You know all those people who say that exercising in the morning makes them more energetic for the rest of the day? They’re full of crap.
If you’re one of them, don’t tell me I need to be doing it for longer, or that I need to work out harder to see the benefits. I’m a rower, after all. I have practice 3 days a week from 5-7 AM [1]. And I go to the gym on non-rowing days at similar times, just to stay on schedule.
And I get in to work and I can barely walk or barely type, depending on the days workout, and, I’m convinced, I get stupider on this schedule. And I’ve been doing this here for the last year, and for several years when we lived in Texas, so it’s not just a matter of getting used to it.
I’m convinced my circadian is meant for later hours, and I offer a more-or-less nocturnal brother up as genetic evidence.
No practice tomorrow, because they’ve got the lake closed to set up fireworks from the bridges. Yay.
[1]If you’re wondering, rowers go out so early because the water is smoother then, there are fewer idiots on powerboats and jet skis (fortunately not a factor here) and maybe also out of tradition .... but even that tradition probably started because of the previous two factors. Except 50 years ago, we’d have been dodging idiots in punts and rowboats. I refer you back to Sayers’ Gaudy Night for evidence; imagine training for a race in that crowd on the river during the punt scene.
Posted by dichroic at July 3, 2001 08:31 AM