The archives are up! Not all of them are visible yet - I imported them with Draft status and I have to convert to Publish status individually (just a matter of selecting from a pull-down menu -- there's a "bulk edit" widow, so at least I don't have to open each entry.
I did use a script to get the entries off Diaryland and set up in the right format, but the dates didn't come across right in most cases so I've had to go back and fix that by hand, hence the lack of yesterday's entries. It was interesting, though because in the process I got to watch the last three years of my life unfolding. I note that in 2001 I was leg-pressing only about 50 lbs less than I am now, which is a little depressing. On the other hand, there have been times in that period when I've been working with (slightly) lower weights and lighter reps, so that partly explains it. A more gratifying fact is that at that time I was writing about how my fingers were numb "but deserved to be, because I had rowed just under 10 km that morning in the single." Yesterday I rowed 14 km -- could have gone farther but I was out of time. I also got to read about unemployment, re-emplyment, travels, and lots of books. Oe thing that surprised me was how high a percentage of my titles were quotes from books or songs. I spotted at least three cribbed from Joni Mitchell's Both Sides Now, which makes sense since I'm writing about the vagaries of my own life. I also found a lot more typos than expected. I tried spellchecking but gave up less than halfway through because there was just too much of it.
The line-wrapping is a bt screwed up, but I won't bother fixing that. Unfortunately one result of that is that a lot of the links are messed up, and I will fix those over time. I suppose I will also have to change all those links referring back to my Diaryland site, but that will be a slow process.
Meanwhile, Rudder's just come home, so I have more important things to go do.
Posted by dichroic at June 26, 2004 09:18 PM