Also I've replaced all the rubber bits on my sunglasses (the're made to cling even when sweaty but the rubber degrades over time), done two loads of laundry, and for the earrings I made today, I made the earwire parts myself for the first time, instead of using purchased ones. They look OK, though the cut ends are probably a little sharper than optimal.
Apparently my subconscious has decided that with Rudder gone, someone has to be energetic and productive around here. The cat, on the other hand, can only be described as nervous and clingy (I mean, more so than usual). I suspect he's worried: first the other cat disappeared, now Rudder's gone, and if I vanish who will feed him? Never mind that we've actually been gone for entire weekends since the other cat died and have always come back. Meanwhile, it would be nice to be able to use my computer mouse without having to reach under or around the cat.
As for the food thing, well, apparently I was hungry. This has been happening a lot lately; I'll feel very tired and lethargic, not hungry at all, sometimes even full - but if it's dinner time and I figure I ought to eat something, once I start putting food away, quite a bit more of it disappears than I'd expect, and afterwards I feel much better. Unfortunately, even though it's happened several times now, the tiredness often keeps me from making the connection and thinking, "oh, maybe I should eat something". I would like my hunger cues back, please.
Posted by dichroic at May 29, 2006 08:27 PMWow, that's exactly what happens to me. I get draggy and never think it's been hours (even whole days) since I'd eaten. I don't feel hungry, just tired and cloudy-headed. Then, like you, I do eat something and am always surprised by how much sharper and better I feel. Duh. My hunger pangs went off-line decades ago. Yar, I wuz a model and models don't EVER get hungry and it's totally okay to be stupid. Not a clue how 'hungry' truly feels anymore. There's only unthinking starvation and stress bingeing. It's getting a little better now that Alex is here to feed too. On that note, I'm off to have a lovely turkey sandwich and a salad with my tall furry kid. ~LA
Posted by: LA at May 30, 2006 11:20 AM