit, including not
    buying the escarole lettuce. No one starves when deprived of escarole. Actually, I
    bought it by mistake, because they had the endive and escarole labels, and I have
    a few recipes that call for endive. I thoughtescarole was the frillier one,
    but they had everything else labeled right, so I decided to trust my supermarket-
    produce-labeler. Wrong move. After all, if he was smart, he'd be out of a higher-
    paying job, like me. Oops, maybe that's not a good line of

    Anyway, I imagine whatever salad I end up making will be
    just fine with escarole. (Note, later: it was)

    Picked up a very old
    half-finished embroidery project -- it's a wedding thing, so maybe I'll leave the
    names until last, in hopes someone will get married and I can give it away. I was
    originally going to embroider in our names and wedding date, but I've decided the
    dusty-pink heart theme exceeds my abnormally low preciousness tolerance.

    It's not really that bad -- no cutesy sayings, no quotations from
    Corinthians, I'd probably hang it on the wall if someone else gave it to me -- so
    I can give it away with a clear conscience.

    I may drop by the craft
    store one day, though, for a more congenial project. I've decided the major
    problem with cross-stitch is that you can't turn pages while doing it. I can't
    imagine how Natalie gets so much done.
    Natalie? Do you really spend that much time not-reading? How do you do that? (Or
    not do it, rather.) And does anyone have a suggestion for a one-handed crafts
    project, or should I just check the library's selection of books on tape?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Not a petty pace

    Today's agenda:

    • go to the gym (done)
    • send resume to
      YSam, because he asked for it and because he's in HR and used to be a headhunter
      and no doubt has all kinds of contacts (done)
    • read
    • write diary entry (in progress)
    • shower
      (not done yet -- a clear illustration of priorities
    • go to state
      jobs office (probably unpleasant but required for
    • look up recipes that are reasonably simple, are easy
      enough on the stomach for night-before-rowing meals, and include only ingredients
      we both like (that last condition is the killer)
    • shop for said
      ingredients, as well as all the breakfast and lunch stuff we don't usually have
    • write book query, for an idea I had
    • come up
      with ideas for articles and essays that I can submit (because I have time and
      motivationright now that I may never have again)
    • apply for
      the jobs I highlighted yesterday in Sunday's Classifieds
    • search
      more websites for jobs (both corporate sites and job sites
    • register
      in advance for a local job fair next week

    Add in the fact
    that I've still got half a batch of library books unread and you can see why I
    haven't been bored yet. When boredom does strike, I've got all sorts of projects
    listed, from figuring out how to print from the laptop (ideally, with so kind of
    switcher so I can print from both computers) to painting several rooms, to finally
    figuring out how to crochet. Don't worry, though; I promise that quite a few
    items on the above To Do list will be put off until tomorrow and tomorrow and

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    August 06, 2001

    coaching juniors

    I rowed my single this morning, in incredibly unpleasant weather. It was not only
    hot, but as humid as it ever gets out here in the desert. Rowing east wasn't too
    bad, because there was a breeze, but rowing west was horrible, because I rowed
    with the wind and so there was no air movement to bring relief. Also, even though
    I've been sculling in a quad, today wrecked my hands -- not sure

    After that I stayed around and helped with the Juniors "rowing
    camp". For some reason, Coach DI never did turn up for either the Juniors morning
    session or the camp one -- not sure what's wrong with him, especially since YSam
    almost decided to day the day off (first practice after his wedding). At least he
    would have called DI to let him know, which is what a responsible coach
    does. The juniors were a nice bunch, though, and reasonably fun to

    Then I came home to ....nothing. No recruiters beating down my
    door or filling up my answering machine. Silly people. (Of course, I just made the
    resume public on a could of job sites over the weekend, so maybe it's just taking
    them a little while to read the resume and match me up with job openings. Yeah,
    that must be it.

    And my new PC laptop seems to be taking pauses when
    I'm online, just like the old Mac I bought it to replace. Maybe @Home has some
    weird problem playing with MS Office? There's not much else on the laptop.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 05, 2001


    So far, this layoff business has been nothing but good. I'm sure that will change
    if it lasts more than about a week (as it almost certainly will) but I may as well
    enjoy the good part while it lasts.

    The best thing about it has been
    the uncanny level of support. I didn't know my support system was that good, maybe
    because nothing especially bad has happened to me for quite some time. It
    surprised me, because though I have lots of acquaintances, I'm not really great at
    making friends (though I am good at staying in contact with the ones I do have).
    Maybe this is because it's rare for me to find people in Real Life with whom I
    have many common interests; the Internet has been a boon there.

    sent off messages to former IIS coworkers right away (I figure it's fair game to
    mention the company name now!), and then to everyone else I regularly correspond
    with via email, so they would all know my work email address didn't work any more.
    I told people at rowing, so they would know I was more available to do substitute
    coaching (and, I admit, because there are a lot of good contacts out there). And I
    wrote about it here and on the list I moderate. This was a layoff, not a firing,
    so I figure there's nothing to be embarrassed about, and you never know who might
    have useful advice.

    I did get several nice messages from the former
    cow-orkers, though they're all numb by this time -- I figure, since December, half
    the company has been laid off or "let go". I also got both sympathy and help from
    friends both here and in other cities. Rowers offered both empathy and more
    concrete help --YSam told me to send him my resume, as he has a lot of contacts,
    which I thought was extraordinarily kind of a man on the morning of his wedding

    The people I know over the net have come through just as
    strongly. There were more messages left in my Guestbook here than I have ever
    gotten from a single entry, every one containing some variant of "you rock, and
    some employer will be smart enough to see that, very soon". And though I sometimes
    complain about my list, and though this is minor compared to the deaths and other
    upheavals some listsibs have undergone, those people have offered sympathy and
    peptalks, virtual chocolate and vodka, and some very useful

    So mostly, if you're in any of the groups mentioned above, I
    want to say how grateful I am. All that outpouring of sympathy and love is one of
    the main reasons my mood has stayed so good, and I'm sure that will lead directly
    to more mental energy and self-confidence that will help in both getting
    interviews and getting through them, and in a couple other plots I'm hatching. And
    this is all teaching me how to help anyone else who might find himself or herself
    in a similar situation, so I fully plan to pay my debt forward.


    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 04, 2001

    Wedding synchronicity

    Last night was oddly coincidental. Rudder and I got all gussied up and set out to
    meet Egret, Queue and a few others for dinner at P.F. Chang's before heading off
    to Yosemite Sam's wedding. We got there on time, as usual, and settled in at the
    bar[1] to wait for everyone else. After about twenty minutes, we realized that it
    probably would have been a good idea to ask Egret which P.F. Chang's we
    were supposed to meet at. We had assumed it was the one closest to home [2], but
    there are others up in Scottsdale, closer to the hotel where the wedding was. We
    had the hostess call over to the other ones, but there were no parties of 6
    waiting for people to show up. So we gave up and asked for a table for two,
    instead; it was still early enough that we could get one without

    Coincidence number one: the woman at the table next to us
    was a rower, one who had taken our Intermediate class a few times. She's about to
    move out of town now, and is looking for a rowing club up in Illinois. So of
    course we told her about YSam's wedding, and though he regularly scares off
    beginner and intermediate class members, she gave up god wishes to pass on to him.
    Unfortunately, we didn't look at our watches until we were almost done dinner [3],
    so we were running a little late as we headed up north.

    We found the
    Plaza Resort with no trouble, getting there about two minutes after the wedding
    was scheduled to start, but had no luck trying to find the Wedding Gazebo (yes
    it's actually called that). I hobbled along in my very uncomfortable high-heeled
    sandals until I couldn't take it any more, then walked around barefoot, which was
    not much less painful (the ground as still very hot). Eventually, we gave up and
    made our way back to the main lobby, where we explained the problem and were
    whisked off to the Gazebo in a golf cart. We got there too late to hear YSam's
    vaunted vows, but in time to witness the rest of the wedding. (According to
    others, they were five pages long and touching, but no one

    Most of the people there were rowers, standing around on the
    grass, watching and trying to hear the ceremony. YSam was nattily dressed in a
    suit that may have been custom made (at 5'2", he'd have a hard time buying off the
    rack) with a stand-up collar, echoing the cheong-sam style on his new wife's
    lavender dress. Afterward, there was no reception at all, which seemed a little
    strange. YSam "invited" us to hang with them at the hotel bar, and most of us
    did[4]. The hotel people let us hang out in a private room as long as we didn't
    disturb the long table that was set up for a meeting the next day. Oddly, there
    was already water in the water pitchers. We thought of leaving notes on the second
    page of the notepads set out to warn the meeting participants, but I don't think
    anyone did.

    Afterward, we went to join Queue, her sister, ExecuRower,
    and DrunkTina at an even fancier hotel down the road for desserts. We wandered
    around for a while, marveling at the large-screen TV they had facing the pool
    (which was filled with clear plastic floating tubes, for people to perch in while
    watching TV without occluding others' sightlines. We eventually found the bar and
    then the casual restaurant, only to find they had stopped serving for the night.
    Rudder and the others headed up to the bar, while DrunkTina and I turned back to
    order desserts to go. Just then, we realized the one of the servers was yet
    another rower, one who had been in our boat practicing for the Boston race
    last year, until she dropped out right before the race. Coincidence number 2. She
    volunteered to serve us anyway, and got permission to do so, so DrunkTina held the
    table while I hobbled back upstairs on increasingly sore feet to get Rudder and
    the other three. We hung out there for a while munching on desserts[5], then
    finally went home at the amazingly late hour (for us) of 11 PM. When you put a
    couple hundred people through a rowing program, I suppose you're bound to run into
    a few of them now and then, but this seemed uncannily appropriate, considering we
    were out for a coach's wedding.

    My feel still hurt.

    [1] I don't usually like German wine much, but
    tried a Johannesburg Riesling. Not bad -- it was very sweet and fruity on first
    sipping, but that dissipated quickly and didn't linger in the way that signals
    true cloying sweetness.

    [2]Until one opens right near our house on
    Tuesday, outside the new upscale mall which is due to open in

    [3]The Szechwan shrimp I had was good, but I was a little
    disappointed that there was nothing in it but shrimp. P.F. Chang's seems to put
    either meat or vegetables, not both, in their dishes. Rudder's Mongolian beef was
    also good with a tangy sweetness, and did include slivers of scallion. Chang's is
    starting to feel too much like a chain restaurant, though, as they

    [4]Someone referred to my Cosmopolitan as a "Sex in the City

    [5] I skipped the dessert in favor of an iced coffee drink --
    it had Kahlua, Creme de Cacao, and whipped cream on top, so I was happy.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    August 03, 2001

    still pressed for time

    Today I renewed my library card and applied for unemployment, in that order. Yes,
    I do have my priorities straight!

    I've also called a company I
    almost took an offer with several months ago; the guy there had to have me call
    back, as he was on another line, but did sound interested. And I've applied to a
    company quite a few people from my former place work at, and had someone from the
    outplacement service thy gave me look over my resume.

    And gotten out
    a whole stack of library books and called about the bookcases we're getting soon
    and verified my final paycheck was deposited, dropped off the I-won't-sue-if-
    you'll-pay-me-severance agreement, and polished all 20 nails in preparation for
    going to YSam's wedding tonight. And rowed, as mentioned earlier.

    also joined an egroup just for former employees of my former employer, which
    should say something about how many there are.

    I'm going to need to
    find a job quickly. This laid-off stuff could get exhausting -- there's so much to

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    First day home

    Well. First day at home, post layoffs. Rowing practice was strenuous this morning (500m races instead of the drills they said we were going to do) and thus I need calories. Clearly, there's only one thing to be done: ice cream for breakfast!!

    After that, there are a million things to be done, most having to do with the search for a new job. I've got more stuff listed on my calendar for today than I ever do on a workday, though, luckily, it doesn't all have to get done this instant. Still, the sooner I send out resumes, the sooner I can hope to hear back.

    Right now, I'm feeling not so much let down as anticipatory, as if a door has opened in front of me. It's exciting to think I could completely change my life, and go be a teacher or a writer, a manager, or a student, or any number of other things. I hope this attitude lasts. I'm going to have to keep reminding myself not to limit my options as I get into the job search. I wasn't entirely satisfied with what I was doing, though I enjoyed parts of it, and I do like variety. So I will interview with anyone ho is interested in me, and who sounds interesting, and see what the wheel will turn up for me.

    Everyone at rowing, and on my main list has been very sympathetic, and I've gotten several very nice guestbook entries as well. Some people had good suggestions, too. YSam, a former headhunter and currently in HR, asked for my resume; Pigtails, a hiring manager, promised to keep her eyes open for me, and another woman who is a teacher suggested I could substitute teach until I find a new job. I could do that -- it might be fun, and would be good for my presentation and training skills. So I'm looking forward to my time off and to what I'll do next.

    Rudder wanted me to make this poem last night, though I'm not sure he intended me to post it. It's a bit of a cooperative effort, as was the event which inspired it. Stop here if you're squeamish.

    Milky, opaque, blank, featureless;
    It seems appropriate
    That the act which has left this,
    Slime-pooled on my leg
    Has left my mind in much the same state.
    Sometimes, that's all I ask.
    Posted by dichroic at 09:59 AM

    August 02, 2001

    the axe falls

    Fuck. I've been laid off. The way things were going at my company, this wasn't a
    shock, but it is a surprise. I was actually on two billable

    Since the company is laying off billable people, since this
    is the third major layoff, and since from the rumored numbers, they must be laying
    off 10-20%, I conclude they must be hurting.

    Though I'm not happy
    about this, I'm not too upset. I've been teetering on the edge of the should-I-
    leave decision, and this makes the decision easy. Unlike the process by which
    they've been letting people over the last several months, this is a true layoff,
    so I get some severance pay, as well as my accrued vacation. That gives me a bit
    of a grace period until I even have to dip into savings. I've survived so many
    layoffs in my career that I knew I couldn't trust my luck much

    This is absolutely the wrong time to get laid off, though. If
    I'd gotten it in the first wave, back in December, the climate would have been
    better in all respects. Now the job market is clogged by layoffs all around, and
    it's too damned hot to do anything outdoors (read: free). Still, the time off will
    be nice, to sleep and to work on job-hunting and other projects.

    the "fuck" at the beginning of this entry is there not entirely out of irritation,
    but because I'm no longer updating illicitly at work, and now I don't have to
    worry about what filtering software may be watching me.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:06 PM

    Yosemite Sam's a-gettin hitched

    Weights today, and I was a good girl and didn't cut anything (much) short even
    though my shoulder hurts.

    Tomorrow night, we're going to Yosemite
    Sam's wedding. It's a second wedding for both, and they have about four or five
    kids between them. Second weddings tend to be a bit more informal, of course.
    Still, I thought the invitation, which was sent out by email, not to individuals,
    but via the rowing program's email list, and which, instead of saying "Cordially
    invited" or "Please come," said "If you come, put on some clothes", was just a
    trifle.....well, tacky. (The bit about putting on clothes meant real clothes, as
    opposed to the tank tops/sports bras and spandex shorts we row in. He didn't
    really expect anyone to show up naked. At least, I don't think

    YSam has told us he's not nervous, and that he's treating this
    as a competition. He's written his own vows; his goal is to make the judge
    marrying them cry, along with the rest of us. He's told us he wanted a traditional
    Hawaiian wedding, but couldn't persuade his bride, who is Hawaiian, to go topless.
    (I suggested a coconut shell bra.) She is actually very good looking: 6 inches
    taller than he is (which still doesn't make her unusually tall), Asian, and
    looking at least 10 years younger than she is. She's also quiet and sensible.
    Definitely an odd couple.

    So if YSam gets his way, I expect this
    wedding to be a bit excessive. The redeeming factor will be that he really does
    love her, and I assume the reverse is true. They're old enough and experienced
    enough to know their own minds, and they're happy together. No matter what he says
    to the rest of us, he never, ever, ever says a word about her that isn't a glowing
    realization of how lucky he is. So whatever else happens, it will be a good
    wedding, because it will be a great marriage.

    Also, from a purely
    personal standpoint, I will get to wear my Cool Skirt with the sequins that I've
    only worn once, and will get to see some people I really like that I haven't seen
    for quite a while. Should be fun.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    August 01, 2001


    Kipling, in his poem about Philadelphia[1] wrote, "And the fireflies in the corn
    make night amazing!"

    It's still true, there. Fireflies are one of the
    things I miss from the East Coast and they are still amazing. They must have been
    much more amazing in Kipling's day and earlier. Before electric lights, they must
    have seemed like flying flames, as their name says.

    When I was a
    little kid, one of the things we did on summer nights, besides playing Doors,
    Manhunt, Red Light Green Light, and Mother May I, not to mention a lot of running
    around for no special reason, was to catch fireflies, which we more often called
    lightning bugs. June was always the biggest month for them, little sparks moving
    in a three-dimensional Drunkard's Walk everywhere you looked after twilight

    I remember how astounded I was when I first figured out that
    you could catch fireflies -- the flying insects I was most familiar with
    were houseflies and butterflies, both of which are too fast for a little kid to
    catch. But lightning bugs are slow and clumsy, not outside the reach of a 6-year-
    old's dexterity. Of course, you save them in jar, with holes on the top so they
    can breathe and some kind of vegetation for them to eat, so they'll survive a few
    days. (This would probably have worked better if we'd had any idea what lightning
    bugs ate.)

    "Bad girls" used to make glowing rings out of the bugs but
    I was either too goody-goody or too kind to animals to ever learn how. I do know
    it involved ripping the glowing end off the bugs, and always seemed too mean a
    thing to do to the providers of so much pleasure. I don't know what happened to
    those bad girls -- the ones who dressed a little trashier, got to stay up later at
    night, went to PG movies, and didn't understand about books -- but I imagine a few
    years later, they got caught smoking behind the school. Later on it was beer, then
    drugs and early pregnancies -- a harsh retribution for the cruel jewelry they
    sported years before.

    I was bad enough, one summer at camp, to
    collect as many lightning bugs as I could, walking back up the Hill after dinner,
    and to release them inside the cabin. I thought it would be nice, having them fly
    around after we turned off the lights, but unfortunately my counselor didn't agree
    with me. She made me catch them all and take them outside.

    Later on,
    when I was 16, I spent the summer as a counselor at that same camp, out near
    Valley Forge. As a counselor, I got to spend a lot more time outside at night than
    I did as a camper. Once we were off-duty for the night, we'd all gather (the camp
    was co-ed by then) up on the tennis court or out in the back field, to have a
    bonfire or drink beer. The fireflies there put the ones on my street of rowhouses
    to shame. They lit so thickly on the trees around the tennis court, that they
    appeared to have been decorated for Christmas, or maybe for a much older
    celebration. I didn't fall in love, as you're supposed to when you're 16 and
    spending your first summer away from home, but with the young friends and cheap
    beer burning inside, that was a primal summer for me.

    Lightning bugs
    in June are the archetype of summer for me. And Kipling was right: they still are

    [1] It's in his Rewards and Fairies, the sequel to
    Puck of Pook's Hill, and describes how much the city of Philadelphia has
    changed, and how little the surrounding country has changed. It's still

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    weirdness to live by

    I was thinking about the whole href="">piranha thing last night,
    and realized: this sort of thing is exactly why I will never commit suicide. Life
    is way too weird to miss any of it.

    This isn't the first odd rowing
    incident, by any means; another was back in Texas when we had a regatta scheduled
    and had to cancel it. That day, our lake had no water in it! It was part of a
    bayou system, and hence tidal, but no one had ever seen it completely drained
    before or since.

    And of course it's not just rowing. There are too
    many serendipitous moments, strange happenings, and odd coincidences. And, of
    course, too many books left to read. There are the good moments too, the
    unexpected emails from an old friend, or (because I'm a lucky girl) the sweet
    expected moment every night when I lie down next to Rudder, with nothing more I
    have to do for that day. My href="">sine wave philosophy
    comes into it too; there are an awful lot of troubles that can just be outlived,
    and sometimes the best cure for a bad time is just to wait for a better one.

    Really, though, I think it's a sort of humor, an appreciation of
    irony and of the absurd, that makes the days, even during the otherwise-dull
    times, so endearing. There's never any lack of stupid-politician comments, odd
    coincidence, or just news of the weird in this big world and wide.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    the usual

    Back to rowing today, on our newly reopened lake. I got to row a lightweight quad
    with Hardcore, Egret, and Pigtails again. I'd like to make this a regular boat and
    compete with it, but unfortunately I don't think Hardcore likes sculling as much
    as sweep rowing. We could row a four, of course, but then we'd need a cox and it
    would be difficult to find one who wasn't heavier than anyone else in the

    DI and the juniors are back from Nationals. Sounds like they
    all had a great time, but as for how they did....well, let's just say DI's trip
    report email didn't mention rowing once.

    At least according to Rudder
    it didn't. I wouldn't know because my work email is still down. So is the site I'm
    supposed to be working on. Considering I work for a software company and hosting
    is one of the things we do, this is scary.

    I think I have a meeting
    with my boss this morning, but since my calendar is also on Outlook, it's sort of
    hard to tell.

    There was an essay I wanted to write, but I think I
    need to spend more time on it and not combine it with details of work and rowing.

    ETA: Due to excessive s p @ m, comments have been disabled on this entry.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:59 AM

    July 31, 2001

    the obvious answer

    More errata:

    I changed the picture in my href="">last entry but forgot the
    change the accompanying test. As was probably obvious, those were local rowers
    erging in my living room, not competitors in the CRASH-Bs.

    I cut my
    weight workout short today to have a fitness assessment with one of the trainers
    at my gym. She tried to sell me the 10 session package, measured my body fat
    (caliper method) and found it to be ok, generally, but a little higher than it
    should be for me as a rower, and suggested a few exercises to add on to my routine
    to strengthen my back and knees. Worth what I paid for it, I guess, since it was
    free with the gym membership.

    It's possible I'm deluding myself about
    how much exercise I get. In theory I row 3 days a week and lift weights 2 days,
    but in practice it's more usually 2 days rowing, due to href="">piranha, lightning,
    coxing, and sick days. The obvious answer is to make more effort to erg on days I
    don't row. Funny how often the obvious answer is the most unpleasant

    Yesterday was a most frustrating day, between not rowing and a
    day spent working on formatting of a Word document. The more of that I do, the
    more I hate Microsoft. The problem is that I know of no competitors that are
    superior to Word -- WordPerfect is even more annoying. I'm not sure whether the
    problem is really that hard to solve, or if it's just that Microsoft has
    discouraged all their competition.

    If today doesn't improve, I may
    need to bring out the heavy-duty stress relievers. Time to blow bubbles!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 30, 2001

    pic, fix, and a poem

    I was looking for a picture of an erg, and came across this on Concept II's web page. Read it – it's an interview with a 90-year-old woman whoÕs been rowing since 1938. Interesting to hear that she was told "girls don't row," back then; Dorothy Sayers commented on the issues of women being in college at all, but treated women's rowing at Oxford quite matter-of-factly, a few years earlier. As Christopher Morley noted, in his wonderful columns on the city, Philadelphia has rarely been at the forefront of fashion (I think the last time was 1776).

    These are some of the pictures from people erging at my house,

    And now I've gotten that out of the way, I have a couple of corrections to make. The lake is now back open. Apparently -- I am not making this up -- someone caught a fish that was thought to be a piranha, but that turns out to be a related species that only eats other fish. I swear, I am not making this up. Hardcore tried to set up a raffle in which each participant puts in $5 and takes a guess as to the real reason -- opinion is divided as to whether the guesser closest to the real reason or the most creative one should win the pot. Queue very nearly guessed right, actually.

    Also, it turns out, from discussions with Rudder, who has an instrument rating,
    and from additional news coverage, that the problem with the new stadium is not that it would obstruct the VFR, as I said earlier, but that it would obstruct the ILS (Instrument Landing System) for the north runway. So just the one runway is affected, not all local traffic, but my other arguments still apply. The obstruction is still there whether the stadium is full or not, and the people who think airport safety ends at the airport fence are still

    Speaking of aviation, we were riding around a private airstrip this weekend,
    looking at all the cool houses, and stopped to watch two guys flying their radio-
    controlled airplanes. These were the smaller sort, with wingspans of less than 2
    feet. One had a trainer, which appeared to be modeled on a Cessna 172, but the other was modeled on a Sukhoi, one of the hottest aerobatic planes there is. He was a good pilot, too; it was fun to watch the little thing doing snap rolls and attempting hammerheads. They were kind enough to let us take a turn, too, using a "buddy box" that could be over-ridden if we seemed to be doing anything risky. Those are harder to fly than you'd think.

    If you look hard, you can usually tell an RC plane from a real one. The scale can be deceiving at a distance, but somehow they seem to fly more lightly, and turn more easily than a real one, like the difference between a sparrow's flight and a hawk's.

    Tracing loops and spirals in a spirograph pattern

    No larger wings could match,

    To the evident bewilderment of a raven flying by,

    The little craft wheeled and swung,

    In deceptively precise abandon.

    All I could think was with what joy
    Leonardo's spirit, watching, would be

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    the lake is closed!

    Mystery this morning: We drove out to rowing practice, only to find out that our
    lake is closed, indefinitely. According to Yosemite Sam, the city people he spoke
    to acted as if they knew the reason, but wouldn't tell him. My best guess is that
    maybe there's an issue with water quality. There has been some rain, and there was
    a flash-flooding warning last night, so possible they've had something odd
    draining into the lake. Considering the numbers of dead birds and fish we see
    there, and the lack of outflow from the lake, the water quality's not great at the
    best of times. The scary thing is that people fish there -- I'm sure they're all
    supposed to do catch-and-release, but who knows if they really

    I've left a message with Unknown Legend, and done an unsuccessful
    search in the local newspaper's online version, to try to find the reason for the
    closure. Meanwhile, I need to figure out what to do. In some ways this comes at a
    good time for me. I had been thinking of taking a mini-vacation (no rowing, no
    gym, just work) for a week or a month, so now I need to decide what to do. The
    argument against simply taking the time off is that I know how difficult it will
    be to get back into rowing if I do. I may just stick with the twice-weekly gym
    workouts, but scale down the weight training and add a bit more

    This is more of a problem for Rudder, since he and T2 are
    about to begin serious training for the Head of the Charles, in

    My list is still acting up; the Troglodyte's increasing
    rudeness has spawned some decrease in the civility level of others, as well as
    quite a few people trying responsibly to foster respect for others' opinions, or,
    perhaps more productively, to change the topic entirely. At least one person has
    complained about my coming down on the Trog while letting others off, making
    reference to an In Crowd, but I actually had couched my rebuke in general terms on
    purpose. Sigh. Playground dynamics at their finest.

    On Sunday we
    watched someone flying some RC planes out at the airstrip our property is one.
    They fly, somehow, so much more lightly than a real plane. I've got something
    spinning in my head about it, but the words haven't quite materialized

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    July 29, 2001

    troglodyte resurfacing

    Urrgh. A former list troglodyte seems to have resurfaced, on the list I moderate.
    This one appears to thrive on being proven wrong -- he just comes back and argues
    harder. Last time the only thing that shut him up was when people started to
    ignore his idiocies.

    The problem is, I don't like doing that.
    My natural inclinations are to go on arguing until everyone else realizes I'm
    right. Only what really happens is that they give in only through sheer
    exhaustion, which is not nearly as satisfying a way to win an argument as through
    the sheer power of being Right.

    Anyway, this guy has come up with
    some outrageous and offensive arguments, and I have the feeling he may not even
    believe them, but says these things just to get people riled up. Ugh, ugh, ugh.
    That's the last thing that list needs, after some of the recent bad feelings

    I haven't said anything to him yet, only because quite a few
    other people have told him he's a moron more convincingly that I could. I did
    administer a very gentle rebuke to one person who flat-out called him stupid, but
    my sympathies are all on her side. If he keeps on like this, I will eventually
    have to tell him to improve his manners or shut up, a chore to which I don't look
    forward. Maybe it's time to retire.

    At least camping this weekend was
    relaxing. Was.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 27, 2001

    Ill fortune

    Today, several of us went out to lunch at a P.F. Chang's. They serve nothing so
    mundane as Chinese food there; I think they call it Pacific Rim food, or something
    like that. The food's very good, actually.

    Anyway, it was a good-bye
    lunch for someone leaving the company; we haven't been doing that much because at
    the rate people have been hemorrhaging out of here, there's not enough lunches in
    the week. But someone decided to organize this for those of us who'd been working
    on a project with the guy leaving so I thought I'd go.

    Now on this
    project, we have bi-weekly lunch meetings, and we had all gone to P.F. Chang's
    about a month ago. One Chinese restaurant tradition they do uphold is fortune
    cookies at the end of the meal. At that meal, the guy who's leaving got a fortune
    something like "You will receive a promotion or new opportunity at work", whereas
    mine was along the lines of "Nothing interesting will happen to you in the near
    future." Ok, I'm making that up, but I do remember that mine was totally

    So today, I opened my cookie with great anticipation, to
    find....nothing. No fortune. Empty cookie. No future. Bad omen.

    the loud and gung-ho waiter came by we acquainted him with my plight. He squatted
    down by my chair and said "But that means your future can be whatever you want,
    sweetheart." I said, "Nice try, and DON'T fucking call me sweetheart."
    (Technically speaking, I only thought that last part, by it may have been in my
    eyes, because he stood up quickly and said, "But don't worry, I'll get you another

    He did, and fairly promptly. And once, again, with great
    anticipation, I opened my cookie, waiting to see if the world was about to dish up
    the embodiment of my wildest dreams.


    This fortune
    said, "You are cautious, conservative, and practical." Well, clearly not, or I
    wouldn't mind getting a fortune like that.

    I could just spit.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    This is what it looks like

    A small apology: I meant to upload some pictures of women erging, but my cable was down from Sunday to Wednesday, which means phone, internet connection and TV were all out. I forgot to upload the pictures once we finally got that fixed. In compensation, though, here are some I'd sent before the cable went kablooie.

    Rudder and his partner T2 in their double, right at sunrise:

    and a mixed eight during a race piece:


    We had two more people come over to erg last night, but only one actually wants to go to Boston. The other was there to set a pace for her -- they're good friends and erg together a lot. So they've only actually had three people try out, and they need at least five, including the alternate. Six would be better. I'm sort of glad I opted out of the whole thing, though I have this vision of them pulling me into the boat at the last minute, since I'll be in Boston anyway, to watch Rudder race.

    In this morning's practice, I got to row a lightweight women's quad, but for some reason it wasn't as much fun as it has been. We kept rushing Egret who was in stroke, and she kept hollering about it. She was completely right, but the yelling was annoying anyway, because if she's got breath to yell, she's not rowing as hard as she could be, and because I can't hear her, from bow, anyway, since she's yelling downwind (that is, I can hear that she's yelling, but not what she's saying). Stroke seat is really just supposed to communicate through their oar, anyway.

    Since it's been awhile, I think an all-rowing entry is pardonable!

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    July 26, 2001

    on vices and reasons therefore

    Gym, arms. Forgot to log my damned erging again (in case I ever remember to look
    back for it, I did 6000m Sunday in 30:54, 1000m Tuesday, and 1000m

    I find myself censoring what I post on my main list lately,
    and I don't like that. I used to feel able to talk about almost everything there,
    but we've had some issue lately with people being easily offended and then
    proceeding to insult everyone else. I thought about taking the tidbit I mentioned
    here yesterday on North Carolina's "retroactive" execution law over to
    misc.writers instead, where everybody mortally insults each other constantly and
    seems to get over it just as habitually, but decided that the list friends I have
    come to respect over the last few years needed to see that one.

    I was
    afraid it would spark acrimony over the whole death penalty issue, which is not
    what happened. Rather, it sparked a discussion on stupid sales-tax laws, which led
    to whether governments should tax high-calorie food at a higher rate. That led to
    discussion of whether government should enforce declarations of the nutritional
    value of food in restaurants, which led to acrimony over whether people just don't
    want to know what they're eating.

    It's pretty clear by now that
    anyone who is fat, or who smokes, knows it's bad for them. Anyone with working
    brain cells, anyhow; there are still people who feed their kids at McDonalds every
    night, but those people are stupid because they are stupid, not because they are
    fat, and that problem is way beyond me. So why do people still do things that are
    bad for them? Well, probably not out of ignorance.

    So at least one
    person managed to imply it's out of laziness, and thereby upset every overweight
    person on our list. (Did I say being thin doesn't mean being smart, either?) But
    it's got to be more complicated than that. My Dad has smoked for about 50 years,
    and he's not stupid, and I don't think laziness is a factor. I can think of any
    number of reasons to do things that are bad for you, and I do think of them, every
    time I do something that's bad for me. Dad will say, if you ask him, that he gets
    pleasure out of smoking and that he doesn't want to live forever

    I have had one person, exactly one, ever, tell me that to
    her, the problem with dieting is that you have so little energy. To me though, and
    from my own experience, this would be a huge factor. If I don't eat enough, my
    blood sugar goes down, and I'm dead tired and miserably crabby. I don't think I'd
    want to do that on purpose. I also don't eat as well as I should, because of pure
    lack of time to plan and prepare good meals. We do eat a lot of green salads, but
    that gets unutterably boring. Rudder puts beef or chicken or fish on his, but I
    just don't generally like meat on my salads, so I also probably get too little
    protein. Sometimes for variety, I'll have with almost equally exciting baked
    potatoes or ramen noodles -- I try hard to eat something that won't be gurgling in
    my stomach and trying to escape during rowing practice the next

    I can also imagine being overweight simply because losing
    weight is, by all accounts, so bloody damned hard, or smoking because it's the
    only moment of peace in an otherwise killer day, or not working out because of too
    many other higher priorities. Or drinking too much through a sheer need to numb
    your brain after a brutal week. No, wait, I don't have to imagine that one; memory
    will do fine. Or insulting someone through sheer lack of thought, as I have also
    done, and seen done, far too frequently lately.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 25, 2001

    cable's back

    My cable's back up! Yaaaayy!

    Now I can make phone calls, check
    email, and watch TV. Even all at once.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Dichroic being controversial again

    No rowing this morning, because there was lots of lightning, so I just went to
    work early. I miss my window; I'd like to watch this. This will work out well,
    though, because I need to leave early to be at home for the people to come fix our

    On the way to rowing, I heard an NPR piece about a new law in
    North Carolina. Their state legislature has just voted to make it illegal to
    execute a mentally retarded person, one with an IQ under 70. It worries me how
    many states, including my own, are only now passing that law. But the part that
    really worried me was when they said the new North Carolina law would be

    A retroactive law to prevent some people from being
    killed -- neat trick, huh? Apparently what they meant was that the new law will
    affect people now on Death Row, not that they'll try to revive previously executed

    My thinking on the death penalty has changed in recent years.
    I still believe in it, in the abstract. I doubt it's much of a deterrent but I do
    think that those capable of the worst, most appalling crimes should be removed
    from society, in the same way we put down mad dogs. If those criminals could be
    "cured", how could they live with the knowledge of what they had done,

    However, that only works if the death penalty can be fairly,
    accurately, and quickly applied. I have read too much evidence that the first two
    are not accurate descriptions of our system -- and the death penalty is absolutely
    final. Once it has been applied, there is no way to say, "Oops, sorry, we made a
    mistake, you can come back to life now." Also, we do seem to have a tendency to
    apply this ultimate sentence to some groups more than to others. If we can't be
    impartial, we can't know that we are being accurate.

    At any rate, the
    system by which convicted criminals are locked up for years, even if they don't
    appeal, with the vision of the lethal injection held before them the whole time,
    is horrible. We don't torture mad dogs before we put them down. We do it and get
    it over with. England used to execute condemned criminals not more than three days
    after the judge had pronounced his sentence. This is much better in the cases
    where the verdict was accurate; the drawback, obviously, is that a wrongly
    convicted criminal would have no time to appeal, a built-in contradiction to the
    system. So it is possible that there is no good and fair way to apply the death
    penalty. In which case, we ought not to apply it at all.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:59 AM

    July 24, 2001

    random neurons firing

    Today I have not a narrative nor a diatribe, nor even a pondering essay, but only
    a collection of random musings.

    Blame it on lack of sleep; our power
    kept going off and coming back on last night. Amazing how much noise a clock can
    make coming back on, not to mention the resumption of the usual background drone
    of refrigerators, air conditioners, and street lights.

    interrupted sleep may also explain why when the alarm went off, I was dreaming
    that I was George Weasley, hiking up a snowy mountain in company with my mother
    and three other people, one male and two female. It may be the truncated REM
    cycles, as I say, though I'm more likely to blame href="
    authorProfile&userid=4446">Rebecca Bohner
    , myself, for her vivid portrayal of
    George in her fanfic trilogy-in-progress.

    The power outage in
    combination with my still-
    dead cable
    makes me wonder if anything sinister is going on.

    announced this morning that Eudora Welty had died. I didn't actually know she was
    still alive,

    I've actually gotten around to reading one of the issues of
    the Atlantic Monthly that I'm being sent
    to complete my subscription to the Library of Congress's defunct Civilization
    magazine (yes, Civilization as I knew it is dead) and I'm quite impressed. Though
    they are a bit slow -- the current issue has a story href="">Mark Twain
    wrote for them
    -- for this very periodical -- 125 years ago, and they're just
    now publishing it.

    The impressive thing is that that wasn't even the
    most newsworthy item in the magazine. I'd already read or heard , without
    realizing where they came from, articles responding to B. R. Myers Reader's
    , in which he attacks current lit'ritchure for being unreadable, and
    Brooke Allen's Two -
    - Make That Three -- Cheers for the Chain Bookstores
    , in which she points out
    that those often-lamented independent bookstores, especially outside big cities,
    weren't really all that good at providing readers with the books they wanted. I
    agree with both essays, which is why the books I read tend not to be gushed over
    by highbrow critics and why I have a fondness for Borders that I never felt for
    the probably-dead-by-now Marlo's book store, whose puny treasures could never hope
    to match the richness that was the local public library. And the library was
    closer to my house, at a time when crossing major street was a fairly new

    I need to write about that library sometime; it was wonderful,
    though it looks much smaller now, on my rare visits to the

    Someone at work made the coolest comment yesterday --
    he told me I looked like the bass player for the Go-Gos. The resemblance is mostly
    superficial, I think (short dark hair, dark eyes), but still.

    another of our smartest people just sent out an email to say he's leaving. What
    does that say about those of us who are still here?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 23, 2001

    Murphy strikes again

    Not a good day, not good at all.

    First, there was the move into the
    MiniCube. Now, I'm sure there are lots of people who think that MiniCubes are fine
    places to work. Those, of course, would be the higher-ups in offices. Fine places
    for other people to work, that is. (And what kind of message does it send to put
    your QA Manager in a MiniCube anyway? I'm not sure exactly, but I have a strong
    hunch it's not "Quality is our first priority!")

    The MiniCube is not
    only tiny, but very exposed, so the next disappointment was when it turned out
    that Amazon no longer carries the full line of Dilbert products (I think it must
    be because they replaced their own toy section with Toys 'R' Us). This means I
    can't install the Dilbert inflatable Cubicle Door. Lots of other places on the web
    claim to carry Dilbert products, including the main href="">Dilbert Site, but they all seem to link back to

    Last night, our phone, TV, and net connection, all from our
    local cable company, went down about 7 PM. I didn't check the TV or cable modem
    this morning, but phone calls to the house turn right into dial tones, and I
    strongly doubt the other connections are back up. So I called the cable company
    for service. After speaking to four different people, including one genius who
    seemed to think phone, TV, and modem going down at the same time indicated three
    separate problems, plus a machine that first threatened me with a 10-minute wait
    and then hung up on me, I was able to secure a service appointment for 3-5 on
    Wednesday. That's right, I have to go without phone and computer for TWO WHOLE
    DAYS and then take time off work just because someone else apparently cut my cable

    Now if an area outage was reported, they get someone on it
    right away. The guy with working brain cells I finally got hold of seemed to think
    that if all three of my services were down, the whole cluster was probably
    affected. However, since it's now been about 17 hours since they all went down and
    no one else has called in, that seems unlikely to me. Or maybe all of my neighbors
    have DSL, satellite TV, and cell phones, in which case I still have to wait 2 days
    for service. This exemplary service company is Cox Cable, by the way, C-O-X, just
    in case anyone reading this was thinking of using them.

    Oh and the
    server at work is still down, so I still can't access the files I need to work

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    ergs and cubes

    First, thanks to all the people who responded to my blatant fishing for
    compliments on the new
    . Pitiful, I know, but your comments made me feel much, much better.

    Being descended upon by hordes of rowing women yesterday turned out
    to be mildly amusing. Five showed up but only two did erg pieces. The others were
    there "to cheer". They'll have enough people to make up a four (DrunkTina is
    coming over to do her piece tomorrow) but I think they really need more people
    trying out to get a truly competitive boat. My guess is that Yosemite Sam's talk
    about how intense the practices and competition would be scared a lot of people
    off, though no one's giving that as a reason.

    And since I'm always
    talking about erging here, and I imagine a bunch of readers (assuming I
    have a bunch of readers) going "Huh?", I promise I will post photos
    tomorrow. I meant to do it today, but our cable was out last night (modem, TV, and
    phone all down) so I couldn't upload them.

    I almost forgot to say that today's practice was also quite amusing -- me in a
    quad with Rudder and two other big guys. Don't ask me why YSam called it that way,
    but it was fun as well as funny -- I've had worse rows. I did have trouble
    steering with that much weight in the boat, so we took the scenic tour --
    serpentines all over the lake.

    Today's move to our other building at work turned out to be not so amusing. I can
    access the Internet, but not the server all my work files are on. Also, the new
    cube is 6' by 6', and way too exposed. I don't think this will be either
    comfortable or productive. It's supposed to be temporary, only until October, but
    I have some doubts our new building will be done by then. It's a pity too, because
    this cubicle system is well designed as these things go -- there's just not enough
    of it. Next I need to head over to Amazon to see if they're still selling the
    Dilbert cubicle door.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    July 22, 2001

    a quiet Sunday

    On the plans for today: hordes of women erging at my house. (Unless they've
    changed their plans and stupidly told me about on my work email, which I can't
    seem to get into right now, no doubt a casualty of our move.) Afterwards an errand
    or two, then taking a test on ANSI C for an evilly tempting recruiter. (Evil,
    because I suspect the job would bore me to death, tempting because I suspect there
    are scads of money and shorter work hours involved.)

    If I have time,
    maybe I'll even go to a mall, something I hardly ever get to do. I'll go without
    Rudder, who is not one of the world's better shopping companions (he's ok in REI,
    but not good at aimless mall wandering). I just need some cosmetics, though, so it
    would be easier to order online.

    More likely, I'll go to an office
    supply store to get some more magazine holders, then to an art store to get
    contact paper (the sticky kind) to implement a brilliant suggestion from someone
    in one of the more productive sessions of chat from my list. We save back issues
    of a few magazines: Smithsonian, Air and Space, Outside and Adventure. The problem
    is that those cardboard or plastic magazine organizers are ugly. No one
    seems to offer anything as attractive as href="">National Geographic's slipcases for
    normal-sized magazines; Nat'l Geo doesn't even offer them for their own Adventure
    or their other spin-offs. Levenger has some
    nice ones in wood and leather, but they cost a fortune. So the brilliant
    suggestion is to buy the cheap ugly ones and cover them with better-looking paper
    -- I'm thinking maybe a dull black or navy would be nicely inconspicuous. And in
    a few weeks we should have beautifully empty new bookcases to put them on --

    Nothing earth-shattering here, as usual. On the other hand, half
    of the journals I've read this morning were written by people in accountably or
    unaccountably bad moods, so I'm glad to have nothing worse than minor irritations
    and blessed peace on tap for today.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 21, 2001

    Things that went wrong

    Something's wrong here. OK, I write for myself, at least mostly, and don't worry
    who else reads this. But when I put a picture of myself up....well, that's not for
    me. I don't need a picture of my own face. I've already got the face, available
    for viewing in any reflective surface. So where are all the guestbook entries
    saying "Dichroic, that's a goofy picture but even so I can tell you look FUCKING
    HOT with the new 'do"? Where are they, I ask? Not in the guestbook, that's for
    damn sure.

    < /egotism > < /neediness >

    else that's wrong here is that after 10 and 12 years together, I still haven't
    managed to convince my cats that, since I don't have fur, snuggling up to me with
    claws out is really, really not a good idea. They seem to think it's a sign of
    affection. The younger cat, Coxswain, seems to be quite fond of this laptop, also.
    I think it's because, when he's walking on the desk the edge of the monitor is
    just the right height to scratch his head on.

    And one more good idea
    gone wrong: tomorrow morning first thing, I will be descended upon by a horde of
    women, and I say "horde", not "bevy", advisedly. Our rowing coaches, being from
    Massachusetts, think of the Head of the Charles as the Holy Grail of regattas.
    They take it far more seriously than any other race. The rowers who are trying out
    for the women's four we'll send there have to do a 6000 meter erg piece to see if
    their times are good enough. For some stupid reason, they need to have a coach
    watching, instead of reporting their own scores. (Maybe not that stupid; somehow
    some of these women have managed to do a dismayingly small amount of erging, for
    people who are supposed to be competitive rowers, and some may not know you need
    to warm up first and that you can't just stop for a drink in the middle of a

    So I asked Yosemite Sam if it would be acceptable for them to
    have me watch a piece, instead of him or DI. He said yes, since after all I am
    still officially a coach. I figured one or two women would take me up on it. After
    all, we have an erg here, and it's an opportunity to do the piece in air-
    conditioning, instead of outdoors in an Arizona summer. They'd call and arrange a
    time to come over and I'd sit there and read a book while they erged. Painless
    (for me, that is).

    Instead, about 5 women are coming over at 8AM
    tomorrow. I need to fold the ping pong table and bring the erg downstairs; theyÕll
    bring over another one. I did tell them I wouldn't have time to shop (inclination,
    actually) so it was strictly a bring-your-own-Gatorade affair, and Rudder
    suggested they also bring their own buckets, in case of need. Puking during a race
    or even an erg piece is not unknown in this sport, which gives you some idea o the
    exertion involved.

    Which also reminds me that I think href="">Mimi Smartypants is
    exactly right about pukers and nonpukers. I am the latter, and the refusal to push
    myself to it may be one of the factors keeping me from excelling in my sport. (And
    also in mountain biking, not that I've had much time for that

    Today I'm going flying with Rudder, riding in the backseat
    which will probably put me right to sleep. (It usually does.) Next month, when
    he's training an extra day a week and my credit card has recovered somewhat, I
    need to do a lot more flying of my own. Before I can do that, though, I need to
    read up a bit. I'm so rusty I don't even remember the altitudes to maintain to
    avoid class B airspace around here, or landing speed of a Cessna 172. There's a
    lot to know to fly a small plane.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 20, 2001

    another picture and a bunch of words

    Combine a new 'do and a new digital camera and what do you get? This,


    Sorry if that's a little grainy; I haven't had time to play with different camera
    resolutions or downloading options yet. Having arranged it in advance with
    Yosemite Sam, I took both the digital and the film cameras out on the coaching
    launch this morning and took pictures of practice. I may post a couple of the
    digital ones, if they come out well.

    YSam was pissed (in the
    American sense of the word) this morning, because of a few people who came late
    and ended up having to ride in the launch. He hates it when people don't show up
    reliably, and small wonder. I don't think he was mad at me, since my ride-along
    was prearranged, but I felt a little guilty, since if I'd volunteered to row or
    cox, we could have had another boat. Still, people who show up to a practice at
    5:05 (when they're supposed to show at 4:45 to have time to stretch) can't really
    expect the whole crew to wait for them.

    I'd had a beer last night with a bunch of fellow employees and ex-fellow employees
    (more of the latter than the former), so I was glad not to be rowing anyway. I can
    really tell the difference, even from just one beer.

    It was good
    seeing all those people, but kind of depressing hearing a few are still looking
    for new jobs (and you know your company is hurting when they lay off the CEO's
    sister). People keeps telling me there are lots of jobs for QA, though, so if I
    ever do get laid off, I'll hope they're right. Meanwhile, the experience I'm
    getting is still very good, so no motivation to job-hunt. And I *still* haven't
    heard whether I passed the CQA exam I took in June. They said we'd be told in six
    weeks, and that will be Saturday. I was hoping they meant it would take "up to six
    weeks", but apparently not. I hope I passed, since I do NOT want to retake that
    exam. (Plus, the associated raise would be nice.)

    On later reflection (the dichroic type, of course), it occurs to me: it really
    doesn't bother me too much that this journal is generally self-involved. After
    all, it's a diary, and if you can't self-centered there, then where can you? It
    does bother me, more than a bit, that what comes out of my head is so often
    boring. That's just a sign of a lazy mind, that is.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 19, 2001

    TMI: on sex, the folk process and instrument flying

    Due to the beer, Mexican food, too much chatting, and slightly late bedtime that
    resulted from Rudder's being on a business trip (he gets back tonight) I got to
    the gym late, so cut my workout a bit short. My shoulder hurts, anyway -- I think
    it may be sympathy pains with Rudder's slightly dislocated one (pops out easily
    due to a car accident years ago), except that it's the wrong shoulder. Obviously,
    I'm sympathetic but a little confused.

    Last night after work, I
    joined T2 and Egret who always go out for a beer on Wednesdays. I like the idea of
    a set time when I know I can go join someone, but I think I may pass on spending
    time with them without Rudder along. The night was rife with TMI. They've been
    together almost a year now, but apparently haven't yet settled comfortably enough
    into the relationship to really believe the sex will still be there even if they
    don't talk about it. I'm glad they're so happy together, though.

    Egret is actually getting a bit stressed because T2 is about to
    leave for Alaska for two weeks -- I think he planned the trip before they hooked
    up. He was making jokes about my needing to get a generator, to be ready when she
    takes down the power grid. I recommended using a battery-powered substitute for
    him, instead, but he said, no, that wouldn't be powerful enough. You see what I
    mean about TMI.

    In college, I was lucky enough to take several
    folklore classes with the late and greatly missed Kenny Goldstein. He taught that
    the folk process is still active, but that these days the words tend to change
    more than tunes, because recording sort of cements the tunes in public memory. On
    NPR this morning, they had a bit on the Blind Boys of Alabama, a gospel group
    who's been together for 60 years. Apparently they hadn't encountered Goldstein;
    the coolest part was when they sang "Amazing Grace" to the tune of "House of the
    Rising Sun". Or maybe that just illustrates his point, since the new tune is still
    a recorded an well-known one.

    Currently, there is a lot of local
    controversy over the building of a new stadium for the Arizona Cardinals. They
    currently play at ASU's stadium, which is small and uncomfortable. However, the
    proposed site is very close to the airport, and the FAA has said it would be
    unsafe. Everyone assumes they mean an airplane could crash into the stadium, but I
    don't even think that's the biggest problem. None of the news goes into details,
    other than to say that it would interfere with some instrument flying systems.

    I think what they mean is that it could block the VOR. That stands
    for VHF Omnidirectional Range beacon -- it puts a radio signal out in all
    directions, and you can tell from it what direction you are from the beacon. You
    can triangulate on two to find your own position, too. If you're anywhere near Sky
    Harbor in good weather, you can see where you're going anyway and it's not
    necessary, but in bad weather or from farther out (and they reach tens of miles)
    you might not be too happy if that signal is blocked.

    Some of the
    people involved in the stadium are being assholes about it too, saying that the
    FAA has the onus to keep the airport safe but that its jurisdiction should stop at
    the airport fence "and we have total confidence that they will do whatever is
    necessary to ensure safety for Sky Harbor". Idiots. Ignorant, arrogant idiots. I
    suppose it would be too much for them to ask how the system works before they
    start interfering with it. I suspect these are the people who complain their kids
    are too wild at home because their teachers aren't teaching them good manners. Or
    the ones who think it's okay for them to drive and talk on cell phones because
    everyone else will get out of the way.

