My opinion of the Get Motivated! seminar I went to yesterday? If it comes to your town, don't go. It wasn't even worth getting out of the office for a day. The best thing about it was that I got about 4" done on sock #2, which I had foresightedly cast on the night before because I'm close enough to the end of sock #1 that I was afraid I'd run out of knitting. The final count was as follows:
If you ever get a chance, Joe Montana and Rudy Giuliani are worth hearing speak. But if someone invites you to this seminar thing, run away. Or take your something to do and earplugs.
I have certainly learned my lesson, though. When I was invited to this seminar by a coworker, I didn't ask to see the brochure and read through it carefully. Someone told me the brochure did discuss exactly the sort of thing that would be discussed, including the religion, so if I wasted a day, it's my own fault for not checking up more carefully. I suppose this even falls into the "preparation" theme but Montana and Giuliani discussed. Actually, there's a second lesson as well: when stuck in a situation like this, carefully monitor anyone who talks about leaving. My boss and another guy snuck back to work (in the latter's car) while I wasn't watching them
Posted by dichroic at February 17, 2005 12:05 PMThank you so much for the "meeting minutes". I was very disappointed that I wasn't able to attend. This event has been so hyped in the papers and throught the real estate community, I really thought I was missing the boat....So glad to hear that it wasn't worth being on the boat...
Oh gross! What a crock. Eeee! Love the phrase 'eye smacking pink'. I've heard Giuliani speak (on TV) and always get distracted by his odd lisp. That and when he was doing the hair plugs. Hard not to drift into counting those creepy divots of hair lawn. ~LA
Posted by: LA at February 17, 2005 06:59 PMYee-ikes. That's the sort of thing my nightmares are made out of.
Best motivational thingie I ever took was Franklin Covey's seminar on "What Matters Most." (Crain was very big on Franklin Planners, and that was when I got hooked.)
Posted by: mechaieh at February 18, 2005 11:27 AM