Bill Gates has a lot to answer for. I’ve spent the entire afternoon wrestling with MS Word’s headers and styles and autonumbering. Feh. The guy across the aisle has spent an equal lot of time swearing at Microsoft in connection with some code he’s writing. His stuff could at least be in Java instead of VB, but the only real competition to Word is WordPerfect, which is even more annoying. Double feh. Or, for those of us still having nightmares about working in aerospace, Interleaf. ooouuughahhghahh (That was a more or less phonetic representation of me shuddering.)
I am, however, greatly looking forward to tomorrow. First, I get to sleep late in company with my favorite fellow sheet-flattener. With luck, he’ll bring me up some coffee, which he used to do frequently on weekends. He got out of the habit several months ago when we were getting up at 4:30 on weekends to coach. How am I supposed to induce mad jealousy in my female friends now? (Actually, it’s not terribly difficult, considering the vast ratio of single women to single men at rowing. This seems to be common in the western US, so consider it a hint to single male (or gay female) readers in this half of the country.)
After some extra and thoroughly-enjoyed hibernation, we’re heading out to the local showroom of a place that builds custom storage. We’re going to come out of there with the promise of as many new bookshelves as I can talk Rudder and our budget into buying. The trick of course, is figuring where to put them. Figuring what to put on them is no trouble at all, though....I’ve got another oder from Amazon pending even as we speak. Yes, friends, I admit my problem.
My name is Dichroic and I’m a book junkie.
Posted by dichroic at June 29, 2001 02:31 PM