April 18, 2001

Rowing’s OK, work is slow

Nothing profound this morning -- apparently I used up my imitations of profundity yesterday. If you don’t think yesterday’s second entry was profound, then that just proves I don’t do imitations well.

The best word to describe rowing today is "okay". Not terribly painful, as I coxed for half the practice and we were doing drills all day anyway. We weren’t doing them well, but they still weren’t nearly as painful as Monday’s long pieces. The only notable point is that I rowed port today, for the first time in 4-5 months, and had surprisingly little trouble with it. Most people develop a preference for one side or the other; I never have. I seem to row starboard more often, mostly because I’m so small that I’m usually put in bow seat, which is starboard in a standard-rigged boat, but I have a suspicion my technique is better on port.

It looks like I will be doing quite a bit of technical writing for a project at work, creating the halp files for an application we’re creating. Does that mean time spent doing this is work-related, since I’m presumably improving my writing skills? I finally brought in one of the two boxes of stuff I’d taken home before the Worcester trip. The challenge now will be fitting an office-worth of stuff in a cube. It’s been so nice having a window, though, that the transition hasn’t been that difficult.

Things are a little slow at work just now, but next week I’ll be off at a convention, which sounds both interesting and luxurious. Not sure if I’ll have access to a computer though, so expect updates here to be sparse. I think I’ve said that before. Pardon the repetition -- I’m not convinced that my memory isn’t failing, thoug it ay be that it’s always been bad for something. I’m great on song lyrics and poetry though -- my theory is that all the useless lyrics and trivia take up memory space that I should be devoting to real life. I have no plans to change, though, as I enjoy remembering lyrics and trivia much more than appointments and such. That’s what Palm Pilots are for, anyway.

Posted by dichroic at April 18, 2001 09:31 AM
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