March 09, 2005


This is scary: I noticed, after posting it, that this is entry #1500. It's completely unorganized - 1500 entries in and I still haven't gotten my thoughts together. Or maybe there is an organization, and it's a common one for me: in order, I've written about the Good, the Bad, and the thing I need to do better. I'm not sure what that means, except that though I'm not entirely an optimist or a pessimist, I'm closer to optimism (because of the eternal hope to do things better).

So far the thing I like most about the iPod is the shuffle feature. My biggest complaint about local radio has always been that they pick a set of 10 songs and play them until you want to hold the lead singer by the ears and yell at him to SING SOMETHING DIFFERENT THIS TIME, I'M TIRED OF THAT SONG! even though you know that not only would that be unproductive, but even the DJ really has little choice in the matter.

One recent local exception, now coming to a station near you: Alice Cooper's radio show. Alice (yes, the guy who used to wear all the face paint) is a local resident; he owns a restaurant and sponsors golf tournaments and stuff. He's been doing a stint on the local radio station and I think it's now syndicated. He plays everything from old Yardbirds to obscure songs of his own to new stuff. Dee Snyder (of Twisted Sister) has a similar show that gets played here on weekends. I'm beginning to like this faded-celebrity-DJ trend, because these guys do know music and seem to have enough clout to pick their own music.

Back to the iPod shuffle, it's like having a station that not only plays variety, but plays a variety of stuff I like, with no commericials. I really don't listen to my CDs all that often, except while driving, and I'm beginning to think it's just a dislike of listening to 13 of the same sort of songs in a row. (This would explain why I have so many tribute CDs, where a variety of bands sing songs by Bob Dylan or Richard Thompson or whoever, and also a lot of compilations, like Live at the Wherever.) So now the music flips from Garnet Rogers to Cosy Sheridan to Neil Young to Boiled in Lead to the Grateful Dead to Greg Brown and it's a Good Thing.

The Bad Thing, on the other hand, would be that I just remembered I don't have a birthday card for Yogi, my former coworker born the same day I was. I don't want to send an e-card because she usually sends me paper ones, but I might have to. I have a flying lesson tonight so won't have much time to shop for one. At least if I send it tomorrow it should get there the next day, via interoffice mail (same company, different site). Damn. There went that resolution, in near-record time. Does it count if I send an electronic one but I send it the day before so it's obvious I didn't just forget?

Also, note to self: I *will* get up and row on Friday! I took today off exercising because yesterday my body so clearly wanted the day off. I'm taking tomorrow off because I'm self-indulgent. Friday I will row. What I will not do is allow myself to need bigger clothes, and I won't diet, so there's not much choice left. I'm actually up 4-5 lbs, but so far the clothes all fit. My tight jeans were tighter than I'd like but they were also just out of the dryer. Still, I noticed my cheekbones in the mirror yesterday while erging. In other words, once again, I have no idea what my body's doing. I wish I came with an Owner's Manual.

Posted by dichroic at March 9, 2005 11:52 AM

I know what you mean about top 40 sapping the will to live. My gym tunes in to one of those stations which is why last year's purchase of a MP3 player became critical for running. It's kinda fun to be your own dj, eh?

As for the body, I completely understand your mystification. Mine does the same thing, too--weight goes up, body size actually shrinks. I think it has something to do with getting the food combo exactly right for building muscle. I find if my calories dip too low I slip into starvation mode and actually start to build fat and jettison muscle. Arrrrgh

My last great fat pocket is my abdomen. It's as if all the fat has gradually fled my extremeties and clustered there. You have no idea how much I hate that last little pouch. Begone. Begone I say.

Posted by: Marn, eh at March 9, 2005 12:18 PM

My mom sent me the url to today's entry, since i have alice cooper's portrait tattooed on my back :-D oh, to be able to hear that show.
when i was in my wild (?) youth, my mom would come in to wake me after a night out and comment on my smeared makeup, "you look like alice cooper!"
your entry made me smile.

Posted by: L'Empress's UD at March 10, 2005 12:34 PM

My mom sent me the url to today's entry, since i have alice cooper's portrait tattooed on my back :-D oh, to be able to hear that show.
when i was in my wild (?) youth, my mom would come in to wake me after a night out and comment on my smeared makeup, "you look like alice cooper!"
your entry made me smile.

Posted by: L'Empress's UD at March 10, 2005 12:35 PM

My mom sent me the url to today's entry, since i have alice cooper's portrait tattooed on my back :-D oh, to be able to hear that show.
when i was in my wild (?) youth, my mom would come in to wake me after a night out and comment on my smeared makeup, "you look like alice cooper!"
your entry made me smile.

Posted by: L'Empress's UD at March 10, 2005 12:37 PM

Alice Cooper! I loved him when I was in college. My roomies and I used to ride around campus in one of their cars blasting "This Maniac's in Love With You" and just loving life. I bet I'd like his radio show.

Posted by: Pam at May 25, 2005 07:27 PM
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