Seen on a bumpersticker:
"Bill Lied, Hilary Cried.
Bush Lied, Thousands Died."
Heard on the radio:
"This (the mistaken information about WMD in Iraq) makes the rest of the world
uneasy. It make make other nations less likely to take action based on
Um, what would be the alternative? Acting based on gut instinct?
(No, you don't have to explain this to me. Yes, I know they mean "intelligence" in
the spy sense. But it's still an unfortunate turn of phrase.)
Rudder is much better and was able to work yesterday. Thanks to those who sent
good wishes. He is on a bland diet for a bit, though: no spicy foods, no caffeine,
no citrus juices, no peppermint, no fried foods, no alcohol.... in other words no
most things we usually eat or drink. At least Gatorade and pretzels aren't ruled
out. And I've got a nice (I hope) beef stew in the crock pot now.