Don't ask why, but I feel a bit exposed leaving an entry that talks about me and
my beliefs so much up for the next couple of weeks. If you're interested in
surveys, it's one entry back.
Otherwise I spent this morning doing
errands and buying the black pants I decided I need for traveling (not to mention
life after traveling). No white shirt, though, wouldn't want the penguins to think
I was copying them. Then when I got home there was a message from Rudder saying
that he and several coworkers were taking the afternoon off to see the LOTR movie
and did I want to go with them. I did, which means I didn't get much else done
today. And we got back to a message that we'd gotten onto a direct flight, which
is good except that it means we have to leave earlier tomorrow. Translation: I
need to go get stuff done now instea dof writing here.
Off to go play
with the penguins. See you in 2004!