    Another suggestion was to
    only use the runway in line with the stadium on non-game days. First, of course
    that doesn't address the VOR problem at all, which affects anyone flying on
    instruments, not just at that runway or even that airport, but anywhere in the
    vicinity. Second, why should travelers be inconvenienced by some football game?
    And finally, if an airplane should crash into the stadium, instead of making a
    rough but safe emergency landing on the dry riverbed that's there now, I'm sure
    that its 200+ passengers would be consoled, as they crisped in the ensuing
    fireball, to know there was no one in the stadium to be hurt.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 18, 2001


    First, here's the picture I promised. If you know me, you'll know it's appropriate
    to put it on my books page. You can't see the new haircut too clearly in this, but
    at least you can get the gist:

    Someone over on href="">Libris Ex Machina
    says everyone should have a books page. On reflection, I decided she's right. And
    after all, as Phelps used to say, this site is about "rowing, books, rowing,
    books...." and I already have a rowing page. So here is a list comprising The Best
    Books I Know Of. Some of these have changed my life; some are just the ones I keep
    going back to. If you love the same books, you'll already know why they're The
    Best; if you don't like them, our tastes are probably too different for me to
    explain to you. If you like some of them, try the rest.

    size="+1">Books some Foolish Marketer Thought Were for Children

    find the idea that I should have stopped reading these when I grew up just plain
    silly; after all, people were still writing them. And there are also all the ones
    I hadn't found yet -- should I be deprived of those by my age? No, I say, a
    thousand times no.

    • The Dark is Rising series, by Susan
      Cooper: There just isn't anything out there better than these, especially books 2,
      4, and 5.
    • the Harry Potter books, by J.K. Rowling: Amazingly
      enough, for once millions of people are right. Still getting better,
    • the Narnia books, by C.S. Lewis: I like The Lion,
      the Witch, and the Wardrobe
      and The Last Battle best, but they're all
    • The House of Arden and Harding's Luck and the
      Bastables books (The Treasure-Seekers, The Wouldbegoods and The
      New Treasure-Seekers
      ) by E. Nesbit: these are my favorites, but I like all of
      her magic books, as well as The Railway Children
    • Rilla of
      , The Blue Castle and Jane of Lantern Hill by L.M.
      Montgomery: Though again, I like most of her books.
    • Little
      and An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott: I rarely read
      these or her others anymore, because they're printed on my brain.
    • Madeleine L'Engle: A Wrinkle in Time and its successors, the Austin books, the
      Poly O'Keefe books. Actually, I like everything she's written (except her poetry)
      and love a lot of it. Though her belief systems is different than mine, I still
      learn from her every time I reread her.
    • All the Pooh books,
      including the poetry ones, by A.A. Milne: A Writer of Very Great Brain. Only the
      real Milne books, though: not the Disney versions, not all the new stupid ones
      people keep putting out for kids (I keep waiting for Winnie the Pooh Says No to
      Drugs), not the Tao of Pooh, not Piglet Becomes a Corporate Raider or whatever the
      latest attempt to capitalize on the franchise is.
    • I also still reread Sydney Taylor's All-of-a-Kind Family books, some of
      Gene Stratton Porter, John Bellairs, Kipling (Stalky and the two Puck
      books) and Frances Hodgeson Burnett. And though I don't reread them any more, I
      should credit Dr. Seuss, Richard Scarry, Chitty Chitty Bang-Bang (the
      kiddie Disney version) and The Poky Little Puppy for getting me started on
      a reading binge that shows no sign of


    • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen: to my
      mind, the best of hers, though I like Persuasion and others a lot
    • Freedom and Necessity by Emma Bull and Steven Brust:
      Often shelved with the SF, but shouldn't be, though it may possibly be a slightly
      alternate reality. The best description of a couple I'd want to be half of since
      Dorothy Sayers.
    • Miss Read's Thrush Green and Fairacre books. Often compared with
      the Mitford books, but shouldn't be. Miss Read's stories may be cozy, but they're
      closer to literature than treacle.

    Science Fiction and Fantasy

    • Number of the
      , Starship Trooper, Time Enough for Love, and Friday
      by Robert A. Heinlein: RAH shaped quite a lot of my worldview. (Louisa May Alcott
      probably did the rest.)
    • War for the Oaks, by Emma Bull:
      Stylish and folkloric both. I also like Orient and her and Will
      Shetterley's books set in the Borderlands
    • Moonheart and
      Yarrow, by Charles de Lint: I love the way he mixes mythologies. I like
      most of the rest of his, also, the latest ones are a little
    • Silverlock, by John Myers Myers. It's probably enough to say that three
      major authors more of less forced their publisher to bring this back in print.
      Wait, no it's not: I should also mention that spotting all the references in here
      is about the most fun a bibliophile can have.
    • All of Manly Wade Wellman's John the Balladeer stories and novels. I
      also like John Thunstone and Judge Keith Pursuivant. Currently, his stories from
      Weird Tales and other pulps are being reissued in a nice hardback
    • I also like Terri Windling, Patricia Wrede, Lois McMaster Bujold, Gael
      Baudino, some of Mercedes Lackey, some of Anne McCaffrey. I wish the first two of
      these would write a bit more -- and the last two would write a bit


    • Gaudy Night and Busman's
    • by Dorothy L. Sayers. For the exquisitely built, delicately
      balanced marriage Harriet and Peter build together.

    • Aunt
      Dimity's Death
      , and its successors by Nancy Atherton: Not great literature or
      great mysteries, but a comforting fairy tale.
    • A Free Man of
      and its sequels, by Barbara Hambly. I like these even better than her
      SF. The characters and the setting in New Orleans, circa the 1820s when it was
      changing rapidly, are incredible.
    • Dame Agatha Christie. I grew up on Poirot, but these days I prefer Marple, and
      I wish she'd written more Tommy and Tuppence.
    • Lately I've been working my way through Lilian Jackson Braun's The Cat Who
      stories. Again, not great lit, but amusing, and they're reasonably well written.
      Too many bestselling mystery series are so badly done in one way or another that
      if I gave in to my baser impulses my walls would look like Swiss cheese, with
      mystery-book-sized holes.


    • Le Ton Beau de Marot by
      Douglas Hofstadter: One of these days I'll go back for a degree in Cognitive
      Science or Linguistics because of this book.
    • A New Lifetime
      Reading Plan
      by Clifton Fadiman and John S. Majors: incredibly erudite but
      opinionated enough to be interesting.
    • Ex Libris: Confessions of
      a Common Reader
      , by Anne Fadiman: I loved these when they were columns in
      Civilization, and I love them now when they're collected into a

    I'll add more to this list as I develop more

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    small rowers and short hair

    Practice this morning was a blast -- we took out a lightweight women's quad. I
    loverowing with people who are my size! It was me, Egret, Hardcore, and a
    relatively new I'd love to do this as a regular thing, but
    Hardcore is trying out for the four that will be racing at the Head of the Charles
    in October, so she'll need to concentrate on that until she finds out if she's in
    the boat. No reason she shouldn't be -- she's smaller than most of the people
    trying out, but very strong, and has done more erging than a lot of

    My hair is now an inch or less long all over my head, and sort
    of a very dark plummy color. I had Rudder take a Polaroid last night, and I'll see
    if I can get someone at work to scan it in, so I can post it here. Or I may break
    down and buy a digital camera at lunch, since I've been wanting one anyway. I sort
    of have one, that attaches to my old Palm Pilot, but I can't find the old Pilot
    and it's not very hi-res anyway. (Old geek joke: What's a programmer's favorite
    drink? Hi-res root beer!)

    I think the hair looks pretty good, and it
    certainly saves me time in the morning. Not that I ever did more than comb tangles
    out of my hair, slick some pomade through, and leave the house with it wet, but
    shoulder-length or longer hair takes much longer to wash, rinse, and dry. All of
    the comments so far have been positive -- that is, there were none of the "Oh, you
    got your hair cut (silence) (pause for thought)...Wow, it really looks different"
    type. And only one or two used the words "cute" or "adorable", a perennial bugbear
    to those of us who are very small. On the other hand, no one came out and said,
    "Wow, Dichroic, you look HOT!" either (well, except Rudder). But I'll take what I
    can get.

    I have a status meeting shortly with my boss, who hasn't
    seen me yet. Should be fun.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    July 17, 2001

    a gym rat squeaks

    I would just like to say that in the gym this morning, I lifted more than my own
    weight on two separate machines (calf raises and seated leg press). Technically
    three, in fact, but the third was a squat machine I hadn't used before, and when I
    needed to set the weights to 30 pounds more than I use on a plain bar, I concluded
    that the machine, not me, got the credit for that one. What a silly design. Unless
    they do it that way on purpose, to make people happier with their accomplishments?
    Still silly -- I'd rather that designers of weight machines tried to keep the
    effort required to lift a given weight in line with that of free weights. Besides,
    it reminds me of the change in womenÕs clothing sizes over the last fifty years,
    so that a size 4 now fits someone who would have worn an 8 in 1955. Pure catering
    to vanity.

    Of course, even with free weights, the effort varies
    depending on, say, the angle at which a leg sled is set. Anyway, I like free
    weights, but don't use them exclusively because it takes so much longer to load
    all the weights on than to move a little pin in a weight stack. Also, I'm so small
    (I say "small" so I don't have to say "weak") that moving a large weight is a
    major effort for me. For example, I can squat 90 lbs, but I use a 20, 10, and 5 lb
    weight on each side, instead of 35 lb weights (the bar itself only weighs 20 lbs
    because it moves on tracks and has this damping system to slow it down).

    It is gratifying to see my weights increasing -- for example, on
    regular squats, I started out doing 12, 10, and 8 reps with 40, 50, and 50 lbs,
    respectively -- now I do 70, 80, and 90. Rudder does at least double my weights on
    everything, plus an extra erg piece after lifting, though, so I can't brag too
    much. I can't even claim he weighs twice what I do -- I'm heavy for my height
    (how's that for euphemism? but really, most of it is muscle, I swear), and despite
    the very nice (mmm....very nice) definition he's gaining, he's ridiculously light
    for his (about 165 at 6'). Lucky for him, he's got good shoulders and a nice ass,
    so all his clothes hang well, and he never looks scrawny. Not that I'm based or

    I think I may go on "strike" as list moderator for a week
    or so, though I'm not certain I'll announce it, other than to those who read this
    (all the important people, that is) and my co-mod. Lately, we've been having to
    step in more and more, and list behavior has just gone downhill. Perhaps non-
    interference will either force people to police themselves or to appreciate what
    we're trying to do more. (Since the same people who are complaining at yesterday's
    interference were actively asking us to step in a few days ago, this is by no
    means certain.) But we'll see.

    Today, I will go get my hair cropped,
    and possibly even colored. If it turns out well, I might post a photo, but my only
    digital camera is a PalmPilot attachment, so don't expect much.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 16, 2001

    not much sweetness and light

    Big argument with Rudder last night, yelling, tears, the whole bit. No real
    disagreements, just misunderstandings on both sides and maybe some lingering
    resentments that mostly seem to stem from the fact the I'm very verbal and he's
    very not. That means that what he needs to feel appreciated and what I do
    are very different, and it ticks me off that he just does things for me that he
    would like, rather than things he thinks I would like. I mean, what's the point,
    otherwise? you're not going to make the other person happy so why even make an
    extra effort. It annoys me most because we've had this discussion before so many
    times over the last decade. Sometimes it seems he just wants me to turn into a
    little him, which I have absolutely no interest in doing.

    Of course,
    I'm at fault also, for misunderstanding some of what he says, and the occasional
    whining, and this and that and the other thing. His complaints aren't nearly as
    valid as mine of course. Not that I'm biased or anything. Of course.

    The odd thing was that my major reaction last night was to want to go write all of
    this up -- I kept finding myself turning phrases in my head. But I didn't want to
    write it here, because people I know read this and I don't want to give anyone the
    wrong impression. Said wrong impression being that Rudder and our relationship
    aren't extraordinarily good, in general, because they are. Or are they? Sometimes
    I wonder how much of this is in my head, whether I'm giving him credit for
    understanding and qualities I only imagine. On the other hand, since perception of
    a relationship is entirely subjective, I'd prefer to keep my illusions

    I did think it was odd to find myself so strongly wanting to
    write it all out. (I didn't, because it was after the time I should have been
    asleep, as our fights always seem to be.) That must all be due to the daily
    exercise of writing in here, because it hasn't always been my first

    Anyway, looking at the above it's apparent I'm still not
    quite over last night, even though we made up before we went to sleep, so please
    take the first three paragraphs of this entry with a large grain of salt. Maybe
    I'm hormonal or something.

    In the rowing news, today's practice was
    long pieces, 2x30 minutes at half pressure. Oddly, YSam had T2 and Rudder doing a
    completely different workout, even though Monday's supposed to be distance day for
    them as well. I'm thinking of dropping out for a month or so and just showing up
    at the same time to row my single. I'm not convinced the rowing program is really
    doing what I want; I don't respond well to autocracy and I'm not sure if I want to
    train as hard as we have been, unless I have a particular race to train

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 15, 2001

    Up in the pines


    We drove up to the property on the Mogollon Rim
    Friday night, after work. I did all the packing, because Rudder couldn't get out
    of work early, and I could. Packing up the truck for camping in 100+ degrees
    weather was such sweaty hard work I had to shower afterwards -- I didn't want to
    *start* my weekend all sticky and smelly, even though I knew I'd probably end up
    that way. (After a mere two days. Yes, Americans in 2001 are a finicky

    The second half of the drive up is on a two-lane road, and
    there was lots of traffic this weekend. That meant, of course, that that part of
    the drive was an exercise in patience while stuck behind a camper going under the
    speed limit. Fortunately, the earlier, more mountainous part of the drive is all
    four-lane road now, so it's not nearly as frustrating as it was a few years

    Our acre lot is bounded by a large house on the north side, a
    hangar on the south, airplane tiedowns and a runway on the east, and a road on the
    west. Fortunately, none of these has much traffic (the owner of the house doesn't
    live there). We have lots of pine and juniper, but have cleared the underbrush,
    deadwood, and low branches out (required by the CC&Rs, because of fire danger). We
    have no permanent structures except for a picnic table chained to a cement
    footing. All of this means there is much less privacy than I would prefer for
    camping. There's a lodge with bathrooms, a kitchen, showers, pool table, TV, and
    so on, but it's about a 10 minutes walk away. All of this adds up to an
    experience that brings me renewed appreciation for my little href="">female-to-male

    We must both have been exhausted before this trip; we
    barely woke for thunderstorms outside the tent or any of the usual discomforts of
    sleeping on the ground (we use Therma-Rests on top of thin foam pads under the
    sleeping bags). Of course, the fact that the temperatures were perfect for
    sleeping and we have soft pine needles and duff under the tent helped, also. But
    we slept until 7 this morning, unheard of on a camping trip.

    clearing off some of the dead branches and manicuring a few junipers to keep them
    from strangling young pines growing up within their branches, we drove up a bit
    North to check out Jack's Canyon, a climbing area we'd heard a lot about. Jack's
    looked like a great place to climb, with good rocks and plenty of shade. It's
    mostly sport climbing (that is, there are bolts already placed to clip on to), and
    according to the guidebook, most of the routes are very well-placed, by climbers
    who knew what they were doing. Just about all of it is lead climbing (no way to
    hike around and set up a top rope first). We've mostly top-roped so far; one of
    these days we'll have to break down and really start leading, which is much
    scarier, because you can fall a lot farther.

    We're back now, rested,
    and ready to finish out a peaceful weekend doing the laundry and shopping sort of
    things we don't have much time for during the week.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 13, 2001

    How to ruin a meeting

    This morning, I have a meeting to present (and get people to use the process I and
    others have been working on for about the last two months. So this is a Big

    I knew in advance this would be another killer rowing practice,
    and I was thinking that it might be more professional if I could walk vertically
    into my meeting, not be shaking, and could stand up and talk if I have to (someone
    else is doing the brunt of the talking, but I'll be joining in on a lot of

    Also, I've really been wanting to ride the coaches' launch and
    take photos, while we still have lots of daylight. I don't have many good rowing
    shots from here, and I want some for a project I'm starting. So I took the camera
    along, and asked YSam if that would be ok for today. He said yes, but later
    changed his mind and said he needed me to cox. Fair enough; he has to put practice
    ahead of my photography, and coxing would still leave me fairly alive for my

    Except that what I didn't know was that this practice,
    consisting of decreasing distance full-pressure pieces (2000m, 1500m, 1000m, 500m,
    250m, 100m), would be done as a series of races. There were 5 boats participating:
    my heavyweight mixed eight, a lightweight Masters' mixed eight, the Junior womens'
    eight that's training for Nationals, the Junior mens' four ditto, and Rudder and
    T2's double, now starting their training for the Charles. The double kicked ass;
    they were ahead in every race. The four beat us in the longer piece, then we beat
    in the shorter ones (those high school kids don't wear out as fast as us geezers).
    The other two eights were way behind. (All other things being equal, an eight
    should beat a four, and possibly a double; a good double might beat a four.
    Clearly, all other things weren't equal.)

    Racing other boats involves
    a lot more screaming for the coxswain than a regular rowing practice would. So now
    I can stride firmly into my meeting, move with decision, and appear bright-eyed
    and alert. I just can't talk. Oops.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    July 12, 2001

    training and camping

    I was so annoyed by what I heard href="">on the radio this morning
    that I didn't even mention my workout this morning -- since I generally do that
    every day, this journal is something f a workout log for me. A good thing, too, as
    I forget to log my distance on the erg morning after morning. Anyway, today I
    lifted weights, all arm stuff. I'm very sore from yesterday's rowing workout, so I
    only did 500m on the erg as warm-up. I felt guilty, though, so went back and did
    another 500 after lifting.

    That was an odd feeling: after doing my
    full cycle with the heaviest weights I can manage (varying, but anywhere up to 90
    lbs on the pulling exercises: Lat pulldowns, high row, bench pull, low row,
    upright row, plus a couple other things) pulling on the erg felt oddly easy, and I
    had a much lower split time for what felt like the same

    Tomorrow's rowing practice will probably be worse, if
    Yosemite Sam sticks to the schedule Coach DI posted. Ugh!

    worrying thing about that is that we plan to go camping this weekend, out on our
    property on the Rim. As Rudder pointed out, that could make sleeping on the ground
    fairly unpleasant. This won't really be wilderness, though; if it rains too hard
    to do anything, we can go sit in the clubhouse instead of in a tent, and if
    sleeping on the ground is too rough on our (rapidly aging) old bones, there are
    hotels nearby.

    Rudder plans to go to dinner tonight with T2 and
    Yosemite Sam, to discuss training for their fall head races, but I think I will
    skip that to go shopping for the camping food, since otherwise I'll have no time
    to do that or to pack. We usually keep some nonperishables in with the camping
    gear, but since we haven't gone for quite a while, I don't want to rely on

    Posted by dichroic at 12:16 PM

    another rant, this time on the possible marriage amendment

    If you're a U.S. citizen, it's time to contact your

    Apparently, according to National Public Radio,
    there are plans afoot by a coalition of religious and political conservatives to
    push a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one
    women. Further, the Amendment's text says that neither this constitution nor any
    state constitution may contain special protections for unions of two or more
    people not meeting this description." (quoted from memory)

    Why, you
    ask, should I, a happily married heterosexual, care? Well, there's my basic sense
    of fairness, coupled with my basic sense of this is none of the government's
    fucking business!

    You, over there with the I (heart) Reagan T-
    Shirt, speak up! "Won't that contribute to the degradation of society?" Well, how?
    If we take a step to make it easier for gay couples to live in stable unions,
    wouldn't that contribute to the fabric of society? I thought you were the one who
    kept saying gay men were all promiscuous pedophiles who would rot in hell. (I
    never did figure out why some people seem to think all gay men are pederasts,
    anyway. Where's the logic in that?)

    Yes, Congressman? What did you
    say? "This will change all marriages! Oh, yeah? If I had a sister who married a
    woman tomorrow, I can't imagine that would change my life a bit -- except that I
    might be very happy that my sister had found someone to love her. Ask your Vice
    President how he'd feel if he knew his daughter had someone to take care of her
    when she was sick or old or tired (actually, I think she does). Congressman, if I
    don't let interfering old fossils like you dictate how my marriage (*my* marriage,
    mine and Rudder's) should function, then no one else's example will affect it
    either. Many unhappy marriages are alike, but each happy family is happy in its
    own way.

    And in the corner, the economic conservative speaks up. Yes,
    Ma'am? You approve of gay unions but you're afraid an actual marriage would send
    up the cost of your health insurance? Because those people have AIDS and stuff?
    Well, you're probably right. Some gay people do have AIDS, as do many others. (In
    fact, I think the incidence of AIDS among lesbian women is very low). And
    providing spousal benefits for those with AIDS would likely send up premiums.
    However, a lot of that will be the health insurance and pharmaceutical companies,
    who make huge profits way out of line with other industries, raising fees because
    they can, whether or not their costs justify it. Maybe they're the root cause of
    that problem, not couples who just want a few basic rights.

    finally, you, the liberal, you say you don't know any gay people but you can't see
    why they'd want to get married, and enter an institution with so many connotations
    of property and imbalance of power? Well, first of all, you probably do know some
    gay men or lesbians. Many just don't talk about their private lives much, because
    they want to live their lives, not waste them arguing with the sort of
    pusillanimous peabrains who are pushing this amendment. Second? Well, imagine not
    being able to visit the love of your life, whom you've lived with for thirty
    years, when he's in the hospital for major surgery, because his sister disapproves
    of you. Imagine breaking up after more than a decade together, like Melissa
    Etheridge and Julie Cypher, and having a huge mess disentangling for finances,
    instead of the simple untaxed split amicably divorcing couples get. Imagine huge
    arguments every time you tried to get a family discount at a Costco, or with AAA,
    or at an amusement park, for you, your partner and your children. Yes, unmarried
    hetero couples sometimes have those problems too, but at least they can choose
    whether enter a marriage, balancing among its benefits and burdens.

    will never understand why some conservatives (and it's only some) decry liberal
    governments' reaching into their citizen's wallets....and then turn around and try
    to reach into their bedrooms. Why is privacy such a difficult concept? And
    why should I feel my values are compromised just because someone else's might be

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    July 11, 2001

    job woes of various sorts

    I suppose the day has improved slightly. SO far, there have been no complaints
    back from my email list on my severe posting this morning. I must confess I ran it
    by the other moderators first only partly to get opinions as to whether it was too
    sever; the other motivation was making sure we had a united front, in case anybody
    started complaining to them about me.

    On a more depressing note, I
    heard of two more people leaving my company today -- one voluntarily, one not. The
    one "not" is a friend of mine. I just don't really know what to do. I got a call
    from a recruiter yesterday, about what is essentially my last job -- scads of
    money, possibly no overtime, and dead boring. I like it here better, except for
    the ever-present fear of layoff. I've chosen my current job over one offering less
    interest and more money twice now: once when I took it and once after getting
    another offer. So I suppose my values are clear....but the money is still
    tempting. Rudder, of course, keeps telling me if I take it I should buy him a
    plane. At least he's not pressuring me to take it for that reason. If I did, I
    could afford one, even though I'm not nearly as good with money as he is. But it
    would still be MY airplane.

    Which reminds me, one of these
    days I really need to go flying again. I'm extremely rusty. One of these days, I
    also need to write about flying here.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Not a good day, particularly

    Grrr. Not having a good day so far. Practice was a bitch this morning -- well,
    really, it was just hard, not bad. I didn't end the practice pissed off at
    everyone in the boat with me, which is a good sign. But the workout they had us do
    was brutal: 8 4-minute pieces at full pressure, increasing rate every 30

    So now I'm walking like my grandmother. Okay, I'm
    exaggerating. More accurately, I'm walking like my grandmother before she

    Took my shower in our other building, hobbled back out to the
    truck to switch my gym bag for a briefcase, and then creaked upstairs for my usual
    every-other-Wednesday meeting. By the time I get there after practice and
    showering, it's way too early for the meeting, but too late to justify driving to
    my building, so I usually check my email and bring something to read. So, after
    painfully hauling my very sore butt up those stairs, I checked my email. Only to
    find the meeting has been changed to a monthly one, on the last Wednesday of every
    month. Shit. Back down the stairs, creak, creak, creak, ouch, ouch, ouch, over to
    my building.

    Next, I checked the Yahoo mail I'm not supposed to
    check at work. (Hey, I need something not too challenging to start off the day.)
    There's a message there from someone at the list I moderate, saying, "Maybe I'm
    being too sensitive, but I found this offensive and hurtful." Well, there
    certainly are people there who are easily offended, but this woman isn't one of
    them, and when I read the attached message, I found it pretty obnoxious also. It's
    just an extreme example of a certain cliquish us against them thing I've been
    seeing, that's been accompanied by a lot of picking on one tactless but well-
    meaning frequent poster, and I'm sick of it.

    I wrote a reply to the
    list, condemning all of this rudeness, with the first sentence of that recent
    example as a springboard. I sent it to my co-moderator and the mod of our parent
    list for comment because it is so strongly worded, but if I don't hear back from
    them fairly soon, I'll post it anyway.

    Next issue: Will I be stood up
    again for my 10:00 meeting?

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    July 10, 2001

    henna concerns

    So. I got a henna tattoo Sunday, as I think I mentioned earlier. (It's not really
    a tattoo, of course, but I don't know what else to call it -- bodyart? Anyway.)
    It's a band around my left upper arm made of small swirls. I was going for a
    vaguely Celtic effect, but it came out looking, from a distance, a little like
    barbed wire (bobwar, for any Texans reading this). Oh, well. Not exactly the
    effect I intended. ("I want to look like a bad-ass, but I was too big a weenie to
    get a real tattoo.") I'll just have to hope people look close enough to see the
    little swirls. Unlike a tattoo, it doesn't go all the way around my arm. For some
    odd reason, the front innermost swirl is lighter than the rest –- maybe it got
    less henna, or I missed it with the lemon juice I put on, or the skin's just
    thinner there.

    I was told to keep it oiled constantly for the first two days, to help it get darker, and "for maintenance" after that. (This is one reason it doesn't go all the way around my arm – so I don't get oil on my
    clothes.) I was supposed to use olive oil, because it's "thicker", for the first
    day, then any oil after that. So being the conscientious henna-wearer I am, I
    brought a small bottle of massage oil into work. If they ever give us our own
    masseurs in the office, I'm prepared. This one is supposed to smell like wild
    chamomile, which I can't vouch for, but it does smell better than olive oil.

    Now, here's the odd part: the oil is in a little bottle with a
    spout that seals, like a shampoo bottle. I put the bottle in a baggie, for extra
    protection (for all my other stuff). Every time I use it, I wipe down the bottle.
    So why, even when it's just sitting on my desk, is the bottle all oily whenever I
    take it out? I've even wiped down the inside of the baggie, but it doesn't seem to help. It's as it the oil just burbles up and seeps through the seal when I'm not

    Rudder's comment last night was that the henna isn't as colorful and detailed as a real tattoo. I explained that henna designs aren't trying to be real tattoos, that they come from a long history of body decoration. He didn't buy it: "I think I like real tattoos better". I'm not quite sure what to make of that, considering that he's never quite understood why anyone would want to decorate their body permanently, with tattoos or piercings.

    He has odd tastes anyway, though. This is, after all, the guy that was positively drooling over the Mega Mover last Sunday, when we went to look at RVs:

    The deal was, if he waited while I got the henna-ing done, I'd listen to him talk about the Mega Mover as much as he liked. I still think a normal fifth-wheeler toyhauler would make more sense for what we want, though.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    "Grrr" said Dichroic

    I HATE when my entry gets erased and I have to start over.

    The gist
    was: henna tattoo, the oil for it gets messy, Rudder is strange and likes really
    big toys. I'll write it up over the course of the day and post later.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    "Grrr" said Dichroic

    I HATE when my entry gets erased and I have to start over.

    The gist was: henna tattoo, the oil for it gets messy, Rudder is strange and likes really big toys. I’ll write it up over the course of the day and post later.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    July 09, 2001

    another bra rant

    I coxed again today for 2/3 of the practice, but it was more or less my fault for being in the bathroom when Yosemite Sam picked the boat. Can’t complain there. He gave me quite a lot of shit for the henna-tattooed armband I got in the mall yesterday. I found that extremely amusing, since the majority of women rowers here have real tattoos. Most of them (except Hardcore) just have them in less conspicuous areas. There are also at least three, probably more, who have pierced navels (and of course, there’s also Hardcore’s nose piercing). Apparently YSam doesn’t realize it, but I’m on the conservative side here.

    At that stop at the mall, I got the henna tattoo but completely failed in my attempt to buy a bra, because they’re mostly all too big and the few that aren’t are too decorated -- I just want one not to show clothing. And I want it to make me not show through clothing -- that’s the only reason I wear one at all. Otherwise I get either two dark spots under a light shirt or unmistakably bra-less outlines under a tight one. I don’t sag. I don’t need support, unless I’d doing something like riding a mountain bike over a washboard trail, and for that I have sports bras. All I want is one that will fit and won’t show. Is that too much to ask? Victoria’s Secret thinks so.

    And what is the point of the otherwise nearly perfect little triangle cotton bras that have rhinestone designs in them? Are you supposed to wear them alone or over clothing? If not, why bother? I don’t mind things made to look good in the boudoir (as Victoria would no doubt say) but not at the expense of showing little rhinestone bumps through a T-shirt!

    I did have a whole topic I was going to address, but I think I’ll just save it until later. Tip to readers: if you’re not interested in the rowing stuff, try reading this journal only in the afternoons. I seem to need to get the rowing and daily activity report out of the way first. The sad thing is, I suspect the rant above may be a repeat.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    Up and down and still somehow....

    Ampersand Topic: going up/going down (This can be interpreted any way you like.)

    I was going to write about my love of gravity-based sports, but as I planned an entry on the odd view I get of other people’s relationships from reading their journals, I realized how well that ties into this topic.

    For a long time, my theory has been that relationships are sine waves:

    The horizontal axis is time, and the vertical axis represents how good or bad the relationship is at any moment. Basically, the idea is that all relationships, especially romantic ones, have cyclical ups and downs (profound, I know). Good ones are shifted upward on the vertical axis, so they have less time when things are really bad; bad ones are shifted down. Abusive ones have lots of drastic ups and downs, but gradually the downs get much bigger than the ups. (I’d illustrate all of these, but my .gif files are misbehaving.)

    The odd thing about eavsdropping on someone else’s life is that you never know where someone is on their sine wave, at least not until you’ve gotten to know them for a while. When Natalie grumbles about an argument with Prufrock, or Badsnake is in a down period when she feels like her family is paying her less attention, or Baggage has been squabbling with his Girl-Unit, it can look like an impending break-up .... until you read on to see the love in a later entry. (One of Badsnake’s, from a while back, is sweet and memorable: "They love me. They really love me.")

    I get two lessons from this: first, I tend to read the same diaries every day. Absurd as it sounds, I get to worrying about all of these people. I think I tend to read mostly people who are basically happy, so I don’t have to worry much.

    Second, I’ve learned, over the years and largely from the college relationship where I learned so much else, that sometimes, when things are going badly, but you’re sure of the basic bones of the relationship, that the best thing to do is hunker down and just wait it out.

    Which is not to say things with Rudder are going badly at the moment, at all, at all.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    July 08, 2001

    lazy Sunday, yet again

    We have now officially recuperated from the stress of coaching rowing. I can tell because I have finally passed from "Ah, a weekend where we don’t have to do anything," to "What am I going to do today?"

    Yesterday I updated my resume on several job sites, and did some library research I’d been meaning to get around to. We also celebrated our 8th anniversary a few days late by having dinner at a cool seafood place Rudder had heard about. The restaurant is entirely underground, which makes a hell of a lot of sense out here. Even though I had promised myself I wouldn’t do it any more, I ordered lobster, out of a feeling of obligation to order something special for a special occasion. The problem was that the lobster was a bit dry, and very stringy, and I probably would have enjoyed the shrimp a lot more. But I order shrimp all the time so it doesn’t seem like a special occasion food. Obviously, I order it so much because I like it that much, so it would make a lot more sense just to get what I like no matter what the occasion. I’m stupid that way.

    Afterward we had champagne at home. We taped a Discovery Channel special on fireworks, so we even had some of those to accompany the champagne. After all, our actual anniversary is on July 4!

    This morning, Rudder met T2 to do some more rigging on their boat. I went along and had a nice, easy, peaceful row in the single, to make up for not rowing on Friday. After that we went out to breakfast, so now I just need to figure out what to do for the rest of the day. I’m thinking a mall visit.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    July 07, 2001

    arena football verdict: not impressed

    Well. Last night’s arena football game (Arizona Rattlers vs. San Jose) made me glad I wasn’t paying to attend it. (We’d gotten tickets for my company’s box.) Sitting in the private box with free beer was nice, but I actually enjoyed the background music more than the game itself. I’d buy a CD of it if they sold one -- all 70s and 80s anthems -- perfect for the last bit of long drives, when you’re struggling to stay awake. Everything from Love Stinks to What I Like About You to Paradise by the Dashboard Light.

    The game itself is played by 8-man teams on a 50-yard field that looks oddly shrunken to eyes used to normal (American) football. Scoring is similar; extra points have to be kicked into a very narrow goal area between two tightly stretched nets set up to protect spectators. (There’s a looser net behid the goal area.) No doubt there were strategy and technical points I was totally missing, but still, I’d have to say it wasn’t one of the more exciting sports I’d seen. Also, it shared regular football’s most annoying characteristic: one minute on the clock could stretch over about 15, real time.

    And then there were the cheerleaders! They were wearing tight tops and long black stretch pants. They changed tops for each quarter of the game, but that wasn’t enough to camouflage the fact that these were obviously the ones who’d gotten turned down by the Suns, Cardinals, Diamondbacks, and Mercury cheerleaders. Ditto for their choreographer. They did dance routines after every quarter and during a TV time out that were both intrinsically lame and badly executed. The routines weren’t all that hard, and the dancers weren’t together at all (when they were obviously supposed to be). And at one point they all did cartwheels somewhat worse than the ones I could do by age 6. (And still can, thankyouverymuch.) I hope they all have day jobs. I would suggest modeling for Clairol, as they ably demonstrated every available shade of blond hair. ("Meow!" says your brunette reporter here.)

    Interestingly, as Rudder pointed out, the audience (a much less densely packed one than the same venue would have or a hockey game) was almost entirely white, not the case for most other sports here. Not sure what that proves, if anything.

    On the agenda for tonight: a fancy dinner and champagne, to celebrate our 8th anniversary a few days late. Please, spare me the July 4 wedding jokes....I think I’ve heard them all.

    And someone please tell La Phelps I can (rarely) put together two entries in a row that aren’t on either rowing or books!

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    July 06, 2001

    the last refuge of a scoundrel

    I’ve seen several journals on the subject of July 4th that I’ve found very disturbing. They all said something on the order of, "Yeah, I went to watch fireworks, but I don’t get the whole Independence Day patriotism thing. This country sucks. Our president is an idiot and the founding fathers basically just came in and stomped on all the people already here." I’m thinking some time in another country or some serious study of history is indicated.

    Maybe this brands me as hopelessly uncynical, and doomed to never quite get it, but I love my country. Yes, I do. Let me be completely clear; I said "love", not "worship". I don’t pretend the US is perfect, and some days it isn’t even good. We do have blotches and scabs -- as Spider Robinson once wrote, "hell, huge running sores". Some of our laws are unfair. Some are very unfair (the ones against gay marriage spring to mind). We still have prejudice, poverty, violence and corruption in high, medium, and low places.

    Nonetheless, there is a reason that people in many other countries risk their lives to get here. Just in the last few years, there have been tens of deaths among refugees taking huge risks to gain a future better than they could have hoped for back home. Few people here are starving. Most people can choose, at least to some degree, the work they do. All citizens have the right to vote. We can travel freely between states, and sometimes into new lives. And yes, I know there are problems with all these -- people with no education and skills only suitable for minimum wage jobs, people pulled over for the offense of DWB (Driving While Black), voting fraud.

    But at least here we acknowledge those things are wrong. The United States was founded on an ideal, not a dynasty, by an extraordinary group of men whose private flaws (and they had many) did not prevent them from devising an imperfect system that is one of the fairest yet devised. And for all the crooked politicians there are, there are honest people who work hard, often for low pay or little attention, to move this country closer to its ideals.

    There are other countries that have outdone us in one way or another (South Africa, for example, forbids discrimination on account of sexual preference in its constitution). But many of those would never have happened without the US’s example. There are countries that haven’t fought our more stupid wars, though many have their own stupid fights. There are other countries that would be great to live in (though I think whoever it was who spoke of moving to "Canada or Serbia" should probably reassess, or just stick to Canada). You’ll note, if you look carefully, that in most of those countries where medical care is universal, marriage laws are more reasonable, and vacations are 5 weeks per year, that taxes are 60% or more. Some (not all) of those also seem to have developed a culture in which people are even less independent and self-reliant than Americans. I’d prefer to keep more of my money and make more of my own decisions, though I realize that’s just the American in me speaking and that others’ preferences will differ. I’d love to live in other countries for a few years, for the experience and the chance to learn more.

    So yes, we do have a long way to go, and yes, we should emulate those countries that are ahead of us in one way or another. But there is a very special idealism still here, that needs to be preserved amidst the chaos of money and clout, movies and pop music, TV and noise and materialism. The old quote isn’t wrong, it’s just usually quoted without its more important second half: "My country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right; when wrong, to be made right."

    I can’t argue the bit about our president being an idiot, though.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    an entry on not rowing

    Something I ate last night disagreed with me (I should know better than to combine pesto tortellini with alfredo sauce before a rowing morning) so I didn’t row this morning. I did go out there, though, and am very glad I did.

    The women who want to row in a four in the Head of the Charles next October are supposed to do 6000m erg pieces to compete for their spots on the crew. One of them, K, had almost never been on an erg before and wasn’t convinced she could do that distance. (Don’t ask me how you can row for a year and only get away with only erging once; if I knew that, I would be doing it!) I knew she could do it, on the theory that if I can, any rower can. Besides, 6000m is less than half an hour and she’s used to two-hour practices on the water.

    But she was nervous about it, so when I told Coach Yosemite Sam that I wasn’t feeling well and would rather not row, he asked me to coach her through a practice piece. And of course, to no one’s surprise but her own, she finished all 6000 meters. She did it in 28 minutes and some, a good 2-3 minutes slower than she’ll need to qualify for a spot in the Chuck crew, but now she knows she can do it. I think my presence was a big help, too, for both encouragement and distraction -- the hardest thing on an erg is fighting the boredom.

    After that I coxed a junior women’s crew in a 1000 meter scrimmage race. The masters won it, but then they had several men in the boat, including one who is so strong he far outpulls both Rudder and T2. Amusingly, Rudder and T2 in their double kicked ass -- 16 asses in fact; they beat both eights by a long margin.

    And now I’ve made up for not writing as much about rowing lately -- didn’t want anyone to think I’d mellowed.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    July 05, 2001

    both sides now

    afternoon 2001-07-05 bothsidesn.html
    both sides now

    This is not an Ampersand entry. This is a thinking-about-Ampersand-entry entry. Unless I never come up with a real entry, in which case I might polish this and send it in.

    This month’s topic is "going up/going down". Now why would that resonate here? Well, here’s a list of some of my hobbies:

    • hiking in the mountains

    • rock climbing

    • flying (I have my VFR pilot’s rating)

    • mountain biking

    • skiing

    The following are things that aren’t exactly hobbies, but that I’ve done and enjoyed:
    • sky diving

    • scuba diving

    • bungie jumping

    • parasailing

    • hang gliding

    • snow boarding

    • rapelling (as part of climbing)

    • aerobatics

    • sightseeing from a helicopter

    Starting to see a pattern here? This is why I’m inclined to address the topic very literally, instead of writing about the stock market going up, or “going down” in the sense of oral intercourse. As you can see, I have a penchant for experimenting with gravity.

    I just haven’t figured out what to say about it, or how.

    Postscript: The Site Meter says this journal had its 2000th reader sometime today. Wow. Thanks.

    (Of course, that would be about 1500 visits if it didn’t count me fiddling with the layout and correcting my links and spelling, but still. Wow. Thanks, nonetheless.)

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    tempe extravaganza: the good, the bad, and the fucked-up

    Well, we did go to the Tempe fireworks, and they turned out to be quite nice. (Aside from being hot enough to have sweat trickling down my back even while sitting still.) Getting in and out was slow, of course, but not nearly the nightmare I’d been afraid it would be. The fireworks themselves can only be described as excessive -- which is no bad thing.

    The show was about 40 minutes long. During the fireworks of my childhood, a grand finale was an absolute necessity because, if you didn’t know one was coming, the long gaps between explosions could lead you to think the show was over any number of time. Last night, on the other hand, fireworks were launched every few seconds (the launching had to have been automated) and there were at least three points when the sparks flew so think and fast that I thought it was the grand finale. I must confess that after about 20 minutes of this, I lapsed into a pyrotechnic-induced coma and sat there with slack jaw mumbling, "Ooh. Ahh. That was a good one!" at random intervals.

    We’d about a half-mile walk from the parking lot. Not too bad in the heat, because we got there at dusk, and there was a breeze. There were people lining both sides of the river, not too unpleasantly densely, and we should have stayed there and brought a cooler. We’d decided to check out the official ($8) fair, though, which only allowed you to bring in water. It was actually hotter once we got in the fair area, because the bridges, structures, tents, and people blocked the breezes. I was comfortable walking down, but had sweat trickling down my back once we staked out a spot and spread the blanket.

    The fair wasn’t particularly exciting; the rides were all for kids and the music wasn’t great. The fireworks were supposed to be choreographed to "patriotic music". I must say, I didn’t know that "Surfin’ USA", "My Boyfriend’s Back", and the Happy Days theme qualified as patriotic.

    Here is the crowning outrage and the real reason that next year I will bring a cooler and watch from outside. They had the food/beer area cordoned off and were requiring adults to show ID. However, kids under 12 could go in with parent or guardian. I’m not sure why ID was required, as this was where the food tents, as well as the beer one, were located. They also gave adults a tape bracelet, to allow purchase of beer; I have a feeling that the ID was supposed to be shown to get that. I didn’t know ID would be required, and hadn’t wanted to carry a purse, so I didn’t bring any; they were asking to see some for anyone under 35. Now, I should mention I am 34, so it’s not like I’m borderline on drinking age. One guard would not let me through, not after I offered to show her my wrinkles, not after I pointed out that I was with my husband. But she let a 12-year-old through with his parents! I am not sure why a parent would outrank a spouse, as a chaperone for a drinking area. I would have been willing to just not get a bracelet and not drink, but that option wasn’t offered.

    We finally gave up and just went to another entrance, with a more reasonable guard, and got in with no problems. The system was clearly fucked; since it was (supposedly) only 12-and-under children who could enter with parents, I’m still not sure how teenagers were supposed to get in to get food. I have a feeling ID was supposed to be shown to get beer bracelets, not just to enter, and that the guards were confused. Small comfort.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    July 04, 2001

    Fireworks gone wrong

    We skipped last night’s Tempe fireworks, after finding out they were only supposed to last 15 minutes. Turned out to be just as well, since we heard someone talking about them this morning; apparently a 15-minute rainstorm hit just as they were supposed to start. Everybody waited through it, only to find out the show was canceled -- apparently they’d forgot to cover the fireworks during the rain. Living in a desert can give you some odd blind spots.

    At that, it was better than the show in Chandler a couple of years ago that had to be aborted after they managed to fire a few into the crowd by accident (I assume!) injuring a couple of people.

    In case anyone from the city of Chandler is reading this, a brief fireworks primer: Up. The basic concept is to shoot in the UP direction. How hard is that?

    We’ll probably go to the Tempe deal tonight, late enough to avoid the worst of the heat, early enough to check out the rides before the firework show.

    So far, we’ve spent of our 8th anniversary morning in just a frenzy of excitement, working on the boat and oars, going to the gym, and going out for breakfast. Next up: a nap, so we can stay out late tonight. Then, maybe some experimenting with Denzel’s advice. We couldn’t figure out how to combine champagne with Tempe’s strict rules (they’re selling food and drink, so you can bring in nothing but sealed manufacturer’s bottles of water), so we’ve decided to go out for a nice dinner Saturday, and to go camping the week after that. Though, anniversary or not, we’d planned that anyway.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    July 03, 2001

    pyrotechnics made complicated

    I love fireworks.

    So this should be a great time of year for me, right? But no, it all has to get complicated. For example, Tempe has fireworks both tonight and tomorrow, set off over the lake we row on. We were going to go tonight on the theory that it would be less crowded. But it turns out tonight’s fireworks are only a 15-minute preview of tomorrow’s show, which will last an unspecified but presumably longer time. Also they’re charging $8, becuase it’s not just fireworks, but an "extravaganza", with music, a rock climbing wall, and all kinds of other crap. I can’t imagine who thought this was a good idea, considering that at 5PM, when it begins, it will be approximately 109 degrees F here. (Not an exaggeration.)

    I’d go just in time for the fireworks, if the promo material told what time they start. A better idea might be just to watch from the other side of the lake, for free. Tempe discourages this, "because the bridge will be closed so you can’t walk over it to the festivites". Since I have no desire to see the rest of the festivities anyway, I don’t much care. However, Rudder seems to be having one of his periodic fits of bizarre obedience to rules and is worried about whether we’ll be able to see the fireworks from there. I don’t quite understand this, since pyrotechnics tend to be a bit hard to hide.

    Also, tomorrow, July 4, will be the 8th anniversary of our marriage, so there’s some pressure there to have an especially good time. (Because that’s what one does on birthdays and anniversaries. Speaking of bizarre obedience...)

    Maybe it would be easier to just go watch fireworks in Chandler.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    mornings are way too early

    You know all those people who say that exercising in the morning makes them more energetic for the rest of the day? They’re full of crap.

    If you’re one of them, don’t tell me I need to be doing it for longer, or that I need to work out harder to see the benefits. I’m a rower, after all. I have practice 3 days a week from 5-7 AM [1]. And I go to the gym on non-rowing days at similar times, just to stay on schedule.

    And I get in to work and I can barely walk or barely type, depending on the days workout, and, I’m convinced, I get stupider on this schedule. And I’ve been doing this here for the last year, and for several years when we lived in Texas, so it’s not just a matter of getting used to it.

    I’m convinced my circadian is meant for later hours, and I offer a more-or-less nocturnal brother up as genetic evidence.

    No practice tomorrow, because they’ve got the lake closed to set up fireworks from the bridges. Yay.

    [1]If you’re wondering, rowers go out so early because the water is smoother then, there are fewer idiots on powerboats and jet skis (fortunately not a factor here) and maybe also out of tradition .... but even that tradition probably started because of the previous two factors. Except 50 years ago, we’d have been dodging idiots in punts and rowboats. I refer you back to Sayers’ Gaudy Night for evidence; imagine training for a race in that crowd on the river during the punt scene.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    July 02, 2001

    Why read poetry?

    Why read poetry?

    Because here I am, stuck sitting still, indoors because I need to earn a living and because it’s way too bloody hot to go outside. And I need the fire in my blood and words are the shortest way to it. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I would bet my blood pressure goes up just reading Kipling’s best lines:

    "Something hidden. Go and find it. Go and look behind the Ranges --
    "Something lost behind the Ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go!"

    And if that doesn’t convince you, try this:

    The Archer is wake!

    The Swan is flying!

    Gold against blue

    An Arrow is lying.

    There is hunting in heaven--

    Sleep safe till tomorrow.

    The Bears are abroad!

    The Eagle is screaming!

    Gold against blue

    Their eyes are gleaming!


    Sleep safe till tomorrow.

    The Sisters lie

    With their arms intertwining;

    Gold against blue

    Their hair is shining!

    The Serpent writhes!

    Orion is listening!

    Gold against blue

    His sword is glistening!


    There is hunting in heaven--

    Sleep safe till tomorrow.

    Peace on Earth
    by William Carlos Williams

    Have you ever read anything so exciting?

    Posted by dichroic at 01:31 PM

    Too damned hot

    Uggh. Hot, hot, hot. We are well and truly into monsoon season, which may sound laughable when I say that the humidity is currently only 26% or so. Combine that with a predicted high of 115 Fahrenheit, though, and you have something truly ugly. We have a severe heat alert today, fer chrissake. Since we rarely have a summer day with temps not in the three digits, that’s saying something. I hope we get a storm soon to cool things off (preferably, one timed so as not to ruin any of the July 4th fireworks).

    The heat was especially noticeable at rowing practice today, because Monday is distance day. We did two 30-minute pieces. They were only at half pressure, but 30 minutes is a long time to go without a hydration break when it’s already 90 degrees at 6AM. Also, our boat was awful today; we had a couple of new people but I’m not sure if the problem was them or the rest of us just screwing up.

    Found out last week that one of the rowers (one I had coached in his Beginner days, in fact) is acting as a business consultant for my company. So here’s this guy I’ve shouted at and hung out with, whose wife and kid I’ve met, hanging out with my company’s CEO. Not that it impacts me (except as he provides good business advice), but it’s still a weird feeling. Then again, it’s not a huge company. I report directly to a VP who’s the CEO’s wife, so it’s only a slightly weird feeling, not the extreme strangeness it would be if I worked for a huge corporation.

    Rudder and I found two sorts of bookshelves we liked, pretty ones at a Stone Creek or plainer, more flexible ones at Levenger. I think we’ve decided to go with flexible. I like this idea, because when I want additional cases, I can buy them one at a time for about the cost of, say, two book binges at Amazon.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    July 01, 2001

    Denzel says...

    First things:

    Whoever mentioned me as a referral for gold membership, thank you!


    I have already told Rudder that Baadsnake’s new advice column, Dear Denzel is required reading. I figure you couldn’t get more reliable advice than from someone who both has and uses the equipment. For similar reasons, I own a copy of an interesting small volume entitled Straight Tips for Women from a Gay Man. Funny: I had spotted it once on disply in a large bookstore. When I decided I needed a copy of my shelves, I went back and couldn’t find it....but every female employee I talked to remembered the title, and eventually they found it for me.

    Speaking of my shelves, yesterday’s shopping expdition was unsatisfactory. Neither of us were impressed with the quality of Classy Closets shelves when viewed up close, and we have a sneaking suspicion (two, actually, one apiece) that we won’t be impressed with the price quote they’re sending us either. Today, we’ll check out the place where we got our last shelves (we loved those but the place isn’t making ones like that anymore), but I suspect we’ll end up with Levenger’s Bookboxes. I like their modularity.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    June 30, 2001

    the stud neo-formalista speaks

    I have a new title: I am the "stud neo-formalista". Mechaieh says so, and since I value her opinion, so mote it be. And now I’m wondering if the shout-out she posted (see link above) was intended in eulogy to the late Clifton Fadiman. It fits him, anyway.

    In a literally related note, I must admit, some days I have odd fantasies. I was thinking the other day how cool it would be if Rudder and I were off on an expedition someday, and had a guide intoduce himself as Kim Fadiman. (Assuming he’s even still working as a guide.) As far as I know, KF isn’t famous; however, I have his sister Anne’s wonderful collection Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader shelved next to his father Clifton’s astoundingly literate New Lifetime Reading Plan (written with coauthor John S. Major). All I lack is his mother Annalee Jacoby’s Thunder Out of China, but I do have her coauthor Theodore H. White’s autobiography, In Search of History, which talks about her days as a journalist in pre-WWII China extensively. So what would be the thing to say, meeting someone in that situation: "Love your family’s books"? By Anne’s account, he’s an interesting man in his own right, and that makes him sound like an underachiever. "I’ve read a lot about you"? What an incredible family.

    I don’t think Rudder has yet figured out that I am less likely to give a coherent answer to unrelated questions while I’m writing than while I’m reading. Two weeks from now, when I don’t remember this conversation, he’ll figure it out. For someone who is not terribly verbal, he does well dealing with me, though. I once had a boss whose wife used to ask him "Why do you need so many old books around? Can’t you get rid of some of those?" We, on the other hand, are off this morning in search of new bookshelves.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 29, 2001

    ad libris per aspera

    Bill Gates has a lot to answer for. I’ve spent the entire afternoon wrestling with MS Word’s headers and styles and autonumbering. Feh. The guy across the aisle has spent an equal lot of time swearing at Microsoft in connection with some code he’s writing. His stuff could at least be in Java instead of VB, but the only real competition to Word is WordPerfect, which is even more annoying. Double feh. Or, for those of us still having nightmares about working in aerospace, Interleaf. ooouuughahhghahh (That was a more or less phonetic representation of me shuddering.)

