September 10, 2004

good news and luck

I guess it's not too bad to get a little teary at work (lunchtime, if you're wondering) over a good cause: Jen has finally heard back. She gets to be a mommy to a lucky girl named Li.

I've known Jen via electrons since before she was even married, and it's been clear for most of that time that she's one of those people for whom one of the highest callings is to be a mom. It's also been clear from reading about her stepson that she's very very good at it, and I can't say how glad I am that she gets to have a baby (toddler) of her very own. I'm hoping hard that everything goes smoothly from here out.

Is it just me or has the whole month of September so far been like something out of a Liavek story? It's not my birthday (well, today I am exactly 37.5, come to think of it) but for a week or two the luck has been flying furiously, not all good but tending more that way. Approved for the IFR reimbursement. Being asked to cox in the Charles and then the boat being picked in the draw. Work things heating up. Rudder driving into the garage a bit more literally than one usually does but not damaging the trim or his truck, other than the rack. Figuring out what may be one of the major reasons I'm slower in the boat than I ought to be. I've got a couple more major decisions that will affect me int he next week or two, and now I'm really curious what will happen. Posted by dichroic at September 10, 2004 01:50 PM
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