We slept in a little less today, in order to make tomorrow’s early wakeup a bit more tolerable. My big event of today was to go get a massage. I don’t go often, but when I do, I go to Rainstar University, a local school of massage. Their facilties are as nice as any I’ve seen (separate rooms, not little curtained cubicles like one of the "nicer" spas in town) and they charge $29/hour. The students are getting graded on this -- they need to have so many hours of hands-on practice in order to graduate -- and so they are assiduous about asking if you have any problems, want them to work on anything specific, and so on.
Given that they presumably all get the same training, it’s surprising how much individual techniques vary, though they’ve all fallen within the range of good to excellent. The therapist today did more stretching work than anyone has done to me before, pushing my hips one way and my shoulders another until my spine started popping, audibly.
I don’t think she quite believed that I stretch regularly, but I do it because I need to; my workouts and all those hours at a computer seem to make the muscles very tense. That’s why I stretch, after all.
We’re off now to get some pictures framed and see a movie. I’ve also gotten a good bit of studying done for my exam next Saturday. I love having weekends free!
Posted by dichroic at June 3, 2001 04:31 PM