    I am, however, greatly looking forward to tomorrow. First, I get to sleep late in company with my favorite fellow sheet-flattener. With luck, he’ll bring me up some coffee, which he used to do frequently on weekends. He got out of the habit several months ago when we were getting up at 4:30 on weekends to coach. How am I supposed to induce mad jealousy in my female friends now? (Actually, it’s not terribly difficult, considering the vast ratio of single women to single men at rowing. This seems to be common in the western US, so consider it a hint to single male (or gay female) readers in this half of the country.)

    After some extra and thoroughly-enjoyed hibernation, we’re heading out to the local showroom of a place that builds custom storage. We’re going to come out of there with the promise of as many new bookshelves as I can talk Rudder and our budget into buying. The trick of course, is figuring where to put them. Figuring what to put on them is no trouble at all, though....I’ve got another oder from Amazon pending even as we speak. Yes, friends, I admit my problem.

    My name is Dichroic and I’m a book junkie.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    exploding antiperspirant

    This morning, I got to the locker room at to work only to find that my antiperspirant had once again exploded. Fortunately this time there was hardly any left, so it didn’t get all over everything else in the locker bag. I managed to scrounge enough of it to use today (a necessity in the Arizona heat) and I have a spare at home but this is getting ridiculous.

    I think this tends to happen when I leave my gym bag in the car on days I don’t get covered parking. We have some at work, and I always get in early enough to get a spot, but if I have an off-site meeting I generally have to park in the sun when I get back. Leaving my gym bag in the truck when it’s parked in Arizona sun, even with a sunshade on the windshield and the windows cracked open, seems to be the culprit in the Case of the Exploding Antiperspirant. It bothers me a bit that my antiperspirant explodes when subjected to real heat; it doesn’t instill confidence that it would function properly if I really, really needed it.

    So it’s time to explore alternatives. One, obviously, is to bring the gym bag into my office. The problems with this are a) it’s heavy (yes, I know that’s a lot like driving to the gym because you’re too lazy to walk) and b) gym odor adds nothing to an office environment. Also, I’m in a cubicle these days, so there’s nowhere inconspicuous to put things.

    I did ascertain that it’s ok for me to leave stuff in the shower locker at work, with a lock on it ... not that I cared if anyone approved, just that I didn’t want to come in one morning and find the lock cut off and me without the means to take a shower. That would work, since on gym days, I shower at home. However, on days when for some reason we don’t row (e.g. lightning) I go to the other gym, the one nearer rowing and farther from my house. If I left my shower stuff at work, I’d have to go use the work shower instead of the gym one. The one at work is in another building ten minutes drive from the one I actually work in. Also, it has water pressure so painfully strong that I appreciate the chance to shower somewhere else whenever possible. (Really: I have to rinse off with fingers covering any sensitive spots, and deflect the water up onto my face instead of just going under the shower head.) Maybe I should just use the gym near home on days we unexpectedly don’t row, so I can shower at home, and resign myself to the extra driving and extra lateness getting into work.

    See what I put up with for my sport? I bet you never thought showering after a workout could be so complicated. And I haven’t even discussed the challenges of post-workout desk-bound breakfasts yet.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 28, 2001

    books and ethics

    We went out with T2 and Egret for a beer last night, which didn’t really do wonders for my weight-lifting this morning. I did it all, though, just felt a little off. Note to self: don’t order the really big beers just because everyone else is, especially when they’re drinking Bud Light and you’re drinking Bass. (Well, Rudder wasn’t drinking light beer, of course, but I think he was drinking Bud.)

    After we went home, we had the annual Dichroic’s-reading-Gaudy-Night ethical discussion. (Yes, I know he puts up with a lot.) Rudder’s view was that, if I were to commit an act of academic dishonesty, ignoring evidence that disproved a theory I was publishing, he would be disappointed, would try to talk me out of it, but then would stand back figuring that truth would out and I would be hurting myself more than anyone else. (He did say he would take a more severe stance if I were actively suppressing the evidence against my theory.)

    I think I wanted him to disapprove more strongly of the original lie by omission("Dichroic, you’re not the woman I thought you were. No, I don’t hate you, but I must go. I can’t live a lie." *averts eyes and strides off into the sunset*) Honestly, though, I’m not sure how much of that is because my opinions and moral code really are influenced by whatever I’m reading. To a degree only, of course; I’m not about to read Mein Kampf and start plotting genocide, but this may have something to do with why I keep coming back to authors who have their own strong morality, from L.M. Montgomery to Robert A. Heinlein. It’s safer, for me.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 27, 2001

    there's a formalist movement?

    Hey, I'm a New Formalist!

    I didn't even know there was such a thing. I know most of my poems aren't great, but I honestly thought the fact that they make sense (well, to me, at least) was a major flaw. And I have this anachronistic tendency to want rhyme or meter or both, and I know that would damn them irrevocably, for a lot of modernists.

    On the other hand, the fact
    that I rarely have the patience to polish for more than a couple hours or stanzas really is still a problem. To read someone who's far better at it, check out Dana Gioia.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    there’s a formalist movement?

    Hey, I’m a New Formalist!

    I didn’t even know there was such a thing. I know most of my poems aren’t great, but I honestly thought the fact that they make sense (well, to me, at least) was a major flaw. And I have this anachronistic tendency to want rhyme or meter or both, and I know that would damn them irrevocably, for a lot of modernists.

    On the other hand, the fact that I rarely have the patience to polish for more than a couple hours or stanzas really is still a problem. To read someone who’s far better at it, check out Dana Gioia.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    more on writing and, as usual, rowing

    Hmm...two guestbook entries when I discuss writing essays, none for the sonnet. Y’all are trying to tell me something, right?

    Actually, it’s kind of handy, having a built-in feedback system. Hmm. But if I was born to be an essay writer, who do I never submit any? I suppose it has to do with why so many people have unpublished novels around the house.

    Speaking of the latter, I’m a little worried about My Brother the Writer. I read the first half of the book he’s now sending out to publishers at least two years ago. Want a general idea of the plot? Go find a review of Neil Gaiman’s American Gods. I saw his too long ago to thing he was stealing from Gaiman; I’m quite sure Gaiman doesn’t need to steal from him (or anybody). Maybe my little brother is Neil Gaiman’s secret alter ego?

    Practice was good today, and I’m satisfied and tired, but I get the distinct feeling Egret is getting burned out. I’d like to compete together with her again, but don’t want to push her, because that just accelerates burn-out. Maybe if she takes some time off, she can come back to it with new interest. I think she has a tendency to plunge whole-hearted into a sport, so the fatigue may hit even harder. (This is a woman who rows, lifts, ergs *and* runs, sometimes all in one day -- and the running is at noon in desert heat. I’d be dead after the first half-mile.) Also, understandably, I think she’d like to have a bit more time to spend with T2 when they’re both awake, not to mention her kids.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    June 26, 2001

    in search of a Proper Job

    Last night we had company staying over, lots of it: two cousins of Rudder’s, about our age, and three kids who are something like 6, 4 and almost 1. We’ve been getting to see the kids roughly twice a year, which is often enough for the older girls to remember us, but infrequent enough for them to have visibly changed each time.

    They are so entirely delightful that it’s almost sad to see them grow up. The oldest now looks, moves, and sounds like a girl, rather than a "little girl". She’ll be reading soon (I gave them my spare copies of two Mary Poppins and two Pooh books, made redundant when I bought the hardbacks) and she can jump off the diving board into the deep end of our pool (with someone to catch her, more for reassurance than anything else). The baby does a lot of grinning and drooling (he’s teething) and managed to dump crumbs off every plate he could reach onto the floor, as we were eating pizza picnic-style. He wasn’t as willing to go to other people as he had been at four months, but made up for it by flashing all six teeth at anyone who would smile back. They are moving to Korea for two years, so we may need to get out there to visit, before they grow out of all knowing.

    It was also good to see the adults. One of them, the one without the kids, has had her share of problems and been on some medications that make her very subdued. She was always a favorite of Rudder’s and his brother’s and it’s been good, in the past year, to see her getting back to something like her normal self.

    The mother of the three children, who gave up her outside job a year and a half or so ago to devote full time to chlid rearing, is clearly in her Proper Job. She cares for her younger boy and the two girls with love and humor, and seems to have no itch to do anything other than exactly what she is doing, at least for the moment. She does it well, too, as proved by the charm and manners of the children. And note the neat segue to my next topic.

    I’ve been rereading Dorothy L. Sayers’ Gaudy Night, and as always, have been struck by the discussion of Proper Jobs and the architecture of marriage. It seems to hit me harder each time, which may be a signal of something not quite right in my own life. I have managed so far not to read passages aloud to Rudder, but only because he’s heard the best ones at least two or three times now.

    I agree with DLS in not wanting a marriage in which one person is the job of the other one. Yuck. Rudder and I have constructed our own more on the Phoebe Tucker model, with occasional reachings into Harriet and Peter’s domain, in its high spots, and I’m very, very happy with that. (If the preceding paragraph made no sense, read Gaudy Night. Then follow with Busman’s Honeymoon. Good for you and tasty, too.)

    My problem is more in the P. Job domain. It’s hard to pursue your life’s work, when you still haven’t figured out what that would be. I know some of the parameters: it’s not one of the helping-people professions. I don’t like people quite that much, especially in their weakest moments. It’s not programming or any similar hole-up-in-a-cubicle and keep-to-yourself jobs. I don’t like people that little, though I do enjoy solving technical problems. Words are involved, and writing; it’s not through any great effort of will or self-discipline that I update here every single day except when I’m out of town. But I don’t think I’m a frustrated novelist; I don’t have much itch to write fiction, and I’d rather comment on this world than create new ones.

    I got an immense amount of satisfaction in my brief career as a linguistics grad student, and was sorely disappointed when job pressures forced me to drop out. The only Job I can see as an outgrowth of that is professor, though, and I don’t know if I’d like that or not. Teaching grad students, yes; doing research, maybe. Politics of academia and writing grant applications, no.

    Maybe my Proper Job is exactly what I’m doing now, writing essays. (That would be more convincing if I actually wrote these entries as structured essays instead of rambling diary entries.) But is anyone paying for those?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    Gaudy Night symptoms: ababcdcdefefgg

    Oh, yeah, by the way, rereading Gaudy Night typically has one other effect on me:

    Our hands are clasped together, fingers interlaced,

    A unit, melded, both held, neither seized,

    We let go briefly, step apart, rejoin in lonely haste,

    Each finger finds its place again with ease.

    My hand knows the feel of yours by heart,

    (If hands can have a heart, though yours hold mine)

    My hand fits into yours as though the two would never part,

    Yet after time apart, the fit’s aligned.

    It’s odd that they should fit so well, so different in size,

    Though weathered much alike by wind and years.

    This fit, honed over time, is now become a thing to prize,

    A thing to cherish, as the end of our first decade nears.

    Our lives’ fit has been mirrored by our hands;

    Shaped so by love, seared with each others’ brands.

    Harriet’s is much better, though.

    Posted by dichroic at 01:31 PM

    June 25, 2001

    Regatta del Sol race report

    Given the way I usually ramble, maybe I should change the quote at the top of this page to "The time has come," the Walrus said, "to talk of many things."

    We didn’t row today, because of some lightning in the area, so I went to the gym instead. We are now officially in the monsoon season, so this will be happening more often. I probably need to start keeping sneakers in my car, as weight-lifting in the sort of floppy get-wet-able sandals I wear to rowing is a bad idea in several different ways. That is, not only could the gym people yell at me for not having proper footwear, but I could actually hurt myself.

    The race this weekend was a blast. It was one of the best-run regattas, run by some of the nicest people, that I have yet encountered. They even invited us to their post-race barbeque, despite the fact the we beat them mercilessly all day. We (my rowing program, that is) brought home gold medals from all 5 of the races we entered.

    Several of the races were exciting, too; in their double, Rudder and T2 were behind at 750 meters (out of 1000) and powered through to win their race. After we won the Men’s four (yes, ‘we’; I was coxing), we heard the other crew cursing each other out. (Emphatically not in the spirit of the sport!) Egret and I rowed against two much older women (57 and 64 ... I will not refer to them as geezers because they were extremely cool and I wouldn’t mind growing up to be them). We beat them by 16 seconds ... Not quite enough to overcome their 22-second handicap, but they gave us medals anyway, for winning our class. They didn’t do that in all categories, just where the handicap was huge and changed the outcome of the race. I think they figured no one could hope to overcome a 22-second handicap in 1000 meters. It was especially gracious, since our competitors were two of the organizers. The Women’s four did overcome the 11-second handicap their competition had, though, and the Mixed 8 beat yet another crew who hadn’t expected to lose, so it was a clean sweep all around.

    We also got in a quick outing to Venice Beach, and a rower-ly short evening in the King’s Head pub, which combines the excellence of British ales with the quite otherwise nature of British food. The Welsh Rarebit was good, though, and not too heavy. I lost to Egret at darts; I think she plays a lot more than I do. Not difficult, as I play about once every year or two.

    Fortunately we got home relatively early yesterday, because we had to unpack completely (as opposed to leaving various bags around to be unpacked at a later date, as usual). Some of Rudder’s cousins will be staying with us tonight, on the first leg of a complicated trip that involves one of them moving with her three kids to join her (Army) husband in Korea, and first making the obligatory grandparent visits in this country. She’s got another cousin to help her drive to California, but still, any woman who can cross the country and then an ocean with three kids, as the solo adult for most of the way, impresses the hell out of me. (She and her husband had already impressed me by bringing up three non-whiny kids. I’m still not sure how they do it.)

    I’ve been rereading Gaudy Night, and was yet again greatly struck by all that part about "proper jobs", but that will have to be another post.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 24, 2001


    I don’t feel like doing a detailed regatta report tonight, so will do one tomorrow instead. But it was GREAT!

    Posted by dichroic at 07:31 PM

    June 22, 2001

    Off to the Races

    Off to the races. More accurately, off to work so I can be trained to be a Leader (is there an oxymoron in there somewhere?) then sneaking off early so I can go off to the races.

    I think I’m the only one (of 10 or so going to Marina del Rey who isn’t just taking the day off, but we’ve been told we can’t miss these, because there are no more make-up sessions left. I would be done with this already, but I missed a few sessions during the Period of Exile. Incidentally, I am now the only person who went on Exile who hasn’t since received a layoff notice. So much for corporate loyalty. I knew it was all a myth, but you rarely see that demonstrated quite so graphically.

    Anyway, the races this weekend should be fun, especially me and Egret vs. the Geezers. The nicest part is that the race is on Saturday, so we can go out and have Beer afterwards, and get to sleep late before driving home Sunday. Sunday races suck, because of having to drive home in an advanced state of fatigue. Most of our races have been in the San Diego or LA vicinity lately, so it’s about a 6-hour drive.

    Report on Monday.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    June 21, 2001

    work blues

    I don’t write about work much, partly because I kind of pretty much like the place (well, you know, there’a a reason it’s still called work and partly because, even if I didn’t, I work at an Internet company and this site is not all that hard to find, associated with my name. However, I would just like to say that things are getting very scary there at the moment, with people leaving right and left, voluntarily or not. Morale is sinking. I don’t know what to do; decisions would be simple if I didn’t like the place and weren’t getting good experience, but I do and I am. *sigh*

    Posted by dichroic at 07:31 PM

    artificially enhanced

    Yesterday I was all excited to get an email from Sephora, an online cosmetics company, about a sale of theirs. I have no idea why. (Why I was excited, I mean. I know why companies send email about their sales.) Sephora gets a lot of mention in the women’s magazines, as they carry some of the high-end make-up lines that don’t seem to show up in department stores, at least not those outside New York. So I am curious about some of their products, but I don’t think I want to pay those prices for something I can’t even try on before buying.

    I’ve been wearing more makeup lately, and I’m not sure of the reason for that either. Lots of women in my office don’t wear any, so it’s not peer pressure; I have pale skin and dark eyes, lashes, and hair, so I don’t look ill or washed-out without any. And I’m sure as hell neither a girly kind of girl nor the sort of coiffed woman who never goes out without her "face" on. When I do wear makeup, it’s usually subtle enough that the fact I’m wearing it may not be obvious to a casual observer. (Or that’s what I think it looks like, anyway. I don’t hear strangers hissing, "Hey! Tammy Faye! Mimi!" as I walk by.)

    Part of it is that I live in Arizona. I don’t wish either to develop skin cancer or elephant hide, so most days I wear at least a tinted moisturizer with a sunscreen in it. I could of course wear a moisturizer/sunscreen without the tint, but it seems logical to even out skin tone with no extra effort, as long as I’m already protecting myself from the ravages of sun and hydrating my skin. (At least three phrases in the preceding sentence are straight out of cosmetics ads.) Even with something that sheer on, though, the skin tone ends up a little too even, and I look a little too monochrome, so I end up putting on mascara, to accent the eyes, and a "natural colored" lipstick. And of course at that point, it’s no trouble to throw on an eyeshadow or three. All of them still in natural, unobtrusive colors, of course. Of course.

    I don’t have time for all of that. I don’t care that much (at least because "before" and "after" really don’t look all that different) and I’m sure no one else does. Next week, I’ll skip the makeup.

    But I think I’ll get some colorless (and not sticky) sunscreen, first.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    tapering and a bit of rowing history and literature

    morning 2001-06-21 taphistlit.html
    tapering and a bit of rowing history and literature

    I’m tapering down training before the race Saturday, so I skipped the gym and just did a fairly light 5000 meters on the erg. The idea of tapering is to leave you with a lot of pent-up energy before a big enough, by going from a very heavy workout schedule to a lighter one a few days before. You keep doing a little bit of exercise so you don’t lose muscle tone, but not much. I’m not sure if it works quite that way for me, but at least I’m not wearing my body down more right before a race. I plan to sleep in a wee bit tomorrow, too.

    Egret and I found out yesterday that we’ll be racing a double with an average age somewhere in their early 60s. They get a 21.8 second handicap! Bear in mind that the whole 1000 meter race will take us 4 minutes or less, so that’s substantial. With luck, at least we can beat them in real time, before the handicap is added. In rowing, that’s not a given, because a 60-year-old woman may be one who began rowing in college, graduated, found a partner, and has been doing so ever since. Some of the people who fit that description have incredible form and physiques.

    Yes, women have been rowing for a lot longer than that; I refer you to Dorothy Sayers’ Gaudy Night, which I should be rereading anyhow. Set in the 1930s at Oxford, it makes it clear that the characters not only know how to row properly, but learned how as undergraduates, 15 years or so earlier. Incidentally, the boats in that book seem a bit different than the ones I’m familiar with, being capable of taking extra passengers and cargo. In fact, they sound more like those in Jerome K. Jerome’s Three Men in a Boat, though Jerome certainly didn’t have a sliding seat, while Harriet Vane may have. There are some modern touring boats, used more in Europe and Australia, that may be more similar to those older ones. They sound like a wonderful way to tour the Netherlands, with its canal system!

    I was going to writer today about cosmetics, use of and splurging on, but I seem to have filled a page, so will save that musing until later.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 20, 2001

    various sorts of storms

    I think all that criticism from the rowing coaches awhile back has turned me into a bit of a control freak on the water. Egret and I were practicing racing starts and Yosemite Sam gave her some form pointers, while he said I was rowing well but needed to pull harder. I think I have the power, but was just sort of concentrating on form and not using it. Forgetting to row hard in a race is a bad thing, but I expect the adrenaline will kick in and help with that. There was probably a contributing fatigue factor, too, since he said this mostly in the later of our 15+ starts. Egret has far more endurance than I do, I admit.

    It’s actually cloudy out today, which means it didn’t cool off as much overnight, but also won’t heat up as much today. (We hope.) This may also harbinger the beginning of the "monsoon season" we get every July and August, where temperatures a few (too few!) degrees cooler than June’s are more than balanced by higher humidity. This being a desert, "higher" is a relative term and may mean something like 40%.

    We also get some wonderful spectacular thunderstorms, though more often it rains in the mountain and evaporates on the way here, so that we just get a dust storm. Those can be interesting to watch also, though not fun to be out in because dust gets in your eyes and mouth. Our dust storms can be almost opaque; I have a picture of the leading edge of one and the left half is crystal clear, while the right half looks like I had my thumb over the lens. (Yes, I’m sure I didn’t really have my thumb over the lens. Anyway, the dust is close to my skin color, whereas an actual thumb would have blocked the light and photographed darker.) We get at least a minor storm of some sort almost every day.

    Morale at work is down a bit because of the ‘restructurings’, though everyone understands the need for them. Still it gets scary, wondering who’s next. I have little motivation to leave, since I like the company and the experience I’m getting, but I also worry about getting caught out unprepared. Also, I miss when we had a closeknit QA group. I enjoyed my office-mate a lot and loved having a group of people close enough to trade favors with (airport and car-repair drop-offs, for example) and to go drinking with. (This was back pre-rowing when I could stay up late enough to make drinking more worth while.) Now people didn’t even comment when I got 4" cut off my hair and the people I work with most are scattered over two buildings 10 minutes’ drive apart. At least, it’s still more social than when I worked at Big Airplane Company, a place that really did drive me nuts. And people here get my jokes. (I think sensitivity training had scared the humor out of people at Big Airplane Company.)

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    June 19, 2001

    on googling

    What is it with these Googlers? As I understand it, a Google hit doesn’t register unless someone actually clicks through it to the page. So either hope springs eternal for someone devoted to self-bondage (I almost hate to type the words, for fear of another dozen hits on them), or else there is a whole community out there devoted to the pursuit. Or is "community" the wrong word for such a solitary pursuit? Or is there, perhaps, a different and more innocent meaning to the term, of which I dwell in entire ignorance?

    I am very happy, on the other hand, to provide anyone who comes looking, with the words to Frost’s The Master Speed (lots of hits on that -- is it replacing Gibran for weddings?), or for other poems I may have quoted, or mention of singers like Stan Rogers or Mary Zikos or Ewan MacColl. I wish I could trace some of those people back along their path, since we clearly share some interests. If anyone wanted to connect, though, the guestbook is always there, so maybe this way is better. This way I just know I’ve fleetingly brushed paths with a kindred spirit. It’s good to know they’re out there, anyhow.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    past and future travels

    morning 2001-06-19 travels.html
    past and future travels

    Weights this morning, legs.

    This far removed from my Worcester winter, it was pleasant to read Mechaieh’s description of her Boston trip. Our musical experiences were very different as I tend to prefer folk to classical, and, since I was staying so far outside the city, had fewer opportunities to hear some. (Boston is good for classical, but it may well be the best place in the world for the singer-songwriter sort of new music that is generally lumped into the folk category.)

    But we did stop at some of the same places; I’ve eaten at the Marche (though with better results) and drunk wine at the the bar on top of the Pru, been gratified at the sight of the Charles (surprisingly beautiful for a city river), and walked around Faneuil Hall. (Good food there, too.) I wish I had actually gotten to stay in Boston, instead of too far out to make taking the T practical, since that would have enabled me to spend a lot more time appreciating the city. Driving in Boston is scary.

    We’re trying now to decide what to do for July 4th weekend. There is a regatta in Sacramento we may visit, which would be pleasant because Rudder’s grandparents, aunt and cousin would likely come out to watch. However, the competition would likely be fierce, and some of the people we row with seem to be getting burned out and less interested in traveling to races. This one is a 12 or 13-hour drive, too, and I’d probably have to take at least a day off work.

    If we don’t do that, though, we’ll have to figure out how to celebrate the 4th, which is also our 8th anniversary. (Please spare me the jokes about serving fried chicken at the wedding reception, getting divorced instead of married no Independence Day, or seeing fireworks on my wedding night.) It’s a bit more difficult this year, since 4 July is on a Wednesday, so that we don’t have a long weekend.

    Also, we’re sort of hoping to visit Antarctica around the holiday season of 2002, so we’re trying to conserve vacation time. Since a) by then, I’ll have 3 weeks/year if I’m still here and b) the way "restructurings" are going, it doesn’t seem likely I will still be here by then, that may just be silly self-deprivation.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 18, 2001

    paean, encomium, eulogy, or praise

    Krapsnart wrote today that "se faire une raison", which is roughly the French equivalent of "to learn to live with something", literally means "to make oneself a reason for it". This may be clearer in French and I suspect it is; in the English, I’m not sure whether she means "to make (for) oneself a reason (that something has happened)" or "to make oneself (into) a reason that (something has happened)". The ambiguity occurs because the verb phrase "make oneself" has at least two meanings, depending on the omitted preposition. but they are so subtly different we never notice, until confuxion hits.

    I don’t speak more than a few words in any other language, despite a good ear and 6 years of Hebrew and 7 of Spanish (only in America). I might be able to ask directions to the loo or order dinner, but not much beyond that. (I do better with the written languages than the spoken ones.) But I know my own language better than most other native speakers, because I love it. I enjoy the sort of ambiguities I demonstrated in the previous paragraph.

    I love that our irregular verbs and synonyms and related words tell the tale of the history of English. Most irregular verbs derive from Old English, a Germanic language which followed different rules for inflection and conjugation. Most of those rules died out, in favor of simpler forms, during the centuries after the Norman conquest when few educated people spoke English as a daily language. Supposedly, that’s also why we have "beef" from French "boeuf", from the Norman French lords who ate the meat from the "cow" (Old English "cu") raised by the Saxon peasants.

    And then there are all those parallel words: "shirt" from Old English is related to "skirt" showing the characteristic ‘sk’ diphthong from Old Norse, both originally having the meaning that survives in "shirt". Celtic and Norse words survive in English place names more than in words, and some contributions from the former actually came in much later -- for example "galore" dates only from the 1600s.

    I love that English is flexible enough to borrow or create words wherever needed. (Q: Did you send a facsimile or did you connect over a modulator/demodulator? A: I sent a fax and used a modem. Near the bayou (from Choctaw, I saw a raccoon (from Algonquin) with a banana (Wolof, an African language) and a pawpaw (Spanish).)

    I like languages in general; it is fascinating to see how you can learn about what kind of environment the original Indo-European tribes lived in by looking to see which words are similar in all the languages derived from theirs (it had oaks and elms, but not palm trees or papayas). There’s a lot to be seen how human minds work from the fact that the commonest verbs (be, have, do) are most likely to be irregularly conjugated.

    But I think English is something special, though I freely admit to a strong bias; I may just not know anything else enough to appreciate it.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:06 PM

    librarianship and the usual training report

    Well, yesterday’s relaxation was nice. We also ended up eating fairly well this weekend, which, come to think of it, we often do. Maybe this is why we’re usually okay on Mondays and get dragged out over the course of a week? I actually had red meat both Saturday and Sunday plus a little bit of (supermarket) sushi on Sunday, so my protein levels should be high enough for a change. With having races on two consecutive weekends, I really do want to eat well this week.

    Egret and I had our first and possibly only pre-race outing in the double today; T and T2 need to train in it too, and after all, it’s their boat. I admit to having had thoughts of scratching the race at first, but after a while we smoothed out, and it wasn’t bad at all. We even practiced some racing starts. If we do get to row that boat again, I’d like to do a couple of short race pieces (say, 250 meters) because I think one thing that hurt us in the quad during Saturday’s race was that we had practiced our starts, but not the actual rowing together at a race pace. It was very splashy.

    By the way, I’d laugh at all the people complaining about the heat (expected high here today: 111 F ... and let me tell you, at that temperature, "dry heat" doesn’t make nearly enough difference) but I have to admit, there’s no way I could live out here without air-conditioning.

    Just so no one will think rowing is the only excitement in my life, yesterday I started putting together an Access database so we can catalog our books (Yes, that was sarcasm.) Rudder[1] wants to do it for insurance reasons, so if the house ever burned down, we’d have a record. That’s not my reason at all; we’ve estimated the numbers of hardbacks and paperbacks and figured an average price for them, and that’s good enough for me.

    I just want a catalog to satisfy my inner librarian. I like the idea of being able to look back and see when I bought this one, or if that one’s a first edition (even though I buy them to read, not to invest). I hope someday our collection will be big enough that it will be useful to have something listed which book is in which bookcase. (I’m not currently planning to go down to the shelf level; my anal-retentiveness has its limits.) Also, I want to use the Library of Congress system to catalog them. It’s not always clear now where a book should be; for example, is Le Ton Beau de Marot about poetry, translations, or cognitive linguistics? Is Ogden Nash poetry or humor? That’s not a problem now, while my books on poetry and on linguistics are only a couple shelves apart, wih humor across the room, but it could get more awkward when we buy the additional 2-3 bookcases we need.

    I want to research the LOC system further, anyhow, to see more of how its details work (or I could be lazy and just ask Caerula). I understand the general grouping, though I need to get a detailed listing, but I don’t understand how the part after the dot is arrived at. That is, if Glenford Myers’ The Art of Software Testing is QA76.6.M888, well, the QA is the broad subject grouping (QA, or Quality Assurance in this case, conveniently), the 76.6 narrows that down further (to software testing, I presume), and the M is for the author’s last name, Myers. But what is the 888 for? And why does this one not end in 1979, the year it was printed? Also, why do both the Calvin and Hobbes book I checked yesterday and Jakob Nielsen’s Designing Web Usability have their LOC numbers in completely different formats? Nielsen’s book is 99-63014.

    Inquiring aspiring librarians want to know.

    [1]T and I had a long discussion the other night about what he should be called here. He suggested Rudder; he likes the idea of steering from the shadows, being the small factor that changes the direction of a large vehicle. Also, both rowing shells and aircraft have rudders , so it’s appropriate for both facets. It doesn’t quite feel right to me, but that may be lack of familiarity, so I’ll try it for a bit and see.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 17, 2001

    time and books: the ingredients of happiness

    For about the third weekend in a row, I am having a lazy day, with nothing to do but a few chores. This is still a new enough phenomenon that I’m glorying in it, even appreciating a few moments of boredom here and there. Yesterday, I even wasted a bit of time waiting for and then having a pedicure. Unheard of luxury -- I’m speaking here of the wasted time, not the toenail maintenance. This is the last of my streak of lazy weekends, anyhow, since we’ll be traveling for next weekend’s regatta.

    The rest of the day will consist of finishing my laundry, grocery shopping, and maybe a bit more exciting shopping for some more much-needed bookshelves. My paperbacks are double-shelved these days, and there are hardbacks resting on the tops of other hardbacks. I would say that they seem to multiply when I’m not watching, except I know just how much money, how many hours’ earnings, I’ve spent on each conglomeration of paper, glue, pasteboard, and words.

    It’s worth it though; I would probably have spent the money anyway, on something less worthy. Even if I’d saved it, more money in the bank or in the stock market would never have satisfied me as well as a houseful of books.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 16, 2001

    Race Report

    Today’s race went fairly well. It was hot but not searing, and there was a nice breeze for the first 2 hours, but not enough to rough up the water that much. I coxed a men’s four, rowed in a women’s lightweight quad, and coxed a women’s lightweight four. Because this was the first year rowing was one of the sports in the Grand Canyon State Games, they had subdivided categories almost to the point of ridiculousness, so there are really two ways to look at the results.


    My boats came in:

    • First (of one) in Masters’ Mens’ Lightweight Fours
    • First (of one) in Womens’ Quad
    • First (of one) in Womens’ Lightweight Masters’ Four

    This being the way the GCSG actually did look at it, I now have 3 gold medals.


    More realistically:

    They combined events, so in all those "first of one" categories, we actually were racing at the same time as other related boats. We came in:

    • Master Men’s Lightweight Four: Behind a Junior Mens’ Four and a heavyweight Masters’ Four, but ahead of a Juniors’ Eight -- so third of 3, but still not DFL.
    • Lightweight Womens’ Quad: Behind the Mens’ Quad (as expected) and behind an unexpectedly fast Mens’ Four, but ahead of a Junior Womens’ Four -- quads are generally faster than fours if all factors are the same, but these girls were twice our size.
    • Lightweight Womens’ Four: Just barely behind a heavyweight Womens’ Four

    That last is especially impressive; none of the lightweight women had been rowing much more than a year, while several of the heavyweights had rowed Varsity in college. Also, the heavyweights had a world-class coxswain, while the lightweights just had me. They basically kicked ass. I did think for a minute that Hardcore, in stroke seat (i.e. nearest to me) was going to puke after the race, but fortunately she recovered quickly.

    T’s race categories had a bit more competition than mine, so he has the full assortment of medals: a gold, a silver, and a bronze, for Men’s Quad (1 of 1, but also first overall), Mixed Eight (2 of 2 in category, 3 of 4 in race) and Men’s Eight (3 of 3). On the other hand, I expect he and T2 will do considerably better than Egret and I in our respective doubles races next weekends.

    The rest of the weekend will likely consist of laundry, grocery-shopping, and recuperation.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    June 15, 2001

    lost text, weather, and newsgroups; yet another conglomerate entry

    Arggh. I just created an entire conference presentation proposal, decided I should get someone to review it before submitting, went to copy it to Word, and clicked Ctrl-V instead of Ctrl-C, obliterating my text. It was under 100 words, so it wasn’t that much trouble to recreate, but of course I remember the original version as being far superior to the recreation.

    Other than that, I’m spending today hoping tomorrow morning will be relatively cool. When we had the World’s Hottest Regatta here, last September, it pretty much lived up to its name. I was about ready to curl up and die afterwards. This one should be better, just because nights cool off more and days warm up slower in June than in September, because of lower humidity. Also, they’re predicting a high of 104, which is far better than the 115 we sometimes get about now. With any luck, the T-shirts will be better this time, too.

    My list is being goopy again, so I’ve been hanging out on My Brother the Writer’s newsgroup, which is, not surprisingly, a writer’s group. Between this page and the fact that I spend fully half my time doing technical writing, I figure I qualify. Discussions can get a lot nastier than I’m used to, and there are definitely a few idiots out there (I particularly liked the ones who kept referring to "courtesans" when they meant Palace Staff. My Webster’s defines courtesans only as high-priced prostitutes.) Still, there are a few people there who make it worthwhile and I’m glad to see my brother and his closest friends are some of them. His annoying stage lasted from about age two to age 27; I’m glad to see him finally growing up and out of it.

    Though there are a few drawbacks to appearing as a well-known newsgroup member’s sister; someone has already posted, just for my benefit, a picture of MBtW in the buff, with only one leg for figleaf. I could have done without seeing that.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    work and food

    I didn’t row today due to a mildly upset stomach. I’m sure it’s due either to fatigue and stress or to some junk food I ate yesterday; I should be fine for tomorrow’s race.

    I have got to improve my diet, but even aside from my voracious addiction to pretzels, it’s difficult to figure out what I should be eating. Lots of fruits and veggies, yes. Do I eat enough of a variety? A definite maybe. Some protein -- but if I eat too much, it tends to lie heavy, so then I worry if I’m eating enough for energy. (I’m not terribly energetic, so probably not.) I figure that I burn off enough calories that I don’t worry too much about fats. I eat junk food only rarely, and go easy on sweets just out of personal preference, but I do put dressing on salads and butter on popcorn or baked potatoes. Mostly, I worry that I eat too many empty carbohydrates, as in the aforementioned pretzels. I don’t believe in the Zone diet, especially since I’m not trying to lose weight, but I don’t want to go overboard either. So much of the information I read conflicts that it’s hard to know what to do.

    Work is a little unsettling again, as we’ve just had some more layoffs. As far as I can tell, I’m safe in this round, but it doesn’t do to be too sure. Ironically, I have no other motivation to send out my resume, because I like this company in a lot of ways, and the experience I’m getting now is exactly what I need if I want to stay in software QA. Which I do, at least in the short term.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 14, 2001

    in a Frost-y mood

    It’s probably a good thing Robert Frost lived in New England. I’ve always loved this poem of his:

    The way a crow / Shook down on me

    The dust of snow / From a hemlock tree,

    Has given my heart / a change of mood,

    And saved some part / Of a day I had rued.

    The problem with that, of course, is it’s harder to apply to life out here in the blazing deserts. I was trying to figure out how to rewrite Frost to make his verse a bit more applicable, and herewith present the following for your reading pleasure.

    The way a waitress/ Gave to me
    A cup of joe / From Mel’s eatery,
    Has saved my day / And made me smile,
    I won’t go postal / Yet awhile.

    Or how about:

    The hummingbird / attacking me,

    A falcon in / Small mimicry,

    His tiny valor / spurs me on,

    Uh-oh. Where has that / darned thing go—AUUGGGGHHH!


    Coyotes scrounge / For carrion,
    Not fit for dogs / To tarry on.
    Like them I vow / I’ll brave my fate,
    Whoever shows / For this blind date.

    You think if I keep following in Frost’s footsteps, I too could be Poet Laureate some day? Oh well. I had a feeling you’d say that.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    rowing, transformations, and reconfiguration of dead papilial cells

    I took it easy in the gym this morning, but I have a valid excuse. I wasn’t just being lazy; I’m tapering down for this Saturday’s race. Races, actually: I will be racing in a lightweight women’s quad (with the same people I rowed with yesterday), which should be great fun, coxing something-or-other, which will be OK, and racing again in a mixed eight (mixed = 4 men and 4 women) which may not be fun. The first race will be fun because we’re well matched, we’ve gotten to practice together (well, once but we’re the only women’s quad, so it’s not like anyone will beat us), and we’re rowing at 7:45 AM. The mixed eight, in contrast, hasn’t rowed together at all, which is not a major problem since everyone’s just doing this one for kicks, not taking it seriously. The problem will be that we’re scheduled to race at about 10:00 AM, by which time it may be 95 degrees. I may melt.

    I tried suggesting to T2 Hatfield, who put the crews together for this race, that if anyone else wanted it, they were welcome to my spot in the eight, but I guess he doesn’t have people begging for seats in a boat. Oh well. This is all part of the Grand Canyon State Games, by the way, the first year they’ve included rowing.

    We went to dinner with him and Egret yesterday, at which point he informed me that I’ll be coxing a boat or two next weekend, when we go to the Regatta del Sol at Marina del Rey. I’m slated to cox his and T’s boat, whch should be fun.

    Dinner with them also gave me the chance to show off my new haircut, in all its blow-dried glory. (My hair gets blow-dried when I have it cut and at no other time.) Cool Salon Guy and I discussed the issue of my hair boredom at length; as a conscientious hairdresser (stylist?) he was trying hard to be helpful without being coercive, but stated that the two best styles he’s seen on me over the years are long and all one length, or very short. So the options for yesterday were to cut it back to the length of the shortest layers, or to go short.

    We did the former, on the theory that if I didn’t like it, we could always cut more, whereas growing it out is a pain in the ass. So now it’s one length, between my chin and shoulders, with a few short pieces because hairdressers think those add excitement or fun or something, and anyway I kind of like having hair in my eyes. I’m not sure why; maybe because I got yelled at so much for that as a kid that it makes me feel rebellious somehow. If I had straight hair, I’d get it cut like Edward Furlong in Terminator 2. Anyway, now that it’s been washed and not blowdried, it’s essentially a bob cut and I haven’t decided yet whether to grow it out more or get it chopped off after all. At least it’s long enough to pull back for sports.

    The reason for all this angst is that I’ve always had a sneaking belief that if I got the One Perfect Haircut, I would suddenly magically be stunningly beautiful. This belief has never been shaken by the observable reality that people who are stunningly beautiful always look that way with any hairstyle (contrast Demi Moore as a stripper and as a Marine). It’s my only remaining Cinderella fantasy, and I refuse to give it up.

    I should probably write something about the latest changes at work, but I may need to wait a day or two for that.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 13, 2001

    Dichroic’s being linguistic again

    I told Coach DI about my thousand-meter time yesterday. His exact response was "Your like one of those little guys in the Mighty Dog Ads! Pound for pound you kick @#%$!!" I thought that was’s not often that someone gives you a compliment that translates so literally as "Mean little bitch!"

    Today, we finally got to row the lightweight women’s quad that we’ll be racing Saturday, and it was great. Speaking of small women who kick ass....We hadn’t done it before because one of the women rows with a different group, but she came out this morning just for us. Now I’m looking forward to Saturday. Toward the end of practice, I ended up having to row with three other (heavier) women, which was amusing in a different way. One of them caught a crab with her starboard oar every single time we tried a racing start. We did ok with steady-state rowing, though.

    I should explain that term "catch a crab", because it confused me for years in Through the Looking Glass. Remember when Alice is with the sheep, who’s knitting, and suddenly the shop they’re in dissolves, and Alice is trying to row a boat? The sheep keeps saying "Feather! Feather! You’ll catch a crab." Alice takes that as literally as I always did, and says she’d rather like to catch a "dear little crab". For years, I had no idea what Lewis Carroll was gassing on about -- I think I thought "Feather!" was some odd British expletive. (Well, it’s no stranger than "Blimey!") Turns out they’re rowing terms -- "feathering" is rotating your oar so it’s parallel to the water and glides on top of it. "Catching a crab" is when your oar basically gets stuck under the water (like if you feathered it entirely underwater) so that you can’t pull it out at the end of a stroke.

    I’m sure you all feel better now for knowing that. Or at least better than the guy in my meeting earlier whose name we deduced the meaning of. It was a Danish name and someone who speaks Danish told him the literal meaning. That part was fine, but I probably didn’t have to add the relationship of the parts of his name to old English words, and how the word "gaard" (farm) relates to our word "yard" (through palatalziation of the initial consonant, or course). I wish I’d been able to finish that Linguistics degree. I will someday, but meanwhile I have a horrible feeling of cogitus interruptus that tends to manifest in little lectures like these.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    June 12, 2001

    hair boredom

    Here is the issue that has been most on my mind lately; it’s not upcoming regattas, work issues, interpersonal conflicts, lack of free time, or even whether it’s fair that the man who was executed yesterday is more famous than any of his victims. No, the question of the day is:

    (dropping to a confidential murmur)

    What should I do with my hair?

    I have an appointment with the Cool Stylist Guy tomorrow, and aside from the fact that I like going to him because he’s fun to talk to, I’m looking forward to it because I’m bored. My hair looks all right; at the moment it’s shoulder length, parted in the middle, and has a few layers. As always, it’s dark brown and wavy. It’s just that it’s been this way for a while, and I’m booored. Also, some days it looks shaggy and it’s getting some split ends.

    Options are:

    • get it cut all the way back to its former Winona-Ryder’s-old-haircut length cut. That one looked all right, and I get to go visit Cool Stylist Guy monthly because it needs frequent trimming. On the other hand, growing it out when I get bored with that is a royal pain.
    • bangs, a few inches off, or a different part. Nothing drastic, but possibly also boring.
    • Dye. And if so, what color? I should explain at this point that my hair has never been dyed except for some nearly-invisible highlights when it was very short, or the stuff that washes right out. I always wanted to do with a dark navy blue, but I don’t think it would go over well at the office. Or pink, either. Though you never know; this place is pretty laid back. At least one woman has a fuschia stripe in her hair, but she’s in the more creative end. Since I have dark eyebrows, I don’t think blonde would work, either.

    One other requirement: I simply will not do anything that requires use of advanced styling tools (blowdryers, curling irons, rollers). Just not gonna happen. A towel-dry, comb-through, and maybe rubbing in some stuff so it doesn’t frizz is about my limit.


    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    changing family dynamics

    Today I pulled a personal best time on the erg (rowing machine): 4:25 for 1000 meters. To give you some perspective, this means that, out of the not-too-many people worldwide who have entered times on Concept II’s online rankings, I am 9th out of 15 lightweight women, and, oddly, 28 out of 56 women overall. ("Oddly", because heavyweights are usually considerably taller and stronger and thus, faster.) I feel good about those numbers; height is an important factor in stroke length, translating to more speed, and not too many rowers are 155 cm tall.

    I hope my parents aren’t reading Phelps’s journal, and picking up her family’s dynamics. Last night in a phone conversation, they asked me to pass on a message to my brother, about his spending time with them on Father’s Day weekend, which is also the weekend of Dad’s 65th birthday. I do hope this isn’t the beginning of a trend, because I don’t want to become their intermediary. I should also mention that my brother lives roughly 3 miles from them, whereas I am near the opposite coast, very nearly as far away as you can get and still live in the same country.

    On the other hand, one part of Phelps’s family dynamics I wouldn’t mind emulating is her closeness to her brothers. My Brother the Writer is finally growing up, is now in a serious relationship with a woman who both respects him and provides a good influence, and in a series of recent email exchanges, is being pretty damn funny these days. He has a lot of respect for me too, but I ascribe that mostly to my moving out of the house before he hit puberty and grew bigger than I am.

    I may need to emulate the BroTW too; in chat the other evening, some listsibs got a fair way toward convincing me I should actually move ahead on a book idea I had. It would require more editing than writing, on my part, so I’m confident I could produce the material itself; getting the go-ahead from a publisher and maybe an advance for some required travel would be the hard part. Just what I need, another project....because you know I haven’t had enough to fill my time lately.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 11, 2001

    Old books, old friend, and odd wontons

    lunch 2001-06-11 bkfriwon.html
    Old books, old friend, and odd wontons

    I really hate when I have half an entry in and then I hit the Back button when I meant to open another window, erasing everything I’ve typed. Anyway, yesterday was a pleasant enough day that I wanted to write about it. A trip to the local Half-Price Books resulted in acquisition of a near-mint (but half-priced!) paperback of Lois McMaster Bujold’s A Civil Campaign, as well as three by Lloyd Alexander (though unfortunately not The Book of Three, the first of his Prydain Chronicles), and also Words and Rules by Steven Pinker, whom I’ve been wanting to read more of in the hope that his prose is not always as turgid as in How the Mind Works.

    Other than that, my accomplishment for the day was a batch of ground-turkey wontons, which were quite edible, though not nearly as good as Mechaieh’s. For some odd reason, mine had sort of a liverish taste. Inferior ground turkey? I don’t know. I had lots of turkey/cabbage/scallion mixture left when I ran out of wonton wrappers, so I dumped in the rest of the beaten egg I’d been using to seal the wontons and made meatballs. Unfortunately, there was too much egg for the amount of turkey, so they were a bit runny. Breadcrumbs or wheat germ would have saved the day, but I didn’t have any. Anyway, they weren’t pretty, but T seemed to think they tasted all right. I was at least careful to cook them through.

    In the later afternoon, I was delighted to get an email from a friend who seemed to have disappeared without a trace over the last several months – left one job and lost contact with the other people I could have called to find her. Now, at least, I have current phone numbers. I gave her this URL, too, so Sandy, if you’re reading this, thanks for the email! I was worried about you.

    By the way, I don’t want to discuss the man they executed today. Whether or not you agree with his fate, he was clearly an amoral brute and a killer. What bothers me was his final message; instead of making a speech, he simply wrote out William Ernest Henley’s Invictus. It’s a good and inspiring poem, and I am not satisfied to let it now forever be associated with a mass murderer. So, without naming anyone but its author, here it is for the next Google searcher:


    "Out of the night that covers me,

    Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

    I thank whatever gods may be

    For my unconquerable soul.

    In the fell clutch of circumstance

    I have not winced nor cried aloud.

    Under the bludgeonings of chance

    My head is bloody, but unbowed.

    Beyond this place of wrath and tears

    Looms but the horror of the shade,

    And yet the menace of the years

    Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

    It matters not how strait the gate,

    How charged with punishments the scrolls,

    I am the master of my fate:

    I am the captain of my soul."

    By William Ernest Henley (1849-1903):

    By the way, I found Invictus at Blue Peter’s Favorite Poetry, which appears to be a collection of someone’s favorites. It’s a good collection of older stuff, some not common, mostly of it older, and also has handy short biographies of writers.
    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    the joys of grown-upness

    This morning’s practice was fun -- I was in a four with DrunkTina, Egret, and Hardcore (and you can tell how much I like rowing with these people because I have nicknoms for all of them). T coxed, at which he’s quite talented. We would actually almost quality as a lightweight boat (each rower <135 lbs, average < 130 lbs), except that DrunkTina, though as short as the rest of us, is not a lightweight (and never will be and never should be because, given her basic body type, she’d be seriously underweight). Even with her, though, I think the boat average is lightweight, because the other three of us are way under the limit.

    T was coxing because he can’t row, and can barely walk; he rowed on Friday when he wasn’t expecting to and didn’t have shoes or socks along. Our current boats have "clogs" consisting of one strap across the ball of the foot and a heel cup, so if you don’t weat shoes, your feet get badly torn up, which is what happened to T. If he takes it easy, he may be all right to row in this Saturday’s race.

    Watching the junior rowers maks me very glad I’m out of high school. Not only are they expected to do anything DI says, without question, they do a ton more calisthenics and running than I ever plan to do before practice. Also, DI had a Talk with us today, the gist of which was that anything to do with our rowing program has to go through him, not the people at the city. However, he managed to remain calm and civilized, and even apologized (!)for his part in our recent fracas. I told him of my vow that NO ONE, to whom I have not given the right, will ever be allowed to yell at me again, with me just taking it. Coaches have the right to yell at me in class (and sometimes you have to, either to be heard or to break someone’s daze), just not off the water. Once he understood that I wasn’t saying I wouldn’t accept criticism or disagreement, just not in a raised voice, I think he understood what I was getting at and agreed that was a valid point. I told him that if he yells at me, I will walk away and he’s welcome to discuss the matter at a later time in a calmer way.

    I love adulthood. I can do things like that. I have control over my environment. If I get teased, it’s because I’m allowing someone ho likes me to do so, not because I’m stuck in a schoolyard with a bully and can’t escape, or just because I have different interests than some others around me. I can choose my friends, I can choose my form of work and play, I can transport myself anywhere I want, and a large fraction of the constraints on my life are of my own choosing. Why would anyone want to be 16 again?

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 10, 2001

    Time for Great Books

    All I got’s a sunny afternoon........

    and even morning. We made no plans for the weekend because of the test I had to take yesterday; I did come home and suggest driving to the property on the Rim (which I don’t think I’ve ever written about here but it’s on an airpark about 2.5 hours away up where it’s cooler). But neither of us had the energy to pack up all our stuff for camping and T hates doing that much driving for a one-day trip. So instead we’ll stay here and characteristically, he’ll find things that Must Be Done Now (T doesn’t laze well) and I’ll luxuriate in the still-new feeling of having spare time. Maybe I’ll visit the local used bookstore and use the certificate T gave me for Chanukah (just one day’s gift, so it’s a small one).

    I’m thinking of stocking up on Bujolds --I’ve read most of them except for the latest few, but never really gotten obsessed, and I own only one or two early ones. From what I’ve heard, though, she’s the rare author whose series has improved over time (for some reason, the others I can think of all seem to be mystery authors -- Dorothy Sayers and Elizabeth Peters come to mind). I should probably buy A Civil Campaign new though; I’ve paged through but not read it and I need to carefully look for the Austen and Sayers homages. Of course, given the reputed quality of later Bujolds, there may not be many used ones for sale.

    I also like to look in that store’s very-old-books section for possible additions to my collection of Polly of Pebbly Pit books. I’d especially like to get the one where she learns to fly, but ordering it online feels like cheating. There are a few other old girls’ series I’ll take when I can find them, too; Judy Bolton, maybe Connie Blair, and some girls club whose name I forget but its members were Harriet, Hazel, Marge (aka Buster), TOmmy, and their chaperone, MIss Elton. I had some of all of those growing up, handed down from my mother (who ended up with all the Judy and Connie books) and possibly my grandmother (Polly was copyrighted 1921, when Grandmom would have been 9). Also, though the morals get annoying, I’d like to see what happened when the Five Little Peppers went to Europe.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    June 09, 2001

    I hope I pass

    Off to take my exam soon!


    Later, post exam:
    I hope I passed....

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 08, 2001

    Participation and privacy

    I slept in all the way to 6 today because, as I said yesterday, I’m taking the day off (not from work, just rowing). I’ll try to get some final cramming in today for my test tomorrow. I do tend to test well, but it’s not safe to rely on that.

