I'm getting stupid again -- I feel discomfortingly like a character in Flowers
for Algernon. Yesterday I forgot to put my engagement ring on when I got
dressed after rowing which wouldn't be a big deal except that I was getting
dressed in the gym, and I tend to turn my little multipocketed jewelry pouch
upside down to get the earrings and whatnot out. If something falls out and I
don't see it, I can possibly leave it behind, which is not a good thing to do to a
diamond ring. (Hmm. Maybe it would be smarter NOT to do that to get stuff out. I
think the fact that it's taken me this long to figure that out proves my general
point.) I remembered in the car, and on arrival at work was able to find the ring
where it had fallen out of the pounch (which I hadn't reclosed) into a bottom
corner of my gym bag.
Then last night when taking out the
recyclables, I noticed my truck had its rear white lights on and was making an odd
humming sound. Upon investigation I realized the electrical system was still on.
After shutting down the truck, I'd remembered I'd left a CD in the player, and
since I was planning to take my other car the next day, I turned the truck back on
in order to eject the CD. Apparently I then got out and locked the door,
neglecting to take my keys with me. It was daylight at the time, so the lights
were less noticeable. If it hadn't been recycle night, I probably wouldn't yhave
noticed till this morning, assuming someone hadn't broken a window and driven it
I've always been forgetful, but two incidents in one day is a
bit scary. I've also noticed recently that I seem to be a bit less coordinate with
my hands and words. Rudder claims I've been using the wrong word more often
lately, too. Of course this all could be due to any number of frightening medical
conditions that I'm trying *really hard* not to think about, but I suspect it's
most likely due to too much exercise or too little sleep. I've had times before
when I took a week off rowing and felt as if my IQ had shot up 20 points and my
brain had quit idling and slipped into gear. Rudder's suggestion was that I might
have an imbalance in my diet that's exacerbated by higher caloric demands. That
explanation doesn't feel right to me, even though I do tend to have low iron, but
I'm thinking I might make an appointment with a naturopath who's also a rower and
who specializes in diet issues, just in case.
I'm also taking
tomorrow off from working out, but that has more to do with rewarding myself for
doing a 5K erg test this morning. Therein lies a whole 'nother story but it
involves way too much self-pity so I might not retell that one.