September 08, 2005


Tagged by Swoop, sort of:

i • d • i • o • syn • cra • sy
1. A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group.
2. A physiological or temperamental peculiarity.
3. An unusual individual reaction to food or a drug.

List five of your own idiosyncrasies and then tag five friends to do the same.

This one's easier than writing 20 things about myself, anyway, though I might eventually do that too.

1. I can't eat fat on meat - not "don't like", literally can't eat. It makes me gag. I like steak, but if you ever see me eating one there will be little cut-off edges pushed to one side of the plate. (Unless Rudder cooks the steak, in which case he generally indulges me by trimming it first.)

2. I'm a natural proofreader - can't help noticing misspellings or grammar errors in anything I read (except my own writing, which I can't edit nearly as well). That means that I can't read an badly edited story without being irretrievably distracted by the errors.

3. I like change - I tend to vacillate between long and very short hair, to want to change jobs every year or two (though it may be within a company or even a department - I just want to change what I'm doing), my wardrobe is best described as "eclectic", and I think ten years is way too long to have lived in this city.

4. I tend not to be able to find things stored above my eye level, even if they're visible. Since I'm 5'2", this leaves a lot of area. It also means I banged my head on the vent hood of Rudder's grandparents stove about three times this weekend, since it's just above the level of my eyebrows.

5. Cumulative lack of sleep makes me stupid; I tend to find myself missing basic routine steps - shaving one leg but not the other, for instance.

Posted by dichroic at September 8, 2005 02:39 PM

I love that you had a very obvious typo in number two. ;-P I have the same problem (bad editing sometimes drives me crazy), yet I'm not nearly as good at catching my own errors.

Posted by: Melissa at September 8, 2005 07:22 PM

Just for the record, my link won't work for people because you're missing an 'o'. It's swooop over there--someone nabbed my name first, the villians!

Posted by: Swoop at September 8, 2005 09:49 PM

No one can proofread their own writing; you know what it's supposed to say, and that's what you see. Some of my favorite people are the same, and we can proof each other's stuff.

Posted by: l-empress at September 8, 2005 10:20 PM
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