    Poor T did go to rowing today, after getting home about 10 last night, from a meeting to set up the race schedule for the Grand Canyon state Games regatta next week. He said the meeting went very smoothly and everyone except Coach DI should be happy with it. DI, predictably, didn’t get the entries for his Juniors in on they didn’t schedule races for them. Not much else they could do, without entry forms.

    I think it’s very cool that Arizona has its own mini-Olympics, especially since pretty much anyone who wants to participate can. Actually, rowing in general is like that; if I chose, I could participate in any regatta in the country except the Olympics. I’m not sure about National Championships, either. In anything else, though, I might lose by a few boatlengths, but I could participate.

    I had an odd dilemma last night; Natalie and I got in a discussion with others about online journals in our list chat (mostly my fault, I confess). One person sounded interested, another incredulous. Both wondered about the idea of sharing something as personal as a diary with the world. The answer, of course, is that most (I think) online diaries are simply kept at a different level; if there are things I don’t want to share, I simply don’t write them here. There are a lot of things I find I’d like to discuss, though, that I don’t talk about with people I know in the flesh, either through lack of time or for fear of boring them. Here, you all can choose to read or not read, and I don’t have to know, care, or be offended. You might learn more than you want to know about me, but I have the control to make sure it’s not anything I don’t want you to learn.

    Anyway, the dilemma was whether I should mention this journal in the conversation. It’s not a secret, and I have mentioned it on the list before, but I didn’t want to sound as though I were promoting myself. Also, I link to others who imght not want theirs publicized in that venue. It is not clear how much responsbility I have for, say, Phelps’s privacy -- and it’s an issue we’ve discussed -- but in privacy issues, it’s better to err on the conservative side.

    I notice this entry is more than half about rowing. Sad that I can’t even avoid it on my day off!

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 07, 2001

    Looming test

    I took the morning off, and by God, I’m going to do it again. No gym today, no rowing tomorrow. I have informed our "Mafia bosses"[1] that I will not be at tomorrow’s practice, have told YSam, have of course told T, and have informed the people I’m scheduled to race with in two weeks in case everyone else forgets to tell them.

    I have a professional exam ("Certified Quality Analyst", whatever that means) on Saturday. I’m not terribly confident about it. It’s supposed to demonstrate a "minimal competency in the field" and I’ve been told that if I have enough practical experience, I’ll have no problem passing it. The reasons I’m still worried are 1) how do I know what "enough" is? and 2) that’s not what the study guide indicates. According to the study giude and its practice question, I should have memorized everything from the 7 categories for the Malcolm Baldrige quality award to the 6 tasks for performing criticism, the 5 types of listening, the 4-step complaint resolution process, the 3 elements of conformity behavior, the 2 major parts of awareness training, and the definition of Quality Assurance vs Quality Control. Lucky for me they don’t ask for Deming’s Fourteen Points. Actually, it all reminds me of Celtic mythology: the Three Oldest Things, the Four Generous Men of Britain, and so on.

    I’m not thrilled about memorizing the Baldrige categories, because they’re the sort of thing any professional would look up if she needs them, but at least they’re objective and relevant to QA. I really hate the idea of memorizing something that someone just made up to support a theory that someone else thought might possibly be relevant to a QA Manager.(Five parts of speech: information, verbal, vocal, body, graphic); Three interpersonal characteristics: inclusion, control, affection.) Most of the ones pertaining to any sort of action seem to be based on the Deming PDCA cycle, which is plan->do->check->act, so I’ll fall back on that for anything I don’t know. The major points of it are to plan before doing, and check how things are going and make changes afterward, instead of blindly jumping into action, and never stopping to see if your actions are working. Yes, a lot of QA boils down to common sense.

    I know that the real test won’t be just like the sample questions, since the three samples are 50 questions or less and the real test has two of those questions plus two essay sections. I hope I can apply a judicious combination of experience and bullshit to get through the essay questions experience, memory, and inspired guesswork to get through the "objective" (ha!) questions. It would look good both for my company and for me professionally (i.e.resume-wise and salary-wise) to have if I pass the CQA cert, so wish me luck.

    [1]At the Big Rowers’ Meeting last week, people decided that we could improve communications by adding another level (I missed some logic there) and instead of talking directly to our coach, having a couple of point people to whom we would all report if we were going to miss a practice.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 06, 2001

    whatis my subconscious trying to say?

    I had the weirdest dream last night, and, unusually for me, I still remember it. T was running a regatta at our house, where he’d somehow managed to set up a 3000 meter course in our pool (The pool, I should mention, is less than 10 m long). There was a very good turnout, including members of the national team. T had set up the boats (meaning who rowed in which one). In one early race, a rowing friend of ours from Texas was in with 2 or 3 or the national team members, He wasn’t doing too well, but it didn’t matter, because they all stopped rowing about halfway through the course and still managed to coast in and kick all their competitors’ collective butts (boats?).

    I ended up rowing in a women’s eight that was otherwise filled with people from another club, because our club’s boat was full. I was rowing bow seat (note that bow in is in the front of the boat, though you’re looking at the rest of the crew since rowers face backwards) but somehow I was in the back of the boat, facing the wall. I was supposed to call out the strokes for a racing start, as bow normally does for a boat without a coxswain, but I was also supposed to kick off the wall, as you would in a back-stroking swimming race. This being a dream, the stern end of the boat somehow didn’t get in the way. Anyway, the race started, and I was trying to kick off but we weren’t going anywhere because everyone else was sitting still with blades dug in, because I forgot to call out the strokes. So we started way late, and came in DFL (dead f*cking last) by a considerable margin. I apologized to the rest of the boat for screwing up the start, and they considerately explained to me that yes, I did screw it up, but the start was over so fast anyway that that wasn’t the major problem; I had simply screwed up the rest of the race too.

    All of this didn’t really put me in the mood for practice this morning, so it’s lucky that went well (see previous entry). Hmm....either my subconscious agrees with DI that I suck (an opinion not shared by people I row with, as far as I can tell) or I need time off. On the other hand, at least the cast of characters was different. The last two nights’ dreams have included a guy I went to grade school with. He was a nice guy and all, but no more than that, so I can’t figure out why he’s occasionally been showing up in my dreams for years now.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    So bad it’s good

    This morning, we ended up with three women rowing a quad. DI rigged a four into a quad (added riggers on both sides, basically, so it can handle 8 oars). This means that, unusually for a quad, it has a coxswain’s seat. Normally, a quad is steered from bow seat, by having the rowers row harder on one side or the other, and by using a setup that lets you turn the boat by angling one foot. This is somewhat tricky, since a quad is very fast (8 oars, little dead weight) and the bow rower, like all rowers, is facing backwards so that she has to peer over her shoulder to see where she’s going.

    Anyway, we were about to go out with four people and a cox, when we realized one oar was missing a handle. No idea how that happened, but apparently whoever carried it down didn’t notice. We got yelled at by Yosemite Sam for that, then he had us remove the broken oar and go out with only three people, and no cox (to save weight). Not having the coxswain was actually a bit of a relief, as a) she was fairly heavy and b) she’s a new rower who had never done this before, and this unusual situation was probably not the best time to learn.

    So there we are, three people in a four-person boat, and me in bow seat without the usual toe-steering setup, so that we had to steer entirely by rowing harder on one side than the other. And all of that explanation was just background to explain why it was surprising that we had a great time.

    This has been my experience in the past, and not just in rowing. There’s a point when so many things go wrong that it just gets silly, and then you can give up the Serious Determined Attitude and just have fun with it. When your umbrella blows inside out and your shoes aren’t waterproof and it’s so windy the rain is blowing up your raincoat, there’s a point when you just have to start jumping in puddles to see the splash and dancing around lamp posts while whistling Singing in the Rain. Or I do, anyway.

    None of which is to say we weren’t trying hard to row well; the other women in the boat are both very good and we were concentrating on our drills the whole time. I think I got the set off the boat off several times, turning my whole upper body to look behind me instead of just peeking over my shoulder, because I was so determined we were not going to hit any bridges, walls, buoys, or other boats, but it was still a lot better than the set of Monday’s boat, which had no such excuse.

    Now I have to go to a meeting to explain why my Contribution Report, on which we’re judged at work, was miscalculated and should be a lot better than it was. Maybe I can apply the same attitude adjustment.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 05, 2001

    Ampersand: Only artificial borders are binary

    Ampersand: Views of the border

    I considered the border of my country, not three hours from here, but there are also the borders I cross every day: the border between waking and sleeping; the border between land and water; the border between work and Life Outside. Unlike the artificial physical border of a state or a nation, none of those are binary states. That is, I am either in the United States, or, by stepping over an imaginary line, en los Estados Unitos Mexicanos. I could cheat the question and stand with one foot in each country, but the line is still there, infinitely thin and ultimately divisive.

    The borders between countries are created things, human artifacts. They vary over time, and are sometimes in dispute, but once a border has been decided it is absolute. Fictional borders are mostly the same: through the wardrobe into Narnia, through the Border into Faerie in Emma Bull and Will Shetterley’s Borderlands; via the tesseract in A Wrinkle in Time. Natural borders are not so clearly delineated. (And is that why it took some time for Alice to get into Wonderland, or Dorothy into Oz, just because rabbit holes and cyclones are natural phenomena?)

    When I fall asleep, I don’t (usually) just close my eyes and become unconscious; usually I drift off to sleep, and sometimes come awake in the middle of that process, to realize my mind has been free-associating wildly. When I wake up, on the rare occasions when I don’t have to force myself to jump out of bed at the summons of an alarm clock, I come to consciousness, slide back into semi-sleeping mid-drift, come awake again, open one eye a crack, close it, open the other one, and gradually convince myself to get out of bed.

    When I step into a lake, as I do several mornings a week before rowing, I start on dry sand, walk out to wet sand and still wetter sand, come to the point where I am actually in the water but so shallowly that the tops of my feet are still dry, and carefully step down a slope into knee-deep water. If, on the other hand, I were launching my boat form an artificial dock, the line between land and water would be more clear-cut.

    The border between work (a job) and the rest of life has become increasingly artificial, over the course of the Industrial and Information Revolutions. For a primitive hunter-gatherer, there might not be a distinction at all, just different tasks: hunting, gathering, cooking, caring for babies, teaching children, making houses or clothing, singing, storytelling. On a farm a century ago, there would be work to be done in the house and work to be done in the barns and fields. The work might be divided up and done by different people (or different genders) but I’m not sure there was much concept of free time, just things to do, some of which you liked more than others. Even today, the boundaries of my office job are fuzzy. First there’s the commute to work, during which I’m not at work and not getting paid, but not free to do something else, either. I can do some work at home, or take a private phone call or have a silly conversation at work, and there are occasional social activities sponsored by or springing from my job. How to class those?

    Even those natural borders that seem definite, such as that between a leaf and the air around it, are fuzzy, at the microscopic level. The leaf-molecules exchange atoms with the air-molecules, water vapor passes through both, and electrons dance from atoms to atom. Only artificial borders are binary.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM


    Gym this morning, legs, so I’m a bit shaky on stairs now. I accidentally set my alarm clock a half hour late, but got in a decent workout anyway.

    I was thinking this morning about what I really need, based on some recent discussion in one of my email groups. (One thing I need is a better word for those. "List", unqualified, has too many other meanings. "Newsgroup" has the right feel, but technically describes those posts one reads with a newsreader, not the ones disseminated in e-mail. Since I most read them online in a browser these days, though, the distinction seems increasingly finicky. But I digress.) Judging by their journal entries today, Natalie and Phelps have been thinking along similar lines, so I decided to record my thoughts here.

    The answer to "What do I need?" depends, mostly on exactly what the question is. If it’s "What do I need to survive?" the answer is, "Not much". Edible and reasonably nourishing food, shelter, protective clothing, some time to rest, and access to at least a few books to save my sanity. In "shelter", I have to include some climate control -- it gets up to 115 degrees out here routinely, and I could no more survive that without cooling than I could a Minnesota winter without fire. Not necessarily mechanical air-conditioning; misting systems work well, as do the thick sod roofs on Navajo hogans.

    If the question is, "What do I need to be content?" the answer is longer, but still somewhat less than I have now. T, friends, a comfortable home (which could be half the size of ours), books or a nearby library, a reasonably interesting job with decent vacation time, access to mountain or water sports (I have both), a working car or decent public transportation, good food, some discretionary.

    If the question is, "What do I need to be blissfully happy all the time?", I don’t know. I’m not sure it’s even in my nature; I like to have something to loook forward to, something still to achieve. I could suggest improvements, certainly; more local friends, a more flexible, more creative job that’s also a personal quest and of benefit to the world, much more free time, a home in a more reasonable climate, a friendlier community. More books, more bookshelves. A nicer-looking, and even more comfortable home. More time and money to travel. But if I had all those, would my life be complete? I hope not. How boring.


    I just read the following quote from Garrison Keillor, which pertains to some of the above paragraphs, and which may be the answer to things I’ve worried about for a long time:

    Not everyone has a Life’s Work. Some people simply have a Life.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 04, 2001

    If you can keep your wits when all about you are losing theirs...

    Someday, I’m going to hang out with people among whom I can use my full vocabulary. Someday I will find the people who talk like Dorothy Sayers’ characters (or, possibly, a few steps down from that, so that all the quotations are not so obscure as to fly over my head). Someday, at least, I’m going to hang out with people in conversation with whom I can use a quotation that’s not from a movie or a TV show, and have it recognized.

    I should say, someday I’ll do that for longer than a weekend, since I did get to spend time with both Mechaieh and Phelps this year.

    The catalyst for all this was a short conversation I just had with the very capable woman in the next cube (a nice blond, blue-eyed Jewish girl with a Native American surname, but that’s another story). I had complained about noticing it was 10:30, looking down, then looking up a perceived few minutes later to see that it was nearly noon. I told her I hadn’t "filled the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run". Kiping’s If, mind you, about as un-obscure as possible. She said, "What was that about distance running?" I repeated myself. She said, "Uh, maybe later in the week. Not on a Monday." Or, for a more pop-culture spin on it, some days I feel like Lisa Simpson.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    port side and Pearl Harbor

    Rowing this morning was fairly sucky, because boats are not supposed to rock from side to side while you’re rowing them. I was rowing port; I haven’t done that for months and I’m afraid it showed. I was able to have some effect on the set, more than I usually can from bow seat for some reason, but not enough to fix the rocking. Also, the guy coxing our first to 20-minute pieces had almost no clue what he was doing -- we nearly hit a bridge. For the last piece, Yosemite Sam swapped me into the coxswain’s seat, and I think I was able to get them to set a little better.

    I was glad to get the chance to row port though; I like to swap sides, so that I don’t get in too much of a rut (many, maybe most, rowers will only row port or only row starboard). I’m a little worried because we have a race in two weeks where I’m scheduled to scull in a quad (two oars instead of one) and I haven’t done that for even longer.

    Yesterday afternoon, we went to see Pearl Harbor. In some ways, I’d compare it to Titanic, for its length and its lushness, but I liked this much better. I left Titanic very irked at Rose, for being such an idiot. Her insistence on staying with Jack, forcing him to take care of her instead of using his wits to survive, basically got him killed. Not love, quoth I, but vanity sets love a task like that.

    Pearl Harbor, on the other hand, was the story of people trying to do their duties and snatch a bit of happiness, in difficult and unsettled circumstances. Even the Japanese were not portrayed too unsympathetically, I thought; there’s a great line where someone tells an admiral he’s brilliant, and he responds, "A brilliant man would figure out how to avoid going to war." Granted, they are shown going to war basically over oil, but it’s difficult, these days, for an American to point the finger at others for that. I appreciated the choppy cinematography in the stressful and gory parts. I thought it conveyed the intensity and terror without driving home the gore, though some people will hate it for that reason. Also, of course, I loved all the flying footage, which was extremely well done.

    And no one told me the movie also covered Doolittle’s Raid on Tokyo. For those of you who don’t know, it was an absolutely brilliant and very risky feat, whose psychological impact on both Japanese and Americans was huge. It was also a hell of a tricky bit of flying. The whole thing is described in much more detail in Doolittle’s autobiography, I Could Never Be So Lucky Again. Incidentally, despite all his aviation and military successes (not just winning races and raiding Tokyo but the first aerospace engineering PhD ever awarded and the development of instrument flying), the title refers to his persuading his the love of his life, Joe, to marry him.

    I do have one complaint about the movie, though: not only does Alec Baldwin not look much like him, but Doolittle was only 5’3"! Fighter pilots were and are often smaller guys. That’s him, third from the right, in China right after the Raid.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    June 03, 2001

    Cause that’s my fun day....

    We slept in a little less today, in order to make tomorrow’s early wakeup a bit more tolerable. My big event of today was to go get a massage. I don’t go often, but when I do, I go to Rainstar University, a local school of massage. Their facilties are as nice as any I’ve seen (separate rooms, not little curtained cubicles like one of the "nicer" spas in town) and they charge $29/hour. The students are getting graded on this -- they need to have so many hours of hands-on practice in order to graduate -- and so they are assiduous about asking if you have any problems, want them to work on anything specific, and so on.

    Given that they presumably all get the same training, it’s surprising how much individual techniques vary, though they’ve all fallen within the range of good to excellent. The therapist today did more stretching work than anyone has done to me before, pushing my hips one way and my shoulders another until my spine started popping, audibly.

    I don’t think she quite believed that I stretch regularly, but I do it because I need to; my workouts and all those hours at a computer seem to make the muscles very tense. That’s why I stretch, after all.

    We’re off now to get some pictures framed and see a movie. I’ve also gotten a good bit of studying done for my exam next Saturday. I love having weekends free!

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    June 02, 2001

    sleeping late for real this time

    We have been enjoying this, the first weekend after the end of coaching our last classes. T and I began the weekend in style by sleeping late (really late, this time, until after 10). I’m still a little groggy; unfortunately sleeping late, as wonderful as it sounds, usually leaves me feeling worse, not better. The process of opening my eyes this morning streched over a full hour. Still, it’s nice to have the option!

    Our only outside committment this weekend was a coaches’ meeting at 11:30 this morning. Except that it lasted about twice as long as the promised 40 minutes, it was fairly painless. DI avoided talking to us whenever possible, which helped a bit.

    Tomorrow, I have gone to the decadent level of scheduling a massage, something I simply haven’t had time for since at least last year. I usually do that when T is out of town, but he’s been traveling less lately. We plan to experiment with the aftereffects of massage on me, so to speak. Should be fun.

    We may even go to see Pearl Harbor tomorrow; seeing movies is a sure sign that ou have actual spare time on your hands. Mostly, we’ve been spending this weekend in having actual quality time together, not just the time when we’re in the same boat on the same lake. This is almost the only weekend when we won’t have plans. Next week, I have a professional exam to take. Then we have the Grand Canyon State Games the week after that and a regatta in California the next week.

    So if you’ll excuse me, I have to go pay attention to my husband now....

    Posted by dichroic at 07:31 PM

    June 01, 2001

    more strife

    Well, the Big Rowers’ Meeting was reasonably civil and, if not actually productive, at least leaning that way. However (and you knew there was a however, didn’t you?) it appears that DI told several people he’s not coaching our Competitive group any more because "someone" complained about him to the city and claimed to be representing the whole group. Strong implication, to my ears, that "someone" is me and Ted, though it’s possible I’m being oversensitive here. People were pissed off that someone had claimed to represent them, and rightly so. There were also comments about not questioning our coaches in their wisdom.

    Most likely it would be best to stay quiet and let the whole thing die down. Is that what I’m going to do? Of course not. When I was a kid, I frequently annoyed my father by arguing when I should have let it drop. I fought with my mother because "You should respect me because I’m your mother," makes absolutely no sense to me. ("You should respect me because I’ve done my best to bring you up right," which she had, does make sense.) Later on, working at an Air Force lab, I got in trouble once for interrupting a Colonel. (I didn’t mean to, as he was a very smart guy with a strong vision for whom I did have a lot of respect. But he was boring a group of students I was taking on a lab tour, and I interjected a few words to explain something he was saying.) If I didn’t respect my mother or my work superior just for their position, I’m certainly not going to do it for a rowing coach.

    Also, this isn’t really a minor matter to me; I feel that someone may have lied about me and smirched my good name (and T’s). I’m going to send an email to the people involved, stating that our contact with the city was only on appropriate matters (coaching, boat storage) and that we never claimed to represent others. I have the old emails to prove it, if they doubt me. In fact, the closest I’ve come to doing so was when I wrote that DI’s behavior had "...combined to make both rowing and coaching less enjoyable for us and, we believe, for others in the program, hence the declining enrollment and turnout." I wouldn’t call that claiming to represent others, and at any rate, that email was sent only to DI himself. It didn’t reach the city until he sent it to Unknown Legend, contained in a later email.

    *sigh* I did say I wouldn’t talk about him any more, didn’t I?

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    May 31, 2001

    anticipation is not what I’m feeling

    I am so not looking forward to tonight’s Big Rowers’ Meeting. First of all, it’s a meeting, and I’m not getting paid for it. I don’t especially mind meetings (well, if they’re reasonably productive or amusing) during the workday, but after that I am in a meeting-free mental zone. Second, it will be a big meeting, or at least should be if we’re going to get consensus, and any meeting of more than 5-6 people is useless, almost by definition. Rather, you can poll for ideas, and you can disseminate news, but you can’t get anything done. Third, the people who are pushing this one are, in my opinion, a significant part of the problem (in fairness, they think the same about me) and there will be no productive way to say so. I may attempt to sneak in the idea that we should avoid forming cliques in order to build team spirit in the larger group, if I can.

    A lot of this time will be spent analyzing intangibles ("How can we improve morale and make this more fun?") and the whole thing will go on twice as long as it should. Three times as long if Dr. Coach shows up. He’s a rowing coach who’s also a researcher, and tends to go into lecture mode at the catch of an oar (which, in our sport, is far more frequent than the drop of a pin).

    Still, I will go, because to stay away would be to look like a non-team player and to miss any chance of doing some good, and I will attempt to keep my mouth shut as long as possible, and I will attempt to demonstrate Cheerfulness. I would insert a quote from Puddleglum, or possibly Eeyore, here, if I had the appropriate books at hand.

    And there won’t even be beer.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    Rowing can be fun

    Dammit, I just lost my whole entry. It was brilliant, really, I swear. The gist was that we had a very fun practice this morning, and I was trying to figure why it was fun, in order to offer suggestions at tonight’s big rowers’ meeting.

    We rowed an 8+; only 7 people showed up, but luckily two juniors were there to use the ergs so we co-opted them. Yosemite Sam was a little upset at the low turnout, but I think it’s because we’re about to switch back from having practice 5 days a week to MWF. I don’t think it was the juniors’ presence that made the difference, though certainly if they had not been good rowers they could have kept it from being fun. One rower screwing up is enough to ruin everyone else’s practice.

    We did short power pieces -- 6 x 500 meters at 80% pressure, 500 meters at a paddle. Doing power can be fun, and doing it for these short pieces is more so. Rowing to the point of exhaustion, while occasionally necessary, is Not Fun. We also did a drill, rowing with feet out of our shoes, which severs your connection to the boat during the recovery, forcing you to come up the slide slowly.

    I think the amount of coaching Yosemite Sam did was also a factor. Not too much, which makes us feel we’re being nagged and not getting anywhere, nor too little, which makes us feel ignored. I think he could actually have given us a little more, but not a lot more.

    Tonight’s meeting is at DrunkTina’s house. She’s a little cliquish and doen’t particularly like me. (I think it’s partly because she’s only 5’3", though emphatically not a lightweight, and is afraid someone will class her with me and not let her row with the "big girls". She’s got plenty of strength, though she’s not quite as good a rower as she thinks she is, but somehow seems to think being smaller is somehow inferior.) I’m going to ask someone else to present the list of ideas we came up with the other day, on the theory that it’s more important to have them listened to than for me to speak. Ben Franklin said it:

    The objections and reluctances I met with in soliciting the subscriptions, made me soon feel the impropriety of presenting one’s self as the proposer of any useful project, that might be suppos’d to raise one’s reputation in the smallest degree above that of one’s neighbors, when one has need of their assistance to accomplish that project. I therefore put myself as much as I could out of sight, and stated it as a scheme of a number of friends, who had requested me to go about and propose it to such as they thought lovers of reading. In this way my affair went on more smoothly, and I ever after practis’d it on such occasions; and, from my frequent successes, can heartily recommend it. The present little sacrifice of your vanity will afterwards be amply repaid. If it remains a while uncertain to whom the merit belongs, some one more vain than yourself will be encouraged to claim it, and then even envy will be disposed to do you justice by plucking those assumed feathers, and restoring them to their right owner.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    May 30, 2001

    More bedamned rowing angst

    I don’t expect to enjoy the rowers’ meeting tomorrow, but I hope it will be productive. I’m so fed up with all the recent conflicts that I don’t even want to row these days. I need to keep my mind on the sport itself, and not on any associated pettiness. Luckily, quite a few people seem to feel the same way, and I think changes will be made. DI has ‘retired’ from coaching the Masters’ program, and Yosemite Sam wants us to define our objectives in the class, rather than having him dictate to us. He has a busy life (career, fiancee, children), unlike DI who does nothing but coach rowing, and so doesn’t want to take on responsibility that he thinks we ought to handle. I sympathize.

    I found out last night that, although DI is giving the impression that he is quitting in a huff because we don’t appreciate him (translation: Dichroic is a spiteful bitch), he would have had to quit coaching us now anyway. The Juniors’ class has been scheduled since march to begin rowing in the morning, at the same time as our practice, during their summer vacation. DI has always put Juniors ahead of us, so he would have been coaching them anyway. So much for his vaunted integrity.

    And I’m tired of talking about DI. I have to do it at least once more, at tomorrow’s meeting, but other than that, I’m going to try just to think about rowing. It’s a very pure sport: there is only one motion, and you spend all your time trying to perfect it. Physically, it’s demanding and sweaty and abrasive, but if you can just let the frustration go, it can be mentally very soothing. I confess, though, that I have a hard time doing that. I tend to spend practices mouthing obscenities -- directed at my own shortcomings, not other peoples’. Something else to work on: Zen and the art of rowing.

    This all is one more reason I enjoyed the weekend; I didn’t even get near water, except in the shower or in a car on a bridge. (I think we crossed th river a few more times than strictly necessary, because Mechaieh is right about her sense of directions, but we just considered it extra sightseeing. Being on vacation means never having to worry if you could have gotten there faster. Who cares? You may be in the car longer, but you’re still in good company.)

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    attempted sleeping

    This morning I slept late, if you can conceive of 6AM being defined as "late". At least I tried to sleep late. I had planned this deliberately, to allow me to have not one but two, count ‘em, two Kilt Lifter Scottish Ales at our favorite local brewpub last night at the Disgruntled Rowers Meeting (of which more anon) but I forgot to reckon with marauding alarm clocks. I should mention here that we keep two in the bedroom, each of which has a dual alarm, to allow either of us to set an alarm and be able to turn it off without having to fight through bedclothes to the other side of a king-sized mattress, and also because I tend to wake up in the middle of the night and like to see how much time I have left to sleep. Without my glasses, I can’t see a clock on his side of the bed. In fact, my clock has lit-up numerals so large I can almost read by their light. Also, both of our watches have alarms, and we often use those as backup in case we forget to set the clocks.

    First there was the 4:10 alarm plus matching watch alarm that T had set, since he is less self-indulgent than I and had planned to go to the gym as usual. (He goes earlier than I do because in addition to all the same lifts, he does 10000 meters on the erg. I think that’s just sick.) Then there was the 4:30 alarm T had me set after he decided to sleep in a little (I didn’t count how many ales he had). Then there was the 5:30 alarm on T’s side -- I have no idea why he had that one set. Then there was, finally, the alarm at 6, when I had intended to wake up. However, it was preceded by other alarms, of the feline variety. ("Wake up! Time to feed us!") So much for sleeping in.

    The Disgruntled Rowers Meeting isn’t really a fair name; these were the people who are dedicated to rowing, and who are looking for real solutions to problems with coaches, vague objectives, and declining morale. Two of them were also among those DI had forwarded the nasty email to, yesterday, so a high point for me was finding out that they don’t hate me. I think they thought he was being very juvenile, and it’s true that his messages, included in that 5-page email, were much worse than mine. Anyway, we listed several ideas that we can bring to a bigger rowers’ meeting on Thursday, so it was not only a chance to drink more beer with more kindred souls, but a productive meeting as well.

    I have to run, but will write more later.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    May 29, 2001


    OK, the day has improved. No one has said (or emailed) anything particularly nasty to me for at least the past several hours, I’ve been getting to do some work that I think is useful, and Yngvie Malmsteen’s music (specifically Concerto for Electric Guitar and Orchestra turns out to be as cool as I had thought it would be.

    So now I’m in the proper frame of mind to talk about the very pleasant weekend we just spent in Nashville. I liked Nashville itself (and it didn’t hurt that the weather was perfect, pleasantly cool and sunny, for most of the trip) but it was getting to hang out with Mechaieh & co. that really topped off the weekend.

    We got to sample the Essence of Nashville: we encountered whiskey (the Jack Daniels distillery tour), live music (the Bluebird Café), pop culture (the Country Music Hall of Fame) and history (Andrew Jackson’s home, the Hermitage). Granted, we didn’t ride any walking horses, so I can’t say we tried the full spectrum of Tennessee, but we did get to eat homemade wontons, which is more than adequate compensation, as both of us are much better at eating wontons than riding horses, anyhow.

    (Question: “walking horses” as opposed to what? Or is this like the distinction between trotting and pacing horses?)

    A potpourri of impressions: the fumes at the JD Distillery are intense; you could get drunk from breathing. I’d been hearing about the Bluebird Café from my years on Alan Rowoth’s folk_music newsgroup, and, though I’d never heard of any of the three songwriters playing in the round that night (Walt Wilkins, Nick Pellegrino, & Jon Randall), there was some very fine guitar work and some great songs there. (Actually, Pellegrino does sound familiar.) On the other hand, while the Flying Saucer bar looked like a good place to hang out, the seventies-song-cover guy playing there was fairly mediocre. Now, all of those guys were more in the singer-songwriter folky-guy-with-a-guitar genre; I’m not particularly fond of modern country music with the self-conscious twang and the overproduced backup, but I did like the Country Music Hall of Fame. For one thing, they dwelt more on the history than the business of Nashville music, and for another the acoustic engineering was superb. You walk in and out of speech and songs, but none of them overlap unpleasantly, and the conversation of other patrons never gets in the way. Wow. They use a very wide definition of “country music” which is reflected in the gift shop, so if you’re in Nashville and want to buy any CD from Hank to…well, not Hendrix, but at least Dylan or Queen Ida, they’ve got it. I picked up Nanci Griffith’s Other Voices, Other Rooms and Other Voices, Too, which I’d been wanting to hear. The Hermitage was interesting, but we cut it a bit short when it started raining on us.

    Mechaieh and the BYM graciously fed us and drove us all over town, but we also enjoyed spending one evening at their bungalow, which has all the original wood floors, odd corners, and unexpected doors our house is so notably lacking. It’s odd (but good) meeting someone I’ve known for a couple years but never seen before. There’s always a bit of awkwardness – you have plenty of common acquaintances to talk about but you never know whether to hug goodbye or how to sense what people want to talk about when. And of course there was the embarrassing bit when I missed a quote from Gaudy Night, since the Lord Peter Wimsey discussion group was where we’d met! Still, Internet communities are real communities; what a feeling of new-found friendship to have someone you’ve never even talked with on the phone go so much out of their way to make your visit fun.

    And this is one of the things for which I appreciate T; he was the odd one out, since Mechaieh and I were discussing everything Wimsey to Alfred Noyes to mutual acquaintances, while the BYM and his friend who was visiting from Detroit talked about cars and motorcycles and their old neighborhood. It is one of the joys of being married to him that he can deal with a situation like that, without needing me to babysit him, and can even have a good time at it. I used to babysit him anyway in situations like that, but he’s convinced me it’s much better to just talk about what I want to talk about, and let him find his own way into a conversation. Anyone who’s ever dated someone who couldn’t be comfortable with strangers will understand.

    By the way, I’m still looking for a better nom for T: ideas so far are Petrus or The Mensch. Or maybe Flyboy. Suggestions?

    Oops, almost forgot to say that Mechaieh’s puppy Abby is much cuter than her picture even, and that she’s so sweet that T (and I) completely fell for her. He doesn’t normally even like dogs, but I believe I saw a gleam of puppy envy there.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    sheer ugliness

    Urgghh. So far I am having a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad day. With any luck, the rest of it will be better.

    One reason I try not to have to work on only 6 hours’ sleep these days is that I tend to do stupid things when I’m sleep-deprived. This morning I missed the exit for rowing practice. I probably should have taken the next exit but one, but instead I took the very next one, which has no u-turn lane, and had to backtrack through half of town. Then DI announced this is his last week coaching Masters. Obviously, I’m not convinced this is a great loss, but I get the distince feeling I’m the main reason for it, which is not fair to other people. We have a meeting with several rowers tonight, when we were planning to discuss DI-related issues; I may offer to drop out of the program if people want. It’s a matter of principle, not personalities, for me. No single rower matters to a program as a coach does, even a flawed coach.

    Then I got to work and found that DI had forwarded his reply to my last email to quite a few people who are no doubt wondering what all of this is about. He included several past emails in this, but his latest reply is really to an attached file from mine, so they must be confused. He also mentioned my IBS (and attributed it to "uptightness"), which is the sort of thing a coach needs to know but that I don’t particularly enjoy discussing with the rest of the world. There’s no other word for all of this but "ugly".

    And all of this is a great shame because we had a very good weekend in Naashville with Mechaieh and the BYM, and I expect to have a productive week at work. I’ll talk about all of that later when I’m in a proper mood for it.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    May 25, 2001


    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about structure and creativity, because of my job. I’m fairly sure I’ve written about it here, but couldn’t find the entry.

    Basically, one problem with putting processes in software development is that most software developers like to think of themselves as creative people, and are afraid that formal processes will stifle that creativity. It’s true that formal processes do make each project less of a unique experience; on the other hand, if you were designing a car, you’d probably be glad to to have to recreate the tires from scratch every time. You’d want to save your creativity for the interesting parts of the job. And it’s true that even while working on a NASA project, coding for the Space Station Simulator, when I had to follow what I considered way too convoluted a process (I had to write 3 documents before I typed my first line of code) I had enormous freedom to figure out how to model a heat exchanger, say, or cavitation in a pump.

    In fact, I probably should have published that pump model, because I’m not sure anyone else had ever studied the problem from that angle. Cavitation in a pump is basically banging and fluctuations caused by air bubbles. All the studies I could find were on how to avoid it, or at most, how to recognize its incipient stages. I don’t know if anyone had ever had reason to design a math model of its ongoing behavior before -- one difference between building a simulator vs the real thing. (End digression. So much for structure.)

    Anyway, back to structure: my two favorite analogies for its advantages are piloting and poetry. Pilots rehearse landings over and over, so normal landings are as automated as possible. They also simulate emergencies, to ingrain proper reactions in those situations. This is meant, not to make flying boring but to free a pilot to think about how to handle unpredictable facets of the situation (combat, engine fire, whatever) instead of the mundane tasks.

    In poetry, the classic example of structure is the sonnet. If I had my L’Engle books on hand, I’d quote what she wrote. I think it’s in A Wrinkle in Time; the gist is that the structure is extremely rigid, but within it, the poet is free to say anything. A poet may even choose to break the rules, but does so most effectively when he or she knows what they are and breaks them knowingly.

    Yesterday, rereading Anne Fadiman’s Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader, I found that Wordsworth had said the same thing. This would have been in one of his less verbose periods; he took 113 words to say what I did in 454 here:

    NUNS fret not at their convent’s narrow room;

    And hermits are contented with their cells;

    And students with their pensive citadels;

    Maids at the wheel, the weaver at his loom,

    Sit blithe and happy; bees that soar for bloom,

    High as the highest Peak of Furness-fells,

    Will murmur by the hour in foxglove bells:

    In truth the prison, unto which we doom

    Ourselves, no prison is: and hence for me,

    In sundry moods, ‘twas pastime to be bound

    Within the Sonnet’s scanty plot of ground;

    Pleased if some Souls (for such there needs must be)

    Who have felt the weight of too much liberty,

    Should find brief solace there, as I have found.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    confessions and headstands

    True confession time:

    I did not go to practice today. One problem with having IBS is that stress (read:Coach DI) is a major contributor, and thus I woke up at 3:50 AM, a mere twenty minutes before the alarm was set to drag me back in the land of the semi-coherent, with dinner clamoring in my gut. I’m not afraid of facing DI; I am afraid of being attacked by my own intestines somewhere in the middle of a race piece in the middle of a lake in the middle of practice.

    T went, anyway, so at least DI had to encounter one of us. I think that he’s already dealt with the concept that not everyone worships him, anyway; T says that yesterday at practice, it was decided to appoint boat captains to deal with DI. This is suppose to enhance communication. I’m not too sure how adding an extra layer (like talking to God through a priest) would aid communication, but I wasn’t there so can’t really complain.

    I enjoyed my semi-leisurely morning so much that it was obvious I needed it. Unfortunately, I realized, a bit too late, that I was supposed to pick up forms to enter me in the Grand Canyon State Games (sort of Arizona’s own little Olympics) today. The deadline is looming, but I think I can fill them out Tuesday.

    The other advantage is that without practice, I get to both sleep an extra hour and get to work early. More time in the morning let me finally find my spare tea infuser, so I could take it to work with the Republic of Tea Lemon WinterGreen* I bought the other day. Getting to work early is also a Good Thing, since I need to leave early to catch a plane to Nashville.

    Everyone on our mutual list who has met her tells me I will greatly enjoy meeting Mechaieh, including Phelps, who is, I think, the only person to have encountered both of us in the flesh. I’m inclined to believe them. We had other reasons for going, of course; Nashville sounds like an interesting place and neither of us had been there. But it was Mechaieh’s presence that tipped the balance to Nashville for me, instead of say, St. Louis (where we want to tour the Cessna plant) or Seattle (which T says would be better in midsummer). Too bad I have no burning desire to visit Nebraska; I would like to meet Evilena, whom I sort of think of as the third volume of the D-land trilogy. (Or the third leg of a tripod, which is more egalitarian, but I rather like the book analogy.)

    In case Mechaieh reads this, I should point out that neither of us is a good enough housekeeper to notice other people’s dustbunnies. And Phelps can vouch that while I am known to do headstands in living rooms, they’re controlled enough that I don’t cause damage on the way down. (Anyhow, that’s less likely without a ten-year-old around. I was just showing her how, I swear.)

    Posted by dichroic at 06:31 AM

    May 24, 2001

    friction off the water

    morning 2001-05-24 friction.html
    friction off the water

    The Continuing Saga:

    Two days ago, DI sent out an email to all the coaches saying that we have a new policy: any damage to the boats caused by a coach’s negligence would be the fiscal responsibility of that coach. Now, that’s a broad field; if an experienced cox runs a boat into a wall while I’m on a launch working with another boat nearby, am I negligentfor not watching more closely? It’s all in the interpretation. Several other coaches sent DI some very well-thought-out posts on why policies should be set at a coaches’ meeting instead of just by him and how no other programs in our collective experience have such a policy.

    T and I took a different tack. We sent a note saying, basically, "If this is the policy, we quit". We cc’d it not only to all of the coaches, but also to DI’s boss at the city; after all, she signs our timesheets. (I’ll call her Unknown Legend, after the great Neil Young song about a blond woman who rides a Harley.) Technically, we work for her, not DI, so she needed to know this. As we had suspected, she knew nothing of the matter, and was a bit upset when she found out. This is, after all, a city program. Policies are set at the city level, not by individuals. She sent a message saying that there was no such policy; cases of gross negligence, such as someone wrecking a launch while drunk, would be dealt with individually, by the appropriate departments, police or whatever.

    Then DIckhead sent out a message saying that he "never intended to insenuate (sic) that there was a NEW policy regarding damaged equipment" and that he was only trying to clarify existing policy. Exercise for the class: read previous paragraph to determine why this is bullshit. Also, I reread his original email, and it does, indeed, imply that he was setting a new policy.

    Worse, he sent a message to me and T, saying that he was disturbed that we had gone directly to Unknown Legend, that he had done nothing to merit such disrespect, and that he had always treated us with honor and integrity, and expected the same back, but won’t again. Whew. That outraged-virgin act tipped me over the edge. I replied in the iciest, most utterly correct tone I could muster. I cited sentence and paragraph where his emails contradicted city policy, informed him that we had cc’d Unknown Legend not to get him in trouble but because she had a need-to-know, and that anyway, why would any of this be secret from the city? I told him we’d gotten this crap from him so often that we no longer believed any information he gave us, and that I had many specific examples of that (I do, too). And finally, I came out with what I’d suppressed (to his face) and complained about (here): that his moodiness and execrable planning skills have made both rowing and coach less enjoyable for us and others, and that they contributed to the lack of turnout we’ve been seeing lately. More and more people have dropped out or only showed up occasionally, and he is a prime reason, though I am quite sure he still hasn’t realized that. The normally-unflappable T also sent a message, milder in tone, but stating that his recent tendency to believe the worst of everyone "is causing serious problems".

    I would have preferred to do this face to face, in some ways, but this is more effective for me. In person, DIckhead just works himself into a lather, starts shouting, and won’t hear anything I say; also, it’s much harder for me to cite specific instances without past emails and other writings in front of me. DI probably won’t read any of this until today. It may not help; people who are incapable of using logic are less likely to be flattened by it than to simply deny it proves anything. But at least I’ve given him the feedback he always says he wants. I may get my head ripped off and handed to me at tomorrow’s practice.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    May 23, 2001

    getting googly-eyed

    I don’t believe it -- I got Googled on lesbian pancakes. I believe it was the entry where I said that I don’t tend to write about them, so somebody’s disappointed. That’s ok; I’m sure they found Badsnake first and got their pancake jones satisfied.

    But the even weirder hit was for "self + bondage". What’s that about? (Aside from another disappointed reader, because I suspect I’d written something like "I’m not into bondage, myself.") What would that look like? Do you tie yourself up and try to masturbate? Do you then taunt yourself because you can’t reach the good spots? Do you flagellate yourself like a medieval monk? Do you talk dirty to yourself in the process? Imagine the dialogue: "You’re my bitch, aren’t you?" "Yes, Mistress." Very surreal, when there’s only one person in the room.)

    And what do you do if you’ve tied yourself up so thoroughly you can’t get untied? Scream for help and deal with the embarassment? Hop down to the kitchen for a knife, dragging the headboard along? Nope, call me unimaginative, but I still can’t figure this one out.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    rowing program people issues

    Welcome to All-Rowing, all the time. At least it feels that way sometimes. This morning’s practice was very good: I was in a Women’s 8, doing lots of drills, with Yosemite Sam coaching. He was clearly working hard at giving very specific feedback to each person in the boat, including positive feedback; I wasn’t the only one to thank him after practice.

    YSam has an intensity that scares a lot of Beginners off, but it’s not out of place for the Competitive class. He sent out an e-mail yesterday, to all of us, that I thought really put himself on the line. He’s gotten a lot of complaints from Beginners and Intermediates, and, I think, misinterpreted an incident in the Fitness class yesterday; he thought people opted out of rowing under his supervision, when it was really that another person had showed up, allowing them to take a bigger boat. His email stated that he’d taken himself out of coaching the Beginners and Intermediates, and he wanted feedback on whether we thought his attitude was appropriately professional. I replied that while his intensity did scare some learners, we in the Competitive class really appreciated his knowledge and dedication. T is sending him an even more complimentary note. Maybe he doesn’t belong with people just learning to row; he expects more than they’re ready to give. But at our level, he’s very good.

    Which is more than I can say for DI. Too many of us are fed up with his moodiness, unreliability, and poor planning. He says he welcomes feedback, but he’s more apt to take someone’s head off for it. It’s getting to the point that I’m pissed off at almost everything he says, which of course isn’t right either. Several of what I think of as the core people are planning to meet on Tuesday to discuss what we can do about him. We don’t want to get his kicked out; he’s got a passion for the sport that has gotten quite a few people hooked on rowing and he’s really put his heart in the Junior program (to the degree that I think it’s hurting the Masters rowers, in fact). We need to figure out our own way to lead from within, to keep his vision but have the planning work done by those of us who can actually do it well, and to make sure we’re getting accurate information from the city about our program.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    May 22, 2001

    weights in marn-view

    So I went to the House of Torture this morning, otherwise known as my gym and now my shoulder hurts. Which is odd, because I was doing squat and stuff today to work on my legs, eh. Still, I was feeling pretty good, realizing that I’m now squatting three-quarters my weight, up from the half I started with.

    There I was, feeling like a stud muffaletta, when I made my Fatal Mistake. I looked in the mirror. I was only intending to check my form, but of course the first thing I saw was the unspeakable gut bulge, not large but unmistakably there. And I think it was taunting me, letting me know a year of rowing and a few months in the gym weren’t going to pry loose a lifelong companion. I think if my belly button could stick out a tongue, it would have.

    Part of the Marn Birthday collaboration

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    May 21, 2001

    Psychic twins

    Either I have a psychic twin somewhere, or I don’t understand how Google works. Three of my recent Google hits are:

    • maccoll joy of living
    • like meat loves salt
    • dichroic earrings

    I know I’ve done those searches, but I can’t imagine anyone else would. I mean, presumably there are other people interested in Ewan MacColl’s song, The Joy of Living, or Si Kahn’s song Like Butter Loves Bread (and you’ve never heard of either, I know, which helps prove my point), and even in dichroic glass earrings, or none of those would be for sale. But how many people search Google for them?

    Caveat: I think "like meat loves salt" is also from a fairy tale, similar to King Lear, when a father asks his daughters how much they love him. But still.

    Dichroic glass earrings, in fact, are not only on my ears even as I type, but were on my mind when I started this diary. Hence the title.

    I have no reason to think all three searches, or even any two, were from the same person. But still.

    Maybe I should mention here how much I like Stan Rogers, or Edith Nesbit, or the Polly of Pebbly Pit series (girls’ books ca. 1920), or Snyders of Hanover Sourdough Hard Pretzels, or Dorothy Sayers (well, she’s not that obscure!) and see if any other psychic twins turn up.

    Sign the guestbook, if you do.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    New blisters, no arugula

    Rowing this morning was fun! There were 11 people present so Yosemite Sam decided to have us row an eight. (Actually, I think he was ticked that more people didn’t show, but it is a Monday, after all. 4AM on a Monday morning is an ugly, ugly thing.) I offered to row a single so that one more person could row in the eight, and he happily took me up on it. For complicated reasons, I’m not technically rowing with the program when I’m in my (privately-owned) single, so I didn’t get any coaching, but YSam did suggest I do the same workout as the rest of the class, 4x12 minutes at 60%, changing the rate every 4 minutes. YSam was also very careful to ask whether I needed help carrying my boat. I’m proud to say I carried it to and from the water myself (it’s only 31 lbs, but a bit unwieldy at 29 feet long) but I did ask for help getting it on and off the rack -- too much risk of damaging my boat or someone else’s in the tight rack space.

    Anyway, I had a very nice row all by myself in the sunrise on calm reflective water (except when the coahcing launch waked me). Of course, I was still working hard enough for this to not be the serene experience a lot of people expect rowing to be, and I have blisters on almost every finger to prove it.

    We coached Beginner and Intermediate classes on both weekend days. Other than that, Saturday was mostly spent napping. On Sunday, I did some errands, including food-shopping. I ended up doing my shopping at the local high-end market, instead of my normal one, just because I was close to it. Even this one doesn’t sell arugula, by the way, which is why I hate recipes containing it. They do have an impressive selection of sauces, salsa, and spice mixtures, and a decent wine aisle (at least, as far as my limited knowledge of wine can tell). I don’t think it’s much more expesive than a normal market if you buy normal stuff, and they did have all our regular brands, even though the selection of non-edibles was much smaller. The cost skyrockets, though, when I’m tempted to buy all the cool stuff my regualr market doesn’t carry. They had the best selection from the Republic of Tea I’ve ever seen, so I indulged in a bit of that (their loose tea lasts forever, so the cost amortizes out) and some lemon-basil grilling sauce I was thinking of having over shrimp and pasta.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    May 20, 2001

    Killer classes

    Both classes this morning went....I would say ‘swimmingly’ but I don’t want to imply anybody fell in the lake. Our Intermediate class is pretty cool but the Beginners really ROCK! For one thing this was the 6th class (of 8) and 15 of our original 16 people showed up. It’s pretty much unheard of not to have about half the class dropped out by this point. Possibly T and I can take some credit (for not scaring them off, at least) but we had awfully good raw materials to work with. I hope a bunch of these people stay with rowing over the longer term, and end up in races and all that.

    Had some trouble watching Gladiator last night, with the new laptop’s DVD hooked up to the TV -- the whole setup would go black and we’d have to reboot. I think it might have been that the monitor was set to black out after 15 minutes, and went a bit paranoid trying to do that and play the movie, both at the same time. I’ve set it to "never shut off" when plugged in, and hope that will fix it.

    T is off flying at the moment; time for me to do all the errands I generally don’t have time for.


    Posted by dichroic at 01:31 PM

    May 19, 2001

    Joey and Maria’s wedding rowing classes

    Joey and Maria’s Wedding was hilarious. Yosemite Sam was good in it as the priest and the Godfather but another of the rowers was even better in it, as the drunken bridesmaid Tina. She is on the extremely chesty side, and I was amazed she didn’t pop out of her dress while reeling around. (Side digression: I was going to refer to her as RowerJew, as she’s been known to affect a More Jewish Than Thou attitude. However, I don’t like to use a nom that could be interpreted as anti-Semitic, and I don’t want to have to explain that I’m Jewish every time I refer to her. Maybe I’ll just call her Drunk Tina. Or maybe I’ll stop worrying about what people might think. Yeah, right, that will happen soon.)

    All of the guys playing ushers were pretty funny and very alive, though I don’t know any of them. That could change, as one of them asked one of the women (ExecuRower) with us for her phone number. We never did figure out if he was asking for real or as part of the show.

    This morning was windy and rough out on the lake; we took the Intermendiates out in an eight and let them deal with it, which they did with gusto, if not with style. It’s good practice for them, both in just rowing in rougher water (which we always seem to get for regattas) and in trying not to let the extra challenge make them lose good form. It did, of course, but they’re still new enough at this not to have consistently good form. It’s all good practice. We didn’t let the beginners go out at all -- too rough for people who havennn’t even done a full stroke yet. Instead, we worked with them on the ergs, and made them do calisthenics. We teach them the basic stroke on the erg before they ever go out on the water; I think it’s valuable for them to try it again once they have some experience of being in a real boat. If I could have chosen, I’d have given them one or two more days in the boat before doing this, though.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    May 18, 2001

    Ain’t Got No

    Rowing this morning left me with no lungs (we raced), meetings are leaving me with no time, and a jerk on the list I manage is leaving me with no patience.

    Back later.

    It’s later: I had sent a note to the list-jerk yesterday, asking him to moderate his tone. This is a guy who has a ton of obscure factual information, on a list that values that, but he frequently comes across as saying, essentially, "I know all and you know dick". This has recently been annoying even some of our calmest members. Yesterday’s note to him was as tactful as I could make it -- apparently too tactful, as he was worse than ever this morning and I had two new complaints about him. I sent messages to the complainers, telling them I had tried once to rein him in and would be doing so again.

    The problem: I accidentally sent one of those to the whole list. Oooops. fortunately, it wasn’t pejorative in tone, except that I did refer to him using the nickname by which he’s known among his unfans. ("Laptop Lad", a reference to his .sig. Not too horrid, thank whatever gods patrol the Internet.)

    However, my embarrassing blunder may have been fortuitous: he certainly has shaped up this afternoon!

    I must say, this list was run quite a bit more professionally before Mechaieh retired, although at least the other 300+ members are too polite to tell me so.

    Tonight we’re going to see Joey and Maria’s Comedy Italian Wedding, which is basically a big Italian wedding where the audience plays the guests. I’m told it’s a lot more fun when the audience gets into the spirit of things. I may pass on the Electric Slide, however.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    May 17, 2001

    new laptop

    Calloo! Callay!!

