Updates here may be sparse in the next few days I have a conference. It's local for me, but people are coming in from all over the world, and I have to go network, give a presentation, impress the bigwigs, and all that. (Yeah, I know - it sounds so corporate. I may even wear an actual suit tomorrow, albeit my trendy one with the long jacket. 2002 trendy, anyway - not much of a fashionista, me.)
I went to a chiropractor yesterday for a free assessment and checkup, and am thinking about starting a program with them. I'd love feedback from anyone who's been to one. I'm a little leery, because I've heard some unflattering opinions of chiropractry from doctors, and becaue my few forays into alternative medicine to date have been unrewarding (except massage, which is its own reward). Also, they set off my scam sensors when they added up my health insurance copayments and deductible and offered a 40% discount is I prepaid for the 21 sessions they estimated I'd need. On the plus side, $366 doesn't sound unreasonable for 21 sessions (of course, then there's whatever they bill my insurance), they admitted it might take more or fewer sessions, I like that they have me doing stretching and strengthening exercises, the place and people seem nice and sincere, and the coach at rowing camp opined that chiropractic treatment can be valuable for rowers. Also, it is undeniably true that my spine curves in one dimension so that my head is held a little to the left, and does not curve as it's supposed to in another so that my head is thrust forward a little more than it should be. I've seen this in posture checks over the years, in this chiro's X-rays, and in a doctor's X-rays of my spine a few years ago. And I figure have my spine go the way it's supposed to can only be good for rowing purposes, not to mention avoiding back problems later.
As I said, I'd really appreciate feedback from anyone who's been to a chiro and been helped or not helped by it.
Later note: A little due diligence informs me that I may be going to a chiropractor, but tno this chiropractor. They neglected to mention that they're not in-network for my insurance - in this case, the co-pays are probably less in- and out-of-network chiros (hard to tell, becaue in one case it's $30 and in the other it's 70%) and there's no deductible for in-network. Not a trivial difference. However, it turns out there are 23 chiros in my network within 5 miles of my house so if I decide to do this, it shouldn't be impossible to find an honest one. I should also state that, though my spine isn't quite where it should be, I have no back pain or other problems.Little progress on the socks, probably because I have a fear of holes in them and so am holding the Fixation yarn (which is cotton with elastic in it) stretched tightly as I knit. I also have some Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock yarn fot future socks and even though it's nominally a finer gauge and I'll knit it with size 2 needles instead of the current size 5, I have a feeling it will knit up a little bigger for me. Or maybe not. I'm knitting the current ones toe-up, with a figure-eight cast-on, which I think is not usually the way people do their first socks but oh well. I also don't think knitting is quite as hard to figure out as some people seem to -- I see a lot of questions on the Knitlist to which my first answer would be either "try it and see" or "do the math" -- though I have a long way until I can do anything really complex. Another thing I want to try is Peace Fleece; some of their colors would be beautiful in a sweater and I want to support their principles. But that will have to wait until after at least some of the four projects I either have on the needles or have planned and bought yarn for are done. (Fixation ribbed socks for Rudder, in progress; Lorna's Laces socks for me, planned; cable scarf for my uncle which may not go to him until next Chanukah, in progress; sleeveless cotton sweater for me, about 4" in and put aside months ago to work on winter things. Maybe I need a sidebar here listing projects.)
Posted by dichroic at February 1, 2005 12:22 PM
I've had good luck with chiros. A lot of time the "plan" stuff is to get you comfortable since a lot of insurance doesn't necessarily cover it and folks get scared off.
But I did it regularly for a while and found it helped overall, as well as with some specific issues relating to earlier injuries.
Posted by: Keilyn at February 1, 2005 12:44 PMI've never tried it, but if you do it, I'm interested in how it goes for you. I've had chronic back problems all of my life, and have been considering... Anyway, my supervisor, however, has been seeing a chiropractor for about a year, and she's really been impressed with the results.
Posted by: Melissa at February 1, 2005 01:20 PMIf it doesn't make you feel better -- not immediately, often it makes me feel really nasty immediately -- you have the wrong chiropractor. But the right chiropractor can be a very good thing.
Posted by: Mris at February 1, 2005 01:40 PMI had a chiropractor castmate crack my neck several times during the run of a show (*sigh*), but have only done one venture into full-fledged treatment. Went to one who was a former student of a friend of mine - very nice girl, but way too religious for me. "Me and G-d, healing the world one spine at a time." I'm open to holistic treatment (otherwise why would I have been there?) but I get a little dubious when someone practically claims they can cure hangnails thru chiro. I want someone to crack my back and get me in alignment, is that so hard? Apparently, because I haven't found one yet.
Posted by: Melanie at February 1, 2005 02:19 PMAND she was very difficult to pin down about how long the course of treatment would take, and how much all of that would cost me.
Posted by: Melanie at February 1, 2005 02:20 PM"...do the math." Of course. I have also read that anyone who can knit a sweater knows more about topology than she thinks. I always started mittens at the wrist, did socks the same way. No problem.
Posted by: l-empress at February 1, 2005 08:59 PMThank you SO MUCH for the guestbook message. I did the muscle tensing test and I was pleased to see that what did jiggle before (my tricepts mainly) no longer does as much. I passed the other tests as well. I might have some fat in my inner thighs, but I'm not going to freak out about it. I know I'm not fat -- it's all in my head. I never thought I'd become one of these women who is obsessed with her body. I think "heavier" (haha) issues are at play -- the world and the pressure to look a certain way is really messing with my mind. That's something I'll probably have to quell more than the real or imagined fat. Thanks again for your message. It made me feel better.
Posted by: Jen at February 1, 2005 09:19 PMI used to think they were quacks but now I swear by 'em. Speaking as a jock, they've helped immensely with various strains, pulls, out-of-whacks. Mine even helped out with the dislocated collarbone after the car accident. He has a dislocated clavicle as well. Often you'll fine orthopedists who have become chiropractors. And those, for my money, are your best bet. You have to find the right one but I highly recommend a regular chiropractor. Initially you go fairly frequently once a week or twice a month and gradually as your body becomes "well adjusted" you taper off to maintenance visits about one a month or six weeks. It's been 4 months since I last went and I'm still doing okay. Keep us posted. Big hug.-J
Posted by: Jenn at February 2, 2005 06:44 AMI think my chiro helped quite a bit. Unfortunately it's diffiicult to STOP going. It gets so you 'need' to get crunched and this bothered me. I like something with finite parameters. If it's not going to cost you anything but time I'd say give it a try. Why not? ~LA
Posted by: LA at February 2, 2005 08:32 AMChiros: back in 1987 (yeah, I know, the stone age...)I managed to dislocate my jaw pretty severely. Since I basically talked for a living, this was a problem, and the options I was presented with included having my jaw wired (possibly good for weight loss purposes, but not for work) or trying a chiropractor. The ortho guy recommended someone. In the course of my initial consultation, which included x-rays of my jaw, neck, and upper spine, I also mentioned the severe migraines I used to get weekly. To cut to the chase, the guy fixed my jaw easily, cured my mild TMJ in the process, and straightened out my neck so that while I still get migraines, they are nearly always caused by stress and not by misalignment and happen very, very rarely.
So yes, if you can find a good one, by all means. And they do tend to map out a program because it's not something that can be fixed in two or three appointments, but a good one will not try to keep you there indefinitely. Ask for recommendations and check into their credetials.
Posted by: Swoop at February 2, 2005 08:18 PM