Olympic opening ceremony: Beautiful. A bit odd in some of the symbolism but that's typical and it was all worth staying up past our bedtimes for. The parade of Greek history was especially cool, and whatshername the Games' organizer deserved to be every bit as proud and glad as she looked.
Athletes' parade: a quick lesson on what countries have good dentistry and cutting edge electronics, because of all the big smiles and videocams the athletes had. The two are surprisingly uncorrelated.
Sucks: All those athletes who are competing today and had to miss the Ceremonies. If I were one of them I'd hate that.
Proud: Of Alan Iverson, one of the few NBA stars who was there and looked excited about it. There were others, like Yao Min, but most of those were competing for their home countries rather than the US. For $ome rea$on US-native sports stars don't apear to properly appreciate the Olympics.
Complaints: It's not his fault, but I can tell I'm going to be very tired of hearing about Michael Phelps in a very short time. And where were the cameras when the Zew Zealand women's sculling pair flipped? All I saw (on our videotape, because it was broadcast at 2AM) was a quick shot of them getting back into the boat.
Perks: Thanks to all that time in front of the TV, the purse I was working on is done and is now drying after blocking. I'll post a picture later.
Posted by dichroic at August 14, 2004 05:55 PM