Geordie Whelps
You know what's wrong with politics these days? I mean, besides the things you were no doubt about to list? No good protest songs, that's what. And I'm not even thinking Phil Ochs and Bob Dylan so much as the days of broadsides hawked on the streets. There aren't too many good nicknames, either (the exception being Molly Ivins' contribution, "Shrub"), but that can be fixed by borrowing from the past.
As can the protest song issue. Here's my attempt to remedy the situation. As may be obvious if you know the song, it's to the tune of "Cam' Ye O'er Frae France".
Cam ye o'er frae France,
Cam ye o'er by Berlin
Saw ye Geordie Whelps
Buildin' coalitions,
Or were ye at the place
Where they keep Dick Cheney
Saw ye Geordie's grace
Playin' the Lone Ranger?
Him that has shall get
So the rich shall profit,
Him with nane shall wait
Should he need a doctor
We hae full health care,
It's the world's envy
All ye need's the fare
Tae fare as well as Geordie.
Can't afford gas heat
Can't afford the driving
We hae crow to eat
O'er the mess in Iraq
Were there no nukes there?
It's of little matter,
"God is on our side,
It's black and white," says Geordie.
Posted by dichroic at October 14, 2004 04:40 PM