February 10, 2005

tut, tut, looks like rain

Well, today's customer meeting went well and even ended earlier than expected. Yay. The simulator was booked for tonight so I'm scheduled to be flying an actual airplane after work - I usually try not to because flying instruments is hard enough without doing it at the end of a workday. I have a funny feeling it might not happen, though, due to the amount of wind. I was going to call and ask the FBO so I wouldn't have to leave work early only to find out I wasn't flying. (And bear in mind the airport is only five minutes from my house, so it's not like I'd be driving across town.) Luckily, a jolt of common sense hit me before I dialed; still, it scares me that I even thought of the idea of calling ahead "so I wouldn't have to leave work early unnecessarily".

Posted by dichroic at February 10, 2005 03:50 PM

Ah. Never enough. I've been reading and nodding with recognition. Though some of your passions have become chore-like, I'm delighted by your go-for-it life. Flying. Knitting. Rowing. Spiffing up the house. (How's the pool, btw? All finished?) Erg challenges. Reading 'hard' books. Going to Ireland and Antarctica! I'd like to say my kids hold me back from a life like yours, but I know darn well my adventures would be far less strenuous and much closer to home. I'm proud to know someone who not only dreams big, but lives big. ~LA

Posted by: LA at February 10, 2005 07:52 PM
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