December 08, 2005

not good news

I spoke to my MIL again today; it appears that I may be down one grandmother-in-law as soon as a week from now. There is a possiblity that her rapid decline is a reaction to the drugs she's on, so they've taken her off all possible ones and will watch her for a week to see if there's any change, so there is still hope. Otherwise, they'll remove the feeding tube then, in accordance with her own written wishes. (That decision would have been so much harder for her family if she hadn't left those wishes.) Even if she does revive a bit, though, I don't think it can be a long-term effect. (I would be ecstatic to be wrong.) I have been lucky enough to have had enough relationship with all of Rudder's grandparents that her loss will make me very sad, but obviously it's a lot worse for Rudder and his mother. When I gave him the news yesterday he didn't seem too upset, pointing out that her mind is already gone (demntia, not Alzheimer's, but the effect is similar) and that this isn't any surprise, but he's never lost anyone close to him before and I don't know how he'll react when he does.

We were in the middle of a big shouting fight when I got the call saying my grandmother had died (several years ago now). To his credit, he dropped the argument immediately. I don't suppose there's anything I can do but to be there for him as he was for me.

We had no real plans for Christmas, but we both have two weeks off, so we can drive up to Oregon to his parents' or to Sacramento where his grandparents are if that seems advisable. Hell of a time of year for all this, though.

Drat. I keep forgetting this:
Today I am thankful for: Having six grandparents when I was little, four grandparents until I was (almost) adult and then getting a whole new set when I married. Maybe things are different when it comes to parents and step-parents, but in my opinion, grandparents are purely additive, and the more, the more love in your life.
Concept II Holiday Challenge: Around 94000 meters left.

Posted by dichroic at December 8, 2005 01:09 PM

I'm so sorry, hon. *hugs*

Posted by: Keilyn at December 8, 2005 01:23 PM

Oh, how awful. I'm so very sorry.

Posted by: golfwidow at December 8, 2005 01:43 PM

I'm sorry to hear, this, too.

Posted by: Marn, eh at December 8, 2005 02:46 PM

You and Rudder will be in my thoughts. It is always sad to lose a loved one, even when it seems like it is "their time".

Posted by: Erica at December 8, 2005 04:29 PM

I'm sorry to hear this. I was in the same situation this time last year when my Dad was ill. The season is somehow just suspended. It's not a great time and my heart goes out to you and Rudder.

Really all one can do is to be thankful, as you are, for the good times and know that others are upholding you with prayer and good thoughts.

Lindley (Merdle)

Posted by: at December 8, 2005 08:37 PM
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