    I’m writing this on a new laptop, instead of my 7-year-old Mac. This is the first time I’ve bought a computer all by myself -- T and I split the Mac. It’s also the first time in quite a while that my cable codem has been faster than, say, a 14.4 dialup -- the Mac has some kind of conflict we haven’t been able to figure out, though it was plenty fast when we first had the cable installed.

    Life is good. Not cheap, but good.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:31 PM

    every body’s special

    Gym this morning, arms. Typing isn’t as difficult as I thought it would be, so I guess I could have lifted heavier weights. T and I were talking last night, and apparently I lift about half what he does, on almost every exercise. I can live with that. I was also realizing that on some exercises, I’ve doubled the weight I started out with. Not bad.

    T and a lot of others keep telling me that when they work out they find they have more energy the rest of the day. I’m still waiting for that to happen. Possibly my body doesn’t work that way.

    Actually, one very interesting part of all this rowing and other exercising, and hanging out with others who do the same, has been finding out how differently everyone’s body seems to function. Some people prefer long steady-state pieces, in rowing; I find harder short ones much easier (and less boring). T seems to crave large amounts of protein in his diet; I’m sure that I could use more than I get, but my body seems very happy with a much higher level of carbohydrates (don’t worry, a lot of those are complex carbs, in fruits or vegetables). Only very rarely do I get cravings for red meat. The other problem is that my innards are so finicky that I have to be very careful about what I eat the night before rowing. My guts don’t like early mornings, anyhow, so nothing greasy or too heavy for me. T seemed to have no problem with the Cajun food we had last night but I’m glad I wasn’t rowing this morning.

    Mostly I go MWF and he goes TTF; we’d rather row on the same day, but more lightweight women tend to show on Mondays and Wednesdays, while his quad meets Tuesdays and Thursdays. Anyway, we each go to the gym on non-rowing days, and our gym is still in its pre-opening phase. They’re only got one erg (rowing machine), which we both use for warmup. When we joined in January, the gym was supposed to be fully open by April; now they’re telling us the grand opening is July 14. Blah. Meanwhile, we have only some of the equipment crammed into about half of what will be the full area. The major advantage to this is that it was cheap to join, and we only have a month-to-month committment. I absolutely refuse to participate in the scams some gyms run, requiring you to pay for three years up front, and sign over your firstborn child and video rights to your soul.

    I thought I didn’t have much to say today. I’m afraid I’ve now gone and proved that, in a distressingly large number of words.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    May 16, 2001

    Fed up with the Coach

    Busy in meetings all morning. Whew. Busy at work is definitely better than not-busy, though, by a large amount.

    Practice this morning was mostly drills: pause drills, where you stop for about 3 seconds at a predefined point in the stroke and hold it, and a tricky advanced drill known for some odd reason as "cutting the cake". Pause drills depending on where you pause, can help with any number of things: quick hands away, swinging all eight bodies together, balance, clean catches, timing. We do them a lot, at every level from Intermediate on up. "Cutting the cake" consists of alternating a normal stroke, then a quick arms-only stroke with the blade in the air instead of in the water. It’s tricky to keep together, and works on timing, balance, and quick arms.

    Once again, DI didn’t show and we had only Yosemite Sam to work with. Not altogether a bad thing, as YSam is perfectly capable of coaching a class by himself, and has been much more pleasant to work with lately. Also, DI has probably been staying late, working with his precious Juniors. Still, though, it’s not fair for DI not to show up without notice, to us or to YSam. He’s been doing that a lot lately, and between that, his uncertain temper, general irresponsibility (like not looking for chaperones for a Juniors’ regatta trip until less than a week before) and the fact that he’s feeding us a lot of wrong information, I think it’s getting toward time to Do Something. ‘Something’ would probably be a meeting with his boss at the city, either with or without prior notification to DI. Unpleasant (though his boss is very nice and very interested) but it looks like it may be necessary.

    Actually, his boss is very, very nice; I just got off the phone with her (on unrelated matters). She was telling me how she and her husband head up North on their motorcycles every weekend. She’s in her mid- to late-forties, small, ashy blonde, cheerful. Picturing her on a Harley (her own, too, not riding shotgun) definitely adds a new dimension to my mental image. I love talking to cool older women, because it shows me the breadth of my possible futures.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    May 15, 2001

    The best but shadows, the worst no worse

    On collabs: I’ve decided not to "join" one after perusing and realizing how many projects and idea-sparks there are out there that require no membership. It’s not that I actually mind the committment; it’s that I don’t like the idea of being shackled to a collab some of whose topics may not spark me. That said, here’s an entry for Ampersand’s current topic:

    "The best in this kind are but shadows, and the worst/ are no worse, if imagination amend them." - A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare

    Jung may have been right.

    The things of old lore call out

    to the deepest-buried shadows boiling

    well behind our thoughts.

    It is not clear; do they call out

    a reaction or a self’s reflexion?

    I have known Faerie feared and loved and both.

    Spoken of in whispers as the Good Folk

    and doors thereto sought in the hillsides

    under moonlight.

    And Voodoun as well:

    another set of clothes for Christian saints?

    or devils working evil on their dupes?

    or Riders, neither good nor bad,

    but caring nothing for humanity

    save as a source of horses?

    Puck and the phooka, manitou, mermaid,

    And all the many guises of the Raven:

    good or evil, mere blind power,

    or just a desperate cry

    that This Is Not All There Is?

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    the parameters of my life: diary, gym, rowing, work

    morning 2001-05-15 dgrw.html
    the parameters of my life: diary, gym, rowing, work

    Mechaieh is definitely right about the Sarah-and-Regina dialog. Go read it. (If you’re a guy, it counts as a Continuing Male Education credit.) I wish there were a way to list non-Diaryland diaries in the favorites here; Tomato Nation looks pretty cool. If Evilena does move her stuff to her new server, I’ll definitely set up a pitas page so I can point to it.

    No rowing today: weightlifting, legs. I didn’t do any lifting at all last week, but was squatting with 80 pounds today, so apparently that wasn’t a problem. I will report, though, that leftover strawberries, even if you have melted chocolate and leftover whipped cream to dip them into, should probably not be considered ‘dinner’. Especially if you’re working out the next morning.

    In rowing news, I think that we, the more junior coaches are going to revolt against DI’s leadership. We knew he kept contradicting himself, but T spoke with his boss at the city yesterday, and it turns out pretty much everything else he’s been telling us is wrong, too. We’ll work directly with the city people wherever possible, and will probably come up with our own handout for beginners. T and I had worked a bit on this already, but DI’s been promising to do one for months. Of course, he’s been promising me a T-shirt to replace one I lent to someone who coxed for us in a race since November, so there you go.

    I have a presentation to give at work today; it’s on QA stuff, so I do hope people actually show up. Munchies will be provided, a powerful inducement.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    May 14, 2001

    should I or shouldn’t I?

    I’ve been toying with the idea of joining a collaborations, and have been amazed at how many are out there:

    Several require participation every month, some only most months. Storyteller asks for fiction, while some of the others will accept essays or poetry or even pictorial art. At least one, misanthropic, has no capital letters on its site, and comes complete with so many misspellings I’m not inclined to check out its archives.

    I haven’t joined one only because I can’t quite figure out why I want to. Then again, I still can’t figure out why I want to keep a journal but obviously, 95 entries and over 1000 visits on, (thanks for reading this!) I do. As I’ve said before, I’m not on an active quest to improve my writing, though I’m happy if that’s a side effect. I’m not trying to be a writer; I am one, sort of, in that a writer is a person who writes, as a rower is a person who rows, but I’m only slightly more likely to write a book than I am to compete in the Olympics.

    On the other hand, obviously I enjoy writing here, or I wouldn’t do so much of it; possibly I would enjoy working on a collab. And that’s certainly enough reason.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    oar-breaking wenches and underwear

    It’s Monday, so it was distance day -- adding insult to injury. I was only in for one 20-minute piece though, and was swapped out to cox. Did 2000m on the erg at work to make up for the short workout. The most amusing part of practice was when Egret, T2 Hatfield’s sig O, broke an oar. The oars are carbon fiber, so breaking one is a synonym for sheer brutish strength (I should mention here that she’s about 5’4" and may weigh less than I do -- she’s built like the runner she is). She didn’t really break the material of course -- what happened was that a screw may have been loose, so the handle snapped out of the shaft. But that’s no reason not to give her -- and T2 -- serious shit about it.

    I’m still trying to come up with a more descriptive nom for T; so far "Petrus" is the best idea I’ve had, for his utter trustworthiness. He’s been considering buying a uni (unisuit -- sort of a tank top and shorts one-pieve combo, but less goofy looking than what wrestlers wear). For a guy who generally will not wear lycra, rarely wears tank tops, and almost never takes his shirt off in public except when required (say, for windsurfing) this is a big step, and he was somewhat taken aback when I pointed out that jockey shorts would show a very visible line in a uni. He is now reconsidering the options. I have a feeling that, in his usual suspenders-and-belt fashion, he’ll decide to wear underwear and wear loose shorts over the uni when he’s not actually rowing. At least that will hide the lines.

    I’ve finally gotten some seriously study done, for a test to get a professional certification which I’m scheduled to take June 9. I would very much like to pass it first try, as I would probably have to travel to retake it.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    May 13, 2001

    the queen of tarts

    The strawberry-kiwi tarts went over well, expunging, I hope, the memory or the horrid brownies I had fed some of these people a month ago. (How, I beg to know, can brownie mix go bad?)

    Anyway, the tarts were both easy and impressive and required only assembling, rather than cooking. From bottom to top: start with ice-cream cone bowls, from the supermarket. Melt some of that chocolate stuff that makes a hard shell on fruit (Dolci Frutti was the brand name) and smear some around each bowl. Whip cream -- I made a pint, but a cup would have been enough. This is not a problem, since I never mind having extra whipped cream -- I can eat it out of the bowl (or off of T, for that matter). About 4 tablespoons in each bowl seemed about right. Top with sliced strawberries and kiwi. I’d have used raspberries and avoided all that slicing but the market didn’t have any and strawberries were cheap.

    In other news, I finally bought a new computer: a laptop, ordered direct from Compaq so I can get the version of Office I want without paying $600 for it. Estimated delivery is May 23, so don’t expect rhapsodizing about it any time soon.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    May 12, 2001

    Off to coach

    Off to coaching, which should be fun, and a coaches’ meeting, which won’t. (Meetings != fun, almost by definition.) Then chores, then margaritas and fruit tarts. Even with the coaching job, I love weekends.

    Later: no, the coaching meeting wasn’t fun. And I had a moment of sheer gutlessness when DI asked if we were still finding coaching fun. I replied. "Yes, the coaching is still fun." Naturally everyone’s next question was "So what isn’t fun then?" but I wriggled off with a lame comment about how waking up at 4 always sucks. After all, a large part of my discontent is that DI keeps making comments that make it sound like my rowing sucks. Though I don’t believe in that summation, the individual things he’s talking about are true (based on what I can tell and some feedback from T, who was coxing yesterday). And though DI could be a lot more helpful, the problems with my rowing are my own and not a fault of any other coaches. (Of course, then there are the other annoyances from DI, but I just didn’t feel like getting into them.)

    Meanwhile, I am assembling strawberry-kiwi tarts to take over T2 Hatfield’s later on. Yum.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:31 AM

    May 11, 2001

    wild weekend and a better way to travel

    The weekend is approaching....yeee-haaa! Time for some serious dissipation. We may go to the gym or food-shopping tonight -- out of the house after work, that counts as dissipation, right?

    Time also for all that stuff I can’t eat before rowing. I might be really crazy tonight and have some (gasp) popcorn. I had greasy junk food for lunch today. And tomorrow, we’re going over T2 Hatfield’s to hang out and drink margaritas. I’m gonna have me a ("a" as in "one") drink! Only one, because I still have to coach at 7AM Sunday. Tequila and waking up early don’t mix well for me. Hits me in the gut -- I’ll be glad in some future science-fictiony time when someone has figured out how to put bathrooms in our rowing shells. This will probably be after they put them in cars, which would also be nice.

    Just imagine the 5-hour Phoenix to LA trip, say, when we get the cars SF writers have been telling us about for years. Here’s how I picture it:

    ==wavy fadeout here==

    Dichroic and T load up the car and get in. While he programs the destination, she stacks up the CDs. They make a quick stop to pick up some friends, then settle in to the comfortable armchairs around a table, while the autopilot sets a course. The car battery has been charging overnight, and no fueling stop is needed. They draw the curtains -- the sun’s a little too bright and they’ve seen this scenery too many times. One person reclines his seat and puts on a noise canceling headset and is soon asleep. Everyone else grabs a beer or a coke, and talks or reads. For while, two people play a video game. The trip is smooth enough (the car is hovering) that reading causes no queasiness.

    After a while, Dichroic asks, "Anyone want some popcorn?" The answer is affirmative, and she tosses a bag in the microwave (yes, it’s microwave popcorn and I prefer the real stuff, but you can’t expect all the comforts of home on the road. An hour later, the beer has an effect on Dichroic - she says, "Scuse me" and worms into the tiny closet in back. She comes out in a minute, looks out the window, and says, "We’re passing through Quartzite now -- about halfway there." She leans on T and falls asleep.

    ==fade back in== Of course, you’d have the option of manual control of the vehicle, off the major highways, and of looking outside when you’ve got less boring scenery.

    Doesn’t that sound like a better way to travel?

    Posted by dichroic at 06:31 PM

    Sport bra rants

    Rowing this morning was supposed to be 6x 10 minutes at 80%, but we ended up cutting it slightly short because someone was taken ill. Not sure of the details because I was in the other end of the boat, but she was bad enough to need someone to drive her home. T and I talked about it, and decided Yosemite Sam probably did the right thing getting us off the water early, because someone needed to stay with the sick rower and it was safer not to have to divide his attention. Because coaches need feedback too, I told him (YSam) today that if he’d been making an effort to be more positive while coaching, it was definitely noticeable. He seemed to take that as the compliment I intended.

    In the boat this morning, I started thinking about how many women wear two sports bras, or a bra under a tight supportive shirt. Why is that? I mean, it’s not like those puppies are squirming around and trying to escape. Obviously, some just need the extra support -- there are bras that are supposed to provide enough support for aanyone but I’m sure they’re not cheap, so it might be more cost effective to wear two old ones. But what about the rest of the women, those without, um, unusually large support requirements? Rowing is not exactly a high-impact sport -- boats don’t bounce. And with summer temperatures approaching, some of those double-layered outfits look pretty damned hot.

    Next question: why can’t someone build a sports bra that doesn’t chafe under the arms? You’d think it would be obvious that they would be worn during exercise (that is, while the wearer is moving a lot) and that women who exercise are quite likely to build up shoulder and pectoral muscles. The worst was the one I wore Tuesday, from Moving Comfort. They were so careful to build the thing so that there would be no seams against the skin, but they left a bump at the top of one external seam that left a welt so painful I had to tape it for Wednesday’s row. Maybe it’s because they design for runners, who don’t have to move their arms as much or as close to the body. Or maybe it was a brilliant idea that wasn’t thoroughly tested in the real world.

    My rock-climbing bra works better, because it’s cut much lower on the sides, away from the underarms. It also almost makes me look like I have cleavage, but really, I swear, that’s not why I like it. The sad thing is that a lined top I have from Regatta Sport, designed for rowing, mind you, also cuts into my underarms whenever I wear it for actual rowing. Whatever were they thinking? Rowing women have shoulders, and a company designing clothes for us should know that. Maybe I’ll just give up on the actual bras and just try some tight tank tops. After all, it’s not like support is an issue here -- though I may regret that when we jog up after taking oars down to the water. Or I could use it as a reason not to jog. Much better idea.

    By the way, am I imagining this, or are half the women who journal on D-land all menstruating at the same time? Yes, moi aussi. I seem to have been reading an awful lot about bleeding in the past few days.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    May 10, 2001

    Self-destructing antiperspirant, pretzels, and the usual rowing

    morning 2001-05-10 antipersp.html
    Self-destructing antiperspirant, pretzels, and the usual rowing

    Rowing today was mostly drills again (Mon/Tues=distance, Wed/Thur=drills, Fri=speed work) but today was sort of amusing. Picture me, all 5’1" and 118 pounds of me, in bow seat, with seven other people in the boat ranging from about 160 to about 220 pounds. No wonder my catches weren’t great -- I wouldn’t be surprised if I was actually sitting up in the air part of the time.

    On the "making rowing more fun" request yesterday, I suspect a lot of people asked for more positive feedback, and to mix the stronger rowers in with everyone else, instead of always letting the 4 best of the guys go off in a quad. DI was clearly trying to be a bi more upbeat today, and T and his usual quad were in the eight with us (as opposed, say, to having a Men’s Quad and a Mixed Four).

    I should tell Phelps that there is one thing more frustrating than a Food Trudge: that would be not having time to do a Food Trudge, and having to put it, along with everythign else, off to the weekend. Because of having to go to bed so soon after getting home from work, it takes me two freakin’ nights to do a couple loads of laundry. I was able to make a quick stop at the local drugstore to stock up on a couple of things I couldn’t wait until the weekend to buy. One of these was antipersperant (yes, it’s a necessity -- they’re predicting a high of 105 again here today), which I had to replace after the old one self-destructed in my gym bag. The odd thing is that the lid was on, yet the tiny remaining bit of waxy white stuff was strewn across the front panel and in the pockets of the gym bag. I’m still not sure how it escaped. Antiperspirant and hair gel are the two hardest things to clean out of the crevices of your stuff.

    The major disadvantage of going to the drugstore instead of the supermarket is that they don’t carry much in the way of pretzels. I don’t function well for long without pretzels. (They are one of the major food groups, right?) There are some other brands I like that seem to be sold only on the East Coast, but the best-tasting kind you can get out here are Snyders of Hanover Sourdough Hard Pretzels. If I quit keeping a box in my desk drawer, I’d probably lose 5 pounds in a month. Luckily for me, I’m not trying to lose 5 pounds. Mmmmmmmmm.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 AM

    May 09, 2001


    Notoriety has hit. I’ve been mentioned in Badsnake’s journal.

    I’ve also gotten another Google hit; this one was for "Episcopalian wedding readings". Which leaves me wondering which of my readers would be more confused: the engaged Episcopalian or the person looking for the local sex-toy shop? Hell, maybe it’s the same person, planning for the honeymoon after the Episcopalian wedding.

    So here’s my take on both: yes, the Castle is fairly clean and not too sleazy, and you do see both men and women there, not to mention some extremely amusing windup toys. And for the wedding, I implore you, skip the overdone Corinthians bit. If you want Shakespeare, admit some impediments to the marriage of true minds and find a less-known sonnet -- preferably, one that admits that love can change and grow. (I like "My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun", but that may be too realistic for the idealism of a wedding.) Or use something of Donne’s. (I like "Busy old fool, unruly sun", but saying that you didn’t want to get out of bed to be there, on your wedding day, is probably not the best way to make pleasant memories for the distant relatives.)

    To come back full circle: I thought of mentioning the correspondence between Badsnake’s descriptions and coxing a race to some of the other rowers, but somehow, it’s not the easiest conversation to start at 5 AM ("Hey, everybody, I was reading this polyamorous lesbian’s journal and she was writing about why she likes whips and handcuffs, and you know, it’s just like what we do!" Pause to define "polyamorous".)

    Actually, almost no conversation is easy to start at 5AM, except those revolving around sleep or the lack thereof.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    rowing, bondage, and other sex

    Practice today was mostly drills, as expected on a Wednesday. I got swapped out into the launch for half of it. While riding there with DI and Yosemite Sam, I got the only feedback they gave me today, and it was conflicting, not to mention the complete opposite of what YSam told me yesterday. Possibilities: a) DI doesn’t like me and it shows in his opinions; b) DI didn’t look at me today and is just repeating the last thing he noticed, which would have to be a few weeks ago; c) YSam was on Ecstacy yesterday and that’s why he was so nice; d) I really didn’t have good body control today even though I did yesterday, possibly because of fighting to keep the boat set during the drills we were doing. Probably d). Sigh.

    After practice, DI asked us to email him one suggestion to make practice more fun – he even said we could do it anonymously. Ha. If I emailed him anonymously there would be a hell of a lot more than one suggestion. Man, am I tempted.

    Reading Badsnake’s entry yesterday struck a nerve. That sort of shocked me, because she was talking about the reason she and Sara are so into BDSM, something in which I’ve never really had much interest. What she said, though, was an exact, precise analogy to coxing a four or n eight in a race; the rowers are in quite a bit of pain, but you know they deeply want to get the fastest time of which they’re capable. It’s the coxswain’s job to help them dig down, fight through the pain, and pull out whatever they’ve got in them.

    That last phrase is unfortunately evocative of the time I got puked on during a race.

    In slightly related news, yesterday the governor of my state signed a bill that repeals the “archaic sex laws”. It is now legal in this state to engage in oral sex, sodomy, and other non-procreational sex, and to cohabitate outside marriage. Opponents claimed that repealing the law would hurt the family, which I don’t quite understand. Did they think that if anal sex was illegal, all the gay men who were doing it would go off and find women and happily make babies instead? (In the missionary position only, presumably.) Or that heterosexual couples who had oral sex were less likely to conceive? Very strange. Anyway, y’all can come have sex in our state now. In any position you want.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:54 AM

    May 08, 2001

    rowing, bondage, and other sex

    Practice today was mostly drills, as expected on a Wednesday. I got swapped out
    into the launch for half of it. While riding there with DI and Yosemite Sam, I got
    the only feedback they gave me today, and it was conflicting, not to
    mention the complete opposite of what YSam told me yesterday. Possibilities: a)
    DI doesnÕt like me and it shows in his opinions; b) DI didnÕt look at me today and
    is just repeating the last thing he noticed, which would have to be a few weeks
    ago; c) YSam was on Ecstacy yesterday and thatÕs why he was so nice; d) I really
    didnÕt have good body control today even though I did yesterday, possibly because
    of fighting to keep the boat set during the drills we were doing. Probably d).

    After practice, DI asked us to email him one suggestion to make
    practice more fun – he even said we could do it anonymously. Ha. If I emailed him
    anonymously there would be a hell of a lot more than one suggestion. Man, am I

    Reading href="">BadsnakeÕs entry yesterday
    struck a nerve. That sort of shocked me, because she was talking about the reason
    she and Sara are so into BDSM, something in which IÕve never really had much
    interest. What she said, though, was an exact, precise analogy to coxing a four or
    n eight in a race; the rowers are in quite a bit of pain, but you know they deeply
    want to get the fastest time of which theyÕre capable. ItÕs the coxswainÕs job to
    help them dig down, fight through the pain, and pull out whatever theyÕve got in

    That last phrase is unfortunately evocative of the time I got
    puked on during a race.

    In slightly related news, yesterday the
    governor of my state signed a bill that repeals the "archaic sex laws". It is now
    legal in this state to engage in oral sex, sodomy, and other non-procreational
    sex, and to cohabitate outside marriage. Opponents claimed that repealing the law
    would hurt the family, which I donÕt quite understand. Did they think that if anal
    sex was illegal, all the gay men who were doing it would go off and find women and
    happily make babies instead? (In the missionary position only, presumably.) Or
    that heterosexual couples who had oral sex were less likely to conceive? Very
    strange. Anyway, yÕall can come have sex in our state now. In any position you

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Rowing in the twilight zone

    Help! My coach has been abducted by aliens!

    Do you remember the
    storyline in the old Bloom County comic strip where Steve Dallas got abducted by a
    spaceship and returned a different person, as if he'd had Alan Alda's personality
    grafted into his body? It was sort of like that.

    Coach DI didn't
    show up this morning, and we had a fairly small turnout -- just Yosemite Sam, a
    Mixed Eight and a Men's Quad. This morning's workout wasn't too heinous; 2x20
    minutes at 60% plus 1 10-minute piece, also at 60%. It would have been 3
    twenties, but we ran out of time. (I almost said the workout was fairly easy, but
    then got up and walked to the restroom; from the lead weight of my legs, and the 5
    blisters on my hands, it wasn't all that light.) We got on the water on time; one
    of Y. Sam's virtues is punctuality.

    Sam split his time evenly
    between the two boats, which in itself is unusual (the Men's Quad generally gets
    very little coaching, presumably on the theory that they're good enough to correct
    themselves), but the really spooky thing was that he said very little. He made a
    few comments about hand heights and timing, and one joke with our coxswain, but
    that was it. T said, "He followed us for a while and I've never seen Sam go so
    long without saying anything." Even odder than that, he complimented us -- he
    told us we were doing very well, and when I asked if my body control is getting
    better, he told me it was and that the only flaw is that I was looking around too
    much. (Well, I was, and only part of it was because I nee to start wearing
    sunglasses now that the sun rises early in our practice.) But it was ....

    Now, don't get me wrong; I am not complaining. Most of
    the things Y. Sam did this morning are things we've all wanted our coaches to do
    for some time: getting us on and off the water on time, so we can have a full
    practice and still not get to work late; paying attention to all boats out there;
    telling us what we're doing right. Also, he spoke privately to one rower about
    something she'd been doing wrong, off the water so he could explain something
    complex, and not at top volume in front of everybody. SheÕs still fairly new at
    this and that was the perfect way to handle it. But it was downright strange to
    have Sam so quiet. It was a very good practice, but not uniformly outstanding, and
    there were certainly some things he could have corrected.

    possibility is that it was deliberate; sometimes rowers start to tune out if a
    coach makes too many comments, so it can be good, during steady-state distance
    pieces, to be quiet and let people try to fix their own failings. T and I, when
    our classes get a bit farther along, like to do lots of drills Saturday then just
    let people row on Sunday. So maybe he was quiet on purpose.

    But it
    was still spooky.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Rowing in the twilight zone

    Help! My coach has been abducted by aliens!

    Do you remember the storyline in the old Bloom County comic strip where Steve Dallas got abducted by a spaceship and returned a different person, as if he’d had Alan Alda’s personality grafted into his body? It was sort of like that.

    Coach DI didn’t show up this morning, and we had a fairly small turnout -- just Yosemite Sam, a Mixed Eight and a Men’s Quad. This morning’s workout wasn’t too heinous; 2x20 minutes at 60% plus 1 10-minute piece, also at 60%. It would have been 3 twenties, but we ran out of time. (I almost said the workout was fairly easy, but then got up and walked to the restroom; from the lead weight of my legs, and the 5 blisters on my hands, it wasn’t all that light.) We got on the water on time; one of Y. Sam’s virtues is punctuality.

    Sam split his time evenly between the two boats, which in itself is unusual (the Men’s Quad generally gets very little coaching, presumably on the theory that they’re good enough to correct themselves), but the really spooky thing was that he said very little. He made a few comments about hand heights and timing, and one joke with our coxswain, but that was it. T said, "He followed us for a while and I’ve never seen Sam go so long without saying anything." Even odder than that, he complimented us -- he told us we were doing very well, and when I asked if my body control is getting better, he told me it was and that the only flaw is that I was looking around too much. (Well, I was, and only part of it was because I nee to start wearing sunglasses now that the sun rises early in our practice.) But it was .... spooky.

    Now, don’t get me wrong; I am not complaining. Most of the things Y. Sam did this morning are things we’ve all wanted our coaches to do for some time: getting us on and off the water on time, so we can have a full practice and still not get to work late; paying attention to all boats out there; telling us what we’re doing right. Also, he spoke privately to one rower about something she’d been doing wrong, off the water so he could explain something complex, and not at top volume in front of everybody.She’s still fairly new at this and that was the perfect way to handle it. But it was downright strange to have Sam so quiet. It was a very good practice, but not uniformly outstanding, and there were certainly some things he could have corrected.

    One possibility is that it was deliberate; sometimes rowers start to tune out if a coach makes too many comments, so it can be good, during steady-state distance pieces, to be quiet and let people try to fix their own failings. T and I, when our classes get a bit farther along, like to do lots of drills Saturday then just let people row on Sunday. So maybe he was quiet on purpose.

    But it was still spooky.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 AM

    May 07, 2001

    Spring in the desert

    This is a time of year when I get restless being cooped up indoors. It's a
    pleasure whenever I have to go to one of our other buildings, just to be outside
    and stretch my legs, and feel the breeze and smell the fresh-cut grass and the
    carefully tended flowers and even the new asphalt. Though very pretty, it's not as
    satisfying, in this highly landscaped office park, as being out in the desert and
    smelling sage and dust and creosote bushes. Still, it's outside, though in
    a more artificial rendition.

    It's already too hot for perfection, not
    the perfect temperatures we get earlier in the year. That just adds to the rush to
    be outside right now, to enjoy the time we have left to be out among the
    unstippled blue skies and all the shades of earth before the desert turns into the
    kiln that it is in June, our hottest month, and then glowers with the sullen
    sweaty heat and spectacular lightning-and-dust storms of July and August that
    bring such a brief bit of cooler air.

    I read something recently that
    described the 'uniform browns' of the Arizona desert. Either the writer had never
    been here, or she didn't stay long enough to learn to see the desert. It does take
    some acculturation to learn to see the desert properly. The Sonoran is very lush
    as deserts go, not with the bright green of Southern swamps or the calmer green of
    Northern forests, but with a more subtle mix of shades from true green to olive to

    Our landscaping plants, at least in places that don't
    have their own full-time gardeners, are different, too. Right now, among the
    houses, the jacaranda trees are in full lavender bloom. They're coming to the end
    of their short blooming cycle, so now there are contrasting green leaves among the
    flowers and the trees look like Mardi Gras beside the yellow blooms of the
    paloverdes. (At least I think they're paloverdes.) The saguaro, always last of
    the cactus to bloom, all have their buds on top that always make me think of hair
    sticking up on a head. I can see three different kinds of flowers from my desk at
    work, and there's a bird that occasionally stops on the outside of my windowsill.
    I can just barely hear him singing through the window. At home we have mourning
    doves, strange gray and pink birds whose babies have miraculously survived their
    parents' pitiful attempts at nest-building on our narrow porch beam this year.
    They're flying a bit now, so I think they'll make it.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    Long Beach, Legba, and Thrush Green

    Back from Long Beach. It was a fairly quiet weekend, as there were only 6 of us
    there -- the four guys in the quad, me, and the wife of one of the other guys.
    The Masters' race was only a half-day, following a Juniors' race in the morning.
    It didn't seem to be all that well-publicized, but was fairly well-run, with every
    race, unusually, going off exactly on time.


    Juniors: high school-aged, as opposed to collegiate.

    was 27 and older, but has now added a 21-26 age

    I don't quite understand why T2 Hatfield was
    obsessing the whole time about whether he wasn't good enough and was holding the
    rest of the crew back. He's been rowing only about a year, but has decent form, a
    lot of strength, and quite a bit of determination. It's true that one of the other
    guys in the boat -- who rowed in college -- is stronger, but T and T2 are a very
    well-matched pair in both ability and attitude. Especially in the pair, an
    extremely finicky boat, that can be more important than raw strength or even

    T2 seems to be getting very serious about his
    girlfriend, another rower. I'm glad to see that, because he reminds me very
    strongly of my best friend from college, Gymrat. Gymrat, like T2, concealed a very
    kind heart under sharp spiny sarcasm. Unfortunately, he's become bitter over the
    years, largely due to an involuntary celibacy. Now he's given up on women, turned
    to the pursuit of money, and become an "I got mine" sort of Republican (he used to
    be more of a Libertarian Republican). I have a hard time talking to him these
    days, which makes me very sad. I still keep trying, at least partly out of
    gratitude because he listened to me during my first heartbreak, when almost no one
    else would. Anyway, however this relationship works out, I'm hoping that just the
    routine presence of a woman in his life will protect T2 from that sort of

    Amazon came through for me, delivering my
    books a bare half-hour before we left. I spent a lot of time reading this weekend
    (the races were approximately 3 minutes long, with at least 10 minutes between!)
    alternating between a strange mix of Many Wade Wellman's Third Cry to Legba
    and Miss Read's Thrush Green.

    Legba is a
    collection of some of Wellman's John Thunstone and Corbett stories, which I had
    never read. Like his Silver John stories, which I love, the Thunstone stories
    (originally published in pulps like Weird Tales), display Wellman's knowledge of
    folklore. In both series, also, some of the characters, like folklorist and banjo
    player Bascomb Lamar Lunsford, were real people. The Silver John stories are all
    set in the Appalachians; the John Thunstone stories, mostly set in the diversity
    of New York city, more clearly display the breadth of Wellman's knowledge of myth
    and legend. His portrayal of voodoo as unavoidably evil bothers me --I'm more
    comfortable with Barbara Hambly's depiction of it as power than can be used
    according to the will of the worshipper -- but there are sympathetic portrayals of
    the American Indian and Inuit religions. All of Wellman's stories are occult,
    though I wouldn't class them as horror stories. For one thing, good always

    Thrush Green is a complete contrast: one
    idyllic May Day in the life of a Cotswalds village. Oddly, it's set in the 1950s,
    though written in the 1980s; the time shift shows in the wearing of hats and
    dresses, in the horse-drawn caravans of a traveling fair, and in a somehow more
    innocent feel than I think would be credible, even in a village, today. href="">Phelps is a big fan of Miss Read and had
    recommended her. I had once read a pleasant, odd little book, about some time in a
    small English village during which nothing much happened, from the small library
    of a hotel where we stayed for a few days in London. I thought it might be from
    the same series, but wasn't sure until I encountered Dotty Harmer, source of
    "Dotty's Collywobbles", an herbalist who is always making potions for her friends,
    with the best intentions, that invariably lead to food poisoning. She rather
    reminds me of one of the members of Charlotte MacLeod's Grub and Stakers, though
    the latter has somewhat better results.

    I ended up
    switching back and forth between the two books; despite the contrast, my weekend
    was the better for it.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:58 PM

    Spring in the desert

    This is a time of year when I get restless being cooped up indoors. It’s a pleasure whenever I have to go to one of our other buildings, just to be outside and stretch my legs, and feel the breeze and smell the fresh-cut grass and the carefully tended flowers and even the new asphalt. Though very pretty, it’s not as satisfying, in this highly landscaped office park, as being out in the desert and smalling sage and dust and creosote bushes. Still, it’s outside, though in a more artificial rendition.

    It’s already too hot for perfection, not the perfect temperatures we get earlier in the year. That just adds to the rush to be outside right now, to enjoy the time we have left to be out among the unstippled blue skies and all the shades of earth before the desert turns into the kiln that it is in June, our hottest month, and then glowers with the sullen sweaty heat and spectacular lightning-and-dust storms of July and August that bring such a brief bit of cooler air.

    I read something recently that described the ‘uniform browns’ of the Arizona desert. Either the writer had never been here, or she didn’t stay long enough to learn to see the desert. It does take some acculturation to learn to see the desert properly. The Sonoran is very lush as deserts go, not with the bright green of Southern swamps or the calmer green of Northern forests, but with a more subtle mix of shades from true green to olive to yellow-green.

    Our landscaping plants, at least in places that don’t have their own full-time gardeners, are different, too. Right now, among the houses, the jacaranda trees are in full lavender bloom. They’re coming to the end of their short blooming cycle, so now there are contrasting green leaves among the flowers and the trees look like Mardi Gras beside the yellow blooms of the paloverdes. (At least I think they’re paloverdes.) The saguaro, always last of the cactus to bloom, all have their buds on top that always make me think of hair sticking up on a head. I can see three different kinds of flowers from my desk at work, and there’s a bird that occasionally stops on the outside of my windowsill. I can just barely hear him singing through the window. At home we have mourning doves, strange gray and pink birds whose babies have miraculously survived their parents’ pitiful attempts at nest-building on our narrow porch beam this year. They’re flying a bit now, so I think they’ll make it.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    Long Beach, Legba, and Thrush Green

    Back from Long Beach. It was a fairly quiet weekend, as there were only 6 of us there -- the four guys in the quad, me, and the wife of one of the other guys. The Masters’ race was only a half-day, following a Juniors’ race in the morning. It didn’t seem to be all that well-publicized, but was fairly well-run, with every race, unusually, going off exactly on time.


    Juniors: high school-aged,as opposed to collegiate.

    Masters: was 27 and older, but has now added a 21-26 age range.

    I don’t quite understand why T2 Hatfield was obssessing the whole time about whether he wasn’t good enough and was holding the rest of the crew back. He’s been rowing only about a year, but has decent form, a lot of strength, and quite a bit of determination. It’s true that one of the other guys in the boat -- who rowed in college -- is stronger, but T and T2 are a very well-matched pair in both ability and attitude. Especially in the pair, an extremely finicky boat, that can be more important than raw strength or even skill.

    T2 seems to be getting very serious about his girlfriend, another rower. I’m glad to see that, because he reminds me very strongly of my best friend from college, Gymrat. Gymrat, like T2, concealed a very kind heart under sharp spiny sarcasm. Unfortunately, he’s become bitter over the years, largely due to an involuntary celibacy. Now he’s given up on women, turned to the pursuit of money, and become an "I got mine" sort of Republican (he used to be more of a Libertarian Republican). I have a hard time talking to him these days, which makes me very sad. I still keep trying, at least partly out of gratitude because he listened to me during my first heartbreak, when almost no one else would. Anyway, however this relationship works out, I’m hoping that just the routine presence of a woman in his life will protect T2 from that sort of bitterness.

    Amazon came through for me, delivering my books a bare half-hour before we left. I spent a lot of time reading this weekend (the races were approximately 3 minutes long, with at least 10 minutes between!) alternating between a strange mix of Many Wade Wellman’s Third Cry to Legba and Miss Read’s Thrush Green.

    Legba is a collection of some of Wellman’s John Thunstone and Corbett stories, which I had never read. Like his Silver John stories, which I love, the Thunstone stories (originally published in pulps like Weird Tales), display Wellman’s knowledge of folklore. In both series, also, some of the characters, like folklorist and banjo player Bascomb Lamar Lunsford, were real people. The Silver John stories are all set in the Appalachians; the John Thunstone stories, mostly set in the diversity of New York city, more clearly display the breadth of Wellman’s knowledge of myth and legend. His portrayal of voodoo as unavoidably evil bothers me --I’m more comfortable with Barbara Hambly’s depiction of it as power than can be used according to the will of the worshipper -- but there are sympathetic portrayals of the American Indian and Inuit religions. All of Wellman’s stories are occult, though I wouldn’t class them as horror stories. For one thing, good always wins.

    Thrush Green is a complete contrast: one idyllic May Day in the life of a Cotswalds village. Oddly, it’s set in the 1950s, though written in the 1980s; the time shift shows in the wearing of hats and dresses, in the horse-drawn caravans of a traveling fair, and in a somehow more innocent feel than I think would be credible, even in a village, today. Phelps is a big fan of Miss Read and had recommended her. I had once read a pleasant, odd little book, about some time in a small English village during which nothing much happened, from the small library of a hotel where we stayed for a few days in London. I thought it might be from the same series, but wasn’t sure until I encountered Dotty Harmer, source of "Dotty’s Collywobbles", an herbalist who is always making potions for her friends, with the best intentions, that invariably lead to food poisoning. She rather reminds me of one of the members of Charlotte MacLeod’s Grub and Stakers, though the latter has somewhat better results.

    I ended up switching back and forth between the two books; despite the contrast, my weekend was the better for it.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 AM

    May 06, 2001

    Cast List

    Who’s Who

    Rudder: my husband. Life-partner is a truer description. Known as T in early entries.

    At rowing:

    T2 Hatfield: T’s rowing partner. Egret’s husband. Occasional triathlete. Now parents of AR and OG.

    Egret: lightweight rower, distance runner, and T2’s wife. Now parents of AR and OG.

    Oldtimer: rows with both city and club.

    Hardcore: lightweight rower. My size but made of whipcord and barbed wire, has four kids (one of whom also rowed for a bit), tattoos, and piercings.

    Queue: former local rower/coach, now off in Connecticut.

    She-Hulk: not really hulking at all, but was the only non-lightweight in a competitive Women’s Four, with me, Egret, Hardcore, and another lightweight.

    The Judge, OregonCoach, ErgChamp, BinerTat: Various other rowers. Unknown Legend: the woman at the city who runs the program. Named for the Neil Young song.

    Dr. Bosun: rows for the club program, doees a little coaching, and fixes all the club boats. Liked by everyone, me included.

    AussieCoach: coaches the club’s morning competitive masters program, or at least that’s the theory.

    Yosemite Sam: coach who works with the city Masters’ Competitive rowing group.

    Coach Di: former head coach for my rowing program. Knows rowing, but no organizational skills. Now running a juniors program.


    Evilena: diarist, list moderator, budding nonprofit administrator (I bet) and stitcher extraordinaire

    Mechaieh: diarist, fellow Wimseyphile, and poet

    She who was once Phelps: diarist, writer, mother, educational crusader. Extremely sane despite her Melville addiction.

    Caerula: diarist, list moderator, quilter, stepmom and Mom-to-be someday

    Genibee:diarist, list member, and art historian

    Mistress Sinister: supervillainness and playwright extraordinaire


    Gymrat: my best friend from college. Not from Israel, but fits the description of \"sabra\".

    My Brother the Writer: what I said.

    Homer: another former coworker.

    Lcubed:College friend and boyfriend, in that order. One of the first people to give me the ideas there were Other Ways to Live than the one I’d grown up with.

    Alice: as in Dilbert. Homer’s wife, but definitely not a Marge.

    Harpman and Lo J: friends from way back. I used to babysit their kids and they helped me survive the usual trauma of adolescence with my sanity (such as it is) intact.

    College Roommate: one of the few people I’d regard as intimidatingly smart, but fortunately she uses her powers to do Good. Now mother of Perfect Baby (just ask her).

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    May 05, 2001

    Long Beach, day before regatta

    I’m currently in Long Beach CA, for a regatta -- T is racing, not me. His quad is the only boat entered from our club, so there aren’t too many people for me to hang around with while they’re on the water.

    Unfortunately, the race is scheduled on Sunday instead of Saturday, presumably because some other event was using the marine stadium today. Long Beach has a great course, but seems to have some organization problems. There’s a juniors’ race in the morning, which is supposed to be over at 11, but all of the locals sound convinced that it’ll probably wind up around one. Which means that the men’s quad’s 3PM race will probably not be over until 5, at which point we’ll have to drive the 6 hours back home. Sigh. Maybe I’ll row Tuesday instead of Monday.

    Posted by dichroic at 05:31 PM

    Long Beach, day before regatta

    I'm currently in Long Beach Ca, for a regatta -- T is racing, not me. His quad is
    the only boat entered from our club, so there aren't too many people for me to
    hang around with while they're on the water.

    Unfortunately, the
    race is scheduled on Sunday instead of Saturday, presumably because some other
    event was using the marine stadium today. Long Beach has a great course, but
    seems to have some organization problems. There's a juniors' race in the morning,
    which is supposed to be over at 11, but all of the locals sound convinced that
    it'll probably wind up around one. Which means that the men's quad's 3PM race will
    probably not be over until 5, at which point we'll have to drive the 6 hours back
    home. Sigh. Maybe I'll row Tuesday instead of Monday.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    May 04, 2001

    bubbles, wind, and trees

    I was thinking of writing more about soap bubbles, and realized there was nothing
    I could think of to say about them that wasnÕt trite. Yes, theyÕre pretty and
    fragile; yes, they reflect rainbows; yes, they combine together, yes, they hover
    in the air. On further thought, though, they donÕt really hover. Try blowing them
    indoors (like in your office!) and youÕll see that they sink fairly quickly. I
    usually think of them as floating indefinitely because IÕm used to blowing them
    outside, and thereÕs almost always at least a bit of a breeze to hold them up
    longer – theyÕre so light that even a whisper will do it. Soap bubbles depend on
    the wind for support.

    That made me think of trees. Down near Tucson
    is Biosphere 2; it used to show up in the news a lot, a few years ago when there
    were people sealed inside. There are no permanent residents now, but there are
    still several complete ecosystems, including even a small "ocean" contain in what
    is essentially a very large terrarium. ItÕs interesting to tour around the
    outside; there are also exhibits and some greenhouses and other experiments. There
    was one factor Biospere 2Õs designers forgot to plan for – there is no wind inside
    that glass bubble. The trees and other large plants in there grew without any
    horizontal stresses to resist. With nothing to resist, there were fewer
    constraints on their growth.

    As a result, they are very odd-looking; tall
    and spindly, thinner than usual, with limbs sticking out and curving in every
    direction. Designers there have had to figure out a way to create an artificial
    wind, to foster normal growing conditions for the enclosed

    IÕm fairly sure thereÕs a moral here, and an application to
    humans, but IÕm not entirely sure what it is. Maybe we just all need something to
    resist, in order to grow and move as weÕd like to?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    bubbles, wind, and trees

    I was thinking of writing more about soap bubbles, and realized there was nothing I could think of to say about them that wasn’t trite. Yes, they’re pretty and fragile; yes, they reflect rainbows; yes, they combine together, yes, they hover in the air. On further thought, though, they don’t really hover. Try blowing them indoors (like in your office!) and you’ll see that they sink fairly quickly. I usually think of them as floating indefinitely because I’m used to blowing them outside, and there’s almost always at least a bit of a breeze to hold them up longer – they’re so light that even a whisper will do it. Soap bubbles depend on the wind for support.

    That made me think of trees. Down near Tucson is Biosphere 2; it used to show up in the news a lot, a few years ago when there were people sealed inside. There are no permanent residents now, but there are still several complete ecosystems, including even a small “ocean” contain in what is essentially a very large terrarium. It’s interesting to tour around the outside; there are also exhibits and some greenhouses and other experiments. There was one factor Biosphere 2’s designers forgot to plan for – there is no wind inside that glass bubble. The trees and other large plants in there grew without any horizontal stresses to resist. With nothing to resist, there were fewer constraints on their growth.

    As a result, they are very odd-looking; tall and spindly, thinner than usual, with limbs sticking out and curving in every direction. Designers there have had to figure out a way to create an artificial wind, to foster normal growing conditions for the enclosed plants.

    I’m fairly sure there’s a moral here, and an application to humans, but I’m not entirely sure what it is. Maybe we just all need something to resist, in order to grow and move as we’d like to?

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    a whole entry on not rowing

    I didnÕt row again today. Actually, I got all the way there, then went back
    home because I felt like crap. I feel better, after having caught an extra hourÕs
    sleep. ThereÕs nothing terribly wrong with me, but in some ways, I think itÕs
    better for me to play hookey occasionally.

    We had a fairly major
    change of weather last night, dropping the temperature a good 10 degrees F. (That
    is, the projected high and low temps for today are expected to be about 10 degrees
    lower than they were yesterday. Out here in the desert, thereÕs usually about 20-
    30 degrees variation over the course of a day.) This usually goes along with a
    substantial change in the barometric pressure, and I think thatÕs what causes the
    postnasal drip that has me waking up a bit queasy. After IÕve been vertical a
    while, and everything has drained, IÕm usually fine. And this is all probably more
    than you wanted to know.

    Now onto my justification for taking the day
    off, when, after all, I wasnÕt all THAT sick. IÕve been rowing, on and off, for
    about 11 years now. I expect to keep at it for the rest of my life, though
    probably still on and off. Even with my former program, which was considerably
    less intense than this one, I found I tended to get burned out after a while –
    tired of working so hard at a sport, tired of getting up early and having to go to
    bed so early, annoyed at the people I rowed with for one thing or another. Even
    though IÕm serious about my sport, IÕm in it for the long haul, and I find that
    taking the day off, when I feel like I just canÕt get into it, helps to put off
    the time when I get seriously burned out and end up dropping out of the sport for
    a longer period. There are a lot of people who will disagree with me on this,
    possibly including my coaches, but this is what IÕve found works for me. ItÕs the
    joy of rowing that carries me through the hard work, blisters, sore muscles, and
    early mornings, and this is one way IÕve found to keep from losing

    I will probably write another entry later today or tomorrow,
    with some things IÕve been thinking about bubbles, wind, and trees, but I wanted
    to keep my topics ontogeneous. (Is that a word?)

    But I will make this late addition: I got my first Google hit! (Yahoo Google,
    actually.) On April 5, I wrote, "The day I get my first Google referral will no
    doubt be another big banner day." Amusingly enough, the hit was on that same
    entry; I had also mentioned the Castle Boutique, our local non-sleazy-as-they-can-
    manage-to-be sex store. I imagine the person looking for them was a bit
    disappointed to find me, since, to quote href="">Mistress Sinister, "this is not that
    kind of diary".

    Posted by dichroic at 08:03 AM

    a whole entry on not rowing

    I didn’t row again today. Actually, I got all the way there, then went back home because I felt like crap. I feel better, after having caught an extra hour’s sleep. There’s nothing terribly wrong with me, but in some ways, I think it’s better for me to play hookey occasionally.

    We had a fairly major change of weather last night, dropping the temperature a good 10 degrees F. (That is, the projected high and low temps for today are expected to be about 10 degrees lower than they were yesterday. Out here in the desert, there’s usually about 20-30 degrees variation over the course of a day.) This usually goes along with a substantial change in the barometric pressure, and I think that’s what causes the postnasal drip that has me waking up a bit queasy. After I’ve been vertical a while, and everything has drained, I’m usually fine. And this is all probably more than you wanted to know.

    Now onto my justification for taking the day off, when, after all, I wasn’t all THAT sick. I’ve been rowing, on and off, for about 11 years now. I expect to keep at it for the rest of my life, though probably still on and off. Even with my former program, which was considerably less intense than this one, I found I tended to get burned out after a while – tired of working so hard at a sport, tired of getting up early and having to go to bed so early, annoyed at the people I rowed with for one thing or another. Even though I’m serious about my sport, I’m in it for the long haul, and I find that taking the day off, when I feel like I just can’t get into it, helps to put off the time when I get seriously burned out and end up dropping out of the sport for a longer period. There are a lot of people who will disagree with me on this, possibly including my coaches, but this is what I’ve found works for me. It’s the joy of rowing that carries me through the hard work, blisters, sore muscles, and early mornings, and this is one way I’ve found to keep from losing that.

    I will probably write another entry later today or tomorrow, with some things I’ve been thinking about bubbles, wind, and trees, but I wanted to keep my topics ontogeneous. (Is that a word?)

    But I will make this late addition: I got my first Google hit! (Yahoo Google, actually.) On April 5, I wrote, "The day I get my first Google referral will no doubt be another big banner day." Amusingly enough, the hit was on that same entry; I had also mentioned the Castle Boutique, our local non-sleazy-as-they-can-manage-to-be sex store. I imagine the person looking for them was a bit disappointed to find me, since, to quote Mistress Sinister, "this is not that kind of diary".

