I don't feel quite right today. Last night at bedtime I had another of those
incidents where my vision gets all blinky, followed by a headache, which
fortunately started only about a minute before I fell asleep. Bedtime is also a
very good time for your vision to go on the fritz, if it must do so. The one time
I asked a doctor about that he said it might be low blood volume, but since I'd
just had beer, water, and a big dinner I doubt that's it. Rudder's latest theory
is that it's a blood-sugar crash, which makes more sense to me. The only problem
with that is that it makes me think I probably ought to avoid the huge tin of
butter cookies we've all been noshing off of for the past couple of
Given how fast those things can balance out the 500 calories my
morning erg pieces are burning, it's probably just as well. Anyway, I feel better
today (and yesterday I was fine until the last ten minutes of my day); I'm just
feeling a bit off.
Tomorrow I'm taking the day off so I might even
get to sleep in a tiny bit. A *very* tiny bit, considering the way my to-do list
is burgeoning.
Today I am thankful for: lots of days off or
out of the office this month!
Concept II Holiday Challenge:
Approx. 138000 meters left to go.