April 13, 2004

a slight correction

Whew. Waaaay too many meetings today. Not to mention yesterday, tomorrow, and the
rest of the week.

Thanks to all who sent advice about diary hosting.
Notes to Alex: a) Mac.com is not free even if you own one. b) If you click href="http://members.diaryland.com/edit/linkers.phtml?user=dichroic">here you
will see the list of people at Diaryland who have me listed as a favorite. That
means these people read this diary and often also my guestbook. In many or most
cases they have me listed partially because I have them listed, which naturally
implies I read their diaries as well. If I regularly read someone's online journal
regularly, enough to friend them, it is fair to assume said journal does *not*
consist of "masturbatory excreta", at least in my opinion. In fact, several of
said journalers are far better writers than I will ever be, in my opinion and
those of quite a few others. (In some cases, that would include their publishers.)
This also applies to several people who keep journals elsewhere, of course, but
the list is harder to point to.

I would not normally scold in
public, but the relevant guestbook entry is in public so I felt I needed

There are certainly hundreds and thousands of online journals
that are crap, but that doesn't mean there's not plenty of excellent writing out
there. And just to thoroughly belabor the point (for which I am infamous in family
circles) I should point out the online journals of href="http://www.livejournal.com/users/pameladean/">Pamela Dean, href="http://www.livejournal.com/users/papersky/">Jo Walton, href="http://www.neilgaiman.com/journal/journal.asp">Neil Gaiman, href="http://www.dreamcafe.com/weblog.cgi">Steven Brust, href="http://shetterly.blogspot.com/">Will Shetterly, and href="http://www.nielsenhayden.com/makinglight/">Teresa Nielsen Hayden -- just
to name a few I happen to have bookmarked.

Posted by dichroic at April 13, 2004 07:13 PM
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