I am wondering ....
-- if we will ever again have a day where
it doesn't reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit?
-- if we will ever
move out of Arizona? (The two questions are not unrelated.)
-- if I
will ever again have such a thing as spare time, except when on
-- if I will ever again have a poem come into my
head? (Again, the two are not unrelated.)
-- if I will ever
figure out what direction I want my life to go in? (With a job I like a lot and a
marriage I'm sure is exactly the right one for me, I can afford to take my time to
answer this one.)
-- if I won the lottery would my life be better or
just different?
-- if I'm willing to put in the effort and pain it
would take to really drastically improve my race times this coming
-- and how much faster could I be, given constraints of time
and genetics?
-- and how can I iprove my spending habits, especially
considering that I am about to give Rudder a large check for my half of the
ridiculously expensive trip we're taking this Christmas? (Yeah, I know. The only
way to spend less money is to spend less money.)
-- and what other
questions am I not asking that I should be?
Good Lord. L'Empress just told me I need to do a Thought Process
Map (one of the tools I teach) on my whole life. Of course, she didn't say so in
so many words, but that's my translation. In fact maybe this whole diary is a
TMap. And if so, it's not a good one: I don't ask nearly enough questions.
And that could explain my lack of a defined goal; that's what a TMap is for, to
keep asking questions in order to define your problem or goal.
I don't think I can adequately convey what a kick in the pants that is unless you
are also a Six Sigma practitioner or other user of TMaps. Or maybe you'd have to
actually be me. But wow.