Some people just shouldn't be allowed into a bookstore when they're even mildly ticked off. I decided to spend my luch hour spending on my favorite vice. Fifty dollars later...
...I remembered why I don't generally go into bookstores on my lunch hour.
The ticked off part was just because of the way work's been going; the boss has been edgy and I've had meetings starting at 8AM, meetings ending at 5PM, and everywhere in between. At least the boss seems a little calmer today, though my schedule's not.
Also, I had a pleasant moment of self-realization when I was asking someone at work if she knew just where this bookstore is (it's in a very confusing shopping center). I happened to mention that I could as easily go to DSW (discount shoes) in the same center, and she said, "Oh, shoes! That would be much better than books!" My visceral reaction was, "Not even close," much as I do like shoes. So yes, I'm still me. I may have to act all professional sometimes and even (gasp) pretend to be tactful, but it's kind of nice to know basics don't change.
One of the things I bought was Maggie Righetti's Knitting in Plain English. Paging through it, I think I've figured out how to make my poncho project much less of a pain in the ass. The problem is, it's only a 3-stitch repeating pattern but when I make a mistake I can't see it on this openwork pattern so it tends to be much later when I notice it and this pattern is hard to unknit. I'm spending way too much time recounting to make sure I still have 45 stitches in each row. I think the solution may be to place markers every 6 or 9 stitches, so I can see where I am more easily. (This is probably a "Duh" moment for experienced knitters, of whom I am emphatically not one.)