No beef last night. I was still a little on the low-energy side this morning, having again slept like a dead thing, but was able to manage 4k, on the erg with slightly less frequent stops. I've also gained about 4lbs since the weekend, so I'm beginning to wonder if it's a thyroid thing after all, or what. I've got an unexplanied sore spot on my neck, too, but probably not in the right place.I think I'll give it until after next weekend and see if anything's changed. It probably will, but if not I'll go see a doctor.
I'm beginning to like the Madeleine and Pooh cartoons shown at 5AM on the Disney Playhouse, for erging purposes. I especially like the way all the Madeleine characters will exclaim something in French and then repeat it in English - that way it's still clear but they don't have to dumb it down to far. Also, all the narrator's lines are in rhyme, in the meter Bemelman originally used:
In an old house in Paris, all covered in vines, Lived twelve little girls in two straight lines. The smallest one was Madeleine.
Because really, how could I not like a story in which the smallest girl got to be the heroine?
I've been cleared to mention here that with changes going on in both our companies, if the worst happens to both of us (or the best , depending on your viewpoint) Rudder and I are playing with an idea we've been talking about for years: take to the road for six months or a year, in an RV with space in back for bikes, windsurfers, kayaks, and whatever. We spent Sunday afternoon going around looking at RVs to see the costs and possibilities. It looks like this would actually be financially feasible, given what's going on with real estate prices in our area. Of course, it's a giant leap of faith, making the assumptions that we could stand each other for that long a time in that small a space and that we could get back to work fairly quickly after we were ready to leave the road, and the logistics are very complicated. And most likely, we'll just stay with our jobs and ride out the waves. Still, what an adventure!
Not the least of the logistics is figuring out how few books I could get by with, for a year or whatever. We'd occasionally swing by wherever our stuff was stored, so I could rotate the stock then, but it wouldn't be frequent, and without much money or space, I wouldn't be able to buy new books. Thank goodness I'm a rereader; that makes it far easier.
Another issue is how to get mobile internet access; I'm sure this is a solved problem, but I just don't know the answer. One way would be to get a wireless internet card in a laptop and just take it to wireless access zones, but I'd like something at "home" as well. I'm sure there's a satellite method of some kind.
Another nontrivial issue is what Rudder will do when we're not sightseeing or doing something active and we're stuck indoors. As he pointed out, he does't really have any sedentary hobbies other than watching TV, which he mostly does only when he's pinned down by the need to eat. I'd love to get a book, or a column (hello, Outside?) or both out of the adventure, so that's one thing we could work on together.
And then there's the issues of how much stuff we need / can do without, how much it all would cost, health insurance, and such. And right now it's only a contingency plan, not a real one. We do have careers to worry about. Still, it's a lot of fun to think about and plan, sort of like the "if I won the lottery" game. If anyone reading this has done such a thing or knows someone who has (and who has actively traveled, not just pulled up a trailer somewhere and parked) I'd love to get in contact.
And if it really does happen? Then you'll hear lots about it. I'll be checking with everyone I know to find people and places to visit.
Posted by dichroic at June 15, 2005 02:09 PMI have a friend who has been doing it for about a year and change now, in a Vanagon. I'm sure she's dealt with a lot of the practical issues like insurance, etc and might be able to give you pointers on some of the other things.
Posted by: Keilyn at June 15, 2005 02:40 PMNu? Why couldn't you do something profitable? Steinbeck did.
Posted by: l-empress at June 15, 2005 03:08 PM
Traveling with a theme, words down as the miles pass, taking time to enjoy scenery. I think you would bring out some great writing, I enjoy your journal very much.
Spent a summer traveling cross-country in a half size school bus with a 1 year old, a sullen teenager, and NO air conditioning. We were in 'camp' mode rather than an RV so our greatest resources were interstate rest areas, truck stops, and national parks. Showers at the truck stops, tons of offbeat tourist info at the rest areas (as well as overnight parking with handy bathrooms), the national parks had everything else. As with college students, it's best if your towels and bed linens are white cotton. That way you have a whole white load when you do socks and undies. Sounds like an amazing adventure and one I'd think about trying on a more limited scale even if you stay employed. You're the chick who went to the bottom of the world! Surely a vagabond season could be arranged. ~LA
Posted by: LA at June 16, 2005 06:17 AMAh! I want you to do it just so that I can live vicariously through the pictures and writing it will produce! Heh. About internet access. Some cell phones offer a plan that allows you to connect a laptop through some sort of cell phone modem. Never used or seen it myself, but I know they're out there. If you do end up taking a trip like this, you'd enjoy a stop in Asheville. Do you mountain bike? Anway, lots of wonderful water and mountain sort of outdoor activities here, and a town with some great restaurants as well.
Posted by: Melissa at June 16, 2005 09:02 AMCool. I play the 'when we win the lottery' game too. Your trip sounds fab, I hope you do it as I'd love to read about your adventures!
Posted by: ruthie at June 16, 2005 01:13 PM