April 30, 2001

back to work

We had a fairly light practice today -- Monday is distance day, but we only did 2 20-minute pieces at 60%. Even I can do that, even after a week off. Coach DI wasn’t there, so practice was entirely run by Yosemite Sam. He’s known for being terrible at picking the boat -- who sits in which seat, that is, -- but did a good job today. For the first half of practice, Queue was coxing. She is nowhere close to coxswain-sized, but is very good at it. I have a lot of coxing experience myself, and I’m not even sure how she picked up on some of the things she commented on. After that she switched to stroke -- for some reason, I had a bit of trouble following her today. Anyway, I got out of practice today with a mere two blisters, plus assorted skin peeling off calluses.

Yesterday’s classes went well, and everyone who showed up Saturday, showed up again, which is a good start. One woman in the Intermediate class said, "It’s a nice change to wake up early on a weekend, come out here, and not get yelled at." I do hope this doesn’t mean she thinks we’re going to go easy on the class, because if so, disillusionment is in the immediate offing. We just don’t like to be nasty about it.

I’m back at home in my cubicle, which, despite a recent cartoon on my Dilbert calendar, bears absolutely no resemblance to a womb. After last week’s QA conference, I was pretty fired up to get back and try to implement some of the things I was learning here. Now that it’s all in the distant past (a whole weekend away), my challenge will be to maintain that level of enthusiasm, and still getting my other work done. (I do realize that, to some people, using the words "enthusiasm" and "QA" in the same paragraph are like mixing fire and water.)

Productivity, ho!

Posted by dichroic at April 30, 2001 09:31 AM
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