Meetings, meetings, meetings. Anyway.
I've gotten as far as buying my
very own domain for photos. This won't be the main journal one but a separate one
- that way I can link the journal to the pictures but not vice versa, which should
be convenient for showing pictures when I want the option not to spill out my
whole life story.
It looks like setting up Movable Type is basically
an exercise in Unix (or likely Linux) which means I might have trouble figuring
out what to do but I'll understand it when I do. This is an added benefit. I like
Unix and haven't gotten to touch it for some time. Likelihood I'll remember the
options for the tar command: approaching zero. Fortunately I don't have to since
someone has kindly written step-by-step instructions for dowloading MT to the host
I'm tentatively planning to use. I have no idea what to do after
downloading it, but I hope all will become clear at the proper
The thing I haven't figured out, and the most fun decision to
make, is what to use for my primary domain name. www.dichroic.just about anything
is taken, not surprisingly. I worry that dichroicreflections is too unwieldy for
anyone to type. I like av8rx (aviatrix) but it feels like cheating, since my pilot
rating isn't exactly current at the moment. icantirow ("I can't, I row", a rowers'
T-shirt slogan) is tempting. riseagain fits well, since I live in Phoenix, I'm a
Stan Rogers fan, and I get up way too damned early most weekday mornings, but....
I don't know, it just makes me sad to get away from the Dichroic handle. It's been
good to me. I've come to identify with it. Of course the site could be, but I'm not sure that makes any sense.
I expect I'll be spending much of this weekend swearing at the
computer, but it should be fun. I will keeping updating here until / unless I have
everything working elsewhere, and maybe even after that.
And someday
I'll learn to make a decision without talking it through with everyone in the
world first. Or maybe not.