I slept in all the way to 6 today because, as I said yesterday, I’m taking the day off (not from work, just rowing). I’ll try to get some final cramming in today for my test tomorrow. I do tend to test well, but it’s not safe to rely on that.
Poor T did go to rowing today, after getting home about 10 last night, from a meeting to set up the race schedule for the Grand Canyon state Games regatta next week. He said the meeting went very smoothly and everyone except Coach DI should be happy with it. DI, predictably, didn’t get the entries for his Juniors in on time....so they didn’t schedule races for them. Not much else they could do, without entry forms.
I think it’s very cool that Arizona has its own mini-Olympics, especially since pretty much anyone who wants to participate can. Actually, rowing in general is like that; if I chose, I could participate in any regatta in the country except the Olympics. I’m not sure about National Championships, either. In anything else, though, I might lose by a few boatlengths, but I could participate.
I had an odd dilemma last night; Natalie and I got in a discussion with others about online journals in our list chat (mostly my fault, I confess). One person sounded interested, another incredulous. Both wondered about the idea of sharing something as personal as a diary with the world. The answer, of course, is that most (I think) online diaries are simply kept at a different level; if there are things I don’t want to share, I simply don’t write them here. There are a lot of things I find I’d like to discuss, though, that I don’t talk about with people I know in the flesh, either through lack of time or for fear of boring them. Here, you all can choose to read or not read, and I don’t have to know, care, or be offended. You might learn more than you want to know about me, but I have the control to make sure it’s not anything I don’t want you to learn.
Anyway, the dilemma was whether I should mention this journal in the conversation. It’s not a secret, and I have mentioned it on the list before, but I didn’t want to sound as though I were promoting myself. Also, I link to others who imght not want theirs publicized in that venue. It is not clear how much responsbility I have for, say, Phelps’s privacy -- and it’s an issue we’ve discussed -- but in privacy issues, it’s better to err on the conservative side.
I notice this entry is more than half about rowing. Sad that I can’t even avoid it on my day off!
Posted by dichroic at June 8, 2001 08:31 AM