Just in case anyone's wondering, I'm back. I actually got home last night, but didn't have much time then (I was a good girl: flew in, drove home from the airport, got here around 6::30, ate a quick dinner and erged 6K), and the Internet was down at work all day. Albuquerque was quite nice and I can highly recommend the restaurant El Pinto - apparently President Bush ate there just a few weeks ago, and the people we were with made us get nachos for an appetizer because he'd had them.
I'm also poud to say I've now cataloged the books I bought at a large local booksale last week - 29 books for $38! Actually, it was the two volume annotated Sherlock Holes plus a hardback copy of Chaucer for $21 and the other 26 for $17. The challenge now, of course, is finding room for them all.
Posted by dichroic at February 17, 2006 07:39 PMI *love* Sherlock Holmes, since forever! Despite whatever flaws those stories might have -- and I did recognize them later -- they were part of my early education in thinking stuff through logically. I know Doyle got tired of them, but I hope he realized how much he taught.
Posted by: l'empress at February 18, 2006 07:29 AM