morning 2001-06-19 travels.html
past and future travels
Weights this morning, legs.
This far removed from my Worcester winter, it was pleasant to read Mechaieh’s description of her Boston trip. Our musical experiences were very different as I tend to prefer folk to classical, and, since I was staying so far outside the city, had fewer opportunities to hear some. (Boston is good for classical, but it may well be the best place in the world for the singer-songwriter sort of new music that is generally lumped into the folk category.)
But we did stop at some of the same places; I’ve eaten at the Marche (though with better results) and drunk wine at the the bar on top of the Pru, been gratified at the sight of the Charles (surprisingly beautiful for a city river), and walked around Faneuil Hall. (Good food there, too.) I wish I had actually gotten to stay in Boston, instead of too far out to make taking the T practical, since that would have enabled me to spend a lot more time appreciating the city. Driving in Boston is scary.
We’re trying now to decide what to do for July 4th weekend. There is a regatta in Sacramento we may visit, which would be pleasant because Rudder’s grandparents, aunt and cousin would likely come out to watch. However, the competition would likely be fierce, and some of the people we row with seem to be getting burned out and less interested in traveling to races. This one is a 12 or 13-hour drive, too, and I’d probably have to take at least a day off work.
If we don’t do that, though, we’ll have to figure out how to celebrate the 4th, which is also our 8th anniversary. (Please spare me the jokes about serving fried chicken at the wedding reception, getting divorced instead of married no Independence Day, or seeing fireworks on my wedding night.) It’s a bit more difficult this year, since 4 July is on a Wednesday, so that we don’t have a long weekend.
Also, we’re sort of hoping to visit Antarctica around the holiday season of 2002, so we’re trying to conserve vacation time. Since a) by then, I’ll have 3 weeks/year if I’m still here and b) the way "restructurings" are going, it doesn’t seem likely I will still be here by then, that may just be silly self-deprivation.
Posted by dichroic at June 19, 2001 08:31 AM