October 25, 2005

JournalCon pix

When I looked at them again, the photos weren't as bad as I'd thought. (It was a switch in perspective; I needed to se these as snapshots of cool people and a fun time, not as Art to be enlarged and framed. Seeing everyone else's photos helped.) Sorry, but it's close to bedtime and I need to pack clothes for tomorrow, since I'm rowing. No time to get all the links straight. Maybe later.

Getting acquainted Friday night.

Cruel-Irony photographs well in profile:

LA being commanding:

Mary Ann, Purplefishy, and Pratt at the bar Friday night:

Purplefishy and Bozoette Mary over tapas and sangria:

Kevin and the meat hook:

And getting The Look (probably not really, but the expression is priceless)

Biensoul have the duet down:

Weetabix channelling Stevie Nicks:

Karaoke night was a hell of a party:

Cameras were everywhere:

Pablo rocks the joint:

And JournalCon rocks in general:

Posted by dichroic at October 25, 2005 08:31 PM

Whee! ~LA

Posted by: LA at October 25, 2005 08:50 PM

My eyes have disappeared! ;-)

Posted by: Bozoette Mary at October 26, 2005 07:13 AM

Nice pictures; I love to see the people I've read, and I take a vicarious pleasure in the get-to-gethers I can't attend. But I got a distinct impression of two separate JournalCons here. That's sad.

Posted by: l-empress at October 26, 2005 08:14 AM

Great pics! Oh, and your swag? AWESOME!

Posted by: Cruel-Irony at October 26, 2005 08:39 PM

One of the first really nice things that happened to me last weekend was when you went to the trouble of fixing my swag-bling for me. That was very sweet.

I'm glad I got to meet you.

Posted by: Ray at October 27, 2005 08:49 AM
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