June 30, 2004


Two pair jeans (one black, one blue), four pair shorts, two pair capris (one I will wear on the plane), one short skirt. One pair of shoes (lace-up, usable for gym or hiking), two pair sandals (one brown and I can walk miles in them, one black and slightly dressier). Assorted T-shirts, one sweater, one fleece pullover, one cotton pullover, one sleeveless turtleneck. Fleece jacket. Goretex jacket. Nine days, Oregon in summer, visiting both sides of the Cascades (the rainy side and the high desert side).

Yup, I overpacked again. And the worst of it is, I still can't figure what to wear to go see Much Ado About Nothing, outdoors at the replica Globe Theater at night - it needs to be slightly dressy, I think, and warm but not winter-warm. Hence the sleeveless T-Neck, which may be all right with either the short skirt or the black jeans and a jacket. I think.

Posted by dichroic at June 30, 2004 03:29 PM

Heh, I think you may be a worse packer than myself.

I've never got to say that before.

Posted by: caroline at July 1, 2004 06:44 AM
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