    Posted by dichroic at 08:03 AM

    May 03, 2001

    office supplies

    For the benefit of anyone starting, or starting back to an office job, or moving
    to a new office, and mostly just because I was thinking about it, here is my
    rendition of the cubicle dweller's survival kit. This is the stuff you should
    bring to work to make your work life more pleasant:

    • A calendar whose pictures are interesting enough to look at for a month at a time. I favor Sara Steele watercolors or, for inspiration, images of the more photogenic outdoor sports.
    • A Dilbert desk calendar. Required.
    • A coffee/tea mug, minimum 12 ounces, preferably the kind with a lid. Must be
      ceramic or steel, as the plastic ones retain flavors.
    • Good tea -- even if your office stocks teabags, as mine does, they're probably
      your basic Tetley. Add hot cocoa if you're in a cold climate.
    • A sweater or jacket. Almost every office is cold at least some of the
    • Hand lotion, because the air is also usually dry.
    • Tissues, because the cold dry air makes your nose run.
    • A fidgety-toy. This can be one of those balls you squeeze, or the kind of
      thing you buy in science toy stores that can turn and twist into different shapes
      -- anything to keep your hands busy. Otherwise you'll just end up playing with
    • At least one pen that's a pleasure to write with.
    • At least one picture of the most important person/people in your life, even if
      it's your dog. There's nothing wrong with having pictures of your sweeties,
      friends, kids, and your dog. Or cat.
    • One CD of music you can concentrate to, for tuning out distractions, and one
      CD of kick-ass music (whatever that phrase means to you) for when you need to blow
      off steam.
    • Headphones
    • Foam earplugs, if you have no way to play CDs or you prefer
    • A dictionary, to clear up arguments, even if you don't do much
    • A road atlas, to clear up arguments, even if you don't do much
    • A couple of band-aids, just in case.
    • Bubbles, preferably packaged so that you don't get soap scum all over your
      hands. Because nothing can improve your mood faster.
    • Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM

    office supplies

    For the benefit of anyone starting, or starting back to an office job, or moving to a new office, and mostly just because I was thinking about it, here is my rendition of the cubicle dweller’s survival kit. This is the stuff you should bring to work to make your work life more pleasant:

    • A calendar whose pictures are interesting enough to look at for a month at a time. I favor Sara Steele watercolors or, for inspiration, images of the more photogenic outdoor sports.
    • A Dilbert desk calendar. Required.
    • A coffee/tea mug, minimum 12 ounces, preferably the kind with a lid. Must be ceramic or steel, as the plastic ones retain flavors.
    • Good tea -- even if your office stocks teabags, as mine does, they’re probably your basic Tetley. Add hot cocoa if you’re in a cold climate.
    • A sweater or jacket. Almost every office is cold at least some of the time.
    • Hand lotion, because the air is also usually dry.
    • Tissues, because the cold dry air makes your nose run.
    • A fidgety-toy. This can be one of those balls you squeeze, or the kind of thing you buy in science toy stores that can turn and twist into different shapes -- anything to keep your hands busy. Otherwise you’ll just end up playing with paperclips.
    • At least one pen that’s a pleasure to write with.
    • At least one picture of the most important person/people in your life, even if it’s your dog. There’s nothing wrong with having pictures of your sweeties, friends, kids, and your dog. Or cat.
    • One CD of music you can concentrate to, for tuning out distractions, and one CD of kick-ass music (whatever that phrase means to you) for when you need to blow off steam.
    • Headphones
    • Foam earplugs, if you have no way to play CDs or you prefer silence.
    • A dictionary, to clear up arguments, even if you don’t do much writing.
    • A road atlas, to clear up arguments, even if you don’t do much traveling.
    • A couple of band-aids, just in case.
    • Bubbles, preferably packaged so that you don’t get soap scum all over your hands. Because nothing can improve your mood faster.
    • Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    waves, weights, books, and cruises

    Today we found a new and unique reason not to row. The lake will be used for a big
    waterskiing event this weekend, and they've set up a baffle partway down the
    middle, along its long axis, to cut down on waves. It's a long, narrow lake with
    concrete walls, so waves can bounce back and forth and take a long time to
    subside. By the way, here's a href="">tour of my lake. In the high wind
    here yesterday, that barricade broke apart and there are now barrels floating all
    over the lake. They ride low in the water and are very hard to see (especially
    since we go out before sunrise).

    Instead I did a 10-minute erg
    piece then went and lifted at the gym (arms today). I have a feeling that the
    funny popping feel in my shoulder during one bench pull means pain for tomorrow.
    I noticed today that I have a habit of resting the dumbbells' edges on my chest
    during upright rows, which could make for some rather embarrassing marks. (No, I
    haven't been hanging out with href="">Badsnake. Yes, I really did get those
    bruises at the gym.) *Takes a quick peek down shirt* No bruising so far,

    Amazon is unfair. I still haven't gotten my order, which is
    not surprising, since they only shipped it on April 30 (a day before Lord of
    the Silent
    was officially released, so no complaints there). But on April 30,
    I ordered two books for my mother, as a Mother's day gift. Both books were marked
    "usually ships in 2-3 days"; add in about 4 business days for shipping and a day
    or so safety factor, and, I reasoned, she'd get them just before Mother's Day. She
    called to thank me for them yesterday. I wish Amazon would apply some of that
    speed to my order!

    I was a little embarrassed, too, not having
    realized that Mothers and Daughters, by Madeleine L'Engle and her daughter
    Maria Rooney, includes some of L'Engle's religious poetry. I don't think her
    poetry is nearly as good as her prose, and it's certainly not as universal. Mom
    tells me, however, that only a few pieces are "too Jesus-y".

    Mom also
    tells me that she and Dad are thinking of taking a cruise to the Caribbean this
    summer, which I think they will enjoy. Mom will wear frighteningly bright clothing
    and play goofy shipboard games, and as for Dad, well....laying out on a deck chair
    in the tropical sun with a cool drink at hand is very close to my father's idea of
    heaven. Add in nubile women in bikinis refilling the drink and you're there.

    Except for the drink (and the women), this is also close to T's idea
    of hell, so I don't see a lot of cruising in our future. We will likely cruise to
    Alaska some year, but will look for a trip that involved lots of hiking and
    kayaking. We're also hoping to take a boat trip to Antarctica over Christmas of
    2002 or 2003; that trip might be a little sedentary in spots, but the scenery
    should more than make up for it.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    waves, weights, books, and cruises

    Today we found a new and unique reason not to row. The lake will be used for a big waterskiing event this weekend, and they’ve set up a baffle partway down the middle, along its long axis, to cut down on waves. It’s a long, narrow lake with concrete walls, so waves can bounce back and forth and take a long time to subside. By the way, here’s a tour of my lake. In the high wind here yesterday, that barricade broke apart and there are now barrels floating all over the lake. They ride low in the water and are very hard to see (especially since we go out before sunrise).

    Instead I did a 10-minute erg piece then went and lifted at the gym (arms today). I have a feeling that the funny popping feel in my shoulder during one bench pull means pain for tomorrow. I noticed today that I have a habit of resting the dumbbells’ edges on my chect during upright rows, which could make for some rather embarrassing marks. (No, I haven’t been hanging out with Badsnake. Yes, I really did get those bruises at the gym.) *Takes a quick peek down shirt* No bruising so far, though.

    Amazon is unfair. I still haven’t gotten my order, which is not surprising, since they only shipped it on April 30 (a day before Lord of the Silent was officially released, so no complaints there). But on April 30, I ordered two books for my mother, as a Mother’s day gift. Both books were marked "usually ships in 2-3 days"; add in about 4 business days for shipping and a day or so safety factor, and, I reasoned, she’d get them just before Mother’s Day. She called to thank me for them yesterday. I wish Amazon would apply some of that speed to my order!

    I was a little embarassed, too, not having realized that Mothers and Daughters, by Madeleine L’Engle and her daughter Maria Rooney, includes some of L’Engle’s religious poetry. I don’t think her poetry is nearly as good as her prose, and it’s certainly not as universal. Mom tells me, however, that only a few pieces are "too Jesus-y".

    Mom also tells me that she and Dad are thinking of taking a cruise to the Caribbean this summer, which I think they will enjoy. Mom will wear frighteningly bright clothing and play goofy shipboard games, and as for Dad, well....laying out on a deck chair in the tropical sun with a cool drink at hand is very close to my father’s idea of heaven. Add in nubile women in bikinis refilling the drink and you’re there.

    Except for the drink (and the women), this is also close to T’s idea of hell, so I don’t see a lot of cruising in our future. We will likely cruise to Alaska some year, but will look for a trip that involved lots of hiking and kayaking. We’re also hoping to take a boat trip to Antarctica over Christmas of 2002 or 2003; that trip might be a little sedentary in spots, but the scenery should more than make up for it.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    May 02, 2001

    the hands of the mummy

    Since coming back home and back to rowing, I have been going through so much skin tape that my local drugstore employees may think I’m into bondage. Hell, maybe I am, but it’s self bondage -- I only tape up my own hands and feet. For some reason, I seem to be attracted to pursuits that just wreck my hands, from gymnastics in high school (ripped flaps of skin with chalk ground in) to guitar in college (calluses on the fingertips) to rock climbing (rips flaps of skin with chalk ground in, plus scrapes, abrasions, and very tired hands) to rowing (ripped flaps of skin (but no chalk), peeling calluses, and blisters). I don’t know how rowers who sleep with nonrowers keep from grossing them out. T’s hands are rougher than mine, so that’s not a problem, but we do have to be careful -- sharp edges of skin can hurt!

    I have gotten good at taping my hands -- the tape has to be tight enough to stay put, loose enough to let joints bend. The hardest spot to tape is ripped-off calluses at the base of fingers -- I end up going around the whole palm, then a couple of strips between the fingers, then more around the palm to hold that on. The strips between the fingers keeps the around-the-hand part from sliding down my palm. This results in about 2’ of tape used to cover an owie the size of a kernel of corn, but it’s the only way I know to get the tape to stay put. Finger blisters are much easier; just wrap tape around the finger a few times.

    I only wear tape while rowing, to avoid further damage or pain; if I need to cover spots during the rest of the time, either to prevent pain or to keep Neosporin on so it heals faster, band-aids work well enough, and are much less conspicuous. T, on the other hand, seems to enjoy wearing taped hands to work, presumably to show how hard-core he is. (Since he hasn’t taken a break, his hands are tougher than mine, but do still blister when he switches between sweep and sculling.)

    I haven’t had to tape my feet for awhile, but my hands still often look like something out of a horror flick. The Mummy, to be precise.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:31 PM

    the hands of the mummy

    Since coming back home and back to rowing, I have been going through so much skin
    tape that my local drugstore employees may think I'm into bondage. Hell, maybe I
    am, but it's self bondage -- I only tape up my own hands and feet. For some
    reason, I seem to be attracted to pursuits that just wreck my hands, from
    gymnastics in high school (ripped flaps of skin with chalk ground in) to guitar in
    college (calluses on the fingertips) to rock climbing (rips flaps of skin with
    chalk ground in, plus scrapes, abrasions, and very tired hands) to rowing (ripped
    flaps of skin (but no chalk), peeling calluses, and blisters). I don't know how
    rowers who sleep with nonrowers keep from grossing them out. T's hands are
    rougher than mine, so that's not a problem, but we do have to be careful -- sharp
    edges of skin can hurt!

    I have gotten good at taping my hands -- the
    tape has to be tight enough to stay put, loose enough to let joints bend. The
    hardest spot to tape is ripped-off calluses at the base of fingers -- I end up
    going around the whole palm, then a couple of strips between the fingers, then
    more around the palm to hold that on. The strips between the fingers keep the
    around-the-hand part from sliding down my palm. This results in about 2' of tape
    used to cover an owie the size of a kernel of corn, but it's the only way I know
    to get the tape to stay put. Finger blisters are much easier; just wrap tape
    around the finger a few times.

    I only wear tape while rowing, to
    avoid further damage or pain; if I need to cover spots during the rest of the
    time, either to prevent pain or to keep Neosporin on so it heals faster, band-aids
    work well enough, and are much less conspicuous. T, on the other hand, seems to
    enjoy wearing taped hands to work, presumably to show how hard-core he is. (Since
    he hasn't taken a break, his hands are tougher than mine, but do still blister
    when he switches between sweep and sculling.)

    I haven't had to tape
    my feet for awhile, but my hands still often look like something out of a horror
    flick. The Mummy, to be precise.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:59 PM | Comments (1)


    lunchtime 2001-05-02 fbdgs.html

    I just had a disturbing conversation. I had heard that someone here whose work I respect -- call her Olivia -- was leaving the company as of Friday, so I stopped by her office for further details and to tell her I was sorry to see her go. This industry has high turnover across the board, so just the fact that someone is leaving, no matter how well-respected, is no cause for alarm.

    In this case, though, she’s leaving because she can’t agree with the direction the company has taken. She had gotten bad feelings about it, then confirmed her hunch by taking a seminar the CEO of our company has been giving, and hearing his views for herself. Olivia did not go into detail, for which I am glad; this is the sort of thing each person has to decide for herself. I have not attended the CEO’s seminar; I have heard ideas I disagreed with from our general manager, but have been pleased lately with the directions taken by the VP to whom I report. I’m getting useful experience and learning a lot just now, too.

    So I’m not in any hurry to start sending out feelers, but this is definitely a development to watch carefully.

    One hour later: I just got an email from one of our best and most senior people announcing his two weeks’ notice. Uh-oh.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM


    I just had a disturbing conversation. I had heard that someone here whose work I
    respect -- call her Olivia -- was leaving the company as of Friday, so I stopped
    by her office for further details and to tell her I was sorry to see her go. This
    industry has high turnover across the board, so just the fact that someone is
    leaving, no matter how well-respected, is no cause for alarm.

    In this
    case, though, she's leaving because she can't agree with the direction the company
    has taken. She had gotten bad feelings about it, then confirmed her hunch by
    taking a seminar the CEO of our company has been giving, and hearing his views for
    herself. Olivia did not go into detail, for which I am glad; this is the
    sort of thing each person has to decide for herself. I have not attended the CEO's
    seminar; I have heard ideas I disagreed with from our general manager, but have
    been pleased lately with the directions taken by the VP to whom I report. I'm
    getting useful experience and learning a lot just now, too.

    So I'm
    not in any hurry to start sending out feelers, but this is definitely a
    development to watch carefully.

    One hour later: I just got an email from one of our best and most senior people
    announcing his two weeks' notice. Uh-oh.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:59 AM

    relative airlines

    morning 2001-05-02 airlines.html
    relative airlines

    I was a bad, bad girl today -- didn’t feel all that good, so I didn’t go to rowing. (I didn’t feel all that bad either; I just shouldn’t have had that Frappucino late yesterday. The combination of lactose and caffeine is deadly for me -- I’ve got a minor bit of IBS, though I will probably never want to discuss that bit of personal information in detail here.) Of course, it turned out I picked the wrong day to skip; as soon as I checked my mail, I found a note from Coach DI saying that we would finally be videotaping today, as has been promised for about the last 3 weeks. In a sport as precise as rowing, seeing yourself on videotape can be an enormous aid to figuring out what you’ve been doing wrong. We’ll be taping again tomorrow, so I’ll go then.

    I can’t really expect my package from Amazon before tomorrow at the very earliest, drat it. If I get it before Friday, the challenge will be in deciding which book to take with me this weekend.

    Last night I reserved plane tickets and a hotel in Nashville for Memorial Day weekend! After reading of Mechaieh’s problems with Travelocity, I booked the flight via Expedia, but just in case, I’ll doublecheck the flight booking today or tomorrow. We’re expecting the worst anyway, as we’re reluctantly flying Northwest, an airline that has given us nothing but grief in the past. However, their flights were $65 cheaper than the other airlines (each) and were at more convenient times.

    I have been flying Southwest quite a bit lately, and found them as different from Northwest in every way as their name suggests. True, they don’t deliver any frills, but then they never promise to do so. They tell you straight out that they will not be serving food, and encourage you to bring your own; their web site lists exactly what size bags may be carried on, as well as what does and does not count as a carry-on; they tell you that you need to get there early because of the unassigned seating. You know what to expect, and they deliver it every time, cheerfully. In ten flights since January 2001, I have not once been more than a few minutes late. Your mileage may vary, of course.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    relative airlines

    I was a bad, bad girl today -- didn't feel all that good, so I didn't go to
    rowing. (I didn't feel all that bad either; I just shouldn't have had that
    Frappucino late yesterday. The combination of lactose and caffeine is deadly for
    me -- I've got a minor bit of IBS, though I will probably never want to discuss
    that bit of personal information in detail here.) Of course, it turned out I
    picked the wrong day to skip; as soon as I checked my mail, I found a note from
    Coach DI saying that we would finally be videotaping today, as has been
    promised for about the last 3 weeks. In a sport as precise as rowing, seeing
    yourself on videotape can be an enormous aid to figuring out what you've been
    doing wrong. We'll be taping again tomorrow, so I'll go then.

    can't really expect my package from Amazon before tomorrow at the very earliest,
    drat it. If I get it before Friday, the challenge will be in deciding which book
    to take with me this weekend.

    Last night I reserved plane tickets and
    a hotel in Nashville for Memorial Day weekend! After reading of href=">Mechaieh's problems with
    Travelocity, I booked the flight via Expedia, but just in case, I'll doublecheck
    the flight booking today or tomorrow. We're expecting the worst anyway, as we're
    reluctantly flying Northwest, an airline that has given us nothing but grief in
    the past. However, their flights were $65 cheaper than the other airlines
    (each) and were at more convenient times.

    I have been flying
    Southwest quite a bit lately, and found them as different from Northwest in every
    way as their name suggests. True, they don't deliver any frills, but then they
    never promise to do so. They tell you straight out that they will not be serving
    food, and encourage you to bring your own; their web site lists exactly what size
    bags may be carried on, as well as what does and does not count as a carry-on;
    they tell you that you need to get there early because of the unassigned seating.
    You know what to expect, and they deliver it every time, cheerfully. In ten
    flights since January 2001, I have not once been more than a few minutes late.
    Your mileage may vary, of course.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:59 AM

    May 01, 2001

    Rhyming orange

    For some reason, my shoulders were sore this morning from rowing yesterday. So I went to the gym and did legs this morning so they could be sore too. My body is now symmetric in its pain.

    "Doing legs" involves squats with a barbell behing my neck (up to 70 lbs today!), front squats, leg presses, hang cleans, a few clean and jerks (which I don’t think I do quite right, so I only do a few), and calf raises, in case anyone is wondering. "Doing arms" is lat pulldowns, seated rows, bench pulls, shoulder presses, upright rows, and bicep curls. Either way, I warm up on the rowing machine and do lots of stretching afterward.

    Stretches are important to me; if I don’t do them, after a while I start feeling like I’ve built blocky, dense muscles (whether they’re visible to the naked eye is a completely different matter). They’re actually a bit uncomfortable. In high school I got to the point the I could do splits (only with the right leg forward), but I lost them somewhere in my mid-20s.

    End exercise journal

    According to Amazon, in addition to one book for work, I have on the way to me:

    • The latest Elizabeth Peters, Lord of the Silent, just out today

    • Miss Read’s Thrush Grange

    • the recently-issued collection of Manly Wade Wellman’s John Thunstone stories, Third Invocation to Legba

    • Sean Stewart’s Mockingbird

    Are you jealous yet? Probably not, if you’re Evilena, Mechaieh or Phelps, as the first two probably already have Lord of the Silent by now, and the third has a whole collection of Miss Read. Possibly not even if you’re My Brother the Writer, who may have the Wellman book by now. The Stewart book is recommended by people who like Connie Willis, so I think it’s a safe bet.

    On a completely different topic, it turns out the Tom Lehrer once managed to rhyme ‘orange’, supposedly the only English word that doesn’t have a rhyme:

    Eating an orange

    While making love

    Makes for bizarre enj-

    Oyment thereof.

    This inspired Douglas Hofstadter to write a longer poem with similar rhymes in tribute, but I think those are all downhill from Lehrer’s Ogden Nash-worthy quatrain, so won’t quote them here.

    Which makes me think of poetry, which, believe it or not, is actually analogous to what I’m doing at work. One of the most common responses of software engineers to the imposition of processes is that they stifle creativity. The best answer I’ve seen to this is that instead, they give a framework, or foundation, within which to apply creativity. When designing a car, you don’t exercise creativity in reinventing wheels; you build on what is known and try to go farther. Back to poetry, Robert Frost said that "Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down". I don’t entirely agree -- there are constraints other than rhyme and rhythm that can be imposed on a poem -- but it’s true that some of the most rigid forms, like sonnets and haiku, have been some of the most fertile.

    On the other hand, poetic forms need to balance a certain amount of loseness with that strict structure -- the rules of a sonnet don’t specify either content or the actual rhymes, just their pattern. I think this rule may have more general application to the ways in which humans do our best work. In other words:

    Tell me, tell me what to do,

    Just don’t tell me how to do it.

    Give me what I need from you,

    Then let me find my own way through it.

    I’d rather not be just your pawn,

    But still, don’t be too laissez-faire,

    I will not plead, I will not fawn,

    I’ll work with you if you’ll play fair.

    I’d rather work within the rules

    If I help choose what those rules are.

    I’ll find my way (I’m not a fool)

    But sails must have support from spars.

    I need a frame on which to lean my weight,

    As trees need wind to grow up strong and straight.

    It is left as an exercise for the class to determine why the above is not actually a sonnet. It is left as an exercise for the writer (me) to determine why she decided to post the above.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 AM

    April 30, 2001

    I want....

    There’s a great quote, I don’t know by whom, that says that part of the human condition is a vague unsatisfied yearning, though we never know for what. At any rate, it’s certainly part of the Dichroic condition. In that spirit, here are a list of some of the things I would like to have in my life. (Or you could ignore that first sentence and just call me greedy.) A lot of these will stay "unsatisfied yearnings"; some may be contradictory, while some would interfere too much with other things I value more.

    • I want a Proper Job -- not just one that pays the bills or even one that keeps me interested most of the time, but a true calling.
    • I want a Proper Job (see above) that leaves me plenty of time for the rest of my life.
    • I want to be fast -- running, rowing, mountain biking.
    • I want to have natural endurance. (T does.)
    • I want to have great clothes, or rather, to have my clothes look great on me.
    • I want the ability to enjoy all of the things I like while I’m doing them, as well as in anticipation or retrospect.
    • I want a self-cleaning house.
    • I want yards and yards of (full) bookshelves.
    • I want a husband who is articulate and complimentary, and who engages in spontaneous romantic gestures (while still, of course, having all of T’s virtues).
    • I want effortless and comfortable style, in my clothes and my surroundings.
    • I want to travel often, and to interesting (but in the Chinese-history sense) places.
    • I want to be able to drink a beer or glass of wine (or two) and still get up early, feeling good, the next morning.
    • I want to be able to not just function but feel good, on five hours of sleep.
    • I want time (and money) to fly more often. On second thought, I’d like my own plane, too, instead of renting.
    • I want to achieve, not serenity so much, but a more frequent appreciation of all of the good things I do have.

    And I think I had better stop now, having realized that this could go on until Diaryland runs out o=f server space. I may update later, if I decide I’ve missed anything important -- or maybe, in the spirit of that last entry, I’ll write an "I already have" post.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    back to work

    We had a fairly light practice today -- Monday is distance day, but we only did 2 20-minute pieces at 60%. Even I can do that, even after a week off. Coach DI wasn’t there, so practice was entirely run by Yosemite Sam. He’s known for being terrible at picking the boat -- who sits in which seat, that is, -- but did a good job today. For the first half of practice, Queue was coxing. She is nowhere close to coxswain-sized, but is very good at it. I have a lot of coxing experience myself, and I’m not even sure how she picked up on some of the things she commented on. After that she switched to stroke -- for some reason, I had a bit of trouble following her today. Anyway, I got out of practice today with a mere two blisters, plus assorted skin peeling off calluses.

    Yesterday’s classes went well, and everyone who showed up Saturday, showed up again, which is a good start. One woman in the Intermediate class said, "It’s a nice change to wake up early on a weekend, come out here, and not get yelled at." I do hope this doesn’t mean she thinks we’re going to go easy on the class, because if so, disillusionment is in the immediate offing. We just don’t like to be nasty about it.

    I’m back at home in my cubicle, which, despite a recent cartoon on my Dilbert calendar, bears absolutely no resemblance to a womb. After last week’s QA conference, I was pretty fired up to get back and try to implement some of the things I was learning here. Now that it’s all in the distant past (a whole weekend away), my challenge will be to maintain that level of enthusiasm, and still getting my other work done. (I do realize that, to some people, using the words "enthusiasm" and "QA" in the same paragraph are like mixing fire and water.)

    Productivity, ho!

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 AM

    April 29, 2001

    How to go like a guy

    noon-ish 2001-04-29 freshette.html
    How to go like a guy

    Mechaieh’s mention of the Sani-Fem Freshette has inspired me to list my tips for those using the product. I’ve had one for years, and find them extremely useful. For those who’ve never heard of Freshettes, first of all, if you’re male, you can stop reading now; you don’t need one. Functional definition: it’s a female-to-male adapter for humans engaged in bladder relief. More precisely, it’s a funky-shaped pink funnel with its own carrying case. They are extremely useful for those of us who hike/mountain bike/rock climb in areas where the vegetation doesn’t provide much cover; they’re also useful in areas where there are more civilized facilities but you don’t want to come in any contact whatsoever with them.

    The following tips are not for the squeamish, as I will be blunt.

    1. First of all, and I wouldn’t even think of writing this one if I hadn’t seen someone who obviously needed the advice, as a matter of etiquette, get off the trail! Yes, if you’re careful, you can use these things with almost no exposure. However, no one wants to walk through a yellow stream. A related bit of ecological responsibility is to carry zip-lock bags for used paper -- don’t just leave it out there!

    2. They work better with loose or stretchy pants/shorts, or a long fly. Otherwise, you may need to drop trou after all, which negates some of the main reasons for using the Freshette. (This also makes it easier to ply a bit of tissue afterwards, though apparently, according to the review Mechaieh linked to, some people don’t. I do, not liking tell-tale spots on my short.

    3. Something all men know: never face into the wind. Also, if you like your shoes, aim for a bit of ground downslope from your feet.

    4. A major diasadvantage of Freshettes is that if you use one in a Porta-potty, they leave you facing into the pot. Not too bad in the daytime, when the lower reservoir is in shadow, but potentially disgusting at night, if you, like I, use a headlamp while camping. Adjust the light beam so it points upward a bit, not down.

    5. Keep a spare in your car. You just never know.....

    Posted by dichroic at 12:31 PM

    April 28, 2001

    Trolls, classes and travel

    Ding, dong, the listTroll is dead. We the assembled moderators of two lists, have not only made her the first person to be banned (ever, let alone under two IDs) from either list, and have gone so far as to send a note signed by all of us to our assembled listmembers. So far I’ve seen five ‘thank-yous’ and no complaints about our actions. The rest of these people (and of course, Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane) are why we keep moderating, even though we sometimes complain. (By the way, despite what she says, Phelps really did do most of the work.)

    We taught the first classes of new Intermediate and Beginners rowing sessions today and both went fairly well. The Intermediates are not bad at all -- at this point, several of them have only been rowing for four weeks, and they have a lot to learn about rowing, let alone doing it together, but that’s to be expected. Their skills will improve a lot during this session, and their next challenge will be learning to wake up at 0’dark thirty, if they want to join the Advanced or Competitive groups. The Beginners are a quiet bunch, except for one guy who is a friend of Queue’s, and it will be interesting to see who lasts. The ones who joined up for exercise sometimes find it’s a little more intense than they bargained for, but it’s the ones who joined rowing because it looks like such a beautiful and serene sport who are most cruelly disillusioned. Beautiful, yes, eventually; serene, only from a distance.

    It’s rather like ballet in that way; spectators see the smooth grace in the motion of those who have learned their craft, but they don’t see the sweat, pain, blisters, and gritted teeth that go into making that beauty.

    We’ve got a bunch of races coming up, including Long Beach next weekend, but are considering several possible destinations for a purely pleasure trip for Memorial Day. My favorite alternative possibility would let us meet Mechaieh and the BYM in the incarnate flesh.

    Actually, it looks like my suitcases will get a healthy workout this year, between Memorial Day, regattas up and down the West Coast, and our second time participating in a friend’s annual houseboating trip on Lake Powell. Last year’s trip involved 1 jet ski, 2 houseboats, 2 windsurfers, 3 fried turkeys, 3 waverunners, 4 speedboats, assorted water skis, canoes, and kayaks, and about 35 people, and quite a bit of alcohol. Almost everybody can remember the whole trip, and a good time was had by all. However, most of these people being coworkers, the rule was "Anything that happens at the lake stays at the lake," so no detail here!

    Posted by dichroic at 03:31 PM

    April 27, 2001

    Home again and class starts tomorrow

    Home again. Yay.

    And off to bed now, because tomorrow morning we have to go teach two rowing classes in a row. It would be three, but they canceled the Advanced class, because not enough people signed up. This is good in a way, because now we get to sleep in on weekends and show up at 7AM instead of 5AM, but bad because we had lots of ideas about how to teach them

    It’s the first session for both classes tomorrow. We’ll start teaching the Intermediates some techniques that will eventually let them all row together, instead of only 2 or 4 at a time. The Beginners have their float test, as well as the Safety Lecture and the scare-them-off talk so that they don’t complaining later when they realizing we’re actually making them sweat, and expecting them to listen to what we say. This is important; water can kill you and so can rowing shells (the bow end has a sharp point; I have heard of at least one person who has died by impalement) so listening to the coach is crucial.

    It probably also works better if the coach is awake. Good night.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:31 PM

    April 26, 2001

    packing and journaling

    Packing, not one of life’s more enjoyable activities. Complicated by the fact that the conference provided one (more) backpack filled with four (heavy) volumes containing all the presentations. I could toss them, but I’d hate myself afterward -- these sessions have been extremely useful. Not to mention all the other handouts I’ve picked up and the notes I’ve taken (on the notepads the hotel provides). Plus the present for T. At least I’ve managed to resist the "fishbowls" full of glass fish hanging from floating transparent glass bubbles. They were actually very cool, as well as reasonably priced, but I was afraid of coming home and finding little glass shards interspersed throughout my clothing.

    Packing is also complicated by the fact that my bathing suit is wet, and anyway I’m still wearing it, in expectation of a post-packing visit to the hot tub, which of course could come about sooner if I were actually packing instead of writing here.

    Which raises an odd point. As you may have noticed, I often post two or three times a day. I guess I just like to ‘talk’....and this way, people can choose whether or not to ‘listen’. So why is it that I have to force myself to update, in longhand, the trip journal I’ve now been keeping for about four years? I finally got it caught up on the plane out here -- never touched it while in Massachusetts, even though I’d brought it along for just that purpose. Granted, longhand is a bit more work than typing, but I don’t understand why it should be so much of a chore, when I’m always finding myself writing here even when I should be doing other things. The trip journal has a bit of a different flavor than this; it dwells more on details of travel that I might want to know later, and a bit on stories I want to remember, but is generally a bit drier just because of the work of writing by hand. Even so, our month-long trip to Australia and New Zealand (Dec. 1998-Jan 1999) ran over 50 pages. On that trip I was good about updating as we went or the whole trip would have been crammed into 5 pages.

    Oh well. Off to pack. Really.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:31 PM

    online, oddly enough

    As I’m on the road for work, I’m dialing in through our corporate account. Apparently our ISP sold our accounts to Mindspring, who can only be an improvement, as far as I’m concerned. The funny thing about this is that I’m not supposed to be able to log in today. Maybe it’s payback for all of yesterday when I was supposed to be able to log in and couldn’t?

    Off to shower and conference. I’m having a hard time getting to bed early enough to get enough sleep that I can get up early enough to work out, but Epcot was worth it. (On a not entirely unrelated note, a recent article in the Vocabula Review says repetition is allowable, citing Winston Churchill’s "We shall never surrender" speech as a shining example.)

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    April 25, 2001

    visit to Epcot

    I just got back from Epcot, with mixed emotions. On the one hand, I was appalled at the amount of advertising -- many of the exhibits were nothing but. On the other hand, the Spaceship Earth ride was way cool, as were the fireworks, and the teppan-grilled shrimp was orders of magnitude better than the amusement park food I’m used to.

    There were some rich sources of irony that I made a mental note to write up here, but as usual, my mental notepad appears to have been erased (or perhaps it’s made of the reusable electronic paper developed in Xerox PARC, the demo of which would have been a lot more impressive if they’d actually been able to print anything on the paper! I was interested to see it, too; Ben Bova wrote a novel based on that technology at least a decade ago -- the technology was clearly coming then -- and I was hoping it had finally materialized.

    Bought T a doohickey that I think he’s been wanting, or at least I think he tried to describe it to me awhile back. He didn’t get the idea across too clearly, and I doubt I will either. It spins like an old-fashioned noisemaker (the kind we used to have at Purim and New Year), but on the outermost edge is one line of about 8 LEDs. They blink at a rate such that when it’s spun, the eye sees words due to the persistence of vision. There are about 8 preprogrammed messages, and you can program 3 more. This being a Disney park, of course it cost way too much, but I think he’ll enjoy it much more than yet another T-shirt.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:31 PM

    April 24, 2001

    Water and Troll problems

    Arrgh. Conference all day, conference outing at night, I’m already going to bed too late to get up and work out tomorrow, and now we’ve got Return of the Troll (see Phelps and Evilena for details). Sort of difficult to keep up with all of this when I can only stay logged on for 30 minutes at a time, too. More than that and the hotel charges me $.30/minute. Apparently, people were staying on the lines too long with data calls (fancy that!) and their switchboard couldn’t handle it.

    The conference isn’t part of the problem. The conference is great – big enough to have several things going on at once, small enough to get to know people, scads of useful info. Next year I want to come back as a presenter.

    There is one teensy problem with the conference hotel, though. Apparently, due to a water main break last night, the water here is unsafe to drink without boiling. This makes me wonder a bit about using the pool and washing. The hotel has been providing lots of drinking water, some with their own label. I’m impressed at the logistics, but I wonder: does this happen often enough that they keep cases and cases on hand? Were there frantic phone calls across Florida last night? Did they divert shipments from somewhere else? And if so, what will those people drink?

    Maybe it’s safer to stick to beer. Sticky to swim in, though.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 PM

    April 23, 2001

    a world of laughter, a world of tears...

    Since I’m only a mile away from Disneyworld, a chorus of "It’s a Small World After All" seems appropriate. First, Mechaieh and her old euchre buddies all end up in my Favorite Diaries column (disclosure: I did know and respect Mechaieh and her writing from the time I spent as her junior moderator on my main email list, before she retired to spend more time writing and now, bringing up her new puppy. Similar stories with Evilena and Phelps. Everyone else on the favorites list is there because I like their writing and find their lives interesting.)

    Now, at my conference, it turns out an old friend of T’s is a presenter -- when I knew him, about 5 years back, neither of us were even in this field. And, just possibly, a high school friend I haven’t seen since graduation is another presenter. I’m not getting my hopes up, since the name isn’t that uncommon (a little rarer than, say, "Jim Smith"; more like "Scott Campbell") -- but he is listed as being in the state where we attended high school. Then again, I’ve moved across the country since then.

    Apparently, I have a memorable face; people recognize me more than I recognize them. (True, I also have a bad memory for faces.) I have run into people I knew in more unlikely circumstances. Once, when hiking about two days out from the base lodge in Big Bend, one of the most inaccessible National Parks in the lower 48, someone going the other way on the path said, "Hello -- aren’t you Dichroic?" We had both volunteered at a nature center in Houston. Yes, it’s in the same state, but it’s about 15 hours’ drive.

    The very oddest meeting I’ve had was also in Texas. One Thanksgiving weekend, we had signed up for a two-day rock-climbing class at Enchanted Rock, which is about two hours west of Austin. As the group collected the first morning, I noticed that two people were wearing sweatshirts from my alma mater (Penn, which is NOT THE SAME AS PENN STATE (it’s better), and which is in Philadelphia). Curious, I looked at their faces and realized that I had worked with one of them at the college Dining Service, when I was a freshman and he was a senior. (The other was his wife.) Neither of us had been outdoor types in college, either.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:31 PM

    April 22, 2001


    Slept late (this makes about 3 weekends in a row!) and thus didn’t have to regret all the red wine yesterday. 6AM, if you’re wondering. Rowing does horrid things to the circadian. Next week, I will be able to sleep until 7, come back, wake at 4 to coach on Saturday, and never have to deal with the discomfort of switching time zones.

    Synchronicity is a strong factor in my life. The Hofstadter book is a slow enough read that I’m considering taking it for the plane, despite its weight. So in order to keep from reading too much of it before I leave, I’d switched over to a reread of The Quaker Book of Wisdom, by Robert Lawrence Smith. I like it because it’s wise and encouraging but not sloppy and not sentimental, possibly because it comes from an actual tradition of belief rather than a vague feeling that we should all just get along. Also, Quaker beliefs have a strong element of pragmatism, and this book is from a man who has spent a long lifetime working out his beliefs in practice.

    Most of the beliefs of the Society of Friends have a strong appeal for me: Truth, Simplicity, Service (I don’t do well with that one in practice), Education. The only one I have some problems with is Nonviolence -- I think that some forms of oppression are worse than, and thereby justify, fighting. In this case, though, the central doctrine of the Quakers, about Conscience, following one’s own inner light, comes into play. Smith himself chose to be drafted in World War II, rather than register as a CO, because he decided that the moral issues of that war were so clear that it was the best chance he’d ever have to fight directly against "the ocean of darkness and death". (More than half of draft-eligible young Quaker men made the same choice in that war.)

    The synchonicity comes into play in reading Marn’s journal entry today, of her involvement in the protest against the Free Trade Summit in Quebec. I’m glad to hear she’s ok, but also enormously impressed that she lived up to the promptings of her conscience, and put herself in danger to act on it. I wonder how many of the leaders involved would have done the same? I wonder if I would?

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 AM

    April 21, 2001

    laptops, butter, and salt

    After spending part of today looking at laptops, I’ve come to a conclusion: the prices never really drop all that drastically. I’ve considered buying one a few times in the last few years, and ended up with the same price range each time. Of course the explanation is simple: that same figure would have bought me 100Mhz, 400MHz, or, now 800MHz at the time of shopping. On the other hand, the necessary software takes up more and more space, so buying the speed of two years back isn’t really an option.

    Since the machine I’m typing this on is about 6 years old, I think I’m about due for a replacement. Actually, the one I’m on now was about three times what I’m looking at spending this time, by the time we bought the printer, Photoshop, etc, so it’s not really true that prices don’t go down. This one was fairly expensive for that time, though -- and Macs have generally cost more.

    Other than that, I’m taking advantage of a lazy and stormy Saturday to indulge in two of life’s pleasures: popcorn with salt and butter (NOT margarine) and, for once, enough time to read. I think today’s dinner may even feature real cooking, albeit of the simplest sort.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    April 20, 2001


    Off to Orlando next week, and looking forward to it, for several reasons. After the whole Tundra trip, I told myself I wouldn’t travel again for this company, but this is only for a few days, so I don’t think any hardship is involved. Besides, when I made that promise to myself, I forgot to reckon with the fact that I actually like traveling.

    Leaving the whole Disney aspect aside, I do expect the work part of this trip to both interesting and educational. I hope to come back with some ideas I can use here, as well as some advice as to how to put them in play.

    (Note to cynics: no sarcasm was involved in the creation of the above paragraph.)

    After work though.....since I won’t get to see a Shuttle launch, I think the thing I’m looking forwad to most is the fireworks. I love fireworks, and, due to our habit of being out camping int he back of beyond on major fireworks holidays, haven’t gotten to see many lately. Last July 4, we watched them from several miles away, from a loft windowseat, due to the combination of too many relatives to mobilize easily and cousins with very bad asthma. My hotel isn’t all that far from Disney, so I’m hoping that I’ll be able to see their display without having to pay vast sums of money to enter the park.

    I might pay those vast sums one evening, though. I’ve never been to Disney World; the ‘rents aren’t much for travel, and by the time I was old enough to go on my own, I had realized that I dislike crowds and long lines far too much to pay to experience them. I do like rides, though, and this time of year should be a nice blend of "warm but not hot" and "spring vacation’s done but kids are still in school". There will be lines, of course, but maybe they’ll be relatively short. Anyway, Epcot has always sounded interesting.

    Maybe I’ll get ambitious and go see Cirque du Soleil. Hell, as long as I’m away from home and getting to stay up late, maybe I’ll go check out the bars. Maybe I’ll go to a gay bar; I’ve never been to one and it might be less uncomfortable than being alone among a bunch of hetero men. Or maybe not. Or maybe, like most things, each one is different. I’m reliably informed, also, that Orlando has great titty bars (sorry, but that’s what they call them in Houston, which is also known for them), but I refuse to go to one on this trip. Not that I’m not curious, just that I don’t want to go without T. If I’m going to go watch a bunch of other women who can dance and dress sexier than I can (without getting laughed at) I want to be able to enjoy the aftereffects.

    I wonder if I can hook up with a rowing club in Orlando? I haven’t been back into it for long enough to want a vacation. My hotel has "two state of the art fitness centers" (why two?), but I don’t care how many mirrors and SOTA machines you have, there is no workout like rowing. (I can see Phelps cringing at that comma, but nothing else fit there.)

    There was something else I wanted to write about here. Maybe if I remember it, I’ll use it tomorrow. There’s a nice lazy weekend between me and Florida....

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    Le Ton beau

    Arrgh. I had completed this entry then lost the whole thing when I tried to submit it. I have attempted to reconstitute it, in Word this time so I still have it if D-Land goes down.

    This morning I coxed instead of rowing. Didn’t get swapped in as promised, and I can already feel myself turning into jello.

    That’s not really true, of course. My thighs are still sore from lifting yesterday (weights, not Ted. Get your mind out of the gutter!) and I’ll row a single tomorrow, weather permitting. Coxswains are underappreciated, though.

    I’ve begun rereading Le Ton Beau de Marot, by Douglas Hofstadter. Besides being one of my favorite books, it’s a collection of translations of a small poem by Clement Marot as well as an excursion into issues relating to translation, poetry, translation of poetry, the nature of language, and machine processing of natural language. It’s also a love letter to his wife, who died tragically during the writing of the book.

    At one point, I thought Le Ton beau would literally change my life. It was the proximate cause of my deciding to study cognitive science and language, which led to embarking on an MA in Linguistics (the best way to study the fields I wanted at the local university). Unfortunately, when I took my current job, I was unable to manage to take time out for classes, and of course no scheduler ever thinks one might want to take night classes in anything but business or computers. Also, I was learning enough at work to keep the Elephant’s Child well-nourished.

    In honor of Hofstadter, here’s my stab at translating Marot’s A Une Damoyselle Malayde, preceded by the original:

    Ma mignonne,
    Je vous donne
    Le bon jour ;
    Le séjour
    C’est prison.
    Puis ouvrez
    Votre porte
    Et qu’on sorte
    Car Clément
    Le vous mande.
    Va, friande
    De ta bouche,
    Qui se couche
    En danger
    Pour manger
    Confitures ;
    Si tu dures
    Trop malade,
    Couleur fade
    Tu prendras,
    Et perdras
    Dieu te doint
    Santé bonne,
    Ma mignonne

    Dearest One
    Night is done,
    Day is here.
    Dungeon drear
    Is your bed.
    From your room,
    Come out soon,
    Go outdoors
    World is yours.
    Quickly mend
    I, your friend
    Tell you so.
    Well I know
    You like sweets
    Time for treats.
    Chocolates, tarts,
    And candy hearts.
    Don’t stay sick
    Get well quick.
    If you’re still
    Feeling ill,
    You’ll grow thin,
    Lose both chins,
    Little friend,
    God will send
    Health and fun,
    Dearest one.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 AM

    April 19, 2001

    This I Believe, out of the ashes of error

    Coincidentally, the e-mail list I moderate had a discussion recently on "embarrassing moments online". Yesterday, I completed the lab section of that course. Here’s the background. One of our more consistently amusing listmembers, whom I’ll call Pubdude, posted a summary of all religions, which essentially boiled down to: -- get a good idea -- declare it the only good idea -- kill everyone who disagrees. (The original was funnier.) Someone who generally lurks posted a snippy response accusing Pubdude of being smug on a topic about which he knows little.

    As Listmom I sometimes (not always) try to avoid taking sides on testy issues, but the smugness of the response irritated me. I wrote a note to Pubdude essentially saying "Right on! Feel free to go in swinging as long as you do it politely -- some of these religious types always think they’re right". Which would have been a little impolitic, but not too bad ....... except that I mistakenly sent it to the whole list. I can’t remember the last time I felt myself blush, but I certainly did when I realized that, along with that awful "I have fucked up big-time" feeling in my stomach. I immediately sent a contrite apology and, in a reflex action that I now regret, deleted my original post from the archives (which would not have stopped it from being sent to 300+ listmembers).

    But then, a funny thing happened. I got some personal emails and some replies on the list, and every one so far has been positive. I’m not surprised by the responses from some others who are annoyed by the posturing of some religious establishments, but I got supportive notes from some religious people too. I got notes from not one but two Anglican vicars*, by all that’s holy, saying "yes, we do need to be shaken up occasionally, and we do need to avoid stereotypes".

    *Later note: one is actually a rector, not a vicar. Don’t ask.

    I knew there was a reason I stayed with this list.

    As a follow-up, I posted a more thought-out response. Quoting one of the vicar’s thought that "we are all infinitely valuable", and highlighting the two beliefs implicit in my accidental posting that I do stand behind. First, I really do believe that there is no One Right Way that works for every one. (Though there may be some that are Wrong for every one.) There may be some universal truths -- "Do not do unto your neighbor as you would not have him do unto you" comes close, though even then you have to allow for varying tastes. (What if you sleep with your neighbor and you’re a dominant and he’s a submissive?) But there are a variety of ways to get to those truths, and it’s important to realize that others may really to trying to get there, even if their paths don’t run alongside yours.

    Second, all faiths are the better for periodic examination, like clothes that should be tried on to see if they’ve been outgrown. It may be that when you examine your beliefs, you find that you need to change a few details -- this happened to me recently, though not on a religious matter. It may be that you need to tear down the building and start over. Or it may be that you believe what you were taught as a child. In any case, what you have after examination is an adult set of convictions, not a mindless set of responses to a catechism. I would not have made a good Victorian, as I do hold that beliefs born of experience are stronger and worthier than those sprung from innocence.

    A minor third theme here is that stereotypes run both ways. I have extensive experience of fundamentalist Christians who automatically assume that anyone else who strikes them as a good person must just naturally share their faith. On the other hand, it’s easy for those who stay outside organized religion to assume that religious types are uneducated hicks, sheep who blindly follow the herd. As I have just seen so eloquently demonstrated, neither assumption is universally true. It’s tempting, but never quite safe to evaluate another human except on the basis of his or her own speech and actions.

    *steps off soapbox*

    -- dedicated to Pubdude and the piffling Reverends --

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    April 18, 2001

    Of coolness, overalls, and body jewelry

    My last entry bored even me.

    Today I am wearing black overalls. I love wearing them because they’re comfortable and have lots of pockets, but I do worry about the goofy factor. Generally, the people I know who wear overalls are bubbly happy people, people who believe Life is What You Make It! and Attitude is Everything! I wouldn’t be surprised if Phelp’s friend from the bowling leangue wears overalls.

    I, on the other hand, am not and do not wish to be a bubbly happy girl. Goofy, sometimes, and talkative, usually, but also mordant on occasion. You can tell all this, I think, because my overalls, though they are overalls (that’s the goofy side) are also black (for the mordancy) and I am wearing them over a black T-shirt, with silver jewelry and black-and-white Keds. Wearing black and silver makes me feel that I am cool and dangerous, even when there are overalls involved. I am not cool, most likely, and am far from dangerous, but I think feeling that way is probably the first step. Of course, anyone who worries about or talks whether they are cool is automatically not, so clearly I have many more steps to take. (And that is a lesson someone should teach my company, whose executives often talk about how we attract "cool people" by making this a "cool place to work".)

    Yesterday I bought a toe ring (silver, naturally), because all the cool people I know wear them and, more importantly, I like the way they look. As with so much of life, I promptly learned that wearing a toe ring is more complicated than it looks. Mine is, as I believe most of them are, only a partial circlet, open on what is supposed to be the bottom. This is presumably designed to allow for the fact that most toes are of much greater diameter at the tip than at the part where a ring is worn. The ring is open, to go over the tip of the toe, and can then be squeezed tighter, to stay on. Maybe I didn’t squeeze tight enough; mine kept turning so that the open side was up and the greater weight of the closed side was down. That pesky gravity again. If there’s a trick to this, someone please tell me. Or am I just not cool enough for proper wearing of toe rings, and can the ring itself sense this? Maybe it’s a good thing I never got my navel pierced.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    Rowing’s OK, work is slow

    Nothing profound this morning -- apparently I used up my imitations of profundity yesterday. If you don’t think yesterday’s second entry was profound, then that just proves I don’t do imitations well.

    The best word to describe rowing today is "okay". Not terribly painful, as I coxed for half the practice and we were doing drills all day anyway. We weren’t doing them well, but they still weren’t nearly as painful as Monday’s long pieces. The only notable point is that I rowed port today, for the first time in 4-5 months, and had surprisingly little trouble with it. Most people develop a preference for one side or the other; I never have. I seem to row starboard more often, mostly because I’m so small that I’m usually put in bow seat, which is starboard in a standard-rigged boat, but I have a suspicion my technique is better on port.

    It looks like I will be doing quite a bit of technical writing for a project at work, creating the halp files for an application we’re creating. Does that mean time spent doing this is work-related, since I’m presumably improving my writing skills? I finally brought in one of the two boxes of stuff I’d taken home before the Worcester trip. The challenge now will be fitting an office-worth of stuff in a cube. It’s been so nice having a window, though, that the transition hasn’t been that difficult.

    Things are a little slow at work just now, but next week I’ll be off at a convention, which sounds both interesting and luxurious. Not sure if I’ll have access to a computer though, so expect updates here to be sparse. I think I’ve said that before. Pardon the repetition -- I’m not convinced that my memory isn’t failing, thoug it ay be that it’s always been bad for something. I’m great on song lyrics and poetry though -- my theory is that all the useless lyrics and trivia take up memory space that I should be devoting to real life. I have no plans to change, though, as I enjoy remembering lyrics and trivia much more than appointments and such. That’s what Palm Pilots are for, anyway.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 AM

    April 17, 2001

    School clubs and related issues

    On my way home today, I heard on NPR that my state’s Senate is debating the issue of whether to allow Bible groups for 7th and 8th graders. I think they should be allowed to have clubs for almost anything not hurtful the kids want to have clubs for -- Bible groups, atheist groups, humanist groups, gay/lesbian/bi groups (maybe -- see below), Buddhist groups, sports groups, fan clubs, whatever. The crux, for me, is that there be no pressure to join any, or none, of these groups. I do realize that the peer pressure would be the most difficult part to control.

    This is the age at which most people are beginning to consciously define their own moral codes. I think it would help them to do so if they had groups to discuss the different sorts of morality our race has evolved. Even better would be to have multi-group projects -- saying, comparing the code defined in Exodus with the Humanist Pledge, to assess similarities and differences. Of course, people this age might need a lot of adult help (from some very adult adults) to keep these discussions civil and productive -- but what a great learning experience. The clubs should be after school, and the school itself should not favor any one club over another -- also difficult, in some regions more than in others. Explicitly discussing morality and responsibility before all the hormones have fully kicked in -- is this a radical idea?

    I hesitated on whether to include the gay/lesbian/bi clubs in my list above, not from the fear of whether they would be proper fields of discussion for 12 and 13-year-olds, but whether they would be meaningful at that young age. Do many people realize their own sexuality at that age, if it’s something other than what society has groomed them to accept? I’m asking because I really don’t know.

    I’ve been reading Hardrain’s poignant account of her own coming-out, at 16, and she does still seem to be coming to grips with some of the related issues (such as, for example, whether she’s gay or bi). Given the pressures she’s dealing with, a support group might be of great use for her, but there’s a vast gulf between sixteen and thirteen. On the other hand, it might be of use for middle-schoolers to have clubs for people dealing with a gay parent. Again, I don’t know, and the decision for which clubs to have should be made by their potential members, anyway.

    A related question I’ve always wondered about, is why do people (including those most concerned) always seem to assume gay and lesbian teenagers will be having sex with each other? There are a lot of voices telling straight teens to hold off on sex until they’re ready (though the definition of "ready" varies widely, from "old enough" to "emotionally mature enough" to "really in love" to "married"). Lots of them do go ahead and have sex, but for the ones that wait, there is at least some kind of support structure in place. Where are those voices for the other kids? I think that if I had a sixteen year old daughter, I would be hoping she would hold off on sex, with males or females, until she trusted the other person and felt ready to deal with the consequences, both emotional and physical.

    Another thing I realized, while thinking over these issues, is that I will not voice these questions in my email groups for fear of ruffling too many feelings and possibly causing some infighting. I’m not sure I would have censored myself there a year or two ago. Granted I do feel that I should keep more of a neutral stance on some tendentious issues now that I’m the primary moderator/Listmum, but still it makes me sad to feel that the group has grown less tolerant. What the hell, maybe I’ll post my questions there anyway.

    Posted by dichroic at 05:31 PM

    Gym, Carcase, advertising

    Warning: expect updates to be sketchy or nonexistent next week, as I’ll be at a conference, and I’m not sure I’ll have access to a computer. I think I’m going to buy a laptop one of these days, but I don’t know how likely that is to happen before next week.

