To the rest of my Women's Quad from last weekend:
To Rudder:
- No, saying that "we" need to lose a few pounds doesn't make it better.
- Also, re the planned trip that involves driving from Arizona to Oregon, racing, driving to Sacramento right after the races on the same day, racing there the next day, then driving twelve hours home: you do know we'll regret this, right?
- But no matter how insane you are, thanks for taking my racing seriously. Even when I finishi DFL every singles race.
To the Bush Administration:
- "Just because Bush reserves the right to disobey a law does not mean he is not enforcing it". No, it just means he could stop at any point. Not much of an improvement. Plus, it's a little sad to find that the logic classes I took apparently disqualify me from growing up to be President.
- Oh, and also: the whole point of "rule of law" is that no one is above the laws. Sorry for the confusion.
To assorted people who were supposed to reply to me:
- Remember when you said "early next week?" Uh, we're past that now.
To the Mexican restaurant where I bought lunch:
- Who puts hot spices on their tortilla chips? That's what salsa is for.
To myself:
- Really, it would be better to skip the spicy tortilla chips when you're wearing contact lenses. In fact, it might be better to eat less in general, if you want to race lightweight again in July.
- Also, you do have stuff you should be doing. Get to it.
Posted by dichroic at May 10, 2006 02:38 PM
I spent a lot of years working for a company that was teaching logic to business people. (They gave it fancier names and charged a lot of money, but many of us underlings recognized it for what it was.) Just about the only thing we proved is that some people just can't grasp it. If I were the acclaimed business school that gave Mr. Dubya a MBA, I would be hanging my head in shame.