February 06, 2005

the who from where?

Actual conversation, at work on Friday:

Me: So, will you be rooting for the Eagles Sunday?

Coworker: I dunno...... who are they playing?

Me: The New England Patriots.

Coworker: They're playing an international team???

The mind reels .... just so wrong, on many levels. Even worse was the part where she said, "Wait, I know my geography and there's no state called New England!"

Posted by dichroic at February 6, 2005 01:58 PM

One of the guys I went to grade school with was my mom's produce boy when he was in high school, and this was the actual conversation they had in the grocery store:

Joe: Haven't seen you in awhile, Mrs. Lingen!
Mom: We just got back from a vacation to New England, Joe.
Joe: WOW! [pause] How many languages do you speak, anyway?
Mom, carefully: Well, I speak German, and Dan and Marissa speak French, and Marissa can get by in Japanese and Norwegian. And my dad, who came with us, knows Latin and some Spanish. But actually, they speak English in New England.
Joe, awed: Really!

Posted by: Mris at February 6, 2005 03:34 PM

Awesome. ~LA

Posted by: LA at February 6, 2005 05:30 PM
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