I almost hate to put up a new entry and cover up my
href="http://dichroic.diaryland.com/mwah.html">response to LA from last night.
It's very clear that I do *not* have a modeling background; naither am I naturally
photogenic. Rudder's brother, for example, almost never photographs badly (though
shaving his head didn't help). I on the other hand usually come out either with my
eyes looking like I'm on drugs or slouched so my gut sticks out. Or both. It took
me a kazillion shots to get a few I liked and it didn't help that since I was
using the flash I had to keep stopping to recharge the camera batteries at least
enough for the next few shots. Even with all that I didn't get it quite right; you
can see that my chest isn't sticking out perkily and my arms are tight against my
sides so they look squishy instead of buff. (Or maybe they just are....)
I've concluded that modeling is not for me, not that I didn't figure
that out for height-related reasons long ago. It has to be a little easier when
there's a photographer coaxing you through it, saying "Stand up straight....lower
your hands...purse your lips...straighten your back....that's it! instead of a
digicam on a tripod with a time delay setting. (Even if Rudder were around, he's
not great at peopple shots.) I would have done a few more shots, but it was
getting close to bedtime and I decided I was tired of it. (Because even a
temporary model gets to play prima-donna, right?)
Given the name of
this site, I've been playing the same few notes over and over for too long. So
please note the above entry contains nothing at all about rowing or books! (Except
for the appropriate background .... and if you could see the fine detail you'd
note the rowing books live on the top shelf of that particular bookcase.)