I feel so studly now. Or alpha-geekly, anyway. Of course, this just goes to show how rusty my software skills really are.
My comments have been getting lots of spam in the last few days, and deleting them one at a time was getting annoying. I have now installed the MT-Blacklist plugin. Before I tried that I got to explore the wilds of MySql. During installation there was tar-ing and attempted untar-ing (not necessary, as it turned out; my Mac handled it). There was Fugu-ing and telneting, cd-ing and ls -l ing left and right. I was especially pleased that I hardly had to think at all before chmods started flowing from my fingertips like the Unix hack I used to be. Best of all, though not to my credit, the installation worked perfectly the first time and my comments are now despammed and protected from 500 or so known spammers. Very productive for a Friday night.
Posted by dichroic at July 30, 2004 09:30 PMSo it would probably be really churlish of me, oh computer geek studlet, to point out you forgot to close your end tag on your link?
Posted by: Swoop at July 30, 2004 10:02 PMYowza! And here I just got off the phone with tech support because I had no internet. Monkeying around beneath my desk unplugging and plugging in, feeling proud when I could identify the correct wire. I can just imagine if I had to do something with operating code. My machine would have a new job as a really expensive paperweight. Pictures! I want to see pictures! The Antarctica pics were awesome. ~LA
Posted by: LA at July 31, 2004 06:19 AM