This time I went for typical activities. This chair is no longer in our family room, but when it was, it was my usual chair, and this is my usual pose in it. (Now it's in the office and I sit in similar positions on the futon.)
Oh, and the straight Jennifer Aniston hair isn't usual - I just happened to get it trimmed today and had the stylist blowdry it straight for fun. Odd how much darker than usual it looks.
Rudder pretty much has two gearspeeds: high and off. This one isn't high.
In the photo of me, I just played with brightness and contrast, remove a couple red spots on my forehead, and dampened a hghlight on my nose. On Rudder's I played with levels, brightened his hair and dimmed highlights(should have used the flash diffuser I bought) but I also played with the lighting source, to focus on his face. Oh, and he was only pretending to sleep for the photo.
I had a hard time deciding which shots to use for this one. Here are some of the rejects - I haven't Photoshopped these at all.
I love seeing these photos of you and Rudder - and of your house as well :) It's always nice to put faces to people and see them in their 'natural environment' (for lack of better expression ;) )
If I have the time, I'll try to play around a bit more with my camera today too.
Posted by: Maria at May 21, 2006 03:49 AMThe colonial rocker/glider surprised me. From the other snaps of your place I've seen I got the impression of a mission/southwestern/arts-n-crafts intensely personal photo gallery-library. But then why shouldn't the odd colonial piece or two pop up at YOUR house, eh? You can take the girl out of Philly... ~LA (PS: Wolf says hello to your brother and wants him to know he (Wolf) is learning the harmonica and still covets the tiny one on a chain that your bro has.)
Posted by: LA at May 21, 2006 05:17 AM
Ahh, book people, my favorite kind.