September 15, 2003

stress and the 'path

Q. What sucks more than cutting your row short (only 1 lap) because you MUST get
to work early to set up a class room for someone who's coming from out of town to
teach at your site?

A. Having said teacher arrive about five minutes
after the class was set to begin.


Tomorrow I have
my appointment with the natureopath. About the closest I've ever gotten to
alternative therapy is a massage, so this should be interesting. I've never even
been to a chiropractor; I don't think I believe in them, except maybe for short
term relief.

I'm going to this guy because one of his areas of
specialty is diet, and he's a rower so he knows what the sport entails. So far I'm
impressed; he emailed me his forms so I can fill them out ahead of time instead of
waiting in his office, and the forms themselves are very good. They ask lots of
questions about things like allergies and diet I have seen on my regular doctors'
forms. They also tell you up front that your insurance may not cover this - I give
brownie points for honesty. Then again, they asked for both age and DOB. Minus
brownie points for not being able to subtract.

I did add a note to
the bit realeasing him to do this or that, that I have to agree to each thing,
though he could hardly dose me without my knowledge, I suppose. I like the idea
of lifestyle counseling (I'm wondering if there may be deficiencies in my diet)
and of looking at toxins in my environment, but though I have nothing against
botanical medicine, it is medicine and I want to talk about side effects
and interactions before taking any. The form also lists homeopathic medicines,
which are defined as "prescribing the use of highly dilute substances that
parallel the patient's symptoms to help minimize the patient's symptoms". Um,
sounds like sympathetic magic to me. Do voodoo dolls count? Still, I figure I can
always take the parts of the advice that make sense to me and ignore the rest.
About the first four things I've listed under current health problems translate to

Posted by dichroic at September 15, 2003 04:59 PM
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