Uggh. Hot, hot, hot. We are well and truly into monsoon season, which may sound laughable when I say that the humidity is currently only 26% or so. Combine that with a predicted high of 115 Fahrenheit, though, and you have something truly ugly. We have a severe heat alert today, fer chrissake. Since we rarely have a summer day with temps not in the three digits, that’s saying something. I hope we get a storm soon to cool things off (preferably, one timed so as not to ruin any of the July 4th fireworks).
The heat was especially noticeable at rowing practice today, because Monday is distance day. We did two 30-minute pieces. They were only at half pressure, but 30 minutes is a long time to go without a hydration break when it’s already 90 degrees at 6AM. Also, our boat was awful today; we had a couple of new people but I’m not sure if the problem was them or the rest of us just screwing up.
Found out last week that one of the rowers (one I had coached in his Beginner days, in fact) is acting as a business consultant for my company. So here’s this guy I’ve shouted at and hung out with, whose wife and kid I’ve met, hanging out with my company’s CEO. Not that it impacts me (except as he provides good business advice), but it’s still a weird feeling. Then again, it’s not a huge company. I report directly to a VP who’s the CEO’s wife, so it’s only a slightly weird feeling, not the extreme strangeness it would be if I worked for a huge corporation.
Rudder and I found two sorts of bookshelves we liked, pretty ones at a Stone Creek or plainer, more flexible ones at Levenger. I think we’ve decided to go with flexible. I like this idea, because when I want additional cases, I can buy them one at a time for about the cost of, say, two book binges at Amazon.
Posted by dichroic at July 2, 2001 08:31 AM