January 09, 2006

of age and work

It turns out that the vet's office is remarkably uncrowded on Friday nights. I suppose most people have better things to do.

We were there to get one cat his shots and to get the other one checked out; lately he's lost an alarming amount of weight and we've been finding mats in his fur. I suspect most of it is due to the inroads of age (he's 16) but we're going to try using a water fountain to get him to drink more, giving them occasional wet food to get him to eat more, and some thyroid meds to help him gain weight. He seems happy enough otherwise.

Speaking of the ravages of age, the saddest thing I've heard about Ariel Sharon's condition is that if it had been anyone else, they probably wouldn't have operated - sad, both because of the idea that important people get more attentive care than normal people and because of what it says about how lost Israel feels without him.

It was a calm and reasonably productive weekend: I rowed, we had breakfast out with the Old Salt and Dr. Bosun, I got one glove mostly done, all but the wrist cuff, we braved the local warehouse store, we had an enjoyable dinner out, and so on. The worst thing that happened was that a circular needle I bought Saturday (Addi Natura) broke on Sunday, forcing me to finish the gloves with a couple of DPNs on one side. And if that's the worst part of a day, it's a good day - in fact, I didn't have to get far into Monday at all for it to be worse.

This working for a living stuff is not my idea of fun. I feel there's got to be a Proper Job out there for me someplace, one I'd look forward to going in to on Mondays, but damme if I can figure out what it is.

Posted by dichroic at January 9, 2006 01:14 PM

>This working for a living stuff is not my idea
>of fun. I feel there's got to be a Proper Job
>out there for me someplace, one I'd look >forward to going in to on Mondays, but damme if > can figure out what it is

Me either. If you ever figure it out, please let me know. Lindley

Posted by: at January 10, 2006 10:50 PM
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