Hmm...two guestbook entries when I discuss writing essays, none for the sonnet. Y’all are trying to tell me something, right?
Actually, it’s kind of handy, having a built-in feedback system. Hmm. But if I was born to be an essay writer, who do I never submit any? I suppose it has to do with why so many people have unpublished novels around the house.
Speaking of the latter, I’m a little worried about My Brother the Writer. I read the first half of the book he’s now sending out to publishers at least two years ago. Want a general idea of the plot? Go find a review of Neil Gaiman’s American Gods. I saw his too long ago to thing he was stealing from Gaiman; I’m quite sure Gaiman doesn’t need to steal from him (or anybody). Maybe my little brother is Neil Gaiman’s secret alter ego?
Practice was good today, and I’m satisfied and tired, but I get the distinct feeling Egret is getting burned out. I’d like to compete together with her again, but don’t want to push her, because that just accelerates burn-out. Maybe if she takes some time off, she can come back to it with new interest. I think she has a tendency to plunge whole-hearted into a sport, so the fatigue may hit even harder. (This is a woman who rows, lifts, ergs *and* runs, sometimes all in one day -- and the running is at noon in desert heat. I’d be dead after the first half-mile.) Also, understandably, I think she’d like to have a bit more time to spend with T2 when they’re both awake, not to mention her kids.
Posted by dichroic at June 27, 2001 11:31 AM