I’m back.
One cat at my shoulder, another at my shin -- it makes for difficult typing. I’ll post something more on marriage and reality vs. idealization later (translation: I didn’t realize he’d be waking me up at 4AM every weekday). But first, a roundup of the weekend.
The bit with the "executive taxi" went more or less all right; my plane was a bit early (!) and the taxi service wasn’t informed when they called the airline, but I waited around a bit and the driver showed up just as I was feeling ready to give up on him. After that things went smoothly; we dropped off my luggage at the hotel, and then dropped me off at the Trio Bistro.
I had thought the bride and groom were just inviting some old friends out for a few drinks, but they had rented the whole place and there were trays of appetizers and lush desserts. Very nice. We got to hang out with some people I hadn’t met and some I hadn’t seen for years, and enjoyed making the acquaintance of T’s college roommate’s new son (4 months old), who barely woke up for the occasion. Everyone else was a bit stiff, still, getting reacquainted.
The wedding was very beautiful. It was in an old church high on a hill, with a spectacular view out over San Francisco and the Bay. I amused myself trying to figure out whether the service was Catholic or Episcopalian (the former, I think, since the priest was addressed as "Father"), but either way, it was a good service -- solemn, but not too much so to laugh when a baby began crying right at the moment of "let them speak now or forever hold their peace". There was a solo of Ave Maria, and readings from the Bible (the Song of Songs and the Beatitudes, but NOT Corinthians) and from John Donne, and Bach and Handel played on the harpsichord.
The bride’s dress made me think "Goth girl gets married" -- a top like a corset and a narrow skirt with tulle overlay, and a tiara. Very cool.
The reception featured excellent food, and disco, to complement the Bach earlier. The open bar unbent everyone, and the college stories started to flow. We had a great time. Though I did start sniffling during one slow dance with my husband.
And so, back to work.
Posted by dichroic at April 2, 2001 06:31 AM