September 01, 2003

not an exciting weekend

Ah'm tahred. Somehow that sounds tireder in Texan. Saturday we cut down and
then cut up trees and hauled them off to the brushpit, a task both depressing and
strenuous. Now that they've gotten most of our Ponderosas, the bark beetles and
drought have apparently decided pinon pines are tasty too. We're both stlil sore.
Yesterday involved reducing Mount Laundry to a molehill and a few other assorted
errands. Today I rowed 12.5 K, which shouldn't be grueling as pure distance but
was because of the heat and (for Tempe) humidity. Then I came home, showered, and
headed back to the boatyard with Rudder to spend another hour or two working on
the boats. Came home, ate lunch and went shoe

Unfortunately, spending a 3-day holiday weekend and doing
very few unusually fun things tends to leave me feeling cheated, which wouldn't be
a major problem if I didn't deal with it with retail therapy. I suppose it's
probably cheaper than a shrink in the long run, but it would be fair to say that
buying four pairs of shoes could be construed as excessive. In my own defense,
three pair were replacements for shoes I'd had a while that are starting to come
apart. And the fourth ... well, really. I ask you. How could I be expected to
resist th
? And for 2/3 of the listed price, at that?

Posted by dichroic at September 1, 2003 04:05 PM
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