No luck on finding the Fabulous Outfit, thought I did get to do some shopping this weekend. I saw some very cool peasant skirts and a tube top I liked, but price convinced me not to buy. ($44 for a smocked tube top?? $98 and up for skirts with raw edges? Yikes.) I did end up buying a skirt and shoes from Nordstrom online, because I couldn't resist the skirt even though it won't be delivered until July and because the shoes will replace a pair that's too uncomfortable. I'm too old to wear uncomfortable shoes. Everyone's too old to wear uncomfortable shoes, in my opinion.
I do have things I can wear for my reunion in three weeks, so that's not a dire situation, but I have a couple other shoe issues - worn-out ones I like and wear a lot that I haven't been able to replace. I have very specific niches in my shoe wardrobe; these are "low-to-medium heeled comfy but not too casual shoes that can be worn to work and that don't require socks." one pair in black and one in tan. The niches are currently filled by a pair of black slides and another of tan mules, but both are looking a little ragged. The tan ones are especially worn, and for some clothing the black or dark brown shoes that are most of what I own are just too severe.
My other current problem is Passover dinner, what to make for. There will be matzo ball soup, of course, and a deep-fried turkey. Conveniently, peanut oil is even kosher for Passover, not that any of my guests would care. (One guest is even Jewish. I think two Jews - him and me - is a record high nmumber for my "seders".) Bread, of course, will be matzah. Now I just need a salad, a couple of side dishes, and a dessert. Currently under consideration for the latter three are asparagus, scalloped potatoes (the milk in which is even permissable since we're having poultry instead of beef) and my Pasadic chocolate torte, which uses ground almonds instead of flour.
Yes, my biggest problems are shoes (of which I have a rackful already) and what to serve guests for dinner. And also split ends, as usual. We should all have (only) such small problems.
Posted by dichroic at April 11, 2005 02:12 PMDepends on your own tradition. To us, poultry is still meat. I haven't decided whether to try a seder or not this year (I couldn't do it last year) Maybe stuffed chicken breasts -- stuffing made with matzoh. I usually go big on fresh vegetables - it's spring, isn't it? But I will have trouble finding stuff that Husband will eat. Except, of course, the soup and knadlach.
Posted by: l-empress at April 11, 2005 03:59 PMAs to peanut oil being kosher for passover, that depends on whether you follow Ashkinazic or Sephardic traditions -- Ashkinazim do not allow legumes (which include peanuts, green peas, etc.) or rice, while Sephardim do. If you follow the European traditions, well, peanut oil is right out.
Posted by: Bill at April 14, 2006 03:12 PM