Off to the races. More accurately, off to work so I can be trained to be a Leader (is there an oxymoron in there somewhere?) then sneaking off early so I can go off to the races.
I think I’m the only one (of 10 or so going to Marina del Rey who isn’t just taking the day off, but we’ve been told we can’t miss these, because there are no more make-up sessions left. I would be done with this already, but I missed a few sessions during the Period of Exile. Incidentally, I am now the only person who went on Exile who hasn’t since received a layoff notice. So much for corporate loyalty. I knew it was all a myth, but you rarely see that demonstrated quite so graphically.
Anyway, the races this weekend should be fun, especially me and Egret vs. the Geezers. The nicest part is that the race is on Saturday, so we can go out and have Beer afterwards, and get to sleep late before driving home Sunday. Sunday races suck, because of having to drive home in an advanced state of fatigue. Most of our races have been in the San Diego or LA vicinity lately, so it’s about a 6-hour drive.
Report on Monday.
Posted by dichroic at June 22, 2001 04:31 PM