February 05, 2004


What the heck.

border=0 bgcolor=black cellspacing=2 cellpadding=10> d align=center> href=http://www.youthink.com/quiz.asp?action=take&quiz_id=340> size=2 color=white>Click Here to Take This Quiz
color=C0C0C0 face=verdana>Brought to you by href=http://www.youthink.com/quiz.asp>YouThink.com
quizzes and personality tests.
align=center> href=http://www.youthink.com/quiz.asp?action=take&quiz_id=340> color=#505A84>Which flower are you?


You have an exotic beauty. Many people long to be
like you.

alt="Personality Test Results" border=0

Me with "exotic beauty" is fairly laughable, but
they are one of my favorite flowers.

Posted by dichroic at February 5, 2004 08:19 AM
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