November 03, 2004

neither shutting up nor giving up

I feel a little better this morning, since calling my local chapter of the ACLU and donating about four times my usual annual amount. The woman I spoke to said about five people have called this morning to join up.

What's bothering me now is that, given Mr. Bush's visual issues (that is, the congenital inability to see any shades of gray) I'm afraid he'll see only that he won and will take that as a mandate for four more years of the same. But 51%, or 50.5 % or whatever it is of the popular vote is not a mandate. What it is, is a "Yes, but..." It's some people that just don't like Kerry for whatever reason. It's some people that think changing leaders during a battle is a bad idea, no matter if some things are going badly. It's some people who worry more about terrorists than about losing civil rights, and many people (though a fwe less) who feel the opposite. It's people who didn't want sons and daughters sent to war, but who desperately need them to have been sent for a good reason, and people who hate that a supposed "conservative" President is spending money like water but who fear a Democrat (albeit one who was part of balancing the budget) might be worse.

What it is, is a call to self-examination, to re-examine what you thought was true, to keep on with what still looks right and to admit and change what doesn't. Unfortunately, I'm afraid it's a call our re-elected President won't hear. I hope I'm wrong.

I'm disappointed by the 11 states voting against gay marriage, too, but large-scale change is never easy. Take heart in the famous words of Governor George Wallage, speaking on a similar issue: "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever." It's not forever - it's only forty years later and segregation policies have fallen in Alabama, and in the US, and in the world. Change in attitudes is a juggernaut that moves slowly - the change to Wallace's ideas isn't finished yet - but it's damned hard to stop.

Four more years isn't forever, and a country in which Mousepoet and Mechaieh can both write about the strength of our freedoms, though writing on opposing sides of the election, is not a country without hope. Meanwhile, I'm still here. I'm still mouthy, still Jewish, still pro-choice, still believing in shades of gray, in innocent until proven guilty, in the Constitution of my country and the freedoms it guarantees, and still convinced that everyone - Arab and Jew, gay and straight, liberal and conservative - deserve the freedoms I have. I plan to spend the next four years not shutting up. Bring it on.

Posted by dichroic at November 3, 2004 10:27 AM

It looks as if there are enough seriously ill judges on your Supreme Court that the president may be able to profoundly change the composition of the court. I know the Chief Justice is conservative, but Ruth Bader Ginsberg isn't.

I think that's what scares me the most is that he may leave a lasting imprint on jurisprudence for a long time to come, first through his appointments of very conservative judges to lower courts and perhaps by appointments to the Supreme Court.

Interesting times ahead.

Posted by: Marn, eh at November 3, 2004 12:21 PM

It's the ramifications of the judicial appointments which long term terrify me.

Partner is already coming around. Why, he even put his passport back in the lockbox and stopped researching flights to Canada!

Posted by: chicagowench at November 3, 2004 12:25 PM

Erm, the link you've got to my name goes to the mousepoet's page...

(That said, as always, I am flattered when you choose to recommend something I've said. Thank you.)

(And a resounding AMEN to not shutting up, too.)

Posted by: mechaieh at November 3, 2004 05:06 PM
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