    I want to write about the gym here, but I wonder how interesting all this about my workouts really is to anyone but me (and yes, this did occur to me even before reading Phelp’s entry today -- a bit of synchronicity). This is one reason I usually try to mark the end of the rowing comments. I’m also more inclined to dwell on the interpersonal parts than the mechanics, because they’re more interesting anyway.

    Anyway, skip this paragraph if gym rats bore you. Today was a weightlifting day, arms. I used the erg (rowing machine) to warm up and was quite pleased to find that my times have gone down. That is, this morning it took me the same effort to maintain a 2:30 split as it did last month to do a 2:40 (a split being the time it takes to row 500 meters). At this rate, maybe one of these days I will manage 2000 meters in under 9:00, which is a goal of mine, in a nebulous sort of way. I was also feeling good about the weights I was lifting, and was able to notice more definition when doing upright rows in front of a mirror. Always nice to see some results. I’ve lost about 2 lbs in the 2 weeks since coming home, but some of this is normal cyclical variation.

    One of the very bad things about my schedule is not usually having enough time to read. I don’t survive well without reading time. Having this past lazy weekend was nice, though; on Sunday I reread all of Have His Carcase, by Dorothy Sayers, for my discussion group. As usual, I found myself concentrating less on the actual mystery than on the Harriet/Peter relationship. The thorns in CARC are an interesting contrast to the relationship’s blooming in the next book, Gaudy Night, yet from my memory of GAUD, Sayers is able to manage the transition without making any sudden unwarranted changes. I tend to disagree with a lot of the people in the group who think that Lord Peter is being terribly obnoxious here -- he is being obnoxious, but I think it’s warranted and natural, given the way Harriet treats him, only because she’s still so unsure of herself.

    You may see my banner ad around here this week; I took a long time deciding to become a gold member, and the deciding factor was realizing that I could do so, and support D-land, without necessarily having to advertise. I took a still longer time deciding to post a banner after all. One of the factors in my decision was learning that they only run for about a week -- if you find banners obnoxious, you won’t have to see mine for long. I’m quite curious to see whether it brings in a lot more hits (the one I created isn’t very informative) and even more curious to see whether any of those people stay around. I haven’t gotten any Google hits, and I think I’m just not indexed there at all yet (not to mention the fact that I rarely write about lesbian pancakes, Nicole Kidman naked, interracial blowjobs, or other likely search topics). Anyway, I’m now officially advertised, and I’m still ambivalent about that.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 AM

    April 16, 2001

    Rowing for rabbits

    Rowing details

    Monday morning, distance day. Ugh. Two half-hour pieces, each at 65%-75% pressure. My hands look like an incubator for blisters. On the good side, I think my technique was looking better (and to prove it, I got yelled at less than some of the others in my boat). The stuff the other coach/rower (I’ll call her Queue, I think) told me really helped.

    End of details

    I still want to talk about rowing, just not in detail here. I had the oddest thing happen this morning. The sun was risen, but still low, and I was squinting against it, into about the last quarter of practice (i.e. I was very tired). Suddenly, and just for a few seconds, everything turned into a photo montage. It was rather like the snippets of cinematography they sometimes use for movie previews:

    *snap* arms reaching out *snap* snapping the hands in to my chest *snap* Seven’s blade entering the water *snap* I got splashed *snap*

    and back to regular rowing.

    And speaking of irregular rowing, last night was surreal. I coxed one of the boats (two eights and a four) in two Easter events. The first was a 1000 meter race, during which the cox had to balance a large plastic egg on an oar. We tried balancing the egg on the oar blade inside the stroke rigger, to provide some extra stability, but the judges ruled that cheating (though it was not against any announced rules) and made us stop, at which point we dropped the egg, drifted way past it and had to back uup quite a distance. Rowing shells don’t back well, so we ended up DFL, by quite a margin. T coxed the four that won, by the way, but managed not to be obnoxiously smug afterward.

    We did much better in the second event. For this, Coach DI, dressed in full bunny suit, scattered egg-sized plastic eggs all around the lake, and we were then sent out to pick up as many as we could. We got 21 eggs, beating the other eight by a good margin. T’s boat got 26 eggs, but then a four is much more maneuverable than an eight (40’ long as opposed to 60’ long).

    I will try to start putting together the rowing glossary Evilena requested, and possibly also a Dramatis Personae, just to help me keep track of my aliases. By the way, last night before going to sleep, I attempted to explain to T some of the reasons why this journal matters to me, and why I really want to update it every day. I always underestimate him -- I thought he would think it was stupid, because it seems so foreign to anything he would do. Instead, his first question was whether I was backing up my entries, so they would be preserved if something happened to the D-land server. You can’t see me, but I’m just shaking my head in wonder. How awful it would be to live with a man who was either comepletely predictable (as distinct from reliable) or who consistently did no come up to your expectations.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 AM

    April 15, 2001

    A calm weekend

    it’s the weekend, who cares 2001-04-15 calm_wknd.html
    A calm weekend

    It’s been a quiet weekend here at Lake Dichroic, though, you’ll note, still busy enough that I never did update here yesterday. Consider it compensation for all those two- and three-entry days.

    It’s our last quiet weekend before we start coaching on weekends again, so we’re appreciating each second we get to laze around. Yesterday, I ran some errands, baked some brownies (from a box), then went to a rowing coaches’ meeting. Coach DI was surprisingly calm and civil, though I had a hard time not laughing when he was talking about the need to be more careful driving the coaching launches (these, by the way, are gas-powered catamaran-hulled boats that we use to stay alongside the rowing shells while coaching). He and (hmmm...what’s a good name for a small, loud, hairy guy....) Yosemite Sam were the only ones there who have been driving the launches much. I’m not entirely sure whether DI was chiding himself or YS. We signed up to coach three classes in a row every Saturday and Sunday: Advanced, Intermediate, and Beginner, which makes me very glad that we’ve promised to do this only every other month. By the way, the brownies absolutely sucked. Brownies are the oe thing I don’t bother cooking from scratch because the mixes are usually so good; I think the problem may have been due to too much non-stick spray and a very old mix.

    After the meeting, I got Coach DI to show me how to drive the launch, making sure T was along this time. Strange, but true....almost no one will yell at a woman if her husband or boyfriend is there. (Even the WASPishly even-tempered T thinks DI has been going a bit overboard in his post-practice rants lately, anyhow.) I went out on a limb and pointed out that he could hardly send me down to the Advanced class (as he has threatened to do to anyone whose rowing doesn’t improve) as I would be coaching that class. At which he laughed and said he’d had no intention of demoting me. Almost a compliment, by God.

    Later, we did yardwork, me in a bathing suit because, though I’m not much on tanning, I do want to be a bit less blindingly white. After that, we picked up Mexican food and headed over to T2 Hatfield’s to help build stands (on rollers) so that he and T could store their double in a less high-traffic area -- apparently it’s under the Other Rowing Club’s four, and has been getting a lot of dings lately.

    When they were done that, we hung out in the perfect twilight temperatures on T2’s back patio, until he shooed us off so he could get to bed (a major advantage of hanging out with other rowers is that you can do this at 8PM and they won’t think you’re lyng in order to get rid of them). After which T and I enjoyed our own back patio for a bit.

    Today, we will be back out to the lake to celebrate Easter -- someone has come up with the fairly hare-brained idea of a modified spoon race -- eights racing for 500 meters while the cox carries a giant plastic egg on an oar, held horizontally. After this, the launch will scatter the eggs all over the lake and we’ll all rush about madly (while adhering more or less to the normal counter-clockwise traffic pattern) to gather them up. Should be, um, interesting, and quite possibly fun. T and I have decided that we need a lot more of these three-day weekends.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:31 PM

    April 13, 2001

    Gone flyin’

    The usual daily minutiae:

    This morning I rowed in a lightweight women’s eight, in a new boat that is actually designed for people only somewhat bigger than us (instead of for 220-pound, six-foot-three men -- in rowing, heavyweight is the default). It did set better -- that it, not much rocking from side to side. Other than that, we were terrible. My timing was better (not the case for everyone) but I could feel that my body control was off. After a bunch of short power pieces, we switched several people around and I ended up coxing (steering and calling commands, not rowing) a very mixed boat -- male, female, short, tall. I did get them to do a couple of good strokes. Later, I was able to get a good description of what I was doing wrong from another coach/rower who happened to be in the launch watching while I was rowing. I was definitely doing some weird stuff, compressing my body too far, but she had some good analyses of why I was moving so awkwardly, and pointed out that some (not all) of it was a response to other peoples’ moving awkwardly. Rowing is an odd sport -- you can only concentrate on yourself, but you depend implicitly on the others in your crew and if one person is off, it can throw off a whole boat.

    I took the day off work today, because T had it off for Good Friday (his company is European-owned) and I couldn’t let him have all the fun without me. One problem with all this rowing is that it leaves us very little time for other hobbies. Specifically, neither of us has been flying much in the past year (well, ok, I haven’t flown much in the past three years and wouldn’t go up without an instructor at this point). A year or so ago, we bought a lot in an airpark, just off the runway of a private airstrip. It’s up on the Mogollon Rim, which is the edge of the Colorado plateau that bisects part of this state. As a result, though it’s only 2 hours away by car, it’s about 5000 feet higher and much cooler than the desert here.

    We’d only driven there, and T has been wanting to fly up, so today we did. Since he’s also a bit rusty, and because the runway there is narrow and sloped, we took along an instructor just in case, sort of like taking life jackets in a boat. I rode along in the back seat, where my greatest challenge was staying awake. Something about the vibration and noise in the back seat of a lightplane always send me straight to sleep, but I hadn’t flown in so long that I wanted to stay awake to appreciate this trip.

    Most of the flight was over mountains and pine forests. Arizona has quite a lot of both, and surprisingly little of this state is infested with humans. Every once in a while we’d pass a small town, solitary house, or rural airstrip, but I occupied myself on quite a lot of the trip deciding where would be the best place, if we had to do a forced landing right....NOW. (I wasn’t being panicky. This is the pilot’s version of defensive driving and is actually good practice.) The trip is quite bumpy, but fortunately my stomach has never entirely figured out the possible link between motion and nausea. It makes up for that by being very sensitive to food, but that’s not a topic I’ll expand on. Sorry, bad pun unintended.

    Once we got to the airpark, we walked around a bit, showed the instructor our lot (he seemed impressed with the whole thing) and listened to the old guy working in the hangar next door tell stories about aerobatics in his Glasair. This is an occupational hazard of hanging around airports, but you never want to cut the old guys off becase a) they’re usually interesting and b) they all seem to have tens of thousands of hours of flying time and they know things that you would otherwise learn through unpleasant experience. If an old pilot wants to tell me something, I want to listen. (Related saying: there are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots.)

    It was beautiful up there; the instructor had good reason to be impressed. Our neighbors there have built some large and comfortable houses/hangars that fit nicely into the terrain. If we’re lucky, we’ll be able to build on our lot sometime before we retire, 40 years or so from now. We do have a septic tank and a picnic table; we don’t get a lot of use out of the former (no plumbing to hook up to it) but I spent some very rewarding moments lying on the bench of the latter, watching tree branches moving against robin’s-egg sky. The temperature was perfect, too -- sweatshirt-and-jeans weather, no jacket needed. Today was probably the first day I’ve had that lived up to those words at the top of my page since I added them. My modus vivendi still needs work.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:31 PM

    April 12, 2001

    Wrong-Way Corrigan, reincarnated?

    I apologize in advance for being completely insensitive -- after all, the guy is dead. And I’m glad that the US personnel involved are no longer being held in durance vile in China.

    The facts of the recent US-China midair collision, as I understand them, are thus. The US plane was spying on China while flying over a part of the South China Sea where access is disputed. The us claims that international waters begin 12 miles from the Chinese coast; China claims a 200-mile territory. (I wonder how the US feels about waters 12 miles off our own coastline!) The Chinese pilot may have been harrying the US plane, flying way too close. (I’m only a private pilot, and everyone involved in the accident has a lot more flying hours than I do, but I’d say if you’re not intending a dogfight, or having both planes intentionally fly in formation, then anything under a mile is too close.)

    Given all I the only person who is amused that the Chinese pilot’s name was Wong Wei? Say it out loud, and remember that the man was a pilot, if you don’t see the humor.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM


    No rowing this morning; lifted weights instead. Legs, which means I was a bit shaky on the clutch pedal at long stop lights and am not particularly enjoying stairs this morning.

    Since I’m not fulminating over what happened in or out of the boat this morning, this would probably be a good time to talk about work. Somwhat to my surprise, it’s going quite well.

    This may not be my Proper Job, but it’s a good thing to be doing for the mooment. I do QA in a software house, which means testing, instilling processes, and other means to make sure that what we produce really is what we should be producing. Sometimes, telling people their code doesn’t work right is like telling a mother her baby is ugly; QA is not always the most popular group. Based on what I had and hadn’t heard during the three months I was away from the home office, I expected to be sending out resumes as soon as I got back. It sounded like there was no real place for me in the organization, and anyway, the whole company was headed straight into oblivion.

    Perhaps it was akin to the Evening News Phenomenon, wherein bad news is always what gets reported because it’s more spectacular. Really, though, things here are not going all that badly. Times are difficult, as they are now for anyone in the software industry. Our stock prices are lower than we’d like, but so are those of our competitors. But we are taking what I think are the right steps, and a reorganization begun in December, about which I had a lot of doubts, seems to be working out well.

    So the question now is whether we can continue to move in the proper directions, changing our culture where it needs it and keeping what’s good. It does look like there’s a place for me in that, helping to define more structured processes where we need them while managing not to get lost in process-for-its-own-sake, which can lead to drowning in red tape. I’ve worked in aerospace and on government programs; I know what that’s like, and I don’t want to do it again. Anyway, this is a loose environment, fast-moving because that’s what the Internet demands, and somewhat self-consciously cool, and my co-workers wouldn’t take kindly to any processes that don’t make sense to them.

    And good for them, I say.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    April 11, 2001

    Floppy boat, words for weddings

    Rowing News: I don’t know when I’ll have time to post the rowing glossary Evilena requested, but I’ll try to define any jargon as I go.

    Latest in the continuing rowing coach saga: Having gotten no response from Coach DI yesterday, I went to rowing this morning, worried about what I might encounter. And .... nothing. I think he was avoiding me outside the boat, though at 5 AM, no one is all that talkative, so the conclusion is tenuous at best. During practice, however, he gave me more direct feedback than usual, and even told me when I improved something. What more can a rower ask for?

    It was a terrible row, though. We did drills the whole time, and I was amazed that DI remained as calm as he did. The boat is supposed to be completely balanced, with all oars moving as one. Instead it was flopping from side to side, and I couldn’t seem to get my timing right. There were about 3 other lightweight women in my eight (lightweight, for women rowers, is under 135 lbs) and they had just moved up from the Fitness (i.e. noncompetitive) class held in the evenings. So I was only part of the problem, though I still wasn’t part of the solution.

    DI did call a coaches’ meeting for this Saturday, to discuss "issues that have come up" but I doubt I’m one of them (though I’ll still worry until it’s over). I really hate to waste time on meetings in the middle of a precious weekend morning. I think we may have to give up coaching after our May classes; it’s just too much. I haven’t actually done any coaching since November, but I suspect I might return to my former burnt-out state fairly rapidly. We’ll see. Coaching is actually fun for its own sake, and I learn a lot that also applies to work and other parts of life. Combine that with rowing and a job, though, and it’s all Too Much.

    End of the rowing news

    I’m still thinking about my uncharacteristic Jubilate yesterday. It’s definitely still in progress, and in fact, I’ve made some small changes already, since first posting it. I want to do a bit more work on the internal structure, and on the rhythm of the words, since it’s definitely mean to be spoken out loud. (Sung or chanted would be even better.) Some comments on it that meant a lot came from Mechaieh (I have just been sitting here for ten minutes thinking of an apt and telling way to describe the quality of her work, to explain why I care about her opinons, but I give up. They’re good, really good.) and from my brother The Writer, who said something about stealing some of this to use at his wedding.

    Since his wedding is probably a year or two away, I don’t know how likely this is, but I’d love to have him use it. He read the Apache Blessing at my wedding ("Now there will be no rain/for the two of you will be shelter for each other") and it was nice, but it was one of the things I wish I’d had more time to personalize further. He read it perfectly, as expected, but I regret not having had time to find words (and music, for the reception) that fit our own voices a little more closely.

    Then again....the wedding we went to a few weeks ago included a reading from John Donne, the one that goes "I wonder, by my troth, what thou and I did before we loved." Had I picked a piece of his that better fit us, it would have been the one about not wanting to get out of his lover’s bed in the morning:

    Busy old fool, unruly Sunne

    Why dost thout thus

    Though windows, and through curtains, call on us?

    I’m not sure how that would have one over with the great-aunts.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    April 10, 2001


    This will be an odd entry.

    The thing I didn’t mention earlier about the episode with Coach DI was what happened after I got home. Because of going out to get checked out on the coaches’ launch (which, by the way, we never did do, as someone had taken the gas can), I got home only shortly before T would normally have been heading up to bed.

    He came over, sat with me while I ate my soup (homemade matzoh-ball soup is wonderful for taking the knots out of your stomach), listened to me, offered only useful suggestions, and that sparingly, and generally did his best imitation of The Perfect Husband. (The frightening thing is that part of it was him applying tactics from his latest management class on how to deal with upset people. Apparently, this one made sense.)

    A little later yesterday evening, I was lying in bed thinking how good he’d been, and how grateful I was to have such a partner, and the following started coming into focus. This is the odd part I warned you about. I’m not terribly religious, or much into prayer. I believe very strongly in free will -- normally, I thank T directly for what he’s done, rather than thanking Someone for him. This one, though, came to me; I didn’t go looking for it, except to complete it. I wanted it to speak of the sublimity of a spiral nebula, the purity and power of the white horses of ocean spray, and the small miracle of love, and I doubt I’ve gotten all of that, and I think it may not be done yet. But, subject to change, here is:


    Praise the One Who brought all to be.

    Praise the Spirit Who spawned the uncountable universes.

    Praise the Shekhina Whose thought set the cosmos expanding,

    Praise the Builder Who laid the structure that from a single seed grew the galaxies in their crystalline brilliant complexity, spiral or barred or lenticular.

    Praise the Mother who, self-fertilized, birthed the stars that brought forth Her grandchildren, the planets and their glory of rock and ice, of gas and spume and spray and life.

    Praise the Artist, who brought about the beauty of the great and the small, of the nebulae and of the northern woods, of Luna’s stark surface and of the lush life of a coral reef, of Neptune’s brilliant blues and of the white surf that rides the waves.

    Praise the Prime Mover Whose physical laws, set in motion, led to this place and this moment, where I and my beloved come together, at home in a small corner of a small planet (at the round earth’s imagined corners) in a small galaxy on the edge of Somewhere.

    Sing in praise.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    impending doom

    I am in deep shit. I think.

    If I haven’t mentioned it before, I coach rowing, as well as doing it myself. T and I will be teaching Beginner and Intermediate classes on weekends, starting in two weeks. I hadn’t gotten checked out on the new coaching launches, since they arrived shortly before I left for MA, so I called up Coach DI and arranged to do that yesterday evening.

    I got there in time to see the last half hour of the Juniors’ class, including not only rowing but calisthenics enough to make me glad I’m not in high school any longer. After they were done, DI completely reamed them out for being soft and having a lackadaisical attitude (mispronouncing "lackadaisical" in the process). Like kids in a strict ballet or martial arts class, they seemed to thrive on it, actually, but that lecture should probably have clued me in that he was in a bad mood. He’s been crabby lately anyhow, probably overworked and burnt out.

    They finally finished, and before we went down to the launch, I pointed out that someone else’s boat was tied down on my slings (just cheap camp-stools). This is a problem partly in case I want to use them and partly because it’s not safe. The boat could easily be blown over in a high wind, and rowing shells are fragile as well as expensive. There are other slings there, but they’re also private property.

    That apparently was the wrong thing to say. As soon as we were out of earshot of anyone else, Coach DI ripped in to me. Apparently I hurt his feelings, because (he said) the last several times I have seen him, I have complained about something he has done, or rather not done, without even saying "Hello" first.

    Two of those issues are that he owes me a shirt, to replace one I lent to a cox from another club who coxed a boat of ours (that I wasn’t in) in a race) and a jacket, because the one he ordered for me is way too big. These are low priority to him, and rightly so, but I’ve been waiting for both for quite a few months now, and anyway, I don’t really believe I should have to keep track of other people’s priorities. If you said you’d do something, you’re supposed to do it, in at least a reasonable period of time.

    Of course, anything I said only made him angrier and increased the volume. DI’s one of those people who can’t brook disagreement, when once he’s gotten mad. He asked if he had ever treated me disrespectfully until now, and of course, I couldn’t think of specific instances, while standing there under fire.

    After my last boss, another screamer, quit, I swore I would not allow myself to be yelled at again, by anyone who didn’t have the right to do so.

    Now, in mitigation: it’s greatly to DI’s credit that he at least waited to start bellowing until there was no one else around. It’s also good that after all the yelling, he was able to calm down and answer some other questions I had. My former boss would not have been so considerate, on either count. And DI claims that it was I who ordered the jacket in a medium instead of small. Given my size, this seems unlikely, unless I was told they didn’t make smalls, but it is possible. Finally, the bit about my addressing concerns (though I do it politely) before even saying hello is true, and I finally figured out why while I was fuming last night. Generally, I have to wait for quite a while to get to talk to him, there are often several people trying to do the same. Also, he has a tendency to wander off and go talk to someone else while I’m trying to talk to him, so I do tend to get right to the problem and speak fast. (This applies even to, say, questions about coaching, not just to things affecting only me.) Speaking of "acting disrespectfully"....

    These explosions happen every few months, and I am fucking sick and tired of them. The upshot is, I wrote him an e-mail last night, as formal and polite as I could make it. I ran it by T, who is generally calm and opposed to confrontation, and even he agreed it was the right thing to do. From memory, it was something like this:

    I am writing this e-mail because, frankly, I can’t think clearly when someone is screaming at me. You may call this cowardice if you like; I don’t much care. The answer to your question is yes, you have treated me with disrespect; you yell at me about every two months. When I put myself in your class, I give you implicit permission to run the class however you see fit. If I don’t like it, I can always leave. Outside of class, however, you do not have the right to yell at me. It is neither pleasant nor productive. Please don’t do it again.

    I will endeavor to accept, gracefully, any constructive criticism that is offered to me in a civilized manner.

    I did go to rowing this morning, just to show my face, but we didn’t go out because of wind. Anyway, DI generally checks his mail about once a day, during business hours, so he probably hadn’t seen it yet.

    I expect an explosion sometime later today.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 AM

    April 09, 2001

    Is a small gym rat a gym mouse?

    Rowing news? What rowing news?

    I didn’t include it in my earlier entry today because there wasn’t any. We had 20+ people show up, including enough of us small female types for a women’s lightweight eight (first time this whole group had been together). And no coaches. Two of us there to row today do coach other classes, but neither of us is checked out for the coaches’ launch, and taking a class out without it is against the program’s Rules.

    Instead, I went to a nearby branch of my gym, to do the arm workout T and I skipped on Wednesday. (More of that incredibly seductive sleeping-in stuff.) I did 2000 m on the rowing machine as a warmup, at a pretty good pace, then a bunch of pulls, pushes and curls. My own branch of the gym isn’t fully open yet; this one had at least three machines for each exercise. Combine that with the fact that I’ve been rowing so much I hadn’t done much lifting since getting back, and it’s not surprising that all of the equipment was a little different than what I’d been using. The motions are generally the same, but every machine is weighted a little differently, so I experimented a bit to figure out what weights to use -- the idea is to do one set each of 12, 10, and 8 reps at progressively higher weights.

    And now we get to the raison d’etre for all of this gym-rat verbiage. I was especially surprised to only be lifting 30-35 pounds on the shoulder press machine (same as a military press, I think). I was fairly disgusted with myself.....until I read Marn’s entry for today, in which she discusses how proud she and her trainer were that she shoulder pressed 30 lbs, "because most girls can only do 15". I gloat. I am a stud muffaletta (female, smaller, and more tasty than a stud muffin).

    Today’s Vocabulary Word:
    Muffalettas are sort of New Orleans’ answer to the hoagie, if you didn’t know. Round, lots of cold cuts and veggies -- for US readers, that’s where Schlotzsky Sandwiches got the idea.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    Monday morning

    Why do they make weekends so short?

    How on earth is a person supposed to fit 40-50 hours of work, at least one serious hobby, eating, sleeping, other physiological necessities, and the requisite amount of reading, thinking, and loving needed to live a full life, into one paltry 168-hour week?

    I liked Phelp’s dream, in which she, Mechaieh, and I shared a house. Not that I would want to do without our respective male companions, but the idea of tending the lemon trees, reading and reading and reading, and enjoying the conversation and good food that would necessarily be in any house containing those two, sounds like a good way to live a life. At least for a while, at least if there were rocks to climb, rivers to row, or paths to hike nearby.

    This was my first weekend at back at home. I do feel that I made good use of the time with T, but I still haven’t gotten all of my stuff put away. (At least my priorities are straight.)

    On the other hand, the weekend did include physical activity outdoors, sex, and even a bit of socializing, so by objective standards, it was successful. Those three things are, to us, the Three Pillars of a Good Weekend.

    These last few entries have been a bit of an experiment. I find I’m still uncomfortable discussing sex in this public forum, even as tangentially as I have discussed it here. This is only as it applies to me; I have no difficulty going into clinical detail in the abstract, or even telling filthy jokes. I don’t know whether it’s a hangup or a decent sense of reticence, but that’s probably a matter of opinion anyway. It’s not really important which it is; either way it’s me. So I won’t force it any longer, though I sure as hell don’t promise to keep these pages squeaky clean -- that wouldn’t be me either.

    I will be interested to see what this week brings at work. It was looking promising by the middle of last week, but by the end of the week, things were a bit slow. If I don’t get busier this week, I’ll have to take steps of some sort to up the challenge level. The big decision will be what sort of steps.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 AM

    April 08, 2001

    in search of morpheus

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 PM

    April 07, 2001

    Passover and other pleasures

    Posted by dichroic at 01:31 PM

    April 06, 2001

    the wild is calling, calling....

    The new quotation I’ve added above is from Ewan MacColl’s song The Joy of Living, which is actually his farewell to life and the people and things he loved. The whole thing is beautiful, but those two lines, especially, make me want to go out and do....things. I haven’t figured out what things, exactly, yet, but I know if I did them, they’d be profound and significant and I’d be a better woman for the experience.

    Watching sunrises over mountains and water is probably one of them; if you’ve been wondering just why I row at 5AM, that’s one of the reasons.

    Right now, too, the desert is in a mood that’s just asking for someone to go out and play in it. There was a big storm last night and now everything is fresh and a bit cool. There’s a wet breeze that smells of sage, and big cottony clouds piling up above the palm trees outside my window. I’m sure the ocotillo is in leaf and maybe in bloom, and the saguaro will be budding soon, those big funny buds that look like clumps of hair sticking up out of a head.

    MacColl was writing about the Scottish Highlands, but it’s the mood of his words and the love for the physical world that come through, much more than the details of crag and heather. Robert Service, whose words hit me harder than many a poet who is considered artistically superior, did the same thing in Call of the Wild:

    Have you gazed on naked grandeur where there’s nothing else to gaze on,

    Set pieces and drop-curtain scenes galore,

    Big mountains heaved to heaven, which the blinding sunsets blazon,

    Black canyons where the rapids rip and roar?

    Have you swept the visioned valley with the green stream streaking through it,

    Searched the Vastness for a something you have lost?

    Have you strung your soul to silence? Then for God’s sake go and do it;

    Hear the challenge, learn the lesson, pay the cost.

    Let us probe the silent places, let us seek what luck betide us;

    Let us journey to a lonely land I know.

    There’s a whisper on the night-wind, there’s a star agleam to guide us,
    And the Wild is calling, calling. . .let us go.

    It’s easy to hear that call, if you pay attention when you’re outside on a day like this.

    There are other verses, about the desert and the Arctic and the bonds of civilization, but it’s the verses I’ve quoted, the first one and half of the last, that are strong enough, if they came at exactly the right time, to make a person quit her desk job just to seek her fortune.

    I’m stil here, so either I’m wrong or it’s not the right time. But maybe someday...

    Then again, I always remind myself, after his time at Walden Pond, Thoreau came back out of the forest, and back into Concord.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    rowing news, thoughts on Dad

    First, the rowing news:

    Practice was actually a lot of fun today. I was in a mixed eight again, but this time not with a bunch of behemoths. I actually got to carry the boat on my shoulder. Also, we had two coaches out in two launches, so both boats (the other one was a men’s quad) actually got some real coaching. We were doing 25-stroke pieces at 3/4 pressure, starting at a 20 rate then upping the rate by two every five strokes so we ended on a 30. Now, it’s true that I like any drill that lets you paddle lightly every 25 strokes, but also I was astounded at how far the rowers in my program have come. You know how it’s easiest to see how much a child has grown if you only see her at infrequent intervals? That’s sort of the perspective I have on the rowing program after coming back from 3 months away. Probably the last time I did much rowing at a 30 rate was last October, when I was one of 8 women training for the Head of the Charles. Our cox wanted us to do that whole race at a 30, at frankly, we couldn’t do it. The only way we could row that fast was to shorten up our slides. Today, in contrast, with a mixed boat that wasn’t even used to rowing together, we hit that 30 and it felt good. We weren’t even rushing up our slides.

    Now all I have to do is work on catching up to all those people who have been improving while I was gone.

    End of the rowing news.

    Phelps’s stories about learning to play baseball from her dad made me think of my own father. Dad’s a bit of a throwback to Archie Bunker, and, unfortunately, a bit proud of it. He didn’t take it well when I dated a Filipino man in college. And, though he doesn’t do it often, he still believes that in extreme cases (such as when your daughter is dating someone of another race or religion) a man should be able to put his foot down and draw the line in his own house. Once when I told him I had just needed to replace my car battery, he asked if T had done it for me (note to the mechanically uninclined: replacing a car battery is only slightly more difficult than replacing a calculator battery, though it’s heavier and usually dirtier). I found that one especially annoying from my own parent: if I hadn’t known how to replace a car battery, whose fault would it have been for not teaching me?

    On the other hand, if he wasn’t there much while I was growing up, it was because he was working long hours to support us. And he once told me, shortly before my wedding, that the day I was born was the happiest one of his life. (If the subtext was that it’s been downhill ever since, I don’t want to know about it.) Any mechanical or engineering ability I have comes from him, and I did learn how to paint and do some very basic wiring from him, as well as how to fly a kite (but not how to throw a ball, which I still don’t do well).

    Still, Dad’s definitely got the view that some tasks are more suited to men than to women. Which is while I still think it’s hilariously funny that he ended up with a daughter who’s an engineer and a son who’s a writer.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 AM

    April 05, 2001

    weekend and holiday plans

    later morning 2001-04-05 010405_31.html
    weekend and holiday plans

    Note to non-rowers: this entry will be in English. You can start reading again.

    Exciting News

    I have now been here long enough to start splitting up my archives by month. If you click on Older Entries, you will see this month’s postings and then a link to all the stuff I wrote in March. Okay, I realize that may not be especially interesting to anyone else, but dammit, it’s a milestone of a sort. After the age of 21, if you don’t have kids, there are fewer and fewer of those, so I like to recognize them when they happen. The day I get my first Google referral will no doubt be another big banner day.

    End of announcement

    The one good thing about T’s current schedule is that he takes weekends work, no rowing, no coaching. We are planning to spend this particular weekend Together, for which purpose we plan to visit an interesting local boutique tomorrow evening. A, ummm, toystore. (Damn! I just realized I forgot to buy grapes yesterday.) Don’t worry, I won’t go into detail here (well, I may go into detail on people-watching and new products at the Castle Boutique, but just for human interest reasons). On the other hand, at least if I happen to get out of bed and write anything here, it won’t be about rowing.

    We’re supposed to have someone come by and check the cable Saturday, so with luck, I’ll even be working on a faster connection. (Also, to keep from scaring the repair person, decently dressed.)

    "In keeping with the theme of the weekend", as T put it, Passover dinner will just be the two of us, by candle light. The menu involves matzoh ball soup, but I’m not sure what else. In a rare fit of Jewish-friendly buying, my local supermarket had not cut-up whole chicken, so I don’t have to either improvise or do my own cutting, but actual, real mandlen (soup nuts). Next thing you know, they’ll start stocking kasha again (they stopped carrying it about 6 months ago, possibly because I was the only customer who ever bought any).

    I was brought up in the Ashkenazic tradition of Judaism, as a Conservative (that is, not Orthodox or Reform) Jew. In that tradition, in addition to the basic prohibition against leavened bread, thre are all kinds of other foods that are not eaten during Passover: any grain product not specially marked for Passover (prepared under the supervision of a Rabbi) including things like malto-dextrin, and legumes, for reasons I have never understood.

    I’m sorry, but I think that’s just stupid. (And now if I get struck down by lightning, you’ll know why.) I like ritual, but I also like to know the historic reason for it, and I’m pretty sure bean-dip wasn’t one of the things the Jews left behind when they fled Egypt. Those additional prohibitions are also not found in all streams of Judaism; one Israeli told me the "nobody really likes matzoh" so he and his friends used to go into the Arab neighborhoods to buy pita bread for Passover. Though I do like matzoh, really. So my chicken soup will have noodles in it, and I won’t scan the ingredients of everything I serve in case there might be lurking soybeans.

    I probably won’t really keep Pasadic anyhow, but I won’t serve bread at my sort-of-a-Seder dinner, either, even though it is just the two of us.

    And the answer to "Why is this night different from all other nights?" will be "Because we get to stay up later than seven PM, if we want to."

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    trouble on Town Lake

    Rowing practice felt a little better today, but as usual, I’m a bit annoyed with Coach DI. (I tried just calling him Coach here, but it just didn’t sound right -- the DI is for "Drill Instructor", based on a certain similarity of approach.) It is entirely possible, maybe even likely, that I’m just being defensive so that I won’t have to admit how badly I’m rowing. So feel free to take the following with a large grain of salt.

    One reason I’m loath to take Coach DI’s comments today seriously is that he spent almost all of today’s practice with the other boat, as they were having steering issues. It’s very difficult to steer a quad; there is no cox, so you have to steer from bow seat, while rowing and while facing backward. It’s hard as hell to look back over your shoulder without missing a stroke (literally). The woman doing the steering was new at it. She managed not to hit anything, so deserves a bit of slack for steering a somewhat, er, serpentine course.

    Anyway, so Coach DI spent all of 6 minutes with us, the last of 6 6-minute pieces at 65% effort, at a medium stroke rate. I did ask if he would look to see if I opened up my back too soon (that is, moved my body before finishing my leg motion, which wastes energy without moving the boat). He stayed at my end of the boat (bow) for maybe a minute, then dropped back behind the stern. Afterward, no comment at all.

    So I went up to him to ask if I were still opening too soon, and he said, "Uh, maybe a little. But you had all kinds of issues going on there -- the power wasn’t there and there was no puddle at all coming off your blade. Maybe you should consider dropping down to the Fitness class for a month to get back into shape. You’ve done this before, though, so maybe you just need a week or two to get back into it."

    Translation according to Dichroic: "Oops, I completely forgot to look. But I didn’t notice, when I dropped back, that you had no puddle."

    Well, part of that is entirely true. I admit it -- I cheated. I rowed with a bit less power to concentrate on form today. Another factor in that is that I really do have less power than the rest of the boat -- today’s crew was all either male or female heavyweight. Not People My Size. Still, in the past, I’ve been able to compensate by having better form, so that a higher percentage of my power goes to moving the boat. Either I’ve lost some of that or everyone else has caught up, or, more likely, both.

    Still, I don’t want to drop down a level, especially since that group rows in the evenings so I’d never see T, except when we woke each other up by my coming in late or his going out early. Also, the coach of that class rarely coaches much at all, but has been known to tell women’s crews they’ll never row as well as men. No thanks.

    I wanted to say, "Look, DI, we’ve been doing this together for most of a year. You should have some idea of what I’m capable of, and whether I’ll be able to get to the level you want." I didn’t, but I did point out the size issue, and asked if there was another day that might work out better (different crews show up on different days). He told me that there is a lightweight women’s crew beginning on Monday, so I will first call someone to see if that’s true (given Coach DI’s notorious lack of organizational ability), then plan to show up for that. It’s not ideal; I’d be rowing MWF and T would row TTF, so every evening would be shot for one or the other of us. On the other hand, we’d at least be on the same general schedule, so it’s feasible.

    Also, then I wouldn’t be stuck trying to carry a boat at a "shoulder height" that’s actually above my head. Ouch!!

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 AM

    April 04, 2001

    you are getting sleepy....

    So far, the biggest source of conflict with T has been bedtimes. He’s convinced a) he needs extra sleep now due to rowing and job pressures b) he needs extra ‘make-up’ time whenever he gets behindhand. This leads to 7PM bedtimes, which, unfortunately, is about half an hour before I think of all the things I need or want to tell him. (I can understand someone being irritated at getting woken up, but in turn, I find it annoying to have someone fall asleep while I’m talking to him.)

    It also makes things like laundry and grocery-shopping difficult.

    And so, for reasons you will now understand, to bed.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:15 PM

    April 03, 2001

    back on the sliding seat again

    I just went to my first rowing practice in 3 months, and it was a little rough. Since Coach had me cox for the first 3 of 5 8-minute pieces, then swapped me in to five seat* for the last two, it wasn’t too bad physically, though I did end up with blisters on both hands and one heel.

    (*Note to nonrowers: This is funny. Typically, you put your strongest rowers in five and six seats. I’m what I call "coxswain-sized", at least 20 pounds lighter and inches shorter than anyone else in the boat this morning.)

    One point on which I disagree with my coach is hydration. When I was coxing, I managed to let them stop for a quick sip of water between each piece. After I got in the boat, we didn’t get to stop between the two pieces or after the second one, before rowing back to the beach -- a total of about half an hour, which can be a long time in the desert. Judging by the speech Coach gave us afterwards, he thinks hydration is for wimps.

    I did manage to keep my mouth shut after getting in the boat, something with which I’d have trouble in the past (and for which I’ve gotten scolded). The priciple is sound; if you have breath left over for talking, you’re not rowing hard enough. Also, it can distract other rowers or make it hard for them to hear the coach or cox. I said only one word ("Water??") which may be a new personal record. (There was a lot of unvocalized swearing -- at my own rowing -- but that doesn’t really count.)

    The rowing itself was where I had the problem. According to Coach, I had "no body control" and was all over the boat. It felt to me like I did have control for some strokes, but not consistently (an outside observer, though, would just see that each stroke was different, hence the ‘all over the boat’ comment). Sigh. I wish the erg in my gym up north had had a mirror next to it. I was afraid I was getting bad habits, but it was difficult to tell. So the next thing to work on is concentration and consistency. I had been working on ‘quick hands away’, but body control is a little more crucial.

    Next problem: why is it that Gatorade manufacturers make those damned bottles so hard to open?? One of the nice things about my job is the refrigerator they keep stocked with all sorts of drinks, including the Gatorade which is essential for survival after a rowing practice on a warm day. However, the Gatorade does me no good unless I can drink it. You’d think they’d realize that someone drinking it has probably just worked out, and would likely have tired hands. Last summer there were days I had to ask someone to open the stupid thing for me.

    A related problem is convenience stores that store Gatorade on the hightest or lowest shelf. We once stopped off for gas, food, and drinks shortly after hiking Humphrey’s Peak, the tallest mountain in Arizona. It’s a strenuous 9-mile round trip, with about 4000 feet elevation gain. Bending down was so difficult I damn near had to ask for help getting a bottle off that bottom shelf.

    Back to rowing: since I’ve been gone, my rowing program has spawned off Advanced and Fitness rowing classes, intended for those whose skills or motivation, respectively, aren’t up to the competitive level. Coach made it clear that anyone in the competitive class should expect hard work -- he said "borderline abusive" -- and few water breaks or other indulgences. As mentioned before, I don’t really see hydration as a sign of weakness. (Obviously, the solution to this is to drink up beforehand. Unfortunately, we don’t stop for pee breaks either.) But I really don’t understand why a coach would need to be "borderline abusive" to get top performance out of his team. Is that really necessary? Is this ignorance on my part, due to my lack of experience with coached sports, or just a choice of coaching style? And if the latter, why would a coach choose that style? As both a rower and a coach myself, I’d love to hear from people with experiences of different coaching styles, to hear what worked well.

    Posted by dichroic at 09:31 AM

    April 02, 2001

    settling back in

    Today’s challenge is not, as usual, to decide what to say. It isn’t even, as often, to find something to say, but rather to find the right phrases for what I want to say.

    Coming home is wonderful, but a bit tricky. It’s as if I had wriggled myself into a comfortable spot on a sandy beach, then left for a bit and returned to find that the sand had flowed back into place behind me. Now I have to create my own Dichroic-shaped place in the sand again.

    If anything, that analogy applies at home more than at work; T has gotten into habits of what to eat and when to go to bed that are fitted only to him. More specifically, he’s now getting out of bed at 4 every weekday morning, not just on days we row (we have to be there before 5, and it’s half an hour away). On the other mornings, he goes to the gym to lift. (I do that too, but have no desire to get there at 4:30!) He complains that if he skips even a single day, he’s in pain the next time. To me, that means he’s lifting too heavy a weight, but he disagrees. Making and eating dinner is also a challenge, when you have to work a full day and then get to bed so early. It’s especially difficult for me, since my gut is somewhat undependable when faced with early mornings. On the nights before rowing days, I try to eat food that won’t upset it (no lavatory in a rowing shell!), yet that will still be nutritious enough to support a very strenuous workout.

    Work went a little better than I expected; there are projects for me to do, and interesting work that I can learn from. I report directly to a VP (or whatever her title is now) who is also the wife of the company’s CEO/founder. She can be a little scary but was very welcoming during our brief meeting today -- though I didn’t quite muster the chutzpah to point out that I’m about due for a raise. Our company, like other Internet firms, is facing a tough time right now, so though I will ask soon, I suspect the answer will be "Not for several months at least".

    It looks like I will be working to help standardize and improve our software engineering processes, and maybe do a bit of development myself, which is exactly the mix I’d like. I did lose my office when I was gone, but when I lost my door, at least I gained a window. I also gained at least two boxes full of someone else’s books and papers which were packed up and left in my cubicle. I have no idea whose they are -- I’m the only remaining member of what was a whole QA department, so apparently the packers just assumed anything in that area was mine.

    One of the nicest things about coming back was moving into a colored world again. Worcester was grey and white and brown; Phoenix, and especially my highly-landscaped, pretending-it’s-not-in-a-desert office park, are all blue sky, green palm trees, red rock, and flowers everywhere. San Francisco, this weekend, was the same. It’s much like the Wizard of Oz movie, where Dorothy opens her door after the cyclone and the Technicolor cuts in.

    Off to go pack clothing for the post-rowing shower tomorrow!

    Posted by dichroic at 07:31 PM

    weekend edition

    I’m back.

    One cat at my shoulder, another at my shin -- it makes for difficult typing. I’ll post something more on marriage and reality vs. idealization later (translation: I didn’t realize he’d be waking me up at 4AM every weekday). But first, a roundup of the weekend.

    The bit with the "executive taxi" went more or less all right; my plane was a bit early (!) and the taxi service wasn’t informed when they called the airline, but I waited around a bit and the driver showed up just as I was feeling ready to give up on him. After that things went smoothly; we dropped off my luggage at the hotel, and then dropped me off at the Trio Bistro.

    I had thought the bride and groom were just inviting some old friends out for a few drinks, but they had rented the whole place and there were trays of appetizers and lush desserts. Very nice. We got to hang out with some people I hadn’t met and some I hadn’t seen for years, and enjoyed making the acquaintance of T’s college roommate’s new son (4 months old), who barely woke up for the occasion. Everyone else was a bit stiff, still, getting reacquainted.

    The wedding was very beautiful. It was in an old church high on a hill, with a spectacular view out over San Francisco and the Bay. I amused myself trying to figure out whether the service was Catholic or Episcopalian (the former, I think, since the priest was addressed as "Father"), but either way, it was a good service -- solemn, but not too much so to laugh when a baby began crying right at the moment of "let them speak now or forever hold their peace". There was a solo of Ave Maria, and readings from the Bible (the Song of Songs and the Beatitudes, but NOT Corinthians) and from John Donne, and Bach and Handel played on the harpsichord.

    The bride’s dress made me think "Goth girl gets married" -- a top like a corset and a narrow skirt with tulle overlay, and a tiara. Very cool.

    The reception featured excellent food, and disco, to complement the Bach earlier. The open bar unbent everyone, and the college stories started to flow. We had a great time. Though I did start sniffling during one slow dance with my husband.

    And so, back to work.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:31 AM

    March 31, 2001

    la vita e bella

    The hotel in Oakland has a phone with a data port. The phone is next to the bed. So I’m sitting in a rumpled bed, checking email while T is in the shower.

    Life is good.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    March 30, 2001

    And I realize....I’m going home

    I leave


    This is a good thing.

    Assuming of course that I do get to leave. It’s absolutely pissing down rain and sleet and it all turns instantly to slush as soon as it hits the ground. It should all be rain closer to Providence, though, and I don’t think that the ceiling is low enough to prevent us taking off. I do have a bit of wistful feeling at leaving -- there are some good things here -- but this weather is rapidly making me forget them.

    Anyway, if you’re ever stuck out here, I do recommend the Residence Inn in Westborough, MA. Rooms aren’t bad, and the staff has really been extremely pleasant to deal with.

    Time to log off and pack the laptop, so I don’t really have anything more profound to say. Prufrock does, though, about political correctness -- the last paragraph of his entry today is exactly right. Molly Ivins, one of my favorite columnists, has said something similar.

    I may or may not be able to write this weekend. If not, see you Monday.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    March 29, 2001



    day until I return home

    Less than that, really. In......22 hours and 40 minutes I will be somewhere in the air over, oh, maybe Tennessee. Or somewhere between here and Arizona, anyway. In approximately 29.5 hours I will be sitting down next to T. and ordering a beer. (Cue Homer: Beeeerrr....)

    So now I’m into waiting mode. Not my favorite thing. I can tell already I’m getting all hyper and twitchy. My sentences are more Hemingway-length than my usual Henry Jamesian multiple clauses. And it’s not caffeine, ‘cause I’ve hardly had any today. Really. Ignore that Coke next to the computer. It’s only my second for the day and I had peppermint tes with breakfast and ginger ale with lunch.

    Ohhh. Maybe it’s not caffeine but sugar that’s making me hyper. I really should go put the nervous energy to use and finish my packing. I’ll ship one big box and one small one, and will be carrying a big suitcase, a small suitcase, a carry-on, and an adorable baby Martin guitar. (It’s a backpacker guitar, the only kind of Martin I could afford. My picking skills don’t justify a real Martin anyway.) Packing up three months of your life is a weird feeling anyway. Way too much shit. There’s the stuff I first brought out, the stuff I brought on later trips (I never seemed to take anything home except books I’d finished reading), and all the crap Ive bought during three months when shopping was often the only convenient form of recreation (I’m not big into TV). (Wow, two paragraph clauses in one sentence. Must be lapsing back into H. James voice.)

    Not sure which is worse, waiting or packing. Yes, I am. Packing is over with sooner.

    Separate subject: I’m impressed with the way Andrew and co. keep adding features, like the nifty previous/next feature (see links below). I keep thinking about getting the gold membership, except I don’t think I really want banners and I don’t need space for images. (Our photos are here and here. But for $30, I might do it anyway, just to support d-land. It’s definitely done a lot for my (relative) sanity over the past month. After all, I just gave money to Boston’s incredible folk radio station, WUMB, for similar reasons.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:31 PM

    life and work and stuff


    day until I return home

    I think I may have pissed off a couple of people whose ideas I respect. (It’s also possible someone else’s opinions caused the friction, but I started that particular topic, and it could have been my writing, so the principle applies.) I wrote, on one of my e-lists, that I do not understand adults, more often women, who don’t do anything -- I tend to think an adult should somehow earn his or her place on the planet. (The previous sentence is the part that pissed people off -- it’s just a recap, so even if it annoys you, please keep reading to watch me place my foot further into my mouth.)

    I specifically noted that this applies only to the ones who really don’t do anything, not just to people who don’t work for pay. Raising a child well, or creating something, or working as a volunteer, certainly do not qualify as doing nothing, and in the greater scheme of the world, may do a lot more good than simply bringing home a paycheck.

    Still, there are people worth listening to who do want to quit their day jobs, so that earning a living doesn’t get in the way of doing all the cool stuff there is to do. I understand this to a degree; I would like nothing better than to quit my job and spend my time traveling, and writing and taking photos of my travels. If my time were sufficiently unregimented to allow the simple pleasure of sleeping in when I chose, so much the better.

    On the other hand, I understand only to a degree -- I would still prefer to get paid for that writing and photographing, rather than being supported by someone else (though I think, somehow, I could manage to deal with being supported by a grant or trust fund, however undeserved). On still another of Shiva’s hands, another factor in growing up is realizing that just because I don’t get it, doesn’t mean that other people’s choices are wrong.

    I’ve spent more time thinking about this, and realized two things. I realize that, even though I’m always astonished that others would take my bourgeois and occasionally flaky opinions seriously, somethimes they do. Sometimes my opinons will piss other people off. I don’t think that means I should necessarily change anything just to keep everyone happy; what it does mean is that I have a responsibility to make sure that I have made the effort to go all the way, that I have followed the direction of my thought down its logical path -- or that I clearly state I have not done so and am still forming my opinions. I may still anger someone, but at least it will be for a reason, and not just through sloppiness.

    The other thing I realized, was that my original opinion, that adults should earn their lebensraum, is something I had decided years ago and that should be reexamined. I still think a person should produce some sort of contribution to the world, or at least be self-sustaining, in the course of his or her life. However, a life can be a long time -- enough time to work and to learn and to rest, to create and to have fun. And if some time off to prepare for, or to rest from, the rigors of work are indicated, perhaps that either makes for a better person (because influence on others is one of the things we do with our lives, after all) or a better contribution, in the long run.

    If this all sounds pompous, I’m sorry, I’m still working on that. If it sounds judgemental, it’s not meant to be. While I’ve talked in terms of other people’s lives, I’m really just trying to figure out how to run my own.

    Another thing that bothers me is that it’s only women who seem to talk about or take time off. There are, of course, those women who think it’s their right only because of their gender, because they’re delicate flowers who should be supported by strong men. But let’s confine this discussion to people who matter. Among those, I suspect, the biggest hitch to men taking time off is the men themselves. Either they’re so immersed in the work culture that the idea never occurs, or they’re worried about the opinions of other men. Now if we could rearrange the world so everyone could work some and play some and rest some ..... no one would need to believe in heaven because there would be nothing left to wish for.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    Like Butter Loves Bread


    day until I return home

    One more on marriage: this time it’s a song, not a poem, and I can’t find the words on the Internet, so I’ll have to work from memory. I learned this one from Mary Zikos’ album "Z", but Si Kahn, who wrote the song, has also recorded it, and his version is probably easier to find. I just like the way it encapsulates the satisfaction of every-day life in a good relationship.

    Like Butter Loves Bread

    No fancy gowns, no high-class towns to promise,

    I’m plain as rain, and that’s just not my style.

    I never was a one to ask for favors,

    But I hope you plan to stay with me a while.

    You’re as comfortable as quiet conversation,

    Among close friends who’ve shared the time to eat,

    Like good meat loves salt, that’s how I love you.

    Oh, it’s common now to say that times are changing,
    But that’s not true, it’s only people change.

    My patterns, like your plants hung in my window,

    Were worth the time it took to rearrange.

    I don’t ask for anything that you don’t offer,

    A place to rest my thoughts and lay my head,

    Like butter loves bread, that’s how I love you.

    I never was the person to get lonely.

    I was satisfied to stay here by myself,

    And it’s not that I could be here with you only,

    It’s just better than with anybody else.

