Zacharias Moussaoui dies, and is greeted at the entrance to Paradise by One who is unmistakeably Allah. Allah asks, "My child, what did you do to make My world a better place?" Moussaoui replies, "Lord, I tried to murder the infidels, to make the world more free for Your true believers who follow the Holy Quran. At least I was able to die as a martyr to make my cause known before the world." Allah answers, "But do you not see, the infidels are My children too. And by killing them, you would have taken away their chance to turn to My true teachings. Your act does not honor Me, but is born of hate and fear that deny My Presence in all people."
Tom DeLay dies, and is greeted at the Gates of Heaven by Jesus, looking as He is imagined in all the portraits of the Old Masters. "Tell me, My son, what did you do to make your world a better place?" DeLay replies, "My Lord, I did my best to ensure that my nation was governed by your principles. I spoke of Your Law in public places and changed our laws to prohibit those things that are an abomination unto You. I worked to help those with the money and the power to make these changes." He is surprised to see that Jesus is weeping. "My son," Jesus says, "You forget that the poor and the powerless are My children too, and that as you do the the least of them so you do to Me. Even even those forms of Love you would outlaw are also born of Me."
Dichroic dies, and is met by a shifting Being, now male, now female, now inhuman, but always too bright and glorious to be looked at directly. The Being speaks, and the world around it rumbles. "Tell me, daughter, what did you do in your time on Earth to help heal the world?" Dichroic is fearful. "Your Holiness," she stammers, "On Earth I was humble and powerless. I tried to treat others as I would be treated, according to Your Law, but I was not always successful. But I did try to speak against hate whenever I could, to remind others that all of us are equally Your children, and to encourage others to bring down the rich, those in power, and those who purported to teach Your laws while spreading hate." "Foolish daughter," rumbles the Being, with gentle affection. "Do you not understand that the rich and powerful are My children too?"
Anyway, sorry if the above looks like sacrilege to anyone. It's mostly a reminder to myself. My first reaction to the news about DeLay can be summarized as "Yahoo!" But I couldn't stay that happy - much as I despise the man, it's sad to see someone's whole life derailed like that. Stupid conscience.
Posted by dichroic at April 4, 2006 02:07 PMHis whole life won't be derailed, only pulled off on a side line for a couple years. After prison he will start to Hammer again as a lobbyist or score a job at Halliburton or somesuch and will still end up with more money and influence than you, me and everybody we count as friend put together. Sad for DeLay? Not on your tintype. ~LA
Posted by: LA at April 4, 2006 02:51 PMOh, I know. I sitll think he's evil sleaze and I'm still happy he's gone. I just can't quite bring myself to gloat shamelessly and do the happy-Dichroic dance.
Posted by: dichroic at April 4, 2006 03:01 PMI think these parables are marvelous. The third one brought me up short, in the best of ways.
Posted by: Rachel at April 4, 2006 03:48 PMNot sacrilege at all, but good sense. We could all stand to be reminded of that from time to time.
I'm off to google DeLay -- had NO idea what that was all about.
Posted by: Maria at April 4, 2006 11:55 PM