I had the weirdest dream last night, and, unusually for me, I still remember it. T was running a regatta at our house, where he’d somehow managed to set up a 3000 meter course in our pool (The pool, I should mention, is less than 10 m long). There was a very good turnout, including members of the national team. T had set up the boats (meaning who rowed in which one). In one early race, a rowing friend of ours from Texas was in with 2 or 3 or the national team members, He wasn’t doing too well, but it didn’t matter, because they all stopped rowing about halfway through the course and still managed to coast in and kick all their competitors’ collective butts (boats?).
I ended up rowing in a women’s eight that was otherwise filled with people from another club, because our club’s boat was full. I was rowing bow seat (note that bow in is in the front of the boat, though you’re looking at the rest of the crew since rowers face backwards) but somehow I was in the back of the boat, facing the wall. I was supposed to call out the strokes for a racing start, as bow normally does for a boat without a coxswain, but I was also supposed to kick off the wall, as you would in a back-stroking swimming race. This being a dream, the stern end of the boat somehow didn’t get in the way. Anyway, the race started, and I was trying to kick off but we weren’t going anywhere because everyone else was sitting still with blades dug in, because I forgot to call out the strokes. So we started way late, and came in DFL (dead f*cking last) by a considerable margin. I apologized to the rest of the boat for screwing up the start, and they considerately explained to me that yes, I did screw it up, but the start was over so fast anyway that that wasn’t the major problem; I had simply screwed up the rest of the race too.
All of this didn’t really put me in the mood for practice this morning, so it’s lucky that went well (see previous entry). Hmm....either my subconscious agrees with DI that I suck (an opinion not shared by people I row with, as far as I can tell) or I need time off. On the other hand, at least the cast of characters was different. The last two nights’ dreams have included a guy I went to grade school with. He was a nice guy and all, but no more than that, so I can’t figure out why he’s occasionally been showing up in my dreams for years now.
Posted by dichroic at June 6, 2001 02:31 PM