    I don’t promise that I’ll go and leave you never,

    For you know that something always could go wrong,

    And I can’t say that I’ll love you ‘til forever,

    I don’t expect to be here quite that long.

    But I can say that I’m content to stay here with you,

    As long as you’re content to stay with me,

    Like the river loves the sea, that’s how I love you,

    Flow in to me.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    March 28, 2001

    replacement entry


    days until I return home

    I just realized that my last entry was pretty lame and whiny, as well as way too self-referential, and I really don’t want to have it sitting right on top to be the first thing everyone sees. So I will now proceed to write something brilliant and hilarious to cover my tracks.

    Yup. Here I go. Any second now........

    Or maybe not.

    For anyone keeping track, I did decide to let T. book me an executive cab or whatever they call it. I don’t much care what the vehicle looks like, just that the driver be willing to help me carry my bags. (Well, as well as the usually taxi-driver basics: not too much body odor, not too scary a driver, and a working knowledge of the local geography.

    I imagine everyone else will be shit-faced by the time I get to the Bistro, but that’s all right as long as they’re still there and they’re reasonably amusing. These guys all spent their college years in New Orleans, so they’ve had plenty of practice, but they’re likely to be a bit rusty. T. certainly is; rowing is not good for building alcohol tolerance, probably due to ridiculously early hours and decreasing body fat.

    Whatever Friday night is like, the wedding itself on Saturday ought to be fun. I’m going to attempt total babe mode, or at least at close to it as I ever get. Dichroic the semi-babe will be wearing a black stretchy sleeveless top with a killer skirt (knee-length, turquoise satin and black lace overlay with magenta sequins sprinkled on it) and strappy black high-heeled sandals. And toenails painted to match the sequins. With any luck, someone will notice (someone I’m married to, I mean, rather than some stranger who should be paying attention to the bride instead). With a bit more luck, I won’t freeze my toes off. Blackened frostbitten skin goes badly wth magenta toenails.

    Going home will be even more fun -- unpacking all my stuff, having access to a washer/dryer that don’t involve a walk across the courtyard and the search for 8 quarters per load, my own bed, a comforter I’m not allergic to and real down pillows instead of those hotel things.....ohhhh, yeah.

    I hope the cats remember me.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM



    days until I return home

    I’m a little worried that I don’t seem to be able find this site through any of the search engines I’ve tried -- I submitted it to all of them last week (via SiteAdd). I would like this page to be easy to find. I’ve known quite a few writers who say they write for themselves, and don’t care if anyone else ever reads their work. I’m sure I would be a better person, and probably a better writer, if I felt that way, but I don’t.

    I do write partly for myself; writing my thoughts down in a coherent fashion helps me to clarify them and to follow each thread to its natural end. Otherwise, I’m apt to have several idea-threads swirling and tangled in my own mind, never taking the trouble to separate and follow each one.

    More than anything, though, to me, writing is a way to communicate. I do hope someone is out there, reading this and saying, "Yes, I feel that way too." (Yeah, well, okay -- I also hope someone out there is saying "She’s pretty good, for someone who doesn’t think of herself as a writer." I believe Mechaieh’s phrase is "applause whore".)

    I never claimed to be consistent, though. So far, I’ve been reluctant to mention this page to anyone I know elsewhere. The three people whose own journals got me hooked and convinced me to start dichroic know about it (Credits: the other two are Phelps and Evilena) but it took me several days to bring myself to tell even T. about it. I’ve told my brother, the writer, though I don’t think he’s surfed over here yet, and stealthily stuck the URL in (once, with no explanation) under my signature on a posting to the e-list I moderate, and mentioned it to one other person because I was trying to persuade her to start her own journal. (She’s done some writing about rowing that I think should be more widely accessible.)

    I’ve been loath to "advertise" more, because it would feel like bragging about something that may not be worth bragging about. Also, I’m not sure I want all of the people I know In Real Life, or even on the Net, to see this: what if I start rowing again and want to complain about someone in the boat with me? What if I say say one of my listsibs is a troll, and s/he reads this? What if I admit to having lustful thoughts, and my mother reads this? (Well, she could probably deal with lustful thoughts....but what if they led to actions?)

    Clearly, these problems aren’t unique to this forum -- the same issues would have plagued anyone who ever published a book any part of which was inspired by real life, or who ever wrote a newspaper column about anything other then bridge (and maybe to some of those), or to any actor who infused his/her emotions to make a fictional character become real.

    No, I haven’t been reading Henry James. Why do you ask?

    So anyway, if you’re reading this, and you happen to feel like sending me a note, or filling in the guestbook, feel free. If not, I’ll just assume you (plural ‘you’) are out there, and that you’re all wise, witty, appreciative, personally attractive ... and busy.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    March 27, 2001

    airport transportatio


    days until I return home

    I’m not entirely sure whether it’s fair to write about this in a public forum....on the other hand, I’ve already shown it to everyone at work, and it’s so hilarious I can’t resist.

    T., as I have mentioned here, is somewhat unclear on the full definition of "romantic". We’re supposed to meet Friday night in Oakland, and after a weekend there I get to go home with him and stay. The problem is, he really doesn’t want to pick me up from the airport. Yes, he’s excited to see me after two weeks apart and after three months in which we haven’t gotten to see each other for more than a day and a half at a time -- this is not in question.

    However, on Friday night he has the opportunity to go out with friends whom he hasn’t seen for timespans ranging from a year to a decade -- starting an hour and a half before my plane lands. The hotel, the airport, and the cafe they’re going to are actually all only a few miles apart. However, I’ll be dragging massive quantities of luggage, even after shipping two boxes home.

    Today, he sent me an email containing this:

    What if I purchased an executive cab to wait for you at the airport (sign with your name and all), take you to the hotel, and then to the Bistro? Would you consider this a romantic gesture and consider me the best husband ever, or would you see this as a cheesy way out that allows your low-life husband to get drunk with all his old college friends?

    Your input is greatly appreciated.

    Judging by the last sentence, he’s clearly been writing too many memos at work lately. That was my only immediate reaction, though; it took me several minutes to decide on the other point. Eventually, I told him that substituting money for his presence did not qualify as a "romantic gesture", though he did get points for creativity. And for surprising me -- I found the email quoted above so hilariously out-of-character that I whooped out loud, in the office. I love being married to a man who doesn’t bore me.

    We may well end up doing it this way. If so, they’d just better stay at that bar long enough for me to get there and have a couple of drinks.

    Posted by dichroic at 06:31 PM

    Marriage and rowing


    days until I return home

    I was anticipating having more to say about marriage than I have had. Maybe it’s an experience better lived through than described. Maybe I’m afraid to sound too gushy; I’ve found it both immensely rewarding and greatly adventurous. I don’t think most people have that experience of it, though I do know and have read of some that do. Frankly, most people’s marriages look stale, flat, and unprofitable (emotionally) from the outside. I hope that this is just an indication that I am not sufficently observant to get a true picture, or possibly a sign that the people I know prefer to keep their private lives private. I’d hate to think so many people actually live like that.

    Anyway, since I’ve run a bit dry on marriage, here’s my favorite quote on the sometimes related subject of rowing. I think that not only rowers but anyone who has had the experience of singing in a good choir will recognize this description. There are times when everyone is perfectly on key and the air seems to vibrate as the sounds swells. Rowing can be like that, at its best.

    From Silverlock, by John Myers Myers:

    Of all sports, rowing offers the least to outward seeming. It is hard work unleavened by variety. Worse, a man attending to business can’t see where he is going. The pleasure compensating for this madness is at once simple and subtle. A need of men, generally denied, them, is to feel a part of something which works smoothly and well. In a mated crew the ideal is reached, the feeling of perfection passing back and forth from the individual to the team like an electric current. Until exhaustion breaks the spell, there is no more to be desired.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    Brooks on marriage


    days until I return home

    T. is now trying to decide whether to pick me up at the airport on Friday night -- instead of flying directly home, I’m meeting him in CA, for a friend’s wedding, and he flies in a few hours before me. Considering I haven’t seen hime for two weeks, and am coming back for good after an absence of 3 months, it occurs to me that perhaps this shouldn’t be a hard choice for him.

    The boy’s got no feeling for romance.

    And here’s what Gwendolyn Brooks has to say on what a marriage (in my writing, I use ‘marriage’ as a shorthand for ‘marriage or other longterm relationship’) is really like. I don’t know why this resonates so with me, but I think it would with T. also.


    That the war would be over before they got to you;

    --And when you have forgotten the bright bedclothes on a Wednesday and a Saturday,

    And most especially when you have forgotten Sunday -

    When you have forgotten Sunday halves in bed,

    Or me sitting on the front-room radiator in the limping afternoon

    Looking off down the long street
    To nowhere,

    Hugged by my plain old wrapper of no-expectation

    And if-Monday-never-had-to-come

    When you have forgotten that, I say,

    And how you swore, if somebody beeped the bell,

    And how my heart played hopscotch if the telephone rang;

    And how we finally went in to Sunday dinner,

    That is to say, went across the front-room floor to the

    Pink-spotted table in the southwest corner

    To Sunday dinner, which was always chicken and noodles

    Or chicken and rice

    And salad and rye bread and tea

    And chocolate chip cookies --

    I say, when you have forgotten that,

    When you have forgotten my little presentiment

    And how we finally undressed and whipped out the light and flowed into bed,

    And lay loose-limbed for a moment in the week-end

    Bright bedclothes,

    Then gently folded into each other --

    When you have, I say, forgotten all that,

    Then you may tell,

    Then I may believe

    You have forgotten me well.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    March 26, 2001

    Saturday’s visit

    lunchtime 2001-03-26 010326_59.html
    Saturday’s visit


    days until I return home

    I was so annoyed yesterday that my dial-up connection was still down (and it still is), that I didn’t mention what a good time I had Saturday, visiting the Phelpses en famille. It was fortunate I had planned the Great Northern Expedition that day, too, as the alternative would probably have involved a lot more swearing at the ISP.

    In fact, though, the drive north wasn’t an expedition but a pleasure -- everything is just hovering on the brink of spring, poised to explode into green. The trees are just coming into bud, and there are no green shoots yet, but the earth is wet and black (and mostly uncovered by snow, finally) and it smells like it’s ready to grow things.

    The rest of the day was a pleasure, too. We started by having very good sandwiches in the local Barnes and Noble, then promptly lost each other among the stacks for longer than planned. Big surprise there.

    For a woman "without a shopping gene" Phelps was remarkably tolerant of being dragged to stores we’d already hot on my last visit. YMP was even more remarkably tolerant, as a 10-year old in a glass store being repeatedly cautioned about touching anything. (For Phelps, I think it helped that the stores sold some beautiful and unusual things, in glass and other media instead of, say, clthing; for YMP, it helped that the second store had some sturdier items to play with.) I tried to keep it brief, and the person behind the counter of the first store was able to direct us to the second one we wanted, so we didn’t have to wander in search.

    In the first place, I bought a pair of earrings identical to the ones I bought last time, and of which I had managed to lose one. So now I have three; either I’m prepared for next time I lose one or I should get a second hole in one ear. In the second store, I purchased the item I had come for (on which more below), but also picked up more earrings and a few gifts while the shop owner chattered to a previous customer. Not coincidentally, both pair of earrings are made of dichroic glass.

    The real aim of the shopping was something I had seen earlier and had regretted not buying ever since: a menorah shaped like an airplane, with a woman pilot (well, ok, the gender’s not entirely obvious, but I think she’s a woman). It’s metal, in yellow and other bright colors, and I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Phelps fell in love with a Noah’s Ark menorah by the same artist, but it was larger, more complicated, and, unfortunately, cost 4 times as much.

    Afterwards, I was given a guided tour of a "true small New England town", with some great houses. In fact, between those and the houses I saw Sunday in Westborough and Southboro, I’d be ready to move if I thought I could afford one. And of course, we talked, and then returned chez Phelps and talked more, and had dinner and talked still more. I’m still not quite sure if Mr. Phelps is just quiet, or if he had trouble getting in a word edgewise, among the three of us, but he’s an interesting guy. I always enjoy seeing parents (both of them) who clearly enjoy their children too, especially after the woman scolding her kids in B&N -- I hope they don’t associate scoldings with books later on.

    YMP and I compared flexibility and discussed codes and languages -- she’s now combining codes and other alphabets, to write "stories no one else can read". She’s also got an interest in languages that seems to me unusual for a 10-year-old, and a radiant smile. Seems like that would be a useful combination for getting on in life.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    online, oddly enough

    As I’m on the road for work, I’m dialing in through our corporate account. Apparently our ISP sold our accounts to Mindspring, who can only be an improvement, as far as I’m concerned. The funny thing about this is that I’m not supposed to be able to log in today. Maybe it’s payback for all of yesterday when I was supposed to be able to log in and couldn’t?

    Off to shower and conference. I’m having a hard time getting to bed early enough to get enough sleep that I can get up early enough to work out, but Epcot was worth it. (On a not entirely unrelated note, a recent article in the Vocabula Review says repetition is allowable, citing Winston Churchill’s "We shall never surrender" speech as a shining example.)

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 AM

    March 25, 2001

    Frost on marriage


    days until I return home Internet connection has been down since Friday night. I found this out right after driving home Friday with a headful of things I wanted to write here, only to find my (corporate account?s) userid and password aren?t being recognized. Neither my company's admin team or the ISP seem to have any idea why.

    The things I?m most looking farward to resuming on Friday night are living with my husband and rowing, in that order and with a wide gap in priority between. I had decided on Friday that I wanted to spend some of the rest of the week considering marriage and disscussing some of the writings on marriage (and maybe some on rowing) that ring true to me. And so, to combine the subjects:

    Robert Frost

    No speed of wind or water rushing by
    But you have speed far greater. You can climb
    Back up a stream of radiance to the sky,
    And back through history up the steam of time.
    And you were given this swiftness, not for haste,
    Nor chiefly that you may go where you will,
    But in the rush of everything to waste,
    That you may have the power of standing still-
    Off any still or moving thing you say.
    Two such as you with master speed
    Cannot be parted nor be swept away
    From one another once you are agreed
    That life is only life forevermore

    Together wing to wing and oar to oar.

    I'm going to be most unimaginative here, and mostly write about that last line, the one everyone else quotes. I will just note first, though, that the earlier part reminds me of some of Henry Vaughan's poems ("I saw Eternity the other night, like a great ring of pure and endless light.") Interesting that to Vaughan, it seems to be a transcendent God, or at least a Prime Mover, that brings the speaker outside time and wordly motion, whereas for Frost the cause is love. It is left to the reader to draw conclusions about whether the two are one, whether this is a sign of the degeneration of modern writers or whether the two poets just think differently.

    In that phrase, "wing to wing", I suspect that Frost, a farmer, was thinking of geese flying in formation. To me, though, the phrase suggests an aerobatic team such as the Blue Angels, Thunderbirds, Snowbirds, Red Barons. The planes fly wingtip to wingtip sometimes, separated only by inches, then may angle away to do loops and rolls independently. Sometimes the planes will mirror each others' motion in different directions, sometimes one or two planes will take center stages wile the others lurk in the background. I think this analogy to marriage may be better even than Frost intended.

    The "oar to oar" phrase, though, is problematical. Generally, in a rowing shell, the aim is to keep the oars in perfect rhythm, but never "together" in the sense of close to each other. (Clashing oars with your teammates is a Bad Thing). The only time I can think of when oar blades would come together, in any sort of boat, is during a race, which seems inappropriate for the sense of the poem. Another possibility is that Frost was thinking of oar handles, not bades. The handles do come together on each stroke in either a rowing shell or a simple rowboat. One oar rowing by itself can only send the boat in aimless circles; it takes both to go in a straight line or in any sort of controlled motion.

    Despite the above paragraphs, though, it is the poem as a whole, not just unison of the last line, that to me fits the experience of marriage -- that ability to stand back, and watch the world, and analyze it together.

    Posted by dichroic at 03:31 PM

    March 23, 2001

    books and gowns


    days until I return home

    I’ve been reading the Harry Potter textbooks, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and Quidditch Through the Ages. They’ve very clever, but also very thin, and I think I’d have been upset at having paid for them if it weren’t that all proceeds go to a good cause (Comic Relief UK). Not only J.K. Rowling but also the printers, publishers, and everyone else (including Albus Dumbledore, who wrote the forewords) donated their work, so it really is "the proceeds", not just "the profits", that go to charity. The satisfying end result is that HP fans get to troll for possible hints as to Harry’s future adventures while feeling virtuous (for giving tzedakah) instead of guilty (for spending yet more money on Potterbilia).

    Last night I went with a coworker, who will here be known as Hello Kitty, also out here from AZ, in search of wedding dresses. Said dresses require 6-8 months (!) to be delivered, plus time for fittings and alterations, so it’s difficult for her to know whether to buy one here or at home, since she may end up out here again for a second stint. Dress styles have changed for the better since I bought one 8 years ago, and they definitely looked good on HK, who is tiny but well-shaped and graceful. It does worry me just a bit that she seems to be happier about and more interested in the dress than in the man she’ll be wearing it to marry.

    Reading Mechaieh’s account of a weekend in New Orleans reminds me that I recently bought the middle book in Barbara Hambly’s Ben January mysteries -- turns out I had originally bought the 1st and 3rd. They’re set in New Orleans in 1833, and seem to have involved a lot of very careful research. January, also addressed as Monsieur Janvier, or Michie Janvier in the more colloquial variety of local French, is a very sympathetic character, a ‘free man of color’ as in the eponymous first book, but it is the Creole milieu that makes the stories so fascinating. Unfortunately, I can’t remember when the big fire hit New Orleans and burned down most of the other buildings, so am not sure if I should recognize any of the places. It’s clear, though, that the place where January stops for coffee and beignets in the French Market is the same as today’s Cafe du Monde, a required stop for tourists today, but also for locals venturing (or living) in the Vieux Carre.

    I expected this diary to become more of a series of essays, but instead it has been more of a true journal, so far, which surprises me since I’ve never kept one before. It’s a little too seductive to be able to record passing thoughts in a paragraph instead of developing ideas into a complete essay. The latter demands much more structured thinking. There’s nothing wrong with the journal form, of course, but I think I do need to write a few more of these entries as essays on an idea in addition to the simple "how my day went and what I read" sort of thing above. Maybe later!

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    March 22, 2001

    What’s wrong with Pat

    I’ve been rereading L.M. Montgomery’s Pat of Silver Bush and its sequel, Mistress Pat, for probably the hundred-and-third time. I don’t know why I keep rereading them -- in a lot of ways, they’re some of LMM’s worst-written books.

    Now, I enjoy reading fantasy and SF; I am very good at willing suspension of disbelief. So I am prepared to believe in a main character who loves her home so much that she never wants to leave it, hates any slight change, and enjoys housework ("making Silver Bush beautiful"), despite the fact that the book is set in around 1920, when housework on a farm was still back-breaking daily labor.

    Later note: Just saw Evilena’s comment about Pat’s "pathological attachment to that house".

    And I have no problem with the idea of Pat wanting to be a home-maker instead of having a career, or with the little speech her mother gives her just in case, before having a dangerous operation: "I want you to be a happy wife and joyous mother of children, as I’ve been ... I’ve loved to wake in the night, and to know my husband and children were near and sleeping safely. Life has no greater joy for a woman than that." In fact, she may well be right -- I would only argue that that particular joy isn’t, or shouldn’t be, limited to women only.

    There are three things that do bother me. The biggest one is that so many of the characters aren’t real. Only Pat and Judy, and, to a lesser degree, Jingle in the first and Rae and Tillytuck in the second book, are fully realized. Pat’s rival May Binnie is also real, despite making only offstage appearances in the first book. But there are so many others -- Mother, Bets, Winnie, Cuddles as a little girl -- about whom we are told, but who are never really shown. What makes Pat love her mother so? Damned if I can tell -- all I see is who never shows emotion, and who spends her time taking care of the baby, and leaving all the other children to Judy.

    The next thing I don’t understand is why so many major life events are kept from Pat and her sibs, but broadcast to the neighborhood. Over and over again, Pat learns upsetting news (Mother’s operation, the possible move out West, the possible adoption of Winnie) from the obnoxious May Binnie. What were her parents thinking? And the trait is passed to the next generation -- the family learns of both Joe’s and Sid’s engagements from the neighborhood gossip, not from the boys themselves. A decent privacy is one thing, but this is ridiculous.

    Finally, there’s Pat’s own obtuseness. It takes her until age 31, after all manner of other love affairs, to realize she loves Jingle, her best friend since the age of 7, and that he is more important than even Silver Bush. Perhaps, like Jo March’s Professor Bhaer, this is a bit of wish fulfillment for the author, who herself was not married until age 32, and who was not deeply in love with her husband.

    Compared to the Anne books or to my favorite, The Blue Castle, the Pat books aren’t some of LMM’s finer efforts. I have no idea why I keep rereading them.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    March 21, 2001


    Looks like the work out here may be getting more interesting. Just in time for me to leave. That’s ok, work back home may be plenty interesting also, if I can just manage not to get laid off. On the other hand, I have a Life back there (well, an excuse for one.... a poor thing, but mine own). In my book, Life trumps Work any day.

    In the interest of proving that I don’t really have a bad attitude (stop laughing back there), herewith, a list of Things I Will Miss in MA:

    -- Spring (I’ve already missed the one back home, I think)

    -- WUMB (pledge week is on and I may have to give them some cash even though I’m leaving)

    -- Some of the people I’ve worked with (but email will suffice)

    -- about half the snow I’ve seen (the other half was overkill)

    -- cool weather

    -- cool weather

    -- cool weather (maybe it’s time to move out of the desert!)

    -- 40-hour work weeks

    -- sleeping in (all the way to 6!)

    -- staying up late (though only from the nights spent socializing. I won’t miss the late nights spent flying across the country.)

    I’m sure there’s more but I have to go get my laundry. Notice that the hotel laundromat is not on the above list.

    Posted by dichroic at 07:31 PM

    "sweet" dreams

    For some reason, as I was going to sleep last night, I was convinced I was going to have nightmares, so I tried to think pleasant thoughts. As it happened, I dreamed about eating doughnuts. Apparently, it worked.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    March 20, 2001

    Shoes....lots of shoes

    night 2001-03-20 010320_72.html
    Shoes....lots of shoes

    Earlier this evening I stood in line behind two women who were in the process of buying roughly 30 pairs of shoes (I am estimating, but not exaggerating). They had more than one pair of several styles, sometimes in different colors, sometimes in the same color. I think there were at least 4 pair in one style (high-heeled red open toed slingbacks, with a square toe and a bow, if you’re interested), so it’s not that there was one pair for each woman in each style.

    I could have switched to the other line, which was moving faster, but after about the fifth pair, I got interested, and spent the rest of the time thinking up reasons why they might have been buying so many shoes:

    1) The obvious one -- shoe junkies with money to burn.

    2) They just got back from a Peace Corp stint, have almost no shoes left, got well-paying jobs, and are celebrating and stocking up. (My college roommate said it took her a while to get used to wearing "real shoes", instead of sandals or no shoes at all, when she got back from Africa.) Note: the shoes they were currently wearing make this unlikely, unless this was not their first store.

    3) They’re in charge of wardrobe for a hot new sitcom being filmed about dot-commers in the tech corridor outside Boston (who apparently dress better than their real-life counterparts, but that’s television).

    4) They plan to donate them to charity, on the theory that Good Will shoppers deserve something brand new for a change. (The styles chosen didn’t seem terribly practical for anyone who needs to get a lot of wear out of their shoes, though.)

    5) Money to burn and they’re having a theme party.

    Any other explanations? Mail them to me.

    Anyway, the whole incident went a long way toward assuaging any guilt over the three pair I bought.

    Posted by dichroic at 08:31 PM

    I’ve lost spring

    afternoon 2001-02-20 010320_71.html
    I’ve lost spring

    It’s supposed to be almost 90 degrees F in Phoenix today. There’s still snow on the ground here. I would enjoy the contrast, except that when I go home in two weeks, there will probably still be snow here, and temperatures there will be well in the nineties.

    I feel like I’ve lost spring this year -- three months of gorgeous weather gone that I’ll never get back. There’s a poem in there someplace, but I may never forgive my company for this.

    A. E. Houseman, smart enough not to waste his springs, wrote this one:

    Loveliest of trees, the cherry now

    Is hung with bloom along the bough,

    And stands about the woodland ride

    Wearing white for Eastertide.

    Now, of my threescore years and ten,

    Twenty will not come again,

    And take from seventy springs a score,

    It only leaves me fifty more.

    And since to look at things in bloom

    Fifty springs are little room,

    About the woodlands I will go

    To see the cherry hung with snow.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    writing, shopping, rowing

    I haven’t missed a day writing here yet, except for when I’ve been out of town. That will change -- already, I’m down to writing once a day, instead of the three times I started with. When I get back home, I’ll have a lot more going on, too -- rowing and probably working longer hours, more stuff to do around the house. And T, of course. It’s amazing how much less spare time I seem to have when he’s around, even when we have no plans but eating dinner and getting to bed early. And, speaking of going to bed early, once I start rowing, my evenings will be considerably shorter. Waking up at 4AM does that to you.

    This weekend, I will be driving up to see Phelps; I’m very much looking forward to meeting YMP and Mr. Phelps, who were out of town last time I visited. YMP, especially, sounds extraordinary, even after applying the doting-mother filter to stories I’ve heard about her.

    I’m also hoping to buy a menorah shaped like a woman flying a biplane that I resisted last time I was there and have regretted ever since. I’m such a materialist. It’s not about owning expesive stuff, or designer stuff, or even vast quantities of stuff, but I do glory in owning cool stuff -- unique things, clothes that are somehow perfect for me, items that just fit my life. After all, how often do you see something that perfect for you? (How many Jewish women pilots are there in the US? I suspect the answer is only in four digits.) Anyway, I have a thing for biplanes.

    Less than two weeks left of my stay in MA -- I’ll be glad to get home and back to rowing, though I’m afraid it may be painful at first. Caught among various illnesses, late nights, and travel, there have been a few weeks in a row where I only got to the gym twice. I have a good shot at making it four times this week (possibly more, though I don’t generally go on weekends). I did 5K on the erg this morning, though only at half pressure (inertia caused by trailing end of the latest sinus infection).

    I’m especially worried that I may have developed bad habits on the erg -- I’ve been trying to concentrate on quick hands away and on level hands, but there are so many things to concentrate on all at once while rowing that it’s possible something else has gotten away from me. And though I think erging is harder than rowing, erging for half an hour at a time is probably not equivalent to rowing for two hours, even after factoring in time to carry the boat to and from the water. Endurance will be a problem, especially if I end up in a boat with two other lightweight women who are distance runners (emphatically Not My Sport).

    But we’ll see. And with a little luck, what we’ll see is me ready to compete by our next regatta, in early May.

    And the good news -- the ears have finally popped! It only took them about 16 hours after the last flight.

    Posted by dichroic at 11:31 AM

    March 19, 2001

    regatta weekend

    morning 2001-03-19 010319_14.html
    regatta weekend

    I’m back from the Long Beach regatta. I’ve got surnburn on my face and forearms, ears still unpopped from the combination of airplane flight and tail end of a sinus infection, and a flap of skin ripped on the the bottom of one foot, from too much running barefoot alongside the racing boats. (It was too hot to wear my boots, and my sandals were packed.) Since I believe that the measure of how good your weekend was, is how sore you are on Monday, this is all a Good Thing.

    I flew out of Boston instead of Providence this time; it took me roughly twice as long to get there as it should have, because of traffic. Luckily, I’d listened to the locals and allowed enough time. The restroom in Logan airport reminded me of how much I hate ladies’ room lines; not only is there the basic problem of waiting to use the loo, but then you know you’re using one someone else just vacated. Ewww. Especially if it’s still warm. (Sorry for the mental image.)

    An odd thing happened while I was waiting in that line though. I realized I was rephrasing all my thoughts into essays for this journal. I noted I should write about the lines (see above). Then I realized what I was doing. Then I starting thinking I should write an essay about how everything I thought was turning into essays in my head. Fortunately the rest of the weekend was distracting enough that I forgot all of this, or I might have been stuck in an infinite loop.

    Back on the topic of bathrooms (sorry again), when I got on the first airplane, for some reason, American Airlines had decided that while we were loading onto the plane and waiting for the flight to start, all of the TV monitors onboard would show a series of scenic videos. Unfortunately, all of these were waterfalls, ocean waves, and other sorts of rushing water. Seemed like an odd choice, on an airplane with over a hundred people and three lavatories.

    The rest of the weekend was very good, except that it was the first regatta I’d been to in about 10 years in which I didn’t compete. We had three juniors boats there (M4+, W8+, W8+) as well as quite a few Masters, Novice, and Open boats. Our juniors, like most of the teenagers I’ve met in the last several years, seem to be extraordinary people, must more accomplished and confident than I was at their age. I don’t know whether it’s an unusual generation, or if I’ve just been lucky.

    I think we won some of the 500m dashes (they were still going on when I left for the airport). Besides those, T’s M4+ and a W4+ both came in second (T’s boat lost to a nationals champion and a boat he’d been with for 2 years; the women came in second by only .37 seconds). I think a novice W8+ also came in second, but am not sure of all the final results.

    One of the most interesting parts of the weekend was hanging trying to be helpful with some of the adaptive rowers in training (in this case, it was all paraplegics, though the term can also refers to rowers who are blind or have other disabilities.) Long Beach has a top-notch adaptive program. They were rowing a Maas rec shell with "scullies" (little outrigger floats) attached to each oarlock) and a fixed seat with a back. The woman doing the coaching was incredible. I think she’s won some international golds for fixed-seat rowing. Not only was she an excellent coach, but the next day, she competed in both Women’s Master singles (in which everyone else was using their legs) and fixed seat rowing. She was toward the rear in the former, but staying with the pack. Just amazing. In the latter, she was boatlengths ahead of everyone else.

    Getting in and out of the shells seemed to be the hardest part for her students (it’s not easy for anyone, since sculls are very tippy). One woman, especially, had only just lost the use of her legs and hasn’t yet learned all the tricks of balance, I think. She was very upbeat, though, far more than I think I’d have been in her place. I’d guess that it’s also very good for morale to learn a completely new skill, something you couldn’t do before losing the use of your legs. It probably also helped that the coaches were similarly handicapped (a precise term, I think; they held back somewhat by their paralyzed legs but were certainly not ‘disabled’). They were able to offer their students advice for dealing with life in a wheelchair in general, not just rowing, and to be role models. Certainly Angie, the main coach, would be a role model for anyone, functioning legs or not. It was all educational, partly because I think Tempe will eventually want to start an adaptive program, and partly because I always find it useful to watch different coaching styles in any phase of rowing.

    One of our rowers who’d driven up (instead of coming in the bus) kindly gave me a ride to the airport -- Long Beach is a nice small airport, where you have to go outside and up the stairs to get on the plane. I like it because it feels more like actually flying -- in fact the FBO and Pilot Shop are right across from the terminal (so of course I stopped in the latter).

    Landed in Boston at 1:20, only got lost once when trying to get on 93 South to the Pike, got home sometime around 3. If I’ve said anything stupid above, be sure to blame it on lack of sleep.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    March 16, 2001

    off to Long Beach

    I was just reading krapsnart’s latest entry, in which she discusses the perils of having a "proofreader’s eye". It’s always a sort of relief, to read about others with the same gift/curse. I first encountered someone else with one in Anne Fadiman’s wonderful Ex Libris, in which she discusses growing up in a whole family of natural editors (her father was Clifton Fadiman, her mother is Annalee Jacoby). I’ve also met others in my email listgroups -- my main ones are blessedly full of people who understand the use of the apostrophe.

    I’m still trying to figure out how to ask one of my company’s VPs whether I can proofread the weekly newsletter he sends out to half of my company -- he averages about 2 spelling or grammatical errors per issue, which strikes me as unprofessional.

    After a frenzied morning spent testing (which will begin as soon as the application is ready for us to test), I’ll be flying out to Long Beach, to watch T and my other rower buds race there. I won’t be racing, since I haven’t been on the water in 3 months. The flight presents challenges on 2 fronts. First, I have to drive into Boston this time, instead of flying out of Providence as usual. Much as I like Boston, it is a Scary Place to drive, thanks to the Big Dig, tons of traffic, lots of small one-way streets, and a completely unintuitive layout.

    Then the flight itself could be painful, since I seem to have come down with yet another minor sinus infection. Sudafed is my friend.

    The regatta should be fun, though. I won’t have a computer there, so no further entries here until Monday.

    Challenge for another day: how to write a journal entry without beginning almost every sentence with "I".

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    March 15, 2001


    Mechaieh sent this to me ages ago. I saved it on my home ‘puter, but at the time I was doing the working/rowing/coaching thing and barely had time to read my email, let alone write any. It looked interesting and I have time now, so I went out and found a copy of the questions.


    Normally, a 5-bedroom house in the Southwest complete with one husband and two male cats. (I’m outnumbered, but I’m a a female engineer so I’m used to it.)

    Currently, a hotel suite, solo.


    Right now I’m spending so much time online I’m reading less than usual (that is, I’m reading the latest issue of The New Atlantic, but I don’t have three other books going as usual), but I’ve got about 10 hours’ flight time tomorrow, so I’ll guess ahead. Probably Barbara Hambly’s _Graveyard Dust_ (its predeccessor, _A Free Man of Color_, was excellent), the latest issues of Outside and Nat’l Geographic Adventure, and maybe Philip Pullman’s _Amber Spyglass_.


    A montage of photos we took in 1996. It was a very good year.


    Trivial Pursuit, but no one I know will play with me.


    Outside and Adventure. I also have a sneaking fondness for In Style, and I like Better Home and Gardens’ house plan and remodelling special issues, though not the parent magazine.


    The desert after rain, 100 LL avgas, fresh-mown grass, hyacinths.


    Overcooked broccoli, puke.


    Wind or rain outside (when I’m in) Stan Rogers’ voice.


    Nausea, especially the kind you get when you have Seriously Screwed Up.


    DO I have to go row??


    Never really saw the point of having one. But I wear mostly black, white, jewel tones, and light blues.




    Something beginning with L.


    If I knew that, would I be here? I think love is up there, with other types of passion, and purpose in life, and feelings of accomplishment when something was hard or scary to do.


    Pretzels, hard or soft with mustard.


    Dark Chocolate. Good chocolate, not Hershey’s or equivalent.


    Depends on mood. Fast driving goes with pissed-off or wnting to escape, either way with heavy-metal music.


    No, and all the further response I can think of border on the obscene.




    Black Fort Escort GT -- Escort so I wouldn’t freak if I scratched it a little, GT so it would be at least somewhat fun to drive, black because it looked cool with the tinted windows and spoiler.


    Ben Franklin. Or maybe someone like Maimonides.


    Usually beer, but again, varies with mood. I like my beers chewy, not overly hoppy.


    Oh, please.


    If not overcooked, sure.


    Well-paid folksinger (this is imaginary, right?). Writer/photographer for an outdoor-sports or travel magazine.


    Very dark navy blue.




    Who cares, if there’s enough to drink in it?


    Hook, maybe.




    I’m not sure, I put a box of stored *stuff* there a very long time ago. Probably also some shoes.


    Favorite number?


    Used to be gymnastics and figure skating. Now they’re so overdone on TV, I’m tending more to look for sports I’ve done or thought about doing: rowing, rock climbing, skiing, mountain biking, aerobatics.


    About mechaieh? I won’t bother -- read her stuff and you’ll say it yourself. No, wait -- her writing lives up to her page’s name.


    Years of getting sent jokes I’ve already seen have left me very disinclined to send anything on to multiple people. I might possibly send it on, but not to more than about 2 people.


    See above.

    Posted by dichroic at 02:31 PM

    having a couple of stupid days

    I must not be getting enough sleep lately. I don’t feel all that tired; the main symptoms are increasing moments of gross stupidity. Yesterday it only showed up in email: first I informed a list I manage that they could elect not to be included in the membership list, only to find that that capability is a casuality of the eGoups/Yahoo! merger. An easy mistake, but an intelligent person would have checked her facts *before* passing them on to 300+ others for whom she is Listmum.

    Next, on the same list, I corrected someone’s post on Jane Austen characters, only to realize that he was right and I was confusing Sense and Sensibility with Persuasion. Lucky for me, it’s an amazingly polite list.

    Today, I called the local helpline, not once but twice to complain I couldn’t log in this morning. At the end of the first call, I realize my network cable had gotten unplugged. Tried again to log in, got a message saying my password was wrong when I knew I had typed it correctly, called in again, and realized in the middle of that call that I had changed the password yesterday.

    Woke up with a sinus headache too, either another symptom of lack of sleep or harbinger of another sinus infection that more sleep would help to fight off. Unfortunately, I probably won’t get to catch up this evening, since I’ve got a work dinner to go to, and then I have to pack to fly out to Long Beach tomorrow. (Don’t expect any entries this weekend.)


    If I could redo my undergraduate years, this time getting enough sleep, I could probably graduate cum laude.

    Posted by dichroic at 10:31 AM

    March 14, 2001


    Rowed 3000 meters this morning, including 1000 in 4:45, which is not very good for most rowers. But it’s good for me, and most rowers are not 5’1". I was going to do 5K, but I got bored, so for variety I finished the last 15 minutes or so (1 mile) on a treadmill, and yes I was actually jogging for all but the warmup and cooldown parts. Conclusion: Having forgotten to pick up some other sports bras while I was home last weekend, I either need to not jog or do some shopping. I don’t bounce much at all (when I say I’m small, I don’t just mean height), but the jogging was just a little uncomfortable.

    In other moments of inadequacy, I just read a bunch of other diaries here, which is why there are now 3 people I’ve never spoken to listed in my favorites (in addition to the 3 whose writing convinced me to start these pages). I’m feeling a little short on descriptive adjectives here, but I have concluded I will probably never write with the juice of Miguelito; will never achieve the design sense of Krapsnart (I love the look of her pages); don’t have as interesting a life as Jerseygrrl. (I refuse to say never on that one, though my version of interesting in a good way would of course be totally different than hers.)

    But I’m reasonably content most of the time and blazingly happy some of it, current interlude excluded, and I do have a lot of different odd skills (even though I don’t do most of them *well*), so I’m not going to break my heart over whan I can’t do. Though it does provide some inspiration to work on my writing skills and on my Web design, and to keep trying new things.

    Next question: how do people manage to write about sex and other very personal stuff in these? I keep thinking my mother (who probably wouldn’t mind that much, really) or my coworkers could read them.

    Though I will mention that Jerseygrrl is entirely right about the jump-up-and-pee method of avoiding UTIs.

    Oh, and reading other peoples’ diaries also makes it unfortunately clear: compared to those with real problems, I am a whiny bitch. Sorry.

    Posted by dichroic at 05:30 PM

    writing ideas and FBOFW

    I was thinking yesterday that it would be fun to write a book (ok, ‘fun’ is probably not the right word) in which computers and Internet email groups have magically appeared by the 1860 or a little earlier. A discussion group naturally spawns to discuss Dickens, and members adopt noms from his books. As with some current groups I’ve seen, a spinoff group forms in order to take Off-Topic discussion off the main group....and we see the Civil War through their conversation. The writing could mix the misspellings rife in Civil War letters with some current Internet phrases and acronyms. i think a lot of reading original letters would be required as preliminary research.

    Another book would be a love story set *after* the relationship has begun and solidifed -- sort of what ‘Mad About You’ did for TV shows, though I was never crazy about that show. If a story is supposed to solve a problem, as I said yesterday, then here is one; anyone who’s been there knows that maintaining a marriage (or its moral equivalent) is more of an adventure than just beginning one.

    Actually, the one author I know of who’s done that very well is Lynn Johnston, the creatorb of the For Better or For Worse comic strip. Maybe that’s why it’s the only strip that can bring me to tears. It’s not just the obvious parts like the dog Farley’s death or Lawrence’s struggles with his homosexuality, but seeing Gordon and Tracy overcome abusive childhoods and doing so well with their own children and business, seeing Grandpa Jim deal with losing the love of his life, and of course just seeing Elly and John continuing to love and to deal with whatever happens from day to day.

    Of course, once I go back home at the end of March, I’ll be lucky to write in here and keep up with my email, let alone get anything longer done.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:35 PM

    March 13, 2001

    separation anxiety

    The problem with having some knowledge of history is that it makes it easy to see just how much of a wuss you are. Over the past two months in Massachusetts, the only thing that has been particularly painful for me has been the separation from T. Two months, mind you...and that’s with visits home every two weeks, email and phone calls every day.

    I have a cousin-in-law whose husband is an Army Captain stationed in Korea, leaving her alone with their infant and two small girls. They’ve been apart about as long as we have, but I doubt they’ve seen each other since he left. They were hoping the family could join him but now it looks unlikely, so that they will probably be apart for several more months until he can be posted elsewhere. As an Air Force brat, though, she takes this all in stride, a normal fact of life.

    Even they have email and occasional phone calls, though. He can travel home to her faster than John Adams could have reached Abigail, in 1776 when they were apart for months while he urged independence from England and she ran the farm. They could and did write every day and the little bit I’ve heard from their letters ("I live like a nun in an abbey, solitary, celibate...I hate it") convinces me that in this, if nothing else, Adams achieved greatness. He loved a woman as a person and a partner, not an adjunct to himself, a pet, or a convenience, not as a societal should-do or a romantic illusion. Conversely, of course, for Abigail. I haven’t seen many unions that looked like "the marriage of true minds"; I know of some, and have seen enough in fiction to convince me their authors knew whereof they wrote. I think the Adamses had one, and those long separations must have been excruciating.

    This also gives me a new perspective on all those old ballads about the fair maid faithful to her lover, away at sea for 7 years. Likely she’d have had a place in her community and an extended support system most of us don’t have now, but still, seven years apart with no reunions or even letters doesn’t strike me as the best basis for a relationship.

    Given the restrictions placed on young women in some past societies, though, I suppose a separation and the ensuing letters might have been a better way to get to know each other (as in Little Women, when Jo and Prof. Bhaer are separated after their engagement: "For a year Jo and her Professor worked and waited, hoped and loved, met occasionally, and wrote such voluminous letters that the rise in the price of paper was accounted for"). If Alcott and her contemporaries are accurate, long separations were not uncommon, though transportation by train must have helped shorten them. Still, no phones, no airplanes, no email. And, of course, the medical knowledge of the time meant that the Long Separation could come without warning, before the lover could come home.

    Thank goodness they sent me here with a laptop, and an internet connection. My listgroups and my email have been a lifeline, and I should probably say so to the people involved. Still, satisfying as it is to at least be talking to interesting people and people who care, their ghostly presence on the other end of a phone cable is a modern pleasure, and doesn’t satisfy on the primal levels of physical presence, having touch and smell, sound and taste and vision all at once. Modern wuss or no, I will be glad, glad, GLAD when "my love is in my arms, and I in my bed again".

    Posted by dichroic at 10:17 PM

    Why I want to be a writer

    I’ve always wished I were a writer. There are so many aspects that appeal to me: the freedom to work at home, wherever you choose to live; the satisfaction of working on something and seeing it grow; the power of creating a world. Also, I have gained so much from being a reader -- not just pleasure, but a lot of my self is formed and founded on the books I’ve read all my life. I’d like to give something back, and to participate in the world of the word on even a deeper level. Unfortunately, I lack the two most essential qualities: the drive to write and the ability to plot.

    That sounds unlikely, considering how many words I put on paper (or on screen), but to me the word "writer" means a fiction writer, a storyteller, a maker. I can write pieces like this, so maybe I am an essayist, or a journalist. But when I read something my brother, a real writer, has written, I see so much I can’t do. Characters, and plot climaxes just don’t seem to form in my brain. The complexities of subplots just scare me.

    Even in this form, of course, there are things I don’t do well. I can inject a sort of humor, but I’ll never cause anyone’s ribs to hurt the way Bill Bryson can. I write about the mundane, but I don’t know if I ever reflect the universal, like Montaigne. Even closer to home, I think Mechaieh has a facility and grace with words I’ll never equal. I need to work on avoiding the twin lions (lions? more like warthogs) of pomposity and verbosity before I can aspire to grace.

    On the plane yesterday, I was thinking about how I’d like to write a book and how unlikely that is, given my complete lack of plotting ability. We always think of a story as centering on a single problem: consummating a love affair despite obstacles, finding a murderer, achieving a quest. It occurred to me, though, how many of books do lack any very cohesive single story. David Copperfield, Tom Saywer, Little Women, the Anne books are all stories of lives, with the ups and downs all lives have, but without ending in a wedding, a death or a conquest. Individual chapters may follow the formula of explication, struggle, climax, denouement -- Beth March’s death, and Tom Sawyer’s escape from the cave with Becky are examples -- but the whole book, like life, is a string of situations overlapping each other and not following any rules. Mark Twain was aware of this, writing something like "When writing of adults, the author knows where to stop, that is, with a wedding. But when writing of a boy he must stop where he can."

    Travel writings can be the same way; we end up back home, maybe a little richer in experience than when we left but not necessarily having achieved any great milestone. This doesn’t keep Bill Bryson’s "Walk in the Woods" or Douglas Adams’ "Last Chance to See" from being completely captivating, though hard on the stomach muscles.

    I’ve lived 34 years of a life so far. Maybe I could write part of one.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:56 PM

    relative colors

    In the Sonoran desert right now, there are wildflowers beside the road -- yellow ones on the brittlebrush (I think), purple and blue lupine, and the occasional bright orange. The skies, as always, are clear blue, and there’s green on the land and on the sides of the mountains.

    It made getting on the plane to come back up north very difficult, as I was expecting everything to be white, gray, and dark brown. Actually, it turned out to be all gray, since it’s raining this morning.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:33 PM

    March 11, 2001

    thoughts on male anatomy

    Whoever invented the phrase about "the iron hand in the velvet glove" wasn’t thinking about hands.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:55 PM

    March 09, 2001

    Modern Verse

    I have trouble with a lot of modern poetry -- not all, but a lot of it. I finally think I’ve figured out what my gripe is; it’s that, to me, poetry is supposed to be about both language and ideas, and the marriage between them. A lot of the modern stuff seems only to be about ideas, which I would define as philosophy rather than poetry. Worse are the ones that are deliberately obfuscatory, with not even an attempt to communicate the inherent idea to anyone buts its author. I’ve also heard some pieces that seem to be about only language, with no attempt at meaning, though I suppose this may be the point in itself.

    There’s wonderful new stuff out there too, of course, so maybe it’s just another case of Classic Rock syndrome. You know, that the one that says that there weren’t more good songs in the 60’s, it’s just that the awful ones have long since died a merciful death and (one hopes) don’t get replayed. With brand new music, in contrast, we hear it all, the good, the bad, and the execrable.

    I’m not quite such as fogey as to insist on rhymes, though I do appreciate them, or the alliteration of Norse sagas, or the patterned syllables of haiku. Of course, it’s also true that most of what I write never makes it beyond the level of doggerel, so perhaps I ought not to criticize my betters. Also, a lot of mine are really meant to be songs, which of course would work better if I had the talent to write melodies for them.

    The next two entries may help to illustrate.

    Posted by dichroic at 12:04 PM

    March 08, 2001


    I don’t know how much I’ll keep writing in this as time goes on, but right now I have the time, and the need for an outlet, and maybe a need to write something more formal than an email and less structured than a test plan. I’m afraid there may be a good bit whining here for the next three weeks, but I promise to try to write about the good along with the bad.

    At the moment, I’m....not a fish out of water, but a rower away from (unfrozen) water, a pilot away from VFR weather, and most of all, a woman away from her partner. I’m away from home on a business trip that started two months ago, and is scheduled to go for another month.

    There are compensations to being here in central Massachusetts: cold and interesting weather, *great* radio, a client who’s easy to deal with. But I don’t find that they compensate for being away from home for so long. First and foremost, I don’t much like sleeping alone, without even cats to warm my feet. I referred earlier to my ‘partner’, because that’s the best word for what he is, though we’re legally married. I don’t need him at all; we don’t ‘complete’ each other, or any of the other cliches of romance. We’re together entirely because we want to be, and so far that’s been the basis for a happier and longer-lasting partnership than most others I’ve seen.

    Also, there’s the rowing. I’ve been rowing on and off for a decade -- steadily for the first five years, then only occasionally when I moved to the desert there was no water nearby. Since the City of Tempe filled its man-made lake and started its rowing program, it’s been a major part of my life, both rowing and coaching. Since coming up here where all the lakes and rivers are frozen, I haven’t been able to row anywhere but in the gym...and it’s NOT the same.

    This is especially frustrating because, in season, this part of the world is a rowing mecca. Boston, home of the largest rowing event in the world, the Head of the Charles, is less than an hour away (Massachusetts is a small state!). Worcester, where I’m working, has 3 or 4 collegiate programs and several Masters (age 27 or older) programs. Both fortunately and unfortunately, I’ll probably be gone before that starts back up. I’ve already missed enough training that I will not be able to row in the first spring regattas, though I will get to go out to watch one, in two weeks.

    With all that, though, I’m sort of enjoying the northern winter -- it has a purity to it somehow, even in the middle of a city. And this whole state has an incredible amount of live music, folkie and otherwise. And even living in a hotel has its perks (someone to clean daily). But I’m ready to go home.

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM


    18:45:48 2001-03-08 010308_49.html
    Stars and clouds

    In one of Richard Bach’s books (Illusions?) is the following bit of dialogue:

    "Would you say that’s a perfect sky?"

    "It’s always a perfect sky."

    He’s right, but sometimes there’s something special there. The reward up here for surviving two days of "the storm of the season" was a perfect clear winter night last night. I had stopped at the gym after work, so the stars were out as I came back to the hotel. Because of the bulk of the hotel and its lights, I could only see half the sky, but the Hunter was there, and the moon was full. I stopped to look at them because I always do.

    There were a few clouds moving across the moon, quick enough that I could see their motion, not just tell that they had moved. My internal temperature was high, because I had just rowed a long piece on the erg, and the air was dry, so I was breathing steam even when I breathed through my nose.

    From my perspective, the clouds were moving directly from left to right across the moon, and as I breathed out, a veil of steam rose straight up,

    crossing the clouds’ motion at a right angle. The stars were sharp and clear, and some showed through the bare branches of the tres on the hill above me.

    I have a need to see stars every so often, I think. I love looking at the moon, but there’s always a ache because, unless things change drastically (or at least unless NASA relaxes its vision requirements), I’ll probably never get there. I hope I’m wrong.

    But I never really expected to get to the stars, so I can look at them without regret. The more cleaqrly I can see them, the better. The best I’ve seen were out in the deserts, in Oregon, Arizona, and the Australian Outback. Seeing the Southern Cross was, for me, the highlight of our trip to Oz. I don’t have a formal list of Things To Do In This Life, but if I did, seeing stars from the middle of the ocean would be on it. I wonder whether cruise ships have enough lights to have light pollution, or if there’s somewhere on a ship to escape them?

    Posted by dichroic at 04:31 PM

    weekend plans

    13:32:20 2001-03-09 010309_56.html

    I have nerves settled in my stomach today (or maybe it’s that chocolate I ate -- well, I put them out for public consumption, but no one else is doing their part).

    I assume the jitters are related to my trip home, planned for today, and the snow forcasted ditto. I haven’t been home in 6 weeks, haven’t seen T in 4. Also, after 2 consecutive snow days this week, which caused me to end a trip early, miss seeing some friends, and spend 48 hours cooped up in a hotel room, I’m really not ready for more snow.

    If the weather will only cooperate, this has the potential to be a better than ideal weekend. My definition of an ideal weekend includes a strenuous outdoor activity (hiking, climbing, rowing), some socialization with friends, and, of course, a strenuous indoor activity (of the horizontal variety). In this case, ‘better than ideal’ comes from the possible addition of birthday presents, though if my family runs true to form, there will only be the one from Ted. Though at least the ones from my parents and uncle usually do get there eventually, which is more than can be said for Little Brother. I have some hopes his new girlfriend will eventually bring about reform in this area, as in others, but we’ll see.

    I just hope the snow holds off!

    Posted by dichroic at 01:32 PM