I didn’t row today due to a mildly upset stomach. I’m sure it’s due either to fatigue and stress or to some junk food I ate yesterday; I should be fine for tomorrow’s race.
I have got to improve my diet, but even aside from my voracious addiction to pretzels, it’s difficult to figure out what I should be eating. Lots of fruits and veggies, yes. Do I eat enough of a variety? A definite maybe. Some protein -- but if I eat too much, it tends to lie heavy, so then I worry if I’m eating enough for energy. (I’m not terribly energetic, so probably not.) I figure that I burn off enough calories that I don’t worry too much about fats. I eat junk food only rarely, and go easy on sweets just out of personal preference, but I do put dressing on salads and butter on popcorn or baked potatoes. Mostly, I worry that I eat too many empty carbohydrates, as in the aforementioned pretzels. I don’t believe in the Zone diet, especially since I’m not trying to lose weight, but I don’t want to go overboard either. So much of the information I read conflicts that it’s hard to know what to do.
Work is a little unsettling again, as we’ve just had some more layoffs. As far as I can tell, I’m safe in this round, but it doesn’t do to be too sure. Ironically, I have no other motivation to send out my resume, because I like this company in a lot of ways, and the experience I’m getting now is exactly what I need if I want to stay in software QA. Which I do, at least in the short term.
Posted by dichroic at June 15, 2001 08:31 AM