June 15, 2001

lost text, weather, and newsgroups; yet another conglomerate entry

Arggh. I just created an entire conference presentation proposal, decided I should get someone to review it before submitting, went to copy it to Word, and clicked Ctrl-V instead of Ctrl-C, obliterating my text. It was under 100 words, so it wasn’t that much trouble to recreate, but of course I remember the original version as being far superior to the recreation.

Other than that, I’m spending today hoping tomorrow morning will be relatively cool. When we had the World’s Hottest Regatta here, last September, it pretty much lived up to its name. I was about ready to curl up and die afterwards. This one should be better, just because nights cool off more and days warm up slower in June than in September, because of lower humidity. Also, they’re predicting a high of 104, which is far better than the 115 we sometimes get about now. With any luck, the T-shirts will be better this time, too.

My list is being goopy again, so I’ve been hanging out on My Brother the Writer’s newsgroup, which is, not surprisingly, a writer’s group. Between this page and the fact that I spend fully half my time doing technical writing, I figure I qualify. Discussions can get a lot nastier than I’m used to, and there are definitely a few idiots out there (I particularly liked the ones who kept referring to "courtesans" when they meant Palace Staff. My Webster’s defines courtesans only as high-priced prostitutes.) Still, there are a few people there who make it worthwhile and I’m glad to see my brother and his closest friends are some of them. His annoying stage lasted from about age two to age 27; I’m glad to see him finally growing up and out of it.

Though there are a few drawbacks to appearing as a well-known newsgroup member’s sister; someone has already posted, just for my benefit, a picture of MBtW in the buff, with only one leg for figleaf. I could have done without seeing that.

Posted by dichroic at June 15, 2001 02:31 PM
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